Saint Mary Parish
Saint Mary Parish
JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEMBER 23, 2014 Saint Mary Parish One Phalanx Road Colts Neck, NJ 07722 Bishop of the Diocese of Trenton: Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, C. M. Pastor: Reverend Fr. Jeffrey E. Lee Pastor Emeritus: Reverend Fr. William J. Bausch Deacons: Fred Sorrentino & James V. Gallagher Trustees: Helen DeCerce & John Carlucci Pastoral Associate for Worship & Evangelization Deacon Vincent Rinaldi Music Ministry: Lauren Walters Organist : Andrew Macirowski Social Concerns: Roger Zurro, Chairman Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation Michele McCue Coordinator of Catechesis and Youth Ministry: Cristie Ritz-King Spiritual Ministry: Sister Helen Clifton, SSJ Pastoral Coordinator for Community Building and Communications: Linda Dickinson-Pancila Ellen Fink Catherine Love Marianne Lane Coordinator of Parish Facilities: Joseph Noble Phone: 732-780-2666 Fax:732-780-0394 Mass Schedule: Eucharist Weekend Saturday 5:00 PM (Anticipatory) Sunday 8:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00Noon & 5PM (Nov. 2, 2014 - March 1, 2015) Weekday Monday through Friday 9:00AM in Chapel Funerals held in Church Sacraments: Penance & Reconciliation Saturday 4:00PM or by appointment Marriage Contact the Parish Office one year in advance for information and guidelines Baptism Registered parishioners contact the parish office in advance for information and required paperwork. Second Sunday at 12:00Noon Mass and all other Sundays immediately following 12:00Noon Mass. Parish Membership: New Parishioners are always welcome! Registration is required. Contact Parish Office for information and paperwork. The next New Parishioner Orientation is February 22, 2015,11:00AM. Bulletin Deadline: Electronic format by 5:00 pm Thursday [email protected] Visit our Website: 23 November 2014 This Week at St Mary’s 23 November - 30 November 2014 Page Two Mass Intentions for the Week 24 November - 30 November 2014 Please note changes in Parish Office Hours: The Parish Office is open from 8:30AM to 7:30PM Monday through Thursday and Closed Friday and Sunday 9-12AM Monday, 24 November at 9:00AM in the Chapel Sunday, 23 November: AGAPE Tuesday, 25 November at 9:00AM in the Chapel Paul Steed by Denise Smith Florence Szatkowski by Agnes Szatkowski & Family Glenn Posner by Diana Carnevale Little Church at 10AM; Singles Journey at 11:45AM; Sr. Helen Clifton Retirement Gathering at 1PM; 2015 Confirmation Prep at 5PM; GA at 7:30PM Monday, 24 November: Eilaine Shapiro by Mafalda Coseglia Joseph A. Vitarelli by Carmela Vitarelli Pascual Popoca Ramirez by The DeVine Family AA at 9:30AM; YOGA at 10AM; MMG Brd. at 10AM; Al-Anon at 12PM; RE at 4:30PM Wednesday, 26 November at 9:00AM in the Chapel Mary and Edmund Lagoda by Pat and Bob Ruck Joseph Vitarelli by the Newman Family Tuesday, 25 November: Koinonia at 10AM; Sewing and Quilting at 1PM; RE at 4:30PM & 5:30PM; Caritas Chorale at 4:30PM; Marian Handbell at 6:30PM; Magnificat Choir at 7:30PM; Bereavement at 7:30PM; GA at 8:00PM Thursday, 27 November at 9:00AM in the Church Irene F. & Edward W. Moskal by the Moskal Family Michele Shelton by Diane and Tony Antico Wednesday, 26 November: Liturgy of the Hours at 8:30AM; YOGA at 9AM; Eucharistic Adoration at 10AM; WWP Leaders at 10:30AM; AA at 11:30AM: New Horizons Bridge at 1:00PM; AA at 7:30PM Friday, 28 November at 9:00AM in the Church Al Samaha by Marie and Jim Collins Rev. Fr. Bernardino Esguerra by Rev. Fr. Jeffrey E. Lee, Staff & Parishioners Thursday, 27 November: Thanksgiving Men’s Morning Office at 6:30AM; Tai Chi at 10AM & 7PM; WWP at 12:30PM & 7:30PM; Colts Neck Support at 7:30PM Saturday, 29 November 5:00PM For the Living and Deceased Members and Benefactors Annibale Cappelleri by Nicholas and Anna Maria Cappelleri Margaret Murray by Beverly Kubick Friday, 28 November: Women’s Morning Office at 6:30AM; Sophia’s Circle at 10:15AM; Italian at 10:30AM; AA at 7:15PM Sunday, 30 November 8:00AM Saturday, 29 November: Sunday, 30 November: Little Church at 10AM; Singles Journey at 11:45AM; GA at 7:30PM Thank you Sister Helen Clifton Sister Helen Clifton, SSJ has served our parish community for more than 20 years. She has announced her retirement effective 30 November 2014. Please join us today at a Thank