2041779 TNK Radium Bulletin
2041779 TNK Radium Bulletin
Tonka Technical Bulletin TONKA WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS Effective Radium Removal with HMO TONKA EQUIPMENT COMPANY Radium contamination of groundwater is a serious public health issue addressed by the USEPA in its Final Radionuclides Rule, effective December 8, 2003. This rule sets maximum contaminant levels (MCL’s) for radioactivity from gross alpha, beta-photons, Ra-226, Ra-228 and uranium. The MCL for combined radium-226 and 228 was set at 5 pico curies per liter (5 pCi/L). Utilities affected include all community water systems (CWS), regardless of size. USEPA anticipates that approximately 800 systems will have to install radium treatment, with annual compliance costs estimated at $81 million. Design and manufacture of equipment for removal of this health hazard is a priority for water treatment equipment manufacturers. Radium contamination of groundwater is generally attributed to natural sources. Dissolved radium is found in many rock formations that affect drinking water. The areas where radium is present in public water supplies include the Midwestern US and the East Coast. Radium Removal Technologies Radium is a divalent cation alkaline earth metal (as are calcium and magnesium). As such, radium behaves very much as calcium and magnesium do Background The purpose of the Final Radionuclides Rule is to reduce the risk of cancer by reducing exposure to radionuclides in drinking water. The two radium isotopes identified to be of primary concern are radium-226 and radium-228, because of potential carcinogenic impact. The intent is also to increase health protection for the public by reducing overall environmental exposure to radionuclides. Radium by nature is unstable and is continually emitting energy in the form of daughter products. Many of these daughter products of radium are also public health concerns. Vertical Pressure Filter in water. Removal of calcium and magnesium in public water supplies entails softening, so it follows that the BAT’s (Best Available Technologies) identified by USEPA for removal of radium are also softening treatments. Lime softening, ion exchange and reverse osmosis have all been identified as approved processes for radium removal. Unless softening is also a treatment goal for the water utility, these processes can be costly and unnecessary. Tonka Equipment Company has significant experience in the use of many of these radium removal processes, having several installations in operation that are successfully removing radium from drinking water. Community water systems are not restricted to BAT’s to meet the radium MCL, so it is not necessary to soften to remove radium. Any technology that meets state primary agency approval, and also meets the MCL, is acceptable to USEPA. Other technologies that have been marketed for radium removal include various adsorptive and accumulative medias. These technologies are particularly troublesome because they ignore accumulated radiation which can cause unsafe environmental and workplace conditions. They also ignore daughter product decay. Both of these issues, if left unaddressed, can result in unintended long-term consequences for the water plant owner. HMO addition involves the preparation and controlled dosage of a pre-formed manganese oxide solution to raw water prior to filtration. Radium is adsorbed on the surface of the added HMO particles, which are subsequently filtered. Because the HMO is backwashed out of the filter media, radium accumulation (a downfall of other processes) does not occur. This treatment approach for radium removal has been extensively studied and documented in an American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AWWARF) study conducted by Dr. Richard Valentine, professor at the University of Iowa. HMO technology can be integrated into an existing water treatment facility removing iron and/or manganese, or can be used in a treatment facility specifically targeting radium removal. Hydrous Manganese Oxide Hydrous manganese oxide (HMO) addition has been identified by the USEPA as an acceptable technology for radium removal in groundwater supplies. HMO addition is a radium removal technology that is particularly suited for small and medium-sized systems. This process relies on the natural affinity of radium to adsorb onto manganese oxides. Horizontal Pressure Filter HMO Design Proper engineering considerations in the HMO delivery system and overall treatment plant design are critical to optimal operation and radium removal performance. Careful consideration must be given to the preparation techniques and facilities required to produce a consistent, stable mixture. An appropriately designed HMO treatment system is necessary to ensure plant performance and radium removal efficiency and is a very cost effective, safe and trouble-free solution to radium removal. Tonka’s extensive experience in design, start-up and operation is an important asset for owners and engineers in anticipating and dealing with all aspects of HMO installations. Tonka has a line of Dualator® products incorporating aeration, detention and filtration in a single treatment unit. These gravity style units are typically used on water supplies with iron and/or manganese contamination for which detention is required to allow for chemical reactions to occur. On water supplies in which a fully pressurized system is preferred, Tonka’s line of pressure filtration products can be used. All Tonka water treatment equipment is custom designed with the customer’s needs and treatment goals in mind. Tonka Products HMO technology can be integrated into existing water treatment processes or can be a stand-alone treatment technique. A typical water supply that is ideal for HMO treatment is one with iron and/or manganese contamination as well as radium. HMO treatment can be incorporated into gravity or pressure systems, with or without detention. Vertical Pressure System Simul-Wash™ Dualator® III, an ideal treatment system for Hydrous Manganese Oxide radium removal The value-added Simul-Wash™ backwash system can be incorporated into either gravity or pressure treatment systems. This unique backwash system uses air and water simultaneously, at subfluidized rates, to provide the most effective means of backwashing granular filter media. Tonka’s media rejecting Simul-Wash™ trough enables the air and water backwash cycle to continue indefinitely without media loss. This results in optimal filter cleaning efficiency and prolonged filter runs, while saving approximately 50% of backwash wastewater compared to conventional methods. The system is typically controlled by Tonka’s PLC-based automatic control panel with an interface touch pad. Tonka HMO Piloting References: Tonka has conducted fifteen (15) pre-formed HMO pilot studies since 1999. The water quality varied from low pH and low dissolved solids to high iron, high hardness and highly alkaline waters. Just as the type of water piloted varied, so did the type of equipment. All of our pilots successfully removed radium using HMO technology. Tonka’s pilot studies can be scaled up to either gravity or pressure-type full scale water treatment equipment. 1. Valentine, R.L. et al., 1992. Radium Removal Using Preformed Hydrous Manganese Oxides. American Water Works Research Foundation. Typical radium removals of over 90% are achieved with proper HMO pretreatment. As an added benefit, high percentages of gross alpha and gross beta radioactivity are usually removed as well. Tonka offers assistance in preparation of pilot study and laboratory testing protocols and in report writing for submission to the reviewing authority. 2. Environmental Protection Agency, December 7, 2000. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Radionuclides; final Rule, 40 CFR Parts 9, 141 and 142. 3. Environmental Protection Agency, March 2002. Implementation Guidance for Radionuclides. Tonka Equipment Company creates customized water treatment systems for municipalities across the United States and abroad. We provide costeffective solutions for the most challenging surface and groundwater problems, including arsenic, radium, and nitrate removal. Tonka’s SimulWash™ combined air/water backwash system provides superior media cleaning while reducing backwash water volume by 50%. Tonka HMO Systems Tonka Equipment Company has broad experience in HMO technology using specialized Tonka IMAR® media. Tonka currently has five full scale installations successfully preparing and using pre-formed HMO technology in conjunction with IMAR media for radium removal. Call your Tonka representative for more information on radium removal or any other water treatment challenge. TONKA WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS 763-55-WATER • 763-559-2837 • FAX: 763-559-1979 • www.tonkaWATER.com P.O. Box 41126 • Plymouth, MN 55441-0126 • 13305 Watertower Circle • Plymouth, MN 55441
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