WaWanesa Insurance 2012 annual report
WaWanesa Insurance 2012 annual report
Wawanesa Insurance 2012 Annual Report Wawanesa is a Canadian mutual company owned by its policyholders. With assets of over $7.7 billion and nearly 2 million policies inforce, Wawanesa is one of the 10 largest property and casualty insurers in Canada. Wawanesa has a rich history dating back to September 25, 1896, when it was founded in the Village of Wawanesa, Manitoba. Today, our head office continues to be located in the Village of Wawanesa with the executive office located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Wawanesa has 100% ownership of two operating subsidiary companies. The Wawanesa Life Insurance Company 400–200 Main Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1A8 Book value of shares $105,123,000 Wawanesa General Insurance Company 9050 Friars Road San Diego, California 92108 Book value of shares $264,664,000 1 Mission and Values Mission “Earning your trust since 1896”… As a policyholder-owned mutual insurance company, we will continue to earn trust by providing quality products and services at the lowest price which supports long-term growth and financial stability. Values • We treat others in a respectful and truthful manner. • We conduct business with integrity, honesty, consistency and fairness. • We act ethically and lawfully. • We take pride in making service a priority. • We encourage collaboration, innovation and excellence. • We support the communities in which we work and live. 2 President’s report Overall, 2012 can be characterized as a steady year for our Company. Premium revenue increased and profit was strong due to improved underwriting performance and excellent investment income. Property and Casualty Operations Financial Results Property and casualty premium income grew in 2012 but at a slower rate than in previous years. Premiums grew by 4.1% in 2012 and now total almost $2.5 billion. However, for the first time in a number of years, there was no overall policy growth. That was acceptable and expected as we took a number of specific actions designed to achieve premium adequacy On a consolidated basis, gross premiums written in all regions and lines of business. In fact, most regions increased by 4% to $2.6 billion. Investment income reported policy growth. Only those regions in which we increased by 21% to $357 million. Profit for the took specific market actions experienced slight declines. year was $220 million increased from $108 million in 2011. Total assets increased to $7.7 billion while total capital now exceeds $2.5 billion. Our capital An underwriting loss of $47 million is reported for 2012, much improved from $90 million in 2011. Automobile results ratio remains strong at 303%, unchanged from 2011. This is in spite of increased capital requirements included in the regulatory formula for the first time. Actions taken to adjust certain bond portfolio characteristics and the strong income earned in the year allowed our capital ratio to stay at a high level. As a mutual company, we take pride As a mutual company, we take pride in having a strong capital position. It provides assurance to our policyholders that we are able to meet all of our financial obligations to them and can withstand any unforeseen future events. in having a strong capital position. It provides assurance to our policyholders that we are able to meet all of our financial obligations to them and can withstand any unforeseen future events. In recognition of the Company’s financial strength, Wawanesa was again awarded an A+ (Superior) rating by A.M. Best. deteriorated somewhat to a break even position. On a positive note, we recorded an underwriting profit in Ontario auto after many years of significant losses. Overall property results improved in the year but a significant loss is still being reported, mainly driven by results in Western Canada. Continuing a four-year trend, severe weather was again very costly, most notably in Southern Alberta. While the total cost of weather catastrophes declined somewhat in 2012 and actions taken to adjust products and pricing generated some additional premium income, results are still unacceptable. The positive impact on premium income of the product and price changes will be more fully realized in the future. 3 Policy reserves were adjusted in the year to reflect have yet to be fully implemented and tested through continued declines in the interest rate environment. mediation/arbitration processes and the courts. Our The impact of this was to reduce underwriting income property results were quite good and represented an by $25 million. improvement over 2011. Net investment income increased from $245 million Auto insurance always attracts a certain amount to $322 million with overall profit of $219 million in of political attention in Ontario as insurance rates our property and casualty operations, increased from are very high in the province. However, contrary $110 million in 2011. to what some would suggest, the cause is not the Regional Results industry. Auto insurance is a highly regulated business. Government sets the rules and companies operate and The Maritime Region had another excellent year in compete within those rules. Government establishes 2012. Growth was very good with policy counts up the benefits to be provided by the auto policy in the over 4% and premium income up by 7%. Results are province, establishes the rules that must be followed very balanced with underwriting profits recorded in by companies in setting rates, approves individual all lines and all provinces. The auto insurance regimes company rates and serves as mediator/arbitrator on are quite stable in all three Maritime provinces. While many claim issues. The reason premium rates are so governments have reviewed these regimes in recent high in Ontario is the high level of benefits provided years, any actions taken have been prudent and not by the standard auto policy established by government, risked the stability of the market. not a lack of competition or excessive profits in the industry. The benefits paid are much higher than in all In 2012, we continued to work at updating our other private auto insurance jurisdictions in Canada approach to the marketplace in Quebec. We introduced and all public auto programs in Canada. Also, it is the a completely new auto rating approach in November high level of benefits that provides the incentive for of 2011 which was