Maryland Law Enforcement Officers, Inc.


Maryland Law Enforcement Officers, Inc.
3 Officers and Board of Directors
5 Past Presidents
7 Important MLEO Dates for 2015
9 History and Purpose of the MLEO
13 About the MLEO
15 2014 President’s Message
17 2013 President’s Message
22 Last Year in Review
71 Scholarships Awarded in 2014
101 Member Lists
Captain J. Eric Kowalczyk of the Baltimore Police Department said, “Our new
vehicle design is an outward reflection of
the inner change taking hold in the police
department. It was designed by our officers
and speaks to the pride they have for this
Police Commissioner Anthony Batts said,
“You may have seen pictures on social
media of a new type of Baltimore Police
vehicle.The picture shows a black caprice,
with new markings.
“Yes it is real, and yes it is coming. We
are currently waiting on some remaining
equipment to arrive before the vehicles can
be deployed to the districts, but that is the
future we are headed towards.
“A number of months ago, a working
group was convened by Colonel DeSousa,
to see if there was any interest in a new
look for our cars, and what equipment you
wanted to see in them.
“The result was very clear, and the
design of the new cars is the same design
that has been on Foxtrot for years. I want
to make sure that you have a car that you
can be proud of and I know you will be very
happy with the cars when they come to the
districts soon.”
Published for Maryland Law Enforcement Officers, Inc. • 2014–2015
Maryland Law Enforcement Officers, Inc.
2014 Officers and Members of the Board of Directors
Daniel L. Smith
First Vice-President
William Harry Armstrong
Department of Defense
Third Vice-President
Audrey Morris
Maryland Division of Corrections
Second Vice-President
Rodney Burrell
Fourth Vice-President
Daniel Kelley
Maryland Division of Corrections
Executive and Financial Secretary
James R. McAbee
Baltimore Police Department (retired)
Patrick H. Zito
Baltimore County Police (retired)
General Counsel
Patrick J. Motsay
Edward M. Rainer
Sergeant at Arms
Octavus L. Jones, Jr.
Martin Ice
2014 Committees
Audit Committee
Pat Zito
Ed Ranier
Norman Pepersack
Elaine McAbee
Budget Committee
Daniel Kelley
Pat Zito
James McAbee
Joezette Pope
Constitution and
Bylaws Committee
Daniel Kelley
Ed Ranier
Norman Pepersack
Pat Motsay
(general council)
Directory Committee
James McAbee
Norman Pepersack
Bernie Kraft
Rodney Burrell
Kevin Johnson
Octavus Jones
James McAbee
Joezette Pope
Gwendolyn Smith
Daniel Kelley
Fallen Heroes
All vice-presidents
All past presidents
Jim McAbee
Bernie Kraft
Norman Pepersack
Financial Committee
Rodney Burrell
James McAbee
Gwendolyn Smith
Elaine McAbee
Tom Simpson
Norman Pepersack
Patrick Zito
Patrick Motsay
(general counsel)
Golf Committee
Mark Carter
Richard Watts
Patrick Zito
Richard Hall
Legislative Committee
Harry Armstrong
Rodney Burrell
Norman Pepersack
Pat Zito
Ed Ranier
Gwendolyn Smith
Audrey Morris
Norman Pepersack
Harry Armstrong
Jim McAbee
Merit Award
Pat Zito
Kevin Johnson
Octavus Jones
Joezette Pope
Gwendolyn Smith
Edward Ranier
Octavus Jones
Kevin Johnson
Daniel Kelley
Program and Publicity
James McAbee
Bernie Kraft
Norman Pepersack
Patrick Zito
James McAbee
Tom Simpson
Seminar Committee
Pat Zito
James McAbee
MPTC representative
Rodney Burrell
Harry Armstrongg
Gwendolyn Smith
Sick Committee
Jim McAbee
Martin Ice
Bernie Kraft
Tag Committee
Jim McAbee
Bernie Kraft
Harry Armstrong
Norman Pepersack
Daniel Kelley
Traffic Safety
Joezette Pope
Joe Beddick
Pat Zito
Maryland Law Enforcement Officers, Inc.
