Partie de hockey 2015 Hockey Game
Partie de hockey 2015 Hockey Game
RE RY SC HOO IMAI T ENTA L LE PR BER ÉCO M T-L A ELEM S A IN Partie de hockey 2015 Hockey Game École Primaire St-Lambert Elementary School Parents et personnel de l’école / Parents and Staff contre / vs. CBC Media No-Stars 20 février 2015, aréna Eric Sharp / February 20, 2015 Eric Sharp arena Soirée bénéfice annuelle / Parents, anciens élèves et étudiants Annual fundraising event / Parents, alumni and students commandité par : sponsored by: Bienvenue à la 12e Coupe Annuelle des Enfants de l’école St. Lambert! Je suis très heureuse de vous voir plonger dans ce programme dans le brouhaha et la frénésie entourant l’événement Kids’ Cup. À moins de se retrouver parmi la foule, on arrive pas à s’imaginer toute cette ambiance communautaire, cet emballement, ce sentiment familier, au plaisir de tous. De loin, une expérience hors pair, tant anticipée par nos enfants et l’envie des écoles environnantes que procurent le lancer de rondelles, le Café Kids’ Cup, la foire, les prix de présence, sans compter la grande joute. De tout cœur, mes remerciements à ma condisciple, la co-présidente Sandra Power, et à tous ceux qui ont donné généreusement de leur temps afin que cette soirée devienne réalité. Une main d’applaudissement pour nos commanditaires, et un «tape m’en cinq» à notre fameuse équipe de volontaires. Qui sait, peut-être que ce sera à votre tour l’année prochaine de composer le message co-présidentiel! Cette année, j’ai été très choyée de prendre en charge le rôle de co-présidente aux côtés de Loraine Overall qui s’est dévouée pendant plusieurs mois et qui me manquera beaucoup l’an prochain! De plus, si ce n’était pas du travail des volontaires, des parents en grand nombre, le Kids’ Cup n’aurait pas lieu, par ailleurs, je tiens à remercier tous ceux qui ont pris les devants cette année afin d’assurer le grand succès de cet événement. Comme cette année sera la dernière pour Loraine, je profite de l’occasion pour la remercier pour sa grande implication pour l’événement Kids’ Cup et de même, j’invite tous ceux dont les enfants fréquentent l’école St. Lambert Elementary à s’y joindre l’an prochain. Cet événement ne tient que par votre collaboration; comme on l’entend, mettons «la main à la pâte». S’il vous plaît, profitez de ces moments réjouissants en compagnie de vos enfants, faites le regain d’énergie, je souhaite donc vous retrouver l’an prochain au Kids’ Cup! Welcome to St. Lambert Elementary’s 12th Annual Kids’ Cup! It brings me great pleasure that you’re reading this program amongst the noise and frenetic buzz that describes the Kids’ Cup scene. The atmosphere of community, excitement, familiarity, and happiness is difficult to explain unless you’re in attendance! The Puck Toss, Kids’ Cup Café, Fun Fair, door prizes, and of course, the big game itself all contribute to a truly exceptional experience, that is highly anticipated by our children, and the envy of other schools. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my co-chair Sandra Power, and to everyone who has given so generously of his or her time to make tonight a reality. Please support our sponsors, and give a high five to our fabulous group of volunteers. Who knows, maybe next year it will be you writing the co-chairs’ message! I’ve been very lucky to be able to step into the role of co-chair this year alongside Loraine Overall, who has worked tirelessly for many months, and who I will miss dearly next year! Indeed, Kids’ Cup just wouldn’t happen if not for the work of many parent volunteers and I’d like to extend a huge thank you to all of the parents who stepped up this year to help make this event as successful as it is. With this being Loraine’s last year, I’d like to take this opportunity both to thank her for everything she’s done for Kids’ Cup as well as to extend an invitation to all of you with children at St-Lambert Elementary to get involved next year. Without you, this event simply can’t happen! As the saying goes: Many hands make light work. Please, enjoy this evening with your kids, soak up the energy, and I hope to see you again at next year’s Kids’ Cup! Loraine Overall and Sandra Power Kids’ Cup 2015 Co-Chairs Proud to support Kids' Cup! 2 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 les experts en livraison de pizza! Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 3 Writing Contest Winners - “What Kids’ Cup means to me” Ronan Chen, Grade 1 I love Kids’ Cup because I get to play on the bouncy and watch the hockey game with my little sister. I like to meet my friends at the Kids’ Cup. My little sister and I like to eat yummy snacks and play at the Kids’ Cup! Riley Gantzkow, Grade 1 My name is Riley Gantzkow and I’m in Grade 1. I’ve only been to one Kids’ Cup but already I’ve enjoyed many activities: the hockey game and sweet treats. I love St. Lambert Elementary and I know the Kids’ Cup helps the school. I look forward to 5 more Kids’ Cups in my future. Le mot de la directrice J’aimerais vous souhaiter la bienvenue à la douzième édition de la Kids’ Cup. L’évènement a lieu un petit plus tôt qu’à l’habitude cette année en raison des travaux qui auront lieu à l’aréna Eric-Sharp. Cependant, les organisateurs de la Kid’s Cup ont travaillé d’arrache-pied pour que tout soit prêt à temps. Les élèves, les parents et les organisateurs sont plus enthousiastes que jamais pour notre évènement annuel. Le carnaval pour les jeunes, les prix de participation, les tirages, le Café Kids’ Cup et d’autres activités reviennent encore cette année pour cette soirée mémorable. Et bien sûr, la très attendue partie de hockey! Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à nos rivaux amicaux du réseau CBC. Tous les fonds amassés iront directement pour les élèves de l’école primaire St-Lambert. Comme à chaque année, la Kids’ Cup aide les programmes sportifs et artistiques, la bibliothèque, et les activités organisées par le comité de parents. Chaque année, les parents décident d’un « projet d’école », cette année ce sera de rénover la scène dans le gymnase. Le plan est de recouvrir le plancher et d’améliorer l’éclairage. Une levée de fond de cette envergure ne serait pas possible sans l’aide de nos parents, nos bénévoles et nos membres du personnel. J’envoie un merci tout spécial à nos deux co-présidentes pour 2015, Loraine Overall et Sandra Power, pour tout le temps qu’elles ont mis pour faire de cet évènement un franc succès. J’aimerais également démontrer mon appréciation à nos partenaires communautaires, nos commanditaires et aux parents qui ont donnés des prix pour les tirages et les prix de participation. Au nom de toute la communauté de l’école primaire St-Lambert, j’aimerais vous remercier pour votre support encore cette année. Je vous souhaite une très agréable soirée. A word from the Principal Welcome to our 12th Annual Kids’ Cup Fundraiser. The event is a little earlier than usual due to the upcoming renovations to the Eric Sharp Arena. However, our Kids’ Cup organizers have been working hard to get everything ready in time and our students, parents, and staff are as excited as ever for our annual event. All the activities we have offered in the past including the Fun Fair for younger children, door prizes, raffle, the Kids’ Cup Café, Puck Toss, etc. are still part of this great evening. And of course, the much-anticipated hockey game! This year we welcome CBC as our friendly rivals. All funds raised go directly to benefit the students of St. Lambert Elementary. Every year, the Kids’ Cup supports the athletics and arts programmes, the library, and activities run by our PPO (Parent Participation Organization). Each year the parents decide on the “school project”. This year, funds will be used to update our stage. We are planning to refurbish the floor and improve the lighting. Propriétaire / Boucher Peppy Furino A fundraiser of this magnitude could not be possible without the support of our parents, volunteers, and staff members. Special thanks go to our co-chairs for 2015, Loraine Overall and Sandra Power, for the countless hours they have put in to make this event so successful. I would like to extend our appreciation to our community partners, our major sponsors, and our parents who donated prizes for our raffles and door prizes. Commandes pour congélateur Livraison gratuite On behalf of the entire St. Lambert Elementary School community, I would like to thank you for your continued support. Have a wonderful evening! Service et qualité garanties ! 