Juneau Soccer Club
Juneau Soccer Club
Juneau Soccer Club Board Meeting Minutes December 7, 2009 Dimond Park Fieldhouse DRAFT Call to Order at 7:00 pm Board members present: Tom Paul, Nick Lyons, Christy Odum, Glenn Walton, Martin Morris. Others present were DOC Matt Dusenberry and former DOC Colin Barton. Drawing for 2009 JSC Raffle – The raffle drawing was held on the field house turf with two of the practicing U9-U10 players drawing the 4 winning ticket stubs from the bag. Winners were: $500 – Lori Fredenberg, Doug Rountree; $1,000 – Michelle Workman; $2,500 Grand Prize – Tammy Morris. After the drawing the board moved to the upstairs gallery area. Raffle sales totaled $23,500 with 80% going to players’ accounts. Thanks to Christy Odum for expert coordinating of the raffle which went extremely smoothly. Agenda approved. Minutes of November 2, 2009 amended and approved. Public comment/guest presentations – Colin Barton asked to address the Board. He said he is very pleased and thrilled with the club expanding to include younger age group kids. “The club must be doing something right to have so many young kids enjoying soccer.” He would like to see JSC take over recreational soccer in Juneau from CBJ Parks and Recreation and integrate the recreation program with the current competitive and development programs. He believes that is the future of soccer in Juneau and the next step for JSC. It is common for soccer clubs to have both recreation and competitive programs. He also said that JSC is fortunate to have Matt Dusenberry as DOC and that Matt is the best Director of Coaching in the state. The Board thanked Colin for thoughts and his continued interest in the JSC. Reports Treasurer – Nick passed out the updated financial sheets. Budget is good but we will not be receiving any more pull-tabs money this year. We are “out-of-play” and we do not know when we will get money again. It may not be until next fall or later. Registrations are ahead of last year in all age groups except HS. Lists of registered players will go to coaches to see if any unregistered or unpaid players are attending clinics or practice. Director of Coaching – The club now has 231 registered players. However, 4 comp teams have low numbers U12G (2 players), U14B Cosmos (about 8), U16B Torment (8), and U14G (10). U15B Rapids have 15 players but no coach. Currently they are practicing with U14B and that is working out for both teams. Matt suggested we develop a poster for Holiday Cup that lets people know we are looking for players for those age groups. Uniforms have been ordered for U13B, U14B and U18B. Also the order for shorts, socks, practice top, and balls has been placed. Matt needs at least 2 more volunteers to sort through the order for disbursement to teams when the order comes in, probably after the holidays. The Board discussed the option of replacing the cloth JSC patch on uniforms with a silkscreen patch. There is a higher upfront cost for the silkscreen but a considerable long term cost savings in not having to sew patches on shirts. The Board decided to defer silk-screening to next year and to factor in the $1500 upfront cost to our upcoming YAB grant request. JSC coaches met Dec. 4 and have set up a webpage to share coaching resources, video clips, calendars, etc. They identified a club need for a DVR and DVD burner to tape practice sessions for team and coach development, also to record players’ skills for select team tryouts, etc. Whitehorse exchanges – The Whitehorse club is going through a reorganization so can’t be certain about future plans. However, their coaching director said he thought June 18-20 would be best for a summer tournament. Matt has managed to acquire the equipment approved at the last meeting for $1,432 Considerably less than the budgeted amount. In addition, Play-it-Again Sports has offered to carry our shorts and socks styles for players who missed the ordering deadline. (Thanks Rusty). Competitive Team Committee – no report Development Committee – no report AYSA – no report New business Goal Cards – Sales are scheduled to begin January 9, but no coordination has begun. The board agreed to ask Marty McKeown to line up businesses and arrange for card printing again this year. Old business Mark Kelley Calendar sales status – Sales are underway. Reports are that they are easy to sell. Scholarships status – The Board discussed scholarship status. We currently have 9 scholarship players with funds for a 10th “regular” club scholarship available. In addition, the Irene and Anne Shima Memorial Fund through the Juneau Community Foundation has enough for 4 or 5 more scholarships. It was suggested that if needed, budgeted JSC travel scholarship money could be transferred to use for club fees scholarships; the thinking is that the most important thing is to have players on a team. Once players are on a team, the team travel fundraising could help scholarship players with travel costs if needed. Continue discussion on club financial reserves – Tom went over Carl’s email thoughts on the reserves. The Board briefly discussed various options for reserves but deferred further discussion until more Board members are available. Discuss revision of Player Discipline Policy – deferred until more Board members are available. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm Juneau Soccer Club Board Meeting Minutes November 2, 2009 Thunder Mountain High School Library Call to order at 6:30pm Members Present: Rusty Scudder(RS), Glenn Walton (GW), Christy Odum(CO), Thomas Paul (TP), Carl Ferlato(CF), Nic Lyons (NL), Marty McKeown (MM), Alexander Hoke (AH), Roger Healy (RH). Quorum present. Agenda Approved. Board Reports Treasurer. Treasurer Nic Lyons outlines end of year 2009 registration numbers. YAB Grant – monies received through this grant pass through the budget. Monies are still available to spend until June. High School Program Expense – this is the last year the High School program will be on the books. Update on pulltabs – we have a gaming permit, but the operator will sell our allotment to meet the operator’s purposes (sharing of revenue between non-profits, use of all our allotted tickets, etc.). So revenues to JSC cannot be estimated perfectly. In summary, as of September 30, 2009, the budget is in good order with approximately $45,000 in net reserves. Typical annual budget is about $117,000, so the reserves provide a good back up for the following year. Competitive Team Committee. Christy Odum provides update, although CTC has not had a chance to meet yet. Names of teams need to be approved and names of parents for bank account. U12 Boys A need was expressed for an explanation sheet for team fundraising activities. It was agreed that an explanation sheet should be prepared to assist coaches, parents, and players in fundraising events. Motion for approval of bank accounts for U12 Boys and Girls and U14 Girls Teams, by Tom Paul. Seconded by Nic Lyons, pending check signer names, and team names. Motion approved. Background checks for team coaches are needed. Christy will scan those forms and send out to team managers this week. The background checks are an AYSA requirement, so they may not be waived. Bookkeeper meeting will be scheduled next week. Litter Pick Up. Carl Ferlato provided an update on Litter Pick Up activities. This year’s operation netted approximately $1200 to $1500 which was greater than the $850 projected. Food and drink was donated this year. A need for a thank you note from JSC Board was advanced. Raffle Status. CO provides update. About out of the 3000 raffle tickets printed, down to about 10 booklets. CF suggested an email to team managers asking whether more booklets should be printed. Booklets are due back by November 29th. Suggestion was made for next year that top kid seller receive a $100 prize. Alaska Youth Soccer Association (AYSA). Alexander Hoke – Liaison for AYSA – provided update on AYSA meeting. AYSA is undergoing budget issues. Cook Inlet Soccer (CIS) had decided to move its membership out of AYSA. CIS provides a good deal of revenue to AYSA, so this move pushed AYSA to demand that 10% to 15% of CIS membership stay with AYSA. AYSA has issued letters to CIS stating that non-AYSA sanctioned events will not be covered by AYSA insurance umbrella. Update on AYSA Disciplinary Action. AYSA Disciplinary Board heard an appeal by Fairbanks coach for using illegal players on his competition team. Fairbanks board suggested suspension for a year, but Fairbanks’ disciplinary policy did not support the year’s suspension, rather a two game suspension. AYSA Disciplinary Board stated that Fairbanks policies did not support Fairbanks Board’s decision to suspend the coach for a full year. AYSA has sent issue back to Fairbanks Board twice. Director of Coaching (DOC). Matt Dussenberry handed out DOC report that outlines status and requested equipment purchases. Some red jerseys have been trashed and need to be replaced. Matt reviewed ordering of jerseys and accessories, each team should save their spreadsheets under their team name. Ordering should be done by November 22nd. DOC recommends more games and more competitive matches. Matt suggests that to increase games/competitive matches, we should play outdoor games in October next year. JSC tried the October outdoor games this year, and it worked well. Turf field rates are $15/hour for no lights, and $30/hour for lights. The fields are reserved through Community schools. Matt also suggests 3 hours per week at the downtown turf in May and possibly more games in June and July, again at the downtown turf. Whitehorse Tournament – Matt trying to commit Whitehorse now. If we get a date, it would be good to have the CTC support the event. Matt suggested that the JSC Board should consider a waiver of fees for assistant student coaches. Matt had been approached by a student assistant coach about this issue. The process for JSC Board consideration is that if the student assistant coaches perform well and meet standards set by the JSC coaches, that the JSC coach would make a recommendation to the Competitive Team Committee that the student’s annual fees be waived in full or in part. As the waiver of fees would have some implications to the budget, the CTC recommendation may have to be approved by the Board. It was recognized that the student assistant coach would need an E license. The JSC Board expressed support for the idea. DOC Recommended Expenditures. • $500 for juggling; Motion for expenditure of no more than $2000 for new equipment. • 20 balls – estimated amount $500 • 12 Pugg Goals - estimated amount $500 • 10 Futsal Balls - estimated amount $200 • Extra Socks and Shorts - estimated amount $250 • New Uniforms to replace damaged red jerseys ($500) • Field times – estimated amount $300. Motion Approved, although Secretary is unclear about total amount approved ($2,000) versus line item estimate totals ($2,300) – clarification needed. Was field time not included? Mark Kelley Calendar Sales Coordinator – Rusty will give Dawn Wolfe a call, she performed task last year. JSC Policies and Procedures. TP moves through recommended changes. Code of Conduct is now in the P&P. Discussion ensued regarding disciplinary actions taken by coaches and subsequent notification to parents, DOC, and JSC Board. Motion to approve all changes to Policy and Procedures except Section 11. More discussion ensued. New Business. None at this time. Old Business. None at this time. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm Juneau Soccer Club Board Meeting Minutes October 5, 2009 Dimond Park Field House Call to order at 6:40pm Members Present: Rusty Scudder (RS), Glenn Walton (GW), Christy Odum (CO), Tom Paul (TP), Carl Ferlato (CF), Nick Lyons (NL), Roger Healy (RH), Martin Morris (MM). Quorum present. Director of Coaching Matt Dusenberry was also present. Agenda Approved. Election of Board Officers: • • • • Tom Paul was nominated and approved for Board Chair. Tom noted that this would be his last year on the board. Board members thanked him for his past work. Marty McKeown was nominated as Vice-Chair. Approved. Nick Lyons was re-nominated as Treasurer. Approved. Roger Healy was nominated as Secretary. Approved. Approval of Minutes. No minutes to approve. Public Comment. No members of the public commented. Board Committee Assignments Youth Activities Board (YAB) Grant Coordinator. TP provided background information on YAB program. YAB is a CBJ funded program. Annually, $400K is typically appropriated to be distributed amongst a number of youth sports programs. JSC has typically received $15K to $25K annually that funds items which benefit all players and teams (i.e., travel costs to Whitehorse and State cup, uniforms, balls, etc.). TP has been YAB Coordinator for JSC for past 3 years. Grant application is typically due in March of each year, a follow-up meeting in April should be attended to answer questions. Monies will be distributed after June 15th of each year. A JSC report needs to be submitted by September identifying how monies were spent. The application is a relatively simple affair, and is similar to previous years. Things to emphasize are number of kids served, high hours per kid, and other things that provide focused training to kids. JSC Board consideration should be applied to grant request amount. No assignment of new YAB Coordinator. Competitive Team Committee (CTC) Members: • Rusty Scudder • Glenn Walton • Christy Odum, Chair • Nick Lyons • Matt Dusenberry (MD) Membership Approved. CTC is four JSC Board members plus Director of Coaching (5 total). Responsibilities range from equipment needs, resolving and/or forwarding disputes, etc. Discussion ensued regarding each team being financially responsible for the care and replacement of jerseys, as these have gone missing in the past. Fund Raising Committee (FRC) Membership: • Marty McKeown, Chair • Rusty Scudder • Carl Ferlato Membership Approved. Development Committee (DC) Membership: • Carl Ferlato, Chair • Marty McKeown • Christy Odum Membership Approved. Board Reports. Raffle Status. CO provided status of Fall raffle. Tickets are ordered, and coaches will be notified by email of Ticket availability. December 7th is Raffle Drawing Date. Sunday, November 29th is the DROP DEAD date for turning all raffle tickets into Christy. Ticket cost is $10/each. NL provided do’s and don’ts of raffle tickets. Do fill them out, do submit them on time, don’t lose them. NL provided background of gaming revenue. JSC has about $500K per year of gaming receipts, including raffles and pulltabs. This amount must be maximized as much as possible, but cannot exceed the $500K. Timing is critical in notifying pulltab operator of JSC approaching gaming limit, as pulltab operator will probably default and stop selling tickets, thereby stopping revenue stream. Treasurer’s Report. NL provided background on JSC finances, including incomes and expenses. Distributed proposed FY10 budget. Balance sheet is relatively strong. End of year budget is not yet available from Vicki Williams, Bookkeeper and Registrar, since JSC’s fiscal year ends on September 30th but will be by next month’s meeting. Director of Coaching. MD discussed coaching strategies, web site ideas, links, and coaching status. Coaching is in good order. Discussion ensued regarding the status of the web page. NL informed Board that web site is mostly current, but ‘Links’ page is a forum that is hard to keep current. AYSA will require web based application. Suggestions were made that one person or entity be in charge of maintaining web site status. CF will bring to Board some web site options with costs. New Season Kickoff Review. GW recommends JSC Coaches and Board Members have clothing identifying their JSC affiliation. Discussion ensued about sweatshirts, color coordinated clothing and gear bags that may promote merchandizing of JSC. It was agreed that this needs further thoughts and recommendations at a future date. Members forwarded ideas for future improvements to Kickoff event. New Business. Annual Calendar was reviewed and no objections were made. All future JSC Board meetings will be located at Thunder Mountain High School (TMHS) unless otherwise identified. Monday nights are recommended. December 7th Board Meeting is at Dimond Field House since that is raffle drawing night. Mark Kelley Calendars. Board will assign a representative to coordinate with Mark Kelley in next meeting. Mark is typically busy until Public Market at Thanksgiving. Calendar sales are concentrated in December. Next Meeting is November 2nd. Old Business. Discussion regarding JSC letter to AYSA regarding Thunder team and cup tournament. Meeting adjourned at or near 8:50pm Juneau Soccer Club Minutes of Board Meeting May 5, 2009, 7:00 p.m. - 9 p.m. Dzantiki Heeni Middle School Library Call to Order: Tom Paul called the meeting to order at 7:07. Board members present were Tom Paul , Margaret Tharp, Jean Mischel, Nick Lyons, Glenn Walton, and Tom Rutecki. Those absent were Christy Odum, Dave Newton and Marty McKeown. Matt Dusenberry, Director of Coaching was also present. Approval of March 3, 2008 minutes – Not approved because copies were not available. Public comment/guest presentations – None Reports Treasurer’s Report – Nick reported that the budget overall looks good, however, many players still owe fees. Total owed is about $11,000. Nick plans to send out notices during the coming week to let people know they still owe. Nick believes many of the late fees are due to people not knowing that status of their accounts. It’s primarily a communication issue. Margaret said the club has a critical need to be able to easily send emails to all members. The Board agreed and discussed options. Margaret will make inquiries on possibilities of linking that capability to our website management. The raffle sales totaled $22,310, considerably below the $30,000 sold last year. Raffle costs were low, only 60 cents per ticket, so players will get to keep $9.40 of each ticket sold. Some teams’ raffle record keeping will need follow up, as it is not clear in some cases what players should be credited with tickets sold. The CBJ Finance Committee is to decide May 6 whether to fund YAB grants and give additional money to school district for sports and activities during 2009-2010. Tom R. urged all Board members to contact Assembly members as the funding is critical for soccer and other sports. Director of Coaching – Tryouts went well with several new players in various age groups joining the club. One of the 3 tryout dates was cancelled because snow made the field unavailable. Several prospective players have expressed interest in having another tryout day so the 3rd day of tryouts will be rescheduled. One of the May Sunday team practices will be designated a tryout day. Margaret will get details from Matt and put out PSAs to radio stations and get an item in the Sports in Juneau info box in the newspaper. Only 3 competitive teams are going to State Cup this year – U17B Jambaars, U16B Thunder, U16G Two-Steppers. U12B and U12G are both going to Zane Cup. Other teams will travel to out-of-state tournaments and camps. U14B and U15B may field a combined team at a tourney. At least U13B team will do a camp in Juneau (Corver Training) and seek games with Whitehorse. Sitka and Ketchikan teams have committed to come to our Sister City Showdown Tournament scheduled for the 2nd week in June. It is hoped some WH teams will also come. JSC Board meeting minutes 5/5/09 High School season and GKC report – Tom R. passed out an information sheet supporting random drug testing for HS students involved in extracurricular activities. He also circulated a petition supporting random drug testing. Competitive Team Committee – No report. AYSA – No report. Old Business Review of tram social – All reported it was an excellent event with about 70 parents/adult members attending. Tom R. suggested we combine a social event with the Annual General Meeting so we have a better turnout at the AGM. Scholarships for travel – Nick asked for Board guidance on how to distribute the Pulltabs receipts that we have dedicated toward helping players pay for travel. After discussion Glenn moved, and Tom P. seconded, that the travel scholarship money be divided equally among the teams planning to travel this season. The teams will be notified of the availability of the money and they will nominate players from their teams who will split the team’s share. To receive money, players must demonstrate good faith by participating in team or club fundraisers for travel. The club will match the amount fundraised by those players up to the limit of the scholarship money available. The motion passed unanimously. New business Colin Barton gift – The Board decided to contribute $250 as a gift to Colin’s retirement as an Alaska ODP coach. Fundraising Calendar proposed changes – Margaret suggested that we change next season’s fundraising calendar to avoid conflicting with high school teams’ fundraisers. She suggested that when members register in the fall we have a Fundraising Packet (Goal Cards and/or Raffle tickets) ready to hand out to them for immediate sale. All agreed that we need to avoid conflict with HS teams’ fundraising somehow. It was recognized that calendar sales must occur between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Board discussed the pros and cons of changing the fundraising calendar and also discussed briefly some fundraising options and what actions we would have to take to change fundraisers to the Fall. We made no decisions on the proposal at this meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 9 pm. Major actions or decisions • The club approved a means of distributing scholarship travel money. • The club approved a gift for Colin Barton’s ODP retirement 2 Juneau Soccer Club Minutes of Board Meeting April 7, 2009 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Dzantiki Heeni Middle School Library Call to Order: Meeting was not officially called to order because we lacked a quorum. Four Board members were present: Tom Paul, Jean Mischel, Nick Lyons, Glenn Walton. Matt Dusenberry, Director of Coaching, and Alex Hoke our AYSA representative was also present. Raphael Betit, Leslie Houston, and another person representing the Jambaars Youth Soccer Academy were also present. Approval of agenda – Agenda was approved for presentation of reports and discussion only. Approval of March 3, 2008 minutes – Not approved because copies were not available. Public comment/guest presentations: Representatives of the Jambaars Youth Soccer Academy explained their program and their plans. They have acquired Non-profit status and are currently using Floyd Dryden gym for their sessions. Their primary focus is young kids, U6-U11, 5-10 years old. Academy sessions will be 12 weeks long with 1.5 hour sessions on Tuesday and Saturday. Cost is $75 per 12 week session. They are also offering team and individual training for older players. Reports Treasurer’s Report – Budget looks good. We received another Pull-tabs payment for February. Director of Coaching Report – Matt said tryouts are scheduled for April 19th 25th and 26th. Because of snow, the sessions on the 19th will be at the Downtown Turf Field. All competitive team uniforms have been received and Matt has passed them out to teams. Matt asked if it was possible to pay for 15 more hours of DPFH time in April and May – 3 hours per week for 5 weeks for skills and GK clinics for younger players. Board will be polled by email. [Board was polled at a later date and agreed to fund the extra DPFH time.] Whitehorse results – Local tournament went very well. Thanks to Christy and Matt for organizing. Juneau girls’ teams were in every final. Jean and Nick reported that booking seats for flights to WH went down to the wire with last minute cancellations and substitutions. Flight costs were less than expected so all travelers will be getting a refund from the $200 fare paid. Alex Hoke reported on his team’s experience. There was some bad atmosphere in the older boys’ games. In the final game, teams exchanged players and that defused the situation. He recalled in earlier years there was an exchange of referees with some Juneau refs going to WH and vice versa. He suggested we consider resurrecting that practice. The Whitehorse community provided large potluck meals for players and Alex said we need to be sure we reciprocate with what we offer here. He suggested that JSC have a pre-WH exchange meeting with all teams hosting so that we can set up potlucks and communicate expectations to parents and coaches. Some players who were not club members went to WH. It was suggested that in the future we institute a $25 guest player fee and have insurance waiver forms signed by non-club travelers to cover them for the trip. New business Spring Litter pickup – This fundraiser is not likely to happen as club’s coordinator cannot do it and persistent snow cover has delayed our ability to do it before Litter-Free’s black-out dates. Fundraising Calendar proposed changes – Jean introduced Margaret’s idea that the club fundraising calendar be changed next year to avoid competing with HS fundraisers. A brief discussion was held but the issue was deferred to a full board meeting. Disposition of comp team travel stipend – Nick asked for direction on how to distribute the Pull-tabs receipts we dedicated to assist team travel. It was suggested teams receive portions based on number of players traveling as YAB travel money is disbursed. The board will be polled by email to determine if some of the travel money should be used to reduce WH travel costs. [Board was polled at later date and agreed to designate some of the travel money for WH.] Summer tournament/camp planning – Matt said Sitka and Ketchikan teams were lined up to come to the Sister City Showdown, the 2nd week in June. He is hoping to get a commitment from WH teams as well. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm No actions taken because a quorum of the board was not present. Juneau Soccer Club Board Meeting Agenda March 3, 2009 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Dzantiki Heeni MS Library Call to Order at 6:40. Members present were Tom Paul, Nick Lyons, Marty McKeown, Tom Rutecki, Glen Walton, Christy Odum, Jean Mishel, Margaret Tharp and Matt Dusenberry. Alex Hoke with AYSA Approval of agenda: Approved Approval of February 3, 2009 minutes: Approved with changes Public comment/guest presentations Reports: Treasurer: Budget is in good shape. Don Ashe Memorial Donations have come in at the amount $5075.00 plus JSC Contribution of $5000.00 to the Goal Keepers Club. Director of Coaching: New possible coach for U13 Girls, Kris Coffee is interested. Sister City Classic…contact has been made with Whitehorse and Sitka with a call into Ketchikan. Bartlett is definitely coming, both boys and girls. Soldotna boys and girls are definitely interested in coming for the Spring Fever April 24 and 25. U10/U11 girls are not showing because they only wanted to train with girls. U10/U11 boys might be able to move up and train with the U12 boys so the girls can train with a “girls only” team. Competitive Team Committee: Ben White and Jeremy Gleason received their “E” License, Phil Subveldia received his “D” License. Congrats to all. AYSA: Report from Alex Hoke: New Roster limit of U17 and older for roster numbers has been increased to 22 players. A proposal to raise minimum age from 14-17 for youth players playing in adult leagues in Anchorage, this proposal failed but debate continues. Anchorage was selected for 2010 State Cup. A new website www.alaskayouthsoccer.org. New penalties for offenses against referees and others have been broken out into multiple classifications. Goal Keepers Club - HS report: Tom Rutecki: Ads artwork and money are due by March 9th. Meeting on 03/10/09 for All Sports for organizing parents. GKC decided that they are going to get their own 501K Non-profit status. Discussion of frustrations for 2010 State High School Tourney and the lack of precise information regarding exactly when the tourney will be. Housing a key issue because of commitment to offer housing. Development Committee: N/A Fundraising Committee: AML has been contacted. Corporate donation coming from Princess, $1000.00 is expected. Heckla/Greens Creek donated last year to the Sister City Classic and should be asked again this year. Raffle status: Erin Smith is the coordinator, thank you Erin. Club members only, will be allowed to sell raffle tickets. High School players that have not paid their $200.00 membership fee will not be able to take part in the fundraiser. The reason for this is because of our gaming laws and this must be for JSC members to partake. Drawing will be held on April 25th. Tickets sales until approximately 04/11/09. Juggling club status – sponsor? We are still waiting for a reply from the Carpenters Union. Glen to follow up with a reminder phone call. Whitehorse status: The rules for Juneau games have been changed to mirror Holiday Cup Rules. Awards have been ordered. Idea proposed for a Whitehorse Tourney link for our Website so we are not reinventing the wheel each year. There are seven girls teams from Juneau and Whitehorse is trying to do the same. There are six possible boys team going to Whitehorse. Club social: Wine tasting suggested. Coaches’ First Aid Training: Matt D. will find out where all of our coaches stand on this issue and then Glen Walton will look into what it will take to certify people needing training. Adjournment: 8:45pm Juneau Soccer Club Special Budget Meeting Minutes February 12, 2009 D’zantiki Heeni Middle School Room C-207 6:30 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Tom Paul called to order at 6:30pm. Board members present: Tom Paul, Nick Lyons, Tom Rutecki, Christy Odum, Jean Mishel, Glenn Walton, Margaret Tharp and Marty McKeown, DOC :Matt Dusenberry Others present: Gary Lehnhart and Alex Hoke Public comment/guest presentations – None Moctar’s Proposal: A lot of debate regarding the amount of pay suggested and whether there is a need to add another paid position for coaching. There are a few other coaches willing and capable of coaching on our staff currently. There was a lot of discussion and no conclusion as to which direction we should go. The subject is tabled for now and to be discussed at a later date. Main Business – Budget Review Discuss current budget and make midyear changes if needed Motion by Jean Mischel: Allocate up to $500.00 from money earned by the March Youth Academy for Martin Morris for coaching assistance during JSC clinics. Marty McKeown 2nd. Passed. Discuss Framework for disposition of 2008 and future Pull-tab receipts Discussion on how to spend the monies earned from Pulltabs. Tom P. had written up a proposal for allocation of these funds, breaking it down into different percentages and categories. Motion set forth by Jean to accept Tom’s proposal in principle for both percentages and categories with options to adjust categories in our August meeting. Marty McKeown 2nd. Passed. Annual Percentage Allocation of Pull-tabs receipts Forward fund next year’s budget for JSC operations JSC Savings/Reserves Support HS programs (split equally ) Comp team Tournament and travel support (can use for Whitehorse travel or other travel as well as visiting team stipends for local tournaments) Scholarships and travel scholarships Total Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm. 40% 15% 18% 17% 10% 100% Juneau Soccer Club Board Meeting Minutes January 6, 2009 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Dzantiki Heeni MS Room C207 Call to Order at 6:45 by Tom Paul. All Board Members present. Guests present were: Carl Ferlauto, Josh Odum, Peter Ord, Tonya Essary and Alex Hoke. Approval of agenda: Approved Approval of December 2, 2008 minutes: Approved with changes to add the names authorized to sign for checking accounts. Motion set to approve minutes by Tom Paul, Seconded by Christy Odum. Unanimously approved. Public comment/guest presentations: One Cause: Carl Ferlauto stated that we have accumulated $162.00 in donations. Goal Cards: Tonya Essary was present to report. 810 left out of 2000. Printing cost for the cards was $898.00. Reports Treasurer: Budget is in the black, with a huge help from the Pull Tabs income. Director of Coaching: Matt Dusenberry…John Newell’s team got accepted to the Directors Cup in Tri-Cities Washington in June. Nobu and Krista are at the training for their C License now. We are in the Field House in March, the same month that High School starts. High School aged comp teams don’t typically train during the High School season. The time slots should be given to other comp teams for extended time to train. Juggling Club prizes on order, water bottles…wrist bands…etc. Moctar has started talking about working “with” the Club rather than strictly with his Academy. More discussion to follow after some proposals are brought forward. Calendars fundraiser status: Most of the money has been turned in, a couple more teams left to turn in money after their bank accounts are set up. Goal Keeper Club - HS committee report: Peter Ord to report. Concessions at Holiday Cup brought in $5000.00 across the counter with a net profit of approximately $2000.00. Went well, but some great lessons learned for next year. Next GKC meeting this week on Thursday. Competitive Team Committee - coach training date: Frank Trovato will be in town Feb 24-March 1st for D and E Licensing training. Grant proposal for Goal Coaching training funds in the amount of $2000.00. Injuries on the WFDPFH have increased with a total of at least 5 injuries. There are some with the opinion that outdoor cleat/turf fields may have something to do with it, but this is not a definite cause. The Board Members all agree that the 5 injuries so far in the last 3 months is a bit disturbing. Tom R. will make some calls and find out more on the Shoe Theory. All coaches and Board Members are to get the word out about the importance of ACL Prevention Training. AYSA: Nothing new to report this month Fundraising Idea for JAGS: Idea put forth for a Balloon Bouquet Sale for Valentines Day. Approved unanimously Old business Pull-tabs receipts use: $22K in hand from Pull Tabs without December’s take. Lots of discussion on how to allocate these funds…with no decisions made other than we need to have a special meeting to figure this out. 5K to HS proposed Corporate fundraising Juggling club – sponsor? Raffle planning status Whitehorse planning Adjournment Juneau Soccer Club Board Meeting Agenda December 2, 2008 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Dzantiki Heeni MS Library Call to Order: At 6:40. Present were…Tom Paul, Nick Lyons, Marty McKeown, Margaret Tharp, Tom Rutecki, Glenn Walton, Christy Odum, Matt Dusenberry Approval of agenda: Approved Approval of November 6, 2008 minutes: Approved Public comment/guest presentations: Alex Hoke, Matt Odum and Carl Ferlauto Reports Director of Coaching: We have hit over 200 kids signed up so far this year, 40 or so more than we had at this time last year. Matt will be running a Winter Academy for 5-6-7 year olds and has proposed a $50-$75 fee structure. He is still working on the details but will be a short season to get these younger kids thinking of JSC and Soccer! Question of players U11 and younger on whether they are considered “Rec” or “Comp” players and if they need the same insurance since they will not be traveling with a competitive team. Jordan Cunningham is interested in Coaching the U13 Girls as soon as numbers are high enough for them to break away. The new name proposed for U12 and U13 Girls team to be JAGS. Unanimously approved. “JAGS” (Juneau Alaska Girls Soccer) A motion to approve a checking account for the JAGS was set forth by Jean Mishel and seconded by Christy Odum. Unanimously approved. Signors for the checking account for the JAGS U12 Team will be Azucenia Susie Frenzel (bookkeeper), Randy Bates and Ben White. Signors for the JAGS U13 Team will be Steve Brokett (Bookkeeper), Randy Bates and Ben White. Thunder Mountain High School’s new turf needs to be reserved through community schools, Matt will take care of this. Field time December 15th and 17th to be donated to Holiday Cup Teams…as needed. Matt Dusenberry will try and prioritize this as fairly as possible with Leslie Houston. 