De La Salle College Newsletter


De La Salle College Newsletter
31st October 2014
Week 3 Term 4
De La Salle College Newsletter
Catholic School for Boys in the Lasallian Tradition.
Important Dates:
Year 13 Graduation
Monday 3rd November
7.00pm - MPC
“De La Salle Creates Great Men of Learning, Community and Character.”
From the Principal - Myles Hogarty
Tena Koutou Katoa, Talofa Lava, Kia achieved outstandingly in their studies,
Orana, Ni Sa Bula, Fakalofa Lahi Atu, their Leadership and their practical examMalo e Lelei, Greetings.
ples of the College’s values.
“In praise of young men”
Over the next week the College
community will gather on several
occasions to acknowledge and celebrate
the successes and achievements of our
young men over this last year and in the
case of our Year 13 students, the last 7
Yesterday we welcomed Bishop Pat
Dunn to De La Salle as he celebrated a
Mass with us to celebrate the Feast of All
Saints combined with welcoming 28
young men through our Sacramental
programme into our Catholic faith.
As we often remind parents, at De La Salle
we “enrol the family”, and the families of
our prize winners have been warmly
invited to share with us in their son’s
success. Henry Ford wisely said, “Coming
together is a beginning, staying together
is progress, and working together is
NCEA Exams start
Monday 9th November
Y9 / 10 Exams
Monday 16th-19th Nov
As we look back over this last year and
the last seven with our Year 13 boys,
there was certainly a beginning, and
thankfully there was also progress and yes
- undeniably we have been successful.
In an era when so often we hear of the
negatives that teenage boys are involved
Inside this issue:
in and regrettable apologies for being
male, it is wonderful to experience so NCEA Exam Timetable
many instances when we can be, “In
Useful Study Tips
praise of our young men”.
The Mass was a wonderful celebration of
our Catholic and Lasallian faith and
tradition, the 1000 young men, staff and
very proud families all contributed to
and took ownership of the occasion,
strengthening our unique Special We look forward to these opportunities
in the coming week of gathering in
This coming Monday we have our Year community to highlight success in all its
13 Graduation evening. We formally forms in the education of our young men.
acknowledge and celebrate once again
with the young men who are leaving De God Bless
La Salle on their many varied pathways.
We invite the young men’s families to
the College as we farewell our students,
acknowledging them also for the
partnership they have had with De La
Salle in our goal of “Creating great men
of Learning, Community and Character”.
On Tuesday morning we gather in
community for our Senior Academic
Prize Giving. We will again recognise
and celebrate the young men who have
Senior Prize-giving
Tuesday 4th November
11.15am - MPC
Archie-Ati getting his birthday
card from Mr Hogarty
Board of Trustees Vacancy
APPA Music Festival
Mathematics Department
Campus Minister
Restoration Project
Cans Film Festival
St Anne’s Catholic School GALA
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De La Salle College Newsletter
De La Salle College Newsletter
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31st October 2014
10 Days till NCEA exams start !!
To help you be prepared to do your best, here are some useful study tips. It is
never too late to start. The best prepared have been focused on study all year.
However, even if you have left it to the every last minute every bit of study will
Study advice
Go to all revision sessions available for your subjects.
Have up-to-date notes. If you don't, ask your teacher.
PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE Practise assessments and examination papers. Use the revision
materials from your teacher or places like or the NZQA website.
Know what is required for each exam and each achievement standard.
Set regular routines of study.
Choose a quiet, airy, well-lit place to study.
Set study goals – make them specific
Daily goals [e.g. 1 hour study for GEO – extreme natural events]
Weekly goals [e.g. complete two practice papers for MAT]
Holiday goals
Know your deadlines – exams dates/times and any last assessments due.
Make a study timetable
Do a small amount of study on each subject every night.
If you want an example of what a good study timetable looks like ask your teacher
Check out the Study tips & tricks video
Look after yourself
Have lots of breaks [e.g. break 10 minutes for every 50 minutes study]
Eat healthily, sleep regularly and exercise.
Reward yourself regularly.
If stressed, ask for help. Your teachers want you to succeed; ask them.
We hope all boys can keep focused in these last weeks and days.
We know that you will do your families and school proud.
All the best.
Mr Phil Doyle
Assistant Principal
De La Salle College
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De La Salle College Newsletter
De La Salle College, Board of Trustees
Casual Vacancy for an Elected Trustee
A casual vacancy has occurred on the Board of Trustees for an elected parent representative. The Board
has resolved under section 105 of the Education Act 1989 to fill the vacancy by selection. If ten percent
or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published,
to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held.
Any eligible voter who wishes to ask the board to hold a by-election should write to:
Board of Trustees
De La Salle College, P.O.Box 86-001, Mangere East, Manukau 2158
YEAR 10 KATTI (Kei a Tatou te Ihi) held at M.I.T.