42, rue Green, Saint-Lambert 4 Deborah Angelus - Directrice /Principal 450 671-1742 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 5 Mot du maire pour la Coupe des Enfants – 2015 Writing Contest Winners - “What Kids’ Cup means to me” Bonjour, Il me fait plaisir de vous souhaiter la bienvenue à cette 12e édition de la Coupe des enfants. Plus qu’une simple campagne de financement, cet événement démontre l’impact que nous pouvons avoir lorsque nous nous impliquons collectivement pour une cause. Les enfants de l’école élémentaire peuvent ainsi bénéficier d’installations de qualité propice à leur épanouissement, leur apprentissage et leur divertissement grâce aux fonds amassés chaque année. Tommy Levantis, Grade 1 I like the Kids’ Cup because our family and friends get together and have the best time – full of fun. Go team go! Hanna Allen, Grade 4 Kids’ Cup is the best time of the year. You and your family can come and have lots of fun. It’s great to see past students and parents coming to enjoy the evening. Running around with friends trying to win the games in the gym and meeting new people is always great. The hockey game is always so intense and fun to watch. Hoping that St. Lambert wins, we cheer so loud that you can’t even hear yourself think. I love the Kids’ Cup so much because we raise money for our school. I always have fun at the Kids’ Cup. Témoins de cet élan de générosité, les enfants ne peuvent que déduire que l’entraide et l’engagement communautaire sont non seulement importants, mais peuvent également être synonymes de plaisir et d’amusement. D’ailleurs, l’activité physique étant au cœur de cet événement, celui-ci contribue à la valoriser auprès de nos jeunes. M AX I M US I N M I N I M I S En terminant, au nom du conseil municipal, j’aimerais remercier et féliciter les organisateurs de cette activité qui s’investissent et donnent de leur temps chaque année afin d’en assurer la réussite, et ce, au plus grand bénéfice de nos enfants. Je souhaite à tous les participants et spectateurs un excellent tournoi et beaucoup de plaisir. A word from the mayor for the 2015 Kids’ Cup Hello, I am very pleased to welcome you to the 12th edition of the Kids’ Cup. More than just a fundraising campaign, this event demonstrates the impact we can have when we all come together to support a worthy cause. Thanks to the money that’s raised every year, the students from this elementary school have access to facilities that provide them with a rich learning and recreational environment. As the beneficiaries of such generosity, the children learn to appreciate not only the importance of mutual aid and community engagement but also that being part of such an effort can be tremendous fun. And because physical activity is the mainstay of this event, we are also encouraging our youngsters to stay active. On behalf of City Council, I would like to thank and congratulate the organizers of this activity. These are people who give of themselves and of their time each year to ensure the success of the event to benefit our children. I wish all the participants and their supporters an excellent game and a great time! Alain Dépatie, Maire - Mayor 6 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 7 Horaire de la soirée Schedule for the evening Avant la partie Pre-game Alex Hadley, Grade 5 I love this event because of the skills competition and seeing my friends. It’s a night of fun and you can scream and shout until you have no voice. I love spotting my teachers cheering in the crowd and encouraging our team during the big game. It’s hockey tonight. A night of magic and fun! Ouverture Démonstration d’habiletés Mot de bienvenue Présentation des invités spéciales Hymne national Mise-au-jeu officielle Sarah Lafrance, Grade 5 For me, Kids’ Cup is to be with your friends