virtual flyer - Bercor Industriel Inc.
virtual flyer - Bercor Industriel Inc.
VIRTUAL FLYER F E ATURING Variable Helix Full Eccentric Grind Solid Carbide End Mills 30 STARTING AT $ 1555 PAGE 9 PAGES 28 & 29 Clamps STARTING AT $ 1045 Electronic Calipers PAGE 16 N-Ferno® 6823 Wind-Proof Hinged Balaclava STARTING AT $ 57 80 PAGE 21 $ SALE 1590 PAGE 35 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31 31, 2016 MACHINERY Quill Kit Hammer-Wrench Ɣ $ PXVW IRU HYHU\ %ULGJHSRUW RZQHU Ɣ 7KLV XQLTXH WRRO KDV D 3/4³ VRFNHW RQ RQH VLGH WR ¿W WKH GUDZEDU DQG WKH RWKHU 15 RU PRUH 3/4³ KHDG EROWV RQ D PLOO Ɣ 7KH RWKHU HQG KDV D EUDVV KHDG IRU PDQ\ RWKHU XVHV Order No. Regular Price SALE JF70HR34 28.10 24.20 M073 2 Pc. Way Cover Set Ɣ 3URWHFW WKH WDEOH EHG DQG ZD\V IURP GDPDJH Ɣ $FFRUGLDQ W\SH IURQW FRYHU Ɣ (DVLO\ LQVWDOOHG Ɣ 5HDU &RYHU 29-1/2³/ [ 14-1/2³: Ɣ )URQW &RYHU 15³/ [ 15³: Order No. Regular Price JF70WAY 78.55 Easy installation Àts most vertical knee mills. Features: Ɣ (DV\ WR UHDG /&' ZLWK UHVROXWLRQ RI .0005³/0.01PP Ɣ 3XVK EXWWRQ FRQWUROV IRU LQFK/PP ]HUR-VHW DQG RQ/RII Ɣ 3RZHUHG E\ D VLQJOH 65-44 EDWWHU\ ZKLFK ODVWV DERXW RQH \HDU ZLWK QRUPDO XVH Ɣ 63& RXWSXW IRU GDWD WUDQVPLVVLRQ WR GDWD SURFHVVRUV RU /(' UHPRWH GLVSOD\ ER[ Order No. SALE 67.45 M1505 5/8Ə 6 Pc. Milling T-Slot Cover Set Regular Price SALE 317.20 391.70 MT85053906 Complete With Brackets & Scale For Bridgeport Type Machines Easy Installation Fits Most Vertical Knee Mills M931 Align Table Powerfeed Ɣ $QRGL]HG $OXPLQXP 7-6ORW WDEOH JXDUG LQVHUWV Ɣ 6DYH WLPH IURP FOHDQLQJ VSHHG\ DQG FRQYHQLHQW WR HQKDQFH ZRUNLQJ HI¿FLHQF\ Ɣ 'ULOOHG IRU FRRODQW GUDLQDJH Ɣ 6 3HU SDFNDJH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ 16³ ORQJ HDFK Model No. For Use With Order No. Regular Price M6&6(7 5/8³ 7-6ORW MLOOLQJ 7DEOHV JF70MSCSET 48.55 SALE 41.70 Ɣ 6SHHG UDQJH 0 WR 160 53M Ɣ %HYHO 'ULYH *HDU 5DWH 4.81 Ɣ 7RUTXH UDWLQJ 780 ,1-/% 900.JI/FP Ɣ 3RZHU 1 $PS/1 3KDVH/110 9ROW Ɣ :HLJKW 15 OEV. Ɣ 1 <HDU :DUUDQW\ M1407 Quill-Feed Speed Handle For Bridgeport Milling Machines Ɣ 7KHORQJQHHGHGWLPH-VDYLQJDFFHVVRU\ IRU %ULGJHSRUW RSHUDWLRQV Ɣ 1R PRUH SXOOLQJ RII DQG UHVHWWLQJ WKH TXLOO-IHHG KDQGOH IRU DQ\ UHSRVLWLRQLQJ Ɣ )OLFN RI WKH ZULVW UHWUDFWV SLQ IURP LQGH[ SODWH RI WKH TXLOO-IHHG PHFKDQLVP DQG OHWV \RX PRYH KDQGOH LQWR DQ\ GHVLUHG SRVLWLRQ Ɣ 6SHHGV RSHUDWLRQV FRQVLGHUDEO\ Ɣ 5HSODFHV FRQYHQWLRQDO IHHG KDQGOH LQ VHFRQGV Ɣ 1R KROHV WR EH GULOOHG Ɣ +HDY\ GXW\ FRQVWUXFWLRQ KDQGOH ZLOO QRW EHQG RU EUHDN Order No. Regular Price NB80Z9900 47.90 Model No. Order No. Regular Price ;-$[LV <-$[LV =-$[LV F.O.B. Warren, MI $/5006; $/5006< $/5006= JD30AL500SX JD30AL500SY JD30AL500SZ 728.35 728.35 728.35 SALE 481.90 481.90 481.90 M176 MIDCO Stock Stands SALE 29.65 Description M1298 Drawbars for Vertical Milling Machine Ɣ 1000 OEV. &DSDFLW\ RQ 12³ &HQWHUV Ɣ 5ROOHU EDU WR KROG URXQGV VTXDUHV IXOO\ DGMXVWDEOH IURP 19Ǝ-50Ǝ LQ KHLJKW ¿WV DOPRVW DQ\ EDQGVDZ15³ 5ROOHUV ZHLJKV RQO\ 20 OEV. DQG 23 OEV. Ɣ 6WDQGDUGGUDZEDUVWR¿W%ULGJHSRUW,QGH[DQG$OOLDQW7\SHV Model Number Hex Bar Length Length (in) (in.) 6'%16'%26'%$6 6'%,/ 2-1/8 18 %ULGJHSRUW1-6WHS3XOOH\ GG35SDB1J 37.80 5-1/8 18 %ULGJHSRUW2-9DULDEOH6SHHG GG35SDB2J 41.00 6-1/8 18-3/8 $OOLDQW6KDUS GG35SDBAS 43.55 8-1/8 18-3/8 ,QGH[/DJXQ GG35SDBIL 46.10 Use With Order No. Regular Price SALE 31.75 34.50 36.60 38.75 M1145 2 Model No. Height Adjustment (in.) Type MM1153 20 - 36 /R -DFN MM1053 28 - 50 +L -DFN F.O.B. Factory Ships by truck Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 Order No. Regular Price RF85MM1153 RF85MM1053 159.95 159.95 SALE 141.25 141.25 M478 MACHINERY Portable Pressure Pot Blaster 30 Gallon Vertical Portable Single Stage Air Compressor Features: Ɣ 7DQN 'LDPHWHU 12³ Ɣ 7DQN +HLJKW 23³ Ɣ 2YHUDOO +HLJKW 29³ Ɣ $6M( FRGHG WDQN Ɣ 'R QRW UXQ SUHDVXUH RYHU 120 36, Features: Ɣ &DVW LURQ WZLQ F\OLQGHU RLO OXEULFDWHG SXPS Ɣ +HDY\ GXW\ LQGXFWLRQ PRWRU Ɣ 3RUWDEOH WDQN ZLWK SUH-DWWDFKHG SQHXPDWLF WLUHV Ɣ 6KLSSHG ZLWK V\QWKHWLF RLO IRU RSWLPXP SHUIRUPDQFH DQG ORQJ OLIH Ɣ (TXLSSHG ZLWK TXLFN-VHW UHJXODWRU WDQN DQG ZRUNLQJ SUHVVXUH JDXJHV DQG RQ/RII VZLWFK Standard Equipment: Ɣ +RVH 10µ - 1/2³ ,' KRVH Ɣ 1R]]OH 1/8³ &HUDPLF Ɣ MLVF *DXJH-SUHVVXUH UHOLHI YDOYH JRJJOHV Ɣ 6³ ZKHHOV Model SpeciÀcations: Ɣ 'LPHQVLRQV 24.25 [ 29.25 [ 48.5³ Ɣ 7DQN 6L]H 30 *DOORQ $6M( Ɣ MD[LPXP 3UHVVXUH 155 36, Ɣ &)M # 40 36, 7.0 Ɣ &)M # 90 36, 5.7 Ɣ 9ROWDJH 120/240 9ROW Ɣ 5XQQLQJ +3 1.9 Ɣ &HUWL¿FDWLRQV 8/ &6$ Ɣ :HLJKW 190 OEV Ɣ /LPLWWHG :DUUDQW\ 2 <HDU 3XPS 1 <HDU $OO 2WKHU 3DUWV Order No. Regular Price 888.19 PT60CMLA1983054 F.O.B. SpringÀeld, MN Ships By Truck SALE Model No. 719.65 M1495 Capacity (lbs.) Air Requirements 37100 100 23 &)M # 100 36, F.O.B. Dowagiac, MI Ships by truck Weight Order No. Regular Price 69 OEV RB75PT100 848.65 60 Gallon Vertical Single Stage Air Compressor Master Model 36BP Dry Blast Cabinet Features: Ɣ &DVW LURQ WZLQ F\OLQGHU RLO OXEULFDWHG SXPS Ɣ +HDY\ GXW\ LQGXFWLRQ PRWRU Ɣ 6KLSSHG ZLWK V\QWKHWLF RLO IRU RSWLPXP SHUIRUPDQFH DQG ORQJ OLIH Ɣ (TXLSSHG ZLWK TXLFN-VHW UHJXODWRU WDQN DQG ZRUNLQJ SUHVVXUH JDXJHV DQG RQ/RII VZLWFK Features: Ɣ &DELQHW 'LPHQVLRQV 38³: [ 25³' [ 64³+ Ɣ 7XE 'LPHQVLRQV 36³: [ 24³' [ 23³+ Ɣ 2SHUDWLQJ 3UHVVXUH 25 &)M # 80 36, Ɣ :LQGRZ 2SHQLQJ 36 [ 13³ Ɣ 6LGH 'RRU 2SHQLQJ 17 [ 11³ Ɣ :HLJKW 300 OEV Ɣ 1 <HDU :DUUDQW\ Model SpeciÀcations: Ɣ 'LPHQVLRQV 31 [ 27 [ 71³ Ɣ 7DQN 6L]H 60 *DOORQ $6M( Ɣ MD[LPXP 3UHVVXUH 155 36, Ɣ &)M # 40 36, 13.4 Ɣ &)M # 90 36, 11.5 Ɣ 9ROWDJH 240 9ROW Ɣ 5XQQLQJ +3 3.7 Ɣ &HUWL¿FDWLRQV 8/ &6$ Ɣ :HLJKW 248OEV Ɣ /LPLWWHG :DUUDQW\ 2 <HDU 3XPS 1 <HDU $OO 2WKHU 3DUWV Order No. SALE 780.80 M392 Standard Equipment: Ɣ $LU SUHVVXUH UHJXODWRU JDJH Ɣ 6WDQGDUG %3 GXVW FROOHFWRU Regular Price 1019.78 PT60CMLA3706056 F.O.B. SpringÀeld, MN Ships By Truck SALE Order No. 826.20 M1496 PA5036BP F.O.B. Fraser, MI Ships by truck Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 Regular Price 1504.00 SALE 1218.80 M534 3 INDEXABLE CARBIDE Small Boring Head Kits Ɣ Comes with (1) carbide bar and (5) TiALN inserts which are suitable for broad range of materials, groups, and applications Ɣ Free cutting action due to positive rake angle Ɣ Solid carbide bars reduce vibration and chattering Everede Part No. Uses Insert Shank (in.) OAL (in.) Min. Bore Order No. Regular Price CB1900/TL120 KIT CB2200/TL120 KIT CB2300/TL120 KIT CB2900/TL120 KIT CB3000/TL120 KIT (1) carbide bar, (5) TDAB-07-TL120 inserts, (1) insert wrench (1) carbide bar, (5) TDAB-07-TL120 inserts, (1) insert wrench (1) carbide bar, (5) TDAB-07-TL120 inserts, (1) insert wrench (1) carbide bar, (5) TPGH-215-TL120, (1) insert wrench (1) carbide bar, (5) TPGH-215-TL120, (1) insert wrench 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 4 4 4 6 8 .270 .300 .360 .438 .563 FG70BBKIT1 FG70BBKIT2 FG70BBKIT3 FG70BBKIT4 FG70BBKIT5 220.20 220.20 220.20 248.35 309.80 SALE 178.40 178.40 178.40 201.20 250.95 C305 Coolant Thru Boring Bar Sets ProÀle Boring & Facing Ɣ High performance Ɣ Heat treated tool holders Ɣ Positive chip control Ɣ Multi-layer coating Ɣ In touch with the future Ɣ Each holder includes high precision M2.5 x T-8 torx screw and torx key Shank Dia. (in.) Set Includes Order No. Regular Price 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 1/2 3/8, 1/2, 5/8 3/8, 1/2, 5/8 Set of 4 Pcs. SCLCR with CCMT 21.51 insert Set of 3 Pcs. SDUCR with DCMT 21.51 insert Set of 3 Pcs. STFCR with TCMT 21.51 insert GE45400100 GE45402400 GE45402100 350.80 295.05 295.05 Indexable Countersink & Chamfering Tools Min. Cutter Body Max. Cutter Body 60° 1/4 3/4 82° 1/4 3/4 90° 1/4 3/4 Replacement C5 coated insert: FF48-054734 C144 30 Ɣ Positive rake for smooth cutting without chatter Ɣ Uses standard triangle inserts Point Angle SALE 284.20 239.10 239.10 Shank Size Uses Insert Order No. Regular Price 1/2 1/2 1/2 TPGH321 TPGH321 TPGH321 DG50CC160 DG50CC182 DG50CC190 112.65 112.65 112.65 SALE 75.15 75.15 75.15 C242 Turning Inserts for Stainless Steel Ɣ ME1125 Grade is a MT-CVD coated design Ɣ ME3125 Grade is a TiALN PVD coated design Ɣ SM chipbreaker is designed for medium cutting of stainless steel and mild steel Ɣ Depth of cut: .040“ - .160“ Ɣ IPR: .006“ - .016“ Top Notch Grooving Inserts Ground Positive Rake Ɣ Grade 7135 is a CVD coated insert suitable for all cutting materials in general purpose machining to heavy cutting applications (gold in color) Ɣ Grade 3125 is a PVD coated insert suitable for all cutting materials in ¿nishing to general machining applications (copper in color) 35 ANSI No. Grade Order No. Regular Price CNMG 322-SM CNMG 322-SM CNMG 431-SM CNMG 432-SM CNMG 433-SM CNMG 433-SM CNMG 542-SM DNMG 332-SM DNMG 431-SM DNMG 432-SM SNMG 322-SM SNMG 322-SM SNMG 431-SM SNMG 432-SM TNMG 332-SM TNMG 332-SM WNMG 331-SM WNMG 332-SM WNMG 332-SM WNMG 431-SM WNMG 432-SM ME1125 ME3125 ME1125 ME1125 ME1125 ME3125 ME1125 ME1125 ME1125 ME1125 ME1125 ME3125 ME1125 ME1125 ME1125 ME3125 ME1125 ME1125 ME3125 ME1125 ME1125 ME1030005 ME1040005 ME1030010 ME1030015 ME1030020 ME1040020 ME1030030 ME1030060 ME1030070 ME1030075 ME1030115 ME1040115 ME1030120 ME1030125 ME1030170 ME1040170 ME1030195 ME1030200 ME1040200 ME1030210 ME1030215 10.15 10.15 10.70 10.70 10.70 10.70 17.75 8.45 14.15 14.15 10.15 10.15 10.70 10.70 9.45 9.45 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.70 10.70 SALE 6.30 6.30 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 11.00 5.25 8.80 8.80 6.30 6.30 6.65 6.65 5.85 5.85 6.30 6.30 6.30 6.65 6.65 Industry Standard MEGP2047R MEGP2047L MEGP2062R MEGP2062L MEGP2094R MEGP2094L MEGP2125R MEGP2125L MEGP3047R MEGP3047L MEGP3062R MEGP3062L MEGP3094R MEGP3094L MEGP3125R MEGP3125L Radius Depth of (in.) Cut (in.) .0035 .0035 .0075 .0075 .0075 .0075 .0075 .0075 .0075 .0075 .0075 .0075 .0075 .0075 .0075 .0075 .050 .050 .110 .110 .110 .110 .110 .110 .075 .075 .094 .094 .150 .150 .150 .150 ME3125 Regular Order No. Price ME1620004 ME1620005 ME1620006 ME1620007 ME1620008 ME1620009 ME1620010 ME1620011 ME1620012 ME1620013 ME1620014 ME1620015 ME1620016 ME1620017 ME1620018 ME1620019 20.45 20.45 20.45 20.45 20.45 20.45 20.45 20.45 21.15 21.15 21.15 21.15 21.15 21.15 21.15 21.15 C333 4 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 35 ME7135 Regular Order No. Price ME1610004 ME1610005 ME1610006 ME1610007 ME1610008 ME1610009 ME1610010 ME1610011 ME1610012 ME1610013 ME1610014 ME1610015 ME1610016 ME1610017 ME1610018 ME1610019 20.45 20.45 20.45 20.45 20.45 20.45 20.45 20.45 21.15 21.15 21.15 21.15 21.15 21.15 21.15 21.15 SALE 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.65 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 C346 INDEXABLE CARBIDE Carbide Indexable Indexable Flexmills Grooving & Cut Off Kit Countersink/Chamfering Tools Set Includes: Ɣ (1) Toolholder (1/2“ square shank, 4-1/2“ long) Ɣ (5) Carbide inserts, grade C6-PV (TiN coated) in widths, .035“, .043“, .051“, .063“, .073“ Ɣ (1) Torx screw & torx key Ɣ (1) Fitted case Capable of countersinking or chamfering angles from 10° to 80° with a simple torx key adjustment. Ɣ 330W750 Includes: T-8 Torx key, T-20 (inserts sold separately) Ɣ 340W100 Includes: T-15 Torx key, 4mm wrench (inserts sold separately) Shank Size OAL Min. Dia. Max. Dia. Order No. Regular Price .750 4 ø.200 ø1.000 FG40330W750 1.000 4 ø.200 ø1.250 FG40340W100 Replacement Inserts TCMT 21 PC300 ² Order No. FF48-31870 TCMT 31 PC300 ² Order No. FF48-31890 Order No. Regular Price FG4041340 210.15 262.10 282.25 SALE 174.90 188.35 C041 SALE 170.25 C014 Ɣ Sets Included: 1 ea. Same shank size AR, AL, BR, BL, & E Miniature & Ultra Miniature Threading Kits Ɣ An amazing combination of 06 (3/16“) ultra miniature and 08 (5/32“) miniature threading insert Ɣ This product bites into a range considered until today a tap range Ɣ Coated BXC low speed grade Insert Type No. of Inserts Insert Holder Order No. Regular Price Miniature Ultra Miniature 10 10 08IR A60 06IR A60 SIR 0265 K08 SIR 0205 H06 FF59UM80 FF59UM60 256.00 280.30 50 Shank Size (in.) OAL (in.) IC (in.) Uses 7 Insert Order No. Regular Price 3/8 x 3/8 1/2 x 1/2 5/8 x 5/8 3/4 x 3/4 1x1 2-1/2 3-1/2 4 4-1/2 6 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 TT221 TT321 TT321 TT321 TT431 FL5220290 FL5220260 FL5220300 FL5220280 FL5220270 117.20 124.55 133.90 153.35 225.50 SALE 55.85 59.35 63.85 73.10 107.50 C260 SALE 207.40 227.05 C114 Most Popular Grooving Inserts With and Without Chipbreaker Ɣ Grade GP50 is TiN coated general purpose for standard steels Carbide Inserts 35 For Above Turning Sets Indexable Carbide Turning Sets E 3˚ T W 20 RTyp. GAGE DIA. B A Insert Style IC (in.) Radius Order No. PC300 Regular Price SALE Order No. TT 221 1/4 .016 FF4840010 12.20 7.55 FF4840020 TT 222 1/4 .031 FF4840040 12.20 7.55 FF4840050 TT 321 3/8 .016 FF4840070 13.30 8.25 FF4840080 TT 322 3/8 .031 FF4840100 13.30 8.25 FF4840110 TT 323 3/8 .047 FF4840130 13.30 8.25 FF4840140 TT 431 1/2 .016 FF4840160 14.35 8.90 FF4840170 TT 432 1/2 .031 FF4840190 14.35 8.90 FF4840200 TT 433 1/2 .047 FF4840230 14.35 8.90 Carbide Grades: PC5 - (C-5) Steel cutting PC300 - (C-5 Coated) TiN-TiC-TiN Steel cutting at higher speeds with greater lubricity PC5 Regular Price 10.25 10.25 11.10 10.95 11.10 13.50 13.65 - Style - With Chipbreaker SALE 6.35 6.35 6.90 6.80 6.90 8.40 8.45 - Width Radius Thickness ANSI No. Order No. Regular Price .047 / 1.19 .062 / 1.57 .062 / 1.57 .094 / 2.39 .125 / 3.18 .005/.010 .005/.010 .005/.010 .005/.010 .005/.010 .075 .110 .120 .180 .180 FLG-3047RK FLG-2062RK FLG-3062RK FLG-3094RK FLG-3125RK FG315028 FG315022 FG315030 FG315032 FG315034 23.05 23.05 23.05 23.05 23.05 Width Radius Thickness ANSI No. Order No. Regular Price .047 / 1.19 .062 / 1.57 .062 / 1.57 .094 / 2.39 .125 / 3.18 .005/.010 .005/.010 .005/.010 .005/.010 .005/.010 .075 .110 .120 .180 .180 FLG-3047R FLG-2062R FLG-3062R FLG-3094R FLG-3125R FG315009 FG315003 FG315011 FG315013 FG315015 23.05 23.05 23.05 23.05 23.05 SALE 17.60 17.60 17.60 17.60 17.60 Style - Without Chipbreaker C261 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 17.60 17.60 17.60 17.60 17.60 C235 5 INDEXABLE CARBIDE Steel Shank Boring Bars SCLC Style Ɣ Positive 80° Ɣ Uses CCMT style inserts 25 SDUC Style Ɣ Positive 55° Ɣ Uses DCMT style insert Type - SCLC Left Right Shank Dia. (in.) Min. Bore (in.) OAL (in.) Use Insert Style Order No. Regular Price .312 .375 .500 .625 .750 .750 .3250 .4550 .5500 .7000 1.0000 1.0000 4.0000 4.5000 5.0000 6.0000 10.0000 10.0000 CCMT21.5_ CCMT21.5_ CCMT21.5_ CCMT21.5_ CCMT31.5_ CCMT32.5_ S05HSCLCL2 S06JSCLCL2 S08KSCLCL2 S10MSCLCL2 S12SSCLCL3 - ME1210125 ME1210130 ME1210135 ME1210140 ME1210145 - 57.70 61.10 66.50 84.20 97.75 - Shank Dia. (in.) Min. Bore (in.) OAL (in.) Use Insert Style Order No. Regular Price .375 .500 .625 .750 .4550 .5500 .7000 1.0000 4.5000 5.0000 6.0000 10.0000 DCMT21.5_ DCMT21.5_ DCMT21.5_ DCMT32.5_ S06JSDUCL2 S08KSDUCL2 S10MSDUCL2 S12SSDUCL3 ME1210165 ME1210170 ME1210175 ME1210180 73.30 84.20 104.55 118.10 SALE 41.25 43.65 47.55 60.20 69.90 - Style Order No. Regular Price S05HSCLCR2 S06JSCLCR2 S08KSCLCR2 S10MSCLCR2 S12SSCLCR3 ME1210100 ME1210105 ME1210110 ME1210115 ME1210120 57.70 61.10 66.50 84.20 97.75 SALE Style Order No. Regular Price S06JSDUCR2 S08KSDUCR2 S10MSDUCR2 S12SSDUCR3 ME1210150 ME1210151 ME1210155 ME1210160 73.30 84.20 104.55 118.10 SALE 41.25 43.65 47.55 60.20 69.90 Type - SDUC Left Right 52.40 60.20 74.75 84.45 SALE 52.40 60.20 74.75 84.45 C238 TNMA/C On Edge Grooving Inserts Boring Bar Inserts Ɣ Grade 7135 is a CVD coated insert suitable for all cutting materials in general purpose machining to heavy cutting applications (gold in color) Ɣ Grade 3125 is a PVD coated insert suitable for all cutting materials in ¿nishing to general machining applications (copper in color) Ɣ TNMA has straight hole Ɣ TNMC has countersunk hole 35 Ɣ R= Right hand Ɣ L= Left hand Industry Standard Thickness (in.) Depth of Cut Width (in.) (in.) TNMA32NG.125 TNMA32NGL.062 TNMA32NGL.093 TNMA32NGR.062 TNMA32NGR.093 TNMA43NG.187 TNMA43NGL.125 TNMA43NGR.125 TNMC32NG.125 TNMC32NGL.062 TNMC32NGL.093 TNMC32NGR.062 TNMC32NGR.093 TNMC43NG.187 TNMC43NGL.125 TNMC43NGR.125 TNMC43NGR.156 TNMC54NG.187 .127 .127 .127 .127 .127 .189 .189 .189 .127 .127 .127 .127 .127 .189 .189 .189 .189 .252 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .215 .215 .215 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .215 .215 .215 .215 .275 .125 .062 .093 .062 .093 .187 .125 .125 .125 .062 .093 .062 .093 .187 .125 .125 .156 .187 ME3125 Regular Order No. Price ME1620024 ME1620020 ME1620022 ME1620021 ME1620023 ME1620025 ME1620026 ME1620027 ME1620028 ME1620029 ME1620031 ME1620030 ME1620032 ME1620033 ME1620034 ME1620035 ME1620036 ME1620037 15.20 15.20 15.20 15.20 15.20 21.70 21.70 21.70 15.20 15.20 15.20 15.20 15.20 21.70 21.70 21.70 21.70 30.55 SALE 9.40 9.40 9.40 9.40 9.40 13.45 13.45 13.45 9.40 9.40 9.40 9.40 9.40 13.45 13.45 13.45 13.45 18.95 Ɣ Grade: ME425 Ɣ Material application: steel, stainless steel, cast iron, and hi-temp alloys Ɣ PVD coated with universal chipbreaker ME7135 Regular Order No. Price ME1610024 ME1610020 ME1610022 ME1610021 ME1610023 ME1610025 ME1610026 ME1610027 ME1610028 ME1610029 ME1610031 ME1610030 ME1610032 ME1610033 ME1610034 ME1610035 ME1610036 ME1610037 15.20 15.20 15.20 15.20 15.20 21.70 21.70 21.70 15.20 15.20 15.20 15.20 15.20 21.70 21.70 21.70 21.70 30.55 SALE 9.40 9.40 9.40 9.40 9.40 13.45 13.45 13.45 9.40 9.40 9.40 9.40 9.40 13.45 13.45 13.45 13.45 18.95 40 Description Order No. Regular Price CCMT 21.51-GP CCMT 32.51-GP CCMT 32.52-GP DCMT 2151-GP DCMT 2152-GP DCMT 3251-GP DCMT 3252-GP ME1010000 ME1010010 ME1010015 ME1010090 ME1010095 ME1010100 ME1010105 12.45 12.90 12.90 10.25 10.25 13.65 13.65 SALE 7.10 7.40 7.40 5.90 5.90 7.80 7.80 C295 Insert Selection for Mini Drills Ɣ Grade: PC300 Ɣ TiN-TiC-TiN coating Ɣ Used for cutting at higher speeds and with greater lubricity Item No. Order No. Regular Price CCMT 2-1 CCMT 2-2 CCMT 3-1 CCMT 3-2 FF4830000 FF4830010 FF4830020 FF4830030 10.90 10.50 11.80 11.45 C347 SALE 6.25 6.00 6.75 6.55 C252 Mini Drills Unique “mini-drills” that utilize a single standard CCMT insert. Finally, a drill that lets you drill from a solid bore internal turn and face without being locked into a special high priced insert or single source. Designed to ¿t directly into turret, or 1“ boring bar adapter. Ɣ For OD 3/8“ tool must be .060“ off center X = .060“ Ɣ For OD 1/2“ tool must be .020“ off center X = .020“ Ɣ For OD 5/8“ tool must be .050“ off center X = .050“ Model No. Cutting Dia. Head Dia. OAL Depth of Cut Head Length Insert Torx Key Screw Order No. Regular Price D-3/8 D-1/2 D-5/8 .375 .500 .625 1.380 1.380 1.380 3.620 3.820 4.600 1.000 1.200 2.000 1.870 2.070 2.850 CCMT 2-... CCMT 2-... CCMT 3-... T-8 T-8 T-15 VT25 VT25 VT40 FG40D38 FG40D12 FG40D58 127.70 134.40 141.15 6 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 85.20 89.70 94.15 C055 CUTTING TOOLS Solid Carbide 4 Flute Corner Radius End Mills POW*R*FEED Series M924 End Mills 30 IMCO¶s M924 is the second generation of the POWRFEED M9 series, designed for production environments. Reinforced cutting edges give you even longer tool life in more demanding applications. Ɣ New AlCrNX engineered coating shown to improve tools life exponentially Ɣ Better performance, longer tool life with optimized rake and relief angles Ɣ Plunge, slot, ¿nish in all kinds of materials Ɣ Cut wet or dry, depending on your tool path and the materials you’re machining Ɣ Maximum feeds and speeds you never thought possible Size (in.) Shank Dia. Flute Length (in.) (in.) 1/8 3/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 1 1-1/4 1/8 3/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 1 1-1/4 1/2 9/16 3/4 1-1/4 1-3/4 13/16 1-1/4 2 5/8 1 1-1/4 1-5/8 3/4 1-3/8 2-1/8 1-5/8 2-3/8 1-3/4 2 OAL (in.) Order No. .015 Regular Price 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 4 2-1/2 3 4 2-1/2 3 3 4 3 3-1/2 4 4 5 4 4-1/2 DD4167499 DD4167511 DD4167525 DD4167531 DD4167547 DD4167099 DD4167133 DD4167165 DD4167214 DD4167223 - 33.95 45.50 51.35 60.55 72.10 66.30 97.25 119.90 119.40 123.85 - Order No. .030 Regular Price DD4167512 DD4167526 DD4167532 DD4167548 DD4167100 DD4167134 DD4167166 DD4167206 DD4167215 DD4167224 DD4167233 DD4167278 DD4167288 DD4167298 DD4167358 DD4167368 DD4167408 DD4167463 45.50 51.35 60.55 72.10 66.30 97.25 119.90 117.80 119.40 123.85 153.35 221.85 229.90 263.90 327.40 374.05 517.85 1270.55 SALE 22.65 30.40 34.25 40.40 48.10 44.25 64.90 80.00 79.65 82.65 - SALE 30.40 34.25 40.40 48.10 44.25 64.90 80.00 78.60 79.65 82.65 102.35 148.00 153.40 176.10 218.45 249.55 345.50 847.70 Order No. .060 Regular Price DD4167527 DD4167101 DD4167135 DD4167167 DD4167207 DD4167216 DD4167225 DD4167234 DD4167279 DD4167289 DD4167299 DD4167359 DD4167369 DD4167409 DD4167464 54.15 69.00 97.95 120.60 117.80 119.40 123.85 153.35 221.85 229.90 263.90 327.40 374.05 517.85 1270.55 SALE 36.15 46.05 65.35 80.45 78.60 79.65 82.65 102.35 148.00 153.40 176.10 218.45 249.55 345.50 847.70 CT689 enDURO® M525 5 Flute Single End Mills with Corner Radius STREAKERS® High Shear Carbide End Mills for Aluminum Series M525-CR Ɣ 3-Flute: Allows for higher metal removal rates without maxing out the machine‘s horsepower. Requires less power at the spindle, allowing high metal removal rates Ɣ 2-Flute: Allows for maximum Àute-to-Àute spacing for greater stock removal and effective chip evacuation - ideal when you‘re going deep into the metal to remove material incrementally Advanced tooling for aerospace and medical parts manufacturing. Hard core for hard work Ɣ Amazing corner strength Ɣ Fine micrograin tungsten carbide substrate Ɣ Optimized rake and relief angles Ɣ Variable indexing Ɣ Five Àutes, 40° helix Ɣ Premium heat-resistant coating Size Shank Dia. Flute Length (in.) (in.) (in.) OAL (in.) Radius Order No. Regular Price 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3-1/2 3-1/2 4 4 .015 .030 .015 .030 .060 .030 .030 .060 .030 .060 .030 .060 DD4065050 DD4065051 DD4065134 DD4065135 DD4065136 DD4065215 DD4065269 DD4065270 DD4065363 DD4065364 DD4065463 DD4065464 53.95 53.95 83.40 83.40 85.90 120.45 133.35 135.90 259.05 261.60 365.35 367.85 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 5/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 SALE 36.00 36.00 55.65 55.65 57.30 80.40 88.95 90.70 172.85 174.55 243.75 245.40 Flute Size Shank Length (in.) Dia. (in.) (in.) OAL (in.) Radius Order No. 2 Regular Price 1/8 3/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3-1/4 3-1/4 4 4 3 3 4 5 6 6 3-1/2 5 4 5 6 .015 .015 .015 .030 .015 .030 .015 .030 .015 .030 .015 .030 .015 .030 .015 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 DD4033526 DD4033542 DD4033544 DD4033548 DD4033552 DD4034382 DD4033629 DD4034362 DD4033648 DD4033689 DD4033693 DD4033886 DD4034100 DD4034144 DD4034146 DD4034161 DD4034204 DD4034235 DD4034237 DD4034243 DD4034245 DD4034343 DD4034345 35.65 44.35 51.05 51.05 72.60 72.60 57.05 57.05 63.45 63.45 84.25 84.25 112.60 112.60 95.05 95.05 141.45 167.65 179.35 257.10 255.30 324.70 367.00 1/8 3/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/8 9/16 3/4 3/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 13/16 13/16 1 1 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2 1-1/4 1-1/4 2 2-1/2 3-1/2 3-3/4 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-5/8 2-1/2 3-1/4 CT666 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 25.50 31.75 36.50 36.50 51.90 51.90 40.80 40.80 45.35 45.35 60.25 60.25 80.50 80.50 67.95 67.95 101.15 119.85 128.20 183.80 182.50 232.10 262.35 25 Order No. 3 Regular Price DD4034384 DD4034385 DD4034386 DD4034388 DD4034435 DD4034438 DD4034450 DD4034452 DD4034458 DD4034460 DD4034462 DD4034480 DD4034484 DD4034488 DD4034492 DD4034522 DD4034534 DD4034539 DD4034543 DD4034551 DD4034545 DD4034549 DD4034553 DD4034558 DD4034560 35.65 44.35 51.05 51.05 72.60 72.60 57.05 57.05 63.45 63.45 84.25 84.25 112.60 112.60 95.05 95.05 141.45 167.65 238.35 420.65 179.35 257.10 255.30 324.70 367.00 SALE 25.50 31.75 36.50 36.50 51.90 51.90 40.80 40.80 45.35 45.35 60.25 60.25 80.50 80.50 67.95 67.95 101.15 119.85 170.40 300.70 128.20 183.80 182.50 232.10 262.35 CT232 7 CUTTING TOOLS M-42 Cobalt Coarse Tooth Roughing End Mills 3 Flute – 45º Helix Aluminum Cutters with Radius Ɣ Designed for machining low alloy, high strength steels and die steels at accelerated feed and speed rates Cutter Dia. Shank Dia. Flute Length (in.) (in.) (in.) 