KNOW Your RISKS... PrePlan
KNOW Your RISKS... PrePlan
1 Volume 3 Industrious The McAbee Construction Issue 2 2016 st QUARTER January February March FOCUS on INSIDE: SAFETY Jobsite Update WorkForce BACK: Community SAVE-THE-DATE SAFETY KNOW Your 2 0 1 6 RISKS... PrePlan JSA Safe PPE ty Fir st Task s Haza rds Newsletter COVER STORY McAbee Safety Handbook PPE - pp11-14 Workforce Development FOCUS on SAFETY PPE JSA Safe ty Fir st PPE Task s Haza rds Our strong workforce is one of the things that makes the success of McAbee Construction. Part of this is due to the efforts of recruiting and workforce development. McAbee works hard to ensure that the community and surrounding areas are aware of the job opportunities available to them in Tuscaloosa. Many residents are unaware of the numerous careers available in the building trades. This past quarter, employee representatives attended two important job fairs to spread the word about work. The first one was in Brookwood. This event was extremely successful bringing an overwhelming amount of people (many laid off from the mines) looking for work. Several of the business agents from local union halls attended as part of McAbee. Together, we were able to show them the jobs available and the correct pathways to obtain the skills needed for each career path. The second event was a smaller career fair in Pickens County. Although on a smaller scale, the same objective was achieved. WOW 10/13-14/16 Preparations have already begun for this year’s Worlds of Work Expo. Last year was a tremendous success and the second year is only going to be better. Save the date for this year October 13th-14th at Shelton State Community College. If you have any suggestions or would like to volunteer, please let Kat Cagle know. On the other side of Workforce Development McAbee also likes to keep others in the industry in tune with current efforts and the progress of currently education programs. Each year, the local pipefitter’s union hall holds an Industry Day. They invite individuals from all over related business and industry to come and tour the new facility and pipefitter apprenticeship school. Supportive vendors are welcome to set up tables, and the students are around to showcase their work and skills. Valuable training and certifications are available on the second day of each event by trade skills instructors from across the state. Having these certifications helps strengthen the programs and helps instructors receive state grants for their programs. FEBRUARY & MARCH were Big Months for American Heart Association Heart Heart Walk 2/13/16 Walk 2/13/16 February 13th McAbee employees participated in the American Heart Association’s Annual Heart Walk. This campaign is the largest fundraiser that the Heart Association holds all year. Thank you to all of the McAbee employees who participated in the walk and helped raise $6284 for our annual campaign. Overall $175,000 was raised for the American Heart Association. Cake Auction 1/15/161/15/16 Cake Auction For the second successful year in a row, McAbee employees donated homemade baked goods for a cake auction. Last year’s Cake Auction was so much fun and successful that the heart association fundraising team decided to do it again. Under the coordination of Ashley Kreider, a room full of fabulous cakes were brought and auctioned off to the highest bidder. This year the option to donate a homemade craft item was also available. Several handmade scarves, picture frames, and other items were added to the auction as well. These beautiful cakes raised $1286.00 towards the 2016 McAbee Heart Walk Campaign. EXCHANGE CLUB Chili Cookoff 2/13/16 Also on February 13th, McAbee Construction sponsored a team in the Exchange Club of Tuscaloosa’s Annual Chili Cook-off. Mary Rhodes, Tommy Nettles, and Kat Cagle teamed together to make the McAbee Chili- Fitters (offspring of the awardwinning BBQ team Pig-fitters). Although no awards were received, the team had a great time and enjoyed seeing everyone from the office and the community coming out to support the Exchange Club of Tuscaloosa. Adopt-a-School McAbee is also very involved in the local Adopt-A-School program. Previously we had focused on Oakdale Elementary. However this year we have taken on an additional partner: Tuscaloosa Career and Technology Academy (TCTA). McAbee is already very involved with TCTA and decided to adopt them officially. This partnership will allow for TCTA and McAbee to work together to help create the best learning environment for the technical students and help bring them awareness about the opportunities that will be available to them postgraduation with the skills they are currently learning in school. Barry Steam Plant Bucks, Ala. Plant Gaston First quarter 2016 wrapped up our year-long project installing natural gas piping in Gaston Units 1-3, & 5. We worked 14,510 safe man-hours on this project during the 1st quarter. Jim Mills also completed a nine-month job installing HDPE piping and performing various earthwork projects at the Plant’s ash & gypsum ponds working 3,940 incident-free man-hours. Miller Steam Plant 1st Quarter we worked 16,128 safe man-hours on the MRCS (Mercury Re-emissions Control System) and U2 Precipitator outage mechanical work. The U2 Precip outage work will carry on through Q2 wrapping up the outage in May. We also started the field construction for the No. 1 Transfer House Coal Chute Replacement project. We worked 10,458 safe man-hours on this project during the first quarter. This project includes demolition and installation of over 100tons of structural steel in preparation for connecting the new stainless chutes (fabricated by our Sheetmetal Department) during the spring outage in