Past Presidents
Carrolle E. Stansbury*
J. William Garrett*
Thomas L. Rowe*
Marcus H. Miles*
J. Hanson Hooper*
Grason W. Price*
William J. Cruickshank*
Joseph B. Nolte*
John E. Zang*
Joseph H. Itzel*
Harvey W. Spencer*
Ruxton M. Ridgley*
Walter H. Hoffmeister*
Norman J. Schleigh*
Robert J. Kenney*
Gerard F. Huesman*
Millard B. Horton*
Henry F. Schutheis*
Harry I. Fuller*
Karl E. Zinkhan*
Charles W. Cover*
Elmer Z. Bowen*
Francis X. Jahn*
William F. Reynolds, Sr.*
Randolph L. Dorman*
Gordon C. Lee*
James E. Smith*
Julius E. Lebrell*
Marvin B. Hull*
Francis R. Kavanaugh*
John J. Zimmerer*
John W. Spurrier*
James R. McAbee
F. Alfred Petersam*
Lyn G. Satterfield*
Robert E. Clarke*
Charled Van Gorden*
Richard C. Hall
Paul T. Baker*
John A. Spiroff
Robert H. Jenkins*
Edward M. Ranier
Patrick Metallo
John A. Riggin
Robert L. Larkin
John R. Leineweber
Donna D. Clarke
Patrick H. Zito
Robert G. Pepersack, Sr.*
Walter Wassmer
Henry E. Hess*
William J. Killough
Michael J. Mulqueen*
Norman M. Pepersack, Jr.
Richard A. Watts
Gwendolyn R. Smith
Peter Juknelis
Kevin T. Johnson, Sr.
Donald McGill
Thomas Simpson
Joezette Pope
Note: All living past presidents are members of the Board of Directors.
Important MLEO Dates for 2015
Board Meetings
January 28, 2015
May 13, 2015
August 12, 2015
November 11, 2015
Quarterly Meetings
March 11, 2015
June 10, 2015
September 9, 2015
December 9, 2015
Golf Outing
June 1, 2015
MLEO 2014 Events
December 12, 2013
Changing of the gavel at the
fourth quarterly meeting
June 2, 2014
John J. Zimmer Memorial Golf Tournament
Oakmont Green Golf Club
Page 22
Page 45
April 13, 2014
School Safety Patrol Appreciation Day
at Camden Yards
Baltimore Orioles vs. Blue Jays
April Sayers
Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School
National Life Saving Award
June 11, 2014
Distinguished Service Awards
Sergeant Robert Horseman
Pocomoke City Police Department
Page 53
Page 27
November 19, 2014
Annual Seminar
Policing 2014: Issues Facing Public Safety
May 2, 2014
Fallen Heroes Day
Page 61
Page 33
December 10, 2014
Quarterly Meeting and Christmas gift
donation event for children in need
Page 65
History and Purpose of the MLEO
Maryland law enforcement officers, Inc. w as formed
on January 27, 1936, as a professional nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting professional law enforcement throughout the state of Maryland. The corporation
was initially named the Maryland Police Association and
the first president of the association was C. E. Stansbury,
marshal of the Towson Police Department. There were
26 charter members and the first project of the association was to establish a nine-state police teletype network
between neighboring northeastern states.
The first annual meeting was held on December 7,
1936. The following is part of the constitution that was
adopted on that date:
“The objectives of this association shall be to secure
a closer official and personal relationship among the law
enforcement officers throughout the state of Maryland;
to consider and discuss methods of preventing and combating crime; to secure by all proper and legal methods,
legislative and governmental action for the general,
official and personal welfare of the members of this association; to secure the adoption and enforcement of
laws pertaining to the detection and prevention of crime
and to promote police efficiency.”
1. Provide college scholarships for criminal justice
students of 11 selected Maryland colleges for scholarship
assistance to students pursuing careers in the criminal
justice field. Recipient must be in good scholastic standing, in need of financial assistance, a Maryland resident,
and must be pursuing a career in law enforcement.
Students are selected by the individual colleges. MLEO
has been making these contributions since the scholarship fund was established in 1965. More than $350,000
has been contributed through this fund to hundreds of
deserving students.
2. An annual training conference is presented by
MLEO each year for all criminal justice personnel from
all over the state of Maryland and from some of the
neighboring states.
This activity is sanctioned by the Maryland Police
and Correctional Training Commission and thousands
of officers have benefited from this professional training
over the past 52 years. The entire cost is borne by MLEO.