4 hours each night. D and E Licensing course to be offered by Frank Trovato on Feb 14-15th 2009. $100 fee. ODP is in Wasilla Jan 20-22 2009. Troy, Nobu and Krista are taking their “C” License course. Treasurer: The state of Juneau Soccer club is in the Black! Things are looking good and we received our first check from Pull Tabs in the amount of 15700.00. Goal Cards fundraiser status: Tonya Essary is doing a great job in distributing to the teams and kids are out selling. Calendars fundraiser status: They are done and being distributed. Goal Keeper Club - HS committee report: Boys and Girls High School teams will have concession at Holiday Cup. Girls will be having a team from Colorado come up for play in the Spring. They are interested in bringing their JV squad as well. Great idea for our youngsters to play at half time during our High School games. GKC meeting on 12/04/08 7:00pm at the DPFH. Competitive Team Committee: No meeting, but application for Motion: by Jean Mischel to pay $1000.00 towards “C” Licensing for Troy, Nobu and Krista. 2nd by Christy. Approved. AYSA : Nothing new to report Old business Practice T-shirts status/funding - do we need business sponsors? Club will be buying them this year using YAB money. These will say JUNEAU SOCCER CLUB on the front. Next round of Jerseys to hopefully have corporate sponsors, individually handled by teams. Example, $350 cost for jersey with…corporate costs to have name on back $500.00? Holiday Cup recruiting plans: Carl offered to create name tags for Board Members and Parents to wear during Holiday Cup to help parents wanting to know how to get their kids involved with JSC. Great idea Carl! New business Pull-tabs receipts use: Board Members to think of ideas to allocate Pull Tab Funds and work on this in the future. Corporate fundraising plan: Juggling club: Motion set forth for the Club to front the Juggling Club seed money in the amount of $1000.00 for start up costs. This is a club wide opportunity for all kids to try and hit different levels of juggling and prizes. The fundraising committee to find a corporate sponsor to sponsor the approximate cost of $1500.00 per year. Website/prizes/etc… Raffle planning: We need a Raffle Coordinator…ask for parent volunteers. Whitehorse planning: April 4,5,6…Girls here and Boys go to Whitehorse. Scholarship Process: Motion: by Nick Lyons the process to obtain a scholarship to be loosened up and made easier to give out per coaches suggestion. Adjournment: 9:00pm Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting November 6, 2008 6:30-8:30 pm Dimond Park Field House Minutes Call to Order: Tom Paul called meeting to order at 6:40. Present: Tom Paul, Chair, Jean Mischel, Vice chair, Nick Lyons, Treasurer, Tom Rutecki, Dave Newton, Glenn Walton, and Christy Odum, board members. Matt Dusenberry, DOC. Peter Ord, Goal Keepers club and HS Girls' team treasurer. John Thurston, U15B parent. Approval of agenda: Approved Approval of October 7, 2008 minutes: Approved Reports: Director of Coaching: Matt reported excellent turnout for MS skills' clinics at 35 - 40; ATP boys 7th-8th grade, increasing to 16 - 17; U-8/U-9 at 13- 15; U10- U12 at 20 - 30; GK at 10 -13, and HS skills at 12- 15; ATP HS girls at 14 -18 and HS boys >20 participants. Matt has been hired as HS girls' coach by the JSD. He also reported that uniforms are being collected for redistribution to comp. teams and that a full set of gear is now available at the field house, including first aid kits, 5 sets of pinneys (which he washes), cones, and balls. He is currently reviewing equipment needs with coaches. Game balls and goals are stored in the shed at AK. Tom P. sent general e-mail to all returning players explaining changes this season. Jean is to apply for NSCAA grant for coach training. Matt suggests adding flyers and JSC ad to Holiday cup notices and FH. Matt has produced monthly schedules posted on the web both as an excel and pdf document. Matt reported that Midnight Suns baseball is requesting a switch for our Wednesday evening skills sessions at the fieldhouse. The need and disruption to our program is unclear and the board decided to table the discussion for further information. Matt requested help with updating the policies in the coaches' handbook. Nick Lyons agreed to take that task on. Matt is requesting the development committee meet and search for donors for practice t shirts. The board approved purchase of one practice jersey per registered player in the meantime, to be paid from uniform and equipment funds. HS Committee: Tom R. reported that the Juneau Activities' committee expects full TMHS sports options next school year with the possible exception of hockey and swimming. He represented to the committee that the JSC Board supports two booster clubs under the JSC umbrella: the JDHS GK club and the JSC Board can offer technical assistance to TMHS. The TMHS activities' director, Rhonda Hickock expects to use JSD state championship travel funds for programmatic expenses in the first year and limit competition to SE venues. Tom does not know effect of adding TMHS on JDHS activities budget. Peter Ord reported a change to the HS budget that raised fees from the proposed $400 per player to $480 per player, excluding outside travel. The JSC fee of $200 was questioned by Peter and further explained that it was a break even expense for training, insurance, coaching, and other fees. The HS budget now includes $1500 for coach training each for boys' and girls' teams, a boys C team coach and travel to Ketchikan. That assumes 54 boys and 40 girls sign up for HS soccer. Peter requested a loan from the JSC, as in years past, to 1 reimburse Gary Lehnhart for tickets to Spokane, an off budget trip. Discussion about precise amount, date of reimbursement, the need for advance fund raising for next season by the GK, and equity for the girls' HS team took place. MOTION: by Glenn Walton, seconded by Nick Lyons for discussion: Table the decision to the December meeting as suggested by Dave Newton. Motion failed. MOTION: by Jean Mischel, seconded by Nick Lyons: Approve for this season a one time loan of up to $10,000 each to the boys' and girls' HS teams to be paid in full from fundraising efforts by the GK and players on or before April 1, 2009. Passed unanimously. Peter also reported that he was selected to be HS girls' team treasurer and Brent Wilson, boys' team treasurer. Nick pointed out that if the teams do not use JSD accounts for collecting fees and fundraising they will each need a JSC account approved. MOTION: by Nick Lyons, seconded by Christy Odum: The Board approve the opening of two separate checking accounts, one identified as "JSC Goal Keeper's Club, HS Girls", with Peter Ord as account representative; and the other as "JSC Goal Keeper's Club, HS Boys, with Brent Wilson as account representative. Peter, Brent, and Nick are the authorized signers for both accounts. Treasurer's Report: Nick reported that registrations are below normal for this time of year for HS aged players. Matt agreed to again notify coaches of comp. teams and Peter will remind Gary about registering players. MOTION by Nick Lyons, seconded by Tom P.: amend our budget to reflect new HS fee of $480 to be collected by the GK club. Passed unanimously. Fund Raising: Jean will organize Mark Kelley Calendar sales. Matt notified Jean of a parent who was willing to help and Jean will contact other volunteers. Marty and Tom P. are ready to distribute goal cards soon. Peter Ord and Marty will organize the raffle sales beginning in January. Christy Odum, on behalf of her team, Gale Force, requested approval of four team fund raisers: Krispy Kreme sales in November, flower bulbs in March, a garage sale in April and sock sales throughout the season. The board approved these unanimously and Tom R. offered soccer ball umbrellas to the first team expressing interest. Tom P. reported that the club social has been postponed to January or February. Fall litter pick up made $860 with only 20 participants. Competitive Team Committee: Two new coaching applications were reviewed for the U17B: Alexander Hoke, D. lic., and Mark Smith, E lic. The applications were approved unanimously. A quick review of coach training needs for comp. team coaches revealed that several needed D licensing including Martin, Ben, Randy, Mark, and perhaps two interested former players, Allen Hopkins and Eric Holst. Tom P. suggested that HS players would be interested. Jean will contact Frank Travato and try to set up another southeast training session. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Major board actions: • Approved loans to HS teams to pay for travel and other early season expenses - repaid by April 1. • Approved opening checking accounts for HS boys and girls teams • Amended budget to reflect change in HS fees 2 • Approved Gale Force U15G fundraisers 3 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting October 7, 2008 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. DZ Library Call to Order: Tom Paul called meeting to order at 6:45. Tom Paul, Christy Odum, Margaret Tharp, Matt Dusenberry, Marty McKeown, Jean Mischel and Nick Lyons. Approval of agenda: Approved Election of board officers: Chair of the Board, Tom Paul was elected unanimously. Jean Mischel was unanimously elected as Vice Chair. Nick Lyons elected as Treasurer. Marty McKeown as Secretary. Approval of Sept. 8, 2008 minutes: Approved previously at the AGM. Public comment/guest presentations: John Thurston came to observe, possibly interested in being on the Board in the future. Reports Director of Coaching: Friday 17th 7:30 to 9:00 Northstar College Seminar, the Saturday 18th 12:00-2:00 SAQ Seminar training/planning session at Marie Drake. $20 fee, anything above and beyond covering their travel costs will be a fundraiser to JSC. Coaches are placed for all teams. We may need a U13 girls coach depending on turnout. U15 Girls needed to complete that team as well. Jambaars maybe in need of a coach if they decide to stay together. Early planning is recommended for all teams planning on going to State Cup in Kenai because of costs being higher for this area. Competitive Team Committee: The CTC is looking into a different coaching plan or potential plan. Possibly bringing in specialized coaches from time to time to help offer a different perspective. Coaching gear needs to be self-policed in storage shed and shared. Treasurer: The High School contract is in and the new thing was that there are scholarships available this year. Year end financial report shows that we are roughly $2,300.00 to the good. Our pull tab game has been put into play and we should expect some income to be coming in the 4th quarter. AYSA annual meeting: No report New season kickoff review: Wed/Sunday Opening Kick Off went very well. We set up a table and had Board Members there taking registrations and answering questions. There was a very good turn out and a lot of interest…with many new players joining the club. A success to say the least. New business Board committee assignments and other needs: CTC: Jean Mischel Chair, Tom Rutecki, Christy Odum, Nick Lyons, Matt Dusenberry Fundraising: Marty McKeown Chair, Margaret Tharp, Tom Paul, Nick Lyons, Glenn Walton, Bob Janes (offered to help) Development: Christy Odum Chair, Marty McKeown, Matt Dusenberry Communications: Tom Paul Chair, Margaret Tharp Annual calendar - New season activities and assignments Litter pickup: Jana Mayer volunteered to help coordinate, Christy will talk to her and help her get going. Club Social: Margaret and Christy will look into organize this. Old business Goal Cards fundraiser status: Marty is working on this and should have these ordered by 10/20/08. Other business There was a discussion of Moctar Diouf's proposed academy. Jean and Matt will explore his idea with him further. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm Major actions: 1) Board officers were elected 2) Committee assignments were made Juneau Soccer Club 2008-2009 Annual General Membership Meeting September 21, 2008 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. DZ Library Call to Order: Tom P. called meeting to order at 4:15. Members present…Tom P., Tom R., Marty McKeown, Nick Lyons, Margaret Tharp, Dave Newton, Glenn Walton, Peter Ord, Jean Mischel and Matt Dusenberry (DOC) 5 members of the public were in attendance as well. Review and Approval of agenda: Motion by Tom P. to approve the agenda, approved. Director of Coaching Report: Matt Dusenberry: Successful 6v6 this September. SAQ training to continue through out the year and some videos are available to entire coaching staff. June tourney was a success and this coming year to hopefully be bigger. Addition of younger kids…U8. The DPFH will be a huge draw for the club. This field will help our players with the skills needed to per form better on a State Level. State Cup…2 teams made the Semifinals. Several coaches planning on getting “C” license, which will be a big step. First week of October to be our Kick Off Season at the DPFH. 10/01 Wednesday Skills Sunday Oct 5th 9am-6pm. Huge success of having 6 Seniors go on to play at the Collegiate level. Report from the Chair: Tom Paul: Nice acknowledgements to fellow board members. Year wrap up…budget has been changed to separate the High School for the JSC. Successful crab feed as a fundraiser and a club social event. High School boys took state and High School Girls took third place. Consolidated uniforms purchases. New tournament…Sister City Showdown. Adding U8-U9 kids. Pull Tab money will be coming in soon, some of which will be used for Scholarships. Fee reduction for comp teams this year as well as High School through the new booster club, the Goal Keepers Club. Increasing support for coaching staff, training and small stipends. 2010 Juneau will be hosting the State Tournament, due to huge efforts of Amy Skilbred. Thanks to all the folks that have stepped up to help out with the Goal Keepers Club. Thanks to all the helped with fundraisers…ad sales, raffles, goal cards and Mark Kelley Calendars. Thanks to Vickie Williams, our accountant. Thanks to all volunteers and coaching staff. By-Law Change: Motion made to change our by-laws to be able to contact our members via email. Motion passed unanimously. Treasurer’s Report: Nick Lyons: We are a $433.00 to the good, which will probably change a bit by the end of our fiscal year. Income was down but our expenses were down as well. We have $25000.00 plus in reserves, so financially the club is in good shape. Both last years budget and next years proposed budget will be available via the website. There is a new fundraising model as well. Check the website. Review and Approval of 2008-2009 JSC Budget: Tom moved, Jean 2nd…passed unanimously. Board Election: 4 Seats available. Nick, Tom P. and Glen have decided to run again. Christy Odum decided to run as well. Motion passed for all unanimously. JSC Volunteer Needs: Club registrar Event organizer Whitehorse exchange Litter Free Pick up (Coaching fundraiser) Sister City Show Down Calendar Sales Raffle Ticket Sales Corporate Fundraising YAB Grant Co-ordination and grant writing (Spring) Spring Fever High School State Champs Team Mangers Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 6:00. Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting September 8, 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Dzantiki Heeni Middle School Library Call to Order: Tom P. called meeting to order at 6:40. Board members present: Tom Paul, Jean Mischel, Margaret Tharp, Nick Lyons, Glenn Walton, Dave Newton and Marty McKeown. Also present…Matt Dusenberry, DOC. Approval of agenda: Approved Approval of July 29, 2008 minutes: Motion by Jean to approve, passed. Public comment/guest presentations Reports DOC report on State Cup: Motion made by DOC to move this report forward to the AGM. New business September program what events? 6v6 etc.?: ODP is 09/13-14. Board members will be meeting with Frank Trovato for lunch to touch base with him. DPFH Grand Opening…Marty will check on schedule and see if it would be o.k. to set up a table to try and recruit. Plans for Sept. 21 AGM meeting: 4:00pm DZ Library, DOC Report, Elect new officers, present and approve budget, Calendar Review proposed language for JSC policy and By-laws amendments: Motion made to give the DOC a vote on the Competitive Teams Committee, motion passed. Motion made to add other policies passed in several of the past meetings to be officially added to the JSC Policy, motion passed unanimously. New season advertising – who will organize, what will we do? Jean, Marty and Margaret will organize advertising for Kick Off. Comp team coaches status: All current coaches plan on staying on at this point, as far as Matt knows. There is some interest from a couple of new guys that would like to coach. Goal card planning: Marty will get this out asap…earlier the better. Report from Goal Keepers Club on HS budget with follow-up discussion: Survey: Jean sent out a survey, 9 replied and most comments were positive. Almost all mentioned the fees being a bit much. Everyone were very impressed with ATP and Skills clinic…and Matt Dusenberry. Budget Discussion Treasurer’s Report: Overall, we are in good shape with approximately $7500.00 to the good. However there are still a few bills to pay but all in all we should have a positive balance. Further discussion of 2008-09 budget – Comp/Devel programs and HS program combined: Old Business JSC calendar review and approval for 2008-2009 season/ Tuesday JSC board meetings starting October? Looked over and made changes…final to be added to the website. Board member terms ending – suggested new board members? Adjournment - 9 pm Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting July 29, 2008 Floyd Dryden Middle School Library 6:30 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Tom Paul called order. Members attending: Tom Paul, Tom Rutecki, Margaret Tharp, Glenn Walton, Dave Newton, Marty McKeown, Jean Mischel, Nick Lyons and Peter Ord. Others in attendance: Matt Dusenberry and Alexander Hoke . Approval of June minutes – Approved Public comment/guest presentations – Christy Odum and Kris Coffee New Business Who should get excess fundraising money from players who quit, club or teams? Jean Mischel made a motion to remove clause that JSC holds fundraised monies for players that quit. Motion passed unanimously. Thunder Mt. Camp use of equipment: Glenn brought up the issue that TMC has been using JSC’s equipment without permission or liability. Motion made by Tom Paul that club equipment can be used with prior approval but user must take responsibility for any equipment and replace if broken. Passed. Club membership without fees for out-of-town players going to state cup: Motion made by Tom Paul to waive our membership fees for out of town players to join our teams going to State Tourney, make sure players fill out our membership paperwork and pay an administrative fee of $25.00. This is for players who are not practicing in Juneau with the team. Passed. Reports Treasurer’s Report: n/a CTC Report: Coaches and managers have all had background checks. Suggestion that teams revisit our code of conduct policy. JSC is in need of some new coaches. All of the uniforms have been distributed, including jackets for the coaches. Carl Ferlauto is asking for some reimbursement after incurring more expenses than he had expected when completing his “D” license. There isn’t any money in the budget for this, so this request will be declined, unfortunately. DOC Report and outline of ideas for coming year–Matt: Matt has written a very informative and exciting outlook for the upcoming year. Covering many items, schedules, hours, etc… Report on July 23 HS Activities Advisory Committee recommendations-Tom R.: Entire board approves of Tom R. accepting the City/Activities Advisory Committee proposal for funding of Soccer for 2008/2009 School Year. Old Business Progress on restructuring budget-set meeting dates: August 19, 2008 Tuesday Budget Board Meeting Budget Discussion Discussed HS Activities Advisory Committee recommendations and affect on HS budget and fees– The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm . Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting June 2, 2008 Floyd Dryden Middle School Library 7:00 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Board members present Tom Paul, Dave Newton, Marty McKeown, Margaret Tharp, Peter Ord, Tom Rutecki and Glenn Walton. Others in attendance were: Director of Coaching Matt Dusenberry Approval of May 5, 2008 minutes – Approved Public comment/guest presentations – None Reports Treasurers report – 6v6 recap – Great job…all went well. There was concern of whether non-club members are covered under our insurance policy. This is an open issue. HS Season results – Girls tied for 3rd and Boys took State Championship! Old business Summer tournament/camp needs –Matt: Needing funds for referees and field expense. Marty to look at getting a few corporate sponsors. Each team will be charged a tourney fee to cover these costs as well, but any corporate funds raised will go towards future tournaments. U13 girls and U14 boys and an adult select team all coming from Whitehorse. All club teams will be playing at least 3 games over the weekend and some games will be “qualifiers” for the state tournament. HS refund policy draft– Some final changes were made, policy to be posted on website Progress on restructuring budget- Nick Lyons put together a new format with a paradigm showing a new better way to budget the club's income and expenses, not including fundraising. It is a bit more of a “pay as you go” structure. Finalizing this exciting new budget cannot be completed without knowing how much the Juneau School District will be participating. New Business YAB funding – Total of $25000.00 granted this year. $12700 for equipment, $500 for first aid, $2500 local tourney and $9300 for travel for state tourney. JSC Ethics policy – We should work on making some policy to keep ourselves in check. More on this in the future. Summer board meeting schedule – Club funding for downtown turf field summer useBoard member terms ending-who intends to run again for board? Other Reports The meeting was adjourned at 9 pm. Juneau Soccer Club Minutes of Board Meeting May 5, 2008 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Dzantiki Heeni Middle School Library Call to Order: Tom Paul called the meeting to order at 6:40. All board members present with the exception of Dave Newton and Marty McKeown. Alexander Hoke was also present. Approval of April 7, 2008 minutes Public comment/guest presentations: None Reports Treasurer’s Report – Nick reported that the budget overall looks good. Tom reported that the Youth Activity Board only approved about a $15,500 grant compared to our request of $28,000. Another $10,000 would be awarded to us if the CBJ Assembly approves a $100,000 increase in YAB grant funding. Board members are urged to talk to assembly members they know to convince them to approve the increase. Competitive Team Committee – Jean reported that April tryouts went well with 10 to 12 new players joining the club. The U12 Boys team are short one traveling player for Zane Cup. The coach requested a U11 player be allowed to tryout for the team. The CTC decided that the player can tryout only if all U11 boys are also allowed to tryout. AYSA – Alexander reported that AYSA is looking at different online registration system because the previously approved one is not working well. US Youth Soccer has decided that runners up teams at Regional tournaments will play in a Director’s Cup tournament. The AYSA Board is trying to take a hard line on state comp team policies and is resisting granting waivers for most cases. The AYSA is encouraging more coaches in Alaska to get their A license. In that regard they are fronting Matt Dusenberry $1,000 for work he will do later as help toward getting his A. There is difficulty recruiting young referees for soccer in Alaska because of poor and hostile behavior of fans and coaches. Most young people don’t want to deal with the hostile game environments. Old Business Whitehorse review – Peter reported a successful tournament although there were a few games that did not have referees. Some young referees were traveling with the HS teams and so weren’t in town. Referee cost for the tournament was $585. Not all girls’ teams who traveled have reimbursed the club for travel costs yet. The fieldhouse has been booked for the first weekend in April next year. We will need to insist on that date when scheduling with Whitehorse next winter. Summer tournament/camp and 6v6 needs – Peter said that the 6v6 tournament is scheduled for May 29-31. It will be free, open to all, and informal with teams made up on the spot from players who show up. Teams will be reshuffled after every game. Peter will try to get T-shirts ordered if we can get GCI and others to sponsor. Matt has about 6 teams from Whitehorse and maybe Ketchikan lined up for a summer tournament the first weekend in June. The club will try to get corporate support for this to pay referees. Referee cost is estimated at $1,000. New business Sponsoring CCSL girls team – John Newell requested the club sponsor a girls’ team in the summer adult league. The club ended support of CCSL teams a couple of years ago to address a budget shortfall. After discussion over possible club liability for injuries and also giving equal support to a boys’ team if asked, the board approved a $200 donation to help with a girls’ team registration fee and an equal JSC Board meeting minutes 5/5/08 amount if a boys’ team requests support. However neither team can use the JSC name as it is not an official club team. HS refund policy – Several HS players have quit the program and a few have inquired about refunds of club membership and participation fees. The board discussed what timing and circumstances would be appropriate for granting refunds. Nick will write up a refund policy for the board to consider next meeting. School district contract – The school district has asked us to renew/approve the club contract with them for HS soccer for next year. However, the board decided that a contract for the 2008-09 school year is bound to be different than this year and we cannot negotiate a contract until we know what funding the district is prepared to give to soccer. Form club restructuring subcommittee – Tom P. suggested the board set up a subcommittee to look at ways to restructure the club budget so that HS and Development/Comp team programs are separate. Tom R. said that because the Goal Keepers Club is taking over management of the HS program it should be the one to figure out the HS fees, budget, and fundraising needs. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that the GKC with Tom R. and Peter would come up with a HS program budget, and other board members – Tom P., Nick and others – would work out what the Developmental/Comp budget and fee structure would look like. Once the 2 groups have developed some scenarios, we will send them out to the general membership for feedback. Other Reports/Business – No time was available for other reports or business Meeting was adjourned at 9 pm. Major actions or decisions • The club will donate $200 each to one girls and one boys team of club members that want to join the CCSL adult league. The teams may not use the JSC name however. • The GKC will take on restructuring of the HS program budget and a separate group will work out a budget for the developmental/comp team program over the early summer months. 2 Juneau Soccer Club Minutes of Board Meeting April 7, 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Dzantiki Heeni Middle School Library Call to Order: Tom at 6:30. All members present with the exception of Dave Newton. Members of the public present were Christy Odum, Amy Skilbred and Sue Gullufsen Approval of agenda Approval of March 3, 2008 minutes Public comment/guest presentations: Christy Odum brought up the question corporate sponsorship. A local Doctor would like to sponsor the Gale Force team. Details will be discussed further on this issue and we will outline what he can and cannot sponsor. A $125.00 limited membership is sought by a Gale Force player in addition to granting her the $200.00 Scholarship. Motion was passed unanimously. Treasurer’s Report – At this point in time, Nick calculates that we are approximately $5000.00 to the good based on the revised budget due to lower than expected HS travel costs. New business In-kind donations for ads – The board discussed at length whether it was acceptable for club members to receive ad credit for in-kind donations in lieu of cash payment for ads. The board passed a motion to only accept in-kind donations for ads for on-budget items starting fiscal year 2009. In-kind donations require documentation showing the value/savings the club receives beyond any normal discounts available to it. Uses for AML and Princess Cruise Lines corporate donations: Some board members objected to the collection of corporate donations in connection with HS ad sales where the donations are solicited for a purpose not first agreed to by the board. After a lengthy discussion, the board voted to use corporate donations from AML ($400) and Princess Cruise Lines ($750) for HS boys’ and girls’ teams off-the-books travel if the teams’ fundraising for those trips came up short. Old Business Whitehorse – Planning for upcoming tournament was discussed with a suggestion that tournament should be shifted to June in the future. Fundraising Programs status Raffle – Raffle tickets need to be turned in. Drawing is April 19. Ad and HS game program – Program is at printer. Approx. 10 unsold “extra” ads were passed out at the last minute to HS team members to sell for team travel. Summer tournament/camp update – Matt said 4 out-of-town boys teams and 1 girls team were already lined up for a summer tournament in early June. Reports Director of Coaching Report – Matt: Tryouts are scheduled for April 20th 26th and 27th. Skills attendance is up as well as Goal Keeping. Coaches meeting last week went well. Yukon has a new DOC and there is talk of not only coming to our tourney in June but possibly adding another tourney. Matt is working on having speed/agility/quickness camp in late June. No time was available for additional reports or business. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting February 8, 2008 Glacier Valley Elementary Library 6:30 – 9:00 pm The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by Tom Paul. Other members present: Glenn Walton, Peter Ord, Tom Rutecki, Jean Mischel, and Nick Lyons. Others present: Matt Dusenberry, DOC, Kayla Walton, HS player The minutes from January were approved with the caveat that information may be added as detail as needed by amendment. Old Business Fundraising Programs status Raffle planning – Peter: Alaska Airlines rejected donation request as in years past, stating that soccer commitment will be limited to AYSA tickets (10) each year, used for referees. Has commitment from 9 other businesses as donations, the largest being Taku Glacier Lodge. Suggested options include a cash prize, to be determined at budget meeting later this month. Plan to include Zipline prizes as well, possibly as player incentives. Scheduled to start late February, drawing to be held on the field at spring fever. Ad Sales/Goal Cards – Tom P: Ad sales on schedule with few complaints or errors. New ads now up. Many more players participating this year, as was intended by policy change. Goal cards were distributed in December and January. Tom to coordinate money returns by the end of February. Will send out notices to team contacts. Pull Tabs – Nick: Vendor clarified that JSC permit not in rotation at outlets yet. Expect revenue stream to start in third or fourth quarter. Budget review meeting date Feb. 23 – reminder/location: Rescheduled to Sunday, Feb. 24 @ Nick's house, 4 - 6 p.m. YAB grant proposal – needs: Committees need to bring budget requests to budget meeting. Application is due March 3rd. Tom R. suggested continuing request for state cup travel. AYSA Background checks – coaches, mgrs.,chaperones: Tom P. reported that AYSA policy has little flexibility. Will be checking for these at state this year for coaches and managers. Matt and Jean to work out procedure and notification. Teams to make up cost of $7 each. Consider more direct check through Matt's membership for chaperone's at $1.75 each. Must be done every three years. Whitehorse – status/planning needs: Peter reported that dates have been confirmed for April 11- 13 with girls traveling. Carlene Nore to organize flights. Each team to coordinate housing. Matt noted that three age groups available from Juneau only although U13 and U15 girls' teams could create several teams of 8 on a roster. Board did not object to U11 girls being asked to travel with six registered U12 girls at the coaches' and parents' discretion. Some discussion was held about the possibility of a U16 Boys' team participating with Moctar coaching since Whitehorse intends to send those boys here. JSC Board minutes February 8, 2008 New business Uniform orders proposal – Matt: (1) Comp. teams. Matt is intending to take inventory and to pass down jerseys each year, rather than every-other-year. Carl Ferlauto volunteered to help coordinate. Plan is to purchase white jerseys for all teams to the extent funding is allowed, combining all comp. team uniform money and to purchase two goal keeper jerseys for each traveling team. Entire sets will be posted on web site for personal purchases. Teams will be encouraged to place orders for shorts and socks as bulk order with JSC jerseys. No names will be allowed. U12 teams will receive U13 uniforms each year. Jean noted that all of this, with the exception of U12's getting passed down jerseys, is consistent with CTC goals of standardizing club uniforms over the past three years. The board thanked Matt and gave approval for his plan, including direct purchase with mileage credit this year as well as encouragement to have Play it Again Sports stock shorts and socks locally. (2) H.S. The HS teams have not had new uniforms in at least two years due to an oversight in the grant request. No one knew whether the girls' or the boys' teams had last purchase, or the inventory of uniforms currently available. In years past, those teams alternated year to year. Peter to clarify h.s. need and get back to the board. Tom P. stressed the desire to have like uniforms for all boys, regardless of travel status to avoid 'class distinctions' and psychological effect of attending games without a uniform. Glenn noted that both boys and girls have had to trade jerseys and shorts on the field. Jean moved and Peter seconded to transfer $2,500 from the development program for equipment to HS uniforms, divided equally or as need dictated. Peter to request more information on quantity and cost for budget meeting if funding is insufficient for both teams' needs. HS uniforms are to be included in grant request in future years. Summer tournament/camp – Matt: Working with comp. team coaches, a summer jamboree is planned for southeast and other teams to play here in Juneau in early June. AYSA o.k.'d without adherence to USSYFL tournament rules if not structured as a traditional tournament. Format will be outdoor, 8v.8 or smaller sided games, along with skill clinics. Price estimated at $75-100 per player which will cover all costs. Each coach to recruit at least one team. Housing to be provided by Juneau families. Jean nominated Marty to act as board liaison in support of the event. Trades Unions may sponsor event – Glenn: The six union group will place one full page ad again this year but requested sponsorship for next and future years instead. Would like to coordinate an opening event of the new Dimond Field House. Glenn working with Reed Stoops to coordinate this event which could be combined with the summer jamboree or act as our JSC season start. Commitment is $3,000. Glenn to follow up and report back to the board on more details. Meet with Frank T. at ODP time? The board expressed interest in meeting with Frank at lunch again this year. Proposed Friday, February 22nd. Matt to talk to Frank and get back to us. 2 JSC Board minutes February 8, 2008 Reports Treasurer’s Report – Nick: Nick deferred his report to Feb. 24 meeting. Recruitment/registration status – Nick: A printout of current registrations showed low numbers coming into the club at younger age groups. To be discussed more at Feb. 24 meeting. Non-agenda proposal to transfer stipend money from girls' HS team to boys'-Tom P. presented a request from Gary that approximately $1000 be shifted to boys' team to offset $3,500-4,000 offered to bring Mead H.S. from Spokane here for J.V. competition for boys' team only. Tom thought that would give more boys competitive play since we had high numbers this year. Tom R. suggested conditioning the transfer on non-varsity field time although Jean questioned our ability to make those decisions for coaches. Parent complaint in years past was that all players paid same fees regardless of travel and outside competition opportunity. Jean asked about girls' response and Tom P. said he hadn't heard from Sandi yet but that he was told that the girls' team failed to recruit a team for travel here. Jean and Glenn expressed concern that the stipend had been transferred in past years to other uses and that we need to look at problems with recruiting teams and try to address that first. Nick asked about availability of the money at all given the registration picture but generally did not have a problem transferring the money if the girls' team would not use it and if the money were available. All agreed that more information was needed and the the discussion would be tabled for Feb. 24 budget meeting. Tom R. agreed to get in touch with Sandi about this request.* *An e-mail was sent the following day stating that Sandi was still recruiting teams and would get back to the board by March 1. The meeting was adjourned at 9 pm. and the remaining agenda items were tabled for the next meeting. HS schedule – Tom P. and Tom R. reported on girls' team schedule as currently proposed. Board noted conflict for both boys and girls' teams Ketchikan games in Juneau with Whitehorse tournament. The boys' schedule was not otherwise discussed. Major actions taken: Unanimously approved • $2,500 transferred from Development Program to H.S. for uniform purchase based on priority need. • Matt's pass back and travel jersey proposal along with standardized socks and shorts approved for comp. teams. 3 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting January 7, 2008 Floyd Dryden Library 6:30 – 9:00 pm Call to Order Tom P. called to order @ 6:40 All board members present Approval of agenda— Approved Approval of December 3, 2007 minutes – Approved Public comment/guest presentations – None Old business Ad sales next steps: Tom Paul generously appointed himself as the parent for the younger players to get our new plan up and running. Revised ad forms to fix dates, new packets of all existing ads and packets with new forms and policy. Proposing dates: new ads can sell starting Jan. 24th. Kids with existing ads need to have their sales at least contacted by the 26th of Jan. Tom raised the question, should a player be able to fundraise if the player isn’t registered? The general consensus is to require they be before they can pick up an ad packet. Raffle planning status: Peter is hoping to have 8-10 prizes within the next two weeks. Tickets for sale by Feb 10th and drawing by mid April. Sales complete by early April. More discussion at next meeting. Scholarships-update on quicker approval: Discussion of how to raise awareness and if we need to help them register. There are 6 families applying right now. Goal Cards sales competition idea-update: This idea to be brought up next year. Calendar sales final report: Purchased 2075 calendars New Business Change of meeting nite to Thursday evenings to allow pending a discussion with Matt. Whitehorse-status: Looks like the weekend of April 11th-13th. Dave will try to reserve gym time. Budget review meeting date: Feb 23 Sat. 3:00-5:00 Possibly at Jean’s home YAB grant proposal: Add additional funding proposal for more 6v6 and more 1st aide. Committee meetings to meet before next month. Equipment/Uniform purchases with Play-it-Again sports: Board was in favor. Reports AYSA: Alex Hoke reporting. ODP and Club Coaches, managers and AYSA Staff to undergo background checks at a cost of $7 each. This would be a 3 year cycle. A motion by Nick for JSC to pay the fees. No date as of yet to implement this program but they are motivated to get this done soon. Travel application’s new process via email for $25 and hard copy fee of $30. Treasurer’s Report: Calendar sales were a success. OneCause: Is up and running on the website. Competitive Team Committee Recruitment/registration status Scheduler/Field use-January-March schedule update: Several Saturdays are available and Dave will redo the schedules to swap some of the teams Sunday practices. Goal Keepers Club booster committee HS home games and travel planning status Summer Tournament: Matt inquiring about how much support would there be from the board for a June Invitational Tourney. Most everyone agreed that there would be support. Other Reports Director of Coaching Report The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm . JSC Board minutes January 7, 2008 2 Major board actions: • Budget review meeting 02/23/2008 3:00-5:00 tentatively at Jean Mischel’s house. • Support of Summer Tourney • Formulating the new ad sales policy Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting December 03, 2007 D’zantiki Heeni Middle School Library 7:00 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Tom Paul called to order at 7:00pm Board members present: Tom Paul, Nick Lyons, Tom Rutecki, Peter Ord, Jean Mishel, Glenn Walton, Margaret Tharp and Marty McKeown Others present: Myiia Whistler and Alex Hoke Approval of agenda Approval of November 5, 2007 minutes – Approved! Public comment/guest presentations – None Old business Meeting on combining with Parks and Rec: Tom Rutecki addressed his ideas as a general idea of a few benefits of having access to all the kids interested in playing soccer. Talks of costs to administer taking over the Rec program. The board agreed to have Tom R., Nick, and Matt to meet with Myiia Whistler of CBJ to come up with possible options for JSC and P&R soccer programs to work more closely together. Ad sales next step: Suggestion made to appoint an apprentice to learn the process for next year, as the parents running it now are parents of Seniors. Tom R. to call a meeting of a nine member Goal Keeper’s Committee to figure this procedure out. Peter will check with Amy and Kate and find out how far along they are. There are thoughts that the kids could use some sales training. New business Raffle planning: Peter agreed to take the lead. John Heifitz, a parent of the Rapids, requested reimbursement for airfare for their coach, Matt Dusenberry, to travel to the State tourney. They feel that he would need to be going anyway in his role as DOC. During a lengthy discussion, Tom Paul pointed out that the DOC contract provides a $500 stipend for expenses to the state cup. Matt agreed that car rental and airfare will more than likely not be more than $500.00. The Board requires designated chaperones for travel, however the expenses incurred for chaperones are paid for by various methods. Each team needs to decide how they would like to address this. The Board is unaware of any teams that have covered airfare, lodging and food for chaperones. The Board will put together a list of guidelines and examples of how club teams have handled travel costs and organization over the years. Holiday Cup sweatshirt costs: Jean Mishel put forth a motion for the club to pay for the sweatshirts, to be the tournament. Approximately a $1000.00 is needed and in years past the girls High School team has been successful in repaying this debt. Motion passed. Goal Cards sales competition idea: Peter and Nick will look into drumming up some items as prizes to reward individual players for exceptional sales! Scholarships: Noel Shima Foundation: We need to speed up Scholarship approvals. Jean offered to talk to Noel about this. The board approved a motion that foreign exchange students need to follow the same guidelines as everyone else in applying for club scholarships. One Cause fundraiser: The board agreed to add a “One Cause” banner to the website. Similar to the Eurosport portal, this will kickback a percentage of any online purchase to the club and purchaser if the buyer goes through the JSC website in making a purchase. Nick will work on this. Reports AYSA Report: Given by Alex Hoke. Proposed the possibility of $6.50 fee per coach to perform a background check. This will be brought up in future discussions, many members were in favor and asked Alex to pursue the issue. Some discussion on players (high school) from South coming up for the summer JSC Board minutes December 3, 2007 2 and joining clubs without being authorized by our statewide association. Board opinion is this is a nonissue in our club. No other reports were given due to lack of time. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm. . Major board actions • A subcommittee of the board will meet with CBJ Parks and Rec to look at ways to coordinate better and possibly merge some functions. • Agreed to a motion to require foreign exchange students to apply for scholarships like other players. • Agreed that doing background checks of club coaches is a good policy and will pursue ways to do this. Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting November 5, 2007 D'zantiki Heeni Middle School Library 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by chair Tom Paul. Board members present were: Margaret Tharp, Peter Ord, Glenn Walton, Nick Lyons, Jean Mischel, Dave Newton, and Tom Rutecki. Board member absent: Marty McKeown. Others present: Alexander Hoke, AYSA rep., Myiia Whistler, Juneau Parks and Recreation; Matt Dusenberry, JSC Director of Coaching; Kirsten Jorgensen, player. Agenda Approval: Two items were added as reports: AYSA and Scholarships. Approval of October 1, 2007 minutes: approved unanimously. Reports Crab Feed--Margaret reported an estimated $4,900 income to date and $3,200 in costs. Additional income may be outstanding and will be collected from teams by Margaret. Tickets printed were: 400 adult, 200 kids, and 800 live crab. Peter reported good sales of live crab with approximately 100 remaining, All felt that the event was an excellent JSC social and could be either expanded to a larger venue and/or used primarily as a JSC gathering. Gerry Donohoe did all food ordering and cooking other than crab fishing. Some left over food was sold. Nick expressed concern about handling of money by one member (himself) and would like added security measures next year. All feedback from participants was very enthusiastic and this could be made an annual or semi-annual event with more volunteer help and advertising. Litter pick up--Peter coordinated this with his son and reported that more money could be made with a little additional push for volunteers. Easy half day commitment. May need to move it up for weather. He estimated approximately $900 in money raised. Goal cards--Tom reported that artwork was at AK Litho; Marty got all necessary business commitments. Will be printed in red and black, JSC colors. Estimated cost for 3000 cards is $1,200 which is $200 over budget that will require cost recoupment from proceeds. Will sell for $10 each and be distributed to teams around Thanksgiving week. Treasurers' report--Nick presented October's statement that showed JSC membership down by 8 players overall as compared to this time last year, with h.s. players slightly higher than last year. Nick will send out rosters to coaches and managers and ask for help getting kids registered who are currently practicing. Margaret requested that a cost per M.S., Elem., and HS player be broken down for available JSC programs. Nick is reorganizing the balance sheets to more clearly show expenses and income. He expressed concern that "off budget" expenditures were in fact being paid from JSC funds such as ad sales proceeds. Last year, JSC spent $8,000 on outside high school travel not shown on our budget. That, he said, was the exact amount of our budget shortfall last year. Nick also proposed that the budget show all up front costs for expenditures and that we approve policies to recoup those costs before individuals apply to membership and travel costs. JSC runs money through its budget for non-JSC income and expenses such as the high JSC Board November 5, 2007 minutes school travel down south with JSC paying those costs up front and being reimbursed by later fund raising. Nick discussed with Gary Lehnhart those travel costs and all h.s. ticket purchasing to improve our procedures, save money, and reserve air miles. Gary will continue this year to use his own bankcard and to use a travel agent for outside trips (at a cost saving of $200 per ticket). Gary will not use a travel agent for in state travel since the cost savings no longer justifies those fees. A JSC credit card has been approved with 10,000 mileage credit for an initial limit of $2,500 and that will be used to purchase some tickets on a business line from Alaska Airlines (limited to 7 each reservation). Nick has also opened a money market account at 4.9% interest for our reserves. Nick added an Alaska Airlines affiliate option on the JSC website that provides $2 per ticket purchased and all teams will be encouraged to use. Tom Paul succeeded in getting a pull tab contractor to accept JSC as a client for the coming year. Final paperwork still needs to be done. No estimates yet of monthly income which should start in calendar year 2008. Jean reminded the board that money was prioritized for spending on scholarships, high school, and other needs at a previous board meeting. Competitive team committee--Jean reported that equipment purchases and team recruitment needs were recently discussed. Matt has purchased futsals for training as well as additional speed and agility equipment using YAB funds. The board agreed to categorize futsals as 'game balls' for budget purposes since they will be used in small sided games and since we have some left over game balls from last season. Myiia indicated that as long as money is used for equipment, YAB money can also be transferred among categories, with YAB approval. Jean also asked about whether remaining 07 indoor balls purchased for fund raising could be used by comp. teams and there was no objection. The numbers for U12's and for U14G are very low. Some general discussion took place about combining teams and/or practices with no resolution. Jean also reported that the U15G coach petitioned for an age waiver for the goal keeper. Scheduler-field use--Dave reported that he published the Nov.-Dec. schedule and that we were maxed out on indoor space alloted by community schools. Myiia said that she may be releasing some MD time soon. Jean expressed Matt's concern that AB was too small for high school skills since we had excellent numbers there. Dave also asked for any suggestions regarding the U15G request for two hour practices and there was no recommendation since the gyms are full. High school committee--Tom reported that he held his first meeting with general agreement on the structure of a booster club to support high school teams. He needs two freshman reps--one for boys and one for girls as well as a senior girls rep. He will hold another meeting soon to discuss h.s. fund raising. The two high school issue has been discussed at the JDHS site council and at an ad hok booster club group organized by Amy Skilbred. Both groups have voted to recommend that no ASAA activities be included at TMHS in the first year, including student votes, to allow for students to choose a school based upon academics and to allow sports groups to work out budgets and income sources for two full programs. Students would all participate in sports for JDHS. AYSA--Alex reported that a meeting is scheduled for Nov. 11. Board members generally agreed that Alex should express concern about the tie breaking method of counting up goals scored since that discouraged second string play and unsportsmanlike competition. Board members also asked to resubmit our request for consolation games at state. 2 JSC Board November 5, 2007 minutes New Business Ad sales--Tom P. and Nick presented an overview of current sales and use of funds as well as a proposal to cap ad sales for individuals to allow for greater participation. Nick prepared graphs showing the majority of players sell $500 or less in ads and that only eight families sold more than $1,000. Some of the money earned over participation fees was directed at off-budget expenditures for team travel. Kirsten Jorgensen stated that the money may not otherwise be earned and that the money earned over a players' fees was either used for siblings or, in her case, distributed to the h.s. girls' team as a whole so that individuals did not unfairly benefit. Glenn stated that his daughter would not be able to play soccer and travel outside without high earnings. Kirsten pointed out that attempts at redistributing 'senior ads' from last year were generally unsuccessful since those students receiving ads did not try hard to sell them. She said that the captains had to step in to earn that money that would otherwise be lost. Tom P. stated that the money, if unearned, is not a loss to the club only to the individual who failed to sell the ad. Kirsten said that the outside trip would not have happened without the added revenue. A written proposal was reviewed that would have, among other things, allow ad sales proceeds to be used for high school related expenses and not be passed to sibling or to competitive team travel accounts. The goal is to work toward equitable distribution of ads for sales by high school players to support JSC high school expenses and player participation fees only within one year. A cap of $660 would apply to ad sales to allow players to pay for hs participation and membership. No decision was made due to a lack of time and it was generally agreed to meet within one week to finalize a policy. Calendar Sales--Jean will coordinate but needs help. She will send out notices. Director of Coaching Report--Matt was unavailable until late in the meeting due to a conflict with skills clinics. He expressed concern about the low numbers of players in the U12 group and asked for additional recruiting including advertising. Jean pointed out that the notices to P&R teams went out last month with information that stated no deadline applied. Matt said that he had two additional U11 players sign up in response. Matt will hold a coaches' meeting this Saturday. Matt would like to discuss coach training needs when time allows. Parks and Recreation--Myiia stated that her boss asked her to develop a plan for combining programs but she lacked information. Tom R. stated that he met with Matsil to discuss but no details were discussed. The item was postponed due to lack of time. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm. 3 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting October 1, 2007 D’zantiki Heeni Middle School Library 7:00 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Chair Jean Mischel called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Tom Paul, Jean Mischel, Nick Lyons, Margaret Tharp, Marty McKeown, David Newton and Tom Rutecki . Missing were Peter Ord and Glenn Walton. Others in attendance were: Director of Coaching Matt Dusenberry Election of board officers: Tom Paul, Chair Jean Mischel, Vice-chair Nick Lyons, Treasurer Marty McKeown, Secretary Approval of September 13, 2007 minutes – Approved Public comment/guest presentations – None New Business Board committee assignments and other needs – Fundraising Committee: Nick, Marty, Peter, and Margaret. Communications Committee: Nick, Margaret, Tom Paul, and Christina Starzinsky Development Committee: Dave, Marty, Matt Dusenberry, and possibly Peter. Competitive Team Committee: Jean (chair), Tom Rutecki, Nick, Glenn, Matt Dusenberry High School Committee: Tom Rutecki, Dave, Margaret, Cathy Connor and Amy Skilbred Annual calendar – Nick will circulate to board by email to finalize then post on web Goal Cards organization – Committee formed: Marty, Jean, and Tom Paul. Goal right now is to get the cards ordered and here before the new year! Jean is going to get the information from Chris Francis in regards to corporate sponsorships and amount of cards to order. Old business New season activities and assignments – Crab feed – Margaret, Glenn, Marty and Peter committee. Margaret was on top of facility and tickets. Gerry Donohoe and Margaret were figuring out cost per meal and getting food ordered along with Peter who was taking care of the crab. Reports Director of Coaching Report – Matt Dusenberry reported on his proposed schedule and the first Skills and ATP sessions. Two high schools meeting – Nick Lyons handed out a draft outline with questions regarding where our funds went. Nick had a breakdown and was going to present later in the week at a two high schools meeting. Competitive Team Committee – All comp teams have coaches approved for the season. Other Reports Did not have time for other reports The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm . Major board actions: • Elected officers and made committee assignments Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting October 7, 2008 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. DZ Library Call to Order: Tom Paul called meeting to order at 6:45. Tom Paul, Christy Odum, Margaret Tharp, Matt Dusenberry, Marty McKeown, Jean Mischel and Nick Lyons. Approval of agenda: Approved Election of board officers: Chair of the Board, Tom Paul was elected unanimously. Jean Mischel was unanimously elected as Vice Chair. Nick Lyons elected as Treasurer. Marty McKeown as Secretary. Approval of Sept. 8, 2008 minutes: Approved previously at the AGM. Public comment/guest presentations: John Thurston came to observe, possibly interested in being on the Board in the future. Reports Director of Coaching: Friday 17th 7:30 to 9:00 Northstar College Seminar, the Saturday 18th 12:00-2:00 SAQ Seminar training/planning session at Marie Drake. $20 fee, anything above and beyond covering their travel costs will be a fundraiser to JSC. Coaches are placed for all teams. We may need a U13 girls coach depending on turnout. U15 Girls needed to complete that team as well. Jambaars maybe in need of a coach if they decide to stay together. Early planning is recommended for all teams planning on going to State Cup in Kenai because of costs being higher for this area. Competitive Team Committee: The CTC is looking into a different coaching plan or potential plan. Possibly bringing in specialized coaches from time to time to help offer a different perspective. Coaching gear needs to be self-policed in storage shed and shared. Treasurer: The High School contract is in and the new thing was that there are scholarships available this year. Year end financial report shows that we are roughly $2,300.00 to the good. Our pull tab game has been put into play and we should expect some income to be coming in the 4th quarter. AYSA annual meeting: No report New season kickoff review: Wed/Sunday Opening Kick Off went very well. We set up a table and had Board Members there taking registrations and answering questions. There was a very good turn out and a lot of interest…with many new players joining the club. A success to say the least. New business Board committee assignments and other needs: CTC: Jean Mischel Chair, Tom Rutecki, Christy Odum, Nick Lyons, Matt Dusenberry Fundraising: Marty McKeown Chair, Margaret Tharp, Tom Paul, Nick Lyons, Glenn Walton, Bob Janes (offered to help) Development: Christy Odum Chair, Marty McKeown, Matt Dusenberry Communications: Tom Paul Chair, Margaret Tharp Annual calendar - New season activities and assignments Litter pickup: Jana Mayer volunteered to help coordinate, Christy will talk to her and help her get going. Club Social: Margaret and Christy will look into organize this. Old business Goal Cards fundraiser status: Marty is working on this and should have these ordered by 10/20/08. Other business There was a discussion of Moctar Diouf's proposed academy. Jean and Matt will explore his idea with him further. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm Major actions: 1) Board officers were elected 2) Committee assignments were made Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting September 13, 2007 D’zantiki Heeni Middle School Library 6:30 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Chair Jamie Waste called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. Board members present were Margaret Tharp, Peter Ord, Nick Lyons, Tom Lawson, Tom Paul, Amy Skilbred, Glenn Walton, Jean Mischel, and Jamie Waste. Others in attendance were: Director of Coaching Colin Barton and Matt Dusenberry Approval of July 2, 2007 minutes – Approved Public comment/guest presentations – None Reports Treasurer’s Report – Deferred to budget discussion Director of Coaching Report – Colin reported on the Zane and State Cup tournaments. The U12 boys and girls teams went to Zane and the girls reached the semi-finals. Five boys teams and only 2 girls teams attended state. Only the U15 Jambaars reached the semi-finals but several other teams came very close. Generally, the teams that did the best had the biggest rosters. The board should protest the “most goals scored” method used at the tournament to determine which team advances when point totals are the same. It caused dominant teams to run up the score and keep first string players in as long as possible. “It is not soccer.” The Kenai fields were excellent and the Kenai club were good hosts. The board asked Tom Paul to send a letter to the Kenai club thanking them for a good tournament. Competitive Team Committee – Jean reported on the recent CTC meeting. The CTC approved six team coaching applications received to date. Two were submitted by Matt Dusenberry. Approval of Matt’s applications was contingent on changing the coaching policy to allow the Director of Coaching to coach competitive teams. The CTC also: - approved the Katie Tarver “playing up” petition at that time. - reviewed a coaching letter drafted by Matt that we expected to go to all coaches upon approval. Jean reported that we expect to have all coaching spots filled by the end of the month and Matt is recruiting assistant coaches. She also noted we need a new scheduler since Tom Lawson is not able to continue doing that. Old business Annual membership meeting – The AGM is scheduled for Sunday September 23, 4-6 pm at the DZ library. Approval of the FY 2008 budget and election of new board members will be the main agenda items. Amy will present the budget and explain it. Tom Paul will be responsible for printing the ballots and running the election. Five board seats are up for re-election. Jamie, Amy, and Tom L. will not run again. Jean and Margaret will run. The board brainstormed possible candidates for the new board and collectively agreed to continue to seek willing candidates. New season activities and assignments – Jamie and Margaret will do the publicity for the new season startup October 1. We agreed to try to get an ad on one of the movie screens in town as well as the newspaper. Nick will handle updating of website documents including a new registration form. Peter has scheduled the fall Litter Free cleanup fund raiser for October 13, 11-1 pm. Matt has talked to MS coaches and teams about soccer club. Tom Lawson reported that he has booked gyms for the whole indoor season through December. Managers, coaches, board members and the registrar should be at practices the first 2 weekends of the season to help with questions and registration. The board decided to add the U10 age group to its development program for the season and asked the CTC and the new DOC to work out the specifics. 6 v 6 – The tournament is scheduled for Sundays Sept. 16 and 26 at Adair-K for elementary and middle school and downtown turf field for HS. It will be an informal event with teams chosen on the spot. Volunteers are needed. Both middle school coaches are supportive and talking it up and Myiia Whistler at Parks and Rec sent out an email announcement for it to all those registered for P&R teams. JSC Board minutes September 13, 2007 2 Crab feed – Peter reported that the Tlingit-Haida hall at Salmon Creek has been reserved for Oct 20 for a “Juneau Soccer Club Community Crab Feed” to serve as a big event fund raiser for the club. A committee to plan the event needs to be assembled. Margaret, Tom P., and Glenn volunteered for the committee. New business Policy for coaching more than one team – Matt D. would like to coach 2 competitive teams this season. Current board policies discourage coaching more than one team and also prohibit the Director of Coaching from coaching a competitive team. After a discussion of the best approach to resolve the issue, the board voted to clarify the wording on the 2 team policy in Section 5.7.1 of the club policies to allow coaching 2 teams if the CTC finds there is no disadvantage to either team. In addition, the board voted to delete the prohibition on the DOC coaching competitive teams from Section 5.2 of the club policies. CBJ/P&R Adair spring access – Jamie and Tom P. reported on their recent meeting with city Parks and Recreation staff about the earliest time in the spring we can count on access to the Adair-Kennedy turf field for HS home games. We asked that P&R make the commitment have the field in game condition, snow-free, by April 1 each year because of the difficulty of getting other teams to come to Juneau in May. P&R said they could not guarantee that and do not want to because seasonal staff do not come on until mid-April and the overtime costs of $12,000 it paid last year to clear the field are prohibitively high. We discussed some options at the meeting but came to no final agreement. P&R will send a policy out soon to field users. We will try to schedule home soccer games after May 1 but whether successful or not will contact P&R with booked dates as soon as possible. We also agreed to hold joint meeting to discuss field condition each March 10 at the beginning of the HS soccer season. Registrar replacement – Paul Bertholl will not be continuing as club registrar. Tom P. agreed to search for a replacement. Board members suggested names of possible candidates. Other Reports No other reports 07/08 budget discussion The board had a lengthy discussion of the proposed budget and after making some adjustments, approved an approximately $165,430 annual budget. Because of apparent declining membership in middle school and elementary ages and expected cost increases in high school travel and indoor field time when the Dimond Park field house opens in 2008, the budget will require a fees increase to the fundraising portion of members’ fees and an increase in the family fees ceiling. In addition, the proceeds from the upcoming Crab Feed fundraiser will be used to offset some of the FY07 budget deficit of about $7,000. The board collectively recognized the need to increase fundraising efforts especially with regard to corporate donations and will focus on improved fund raising during the coming year. Miscellaneous Departing board members were recognized and thanked by all for their excellent service to the club in their roles on the board – Jamie Waste for his service as board chair, Amy Skilbred for establishing order and reorganizing the club finances as treasurer, Tom Lawson for serving in the time-consuming role of club scheduler. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm. Major board actions: • Decided to add the U10 age group to the development program. • Changed club policies to allow the DOC to coach competitive teams and to coach more than one comp team if the CTC determines that neither team will be disadvantaged. • Approved a proposed budget that includes fee increases to present to the membership at the Annual General Membership meeting. Juneau Soccer Club Annual General Membership Meeting Minutes September 23, 2007 D’zantiki Heeni Middle School Library 4:00 – 6:00 pm Call to Order Chair Jamie Waste called the meeting to order at 4:05. Board members present were: Tom Paul, Nick Lyons, Peter Ord, Margaret Tharp, Tom Lawson, Jean Mischel, Amy Skilbred, and Jamie Waste. Reports Board Chair – Jamie reviewed highlights of the year from his perspective. They included: 250 kids in the club; finding a successor for Colin Barton as DoC; improving the website; getting lower 48 trip for the HS girls’ team; training for 11 coaches and CPR training for 9 coaches and managers. Treasurer – Amy reviewed the FY2007 budget and reported we have a deficit of $7,747. The club will hold a crab feed/social event in November to make up $4,000 the deficit. The rest will be covered by club savings. Savings total approximately $46,000. Director of Coaching – Colin Barton thanked the board for the opportunity to serve for the past 10 years and praised his successor, Matt Dusenberry, as an excellent choice for Director of Coaching. The board presented Colin a small gift and he was enthusiastically applauded by all. AYSA President – Joe Ver gave a report on statewide soccer news. Dimond Field House – Reed Stoops reported on progress of the new indoor facility. The hoped for completion date is February 2008. It will have a 100x200 foot turf field, batting cages, and a suspended 3-lane, 200 yard track. The schedule will start with each sport, soccer, baseball, and softball having the facility for 2 nights and 1 weekend day a week. Fridays will be a mixture. Estimated costs will be $50/hour. It will be open Sept.-May and closed during the summer except for clinics to save money. The facility board will seek corporate sponsors.Fundraising committee – There was a lengthy discussion on future fundraising challenges and strategies, particularly with regard to the coming 2nd high school. Besides Reed who is chair, JSC has 3 members on the field house board, Tom Lawson, Alex Hoke, and Kurt West. Two high schools – Tom Paul and Amy reported on the current school district planning status for how activities and athletics will be handled with 2 high schools. FY08 Operating budget presentation and vote Amy went over the proposed budget in detail for membership approval. In order to balance the budget in the coming year a fee increase of $25 per member is needed as well as a $50 increase in high school participation fees. There were several questions from the floor. The budget was approved by the membership. Election for open Board of Directors seats (5 vacancies) Jamie, Amy, and Tom Lawson are stepping down from the board. Jean Mischel and Margaret Tharp are standing for reelection. Three other candidates indicated interest in running for the board – David Newton, Marty McKeown and Tom Rutecki. All five candidates were approved by acclamation. Crab Feed Peter Ord described plans for the club Crab Feed and social planned for November 3 at the Tlingit-Haida hall at Salmon Creek. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED. Volunteer Opportunities Jean talked about the many volunteer opportunities and needs at the club and asked people to sign up for tasks. Carlene Nore has agreed to be the new club registrar. New DOC – Matt Dusenberry the incoming Director of Coaching spoke briefly about the coming year’s program and clinics. We will be opening the club to the U10 age group for the first time this year. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm. Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting July 2, 2007 Downtown Library Meeting Room 6:30 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Chair Jamie Waste called the meeting to order at 6:36 pm. Board members present were Margaret Tharp, Peter Ord, Tom Paul, Amy Skilbred, Glenn Walton, Jean Mischel, and Jamie Waste. Approval of June 4, 2007 minutes – Approved Public comment/guest presentations – None Reports Treasurer/Registrar – Several hundred dollars remain unspent in the 2007 YAB grant for the 6v6 tournament and equipment. They need to be spent before July 31. The YAB approved JSC’s request for contingency grant funds to help pay for the HS teams’ travel to the HS state tournament. The contingency grant totaled approximately $3,100. New business 2007 outdoor competitive season – Seven JSC teams will be going to the state tournament and 2 to Zane Cup. Alex Thibodeau was approved to take over coaching the U12B team this summer. It was suggested that we put profiles of older JSC players interested in college play on the website at the end of the competitive season to give them more exposure to college recruiters. New season: budget prep, AGM meeting date, board elections, season promotion, fall newsletter, Crab Feed fundraiser, fall 6v6 league. – We had a lengthy discussion about planning for the upcoming season. Meeting dates for budget preparation we set for August 23-24. Colin and Matt will be invited as well as Sandy and Gary to talk about the HS budget. The AGM meeting will be sometime in mid-Sept. with an email announcement sent to all members 2 weeks or more ahead of time. In regard to board elections, we discussed the pros and cons of 1)changing board terms to 3 years instead of 2 so that the turnover of board members is not so great each year, and 2) holding board elections in January in the middle of the season to assure experienced board members are functioning at the beginning of the season. Season promotion should start in mid Sept. or earlier. First call for fall newsletter articles should be in mid August. We discussed the value of the newsletter compared to the time it takes to put together. We decided to continue it as it does serve as a history and a chronicle of the JSC. Crab feed dates were tentatively set for the 3rd week of October. Club equipment use policy – We had a lengthy discussion about the use of JSC equipment and controlling access to the locked equipment shed at Adair-Kennedy field. Some equipment has recently gone missing and the shed has not been locked after some events or practice sessions. Several solutions were proposed such as frequent change of combinations, prohibiting out-of-town use of JSC equipment and notifying the board prior to use of equipment for non-JSC events. Jean offered to draft an equipment use policy for board consideration at a future meeting. Club fee structure – Several board members asked that we review the club fee structure, particularly for high school age players. Some parents of 9th grade boys are concerned that they are paying the same fees as varsity and JV players but not traveling. They question what they are getting for their added HS membership fees. Points made during the discussion: Splitting out travel from membership fees may free up money for other competitive teams’ programs but may result in prohibitive costs for HS players who do travel. Parents have also commented that the switch to emphasis on the HS program for older teens, often leaves players without a competitive soccer program for most of the year. Jamie urged board members to put together some concrete alternatives for fee structure changes for the August budget meetings. Other reports – No reports this meeting The meeting was adjourned at 8:59 pm. JSC Board minutes July 2, 2007 2 Major board actions: • Set budget meeting dates as August 23-24. • Approved Alex Thibodeau as new U12B coach for the summer Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting June 4, 2007 D’zantiki Heeni Library 6:30 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Chair Jamie Waste called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm. Board members present were Tom Lawson, Margaret Tharp, Peter Ord, Nick Lyons, Tom Paul, Amy Skilbred, and Jamie Waste. Others in attendance were: Colin Barton Director of Coaching, Alexander Hoke AYSA representative Approval of May 2, 2007 minutes – Approved Public comment/guest presentations – None Reports Treasurer/Registrar – Amy went through the current financial report (through May 31) provided by bookkeeper Vickie Williams. The current projection is that the club will be $10,000 in the red this season. Fundraising is below the budgeted estimated although the club has raised more this year than before. The primary shortfall is in corporate donations. Membership numbers are down in the lower ages but membership income is only $500 less than budget. The board discussed what to do about the shortfall. Two likely solutions were to make a renewed effort to raise corporate and business donations especially from “summer businesses”, and to hold a “Big Event” fundraiser in the fall. Peter suggested a crab feed for the big event. Board members were asked to commit to working on one or the other approach in the coming months. Director of Coaching – Preparations are going well for the competitive season. Speaking as a cocoach of the HS girls, Colin said this was an extremely successful season, perhaps the most successful of all. It included out-of-state travel for the girls for the first time where they found they could compete with anyone. An unfortunate aspect of the season was ACL injuries to 2 girls. On the other hand, more freshmen competed on the varsity than in the past and the JV team is strong. He described the season overall as “very, very pleasing.” AYSA – Alex Hoke reported on the latest AYSA teleconference. Most of the teleconference was taken up with discussion of the new U10 Comp Team policies. It appears some clubs in the state are eager to start U10 programs and want guidance. Alex described some of the features of the policy and asked if JSC had any feedback. As it is unlikely JSC will form U10 competitive teams the board has little to say at this time, although we did ask that the 100 mile limit on travel be dropped as arbitrary and unworkable for Southeast Alaska. In regard to consolation games at the state tournament, Alex reported the tournament committee is favorable to the idea, but holding consolation games depends on how many teams sign up for them. Board members suggested that if the tournament schedules consolation games, teams will sign up. Scheduler/Dimond Park Field House – Tom Lawson reported that there is nothing new since last meeting regarding the field house. All seems to be on schedule. He said scheduling for the downtown turf field is not easy because of summer staff reductions at the community schools office and accommodating all coaches’ requests for extra practice time. Other uses have scheduled the field Monday-Wednesday nights. The board directed him to schedule 3 90-minute practice sessions each Thursday and Friday evening (4:309:00) and make them available to competitive teams. Old business Tryouts: U13 girls – The U13 girls team has no coach and too few players to be functional. In order to give the 4 current U13 girls opportunity to practice and scrimmage, the board decided after a lengthy discussion to combine the U13 and U14 girls’ teams for the balance of the season if John Newell, coach of the U14 girls, is willing to continue to run combined practices. This would be effective for the balance of the year only with a new attempt at recruiting more players in the fall. Board members reiterated the need for the board to discuss and review policies and practices for all age group teams at length in the near future. 6 v 6 – The tournament has been a success so far, with at least 140 kids participating in the elementary and middle school age groups. Two things that may have contributed to the success (besides good JSC Board minutes June 4, 2007 2 weather) are a consolidated schedule and no fees for participation. Club costs were $1,600 for t-shirts and $408 for movie passes. A goal was broken and needs replacement. The board agreed that holding another 6v6 tourney in the fall may help with recruiting for the new season. Tentative dates of Sept 22-23 were selected for a short tournament. New business 2007 outdoor competitive season – No discussion Board transition and recruitment – A poll of existing board members whose seats are up for reelection in the fall suggested that none would continue on the board. They and other board members were encouraged to recruit new board candidates. DOC transition and training request – Matt Dusenberry has asked if the club would contribute to paying for his attending a Director of Coaching diploma course in late July. After discussion, the board agreed it was a good idea for the incoming DOC to attend such training. The board voted to contribute $1,000 for the training. In compensation, $1,000 will be pulled from next year’s high school coaches’ training budget. Jamie will contact Matt about his availability this summer to meet with board members and discuss his program ideas for the upcoming season. Webpage corporate sponsorship – No time for discussion. Coach evaluation feedback form – No time for discussion. Membership survey – No time for discussion Draft letter to school board – Amy reported that JYFL, Juneau Ice Association (hockey), and the Rebounders Club (girls basketball) all support the draft letter about funding for teams for the 2 high schools. She will make some edits and try to get signatures so she can present the letter to the school board meeting June 5. Committee reports – No reports this meeting The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm. Major board actions: • Committed to a greater effort to raise corporate donations and to holding a club-wide fundraising event in the fall • Approved combining U13 and U14 girls’ teams for the season • Approved contributing $1,000 to DOC diploma training for Matt Dusenberry Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting May 2, 2007 D’zantiki Heeni Library 6:30 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Chair Jamie Waste called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. Board members present were Tom Lawson, Margaret Tharp, Peter Ord, Nick Lyons, Jean Mischel, Tom Paul, Amy Skilbred, Glenn Walton, and Jamie Waste. Others in attendance were: Colin Barton Director of Coaching, Alexander Hoke AYSA representative Approval of April 9, 2007 minutes – Approved with amendment to CTC section on mixed gender teams. Public comment/guest presentations – None Reports Treasurer/Registrar – The budget looks okay but middle school age memberships are still down from last year. The raffle grossed $34,600. Ad sales brought in $37,000. Preliminary indication from the city is that our YAB grant requested was funded for $21,570. Director of Coaching – Tryouts went well. Only 2 teams had to cut players. We need to make sure that coaches evaluate all kids equally even those who are showing up for the team for the first time. The skills of 2 girls were evaluated by the DOC and both were judged able to play up an age-group, one specifically only as a goalkeeper. Colin reiterated his opinion that the DOC should be in charge of showcasing college age players during their last years in high school. Although the North Stars organization is doing a good job, we should not concede that work solely to them. Competitive Teams Committee – Tryouts went well. 5 new U12B signed up as JSC members at the tryouts. The U13G team practices with the U14G because it still does not have enough players for its own team. One HS-aged team and its coach did not show up or hold tryouts. Some board members expressed dissatisfaction with that and asked if the club should tolerate 2 separate policies, one for HS-aged teams and one for younger teams. A lengthy and wide-ranging discussion followed about high school club teams and what is to be done for age groups which don’t have enough players to field a team. Board members’ views varied on the whether the club is meeting the needs of HS members with a more relaxed approach to HSaged club teams. It was agreed that with a change in the DOC the board has an opportunity to reexamine how the club is organized at all age levels. To this end the board agreed to send all club members a survey asking their opinions on a wide-range of club policies and practices. Margaret and Nick agreed to take the lead on developing the survey with input from other board members. The proposed Memorial Day cup tournament is not happening this year due to lack of volunteer organizing support. Program Development Committee – Did not meet since last board meeting. Fundraising Committee – Did not meet. Goal cards are out. See Treasurer’s report for funds raised through raffle and ads. U12G earned in $450 with Spring Fever tournament concessions. Some board members are not completely happy with the way ad sales are run. The Fundraising Committee was assigned to discuss the issue and bring alternatives to the board if they come up with some. Scheduler/Dimond Park Field House – Tom Lawson asked if the club should pay for the downtown turf field for one weekend practice for each team during the summer when Adair-Kennedy is not available. The board agreed it was important for teams to practice on turf rather than dirt in the weeks leading up to state cup. The board agreed to set club funds aside to pay for the downtown field up to a maximum of $500 for the summer (current fee is $5/hr.). The city is expected to approve the lease of land for the field house. Bids for construction will be let out in June. The hope is that work on foundation and infrastructure can begin in August with full construction beginning in Sept.-Oct. if bids meet architects estimate. Higher bids mean a delay of a year. The board selected Alex Hoke as the third JSC representative on the field house managing board. (Tom Lawson and Reed Stoops are the other JSC reps.) Communications Committee – To save money, the newsletter was published online this spring rather than printed and mailed to members. Jamie wondered if members actually read it online. Spring JSC Board minutes May 2, 2007 2 tryouts got lots of publicity through newspaper ads and radio interviews with board members. Doug Jones the webmaster is archiving all old articles taken off line. A JDHS button has been added to the website for schedule and scores as has a Corporate Sponsors button with list of supporters. JDHS Committee – The Spring Fever tournament went well. A group of parents volunteered to help with organizing and did an excellent job. Amy reported on the forum regarding sports teams and the new high school that she attended last month. She said the message from several sports clubs representatives including JSC was that if the Juneau School District thinks that after-school activities are important, the JSD and CBJ should contribute more to funding them. AYSA – Alex Hoke reported on the latest AYSA teleconference. State Cup will be held in Fairbanks in 2008. Bids for hosting the 2009 cup should be submitted by fall 2007. The state cup coordinator has expressed interest in having a consolation bracket for the tournament but it is not clear if it would happen this summer. The AYSA board discussed a new U10 Comp team proposal. It recommended: that U10 teams be limited to tourneys held within a 100 mile radius of home; that there be no trophies, records, scores, or assigned coaches; that the comp teams can’t play in rec tourneys; that coach player ratios be kept low; and that teams need to have AYSA affiliation. With the distance limitation, it does not appear that Juneau could field such teams. Old business Club team tryouts - See above 6 v 6 League volunteers – Peter Ord volunteered as lead organizer for the tournament. Glenn volunteered to help out. Club team websites – The board will develop standard Terms of Agreement for these sites. JSC will provide links to teams’ websites as long as the teams abide by these terms of agreement. Tom Lawson and Jean will look over the Terms document, then it will be sent to the Communications Committee for final polishing and implementation. Board elections and transition between seasons – The board decided to delay until the fall membership meeting the proposal to elect new board members in the spring to facilitate transitions to new seasons. In the meantime, the board will begin recruiting potential new board members so that a good slate of candidates is available in the fall. New business DOC transition and training request – No time for discussion. Webpage corporate sponsorship – No time for discussion. 2007 Competitive season – See info on tryouts above. Coach evaluation feedback form – No time for discussion. 2010 State Tournament – The state high school sports association, the ASAA, has awarded the 2010 state high school championship tournament to Juneau. The board thanked Amy and Margaret and David Lendrum for their work in preparing the application and lining up potential housing and transportation deals for visiting teams. It will be the first state high school sports championship to be held in Juneau for many years. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm. Major board actions: • Selected Alex Hoke as the third JSC representative on the Dimond Park Fieldhouse managing board • JSC will pay for the downtown turf field for one weekend practice for each team during the summer when Adair-Kennedy is not available up to a maximum total cost of $500 (100 hours). • Delayed until fall membership meeting consideration of whether to change bylaws and policies to hold board member elections in late spring rather than fall. Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting April 9, 2007 D’zantiki Heeni Middle School Language Room 6:30 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Chair Jamie Waste called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm. Board members present were Tom Lawson, Margaret Tharp, Peter Ord, Nick Lyons, Jean Mischel, Tom Paul, Amy Skilbred, Glenn Walton, and Jamie Waste. Others in attendance were: Colin Barton Director of Coaching, Alexander Hoke AYSA representative Approval of March 5, 2007 minutes – Approved Public comment/guest presentations – None Reports Treasurer/Registrar – Club membership is up 9 compared to this time last year on the High School teams, down 23 from last year in the middle school ages, and down 10 in the elementary ages. Amy asked if the board would support JSC applying to the Alaska School Athletic Association (ASAA) to hold the state high school soccer championships in Juneau. Although the ASAA wants cities to host for 3 successive years, we could apply for just one of the 3 and see how it goes. Deadline for application is April 24. Margaret agreed to help Amy with the application and getting information on hotel rooms, rental cars and housing for visiting teams. The board supported applying to hold the championships sometime in the next 3 years. Amy needed to leave early to represent the board at a forum regarding athletic teams and the new high school. The board had a lengthy discussion on the issue of 1 high school soccer team or 2, and what its preference is if 2 separate high schools is the option chosen by the school district. A shortage both of money and playing room are the issues facing all high school sports in town. The board decided that currently JSC finances and fundraising can provide the money to support only 1 school’s varsity teams. Philosophically however, we support having 2 teams if there are 2 schools. We need and want an additional outdoor turf field for soccer use. The board also believes the school district needs to financially support more interscholastic sports than it does now. Competitive Teams Committee – The board formally approved Andrea Cariotti as the new coach for U11 girls. A draft schedule for tryouts was decided on and has been posted. They will be the weekends of April 21-22 and 28-29. It was decided that those weekends would be recruiting sessions rather than tryouts for the U13 girls team that has low numbers. On the mixed-gender team tryouts issue, there is no prohibition in JSC policies for having mixed gender teams. Consequently, the CTC recommended that as long as a player (girl) does not have a team of their own gender and age to tryout for, or is not able to play up, they should be able to try out for a boys’ team of the appropriate age. A number of board members expressed disagreement with the idea of allowing girls to play on boys’ teams if boys do not also have the option of playing on girls’ teams. The issue was tabled for further discussion at another time. Program Development Committee – The committee has not met since the last board meeting because of spring break vacations and jury duty. Fundraising Committee – Peter said we were unable to get sponsorship the Spring Fever tournament. Raffle tickets need to be turned in. The drawing is in 3 days in the HS commons. Communications Committee – The newsletter will be posted to the web soon. JDHS Committee – Information on the Spring Fever tournament is posted on the web. The girls’ teams will play Wheatridge High School from Colorado and Colony. The boys’ teams will play teams from Cheyenne, Wyoming and South Anchorage. The board discussed whether to give pins and patches to the outof-state teams as souvenirs. We decided to give them Alaska pins rather than club pins. AYSA – Alex Hoke reported that the next AYSA board meeting is later in the month and said he will pursue with them having consolation games at the state tournament and/or a hotline for friendly games. Board members suggested he emphasize the consolation games first. JSC Board minutes April 9, 2007 2 Old business Whitehorse exchange – All planning is going well. Local referees will be paid $15/game. Community schools has given its okay for concessions at the games. Club team tryouts - See above 6 v 6 League volunteers – No time for discussion Board elections and transition between seasons – No time for discussion New business 2007 Competitive season – See info on tryouts above. Coach evaluation feedback form – No time for discussion. Club team websites – As a board policy on this has been slow to develop and at least one team (U15 B Jambaars) is eager to put a website together, the board decided to let teams go ahead with website development and deal with any problems if they arise. The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 pm. Major board actions: • Approved applying to the ASAA to hold high school state championships in Juneau one of the next 3 years. • With regard to 2 high schools - Decided that currently JSC finances and fundraising can provide the money to support only 1 high school’s varsity teams. Philosophically however, we support having 2 teams if there are 2 schools. An additional outdoor turf field is needed for soccer use and the Juneau School District needs to financially support more sports than it does now. Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting March 5, 2007 KTOO Meeting Room 6:30 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Chair Jamie Waste called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. Board members present were Peter Ord, Nick Lyons, Jean Mischel, Tom Paul, Amy Skilbred, Glenn Walton, and Jamie Waste. Others in attendance were: Matt Dusenberry, Alexander Hoke Approval of February 5, 2007 minutes – Approved Public comment/guest presentations – None Reports Treasurer/Registrar –The board conducted a mid year budget review in a special meeting February 25. Amy distributed a revised mid year budget document that included changes in the budget that the board discussed during the special meeting. After a brief discussion, the board approved the mid year budget revision. Jean reported her informal survey of teams confirmed that numbers of Elementary and Middle School aged club memberships are down this year compared to recent years, while High School aged memberships are the same or higher than last year. Tom Paul has submitted materials to the city for a Youth Activity Board grant. JSC is requesting $27,810 for next year. Competitive Teams Committee – Jean report the CTC has cut down to meeting monthly rather than weekly. The most recent meeting was a productive lunch meeting with state AYSA Director of Coaching Frank Travato in late February. Frank shared ideas about club development, affiliation with Parks and Rec, and coach training and retention. JSC currently has more non-parent coaches than parent coaches and a talented group of young coaches. During the recent very successful coach license training, 8 “D” licenses and 5 “E” licenses were awarded to JSC coaches. It was a good opportunity for coaches to communicate with each other. Andrea Cariotti is the new coach for the U11 Girls. Glenn said a parent had pointed out that the JSC policy against mixing boys and girls on competitive teams is at odds with the AYSA state policy. The CTC will work on a recommendation regarding the mixed gender policy. It was noted that 3 JSC teams have indicated they are not going to state this year. Jean said the CTC hopes to work on setting up a schedule of consolation/friendly games at state cup to make the trip more productive for teams that travel. Program Development Committee – The club has the opportunity to make some major changes in its development program next year but any changes need a thorough discussion by the board. Amy suggested the board have an extra meeting in April or May to consider those changes. The board agreed. The PDC will put together a list of ideas for a new program and distribute them before the next board meeting and at the next meeting the board can set a date for a special Development Program meeting. The “North Stars” state showcase team was mentioned as a good program that we need to tie into better for our older players. Fundraising Committee – Peter, as a co-chair of the committee, has two ideas he wants to pursue: 1) Sponsorship for tournaments like Spring Fever, and 2) selling club merchandise to tourists during the summer. Other fundraising news: Peter will contact Litter Free and pick a good date for the Spring Litter Pickup. Goal Card printing and distribution has been delayed until April. Raffle ticket sales are underway. High School teams are planning a garage sale at the Boat Show. Amy has written GCI and asked for a donation to sponsor Spring Fever and the Whitehorse tournaments. Peter will use her letter as a model for other letters to possible corporate donors. During the discussion it became clear the club needs to develop standards for donor sponsoring packages. Communications Committee – There are new updates to the website homepage including: a Eurosport link that brings the club 7.5% of each Eurosport order placed through the link; a credit to CBJ sales taxes for funding part of the JSC program. An electronic JSC documents repository has been established. A page documenting the exploits of JSC alumni is in the works as is one for the Shima Fund scholarship. Jamie noted that a Spring Media blitz will be needed get out the word on HS and comp. team tryouts, and local tournaments. AYSA has approved the “Count-Me-In” player registration program. Nick JSC Board minutes March 5, 2007 2 will try to understand the software and get together with Paul Bertholl and Alex Hoke to decide if it is something we want to adopt. JDHS Committee – The girls’ varsity will take an out-of-state trip (their first) to San Francisco/Sacramento March 26-31. The boys’ varsity will travel to Spokane April 4-7. The boys’ schedule is near finalized, the girls’ are still hoping to get one or two more teams to Juneau. Sue Gullufsen will head up the HS booster club organization working with parents to do media promotion, run the concessions, arrange senior night activities, PA announcements at home games, etc. Margie Wagner and Kate Wolf are leading team fundraising efforts. AYSA – Alex Hoke reported that the next AYSA board meeting is March 18 and asked for input from board members on issues he might raise. Jean referred him to the petition we submitted last year regarding cost equalization for teams traveling to state. The board agreed the issue is worth pursuing again. Alex said he has talked to Polly Beth Odom about having consolation games at state tournament. Old business Whitehorse exchange – Peter reported that Whitehorse planning is going well. Although JSC boys are going north while the girls are hosting Whitehorse girls teams, Whitehorse 91-92 boys are coming to Juneau to get a JV game with our sophmore and freshmen boys. Jamie and Peter will see if a similar arrangement with WH JV girls is possible. Looks like 76 players and coaches on boys teams will be traveling north. Their cost will be about $160. Cost for JSC girls will be $25. The WH organizers want to coordinate planning on both ends of the exchange in regard to awards, “billeting” of players, games, etc. so that experiences for all players are similar. JSC girls’ teams families will arrange housing for Whitehorse teams. Glenn was asked to order more JSC pins (approx. 300) as gifts for Whitehorse teams and to be available for JSC teams to give out at tournaments. 6v6 Tournament volunteers – This will be addressed by the PDC Board elections and transition between seasons – Jamie will draft a letter to the membership about the proposed change in timing for board elections and changes needed in the bylaws and the need for a special membership meeting in late spring to consider those changes. Credit Card – The board discussed whether or not the club should have its own credit card rather than rely on coaches’, board members’ or other club members’ cards when we need to purchase equipment, plane tickets, etc. The advantage of a club card is that the club would accrue Alaska Airlines miles on approximately $50,000 of purchases annually that could be used for player tickets. The disadvantages are the difficulty of control of the credit card number with the dangers of unauthorized use, and the need to have someone who takes responsibility for charges. During the discussion it became evident that no current board member wants to be the responsible party for a club credit card. Jean moved that at this time we not pursue having a club credit card. The motion passed 5-2. New business Mid year budget revision – addressed during the treasurers report Refund policy – Amy needs some direction on how to respond to requests for membership fee refunds from those who have dropped out of the club. Nick agreed to write a draft policy for board consideration. 