You Reception in Madonna Hall immediately following the 12Noon Mass. Sharon Sturchio by Rev. Fr. Jeffrey E. Lee, Staff, and Parishioners Mary Jane Quinn by Joan and John Bowers Elaine Cream by Alice and John Vaccaro 10:00AM Erma Mascaro by her Family Paul Steed by Nancy and Harry Bauer Andrea Imkhanitsky by Denise and Sean Devaney 12:00 NOON Mary Morris by the Dnistrian Family Carl Ricca by Joann and Robert Buhler Isabel Tamara Healy by Elia and Claude Gallello 5:00PM Vera Yurecko by Sergio DeGioia John Crewe by Susan and Lee Wilbert Welcome to the newest member of our St. Mary’s family who was baptized recently: Carolyn Nora O'Conner 23 November 2014 Page Three Worship Ministry Schedule: 29 & 30 November EMs of Holy Communion Reader 1 Reader 2 Bill Cargiulo - Center Cup Helene Lind - Organ Host Suzanne Schlesinger - Center Host Linda Dickinson-Pancila - Tabernacle Host Gail Cargiulo - Organ Cup Maria Thompson - Tabernacle Cup Agnes Duffy Carl Simone Saturday, 5:00 PM (Church) Sunday, 8:00 AM (Church) Jane Slattery - Center Cup Carol Rodeck - Organ Host Catherine Rinaldi - Center Host Rosane LaCava - Tabernacle Host Mike LaCava - Organ Cup Lisa Aldridge - Tabernacle Cup Annette Raynor Mary Ellen Griffin Andrew Befumo, Jr. Rita Duenas Sunday, 10:00 AM (Church) Helen DeCerce - Center Cup Richard Yaeger - Organ Host Gregory Calderaro - Center Host Amy Orrico - Tabernacle Host Carol Donahue - Organ Cup Winifred O'Doherty - Tabernacle Cup Sunday, 12:00 PM (Church) Mafalda Coseglia - Center Cup Patricia Gesner - Organ Host Marycatherine Noble - Center Host Lee Gesner - Tabernacle Host Anna May Schellenberger - Organ Cup Dawn Reinhardt - Tabernacle Cup Dering Sprague Stanley Drusdow Sunday, 5:00 PM (Confirmati on Prep Sunday Evening) NOT FILLED - Center Cup Susan Murphy - Organ Host Emily Santangelo - Center Host Cathy Lenahen - Tabernacle Host Diane Antico - Organ Cup NOT FILLED - Tabernacle Cup NOT FILLED Charles Young Penance and Reconciliation Service 7 Dec 2014 at 3 pm & 6:30pm Let us begin the Advent Season reconciling ourselves with God and each other. Join the Parish Advent Penance and Reconciliation Service on December 7th where families of students will present their children for this sacrament. Sixteen (16) priest confessors will be available to you for your convenience so to reduce wait times. All in the par ish are encour aged to par ticipate in this service as we prepare for the Solemnity of Christmas. Please take some time out prior to attending the Penance and Reconciliation Service to examine your conscious. Please visit our website for a short video on the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. Pray For... Sick List: Please pray for the following members of our Cara Apgar Jacqueline Andras Rosemarie Bonavita John Bomensatt Elena Caldera Natalie Chiaino Jo Clement Eleanor Corley Eleanor Crawford Logan Dayton John DeStefano Margaret Gesner Leanne Green Jacqueline Heppa Lori Lettieri Mary Lodato Barbara Matuscak Marge Messler Joseph John Merante Harry Mousmoules Tere Nolan Tom Nolan Susan Duffy Schatzle Lou Schmitt John Sheehan Linda Sobel Daniel John Solasky Robert Stalzer Roberta Staudt Nancy Vida Joseph Vita Kathy Weber If you would like a family member who is not a parishioner to be placed on the sick list, please call the Parish Office. A person will be put on the list for eight weeks and then removed unless a renewal call is received. Kindly call to renew 732-780-2666.Thank you. 23 November 2014 Page Four WORSHIP / MUSIC MINISTRY Musical Notations HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Well…liturgically speaking, anyway. Let me explain: In the month of November, there are a number of feasts within the Liturgical Calendar. We start off right away with the Solemnity of All Saints Day, followed by the Feast of All Souls. This year, All Souls was celebrated on a Sunday, and our 10:00 Mass was the Mass of Remembrance. At this Mass, the choir sang In Paradisum, the befitting recessional for hundreds of years during the Rite of Christian Burial. The translation is: In paradisum deducant te Angeli; in tuo adventu suscipiant te martyres, et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Ierusalem. Chorus angelorum te suscipiat, et cum Lazaro quondam paupere æternam habeas requiem. May the angels escort you into paradise; at