April & May. Wilsonville, Ala. Quinton, Ala. Gorgas Steam Plant Plant Gorgas worked 4,000 safe hours during first quarter providing mechanical support to Marcum Electric in finishing the Plant’s new Fuels Handling electrical building. We will wrap up this project in May by demolishing the old building after the new one is made operational during the spring outage. Parrish, Ala. JOBSITE Update We are currently working on the installation of a new Auxiliary Boiler System as part of the T&M MATS Contract. Installation includes equipment setting, structural steel install, pipe fabrication at McAbee’s shop, pipe installation & fabrication in the field, electrical & instrumentation install. Also, completion of the MRCS System installation will wrap up in April. We also achieved 750,000 MH’s – Recordable Free during the month of March (week ending 3/26/16). This is a great achievement for McAbee and shows the dedication to working safely from management, labor & owner. MODULES and VESSELS McAbee is fabricating two large columns next to the Aerospace autoclave. o One is a Grace Norco column for a mix solvent recovery application at The ChemPro Group. When installed, it will be 121 ft tall, 54 inches in diameter (4.5 feet) and weight 66,92 lbs. It tested for 50 psi at 650 degrees. o The second column is a crew distillation column for Continental Refining Company. It is also 121 ft tall, 54 inches in diameter, and weighs 97,300 lbs. It tested for 70 psi at 770 degrees. We are currently working on a HUGE autoclave for customer American Autoclave to be used in the Aerospace industry. This Autoclave is 25 ft long and more than 150 inches in diameter (12.5 feet). It weighed approximately 87,000 lbs and tested for 150 psi at 450 degrees. The third project is a benzene fractionator Column, also for The ChemPro Group. When complete it will be 86 ft tall and weigh 34,500 lbs. It tested at 150 psi at 450 degrees and will be part of a larger Benzene Removal Module when everything is complete. Annual Company Meeting and Dinner Each year McAbee takes the time to update and train current and new employees in supervisory positions. Job site superintendents, project managers, timekeepers, general foremen and more are invited to a training session on Friday and then a breakfast meeting on Saturday morning. This is a time when we can make sure everyone is up to date on specific training items, update supervision on any changes or future changes. It is also a time to communicate the state of the company over the past year. It is a very important and informational weekend for everyone. - Dr. Edward Back GUEST SPEAKER Dr. W. Edward Back is the Director of the Construction & Environmental Engineering Program at The University of Alabama After the weekend meeting, all employees are invited to attend a special dinner event. This year’s event was held at the Tuscaloosa RiverMarket and was catered by Cypress Inn. The dinner buffet was followed by music and dancing. Everyone seemed to enjoy the evening relaxing and spending time with family and friends. ing ComIssue Next 2 nd QUARTER Annual Junior League Dragon Boat Races- This is an amazing event that raises money for The Junior League of Tuscaloosa. Local businesses put together teams and compete in a rowing competition on the Black Warrior River. It is a memorable time to spend out on the water with family and friends while raising money for a good community cause. BBQ and Blues- This annual event is sponsored by McAbee Construction and benefits the DCH Help & Hope Patient Assistance Fund. This fund provides assistance to Manderson Cancer Center patients facing financial difficulties. A fun night with good music, award-winning barbecue, prizes, fellowship and more! Bowl-A-Thon 3/5/16 The Annual Bowl-A-Thon is Junior Achievement’s largest fundraising event all year. Local businesses create teams and compete against each other to raise money for Junior Achievement. The culmination of the campaign is a huge Bowl-A-Thon event at the Bama Lanes Bowling Alley. All teams are invited to come and bowl, have fun and spend the morning with co-workers and family celebrating the success of that year’s campaign. McAbee was able to raise an amazing $25,544 to contribute to the overall amount of over $67,000. This amount greatly exceeded this year’s goal and will provide 135 classrooms all across Tuscaloosa County with the resources and materials needed for in-classroom programing by Junior Achievement. “SOUPer BOWL” 2/5/16 The day before Super Bowl weekend, McAbee employees were cooking up a storm! Under the coordination of Kat Cagle, Melissa Watters, Mary Rhodes, and Kayla Wilder a fabulous “SOUPer BOWL” lunch was held. For a $6 donation employees were invited to enjoy a bowl of homemade soup- made lovingly by McAbee employees, and a homemade dessert. The fundraiser brought in over $300 for Junior Achievement. Mark YourCalendar! Taking Cancer for a Ride McAbee Construction is bringing back the ever-popular motorcycle group ride. All proceeds will benefit the DCH Help & Hope Patient Assistance Fund. Taking Cancer for a Ride happens on May 14th beginning at the Northport Civic Center and ends at Rhythm and Brews. The Motorcycle registration opens at 10:00 am with the ride commencing at 11:00 am. Participation is only $20 per bike, and all participants will enjoy food from the McAbee Pigfitters, plus chances to win many valuable door prizes. This is a super fun event which you do not want to miss, and it raises money for a great cause. T-shirts cost $15 each Contact Sherry Sexton If you have information you want to be included in future editions contact Kat Cagle [email protected]. Enjoy!
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