2007 Competitive season – The CTC will set spring competitive team tryout dates in consultation with Colin. Coach evaluation feedback form – We agreed to resurrect this idea but make it more of a clubwide “feedback” form that asks members’ views of club programs, organization, communication, fundraising efforts, etc. Nick will try to refashion the original form to fit that mold. The meeting was adjourned at 8:59:40 pm. Major board actions: • Approved mid year budget revision • Approved revising policy to allow mixed boys-girls competitive teams in some circumstances • Agreed to have a special development program meeting • Decided not to pursue a club credit card at this time Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting February 5, 2007 D’zantiki Heeni Middle School Library 6:30 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Chair Jamie Waste called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm. Board members present were Tom Lawson, Nick Lyons, Jean Mischel, Tom Paul, Amy Skilbred, Glenn Walton, Margaret Tharp, Peter Ord, and Jamie Waste. Others in attendance were: Colin Barton-Director of Coaching, Nelda Stewart, Paul Bertholl, Tim Cottingim Approval of January 8, 2007 minutes – Approved Public comment/guest presentations – None Referee pay – Tim Cottingim, speaking for local referees, inquired about a higher pay scale than last year for refs that is closer to the pay scale paid to refs in Anchorage. Amy said that for the current year, the board budgeted almost twice as much for referee costs as last year. JSC is aiming to provide refs with pay more in line with that put forward by Tim Cottingim, however, the actual pay scale for high school refs will be determined based on the number of games the high school has in Juneau. Amy will let Tim know the number of games once the high school schedule is set. Then the pay per game per ref will be determined. U12 B team name/bank account/fundraising – Nelda Stewart represented the U12 Boys team seeking board approval for the team name, JSC Torment, and for a team fundraising idea. The board approved the name and Amy provide the documentation the team needs for a bank account. The team proposes to register with Safeway as a non-profit entity eligible to receive a percentage of every purchase of Safeway Club card holders who designate the team as the beneficiary for their purchases. The board thought that an excellent idea that might work for all club teams. Nelda was asked to see if multiple teams could register under the JSC non-profit auspices and to provide more detailed information to the board on the proposal before approval. The board will review and give the team its decision before next month’s meeting. Margaret Tharp appointment to board – The appointment of Margaret Tharp to the board seat vacated by Chris Francis, previously approved by e-mail, was approved in-person by the board. Besides her other qualifications for the position, Margaret informed us that during her youth she was the only girl to play on an all boys soccer team – a true pioneer. Director of Coaching report – Colin announced that a 4-day coach training session would be held Feb. 1720 for D and E licenses. All is moving smoothly and we have 5 coaches signed up for D training and 4 for E training. He is pleased that we have competent young coaches willing to fill in for Skills, GK, and ATP clinics and Friday open gyms when necessary but is concerned they don’t get overworked or burned out with too many requests for their time. National C license training will be held in Hawaii in March. Old business Director of Coaching recruitment – Matt Dusenberry has accepted JSC’s offer to be Director of Coaching beginning October 1 after Colin’s retirement. Gaming revenue (pull tabs) – Tom Paul reported both Nick Lyons (Principal) and Carlene Nore (Alternate) are the gaming permit holders for the club, having taken the state test. There are no openings for pull-tab operators yet. Tom will check with the operator(s) periodically. Whitehorse exchange: club coordinators/dates – Peter Ord reported on Whitehorse Exchange planning. The dates for the exchange are fixed, April 13-15. Gale Force U12G have asked to sell socks and concessions at the Juneau games. The board approved sale of socks but said concessions can be sold only if the team can handle all details including paperwork. Peter is in search of volunteers for various tasks of tournament organizing and will put out an e-mail request for them clubwide. Injury prevention training – This will be instituted as part of the regular club program next year. Details of implementation will need to be discussed with Matt D. prior to season start so that the program gets underway smoothly. JSC Board minutes February 5, 2007 2 Club Social – Item was tabled after an inconclusive discussion. Coach training requests – Training details were covered in Colin’s report. Training costs are $300$400 over budget however. The board voted to increase the budget for this item by $400 to insure as many coaches are trained as possible. Code of Conduct – The board discussed its interest in and responsibilities for requiring club or team disciplinary action for criminal activity by a club member. The board decided its interest should be restricted to incidents that occur during JSC sanctioned trips and events, that is, within the domain of the club. Teams are required by club procedures to have their own disciplinary policies and ultimate authority for action rests with team coaches and the CTC. Outside its domain, JSC defers to civil authorities and to parents for disciplinary action. The board unanimously agreed that the existing Code of Conduct approved last meeting is a sufficient formal conduct policy for the club as a whole. New business Midyear budget review – Postponed until next meeting. Youth Activity Board grant request funding – The CTC, High School, and Program Development committees submitted funding requests for this grant totaling $27,540. Tom Paul will prepare the grant paperwork and submit it to the YAB before the March 1 deadline. Registered Agent vote ratification – The board ratified its e-mail poll naming Tom Paul as the registered agent for JSC for state reporting purposes. Credit Card – Discussion deferred until later. Board elections and transition between seasons – Concerned that the election of new board members just before the beginning of each season hampers the smooth and efficient club operation at a critical time, Jamie proposed new models for the board elections and transition. Option 1 would elect and seat new board members in June with old board members stepping down immediately. Option 2 would elect new board members in June but delay the beginning of their terms and voting privileges until October. After an unusually succinct discussion, the board collectively agreed that the advantage of Option 2 was that newly elected members could attend summer board meetings and budget prep meetings and be better acquainted with club business when they assume their seats as active members. The board voted to pursue Option 2 and determine in the coming months how to involve the general membership in the discussion, possible vote, and by laws change. JDHS Sports Auction – Discussion deferred until later. Reports JDHS Committee – Don Ashe reported that Cheyenne, Wyoming High School (Wyoming state champion) has agreed to come for Spring Fever tournament. This may also mean that South Anchorage HS will attend as well. The girls’ team has a $6,500 fund raising burden for its California trip. Other reports were deferred for lack of time. The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 pm. Major board actions: • Approved Margaret Tharp as board member • Approved higher pay for referees • Decided that the existing Code of Conduct approved last meeting is a sufficient formal conduct policy for the club as a whole • Approved a funding level request for YAB grant • Voted to pursue a new schedule for board elections and transition Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting January 8, 2007 D’zantiki Heeni Middle School Library 7:00 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Chair Jamie Waste called the meeting to order at 7:02. Board members present were Tom Lawson, Nick Lyons, Jean Mischel, Tom Paul, Amy Skilbred, Glenn Walton, and Jamie Waste. Others in attendance were: Myiia Whistler Approval of December 11, 2006 minutes – Approved Public comment/guest presentations – None Old business Director of Coaching recruitment – An offer has been made to a candidate for the DoC position and the board should get a reply to the offer within the next few days. Gaming revenue (pull tabs) – After a discussion of the pros and cons of JSC involvement in pull tabs, the board voted to pursue setting up a contract with a pull tab operator to enhance the club’s fundraising with an as yet undetermined percentage of revenue realized from pull tabs being earmarked to fund JSC scholarships. Nick volunteered to be the principal gaming permittee for JSC. Tom Paul will continue to look for an operator to contract with. Age Policy clarification – The board reviewed a rewritten section of the age-based teams policy dealing with exceptions for tournament-bound teams needing additional players. After discussion, the new language requiring tryouts be held and requiring that players resume practice with their age-based teams immediately after tournaments was approved unanimously by the board. The clarified age-based policy section will be inserted into the JSC Policies and Procedures posted on the website. Club Social – Discussion of the social focussed on whether it should be a major fundraising event or be primarily a social occasion, and on which teams should benefit and do the organizing. The board High School Committee will meet with the coaches this week and determine how much the HS program needs. Other options are for 1) the Juneau Riptide state champion team to use the event to help offset the cost of going to Regionals, or 2) open the event up to other club teams to host on a first-come basis. Final decision was postponed to a later meeting. Whitehorse exchange: club coordinators/dates – Peter will talk with Whitehorse organizers in the next few days to try to nail down dates. April 13-15 works best for JSC. Once dates have been decided, Tom Lawson will reserve venues. The HS committee will ask HS coaches if downtown turf field and Marie Drake gym can be made available. Parent volunteers will be needed to help organize the exchange. Code of Conduct – The draft JSC Code of Conduct was discussed and adopted unanimously by the board in concept pending some edits in the draft and in referenced sections of the JSC Policy and Procedures. The code is intended as a standard for all JSC teams, but teams will have an option to further elaborate on the code or develop specifics for their team as long as the specifics do not conflict with the JSC code. Alcohol-related fundraisers – The board discussed the issue again at length and decided to adopt a neutral policy, neither for nor against, serving alcohol at a team fundraiser. Amy reiterated her opposition to allowing alcohol at any JSC fundraisers and asked that her dissenting vote be recorded. New business Fundraising assignments – Amy reviewed a list of fundraising things that needed doing. The club Fundraising Committee is not active and needs to be revitalized and a new chair appointed. Lead people for the Goal Card and Raffle fund raisers are needed, and a parent of a younger player is needed to help out with the Ad Sales. Large businesses should be contacted and asked for donations. Board members suggested some parents to contact to help. Peter will join the fundraising committee. Jean will contact parents. Jamie and Tom L. will make some corporate contacts. Amy has contacted some businesses, will recontact those offering Goal Card deals, is taking on Ad Sales organization, and will continue on the Fundraising Committee. JSC Board minutes January 8, 2007 2 Open Board seat – Board members did not have any suggested candidates for the open seat. Jamie suggested that we continue to think about possible candidates and communicate via email. Candidates who have some interest fundraising issues and those who are parents of younger club members would fill current needs on the board. Injury prevention training – The board agreed on the importance of adding this to club programs, especially for high school and middle school aged players. After some discussion of possible options that were discussed at a recent Competitive Teams Committee meeting, action was deferred and the issue was assigned to the Program Development Committee for further work. Policy Revisions to Club and Team Finance sections – The board approved these revisions which were drafted by a working group consisting of Sue Gullufsen, Vickie Williams, Joann Craig, and Amy Skilbred and reorganized by Tom Paul. The changes standardize and clarify several of the things that have become our operating procedures and separate Club and Competitive Team finances into two sections. They also address some specific issues, including: 1) Suggesting that teams limit the amount they can carry forward to the new soccer year both as a team and individually. 2) Clarifying what fundraised funds can and cannot be used for and more clearly define reimbursements and refunds. 3) Reiterate current policy: club wide fundraisers are for U12 and older Coach training requests – Jean reported that at least 2 JSC coaches want statewide/national D level license training and two need E licenses. Frank Trovato, AYSA director of coaching, can come to Juneau to hold coach training in late April. After some discussion the board decided it would be best to try to find 5 coaches who want D licenses for Frank’s training session and see if Colin can do the training for “local” E licenses. Myiia Whistler offered to use the Parks & Rec network to advertise the sessions if we needed. Jean will check to see if “local” E-licensed coaches can, after one or two years experience, qualify for statewide D license training. Reports Parks & Rec – Myiia Whistler assured the board that the damaged indoor goals at Floyd Dryden would be replaced in time for this Friday’s open gym and competitive teams practices scheduled for Sunday. She reported that for the first time in many years there was an increase in the number of players participating in the Parks and Rec soccer season just past. She said that requests for outdoor field time for spring and summer are due in two weeks. Other reports were deferred for lack of time. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm. Major board actions: • Approved pursuing pull-tabs as a method of fundraising while earmarking some of the revenue for scholarships • Approved clarifying language for the age-based teams policies • Approved a standardized JSC Code of Conduct • Approved revision of the Club and Competitive Teams finance sections in the JSC Policies and Procedures Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting December 11, 2006 D’zantiki Heeni Middle School Language Room 6:00 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Chair Jamie Waste called the meeting to order at 6:01. Board members present were Tom Lawson, Nick Lyons, Jean Mischel, Tom Paul, Amy Skilbred, Glenn Walton, Jamie Waste. Chris Francis has tendered his resignation from the board. Others in attendance were: Director of Coaching Colin Barton, Alex Hoke, Margaret Tharp and Matt Dusenberry Approval of November 6, 2006 minutes – Approved. Public comment/guest presentations – None Old business Director of Coaching recruitment – An ad was posted in the Juneau Empire for 2 Sundays and on the club website. The board will meet in executive session at the end of this meeting to discuss the position and interview a candidate. Gaming revenue (pull tabs) – The board held a formal discussion of the pros and cons of getting revenue through pull tabs. It was decided unanimously to explore the matter further and that board action whether or not to approve seeking pull tabs revenue for the club would be taken when we had more information. Tom Paul will research the issue and board members are to email him any questions they have about pull tabs. AYSA representative – Alexander Hoke agreed to be the Southeast Alaska representative on the Alaska Youth Soccer Assn. Board. After he described his experience in soccer as a coach and his interest in the game and the position, he was unanimously approved. He and Glenn Walton took part in an AYSA Board teleconference on Sunday. Age Policy language clarification – The board reviewed a 3rd section of the age-based teams policy dealing with exceptions for tournament-bound teams needing additional players. After discussion the section was tabled and sent back to the CTC for further clarification regarding who would petition for the exceptions and whether tryouts would be necessary. Dimond Park Field House – Tom Lawson reported on the latest planning for the DPFH. He proposed that we consider committing to 237 additional hours of use so that JSC teams would have access to a turf field for Friday open scrimmages, outdoor Sunday practices March – July, and MWF team practices in July before State Cup when the field is hard to get because of football and other demands. The additional hours would cost about $12,000 in use fees. The board decided to reaffirm our commitment to use the field house for 378 hours a year and let the DPFH committee know we may possibly use more depending on our funding and teams’ willingness to pay for extra time. Club Social – Peter Ord will take the lead for the board on working with the High School teams to organize the club social and equipment swap. It is tentatively planned for February. Board members should send Peter ideas for the social. First Aid & CPR – The board agreed to allocate $300 to provide CPR training for head coaches and others who are interested. The board recognized the importance of the training and the need to build the cost into future budgets and place a requirement that coaches have the training into JSC policies and procedures. Code of Conduct – Discussion and approval of the draft JSC Code of Conduct was deferred to email contacts between board members. Alcohol/tobacco-related fundraisers – The board discussed the recommendation by the Fundraising Committee that the club not approve these fundraisers. The board was divided on the issue. Jean offered to write a statement expressing board neutrality to alcohol/tobacco-related fundraisers that the board will consider at a later date. JSC Board minutes Dec. 11, 2006 2 New business U12G Gale Force and U12B bank account – The board approved the Gale Force U12G team and the as yet unnamed U12B team establishing bank accounts. Whitehorse exchange: club coordinators/dates – Whitehorse has scheduled its tournament venues on a different weekend in early April than we have. A couple JSC members were suggested as possible coordinators of the tournament for the club. Peter Ord will work with them and with Whitehorse to get our dates to match and work out other details. Tom Lawson was asked to look into Marie Drake gym and the new HS turf field as possible tournament locations during the second week of April. Board elections and transition between seasons – In the interest of time this topic was deferred to another meeting, however Jamie said it will be on each meeting agenda until the board deals with it. Reports Director of Coaching – Colin reported that he is particularly pleased and impressed with two new club coaches, Krista Heard who coaches the combined U11 boys and girls and helps with skills clinics and Philip Subeldia, assistant coach of the U15 girls and who helps with the goalkeeping clinics. Both are keen on learning. Colin reiterated the need for another coaching clinic and for getting coaches lined up and prepared for next season. He said player recruitment is still important and suggested we try recruiting players at the Holiday Cup tournament. The board agreed Holiday Cup may be a good time to recruit. It recommended team coaches and players be contacted to help recruit. Treasurer – Amy distributed a new format for displaying JSC budget categories. The board approved the change. Amy said that because the club lacks any specific policies with regards to refunding membership money to those who can no longer participate in the club for various reasons, she proposes to prorate refunds based on the portion of club year remaining. The board agreed with that practice. Competitive Team Committee (CTC) – Jean reported that we have had to consolidate the U13 and U14 girls teams because there are too few U13 girls (5) to make a complete team. The U11 girls team continues to add players and is up to 8 now. Other reports were deferred for lack of time. The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:50 and the board met in Executive Session. The board came out of Executive Session at 9:10 pm. Major board actions: • Approved Alexander Hoke as SE Alaska representative to the AYSA Board • Agreed to allocate $300 for CPR training for coaches and to factor costs for training into subsequent years’ budgets. • Interviewed Director of Coaching candidate in Executive Session. Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting November 6, 2006 D’zantiki Heeni Middle School Library 7:00 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Chair Jamie Waste called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Chris Francis, Tom Lawson, Nick Lyons, Jean Mischel, Tom Paul, Amy Skilbred, Glenn Walton, Jamie Waste. Others in attendance were: Director of Coaching Colin Barton, Matt Dusenberry, Paul Bertholl, John Newell, Krista Heard, Myiia Whistler. Approval of October 9, 2006 minutes – Approved. Minutes of Sept. 11 Annual General Membership meeting will also be posted on the website. Public comment/guest presentations – None Reports Treasurer – Amy reported a meeting with team bookkeepers/managers was held. Team financial reports were due by 10/31/2006 and only 2 teams have not turned them in by deadline. A working group was formed to rewrite the finances/fundraising sections of the club Policies and Procedures. Its members are Amy Skilbred, Vickie Williams, Sherry Tamone, Joanne Craig, Sue Gullufsen, and Chris Francis. If teams need information for filing IRS reports or getting the JSC tax ID number for fundraising events they should contact Amy. Information on what teams need to do for financial reporting will be put into the FAQ section of the website. The club bookkeeper produced a balance sheet. As of Oct. 31, 2006, JSC assets were $81,215. Since then approximately $30,000 has been spent on HS team airline tickets. Registrar – Paul Bertholl reported approximately 135 player registrations in hand which is similar to last year at this time. He is aware of some requests for scholarships that have been passed on the scholarship committee. The board asked him to get original copies of player registrations to team coaches as soon as possible while keeping a copy for club use. Scheduler/Dimond Park Field House – Tom Lawson reported that a committee representing several Juneau sports organizations has been formed to produce a business plan showing it is feasible to operate a new indoor facility. Commitments to use levels are needed from the organizations. Once the plan is developed it will be presented to the city to convince it to lease land for the field house. At recent Parks and Rec Advisory Committee and Juneau Field Users meetings, Tom, speaking for JSC, advocated for more turf fields. The Adair-Kennedy turf field will undergo repairs for 7-9 days during June 2007 and be unavailable for use. A representative from Juneau Youth Football agreed to send a joint letter with JSC to the city advocating installation of more turf fields. Fundraising Committee – Chris reported the committee met Oct. 26 and set the fundraising calendar for the year. Earliest events are High School ad sales, early November; Mark Kelly calendar sales will occur after Public Market (Jean will notify teams to provide calendar contact); Goal Card sales are planned to start in early December. The committee’s consensus is that JSC not be associated with alcohol or tobacco related events or fundraisers. Those present at the committee meeting had no objection to JSC pursuing pull-tab opportunities. Carlene Nore volunteers to serve as the Alternate Member-in-Charge of the JSC gaming permit. The committee recommended that a January or early February JSC Social be held this year as a fundraiser for the Riptide U17 Boys headed for Regionals and the Girls and Boys High School teams. Competitive Team Committee (CTC) – Jean reported on the coaching situation and acknowledged Krista Heard as the new head coach for the U11 boys. 3 teams currently are still without coaches – U 11 girls, and U 12 and U 17 boys. Jean reported the recommendations of the CTC’s October meetings including adoption of the language clarifying existing age-based policy, JSC sponsored CPR training for coaches, board-provided uniforms for coaches, standardization of team uniforms, and adoption of a draft Code of Conduct. The board discussed uniform standardization and decided that that was gradually being phased in through YAB grant purchases of jerseys. Other items were deferred until later in the agenda. Glenn has JSC Board minutes Nov. 6, 2006 2 compiled a list of 37 former JSC players involved in college soccer. The list will be posted on an “Alumni” section on the website. The club will sponsor an open gym soccer night for elementary and middle school players at DZ on Friday November 17 from 6:30-9:30. As a recruiting effort, participation will be open to non-club members if they sign a medical release at the door. JDHS Committee – 4 games have been arranged with teams in the S.F. Bay and Sacramento areas for the girls’ high school team over spring break. In addition, we have gotten a commitment from a Colorado girls team to come up for the Spring Fever tournament. Boys’ team travel has also been arranged. The teams will have big fundraising demands and have already started. Communications Committee – Jamie reported the committee met Nov. 3 and developed a list of priorities for the website: 1) Create a repository for JSC master documents, 2) Put a Frequently Asked Questions page on the web, 3) develop a policy for and get corporate sponsorships on the website, 4) develop shopping through the website, 5) get team and parental okays where possible to post photos on the website, 6) control flow of information to the webmaster. In regard to item 6) it was decided that: requests for web postings needed to go through the Communications Committee board members, Jamie, Tom L., or Nick; Tom Lawson as scheduler, Chris as chair of Fundraising Committee, and Tom Paul as JSC Secretary can go directly through the webmaster to post schedules, fundraising information, or meeting minutes. Tom Lawson agreed to begin to develop policy language for team websites that are not part of the club website. Director of Coaching – Colin said he has been involved in “patch-up” work with coaches and teams. He reported that despite continuing problems it is sorting itself out. Colin lamented that the small gyms for team practice and the spring ODP minicamp that we are sometimes forced to use are a nightmare for coaches. Parks and Recreation – Myiia Whistler reported that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is aware of the need for more turf, more ice, a new pool and other athletic venues in the city. She said that Youth Activity Board grant application packets for next year will be available at the end of December. Old business Language clarifying existing age-based policy – The board unanimously approved the new language for the competitive team age requirements section in the JSC Policies and Procedures document. There was discussion of the issue of multi-age teams formed when some age-based teams do not have enough players to go to tournaments. The board asked the CTC to develop additional language for this circumstance. As implementation of part of the clarified policy, Tom Paul will send out letters to parents of players playing up a year with their grade-based peers formally notifying them of the option of players choosing same-age or next-older team and asking them to let the club know their choice. New Business Dimond Park Field House business plan – After looking over a preliminary use plan and schedule of indoor facility costs, the board gave its commitment to provide support for about 21 hours a week of DPFH use. Use of the DPFH will mean increased JSC costs for indoor facility time but all agreed that it would be a boon to soccer in the community to have the facility. Director of Coaching recruitment – The board will try to get a job notice and job description written within the next 2 weeks. With regular meeting time exhausted, other new business on the agenda was deferred to action via board email discussions, committee work, or a future meeting. Regular meeting was adjourned at 8:45 and the board met in Executive Session. Major board decisions: • Approved clarifying language for age-based policy • Committed to support a minimum use level of Dimond Park Field House. • Designated to whom information for webposting should be sent (Jamie, Nick, Tom L.) • E-mail will be sent to teams asking them to designate a key contact for calendar sales and asking them to poll parents on permission to use player photos on website. Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting October 9, 2006 D’zantiki Heeni Middle School Library 7:00 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Acting Chair Jamie Waste called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Chris Francis, Tom Lawson, Nick Lyons, Jean Mischel, Peter Ord, Tom Paul, Amy Skilbred, Glenn Walton, Jamie Waste. Visitors in attendance were: Director of Coaching Colin Barton, Kay Jones, Matt Dusenberry, Paul Bertholl, Joe Ver, John Newell, Don Ashe, Kurt West, Christy and Matt Odum, Robin Mason, Kaitlin Tarver and family, Valerie Williams, and Sarah Poor and possibly others. Election of Officers Jamie Waste was elected Chair Jean Mischel was elected Vice-chair Tom Paul was elected Secretary Amy Skilbred was re-elected Treasurer Approval of Agenda and Minutes The agenda was approved with the change that the first action item regarding the Robin Mason petition was moved to earlier in the meeting. Minutes of the May and June meetings had been approved electronically by the previous board. There are as yet no minutes of the Annual General Membership meeting in September, but Tom will write them up for approval at the next meeting. Public comment/guest presentations John Newell asked that practice location for his team be moved to a larger gym as he has 20 team members and Harborview gym is not large enough. Kay Jones, AYSA Executive Director from Ketchikan spoke. She asked for more newsletter submissions from Juneau. She encouraged us to restart a tournament in Juneau and urged us to appoint a member-atlarge to the AYSA so that Juneau has representation on the AYSA board. She encouraged us to ask her questions about AYSA issues before they get to the complaint stage. Most AYSA business is handled in committee and she urged people from southeast Alaska to volunteer for those committees. Committee meetings are by teleconference. She briefed us on plans for the 2007 State Cup. It will be in Kenai, Aug 6 – 11, Monday – Saturday. Credentials check-in will be Sunday evening August 5. An extra day has been added to the tournament so that a new round robin system can be used which improves schedule fairness in divisions with oddnumbered teams. Friday is the tentative off-day, with tournament finals on Saturday. It is planned that the last finals game will start no later than noon to allow for travel on Saturday. Kenai is a 2.5 hour drive from Anchorage. Kay was asked if consolation games for semi-final losers could be added. She said it depends on such things as field, team, and referee availability and that it may be possible in Kenai. Amy asked if the AYSA board had discussed cost equalization as requested by the JSC last year. She said the JSC had suggested a set cost for each player attending State Cup as a way to share the cost burden of going to state that is now borne disproportionately by Juneau teams. Kay said an AYSA committee had looked at the set cost proposal, had determined that it would amount to a $2300 per team fee and decided that was “prohibitive” for the tournament. It was noted by a few in attendance that Juneau teams pay thousands more than that each year traveling to State Cup and that people in Anchorage and on the AYSA board do not understand that. Kay encouraged us to raise the issue again. JSC Board minutes Oct. 9, 2006 2 Competitive Teams Committee recommendation regarding Robin Mason petition – Action Item Jean recounted the results of the CTC meeting last Monday at which the CTC, on the recommendations of Colin Barton and coaches Meghan Kennedy-Brown and John Newell, unanimously approved allowing Kaitlin Tarver to “play up” on the U14 girls team for the 2006-2007 JSC season. Robin’s petition also asked that the waiver for her daughter be made permanent. Currently JSC policies do not allow for permanent waivers. The CTC will further review the policy on players “playing up” at its next meeting on Monday Oct 16. If the CTC determines that the policy needs revision, then that recommendation will be brought to the full board for consideration and possible action at the November 6 board meeting. Committee and other assignments The following committee appointments were made: Fundraising committee – Chris Francis, chair; Amy Skilbred, Peter Ord, Wendy Porter, Karlynn Welling Competitive Teams committee – Jean Mischel, chair; Glenn Walton, Tom Lawson, Nick Lyons, Colin Barton Program Development committee – Amy Skilbred, chair; Colin Barton, Erin Smith, Christy Odum, Tom Paul Communications committee – Jamie Waste, chair; Nick Lyons, Tom Lawson, Doug Jones JDHS committee – Jamie Waste, chair; Amy Skilbred, Peter Ord, Erin Smith, Deb Temple, Wendy Porter, Karlynn Welling, Don Ashe, Kurt West Gym & Field Scheduler – Tom Lawson AYSA member-at-large – Vacant. JSC has 60 days to fill this or AYSA will look for someone elsewhere in Southeast. Reports Chair – Jamie suggested the board should look at a possible by-laws change this year to have board elections held in the spring so a new board is in place prior to the season start. A coaching clinic was held in late September, the redesigned JSC website is up and running, Tom Lawson is the board’s liaison to the Dimond Park Fieldhouse committee, Noel Shima and Carl Dierking are the trustees for the Irene & Anne Shima scholarship fund. Treasurer – Amy said last year’s budget has been closed out. We are $2,000 over budget for the year as a whole and $3,000 over budget for the HS Spring Fever tournament. Savings from previous years will cover the $2,000 shortfall. Spring Fever loss will be covered by taking $2,000 from excess girls’ team fundraising and $1,000 from excess boys’ team fundraising. JSC has submitted a report to the city on the Youth Activities Board (YAB) grant. We spent it all. Fundraising calendar – Coming up, Litter-Free pickup, Mark Kelly calendar sales (Jean volunteered to run that), indoor soccer ball sales (Jambaars U15B team will sell these but more need to be ordered). Fundraising – Chris said that HS ad sales begin soon (Oct. 23) and that the Goal Card effort is 2 sponsors away from being ready to make up and print cards. He went over a list of fundraising proposals submitted by the Gale Force U12G team. Most look okay. The Wine Tasting Event proposal prompted discussion with some questioning its appropriateness even though it would be run solely by adults. When asked about an AYSA policy, Kay Jones said we need to decide as a board what are appropriate activities for teams. She said the AYSA board has a new policy that prohibits tobacco and alcohol product names and sexual innuendos from appearing on uniforms but has no policy on wine tasting fundraisers. Colin noted that wine tasting fund raisers are a big success for Fairbanks teams. The Fundraising committee will discuss this further. Other proposals and comments – Holiday Cup sales, the tournament is not a JSC event, see Leslie Houston about sales for