KIDS PLUS - Adec Innovations


KIDS PLUS - Adec Innovations
The Official Newsletter of A-Plus International School
June-October 2015 | SY 2015-2016 | Volume 3 Issue 1
School Events
Parents Orientation - June 10, 2015
Start of Classes - June 15, 2015
Fire & Earthquake Drill - July 10, 2015
Nutrition Week - July 20 - 24, 2015
Linggo ng Wika - August 20, 2015
1st PTC - August 28, 2015
Baby and Family Expo - Sept. 5-6, 2015
Book Week - September 14-18, 2015
Mid-Autumn Festival - September 20, 2015
What’s Inside?
Nutrition Month
page 1
Dentist Visit
page 2
Fire and Earthquake Drill
Linggo ng Wika
Mid-Autumn Festival
page 2
page 3
page 4-5
Book Week
page 6
Baby and Family Expo
Work and Play
page 7
page 8
A-Plus International School Celebrates Nutrition
Month with a Barrage of Fun-Filled Learning Activities
By Nurse Tere Rodriguez
In celebration of Nutrition Month
last July 20-24, 2015, A-Plus
International School ensured that
their students were equipped
with proper knowledge on how
to keep themselves physically
fit and healthy. Through various
activities lined up for the week,
students learned the value of
eating nutritious food.
Editorial Staff
Nathan Cruz, Editor-in-Chief
Melisa Ante, Art Director
Paolo Marquez, Layout Editor
Jeziel Banaban
Maezi Uycoque
Lily Grace Senina
Vanneza Aurelio
Carizza Sotalbo
Victoria Pascual
Monika Rae Bonaobra
Joanne Dy
Sheena Moster
Theresa Rodriguez
Reeze Fernandez
Joana Enomoto
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As part of their classroom art
activity, students had fun coloring
and pasting different paper fruit
and vegetable images. Their
artworks were displayed outside
their classrooms for everyone
to see. The students also toured
Festival Mall, Alabang, where
they were given the opportunity
to smell and touch different fruits
and vegetables. After the tour, the
students, along with their parents
and guardians, bought fruits for their
food preparation activity. With the
help of Chef Ed of Vivere Hotel, the
students made a simple fruit salad
using the fruits they bought from
the supermarket. The fruit salad was
served afterwards for everyone to
taste and enjoy.
Did you know?
Dentist Visit
Children’s teeth in the preschool years
Healthy teeth and gums are vital to a child’s general health condition.
According to Dr. Tina and Dr. Sandy, regular brushing and flossing are
two important practices in oral hygiene. Selected students demonstrated
proper tooth brushing. Dental check-up for the students followed
By the time a child reaches the
age of two-and-a-half, they would
already have had their first 20
primary teeth. Even before this age,
some children already develop
tooth decay, which is called ECC
(early childhood caries). ECC is
usually found on the top front
teeth and the first molar teeth. This
condition is caused by frequent
use of feeding bottles and feeding
How to maintain healthy
Good eating habits begin in the
toddler years. Occasional snacks
(e.g., midmorning and mid-afternoon
snacks) are all right, but avoid letting
children eat or carry food or drinks with
them all the time. Foods that stick to the
teeth, like dried fruit cakes and biscuits,
should be avoided. If these foods
cannot be avoided, then they are best
eaten during meal time. But children
should definitely not have unregulated
access to sweets. Dairy foods can help
prevent tooth decay because dairy
proteins put a protective coating on
the teeth. Make sure children eat dairy
foods every day to help protect their
Also remember that teeth need rest in
between eating to let the enamel
re-harden after contact with food
School Safety Awareness
Fire and Earthquake Orientation
Parents and A-Plus IS employees had an orientation about Fire and Earthquake
Safety last July 16, 2015. Facilitated by Ms. Socorro Canbanyag of the Bureau
of Fire Protection in Muntinlupa City, the orientation discussed the different
preventive measures to take in the event of an actual disaster like a fire or an
Fire & Earthquake Drill
A-Plus IS employees, along with
students, parents and guardians,
had a Fire and Earthquake drill
on the same day. A simulation
took place at A-Plus IS premises,
where students, parents and
employees practiced what they
learned from the
aforementioned orientation.