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 3/4 1 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 1 3/4 3/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 3/4 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 2 2 2 2 2 2 OAL (in.) No. of Flutes Order No. Regular Price 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-11/16 3-1/4 3-3/8 3-3/4 3-3/4 3-3/4 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/4 4-1/4 4-1/2 4-1/2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 8 CV50CR103 CV50CR123 CV50CR143 CV50CR164 CV50CR184 CV50CR205 CV50CR245 CV50CR246 CV50CR326 CV50CR328 CV50CR406 CV50CR486 CV50CR4810 CV50CR6410 22.50 22.50 28.95 30.75 36.10 38.30 47.55 47.55 65.15 70.05 103.55 126.35 132.75 192.80 SALE 16.10 16.10 20.70 22.00 25.80 27.40 34.00 34.00 46.60 50.10 74.05 90.35 94.90 137.80 CT081 Solid Carbide 4-Flute Single End Mills Center Cutting Ɣ Micrograin carbide Ɣ 30° Helix angle - regular length Ɣ 4 Flutes for the milling of tougher materials and improved surface ¿nish Ɣ Carbide for higher cutting speeds and increased wear resistance, heat resistance and tool life Ɣ TiAlN coating for abrasive materials and materials that generate higher cutting temperatures Dia. Shank Length Dia. of Cut OAL 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1/8 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 4 3/16 1/2 5/8 3/4 13/16 7/8 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-1/2 Order No. TiAlN Regular Price SALE Order No. Uncoated Regular Price 30 SALE 8.45 MT3290776 15.55 10.40 MT3257904 12.65 9.85 MT3257908 12.35 8.25 MT3290780 14.75 MT3290784 20.35 13.60 MT3257912 17.05 11.40 MT3290788 28.45 19.00 MT3257916 22.55 15.05 MT3290792 40.45 27.00 MT3257920 32.65 21.80 MT3290796 47.00 31.35 MT3257924 39.90 26.65 MT3290804 79.75 53.20 MT3257932 60.90 40.65 MT3290806 175.50 117.10 MT3257940 113.55 75.75 MT3290808 215.85 144.00 MT3257948 173.70 115.90 MT3290810 363.65 242.65 MT3257964 298.65 199.25 CT611 30 Ɣ Extremely high feed rates with exceptional ¿nish Ɣ ZrN coating offers excellent wear resistance & increased lubricity Dia. Shank LOC OAL (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) Radius Uncoated Regular Order No. Price 1/8 1/8 1/2 1-1/2 .005-.010 DC1010040 1/8 1/8 1/4 1-1/2 .005-.010 DC1010039 5/32 3/16 5/8 2 .005-.010 DC1010042 3/16 3/16 5/16 2 .005-.010 DC1010043 3/16 3/16 5/8 2 .005-.010 DC1010044 7/32 1/4 3/4 2-1/2 .005-.010 DC1010046 1/4 1/4 1/2 2 .005-.010 DC1010047 1/4 1/4 1-1/4 3 .005-.010 DC1010049 1/4 1/4 3/4 2-1/2 .005-.010 DC1010048 9/32 5/16 13/16 2-1/2 .010-.015 DC1010051 5/16 5/16 1/2 2-1/2 .010-.015 DC1010052 3/8 3/8 1-1/8 2-1/2 .010-.015 DC1010057 3/8 3/8 1-3/8 3 .015-.020 DC1010058 3/8 3/8 5/8 2-1/2 .010-.015 DC1010056 7/16 7/16 1-1/4 2-3/4 .015-.020 DC1010061 1/2 1/2 1-1/4 3 .015-.020 DC1010063 1/2 1/2 3/4 2-1/2 .015-.020 DC1010062 5/8 5/8 1-1/4 3 .015-.020 DC1010066 3/4 3/4 1 3 .015-.020 DC1010070 Diameter Tolerance: +0.000 / -0.002“ SALE 20.75 14.55 20.75 14.55 29.95 21.00 28.80 20.20 28.80 20.20 46.85 32.85 28.75 20.15 46.75 32.80 34.40 24.10 50.60 35.40 39.25 27.50 51.10 35.80 71.70 50.25 43.55 30.50 63.65 44.60 86.15 60.35 73.60 51.60 126.55 88.65 195.90 137.25 Order No. DC1020040 DC1020039 DC1020042 DC1020043 DC1020044 DC1020046 DC1020048 DC1020049 DC1020051 DC1020052 DC1020057 DC1020058 DC1020056 DC1020061 DC1020063 DC1020062 DC1020066 DC1020070 ZrN Regular Price SALE 25.90 18.10 25.90 18.10 35.10 24.60 33.95 23.80 33.95 23.80 54.60 38.30 36.50 25.60 54.50 38.20 64.85 45.45 53.60 37.50 65.45 45.85 88.85 62.25 57.80 40.50 81.55 57.15 104.10 72.90 91.55 64.15 155.50 108.90 230.35 161.40 CT720 Solid Carbide Double End Corner Rounding End Mills Ɣ Designed to provide uniform ¿nish on corners Ɣ Radius is form relieved Ɣ Made from premium micrograin carbide utilizing Micro 100‘s treating process N/C Generation End Mills Center Cutting - Single End - 30° Helix Ɣ These end mills feature a plus tolerance on the cutting diameter Ɣ Tools are suitable for multiple resharpening Shank Dia. (in.) 1/8 1/8 1/8 3/16 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 Size (in.) Flute Length (in.) OAL (in.) 1/16 1/8 3/32 3/16 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 3/16 1/2 3/8 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 4 Order No. Regular Price GE45EMS0624 GE45EMS1254 GE45EMS0934 GE45EMS1874 GE45EMS2504 GE45EMS3754 GE45EMS5004 GE45EMS7504 24.40 21.85 24.40 34.45 43.30 57.05 98.75 266.40 SALE 19.75 17.70 19.75 27.90 35.05 46.20 80.05 215.85 Radius Minor Dia. Shank Dia. (in.) OAL (in.) Order No. Regular Price .020 .025 .030 .0312 .040 .060 .0625 .0938 .125 .250 .060 .060 .060 .060 .060 .060 .060 .060 .060 .120 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 3/16 3/16 3/16 1/4 5/16 5/8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3-1/2 GE45CRE125020 GE45CRE125025 GE45CRE125030 GE45CRE125031 GE45CRE187040 GE45CRE187060 GE45CRE187062 GE45CRE250093 GE45CRE312125 GE45CRE625250 47.05 47.05 47.05 47.05 50.70 50.70 50.70 65.70 79.25 178.75 CT620 8 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 38.15 38.15 38.15 38.15 41.10 41.10 41.10 53.20 64.20 144.85 CT573 CUTTING TOOLS HY-PRO® CARB VGx® Variable Geometry End Mills Drill-Mills™ List #VG434 2 Flute M-42 8 Cobalt 90º Point Angle Ɣ High performance carbide Ɣ Single end 20 Ɣ Round Shank Ɣ Center cutting Ɣ TiALN coating Ɣ Corner radius Ɣ 4 Flute Ɣ Recommended for cast iron, carbon steels, alloy steels, die steels, stainless steels, hardened steels up to 45 HrC and high heat alloys Ɣ Drill mills perform drilling, spotting countersinking, chamfering, slotting, side milling, pro¿le milling and other drilling & milling operations Ɣ M42 8% Cobalt offers increased wear and heat resistance for abrasive and dif¿cult materials and increased tool life Ɣ 30º Right hand helix Shank Dia. Flute Length Dia. (in.) (in.) (in.) 1/8 1/8 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/8 1/8 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 7/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/8 3/8 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 13/16 13/16 7/8 1/2 7/8 1-1/4 1 1-1/4 1 OAL (in.) Corner Radius Order No. Regular Price 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3-1/2 3 3-1/2 3 .010 .015 .015 .030 .015 .030 .015 .030 .015 .030 .060 .015 .030 .030 .060 TP45VG4341250 TP45VG4341251 TP45VG4341875 TP45VG4341876 TP45VG4342500 TP45VG4342501 TP45VG4343125 TP45VG4343126 TP45VG4343759 TP45VG4343750 TP45VG4343753 TP45VG4345012 TP45VG4345010 TP45VG4345013 TP45VG4345011 21.60 21.60 28.55 27.75 31.70 31.70 45.10 45.10 52.65 52.65 52.65 104.60 98.20 104.60 98.20 SALE 16.45 16.45 21.80 21.15 24.20 24.20 34.40 34.40 40.15 40.15 40.15 79.75 74.90 79.75 74.90 CT743 Variable Helix Full Eccentric Grind Solid Carbide End Mills Size (in.) Shank Dia. (in) LOC (in.) OAL (in.) Chamfer Order No. Regular Price 1/8 3/16 1/4 1/4 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 1 1/8 3/16 1/4 1/4 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 1 1/2 5/8 1/2 3/4 13/16 5/8 1 5/8 1 1-1/4 3/4 1-1/4 1 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3 3-1/2 3 4 4 .011 x 45° .011 x 45° .011 x 45° .011 x 45° .011 x 45° .011 x 45° .011 x 45° .011 x 45° .011 x 45° .011 x 45° .022 x 45° .022 x 45° .022 x 45° .022 x 45° .022 x 45° DD8115671 DD8115672 DD8115673 DD8115675 DD8115676 DD8115677 DD8115679 DD8115681 DD8115683 DD8115685 DD8115687 DD8115689 DD8115691 DD8115693 DD8115695 23.30 30.35 39.55 42.50 59.60 63.30 66.50 98.95 101.65 115.30 154.95 172.25 254.25 262.55 429.00 Shank Dia. (in.) Length of Cut OAL (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 3/8 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 1/2 9/16 1 1-5/16 1-5/16 1-1/2 1-1/2 2-5/16 2-5/16 3 3-7/16 3-9/16 3-3/4 3-3/4 MT2044621 MT2044623 MT2044625 MT2044627 MT2044629 MT2044631 MT2044633 31.45 36.10 47.55 74.40 87.95 112.00 141.10 4 Flute Solid Carbide Corner Radius End Mills 25 Ɣ Recommended for slotting and general purpose milling Ɣ Very high feed rates & excellent surface ¿nish Ɣ Unique Àute geometry allows for increased feeds and speeds while reducing harmonics Ɣ Coated with Altima® (AITiN) for extended tool life Ɣ Diameter range: 3mm-25mm, 1/8“ - 1“ 1/8 3/16 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 3/4 30 SALE 24.00 27.55 36.30 56.75 67.05 85.40 107.60 CT369 Dia. (in.) Center Cutting Ɣ Maximize productivity when machining titanium, stainless and alloyed steels and all ferrous materials Ɣ Chatter-free machining nACO Ɣ Heavier feed rates Ɣ Higher metal removal rates Ɣ Superior surface ¿nishes Ɣ Fewer tool changes Ɣ Effective in machining all ferrous materials up to 54 HRc Ɣ Versatile tooling for roughing, semi-¿nishing & ¿nishing operations Heavy slotting ² can slot up to 1xD axial depth Heavy pro¿ling ² up to full Àute length and 50% radial depth of cut Dia. (in.) Shank Dia. Flute Length (in.) (in.) 1/8 3/16 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 3/4 3/8 7/16 1/2 1/2 7/8 7/8 1 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 OAL (in.) Radius Order No. Regular Price 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3-1/2 4 .015 .015 .015 .030 .015 .030 .015 .030 .015 .015 DD1517730 DD1517735 DD1517743 DD1517744 DD1517755 DD1517756 DD1517767 DD1517768 DD1518001 DD1518003 26.25 36.45 44.40 44.40 73.60 73.60 120.45 120.45 227.50 334.75 SALE 18.80 26.10 31.80 31.80 52.65 52.65 86.15 86.15 162.60 239.35 CT475 4 Flute Solid Carbide SALE 15.55 20.25 26.40 28.35 39.80 42.25 44.40 66.05 67.85 76.95 103.40 114.95 169.60 175.20 286.25 CT732 Roughing End Mills Ɣ Complete size range offering available Ɣ Form relieved on high strength carbide for excellent pro¿le milling Ɣ Made from premium submicron grain carbide Ɣ Cutting diameter tolerance: +.000/-.004“ Size (in.) Shank Flute Dia. Length (in.) (in.) OAL (in.) Order No. AlTiN Regular Price SALE Uncoated Regular Order No. Price SALE 1/4 1/4 3/4 2-1/2 DD8155960 52.05 37.20 DD8115960 45.60 32.60 5/16 5/16 13/16 2-1/2 DD8155961 63.75 45.60 DD8115961 55.30 39.55 3/8 3/8 1 2-1/2 DD8155962 73.95 52.85 DD8115962 65.50 46.80 1/2 1/2 1-1/4 3 DD8155963 113.05 80.80 DD8115963 100.65 71.95 5/8 5/8 1-1/4 3-1/2 DD8155964 201.00 143.70 DD8115964 182.75 130.65 3/4 3/4 1-1/2 4 DD8155965 282.40 201.85 DD8115965 246.35 176.10 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 CT291 9 CUTTING TOOLS Taper Pipe Taps Spiral Fluted Bottoming Taps High Speed Steel Ground Thread Taper pipe taps - NPT Size No. of Flutes Thread Length (in.) OAL (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1/16-27 1/8-27 1/8-27 (sm. sk.) 1/4-18 3/8-18 1/2-14 3/4-14 1-11-1/2 1-1/4-11-1/2 1-1/2-11-1/2 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 11/16 3/4 3/4 1-1/16 1-1/16 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-7/16 2-9/16 3-1/8 3-1/4 3-3/4 4 4-3/4 EM50127 EM50227 EM50227S† EM50418 EM50618 EM50814 EM501214 EM501611 EM502011 EM502411 11.45 12.20 11.45 13.65 17.75 31.45 41.10 64.35 97.20 129.45 SALE 8.20 8.75 8.20 9.75 12.70 22.50 29.40 46.00 69.50 92.55 CT217 Taper Pipe Taps Ground Thread High Speed Steel NPT/ANPT Ɣ Chamfer - 2 - 3-1/2 threads Ɣ Regular thread NPT taper pipe taps are commonly used for tapping pipe ¿ttings and couplings in a wide variety of materials Ɣ Assembly requires the use of a thread sealant to ensure a tight seal Size Thread Length (in.) OAL (in.) No. of Flutes Order No. Regular Price 1/16-27 1/8-27 (sm. shk.) 1/8-27 (lg. shk.) 1/4-18 3/8-18 1/2-14 3/4-14 1-11-1/2 1-1/4-11-1/2 1-1/2-11-1/2 2-11-1/2 11/16 3/4 3/4 1-1/16 1-1/16 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-7/16 2-9/16 3-1/8 3-1/4 3-3/4 4 4-1/4 4-1/2 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 7 MT4036121 MT4036122 MT4036123 MT4036124 MT4036125 MT4036126 MT4036127 MT4036128 MT4036129 MT4036130 MT4036131 26.95 26.80 26.80 29.25 38.45 61.10 86.45 130.35 184.50 253.00 339.95 20 Ɣ Bright ¿nish Ɣ Designed for tapping aluminum, mild steels and medium carbon steels Ɣ Short thread geometry Ɣ Highest speed tapping without chip packing 30 Size Type - Inch Size No. of Flutes Order No. Regular Price 6-32 8-32 10-24 10-32 1/4-20 5/16-18 3/8-16 1/2-13 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 TP212985200 TP212985300 TP212985400 TP212985500 TP212985600 TP212985800 TP212986000 TP212986200 14.60 14.60 14.60 14.60 15.85 19.55 22.70 39.85 SALE 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75 10.55 13.05 15.15 26.60 Size Type - Metric SALE 20.55 20.45 20.45 22.30 29.30 46.60 65.90 99.40 140.70 192.90 259.20 CT518 Interrupted Thread Taper Pipe Taps Size No. of Flutes Order No. Regular Price M3x0.50 M4x0.70 M5x0.80 M6x1.0 M8x1.25 M10x1.5 M12x1.75 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 TP212988000 TP212988100 TP212988200 TP212988300 TP212988400 TP212988500 TP212988600 20.65 18.20 18.20 18.20 22.35 38.80 46.60 SALE 13.75 12.15 12.15 12.15 14.95 25.90 31.10 CT503 EXOTIN® Spiral Point Plug Taps Ɣ Designed for tough to machine steels Ɣ TiN coated only Best application Ɣ 1050, 1065 High carbon steel Ɣ 300, 400 & 17-4ph stainless steel Ɣ Hardened steel up to 35 HRC 15 Ground Thread High Speed Steel NPT/ANPT Ɣ Chamfer - 2 - 3-1/2 threads Ɣ Interrupted thread taper pipe taps reduce friction, increase chip capacity, and enhance coolant Àow to the cutting teeth for reduced change of torn threads and improve thread quality Ɣ Recommended for a wide variety of materials, especially soft ductile materials and materials producing long continuous chips Size & Pitch Thread Length (in.) OAL (in.) No. of Flutes Order No. Regular Price 1/8-27 (lg. shk.) 1/8-27 (sm. shk.) 1/4-18 3/8-18 1/2-14 3/4-14 1-11-1/2 1-1/4-11-1/2 1-1/2-11-1/2 2-11-1/2 3/4 3/4 1-1/16 1-1/16 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-7/16 2-9/16 3-1/8 3-1/4 3-3/4 4 4-1/4 4-1/2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 MT4036002 MT4036001† MT4036003 MT4036004 MT4036005 MT4036006 MT4036007 MT4036008 MT4036009 MT4036010 42.60 42.60 47.15 59.25 94.45 135.45 210.65 290.30 389.85 529.30 SALE 32.50 32.50 35.95 45.20 72.05 103.30 160.65 221.35 297.30 403.60 Size No. of Flutes Thread Limits Order No. Regular Price 4-40 2 H2 TP231740005 29.45 6-32 2 H3 TP231740205 24.85 8-32 3 H3 TP231740305 24.85 10-24 3 H3 TP231740405 25.25 10-32 3 H3 TP231740505 25.25 1/4-20 3 H3 TP231740605 27.50 5/16-18 3 H3 TP231740805 29.80 3/8-16 3 H3 TP231741005 33.80 1/2-13 3 H3 TP231741405 50.60 5/8-11 3 H3 TP231741605 92.95 3/4-10 3 H3 TP231741805 147.20 CT519 10 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 23.85 20.15 20.15 20.45 20.45 22.25 24.15 27.40 41.00 75.30 119.30 CT513 CUTTING TOOLS ShearTap™ Spiral Flute Production Taps ShearTap™ Spiral Point Production Taps Ɣ Semi-bottoming style for tapping blind holes Ɣ CNC reduced neck design Ɣ High speed steel- oxide over nitride Ɣ Production tapping in carbon steels & stainless steels up to 35Rc Ɣ Plug style for tapping through holes Ɣ CNC reduced neck design Ɣ High speed steel - oxide over nitride Ɣ Production tapping in carbon steels & stainless steels up to 35 Rc Size Type - Inch Size Type - Inch Size Thread Limit No. of Flutes Order No. Regular Price 6-32 8-32 10-24 10-32 1/4-20 1/4-28 5/16-18 5/16-24 3/8-16 3/8-24 7/16-14 7/16-20 1/2-13 1/2-20 5/8-11 1-8 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 MT3534405 MT3534408 MT3534410 MT3534412 MT3534417 MT3534420 MT3534422 MT3534424 MT3534426 MT3534428 MT3534430 MT3534432 MT3534434 MT3534436 MT3534440 MT3534502 14.70 14.80 14.80 14.80 16.55 16.55 17.95 17.95 20.25 20.25 25.90 25.90 29.85 29.85 53.65 149.20 SALE 9.80 9.90 9.90 9.90 11.05 11.05 12.00 12.00 13.50 13.50 17.25 17.25 19.90 19.90 35.80 99.55 Size Type - Metric Size Thread Limit No. of Flutes Order No. Regular Price M3x0.50 M4x0.70 M5x0.80 M6x1.0 M8x1.0 M8x1.25 M10x1.25 M10x1.5 M12x1.25 M12x1.75 M14x1.5 M14x2.0 M16x1.5 M16x2.0 M18x1.5 M20x2.5 M24x2.0 M24x3.0 D3 D4 D4 D5 D5 D5 D5 D6 D5 D6 D6 D7 D6 D7 D6 D7 D7 D8 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 MT3535240 MT3535242 MT3535243 MT3535244 MT3535246 MT3535247 MT3535248 MT3535249 MT3535250 MT3535251 MT3535252 MT3535253 MT3535254 MT3535255 MT3535256 MT3535281 MT3535284 MT3535285 17.60 16.10 17.00 17.80 19.60 19.60 25.25 25.25 32.85 32.85 53.50 53.50 58.85 58.85 71.30 119.90 174.50 174.50 SALE 11.75 10.75 11.35 11.90 13.10 13.10 16.85 16.85 21.95 21.95 35.70 35.70 39.25 39.25 47.60 80.00 116.40 116.40 CT609 Metric Spiral Point Taps Ɣ High speed steel - ground thread - plug style Ɣ Designed for machine tapping in open or through holes Ɣ Suitable for use in a wide variety of materials Size Thread Limit No. of Flutes 6-32 8-32 10-24 10-32 1/4-20 1/4-28 5/16-18 5/16-24 3/8-16 3/8-24 7/16-14 7/16-20 1/2-13 5/8-11 3/4-10 1-8 H2 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 Size M3x0.50 M4x0.70 M5x0.80 M6x1.0 M8x1.25 M10x1.5 M12x1.75 M14x1.5 M16x2.0 M18x1.5 M20x2.5 M24x3.0 Order No. Regular Price 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 24.65 24.65 27.65 27.65 30.75 30.75 39.30 39.30 45.50 82.05 102.15 193.25 MT3534453 MT3534457 MT3534460 MT3534462 MT3534466 MT3534468 MT3534470 MT3534472 MT3534474 MT3534476 MT3534478 MT3534480 MT3534482 MT3534488 MT3534492 MT3534522 Size Type - Metric Thread Limit No. of Flutes Order No. Regular Price D3 D4 D4 D5 D5 D6 D6 D6 D7 D6 D7 D8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 MT3535258 MT3535260 MT3535261 MT3535262 MT3535265 MT3535267 MT3535269 MT3535270 MT3535273 MT3535274 MT3535291 MT3535295 27.15 24.55 26.25 26.85 30.10 35.75 49.70 77.10 89.90 111.65 160.60 227.05 SALE 17.15 17.15 17.15 17.15 18.80 18.80 21.10 21.10 23.45 23.45 30.00 30.00 34.70 62.60 77.90 147.35 SALE 20.70 18.70 20.05 20.45 22.95 27.25 37.90 58.80 68.55 85.15 122.45 173.10 CT325 Spiral Point Taps Ɣ High speed steel Ɣ Ground thread Ɣ Plug style Ɣ NC coarse thread 40 Size No. of Flutes Thread Limit Order No. Regular Price 4-40 6-32 8-32 10-24 1/4-20 5/16-18 3/8-16 7/16-14 1/2-13 5/8-11 3/4-10 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 H2 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 EL65904402P EL65906323P EL65908323P EL65910243P EL654203P EL655183P EL656163P EL657143P EL658133P EL6510113P EL6512103P 8.65 7.05 7.05 6.95 6.65 7.55 8.15 19.45 15.85 35.35 59.75 SALE 5.35 4.40 4.40 4.30 4.15 4.70 5.05 12.05 9.80 21.90 37.00 CT040 Combination Drill & Taps High Speed Steel Size (in.) No. of Flutes Pitch Dia. Limits Order No. Regular Price M2x0.40 M2.5x0.45 M3x0.50 M4x0.70 M5x0.80 M6x1.0 M8x1.0 M8x1.25 M10x1.25 M10x1.5 M12x1.75 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 D3 D3 D3 D4 D4 D5 D5 D5 D5 D6 D6 EP6527711 EP6527719 EP6527723 EP6527731 EP6527739 EP6527743 EP6527755 EP6527751 EP6527763 EP6527759 EP6527767 19.05 13.90 10.50 9.70 9.50 9.50 11.75 11.75 19.15 16.90 22.15 SALE 10.90 7.95 6.00 5.55 5.45 5.45 6.70 6.70 10.95 9.70 12.70 CT674 Ɣ Drills and taps in a single pass Ɣ Point is self-centering and eliminates the need for center drilling or center punching Tap Size Tap Thread Length (in.) Drill Size Drill Flute Length (in.) OAL (in.) Order No. Regular Price 4-40 6-32 8-32 10-24 10-32 1/4-20 5/16-18 3/8-16 1/2-13 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 5/8 25/32 15/16 1-1/16 1-3/8 .0890 .1095 .1360 .1520 .1610 .2010 .2570 .3125 .4250 1/4 5/16 3/8 13/32 13/32 17/32 11/16 13/16 1-1/8 1-7/8 2 2-1/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-27/32 3-3/8 4-1/16 ER5990440 ER5990632 ER5990832 ER5991024 ER5991032 ER59420 ER59518 ER59616 ER59813 28.80 30.75 27.75 29.20 29.20 28.70 41.85 49.55 70.05 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 16.45 17.60 15.90 16.70 16.70 16.45 23.95 28.35 40.10 CT016 11 CUTTING TOOLS NC Spotting Drills TiN Coated Jobber Drills 90° & 120° High Speed Steel Ɣ High speed steel Ɣ Titanium nitride coated Size (in.) OAL (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1/16 3/32 7/64 1/8 9/64 5/32 11/64 3/16 13/64 7/32 15/64 1/4 17/64 9/32 19/64 5/16 21/64 11/32 23/64 3/8 27/64 7/16 15/32 31/64 1/2 1-7/8 2-1/4 2-5/8 2-3/4 2-7/8 3-1/8 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-5/8 3-3/4 3-7/8 4 4-1/8 4-1/4 4-3/8 4-1/2 4-5/8 4-3/4 4-7/8 5 5-3/8 5-1/2 5-3/4 5-7/8 6 AC75004 AC75006 AC75007 AC75008 AC75009 AC75010 AC75011 AC75012 AC75013 AC75014 AC75015 AC75016 AC75017 AC75018 AC75019 AC75020 AC75021 AC75022 AC75023 AC75024 AC75027 AC75028† AC75030 AC75031 AC75032 3.40 3.40 2.45 2.45 2.75 2.85 2.85 3.10 4.10 4.20 4.25 4.50 6.30 6.35 6.70 6.95 8.00 8.45 8.85 9.05 11.05 11.20 13.10 13.50 13.70 Ɣ Designed with a narrow chisel edge for quick starting and a constant web to allow for resharpening without the need for web thinning SALE 2.30 2.30 1.65 1.65 1.85 1.90 1.90 2.05 2.75 2.80 2.85 3.00 4.20 4.25 4.45 4.65 5.35 5.65 5.90 6.05 7.35 7.50 8.75 9.05 9.15 Body Dia. (in.) Flute Length (in.) OAL (in.) Order No. 120° Regular Price 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 2-1/2 4 6 3-1/8 5 7 3-3/4 6 8 AV4133140 AV4133142 AV4133144 AV4133380 AV4133382 AV4133384 AV4133120 AV4133122 AV4133124 30.95 44.50 61.15 33.45 47.45 65.75 42.75 59.35 80.65 SALE 22.10 31.80 43.70 23.90 33.90 47.00 30.60 42.45 57.65 Order No. 90° Regular Price AV4132140 AV4132142 AV4132144 AV4132380 AV4132382 AV4132384 AV4132120 AV4132122 AV4132124 30.95 44.50 61.15 33.45 47.45 65.75 42.75 59.35 80.65 25 SALE 22.10 31.80 43.70 23.90 33.90 47.00 30.60 42.45 57.65 CT697 5 Pc. Combined Drills & Countersinks Set #1 - #5 Ɣ 60° Plain type Ɣ High speed steel CT410 Order No. Regular Price SALE AV4110000 58.85 44.85 CT691 Jobber Length Drills Precision – Performance – Productivity Ɣ High speed steel Ɣ 118° Point Ɣ Ground from solid Size (in.) Flute Length (in.) 35 Bright OAL (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1/16 7/8 1-7/8 AC50004P 1.30 3/32 1-1/4 2-1/4 AC50006P 1.30 1/8 1-5/8 2-3/4 AC50008P 1.45 5/32 2 3-1/8 AC50010P 1.70 3/16 2-5/16 3-1/2 AC50012P 1.90 7/32 2-1/2 3-3/4 AC50014P 2.45 1/4 2-3/4 4 AC50016P 2.95 9/32 2-15/16 4-1/4 AC50018P 3.50 5/16 3-3/16 4-1/2 AC50020P 4.30 11/32 3-7/16 4-3/4 AC50022P 5.35 3/8 3-5/8 5 AC50024P 6.25 13/32 3-7/8 5-1/4 AC50026P 7.20 7/16 4-1/16 5-1/2 AC50028P 8.35 15/32 4-5/16 5-3/4 AC50030P 9.70 6 AC50032P 11.40 1/2 4-1/2 Surface Treated SALE Order No. Regular Price 0.80 0.80 0.90 1.05 1.15 1.55 1.85 2.15 2.70 3.30 3.85 4.45 5.20 6.00 7.10 AC50004B 1.35 AC50006B 1.35 AC50008B 1.45 AC50010B 1.60 AC50012B 1.95 AC50014B 2.45 AC50016B 2.70 AC50018B 3.30 AC50020B 4.05 AC50022B 5.25 AC50024B 6.05 AC50026B 7.20 AC50028B 8.20 AC50030B 9.70 AC50032B 11.40 Hi-Tuff® Solid Carbide Drills Size (in.) Flute Length (in.) OAL (in.) Order No. SALE 1/16 5/8 1-5/8 AX3225169 20.95 0.85 0.85 0.90 1.00 1.20 1.55 1.70 2.05 2.50 3.30 3.75 4.45 5.10 6.00 7.10 5/64 11/16 1-11/16 AX3225199 22.05 3/32 3/4 1-3/4 AX3225232 22.05 7/64 13/16 1-13/16 AX3225265 22.95 1/8 7/8 1-7/8 AX3225295 24.85 5/32 1 2-1/16 AX3225349 31.85 3/16 1-1/8 2-3/16 AX3225406 39.05 7/32 1-1/4 2-3/8 AX3225466 49.15 1/4 1-3/8 2-1/2 AX3225514 54.80 9/32 1-1/2 2-11/16 AX3225562 82.70 Regular Price 5/16 1-5/8 2-13/16 AX3225601 82.85 11/32 1-11/16 2-15/16 AX3225643 107.35 3/8 1-13/16 3-1/8 AX3225682 133.70 7/16 2-1/16 3-7/16 AX3225757 164.75 1/2 2-1/4 3-3/4 AX3225799 205.65 CT651 12 20 Ɣ Screw machine length and heavy web for rigidity and strength Ɣ 135° Web-thinned point Ɣ Micrograin 10% cobalt grade Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 16.00 16.80 16.80 17.50 18.95 24.25 29.80 37.50 41.80 63.05 63.15 81.85 101.95 125.65 156.80 CT260 CUTTING TOOLS MP-X High Performance Solid Carbide Drills 5xD Standard Length Coolant Thru Ɣ Coolant thru clears chips away from cutting edge Ɣ Multi-application solid carbide drills, excellent for drilling a wide range of materials, including steel, stainless steel, cast iron & more Ɣ TiAlN coated, 140º point with excellent centering capabilities Ɣ Common shanks to cut collet cost Ɣ Manufactured to DIN 6537 Ɣ Precision Dormer List #R453 MP-X High Performance Solid Carbide Drills 5xD Standard Length Ɣ Multi-application solid carbide drill, excellent for drilling a wide range of materials, including steel, stainless steel, cast iron & more Ɣ TiAlN coated, 140º point with excellent centering capabilities, common shanks to cut collet cost Ɣ Manufactured to DIN 6537 Ɣ Precision Dormer List #R454 Type - Fractional Size Type - Fractional Size Size Shank Dia. (mm) Flute Length (mm) OAL (mm) Order No. Regular Price 1/4 9/32 5/16 11/32 3/8 13/32 7/16 15/32 1/2 17/32 8mm 8mm 8mm 10mm 10mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 14mm 14mm 53mm 53mm 53mm 61mm 61mm 70mm 70mm 70mm 76mm 76mm 91mm 91mm 91mm 103mm 103mm 118mm 118mm 118mm 124mm 124mm PT390623602 PT390623985 PT390623923 PT390623633 PT390623824 PT390623657 PT390623954 PT390623671 PT390623596 PT390623695 118.15 131.85 131.85 156.20 165.15 217.60 217.60 225.30 307.20 373.80 Size Shank Dia. (mm) Flute Length (mm) OAL (mm) Order No. Regular Price 5mm 5.5mm 6mm 6.5mm 7mm 7.5mm 8mm 8.5mm 9mm 9.5mm 10mm 10.5mm 11mm 11.5mm 12mm 12.5mm 13mm 13.5mm 14mm 14.5mm 15mm 15.5mm 16mm 6mm 6mm 6mm 8mm 8mm 8mm 8mm 10mm 10mm 10mm 10mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 14mm 14mm 14mm 14mm 16mm 16mm 16mm 16mm 44mm 44mm 44mm 53mm 53mm 53mm 53mm 61mm 61mm 61mm 61mm 70mm 70mm 70mm 70mm 76mm 76mm 76mm 76mm 82mm 82mm 82mm 82mm 82mm 82mm 82mm 91mm 91mm 91mm 91mm 103mm 103mm 103mm 103mm 118mm 118mm 118mm 118mm 124mm 124mm 124mm 124mm 133mm 133mm 133mm 133mm PT390614112 PT390614136 PT390614143 PT390614150 PT390614174 PT390614181 PT390614198 PT390614204 PT390614228 PT390614235 PT390613870 PT390613900 PT390613917 PT390613931 PT390613948 PT390613962 PT390613979 PT390613986 PT390613993 PT390614013 PT390614020 PT390614037 PT390614044 112.65 112.65 118.15 118.15 131.85 124.80 131.85 156.20 156.20 165.15 204.80 217.60 217.60 217.60 225.30 307.20 307.20 373.80 373.80 413.45 413.45 441.60 441.60 SALE 101.35 113.10 113.10 134.00 141.65 186.70 186.70 193.25 263.55 320.65 Type - Metric Size SALE 96.65 96.65 101.35 101.35 113.10 107.10 113.10 134.00 134.00 141.65 175.70 186.70 186.70 186.70 193.25 263.55 263.55 320.65 320.65 354.65 354.65 378.85 378.85 CT796 40 Ɣ 60° Included angle Size Body Dia. (in.) OAL (in.) Order No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4 1-1/4 1-7/8 2 2-1/8 2-3/4 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 AV501 AV502 AV503 AV504 AV505 AV506 AV507 AV508 Regular Price 2.25 2.30 2.30 2.30 5.10 6.75 10.20 13.25 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4, E 9/32, K 5/16 11/32 3/8 13/32 7/16 15/32 1/2 17/32 9/16 5/8 11/16 3/4 6mm 6mm 6mm 6mm 8mm 8mm 8mm 10mm 10mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 14mm 14mm 16mm 16mm 18mm 20mm 28mm 36mm 44mm 44mm 53mm 53mm 53mm 61mm 61mm 70mm 70mm 70mm 76mm 76mm 82mm 82mm 91mm 99mm OAL (mm) Order No. Regular Price 66mm 74mm 82mm 82mm 91mm 91mm 91mm 103mm 103mm 118mm 118mm 118mm 124mm 124mm 133mm 133mm 143mm 153mm PT410624029 PT410624340 PT410624210 PT410624371 PT410624012 PT410624395 PT410624333 PT410624043 PT410624234 PT410624067 PT410624364 PT410624081 PT410624005 PT410624104 PT410624388 PT410624357 PT410624036 PT410624227 67.50 71.85 76.05 80.55 87.70 101.90 101.90 113.55 131.85 170.25 170.25 194.60 230.40 235.55 268.80 281.60 418.60 514.60 SALE 57.90 61.60 65.25 69.10 75.25 87.40 87.40 97.40 113.10 146.05 146.05 166.90 197.65 202.05 230.60 241.60 359.05 441.40 Type - Metric Size Size 6mm 6.5mm 7mm 8mm 8.5mm 9mm 9.5mm 10mm 11mm 11.8mm 12mm 12.5mm 14mm Shank Dia. Flute Length (mm) (mm) 6mm 8mm 8mm 8mm 10mm 10mm 10mm 10mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 14mm 16mm 44mm 53mm 53mm 53mm 61mm 61mm 61mm 61mm 70mm 70mm 70mm 76mm 76mm OAL (mm) Order No. Regular Price 82mm 91mm 91mm 91mm 103mm 103mm 103mm 103mm 118mm 118mm 118mm 124mm 124mm PT410614549 PT410614556 PT410614594 PT410614624 PT410614631 PT410614662 PT410614686 PT410614242 PT410614297 PT410625675 PT410614327 PT410614341 PT410614372 80.55 87.70 94.85 101.90 113.55 131.85 131.85 131.85 170.25 194.60 194.60 230.40 235.55 SALE 69.10 75.25 81.40 87.40 97.40 113.10 113.10 113.10 146.05 166.90 166.90 197.65 202.05 CT794 Straight Shank Capscrew Counterbores 40 Ɣ 3 Flute Ɣ High speed steel Combined Drills & Countersinks High Speed Steel Size Shank Dia. Flute Length (mm) (mm) SALE 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.35 2.90 3.85 5.85 7.60 CT057 Screw Size Pilot Dia. Cutter Dia. Shank Dia. OAL (in.) Order No. Regular Price #5 #6 #8 #10 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 .141 .150 11/64 13/64 9/32 11/32 13/32 15/32 17/32 9/16 11/16 21/32 13/16 15/16 1-1/16 .221 .242 19/64 21/64 13/32 1/2 19/32 11/16 25/32 13/16 1 31/32 1-3/16 1-3/8 1-9/16 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 3 3 3 3-1/2 5 5 6 7 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 8 8 10 CD50005 CD50006 CD50008 CD50010 CD50016 CD50020 CD50024 CD50028 CD50032 CD50033 CD50041 CD50040 CD50048 CD50056 CD50100 18.15 18.15 18.15 19.30 22.70 26.75 27.85 31.20 34.00 39.00 50.70 45.00 60.90 79.25 110.25 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 10.40 10.40 10.40 11.05 13.00 15.30 15.95 17.85 19.45 22.30 29.00 25.75 34.85 45.35 63.05 CT591 13 CUTTING TOOLS Carbide 6 Flute Chatterless Countersinks Ɣ Solid carbide construction (steel shanks on tools 3/8“ diameter and larger) makes this countersink ideal for hardened steel, high temperature alloys and other tough jobs 30 Double Cut Carbide Burrs 35 Ɣ Rapid stock removal in tough applications Ɣ Design reduces the pulling action, reduces the size of chips, ensures rapid stock removal Shape - Ball End 82° 90° Size (in.) Shank Dia. (in.) OAL ( in.) 1/4 1/4 2 BC7378056 25.10 3/8 1/4 2 BC7378081 48.85 1/2 3/8 2-1/8 BC7378106 67.65 5/8 3/8 2-3/8 BC7378131 88.30 3/4 1/2 2-3/4 BC7378156 125.90 1 1/2 2-3/4 BC7378181 1-1/4 1/2 3 Order No. Regular Price SALE Order No. Regular Price 25.10 16.75 48.85 32.60 45.15 BC7378111 58.90 BC7378136 67.65 45.15 88.30 58.90 84.00 BC7378161 205.85 137.35 BC7378186 125.90 84.00 205.85 137.35 BC7378206† 253.70 169.30 BC7378211† 253.70 169.30 1-1/2 3/4 3-1/2 BC7378221† 301.60 201.20 BC7378226† 301.60 †Straight shank with tang drive. 