it; Krispy Kreme donut sales, several teams have interest in that; Scratcher donation cards – one team has tried it in the past without much success. For any proposals which involve approaching businesses for donations, teams should coordinate with the board to avoid potential conflicts with other fundraising efforts, particularly the Goal Card. The Fundraising Committee will meet soon to start building its calendar and consider an alcohol fundraising policy. Competitive Teams Committee – Jean reported on recruiting efforts for both players and coaches. She thanked all those involved in season start and recruitment efforts. Flyers were distributed at all elementary JSC Board minutes Oct. 9, 2006 3 schools and at the first day of Parks & Rec games. We have received 4 coaches applications so far. We have one coaching vacancy besides those on the new U11 teams. The CTC is considering the possibility of holding fall tryouts for teams. Jean invited all to attend the next CTC meeting Oct 16 for discussion of policies. Scheduler/Dimond Park Fieldhouse – Tom reported that Sunday practices for all teams are scheduled each week from 9:30 – 6:30 which allows 6 team practice sessions per gym. U14-16 teams will be at Floyd Dryden and U11-13 teams at Mendenhall River. He said he may look at moving larger younger teams to Floyd. With regard to the field house planning, the committee is looking at the management issues involved with running it once it is built. Director of Coaching – Colin reported good turnout at his coaching clinic in late September, although no JSC coaches or prospects attended, only Parks & Rec coaches. He recommends holding an additional coaching and introductory skills clinic in October. He put out a plea for anyone who wants to coach to contact him and for all to talk to coaching prospects to fill the vacant club team positions. A coaches’ meeting will be held tomorrow, October 10. Kay Jones said AYSA will offer a C level license course if a minimum of 28 sign up for it. It is planned for 8 days next May and June. Colin reported the introductory skills clinic was very successful even in the rain. There are about 8 kids that have come to U11 team practices so far. Skills Clinics start next week on weeknights. Colin believes it is the best way to attract kids to the club because they are fun and the kids learn tricks while they are learning soccer. ATP also begins next week for 5th – 8th graders. Paul Bertholl, club registrar reported that there are 79 players registered for JSC today. Last year at this time there were 37. JDHS – Jamie and Amy reported on their efforts to line up girls high school teams from out of state to travel to Juneau this spring. Teams contacted are from Colorado and California. Colin was asked to help by contacting team coaches directly. Don Ashe and Kurt West were asked to contact Gary Lehnhart to see if he needs help scheduling teams for the boys team. Discussion items Discussion was short because of the need to hold an executive session. Peter Ord volunteered to contact Litter Free to set a date for the Litterfree pickup club fundraiser. Regular meeting was adjourned at 8:40 and the board met in Executive Session. Juneau Soccer Club Annual General Membership Meeting Minutes September 11, 2006 D’zantiki Heeni Middle School Library 7:00 – 9:00 pm Agenda Items Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were: Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Tom Lawson, Jean Mischel, Noel Shima, Amy Skilbred, Reed Stoops, Brian Sylvester, Jamie Waste. Reports Board Chair – Carl reviewed the year from his perspective. Director of Coaching – Colin Barton reviewed the year from his perspective and listed the changes he would like to see in the future. Fundraising committee – There was a lengthy discussion on future fundraising challenges and strategies, particularly with regard to the coming 2nd high school. AYSA President – Joe Ver gave a report on statewide soccer news. Treasurer’s report Amy presented the FY2007 budget for membership approval. The budget was approved by the membership. Volunteer recognition Jamie recognized various volunteers for their contributions to the club the past year. In particular, Noel Shima for 9 years of service on the board Election for open Board of Directors seats (5 vacancies) Don, Carl, Noel, Reed, and Brian are stepping down from the board. Five candidates indicated interest in running for the board. All five were approved by acclamation. They are: Chris Francis, Nick Lyons, Peter Ord, Tom Paul, and Glenn Walton. Report on indoor facility (Dimond Park Fieldhouse) Reed reported on progress of the planning for the new indoor facility. He passed out draft floor plans and briefly listed the issues that the planning committee was discussing about the facility, its use, management, and finances. Questions and a lengthy discussion about the facility followed. Christy Odum U12G coach said she there is interest among some Anchorage teams in coming to a tournament in Juneau. She said she is willing to organize a return of the Solstice Tournament we hosted in the past. The board encouraged that. She also noted that there is nothing current in JSC policies regarding a No Tolerance for Drugs & Alcohol policy and wants the board to revise our policies to include it. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm. Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting June 5, 2006 Dzantik’I Heeni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Board members present were Carl Dierking, Tom Lawson, Jean Mischel, Noel Shima, Reed Stoops and Brian Sylvester. Agenda Item #1: New Agenda Items and/or visitor information sharing Carl lent CCSL the portable JSC goals for 7v7 matches and Glen said they messed up the shed while they were retrieving them. Amy applied for a contingency grant of $5,240 from CBJ for cost of the high school state tournament. Agenda Item #2: Reports Director of Coaching Colin reports that John Newell took his D license in Anchorage last weekend. John has applied for a JSC scholarship to defer cost. How much is available depends if Troy Choquette went up for the license also, but this appears not to have happened. Regarding 6 V 6 rules, Colin doesn’t agree with the rule that doesn’t allow throw-ins. Currently kick-ins are used to bring a ball back into play if they go out of bounds. He would like to see this rule changed. He would also like to see more kids referring youth games because it’s a good learning experience. Colin received an email from Angel Dudley informing him he would be unable to coach a youth team as originally anticipated. He suggested that in Angel’s place David Seid be appointed coach. This team is a younger, non-traveling squad. Jean said that the U-12 girls coach is having a baby and will need a substitute coach, too. They are also still short of players. Colin said he would coach them next Sunday. Colin held a one day soccer mini camp in June for members that showed up. The event was not as well attended as he would have liked. Reed suggested that JSC hand out flyers during Parks & Rec. sign up to help attract prospective new members. Glen Walton commented that the Juneau Empire has sports site links for other sports, but not to JSC. It was suggested that JSC hold a one or two day free clinic open to all to attract not only players, but coaches as well. The clinic would not only be for skills, it could examine soccer philosophy and tactics, too. The board proposed that Colin use his remaining training time to conduct the clinic. JSC needs to let prospective coaches know that we will help them learn to coach soccer. Glen said we should have handouts available to give to interested referees, coaches and players. 1 Field Scheduler Tom reported that July field turf time at Adair-Kennedy will be at a premium (Gary has ½ of it booked for his soccer camp). There is field time available at Saviiko and Dimond Parks. Tom will turn in indoor gym request within the week, including Holiday Cup. JSC may need to find a coordinator to replace Leslie for the Holiday Cup. Dillon and Finley will continue to support the event. Jean feels it would be nice to develop a manual on how to run the various club sponsored tournaments and will offered to work on it. Chair Carl said there will be no July board meeting. Colin was asked to prepare his budget plan for next year so that it will be available for consideration at the boards August budget preparation meetings. Glen was asked to prepare an inventory of items in the shed. There is a need to find replacements for the retiring board members (four). Noel commented that it may be time to start thinking about hiring people to run certain club programs. Agenda Item #3: New Business Reed proposed that the Irene/Anne Shima soccer scholarship fund become part of the Juneau Community Foundation in order to attract more financial donations. He suggested that a board member be appointed to work with the foundation. The Foundation’s next meeting is Monday June 12th. Reed gave a quick update on the new indoor turf facility to be built in the Dimond Park area back where the Gold Rush Days event is held. Bruce Weyhrauch was instrumental in obtaining $4,000,000 from the legislature to fund the project, which is expected to be finished around September 2007. A letter of appreciation will be sent to Bruce for his fine effort. Questions asked were; would it be advantageous to hire a manager and who is considered the “owner/facilitator” of the structure? There should only be operating cost and if built privately the cost should be less. Agenda Item #4: JSC Calendar Review Ina-K Tournament • June 8-10th 6 V 6 Finals • June 9th Zane Cup • August 3-6th State Cup (Friday is a non-playing day) • August 7-12th Agenda Item #5: Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 2 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting April 3, 2006 Dzantik’I Heeni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Board members present were Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Tom Lawson, Reed Stoops, Noel Shima, Brian Sylvester and Jamie Waste. Agenda Item #1: Approval of minutes (03/06) The Board approved the March minutes. Agenda Item #2: Reports Tournament Coordinator/HS Schedule Jamie will help Don coordinate tickets for home games the weekends of April 13-15th and April 20-22nd. Karen Doxey is coordinating the concessions for the two April home game series. JYFL has loaned JSC their sound system for both weekend series. Don has lined up a color guard to march in the Spring Fever tournament. Colony is not coming to play the varsity girls the weekend of April 7-8th as originally planned. Chris Francis is pre selling whale watching tour tickets. Club teams will be selling JSC T-shirts, pins and mugs during the April weekend home games and Reed will have his team selling them at the Whitehorse tournament in Canada. There will be a $25 per player fee for the Whitehorse tournament in Juneau. State cup qualifying games will be held Sunday, April 23rd and 30th. Director of Coaching Colin held E and D license equivalent courses the weekend of March 31st – April 1st and will continue to work with the advanced D group. There were seven E and six D license attendees. Jamie will create JSC E and D license equivalent certificates to present to the coaches who recently completed Colin’s training class. JSC will look to offset cost for those coaches looking to procure their USSF coaching licenses. Angel Dudley is the new U11 boys coach. Winter skills clinics are over for the year. Colin would like to see more social events, such as the trash pickup held last weekend, whale watching tour and past barbecues. Fund-raising Committee Chris Francis is in charge of the Gold Card fund raiser. Princess Tours donated a $1,000 to the general fund. Dillon and Findley are still willing to donate the funds for the Holiday Cup, but JSC will need to replace Leslie Houston who is stepping down from her role as tournament coordinator for the event. JSC would like one of the younger player’s parents to take on this role. The Litter Free pickup went well last weekend under sunny skies. There were 85 youth and 52 adults in attendance. Communications Committee The JSC Spring news letter went out this past weekend and is posted on the JSC web site. Don was kind enough to pick them up from the printer and mail them out while Jamie was out of town. 1 Colin and Don were interviewed by Chris Burns on KINY radio in support of the JDHS and club team competitive season getting underway. Karen Doxey is coordinating the concession stand for the upcoming two weekend home games. Jamie will need tryout information by April 11th in order to advertise tryouts ten days in advance. AYSA Joe Ver (AYSA President) reported they have two new officers, Holly Beth Odom is now vice president and Becky Woodhay is secretary. Joe reminded us of the policy requiring AYSA permission to play in adult club leagues. This is an insurance issue. The State Registrar, Kay Jones will be checking to make sure that players who did play in the adult league (CISL) signed the waiver. If not they could be disqualified from their youth team (U15 and up). The ODP player selection has been completed for the coming year, but the coaches have not been named yet. Players can expect letters to arrive shortly. Chair The CBJ Youth Activities Grant has some questions that Carl will address while Amy is out of town. Agenda Item #3: New Business Reed said the two high school committee will have a formal work session in May with Colin, Gary and Sandi to discuss possible alternatives. The feeling is the school district is leaning toward two separate high school teams, which could create a Southeast conference with two Juneau, one Ketchikan and a Sitka soccer team. This could reduce travel costs since teams wouldn’t have to travel as far for competition or bring in as many outside teams. Jamie proposed and Noel seconded that JSC charge an admission fee for the two home game series. Adults (19 and over) will be charged $5. Under 19 and senior citizens are free. The motion passed unanimously. Among consideration by the board is that charging a fee will help raise much needed funds to support the current and future soccer program and it helps legitimize the program in the eyes of the players and the general public. The JDHS soccer program is consistently providing a high level of competitive soccer worthy of support. Agenda Item #4: JSC Calendar Review • April 7-8th Whitehorse Exchange and boys varsity at Spokane • April 13-15th Home Games (boys and girls): Ketchikan, Dimond and West Valley • April 20-22nd Spring Fever: Chugiak (boys and girls), Bellermine Prep. (boys) and Pine Creek (girls) • April 22-23rd Competitive team qualifying games • April 29-30th Competitive team tryouts Agenda Item #5: Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM. Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. Approved March minutes 2. Approved a $5 admission fee for adults 2 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting March 6, 2006 Dzantik’I Heeni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Tom Lawson, Jean Mischel, Amy Skilbred, Reed Stoops, Brian Sylvester and Jamie Waste. Agenda Item #1: Approval of minutes (02/06) The Board approved the February minutes. Special thanks to Jamie for taking them in Brian’s absence. Agenda Item #2: Reports Tournament Coordinator/HS Schedule Don reported that the Spring Fever soccer tournament will be held the weekend of April 21- 23rd. The boy’s field will include Bellermen Prep, the 2004 National Champions, and Chugiak (Anchorage). The girls will have Pine Creek, which took 8th place in last years Colorado state tournament, and Chugiak. Both the boys and girls squads from Dimond (Anchorage) and West Valley (Fairbanks) will come to Juneau the weekend of April 14 -15th. The Whitehorse tournament is scheduled for the weekend of April 7-9th. The boy’s are still looking for a coordinator on their side. Don is meeting with Juneau coaches later this week to try and firm things up. With the cost of airfare and gym rental rising this year the individual cost to players will need to increase. Allen Marine will donate one sight seeing trip the weekend of the Whitehorse tournament. JSC will charge $15 per person. Four Seasons will provide a sightseeing trip during the weekend of the Spring Fever tournament at a cost to JSC of $3,000. JSC will help offset the cost of the Four Seasons cruise with funds collected on the Allen Marine excursion. Director of Coaching Colin reports he will be wrapping up ATP when the high school soccer season begins, which is March 13th. In addition, the skills clinics have been extremely well attended. As of March 6th AYSA had decided to let Colin give the E-license course. They still require the minimum $1,000 fee. The current fee structure is $100 for an E license and $200 for a D license. AYSA also is willing to let Colin teach the first portion of the D license, but the completion must be done by Frank. This discussion will be continued at the April JSC Board meeting. Treasurer Bookkeeper Amy informed the Board that high school enrollment currently has 45 boys and 36 girls. There is a serious lack of freshman girls enrolled. The current budget is for 90 high school players to sign up. Amy submitted the YAB grant application, another fabulous effort by our treasurer. GCI, Cellular One and Alaska Marine Lines have all donated $1,000 and will receive full page adds in the high school program. The Rebounders (basketball booster club) donated $500. 1 Competitive Teams Committee Dillon and Finley is willing to continue to fund the Holiday Cup (December tournament), but isn’t willing to run the program. Leslie Houston is stepping down from her administrative position. If the club can find a person willing to run the program it will continue. JSC selected April 16th and 23rd as tryout dates for the competitive teams. Tom will try and arrange for field time on these dates. The board tentatively approved a new U11 boys’ coach so that she could participate in coach’s training. Fund-raising Committee JSC is looking for someone to run the discount card program. Communications Committee The Spring Newsletter articles are due to Jamie by March 15th. Jeff Brown has graciously offered to put the newsletter together, in exchange for help answering phones for the KTOO fund raiser on April 1st. Jamie will send us an email soliciting operators. KINY and KTOO will have interviews with Colin and Jamie to discuss the soccer program in Juneau. Field Scheduling There is no need to schedule ATP during the summer. Skills clinics will continue, but not to the extent they were held during the fall and winter. Dick Schirmer wants to schedule additional indoor soccer time on Fridays using the same “Sunday soccer” format the club provided a few years ago. Tom stated there was no available gym time at Floyd Dryden or Dzantik’I Henni on Friday evenings. Chair Scott and the high school student intern’s facelift project for the JSC website haven’t made any visible progress. JSC may need to decide on another alternative. Carl asked that all committees meet in March. Agenda Item #3: New Business Referee Rates Tim Cottongim distributed a handout that compared basic referee payment for Juneau soccer referees compared with those in Anchorage. In short, referees are paid at least twice as much to call a game in Anchorage as Juneau. The Juneau referee community is finding it difficult to recruit or keep referees because of the minimal wage and the additional requirement to provide their own uniforms, equipment and licensing. In Ketchikan, the referees do not receive pay, but all their uniforms, training and licenses are purchased for them. Tim stated that he should soon complete his referee’s training license and will then start a Juneau soccer referee association. What JSC needs to consider is whether they wish to assist in the development of these referees and provide a higher wage scale in order to attract quality people. If the quality of referees in Juneau is poor it will make it difficult to attract competitive teams to come play in Juneau. Amount paid to Refs by the Anchorage Referee Association: Center Line 1 Line 2 Varsity Boys $60 $35 $35 Varsity Girls $50 $35 $35 JV Boys $50 $25 $25 JV Girls $50 $25 $25 C Boys $1.45/min per Ref C Girls $1.45/min per Ref 2 *In addition to these rates the Anchorage school district also pays a substantial additional administrative fee to the Anchorage Referee Association. Amount paid to Refs by the Juneau Soccer Association: Center Line 1 Line 2 Varsity Boys $25 $15 $15 Varsity Girls $25 $15 $15 JV Boys $25 $15/$0 $15/$0 (paid linespersons as requested) JV Girls $25 $15/$0 $15/$0 (paid linespersons as requested) C Boys $25 $0 $0 C Girls $25 $0 $0 The board discussed the possibility of establishing a youth referee development program and providing assistance to refs for uniforms. The board referred the referee issue to the Competitive Team Committee to develop recommendations for board consideration. Amy moved and Jean seconded that JSC approve the use of the JSC non-profit status by the Juneau Rapids boy’s competitive soccer team for their use in fundraising and banking. JSC Board approved the motion. Jean moved and Jamie seconded a pilot program for this season to allow a player to practice with the high school (JDHS) soccer team if they pay the $125 unlimited participation player fee. No additional JSC/JDHS activities will be allowed. This program will be evaluated after the season. JSC Board approved the motion. Booster Club Several of the parents of JDHS upper class players have proposed the creation of a booster club. Some of the questions associated with the proposal include should it be boys and girls combined, or run as a separate entity? Is this something that JSC needs to be part of? The concept will be evaluated by the high school program committee. Amy motioned and Reed seconded that an admission fee be charged for the Spring Fever and Dimond/West Valley/Ketchikan weekend soccer games. The amount is yet to be determined. JSC Board approved the motion. Agenda Item #4: JSC Calendar Review • Arctic Winter Games (Mar 6-11) • Ad Sales end (Mar 13) • HS season starts (Mar 13) • Raffle sales end (Mar 31) Agenda Item #5: Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM. Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. Approved February minutes 2. Approve the use of JSC non-profit status by Juneau Rapids 3. Approved a limited membership JDHS practice squad player (1 year trial basis) 4. Approved creation of admission fee to JDHS soccer games 3 Juneau Soccer Club Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 6, 2006 Board members present: Carl Dierking, Amy Skilbred, Noel Shima, Reed Stoops, Jean Mischel, Tom Lawson, Jamie Waste Guests: Colin Barton, Matt Dusenberry, Glen Walton, Paul Berthol, Chris Francis, Christy & Matt Odum, Myiia Whistler, Sarah Poor Call to Order: Chairman Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:03p Approval of minutes: Noel moved, Amy second. Minutes from 12/5/05, 12/15/05 and 1/6/05 were approved. Reports Treasurer: Amy reported that high school enrollment numbers are low, middle school numbers are better but still below budget, elementary numbers are good. She reported on a variety of revenue/fundraising items. She is working on the 07 YAB grant. Biggest concern on expense side of budget is high school numbers thus far and cost of travel being higher due to higher airfares. JSC has a positive balance sheet. Director of Coaching: Colin sent a written report in advance of the meeting. He added that skills clinics continue to be quite successful and he expressed some disappointment that attendance at his coaching education session did not have stronger participation by club coaches. Fundraising: Reed discussed need to establish a fundraising calendar for JSC; need to identify a parent or two to be in charge of the upcoming “Striker” card fundraiser scheduled for the fall 06; working with Princess Tours for sponsorship of 6v6 League; working with GCI on having them contribute larger donation to help cover gym costs or some other club wide operating cost. AYSA: Joe Ver submitted a written report. Reed reported that the JSC travel equity proposal was not well received by Anchorage representatives. Kay Jones will follow up with a travel cost survey. Parks & Rec: Myiia reminded us that the YAB grant deadline is March 1st at 4:30 p.m. Scheduling: Tom was able to secure some DZ time; HBV size is a problem for teams with big numbers; working on ensuring gym/field time for Whitehorse Exchange. Indoor Facility: Reed updated the board on plans for a possible indoor facility at the Dimond Park field site; active proposal are currently being advanced with appropriate parties. Chair: Carl reported that high school student Lindsey Collins has agreed to help with the JSC webpage and Tim Cottingim will conduct an Arctic Winter Games rules clinic for Juneau players. New Business Action Item: Noel moved, Tom second: JSC will help cover some expenses for Paul Berthol to join Moctar Diouf at the Region IV Coach of the Year event in Houston, TX. Unanimous. Action Item: Amy moved, Tom second: JSC endorses Colin’s plan to develop a one day soccer clinic for June 1st. The clinic is not in the JSC budget so Colin is responsible for revenue and expense. Unanimous. Action Item: Noel moved, Amy second: Proposed language changes for Ad Sales in Policy & Procedures. Unanimous. Discussion Item: Request for high school student to attend practices without fundraising or expectation to play. JDHS coaches need to tell board whether or not they want to establish this precedent and then Board will consider. Discussion Item: ODP recommendations regarding 1) playing time for pool and selected players; 2) requirement for team coach to attend local mini-camps; 3) written request to schedule pre-season mini camp in Juneau; an ODP team training session on way to summer camps so that coaches have an opportunity to see Juneau kids playing before they arrive at camp. Coaches are getting to see Anchorage kids play in Anchorage. Board agreed to pursue #3 for now and pursue the other two points at a later date. Amy/Jean will work on a draft letter to AYSA regarding these issues. Nominations for New Committees: High School Committee: Don (Co-Chair), Jamie, Ken Post, Sue Gullufsen (Co-Chair), Leslie Houston, Colin, Gary, Matt & Sandi. Competitive Committee: Noel (Chair), Jean, Tom, Colin, Don Program Committee: Amy (Chair), Noel, Colin, Gary, Matt, Chris Francis. Amy will solicit broader participation from interested coaches and or managers. Discussion Item: Should there be a policy or guidelines for leftover/carry forward player revenue? JSC does not support player specific revenue being carried forward from year to year. JSC expects teams to raise funds to meet immediate seasonal needs. Amy will draft guidelines and the board will revisit this topic. Discussion Item: U11 Travel or Competitive Alternatives. There is no policy prohibiting U11 teams from traveling for competition. JSC expressed caution about trying to travel for competition at this age. U11 can not participate in JSC ad sales and raffle; those fundraisers are in place for U12 and above. U11 can conduct bake sales, car washes and other fundraisers. Discussion Item(s): Admission fee for JDHS home games and establishing JDHS booster clubs were referred to the program committee for review. Meeting adjourned at 9:08p Summary of Action Items JSC agreed to help cover some expenses for Paul Bertholl to join Moctar Diouf at the Region IV Coach of the Year event in Houston, TX. JSC endorses Colin’s plan to develop a one day soccer clinic for June 1st. The clinic is not in the JSC budget so Colin is responsible for revenue and expense. JSC adopted proposed language changes for Ad Sales in Policy & Procedures. Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting January 9, 2006 Dzantik’I Henni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Jean Mischel, Noel Shima, Amy Skilbred, Jamie Waste and Brian Sylvester. Agenda Item #1: Reports Tournament Coordinator/HS Schedule Don reports that the boy’s Bellerman high school soccer team from Washington and the Golden high school girl’s squad from Colorado are interested in playing the Spring Fever Tournament March 31st-April 1st. Depending on the available competition, Chugiak is also interested in attending. West Valley, Dimond, and Ketchikan are scheduled to play in Juneau in April. University high school in San Francisco has said they would play the girl’s team anytime they could make it down this Spring. Sandi must contact the University athletic director before a commitment can be made. The boy’s travel to Spokane for a four game set on April 6-9th. The Whitehorse tournament is scheduled for the April 7-9th weekend. Don said the biggest problem teams have in coming to Juneau is helped by offsetting travel cost. One proposed consideration is to drop one of the trips to Anchorage and spend that money brining teams to Juneau to play. At $200 per ticket times 40 players that equates to $8,000 made available for helping teams come here. Competitive Teams Committee Noel reports that the U11 boys and U12 girl’s age groups are slowly increasing in numbers. Moctar Diouf was elected Region IV boys coach of the year for 2005. This is for all age levels! He will make a trip to Houston, Texas to receive an award and attend a coaching symposium. Paul is writing an article for the newspaper and Jamie will help him get on KTOO and KINY. Fund-raising Committee The Mark Kelly calendar sales are finished. Special thanks to Jean for a superb job organizing the sale and for Mark’s continued JSC support. The membership sold 1450 calendars with gross receipts of $19,500. Chris reported that his group has sold 2000 money raffle calendars at $5 apiece. The idea with this type of a raffle is that each day a winner is drawn and they collect a portion of the funds. Advertisements for the high school are due by March 1st. The U11 girl’s team asked if they could sell raffle and advertisement and hold it over until the next year. The board stated this was not acceptable and that selling ads wasn’t permitted until the U12 level. The Board decided that top prize for the raffle ticket this year would be either airline tickets or $1,000 cash. 1 Communications Committee Carl developed a prototype for the JSC website facelift. He sent these to Jamie who reviewed them and then forwarded them on to Scott. Jamie said he received two responses to his email request to the membership for ideas of things to include on the website. Glen requested that Scott put in a plug for JSC patch and pin sales. The Spring JSC newsletter deadline for submitting articles to Jamie will be mid March. He would like to release the publication as the high school season commences. Dianne Walters, the Alaska ODP coordinator, would like someone in Juneau to organize registration and housing for those coming from out of town for the February tryouts to be held in Juneau. Jean said she would look into coordinating housing and Paul said he would take care of registration. The Region IV ODP girl’s coordinator from Houston, Texas will be in Juneau to help with the ODP tryout. Coaching Education Colin is absent due to a coaching conflict. Amy said Colin is looking at doing a 10 hour course similar to the USSF National E license. He would like to do this in June, after the high school season ends. Colin sent two proposals, (1) a proposal for a JSC basic coaching education class and (2) a proposal for team/coach training. • Basic coaching education would include 3 hours of theory, 6 hours of practical sessions and 1 hour of theory testing. There would also be additional homework assignments. Colin will combine another 8 hours with the practical evaluations done with coaches at their usual team practices in order to meet the normal 18 hour E License requirement. • Team/coach training would entail one 90 minute session in the morning and one 90 minute afternoon session. This would be done for two days and would give each coach 6 hours of training. Glen reported that three Juneau youths received their youth FIFA referee license. They are Matt and Kayla Walton and Nathan Teal. Agenda Item #2: JSC Calendar Review • HS Ad sales continue • Club-wide ad sales begin January 31st • High School raffle begins February 3rd Agenda Item #3: Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. No motions made 2 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting December 15, 2005 Dzantik’I Henni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Tom Lawson, Jean Mischel, Noel Shima, Amy Skilbred, Reed Stoops, and Brian Sylvester. Agenda Item #1: Approval of minutes 11/21 The November 21st minutes were approved. Agenda Item #2: Reports Tournament Coordinator/HS Schedule Don reports that University high school out of San Francisco will not be able to attend the Spring Fever tournament due to prior commitments. Kim Waldron, the University athletic director wrote an email to some of the Bay Area schools to see if she could find a replacement. Sandi has still not managed to talk with Duane in Wyoming about the girls playing in Cheyenne. Part of the problem with trying to entice high school soccer teams to play us is that outside of Juneau the club side is the preferred team over high school. Players commit to them over their high school, especially if they must fund raise for both. Tom Rutecki is working on finding a couple of JV teams to play in the Spring Fever tournament and will coordinate with Don. Jamie and Don have organized a planning meeting for the Whitehorse Exchange on Friday, December 16th in the DZ library. Chair Carl related that Sandi had presented her new high school athletic facility concerns to the Juneau Assembly during a Thursday meeting earlier this month. Scott recently updated the JSC website, but he does need a backup. Ad Sales The high school ad sales have commenced. The fund-raising committee (FRC) is proposing a slight change in the way outgoing senior and scholarship ads are distributed. Ads made available by players leaving the program (departing seniors or non-interested past members) will be divided equally between the boys and girls. From this list each high school player will be given specific business to approach. FRC proposed that advertising be allowed through the JSC website. A specific time limit would be required. Reed discussed the discount card proposal, which would be run similar to the Midnight Suns discount card. Solicitation from business would begin in the Spring. During the summer the cards would be created and 1 sales would commence in the fall. Overhead would include the cost of design, printing and associated bookkeeping. Amy moved and Noel seconded that the club proceeds with the development of a JSC discount card. Board approved the motion. Agenda Item #3: New Business Coaching Education Per Joe Ver, AYSA requires a minimum of $1,000 ($100 per person with 10-person minimum) for offering the E or D license. We discussed the reasons that coaches would desire to take a license course. Either (1) they would like to be a professional, and/or (2) they want to learn more about how to coach. Since AYSA leaves us few options, the Board prefers Colin offer a training course that would teach how to coach but wouldn’t come with an USSA license. This would cover the JSC desire to have their club coaches trained and assist those coaches who want to learn more but don’t care about the license. For coaches that want a license, JSC would try to help with their costs to travel somewhere else. Summer would be the best time for Colin’s training. The Board requests Colin draft a proposal for an “E-license” similar course that would entail eighteen hours of training with tentative dates and cost. JSC will contact CBJ Parks and Rec. to see if they have any interested recreation coaches. Two High School Committee Reed talked with Gary and then the school district about the impact two high schools would have on soccer and reports the following: • School opening target date is the 2008/2009 season • Both high schools would be in a Southeast Division • There would be a need for paid coaches for both high school teams, boys and girls. There could be volunteer assistant coaches. • Travel cost would diminish because competition would be nearer and incoming teams would be more motivated if there were two teams to play in Juneau. • Because of the playing opportunities provided by having twice as many high school teams interest in the sport would increase. The questions JSC needs to consider are do we want to support two, one or possibly none of the high school teams. Would booster clubs develop to finance these teams? Also, there will probably be additional teams for the other high school sports as well (football, baseball, and basketball…) Reed said he would look into the costs associated with running two high school teams. Proposal for New Board Committees Amy proposed creating two committees that would compliment the Comp Team Committee. Some of this would make a little more formal the work that folks are already doing (high school committee) and some would get us to focus on work that may need to be done (JSC Program Committee). 