designed to better address market fraud which increases claims costs further. Claims costs competition. All policies had renewed under the drive premium levels. For premiums to decline, claims new system by October of 2012 and as expected, costs must decline. For claims cost to decline, benefits our auto business declined in 2012. But we are now provided by auto policies must be reduced and fraud seeing improvements in business retention and must be removed from the system. The industry would will be pushing for increased new business in 2013. like to see premiums decline but the issues that must be Underwriting results were not positive in the year. addressed to achieve a decline in claims costs are within We experienced minimal policy decline in the Ontario the government’s control, not the industry’s. Region in 2012 but premiums increased by 6%. This The Winnipeg Region had another steady year in 2012. was not unexpected as we took specific actions to Policies increased by more than 2% and premiums improve underwriting profitability. In recent years, we increased by 6%. A modest underwriting profit was have experienced poor underwriting results in Ontario reported for the year, slightly increased from 2011. The auto. In 2012, we experienced a turnaround such that auto business in Northwestern Ontario was profitable we are reporting an underwriting profit appropriate for but a loss was reported in property primarily due to our business in the province. The reforms introduced a major rainstorm in Thunder Bay which resulted in by government in 2010 combined with the effect of $15 million of losses, mainly from sewer backup claims. rate adjustments in recent years have provided for this necessary correction. However, there is still reason Both Alberta regions continued with steady business for concern in this market as certain of the reforms growth with policy count increases of close to 2% 3 4 and premium growth of over 6%. However, 2012 was required premium increases and not unexpectedly, another challenging year of severe weather as losses our business was impacted as policies declined from major wind and hail storms were only slightly somewhat and premiums grew only modestly. A less than 2011. A significant underwriting loss was significant underwriting loss is reported with the again realized in the property line, and auto results largest contributor being our continued inability, due declined as more of the weather losses were incurred in to competitive pressures, to pass on full earthquake this line. This severe weather kept our claims staff very reinsurance costs. We are quite convinced that the busy, but as the impact was much greater in Southern provision of earthquake insurance will be a significant Alberta Regions than in the Northern Alberta Regions, challenge for insurers going forward. We are committed our Calgary claims staff were under great pressure to to making it available to our policyholders but are also deal with the large number of claims and deliver great committed to collecting adequate premiums such that service to our policyholders. After about four years of it is not being subsidized by other lines of business severe weather and resultant losses, we took significant or regions. action in 2012 by changing the product offerings for wind and hail coverages and varying premium rates by area according to the likelihood of claims. Our United States Operation, which operates almost exclusively in southern California, has been challenged in recent years by a very It is challenging to make significant product and rate changes and we appreciate our brokers’ support in educating our policyholders regarding the need for premium increases and the coverage options available. Prairie Region reported good growth with policies increasing almost 5% and Customer service is always a priority in all regions of Wawanesa and it is very satisfying when our service is recognized by an independent observer. premiums increasing close competitive insurance market and poor economic conditions. There has been no growth in the total personal lines market so achieving company growth is difficult. In 2012, our policies and premiums were almost unchanged from 2011 but due to rating actions taken and an increased focus on marketing, our underwriting to 10%. Underwriting results were disappointing in position improved. While a loss is being reported, it 2012, just slightly improved over 2011. While the net is much less than in 2011. We expanded our property cost of severe weather events in Saskatchewan and product line during the year by introducing renters Western Manitoba declined somewhat from 2011 insurance. This was well accepted by customers with levels, the impact on underwriting results was still very significant sales recorded in the year. Customer service significant. As with Alberta, we have been engaged in is always a priority in all regions of Wawanesa and it product and rate changes designed to address the severe is very satisfying when our service is recognized by an weather problem but have yet to be fully successful. It independent observer. In mid-2012, it was announced is difficult to take the necessary actions in a competitive that Wawanesa Insurance ranked #1 in customer insurance marketplace. satisfaction in the California Region for the 2012 J.D. The British Columbia Region was challenged in 2012 as we continue to address issues related to providing earthquake coverage to our policyholders and deal with modestly deteriorating property results. Both items Power and Associates Auto Insurance Study. While J.D. Power has been performing these surveys in the United States for many years, the 2012 survey was the first to publish regional results. It is a major recognition of the service culture that exists within our U.S. Operation. 