and family. Everyone loves Kids’ Cup! Everyone encourages our school and it shows the school spirit. It is also fun because we get to hear our wonderful choir sing “O Canada”. Every year, I invite all my friends and we all watch the game together. But, there are so many other activities at Kids’ Cup that sometimes we leave the game and play in bouncy houses, take silly pictures, and of course, eat lots of candy! Sometimes, I play tag in the crowd! It’s really hard! We have to run through the kids and adults and try not to hurt or bump into anyone. But I always come back to encourage the school! The goal is to raise money for our school. Kids’ Cup is tons of fun and laughs and I can’t wait for the game this year! Kids’ Cup for me is to be with your family and friends and to have a good time. 1er période 1er entracte 1st Period 1st Intermission 2ième période 2ième entracte 2nd Period 2nd Intermission Tirage de Billet des Canadiens Lancer de rondelles Prix de présence Canadiens Tickets Drawing Puck Toss Door Prizes 3ième période 3rd Period L’Après Match Post-game Writing Contest Winners - “What Kids’ Cup means to me” Prix de présence Démonstration patin artistique Présentation de la Coupe des Enfants Clôture de la soirée PUCK TOSS sera ouvert de 17 h jusqu’à la fin de la 2e période. Une rondelle pour 2 $ ou 3 rondelles pour 5 $. Grands prix à gagner! Les billets de tombola seront en vente jusqu’à la fin de la 1ère pause. Tirage a lieu lors de la 2e entracte. Lauréats de porte seront affichés sur le tableau blanc près de la table Prix porte en face de la salle de gym, à partir de la 1e pause et jusqu’à la fin du jeu. 8 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 Doors open Skills demonstration Welcome and opening remarks Introduction of VIPs National Anthem “Puck drop” Door Prizes Figure Skating Demonstration Presentation of the Kids’ Cup Closing remarks PUCK TOSS will be open from 5 pm until the end of the 2nd period. 1 puck for $2 or 3 pucks for $5. Great prizes to be won! Raffle tickets will be on sale until the end of the 1st intermission. Draw takes place at the 2nd intermission. Door prize winners will be posted on the white board beside the Door Prize table in front of the gym, beginning at the 1st intermission and until the end of the game. Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 9 VS Les Enfanatiques The Kid’s Crusaders CBC Media No-Stars etter L A B C D F H I K M O P Q S T Y Coach Name Alexandre “Flee” Baril Duane “M.A.D.I.” Brierley Chris Dupuis Geneviève “GenniDy” Demers François “M.V.P.” Leblanc Brian “5 Hole” Noseworthy Daniel “Tazer” Harris Mike “Beast” Silber Marcel “The Ogre” Bélanger Sam “Samurai” Kojima Nicolas Hillier Rodney “Sniper” Corrigan Simon “S Cube” Miville Deschenes Doug “McQueen” Hardy Yves “Slapshot” Fournier Rodney Corrigan Kids’ names Maxime & Elizabeth Madison Alexania Staff Vice Principal Liam & Kyle Rowan & Scarlett Luke & Zoe Samuel & Nicolas Olivia Lucas & Logan Rhiannon Sabrina Laeticia Staff Etienne Bruyere Fredy Iuni Sarah Leavitt Sara DuBreuil Allan Johnson David Robert Thibault Davet Peter Johnson Benjamin Shingler Jeremy East Brendan Kelly Jay Turnbull ALL IN A WEEKEND with Sonali Karnick Imprimeur d’expérience 450 671-4646 10 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 All in a Weekend @sonalikarnick Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 11 680, Victoria suite 100 St-Lambert 450 466-1155 30, rue Strasbourg, Candiac 450 659-6929, poste 847637 • [email protected] Conception et réalisation d’aménagement paysager Entretien paysager • Service d’arbres • Déneigement 191, Riverside, Saint-Lambert. J4R 1A7 Tél. 450.466.6666 Fax. 450.466.3820 Visitez notre nouveau site web 436, av. Victoria, Saint-Lambert t e r re e s s e n c e s . c o m 4 5 0 . 8 1 2 . 