1. High School program Committee 2. JSC Program Committee 3. Competitive Teams Committee Having three committees would make writing the YAB grant easier and cleaner. Additionally, these new committees would include mostly non-board members. Amy moved and Reed seconded that JSC create two additional committees, (1) High School and (2) JSC Program. Board approved the motion. 2 YAB Grant CBJ sent out proposal request for the YAB grant. These are due back by close of business March 1, 2006. Indoor Soccer Facility Reed reports that Dimond Park has land available for an indoor soccer/athletic facility. He is looking into the feasibility of creating an O’Malley (Anchorage indoor facility) type arena and an appropriate budget. Miscellaneous GCI is interested in funding more than the 6v6 tournament that they have covered in past years. Agenda Item #4: JSC Calendar Review • Calendar sales end December 16th • HS advertising sales started • Indoor ATP/Skills/Goalkeeper clinics continue • Holiday Cup starts December17th Agenda Item #5: Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. Passed minutes from the November 21st 2. Proceeds with the development of a JSC discount card 3. Create two additional committees, (1) High School Program and (2) JSC Program 3 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting December 5, 2005 Downtown Library 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Tom Lawson, Jean Mischel, Noel Shima, Amy Skilbred, Reed Stoops, Brian Sylvester, Jamie Waste (teleconference). Agenda Item #1: Sandi’s Letter JDHS Athletic/Activities Director Sandi Wagner asked JSC for support when she meets with the new high school planning team over proposed reductions to the athletic facilities. She presented a draft letter that she will also present to the Juneau School Board Thursday December 8th. Carl said he would write a JSC letter of concern over the proposed cuts. Agenda Item #2: Approval of minutes 11/07 The November 7th minutes were approved. Agenda Item #3: Reports Treasurer/Bookkeeper’s Report There are a total of 187 registered members, which is about normal for this point in the season. The U12 girls only have seven registered participants. Alaska Airline tickets for the JDHS teams cost $35 more than anticipated. This is because not everyone would be able to get on the same flight and Amy had to purchase open tickets because the individual players aren’t known at this time. Amy sent an email describing our K&K Insurance policy, which covers only high school players. This is a different policy from that provided by AYSA for club teams, but probably has similar coverage. Her discussion with the people at K&K provided the following information. Commercial General Liability: coverage protects the insured against liability claims for bodily injury and property damage arising out of premises, operations, products and completed operations, and advertising and personal injury liability. Automobile Liability: this is limited to damage to another vehicle only; not damage to the van you rent or to your own car. Van drivers should check and see if their own insurance covers them for damage to the van rentals, however the agent thought that it probably would not. That is because this would be more like business and not just for you and your family. You can also check and see if your credit card would cover damage to the rental vehicle. If in doubt, she recommended purchasing the rental car insurance when renting a car, because K&K and most insurance of this type, does not offer insurance for the rental car. Participant Accident: this insurance acts as a secondary health insurance (primary for those who have no health insurance) and would cover anyone involved in a car accident, even the people in the rental vehicle. Juneau School District is listed as an additional insured on the JSC policy for the high school. 1 AYSA purchases similar insurance coverage for all JSC members at AYSA events and when participating at JSC events, except tournaments not sanctioned by AYSA (this would be Whitehorse, where JSC purchased additional insurance last year for the hosted portion of the tournament; we should consider purchasing the insurance for those who travel to Whitehorse as well this year). Amy will contact K&K and have them send her a copy of our policy. Tournament Coordinator/HS Schedule Don said the Spring Fever tournament is scheduled for the same week the varsity boys are in Spokane. Kenai is planning to send their boys to play against a mixed varsity/JV squad of players not travelling to Spokane. Ketchikan might be interested in sending a boy’s team to play, also. On the girls side, University High of San Francisco, South Anchorage and Chugach are planning to attend. Jamie reported that Sandi hasn’t made contact with the athletic director for Cheyenne, Wyoming (Duane). Although they are still trying to coordinate some matches Sandi needs to make contact. Sandi said she hasn’t been able to contact Duane, but has tried a few times. Jamie said he talked with Duane over Thanksgiving weekend. Don feels that Duane will make something happen and will call him tomorrow for an update. Jamie said he would call Sandi tomorrow, also. Both the boys and girls squads from Fairbanks West Valley are planning on coming the third weekend of April. Ferris high school out of Washington called Gary and said they couldn’t come. Anchorage Dimond has expressed interest in coming. The Whitehorse tournament needs a coordinator for the boys who will be host in Juneau this year. The girls are travelling to Whitehorse. The dates have not been set. Jamie will email managers to see if any are interested in coordinating the tournament. Fund-raising Committee/Discount Card Proposal A meeting of the fundraising committee was held on Nov 28th. Amy, Sue, Jean, Chris and Reed were all in attendance. Action items: 1. I (Reed) authorized Sue to begin ad sales for JDHS soccer team players this week instead of next month in order to permit sufficient time to complete the ad program on schedule. The Committee recommends that the full board consider at its next meeting how to allocate ad sales that had been made available to departing seniors. The recommendation is to divide ($3,000 in potential sales) between the boys and girls teams. There was also debate about the tradition of passing ad sale allocations to siblings rather than some other method. The board should also consider this. The committee makes no recommendation on this. 2. Regarding new business sponsors: the committee recommends that the board allow the Reign to approach Norwegian Cruise lines for a cash donation. It also recommends that any team be permitted to seek new sponsors or donations with prior notice to the club so long as they have not previously donated to JSC and the teams give a small percentage back to JSC (maybe an 80 -20 split?). This should also be a subject at the next board meeting. 3. Use of JSC website for teams that use internet shopping as a fundraising tool. The committee recommends that teams be permitted to use the website for this purpose. Ideally, all teams should set up their own websites in the future, so the JSC website can be used as a link to each individual team website. 4. Fund raising policies and procedures. Amy has submitted a draft for board consideration. This should also be placed on the next full board meeting agenda. Sue started the advertising sales with the high school ages last week. If a person had an ad last year they can go solicit it now. This will help when producing the program in the Spring. Amy feels this should be more of a high school age endeavor. 2 Competitive Teams Committee Noel has been busy as a substitute coach for the boy’s U11 squad while their coach is away. The U12 girls need an assistant coach. Parks & Recreation Myiia asked what gyms we would like the nets and standards to remain in now that their fall indoor season has ended. Sunday soccer is only available at Harborview for the younger kids and Floyd Dryden for the older kids. Tom requested they be left at these schools. AYSA There is an opening for the treasurer’s position. Their current treasurer resigned and 1½ years remain for the term. Joe would like to know where JSC plans to go with the discount club card idea. There is a new look to the AYSA newsletter. Chair Carl will set up a meeting with Colin and the board early in January to discuss his issues. Agenda Item #4: JSC Web Site Scott Manchee attended the meeting to discuss the JSC website. He stated he could tie every club team by email address and then individual teams could create their own web page telling about themselves. Scott is willing to do this without charging the club, but he is tied up with work until late February. Juneau.net has the same functionality as Scott’s plan for JSC. Tom said he was tired of looking at the same old website, but is interested in Scott’s design idea. We could also have some of the club kids help Scott with implementation. Amy asked when we could expect to unveil a new club website. Scott’s response was that in part it would depend on availability of the kids if they were going to help him. He could change the look of the site in the Spring. Don suggested offering the kids an incentive to work on the project. Scott asked for design ideas and Jamie said he would collect them. His plan is to set up a basic face-lift and an email roster for each club team. Agenda Item #5: New Business Noel motioned and Don seconds that off-season is from State Cup in mid-August to October 1st. From state cup until September 1st, no team practices should be scheduled. During the month of September, teams may hold optional, not mandatory, practices. Board approved motion. Noel motioned and Jean seconds that Juneau Soccer Club provides 1½ hours of team practice time on Sundays each week. The Sunday team practice is geared towards the team’s age group. Board approved motion. Jean motioned and Tom seconds the use of JSC website for teams, which use internet shopping as a fundraising tool. Teams shall be permitted to use the website for this purpose. Ideally, all teams should set up their own websites in the future, so the JSC website can be used as a link to each individual team website. Board approved motion. 3 Agenda Item #6: Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. Passed minutes from the November 7th meeting. 2. Approved mid-August to October 1st practice schedule. 3. Approved Sunday soccer practice. 4. Approved club team website usage. 4 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting November 21, 2005 Dzantik’I Henni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Carl Dierking, Tom Lawson, Jean Mischel, Noel Shima, Amy Skilbred, Reed Stoops, Brian Sylvester, Jamie Waste. Agenda Item #1: Approval of Minutes The minutes from the September 29th meeting were approved Agenda Item #2: Reports Treasurer/Bookkeeper Amy had the 1st Bank CD moved to 3month maturity The club received one adult membership. The registrations are coming in at the normal rate. There are 170 members signed up. The 4th grade boys are lower than expected and girls in general are arriving slowly. Proposed handing out flyers at Park and Recreation games as their indoor season closes to entice players. Amy purchased the Alaska Airline tickets for the upcoming high school season. The price per ticket was $35 more than anticipated. The newly purchased soccer balls and equipment have arrived. The Jambars are already selling balls. Tournament Coordinator/HS Schedule Don is absent. Carl reported that University High of San Francisco is coming for Spring Fever. We’re waiting for Sandi Wagner to finalize with them and for the trip to Cheyenne, Wyoming. The girls have already begun fund raising for the trip to Wyoming. The fields for the Whitehorse tournament have been reserved for the weekend of March 24-26th. Because Whitehorse has not confirmed these dates this is subject to change. Fund-raising Committee/Discount Card Proposal Reed had a meeting of the fund-raising committee earlier on a "home run type card" for JSC: Arguments in favor: Could raise $10,000 - $25,000 for JSC depending on whether we do ourselves or contract with a Seattle firm. Arguments against: Might generate some ill feelings with Little League if it ends up diluting their sales. If we contract for the card, we get a 50 - 50 split in revenues after $1 per card is deducted for expenses. Card could sell for $10 or $15. We have to supply wish list of local businesses and contact information. No risk to JSC on costs. We only get about 2 weeks to sell cards. Would likely do in winter rather than summer to try to avoid conflict with home run cards. Would try to get different businesses to be part of card. Cards would be good statewide. $ 1 of contractor's profit would go to AYSA. 1 If we do card ourselves (as does Little league), cost would be about $1500 (our risk); but income would all be ours after recovering additional expenses. Little league orders about 5000 cards – Reed doesn’t think they sell all of them each year. We would have to do the work to get businesses and get their advertising logo for use on cards. Card would be good locally. Recommendation: If we decide to do the cards, we should do ourselves. Half of the proceeds are a lot of money to send out of Juneau that could be going to support JSC. We would need several people to be responsible to do the work. It would require a significant time commitment. Amy proposed JSC begin soliciting advertising for the high school program next week rather than waiting until January like the club has done in the past. That gives us more time to put the program together and collect all material. Communications Committee/Recruitment Scott Manchee has been busy at work, which has caused a delay in updating messages to the JSC web site. Jamie has been out of town the past few months and this may be part of the bottleneck. The board discussed hiring a web master to redesign the web. Tom knows of a few individuals who do this type of work. Jamie said he would get Scott to come to the next meeting and give us his view on a redesign. Reed recently had web work done and the cost ran him around $500 per page for the design work and roughly $15 per hour for updating information. Jean said she would contact Pat Race who is interested in doing web design and Tom will contact Doug Jones who also does design. Before anyone is hired the board will have Scott come to a meeting with his vision for the future. Club teams need to go through Jamie if they desire to advertise on the JSC web. AYSA Noel presented the club cost equalization proposal at the last AYSA meeting (teleconference). The name of the proposal was change to Cost Equity. Parks & Recreation Myiia Whistler stated that filed request are due by February 1st. Information will be mailed out on December 1st. The Activities Grant application is due by 5:00 PM March 1st. The new JDHS filed will become available in August. This field is located at the present site of the JDHS parking lot next to the swimming pool. Chair Kaye Jones (AYSA secretary) sent Carl an email stating that Colin’s $1,000.00 fee for instructing a license course for AYSA last Spring is not JSC responsibility. This is between Colin and AYSA Director of Coaching Frank Trovato. Agenda Item #3: New Business Policies & Procedures/Comp Team Revisions The CTC presented a clause to be added regarding multi-sport players. As follows: In order to allow JSC members the opportunity to participate in activities other than soccer the following guidelines should be adhered. In the event of conflicts coaches shall work with players and their families so that participation in other activities can be accomplished and the goals of the team still be met. 2 1. 2. 3. During summer vacation a maximum of 3 practices per week once school is out can be mandatory. Only 1 required practice per weekend. More practices can be scheduled but cannot be required or mandatory. During the school year: only 1 team practice per week can be mandatory. JSC skills, ATP, and goal keeping sessions should take priority over a second team practice. Players on a travel team should not be subject to disciplinary action by their coach for wishing to participate in other activities. Brain moved and Jamie seconded the revision be approved. Motion was approved. Amy motioned and Jamie seconded that Matt Dusenberry be paid $250 for his work in writing the coaching manual. Motion was approved. Agenda Item #4: Executive Session Agenda Item #5: Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. Passed minutes from the September 29th meeting. 2. Passed motion to add multi-sport language to Policy & Procedures 3. Passed motion to pay Matt Dusenberry for his work on the coaches manual 3 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting November 7, 2005 Dzantik’I Henni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Tom Lawson, Jean Mischel, Noel Shima, Amy Skilbred, Reed Stoops, Brian Sylvester, Jamie Waste. Agenda Item #1: Reports Director of Coaching Colin Barton expressed his displeasure about a number of issues. His discourse consisted of several issues with the main theme being “it seems like things never seem to get done”. Colin’s listed these concerns: 1. Wants an appropriate pay scale for coaches, which reflects the coaching license held. He doesn’t feel that the Board has addressed this issue. 2. He proposed that JSC send one or more coaches to continuing certification courses, (which has been done). 3. Wants the board to begin searching for a replacement since he had informed the board he would probably be leaving his position in 2 years. 4. He reiterated his displeasure that the Board had not actively supported his idea about him holding a summer soccer camp. 5. He is not happy about coaching sessions being cancelled. 6. He also expressed concern about some of the Board members who felt that “Sunday soccer should be nothing but just throwing the ball into the gym and letting the kids go”. Given the intensity of the issues Brian suggested that the Board hold a special meeting with Colin in the immediate future to discuss his various proposals and reiterate why the Board has chosen the course of action they have. Registrar Amy stated that we need to send the club team coaches rosters. Apparently some haven’t received them. Carl/Faye will see if League Organizer can accommodate emailing the roster information. Jamie stated he was sending this information to the coaches on his email list. Agenda item #2: Comp. Team Orientation Betsy Brenneman spoke for the Juneau Reign (U16 boys) fundraising committee on the two-page proposal they submitted to the Board. They desire to fundraise for a trip to Scandinavia to participate in a couple of soccer tournaments. They want to approach Norwegian Cruise Lines for a sponsorship, sell sweatshirts and/or T-shirts of their design. There were a number of people in attendance who discussed the various problems associated with fundraising in a community the size of Juneau, and the conflicts of competition with JSC and other club fundraisers given Juneau’s limited resources. JSC will only allow use of the JSC club logo. The idea is to build a cohesive club and not have a number of decentralized smaller teams without any attachment to each other. 1 The Sons of Norway bazaar is the weekend of November 12th and the Reign desires to sell club clothing then. Amy said JSC had just invested $1,500 in clothing, which the Reign could sell and split 50/50 with JSC per Section 2 of JSC Policies and Procedures. Brian moved and Noel second the motioned that the Board approve the Reign fundraising proposal as drafted in their letter to the Board, with the exception of item #5 and #7, which are not approved. These items the club will address at a later date. Also, if the JSC club logo is not used on merchandise no other logo is allowed. Categories in the letter to the Board by the Reign are: 1. Selling merchandise 2. Events 3. Concessions 4. JSC calendar, raffle tickets and ad sales 5. Other possible fund raisers (including use of JSC gaming permit) 6. Individual player earnings goal 7. Corporate Sponsor This motion passed. Amy then moved and Jamie second that JSC allow the gaming permit to be used as specified in Amy’s October 13th email to the Board. This motion passed. Agenda Item #3: New Business Jamie had the coaches that were in attendance introduce themselves. Most of the competitive teams were represented. Held a discussion on what happens with the emails and attachments that Jamie sends to the coaches regarding various club events. The idea is that the coaches forward the information on to their respective players and parents. There were a variety of comments on what actually happens with these emails. AYSA President Joe Ver commented that the U12 age group is coming back to the State Cup and will play an 8v8 (eight-aside) format. Currently Zane Cup plays 9v9 for both U11 and U12. AYSA will evaluate how this format works. Kristi West is interested in club team chaperones, specifically whether JSC had developed any policy on the issue. The question is how many and should they be compensated and then moved forward to compensation for managers and coaches, too. Discussed at some length how opportunities to participate in other sports activities should be permitted. Tom Rutecki said he had drafted some basic guidelines for the hockey club on chaperones and the participation issue and would forward them to the JSC. This would be information that should be included in the coaches’ manual being developed by Matt Dussenberry and Colin Barton. Suggested that the competitive team clubs be told what insurance coverage was now provided and JSC policies in that area. One of the parents asked what the JSC policy was toward mandatory attendance for club teams attending State Cup. Jean felt the club should develop a written policy on this issue. There was also discussion about why some teams were not planning to attend State Cup. Doug Badilla pointed out that in the upper age levels teams drop off to the point where there isn’t enough competition to warrant the trip. Although the reward for winning State Cup is a trip to the regional tournament, Reed pointed out that smaller states like Alaska are usually so seriously over matched that the trip is a disappointment. Given this, team funds may be better off spent on attending other tournaments. 2 Jean wrote a Motion in Support of Appointing a Committee to Resolve Cost Equalization Issues Involved with State Cup. Noel agreed to present the motion to AYSA at the November teleconference Sunday November 13th. Reed then volunteered to take the job as AYSA Regional Representative at Large vacated by Amy. Colin is leaving for Europe on November 15th for a few weeks and in his absence Matt Dussenberry will stand in Director of Coaching. He will email the Board a list of who’s covering what while he’s away. Agenda Item #4: Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. Passed fundraising request by Juneau Reign 2. Passed conditional use of JSC gaming permit 3 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting January 3, 2005 Dzantik’I Henni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Amy Skilbred, Brian Sylvester, Jamie Waste, and Kurt West. Agenda Item #1: New agenda items and/or visitor information sharing Glen reports that he purchased 124 new ice packs and six new first aid kits since the Board authorized their purchase last meeting. Present inventory of pins is 120 Keeper and 36 team (smaller pins) JSC also has three of the older portable goals (4 x 6 size) that used to be used for 6 v 6 tournaments and the like. These are the kinds that need to be staked into the ground in order to keep them upright. Three Juneau ODP players are leaving for Las Vegas to play with the Alaska team in two weeks. There are lots of items being left behind at the fields. Glen suggests we start a lost and found and keep the stuff for a few weeks and then take anything unclaimed to Play It Again Sam for resale. Agenda Item #2: Reports Secretary/Acceptance of Minutes Board approved the December minutes. Treasurer/Bookkeeper Amy reports that there are now 223 registered members of the soccer club. A lot of people registered during the winter break. JSC received a $937 check from litter free from the fall clean up, although there were a few expenses. Communications Committee Jamie is working with Scot Manchee on setting up a new look for the soccer club web site. Scott has the January field schedule online. Jamie and Scott are developing a link that would include team coaches and managers as well as board members. Director of Coaching Colin was absent Fund-raising Committee Sue is absent, but reports that she is looking for something to replace the $1,500 raffle prize that is presently being awarded. The high school advertising sales commence on January 18th. There was some discussion on how to enforce the membership and funding requirement for JDHS players. JSC would like to get Gary and Sandi to attend a board meeting. JSC would like to have them distribute a letter at the parent/student meeting that is held at the beginning of the season, which would explain their financial obligation. Carl volunteered to draft the letter. Sue would like all prospective JSC players to attend a meeting before the ad sales begin. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for later in the week. 1 Tournament Coordinator Don reports that Central High school in Cheyenne, Wyoming is interested in sending both their boys and girls teams to the Spring Fling. He would like to offer them a $2,000 incentive. Lowell of San Francisco and Snohomish, Washington have decided not to come. Colony is still interest in coming, but wants money and/or mileage tickets. Skyview is still coming. The question was asked whether the board should offer an additional $2,000 to the visiting Cheyenne team. Amy stated that JSC saved $7,000 on the price of airline tickets this year. It was decided to add this to the agenda to be addressed after the reports. There was some discussion about charging a nominal fee of $2 to see the Spring Fling soccer games. Competitive Teams Committee Noel is on vacation, but plans on having a CTC meeting in the near future to address several issues concerning JSC coaches: parent evaluations; deadline for selection each season; length of assignment to a team, and use of high school players. Chair Report JSC and JDHS haven’t signed the 2004-2005 contract yet. Frank Trovato, AYSA State Director of Coaching, has written an evaluation of the AYSA program. Carl will pass the evaluation along to the Board The ODP mini camp will be held in Juneau March 4-6th. Jamie Waste agreed to coordinate housing and registration. Agenda Item #3: Revisions to CTC Rules Kurt is writing a club parent evaluation survey to be released to the membership around state cup time. The exact date has not yet been determined. The CTC committee will discuss the survey and release date when they meet. CTC will also discuss the coaching assignment policy and appointment dates. Sue and Amy got together and talked about a proposed budget for the YAB grant application. Amy passed the proposal around for discussion and a final determination on what to ask for when drafting the proposal. Agenda Item #4: YAB Grant Sue and Amy got together and talked about a proposed budget for the YAB grant application. Amy passed the proposal around for discussion and a final determination on what to ask for when drafting the proposal. Agenda Item #5: Adult Membership Benefits Proposed an adult membership for $25 as a type of booster organization. An adult membership would come with a keeper pin. Jamie is working on an application form for the membership. An email and a flyer will be distributed. Agenda Item #6: Travel Stipend for Visiting Teams Amy made a motion to offer an additional $1,000 each to Skyview and Colony to assist these teams in traveling to Juneau for the Spring Fling. Jamie seconds and the Board passed the motion. The budget now reflects a total travel allowance of $4,000. Agenda Item #7: Policies and Procedures – Section 2: Finances Amy motioned and Kurt seconds the amendments to Polices and Procedures – Section 2: Finances The Board approved the amendments. Agenda Item #8: Whitehorse Tournament The tournament is scheduled for the weekend of April 1-3rd. There was some discussion on asking if the dates could be moved up, but it doesn’t seem logistically possible. The boys travel to Whitehorse and the girls will host in Juneau this year. Coordinators are needed for both the boys and girls sides. Bruce Thompson called to see if anyone was interested in coming to the Frostbite Exchange this year. 2 Agenda Item #9: Adjourn Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:00 Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. 2. 3. December minutes approved. The Board approved an additional $2,000 for visiting team travel. The Board approved amendment to Policy and Procedures – Section 2: Finances 3 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting September 29, 2005 Dzantik’I Henni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Tom Lawson, Jean Mischel, Noel Shima, Amy Skilbred, Reed Stoops, Brian Sylvester, Jamie Waste. Agenda Item #1: New agenda items and/or visitor information sharing Visitors in attendance were John Newell, Matt Dusenberry, Colin Barton, Joe Verr, Glen Walton and Chris Francis. Agenda item #2: Election of new officers: Carl Dierking was reelected as JSC Chair Noel Shima was reelected as JSC Vice-Chair Brian Sylvester was reelected as JSC Secretary Amy Skilbred was reelected as JSC Treasurer Agenda Item #3: Committee assignments: Fund–raising Committee The Board pointed out that other members outside of the Board could be members of the fund-raising committee, although the committee chair should be a Board member. Jean, Amy, Don, Reed and Sue Gullufsen (non-Board member) volunteered to sit on the committee. Amy said she was willing to write the grants when the time comes. Every club team will need a manager or bookkeeper. There will be a meeting to discuss the financial fundraising responsibilities of each club team on October 4th and a club representative will need to be in attendance. Competitive Team Committee Chair Noel volunteered to chair the competitive team committee and Don, Jean and Tom will be members. Only comment was they felt there was a need for more outreach to the individual club teams. Communications Committee Chair Jamie volunteered to chair the committee. Gym and Field Scheduler Tom Lawson said he would take this position. Kurt (last year’s scheduler) will work with Tom in the immediate future to help the learning process. They will work with Eric at Community Schools who organizes gym and field times. Scholarship The Board gave out $1,750.00 in scholarships last year. The scholarship position is part of the Competitive Teams Committee. Noel will be the contact for scholarships. 