5 implemented) and these new components comprise Operational Comments For a number of years, I have been reporting on progress toward renewal of our core insurance systems. In early 2009, we committed ourselves to renewal or replacement of these systems and at that time developed and adopted an Enterprise System Renewal Strategy (ESRS) to guide this endeavour. While the ESRS has been modified somewhat along the way to reflect changing business circumstances and technology environments, it is essentially unchanged. We have Guidewire’s InsuranceSuite and full implementation of the suite will provide us with the necessary systems to service our customers and manage our business in a very effective manner far into the future. Guidewire was selected after a lengthy assessment period. We believe Guidewire’s InsuranceSuite to be the best system available to meet our needs, and our partnership with Guidewire will ensure that our systems stay current and robust for many years to come. stayed true to our selected strategy. Since that time, we This is an extremely important decision for Wawanesa. have progressed well with the strategy. The first key But while the selection of the vendor is a critical element of the strategy, a new claims system, has been successfully implemented and we continue to find ways to benefit from the new system. In addition, we have actually gone beyond the ESRS and implemented other first step, this will be a Due to our successes in implementing new systems in recent years, we feel very confident in our ability to implement these new systems. multi‑year project and there is much work to do over the next few years. Due to our successes in implementing new systems in recent years, we feel very confident in our ability to implement these new systems. major systems. We have Outside of systems, we developed a broker transaction portal which provides for electronic continue to work on a number of other initiatives. transaction connectivity with brokers. We are currently Work continues on the development of our enterprise working on the implementation of an entirely new risk management program. The program is expected to financial management system. While this is not a core be in place by next year. insurance system, replacement of the existing system was very necessary and is being accomplished without compromising the replacement of our core systems. Property and casualty insurance is increasingly becoming a data driven industry. The use of predictive analytics in pricing and other operational functions is We are now beginning the final phase of the ESRS. It is fast becoming a necessity. We have acquired analytical the largest phase in terms of time, cost and importance software and are well along in the building of an to our Company, but when complete, will mark enterprise data warehouse. This will allow our actuarial the final transition to a completely new technology and other teams to use our insurance data to more platform. At that time, we will decommission our effectively address the market. old mainframe legacy technology which has served us well since the 1970s but just can’t meet today’s business needs. We are committed to increasing our volume of commercial insurance in the small to medium size segment. We are addressing this with development of We previously announced the selection of Guidewire new and enhanced products, hiring of experienced Software as the provider of all necessary components commercial personnel and development of software to replace our current policy administration system. applications for sales support. Collectively, ClaimCenter (which we have already 6 Life Operations in system architecture, infrastructure design and project management. Financial Results In 2012, Wawanesa Life’s assets under administration grew to $894 million and earnings returned to an overall positive position. These are significant achievements in the face of a difficult economic environment. Premium income net of reinsurance grew to $109 million; the result of exceptionally strong new business levels in individual insurance and strong policy persistency in both the individual and New business sales of group insurance reached $2.4 million, a result more in line with historical production levels when sales of the initial 3-9 life product are removed. When first introduced the 3-9 life product resulted in exceptionally strong sales activity until pricing action tempered this activity and improved profitability. Policy persistency exceeded our internal target but was not enough to sustain the strong premium growth group lines of business. Like others in the life insurance industry, earnings continued to be hampered by the continuation of low long-term interest rates. The Company reported net income of $1.0 million for the year. Operational Comments New business sales of individual insurance set a new record at $6.5 million; 21.5% better than 2011. Production was strong across the country with Premium income net of reinsurance grew to $109 million; the result of exceptionally strong new business levels in individual insurance and strong policy persistency in both the individual and group lines of business. seven of eight regions experienced over the last few years. Net premium revenue decreased $2.3 million to $32.0 million. The current challenges in the economy have caused some group clients to control costs by reducing their number of active employees which leads to reduced group insurance premiums. The operational review of our group product pricing and underwriting approach was completed by year’s end. Changes will be gradually phased in to minimize any surpassing 2011 numbers. Policy persistency was very impact to our policyholders and brokers. A bonus good with inforce net premium growing by 6% to program was introduced mid-year to enhance our $43.1 million. broker compensation program, rewarding qualifying Prudent management action was taken this year to brokers for both business retention and new sales. optimize our asset allocation in order to reduce our Wawanesa Life continued to demonstrate its financial sensitivity to low long-term interest rates. Product strength despite the economic and financial market reviews resulted in premium increases and the removal challenges in 2012. The MCCSR (Minimum Continuing of some payment options to lessen the risk inherent in Capital and Surplus Requirements) ratio is well in permanent insurance products. excess of 200%, significantly above the requirement Work continued during the year on the replacement of the Individual Operation’s various legacy systems. The objective is to modernize the technology environment and gain efficiencies in the back office environment which will enhance policyholder and broker servicing. This is a very complex implementation and the project is utilizing key corporate IT resources set by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI). In addition, Wawanesa Life continues to be rated as A (Excellent) by A.M. Best. Acknowledgements There were a few senior management changes in 2012. 