3. MLEO conducts an annual appreciation day for
school safety patrol members from throughout the state.
MLEO, in conjunction with the Baltimore Orioles
and AAA, with the assistance of local police departments and school safety officials, sets up a special day
on which members of the school districts throughout
the state of Maryland get a chance to attend an Orioles
home game.
More than 2,020,000 boys, girls and crossing guards
have attended these activities since its inception in
1956. The Orioles organization provides the tickets to
the ball game and MLEO picks up all additional costs
in connection with this event. The past seven years, we
have obtained 10,000 tickets each year.
These objectives and purposes carry through to the
present constitution.
On September 16, 1937, the association was incorporated and on April 15, 1954, the name was changed to
“Maryland Law Enforcement Officers, Incorporated.” On
December 8, 1993, the membership voted to designate
M.L.E.O.” as the corporations official acronym.
At the present time, May 22,2013, the M.L.E.O.
administrative office is located at 8502 Harford Road,
Second Floor, Baltimore, Maryland, 21234-4610, phone
number: 410-661-8100, fax number: 410-661-5333. The
office is normally open between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday. The corporation currently totals
600 members (17 associate members, 232 life members,
and 351 active members). Members represent a total
of 84 criminal justice agencies throughout the state
of Maryland, including 19 U.S. government agencies.
All members were or are now sworn members of duly
constituted law enforcement, correction agencies or
criminal justice agencies, as recognized by the by-laws
of the corporation.
4. Presents annual merit awards to police officers
for exemplary performance in law enforcement for the
previous year.
Each year, since 1968, MLEO has been presenting
“outstanding achievement awards” to selected officers
from the northern, southern, eastern, and western part
of the state, Baltimore city and corrections. Awards are
presented at the annual merit award event.
5. Maintains an active legislative committee
This committee works with other law enforcement
organizations and state legislators to promote legislation that furthers the advancement of professional
The following is a list of activities conducted by the
History and Purpose of the MLEO Continued
law enforcement in the state. Committee chairman is a
member of the Maryland Chiefs of Police Association and
Maryland Sheriffs association joint legislative committee.
6. Conducts quarterly business meetings
Periodic committee meetings and board of directors meetings to conduct the general business of the corporation.
7. Publication and distribution of items of interest to
law enforcement officers.
A. A pocket directory listing all law enforcement and
public safety agencies throughout the state of Maryland.
These directories are updated every two years. There
have been eight printings so far by MLEO, with a total of
160,000directories being distributed. An updated printing
is being completed and will be distributed in early 2015.
B. An annual yearbook which contains photos, editorials and other pertinent and interesting information
regarding law enforcement events and activities in the
state of Maryland.
C. A corporation newsletter is sent out to all members
advising of corporate events and activities and keeping
them abreast of important matters affecting the corporation
and the law enforcement community.
8. Holds regular social functions annually to promote
closer professional and personal relationships between
agencies and between agency members and the general
A. Merit awards event
B. Annual golf outing
C. Bull and shrimp feast
9.MLEO also supports and contributes to numerous law
enforcement and criminal justice programs and events.
A. Maryland police and correctional training commission
B. Fallen heroes memorial service
C. Seminars and conferences
D. Annual Christmas toy drive for needy children.
Maryland Law Enforcement Officers, Inc.
The Maryland Law Enforcement Officers
incorporated is organized to:
•Secure a closer official, professional and
personal relationship among law enforcement officers throughout the state of Maryland.
• Consider and discuss methods of preventing and combating crime.
•Secure unity of action in police matters
to the end of promoting the interest and
insuring the confidence of the public.
•Secure, by all proper and legal methods,
legislation and governmental action for
the welfare in general of law enforcement
•Advocate and secure the adoption and
enforcement of laws pertaining to the
detection and prevention of crime and to
promote police efficiency in general.
whose duties are to maintain public peace,
safeguard public property and to enforce
any of the Maryland statutes or regulations
having a penalty for violation thereof
•Any law enforcement officer employed
by the U.S. government who is stationed
in Maryland. This includes the military,
such as intelligence and police units of the
Department of Defense, as well as civilian
enforcement units charged with the duty of
enforcing sections of the U.S. Code which
have a penalty for violation thereof
•Any state’s attorney and his or her full
time deputies and assistants, the attorney
general of the state of Maryland and his or
her deputies and assistants and court commissioners
•Any commissioned and sworn law enforcement officer (of an industrial or railroad company) who has been functioning
as such for not less than two continuous
years for that industrial or railroad company
within the state of Maryland
• The director and assistant director of the
Maryland Police and Correctional Training
The following are recognized as law enforcement agencies for purposes of active or
associate membership in this organization:
• Any police department, sheriff’s office or
correctional agency of the State of Maryland, or any political subdivision thereof.