0 2 2 2 12 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 13 [email protected] 650, av. Notre Dame, Saint-Lambert 450 466-8920 14 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 15 Merci à nos bénévoles - Thank you to our Volunteers After-Party: Amanda Hewitt Michelle Meighen Barbara Von Thaden Lucie Wellard Kids’ Cup Café: Jeffrey Goernert Scott Wellard Angel Bouclin Valentine Goddard Ron Hewitt High School Alumni: Alissa Ford Victoria Amato Lauren Rainsford Megan Coscia Nathalie Bubic Jamie Hood Hardas (Manyin) Lee Gerald Smith Devin Alexis-John Kids’ Cup Fun Fair: Isabelle Gagnon Peter Locke Claudia Diaz Loan Le Giovanna Di Iorio Security: Abdi Hazarkhani Maureen Powers Maurice Sasseville Glen Robitaille Dan Cuffling Steph Bartch John Rainsford Molly Stewart Bruce Hollingdrake Volunteers At Large (Sales, Rally, Candy, Door Prizes): Jin-Hee Choi Catherine Belliveau Ulrich Kanngiesser Jessica Pichette Patricia MacDonald Scott Graham Ken Yamasaki Writing Contest Winners - “What Kids’ Cup means to me” off Abdur-Rafey Siddiqui – Grade 5 The reason why I like Kids’ Cup is because you get to hang out with your friends and have a fun time. Another reason why I like the Kids’ Cup is because you get to see who’s winning or losing. You can also buy souvenirs and food like necklaces, water bottles, a wrist band, hot dogs, and brownies. My fourth reason is because Kids’ Cup is a fund raiser that supports the school so if something is broken we can take the money and fix it. Kids’ Cup is overall just a great way to have fun with my friends and my family. I eat food and make memories. And that’s what Kids’ Cup means to me. ✁ Jamie Nicol, Grade 5 Every year, we do an activity called Kids’ Cup. Kids’ Cup is all about having fun at the hockey game With friends, family, teachers, and more! Every year, we are versus CTV Knights, but this year, We are versus CBC. The snacks at the game are really cheap so then people Can buy more snacks. Sometimes, my class gets some Free snacks. The best part about Kids’ Cup is the hockey game, we Win almost all the time! Most of the time, me and my friends get to play tag Around the stadium. I have only been there once, but if you are there, you will Have a lot of fun! Kids’ Cup Rocks ! 16 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 17 Enfants participant aux jeux d’habiletés Kids participating in the skills demonstration Kindergarten Amberly Prihoda Dylan Hansen-Leveille Olivia Derome Chloe Derome Grade 1 Nicolas Belanger Adam Brazeau Grade 2 Kyle Noseworthy Kasm Hollingdrake Grade 3 Christopher Laberge Justin Hansen-Leveille Simon Bousada Liborio Ciccarello Ella Grant Lucas Hillier-Huot Nathaniel Houle Grade 4 Dean Sirhan Liam Noseworthy Mathieu Derome Samuel Belanger David Zakaib Comité organisateur Organizing Committee Grade 5 Corey Grant Nicholas Sylvain Alex Hadley Laurent Senecal Gilbert Voisard Grade 6 Jonas Von Eschen Charles Olivier-Plouffe Alexandre Derome Maxime Baril Michelle Ngan Grade 2 Emilie Parent Grade 3 Elizabeth Baril Nicola Verney Christopher Verney Malcolm Stewart Sandra Power Diane Wilkinson Ken Yamasaki Marie Michelle Johnson Magnolia Kahrizi Eric Szöghy Samuel Kojima Helen & Ted Allen Chris Normandeau Samuel Paquette John Rainsford Entraîneur/Gérant d’habileté en hockey Coach/ Hockey Skills Manager Co-Président(e)s / Co-Chairs Publicité Advertising Gestion logistique de l’évènement Event Night Logistics Laurel Hewitt Responsable à réception d’événement Event Reception Coordinator Loraine Overall Réprésentante des Médias Media Liaison Figure Skating Demonstration Grade 1 Jessa Ciccarello Loraine Overall & Sandra Power Grade 5 Justine Plouffe Paulane Touchette Julie Hadley Monica Lee Coordonnatrice des bénèvoles Volunteer Coordinator Coordonnateur de la securité Security Detail Coordinator Carol Harper Raffle Ticket Processing Coordinator/ Coordinatrice du traitement des billets du tirage Coordonateurs du Café de la Coupe Des Enfants Kids’Cup Café Coordinators Nancy Brunelle Patricia Macdonald Traduction/ Translation Treasurer/Trésoriaire Rodney Corrigan Pamela Thompson Charlotte Isganaitis Joanne O’Reilley Kids’ Cup Fun Fair Michaela Plante Site Web Kids’ Cup Kids’ Cup Website Rebecca Weber Communications Hélène Fournier Anne Belliveau Organisatrice bar à bonbon Candy Table Organizer Diane Wilkinson Door Prize Coordination/ Coordination des prix de présence Roanne Proctor Eventbrite Ticket Processing Coordinator/ Coordinatrice du traitement des billets Eventbrite Roman Bhattacharya VIP Ambassador Coordonatrice Souvenirs Souvenirs Coordinator Proud to support Kids' Cup! Pièces industrielles Roulements, Courroies, Chaînes, Roulettes Industrial parts 1935, Chemin de Chambly Longueuil, Québec J4J 3Y1 Tél. 450.679.2550 Télec. 