201.20 Order No. Regular Price 1/8 3/32 1/4 3/8 1/2 SD42 SD41 SD1 SD3 SD5 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2-5/16 2-7/16 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 FP50SD42D FP50SD41D FP50SD1D FP50SD3D FP50SD5D 10.40 8.20 16.00 18.30 25.90 6.90 5.45 10.65 12.15 17.15 Cutter Dia. (in.) Burr No. OAL (in.) Shank Size (in.) Order No. Regular Price SALE 1/8 3/32 1/4 3/8 1/2 SA43 SA42 SA1 SA3 SA5 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2-3/4 3 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 FP50SA43D FP50SA42D FP50SA1D FP50SA3D FP50SA5D 10.40 10.40 16.55 23.20 26.70 6.90 6.90 11.00 15.40 17.70 Cutter Dia. (in.) Burr No. OAL (in.) Shank Size (in.) Order No. Regular Price SALE 1/4 3/8 1/2 SB1 SB3 SB5 2 2-3/4 3 1/4 1/4 1/4 FP50SB1D FP50SB3D FP50SB5D 14.25 25.10 29.15 9.45 16.65 19.30 Cutter Dia. (in.) Burr No. OAL (in.) Shank Size (in.) Order No. Regular Price SALE 1/8 3/32 1/4 3/8 1/2 SC42 SC41 SC1 SC3 SC5 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2-3/4 3 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 FP50SC42D FP50SC41D FP50SC1D FP50SC3D FP50SC5D 10.40 10.40 14.75 19.40 26.70 SALE Order No. Cutter Dia. (in.) Burr No. OAL (in.) Shank Size (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1/4 3/8 1/2 SL1 SL3 SL4 2 3-3/16 3-1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 FP50SL1D FP50SL3D FP50SL4D 16.55 25.35 32.60 SALE Shape - Cylindrical Radius End Uncoated Regular Price Regular Price 6.90 6.90 9.80 12.90 17.70 SALE 90° .005 .062 1-1/2 GE2010020 20.65 12.80 GE2010000 16.00 9.95 1/8 90° .010 .058 1-1/2 GE2010025 20.65 12.80 GE2010005 16.00 9.95 3/16 90° .005 .093 GE2010030 25.90 16.05 GE2010010 20.90 12.95 1/4 .005 .125 2-1/2 GE2010035 36.70 22.75 GE2010015 29.80 18.45 90° Order No. Shape - Cylindrical End Cut 1/8 2 Shank Size (in.) CT679 Ɣ Designed for milling legible part numbers where ¿ne detail of character is not necessary Ɣ Burr free 2 Àute cutting design has improved strength over single point engravers Ɣ Eccentric relief improves durability over half round style engravers Ɣ Requires less RPM than half round engravers OAl OAL (in.) Shape - Cylindrical 2 Flute, Solid Carbide Marking Cutters - 90° Angle AlTiN Burr No. SALE 16.75 BC7378061 32.60 BC7378086 Web Drill Thick- Flute Dia. Angle ness Length Cutter Dia. (in.) Shape - Taper Radius End CT713 SALE 11.00 16.80 21.60 CT738 Solid Carbide Split End Engraving Blanks Single End or Double End 30° Shank Dia. (in.) OAL (in.) Split Length (in.) 1/4 1/8 3/16 3/8 5/16 2-1/2 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 1/2 3/8 7/16 1/2 1/2 Double End Regular Order No. Price SALE 60° Single End Regular Order No. Price SALE Double End Regular Order No. Price SALE DD5710035 35.65 23.80 DD5710034 26.15 17.45 DD5710026 6.70 DD5710020 DD5710029 16.60 11.10 DD5710028 10.00 DD5710032 22.40 14.95 DD5710031 15.25 10.20 DD5710023 DD5710039 - 35.65 16.60 22.40 56.30 - 23.80 11.10 14.95 37.55 - 90° Single End Regular Order No. Price SALE DD5710025 DD5710040 DD5710022 DD5710038 - Double End Regular Order No. Price SALE Order No. Single End Regular Price SALE 26.15 17.45 DD5710005 35.65 23.80 DD5710004 10.05 6.75 DD5710001 16.60 11.10 DD5710000 15.25 10.20 DD5710003 22.40 14.95 DD5710002 43.10 28.75 DD5710009 56.30 37.55 DD5710008 DD5710007 46.85 31.30 DD5710006 26.15 10.00 15.25 43.10 33.60 17.45 6.70 10.20 28.75 22.45 CT726 14 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 CUTTING TOOLS Boring Heads - Model “CB” Drill Blanks - Fractional High Speed Steel Ɣ Generous bearing surface for heavy roughing cuts and accurate ¿nish cuts Ɣ Clearly graduatd lead screw Ɣ Compact design for greater rigidity Ɣ Threaded back for interchangeable shank Ɣ The CB-202 comes in two hole sizes to take either a 1/2“ or 3/8“ boring tool Ɣ The CB-203 takes 3/4“ diameter tools Ɣ The CB-204 takes 1“ diameter tools Ɣ Features direct dial screws Ɣ Bright ¿nish Ɣ Hardened and ground Ɣ Often also used as gages to check hole size and drill bushing sizes Ɣ They can be used as guide pins or die sets, or modi¿ed as punches Drill Blanks Tolerance: +.0000 - .0003 Sizes Over 1/2“ +.0000 - .0005 Head Dia. (in.) OAL (in.) Bar Dia. (in.) Offset or Travel Thread Order No. Regular Price 2 2 3 4 2-13/32 2-13/32 3-5/32 3-3/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 5/8 5/8 1 1-5/8 7/8-20 7/8-20 1-1/2-18 1-1/2-18 GE60CB202A GE60CB202B GE60CB203D GE60CB204E 449.15 449.15 637.60 909.85 SALE 406.70 406.70 577.30 823.85 C275 Shanks & Adapters for “CB” Boring Heads Size (in.) Decimal Equiv. OAL (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1/32 1/16 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 9/32 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 1 .0312 .0625 .0938 .1250 .1562 .1875 .2188 .2500 .2812 .3125 .3750 .4375 .5000 .5625 .6250 .7500 1.0000 1-3/8 1-7/8 2-1/4 2-3/4 3 3-1/2 3-3/4 4 4-1/4 4-1/2 5 5-1/2 6 6 6 6 6 AY50002 AY50004 AY50006 AY50008 AY50010 AY50012 AY50014 AY50016 AY50018 AY50020 AY50024 AY50028 AY50032 AY50036 AY50040 AY50048 AY50100 1.70 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.55 2.75 3.70 4.50 5.20 5.95 8.60 12.45 15.50 24.95 28.70 38.30 61.40 50 SALE 0.80 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.80 2.15 2.50 2.85 4.10 5.95 7.40 11.90 13.70 18.30 29.30 CT606 Chucking Reamer Sets In Vinyl Roll Pouch Thread Size - 1-1/2-8 Shank Style Order No. Regular Price 3/4“ Round, Straight Shank 1-1/4“ Round, Straight Shank 1-1/2“ Round, Straight Shank R8 GE6020015 GE6020065 GE6020059 GE6020063 75.40 107.30 107.65 132.00 SALE 68.30 97.15 97.50 119.50 Thread Size - 7/8-20 Shank Style Order No. Regular Price 3/4“ Round, Straight Shank 1“ Round, Straight Shank GE6020034 GE6020061 53.00 53.00 SALE 48.00 48.00 Ɣ High speed steel Ɣ Straight shank Ɣ Straight Àute No. of Reamers Set Range Order No. Regular Price 14 25 25 26 30 .1240 - .5010 Over/Under Size 1/8“ - 1/2“ by 64ths 1mm - 13mm by .5mm A - Z Letter Size #1 - #30 Wire Gage Size BD60110 BD60150 BD60170 BD60130 BD60120 138.45 254.50 266.95 267.15 274.20 SALE 79.20 145.55 152.70 152.80 156.80 C274 CT091 Solid Carbide Carbide Tipped Boring Bar Sets Chucking Reamers Ɣ Grade C-6 carbide for general purpose use in steel and steel alloys Ɣ Set includes short, medium, and long length bars for each minimum bore diameter Ɣ Straight shank Ɣ Straight Àute Ɣ Excellent for general purpose reaming of ferrous metals, & for many non-ferrous and non-metallic materials Ɣ 4 Flutes for sizes 1/4“ & smaller Ɣ 6 Flutes for sizes over 1/4“ 50 Shank Dia. (in.) Set Includes Order No. Regular Price 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 9 9 12 12 GA51KBS375 GA51KBS500 GA51KBS625 GA51KBS750 31.70 54.40 100.50 124.80 SALE 15.10 25.95 47.90 59.50 C116 Size (in.) Flute Length (in.) OAL (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1/16 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 9/32 5/16 11/32 3/8 7/16 1/2 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 3 3-1/4 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-1/2 4 4 BG50004 BG50006 BG50008 BG50010 BG50012 BG50014 BG50016 BG50018 BG50020 BG50022 BG50024 BG50028 BG50032 19.80 22.10 24.40 31.40 35.50 43.50 44.50 57.50 62.75 71.10 77.65 107.40 137.80 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 35 SALE 12.25 13.70 15.10 19.45 22.00 26.95 27.60 35.65 38.90 44.05 48.10 66.55 85.40 CT264 15 WORKHOLDING Vertical Hold Down Action Clamps Ɣ Ideal for all sectors in which work is performed with holding capacities of up to 1200 lbs. Ɣ Applications include assembly, drilling, testing, gluing, and other processing operations Ɣ Oil-resistant ergo-handle for easy operations Ɣ 4-Bar styles include spindle Àanged-washer and nuts Ɣ Solid-bar includes bolt retainer that can be welded to bar 202 207U 207UB Bar - Solid Base Holding Capacity Bar Opening Accessory Fastener included (see below for details†) A (in.) B (in.) B1 (in.) B2 (in.) C (in.) OD (in.) H (in.) L (in.) L1 (in.) M (in.) Order No. Regular Price Flanged Flanged Flanged Flanged Flanged Flanged Flanged Flanged Flanged Straight 1000 lbs 200 lbs 200 lbs 375 lbs 500 lbs 500 lbs 500 lbs 750 lbs 750 lbs 500 lbs 136° 104° 104° 185° 115° 115° 115° 103° 106° 100° Without Spindle 202208-M M6 x 1.00 (T) 202208-M M6 x 1.00 (T) Bolt Retainer Clip Without Spindle Without Spindle Without Spindle Without Spindle Without Spindle Without Spindle 1.25 .50 .50 .63 .75 .75 .75 1.25 1.25 .75 1.78 1.06 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.75 1.78 1.25 2.53 1.56 1.50 1.75 1.75 2.50 2.53 1.70 .25 .25 - 2.00 1.13 .94 2.69 1.55 1.25 1.25 1.68 1.67 1.25 .34 .22 .22 .27 .28 .28 .28 .33 .33 .28 8.69 4.40 4.21 5.54 7.48 6.89 6.89 8.15 8.15 6.90 6.87 2.31 2.31 6.57 5.02 5.02 3.75 6.61 5.53 4.58 4.87 1.31 1.31 3.20 3.45 3.45 2.19 3.56 3.63 3.45 M12 M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 M12 M12 M8 MA50247S MA50202B MA50202 MA50317S MA50207LB MA50207L MA50207S MA50210SR MA50210S MA50207LR 54.85 20.35 16.50 32.50 26.45 25.15 22.15 99.30 36.10 65.81 Base Holding Capacity Bar Opening Accessory Fastener included (see below for details†) A (in.) B (in.) B1 (in.) SALE 47.10 17.50 14.20 27.90 22.75 21.55 19.00 85.20 31.05 56.50 Bar - U-Shape B2 (in.) C (in.) OD (in.) H (in.) L (in.) L1 (in.) M (in.) Order No. Regular Price Flanged 100 lbs 110° 305208-M M4 x 0.7 .63 .94 1.31 .63 Flanged 1000 lbs 136° 247208-M M12 x 1.75 1.25 1.78 2.53 2.00 Flanged 1200 lbs 140° 267203-M M16 x 5.12 2.00 2.75 3.75 3.08 Flanged 200 lbs 104° 202208-M M6 x 1.00 .50 1.06 1.56 .94 Flanged 200 lbs 104° 202208-M M6 x 1.00 .50 1.06 1.56 .94 Flanged 375 lbs 100° 225208-M M8 x 1.25 .75 1.25 1.25 Flanged 375 lbs 100° 225208-M M8 x 1.25 .75 1.25 1.70 1.25 Flanged 375 lbs 100° 225208-M M8 x 1.25 .75 1.25 1.75 1.25 Flanged 375 lbs 185° 507208-M M8 x 1.25 .63 1.00 1.50 2.68 Flanged 600 lbs 100° 240208-M M10 x 1.50 1.25 1.75 2.50 1.68 Flanged 600 lbs 106° 240208-M M10 x 1.50 1.25 1.78 2.53 1.67 Straight 100 lbs 110° 305208-M M4 x 0.7 .63 .16 .88 Straight 200 lbs 104° 202208-M M6 x 1.00 .50 .24 1.13 Straight 375 lbs 100° 225208-M M8 x 1.25 .75 .25 1.55 Straight 375 lbs 100° 225208-M M8 x 1.25 .75 .25 1.55 Straight 600 lbs 106° 247208-M M10 x 1.50 1.25 .31 2.19 (T) Flanged washer not included † U-bar style comes with spindle, nuts and Áanged-washer, solid bar comes with bolt retainer clip .17 .34 .48 .22 .22 .28 .28 .28 .27 .33 .33 .17 .22 .28 .28 .33 3.03 8.69 11.88 4.21 4.21 6.89 6.90 6.89 5.64 8.15 8.15 3.13 4.40 7.48 7.48 8.16 2.02 6.87 8.92 2.73 3.27 5.41 4.58 3.68 5.90 6.72 5.54 2.02 2.73 3.68 5.41 5.54 1.02 4.87 5.92 1.73 2.27 3.85 2.09 2.15 2.53 3.66 3.63 1.02 1.73 2.15 3.85 3.63 M5 M12 M16 M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 M8 M10 M10 M5 M6 M8 M8 M10 MA50201U MA50247U MA50267U MA50202U MA50202UL MA50207UL MA50207UR MA50207U MA50317U MA50210UR MA50210U MA50201UB MA50202UB MA50207UB MA50207ULB MA50210UB 15.75 47.35 76.30 16.50 19.15 22.50 66.02 21.60 34.10 96.05 32.25 26.23 20.35 35.67 36.40 57.25 WH638 215UB 217U Horizontal Clamps 305U Ɣ Used in drilling, testing, gluing and other processing applications. Ɣ Suitable for use in welding, ¿xtures, in gauge manufacturing as well as in the woodworking industry. Bar Style Base Solid Flanged Solid Flanged U-Shape Flanged U-Shape Flanged U-Shape Flanged U-Shape Flanged U-Shape Flanged U-Shape Flanged U-Shape Flanged U-Shape Flanged U-Shape Flanged U-Shape Flanged U-Shape Flanged U-Shape Flanged to Right U-Shape Flanged to Right U-Shape Straight 215U Holding Bar Capacity Opening Spindle Assembly Included with Flanged washer A (in.) B (in.) B2 (in.) B3 (in.) C (in.) H (in.) 200 lbs 60 lbs 150 lbs 150 lbs 200 lbs 200 lbs 350 lbs 500 lbs 500 lbs 60 lbs 750 lbs 750 lbs 750 lbs 500 lbs 750 lbs 200 lbs 1.00 .19 .88 .44 .16 .62 .53 .23 .75 .53 .25 .63 1.00 .19 .88 1.03 .21 1.12 .91 .40 1.14 1.00 .25 .88 1.02 .28 1.24 .44 .16 .62 1.63 .37 1.63 1.61 .31 1.69 1.38 1.50 1.00 .25 .88 1.63 .37 1.63 1.00 .19 - .20 .20 .17 .06 .12 .10 .17 .08 .30 .34 - 1.03 .36 .65 .48 1.00 .92 .89 1.31 1.25 .31 1.75 1.67 1.31 1.32 1.70 1.28 1.53 5.50 1/4 .67 2.78 #10 1.40 4.06 #10 1.43 2.21 #10 1.53 5.50 1/4 1.95 7.00 1/4 2.36 3.61 5/16 1.84 6.81 5/16 2.40 7.50 5/16 .67 2.65 #10 2.55 10.87 3/8 3.18 11.00 3/8 3.53 5.19 3/8-16 1.92 7.14 5/16 2.56 10.87 3/8 1.78 5.50 1/4 90° 90° 90° 92° 90° 92° 92° 90° 92° 90° 90° 92° 92° 90° 90° 90° (202208-M) 6mm-1.00 x 44mm Flat Tip (205208-M) 4mm-.07 x 32mm Flat Tip (213208-M) 5mm-0.8 x 34mm Flat Tip (MA50-305208-M) 5mm-0.8 x 29mm Flat Tip (202208-M) 6mm-1.00 x 44mm Flat Tip (202208-M) 6mm-1.00 x 44mm Flat Tip (MA50-307208-M) 8mm-1.25 x 43mm Flat Tip (225208-M) 8mm-1.25 x 53mm Flat Tip (225208-M) 8mm-1.25 x 53mm Flat Tip (205208-M) 4mm-.07 x 32mm Flat Tip (MA50-240208-M) 10mm-1.50 x 79mm Flat Tip (MA50-240208-M) 10mm-1.50 x 79mm Flat Tip MA50-309208 (225208-M) 8mm-1.25 x 53mm Flat Tip (MA50-240208-M) 10mm-1.50 x 79mm Flat Tip (202208-M) 6mm-1.00 x 44mm Flat Tip SALE 13.55 40.60 65.50 14.20 16.45 19.30 56.70 18.55 29.35 82.40 27.70 22.55 17.50 30.65 22.35 49.15 A3 (in.) L (in.) M (in.) Order No. Regular Price MA50215S MA50205S MA50213U MA50305U MA50215U MA50217U MA50307U MA50225U MA50227U MA50205U MA50235U MA50237U MA50309U MA50225UR MA50235UR MA50215UB 29.10 12.20 15.95 15.55 16.45 21.20 23.85 18.80 23.35 12.20 32.50 39.40 55.33 62.38 102.31 29.59 SALE 25.00 10.45 13.75 13.40 14.10 18.25 20.50 16.15 20.05 10.45 27.90 33.85 47.45 53.55 87.80 25.40 WH639 16 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 WORKHOLDING CAT40/CAT50 ER Collet Holders, Endmill Holders, Shell Endmill Holders Collet Holders: Ɣ Produced accrding to AT3 speci¿catins Ɣ Collet seat taper T.I.R. <0.0002“ Ɣ Through the spindle coolant capability Ɣ Dynamically balanced to G6.5 @ 15,000 RPM Shell Endmill Holders: Ɣ Produced according to AT3 speci¿cations Ɣ Shell endmill pilot T.I.R. <0.0002“ Ɣ Through the spindle coolant capability 132.45 121.70 116.65 116.65 132.45 170.25 Shank Order No. Regular Price CAT40 CAT40 CAT40 CAT40 CAT50 CAT50 CAT50 CAT50 CAT50 CAT50 CAT50 TS1121111 TS1121123 TS1121128 TS1121138 TS1122103 TS1122104 TS1122105 TS1122106 TS1122107 TS1122111 TS1122120 100.90 122.95 100.90 119.85 151.30 173.40 173.40 173.40 151.30 163.90 173.40 Order No. SALE 85.60 79.85 90.60 89.70 87.80 119.45 SALE 68.90 82.30 73.15 79.25 120.20 122.45 144.60 138.75 121.70 121.70 136.80 Regular Price CAT40 TS1121507 CAT40 TS1121508 CAT40 TS1121509 CAT50 TS1122515 Available while supplies last. SALE 101.90 97.55 99.65 145.65 151.30 141.85 151.30 182.85 WH648 Fly Cutter Set Ɣ Uses standard tool bit (not included) Ɣ Makes wider cuts than end mills Ɣ Faster speeds and better ¿nishes Ɣ Shank size 3/4“ Ɣ Tool bit size: 3/16, 1/4, 5/16“ Type - T-Handle Clamp Max. Opening Throat Depth Closed Depth (in.) (in.) (in.) 1/2 1-1/4 1-3/4 3-3/8 5-1/4 7 Clamping Pressure Order No. Regular Price 350 lbs 800 lbs 1500 lbs 2000 lbs 2500 lbs 6000 lbs SE64401 SE64405 SE64410 SE64420 SE64430 SE64440 18.20 22.00 31.35 51.15 148.05 231.45 15.35 18.60 26.60 43.35 125.40 196.05 SALE 1-13/16 3-13/16 5-1/2 7 Clamping Pressure Order No. Regular Price 700 lbs 1700 lbs 2000 lbs 3500 lbs SE64407 SE64415 SE64421 SE64435 24.20 33.55 55.80 208.55 Order No. Regular Price GB50007 34.85 Ɣ Body dia: 1-3/8, 2, 2-1/2“ Ɣ Sets have three holders SALE 27.10 20.50 28.40 47.20 176.65 Double Bearing Live Centers Ɣ 60° Included Angle Ɣ Medium duty for general shop applications Point Diameter (in.) Mount Radial Load (lbs.) Order No. Regular Price 25/32 15/16 1-1/16 1-7/32 1-1/2 1 MT 2 MT 3 MT 4 MT 5 MT 556 lbs 756 lbs 858 lbs 1051 lbs 1397 lbs HK28R1 HK28R2 HK28R3 HK28R4 HK28R5 87.85 99.65 116.20 132.65 217.60 52 Pc. Clamping Kit Triple Bearing Live Centers Sets Contains: Ɣ 4 Coupling nuts Ɣ 6 T-slot nuts Ɣ 24 Studs ( 4 ea: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8“) Ɣ 6 Serrated end clamps Ɣ 6 Flange nuts Ɣ 6 Step blocks Ɣ Fitted plastic rack Ɣ UPS Dimensional Weight shipping rates apply Order No. Regular Price 98.20 SALE 58.60 66.50 77.50 88.45 145.20 WH509 CF309 SG6012625CK F.O.B. Warren, MI WH162 SALE Type - T-Handle Deep Throat Clamp Max. Opening Throat Depth Closed Depth (in.) (in.) (in.) 2 2-1/4 4-1/2 6 TS1021203 TS1021208 TS1021210 TS1021213 TS1021214 TS1022210 Type - V-Flange Shell End Mill Holder Clamps 2-1/2 4-1/2 6 10 Regular Price CAT40 CAT40 CAT40 CAT40 CAT40 CAT40 Shank Ɣ Lightweight and 40% stronger than c-clamps Ɣ Floating jaws stay parallel & eliminate distorting or twisting action Ɣ Cantilever action provides 4:1 ratio Ɣ Built in “V” blocks for holding round or rod stick Ɣ Copper plated jaws and screws, ideal for welding 3/8 1-1/8 1-1/4 2-1/8 3-3/8 12 Order No. Type - V-Flange End Mill Holder Endmill Holders: Ɣ Produced according to AT3 speci¿cations Ɣ Endmill socket T.I.R. <0.0002“ Ɣ Throught the spindle coolant capability Ɣ Hole diameters are made in H5 class Ɣ Dynamically balanced to G6.3 @ 15,000 RPM 1 2 3 6 9 12 Type - V-Flange Collet Chuck Shank Ɣ Labyrinth packing and oil seal Ɣ Preloaded triple bearings Ɣ Running-in period of approximately 250 hours SALE 85.35 Point Diameter (in.) Mount Radial Load (lbs.) Order No. Regular Price .669 .870 1.180 1.370 1.770 2.36 1 MT 2 MT 3 MT 4 MT 5 MT 6 MT 200 lbs 600 lbs 900 lbs 1800 lbs 3000 lbs 7500 lbs HK28RM1 HK28RM2 HK28RM3 HK28RM4 HK28RM5 HK28RM6 96.00 120.70 138.05 160.00 277.10 575.10 WH317 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 64.05 80.55 92.15 106.75 184.85 383.70 WH510 17 WORKHOLDING Key CAD-DE Heavy Duty Plain Bearing Chuck Ɣ HK53-CD1: Keys ¿t 100 different models of chucks: 3/8, 1/2, & 5/8“ capacities Ɣ HK53-CD2: Keys ¿t 127 different models of chucks: 1/4, 3/8 & 1/2“ capacities For Use With #1/K1, TB1/KG1, T4/K7, TB13/KK; Hardware & Industrial Chucks T6/K3, T5/K32, #2/K32, #13/K30, Industrial Chucks Taper Mounted Order No. Regular Price SALE HK53CD2 39.00 27.55 HK53CD1 44.20 31.25 WH163 Drill Chucks with Shank & Key Ɣ Jaws center ground for absolute straightness and alignment Ɣ One piece sleeve eliminates crack between driving teeth, often found in other designs Ɣ Through hardened sleeve teeth, plus hardened nose and keyholes provide outstanding wear resistance Ɣ Each chuck 100% inspected for performance and precision Ɣ T.I.R .004“ maximum at half capacity Ɣ Fluted sleeve standard except Model 34-33C, which is smooth and ground Ɣ (2) Equipped with positive drive slot Ɣ (3) Equipped with pin type positive drive Ɣ (4) Equipped with locking collar - 1-1/16-20 thread, smooth sleeve Type - Heavy Duty Plain Bearing Drill Chuck Model No. Capacity (in.) Shank Order No. Regular Price DC1234 DC12R8 DC3434A DC343A DC34R8A 1/32 - 1/2 1/32 - 1/2 3/16 - 3/4 3/16 - 3/4 3/16 - 3/4 3/4 SS R8 3/4 SS 3MT R8 HK55DC1234 HK55DC12R8 HK55DC3434A HK55DC343A HK55DC34R8A 41.00 41.00 56.85 56.85 56.85 SALE 25.25 24.40 36.15 37.25 45.15 WH643 Plain Bearing Drill Chucks with Key Style - Heavy Duty Jacobs Taper Capacity (in.) Capacity (mm) Mount Key Order No. Regular Price SALE L40116B L40117B L40118B L40131B .059 - .512 .059 - .512 .059 - .512 .031 - .394 1.5-13.0 1.5-13.0 1.5-13.0 0.8-10.0 HK85L40116B HK85L40117B HK85L40118B HK85L40131B Style - Heavy Duty Threaded Mount 97.35 78.30 126.50 101.65 101.15 81.35 94.80 76.20 Model No. Capacity (in.) Capacity (mm) Order No. Regular Price Order No. Regular Price SALE HK85L40113B HK85L40120B HK85L40129B HK85L40130B HK85L40132B HK85L40133B HK85L40134B Style - Medium Duty Threaded Mount 151.75 121.95 189.70 152.50 82.20 66.10 69.50 55.90 105.00 84.40 110.05 88.40 107.50 86.40 Capacity (mm) Regular Price SALE L40124B L40125B L40139B .031 - .236 .031 - .394 .031 - .394 0.8-6.0 0.8-10.0 0.8-10.0 Model No. Capacity (in.) Capacity (mm) L40113B L40120B L40129B L40130B L40132B L40133B L40134B .059 - .630 .125 - .75 .020 - .157 .031 - .236 .031 - .394 .031 - .394 .059 - .512 Model No. Capacity (in.) L40123B L40126B L40127B L40128B L40137B L40138B L40140B L40142B L40143B L40144B L40145B 18 .059 - .630 .059 - .630 .118 - .787 .118 - .787 .020 - .157 .031 - .236 .031 - .394 .031 - .394 .059 - .512 .059 - .512 .059 - .512 2JT 6JT 33JT 2JT Mount Key CK4 HK85L40124B K34 HK85L40125B K34 HK85L40139B Style - Medium Duty Jacobs Taper 1.5-16.0 3.0-20.0 0.5-4.0 0.8-6.5 0.8-10.0 0.8-10.0 1.5-13.0 1.5-16.0 1.5-16.0 3.0-20.0 3.0-20.0 0.5-4.0 0.8-6.5 0.8-10.0 0.8-10.0 1.5-13.0 1.5-13.0 1.5-13.0 3/8-24 1/2-20 3/8-24 K3 K3 K3 K34 Mount Key 3JT 3JT 0JT 1JT 1JT 2JT 33JT K3 K4 K0 CK4 K34 K34 K2 Mount Key 5/8-16 1/2-20 3/4-16 5/8-16 5/16-24 3/8-24 3/8-24 1/2-20 1/2-20 3/8-24 5/8-16 K3 K3 K4 K4 K0 CK4 K34 K34 K2 K2 K2 Order No. HK85L40123B HK85L40126B HK85L40127B HK85L40128B HK85L40137B HK85L40138B HK85L40140B HK85L40142B HK85L40143B HK85L40144B HK85L40145B Capacity (in.) Mount Key Used Order No. Regular Price 34-02 34-06 34-33 34-33C(4) 3A 3KD(2) 3PD(3) 36 36KD(2) .040 - 1/2 .040 - 1/2 .040 - 1/2 .040 - 1/2 1/8 - 5/8 1/8 - 5/8 1/8 - 5/8 .180 - .800 .180 - .800 2JT 6JT 33JT 33JT 3JT 3JT 3JT 3JT 3JT K3 K3 K3 K3C K3 K3 K3 K4 K4 HK5014442 HK506295 HK5014445 HK5014451 HK506223 HK506228 HK506230 HK506309 HK5014865 125.25 166.35 141.65 130.85 199.50 265.25 309.95 250.25 241.25 Model No. Capacity (in.) Mount Key Used Order No. Regular Price 0 1A 2A 3326A 33 33KD(3) .135 - 5/32 .040 - 1/4 .040 - 3/8 .080 - 1/2 .080 - 1/2 .080 - 1/2 0JT 1JT 2JT 5/8 Straight 33JT 33JT K0 K1 K2 K32 K32 K32 HK506200 HK506206 HK506214 HK506291 HK506279 HK506281 109.40 89.00 122.00 173.15 136.40 151.90 SALE 118.50 157.35 133.90 123.75 188.65 250.80 293.05 236.65 228.10 Type - Medium Duty Plain Bearing Drill Chuck Ɣ The one-piece gear ring and sleeve eliminates the possibility of the teeth breaking Ɣ The jaws, gear ring and body are totally hardened to avoid wear and lengthen the life of the drill chuck Ɣ Fits tools up to 19mm in diameter (3/4“) Ɣ Machine ¿tting via JACOBS tapers and threaded mounts Model No. Model No. 88.55 101.15 88.55 SALE 103.40 84.15 115.35 163.70 128.95 143.60 WH641 Straight & Taper Shank Arbors SALE 71.15 81.35 71.15 158.10 127.10 113.80 91.50 221.35 177.90 234.00 188.10 101.15 81.35 69.50 55.90 82.20 66.10 107.50 86.40 94.80 76.20 101.20 81.35 94.80 76.20 WH642 Shank Style - Taper Shank Style - Straight Jacobs Shank Taper 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1 1JT 2JT 33JT 3JT 4JT 6JT 1JT 2JT 33JT 3JT 6JT 2JT 33JT 3JT 4JT 6JT 33JT 3JT 4JT 6JT Order No. Regular Price GN53121 GN53122 GN531233 GN53123 GN53124 GN53126 GN53581 GN53582 GN535833 GN53583 GN53586 GN53342 GN533433 GN53343 GN53344 GN53346 GN531033 GN53103 GN53104 GN53106 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 SALE 3.55 3.55 3.55 4.10 4.60 3.55 3.40 3.40 3.40 4.30 3.40 4.85 4.85 4.85 6.10 4.85 7.50 7.50 7.05 8.85 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 Jacobs Shank Taper Order No. Regular Price 1MT 1MT 1MT 1MT 2MT 2MT 2MT 2MT 2MT 3MT 3MT 3MT 3MT 3MT 4MT 4MT 4MT 4MT 5MT GN5311 GN5312 GN53133 GN5316 GN5321 GN5322 GN53233 GN5323 GN5326 GN5332 GN53333 GN5333 GN5334 GN5336 GN53433 GN5343 GN5344 GN5346 GN5354 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 7.05 7.65 7.05 7.05 7.65 12.05 12.05 12.05 12.05 19.35 1JT 2JT 33JT 6JT 1JT 2JT 33JT 3JT 6JT 2JT 33JT 3JT 4JT 6JT 33JT 3JT 4JT 6JT 4JT SALE 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.90 3.90 3.90 4.00 3.90 5.95 5.95 5.95 6.10 5.95 8.05 8.05 8.05 8.05 13.40 WH600 WORKHOLDING Slim Standard, Slim Extended, Slim Extended ProÀled Live Centers 3-Jaw Scroll Chucks with 2 Sets of Solid Jaws Ɣ Splash water groove Ɣ Improved lubrication Ɣ Close toleranced bearing seat Ɣ Slim housing Ɣ Body hardened and ground Ɣ Centre hardened Ɣ Triple bearing method Ɣ High runout accuracy Ɣ Plain back Ɣ New Surplus Ɣ Life-time lubrication Ɣ High speeds Ɣ Heavy duty Ɣ Long life Chuck Size (in.) Hole Size Order No. Regular Price 3 4 6 8 .629 .787 1.653 2.165 HK35303 HK35304 HK35306 HK35308 153.60 201.00 281.60 314.90 Style - Slim Standard Mount 2 MT 3 MT 4 MT 5 MT 6 MT Max. RPM Max. Workpiece Weight (lbs) 7000 7000 6300 4300 3000 200 400 800 1600 3500 Order No. Regular Price HK805336 HK805429 HK805469 HK805490 HK805547 2 MT 3 MT 4 MT 5 MT Max. RPM Max. Workpiece Weight (lbs) 7000 7000 6300 4300 50 100 150 180 Order No. HK801241695 HK801243505 HK801243507 HK801243509 412.20 435.20 468.50 638.75 1998.10 353.60 373.35 401.90 547.90 1714.00 Regular Price SALE 3-Jaw Scroll Chucks with 2 Pc. Top Reversible Jaws Flat (Plain) Back & Direct Mount Ɣ New Surplus 494.10 508.20 545.30 761.60 423.85 435.95 467.75 653.35 Regular Price SALE Style - Slim Extended Mount 2 MT 3 MT 4 MT 5 MT 6 MT Max. RPM Max. Workpiece Weight (lbs) 7000 7000 6300 4300 3000 170 340 700 1400 3000 Order No. HK80362080 HK80362081 HK80362082 HK80362083 HK80362084 WH645 SALE Style - Slim Extended ProÀled Mount SALE 125.50 164.25 230.10 257.25 440.35 449.30 476.20 668.20 2231.05 377.75 385.40 408.50 573.20 1913.85 WH602 Lathe Chuck Adapter Plates Chuck Size (in.) Mount Order No. Regular Price 6 8 10 12 15 20 Plain Back D-4 Plain Back Plain Back Plain Back Plain Back HK35306TJ HK35308D4 HK35310TJ HK35312TJ HK35315TJ HK35320TJ 344.35 484.55 457.00 1162.25 1262.10 1548.80 SALE 281.35 395.90 373.35 949.55 1031.10 1265.40 WH647 4-Jaw Independent Lathe Chucks Ɣ Semi-Finished Ɣ “D” Type Ɣ Cast-Iron Camlock Adapter Plates Ɣ With Thru Hole Ɣ Available while supplies last!! with Solid Reversible Jaws Ɣ Flat (Plain) Back and Direct Mount Ɣ New Surplus Ɣ While Supplies Last For Chuck Size (in.) Mount Order No. Regular Price 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 12 D-4 D-5 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-3 D-8 D-11 D-5 D-6 D-8 HK35AP6D4 HK35AP6D5 HK35AP8D4 HK35AP8D5 HK35AP8D6 HK35AP10D3 HK35AP10D8 HK35AP12D11 HK35AP12D5 HK35AP12D6 HK35AP12D8 161.30 222.75 194.30 337.95 380.20 337.95 414.75 896.00 506.90 506.90 599.05 SALE 131.80 182.00 158.80 276.10 310.65 276.10 338.80 732.00 414.15 414.15 489.40 Chuck Size (in.) Mount Order No. Regular Price 3 6 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 12 16 Plain Back Plain Back D-5 Plain Back A-6 D-4 D-5 Plain Back A-6 Plain Back D-8 HK35403 HK35406 HK35408D5 HK35408 HK35410A6 HK35410D4 HK35410D5 HK35410 HK35412A6 HK35412 HK35416D8 185.60 258.60 286.10 366.10 343.05 361.00 361.00 299.20 440.35 256.00 637.45 WH644 SALE 151.65 211.25 233.75 299.10 280.30 294.95 294.95 244.45 359.75 209.20 549.00 WH646 American Standard Tongue & Groove Medium Duty Soft Jaws Ɣ For: Bergman, Bison, Buck, Cushman, Huron, Rohm, Forkhardt, Pratt Burnerd America, SCA, S.P., W&W, Nobel & Yuasa Ɣ Made from mild 1018 steel Chuck Size (in.) A (in.) C (in.) E (in.) F (in.) J (in.) B (in.) Standard Height Order No. Regular Price 6 2-5/8 1-1/4 .500 1.500 1-1/8 1-5/8 HF70HR447 6 3-3/16 1-1/4 .500 1.500 1-11/16 1-5/8 HF70HR459P 8** 3-1/2 1-1/4 .500 1.750 1-5/8 1-5/8 HF70HR450 8** 3-15/16 1-1/4 .500 1.750 2-1/4 1-5/8 HF70HR462P 10** 4-1/4 1-1/2 .750 2.120 1-15/16 1-7/8 HF70HR452 10** 4-13/16 1-1/2 .750 2.120 2-11/16 1-7/8 HF70HR464P 12** 4-7/8 1-3/4 .750 2.500 2-5/16 2-3/8 HF70HR454 12** 5-3/4 1-3/4 .750 2.500 3-3/8 2-3/8 HF70HR466P 15*** 7-1/4 2 .750 3.000 4-1/2 2-5/16 HF70HR468P 18-21*** 5-5/8 2 .750 3.000 2-3/4 2-5/16 HF70HR457† Aluminum & Offset Pointed available. P=Pointed Jaw **=1/8“ Tongue Height ***=3/16“ Tongue Height †Medium Duty and Heavy Duty Jaws are the Same 17.70 25.15 19.55 27.50 25.10 32.60 27.90 40.45 48.40 48.40 SALE 15.20 21.55 16.80 23.55 21.55 27.95 23.95 34.75 41.50 41.50 B (in.) 3-3/8 3-3/8 3-3/8 3-3/8 3-3/8 3-3/8 3-7/8 3-7/8 3-13/16 3-13/16 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 Order No. Extra Height Regular Price HF70HR471 HF70HR483P HF70HR474 HF70HR486P HF70HR476 HF70HR488P HF70HR478 HF70HR490P HF70HR495P HF70HR481† 29.80 41.90 34.45 44.70 39.05 52.10 50.25 65.10 81.90 83.75 SALE 25.60 35.90 29.55 38.25 33.50 44.65 43.10 55.85 70.15 71.80 WH357 19 MEASURING TOOLS Twin-Cal Electronic Calipers Twin-Cal IP67 Electronic Calipers IP40 Level Protection Ɣ Resolution .0005“ / 0.01mm Ɣ Highest IP67 protection against Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ dust and liquids Largest LCD screen ever with 7/16“ digits More than 12,000 hours battery life (3 years) ABS measuring mode Unique TWIN & LINK wireless connectivity built into every TWIN-CAL caliper Featuring “Soft Touch” for a better grip and maximum sensitivity Stainless steel plate cover with PVD deposit ensuring an optimal protection of the housing Measuring Range Order No. Regular Price 0 - 6 / 0 - 150mm 0 - 6 / 0 - 150mm 0 - 8 / 0 - 200mm 0 - 12 / 0 - 300mm MV4547236 MV4547237 MV4547238 MV4547239 264.95 264.95 367.45 504.55 SALE 227.25 227.25 315.20 460.70 MT1201 TLC-TWIN Wireless Solution Order No. Regular Price MV4547473 MV4547474 MV4547475 MV4547476 197.05 197.05 244.95 378.10 Range Order No. Regular Price 0 - 6 / 0 - 150mm 0 - 12 / 0 - 300mm NA55541011501 NA55541013001 59.40 118.70 SALE 45.35 107.50 Shockproof Dial Calipers with Thumb Roll Description Order No. MV4547428 MV4547429 229.00 291.55 209.10 266.30 MV4547430 319.50 291.80 MV4547431 696.25 MV4531440 981.10 635.75 895.85 MV4531451 2216.45 2023.90 Regular Price SALE Ɣ 4-Way measuring Ɣ Solid stainless steel construction Ɣ Silky smooth movement throughout Ɣ .100“/2mm Range per revolution Ɣ .001“/0.02mm Reading dial face Ɣ Tough shockproof design Ɣ Supplied in shop-hardened case Range (in.) Dial Face Color Order No. Regular Price 0-6 0-6 0-8 0 - 12 White Black White White NA5552008706 NA5552008707 NA5552008708 NA5552008712 92.95 92.95 116.65 154.40 SALE 70.90 70.90 88.95 117.75 MT1217 MT948 Dial Calipers 6Ə IP67 Ultra-Cal V Electronic Caliper 3202 Series Ɣ Graduation: .001“, .100“ per revolution (except 1202F-6) Ɣ 1202F-6 has 1/64“ graduations on the yellow outer scale, and .01“ on the white inner scale Ɣ Sharp, black graduations on the satin ¿nished bar Ɣ Thumb operated adjustment and lock screws Ɣ Anti-backlash control Ɣ Hardened stainless construction Measuring Range Model No. Order No. Regular Price 0-6 0 - 6 Fraction 0-8 0 - 12 3202-6 1202F-6 3202-8 3202-12 MV7061467 MV7068931 MV7061468 MV7061466 134.45 142.45 190.40 276.90 20 SALE 179.95 179.95 223.70 345.25 MT951 TLC-USB Cable TLC-DIGIMATIC Cable TLC-TWIN Emitter-receiver for Brown & Sharpe TWIN Series Measuring Tool TWIN-Station Receiver DataDirect Data Collection and Reporting Software StatExpress Quality Assurance Software 04981002 Range (in.) 0 - 6 / 0 - 150mm 0 - 6 / 0 - 150mm 0 - 8 / 0 - 200mm 0 - 12 / 0 - 300mm Electronic Calipers Model No. 04981001 Model No. 00590092 00590093 00590094 00590095 Ɣ Stainless steel frame Ɣ Large easy-to-read display Ɣ Resolution: .0005“/0.01mm Ɣ Direct inch/metric conversion Ɣ 4-Way measuring Ɣ Complete in case 04760181 04860182 05030012 measuring system Ɣ Stainless steel frame Ɣ Large 7/16“ LCD Ɣ Auto shut-off Ɣ Instant inch/metric conversion Ɣ Depth rod is square (except MV4547473 which is round) Ɣ Uses 3V lithium battery type CR2032 (included) MT1213 Bi-Directional communication between a measuring tool and a computer is easy with these accessories for your TWIN-CAL (Calipers sold separately) TLC-Twin Emitter-Receiver (MV4547430) Ɣ Bi-directional communication between computer workstation and measuring tools equipped with a TLC component Ɣ Range up to 39 feet (12 meters) depending on surroundings Ɣ Swiss made TWIN Station Receiver (MV4547431) Ɣ Connect up to 48 instruments equipped with TLC-TWIN emitter receivers to a single TWIN Station equipped computer Ɣ Connect to a computer through a standard USB port Ɣ Aluminum housing