•Any certified law enforcement agency
From the 2014 President
Daniel Smith —2014 President
To the officers and members of the Maryland Law Enforcement Officers—
Greetings, MLEO members. 2014 is a new year with a new beginning. As your
new president, I look forward to addressing the issues and concerns of the members
as they relate to the future and the growth of the organization this year.
One of my ultimate goals is to keep our membership growing, to seek the cooperation of all our members, so that the organization can continue to bring programs
and information that would educate our members on such issues as they relate to
the topics of job safety and street survival. I believe that by working together, we
can continue to support our brothers and sisters in law enforcement.
Come out and join us at the meetings. Voice your opinions and make suggestions.
Get involved.
Be safe.
Thank you
Daniel Smith
2014 President
From the 2013 President
Joezette Pope—2013 President
To the officers and members of the Maryland Law Enforcement Officers—
At the conclusion of my presidential term, I would like to thank everyone who has
supported and encouraged me during my term as president: all the vice-presidents,
board members, Past President Tom Simpson, my family and the members of Maryland law Enforcement Officers.
It has been an honor and privilege to represent this organization at scholarship
luncheons, Traffic Safety Day at Camden yards, Fallen Heroes Day, the merit awards
dinner, the annual seminar and MPCTC meetings.
One of my goals this year was to have an event for our members—thankfully,
Vice-President Rodney Burrell and the Entertainment Committee succeeded in
making the crab feast successful.
With the passing of the gavel, I welcome our new president, Daniel Smith. I am
confident that he will do a good job representing Maryland law enforcement officers.
As past president, I will continue to support our organization and hope that you
do the same.
Thank you,
Joezette Pope
2013 President
Last Year . . .
. . .in Review
Your Association Stays Busy All Year Long
December 12, 2013: Changing of the Gavel
at the Fourth Quarter Meeting
December 12, 2013: Changing of the Gavel at the Fourth Quarter Meeting
April 13, 2014
Safety Patrol Appreciation Day at Camden Yards
Baltimore Orioles vs. Blue Jays
From the the presentation:
This afternoon we are pleased to honor a school safety
patroller who is receiving the prestigious AAA National
Lifesaving Award for her actions this year.
April Sayers, a fifth grade student at Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School in Front Royal, Virginia, is being recognized
for her heroic efforts in saving the life of a student on January
13, 2014.
April was on afternoon bus duty when a kindergarten
student exited the bus and dropped a toy under the bus’s rear
wheels. While attempting to retrieve her toy, she crawled
under the bus just as the bus started moving forward. Seeing
this unfold, April quickly responded and yanked the child out
away from the bus wheels, thus averting a near tragedy.
April Sayers
Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School
National Life Saving Award
Presenting the awards were Joe Beddick and Susan MeadeBeachell from AAA’s non-profit affiliate, the Mid-Atlantic
Foundation for Safety and Education, MLEO’s Gwendolyn
Smith, and Jennifer Huebner of AAA National.
April 13, 2014: Safety Patrol Appreciation Day at Camden Yards
April 13, 2014: Safety Patrol Appreciation Day at Camden Yards
May 2, 2014
Fallen Heroes Day
May 2, 2014: Fallen Heroes Day
May 2, 2014: Fallen Heroes Day
May 2, 2014: Fallen Heroes Day
May 2, 2014: Fallen Heroes Day
May 2, 2014: Fallen Heroes Day
June 2, 2014
John J. Zimmer Memorial Golf Tournament
Oakmont Green Golf Club
June 2, 2014: Golf Tournament
June 2, 2014: Golf Tournament
June 2, 2014: Golf Tournament
June 11, 2014
Distinguished Service Awards
Sergeant Robert Horseman, Pocomoke City P.D.