514.521.6220 les experts en livraison de pizza! [email protected] w w w. g b s . c a 18 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 19 C’est si bon • Feel Good Food 20 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 Café de la coupe Kids’ Cup Café Rejoignez-nous à l’ancien stand de concession située sur le côté de l’arène, rue Oak (entrée originale) Join us at the old concession stand located on the Oak St. side of the arena (original entrance) List de prix Combo Saucisse.......................5.00$ Combo Hot-dog.......................3.00$ Saucisse..................................3.50$ Hot-dog..................................1.50$ Chips.......................................1.00$ Boisson Gazeuse......................1.00$ Café Starbucks.........................2.00$ Price List Sausage Combo.......................$5.00 Hot-dog Combo.......................$3.00 Sausage..................................$3.50 Hot-dog..................................$1.50 Chips.......................................$1.00 Soft Drink................................$1.00 Starbucks Coffee......................$2.00 À l’intérieure: Bar à bonbon Tous à 0.50$ - 2.00$ Inside the arena: Candy Table All items for $0.50 - $2.00 Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 21 E 210, avenue Saint-Denis Saint-Lambert (Québec) J4P 2G3 êt e ! f N 450-443-0463 WWW.ZIGZAGENFETE.COM T450-465-1319 École de danse Lorraine Walker [email protected] 450-672-8564 Centre des Loisirs de St-Lambert 600 ave Oak Pour la joie de la danse! For the joy of dance! 22 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 23 To the Friends of Kids’ Cup 2015…. Commanditaires pour prix de présence et Puck Toss/Door Prize and Puck Toss Sponsors: Once again this year, our generous sponsors came through with a fantastic assortment of goodies for the Puck Toss and the “Prix de presence”! Please visit our website and click on “Door Prizes” to view the list. Good luck tonight! GÉNÉREUSEMENT DONNER/GRACIOUSLY DONATED: Food & Beverages 400 Bear Paws by DARE Foods – distributed to skaters and singers and at Fun Fair 400 Sausages by Pepe Furino, Boucherie/Charcuterie St Lambert (Kids’ Cup Café) Cheese platter by L’échoppe des fromages (After-Party Food) Restaurant Le Petit Tablier de St. Lambert, 17 Aberdeen (After-Party Food) Metro Plus Collin, 2004 Rome blvd., Brossard (After-Party Food) Sharnae Food Services (Dessert for After-Party) IGA Louise Ménard, St. Lambert (After-Party Food) Provigo St. Lambert, Victoria and Churchill (After-Party Food) Goods & Services DJ Services by DJ Shane Oliveira Flower bouquets by le Marché aux fleurs du village Kids’ Cup Trophy maintenance by Trophées Fortin Name bands for KC Crusaders by Mullins Sports Francis Ward, Event Photography Starbucks Coffee St. Lambert Coffee at the Kids’ Cup Café REMERCIEMENTS/THANK YOU: AGF, Door Prize Contributor • Art Laduke, Duke Art Design, Graphic Design for Raffle Tickets and Kids’ Cup Posters • Bob Taylor of Taylor’s Stores for printing our beautiful new posters free of charge Bruce Hollingdrake, Kids’ Cup Website Design • CBC Montreal and Debbie Hynes, Sandra Krakower, and Jill Walker • CBC’s Sonali Karnick – a very special thanks – for hosting our Rally • Centennial Regional Academy and Valerie Forde • Chambly Academy, and their mascot “the Chambly Cougar” • City of St. Lambert, with special thanks to Robert Bouguignon • CPA de Saint Lambert, for the use of their sound system Cynthia (Cindy) Elston, Community Learning Centre (CLC) Coordinator • Daniel Beauchamp, Game Officiator Debbie Summerlin and the St. Lambert Elementary School Choir • Deborah Angelus, Principal, for her tireless e-mail sending skills, Writing and Door Decorating Contest coordination, support and encouragement Domino’s Pizza and