provides optimum protection and durabililty Ɣ Swiss made Data-Direct (MV4531440) and StatExpress (MV4531451) Software Ɣ Use Data-Direct collection and reporting software to transfer measuring data to any interface; data can be customized with date and/or hour and saved in .csv format Ɣ Use StatExpress software to analyze measured results for more advanced quality assurance requirements 04760180 Ɣ Resolution .0005“ / 0.01mm Ɣ Swiss made quality and design Ɣ Built-in TWIN-TLC wireless fuctionality (additional components required) Ɣ IP40 protection from liquids and dust Ɣ Absolute and differential SALE 119.20 126.35 170.65 246.80 MT794 Ɣ IP-67 rating coolant proof Ɣ 4 way measuring: ID, OD, depth and step Ɣ Range: 6“/150mm, max error: .001“/0.02mm Ɣ Resolution and repeatability: .0005“/0.01mm Ɣ Accuracy: .001“/0.02mm Ɣ Direct inch/metric conversion Ɣ Absolute/relative and hold functions Ɣ Direct RS-232 output Ɣ Includes case Ɣ Lifetime Warranty Order No. Regular Price NA5554100067 249.25 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 190.10 MT1147 MEASURING TOOLS Electronic Calipers Absolute Extended Range Electronic Bore Gage Set with Output Ɣ Inch / metric reading with direct conversion Ɣ Resolution: .0005“/0.01mm Ɣ Hardened stainless steel with precision lapped ¿nish Ɣ 4-Way measuring inside & outside measures Ɣ Supplied with storage case Ɣ Replacement battery: KA56ECR2032 Measuring Range Jaw Depth Resolution 0 - 6 / 0 - 150mm Order No. .0005“ / 0.01mm 1-9/16 .0005“ / 0.01mm, 1-9/16 64ths .0005“ / 0.01mm 1-15/16 .0005“ / 0.01mm 2-1/2 0 - 6 / 0 - 150mm 0 - 8 / 0 - 200mm 0 - 12 / 0 - 300mm Regular Price SALE PC20EC061505 80.80 57.80 PC20EC06150F 80.80 57.80 PC20EC082005 PC20EC123005 128.55 190.25 91.90 136.00 MT1273 Bore Gage Set Features: Ɣ Extend range 1.4 to 6” (35mm to 160mm) range covers two of the most popular sets Ɣ Insulated grip Ɣ Carbide anvils and chrome plated handle Ɣ Includes extension holder and ¿tted case Electronic Indicator Features: Ɣ Bar graph and numeric digital display Ɣ Preset with recall Ɣ ABS/INC measurement Ɣ Min/max/TIR Total Range .00005 / 1.4 - 6 0.001mm No. of Pieces Order No. Regular Price 36 Pc. Shop-Blox 81 Pc. Shop-Blox NA5553672036 NA5553672081 362.65 638.10 Order No. Regular Price MT80293-185 300.85 SALE 259.25 456.20 MT955 Order No. Regular Price NA5554225456 263.55 Time needed to measure a multi-stepped cylindrical workpiece (with one hand) 53 sec. 50 ■■ Positioning time ■■ Measuring time 1 revolution of thimble 40 41 sec. 22 sec. 20 10 sec. Spindle feed per revolution Conventional model (MDC) 187.70 MT981 QuantuMike 0.5mm 2.0mm Sets Features: Ɣ Ratchet thimble Ɣ Carbide tipped faces Ɣ Spindle lock Ɣ Insulated grip Ɣ Satin chrome ¿nish Ɣ Case and wrench Ɣ 2“ and Larger supplied with standards 10 12 sec. 12 sec. Conventional model QuantuMike Type - Outside Micrometer 0 SALE 252.40 MT1128 Graduation - .0001 Range (in.) Order No. Regular Price 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 NB60CRM1 NB60CRM2 NB60CRM3 NB60CRM4 NB60CRM5 NB60CRM6 25.50 31.90 34.45 38.30 40.85 44.70 Type - Outside Micrometer 171.45 Order No. Regular Price 0-1 NB60CM001 22.40 MT1279 Order No. Regular Price 0-3 0-4 0-6 NB603CRMS NB604CRMS NB606CRMS 79.05 89.50 205.10 SALE 56.55 68.30 146.60 Graduation - .001 Range (in.) Order No. Regular Price 0-3 NB603CMSX 63.95 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 16.05 Graduation - .0001 Range (in.) Type - Outside Micrometer Set SALE SALE 18.25 22.85 24.65 27.40 29.25 32.00 Graduation - .001 Range (in.) Type - Outside Micrometer Set Ɣ Clamp aperture is 16mm Ɣ Lacquered cast iron base Ɣ Tilt can be locked using a single bolt Ɣ For micrometers up to 300mm as well as other hand-held tools MV4539547 SALE 201.00 Outside Micrometers & Sets Model Number 01.60201 Regular Price PC21EBG14065EM 460.80 329.40 Ɣ Range: 0-6“/0-150mm Ɣ 4“ Base: hardened tool steel, precision ground & microlapped Ɣ Protected to IP54 standards Ɣ Resolution:.00005“/0.001mm Ɣ Direct RS232 output Ɣ Automatic switch off Ɣ Large LCD display Micrometer Stand Order No. 3 SALE MT1238 QuantuMike Digital Outside Micrometer 30 15 Regular Price Coolant, Water & Oil Resistant with CertiÀcate of Calibration Ɣ Inspected according to meet NIST Federal Speci¿catiaon ASME B89.1.9-2002 tolerances on length for inch gage blocks Ɣ Certi¿cate of calibration traceable to NIST Ɣ Tolerances to .00005“ Ɣ In high quality ¿tted wood case Time [s] 60 6 Order No. IP54 Depth Micrometer Rectangular Gage Block Sets Ɣ Range-0-1“ / 0-25mm Ɣ Resolution: 00005“ / 0.001mm Ɣ IP65 waterproof rated-stands up to harsh shop environment Ɣ Quick acting spindle- 2X speed of standard spindle micrometers Ɣ Ratchet thimble ensures repeatable measurements Ɣ Carbide measuring faces for great wear resistance on multiple materials Ɣ Supplied with ¿tted plastic case and certi¿cate of inspection Probe Number of Number of Depth Anvils Spacers Resolution SALE 45.75 MT864 21 MEASURING TOOLS Precision Tool Kit Dial Test Indicators Dial Test Indicator 513-907 Ɣ Graduation: .0005“ Ɣ Range: .030“ Ɣ Dial reading: 0-15-0 Ɣ Jeweled bearings, anti-magnetic Ɣ 3/8“ Stem Ɣ Accepts 3/8“ or 5/32“ holding stems, plus dovetail groove Ɣ 150N Magnetic force Ɣ Two way action - no reversing lever Ɣ Carbide contact point Ɣ Ball bearings and jeweled movement Ɣ Extremely low measuring pressure Ɣ Precise repetitive readings Ɣ Points are interchangeable between .0005“ and .001“ indicators Ɣ Contact point swivels 210° Ɣ Shank diameter - 5/32“ Ɣ Diameter ball - .080“ Indicator Style - Horizontal, Long Range Total Graduation Range (in.) (in.) .001 .0005 .0005 .060 .060 .060 Contact Dial Length Face Dia. (in.) (in.) Model No. 11/16 11/16 11/16 1 1-1/2 1 312B-20 312B-1 312B-2 Order No. Regular Price MV4041682 MV4042775 MV4086150 388.45 384.35 381.55 349.20 345.50 343.00 Order No. Regular Price SALE .0001 .0001 .016 .016 MV4041681 MV4041680 479.70 472.80 Contact Dial Length Face Dia. (in.) (in.) Model No. 11/16 11/16 1 1-1/2 312B-4 312B-3 Regular Price 286.25 431.20 425.00 .001 .0005 .0005 .060 .060 .060 Contact Dial Length Face Dia. (in.) (in.) 11/16 11/16 11/16 1 1 1-1/2 Model No. Order No. Regular Price 312B-20V 312B-2V 312B-1V MV4041687 MV4041686 MV4041685 388.45 402.30 409.20 Order No. Regular Price MT8064PKA075 335.50 SALE 349.20 361.65 367.80 Heavy Duty Magnetic Base & Indicator Set Noga Magnetic Base Ɣ Central locking mechanism Ɣ Powerful - 176 lbs. force on/off magnetic base Ɣ Easy 3-dimensional set-up Procheck AGD 2 Style Dial Indicator Ɣ 0-1“ travel with 0-100 dial and .001“ graduation Ɣ Revolution counter Ɣ Mount with 3/8“ stem or lug back (supplied) 22 Pc. Point Set Ɣ 22 contact points (4-48 thread) Regular Price NB65DG61003DPK 166.35 IDS Digimatic Indicators .0005 / 0.01mm .0005 / 0.01mm 22 Type Order No. Regular Price Flat Back Lug Back MT80543-783B MT80543-783 235.65 235.65 Ɣ Range: 0-1“ / 0-25mm Ɣ Display- .0005“ / 0.01mm Ɣ Easy to read LCD Ɣ SPC output Ɣ Slim design ¿ts into tight spaces Ɣ Battery powered for portability SALE 117.40 MT1065 SALE 213.35 213.35 MT1299 Ɣ Functions include: in/mm conversion, zero-set and on/off Ɣ Supplied with lifting lever Ɣ Flat back only Order No. Regular Price MT80575-123 259.60 SALE 241.30 MT633 Dial Test Indicators .030Ə Range, .0005Ə Graduation Ɣ Bi-directional constant clockwise rotation with automatic reversal Ɣ Jeweled movement and easy-to-read dial face Ɣ Supplied with (1) each 5/32“ and 3/8“ dovetail stems and 3 carbide tip contact points, .040, .080, .120 diameter tip x 1/2” long, Ɣ Storage case supplied Ɣ Absolute/incremental reading and Àoating zero Ɣ Direct inch/metric conversion and auto-off feature Ɣ Lug and, Àat back, 3/8“ stem diameter and carbide tipped point Ɣ Tolerance indicators Resolution Ɣ Measuring range: 0-5“ / 0-12.7mm Ɣ LCD Resolution: .0005“ / 0.01mm Ɣ Functions: origin, on/off, in/mm +/– Ɣ Data output: SPC digimatic output Ɣ Stem diameter: .375“ -.0012“ Ɣ Contact point .16“ (dia.) steel ball (4-48 UNF) No. 900032 Ɣ For SPC output order connecting cable MT80905338 (1m) or MT80905409 (2m) Digimatic Indicator with Output 0 - .5 / 0 - 12.7mm 0-1/ 0 - 25.4mm MT774 575 Series - Model IDU Electronic Indicators Total Range SALE 281.45 With Absolute Encoder MT769 Order No. MT849 Contains: Ɣ (1) 1“ Travel, .001“ dial indicator (2416F) Ɣ (1) Magnetic stand (7010S) Ɣ (1) Plastic case Indicator Style - Vertical, Long Range Total Graduation Range (in.) (in.) SALE 240.05 Indicator With Magnetic Stand SALE Indicator Style - Horizontal, Short Range Total Graduation Range (in.) (in.) Order No. MT80513-907 Indicator Style Order No. Regular Price SALE Drop Indicator PC20EI0512505EM 86.30 61.70 Drop Indicator PC20EI1025005EM 87.40 62.50 MT1269 Dial Face Diameter Face Color Order No. Regular Price 1-1/4“ 1-1/4“ 1-1/2“ 1-1/2“ White Black White Black PC21TI0301035W PC21TI0301035B PC21TI0301535W PC21TI0301505B 91.55 91.55 92.45 92.45 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 65.45 65.45 66.10 66.10 MT1265 MEASURING TOOLS Test Indicators 0001“ Test Indicators Ɣ Available in vertical or horizontal models Ɣ .008“ Travel Ɣ .0001“ Graduation Ɣ Dovetail mounts Chrome Indicator/Mag Base Set AGD Indicator Features: Ɣ AGD Group 2 Ɣ Dial diameter: 2-1/4“ Ɣ Travel: 1“ Ɣ Reading: .001“ Ɣ Continuous reading: .100“ Ɣ Carbide tipped point Flex Arm Mag Base Features: Ɣ Corrosion resistant chrome plated Àex arm Ɣ 85lb. pull magnet Ɣ Holds rigidly in almost any position Ɣ V-base for mounting on rounded surfaces Magnetic Indicator Back Features: Ɣ Use for positioning the indicator on most metal surfaces Ɣ Protective coating All packed in a shop hardened case! Order No. Regular Price NA5552585500 228.35 .0005“ Test Indicators Ɣ .030“ Travel Ɣ .0005“ Graduation Ɣ 0-15-0 Dial reading Ɣ Jeweled movement Ɣ 3-Way dovetail mounting Ɣ Satin chrome ¿nish SALE 163.25 Ɣ Low measuring pressure Ɣ Easy-to-read dial Ɣ 1/2“ Long indicator point Ɣ .080“ Ball diameter Ɣ 5/16“ and 3/8“ Stem Total Range Dial Reading Graduation Type Face Color Order No. Regular Price .008 .008 .030 .030 .030 0-4-0 0-4-0 0-15-0 0-15-0 0-15-0 .0001 .0001 .0005 .0005 .0005 Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical White White White Black White NB7023111 NB7023112 NB70TI030 NB70TI030B NB70TIV030 86.50 85.70 58.55 57.95 72.45 MT976 SALE 61.90 61.30 41.90 41.45 51.80 MT851 Stem Mount Dial Test Indicators Horizontal Test Indicators Ɣ Jeweled bearings Ɣ Reversible contact point Ɣ Two holding bars are supplied. One (1/2“ x 1/4“) is used with lathe tool posts and height gages, the other (.315“ dia.) with drill chucks Ɣ Fully adjustable bezel/dial face Ɣ Contact point is adjustable within 220° Ɣ Complete with accessories and compact carrying case Features Twice the Test for Less Ɣ .060” Range Ɣ Dial reading: 0-15-0 Ɣ Jeweled movement Ɣ Revolution counter Ɣ Easy-to-read tilted dial Ɣ Automatic reversal Ɣ Swivel arc: 210° Ɣ .080” tungsten carbide point Ɣ Includes 2 dovetail stems Ɣ Furnished in molded case Graduation Dial Dia. Order No. Regular Price .0005 .0005 .001 1-1/2 1 1 NA5552562001 NA5552562002 NA5552562003 155.05 155.05 155.05 SALE 118.25 118.25 118.25 Total Range MT972 2-6Ə Dial Bore Gage Set Graduation with Carbide Anvils Regular Price NA5552646300 151.55 115.60 MT960 0-1Ə Travel Dial Indicator With Free Procheck Magnetic Base Order No. Regular Price 63.95 Regular Price 183.75 234.30 SALE 154.10 196.55 MT923 Model No. 3600-5 SALE NB6552520110MB Order No. Electronic Indicator Ɣ Insulated grip Ɣ Easy to read Ɣ Includes extension Ɣ Graduation: 0005“ holder and ¿tted case Ɣ Chrome plated handle Order No. Dial Reading .040 .001 0-20-0 MT80513-518T .010 .0001 0-50-0 MT80513-504T Set includes: 5/32“ & 3/8“ stems and .080“ point installed. Plus bar, clamp and point wrench. Ɣ Range: .500“ Ɣ AGD group 2 size Ɣ Resolution: .0005“ Ɣ Power on/off button Ɣ Reverse travel (± control indicates direction) Ɣ Zero setting at any position Ɣ Lug-on-center back plus additional Àat back Ɣ Dust cap SALE 45.15 MT560 Order No. Regular Price MV7068813 230.30 SALE 204.15 DG10533 Dial Gage Holders with Power On/Off Magnetic Base Ɣ Top clamp holds 3/8“ stem and dovetail Ɣ Central locking mechanism with spring loaded bearing Ɣ NOGA dial gage holder is 3-dimensional Ɣ Most powerful on/off magnetic base MT854 MA61003 DG61003 Spindle (Arm) Length Style Holding Force Description Order No. Regular Price 4.33 x 3.98 4.33 x 3.98 5.26 x 5.24 5.26 x 5.24 6.43 x 4.45 12.8 x 9.5 Standard Standard Long Long Extra Long “Big Boy” Super Long 176LBF 176LBF 176LBF 176LBF 180LBF 290LBF Power On/Off with Fine Adjustment on Top Clamp-Standard Arm Power On/Off with Fine Adjustment at Base-Standard Arm Power On/Off with Fine Adjustment on Top Clamp-Long Arm Power On/Off with Fine Adjustment at Base-Long Arm Power On/Off with Fine Adjustment on Top Clamp Power On/Off with Fine Adjustment on Top Clamp FN60DG61003 FN60DG10533 FN60MG61003 FN60MG10533 FN60MG71003 FN60MA61003 143.05 153.05 179.60 180.50 199.60 292.65 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 114.45 122.40 143.70 144.35 159.60 234.10 MT868 23 MEASURING TOOLS Precision Parallel Sets Steel Square Sets 3/16Ə or 1/2Ə Thickness 4 Matched Pairs in Hardwood Storage Box Ɣ Made of the ¿nest carbon tool steel, these economy squares have true right angles both inside and outside Ɣ Beams and blades ground and lapped for straightness and parallelism Ɣ Hardened blade Ɣ Beam grooved at inner corner for clearance of burrs and dirt Ɣ Squareness of blade edge to the working face: 2“ & 3“ = ±.0006“, 4“ & 6“ = ±.0008“, 9“ & 12“ = ±.0012“ Size (in.) Order No. Regular Price 2, 3, 4, & 6 2, 4, & 6 4, 6, 9, & 12 NA5552432246 NA5552432444 NA5552432469 87.20 73.25 146.30 Ɣ Precision ground and hardened Ɣ Recommended for layout work, standards and setups Ɣ Tolerance: parallel to .0003“ on 2 sides, top and bottom Ɣ Dimensions: within .001“ allowance Ɣ Hardness: case hardened to HRC 55 to 62 on 2 sides, top and bottom only Ɣ Supplied in matched pairs Ɣ All parallels 6“ overall length SALE 68.45 57.60 115.00 MT1017 Size Thickness Order No. Regular Price 1 to 1-3/4 1 to 1-3/4 3/16 1/2 NM50CP316 NM50CP12 56.20 70.30 SALE 39.10 48.95 MT1088 V-Block Set Tri-Block Sets 2 Each @: Ɣ Dimensions: 1-1/2“L x 1-1/4“W x 1-1/4“H Ɣ Work capacity: approximately 1“ 2 Each @: Ɣ Dimensions: 2“L x 1-1/2“ x 1-1/2“H Ɣ Work capacity: 1-1/2“ All Feature: Ɣ Surfaces are square and parallel within .0005“ Ɣ V-Grooves are square and parallel with all surfaces within .0005“ Ɣ Corresponding dimensions for each pair are alike within .0005“ Ɣ All enclosed in shop hardened case Order No. Regular Price NA5552475500 145.80 Premium 1-2-3 Block Set: Ɣ Tolerance .0001“ - .0003“ Ɣ Fitted plastic case Economy Tri Blocks: Ɣ Hardened 55 to 62 HRC Ɣ Tolerance .0003“ to .0005“ (0.005mm to 0.010mm for metric blocks) Type - Economy Tri Blocks SALE 111.20 MT682 Size (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1x2x3 2x4x6 25 x 50 x 75mm NM52E123 NM52PR246 NM52E25M 18.20 183.05 30.60 Size (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1x2x3 NM52PR123 41.75 SALE 12.70 127.40 21.30 Type - Premium Tri Blocks Set Electronic Edge Finder Ɣ Repeatability: .0002“ Ɣ Edge ¿nder lights instantly when stylus touches work edge Ɣ Read off any electrically conductive metal Ɣ Furnished complete with bulb, AAA alkaline battery and protective sleeve Ɣ Six lights provide better visibility at any angle Order No. Regular Price NA5554575600 39.45 MT200 5 Pc. Wiggler Set SALE 30.10 MT1306 Quadruple V-Blocks Ɣ Made from seasoned closed grained cast iron Ɣ Universal V-block consisting of four different sized grooves Ɣ Supplied in pairs Ɣ Accurately locate working points on drill presses, lathes, mills and other machines Ɣ Set consists of (1) holder and (4) snap-in wiggler attachments in plastic pouch Order No. Regular Price NE60WCFS 13.80 SALE 9.90 MT113 Round Bar Center Finder Size Width of Vee (in.) Order No. Regular Price 3-3/4 x 2-3/4 x 1-3/8 4 x 4 x 1-3/16 4-3/4 x 4-3/4 x 1-3/8 4-3/4 x 4-3/4 x 2-3/8 3/4, 1-3/16, 1-9/16, 2 3/4, 1-3/16, 1-9/16, 2 1-3/16, 1-9/16, 2, 3-3/8 1-3/16, 1-9/16, 2, 3-3/8 NG54QVB1 NG54QVB2 NG54QVB3 NG54QVB4 76.74 83.14 115.14 124.10 SALE 54.90 59.50 82.35 110.45 MT1306 24 SALE 29.05 Ɣ Accurately and quickly locates center on round workpiece Ɣ For execution, place the tool in drill chuck or collet and line up pointer with the line scribed on the shaft Ɣ 3/8“ Shank diameter Ɣ 4-1/8“ Overall length Order No. Regular Price NE60RBCF38 12.75 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 9.15 MT1304 MEASURING TOOLS V-Block Sets Aspheric MagniÀer Ɣ These ¿xed focus, all plastic magni¿ers are very useful in the industrial ¿eld Ɣ Lenses are of aspheric type that give a clear non-distorted image across the diameter of the lens Ɣ 1Ǝ Diameter 5X & 10X magni¿cation Ɣ Folds neatly into case Order No. Regular Price KA53V341D 19.30 Ɣ A precision set for toolmakers & machinists Ɣ Made of hardened tool steel machined and ground in pairs to close tolerances Ɣ Clamping capacity 1Ǝ Ɣ Two V-blocks and two clamps are included in the set SALE 13.85 MT1155 Round Wire Gage Ɣ Popular gage for gaging iron wire, hot and cold rolled sheet steel Ɣ Gages have convenient decimal equivalents of each number Ɣ Clear permanently etched graduations in US standard Capacity (in.) Size (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1 1-1/2 1-1/4 x 1-1/4 x 1-5/8 1-5/8 x 1-3/4 x 2-3/4 NG52NVB117 NG52NVB150 38.75 52.80 SALE 27.70 37.80 MT968 Order No. Regular Price NE60RGW1 21.70 Edge Finders SALE 15.60 MT1305 Ɣ Accurately locate working edges, shoulders, grooves, center points, and scribed lines Ɣ Hardened and centerless ground to precision tolerances Gage Handle Ɣ Suitable for handling all plug gages from 1/32 through 1/2“ (0.79-12.7mm) Ɣ Go and no-go clearly marked Ɣ Made from aluminum Order No. Regular Price NE60GPH13212 20.20 Regular Price 26.05 Tip Size (in./mm.) Order No. Regular Price Single End Double End 1/2 1/2 .500 .200 x .500 MV4544595 MV4544596 22.00 29.30 SALE 18.85 25.15 MT1106 MT1307 Digital Stop Watch Ɣ Normal time shows: hour, minute, second, AM/PM indicator, month, date, day Ɣ 12/24 Hour user selectable Ɣ 1/100 Second chronograph Ɣ 8 Recallable lap memories Ɣ Count-down timer with one second ews Ɣ 3“ Diameter, 1-1/2“ height Ɣ 7 Hole, 1/8“ to 5/8“ diameter Ɣ Very handy for holding work when driving pins, drilling, etc. Ɣ V-Groove across the face accommodates round and odd shaped stock Ɣ Smooth ¿nish on the face preserves the work being held Ɣ Hardened and ground knurled body for a ¿rm grip Order No. Shank (in.) SALE 14.50 Bench Block NE60MBB0370 End SALE 18.70 MT625 Order No. Regular Price NB49SW269 25.60 SALE 22.00 MT964 Pin Vises Ɣ Smooth handle allows vise to be held in machine chucks or collets Ɣ Hole through entire length to accommodate stock up to the full size capacity to end allows fast opening and closing Ɣ All four vises have heavy nickel plated ¿nish Range (in./mm) Set Complete Catalog No. Order No. Regular Price .010 to .055 / 0.25 - 1.4mm .025 to .075 / 0.64 - 1.9mm .045 to .135 / 1.2 - 3.4mm .110 to .200 / 2.8 - 5.1mm .010-.200 / 0.25mm - 5.1mm Single End Single End Single End Single End 4 piece set in Protective Case 240A 240B 240C 240D S240Z MV7051136 MV7051137 MV7051138 MV7051139 MV7051140 29.95 35.95 39.95 43.95 154.45 SALE 26.60 31.95 35.40 38.95 136.95 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 MT1079 25 MEASURING TOOLS 10Ə Digital Protractor with Inch/Metric Scale Professional Combination Squares Ɣ 90° and 45° head Ɣ Steel blade Ɣ Self aligning drawbolt Ɣ Full view acrylic vial Ɣ 16“ Graduations: 1/8“, 1/16“ Size (in.) Order No. Regular Price 12 16 KP75230 KP75280 13.80 23.90 Ɣ 8” (10” on back) Stainless steel rule blade with inch and metric scales Ɣ Reversible reading, hold function and locking feature Ɣ Measure inside and outside angles Ɣ Lightweight, easy to use Ɣ Measuring range: 0-360°, resolution: .05° Ɣ Accuracy: ±0.2°, repeatability: .05° Ɣ Battery: 3V CR2032 battery included (replacement part number KA56ECR2032) SALE 11.90 20.50 Accuracy Reading Order No. Regular Price +/- .2° +/- .2° 360° PC23EP10EM 49.05 SALE 35.10 MT1230 Workshop Measuring Sets Ɣ 0 to 180° Graduation on head Ɣ Adjustable 6Ǝ blade and locknut Description Style Description Order No. Regular Price Rectangular Head Supplied with 6“ Arm Supplied with 6“ Graduated Rule Supplied with 6“ Arm NB405170 34.45 26.60 NB405190 39.90 30.85 NB405180 34.45 26.60 Semi Circular Head Sensitivity .05° MT696 Steel Protractors Rectangular Head Graduation SALE Order No. Regular Price 2, 3, 4, & 6“ Squares in storage box NE604PCMTS 2, 4, & 6“ Squares, 1-1/2“ capacity center ¿nder, NE606PCMTS 5 & 6“ long scribers in storage box Sciber, 3“ divider, 1/32-5/8 bor gauge, screw cutting gauge, 4-42 & 0.25-6.0mm screw pitch gauge, 4“/100mm brass caliper, automatic center punch, NE6011PCMTS protractor/depth gauge, 6“/150mm Àexible rule, 4“ steel square, storage box SALE 76.75 54.90 81.90 58.60 102.35 73.20 MT1302 360° Digital Level/Protractor MT1002 Without SPC Ɣ Instant LCD display of level, tilt, true vertical or any angle in between to highest accuracy, 1/10 of a degree reading Ɣ Deviation from true plane is measurable through full 360° (4×90°) Ɣ Floating zero provides zero selection anywhere within its 360° range Ɣ Hold button Ɣ Reset plus Superset self-calibration modes Ɣ Tapped #6-32 holes and V-groove in baseplate Ɣ Operates on CR2032 alkaline battery (included) Ɣ Low battery indicator Ɣ Automatic shut-off Screw Pitch Gages Ɣ Narrow designed blades permit use for internal and external screw threads Ɣ Correct pitch is determined by matching blade teeth with threads Ɣ Each blade made from ¿nest quality steel available Ɣ Each blade clearly marked with proper thread size Ɣ Blades protected in sturdy steel case Ɣ Locking device at each end to secure all blades for storage, or position an individual blade for use Order No. Regular Price Regular Price 97.60 SALE SALE 74.45 MT1157 Rigid Steel Rules 18.20 21.15 21.15 41.15 23.50 NB405617† 27.30 NB405625 27.30 NB405629 53.20 NB405651 † Center Gage with coarse and Àne notch included Series C604R MT102 Monster MagGrip™ Magnetic Tapes Ɣ Magnetic dual end hook for easier oneperson measurement Ɣ Double-sided printing provides precise marking and line drawing Ɣ Rubberized case protects end hook and button Ɣ Nylon coated blade for maximum durability Ɣ Staggered graduation Ɣ All rules are machine divided and tempered for accuracy and long wear Ɣ Rule graduation 4R: 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, and 1/64ths Length (in.) Graduation Width (in.) Order No. Regular Price 6 12 24 4R 4R 4R 3/4 1 1-1/4 MV7052660 MV7052679 MV7052681 34.65 53.95 135.80 SALE 30.70 47.85 120.45 MT1134 Key Caddy Model No. Width (in.) Length Order No. Regular Price 7116 7125 7130 1 1 1 16‘ 25‘ 30‘ MZ557116 MZ557125 MZ557130 19.75 23.30 26.00 26 Order No. NB6066388801 Ɣ Heavy duty die cast case Ɣ 21“ Stainless steel chain Ɣ Large key ring Ɣ Belt clip Ɣ Returns keys and other articles automatically Ɣ Great for welders to carry torch ignitors SALE 15.10 17.85 19.85 MT1282 Order No. Regular Price MV8063135 14.35 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 11.00 MT1033 MEASURING TOOLS Wavy Parallel Set 6 Pc. Telescope Gage Set Ɣ 5/16“ to 6“ Range Ɣ Self centering plungers Ɣ Knurled knob on handle Ɣ Locks on any setting Order No. Regular Price MT80155-903 272.90 SALE 221.10 MT632 Ɣ 9 Pairs - 1/2“ to 1-1/2“ in 1/8“ height increments Ɣ Guaranteed to size in height and parallelism ±.0002“ Ɣ For use on: precision clamping of parts in drilling, boring, milling, grinding, assembly work, etc. Ɣ Can be used as elastic shims Ɣ Thin and fragile workpieces can be secured without damage Ɣ Made of high quality spring steel, hardened, stress relieved and precision ground Aluminum Straight Edge Rules Ɣ English measure Ɣ Flexible anodized aluminum Ɣ 2“ Width Ɣ 1/8“ & 1/16“ Graduation Length (in.) Thickness (in.) Model No. Order No. Regular Price 24 36 .081 .081 ASE24 ASE36 MV8036090 MV8036091 8.50 11.00 SALE 6.55 8.40 MT737 Order No. Regular Price NM55WPS9 94.50 SALE 67.55 MT1072 Measure Stix™ Steel Measuring Tapes Double Squares Adhesive Backing Ɣ Used for precision layout work Ɣ All blades are hardened and tempered with easy to read markings Ɣ Mount on work benches, saw tables, drafting tables, etc. Type - English Reading Blade Width Length Blade Graduation Syle Order No. Regular Price 1/2 3/4 4‘ 6‘ S1 S1 MV8063168 MV8063169 8.60 10.30 SALE 6.55 7.85 Type - English/Metric Reading Blade Width Length Blade Graduation Syle Order No. Regular Price S12 MV8063171 8.60 1/2 (13mm) 4‘ (1.2m) SALE 6.55 MT820 Size Graduation 4 4R (8ths, 16ths, 32nds & 64ths) 4 Fowler‘s 9“ Laser Level provides instant 4 x 90° digital inclination display. With embedded magnets on its measuring surface, a beamsplitter projects a 90° laser cross hair for leveling at a distance. It also includes a 1/4-20 mount for tripod use. Ɣ Measuring range: 4 x 90° Ɣ Resolution: .05° Ɣ Accuracy: ±.2° Ɣ Repeatability: ±.05° Ɣ Standard 9 volt battery (250 hours life) Ɣ Dimensions: 9“L x 1“W x 2-1/4“H Ɣ Includes two way level and plumb vials Ɣ Reversible reading for inverted use Ɣ Bar not included Order No. SALE 25.55 18.30 16R (32nds, 64ths, 50ths, 100ths) NB60DS416R 25.55 18.30 4 E/M (0.5mm, 32nds, mm, 64ths) NB60DS4EM 25.55 18.30 6 4R (8ths, 16ths, 32nds & 64ths) NB60DS604R 34.50 24.75 16R (32nds, 64ths, 50ths, 100ths) NB60DS616R 34.50 24.75 6 9Ə Electronic Level Regular Price NB60DS404R 6 E/M (0.5mm, 32nds, mm, 64ths) NB60DS6EM 34.50 24.75 100mm Metric (mm, 0.5mm both sides) NB60DS100FM 25.55 18.30 150mm Metric (mm, 0.5mm both sides) NB60DS150FM 34.50 24.75 MT1200 Feeler Gages Ɣ Equipped with knurled lock-nut which released the blades instantly for rapid selction and when tightened locks the individual blade into working position Ɣ Sizes are permanently etched on each blade Order No. Regular Price NA5554440600 88.60 SALE 67.60 MT1082 No. of Leaves Range Size of Leaves Order No. Regular Price 25 .0015 to .040 12 KL4012025 42.95 25 .04mm to 1.00mm 3 KL40FG30 10.10 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 34.80 8.20 MT1239 27 SPECIAL FEATURE 400 Series Hargrave C-Clamps 14Ə BASH Ball Pein Hammer, Ɣ Patented design frame geometry allows for maximum strength with greater throat depth and lower weight Ɣ Oscillating Head: High quality steel pad is built to last and provides ¿rm gripping action on angular surfaces 24 oz Head Ɣ Safety Plate prevents head from dislodging Ɣ Anti-Vibe Neck with tapered design eliminates vibration from striking Ɣ No-Slip Grip made from vulcanized rubber ensures a secure hold Ɣ Unbreakable® Handle Technology Steel core eliminates breaking during overstrikes Ɣ Lifetime Warranty Max. Opening Throat Depth Spindle Dia. (in.) (in.) (in.) Regular Price 2 2 1/2 3500 lbs SF30402 17.80 3 2-3/8 5/8 3500 lbs SF30403 25.20 Regular Price SALE 4 3-1/4 3/4 6200 lbs SF30404 35.50 HZ4132414 54.75 45.80 6 3-5/8 3/4 6600 lbs SF30406 54.75 8 4-1/2 3/4 6900 lbs SF30408 69.50 10 5-3/8 7/8 8000 lbs SF30410 97.60 12 5-3/4 7/8 9300 lbs SF30412 156.70 Unbreakable HI-VIS Sledge Hammers Head Size (lbs) Handle Length Hardness Rockwell (in.) “C” Scale 12 12 16 16 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 30 46 30 46 30 46 30 46 30 46 30 46 30 46 46 Order No. Regular Price HZ4140212 HZ4120212 HZ4140416 HZ4120416 HZ4140636 HZ4120636 HZ4140836 HZ4120836 HZ4141036 HZ4121036 HZ4141236 HZ4121236 HZ4141436 HZ4121436 HZ4122036 59.10 59.10 81.30 81.30 118.25 118.25 140.40 137.45 158.15 161.10 180.35 180.35 195.10 195.10 270.45 High Visibility Safety Clamps Ɣ Drop forged Ɣ Powder coat, scratch and rust resistant Ɣ V-Groove anvil holds rounds securely Ɣ Perma-Pad®, exclusive ¿eld replaceable design SALE 50.00 50.75 71.05 74.35 106.35 104.50 121.15 121.50 144.40 140.85 165.55 158.45 179.60 171.95 241.05 HT1061 Spark-Duty Drop Forged Hi-Vis C-Clamps Ɣ Ideal for steel fabrication and industrial welding Ɣ V grooved anvil allows secure holding of all materials including rounds, squares and Àats Ɣ Copper plated spindle and Perma-pad® for resistance to welding spatter and corrosion, and are replaceable Ɣ Drop forged, regular duty with extra deep throat Ɣ Lifetime Warranty Max. Opening Throat Depth Spindle Dia. (in.) (in.) (in.) 2 2-3/8 3-3/4 3-5/8 4-1/2 5-3/8 5-3/4 1/2 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 Max. Opening (in.) Throat Depth (in.) Clamping Pressure Order No. Regular Price 2-1/8 2-1/4 3500 lbs HZ41402SF 23.70 31.10 3 2-1/2 3500 lbs HZ41403SF 4-1/4 3-1/4 6200 lbs HZ41404SF 