Chief Kelvin D. Sewell, Sergeant Robert Horseman and MLEO President Daniel Smith
June 11, 2014: Distinguished Service Awards
June 11, 2014: Distinguished Service Awards
The Harford County Sheriffs Office Honor Guard
June 11, 2014: Distinguished Service Awards
November 19, 2014
Annual Seminar –
Policing 2014:
Issues Facing Public Safety
Dan Dazzo of MPCTC
Daniel Smith and Sergeant R. Jason Baker of the Howard County Police Department
November 9, 2014: nnual Seminar
Daniel Smith and Officer Scott Davis of the Montgomery County Police Department
MLEO President Daniel Smith, Officer Gary Gephardt of the Baltimore County Police Department and George Roberts of Baltimore County Public Schools
December 10, 2014
Quarterly Meeting
Maryland Law Enforcement
Officers, Inc., in partnership
with the Edmondson Avenue Community Association,
hosted a Christmas event
for children in need.
MLEO Awards Many Scholarships in 2014
Steve Wantz, chairman of the Carroll Community College Foundation, accepts the MLEO scholarship check from Thomas
MLEO Scholarship Awards 2014
From left are Dr. Stephen Pannill, Cecil College president, Walt Wassmer
and Chris Ann Szep, vice-president
for Institutional Advancement and
Government Relations.
MLEO Scholarship Awards 2014
MLEO Scholarship Awards 2014
The Community College
of Baltimore County
MLEO’s Thomas Simpson presents the scholarship check to the head cashier for the Community College of Baltimore in
MLEO Scholarship Awards 2014
MLEO Scholarship Awards 2014
MLEO Scholarship Awards 2014
MLEO Scholarship Awards 2014
Karen Powell,Towson University Foundation officer, accepts the scholarship
check from Thomas Simpson.
Towson students at the Foundation Scholars luncheon in 2014
MLEO Scholarship Awards 2014
MLEO Scholarship Awards 2014
MLEO Scholarship Awards 2014
Karen Burkwell, head bursar at the University of Baltimore, accepts the MLEO scholarship check from Thomas Simpson.
MLEO Scholarship Awards 2014
MLEO Scholarship Awards 2014
Active Members
Michael Abioye
Abdulrasheed Abubakar
Gary Adair
Charles Adejoro
Adebayo Adejumo
Oluwafemi Adenekan
Adedeji Adeniji
Ayodeji Adeoba
Oladelle Afeni
Olayinka Agbayewa
Patrick Agbortarh
LolinKingsley Aginam
Omobolaji Ajao
Oladele Ajose
Raymond Akinseli
Olusegun Akinwekomi
Oluwole Akinyede
Owoedinyene Akpan
Adekolajo Aladeseyi
Funmilola Alana
Don Alexander
Phyllis Alexander
Michael Argubright
William Harry Armstrong
Adesina Asamu
Carolyn Atkins
Robert Austin, Jr.
Fisayo Awojoody
Richard Bader
Robert Baldauf
Ramon Balogun
Jesse L. Bane
Wayne Barbour
Lamont Barnes
Christopher Barnett
Edward Barrett
John Batvinskas
Mark Baylor
George Beam, Jr.
Bradley Bechtel
Joseph Beddick
April Bennett-Burman
Allen Berry, Jr.
Daniel Bessick, Jr.
Edwin Beyer
Robert Bezelik
Rose Bianca
Beatrice Blackwell
Matthew Bloom
Eric Boateng-Sampong
Daniel Bobetich
Tyrone Bonds
Gary Bowles
Dan Boyd
Patrick Bradley
Dalzell Braxton
Courtney Bridget
Richard Bristow
Meredith Britton
David Brosky
Michael Brown
Patricia Brown
Kevin Brown
Rita Brown-Wright
David Buehl
Ayodeji Bukoye
Thomas Burke, Sr.
Derrick Burman
Quentin Burns
Allen Burns
Rodney Burrell
Latressa Byrd
Anthony Caccavale
Howard Caldwell
Ronald Cappacocia
George Carroll
Mark Carter
Juan Caschera
Ralph Chambers
Alain Choutedjem
Frederick Cirrani
James Clark
Jerome Collins
Phillip Cooper, Jr.
Nestor Cordero
Michael Corrigan
Michael Costanzo, Jr.