your coming, may the martyrs receive you and bring you into the holy city, Jerusalem. May the chorus of angels receive you, and with Lazarus, once a poor man, may you have eternal rest. A single bell of the Marian Handbell choir tolled to begin the piece, and our Caritas Chorale, the youth schola of the parish, lead the ancient antiphon in Latin, with the Magnificat Choir joining at “Chorus angelorum”. At the return of the antiphon, the choirs merged…some members droned (holding a singular note for entire duration of multiple phrases) and others maintained the melody. This is an example of early polyphonic singing, both religiously & culturally. Also, this month, in addition to the above and 2 civic holidays of Veterans Day & Thanksgiving, we also wrap up the liturgical year with the Solemnity of Christ the King. Usually, most church feasts commemorate something that has already happened or been revealed: the death of a saint, the dedication of a Basilica, or Holy Trinity, Pentecost, Ascension, the Assumption of the Blessed Mother, etc. This Solemnity (remember, the highest ranking feast of the church) completely stands without time or space…a reminder & promise of the things yet to come while it has already been established. A reminder that at the end of the day: Jesus Christ triumphs! How fitting is it, then, to sing “Christus Vincit! Christus Regnat! Christus Imperat!”! What does it mean? “Christ conquers! Christ Reigns! Christ Commands!” There are several different versions, but today, we selected the traditional choral setting with chanted verses. The verses, from psalm 117, are: Laudate Dominum omnes gentes, laudate eum omnes populi. Praise the Lord, all ye nations, praise him, all ye peoples Quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia ejus et veritas Domini manet in aeternum. For his loving kindness (mercy), has been bestowed upon us, and the truth of the Lord endures for eternity. Gloria patri, et filio, et spiritui sancto sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Glory to the Father, Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. SING & RING IN THE HOLIDAYS! Who doesn’t LOVE to sing Christmas Carols?!?!? The Music Ministry is offering those who have a musical interest, but not a lot of time, the opportunity to sing all the Christmastide favorites with one of our choirs for the following Masses: Christmas Eve – December 24 Caritas Chorale (for ages 8-14) at 4:30PM Mass Magnificat Choir (high school & up) at the 10:00 PM Mass Marian Handbells (high school & up – must read music proficiently) at the 10:00 PM Mass The Solemnity of the Holy Family – December 28th at the 12:00 Mass Magnificat Choir Marian Handbells Those interested can learn via correspondence and with a minimum rehearsal commitment of 4 rehearsals to sing/ring Christmas Carols! Additional tutelage available. Please contact Lauren Walters, Coordinator of Music & Music Ministries at [email protected] MASS INTENTION BOOK The following is first announcement for the opening of the 2015 Mass Intentions Book. The Mass Book will be open on Tuesday Dec. 9th. We will accept appointments from 1:30 to 7:00pm on both Tuesday Dec. 9th and Wednesday Dec. 10th. If your family wishes to schedule multiple Mass intentions within the 2015 calendar year. Please complete the form on the reverse side prior to coming to your appointment (please write legibly). We will print the appointment schedule in the December 7th Bulletin. The standard offering of $10 has been set by the Province of Newark. Call and speak to a live person to make an appointment (no messages accepted) between 8:30AM –7PM, Monday through Thursday or Sunday 9AM– 12PM, with the parish office 732-780-2666. We apologize for the late opening, but we had to complete this year’s (2014)Masses OPENING OF 2015 MASS BOOK IN THE PARISH OFFICE Appointments: Tuesday December 9, 1:30 - 7:00PM Wednesday December 10, 1:30 - 7:00PM All parishioners who wish to request Mass Intentions for specific dates in 2015 should call the Parish Office at 732-780-2666 to schedule an appointment. Please do not leave a message. Make sure you are speaking to the person who is taking appointments. All appointments will be scheduled in 5 minute intervals and will be published in the Bulletin on December 7th. Please fill out the Intentions Reservations form (see other side) prior to your appointment in order to have things run smoothly. Please be sure to have several options for your desired dates so we can accommodate you properly. Three intentions are accepted for all scheduled Masses, except for Ash Wednesday, Christmas, Easter and the Sacred Triduum. It is appropriate for you or the family of the deceased to attend the Mass when celebrated. The suggested stipend for a Mass intention is $10.00 and has been set by the N.J. Bishops in the Province of Newark. Additional forms are available in the parish office or on the website. Every effort will be made to satisfy all requests, however in some cases the intention availability for a date you are requesting may be filled before your appointment and you will be asked to choose another date. The members of the Mass Book team do not have authority to make exceptions so please do not ask them to do so. Thank You. Name & Phone # ______________________________________________ Date Received: ________________ 23 November 2014 Page Seven FAITH FORMATION and LIFE LONG LEARNING Unique Opportunities for Our Youth Yes, it’s only November, but it’s not too soon to be thinking of summer adventure. We will have two incredible options this summer for leadership and service. June 25-30 ,2015 The One Bread One Cup Conference, kids in grades 9-12 will have the chance to discover the Church's treasures of Word, Sacrament and Mission and enjoy much fellowship and fun through team building, outdoor recreation, a variety show and a dance party. This trip will fill up quickly as we have limited slots so please contact Cristie right away to reserve your slot for this unique chance to grow in faith and have a lot of fun doing it! [email protected] July 19-25 * ServiceWorX program a life-changing program for people currently enrolled in grades 6-8, that explores Catholic faith through service to those in need in our own community. This program is limited to 30 youth participants. There will be a registration session coming soon. Stay tuned! Contact Cristie at [email protected] Advent Faith Sharing Groups If you are interested in hosting or joining a faith sharing group based on the Advent scripture readings, please call Michele at x 312 or email [email protected] All materials are provided. Groups meetings can take place at the parish or in your home. Groups will meet once a week the weeks of Nov. 23rd, Nov. 30th, Dec. 7th and Dec. 14th. Individual group meeting days may be flexible due to Thanksgiving. Lifelong Catechesis 11/24 11/25 11/26 11/27 11/28 Week of 24 November – 30 November Monday Rv 14: 1-3, 4b-5; Lk 21: 1-4 Tuesday Rv 14: 14-19; Lk 21: 5-11 Wednesday Rv 15: 1-4; Lk 21: 12-19 Thursday Rv 18: 1-2, 21-23 and 19: 1-3, 9;Lk 21: 20-28 Friday Rv 20: 1-4, 11 to 21:2; Lk 21: 29-33 Saturday & Sunday Scripture Readings: November 29 & 30 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT. Is 63: 16b-17, 19b, and 64: 2b-7; 1Cor 1: 3-9; Mk 13: 33-37 Question: The one change I plan to make this Advent season in order to be ready for Jesus’ coming is… Join us for THANKSGIVING DAY MASS in the Church at 9AM. Start your day in thankful prayer!! 23 November 2014 Page Eight STEWARDSHIP & OUTREACH Stewardship Opportunities in the Seasons of Advent and Christmas Stewardship- Giving of your Time, Talent, and Treasure to help those in need. Listed below are three opportunities of Stewardship which have become a tradition over the past many years at Saint Mary Parish. These opportunities of Stewardship afford you the opportunity to share your personal good fortune, good will and God given gifts with others in need through the purchasing of Christmas gifts and Christmas meals for either individuals or entire families in need this Advent and Christmas Season. Adopt-a-Family has been in existence for 14 years. The ministry contact volunteer is Sue Levine [email protected]. Last year, this ministry adopted close to 30 families within Monmouth County. Adopt a family by committing to purchase gifts for all members of the family. Families range in size from 4 to 10 people. Gifts per member approx. value of $40 plus food for a Christmas dinner meal or a gift card to a supermarket. Delivery of gifts to individuals not required. Gifts are picked up by agencies or organizations and distributed through them. Sponsor-A-Family