44.35 6-1/16 4-1/8 6600 lbs HZ41406SF 68.05 8-1/4 5 6900 lbs HZ41408SF 84.30 10-1/8 6 8000 lbs HZ41410SF 118.25 12-1/4 6-5/16 9300 lbs HZ41412SF 190.65 Order No. Regular Price 3500 lbs 3500 lbs 6200 lbs 6600 lbs 6900 lbs 8000 lbs 9300 lbs SF30402CS SF30403CS SF30404CS SF30406CS SF30408CS SF30410CS SF30412CS 17.80 25.20 35.50 54.75 69.50 97.60 161.10 Copper Jaw Caps Ɣ Designed to avoid marring the surface of softer metal and to protect jaw faces Ɣ Jaw caps have polished faces and pliable copper extensions for a sure-grip ¿t on any make vise Ɣ Priced per pair For Use With Order No. 3“ Jaw Widths HZ404043 4“ Jaw Widths SALE 14.85 20.65 29.75 45.05 57.55 82.50 128.50 4-1/2“ Jaw Widths 5“ Jaw Widths 5-1/2“ Jaw Widths 6“ Jaw Widths 6-1/2“ Jaw Widths 8“ Jaw Widths Regular Price 57.65 HZ40404350 65.05 HZ404044 69.50 HZ40404450 HZ404045 72.45 103.45 HZ40404550 119.75 HZ404046 141.95 HZ40404650 180.35 HZ404048 229.05 WH636 28 SALE 16.85 22.20 33.60 51.75 65.30 88.85 141.45 CF002 3-1/2“ Jaw Widths Clamping Pressure SALE 14.85 20.65 29.75 45.05 57.55 82.50 128.50 WH545 Ɣ Unbreakable™ Technology steel core eliminates breaking during strikes Ɣ No-slip ergonomic handle Ɣ Safety plate secures head to handle Ɣ Lanyard hole Ɣ Flat head conveniently designed to stand upright for easy reach Ɣ Anti-vibe neck Ɣ Available in 30 or 46 Rockwell hardness 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 Order No. Order No. HT2028 2.5 2.5 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 20 Clamping Pressure Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 44.45 49.90 56.25 63.45 85.20 99.75 119.65 139.60 184.95 WH637 SPECIAL FEATURE Shop Vises Versatile Drill Press Vises Ɣ Designed for general duty use Ɣ Instant-Action™ vise design ensures immediate engagement of the nut and spindle screw Ɣ Vise rotates 360Û Ɣ Rubber pinch point safety guards Ɣ Heavy duty 25,000 PSI castings Ɣ Limited Lifetime Warranty Size (in.) 4 5 6 Jaw Width Jaw Opening Jaw Height (in.) (in.) (in.) 4 5 6 4 5 6 2-3/4 3 3-1/2 Ɣ The rugged design and large workload capacity Ɣ Made from graded case iron Ɣ Machined to Àatness 0.0005 Ɣ Sturdy main casting provides extra strength Ɣ Lifetime Warranty Weight Order No. Regular Price 23.25 lbs 30.05 lbs 45.65 lbs HZ40WS4 HZ40WS5 HZ40WS6 205.40 235.00 353.20 SALE 146.90 175.85 259.25 Type of Nut - Continuous Jaw Width (in.) Jaw Opening (in.) Jaw Depth (in.) Net Weight Order No. Regular Price SALE 5 5 2-1/8 24 lbs HZ401360 294.10 235.70 Jaw Width (in.) Jaw Opening (in.) Jaw Depth (in.) Net Weight Order No. Regular Price SALE 6 6-3/4 2-1/8 28.5 lbs HZ401460 471.40 371.65 Type of Nut - Rapid Acting WH420 Utility Workshop Vises WH281 Ɣ Heavy duty 30,000 PSI casting Ɣ Large anvil work surface Ɣ 180° Swivel base with lockdown Size (in.) 5-1/2 6-1/2 6-1/4 8 Jaw Opening Jaw Depth (in.) (in.) 5 5-1/2 6 7-1/2 7/16 7/16 1/2 5/8 Pipe Capacity Cam Action Drill Press Vises Weight 1/8 to 2-1/2 29.2 lbs 1/8 to 2-1/2 41.85 lbs 1/8 to 3 64.1 lbs 1/8 to 3 86.2 lbs Order No. Regular Price HZ40675 HZ40676 HZ40656HD HZ40648HD 205.40 279.30 382.75 530.50 SALE 159.60 217.55 290.05 407.90 WH310 Mechanics Vises Ɣ Heavy duty 30,000 PSI castings for long life and added strength Ɣ Large anvil work surface Ɣ Swivel base rotates 360° and has double lockdowns ensuring maximum stability Jaw Width Jaw Opening Jaw Depth (in.) (in.) (in.) 4 5 6 4-1/2 5-1/4 5-3/4 3-7/16 3-3/4 4-1/8 Pipe Capacity Ɣ Slide action on the center bar sets the jaw in position Ɣ Heavy cast base designed for through hole drilling applications Ɣ One side ground vise has extensions on one side Ɣ Ground sides vise allows you to work form the top and sides without resetting the workpiece Size (in.) Jaw Height (in.) Jaw Opening (in.) Weight Order No. Regular Price 4 1-5/16 4-11/16 18 lbs HZ401204 279.30 6 1-13/16 6-3/16 35.4 lbs HZ401206 456.60 8 2 8-3/16 53.35 lbs HZ401208 604.40 SALE 212.10 371.65 462.25 WH315 Weight Order No. 1/4 to 2 36.45 lbs HZ40744 1/4 to 2-1/2 52.8 lbs HZ40745 1/4 to 3-1/2 69.35 lbs HZ40746 Regular Price MagneÀx Vise Jaw Caps SALE 294.10 226.65 412.30 317.20 530.50 407.90 WH311 Standard & Angle Drill Press Vises Ɣ Precision ground on sides and front side face. This permits additional mounting positions for drilling, tapping, or reaming. Ɣ Body and sides are ground perfectly parallel Ɣ Sturdy main casting is 30% heavier than conventional models Model No. Size (in.) Jaw Opening (in.) Jaw Width (in.) Jaw Depth (in.) Weight Order No. Regular Price 25 25A 30 30A 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3-1/8 2-9/16 2-1/2 3-1/8 3-1/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3-1/8 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-3/4 1-3/4 6.2 lbs 12 lbs 10 lbs 17 lbs HZ4025 HZ4025A HZ4030 HZ4030A 103.45 118.25 121.20 180.35 SALE 85.20 92.50 99.75 139.60 WH314 Prism MagneÀx Jaw Caps: Ɣ Includes both horitzontal v-grooves and vertical v-grooves for amrking out and center punching Ɣ Ideal for light tapping, thread cutting, and clamping round objects Rubber MagneÀx Jaw Caps: Ɣ Constructed of aluminum and synthetic rubber Ɣ Rubber faces conform to the workpiece and grip ¿rmly without slipping Type - 1-Pair Prism Face Vise Jaw Caps For Use With Order No. Regular Price 4 4-1/2 5 6 HZ40P4 HZ40P45 HZ40P5 HZ40P6 63.60 65.05 66.50 69.50 SALE 49.90 51.75 54.45 58.05 Type - 1-Pair Rubber Face Vise Jaw Caps For Use With Order No. Regular Price 4 4-1/2 5 6 HZ40R4 HZ40R45 HZ40R5 HZ40R6 57.65 60.65 62.10 66.50 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 46.25 48.10 49.90 54.45 WH421 29 HAND TOOLS Hard Cap Punch and Chisel Sets Ɣ Oil resistant cushion grip create tools that are safer and more accurate and comfortable to use Ɣ Unbreakable, reinforced polymer cap, 2-1/2 times the striking surface of a standard chisel, eliminate Àying chips and mushrooming of the chisel head Ɣ Comfortable grip reduces shock by up to 90%; oil and solvent resistant reduces hot/cold feel, enhances gripping ability Ɣ Noise level reduced by up to 80% Ɣ Hammer kickback and wrist-elbow trauma is minimized 66475 66901 66902 Pcs. Per Set Size (in.) Description Order No. Regular Price 3 4 4 3 4 1/32 x 6, 1/16 x 6, 3/32 x 6 1/8 x 7, 5/32 x 7, 3/16 x 7, 1/4 x 7 Starter 1/8 x 7, Center 7/32 & 1/4 x 7 , Prick Punch 7/32 x 7 3/16 x 12, 1/4 x 12, 5/16 x 12 1/2 x 7, 3/4 x 8, 7/8 x 8-1/2, 1 x 8-1/2 Nail Punch Set Pin Punch Set Punch Alignment Punch Set Cold Chisel Set KS5066475 KS5066901 KS5066902 KS5066907 KS5066900 18.00 57.35 58.70 62.95 72.15 66900 SALE 12.90 41.00 42.00 45.00 51.55 7 Pc. Arch Punch Set CDI Torque Wrenches Dual scale torque wrench with micro adjustable handle Ɣ Dual scale, calibrated dual direction Ɣ Positive lock with spring loaded pull down lock ring Ɣ Fast, accurate and easy to set Ɣ Easy-to-read laser marked scales Ɣ Most feature quick release buttons which provide good socket retention as well as easy socket removal Ɣ Accuracy +/- 3% clockwise direction, from 20-100% full scale Ɣ Meets or exceeds ASME B107.14M-1994, ISO 6789 standards Ɣ Individually serialized with matching certi¿cate of calibration traceable to N.I.S.T. Gasket punches, hollow steel punches and arch punches are all used for punching holes in gasket material, leather, rubber, canvas, cardboard, plastic, sheet metal and other soft materials. Ɣ Inside taper for clearance Ɣ Heat treated forged steel Ɣ Consists of seven punches: 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8 and 1“ comes in plastic roll Order No. Regular Price NE501271ST 128.00 SALE 91.50 HT641 9 Pc. Maintenance File Set Drive Size (in.) Torque Range 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 10 - 50 in/lbs 20 - 150 in/lbs 5-75 ft/lbs 10 - 100 ft/lbs 20 - 150 in/lbs 30 - 200 in/lbs 30 - 250 in/lbs 100 - 750 in/lbs 150 - 1000 in/lbs 20 - 150 ft/lbs 30 - 250 ft/lbs Increments Length (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1 in/lbs 1 in/lbs .5 ft/lbs .5 ft/lbs 1 in/lbs 1 in/lbs 1 in/lbs 5 in/lbs 5 in/lbs 1 ft/lbs 1 ft/lbs 9.9 10.15 15.5 15.5 10.15 10.15 11.15 15.5 15.75 19 24.4 KL45501MRMH KL451501MRMH KL45752MFRMH KL451002MFRMH KL451502MRMH KL452002MRMH KL452502MRMH KL457502MRMH KL4510002MRMH KL451503MFRMH KL452503MFRMH 264.95 264.55 287.90 287.90 264.95 264.95 273.55 287.90 287.90 331.05 358.50 SALE 176.75 176.50 192.10 192.10 176.75 176.75 182.50 192.10 192.10 220.90 239.15 HT659 13 Pc. SAE Combination Ratcheting Wrench Set Order No. Regular Price 332.19 30 HT1063 25 Ɣ 10“ Half-round bastard Ɣ 10“ Mill bastard Ɣ 10“ Flat bastard Ɣ 12“ Mill bastard Order No. Regular Price FR5022030H 192.10 SALE 137.35 HT971 Spanner Wrenches Drop Forged Carbon Steel, Black Finish 376 Adjustable Hook Spanner Wrenches 301 Ɣ Forged steel alloy Adjustable Pin Spanner Wrenches 351 Ɣ Lifetime warranty against mfg. defect Set Contains Ɣ One each of following: Adjustable hook spanners in cardboard box: 301, 305, 307 and 310 Type - Adjustable Hook Spanner Wrench 3/4 to 2 1-1/4 to 3 2 to 4-3/4 4-1/2 to 6-1/4 6-1/8 to 8-3/4 SALE 260.70 Consists of 1 each: Ɣ 6“ XX Slim taper Ɣ 6“ Slim taper Ɣ 8“ Half-round bastard Ɣ 8“ Flat bastard Ɣ 10“ Round bastard Capacity (in.) Ɣ Small ratcheting box end head design Ɣ Moves a fastener along any length of threaded rod without removing the wrench from the fastener Ɣ 72 Tooth ratchet – 5° swing only needed to move fastener Ɣ Fully polished Ɣ Surface drive box end Ɣ Includes: 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 11/16, 3/4, 13/16, 7/8, 15/16 and 1“ standard length combination Gearwrenches and a molded wrench rack Ɣ Lifetime manufacturer‘s warranty KP659312 HT011 Hook Depth (in.) Length (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1/8 6-3/8 57.55 KL50301 5/32 8-1/8 65.40 KL50305 3/16 11-3/8 91.30 KL50307 1/4 12-1/8 94.60 KL50310 5/16 13-3/4 115.35 KL50313 Type - Adjustable Pin Spanner Wrench Capacity (in.) Pin Depth (in.) Pin Height (in.) Length (in.) Order No. Regular Price 3/4 to 2 3/4 to 2 1-1/4 to 3 1-1/4 to 3 2 to 4-3/4 4-1/2 to 6-1/4 KL50351 KL50354 KL50358 KL50361 KL50363 KL50366 1/8 1/8 6 3/16 5/32 6-1/8 3/16 3/16 7-1/2 1/4 7/32 7-1/2 1/4 1/4 10-1/2 3/8 1/4 10-1/2 Type - Hook Spanner Wrench Set Order No. Regular Price KL50376 311.05 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 60.60 64.55 70.15 70.15 98.75 102.35 SALE 41.15 46.75 65.30 67.65 82.45 SALE 43.35 46.15 50.15 50.15 70.60 73.20 SALE 222.35 HT755-2 HAND TOOLS Dead Blow Hammers Ɣ Use whenever danger of sparks or maring exists Ɣ Steel shot-¿lled head combines with cushioned face to add extra force to hammer blows without rebound Ɣ Steel handle encased in a high-impact, rubberized plastic to prevent marring 30707 Ɣ Handle has a Àanged end for more secure grip (except KY52 series) Ɣ Lifetime warranty against manufacturing defect Ɣ Hi-Vis in KP85 & KP30 series Approx. Weight Approx. Head Dia. (in.) Approx. OAL Length (in.) Order No. Tekton Regular Price 10 oz 16 oz 24 oz 28 oz 32 oz 48 oz 56 oz 64 oz 1 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2 2-5/8 2-1/2 2-5/8 10 10 12 12-1/2 11-1/2 11-1/2 16 11-1/2 KP8530703 KP8530704 KP8530705 KP8530706 KP8530707 18.35 19.90 21.60 27.55 32.00 SALE 11.35 12.35 13.40 17.05 19.85 Quality Import Regular Price KY52CH0 KY52CH1 KY52CH3 KY52CH5 - 17.50 24.25 32.35 44.20 - Rawhide Hammer Replacement Faces (Pair) Rawhide Hammer with Face Regular Regular Weight Order No. Price SALE Order No. Price SALE KY50F1 KY50F2 KY50F3 KY50F4 KY50F5 11.75 13.75 19.60 23.50 43.10 16.45 19.20 27.40 32.90 60.30 10.00 13.85 18.50 25.30 - Snap-On/Williams Regular Price Order No. 43.55 50.30 58.45 77.55 104.80 - KP30JHW16 KP30JHW24 KP30JHW32 KP30JHW48 KP30JHW56 - SALE 31.15 36.00 41.80 55.45 74.95 - HT919 Ɣ Patent pending anti-vibration technology Ɣ One piece solid steel construction Ɣ Co-molded contoured handle Ɣ High luster full polish ¿nish Ɣ Will strike heavy, controlled blows without harm to materials or ¿nishes Ɣ The split head construction makes it especially easy to change faces. Just loosen nut under head. 1.5 lbs 2 lbs 2.75 lbs 4 lbs 6.5 lbs SALE Anti-Shock Hammer Split Head Hammers 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-3/4 CH3 Order No. Rawhide Face Face Dia. (in.) JHW24 KY50R1 KY50R2 KY50R3 KY50R4 KY50R5 60.30 65.75 79.45 90.40 137.00 43.10 47.00 56.80 64.65 97.95 HT960 Clamp Mfg. No Mar Brass Safety Hammers Ɣ Fiberglass handle with synthetic rubber grip Ɣ High purity brass head Ɣ Meets all government specs Ɣ Non sparking Ɣ Perfect balance Ɣ Non magentic Weight Type Order No. Regular Price 16 oz 16 oz 20 oz 22 oz Curved Claw, Smooth Face Hammer Rip Claw, Smooth Face Hammer Rip Claw, Smooth Face Hammer Rip Claw, Checkered Face Hammer KZ50SS16C KZ50SS16R KZ50SS20R KZ50SS22RCF 35.55 35.55 39.75 45.55 HT936 Ball-Hex-L™ Sets Long Arm 13609 9 13 22 Head Dia. (in.) Handle Length (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1 lbs 1-1/2 lbs 2 lbs 3 lbs 4 lbs 5 lbs 10 lbs 1 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 1-3/4 2 12 13 13 13 14 14 21 SE64751F SE647511F SE64752F SE64753F SE64754F SE64755F SE647510F 51.55 65.70 66.30 99.25 106.90 134.00 292.00 13213 Ɣ Standard or Metric Ɣ Sets come in plastic holder that ¿rmly retains the keys in size marked holes Ɣ Balldriver provides a 25° angle entry Ɣ Heat treated steel-fractional No. of Pcs. Weight SALE 27.10 27.10 30.30 34.75 Set Includes Order No. Regular Price 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm KM5013609 .050, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64, KM5013213 5/32, 3/16, 7/32, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8 Set Standard & Metric KM5013222 27.20 32.70 35.90 SALE 13.00 14.30 20.50 HT967 SALE 43.65 55.65 56.15 84.10 90.55 113.50 247.35 5 Pc. Locking Plier Set Includes: Ɣ 5“ Curved Jaw (5WR) Ɣ 6“ Long Nose (6LN) Ɣ 7“ Curved Jaw (7WR) HT531 Ɣ 10“ Curved Jaw (10WR) Ɣ 10“ Straight Jaw (10R) Ɣ Pouch Order No. Regular Price KX5068 109.05 SALE 83.15 HT987 Locking Pliers Sets Features Ɣ Convenient one-hand release lever Ɣ Heavy-duty jaw surfaces provide extra gripping power No. of Pcs. 3 4 5 23072 23074 Ɣ Satin chrome ¿nish Includes 5“ Curved Jaw Locking Pliers with Cutter, 7“ Curved Jaw Locking Pliers with Cutter, 10“ Curved Jaw Locking Pliers with Cutter 5“ Curved Jaw Locking Pliers with Cutter, 10“ Curved Jaw Locking Pliers with Cutter, 6“ Long Nose with Wire Cutter, 9“ Long Nose with Wire Cutter 5“ Curved Jaw Locking Pliers with Cutter, 7“ Curved Jaw Locking Pliers with Cutter, 10“ Straight Jaw, 9“ Long Nose with Wire Cutter, 6“ Locking C-Clamp Handle Type Order No. Regular Price SALE Steel KP3023072 28.90 20.70 Steel KP3023074 39.10 27.95 Steel KP3023076 50.30 36.00 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 23076 HT1125 31 HAND TOOLS Snips 22 Pc. Ball Driver Hex Key Set Metalmaster® Compound Action Snips Ɣ M1R cuts left from tight curves to straight, and has red vinyl grips Ɣ M2R cuts right from tight curves to straight, and has green vinyl grips Ɣ M3R cuts straight, and has yellow vinyl grips Metalmaster® Special Series Snips Ɣ Specially hardened for unusual industrial requirements such as cutting today’s space age metals like Inconel, stainless steel and titanium Ɣ Heavy duty cutting Ɣ Up to 18 Gauge capacity Ɣ Standard and Metric Ɣ Ball driver L-wrenches save time in hard to reach and blind locations Ɣ ProGuard Finish is 5 times more effective against rust Ɣ Bondhus proprietary protanium steel and are 20 percent stronger than some competitor‘s tools Set Includes Order No. Regular Price SALE 45.10 25.80 Sizes 0.050, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32, 3/16, 7/32, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8-Inch and 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, KN5320199 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, and 10mm Ɣ One piece loop handle for extra strength Ɣ Vinyl coated to reduce hand fatigue Ɣ Standard & metric Ɣ Includes stand 6 9 6 9 Set Includes (in.) 3/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32, 3/16, 7/32, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8 3/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32, 3/16, 7/32, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm Regular Price SALE KM5050160 73.80 49.25 KM5050190 80.40 53.65 KM5056168 KM5056198 67.95 73.30 45.30 48.90 Low ProÀle Stubby Hex Key Sets 13 pc SAE Sizes .05, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32, 3/16, KP8212737 7/32, 1/4, 5/16 & 3/8“ Long Arm 9 pc Metric Sizes 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, KP8212738 5, 6, 8 & 10mm Long Arm Available while supplies last. OAL (in.) Order No. Regular Price Left/Straight Right/Straight Straight 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 9-3/4 9-3/4 9-3/4 LA50M1R LA50M2R LA50M3R 28.65 28.65 28.65 Cut Blade Length (in.) OAL (in.) Order No. Regular Price Left/Straight Right/Straight 1-3/8 1-3/8 9-3/4 9-3/4 LA50M1RS1 LA50M2RS1 46.20 46.15 SALE 21.80 21.80 21.80 SALE 35.25 35.15 HT935 Ɣ Titanium Bonded blades are 3x harder than stainless steel so they stay sharper longer Ɣ Blades will resist corrosion snd adhesives Ɣ Bent, ergonomic glass-¿lled nylon handles Ɣ Cuts multiple layers of material Ɣ Includes hex key tool for adjusting tension depending on the type of material you need to cut Ɣ Industrial strength shear, constructed for durability OAL (in.) Blade Length (in.) 11-1/2 12 9 8 Order No. 18078001 18091 Regular Price 25.60 20.50 LA5618078001 LA5618091 SALE 15.90 12.70 HT007 Ɣ Low pro¿le design allows for higher torque application and better access in con¿ned areas Ɣ Constructed of S2 alloy steel Ɣ Rust resistant satin ¿nish Ɣ Includes handy storage rack with hanger Order No. Blade Length (in.) Extreme Edge Shears Order No. HT505 Set Includes Cut Type - Metalmaster Special Series Snip Available in 6Ə or 9Ə Arm Length (in.) M1RS1 Type - Metalmaster Compound Action Snip HT504 Cushion Grip Long Reach T-Handle Hex Key Bench Sets M1R 6-3/4Ə Carbonitride Titanium Pristine™ Folding Knife Regular Price SALE 42.20 26.15 34.45 21.30 Ɣ Features a G10, stainless handle and VG-10 Japanese steel blade Ɣ Carbonitride titanium won‘t Àake, blister, chip or peel and is up to 10x harder than treated steel so the blades stay sharper, longer Ɣ 3“ Drop point blade Ɣ Lifetime Warranty HT1208 OAL (in.) Blade Length (in.) Order No. Regular Price 6-3/4 3 LA5718671 73.55 SALE 52.60 HT017 Safety Carton Cutter 9613 Utility Knife & Blades Ɣ A uniquely designed safety cutter Ɣ Blade automatically self retracts when not in use Ɣ Right or left hand use 40062 Ɣ World famous genuine OLFA® blade is honed for maximum cutter performance Type Order No. Multi-Purpose Cutter FS6040062 Utility Knife Replacement Blades FS609613 32 Regular Price 14.50 10.55 Ɣ Self-retracting spring action returns blade into housing Ɣ Features two blade positions Ɣ Includes one utility blade The Irwin Blue Blade Ɣ Patented Bi-metal technology blade stays sharp three times longer SALE 9.70 7.05 OAL HT495 Type - Replacement Blades 5-3/4“ Utility Knife Package Qty. Order No. Regular Price 50 Pack - KX502084300 KX502088600 28.05 12.20 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 20.05 8.70 HT2024 HAND TOOLS Wingman Multi-Tool Tongue & Groove Pliers Ɣ Spring-action needlenose & regular pliers Ɣ Wire stripper plus spring-action wire cutters Ɣ 420HC Combo knife Ɣ Spring-action scissors Ɣ Package opener, ruler, can & bottle opener, ¿le Ɣ Phillips plus medium & small straight screwdriver Ɣ Straight jaw Ɣ Patented undercut tongue and groove design assures no slip jaw action Ɣ Channellock Blue® comfort grips No. of Functions Closed (in.) Order No. Regular Price 14 3.8 LA60831425 61.45 SALE 43.95 HT013 Length Capacity Order No. Regular Price 4-1/2 6-1/2 9-1/2 10 12 16 1/2 7/8 1-1/2 2 2-1/4 4-1/4 LB50424 LB50426 LB50420 LB50430 LB50440 LB50460 21.77 19.15 23.10 24.00 27.20 45.20 SALE 17.65 15.50 18.70 19.45 22.00 36.65 HT092 2 Pc. Adjustable Tap Socket Ɣ Jaws adjust to tightly secure taps Ɣ Square drive (3/8“) compatible with common ratchets Ɣ Small pro¿le for use in tight spaces Ɣ Two sizes cover taps up to 1/2“ Tap Capacity Order No. Regular Price up to 1/2 EW513095001 42.00 SALE Adjustable Spanner Wrenches — Hook & Pin 20 32.05 HT980 Hook Ɣ Ideal for adjusting collars, lock nut rings, and bearings Ɣ Speci¿cally engineered to hold up under the most rigorous industrial use Ɣ Industrial Black Finish, SAE, Alloy Steel Pin Type - Adjustable Hook Spanner Wrench 12 Pc. Combination Int/Ext Retaining Ring Pliers Set Capacity Range For Thickness Dia. (in.) (in.) Ɣ Includes 12 ¿xed tip pliers sizes .038, .047, .070, .090 in 0°, 45°, and 90°angles Ɣ Pliers are convertible for use on internal and external snap rings with cushioned grip handles Ɣ They have a knurled center screw with a spring for easy changing and secure hold Order No. Regular Price KL403495 165.05 SALE 125.85 HT1131 Tested & approved to the following standards: VDE 0680-201, ASTMF-1505-01, EN60900, NFPA70E. Made in Germany. Consists of 1 each: Ɣ 3/32“ Straight Screwdriver Ɣ 6.3“ Diagonal Cutter Ɣ 9/64“ Straight Screwdriver Ɣ 6.3“ Needle Nose Pliers Ɣ 3/16“ Straight Screwdriver Ɣ 6.3“ Adjustable Stripping Pliers Ɣ 1/4“ Straight Screwdriver Ɣ 8.0“ Linemans Pliers Ɣ #0 Phillips Screwdriver Ɣ #1 Phillips Screwdriver Ɣ #2 Phillips Screwdriver Regular Price KN5432888 326.40 SALE 233.35 $ Ɣ Needle nose pliers and wire cutter for pulling and trimming MIG wire Ɣ Sharp edges for cleaning inside nozzle and around tips Ɣ Small serrated hole for MIG tips Ɣ Large serrated hole for nozzles Ɣ Spring loaded handle with heavy insulated grip for comfort Order No. Regular Price 22.05 Regular Price 1/8 5/32 3/16 1/4 5/16 6-3/8 8-1/8 11-3/8 12-1/8 13-3/4 KP30471 KP30472 KP30474 KP30474A KP30474B 45.85 51.85 72.40 76.60 92.25 3/4 to 2 1-1/4 to 3 2 to 4-3/4 4-1/2 to 6-1/4 6-1/8 to 8-3/4 11/32 13/32 15/32 15/32 15/32 Capacity Range For Dia. (in.) Thickness (in.) Depth (in.) Approx. Length (in.) Order No. Regular Price 3/4 to 2 3/4 to 2 1-1/4 to 3 1-1/4 to 3 2 to 4-3/4 4-1/2 to 6-1/4 11/32 11/32 13/32 13/32 15/32 15/32 1/8 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 3/8 6 6-1/8 7-1/2 7-1/2 10-1/2 10-1/2 KP30O471 KP30O471A KP30O472 KP30O472A KP30O474 KP30O474A 48.35 48.35 54.65 54.65 75.00 80.15 SALE 32.80 37.10 51.80 54.70 65.95 HT794 35 Order No. Regular Price KR552690GP 402.55 20 SALE 306.90 HT652 Hex Soft Grip T-Handle Balldriver Sets Ɣ Available in fractional or metric Ɣ Two tools in one Ɣ Dual drive No. of Pieces HT1211 SALE 34.55 34.55 39.05 39.05 53.60 57.35 HT1062 Strap Cutter SALE 13.60 Order No. Ɣ Long handled, two handed cutter that will make light work of the heaviest strapping Ɣ Long handles keep worker a safe distance from cutting area Ɣ Used for loading and unloading freight cars, trucks, etc. Ɣ Capacity - Àat straps up to 2“ x .050 Ɣ Length - 26“ 55 MIG Wire Utlitiy Plier KP8211448 Approx. Length (in.) Type - Adjustable Pin Spanner Wrench 11 Pc. Insulated Electricians Kit Order No. Depth (in.) Size 8 1/8†, 9/64†, 5/32, 3/16, 7/32, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8 8 2†, 2.5†, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm †Straight hex, not ball end Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 Order No. Regular Price KN5433498 KN5433496 79.00 83.75 SALE 64.50 68.45 HT833 33 PLANT & SAFETY Milk House Style Fan Forced Portable Heater Portable Dual LED Strip Gooseneck Desk Light Ɣ Temperature control thermostat fan forced air Ɣ 2 Heat settings Ɣ Tip over safety switch Ɣ Automatic reset limit control Ɣ Thermal cut-off device 35 Ɣ 6‘ Long 3 conductor cord Ɣ 15 Amp / 120V / Grd plug Ɣ 120 Volt integrated driver Ɣ 2 LED strips, 1492 lumens and 40,000 hour life Ɣ 12“ Long Àexible lamp reach Ɣ 18-1/2“ Wide Cycolac™ shade with inner reÀector distributes generous amount of bright, cool, white light over work surface Ɣ 7“ Diameter metal base Ɣ 9‘ Grounded cord and plug Ɣ Color: black BTU Amps Watts Order No. Regular Price 5120 12.5/10.8 1500/1300 PS30800419 116.50 SALE 72.20 PS883 Ceramic Fan Forced Portable Heater Ɣ Finned steel tubular heating element Ɣ Internal manual reset thermal cut-out Ɣ 6‘ Long cord with molded removable plug for hard wire installations Ɣ Swivel base can be used as a wall, Àoor or ceiling unit Ɣ 120 Volt Order No. Regular Price KC512068 201.60 SALE 153.75 PS071 Machine Arm Wide-Beam ReÁector Lights 1100 Ɣ Rugged industrial heavy duty construction Ɣ Double arm design or Àexarm Ɣ Wide beam for better light coverage Ɣ Power coat paint that resists cracks, 1101 scuffs and fading Ɣ Includes 75 watt bulb but approved up to 100 watt bulb 35 BTU Amps Watts Order No. Regular Price 5120 12.5/1.1 1500/950 PS30445931 174.10 SALE 107.85 PS884 1075 OAL (in.) Type Order No. Regular Price 26 28 39 Gooseneck Wide-Beam ReÀector Machine Arm Wide-Beam ReÀector Machine Arm Wide-Beam ReÀector KC501075 KC501101 KC501100 318.35 355.15 355.15 SALE 229.60 255.85 255.85 PS432 Heavy Duty Cord Reels SL800 Heavy-Duty Cord Reel 3-Tap Straight Plug Ɣ 30‘ 16/3 Foot cord,(SJT) Ɣ Polarized plug with three 10 amp grounded receptacles Ɣ Heavy-Duty metal retractable reel Ɣ Brackets for wall or ceiling mounting (included) Ɣ LED power status light Ɣ Distrortion free 5“ dia. magnifying lenses available in 3 diopter (1.75X) or 5 diopter (2.25X) magni¿cation strength Ɣ 22 Watt Àuorescent bulb Ɣ 45“ Reach arm with fully adjustable C-mount clamp which opens 2“ or 30“ reach arm mounted on heavily weighted 10“ dia. base Ɣ Color: black 50‘ Heavy-Duty Cord Reel Triple-Tap “T” Style Ɣ 50‘ Heavy-Duty 14/3 cord, (SJTW) Ɣ Tri (3) Polarized plug with Four 13 amp grounded receptacles Ɣ 40% Larger cord reel with smooth glide rewind Ɣ Resettable 13 amp circuit breaker Ɣ LED power status light Ɣ Mounting brackets (included) SL8903 SL851 Metal Shield Incandescent Utility Light on 50‘ Metal Reel Ɣ Heavy-Duty metal retractable reel Ɣ Galvanized metal lamp shield with rubber tipped hang hook Ɣ Durable push on/off switch Ɣ Up to 75 watt incandescent (bulb not included) Ɣ Mounting brackets (included) Cord Length Order No. Regular Price 30‘ 50‘ 50‘ KE58SL800 KE58SL8903 KE58SL851 74.60 167.65 79.20 Diopter Mount Type Order No. Regular Price 3 5 5 Clamp Clamp Weighted Base KC517121A KC517122A KC517126 222.75 257.95 305.60 SALE 169.85 196.70 233.05 PS431 ProLite™ High Performance, Hand-Applied Strech Film Ɣ Excellent load retention properties Ɣ Elastic properties keep ¿lm tight if load settles Ɣ High strength product requires less ¿lm stretching Ɣ Reduced ¿lm “neckdown” (width reduction) during tensioning Ɣ Lighter gauge and roll weight means less operator fatigue Ɣ Elevated tear and puncture strength Ɣ Excellent ¿lm clarity for best product visibility and reading bar codes Ɣ Signi¿cant cost savings advantage over conventional, heavier gauge ¿lms Ɣ Multi-layer cast hand ¿lm provides excellent clarity, SALE silent application and load retention 53.35 119.80 56.65 Ɣ Sold 4 rolls per minimum order PS668 34 Industrial Fluorescent MagniÀer Lights Roll Length Roll Width Conventional Film Replacement Order No. Regular Price 1500‘ 18 60-80 LF5200457 26.30 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 18.80 PS807 PLANT & SAFETY Protege With HydroSheild® Anti-Fog Coating Ɣ Floating lens design and secure wraparound brow offers increased Àexibiltiy Ɣ Ultra lightweight with soft Àexible nose pads Ɣ Offers highest available impact protection Ɣ Hardcoat anti-scratch lens coating Ɣ Dual action HydroShield provides up to 60X longer lasting fog free performance Lens Frame Order No. Regular Price Clear HydroShield Anti-Fog Gray HydroShield Anti-Fog Black Black LF50S4200HS LF50S4201HS 8.45 9.75 SALE 6.50 7.45 PS073 Highlander® Safety Glasses Ɣ Lightweight sports styling Ɣ Dual lens provides maximum protection Ɣ Inner lens clip provides soft foam for comfort ¿t and extreme styling Ɣ Can be worn with inner foam for additional dust protection or without, it is up to the wearer Ɣ Meets or exceeds ANSI Z87 .1-2003 High Impact Requirements Lens Frame Order No. Regular Price Clear Anti-Fog Black KB54SBB5010DT 11.90 PS757 Safety Glasses Plus Readers Wrist, Elbow, and Knee Supports Klondike with MagniÀer® Ɣ Bi-focal magni¿er lenses Ɣ 5-Position ratchet spatula temples Ɣ Filters 99.9% of UV radiation Ɣ Strong, lightweight polycarbonate polarized lens with 11° base curve Ɣ Meets or exceeds ANSI Z87.1 safety standards Lens Frame MagniÀcation Order No. Regular Price Clear Clear Clear Clear Black Black Black Black +1.00 +1.50 +2.00 +2.50 KB85K3H10 KB85K3H15 KB85K3H20 KB85K3H25 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 SALE 11.20 11.20 11.20 11.20 PS561 Pre-Moistened Lens Cleaning Tissues Ɣ Non-silicone