The Official Newsletter of A-Plus International School
Linggo Ng Wika
By: Hannah Bonifacio
Every August, we celebrate the
Buwan ng Wika. It is a celebration
of Filipino culture—food, music,
dance and games. On August 19,
the teachers of A-Plus International
School prepared a palaro for the
students, introducing traditional
Filipino games such as si Maria sa
palengke, luksong lubid, tumbang
preso and piko. The following day,
the school enjoyed a fiesta, where
the students performed Filipino folk
dances. All attendees were treated
to a simple get-together afterwards.
Thanks to this event, the students
learned a lot about Filipino culture
and tradition, and now have a
better understanding of what it
means to be a Filipino.
June-October 2015 | SY 2015-2016 | Volume 3 Issue 1
Mid-Autumn Festival
Written by: Laoshi Jing Jing Zhang
and Laoshi Joanne Dy
August 15 is the first mid-season
of the year in the lunar calendar.
On this date, people in China
celebrate a traditional festival
called the Mid-Autumn Festival.
The festival is named as such
because it is always held in the
middle of the autumn season. The
Mid-Autumn Festival is also known
as the “Moon Festival” because it
is believed that the moon is at its
roundest and brightest at that time
of the year. Hence, on the night
of the festival, it is customary for
people to look up at the sky and
appreciate the full moon. And
since the full moon symbolizes
togetherness, the Mid-Autumn
Festival is likewise an occasion for
family reunions.
From Sept. 21-24, 2015, A-Plus
International School held a series of
activities for the aforementioned
event. Students from Pre-Nursery
to Kinder tapped their creativity
and artistry and made beautiful
artworks like Chinese lanterns and
ornaments. They also viewed a
short film about the Mid-Autumn
Festival and its origins. The
students had a chance to taste
mooncake, a Chinese pastry
traditionally served during the
Mid-Autumn Festival believed
to bring harmonious relationship
within families because of its round
shape. Activity highlights included
the students’ song and dance
numbers, as well as games in
which both students and parents
participated. The morning classes
had a group activity called Pass
the Object, while the afternoon
mooncake dice game. The
winners brought home prizes and
other goodies.
To sum it up, A-Plus International
School celebrated the MidAutumn Festival to let students
enjoy the festival with their families
by watching the moon and eating
mooncake together. Happy MidAutumn Festival to all!
The Official Newsletter of A-Plus International School
June-October 2015 | SY 2015-2016 | Volume 3 Issue 1
What is the Mooncake Dice Game?
The mooncake dice game is played during the Mid-Autumn Festival. It started
about 1,500 years ago. It was originally played by scholars wishing for success
in imperial exams. Chinese communities still play this game during the MidAutumn Festival to win prizes. The prizes vary from simple to extravagant.
Prizes include food, gift certificates, money, gadgets and concert or movie
How Do You Play the
Mooncake Dice Game?
Before playing the mooncake
dice game, you will need the
following: 6 dice, a big bowl and
various prizes. In the traditional
mooncake dice game, 63 prizes
are usually given away.
No. 3 Prize 三红 (Sanhong)
Throw 3 fours
The game is easy to play. You
simply have to form the needed
dice combination in order to
win. Below are some examples of
winning dice combinations:
No. 4 Prize四金 (Sijin) Throw 4
of the same, except fours
No. 1 Prize 状元 (Zhuangyuan)
No. 5 Prize二举 (Erju)
Throw 2 fours
No. 2 Prize 对等 (Duitang) A straight.
No. 6 Prize一秀 (Yixiu)
Throw 1 four
Book Week
A-Plus International School celebrated
the importance of books to growing
kids by holding its annual Book Week
celebration. The theme of this year’s
Book Week was “Barefoot Books,”
based on the famous independent
English children’s book publisher.