7 Bob G. LaPage, FCIP (Hons.), CRM, Vice President, Catherine (Kay) M. Best, FCA, ICD.D was Executive Regional Insurance Operations, retired at the end of the Vice President, Risk Management and CFO, Calgary year after 25 years of dedicated service to Wawanesa Health Region until 2009. She is a director of Canadian in both Edmonton and Winnipeg. Bob had previously Natural Resources Ltd., Superior Plus Corporation, served as Vice President, Claims for a number of years. AltaGas Ltd. and Aston Hill Financial Inc. She is Tracy L. Nelson, BA, FLMI/M, CHRP, CIP was appointed Vice President, Regional Insurance Operations effective January 1, 2013. Tracy joined Wawanesa Life in 1978 and held various positions of increasing responsibility within Wawanesa Life prior to being appointed Manager, Human Resources in Wawanesa Mutual’s Executive Office in 2003. In 2005, she was appointed Vice President, Human Resources, her position prior to this appointment. Jodi E. Carradice, BSc, CHRP was appointed Vice President, Human Resources effective January 1, 2013. Jodi joined Wawanesa in 2007 bringing many years of extensive human resources experience. Her most recent an active member of the volunteer community in Calgary and currently serves as a member of the Audit Committee of the Calgary Stampede, a director of the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation, and member of the Audit Committee of the University of Calgary and as a director of the The year just ended was a good one for Wawanesa. We grew modestly in a very competitive environment, added to our strong capital position and continued to make progress at renewing our system infrastructure that will position us well for the future. position was Director, Human Resources. There were also some changes in the composition of our Board of Directors during the year. At the annual meeting in May, 2012, Margot E. Northey retired from the Board of Directors after serving for 16 years. We thank Margot for her dedicated service to Wawanesa. Calgary Foundation. Nicholas R. Logan, BA, B.Comm is the founding President and CEO of National Leasing. Headquartered in Winnipeg, National Leasing has grown to become the leader within the Canadian finance and leasing industry. He is also a founding member of the Business Council of Manitoba and past Chair of Economic Development Winnipeg. In addition, he has served on the boards of a number of community organizations including for the 1999 Pan Am Games and is a past campaign Chair of the United Way of Winnipeg. The year just ended was a good one for Wawanesa. We grew modestly in a very competitive environment, added to our strong capital position and continued to make progress at renewing our system infrastructure that will position us well for the future. I would like to thank our brokers for their continued support Also at the annual meeting, two new members were especially in regions where significant product and rate appointed to the Boards of The Wawanesa Mutual changes were required. I would also like to thank all of Insurance Company, The Wawanesa Life Insurance our employees for their dedication and commitment Company and Wawanesa General Insurance Company. to the continued success of Wawanesa. I believe we are The appointments reflect the Companies’ desire to have positioning the Company to compete and be successful appropriate skill, experience and diversity within the in any future industry environment. Board membership. Ken McCrea, CA, FLMI President and Chief Executive Officer 8 Founded in 1896 the wawanesa mutual insurance company Incorporated May 1, 1929 Report of the Independent Auditor on the summary consolidated financial statements Head Office Wawanesa, Manitoba Executive Office 900–191 Broadway Winnipeg, Manitoba February 20, 2013 Officers and Corporate Management K. E. McCrea, CA, FLMI President and Chief Executive Officer G. N. Bass, Q.C. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary B. A. MacKinnon, FCAS, FCIA, MAAA Vice President and Chief Actuary G. J. Timlick, CA Vice President and Chief Financial Officer J. E. Carradice, BSc, CHRP Vice President, Human Resources S. J. Goy, ACAS, CIP Vice President, Insurance Products C. R. Loeppky, BScCS Vice President, Information Services To the Directors of The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company The accompanying summary consolidated financial statements, which comprise the summary consolidated balance sheets as at December 31, 2012 and the summary consolidated statements of operations for the year ended December 31, 2012 are derived from the audited consolidated financial statements of The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company for the year ended December 31, 2012. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those consolidated financial statements in our report dated February 20, 2013. The summary consolidated financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by International Financial Reporting Standards. Reading the summary consolidated financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited consolidated financial statements of The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company. C. B. Luby, FCIP, CRM Management’s Responsibility for the Summary Consolidated Financial Statements Vice President, Marketing and Business Development Management is responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited B. K. MacIntyre, BBA, FCIP Vice President, Claims T. L. Nelson, FLMI/M, CHRP, CIP Vice President, Regional Insurance Operations K. P. Boyd, CA, CIP Controller P. R. Mulaire, CMA, CIA, FCIP, CRM Director, Internal Audit consolidated financial statements on the basis described in note 1. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary consolidated financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standards (“CAS”) 810, “Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements”. Opinion In our opinion, the summary consolidated financial statements derived from the audited consolidated financial statements of The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company for the year ended December 31, 2012 are a fair summary of those consolidated financial statements, on the basis described in note 1. Chartered Accountants Winnipeg, Manitoba 9 the wawanesa mutual insurance company Appointed Actuary’s Report February 20, 2013 To the Directors of The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company I have valued the insurance contract liabilities of the Company for its regional Offices Maritime 1010 St. George Boulevard Moncton, New Brunswick B. E. MacKenzie, CIP Vice President, Maritime Region Québec 8585 Décarie Boulevard Montréal, Québec C. Auclair, PAA consolidated balance sheets as at December 31, 2012 and their change Vice President, Québec Region in the consolidated statements of operations for the year then ended Ontario 100–4110 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario T. R. Greer in accordance with accepted actuarial practice including selection of appropriate assumptions and methods. In my opinion, the amount of insurance contract liabilities makes appropriate provision for all policyholder obligations, and the consolidated financial statements fairly present the result of the valuation. Vice President, Ontario Region Winnipeg 700–200 Main Street Winnipeg, Manitoba E. Rossong, FCIP Vice President, Winnipeg Region Brett A. MacKinnon, FCAS, FCIA, MAAA Prairie Wawanesa, Manitoba W. G. McGregor, FCIP Winnipeg, Manitoba Vice President, Prairie Region Northern Alberta 100, 8657–51st Avenue Edmonton, Alberta K. E. Hartry, FCIP, MBA Vice President, Northern Alberta Region Southern Alberta 600, 708–11th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta M. M. Cote-Johnson, CIP Vice President, Southern Alberta Region British Columbia 400–1985 West Broadway Vancouver, British Columbia G. R. Haigh, FCIP, CAIB Vice President, British Columbia Region United States 9050 Friars Road San Diego, California D. G. Fitzgibbons, CPCU Vice President, United States Operations 10 the wawanesa mutual insurance company summary consolidated balancE Sheets As at December 31 2012 2011 (000s) Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 96,762 $ 90,211 28,356 30,774 Investments 6,205,522 5,622,206 Other assets 1,414,016 1,318,714 Accrued investment income Total assets $ 7,744,656 $ 7,061,905 $ 4,418,608 $ 4,209,645 Liabilities Insurance contract liabilities Other liabilities 754,958 519,774 Total liabilities 5,173,566 4,729,419 Equity 2,571,090 2,332,486 Total liabilities and equity $ 7,744,656 $ 7,061,905 Note 1 These summary consolidated financial statements have been derived from the audited consolidated financial statements of The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company (the Company) for the year ended December 31, 2012, which are prepared in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The criteria developed by management for the preparation of the summary consolidated financial statements is as follows: that the information included in the summarized consolidated financial statements is in agreement with the related information in the complete consolidated financial statements, and that the summarized consolidated financial statements contain the information necessary to avoid distorting or obscuring matters disclosed in the related complete consolidated financial statements, including the notes thereto, in all material respects. A full set of audited consolidated financial statements is available from the Company or at www.wawanesa.com. 11 the wawanesa mutual insurance company summary consolidated statements of operations For the year ended December 31 2012 2011 (000s) Revenue Net premiums written $ 2,504,327 $ (45,254) Change in unearned premiums Net premiums earned Net investment income Instalment service charges earned 2,416,305 (71,298) 2,459,073 2,345,007 356,902 294,994 37,960 35,660 2,853,935 2,675,661 Expenses Net claims and insurance benefits incurred Other expenses incurred $ 1,897,106 $ 681,393 1,905,568 2,578,499 616,878 2,522,446 Profit before income taxes 275,436 153,215 Provision for income taxes 55,658 45,365 Profit for the year $ 219,778 $ 107,850 $ 219,342 $ 114,543 Profit (loss) for the year attributed to: Policyholders of the Company 436 Participating policyholders’ interest $ 219,778 A full set of audited consolidated financial statements is available at www.wawanesa.com (6,693) $ 107,850 12 the wawanesa mutual insurance company consolidated supplementary information gross premiums written 2012 profit $219,778 (000s) 1% Automobile Life 57% Other $100,468 Property 2009 2010 $107,850 37% $129,420 5% 2011 2012 2009 is prepared under Canadian GAAP 2010 –2012 are prepared under IFRS equity (000s) (000s) 2009 2010 All years prepared under IFRS $2,571,090 $2,332,486 $2,019,957 $2,238,190 $7,061,905 $6,589,087 $6,076,300 $7,744,656 total assets 2011 2012 2009 2010 All years prepared under IFRS 2011 2012 13 the wawanesa mutual insurance company consolidated supplementary information investments 2012 bonds credit quality 2012 <1% 1% (000s) 11% (000s) 11% 9% Canadian Bonds $4,061,165 12% AAA $1,808,699 Foreign Bonds $722,898 Canadian Stocks $685,350 65% 38% 34% Foreign Stocks $666,499 Other $69,610 AA $923,416 A $1,622,245 B BB $425,530 19% B elow BBB $4,173 Investments are managed in a conservative manner to provide steady, consistent investment income to support the cash flow and liquidity needs of Wawanesa. Property and Casualty (P&C) operations Profile P&C Operations consist of The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company in Canada and Wawanesa General Insurance Company in the U.S. Our P&C Operations have conducted business in Canada and the U.S. for over 115 years and 35 years, respectively. Key Facts P&C Operations provide automobile, personal and financial statements (2012–2010 are prepared under commercial property, and liability insurance products IFRS, 2009 is prepared under Canadian GAAP) and are in all major areas of Canada as well as in California consistent with financial measures used in the P&C and Oregon. Wawanesa’s P&C insurance products insurance industry. are distributed by over 1,600 independent insurance brokers except in Quebec and the U.S. where products are distributed through company agents. • Total assets of $7.0 billion • Strong financial position with equity of $2.5 billion • Over $2.4 billion in annual policy premiums • Over 2,400 employees across Canada and in the U.S. KEY FINANCIAL MEASURES The following information and charts may not be IFRS measurements, but are derived from elements of the 14 P&C operations gross premiums written Gross premiums written are the premiums for all insurance policies placed during the period including new policies and renewals. (000s) $1,481,833 $1,448,140 Personal Property Commercial Property 2010 2011 $40,493 $227,590 $727,973 $38,080 $211,261 Other $683,402 $35,542 $195,136 $619,817 $1,409,048 $32,923 $176,768 $543,540 $1,338,426 2009 Automobile 2012 2009 is prepared under Canadian GAAP, 2010 –2012 are prepared under IFRS Combined ratio The combined ratio is a measure of the underwriting performance. It is the relationship between claims and other expenses incurred and premiums earned for the year expressed as a percentage. When there is an underwriting profit, the combined ratio will be less than 100%. When there is an underwriting loss, the combined ratio will be greater 103% 104% 106% 100% 102% 111% 116% 99% 104% 101% 102% 108% 101% 103% 103% 97% 110% 103% 105% than 100%. Total Automobile Personal Property 76% Commercial Property 2009 2010 2011 2009 is prepared under Canadian GAAP, 2010 –2012 are prepared under IFRS Other 2012 15 P&C operations Underwriting Results net investment income Underwriting profit (loss) represents the profit (loss) Net investment income is comprised of interest income, from insurance operations. dividends and distributions from pooled funds, the realized gain (loss) on sale of available-for-sale financial assets, and other investment income less expenses. (000s) $244,920 $182,248 $(90,334) $(78,740) (000s) $322,384 2012 $232,436 2011 $(47,004) 2010 $(49,745) 2009 2009 2009 is prepared under Canadian GAAP 2010 –2012 are prepared under IFRS 2010 2011 2012 2009 is prepared under Canadian GAAP 2010 –2012 are prepared under IFRS Capital ratio MCT The Minimum Capital Test (MCT) is a calculation established by OSFI to measure the financial strength of P&C insurance companies. The MCT ratio is determined by dividing capital available by capital required, expressed as 303% 302% 299% 302% a percentage. MCT 2009 2010 2011 2009 is prepared under Canadian GAAP, 2010 –2012 are prepared under IFRS 150% 150% 150% 150% OSFI Requirement 2012 16 life operations profile Our life insurance operations are conducted by The Wawanesa Life Insurance Company. It is a Canadian life and health insurance company that has been in operation for over 50 years. Key Facts • Total assets of $894 million • Individual life insurance volume of $15 billion insured through 67,000 policies • Insures more than 24,000 employees through group benefit plans Wawanesa Life provides term, permanent and critical Key Financial Measures illness insurance plus investment product options including segregated funds to individuals through its The following information and charts may not be independent broker channel. Group life and health IFRS measurements, but are derived from elements of insurance products are designed to service the needs Wawanesa Life’s financial statements (2012–2010 are of employers, associations and unions by working prepared under IFRS, 2009 is prepared under Canadian with group benefit brokers. Wawanesa Life maintains GAAP) and are consistent with financial measures used regional sales offices across the country to support its in the life insurance industry. many broker and client relationships. Net PremiumS and Equivalents Net premiums and equivalents are the sum of billed insurance premiums, contributions received for investment in annuities or segregated funds, management fees earned on segregated fund balances and fee income earned from the administration of group business where the policyholder retains the insurance risk. 2009 $36,347 $32,455 $43,053 $33,907 $34,738 $32,482 $26,967 $27,402 $23,486 $37,668 $39,080 $40,731 (000s) Individual Group Annuity 2010 2011 2009 is prepared under Canadian GAAP, 2010 –2012 are prepared under IFRS 2012 17 life operations Net Income (Loss) Net income (loss) attributed to the participating policyholders (PAR Account) and the shareholder is shown in the following chart. $436 $608 $4,974 $1,711 $3,732 $1,347 (000s) PAR Account $(6,693) $(593) Shareholder Account 2009 2010 2011 2012 2009 is prepared under Canadian GAAP, 2010 –2012 are prepared under IFRS Equity Equity includes amounts related to the shareholder account and the participating account. Shareholder equity supports the non-participating business and participating equity supports participating business. A summary of Wawanesa Life’s Participating Account Management Policy and Participating Policyholder Dividend Policy can be found on page 26. 2009 All years prepared under IFRS PAR Account S hareholder Account $21,564 $22,272 2010 $105,123 $93,165 $87,638 $29,203 $29,289 $82,698 (000s) 2011 2012 18 life operations Total Assets Represents total assets managed by Wawanesa Life which include its general fund assets and policyholder contributions to the segregated funds that are held separate and apart from the general fund assets. $666,278 $636,847 General Fund Assets $163,636 $139,896 2009 $182,612 Segregated Funds Net Assets $167,842 $591,519 $711,839 (000s) 2010 2011 2012 All years prepared under IFRS Investments Investments are managed in a conservative manner to provide steady, consistent investment income to support the cash flow and liquidity needs of Wawanesa Life. $519,348 $476,877 All years prepared under IFRS Bonds Stocks 2010 2011 2012 $20,323 $80,798 $30,021 $73,605 $34,259 Other $70,506 $38,912 $59,413 $436,489 2009 $584,652 (000s) 19 life operations Bonds Credit Quality $269,039 $247,854 $214,226 AAA AA A 2009 2010 2011 $160,874 Below BBB $20,116 $110,322 $2,051 $18,565 $135,853 $93,840 $6,374 $12,160 $100,480 $110,009 $4,682 BBB $12,116 $111,463 $94,002 $293,340 (000s) 2012 All years prepared under IFRS Capital Ratio The MCCSR defines capital available and capital required. The MCCSR Ratio equals capital available divided by capital required. OSFI expects life insurance companies to establish an internal target capital ratio above the supervisory target 2009 2010 244% MCCSR 2011 2009 is prepared under Canadian GAAP, 2010 –2012 are prepared under IFRS 150% 150% OSFI Requirement 150% 150% 226% 259% 280% capital ratio of 150%. Capital available is the life insurance company’s equity with certain prescribed adjustments. 2012 20 Incorporated July 7, 1960 Head Office Wawanesa, Manitoba Executive Office 400–200 Main Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Officers and Management the wawanesa LIFE insurance company Report of the Independent Auditor on the summary financial statements February 20, 2013 Corporate To the Shareholder and Policyholders of The Wawanesa Life Insurance Company K. E. McCrea, CA, FLMI The accompanying summary financial statements, which comprise the President and Chief Executive Officer M. K. Nemeth, CA, FLMI, GBA Vice President and Chief Operating Officer G. N. Bass, Q.C. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary I. R. MacDonald, FSA, FCIA Vice President and Actuary C. R. Loeppky, BScCS Vice President, Information Services J. E. Carradice, BSc, CHRP Vice President, Human Resources E. Elvebo, CA Manager, Corporate Reporting P. M. Horncastle, CGA Controller P. R. Mulaire, CMA, CIA, FCIP, CRM Director, Internal Audit K. J. Richtik, FSA, FCIA Manager, Actuarial Financial Reporting Insurance Operations G. G. Sadler, CLU, ChFC, CHS Director, Individual Sales and Marketing M. M. Nolin, DDM, ALHC, ACS, AIAA summary balance sheets as at December 31, 2012 and the summary statements of operations for the year ended December 31, 2012 are derived from the audited financial statements of The Wawanesa Life Insurance Company for the year ended December 31, 2012. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those financial statements in our report dated February 20, 2013. The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by International Financial Reporting Standards. Reading the summary financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of The Wawanesa Life Insurance Company. Management’s Responsibility for the Summary Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited financial statements on the basis described in note 1. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance Manager, Group Benefit Services with Canadian Auditing Standards (“CAS”) 810, “Engagements to Report D. M. Smook, BA on Summary Financial Statements”. Manager, National Group Sales and Marketing D. I. Verwey Manager, Group Underwriting and Policy Administration A. E. Waller, MBA, CFP, ChFC, CLU, FALU Manager, Individual Life Administration Medical Director Opinion In our opinion, the summary financial statements derived from the audited financial statements of The Wawanesa Life Insurance Company for the year ended December 31, 2012 are a fair summary of those financial statements, on the basis described in note 1. Dr. R. B. Boyd, MD Chartered Accountants Winnipeg, Manitoba 21 the wawanesa LIFE insurance company regional Offices Appointed Actuary’s Report Atlantic 1010 St. George Boulevard Moncton, New Brunswick February 20, 2013 S. B. Brydges, CFP, CHS Regional Life Manager To the Shareholder and Policyholders of The Wawanesa Life Insurance Company Ontario 100–4110 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario I have valued the insurance contract liabilities of The Wawanesa Life B. I. Lang, RHU Insurance Company for its balance sheet at December 31, 2012 and Regional Life Manager their change in the statement of operations for the year then ended R. J. Rowe, GBA in accordance with accepted actuarial practice, including selection of Regional Group Manager appropriate assumptions and methods. Western Manitoba 208–740 Rosser Avenue Brandon, Manitoba In my opinion, the amount of insurance contract liabilities makes appropriate provision for all policyholder obligations and the financial statements fairly present the result of the valuation. Ian R. MacDonald G. L. C. Goymer, BA, CFP, ChFC, CLU, CHS Regional Life Manager Eastern Manitoba and NW Ontario 700–200 Main Street Winnipeg, Manitoba J. A. Kien, BA, BComm (Hons) Regional Life Manager Fellow, Canadian Institute of Actuaries T. A. McDowell, BComm (Hons) Winnipeg, Manitoba Regional Group Manager Saskatchewan 201, 3501–8th Street East Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 205, 2631–28th Avenue Regina, Saskatchewan G. F. M. Kurmey, FLMI Regional Life Marketing Representative Northern Alberta 100, 8657–51st Avenue Edmonton, Alberta L. P. J. Addison Regional Life Manager S. Lambert Regional Group Manager Southern Alberta 600, 708–11th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta B. Reid Galarnyk Regional Life Manager British Columbia 310–1985 West Broadway Vancouver, British Columbia S. F. Engmann, BA Regional Life Manager B. R. Wyne, MBA Regional Group Manager 22 the wawanesa LIFE insurance company summary balancE Sheets As at December 31 2012 2011 (000s) Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 11,890 $ 30,281 Investments 685,773 622,974 Other assets 14,176 13,023 General fund assets 711,839 666,278 Segregated funds net assets 182,612 163,636 Total assets $ 894,451 $ 829,914 $ 8,126 $ 7,006 Liabilities Other liabilities Insurance contract liabilities 577,026 543,835 General fund liabilities 585,152 550,841 Segregated funds contract liabilities 182,612 163,636 Total liabilities 767,764 714,477 Equity 126,687 115,437 Total liabilities and equity $ 894,451 $ 829,914 Note 1 These summary financial statements have been derived from the audited financial statements of The Wawanesa Life Insurance Company (the Company) for the year ended December 31, 2012, which are prepared in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The criteria developed by management for the preparation of the summary financial statements is as follows: that the information included in the summarized financial statements is in agreement with the related information in the complete financial statements, and that the summarized financial statements contain the information necessary to avoid distorting or obscuring matters disclosed in the related complete financial statements, including the notes thereto, in all material respects. A full set of audited financial statements is available from the Company or at www.wawanesa.com. 23 the wawanesa LIFE insurance company summary statements of operations For the year ended December 31 2012 2011 (000s) Net premiums and equivalents $ 111,855 $ 109,376 34,518 50,074 146,373 159,450 Net claims and benefits incurred 78,283 73,775 Net change in insurance contract liabilities 36,581 58,370 Expenses incurred 31,453 28,676 146,317 160,821 Net investment income Total income Total benefits and expenses Income (loss) before income taxes 56 Provision for (recovery of) income taxes Net income (loss) for the year (1,371) (988) 348 $ 1,044 $ (1,719) $ 608 $ 4,974 Net income (loss) for the year attributed to: Shareholder 436 Participating policyholders $ A full set of audited financial statements is available at www.wawanesa.com 1,044 (6,693) $ (1,719) 24 the wawanesa LIFE insurance company source of earnings statement The Source of Earnings are attributable to one of the following categories: Expected profit on inforce business This includes the release of the Provision for Adverse Management action