based, anti-fog, anti-static, individually packaged tissues treated with special surfactants clean all glass and plastic lenses Ɣ 100 Tissues per box Order No. Regular Price KA408574GM 19.35 SALE 7.40 ProFlex® 300 Round Cap Knee Pads Ɣ Rounded cap allows for swiveling and pivoting Ɣ 840D nylon fabric Ɣ Wicked™ treated Ɣ 1/2“ EVA padding Ɣ Woven elastic straps Ɣ Velcro or buckle closure ProFlex® 500 Elbow Support Ɣ Durable construction for tough environments Ɣ Provides wide base of support Ɣ Effective relief from pain and discomfort ProFlex® 4000 Wrist Support Ɣ Fully-adjustable for an exact ¿t Ɣ Patented open-center stay™ reduces pressure on the median nerve Ɣ Anti microbial interior fabric Ɣ Sold individually; specify left or right Type - Elbow Support Size Order No. Regular Price Medium Large X-Large LF65500M LF65500L LF65500XL 14.95 14.95 14.95 Size Order No. Regular Price One Size LF65300B 33.75 Size Order No. Regular Price One Size LF65300V 32.30 SALE 9.95 9.95 9.95 Type - Knee Pads - Buckle SALE 14.75 PS136 SALE 22.55 Type - Knee Pads - Velcro Double Matrix Headgear and Faceshield Type - Wrist Support Size Ɣ Headgear ratchets to ¿t Ɣ Offers superior protection to lower face andd chin f hi Ɣ Clear Àat acetate face sheild sold seperately Ɣ Facesheild measures 7 x 16“/ .040“ Thick Type Order No. Regular Price Face Shield Headgear KB85494400 KB85483000 13.76 39.55 SALE 21.55 Medium Medium Large Large Hand Left Right Left Right Order No. Regular Price 17.35 17.35 17.35 17.35 LF654000LM LF654000RM LF654000LL LF654000RL SALE 11.60 11.60 11.60 11.60 PS590 SALE 8.55 24.50 PS013 N-Ferno® 6823 Wind-Proof Hinged Balaclava Bionic Faceshield Ɣ Fleece with wind-protectant fabric at the most vulnerable places protects against a variety of elements Ɣ Unique hinged design Ɣ 3-panel construction with Àat lock stitching for a comfortable “just made for you” ¿t Ɣ ReÀective accents to help keep you safe and seen Ɣ Long length Ɣ A revolutionary face shield designed for rugged jobs Ɣ Extremely lightweight and highly adjustable for all-day comfort it’s perfect for workers exposed to impact, chemical splash, and airborne debris Ɣ Anti-fog/hardcoat visor Ɣ Black matte shell Style Order No. Regular Price Clear Polycarbonate LF50S8510 61.45 SALE 46.85 PS898 Order No. Regular Price LF656823 23.75 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 15.90 PS880 35 PLANT & SAFETY Universal Socks Mini-Maglite® LED Flashlights 4 ft., 6 ft., & 10 ft. 35 Ɣ Bulb: LED Ɣ Run time: 5 hours Ɣ Lumens: 87 Ɣ Body: Anodized aluminum alloy with diamond knurled grip Ɣ Battery: 2 AAA (included) Ɣ Size: 5“ Length Ɣ Features: Adjustable spot to Àood, weather resistant, 2m drop resistant, includes steel clip Color Order No. Regular Price Black Gray KA705005 KA705195 35.20 35.20 Ɣ Each sock is ¿lled with recycled cellulose Ɣ Use socks at the base of machinery or around drums Ɣ Use socks for non-aggressive leak protection SALE 21.85 21.85 Size Box Quantity Order No. Regular Price 3“ D x 4‘ L 3“ D x 4‘ L 3“ D x 6‘ L 3“ D x 10‘ L 12 40 18 10 LD60L90790 LD60L90890 LD60L90934 LD60L90936 44.95 133.60 103.10 95.30 SALE 34.30 101.90 78.65 72.65 PS760 PS072 Industrial Matting AA LED Flashlight Ɣ Bulb: LED Ɣ Run time: 11 hours/ high, 32 hours / low 35 Ɣ Lumens: 97, 145m beam distance Ɣ Body: Anodized aluminum alloy with diamond knurled grip Ɣ Battery: 2AA (included) Ɣ Size: 6.6“ long Ɣ Features: Water resistant, 1m drop resistant, 4 modes: high, low, signal, SOS, multi-mode electronic switch, includes holster Color Order No. Regular Price Black Gray KA705010 KA705200 47.68 47.68 SALE 29.55 29.55 PS012 9/16“ Diamond Plate SpongeCote® Ɣ Super resilient, Nitricell® sponge base Ɣ 9/16“ Overall with optional colored borders and beveled safety edges Ɣ 3 Year warranty Ɣ UPS Dimensional Weight shipping rates apply 15/16“ UltraSoft Diamond Plate Ɣ Double thick Nitricell® sponge base is PVC loaded with Nitrile rubber Ɣ Popular diamond plate surface Ɣ Resists chemicals and abrasion Ɣ All edges safety beveled Ɣ 15/16“ Overall thickness Ɣ 3 Year warranty Ɣ UPS Dimensional Weight shipping rates apply Style - 15/16“ UltraSoft Diamond Plate 3M™ Aura™ Particulate Respirator 9210+, N95 Ɣ Designed to direct exhaled air away from which reduces eyewear fogging Ɣ Comfortable braided headband Ɣ Curved low pro¿le design allows more room for eyewear Ɣ Soft inner materials Ɣ Adjustable noseclip Ɣ Innovative chin tab designed for ease of positioning, donning & adjustment Min. Box Qty. Order No. Regular Price 20 KB3537192 2.40 Size (in.) Order No. Regular Price 2x3 3x5 RV6026127 RV6026208 100.30 250.50 Black/Yellow SALE 71.70 179.10 Order No. Regular Price RV6026151 RV6026232 109.45 273.45 SALE 78.30 195.50 Style - 9/16“ Diamond Plate SpongeCote Black Size (in.) Order No. Regular Price 2x3 3x5 RV6024640 RV6024652 75.50 183.50 SALE EACH Black/Yellow SALE 54.00 131.15 Order No. Regular Price RV6024641 RV6024642 86.05 197.95 SALE 61.50 141.55 PS526 1.75 PS011 11/16Ə Diamond Comfort Mats Protect-O-Screens Ɣ Industrial grade anti-fatigue mat Ɣ Economical solution for improving workers‘ comfort and productivity Ɣ Surface resists common Àuids Ɣ Manufacturer‘s 4 year limited warranty against wear and delamination Ɣ Beveled edges on all mats Ɣ UPS Dimensional weight shipping rates apply Ɣ Protects workers from hazards of welding sparks, spatter and UV Àash Ɣ Can be used individually or joined together to form multiple panel enclosures Ɣ Features sturdy 18 gauge steel frame and your choice of 12 oz. Olive Duck or Orange transparent Vinyl curtain Ɣ Other material and sizes are available Ɣ UPS Dimensional weight shipping rates apply Size Color Order No. Regular Price 6‘ x 6‘ 6‘ x 6‘ 6‘ x 8‘ 6‘ x 8‘ Olive Drab Cotton Orange Transparent Vinyl Olive Drab Cotton Orange Transparent Vinyl RT5850166 RT5853866 RT5850186 RT5853886 161.45 141.95 194.95 171.60 Size (ft.) Order No. Black Regular Price 2x3 3x5 3 x 10 RV6610260 RV6610290 RV6610280 64.65 161.60 323.15 SALE 130.80 115.00 157.95 139.05 PS675 36 Black SALE 46.25 115.55 231.05 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 Order No. RV6610265 RV6610295 RV6610285 Black/Yellow Regular Price 71.30 178.20 356.35 SALE 51.00 127.40 254.75 PS789 PLANT & SAFETY Disposable Earplugs Brown Jersey / Dotted Palm Gloves Ɣ Soft foam seals the earcanal comfortably Ɣ Fits wide range of earcanal sizes Ɣ Can be used with other personal protective equipment Item Min. Box Qty. 200 NRR Description Disposable Foam 29 dB 3M™ Earplugs, Uncorded KB351100 3M™ E-A-Rsoft™ Yellow Neons™ Earplugs, Uncorded 200 33 dB 100 Disposable Foam 29 dB 3M™ KB351110 Earplugs, Corded 200 Regular SALE Price PER EACH Order No. 3M™ E-A-Rsoft™ Yellow Neons™ Earplugs, Corded 33 dB 0.30 KB3512063 0.20 0.30 0.15 0.55 0.40 0.45 0.35 PS609 Ear Muffs Impact Headband Electronic Sound AmpliÀcation Earmuff Ɣ Ampli¿es ambient sound to safe 82 dB Ɣ Inner-ventilated headband minimizes pressure on the head Ɣ Quick-Click height adjustment Ɣ Snap-in ear cushions Ɣ Sound ampli¿cation allows wearers to hear important communication – alarms/warning signals, co-workers’ voices Ɣ Includes 2 AA batteries for 700 hours of use Sync Stereo Earmuff Ɣ Stereo earmuff that’s in Sync with proper levels of hearing protection Ɣ Volume Management Technology™ manages output volume from portable audio devices at 82 dBA Ɣ Provides ideal protection from most low to medium hazardous noise levels Ɣ No batteries required – just plug in and go! Ɣ Includes 3.5mm input cable, plugs into most MP3 players, mobile phones, and other personal audio device Ɣ Reinforced fork slides with handholds Style NRR Order No. Regular Price 23 dB 25 dB LF501010376 LF501030110 236.05 52.25 Order No. LF6516053 LF6516054 LF6516055 LF6516056 Regular Price 1.98 SALE 1 1.65 SALE 12 1.45 SALE 144 1.25 PS770 Size Order No. Regular Price Medium Large KB38425M KB38425L 0.70 0.70 SALE 1 0.60 0.60 SALE 12 0.50 0.50 SALE 144 0.45 0.45 PS800 Ɣ Black nitrile coated palm glove Ɣ Made for comfort and easy dexterity Ɣ Use in many industrial applications Ɣ 13 Gauge nylon shell Ɣ Color: black Size Order No. Small Medium Large X-Large SALE 176.50 39.85 Ɣ Reversible pattern Ɣ Provides comfort and warmth Ɣ Use as gloves or glove liners Ɣ Color: natural All-Purpose PS717 Regular Price 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 KB38600S KB38600M KB38600L KB38600XL SALE 1 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 SALE 12 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 SALE 144 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 PS802 Gray Cotton / Polyester Blend Gloves Ɣ General hand protection in light duty applications Ɣ Reversible pattern Ɣ Provides comfort and warmth Ɣ Use as gloves or glove liners Ɣ Color: gray Ɣ Maximum back-of-hand impact protection meets superior abrasion resistance, dexterity and grip Ɣ Molded TPR armor on knuckles, ¿ngers and carpal bone for impact protection, pinch injury prevention, and blow deÀection Ɣ Armor “Àex zones” for high dexterity Ɣ 5mm EVA dorsal pad protects vulnerable metacarpal region Ɣ Abrasion-resistant PVC on palm and hi-vis orange for hand signaling Ɣ Non-slip Armortex® reinforcement zones for enhanced grip and durability Ɣ Reinforced Kevlar palm stitching for extended wear and durability Ɣ Contoured neoprene cuff with reÀective pull-on tab resists snagging Size Order No. KB38450L Foam Coated Gloves ProFlex® Dorsal Impact-Reducing Gloves Medium Large X-Large 2X-Large Size Large Seamless String Gloves KB3511033 Electronic Impact Sync Stereo Ɣ Breathable and absorbent Ɣ Clute cut, knit wrist Ɣ Mini dot pattern Ɣ For comfort and breathability in general purpose applications Regular Price 56.80 56.80 56.80 56.80 Order No. Regular Price KB38440L 0.64 SALE 1 0.55 SALE 12 0.50 SALE 144 0.40 PS828 Welding Helmets Ɣ Variable shades from DIN 9 to DIN 13 Ɣ Ultra high performance ¿lters protect against UV and IR Ɣ Automatically changes from a light to dark when arc is struck Ɣ Complies with DIN, ISO, EN379 safety standards and ANSI Z 87.1 standards Ɣ Durable, light weight material is corrosion resistant and Àame retardant 41278 41279 Ɣ Utilizes high performance solar cells with 2 built-in 3V lithium batteries as power back-up Ɣ Viewing Area: 2.125 x 4“ Ɣ 1 Year Warranty against mfg defect SALE 37.90 37.90 37.90 37.90 Size Large Helmet Graphics PS694 Pirates at Sea Skull Wrecker Order No. KP8241278 KP8241279 Regular Price 210.40 210.40 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 130.40 130.40 PS781 37 ABRASIVES Cubitron Flap Discs Compact Zirconia Flap Discs Trimmable Back 747D Ɣ Type 27 Ɣ Premium 3M Cubitron abrasive grain provides extended cut and life on hard metals Dia. (in.) Ctr. Hole (in.) Max. RPM Grade Std. Pkg. Qty Order No. Regular Price 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 7 7 7 7 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 8600 8600 8600 8600 36 50 60 80 P120 36 50 60 80 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 TM1149613 TM1149614 TM1149615 TM1149616 TM1149617 TM1149608 TM1149609 TM1149610 TM1149611 12.16 12.16 12.16 12.16 12.16 23.36 23.36 23.36 23.36 SALE 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 A423 785C Fibre Discs Ɣ Cubitron abrasive Ɣ An excellent starting point for stainless steel Ɣ Includes a grinding aid for cooler running Ɣ 25 Pc. standard pack Dia. (in.) Hole Size (in.) Max RPM Grit Order No. Regular Price 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 8600 8600 8600 8600 8600 8600 8600 36 50 60 80 P120 24 36 50 60 80 P100 P120 24 36 50 60 80 P100 P120 TM1180660 TM1180661 TM1180662 TM1180663 TM1180665 TM1113931 TM1113930 TM1113928 TM1113977 TM1113926 TM1180654 TM1180655 TM1113937 TM1113936 TM1113934 TM1113933 TM1113932 TM1180656 TM1180657 4.86 4.54 4.29 4.03 4.03 4.54 4.42 4.16 3.97 3.71 4.03 4.03 5.12 4.99 4.67 4.42 4.16 4.54 4.54 Ɣ Trimmable backing allows for longer production cycle, less downtime. Ɣ Hybrid compact design - Àaps are compressed and compacted at a 4° for edge strength - 20% more material than regular Z3 Àap discs. Ɣ Z3 Premium Zirconia Alumina grain for aggressive, heavy duty applications. Ɣ Poly/cotton backing provides low stretch and strength Ɣ Active grinding agent provides cool cutting with light pressure. Ɣ Standard pack – 10 pc. 5/8-11 Dia. (in.) Grit RPM Order No. Regular Price 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 5 40 60 80 40 60 80 13300 13300 13300 12200 12200 12200 MG9039714 MG9039715 MG9039716 - 11.80 11.80 11.80 - A457 PSA Discs - 248D Ɣ Aluminum oxide – X wt. cloth Ɣ Heavy-duty, cloth-backed discs for more aggressive applications Ɣ Provides excellent adhesion while removing easily SALE 8.45 8.45 8.45 - Order No. Regular Price MG9039722 MG9039724 MG9039725 MG9039742 MG9039744 MG9039745 9.55 9.55 9.55 9.90 9.90 9.90 SALE 6.85 6.85 6.85 7.10 7.10 7.10 A546 Rubber Back-Up Pads SALE 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.30 3.30 3.75 3.60 3.45 3.25 3.05 3.30 3.30 4.15 4.10 3.85 3.60 3.45 3.75 3.75 7/8 Ɣ Rubber back-up pads for use with coarse grits Ɣ Spiral ribs provide contact points and form channels for air Àow, extending disc life 30% to 50% Ɣ Larger air holes provide cooler operating and longer abrasive disc life Ɣ Pad size meets ANIS B186.1 standards Ɣ Smooth face pads are excellent for general purpose applications Style - Rubber with Smooth Bore & Spiral Pattern Size (in.) Type 4-1/2 Medium Order No. Regular Price 30.85 MG9049521 Style - Rubber with Smooth Face Size (in.) Type 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 7 x 5/8-11 Medium Medium Order No. Regular Price 30.85 MG9049508 46.40 MG9049506 Style - Rubber with Standard Spiral Pattern Size (in.) Type Order No. Regular Price 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 5 x 5/8-11 7 x 5/8-11 7 x 5/8-11 7 x 5/8-11 9 x 5/8-11 Medium Medium Flexible Medium Ridgid Medium MG9048220 MG9048221 MG9049510 MG9048222 MG9049511 MG9048239 30.85 32.30 46.40 46.40 46.40 53.80 SALE 22.10 SALE 22.10 33.20 SALE 22.10 23.10 33.20 33.20 33.20 38.45 A475 Dia. (in.) - 6 38 Grade Std. Pkg. Qty. Order No. Regular Price 50 60 80 P100 P120 250 250 250 250 250 TM1120879 TM1120878 TM1120877 TM1120876 TM1121497 Dia. (in.) - 8 2.24 2.11 2.05 1.92 1.92 Grade Std. Pkg. Qty. Order No. Regular Price 36 40 60 80 P120 250 250 250 250 250 TM1120874 TM1120873 TM1120871 TM1120870 TM1120868 Dia. (in.) - 12 4.48 4.22 3.84 3.65 3.46 3.70 3.50 3.15 3.00 2.85 Grade Std. Pkg. Qty. Order No. Regular Price SALE 36 40 50 60 80 P100 10 10 10 10 10 10 TM1188906 TM1188905 TM1188904 TM1188903 TM1188902 TM1188901 10.37 9.79 9.22 8.70 8.19 7.74 Backup Pads SALE 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.60 1.60 Ɣ Provide excellent ¿nishes Ɣ Extends disc life Ɣ Pads speci¿c design along with correct combination of Àexibility and disc support help prevent “edge cutting” Ɣ 5/16-24 Male thread for pneumatic & oscillating sanders Ɣ 5/8-11 Female thread for Milwaukee, Black & Decker, Skil & Bosch Power Tools SALE 8.45 8.00 7.50 7.10 6.65 6.30 Shank Size - 5/16-24 Male Dia. (in.) 5 6 Dia. (in.) A517 5 6 RPM 10,000 10,000 RPM Order No. Regular Price SALE MM85ELSM5 MM85ELSM6 Shank Size - 5/8-11 Female 12.30 13.85 10.00 11.25 Order No. Regular Price SALE 3,200-10,000 3,200-10,000 MM85IL14FN5 MM85IL14FN6 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 10.50 12.30 8.55 10.00 A435 ABRASIVES PowerFlex Mini Zirconia Flap Quick Change Discs Ɣ Outlasts resin ¿ber discs 25 to1 Ɣ Use on carbon steel, stainless aluminum & alloy Ɣ Rapid stock removal Ɣ Long life Ɣ Better ¿nish Dia. (in.) 2 3 36 Regular Price Order No. 7.45 9.55 MM5994550 MM5994563 SALE 4.90 6.25 40 Regular Price Order No. 7.45 9.55 MM5994551 MM5994564 SALE 4.90 6.25 60 Regular Price Order No. MM5994552 MM5994565 7.45 9.55 SALE 4.90 6.25 80 Regular Price Order No. 7.45 9.55 MM5994553 MM5994566 SALE Order No. 4.90 6.25 120 Regular Price MM5994554 MM5994567 SALE 4.90 6.25 7.45 9.55 A299 Carbo White Zirconia Alumina Resin Cloth Flap Discs 4-1/2Ə Zirc Abrasive Flap Discs Type 27 Ɣ Poly-cotton heat treated backing for added Àexibility Ɣ Resin bond offers maximum cutting capacity, strong edge stability and long life Ɣ Active grinding agent provides cool cutting with light pressure Ɣ Recommended for aggressive use and heavy duty applications Ɣ Excellent on carbon and stainless steel Ɣ 13,300 RPM Ɣ Type 27 - Plastic - Flat face, plastic back Ɣ Fits same type grinder as resin ¿ber disc and depressed center wheel Ɣ 5 & 7“ Also Available Size (in.) Grit RPM Standard Pack Order No. Regular Price 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 120 40 60 80 120 40 60 80 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 MM4202064 MM4202060 MM4202062 MM4202063 MM4202080 MM4202077 MM4202078 MM4202079 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.90 6.05 6.05 6.05 6.05 SALE 6.70 6.70 6.70 6.70 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 Grit A636 Premier Red Zirconia Alumina Resin Cloth Flap Discs Grit RPM 36 40 60 80 120 36 40 60 80 13300 13300 13300 13300 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 Size (in.) Grit RPM Standard pack 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Order No. MM4264060 MM4264061 MM4264062 MM4264063 MM4263745 MM4263741 MM426374 MM4263743 MM4263744 Dia. (in.) Regular Price 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 SALE 10.85 10.85 10.85 10.85 8.70 8.70 8.70 8.70 8.70 9.20 9.20 9.20 9.20 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 Regular Price SALE 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 40 60 80 40 60 80 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 13300 5 5 5 5 5 5 SALE 3.45 5.15 3.30 4.95 3.20 4.90 3.20 4.90 4.75 7.10 4.55 6.85 4.45 6.80 4.45 6.80 A581 Order No. MM4268838 MM4268846 MM4268848 MM4263929 MM4263930 MM4263931 12.95 12.95 12.95 10.45 10.45 10.45 Arbor Hole (in.) 5/8-11 UNC 5/8-11 UNC 5/8-11 UNC 5/8-11 UNC 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Grit 36 40 60 80 36 40 60 80 RPM 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 Angled Regular Order No. Price MK5151204 MK5151205 MK5151206 MK5151207 MK5151200 MK5151201 MK5151202 MK5151203 SALE 9.65 9.65 9.65 9.65 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 12.62 12.62 12.62 12.62 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 Order No. MK5151226 MK5151227 MK5151228 MK5151223 MK5151224 MK5151225 Flat Regular Price 12.62 12.62 12.62 10.99 10.99 10.99 SALE 9.65 9.65 9.65 8.45 8.45 8.45 A684 Quick Change Disc Holders Wheel Type - T27 - Fat Boy Standard pack Regular Price Flap Discs Wheel Type - T27 Size (in.) Order No. Faster Grinding and Longer Life for Steel and Stainless Steel Metalworking Ɣ Ideal for metal grinding and polishing, especially for weld bead grinding on ¿ne carbon and stainless steel Ɣ Type 27 - Flat Face Ɣ 7“ Also available 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 Standard Pack 36 10 SP11FD45A27036Z 36 10 SP11FD45H27036Z 40 10 SP11FD45A27040Z 40 10 SP11FD45H27040Z 60 10 SP11FD45A27060Z 60 10 SP11FD45H27060Z 80 10 SP11FD45A27080Z 80 10 SP11FD45H27080Z Also available in Ceramic and Zirc Plus material. Type 29 also available. Ɣ Roll-On (TR) features nylon screw type thread Ɣ Turn-On (TS) features metal to metal quick change system 11.00 11.00 11.00 8.90 8.90 8.90 Dia. (in.) 2 3 A643 Order No. Roll-On Discs Regular Price MM5964922 MM5964949 17.55 22.25 SALE Order No. 10.10 MM5964198 12.75 MM5964113 Turn-On Discs Regular Price 17.75 22.40 SALE 10.20 12.85 A469 Premier Red Zirconia Alumina Resin Cloth Narrow Belts Belt Size Order No. (in.) P36 Regular Price SALE P40 Regular Order No. Price SALE P50 Regular Order No. Price SALE Order No. P60 Regular Price SALE P80 Regular Order No. Price SALE P100 Regular Order No. Price SALE P120 Regular Order No. Price SALE 2 x 48 MM4254739 6.05 5.20 MM4254740 6.00 5.05 MM4254741 5.90 5.00 MM4254742 5.85 5.00 MM4254743 5.45 4.60 6 x 48 MM4254850 17.30 14.55 MM4254851 15.75 13.35 MM4254852 15.65 13.25 MM4254853 15.50 13.15 MM4254854 14.35 12.15 MM4254855 14.20 12.05 MM4254856 14.20 12.05 A652 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 39 ABRASIVES 9Ə x 11Ə Wet or Dry Silicon Carbide Finishing Paper Sheets 9Ǝ x 11Ǝ Sheet Ɣ 60 Grit thru 180 grit C-weight Ɣ 220 Grit and ¿ner A-weight Regular Price SALE Grit Order No. 60 80 120 150 180 220 240 280 320 SP12S911060S SP12S911080S SP12S911120S SP12S911150S SP12S911180S SP12S911220S SP12S911240S SP12S911280S SP12S911320S 0.70 0.70 0.65 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.90 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 Regular Price SALE Grit Order No. 360 400 500 600 1000 SP12S911360S SP12S911400S SP12S911500S SP12S911600S SP12S9111000S 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 A553 Ɣ Aluminum oxide - X wt. cloth Ɣ Excellent all around abrasive belt for blending and ¿nishing Belt Size (in.) Grit Standard Pk. Qty. Order No. Regular Price 1 x 42 1 x 42 1 x 42 1 x 42 2 x 72 2 x 72 2 x 72 2 x 72 6 x 48 6 x 48 6 x 48 6 x 48 60 80 P100 P120 60 80 P180 P240 60 80 P100 P120 200 200 200 200 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 TM1001450 TM1001451 TM1001452 TM1001453 TM1026316 TM1033067 TM1026309 TM1081752 TM1001457 TM1010454 TM1010455 TM1010456 2.62 2.37 2.24 2.24 4.93 4.48 4.22 4.22 11.46 10.37 9.79 9.73 SALE 2.30 2.10 1.95 1.95 4.30 3.85 3.70 3.70 9.90 8.95 8.45 8.40 10.30 SALE 5.65 A382 Granlund Sanding Insurance™ Abrasive Cleaning Sticks Order No. Regular Price 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 1.60 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.75 1.75 2.50 2.25 2.15 2.05 2.05 SP10B38013040A SP10B38013060A SP10B38013080A SP10B38013120A SP10B38013180A SP10B38013220A SP10B12024040A SP10B12024060A SP10B12024080A SP10B12024120A SP10B12024180A SP10B12024220A SP10B35205040A SP10B35205060A SP10B35205080A SP10B35205120A SP10B35205220A Size (in.) Description 1x1x6 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 8 2 x 2 x 12 3 x 3 x 1-1/2 Stick Stick Stick Bench Mount Order No. Regular Price SALE 3.45 8.25 12.85 9.15 5.10 11.50 19.15 12.75 MJ51116W MJ51158 MJ512212 MJ513315 For Diamond and CBN Wheels Ɣ Belts for bench and standing grinders Ɣ Butt splice bi-directional for stronger belt life Ɣ Closed coat for metals working Ɣ Full resin bond coating on “X” weight - heavy duty cloth backing 40 60 80 120 180 220 40 60 80 120 180 220 40 60 80 120 220 Regular Price Brake Controlled Truing Device Aluminum Oxide Abrasive File Belts 3/8 x 13 3/8 x 13 3/8 x 13 3/8 x 13 3/8 x 13 3/8 x 13 1/2 x 24 1/2 x 24 1/2 x 24 1/2 x 24 1/2 x 24 1/2 x 24 3/4 x 20-1/2 3/4 x 20-1/2 3/4 x 20-1/2 3/4 x 20-1/2 3/4 x 20-1/2 Order No. MM40CAS30 A501 A511 Grit Ɣ Flexible cloth backing Ɣ Tough and durable aluminum oxide Ɣ Ideal for removing cutting tool marks and deburring on all metal parts by hand Ɣ Consists of 10 each - 60, 120 and 180 grit Ɣ Works like a giant eraser to remove wood, metal & plastic from your sanding belts, discs, drums or sheets Ɣ Increases belt life Ɣ Improves ¿nish by reducing burning and chatter Ɣ Made of a long lasting, clean, safe, non-toxic material Abrasive Belts - 241D Belt Size 30 Pc. Assortment Pack - Aluminum Oxide Abrasive Cloth Ɣ Designed for truing diamond and CBN wheels rapidly and with minimum loss of diamond Ɣ Ideal for straight wheels with diamond in the periphery, cut-off wheels, internal grinding wheels and cup wheels with diamond in the rim Ɣ Easy to operate Ɣ Rotate the truing wheel and make contact with diamond/CBN wheel Ɣ Oscillate the unit and truing wheel across face of wheel being trued using machine cross-slide Type - Brake Truing Device SALE 0.55 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.05 1.05 1.50 1.30 1.25 1.25 1.25 Style Order No. Regular Price Model DT100 Turing Device NP55DT100 334.30 SALE 239.00 Type - Replacement Wheel Style Order No. Regular Price Replacement Wheel for Model DT100 MG753100 17.25 SALE 9.05 A537 6Ə Diamond Cut Off Wheel Ɣ 6 x .035 x 1-1/4 Type IAIR Ɣ 1/4“ Diamond section Ɣ 100 Grit A566 Order No. Regular Price MP501807829 176.45 Ɣ 100 Concentration Ɣ Resin bond SALE 143.00 A022 Zirconia Portable File Belts Ɣ CS411 Material Ɣ Ideal for heavy stock removal Belt Size (in.) 1/8 x 24 1/4 x 24 3/8 x 13 1/2 x 18 1/2 x 24 3/4 x 20-1/2 40 Order No. MM44B2140 MM44B2340 MM44B1940 MM44B2540 MM44B2640 MM44B2040 40 Regular Price 3.10 3.10 2.50 2.70 3.10 3.30 Ɣ Polyester cloth backing can be used wet or dry Ɣ Longer life, less down time, and greater productivity SALE 2.10 2.10 1.75 1.85 2.10 2.20 Order No. MM44B2160 MM44B2360 MM44B1960 MM44B2560 MM44B2660 MM44B2060 60 Regular Price 3.10 3.10 2.50 2.70 3.10 3.30 SALE 2.10 2.10 1.75 1.85 2.10 2.20 Order No. MM44B2180 MM44B2380 MM44B1980 MM44B2580 MM44B2680 MM44B2080 80 Regular Price 3.10 3.10 2.50 2.70 3.10 3.30 SALE 2.10 2.10 1.75 1.85 2.10 2.20 Order No. MM44B21120 MM44B23120 MM44B19120 MM44B25120 MM44B26120 MM44B20120 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 120 Regular Price 3.10 3.10 2.50 2.70 3.10 3.30 SALE 2.10 2.10 1.75 1.85 2.10 2.20 A355 ABRASIVES Brown Aluminum Oxide & Green Silicon Carbide Abrasive Wheels - VitriÀed Bond Ɣ Ideal for removing burrs on steel parts Ɣ Reducer bushings included with each wheel Ɣ Fast cutting action - long life Ɣ CGW AO brown bench wheels use premium low ¿re technology Ɣ Good for sharpening high speed steel cutting tools to assure consistent bond Material - Brown Aluminum Oxide A24-QV A36-OV Size (in.) RPM Order No. Regular Price 6 x 3/4 x 1 6x1x1 7x1x1 8 x 1 x 1-1/4 4456 4456 3760 3600 MG9035008 MG9035017 MG9035034 MG9035046 20.45 23.45 26.50 34.60 SALE 14.65 16.80 19.00 24.75 A46-MV Order No. Regular Price MG9035009 MG9035018 MG9035035 MG9035047 20.45 23.45 26.50 34.60 Order No. MG9035010 MG9035019 MG9035036 MG9035048 20.45 23.45 26.50 34.60 SALE 14.65 16.80 19.00 24.75 A60-MV Regular Price Order No. MG9035011 MG9035020 MG9035037 MG9035049 20.45 23.45 26.50 34.60 SALE 14.65 16.80 19.00 24.75 A80-MV Regular Price SALE 14.65 16.80 19.00 24.75 Order No. Regular Price MG9035012 MG9035021 MG9035038 MG9035050 20.45 23.45 26.50 34.60 SALE 14.65 16.80 19.00 24.75 Material - Green Silicon Carbide GC100-IV GC60-IV Size (in.) RPM Order No. Regular Price 6 x 1/2 x 1 6 x 3/4 x 1 6x1x1 7x1x1 8 x 1 x 1-1/4 4456 4456 4456 3760 3600 MG9035007 MG9035015 MG9035024 MG9035041 MG9035053 22.15 24.90 28.65 32.60 42.20 SALE 15.90 17.85 20.50 23.30 30.20 GC80-IV Order No. Regular Price MG9035005 MG9035013 MG9035022 MG9035039 MG9035051 22.15 24.90 28.65 32.60 42.20 SALE 15.90 17.85 20.50 23.30 30.20 Order No. Regular Price MG9035006 MG9035014 MG9035023 MG9035040 MG9035052 22.15 24.90 28.65 32.60 42.20 SALE 15.90 17.85 20.50 23.30 30.20 A399 Abrasive Shop Rolls Metal Back/Direct Mount Grinding Wheels Ideal for cleaning and deburring metal surfaces. Ɣ Tough & durable P-graded aluminum oxide abrasive Ɣ Flexible cloth backing for shapes & contours Ɣ Can be used dry or with oil Ɣ Easily dispensed from package Ɣ WA — For grinding high speed steel Ɣ GC — For grinding carbide Ɣ Center plate hole 1-1/4Ǝ, 4 holes on 3-1/4Ǝ bolt circle Size (in.) Spec Order No. Regular Price 6x1x4 6x1x4 6x1x4 6x1x4 6x1x4 GC60 I V GC80 I V GC100 I V GC120 I V WA46 K V MG9034949 MG9034950 MG9034951 MG9034952 MG9034948 76.20 76.20 76.20 76.20 67.65 Width (in.) SALE 54.50 54.50 54.50 54.50 48.40 A260 7 x 1/2 x 1-1/4Ə White (WA) Surface Grinding Wheels Ɣ High friability for fast, cool grinding Ɣ Used for light grinding of steels of all kinds particularly tool and stainless steel Length 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 Grit 50 Yds 50 Yds 50 Yds 50 Yds 50 Yds 50 Yds 50 Yds 50 Yds 50 Yds 50 Yds 50 Yds 50 Yds 50 Yds 50 Yds 50 Yds 120 180 220 60 80 120 180 220 60 80 120 180 220 60 80 Order No. Regular Price 43.45 43.45 43.45 53.35 45.00 77.40 77.40 77.40 94.85 80.00 60.95 60.95 60.95 74.60 63.00 MM42100120 MM42100180 MM42100220 MM4210060 MM4210080 MM42200120 MM42200180 MM42200220 MM4220060 MM4220080 MM42150120 MM42150180 MM42150220 MM4215060 MM4215080 SALE 36.70 36.70 36.70 45.10 38.00 65.40 65.40 65.40 80.10 67.65 51.45 51.45 51.45 62.95 53.20 A108 Grit Size Hardness Order No. Regular Price 46 46 46 46 60 60 60 H I J K H I J MG9034615 MG9034616 MG9034617 MG9034618 MG9034619 MG9034620 MG9034621 23.17 23.17 23.17 23.17 23.17 23.17 23.17 Economy Diamond Wheel Dressers SALE 16.60 16.60 16.60 16.60 16.60 16.60 16.60 Ɣ For dressing vitri¿ed grinding wheels Carat Weight (in.) A358 3/8 x 3 Regular Price Order No. 1/4 1/2 1 2 1-1/2 MN45ED025A MN45ED050A MN45ED100A MN45ED200A MN45ED150A 7.90 12.80 25.60 49.80 39.90 SALE 4.55 7.35 14.65 28.50 22.85 Order No. 7/16 x 3 Regular Price 7.90 12.80 25.60 49.80 39.90 MN45ED025B MN45ED050B MN45ED100B MN45ED200B MN45ED150B Diamond Sharpening Hones Ɣ All common sizes and shapes in a convenient storage box Ɣ Use on die or in-line/straight shaft grinders Ɣ Blending contours Ɣ Deburring molded parts and mold ¿nishing Ɣ ID grinding, offhand bench grinding, tool and die Description Shank Size (in.) Order No. Regular Price 100 Piece Assortment 50 Piece Assortment 1/8 x 1-1/2 1/4 x 1-1/2 ML50MP100 ML50MP50 72.95 74.75 4.55 7.35 14.65 28.50 22.85 A380 Mounted Point Kits Tool Room Assortment SALE Ɣ A quick easier way to hand sharpen both cutlery and tools Ɣ The diamond abrasive is treated to be tougher and last longer Ɣ Available in: ¿ne, medium, and coarse grits Ɣ Size of abrasive part: 2“L x 3/4“W - 5-7/8“ OAL SALE 55.65 57.00 A438 Grit Order No. Regular Price Coarse Fine Medium FT65EZELC FT65EZELF FT65EZELM 13.65 9.15 11.40 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 9.80 6.55 8.20 A207 41 ABRASIVES Bench & Pedestal Grinding Wheels - Aluminum Oxide Zirconia Premium Small Cut-Off Wheels - Type 1 Ɣ Aluminum oxide grain Ɣ Used for general purpose grinding and tool sharpening Ɣ For ferrous metals (carbon steel, steel, iron, forgings, etc) Ɣ Convenient single pack Size (in.) Grit Order No. Ɣ ZA: Zirconia aluminum oxide - metal, steel and stainless Ɣ Longer lasting life and easy cutting action Regular Price 6 x 3/4 x 1 36 SP01063041A036O 6 x 3/4 x 1 60 SP01063041A060M 6 x 3/4 x 1 80 SP01063041A080M 6x1x1 36 SP01064041A036O 6x1x1 60 SP01064041A060M 6x1x1 80 SP01064041A080M Also available in 7“ & 8“ diameter. SALE 18.40 18.40 18.40 18.95 18.95 18.95 25.70 25.70 25.70 26.45 26.45 26.45 Light Grind & Cut-Off Wheels- Grit Order No. Regular Price 46 46 36 36 SP010301252146Z SP010301253146Z SP010401252136Z SP010401253136Z 4.75 4.75 5.50 5.50 RPM Order No. Regular Price 23900 23900 23900 23900 19100 19100 19100 19100 MG9036175 MG9036176 MG9036173 MG9036174 MG9036179 MG9036180 MG9036177 MG9036178 3.15 3.15 3.30 3.30 3.65 3.65 4.30 4.30 SALE 3.20 3.20 3.75 3.75 A413 Cutting & Grinding Wheels Size Grit RPM Order No. Regular Price 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 24 24 24 13300 13300 8500 TM0192312 TM0192314 TM0192313 2.82 5.06 5.70 GoldCut Reinforced Aluminum Oxide Cut-Off Wheels 4-1/2Ə Depressed Center Wheels Type 27 - Aluminum Oxide Ɣ Advanced resin bond Ɣ Unique, high strength, reinforced construction Ɣ Extra thin .045“ Ɣ Provides strength for use on right angle grinders Ɣ Flexible, resilient, resists breakage Use with Right Angle Air/Electric Grinders Grit RPM Carton Qty. Order No. Regular Price 4 x .045 x 5/8 4 x 3/32 x 5/8 4-1/2 x .045 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 3/32 x 7/8 6 x .045 x 7/8 6 x 3/32 x 7/8 7 x 1/16 x 7/8 7 x 3/32 x 7/8 A46-Q A36-Q A60-Q A60-Q A46-Q A60-Q A46-Q A46-Q 15280 15280 13580 13580 10185 10185 8600 8600 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 MG4663951 MG4627224 MG4663952 MG4627225 MG4663954 MG4627228 MG4632324 MG4627230 2.20 2.65 2.30 2.75 3.05 3.35 4.95 5.25 SALE 1.80 2.10 1.90 2.20 2.45 2.75 3.90 4.25 SALE 2.45 4.40 4.95 A427 A621 Size (in.) SALE 2.30 2.30 2.40 2.40 2.65 2.65 3.15 3.15 Ɣ Aluminum oxide Ɣ Type 27 Ɣ Bonded abrasive wheel Ɣ Provides a high rate of stock removal and long life Ɣ 10 Pc. standard pack Ɣ Do not use on tools without guards Ɣ Zirconia grain Ɣ High performance for cutting and notching applications Ɣ Use on ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds), stainless steel and high tensile alloys Size (in.) Spec ZA60-TBF ZA60-TBF ZA36-TBF ZA36-TBF ZA60-TBF ZA60-TBF ZA36-TBF ZA36-TBF A622 Zirconia - Type 1 3 x 1/8 x 1/4 3 x 1/8 x 3/8 4 x 1/8 x 1/4 4 x 1/8 x 3/8 Size (in.) 3 x 1/32 x 1/4 3 x 1/32 x 3/8 3 x 1/16 x 1/4 3 x 1/16 x 3/8 4 x 1/32 x 1/4 4 x 1/32 x 3/8 4 x 1/16 x 1/4 4 x 1/16 x 3/8 A24 N Grade Ɣ Soft bond for fast stock removal Ɣ Ideal for ferrous metals and low grade stainless A24 R Grade Ɣ Medium bond for longer life Ɣ Ideal for general purpose grinding of ferrous metals Size (in.) Max. RPM Order No. 