Throughout the day, seven schools and our (7) De La Salle students participated in KATTI programme
held at M.I.T. Marae. They start on their career plan and undertake physical activities that represent
obstacles they will face in life. Anybody can decide to overcome these obstacles using team work, focus,
and a positive attitude. Each obstacle is aligned to a specific area of study to expose to students their own
strengths and unique skills. For example Engineering, Cookery, Mathematics, Law, Physical Education and
Maori Studies. This year 10’s programme inspire and motivate Maori students to remain at secondary
school until Year 13, to strengthen their career options.
On Wednesday Tyrone Paulo,
TJ Wulf and Stefan Faasalele
attended M.I.T. School of
Building & Construction Site. Our
students spent the entire day
there and were exposed to a day
full of physical and mental
challenges giving them first hand
experience of what may occur on
a construction site.
De La Salle College Newsletter
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31st October 2014
Auckland Town Hall on Tuesday 4th November 2014
Our Year7 and 8 students are participating again this year at the APPA Music Festival.
CHILD $10 (Pre-school to Secondary under 16 years)
Adults $15 Senior / Child $10 + $5 booking fee for the order
Online and phone bookings are available
(Booking fee of $2.50 per ticket)
Adults $17.50 Senior / Child $12.50
[Credit Card payments direct to Ticketmaster incur an additional 2.3%]
Doors will open at 7pm approx. – and the audience is requested to be seated by
7.25pm as the performance will commence at 7.30pm. The performance should end
between 9.30pm and 9.45pm.
Door Sales may be available each performance night.
Tickets for sale at the School Office have now CLOSED - Tickets are still available
online or at the door.
Thank you in advance for your support to the Music Festival. It is greatly appreciated.
email: [email protected]
Just a reminder there is 1 more rehearsal - dress rehearsal on Monday 3rd November.
Performance night is Tuesday evening 4th November. All payments for transport by
choir members should have been paid by now - if not please pay NOW.
* Every week offered in E5
* Wednesday afterschool 3:10pm – 4:10pm
* Friday Lunch 1:40pm – 2:10pm
De La Salle College Newsletter
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On Thursday 30th October 2014, the whole school celebrated the Feast of All Saints. We were fortunate to
have Bishop Patrick Dunn DD as the main Celebrant for us as well as Co-celebrating with him were
Fr Brian Prendeville SM, our school chaplain and Fr Earl from the Marist Community, Otara Parish. This
Mass was just beautiful. Students and staff participated very well throughout and especially led in song
beautifully by our Music Ministry with Mrs Laumemea. Such a Mass was a true witness to the Special
Character of our school and how we promote the importance of the sacraments in our Catholic Faith. The
Mass was also for those who have completed 12 Weeks of intense course in the Sacramental Programme.
This course is led by the Campus Minister, Mr Denis Tutaka and Mrs Rosanna Fouhy (DRS) and facilitated
by Fr Brian Prendeville SM (School Chaplain) and Br Michael Carroll. Below are our students who received
the sacraments.
Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion): Oscar Crane-Tualevao
Sacrament of Confirmation: Kava Lopeti
Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion:
Two of these students also completed the programme but are planning on receiving the sacraments
Elijah Ethan Poluleuligaga
Paulo Tekina-He-Peau Fakaosi
Eneliko Harry Teki
John Ruperake
Issacc Jonaz Tugaga
Lansalota Peter Filimaua
Matthew To’o James-Nanai
Kesomi Fa’avae
Austin Faasee
Mehana III Alefosio Leafa
Eddie Leamy Jnr Toleafoa
Lolohea Antonio Hufanga
Cassius Vaotuua
Anthony Tagiilima Faigafa
Seth Anthony Fa’alili Tulisi Apelu
Alex Leuatea
Falakiko Pitaniu Hufanga
Raen Iakimo
Maika Henry Tone
Kalvin Letoa
Israel Robert Taioaloiamoa Meredith
Saulisi Sakopo Taipaleti Feao
Narico Taimovai
Izaia Vailua
Xavier Katoa
Lennox Satish Lal
through their parishes. Their names are Kanana Brown and Desmond Mataafa. My sincere thanks extend
to all parents for your support in this programme and for attending all the meetings. We would also like to
extend our sincere thanks to parents who particularly assisted with the preparation of the Mass. To Mrs
Feao for your mats in helping to decorate our altar, to Mr and Mrs Katoa for the leis, to Ms Filimaua for
the offertory and to Mr and Mrs Letoa for your help in the dining hall. Thank you all!
Denis Tutaka (Campus Minister, DLS, Mangere)
De La Salle College Newsletter
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Sam Manu and students involved in Young Vinnies - School Assembly
Bishop Pat Dunn celebrating All Saints Mass
Mrs Verma with students - Diwali Celebration
31st October 2014