Linda Cousins
Robert Cousins
David Cronin
Leon Crump
Emmanuel Dabiri
Milton Darden
Thomas Darnell, Jr.
Francine Davis
Timothy Davis
Marcus DeBoard
Jimmie Dell
Eric Deuschle
Arneatrice Diggs
Harvey Diggs
Raymond Dillon, Jr.
James Dodson
John Dooley, Jr.
Donnell Dorsey
April Dortch
Kim Drennon
Richard Driver
Joseph Dulny
Michael Duncan
Francis Edwards
Lawrence Ekwutife
Shedrack Elee
Emeka Emelike
Bryan England
Edwin Ewane
Robert Ewane
Gloria Fairfax
Robert Falk, Sr.
Oluwasegun Fashae
James Felix
Loren Finch
Tracy Finley
Mallory Fisher
Adeola Folorunso
Kennedy Fon
Gary Foreman
John Fountain
Victor Fricke, Jr.
Nadia Frisby
John Gaither, Jr.
Michael Gambrill
Floyd Garner
Fritz Gaubatz
Charles Getner
Alfonzo Gibson
Motchonani Gnansa
Michael Goff
Keith Goins
Jude Gold
Amando Gomes
Carlos Gonzalez
Lewis Gorsuch
Joy Grant
Mark Graves
Latoya Gray
Purnell Gray
John Green
Grover Gunn
Dianna Gunther
James Hagan
Richard Hancock
Alan Handwerger
Kevin Hargrave, Sr.
Thomas Harris
James Harris
James Harris
Kenneth Hartline
Steven Hatchett
William Hawkins
Michael Hemingway
Joseph Hock
Glendora Holland
Marie Horowitz
Regina Horton-Collins
Mary Kim Howard
Thomas Hunewill
Richard Hunter
Dennis Hupka
Dale Hutschenreuter
Martin Ice
Muhammed Igomigoh
Felix Igwe
Godfrey Iheanacho
Darryl Jacobs
Nuru Jaiyeola
Junior James
Ibukun Jegede
Yuyonka Jenkins
Adefemi Joda
Tina Johnson
Brian T. Johnson
Cecil Johnson
Tyronica Johnson
Mark Johnson, Sr.
Darryl Jones
Miles Jones
Ron Jones
Willie Jones
Octavus Jones, Jr.
James June
Hamady Kassambara
William Kearney
Daniel Kelley
Carine Kengni
Sammie King
Kadiatu Konteh
Wayne Koritzer
Sundu Koroma-Jones
Zachary Kosojet
Lewis Kubiet
Brian Kunkel
Gilbert Lagchu
Gary Lamback, Jr.
Elizabeth Lamothe
Goldie May Lanman
Percy Laryea
Abiodun Laseinde
Charles Law
An Le
Robert LeCompte
Craig Lee
David Lee
Keith Lehr
Garry Lewis
Stanley Locklear
Heather Lopez-Layton
Michael Losten
Beverly Lowrey
Marlon Lynch
Maurice Lynch
Thomas Maly
Samuel Maranto
Albert Marcus
Victor Mark
Michael Martin
Robert Matia
Jeffrey McCrea
Michael McCullough
Craig McDonald, Sr.
Cleveland McDowney
Calvin McRae
Glenda Meads
Brenda MellersonEchols
Dennis Merrion
John Merritt
James Miller
Charles Mitchell
Jermel Montgomery
Keith Moore
William Morant
Peter Mordi
Active Members
Douglas Morris
Michael Morris
Windell Morris
Audrey Morris
Patrick Motsay
Thomas Mowl
Donald Myers
Jeffrey Myers
Larry Myers
Frederick Nastri
Kenneth Ndam
Elochukwu Ndubuis
Charles Ndze
Eric Neifeld
Timothy Newton
Ngange Ngala
Ariel Ngassam
Donald Nicholls
Paul Nolte, Jr.
James Norfleet, Jr.
Robert Oatman
Hart Obasiolu
Sowa Obedekah III
Greg Obiemeke
Josephine Obiemeke
Raymond Ochigbo
George O’Connor
Remi Ogbonna
Paul Ogordi
Chima Okoro
Joseph Olaloye
Kenny Olatidoye
Olatunbosun Oloko
Solomon Oluwabiyi
Debra Onley
Bernard Onyango
Abiodun Oyebo
David Pacoe
Philip Palazola
Steve Pallanck
Dwayne Parris
Cory Patterson
Edward Payne, Jr.