and changes in assumptions This section includes specific management actions and the impact of changes in assumptions used to calculate actuarial liabilities. Deviations (PFADs) plus the expected profits on Segregated Funds. The release of the PFADs is the profit arising on the inforce business if the expected assumptions used in calculating the actuarial liabilities are realized. Impact of new business This represents the overall loss during the first year on new business. The PFADs in the actuarial liabilities contribute to an overall initial loss on issuing new business. These PFADs are anticipated to be released into income in future years to the extent they are not required to cover future adverse experience. Experience gains and losses The experience gains result from items such as investment returns, claims and expenses where the actual experience during the year differs from the expected experience assumed in the actuarial liabilities. It also includes the amount the fee income generated on Segregated Funds differs from expected. Other This represents all other sources of earnings not included above. Earnings on surplus This reflects the earnings on the surplus and capital of the Company. 25 the wawanesa LIFE insurance company source of earnings statement Total company Source of Earnings 2012 Individual life Individual annuity Group life and health (000s) Expected profit on inforce business $ $7,562 $ 5,044 $ $ (9,910) Experience gains and losses (1,818) 553 (307) (2,064) Management action and changes in assumptions (1,848) (979) (160) (709) Other (1,240) (1,240) Earnings (loss) on operations (7,254) $ (5,708) (824) 574 Impact of new business – – $ 653 – $ (2,199) 7,310 Earnings on surplus Income before income taxes 56 (988) Income taxes Net income (9,086) 1,944 $ $1,044 Total company Source of Earnings 2011 Individual life Individual annuity Group life and health (000s) Expected profit on inforce business $ Impact of new business 6,978 (17,449) Experience gains and losses (720) Other – Earnings (loss) on operations (7,250) Earnings on surplus 5,879 Income (loss) before income taxes (1,371) Income taxes 348 $ (1,719) 4,331 $ (13,435) 3,941 Management action and changes in assumptions Net income (loss) $ 668 67 (533) (170) (8,969) $ (827) – $ 2,031 (3,187) 3,206 (17) – $ 1,101 616 – $ 618 26 the wawanesa LIFE insurance company Summary of the Participating Account Management Policy* A Participating Account is maintained in respect of the Surplus exists in the Participating Account for the needs Company’s participating business which is separate of the current inforce business and future new business. from the Shareholder Account. Revenue and expenses Surplus is managed to meet the continuing financial that are directly related to participating business are stability of the Participating Account and to exceed any recorded to the Participating Account. Allocation minimum regulatory requirements. methods are also used to record certain expense and revenue items to the Participating Account. Participating policyholders are eligible to receive The Expense Allocation Method is designed to allocate experience justifies their payment. The Board of expenses and taxes fairly and equitably between the Directors determines the amount of dividends Participating Account and the Shareholder Account. to be paid in accordance with the Company’s The Investment Income Allocation Method is distributions from the Participating Account when Dividend Policy. designed to allocate investment income fairly and The Company is allowed to transfer an amount from equitably between the Participating Account and the the Participating Account to the Shareholder Account Shareholder Account. each year as described in the Insurance Companies Act. The Investment Policy Statement (IPS) governs the investment activities of the Company. Assets have been segmented into funds to facilitate managing assets with liabilities. The IPS specifies the investment objectives, investment risks, and management of these risks for The Company intends to transfer an amount equal to the lesser of 10% of the amount of the dividends paid to the participating policyholders during the year and the maximum permitted by the Insurance Companies Act. each of the funds. Summary of the Participating Policyholder Dividend Policy* Participating Individual Life Insurance Participating Earnings are generated when collective experience related to investment, mortality, lapse, expenses and taxes is more favourable than assumed in developing the premiums. The Company may distribute a portion of the participating account earnings to the participating policyholders. The distribution is in the form of dividends payable to the policyholders. The amount available to be paid as dividends is determined based on various factors including the Company’s earnings, any regulatory requirements and the amount of surplus required The dividend scale sets out a formula for the allocation of distributable earnings to the participating policies. The principle factors used to distribute earnings are investment earnings, mortality, and expense experience. The dividend scale allocates distributable earnings among policies in the same proportion as the policies are considered to have contributed to distributable earnings. Dividends are credited to the policies on their policy anniversary date. The distribution of dividends is designed to maintain reasonable equity between classes of participating business. to ensure the continuing financial stability of the Dividends are declared at the discretion of the Board Participating Account. of Directors. * Complete policies are available upon request Standing (L to R): J. S. McCallum, G. J. Hanson, C. M. Best, D. G. Unruh, D. C. Crewson, K. L. Matchett, E. J. Beale, R. O. Landry, N. R. Logan Seated (L to R): K. E. McCrea, R. R. Bracken Board of directors The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company, Wawanesa General Insurance Company and The Wawanesa Life Insurance Company R. R. Bracken 1,2,3,4 Chairman of the Board E. J. Beale 2,3 C. M. Best 2,3 D. C. Crewson 1,2 G. J. Hanson 3,4 R. O. Landry 2,3 N. R. Logan 1,4 K. L. Matchett 1,4 J. S. McCallum 3,4 K. E. McCrea D. G. Unruh 1,4 1. Member of the Audit Committee 2.Member of the Conduct Review and Corporate Governance Committee 3. Member of the Investment Committee 4. Member of the Human Resources Committee
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