National Bookstore, Adarna House
and Learning Time were invited to
sponsor the weeklong event, which
was held on September 14-18, 2015,
at A-Plus International School. The
teachers planned a week full of
fun activities for both students and
One of the activities required the
students to bring their favorite book
for show-and- tell in front of the whole
class. There was also poster making,
doodle making, bookmark making
and even a book making activity for
the older kids. Some works that stood
out were those of Ysabelle Umali,
Scarlett Hernandez, and Guillano
Adarna House showed their support
by providing a storyteller who told
stories such as “A Day in the Market”
and “I Don’t Like to Eat” to each class.
The enthusiastic storyteller found a
way to let the kids join in on the fun by
having them identify some pictures
on the books and having them guess
what they thought would happen
Learning Time joined in on the
fun by having the kids watch
a movie, and they also
gave away samples of their
National Bookstore provided
books and supplies available
for buying and even had the
kids make their book wish lists so
that their parents would know
which books they wanted.
Finally, on the last day of the
week, each class had a different
culminating activity. The toddlers
had a book-making activity,
while the Pre-Nursery class did
some finger painting, and their
parents told stories. The Nursery
class had their annual slumber
party where everyone came
in pajamas. The Nursery kids
showed their favorite toys and
shared their favorite things to do, while
their parents did some storytelling.
The Kinder classes came to school
in their favorite story book character
costumes, and had milk and cookies
during their storytelling session.
The Official Newsletter of A-Plus International School
June-October 2015 | SY 2015-2016 | Volume 3 Issue 1
Baby and Family Expo 2015
Written by: Camille Callejo
A-Plus International School joined the third annual Baby
and Family Expo at the SM Megamall Megatrade Hall last
September 5-6, 2015. The expo is the country’s biggest event
dedicated to promoting family development and childcare.
Aside from the hundreds of participating companies, there
were also celebrity parents and parentreprenuers who
gave talks on topics like “How to Plan Your Family’s Financial
Future,” “Disciplining Your Family with Love & Care,” “How
to Stay Fit and Stress-Free While Raising Your Family,” and
“How to Encourage Your Child to Love Learning.” There was
a Familympics, where whole families played different games
for a chance to win amazing prizes from the participating companies. There were special attractions that kids and their
parents could play in, including the Toy Museum and the Wonderland Playground. Parents could leave their kids in these
attractions to play and do activities while they shopped in the expo’s stores.
The event also served as the official launching of A-Plus International School’s newest service, A-Plus Corporate Daycare
Services. Ms. Marjo Marbibi headed the launch and gave a talk on the joys of being a mom, and the different challenges
mothers face these days as part of the workforce while at the same time caring for a growing family. A-Plus Corporate
Daycare Services aims to provide a way to ease the burden of these challenges. As a day care facility situated near offices,
A-Plus Daycare Services aspires to help mothers achieve work-life balance. Companies can include A-Plus Corporate
Daycare Services as part of their benefits package for their employees. Daycare services can help employees attain worklife balance, as well as improve their relationship with their respective employers.
Make French Toast with your Kids!
Sometimes, the best way to make
children appreciate food is to have
them participate in the process of
making it. Here’s something simple
enough for any kid to make--French
toast! It’s a yummy breakfast food
good for the whole family!
How to Make French Toast
Makes 4 servings
8 slices thick white bread, Brioche
bread or Challah bread
2 cups milk
5 eggs
2 Tbsp. sugar
2 Tbsp. vanilla extract
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 stick butter
Powdered sugar, as needed
Syrup, as needed
1. Combine milk, eggs, vanilla,
sugar and cinnamon. Mix until well
2. Add butter to moderately hot
skillet, enough to coat the skillet. Do
not brown the butter.
3. Dip bread slices into the egg-milk
batter, ensuring the batter coats the
bread without completely soaking
the bread.
4. Remove the bread from mix and
shake off excess batter. Place into
skillet and cook for 2 minutes on
each side. Be sure not to overload
the skillet with bread.
Wordoku is much like traditional
Sudoku, except that here you
must place letters from the given
9-letter word into each of the
blank spaces. Every row of the
puzzle must contain one of each
letter in the word, as must every
column and every 3x3 square.
The word for this block is
5. Once all bread is pan fried, portion
onto a platter 2 slices per serving.
6. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and
top with a thin slice of butter.
7. Serve French toast with warm syrup
*From http://www.childrensrecipes.
The word for this block is