Jesse Goodwin, manager Domino’s Greenfield Park • Filipe Mendes and Serge Bergeron, Eric Sharp Arena Maintenance Staff • François Leblanc, Vice Principal • Janet Neeracher, Illustrator, for original Kids’ Cup Artwork • Jay Turnbull and the CBC Media No-Stars • Judy Campbell, South Shore Foundation • Lauren Rainsford, Kids’ Cup Rally Alumni Ambassador • L’imprimé for the program layout and printing • Longueuil Agglomeration Police Service • Lucas & Voigt, Souvenirs • Marc Edwards for Door Prize Contributions and the Used Sports Equipment Fair • Marco Dominique : CIBC Wealth Solutions Group Achille Gnocchio, Door Prize Contributor • Martin Couture: PBN (Placements Banque Nationale), Door Prize Contributor • Michelle Meighen, for the “Happy” video, Kids’ Cup 2014 • Pascal Renaud: Solutions Structurée Banque Nationale, Door Prize Contributor • Patricia Macdonald and Ann Zakaib, SLES Administrative Assistants • Phil Cassiani for Door Prize Contributions and the Used Sports Equipment Fair Pierre Desaulniers, Game Officiator • Photo René for printing the Raffle Tickets and Posters for the event Richard Corrigan, for helping with the hockey skills demonstration • Rita Lindsay and the Daycare Team Sharnae Food Services for the Hot Dog Lunch on Rally Day • Sheryl and Richard Ford, and Ann Zakaib, for the Puck Toss • St. Lambert Elementary Governing Board • St. Lambert Journal • Students, Teachers & Parents, St. Lambert Elementary School • Suzanne Tremblay: Invesco Trimark, Door Prize Contributor The “Green Brigade”, organized by Marianne Dodelet, and aided by the Grade 6 “Free the Children” Group: Rhiannon Corrigan, Emma Walker-Dubé, Jonas Von Eschen, Bridgett Williams, Jennifer Holland, Jasmine Cloutier-Fournier, Austin Winchcomb, Ines Lamothe-Katrapani • The Montreal Alouettes, Special Door Prize Contributor • Jerome Cloutier ,BMO Structured Products, Door Prize Contributor Thank you ALL for your contributions! We could not have done it without you! 24 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 25 The Canadian Children’s Book Centre If you love Canadian kids’ books, go to the source: .ASO 2AREASO !S=N@O !QPDKN )HHQOPN=PENKAN?PKNU $ !J@IKNA Like us! 26CCBC_Ad_Kidcup_Jan23.indd 1 Follow us! @kidsbookcentre 2015-01-26 10:10 AM École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 27 KIDS' CUP WANTS YOU! WE’LL BE FRANK, WE NEED YOUR HELP! Kids’ Cup is a BIG event that the students absolutely LOVE! But without parent volunteers, this event simply can’t go on. We have many parents on the committee this year who have been helping out for years (and we are so grateful to them!)… but many will see their children graduate this year (or very soon). If you’d like to see this event continue in 2016 and beyond, we need new parent volunteers to step up so please, plan on getting involved when the call goes out next fall to organize a Kids Cup Committee. Look around – soak up the enthusiasm. We’d love to have you on the team next year! 28 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 29 30 École primaire Saint-Lambert · La Coupe des Enfants 2015 Saint-Lambert Elementary School · The 2015 Kids’ Cup 31 Saint-Lambert International (formerly Chambly Academy) offers a FULLY INCLUSIVE IB Middle Years Programme, that focuses on the development of the whole student physically, intellectually, emotionally, and ethically. Our school prepares students for successful lives in a changing world by stressing the values of leadership, co-operation, and civic and global responsibility. Saint-Lambert International provides quality education, a rigorous program and a variety of athletic and cultural opportunities that nurture a sense of belonging. Our small -school setting and mandatory dress code foster a shared identity. Our Mission To provide a safe, caring, and healthy learning environment which enables all students to become respectful, internationally-minded life-long learners, who strive to achieve their personal potential. Address: 675 Green Street St. Lambert, QC J4P 1V9 Tel: 450-671-5534 For any information or school tour, please call us to set up an appointment.