has been in existence for 15 years. The ministry contact volunteer is Kathy Maher [email protected] This ministry's name was changed years back from Adopt-A-Family to Sponsor-A-Family, however, it accomplishes the same goal in providing Christmas gifts and dinners to families in need in the community at large. Last year, this ministry sponsored more than 40 families. Outreach to these families was done solely by Saint Mary's Religious Education Program through Religious Education Families. Tree of Love has been in existence for over 20 years. The ministry contact volunteer is Deb Stanley [email protected] Last year, this ministry distributed 736 gifts to individuals desiring to receive a gift on Christmas. For some people, this may be the only gift they receive. This ministry is for those who wish not to sponsor a family but prefer to purchase gifts for individuals. Further explanations are available at The Social Concerns Ministry Christmas Tree ‘Tree of Love’ You may have noticed that the tree is now in the gathering space. Parishioners may take as many tags off the tree as you desire. Purchase gift noted on the paper ornament gift tag and return by Dec. 7th. Please do not go over the value noted on the gift tag. Thank you, for your generous support. ADOPT-a-FAMILY It's that time of year again when we become more aware of all the need in our community at this holiday season. We adopt families from the Center in Asbury Park, Family Resource Associates, and the Highpoint School. Contact Sue Levine via e-mail [email protected] if you wish to participate in the program. No confusion. If you are a RE family contact Kathy below and all other families who wish to adopt a family at Christmas please contact Sue. Wishing you much joy and peace this holiday season! And many thanks for all you do for the less fortunate in our community! Sponsor-A-Family WE ARE IN NEED OF a few more Religious Education FAMILIES WHO WOULD BE WILLING TO SPONSOR A FAMILY FOR CHRISTMAS! For more info please contact Kathy Maher [email protected] 23 November 2014 Page Nine STEWARDSHIP, COMMUNITY BUILDING & COMMUNICATIONS Sharing Our Treasure St. Mary Parish Photo Directory November 15/16 Weekly Sacrificial Stewardship Offering $ 14,775 Envelope Contributions Electronic/Online Contributions Loose Contributions $ 11,411 $ 2,077 $ 1,287 Average Contribution per Household this week # of Contributing Households (# envelopes & # online) # of Registered Parishioner Households $ 33.30 405 1,906 Included in next week’s offertory will be the collection for Human Development . THANK YOU for the Sacrificial Stewardship Offerings. May God Bless you for the sacrifices that you make. “Light Up a Memory” A $10.00 contribution signifies a light in memory of a deceased loved one, or in honor of a living recipient. His/her name will be inscribed in a special “Memory” book, which will be on display in the Church Gathering Space. Each $10.00 also entitles the donor to a lovely card to send to the recipient or the family of a deceased honoree. The memory lights will twinkle on the tree until the feast of Epiphany (“Three Kings”) on January 6. Participants are also invited to the joyous tree lighting ceremony, with music by our choir and a reception, with delicious refreshments in the Gathering Space, after the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014. The deadline for forms is December 1, 2014. All contributions will benefit our own Parish. F orms and cards will be available in the Gathering Space after all the weekend Masses. For more information, call the office at 732-7802666 or the co-chairs, Molly Aiello at 732-598-6808 and Freda O’Doherty at 732-577-9541. Thank you to all parish families who scheduled and photo appointment for the NEW Parish PHOTO Directory. Final pictures are being taken this week on November 24-25 and November 28-29. Please call the parish office to check appointment openings caused by last minute cancellations. We are now accepting Individual and Family Photographs for inclusion in the New parish Directory. Please email your photo to [email protected] or drop off your picture at the parish office to be scanned. Pictures should be portrait style with minimal objects and background. FEE: $10.00 please make checks payable to LifeTouch who is providing this service. FYI: Parishioner’s information (name, address and phone number) will be included in the new parish directory unless you already have a “no publish” status in the parish data base or if you “ opt out” by completing the opt out form. There is still time to give to the Annual Catholic Appeal, ACA. Every dollar is significant! Donate at Advent Pancake Breakfast December 14, 2014 8:30AM to 1:30PM Madonna Hall Join us for a great community event featuring hospitality, great food, crafts and a special guest - a visit from Santa. Tickets: $5.00 Children ages 6 and under free. For additional info email [email protected] 23 November 2014 Page Ten Quovadis... My Dear Parishioners: Today we celebrate The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King. One of the best ways we can begin to see the Christ in the other is not by judging the negative aspects of their persons first but instead looking for the good in the other. This can be carried out in such a simple Christian practice as seeking always to compliment rather than to criticize another. Care that we don’t spread gossip is another way. In this do we build up the body of Christ and bring honor to Christ our King who dwells in ourselves and the other. The call to build our community of the Church is especially important these days as some of our members continue to question whether or not there is a future here in our parish or if they feel a part of our parish. We must be supportive of them as they ask these important questions. It is also imperative for us to consciously become a more and more welcoming community. There are so many Catholics out there who simply do not feel as if they fit into a church…at least the church where they might be registered or the territory where they might live but do not attend. As evangelizers we need to support these members of the church as they too ask the difficult questions of faith and life. If you notice a new face in our midst don’t be shy. Introduce yourself and welcome this person if they are visiting or are new to our community. If you notice a parent with a fussing child, don’t look at them with a scour on your face; rather, encourage them in their attempt to satisfy their child. If you recognize a person with special needs offer to assist them as they find a seat or struggle to enter the communion procession. All of these simple and random acts of kindness help to distinguish our community as an authentic community of Christian Stewards. Together we can make the difference! Many thanks to Father Jack for leading our Parish Mission and to all those who helped to facilitate this opportunity for spiritual renewal within our community. Today we welcome Family Members and Friends of Sister Helen Clifton, SSJ. We are most grateful to God for her presence among us and her steadfast witness to our Christian Spirituality. Many thanks Sister! This coming Tuesday Evening we will join with the other Christian Communities in Colts Neck for the Annual Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service. Please consult that parish bulletin for more information and details. This Thursday our country observes the National Day of Thanksgiving. We will celebrate the Eucharist at 9:00am. Make it a priority to begin your Day of Thanks by celebrating the Eucharist and receiving Holy Communion. Next weekend as we begin the Season of Advent, we will once again collect items for the poor and needy in our midst. Please consult the Parish Bulletin for different options available. We will be taking up the Missa Emmanuele music setting for the sung Mass parts during the Advent & Christmas Liturgical Seasons. It was introduced last year and the congregation received it favorably. Let me take this opportunity to thank all of our parish liturgical ministers, especially the music ministers, for their steadfast commitment and loyalty in serving our parish community. Our Parish Advent Penance & Reconciliation Service is quickly approaching. Please reserve Sunday, 7 December 2014 in order to participate with your family in this opportunity to receive God’s Grace. Also, preparations are being made for the Light up a Memory Celebration and the Advent Pancake Breakfast. Please consult the bulletin for more information. Have a great week. Let us remember one another in prayer. Happy Sunday. Peace. Father Jeff