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 13300 MG4120060 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 13300 MG4120160 A24N Regular Price 3.60 5.10 SALE Order No. 3.15 MG4120063 4.40 MG4120163 A635 A24R Regular Price 3.60 5.10 SALE 3.15 4.40 A523 Radial & Cup Wire Wheels Ɣ Easily reaches into narrow or recessed areas for quick material removal Ɣ For scale removal, deburring, weld cleaning and Àat surfaces Ɣ For general use including cleaning and rust removal Type - Cup Brush Size (in.) 2-3/4 x 5/8-11 2-3/4 x 5/8-11 2-3/4 x 5/8-11 4 x 5/8-11 Wire Size (in.) Style RPM .014 .014 .014 .020 Crimped Knot Knot Knot 12,500 12,500 12,500 8,500 Wire Size (in.) Style RPM Material Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Order No. Regular Price SP25CB2345114CC SP25CB2345114CK SP25CB2345120CK SP25CB4005120CK 11.40 15.20 15.55 25.60 Order No. Regular Price SALE 6.55 8.75 8.95 14.65 Type - Knotted Brush Size (in.) 4 x 5/8-11 4 x 5/8-11 4 x 5/8-11 4 x 5/8-11 4 x 5/8-11 4 x 5/8-11 4 x 5/8-11 4 x 5/8-11 42 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 Radial Standard Standard Standard Standard Stringer Bead Stringer Bead Stringer Bead 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 12,000 20,000 20,000 Material Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Carbon Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel SP25RK401451CCR SP25RK402051CCT SP25RK402051CST SP25RK402051SCT SP25RK402051SST SP25RK602051CSB SP25RK402051CSB SP25RK402051SSB 19.05 19.65 18.00 31.10 27.60 31.05 16.90 26.60 SALE 10.95 11.30 10.35 17.85 15.80 17.75 9.70 15.20 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 A648 ABRASIVES Ruftuf® End Brushes Scotch-Brite™ Roloc™ Bristle Discs Ɣ Flexible yet durable bristles conform the workpiece without damaging base material Ɣ Continuous supply of mineral in abrasive-¿lled bristles provides a high cut rate and more uniform ¿nish Ɣ Discs are designed to resist loading, extending service life Ɣ Available in 3 grades: 50 (green), 80 (yellow) and 120 (white) Ɣ Use with Roloc TR Disc Pads (available separately) 2“ TR disc pad Order No. MM59-64922 3“ TR disc pad Order No. MM59-64949 Knot Type Applications: Ɣ Rubber and plastic mold cleaning Ɣ Removing rust and paint Ɣ Weld cleaning Dia. (in.) Grit RPM Standard Pack Order No. Regular Price 2 2 2 3 3 3 120 50 80 120 50 80 25000 25000 25000 15000 15000 15000 4 4 4 4 4 4 TM3118733 TM3118730 TM3118732 TM3118737 TM3118734 TM3118736 11.58 11.58 11.58 17.86 17.86 17.86 SALE 9.95 9.95 9.95 15.40 15.40 15.40 1.5 30000 1.5 30000 1.5 30000 2 25000 2 25000 2 25000 3 18000 3 18000 3 18000 Holder: MM59-64922 Grit Color Stnd. Pk. Order No. Regular Price CRS MED VFN CRS MED VFN CRS MED VFN Brown Maroon Blue Brown Maroon Blue Brown Maroon Blue 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 TM2108764 TM2108765 TM2108766 TM2105528 TM2105527 TM2105523 TM2105532 TM2105531 TM2105530 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.79 1.79 1.79 3.39 3.39 3.39 SALE 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.55 1.50 1.50 2.90 2.90 2.85 A512 Ɣ Flexible yet durable bristles conform the workpiece without damaging base material Ɣ Continuous supply of mineral in abrasive¿lled bristles provides a high cut rate and more uniform ¿nish Ɣ Discs are designed to resist loading, extending service life Ɣ Use on bench grinders 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Hole Size (in.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Grit 36 50 80 1 Micron 120 220 400 6 Micron 80 Color Dark Brown Green Yellow Light Green White Red Blue Peach Yellow Max. RPM 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Order No. TM3027603 TM3027605 TM3027606 TM3033217 TM3033212 TM3033213 TM3033214 TM3033216 TM3033215 Regular Price 60.29 60.29 60.29 84.67 84.67 84.67 84.67 84.67 84.67 SALE 51.75 51.75 51.75 72.65 72.65 72.65 72.65 72.65 72.65 Color Green Light Gray Maroon Tan Description Scouring Industrial Clean & Finish General Purpose Heavy Duty Order No. Regular Price .006 .0104 .014 .020 .006 .0104 .014 .006 .0104 .014 .020 MK6030014 MK6030016 MK6030017 MK6030018 MK6030002 MK6030004 MK6030005 MK6030008 MK6030010 MK6030011 MK6030012 36.50 26.70 21.95 21.35 25.05 24.10 20.05 28.75 25.80 19.85 20.10 SALE 27.85 20.40 16.80 16.30 19.10 18.40 15.35 22.00 19.70 15.15 15.40 A386 Ɣ Removing surface oxidation and rust Ɣ Surface preparation prior to coating Ɣ Remove surface coatings for part inspections Ɣ Corrosion removal on steel rule and Kirksite dies Ɣ Mold and die polishing Ɣ Polishing valve spools, and round and square tubing Ɣ Polish inside diameters of lifter bores, valve bodies and brake cylinders Dia. (in.) 3/4 3/4 1 1 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Width (in.) 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 Eyelet Grit 8-32 8-32 8-32 8-32 8-32 8-32 8-32 8-32 8-32 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 Medium Very Fine Medium Very Fine Medium Very Fine Coarse Medium Very Fine Coarse Medium Very Fine Coarse Medium Very Fine Std. Pk. 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Regular Price Order No. MM75725019 MM75725011 MM75725007 MM75725008 MM75725012 MM75725013 MM75727395 MM75727396 MM75727397 MM75727398 MM75727399 MM75727400 MM75727401 MM75727402 MM75727403 4.45 5.15 4.30 4.30 6.50 6.50 8.30 8.30 8.30 9.60 9.60 9.60 10.85 10.85 10.85 SALE 3.60 4.15 3.50 3.50 5.25 5.25 6.75 6.75 6.75 7.85 7.85 7.85 8.80 8.80 8.80 A405 Material Aluminum Oxide Silicon Carbide Aluminum Oxide Aluminum Oxide Breakthrough ¿ber coating technology allows Scotch-Brite™ 7447/ 7448 PRO to cut faster and produce a more consistent scratch. Ɣ Ideal for prepping surfaces for paint and primer, general scuf¿ng and hand blending Ɣ Enginereed to minimize loading Ɣ Flexible enough for contoured parts and hard-to-reach areas Size (in.) Grade Style Description Order No. Regular Price 5 6 6x9 6x9 A VFN A VFN A VFN S ULF 7447 PRO 7447 PRO 7447 PRO 7448 PRO Disc Disc Hand Pad Hand Pad TM2164959 TM2164960 TM2264926 TM2264935 2.56 3.39 2.11 2.15 A481 6Ə x 9Ə Non-Woven Hand Pads 20 20 20 20 Wire Size 2-3/4 2-3/4 2-3/4 2-3/4 2-3/4 2-3/4 2-3/4 2-3/4 2-3/4 2-3/4 2-3/4 Scotch-Brite™ 7447 PRO & 7448 PRO Ɣ Excellent for hand ¿nishing and cleaning of woods, metals and composites Ɣ Ideal for wood ¿nishing, paint prep and general cleaning Std. Pack OAL 1 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 Buff & Blend Cross Buffs Scotch-Brite™ Radial Bristle Brushes for Bench Grinders Size (in.) Dia. 1 1 1 1 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 2 Ply Aluminum Oxide Ɣ Scotch-Brite™ Roloc™ surface non-woven web provides a burr free decorative ¿nish Ɣ Removes grind marks, rust and coatings Ɣ Roloc TR plastic button Max. RPM Brush Length A460 Scotch-Brite™ Roloc™ Surface Conditioning Discs Dia. (in.) Ɣ Cleaning castings Ɣ Burr removal Grade Very Fine Ultra Fine Very Fine Medium SALE 2.20 2.95 1.65 1.65 A683 Ɣ Priced each / sold in standard pack (20) only Order No. SP22HP69GNVFNA SP22HP69GYUFNS SP22HP69MAVFNA SP22HP69TNMEDA Regular Price 1.30 1.30 1.15 2.50 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 0.95 0.95 0.85 1.85 A558 43 MATERIAL HANDLING Hand Trucks - General Purpose Ɣ 1-1/4“ Tubular steel frame robotically welded Ɣ 1/4“ High strength tapered steel base plate with beveled edge 14“ wide at the front edge. 17-1/2“ wide at the back and 13“ long Ɣ Heavy gauge fenders prevent load from rubbing on wheels and ties the base and frame together for strength Ɣ 3/4“ “D-Lok” zinc plated axle to resist rust Ɣ 900 lb. Capacity Ɣ Ships by truck 32T57 Swivel Tractor Seat 32T84 Nose Plate Overall Size Tire Order No. Regular Price 17-1/2 x 13“ 17-1/2 x 13“ 51 x 20“ 51 x 21“ 8 x 2-1/4“ Solid Rubber 10 x 2-1/2“ Solid Rubber RV3032T57 RV3032T84 286.10 329.30 Ɣ Air cylinder for easy height adjustment Ɣ Cushioned rubber seat for ultimate comfort Ɣ Large steel reinforced tool tray Ɣ (5) 3-1/2“ heavy duty chrome fnished casters with rubber tread for easy mobility Ɣ 300 lb capacity Ɣ 18“ Minimum height Ɣ 22“ Maximum height Ɣ 17“ Tool tray diameter Ɣ 1“ Tool tray depth Ɣ 16“ Seat width SALE 204.55 235.40 Order No. Regular Price RC528514 176.65 SALE 93.70 MH456 MH386 3-Drawer Project Center Work Benches Ɣ Available with steel top or solid hardwood top Ɣ Hardwood top with “butcher block” construction sanded smooth Ɣ Gray steel top is made of 12 gauge steel with a 14 gauge reinforcement channel Ɣ Available with ¿xed or adjustable legs Ɣ Lifetime warranty against manufacturer defects Ɣ Medium use / medium capacity Ɣ Full-width drawer pulls Ɣ External keyed-lock bar Ɣ 25 lb friction drawer slides Ɣ Capacity: 300 lbs. Ɣ Ships by truck Adjustable Leg Size (in.) Fixed Leg Top Depth (in.) Height (in.) Capacity Weight Order No. Regular Price Steel Steel Steel Steel Wood Wood Wood 60 72 72 96 60 72 72 30 30 36 36 30 30 36 33-1/2 33-1/2 33-1/2 33-1/2 33-1/2 33-1/2 33-1/3 2500 1800 1800 4000 3800 3600 3600 110 lbs 127 lbs 141 lbs 173 lbs 131 lbs 148 lbs 168 lbs RV8273850 RV8273855 RV8273860 RV8273865 RV8273870 RV8273875 RV8273880 386.05 427.05 481.60 653.90 620.75 714.90 719.75 Top Width (in.) Depth (in.) Height (in.) Capacity Weight Order No. Regular Price Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Wood Wood Wood 48 60 72 72 96 60 72 72 30 30 30 36 36 30 30 36 33-1/2 33-1/2 33-1/2 33-1/2 33-1/2 33-1/2 33-1/2 33-1/2 4000 2500 1800 1800 4000 3800 3600 3600 91 lbs 103 lbs 120 lbs 134 lbs 160 lbs 124 lbs 142 lbs 162 lbs RV8273800 RV8273805 RV8273810 RV8273815 RV8273820 RV8273825 RV8273830 RV8273835 346.75 364.95 405.60 458.05 565.10 596.25 693.45 791.90 Weight Order No. Regular Price SALE 75 lbs RX61SPPC3BK 309.70 236.15 34 x 20 x 34.5 4 x 2 Black Type - Adjustable Leg Width (in.) Caster Size (in.) Color MH406 Heavy Duty Two Shelf Utility Carts SALE Ɣ Perfect for transporting equipment and heavy loads Ɣ Deep shelves securely hold contents Ɣ Sturdy, structual foam contruction won‘t rust, dent, chip or peel Ɣ Lightweight & maneuverable, includes 5“ diameter, non-marking casters (two ¿xed & two swivel) Ɣ Color: black Ɣ Capacity: 500 lbs. Ɣ UPS Dimensional Weight Shipping Rates May Apply 257.55 284.90 321.35 436.30 414.15 477.00 548.85 Type - Fixed Leg SALE 231.40 243.45 270.60 305.65 377.00 397.80 462.65 528.35 Overall Size (in.) MH404 Shelf Size (in.) Order No. 4520 4500 Regular Price SALE 39-1/4 x 17-7/8 x 33-1/4 16 x 30 RZ554500 424.05 323.35 45-1/4 x 25-7/8 x 37-1/8 24 x 36 RZ554520 481.65 367.25 MH360 CPI Pallet Trucks 5000 Lb. Capacity Ɣ 3“ Moldon polyurethane load wheels Ɣ Entry and exit rollers Ɣ 2 Year Warranty Ɣ Ships by truck Ɣ Adjustable fork connecting rods Ɣ Overload bypass Ɣ Rubber coated handle Ɣ 7“ Moldon polyurethane steering wheels Capacity 5000 lbs 5000 lbs 44 Outside Fork Width Ind. Fork Width W-1 x L-1 (in.) W-2 (in.) 24 x 42 27 x 48 6 6 Oal L-2 Wheel Dia. Arm Ht. (in.) WHL-1/WHL-2 H-1 (in.) 57 63 7“/3“ 7“/3“ 48-1/4 48-1/4 Min. Lift Ht. Max. Lift Ht. H-2 (in.) H-3 (in.) Weight 2.9 2.9 7-1/4 7-1/4 180 lbs 196 lbs 35 Order No. Regular Price RS55W2042P RS55W2748P 822.80 822.80 SALE 509.75 509.75 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 MH325 MATERIAL HANDLING Flammable Liquids Safety Cabinets 8-Drawer Journeyman Chest Model 526 Brown Ɣ FM Approved Ɣ Meets NFPA Code 30 & OSHA Standard 190.106 for storage of Class I, II, or III Liquids Ɣ 500 Lb. capacity galvanized shelves adjustable on 2-1/2“ centers Ɣ Locking handle with 3-point latch Ɣ Durable powder coat ¿nish in safety yellow Ɣ Dual 2“ capped vents with Àash arrestors for external exhaust Ɣ 18 Gauge double wall welded construction Cabinet Cap. Width Depth Height No. of (in.) (in.) (in.) Shelves 30 Gallons 43 45 Gallons 43 60 Gallons 34 Ships by truck 18 18 34 44 65 65 1 2 2 Weight Ɣ 26-3/4“W x 8-1/2“D x 13-5/8“H Ɣ Double panel side wall for strength Ɣ Heavy duty plated side handles Ɣ Wool felt-lined drawers and top till Ɣ Six drawer dividers, spring clips hold in place Ɣ Brown wrinkle ¿nish Ɣ Shipping weight 44 lbs. Regular Price 524.15 SALE 424.70 MH086 Tool Storage Cabinets & Chests Combo Regular Price Order No. Order No. RX50526B SALE 252 lbs RZ50SC300F 1110.85 845.90 349 lbs RZ50SC450 1382.20 1052.80 409 lbs RZ50SC600F 1752.35 1336.05 MH345 CNC Security Cart Ɣ Clear polycarbonate doors allow for easy at-a-glance tool identi¿cation Ɣ Comes with 2 sets of doors to secure both sides Ɣ Doors are keyed alike for easy operation and security Ɣ Shelves can be adjusted in 7 different mounting positions Ɣ Side tray allows for optional tool changing vise or collect racks Ɣ Large open tray area for utility transport Ɣ Size: 41 x 35 x 20“ Shop Series Ɣ Full-extension ball-bearing drawer slides (black model) or friction drawer slides (red model) Ɣ Internal keyed locking system Ɣ Full-width drawer pulls Ɣ Standard casters, 3“ x 1“ Ɣ 1 Year limited warranty Ɣ UPS Dimensional Weight Shipping Rates Apply No. of Drawers Width (in.) Depth (in.) Height (in.) Color Order No. Regular Price 5 6 26.5 26.5 14 14 43.5 43.5 Black Red RX61STC265BKB RX61STC266RDF 306.05 287.40 SALE 233.40 219.15 MH389 Die Table Tool Capacity Order No. Regular Price 36-HSK 100A Taper Tooling 36-HSK 50A Taper Tooling 48-30 Taper Tooling 48-40 Taper Tooling 48-HSK 63A Taper Tooling AP5316980 AP5316950 AP5316930 AP5316940 AP5316970 1380.70 1380.70 1380.70 1380.70 1380.70 SALE 1093.65 1093.65 1093.65 1093.65 1093.65 MH449 Ɣ Reduce back injury and cumulative trauma disorders Ɣ Manually operated hydraulic foot pump Ɣ Handle height is 41“ Ɣ Capacity is 2000 lbs. Ɣ Service rance: 26-1/4“ to 37“ Ɣ All welded steel construction Ɣ Two rigid and two swivel casters with a Àoor lock Platform Size (W x L) (in.) 24 x 30 Ships by Truck Order No. Regular Price RV54DIE2430 861.00 SALE 728.35 MH302 Tuff Edge II™ Slings Get An Edge On Sling Life 35 Ɣ Abrasion and cut resistant blue polymer edges Ɣ Silver body yarn treated to resist abrasions Ɣ Single and double ply Style - Type 3 - Flat Eyes Width 1 2 Order No. 4‘ Regular Price SE82EE1801T4 SE82EE1802T4 18.75 28.90 Order No. 4‘ Regular Price SALE Order No. 11.60 SE82EE1801T6 17.90 SE82EE1802T6 Style - Type 3 - Flat Eyes Width 1 2 SE82EE2801T4 SE82EE2802T4 24.10 35.75 SALE Width 1 2 Order No. 14.90 SE82EE2801T6 22.15 SE82EE2802T6 SE83EE2801T4 SE83EE2802T4 24.10 35.75 SALE 6‘ Regular Price 21.40 33.75 Style - Type 5 - Endless 6‘ Regular Price 29.80 46.05 SALE 18.45 28.50 Width 1 2 Order No. 14.90 SE83EE2801T6 22.15 SE83EE2802T6 4‘ Regular Price SE84EN1801T4 SE84EN1802T4 20.00 31.85 Order No. 4‘ Regular Price SALE 29.80 46.05 SALE 18.45 28.50 Width 1 2 SE84EN2801T4 SE84EN2802T4 41.30 64.40 Ply - 1 Order No. 12.40 SE84EN1801T6 19.70 SE84EN1802T6 Style - Type 5 - Endless 6‘ Regular Price Twisted Eyes 13.25 20.95 Ply - 2 Order No. Flat Eyes Endless SALE Ply - 2 Order No. Style - Type 4 - Twisted Eyes 4‘ Regular Price Ply - 1 SALE 25.55 42.00 SALE 15.80 26.00 Ply - 2 Order No. 25.60 SE84EN2801T6 39.90 SE84EN2802T6 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 6‘ Regular Price 6‘ Regular Price 52.45 84.55 SALE 32.45 52.40 MH319 45 MATERIAL HANDLING Sturdy All Steel Parts Bins Ɣ Easy parts access Ɣ Hemmed and ribbed dividers Ɣ 1-1/8“ wide label holders Ɣ Large capacity - all units are 12“ deep and all bin openings are 11-7/8“ deep. Ɣ UPS Dimensional Weight shipping rates apply on SB5540B No. of Compartments Width (in.) 40 72 † Ships By Truck 33-3/4 33-3/4 Heavy Duty Stools 40B 72B Height (in.) Weight Order No. Regular Price 23-7/8 42 50 lbs 80 lbs SB5540B SB5572B† 188.50 292.60 SALE 143.75 223.10 MH123 SpeciÀcations: Ɣ 7/8“ O.D., 18 gauge steel Ɣ 6300 Series - Square seat for more room; masonite board recessed into pad of seat Ɣ 6400 Series - 14“ round seat, vinyl padded seat and back rest Ɣ 6200 Series - Available with optional back rest or can be bought as a stool Ɣ UPS Dimensional weight shipping rates may apply Rotary Barrel Hand Pumps Oil-Based Hand Pump 7119 Ɣ For dispensing oil-based Àuids Ɣ Fits 15 - 55 gallon units Ɣ Pump body & veins made of polypropylene Ɣ Includes: pump, strainer ¿lter, suction tube & 2“ bung adapter Description 19-27“ Adjustable Padded Seat with Backrest 19-27“ Adjustable Square Stool with Backrest 19-27“ Adjustable Stool with Backrest 24“ Stool with Hardboad Seat 25-33“ Adjustable Padded Seat with Backrest 25-33“ Adjustable Square Stool with Backrest 25-33“ Adjustable Stool with Backrest 30“ Stool with Hardboard Seat 7119 Type Order No. Regular Price Oil-Based Hand Pump Chemical-Based Hand Pump HY507119 HY507118 74.70 118.70 Heavy Duty Barrel Pump Regular Price 74.60 SALE RZ406418HB 115.30 87.90 RZ406318HB 122.15 93.10 RZ406218HB RZ406224 101.00 57.15 77.00 43.55 RZ406424HB 120.70 92.05 RZ406324HB 130.65 99.65 RZ406224HB RZ406230 104.55 66.75 79.70 50.90 Heavy Duty Tarps SALE 46.20 MH344 Heavy Duty Two Sided - Silver & Black Ɣ 200% denser than regular grade Ɣ Black polycast reinforcement bars on corners Ɣ Dual sided for heat and light reÀection Ɣ U.V. resistant treated fabric Ɣ Brass grommets every 18“ Ɣ Sealed hems with polyroping for extra strength Size (in.) Sq. Ft. Order No. Regular Price 6 x 8‘ 8 x 10‘ 10 x 12‘ 10 x 20‘ 12 x 16‘ 12 x 24‘ 16 x 20‘ 20 x 20‘ 48 80 120 200 192 288 320 400 KP856292 KP856297 KP856317 KP856323 KP856332 KP856338 KP856352 KP856377 12.85 21.05 30.45 50.55 49.55 72.40 80.75 100.75 Tilting Drum Rings SALE 8.00 13.05 18.90 31.35 30.70 44.85 50.00 62.40 MH382 Ɣ Easily transport steel drums with your fork truck Ɣ Manually rotate drum to dispense light materials Ɣ The band secures around the belly of the drum Ɣ Welded steel construction for durable strength Ɣ Capacity 1200 lbs Ɣ Capacity is based on full drums / half-full drums are rated at 600 lbs Drum Bug Nut Wrenches Acceptable Drum Style Material Fork Opening (W x H“) Order No. Regular Price 30 Gallon Steel 30 Gallon Steel 30 Gallon Steel 55 Gallon Steel 55 Gallon Steel 55 Gallon Steel Steel Galvonized Steel Stainless Steel Steel Galvonized Steel Stainless Steel 5-3/4 x 3 5-3/4 x 3 5-3/4 x 3 5-3/4 x 3 5-3/4 x 3 5-3/4 x 3 RV54TDR30 RV54TDR30G RV54TDR30SS RV54TDR55 RV54TDR55G RV54TDR55SS 92.00 120.65 289.80 105.15 136.85 304.55 SALE 76.90 102.20 245.25 89.10 115.90 257.85 Ɣ Open and close drum bungs or plugs for optimal results Ɣ Multi-purpose features are ideal for maximum ef¿ciency BNWA Ɣ Unit is universal meaning it ¿ts all types of drum plugs and bungs Ɣ Durable wrenches will eliminate BNWIXW the need for extra tools Material Style Order No. Regular Price Bronze Alloy Cast Aluminum Cast Steel Non Sparking Non Sparking Standard RV54BNWBXW RV54BNWA RV54BNWIXW 55.50 17.05 29.45 MH450 46 Regular Price MH334 Ɣ Two-piece telescoping suction tube ¿ts 30 to 55 gallon drums Ɣ Pump delivers a full ten ounces of Àuid per stroke Ɣ Rugged epoxy ¿nish pump assembly Ɣ Discharge spout thread ¿ts all garden hose ¿ttings Ɣ Complete with a standard bung adapter, tough all steel foot valve and piston valve Ɣ For oil based material only Ɣ Weight: 7 lbs. Order No. 6230 Order No. SALE 70.75 88.85 MH335 LX55L3000 6218HB 6324HB Chemical-Based Hand Pump 7118 Ɣ Corrosion resistant Ɣ Used with petroleum products, water & water-based 7118 chemicals, anti-freeze, mild acids, and alkali solutions Ɣ Pump body made from glass ¿lled polypropylene with Ryton veins, seals made from viton rubber and all hardware is stainless steel Ɣ Includes: 3 Pc. (45“ long) suction tubes & choice of 2“ bung adapters Ɣ Fits 15 -55 gallon units 6424HB Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 BNWBXW SALE 47.00 14.40 24.90 MH448 FLUIDS OPTO-MATIC® Constant Level Oilers Hi-Spot Blue Plastic Reservoir Models Ɣ Used for locating high spots on bearing and gear surfaces Ɣ Non-drying and non-hardening Ɣ Transfers clearly from one surface to another Ɣ Save valuable time and money in surface scraping work Ɣ High strength, transparent, ribbed plastic reservoir provides long life and impact resistance Ɣ Adjustable level setting allows use in many applications Ɣ Multiple air vent slots provide for proper functioning at all times Ɣ Style E side connection only Ɣ Style EB side and bottom connections for simpli¿ed installation Style - E Connection Dim. A Dim. B Dim. B Dim. C Dim. C Cap. (NPT) (in.) (in.) Min. (in.) Max. (in.) Min. (in.) Max. (in.) 2 oz 4 oz 8 oz 1/4 1/4 1/4 11-5/16 3-7/8 2-5/16 4-9/16 2-5/8 5-11/16 4-3/8 5-1/16 6-3/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 Order No. Regular Price SALE Order No. Regular Price SALE Size Order No. Regular Price SALE .55 oz LL6083307 8.20 7.05 FL377 NW5030052 36.95 31.70 NW5030054 41.05 35.20 NW5030058 49.25 42.25 Style - EB Connection Dim. A Dim. B Dim. B Dim. C Dim. C Cap. (NPT) (in.) (in.) Min. (in.) Max. (in.) Min. (in.) Max. (in.) 2 oz 4 oz 8 oz 1/4 1/4 1/4 11-5/16 3-7/8 4-3/8 2-5/16 4-9/16 5-1/16 2-5/8 5-11/16 6-3/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 NW5030062 42.40 36.40 NW5030064 45.15 38.70 NW5030068 56.10 48.15 FL374 Lubricants 79045 Accu-Lube Stick Lubricants Ɣ Reduce heat build-up in belt, disc or wheel grinding operations Ɣ Apply the ready-to-use stick to the tool before start-up Ɣ Environmentally safe and biodegradable 79042 Size Order No. Regular Price 2.02 oz Push-up Stick 13 oz Tube LK6079042 LK6079045 6.20 19.55 Ɣ Makes strong, permanent repairs Ɣ Can be formed, drilled, ground, tapped, machined, ¿lled, sanded, and painted Ɣ Stays pliable for 30 minutes after mixing, sets in 4-6 hours and cures fully in 15-24 hours Ɣ One tube contains epoxy resin and the other contains hardener Size Order No. Two (2) 1 oz Tube LM508265S 9.45 Two (2) 5 oz Tube LM508280 26.85 SALE 5.20 17.30 Regular Price SALE 6.35 17.90 FL303 FL304 Premium EP Greases Super Bonder® Instant Adhesive Ɣ 1 oz. Bottle Ɣ Forms strong bonds on metal, rubber and plastic parts Ɣ No mixing, heating or clamping Ɣ Works in seconds Ɣ Will bond with gaps up to .004 in. Order No. Regular Price SALE LM5049550 28.90 24.80 FL185 F Lithium General Purpose Grease Ɣ Economical general purpose grease for use where extreme pressure properties are not required Ɣ Highly water resistant Ɣ Will not break down or run out Size Order No. Regular Price SALE 14 oz LR50SL3310 8.60 6.15 Ɣ CB-2 contains no solids. Has buttery consistency and a high melting point. Color: Amber. Service Rating: -10°F to 300°F Ɣ 202 Moly-Lithium is highly adhesive lubricant 31050 with low friction properties. Color: Black. Service Rating: -10°F to 300°F Ɣ AP-5 is a non-melting grease containing moly for reduced friction and increased load carrying capacity. Color: Black. Service Rating: -10°F to 550°F Ɣ AP-1 is clear grease for roller bearing, electric motor, blower and dryers. Color: Amber. Service Rating: -10°F to 550°F Ɣ Marine multi-purpose grease with EP additives is a versatile water resistant lithium grease. Color: Purple. Service Rating: -10°F to 325°F Style Hazard Code Order No. Regular Price CB-2 Multi-Purpose 202 Moly-Lithium AP-5 High Temp with Moly AP-1 High Temp Marine Multi-Purpose HAZ58 HAZ57 HAZ57 HAZ57 HAZ57 LM6531050 LM6533050 LM6525050 LM6531550 LM6563050 8.30 9.75 9.80 8.60 7.85 FL236 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 33050 SALE 6.35 7.45 7.45 6.55 5.95 FL055 47 FLUIDS Refractometers Noga-Cool Cutting Fluid Applicator Ɣ Lightweight aluminum construction Ɣ Ergonomic, comfortable & easy operation Ɣ Anti-slip, rugged body with durable & hygienic grip Ɣ Translucent viewing colored background Ɣ Hard plastic portable carrying case with sampler included Ɣ Comfortable eyepiece for easy viewing Ɣ Available in 0-10 & 0-32 Brix scale Ɣ Lifetime warranty against manufacturer defects Ɣ Features Auto Temperature Compensation (ATC) for shops with varying temperatures For maximum heat dissipation and extended tool life Ɣ Strong magnetic base Ɣ Separate on/off air and Àuid controls Ɣ Stainless steel armored siphon hose and air hose Ɣ Nozzle connected via Loc-Line® Àexible hose Ɣ Simple, inexpensive & rugged spout 10“ Ɣ Flexible hose 40“ Brix Scale Order No. Regular Price SALE 0-10 NZ6040000 107.55 0-32 NZ6040005 133.15 66.65 82.50 Order No. Regular Price LV40MC1700 142.80 SALE 101.30 FL020 FL347 Small Submersible Pumps Lock-n-Load Workforce-Pro Quick Connect Grease Gun ™ Ɣ Designed for heavy-duty service with high quality features that make it durable and easy to use Ɣ Lock-n-Load™ threadless quick connect barrel - signi¿cantly reduces downtime Ɣ Automatic bleeder – bleeds air when reconnecting barrel to head. Reduces air locks and priming problems Ɣ 12“ Flexible extension – for hard to reach grease ¿ttings Ɣ Heavy duty cast aluminum pump dead – for maximum durability & longer service life Ɣ Heavy gauge knurled steel barrel – for better grip and durability Ɣ 4-Jaw Coupler – for better grip and durability Ɣ Ergonomic handle design Order No. Regular Price SALE LX55L1175L 74.30 49.60 12Ə Oil Skimmer Ɣ Removes Àoating tramp oils Ɣ Removes up to 1-1/2 gallons of oil per hour Ɣ Flexible wiper blades Ɣ Shipping weight 9 lbs Ɣ Disks & wipers are guaranteed for life 48 Regular Price NY40LH300 317.40 SALE 272.25 PE1 2EN Description Flow Polyester case. 1/4“ MNPT 1‘-170 / 3‘-140 / discharge and side intake. 