Hance Pepper
Benson Peters
Moses Pettigrew
John Phelps
Curtis Pope
Sandra Potts
Ernest Powe
Richard Pozecki
Jantra Presco
Carol Price
Thomas Pryor
Sahah Rahim
Bennie Richardson
Purnell Richardson
Susan Richardson
Fleccia Richmond
Sheila Ripley
James Roberts
E. Denise Robinson
Michael Rogers
Anthony Rose
Rochelle Rose
Philip A. Rossetti
David Sabol
Maxwell Saeidi
Raymond Salamy
Robert Saliby
Olubusola Samuel
Ajelanke Samuel
Edwin Santana
Kirk Sawyer
Sue Scanland
Edwin Schillo III
James Schmidt
Lester Schockman
Robert Scott
Craig Scott
Timothy Scurry
John Seymour
Russell Shea, Jr.
Raymond Sheaffer
James Shields
Alex Shubenok
Christian Sigwe
William Simmons
Godfrey Simpson
Debra Sisco-Watts
Gregory Smith
Walter Smith
Daniel Smith
Herman Smith, Jr.
Gary Smith, Jr.
Joseph Solanke
Gerald Solomon
Mavis Sparrow
Eugene Speranza
Jesse Stacey, Jr.
John Stagg
David Stith
George Stower
William Streaker
Daniel Stull, Jr.
Tina Stump
Karuvelithara Sunnichen
Bernard Taylor
John Taylor
Tarek Taylor
Bernard Teagle
A l e c i a Te r r e l l McGregor
Mae Terriquez
Michael Theesen
Vincent Thompson
Jimmy Thornwell
Charles Toy, III
Terence Trainor
Wilbert Travers
Bryan Trussell, Sr.
Melvin Tunstall
Christopher Uzoukwu
Siene Vasquez-Anifowoshe
Edward Wagner
William Wagner
Jarred Ward
Ralph Warehime
Trent Washington
Clarence Watkins
Wayne Weeks
Jason Weicht
Chenapoh Wesseh
Francis Westphal
Samuel Whisky
Undray Whitehead
James Whiteman
Charles Wiley
Monica Wilkes
Craig Williams
Darryl Williams
Jonathan Williams
Thomas Williams, Jr.
Linda Willis
Kia Wilmer
Edward Winfield
Avrom Wofsey
Karen Wouldridge
Robin Wright
Eugene Yeager
Larry Zarzecki, 2nd
Paul Zmijewski
Life Members
Life Members
Earl Adams*
Paul Aires, Jr.
Adrian Allen, Jr.
Charles Arnold, III*
Richard Ashton*
Ralph Baker
Richard Barnhart*
Charles Becker, Jr.
Cornelius Behan
Charles Blondell
Warren Bloomberg*
Raymond Boblitz
William Bowen*
John Boyle*
Anthony Brooks*
John Broom*
Milton Brozowski*
Gerard Budzynski*
Richard Bussey*
Robert Cahill, Sr .*
John Carberry*
Daniel Carlin, Jr.
Thomas Carney*
T. Bruce Carpenter*
Theodore Carre
Douglas Cash
Chester Ciborowski
Donna Clark*
Jerome Connell
James Cooke, Jr.*
Walter Coryell*
William Cotton, III
Kenneth Crispens*
Joseph Crivello*
Joseph Curran
Ruppert Dalrymple*
Warren Darby*
Jerome Dashner*
John DeKowzan*
Harold Delosh*
Joseph Dengler
Robert Dilauro*
William Ditch
John Dooley
Kenneth Dorsey*
Joseph Downey*
Frank Dressel*
John Drexel*
James Duncan*
Edsel Dyer
Hallam Evans*
James Fanseen*
Charles Finton*
John Flamm
Robert Forrest*
Charles Fosbrink*
James Frantz*
Clement Frenchy*
Albert Gallas*
Herbert Gay*
William Gibson*
Edward Gilchrest
Keene Gooding*
Alexander Grabowski*
John Gruber*
John Grumbach
Frank Grunder, Sr.*
Stuart Guise*
Richard Hall*
Robert Hammann*
Wesley Harper, Jr.