5‘-100 GPH Shut Off Order No. Regular Price 7 ft NX50PE1 105.65 SALE 90.60 Cast aluminum housing. 1‘-300 / 3‘-255 / 1/4“ MNPT discharge and 11.8 ft NX502EN 173.35 148.75 5‘-205 GPH hooded intake. FL168 Li‘l Blue Skimmer™ FL388 Order No. Ɣ Small, submersible, epoxy-encapsulated pumps for commercial and industrial use Ɣ Applications include air conditioners, machine tools, and many other applications where liquid must be transferred or re-circulated Ɣ 2EN pump is permanently lubricated Ɣ Continuous duty fan cooled motor Ɣ Both sides of belt wiped for better ef¿ciency Ɣ Engineered polymer base and housing Ɣ Removable trough for easy cleaning Ɣ Compact; use almost anywhere even through a 2“ diameter bung hole Ɣ Spring loaded stablizer bar 25 Reach Removal Rate Max. Temp. Order No. Regular Price SALE 8 1 Gallon per hour 140 °F NY45SLBO8 634.40 12 1 Gallon per hour 140 °F NY45SLB12 634.40 18 1 Gallon per hour 140 °F NY45SLB18 634.40 24 1 Gallon per hour 140 °F NY45SLB24 634.40 453.50 453.50 453.50 453.50 FL162 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 FL379 FLUIDS 243 Blue Threadlocker PORTaMIST Units Without Tanks Oil Resistant/Medium Strength Ɣ Portable, quick set-up magnetic unit with 12“ LOC-LINE® Nozzle Positioner Ɣ Unit equipped with nylon reinforced air line and 4‘ long siphoning line Ɣ Loctite 243 is a step up from 242 Ɣ 243 is designed for oil‘s and higher heat environment, such as engines and for high torque bolts Ɣ 243 has higher strength like the ‘red’ however is not permanent, and application can be removed with correct tools Size Color Order No. Regular Price 10ml 50ml 250ml Blue Blue Blue LM501329837 LM501329467 LM501329505 19.40 53.85 186.90 SALE 15.75 43.60 151.45 FL360 Size Order No. Regular Price 12“ NZ5060M 160.25 18“ NZ5060M18 190.40 SALE 137.50 163.30 FL338 Odor Control Tablets Ɣ Eliminates coolant stench Ɣ Safe and easy to use Ɣ Contains no formaldehyde or formaldehydereleasing chemicals Ɣ Most effective way to control odors in any water based coolant system Ɣ Safer and more economical than biocides Ɣ Use one tablet per 25 gallons of coolant every 2 weeks Ɣ Designed for small sumps usually of 200 gallons or less Ɣ 15 Tablets per tube Adjustable Coolant Hose Kits Ɣ Loc-Line® will stay in position without any springback Ɣ Since Loc-Line® has a ball and socket design, bending doesn‘t decrease the inside diameter and won‘t kink like copper tubing. Also, there is no internal positioning rod that can break or restrict Àuid Àow Style Order No. Regular Price SALE NY40XOCT25 52.45 45.00 Kit Components Order No. Regular Price SALE Hose - 13“, 1/4“ Hose Fittings, Nozzles - 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, Kit NPT Male Connectors - 1/8, 1/4 LV5540413 10.90 8.80 Hose - 13“, 1/2“ Hose Nozzles - 3/8, 1/2, 1/4, Kit NPT Male Connectors - 3/8, 1/2 LV5550813 12.30 9.95 Hose - 14“, 3/4“ Hose Nozzles - 5/8, 3/4, Kit NPT Male Connector - 3/4 LV5560513 15.20 12.30 FL164 Economy Mixer Ɣ 14 Metering tips included for concentrations of 1% to 20% (ratios 4:1 to 99:1) Ɣ Maximum viscosity of 500 SUS Ɣ 48“ Discharge tube included Ɣ Check valve for precise mixing Ɣ Works on barrels or totes Ɣ Weight 5 lbs. Ɣ Capacity: 4.8 gallons per minute Ɣ 30 Day warranty FL116 Mighty Mini SST™ Belt Oil Skimmer Order No. Regular Price SALE NY40MIX05120 200.30 171.80 FL366 Ɣ 304 Stainless steel construction Ɣ Fan cooled continuous duty gear motor Ɣ 24 hr intergrated timer / 15 min intervals Ɣ Spring loaded stabilizer pulley bar Ɣ Removable trough for easy cleaning Ɣ 1 year warranty Parts Washers Ɣ Designed for use in shops ranging from mechanic‘s garage to heavy industry Ɣ Features a 115V fully enclosed pump, seamless construction Ɣ 20 Gallon tank dimensions: 29-7/8“ x 20-3/4“ x 10-51/64“ 35 Ɣ Pump output through hose, 50 GPH Ɣ 1991020 shown Capacity Order No. 3.5 Gallons (Portable Style) NW551991035 20 Gallons (Heavy Duty Style) NW551991020 UPS dimensional weight shipping rates apply Regular Price 124.85 227.95 SALE 77.35 141.25 Reach Removal Rate Max. Temp. Order No. Regular Price SALE 6 1 Gallon per hour 140 °F NY45SMMS106E 884.35 12 1 Gallon per hour 140 °F NY45SNNS112E 884.35 18 1 Gallon per hour 140 °F NY45SMMS118E 884.35 24 1 Gallon per hour 140 °F NY45SMMS124E 884.35 590.05 632.15 632.15 632.15 M505 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 FL381 49 POWER TOOLS Air Powered Drills - 3/8Ə Chuck CP879 CP9285 Description/Features Type Lightweight easy to use, triple idler planetary gears, double ball bearing supported spindle, teasing throttle Variable speed type motor, teasing throttle, industrial quality chuck Pistol Grip, Non-Reversible Right Angle, Reversible Free Speed RPM Average Air Consumption Air Inlet Size Spindle Thread Exhaust Type Order No. Regular Price SALE 2900 5.25 CFM 1/4 NPT 3/8-24 Handle PF50CP9285 184.30 158.15 1800 5.25 CFM 1/4 NPT 3/8-24 Handle PF50CP879 188.30 161.55 PT425 Air Powered Ratchets Sq. Drive (in.) 3/8 1/4 1/2 Features Features CP‘s new TriSpring anti-slip head design which virtually eliminates slippage while reducing the potential for heat build-up, even in long run downs - compact, yet packed with power and speed ultimate torque: 68Nm (50ft/lbs) Progressive tease throttle, Small ratchet (only 6.5“/165mm long) - convenient forward and reverse button - one-¿nger directional changes - compact and lightweight Ideal for tight access applications Features CP‘s new TriSpring anti-slip head design which virtually eliminates slippage while reducing the potential for heat build-up, even in long run downs - compact, yet packed with power and speed ultimate torque: 68Nm (50ft/lbs) Free Speed RPM Air Inlet Size Average Air Regular Price SALE 150 1/4 NPT 3.75 CFM PF50CP828 205.20 176.05 200 1/4 NPT 2.75 CFM PF50CP825 234.05 200.85 150 1/4 NPT 3.75 CFM PF50CP828H 208.20 178.65 Order No. PT426 Air Powered Cut Off Tools Ɣ 1/4“ Collet Ɣ 1/4“ Air inlet Ɣ 3/8“ Rec hose size Ɣ 90 PSI rec air pressure Ɣ One year warranty FP3751 FP759R FP3801A Features Exhaust Type Free Speed RPM Average Air Consumption Straight handle design, ideal for hard to reach areas, large paddle switch Front 20000 4 CFM PF52FP3751 95.90 Mini angle grinder, compact design, heavy-duty ball bearing construction and bevel gears Heavy duty shear & grinder in one, see through cutting guard, slices from thin gauge sheet metal to 3/4Ǝ steel pipe, large paddle type switch, complete with 2 pcs 3“ dia. x 3/8“ AH cut-off wheels Rear 25000 4 CFM PF52FP759R 197.25 77.75 159.85 Rear 20000 5 CFM PF52FP3801A 102.15 82.80 Locking Air Tool Holder 50 Order No. Regular Price 35.05 Regular Price SALE PT249 Silver Supreme Random Orbital Sander Ɣ Organize air tools with the lockable tool holder Ɣ Hold up to ¿ve pneumatic tools in a 10“ space Ɣ Fits all popular quick connect ¿ttings Ɣ Locking feature protects your air tools from theft (lock not included) Ɣ Durable powder-coated ¿nish KN6549960 Order No. Non-Vacuum Type-Model 69020 Ɣ The most durable random orbital sander ever built – the ultimate combination of supreme power and lightweight comfort! Ɣ Innovations include all-steel components and new compact ergo grip Ɣ Easily replaceable drop-in motor Ɣ Tool Specs: Ɣ Weight: 1.8 lbs., 77 dB(A) Ɣ .26 HP @ 12,000 RPM Ɣ 3/16“ Diameter orbit Ɣ Hose size: 1/4“ Ɣ Includes low-pro¿le, premium urethane, weight-mated sanding pad SALE 25.05 PT448 Order No. Regular Price PF3069020 325.15 SALE 258.25 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 PT524 POWER TOOLS Polyurethane Self-Storage Air Hoses Industrial Air Interchange Couplers & Connectors Ɣ All sizes and lengths come complete with swivel male Vibra-Seal® thread sealant ¿ttings Ɣ 8“ Supply end and 16“ working end Ɣ Impervious to abrasions and oil Ɣ 25% Lighter than rubber Ɣ Superior elasticity and coil memory Ɣ Dark blue Length Fitting Size 10‘ 1/4 MPT 15‘ 1/4 MPT 20‘ 1/4 MPT 25‘ 1/4 MPT 10‘ 3/8 MPT 25‘ 3/8 MPT .160 Hose I.D. available on request. Order No. Regular Price LT51PU1410BB LT51PU1415BB LT51PU1420BB LT51PU1425BB LT51PU3810BB LT51PU3825BB 33.90 39.45 44.45 50.70 59.40 97.95 15 Series Ɣ A drag guard protects the sliding sleeve from being snagged or uncoupled Ɣ Six stainless steel locking balls provide greater surface contact with the connector for a more balanced & secure connection Ɣ All 1/4“ body couplers are brass Description - Female Thread - 1/4“ Body Size Type - Interchange Connector SALE 24.25 30.10 33.95 38.70 45.35 74.70 PT015 Thread Size Order No. Regular Price 1/4 FPT 3/8 FPT LX501502 LX501505 1.75 3.40 SALE 1.35 2.65 Description - Female Thread - 1/4“ Body Size Type - Interchange Coupler Thread Size Order No. Regular Price 1/4 FPT 3/8 FPT LX50150 LX50151 7.45 9.70 SALE 5.75 7.45 Description - Male Thread - 1/4“ Body Size Type - Interchange Connector Hose Reels Ɣ All steel construction Ɣ Compact design Ɣ Automatic spring retractable Ɣ Extends hose life Ɣ Durable baked-on powder coat ¿nish Ɣ Suitable for air and water applications Ɣ Full Àow shaft and swivel Ɣ Multi-position guide arm allows for mounting on either Àoor, wall, ceiling, bench or in pit Ɣ Improves safety, convenience and productivity Ɣ Pos-I-Latch mechanism automatically maintains desired working length of hose Ɣ All reels are permanently factory lubricated Ɣ Heavy duty brackets to eliminate bending due to angular hose pull Ɣ 300 PSI maximum Ɣ Hose included Ɣ UPS dimensional weight shipping rates apply Hose ID Hose (in.) Length OD Size (in.) Order No. Regular Price 1/4 35‘ .500 12-5/8 x 5-3/8 x 12-7/8 LT704435OLP 273.95 3/8 25‘ .640 12-5/8 x 5-3/8 x 12-7/8 LT704625OLP 283.55 3/8 35‘ .640 13-3/4 x 6 x 14-1/2 LT705635OLP 341.05 3/8 50‘ .640 16-1/2 x 6 x 17-1/2 LT705650OLP 412.25 3/8 50‘ .688 19 x 7 x 20-1/4 LT707650OLP 513.60 3/8 70‘ .688 19 x 7 x 20-1/4 LT707670OLP 543.75 1/2 25‘ .781 13-3/4 x 6 x 14-1/2 LT705825OLP 368.45 1/2 50‘ .844 19 x 7 x 20-1/4 LT707850OLP 531.40 SALE 248.05 243.20 292.55 353.65 440.60 466.45 316.05 455.85 PT428 Thread Size Order No. Regular Price 1/4 MPT 3/8 MPT LX501501 LX501503 1.65 3.00 Description - Male Thread - 1/4“ Body Size Type - Interchange Coupler Thread Size Order No. Regular Price 1/4 MPT 3/8 MPT LX50152 LX50155 7.70 10.00 Regular Price 173.90 PT485 Ɣ Swivels 360° Ɣ Saves your air hose Ɣ Improves operator maneuverability Ɣ Simple union between your air hose and your air tool Order No. Regular Price PJ60360 12.75 SALE 7.35 PT213 Pneumatic Cut-Off Tool & Right Angle Grinder Kit Kit Includes: Ɣ 1/4“ Right angle die grinder Ɣ 3“ Cut-off tool Ɣ (3) Abrasive cut-off wheels Ɣ (5) Mounted points with 1/8“ shank Ɣ (5) Mounted points with 1/4“ shank Ɣ (3) Spanner wrenches Ɣ (1) Blow molded case Ɣ (1) Air ¿tting Order No. Regular Price PJ752060 142.80 SALE 95.30 PT223 Lazer Series Air Guns Ɣ Heavy gauge all steel reel assembly Ɣ Ratchet gearing locks reel at desired length Ɣ Air Inlet: 3/8“ NPT Ɣ Air Outlet: 3/8“ NPT Order No. SALE 5.95 7.65 360° Swivel Air Tool Air Filter / Regulator / Lubricator Trio KP8321001 SALE 1.25 2.30 Ɣ Unique design offers comfort for any size hand Ɣ Ergonomic grip reduces hand fatigue Ɣ Ready for use with any 1/8 NPT inlet connector Ɣ Meets OSHA 1910.242(b) regarding output pressure Ɣ All metal construction SALE 116.05 PT461 Description Order No. Regular Price Finger Trigger Palm Trigger LW55LRZ650 LW55LRZ600 21.60 21.60 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 SALE 18.25 18.25 PT343 51 POWER TOOLS Tradesmen Professional Grade Drill Drivers Ɣ 6.0 or 7.0 Amp motors Ɣ Trigger controlled Ɣ Variable speed Ɣ Anti-slip grip handles PC600D Description Amp RPM Order No. Regular Price 6.0 Amp VSR Corded Power Drill - 3/8“ Keyless Chuck 7.0 Amp VSR Corded Power Drill - 1/2“ Chuck with Key 6.0 7.0 0 - 2500 0 - 800 PC65PC600D PC65PC700D 85.25 154.30 PC700D SALE 73.15 132.40 PT543 1/2Ə Chuck Variable Speed Reversing Drills - Corded Ɣ Variable speed control Ɣ Heavy-duty keyed chuck Ɣ All metal gear case and diaphragm Ɣ 3-Wire rubber cord Ɣ 360° locking side handle 030020 No Load Amps RPM Chuck Size (in.) Special Feature Order No. Regular Price 8.0 8.0 0 - 850 0 - 850 1/2 1/2 Ergonomic tactile grip and two ¿nger trigger for user comfort and balance Ergonomic textured grip and two ¿nger trigger for user comfort and balance PD50030020 PD50029920 251.35 242.05 SALE 208.45 196.15 PT496 1/2Ə Cordless 18 Volt XRP™ Drill/Driver Kit MultiPro 7700-1/15 Two Speed Cordless Kit Ɣ 18 Volt XRP™ extended run-time batteries provide long run-time and battery life Ɣ Patented 3-speed all metal transmission Ɣ Heavy duty 1/2“ ratcheting chuck Ɣ LED worklight Ɣ High power, high ef¿ciency motor delivers 450 unit watts out of max power for superior performance in all drilling and fastening applications Ɣ Best in class length for improved balance and better control Ɣ Motor: 7.2 volt DC Ɣ Speed: 2 speed, 10,000 and 20,000 RPM Ɣ Housing: sturdy, shatter resistant nylon Ɣ Battery pack: nickel cadmium Ɣ Recharge: 3 hours Ɣ Collet capacity: up to 1/8“ shank Ɣ Tool weight: 9 ounces Ɣ Set includes: 7.2 volt two speed MultiPro cordless tool with cat. 757-01 battery pack, 3-hour charger, storage case, 15 accessories Order No. Regular Price PD20DCD940KX 601.30 SALE 487.15 Portable Band Saw Features Cutting Capacity (in.) Motor 44-7/8 x 1/2 x .020“ 100 - 350 5 x 4-3/4 10 Amps blade (included) FPM Order No. PD20DWM120K Regular Price 92.00 SALE 74.55 PT205 Ɣ Double insulation Variospeed (V) electronics Ɣ Powerful motor with double fan for sustained power, even under heavy loads in continuous use Ɣ Easy to clean air ¿lter Ɣ Air Àow and temperature are easily adjusted with one hand Ɣ Air temperature: 572/932°F Ɣ Air Àow 8.5/15.9 CFPM Ɣ Tool weight: 2.0 lbs Ɣ Rated input watts: 1400 Order No. Regular Price PD35H1600 162.85 SALE 139.70 PT399 Premium Quality Replacement Batteries Ɣ 12 Month warranty Ɣ Top quality Sanyo® & Panasonic® Cells Ɣ †† References to speci¿c manufacturers are for identi¿cation purposes only and TopCell™ is not implying that its products are original equipment parts. All manufacturers names are registered trademarks of their respective companies. Voltage SALE 694.85 563.00 PT545 52 Regular Price 2 Speed Variable Temperature Heat Gun PT541 Ɣ Industry best 10 amp motor designed with controlled power Ɣ Industry best 5“ deep cut capacity for round or rectangular stock Ɣ Serviceable steel shroud and rubber bumpers Ɣ LED sight light Ɣ Variable speed dial Ɣ Multi-position adjustable large front handle Ɣ Blade tracking adjustment Ɣ Dual bearing blade guide rollers Ɣ Durable and adjustable material guide Ɣ Ergonomic soft grip back handle provides comfort during use Ɣ Blade changing lever loosens blade tension to allow for blade change Ɣ Externally replaceable brushes allow for quick repairs on the jobsite No Load Speed Order No. PH507700115 18V 18V Fits Replaces Battery Order No. Regular Price SALE DeWalt® DeWalt® DW9098, DW9095, 103.00 101.15 DC9096; Black & Decker PS145 PD65DW1822†† Cordless Milwaukee® Milwaukee® 48-11-2200, 48-11-2230; 121.50 108.50 AEG B18, BX18, BXS18, BXL18 PD65ML1822†† Cordless Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 PT379 POWER TOOLS 14 Pc General Purpose Fastcut™ Hole Saw Kit Bi-Metal Includes: Ɣ Nine bi-metal hole saws: 3/4, 7/8, 1-1/8, 1-3/8, 1-1/2, 1-3/4, 2, 2-1/4, & 2-1/2‘‘ Ɣ One each A1, A2 arbors Ɣ A014C high speed pilot drill bit Ɣ A12 arbor adaptor Ɣ A7 ejector spring Order No. Regular Price FZ7069970 201.00 SALE 153.25 PT010 Univerz® Portable Bands With Starrett Bi-Metal Unique Technology Ɣ Triple tempered M-42 cobalt high speed steel teeth with a fatigue resistant alloy steel backer Ɣ Patented “Twin Tooth” design Ɣ Faster cutting and longer tool life than ordinary blades Length (in.) Width (in.) Thickness (in.) Pitch Order No. Regular Price 44-7/8“ 1/2 .020 10 S FX8314600 44-7/8“ 1/2 .020 10-14 S FX8315708 44-7/8“ 1/2 .020 14 S FX8314601 44-7/8“ 1/2 .020 14-18 S FX8316088 44-7/8“ 1/2 .020 18 S FX8314602 44-7/8“ 1/2 .020 24 S FX8314603 † Priced each & Sold in sleeves (3 per sleeve) only. Sleeve cannot be broken 13.65 13.65 13.65 13.65 13.65 13.65 PT383 Blade Thickness (in.) Teeth Per Inch (in.) Order No. Regular Price 6 8 12 .063 .063 .063 5/8 5/8 5/8 FX848246631 FX848246662 FX848246679 24.30 31.40 39.00 SALE 16.25 20.95 26.05 PT382 Bandsaw Blade Tensionmeter Ɣ Designed for easy, accurate measurement of the tension of all bandsaws Ɣ Proper blade tension is necessary for straight cuts and long blade life Order No. Regular Price 391.70 SALE 298.70 PT417 Drill Press Attachment Order No. Regular Price 78.75 SALE 63.85 Regular Price 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1-1/16 1-1/8 1-3/16 1-1/4 1-5/16 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-3/4 1-7/8 2 2-1/8 2-1/4 2-3/8 FZ7055079 FZ7055081 FZ7055083 FZ7055085 FZ7055086 FZ7055087 FZ7055088 FZ7055089 FZ7055090 FZ7055091 FZ7055093 FZ7055095 FZ7055097 FZ7055099 FZ7055100 FZ7055102 FZ7055103 FZ7055105 8.35 8.35 8.35 8.70 8.70 8.70 8.70 8.85 8.85 9.45 9.45 9.45 11.60 11.60 11.60 14.40 14.40 14.40 SALE 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.80 6.80 7.20 7.20 7.20 8.85 8.85 8.85 11.00 11.00 11.00 Hole Size Order No. Regular Price 2-1/2 2-9/16 2-3/4 3 3-1/8 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-3/4 4 4-1/8 4-1/4 4-3/8 4-1/2 4-3/4 5 6 FZ7055106 FZ7055107 FZ7055109 FZ7055111 FZ7055112 FZ7055113 FZ7055115 FZ7055117 FZ7055119 FZ7055120 FZ7055121 FZ7055122 FZ7055123 FZ7055124 FZ7055125 FZ7055127 15.40 15.40 15.40 15.90 15.90 15.90 15.90 21.95 24.15 26.40 34.30 40.90 47.50 52.75 58.45 81.75 SALE 11.75 11.75 11.75 12.15 12.15 12.15 12.15 16.80 18.45 20.15 26.20 31.25 36.25 40.30 44.60 62.35 PT482 RotaBroach™ Hole Cutters 2Ə Depth of Cut Ɣ Designed for fast, ef¿cient hole making with portable magnetic drills Ɣ Universal cutters cut only the material necessary to produce a quality hole - the rest pops out as a slug Decimal Equivalent Order No. Regular Price 9/16 .5625 FZ8012218 5/8 .6250 FZ8012220 11/16 .6875 FZ8012222 3/4 .7500 FZ8012224 13/16 .8125 FZ8012226 7/8 .8750 FZ8012228 15/16 .9375 FZ8012230 1 1.0000 FZ8012232 1-1/16 1.0625 FZ8012234 1-1/8 1.1250 FZ8012236 1-1/4 1.2500 FZ8012240 1-5/16 1.3125 FZ8012242 1-3/8 1.3750 FZ8012244 1-1/2 1.5000 FZ8012248 1-9/16 1.5625 FZ8012250 Also available in 1“ depth of cut and carbide for abrasive and tough to cut material. 57.90 62.40 69.20 76.05 80.60 85.45 91.90 99.80 102.15 118.05 127.45 134.10 140.80 169.30 189.35 SALE 49.65 53.60 59.35 65.30 69.20 73.35 78.90 85.65 87.70 101.30 109.35 115.05 120.80 145.25 162.45 PT539 Lubelink™ Grease Accessories Ɣ Converts Moto-Tool into a precision drill press Ɣ Features rack and pinion feed handle; calibrated depth shaft; 6“ × 6“; slotted base Ɣ Holds MultiPro Models 275, 285, 395, 398 and 780 only PH50212 Order No. Drill Dia. (in.) Ɣ Extra heavy duty bi-metal blade with coarse teeth for building and demolition work Ɣ Blade thickness is increased .62“ (1.6mm) for greater strength - making this blade ideal for cutting any building material even heavy wood with largedimension nails Blade Length (in.) Hole Size SALE 6.05 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 Bi-Metal Demolition and Heavy Duty Blade 3840 DSL - 5 Pack FX848145637 FASTCUT™ Bi-Metal Hole Saws Ɣ Cuts through wood, metal or plastic Ɣ Good for use in applications from production and maintenance to the electrical and building trades Ɣ Fastcut™ variable pitch teeth with cutting depth of 1-5/8“ PT479 Ɣ Designed for general purpose, automotive and for heavy duty contractor lubricating jobs. Ɣ Durable carrying case supplied Ɣ Each accessory has a dedicated compartment so the kit can be easily sight checked for missing accessories. Kit Includes: Ɣ 12“ Steel braid rubber grease hose with spring guard and 4-jaw coupler Ɣ Hypodermic type grease injector needle with quick-connect coupler Ɣ 3“ Straight needlepoint coupler Ɣ 90° 3“ straight needlepoint coupler Ɣ Right angle needlepoint coupler Ɣ Low pro¿le right angle coupler Ɣ 8“ Push-on type coupler Order No. Regular Price LX55L2550 197.15 SALE 140.95 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 PT401 53 HOT BUYS IP54 Electronic Digital Micrometers with Output Ɣ Resolution: .00005” / 0.001mm Ɣ Absolute and incremental mode Ɣ Ratchet thimble and spindle lock Ɣ Data output port (USB/SPC kit optional) Ɣ IP54 protection against water drops and dust Ɣ Carbide measuring faces Ɣ Ball attachment included Ɣ Supplied with storage case Ɣ Replacement battery: KA56ECR2032 118° Standard Point Jobber Drill Sets High Speed Steel Ɣ 29 Pc sets Ɣ 1/16“ - 1/2“ by 64ths Ɣ Complete with metal index Measuring Range Order No. Regular Price 0 - 1 / 0 - 25.4mm 1 - 2 / 25. - 50.8mm 2 - 3 / 50.8 - 76.2mm 0 - 3 / 0 - 76.2mm PC20EM01255IP5 PC20EM12505IP5 PC20EM23755IP5 PC20EM03755IP5 128.55 159.40 188.70 489.25 SALE 91.90 113.95 134.90 349.75 20 Finish Order No. Regular Price Bright Finish Surface Treated MT1218144 MT1218101 173.95 173.95 SALE 132.65 132.65 CT876 Typhoon™ High Flow Blow Guns MT1289 Ɣ 1/4 NPT blow gun with high Àow tip Ɣ Maximum Àow for easy clean-up and blow-off of even the heaviest shavings and chips Ɣ Lightweight and ergonomic Ɣ 1/4 NPT up to 34 CFM at 125 PSI and 2.1 lbs. of thrust Ɣ 3/8 NPT up to 51 CFM at 125 PSI and 3.1 lbs. of thrust Ɣ OSHA compliant 0-6Ə Dial-Cal Calipers Ɣ Range per revolution .100“ Ɣ Stainless steel construction Ɣ Adjustable zero set Ɣ 1.25“ Diameter rotating dial with lock Ɣ Anti-backlash, shockproof design Ɣ Measure four ways: inside, outside, depth and step Ɣ Graduation .001“ Inlet Model No. Dial Face Color Order No. Regular Price 599-579-4 599-579-5 White Black MV4551774 MV4551879 221.00 221.00 Description Order No. Regular Price 1/4 NPT High Flow Tip LT51TYP2500CS 1/4 NPT Chrome Plated High Flow Tip LT51TYP2501CS 3/8 NPT Multi-Jet Tip LT51TYP3800MJ SALE 189.60 189.60 31.45 49.95 63.05 MT743 SALE 24.00 38.10 48.10 PT432 Indexable Carbide Inserts TPG - Triangle Positive Ground All Over Ɣ Single sided, ground all over without chipformer Ɣ Positive cut, low cutting forces Carbide Grades PC5 – (C5) steel cutting PC300 – (C5 Coated) TiN-TiC-TiN steel cutting at higher speeds with greater lubricity 40 Insert Style IC Length Thickness Radius Order No. PC300 Regular Price TPG 321 TPG 322 TPG 323 TPG 324 TPG 431 TPG 432 TPG 434 TPG 221 TPG 222 TPG 320 TPG 332 TPG 433 TPG 438 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 .650 .650 .650 .650 .866 .866 .866 .433 .433 .650 .650 .866 .866 .125 .125 .125 .125 .187 .187 .187 .125 .125 .125 .187 .187 .187 .016 .031 .047 .063 .016 .031 .063 .016 .031 .005 .031 .047 .125 FF5032850 FF5032860 FF5032870 FF5032880 FF5032930 FF5032940 FF5032960 FF5032820 FF5032830 FF5032840 FF5032950 FF5032970 9.15 9.15 9.15 9.15 13.85 13.65 13.85 7.95 7.95 9.15 13.65 12.75 SALE 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 7.95 7.80 7.95 4.55 4.55 5.25 7.80 7.90 Order No. PC5 Regular Price FF5052850 FF5052860 FF5052870 FF5052880 FF5052930 FF5052940 FF5052960 FF5052820 FF5052830 FF5052840 FF5052900 FF5052950 - 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 10.95 10.50 10.95 6.60 6.60 7.75 10.50 10.50 - SALE 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 6.30 6.00 6.30 3.80 3.80 4.45 7.50 6.50 C084 54 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 HOT BUYS Ultra Thin Style Magnetic Dial Protractor Steel Parallels With Center Punch Ɣ 20 Pair set Ɣ Hardened to 50RC Ɣ Parallelism .0001“ Ɣ Height .001“ accuracy Ɣ Includes ¿tted case Ɣ 1/32“ Thick Ɣ Range of sizes include 1/2“ thru 1-11/16“ in 1/16“ increments Ɣ Used to determine angles on machine setup or ¿nd and mark center of square or round stock Ɣ 0 - 90° Ɣ 4-Quad Order No. Regular Price NM55UTPS20 101.20 SALE 72.35 MT1092 Order No. Regular Price PC23MP490V 217.54 Les Stroud SK Desert™ Folding Knife Blade Length (in.) Order No. Regular Price 7-3/4 3-1/2 LA5719090 36.30 MT1321 Autolock 25' Measuring Tapes Ɣ Made with Carbontride Titanium bonded, 440 Stainless Steel Ɣ 3-1/2“ Drop point, non-stick blade has a dual thumbstud opener Ɣ Handle has an integrated belt clip and ¿re starter Ɣ Liner lock and lanyard hole Ɣ Lifetime warranty against manufactures defects OAL (in.) SALE 155.55 Ɣ Non-slip rubber grip & Hi-Viz® ABS plastic body Ɣ Automatic blade lock Ɣ Recessed lock release to reduce accidental retraction SALE 23.80 HT006 Triple Pack (Ball & Torx®) Ɣ 13 Pc. Fractional Ball L-Wrenches .050 to 3/8“ Ɣ 9 Pc. Metric Ball L-Wrenches 1.5mm to 10mm Ɣ 8 Pc. Torx® Fold-Up T-6 to T-25 XL Power Return Tape, Hi-Viz® Case, Cushion Grip Ɣ 1-3/16“ x 25‘ Ɣ Blade designed to achieve 10‘ stand-out Ɣ Soft touch lock button Ɣ Rubber cushion absorbs impact and improved grip Ɣ Clearcoat blade protection and 4-rivet end hook Type Order No. Regular Price Standard Autolock Autolock with Magnetic Tip MZ50AL725 MZ50AL725MAG 14.10 18.30 SALE 10.80 14.00 MT915 Order No. Regular Price KN5314132 64.65 SALE 43.10 HT322 Ball Bearing Super Chucks Ɣ Designed for extra heavy duty drilling applications on production drilling machines, jig borers, milling machines, lathes and radials Ɣ The ball thrust bearing reduces friction $ 50 in the chuck‘s closing mechanism ! 11/16Ə Diamond Comfort Mats Ɣ Industrial grade anti-fatigue mat Ɣ Economical solution for improving workers‘ comfort and productivity Ɣ Surface resists common Àuids Ɣ Manufacturer‘s 4 year limited warranty against wear and delamination Ɣ Beveled edges on all mats 25 re or mo Model No. Chuck Capacity (in.) Mount Key Used Order No. Regular Price 14N 16N 18N .040 - 1/2 1/8 - 5/8 1/8 - 3/4 3JT 3JT 4JT K3 K4 K4 HK5030221 HK5030227 HK5030233 254.05 291.55 438.50 SALE 205.55 236.15 355.70 WH165 Black Size (ft.) Order No. 2x3 3x5 3 x 10 RV6610260 RV6610290 RV6610280 Regular Price 64.65 161.60 323.15 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 Black/Yellow SALE Order No. 46.25 RV6610265 115.55 RV6610295 231.05 RV6610285 Regular Price 71.30 178.20 356.35 SALE 51.00 127.40 254.75 PS789 55 Trash Can Liners Ɣ $YDLODEOH WUDVK FDQ OLQHUV FOHDU EODFN RU EOXH UHF\FOLQJ EDJV Ɣ 6WURQJHU DQG PRUH GXUDEOH WKHQ ROG VW\OH EDJV 12-14 Gal. Ɣ $YDLODEOH LQ VWDQGDUG RU KHDY\ GXW\ Ɣ 3HUIRUDWHG FRUOHVV UROHV IRU HI¿FLHQW VWRUDJH DQG XVDJH Ɣ 70 3RVW FRQVXPHU UHF\FOHG FRQWHQW 33-39 Gal. Ɣ MHHWV (3$ DQG /((' VWDQGDUGV Black Bag Clear Bag Recycling Bag SALE Order No. Clear Regular Price 7%& 7%& 7%& 7%& 7%& 7%&6 75.1 70.21 2.53 2.1 73.92 9.2 20-30 Gal. 10 Gal. 40-44 Gal. 35 55-60 Gal. 55 Gal. Style - Trash Can Liner Capacity Size Style Thickness Bags per Box Order No. Black Regular Price 550 JDO 55 JaO 050 JaO 0 JaO 0- JaO 0- JaO 33-3 JaO 20-30 JaO 3³ : [ 5³ + 3³ : [ ³ H 0³ : [ ³ H 37³ : [ 50³ H 37³ : [ 50³ H 37³ : [ 50³ H 33³ : [ ³ H 30³ : [ 3³ H Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy 6WaQGaUG Heavy Heavy 6WaQGaUG 1.25 PLO 1.25 PLO 1.25 PLO 0.5 PLO 1.25 PLO 1.25 PLO 1.25 PLO 0.95 PLO 100 100 100 150 100 100 150 250 7%% 7%% 7%% 7%%6 7%% 7%% 7%%6 75.1 70.21 2.53 71.7 2.1 73.92 9.2 Capacity Size Style Thickness Bags per Box 0-50 JaO 0³ : [ ³ H Heavy 1.25 PLO 100 46.55 43.50 38.70 44.55 38.95 45.85 43.25 Style - Recycling Bag Blue Order No. Regular Price 7%%/5(& .30 SALE 46.55 43.50 38.70 38.95 45.85 43.25 SALE Order No. Clear Regular Price SALE 41.05 7%&5(& 3.10 39.05 3602 6-Flute Solid Carbide Chatterless Countersink Sets Multi-Use Rule and Gage Ɣ 'ULOO SRLQW JDJH EHYHO SURWUDFWRU FHQWHU ¿QGHU FLUFOH GLYLGHU DQG D WDS DQG GULOO WDEOH LQ RQH WRRO Ɣ +HDY\GXW\ VWDLQOHVV VWHHO Ɣ (WFKHG JUDGXDWLRQV LQ WKV DQG PLOOLPHWHUV DQG3LHFH6HW Ɣ /RQJ OLIH RQ PRVW PDWHULDOV LQFOXGLQJ KDUGHQHG VWHHOV KLJK WHPSHUDWXUH DOOR\V FDVW LURQ DQG RWKHU KLJKO\ DEUDVLYH PDWHULDOV Ɣ MDGH IURP SUHPLXP VXEPLFURQ JUDGH FDUELGH 25 Sizes Included Included Angle Order No. Regular Price 1 3 12 3 1 1 3 12 3 1 1 3 12 3 1 0 2 0 %&5 %&5 %&5 27.05 27.05 27.05 SALE 205.20 205.20 205.20 &T Order No. Regular Price SALE NE60DPG1 12.75 9.15 MT1303 Prices Effective January 1, 2016 Thru March 31, 2016 NOT ALL ITEMS EXACTLY AS PICTURED. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ITEMS AVAILABLE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST.
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