William Henderson
William Holsey
Henry Homberg*
Barry Hopkins
Robert Hosier*
Joseph Humberson, Jr.*
James Hutson*
John Ihnat*
Carl Jaworski, Jr.
Kevin T. Johnson*
Theodore Jones
Peter Juknelis*
B. Michael Kenny
William Killough*
John Kirby*
John Klima*
Frederick Klotzbach
Charles Kobal, Jr.*
John Korona*
Charles Kratz
Charles Kropfelder*
Edwin Kues*
Jerry Landsman*
Robert Larkin*
Elmer L’Ecuyer*
John Leineweber*
John Lewis
Sidney Lieberman*
Donnell Lorenz*
Joseph Lowman
Sidney Lusby*
Walter Machin*
Raymond Magill*
Thomas Manager
Antoinette Manger*
Robert Manley*
Thomas Marks*
Armand Martin*
William Masemore*
James McAbee*
Daniel McCann*
Donald McGill*
Frank McKenna*
Frank Messina*
Patrick Metallo*
Winfield Miller
Paul Mitchell
William Moore
Lawrence Moore*
Aldine Moser, Jr.*
Richard Motsay*
Joseph Mryncza
Frank Mucha, Jr.*
Ronald Mullen*
Frank Murphy, Jr.
Charles Nash, Jr.*
Julius Neveker*
Patrick O’Brien*
Joseph Okronley
Mose Ottenheimer*
Preston Pairo, Jr.*
Theodore Parker, Jr.*
Howard Parrott*
Ronald Patek
Norman Pepersack, Jr.*
John Pfeifer, Jr.
Robert Plaine
Joezette Pope
Earl Potter*
Harry Rafine*
Edward Ranier*
Joseph Reitz
Charles Reuling*
Julius Richardson
John Riggin*
Gregory Roepke
Melvin Rose*
H. Morton Rosen*
Kenneth Runge*
William Ruth*
Louis Ruzicka
Francis Ryan*
Michael Scavone*
Harold Schuler*
John Schuyler
George Sherrod
Thomas Siecinski*
Thomas Simpson*
Allan Skewers
Frederick Smith
Robert Smith
Bernard Smith*
Gwendolyn Smith*
Thomas Smith, Jr.*
George Snyder*
Richard Sommer*
Herman Sperl*
Boris Spiroff*
John Spiroff*
Howard Stephens*
Leslie Stickles*
Allen Streeter
William Sullivan*
Silas Summers
Charles Supik
John Swann*
Thomas Talbott*
Ronald Teufer
Frank Thayer*
Charles Thomas, Jr.*
William Thompson*
Joseph Tomshack*
Edward Townsend*
Harold Treadwell*
B e n j a m i n U n d e rwood*
Joseph VanCollom, Jr.*
Robert Wade*
Walter Wassmer*
Richard Watts*
Robert Weber, Jr.*
Edward Weiss
Wilbur Welch*
E. Donald Weller
Richard Wengert*
John Whetle*
James Whipp*
William White*
Raymond Wilder*
Glenn Wilmer
Paul Wingate
Robert Wright*
Charles Wrightson*
Ben Zabkowski*
John Zimmerer*
Patrick Zito*
Associate Members
William Benedetto
Patricia Bond
Jack Brown
Norman Cochran
Lakennya Jones
Anthony Lewis
Demetreus McGregor
Frederick Miller
Brad Pumphrey
Philip L. Rossetti
Helen Walker
Tuskanold Walker
Peter G. Angelos
Donald Beutel
Dwayne Britton
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
Peter Franchot
Donna L. Horgan
Patrick McDonough
Martin O’Malley
J. Charles Gutberlet
Michael J. Ruck
Bruce Washington
Donald Williams
Earl Winterling
John Worsham, Jr.
Steve Zabetakis
Deceased Members
John James Bradfield, retired District Court commissioner
Associate Member
January 2014
Marion Walter Keys, retired IRS agent
Life Member
March 31, 2014
Robert Samuell Garber, retired from the Department of Defense
Active Member
May 1, 2014
Charles B. Thomas, Jr., retired guard, Federal Reserve Bank
Life Member
August 28, 2014