1 Agenda Item #4: AYSA Member-At-Large Amy is stepping down from her position as AYSA Member-At-Large. Jamie volunteered to take the position provided he doesn’t remain as a club coach. In the event that he coaches again Tom volunteered to take the position. The AYSA Member-At-Large will need to make two trips to Anchorage, one around March 31st and the other on or about September 15th. There is also a monthly teleconference. There was some discussion about the concept of “cost equalization”. Amy feels AYSA opposition is centered with the Anchorage area members. JSC pays the AYSA Director of Coaching (Frank) $1,000.00 to provide an instructor licensing course. There was not enough interest in Juneau for him to come down last year. Ketchikan has also expressed interest in having Frank come and hold a licensing course. The question was asked why Juneau couldn’t ask some other licensed instructor to provide this course and if there was some USSF legal reason why this couldn’t occur. Colin complained that he hadn’t been paid for performing the licensing course for Frank last Spring. Amy believes it is Frank’s responsibility to reimburse Colin and will check with Kay Jones (AYSA District Commissioner). Joe Verr (AYSA President) said he would contact Frank and see what was going on. Agenda Item #5: Preparations for start of JSC season Registration for the New Year starts at the first ATP session, which will be held October 2nd. Faye will have registration for high school age membership from 10:00 until 11:30 and for middle school from 11:30 until 12:30. This is on the JSC web site. Jean volunteered to help with the registration. Jean is interested in changing the season start date to September 1st because there is too much down time between when State Cup ends in mid-August and October. Had a discussion about what out-of-state tournaments are available in September and October and how different club teams use this time to attend them. It is apparent that some of the newer club teams (younger age groups) don’t know when the JSC year begins and ends and what opportunities are available after State Cup. Noel has received three applications for coaches’ approval. He has made calls trying to get more coaches lined up. There have been no applications submitted for the younger boy’s age groups. Possibilities for additional coaches are high school age players, but they historically don’t recruit players. Colin doesn’t like the idea of “parent coaches”, but the Board is not all in agreement with him on this. Set up for new teams. Part of the CBJ grant money is to supply teams with new equipment. Noel will order a new supply of indoor soccer balls. Amy will supply Noel with the number needed. Glen will order $500.00 worth of new first aid kits. Amy said we had enough grant money to purchase competitive team uniforms for two age groups. Jean offered to contact Parks and Rec. to see if we could access their 4th grade age rosters to help in recruitment. She also offered to help with the U11 team set up with grant funds. Coaches Manual. Matt has been working with Noel on the coaches’ manual, developing a general guide to help not only coaches but players and parents as well. Jamie expressed a desire for a mandatory meeting for all coaches with the Director of Coaching (Colin). Colin would like to have JSC hold the seminars on nutrition, training, and hydration that were given a couple of years ago. He said he would provide a proposal to the Board at the November meeting. Policy and Procedures. Carl requested the Board members read the JSC Policies and Procedure manual for discussion at the November meeting. Agenda Item #6: JSC Calendar • Oct 2 – ATP starts 2 • • • Oct 11 – Skills clinics start Oct 15 – Club litter pickup Oct 30 – Sunday soccer starts Agenda Item #7: Reports Joe Verr discussed an idea proposed to him by James Kennedy for a fund-raiser involving the sale of cards similar to the Midnight Suns “Homerun card”. Colin expressed disappointment at the poor attendance at the ODP tryout held in Juneau in September. He stated it is very important for any club to participate in ODP. Jean stated she conducted a brief survey of a couple of girls’ teams (92 and 93) to find out why only two girls showed up and some of the parents said they didn’t know what ODP was. Jamie confirmed that he had sent out emails in advance about the dates of the tryout and that these were also posted on the club website. Agenda Item #8: Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. Elected officers for the 2005-20006 season 3 Juneau Soccer Club Board Meeting Minutes June 6, 2005 Board members present: Carl Dierking, Noel Shima, Kurt West, Jamie Waste, Reed Stoops. Guests present: Glen Walton, Myiia Whistler Call to order 7:15p Minutes: There were no May Minutes ready for board approval. Need to make sure website is current with all approved minutes. Reports Treasurer/Finance: year to date revenue over expense remains positive. Reed Stoops reported success securing first time corporate contributions from AML $1000 and Wells Fargo $750 to the JSC general fund. AYSA: brief written report on recent AYSA activities provided by Joe Ver. Registrar: membership currently at 271. Budget is based on membership at 275. Fundraising: June 18 is Annual Litter Pick Up. Notice has been posted on the website and sent to all teams via email. The board approved restocking JSC t-shirt sizes that have been depleted. Director of Coaching: Colin Barton provided a brief written report on club team activities, the 6v6 league, and Axel Thibodeau’s availability to assist teams. Competitive Team Committee: two teams going to Ina K Tournament, various teams going to several lower 48 tournaments in June and July, majority of teams going to State Cup in August. Credentials workshop for State Cup teams will occur soon. The 6v6 league is running smoothly. Parks & Rec: The outdoor season will follow a new approach with two half seasons. Indoor soccer will be Oct-Dec instead of Jan-Mar. Long time P&R employees Kim Keiffer and Kristi Herron are resigning. TMC registrations are underway. Chair Report: Solstice Tournament cancelled. Skills resumes June 9. Two items for board action. Action item: Grant a one time $30 participation fee to Anchorage player Erin Barrows for her participation with the JSC U19G at Ina K. Noel moves, Kurt seconds. Unanimous. Action item: Sell JSC patches and pins to members at cost. Jamie moves, Kurt seconds, unanimous. Discussion Items: Budget preparation in the fall should include discussion of scholarship options/program. JSC co-hosting State Cup is too hard to do remotely, money would be good but it would require a level of club participation and involvement beyond the means of the current board and organization. Possible AGM topic. Glen is exploring affordable first aid courses. Axel Thibodeau will conduct a U19 boy tryout. JSC will take care of general public and membership notification. Topic of high school being a logical time to have teams receive a new coach. Another option would be for someone like Matt Dusenberry to take over for the winter months. Agreement that providing flexibility for high school age club teams is necessary as we Encourage club team participation for these older age groups. No July board meeting. Two board planning sessions will occur in August in preparation for new club season and AGM. Adjournment 8:55p Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting May 2, 2005 Dzantik’I Henni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Sue Gullufsen, Noel Shima, Amy Skilbred, Reed Stoops, Brian Sylvester, and Kurt West. Agenda Item #1: New agenda items and/or visitor information sharing Agenda item #2: Approval of Minutes The Board approved the April minutes. Agenda Item #3: Reports Treasurer/Bookkeeper Amy reports that the YAB grant came through and JSC received $25,240. Amy took the Board members through the budget line by line. There is only 13 hours left in the budget for the bookkeeper and with the upcoming fiscal year budget to prepare this August we will need to allocate more funds for her. AYSA Joe Ver reports that the US Olympic committee wants to change the ODP acronym to something not associated with Olympics. Registrar Sue reports that only three boys and two girls have an outstanding balance due the club. There are 92 high school age players registered, 143 middle school and 28 elementary members. Fund Raising Committee The litter pickup has produced only $937 to date and $3,500 was budgeted. The final litter pickup will be held June 18th so we need to pass the word in order to get people out. Jamie’s girls soccer squad will be selling merchandise at the last home soccer match verse Ketchikan the weekend of May 12-13th. Fund raising so far this year has produced $76,894. Last year JSC raised $64,700. Alaska Marine Lines gave JSC $1,000 for general fund use. The club should them a thank you card and let them know what the donation was used for. Communications Committee Parks and Recreation Myiia reports that Parks and Rec. is planning to have two five-week sessions for outdoor soccer this summer. There is also an adjustment to the coming indoor season, which will change from a spring to fall format (Oct-Dec). Kurt is looking for the nets for the middle school tournament that will be held May 7-8th. 1 Agenda Item #4: Business 6v6 Elementary and middle school will start May 24th and last three weeks. The high school age kids will begin the week following and last two weeks. Brent Wilson ran the younger age group program last year, but no one has taken responsibility for the tournament so far this year. Amy will send a mass email to the membership giving the tournament dates. Kurt will secure field time and Amy will contact GCI to see if they will continue as sponsor. Brian has the pennies and banner from last year. The goals are in the shed. Distribution of funds for travel to Regionals In the current fiscal period JSC has $3,000 in YAB grants available for team travel to regional competition. Since no teams advanced to the regional meet Amy proposed and Noel seconds that JSC make those funds available to teams traveling to outside competition. The Board passed the motion to distribute those funds. Amy then motioned and Noel seconded that these funds be given to teams based on the number of players per team, with an 18 player per team limit (each player gets a sum certain). The Board passed this motion. The Nugget Mall is having a fair for sports groups. Booths are available to groups wishing to participate. Don will contact some of the younger teams and see if any are interested in working a booth from 11:00 to 4:00. Community Schools is sponsoring the fair. Amy and Kurt motioned that the revisions to Policy and Procedures sections 1 & 2 be adopted as revised. The Board passed this motion. JSC was offered an opportunity to act as host for the State Cup being held in Fairbanks this August. JSC would get a cut from the concessions as well as part of the fees collected for field improvement. Carl wrote Marsha (Fairbanks soccer association) but has not heard back from Marsha regarding the extent of JSC involvement. The Board decided there wasn’t sufficient time to organize and will decline the offer this time. First Aid Class for coaches Glen’s contact is asking $45 per person who attends and they would come to our site when providing the training. Agenda Item #5: JSC Calendar Review 5/07 Summer Activities Fair at Nugget Mall 5/19-21 HS State Soccer Tournament (Anchorage) 5/25 6v6 starts (Elementary and Middle School) Agenda Item #6: Adjourn Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. 2. 3. 4. Board approved April minutes Board approved proposal to use $3,000 YAB money for outside team travel Board approved allocating the $3,000 between teams based on a head-count formula Board approved revisions to Policy and Procedure Manual Sections 1 & 2 2 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting April 4, 2005 Dzantik’I Henni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Noel Shima, Amy Skilbred, Reed Stoops, Brian Sylvester, Jamie Waste, and Kurt West. Agenda Item #1: New agenda items and/or visitor information sharing Paul asked if the State Cup required original birth certificates or if copies were good enough. The Board suggested he contact Kay Jones, the Southeast Regional AYSA representative and ask her. She is supposed to be coming through Juneau before long and could verify and place her stamp of approval on them. Reed will look into the possibility of local vendor willingness to sell soccer club t-shirts, pins, mugs and patches and will explore whether they would be willing to front the money for the inventory or if JSC would supply the articles. Agenda item #2: Approval of Minutes The Board approved the February minutes. Agenda Item #3: Reports Treasurer/Bookkeeper Amy, Vickie and Carl will be going to talk with CBJ about the Youth Activities Grant. GCI is donating $2,000 and are looking for another $500 as sponsors for the 6v6 tournament that is held during the summer. The club members sold 29% more advertising than last year. The high school program is 73 pages long this year, but is filled with mostly advertising. It would be nice to add a little more soccer related pictures and information. The T-shirt and mug sales went well during the Spring Fever soccer tournament. One team had $900 in sales. The cost to the club for the shirts and mugs was $600. The 50-50-ticket raffle made $300 during Spring Fever. Reed is getting general fund donations from Wells Fargo and Alaska Marine Lines. AYSA Joe Ver president of AYSA came to the meeting to speak about a forthcoming change to the U17 and above age bracket at the State Cup and Regional competition. Those age groups will now be allowed to have a 22 person roster, although only 18 players will be allowed to suit up for a particular game. AYSA Director of Coaching, Frank Travato will be distributing the results of the coaching survey before long. Joe Ver was reelected as president of AYSA. Congratulations Joe! Communications Committee The club newsletter went out on Sat, April 2nd and has been posted on the club web site. Tryout dates for club teams have been sent to the Juneau Empire and will be posted in the sports section. Colin and Jamie were interviewed by KINY on Friday, April 1st. 1 Parks and Recreation Myiia passed along a concern that Parks and Recreation had about hosting tournaments to early in the year because of possible snow accumulation and the damage that could be caused when clearing it. Tournament Coordinator The Whitehorse girls are coming to town the weekend of April 8-10th and the boys are flying up there. The kids arrive at 3:00 and 5:00 PM on Friday. Kurt reports that Sandi bumped the Whitehorse games scheduled for Friday out of Marie Drake at the last minute because the baseball team wanted the gym. Kurt is going to call Jim Ayers and explain the complication and see what can be done. Discussed an insurance coverage issue regarding the exchange. Because the exchange is not considered an “official event” by AYSA it is not covered under their insurance umbrella. It appears there would be approximately ten uncovered players unless JSC bought insurance. Apparently the club provider has a type of limited host coverage available at a modest price. Amy will look into it. Don reported that the whale watching side of the Spring Fever tournament went exceptionally well, with killer whales eating seals beside the boat. Skyview got a legislative tour while they were in session. Kudos to Sue for her part in helping to arrange the tour. All the clubs participating had a great time. Cheyenne expressed interest in reciprocating in the future. The JSC tournament coordinator, Don Ashe, did a terrific job organizing this second annual Spring Fever event! Agenda Item #4: Policies & Procedures: revisions Discussed having fund raising defined in more general terms for the 80/20 spilt. CTC will incorporate a $30 fee to add for players who wish to participate in the Whitehorse tournament, but aren’t club members. If the kids then decide to continue and join JSC the $30 would be applied to their membership cost. Agenda Item #5: First Aid Classes Sue is looking into possible forums for first aid training. This is normally a Red Cross function. JSC needs to check on the amount of interest within the coaching community. Glen has someone who is willing to do give the training for $35-50. Agenda Item #6: Club Team Tryouts Tryouts are schedule for the weekend of April 16-17th. There may be a second tryout the following weekend, April 23-24th depending on the number of participants who can’t make the first weekend. The U16 boys and girls tryouts will be announced at a later date due to conflicts with the high school soccer season. Agenda Item #7: 6v6 and Solstice The focus on the Solstice tournament is toward the younger players. There is some interest from Sitka coming, but they have already committed to a middle school meet and their attendance would depend on the willingness of the Sitka parents to fund another trip. It doesn’t appear likely that they will attend. Amy has talked with Bill Harney about the middle school coming from Ketchikan, but more for a middle school match. Kurt will contact the Whitehorse soccer club and see what their interest is. It looks like the plan is for a tournament the following year. Agenda Item #8: JSC Participation in 4th of July Parade Karen Doxey had an idea that the soccer club participate in the 4th of July parade. The Board supports the idea, but doesn’t plan on taking the lead in organizing it. 2 Agenda Item #9: JSC Calendar Review 4/01-02 HS Spring Fever Invitational 4/04 All raffle sales end 4/07-09 Whitehorse Exchange 4/17, 4/24 JSC Club Tryouts Agenda Item #10: Adjourn Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:00 Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. Board approved February minutes 3 Juneau Soccer Club Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 7, 2005 DZ Library Board members present: Carl Dierking, Noel Shima, Amy Skilbred, Sue Gullufsen, Kurt West, Don Ashe, Jamie Waste. Also present: Colin Barton, Glen Walton, Paul Berthol, Myiia Whistler Call to Order 7:05 p Acceptance of Minutes: January minutes approved. Motion Jamie. Second Noel. Reports Director of Coaching Report - Colin Barton • • • • • • • • • Update on recent coaches meeting. Discussion of upcoming Whitehorse Exchange and clarification made regarding status; Exchange is not a sanctioned tournament. Thanks and praise for efforts of Equipment Manager Glen Walton. Update on E & D license training courses offered by JSC/AYSA the weekend of 3/17. Issue: not easy for coaches to receive National D license due to time commitment and inflexibility by AYSA to allow Colin to complete curriculum. Holiday Cup got good reviews from coaches. Coaches need more information about JSC. Board encourages coaches to read all available information on website and then inform Board what is lacking. Spoke highly of JSC players during recent Juneau hosted ODP tryouts. Received letter from AYSA board member Joe Ver praising ODP tryouts in Juneau. Encouraged Board to show Coach appreciation, e.g. JSC shirts with logos, etc. Volunteer Disclosure forms still needed from several coaches and managers. Finance Report – Amy Skilbred • • • • 227 players registered, with High School season starting membership will increase. Registrar Faye Good will be at start of HS tryouts to help with registration. FY06 YAB grant submitted for $28k. If awarded, grant primarily funds travel and gear. Ad sales revenue for program guide is good. Holland America grant proposal has been submitted for $2k. Funding approaches are being made with Wells Fargo, Alaska Marine Lines and the Alaska Club. Discussion: board should establish a minimum operating budget reserve goal. Fundraising Report – Sue Gullufsen • • • • • Ad sales deadline next week. Working with Gary and players this weekend on JDHS program guide. Raffle ticket sale deadline March 31, drawing April 11. Annual JSC Spring Litter Pick-Up scheduled for April 23. Discussion: JSC merchandise with logo through local vendor. Discussion: website link to Eurosport with 5% of sales credited to club. Board is interested but JSC needs to develop guidelines before committing. Discussion: $1500 raised for scholarship fund thanks to Glen Walton resale of old equipment and JSC pins. Guidelines for how Board should administer this limited fund discussed. Action Item: Motion Noel. Second Don. JSC authorizes Sue to produce up to 100 JSC mugs and JSC t-shirts for sale in the community. Action Item: Motion Jamie. Second Sue. Board grants Noel authority to act on behalf of the board in reviewing and granting scholarship requests aimed at offsetting HS participation fees. Noel will consult with Gary and Sandi before making any determinations. Competitive Team Report – Noel • • A coach evaluation form is being drafted. Parents will be asked to fill out prior to State Cup. “New” coach guidelines are also being developed. JSC tryout dates April 17th and 24th teams need to let Kurt West their preferences for field time. U17-18G tryout scheduled for March 13. Discussion: regarding giving teams with low numbers going into Whitehorse Exchange the option of offering a special recruitment “one time only” opportunity for new players. Assumption is new player will have positive experience and might consider becoming a member. Action Item: Motion Jamie. Second Don. JSC teams are allowed to recruit non-members to participate in Exchange. $25 fee to cover AYSA and insurance fees. Tournaments Report – Don Ashe • • Whitehorse Exchange is coming together. Thanks to Kurt West and Paul Berthol for their help with organizing the event. Boys will play in Whitehorse, girls will play in Juneau. Gym time is booked, schedules to follow depending on number of teams. Possible turf games for older teams. TBA. JDHS Second Annual Spring Fever Tournament: boys and girls games scheduled for 3/31-4/2. Two lower 48 teams, Wyoming for varsity girls, Wenatchee WA for varsity boys. Kenai and South Anchorage also for boys. April 8-10 weekend Colony girl games, boys will be in Spokane. • Solstice Tournament needs volunteer to coordinate. Tom Lawson was recommended. Equipment Report – Glen Walton • • Ice packs and pinnies have been distributed to various teams. Discussion about organizing first aid training courses for coaches if JSC will pay for it. Carl will contact Justine Muench about possible training for coaches. Parks & Rec Report – Myiia Whistler • • JSC YAG grant application is one of 27 grants being considered for limited fund. Spring/summer field time requests for JSC is due. Use of field is weather and field condition dependent as of April 1. Communications Report – Jamie Waste • • • Colin Barton and hopefully Gary Lehnhart will be on KINY Capitol Chat April 1 to talk about JDHS season. Spring Newsletter deadline is March 18. Scott Manchee is doing a great job of updating website in timely manner. Summary of Actions taken: Action Item: Motion Noel. Second Don. JSC authorizes Sue to produce up to 100 JSC mugs and JSC t-shirts for sale in the community. Action Item: Motion Jamie. Second Sue. Board grants Noel authority to act on behalf of the board in reviewing and granting scholarship requests aimed at offsetting HS participation fees. Noel will consult with Gary and Sandi before making any determinations. Action Item: Motion Jamie. Second Don. JSC teams are allowed to recruit non-members to participate in Exchange. $25 fee to cover AYSA and insurance fees. Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting February 7, 2005 Dzantik’I Henni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Sue Gullufsen, Noel Shima, Amy Skilbred, Reed Stoops, Brian Sylvester, and Kurt West. Agenda Item #1: New agenda items and/or visitor information sharing Gary Lehnhart was in attendance at Carl’s request to help come up with a plan for following through on having all high school soccer players registered and club fees paid before participating in the high school season. The majority of last year’s problems were on the girl’s side. The Board’s proposal is that if a player has not fulfilled their obligation to the JSC they won’t be allowed to travel on tickets purchased by the club. There area number of Foreign Exchange students interested in trying out for the team this year. The rule for them is they will be given a $200 scholarship to cover the mandatory registration fee and then they will need to raise the remainder through raffle ticket and advertising sales. Agenda Item #2: Reports Treasurer/Bookkeeper Amy is working on a cost equalization committee for State Cup and ODP in her role with AYSA. Amy will go after some larger corporate sponsors to assist with tournaments. She will also be looking for a long-term commitment. Communications Committee Jamie will explore with Scott how much he wants to be involved in maintaining and/or developing a soccer club web site. Reed suggested the involvement of students in helping with the web site. Director of Coaching Colin visited all but two of the coaches. They all would like time with Colin so they can become acquainted with what is expected of them. Lots of players are coming to the skills training sessions, in spite of the weather. He has approximately 50 elementary age members attending, in middle school 40 males and 28 females, and in high school bracket 24 males and 30 females. Part of the reason that more girls than boys attend skills training in the high school age is Colin is their high school coach and the boys are going to Gary’s ATP training. Frank Trovato, State Director of Coaching, is looking for a possible forum to hold a training camp in Juneau. The soccer organization Challenger Camp is interested in coming to Juneau as well. The Board’s feeling is that with Gary providing a training camp in the summer and the possibility of Tiffiney Milbret coming again there isn’t need for organizations coming in from outside Juneau. Juneau sent 3 girls to the Region 4 ODP matches in Las Vegas. The Alaska team managed its first ever regional win. Fund-raising Committee See agenda item #7 1 Tournament Coordinator Don and Gary report that the high school season is shaping up as follows: • April 1st-2nd - the second annual Spring Fever matches will host South (the Service HS Split) boys JV and varsity, the Wenatchee boys, Skyview boys (maybe) and Cheyenne, Wyoming girls. • April 7-10th - the boys travel to Spokane, Washington for four games • April 8-9th - the girls host South and Colony over the weekend. • April 14-16th - the boys and girls varsity and JV travel to Ketchikan. • April 23rd - open date, tentatively scheduled to be the weekend for the spring club litter pickup. • April 27-30th - the boys and girls travel to Anchorage. • May 4-6th - boys and girls varsity and JV travel to Anchorage • May 14th - Ketchikan boys and girls varsity and JV in Juneau • May 21st – State meet in Anchorage Competitive Teams Committee Noel and the CTC have been working on the coach scheduling and team application issue and feel the solution is a change in JSC procedure. Noel motioned and Amy seconds that the coaching application period be changed to August 1st to September 1st and that only single age group applications will be accepted. The Board approves. Noel then motioned and Don seconded that a coaching evaluation survey be developed and given to the club team parents between July 15th and August 30th. The survey is to be signed and will be kept confidential. The Board approves. Chair Report Carl made the comment that the board should not be expected to do all of the work within the club. Some club members have been very helpful, but we can always use more and should not be afraid to ask. Agenda Item #3: Equipment Purchases The club does not currently have any goal keeper jerseys for the boys or girls. In the past goalies have provided their own jersey because normally they happen to own one. Gary indicated that Soccer Master (Darin) will make uniforms available for approximately $50 apiece. Also, the Youth Activities Grant is more amenable to giving grants for uniforms than travel. The club needs to order more patches for the JSC with the club logo and for the high school with the JDHS logo. The YAB grant has money available for the purchase of game balls for the club teams. The high school program will purchase balls out of the high school equipment budget, which is separate and distinct from YAB. The club saved $1,250 on raffle prizes this year, thanks to Sue’s perseverance, and this money is available. Reed motioned and Sue seconded the use of this saving to be spent on uniforms ($500) and toward player scholarships ($750). The Board approved the motion. Colin requested training vests and cones in an email he sent the Board earlier. Brain has a garage full of pennies and will bring Glen 10 of each available color (10 x 8), who will then distribute them to Colin. Agenda Item #4: High School Season Need to be ready to clear the Adair-Kennedy field of snow before the April 1st Spring Fever tournament. Snow removal can begin during the high school spring break. Also, the girls need to be motivated to help in the removal process. Board needs to get the registration numbers to each coach so they know who is eligible to participate in club activities. The possibility of charging an admission fee for the high school games was discussed. Gary opposes this idea because he 1) doesn’t want to price people out of viewing the matches and wants as many fans as 2 possible to attend, 2) feels the parents have already contributed enough and shouldn’t have to pay to watch their kids play and 3) we would be better off served with a 50/50 raffle and a donation box. The concession stand is available for use at Adair-Kennedy and the Board decided they didn’t want to run concessions. Sue proposed the motion that club teams be allowed to run the concessions and the raffle. The Board Passes the Motion. Sue will contact the club teams and see who is interested. Agenda Item #5: Whitehorse Tournament (Coordinator, travel options) Need to make sure that high school JV is not part of the Whitehorse Exchange. The state high school athletic board does not allow high school players competing for club teams during the high school season. Since the Whitehorse girls will be in town for the Whitehorse Tournament the same weekend as the South and Colony high school teams we need to make sure JDHS girls don’t play in both events. Kurt is expecting a call from Whitehorse on Wednesday (2/09) and they will tell him what age groups and genders are available for competition in the exchange. Agenda Item #6: Letter to School Board Reed will draft a letter to the school board requesting they consider making district funds available for the various club teams that represent the high school rather than expecting the cost to be born by both parents and various club fund raising events. Reed will also explore how JYFL funds their program and seek support from them in his approach to the school board. Agenda Item #7: JSC Calendar Review (04-05) Sue and Brian will go to the high school on Friday (2/11) and distribute raffle tickets to the boys and girls. Sue will follow up on Tuesday (2/15) to catch any stragglers and then leave the balance with Gary. The Youth Activities Grant is due by 4:30PM on March 1st JSC is hosting the upcoming ODP mini camp the weekend of March 4-6 and volunteers are needed to help ensure a successful camp. Volunteers are needed to provide housing and administrative support to the coaches during the sessions. We need to provide housing for five visiting players. All five players are boys: one 91, two 90s, one 89 and one 88. Agenda Item #8: Adjourn Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:00 Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. 2. 3. 4. Board approves spending an additional $500 to the $1500 already in the budget for uniform procurement and $750 on player scholarships Board approves club teams running the concession stand and raffles at high school soccer home games Board approves change in coaching application period to 8/01 through 9/01 Board approves coaching evaluation survey to be distributed and collected between 7/15 and 8/30 3 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting December 6, 2004 Dzantik’I Henni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Sue Gullufsen, Amy Skilbred, Noel Shima, Reed Stoops, Brian Sylvester, and Kurt West. Agenda Item #1: New agenda items and/or visitor information sharing 1. Glen is putting together a JSC library of tapes and books and any other soccer text that would be useful for training or general information. 2. Glen was contact by an organization that operates a “pass back program”, which collects old uniforms (tops and or shorts) that are no longer being used and recycles them to needy organizations that don’t have the ability to purchase them. Brian will go through the old JSC uniforms and find what is available to be donated. Agenda Item #2: Reports Secretary/Acceptance of Minutes Board approved the November minutes. Treasurer/Bookkeeper Amy reports that membership is up from last year at this time. She wrote a $12,000.00 check to Mark Kelly for the calendar sales. She also wrote out $37,000.00 worth of airfare for high school teams travel to Ketchikan and South Central Alaska, plus advanced the boy’s Spokane trip. Amy is still waiting for the final JDHS bill to come in from last year’s soccer program, which makes for difficult bookkeeping. JSC hasn’t spent any of the FY05 grant money from CBJ yet, but did authorize the purchase of $500 in medical kits and supplies in this meeting. The JDHS girls have already had a bake sale to fund raise. AYSA (Member at-large) AYSA has had to cut its budget so things are tight there. Bill Harney is the Southeast District Commissioner. He hails from Ketchikan. The question of “why can’t Colin give the national licensing classes” was brought up. It doesn’t make sense for only Frank Trovato to be allowed to give lower level E and D license classes because it ends up costing the club extra money plus having to work around his schedule. Director of Coaching Colin is critiquing the coaches and their practices throughout the month of December. He is using USSF standards in his evaluation (written lesson plan etc.) 1 Matt applied for a grant from AYSA to help defer the cost of obtaining his B license, but was declined. Colin would like JSC to support him in this endeavor and would like the Board to use the money that was budgeted for his trip to Salt Lake City to support Matt. In Sunday soccer the boys have twice as many playing indoors as the girls, which is not good for the girls program. JSC needs to get more involvement, especially in the U11 age group. Colin would like to see a smoother move into the new soccer fiscal year (October – September), although the transition this year was better than in the past. He would like to see the club coaches on board in August. Colin would like the coaching clinics to be mandatory for all coaches. These are ready to go. The state director of coaching, Frank Trovato would like to implement a two-year time span for coaches and their teams to work together and then have those teams move forward to another coach for another two-year duration. He would also like to see coaches paid for their services and that licenses be held commensurate with the age level being coached. Colin has developed a pilot project whereby he uses JDHS (high school) players to serve as youth soccer coaches. Presently Gretchen Dierking and Jessy Waste are co-coaching the U11 girl’s team. The soccer shed is up and located at Adair-Kennedy field. Colin would like to see the JSC provide balls, cones, and possibly a speed ladder, as money permits. Fund-raising Committee Sue and Amy got the Mark Kelly calendars and the JSC paid Mark $12,000.00. JSC bought them for $6.00 apiece and can sell them for $12.00. Each member will get 10 calendars to sell. The kids are responsible for their calendars and JSC will not except returns if they are not in new condition. Sue will be at the high school on Dec 10th to hand out calendars to those members who do not have a competitive team. Otherwise, all calendars go through a competitive team manager. Sue will send out a reminder that Dec 30th is the drop-dead date for getting either the calendars or the money back to her. The club made about $500.00, after expenses, at the club social held in early November. The new used sports store gave JSC $70.00 for our used soccer items and are interested in sponsoring a soccer weekend at their store. Home Gallery, the online shopping network, will donate money to the soccer club for purchases made through their web site. JSC will not try and allocate the small percentage kickback that Home Gallery gives it to the various club teams. Parks and Recreation Myia said the YAB grant (CBJ) packets are going out in the mail shortly and will be due on March 1st. Field requests for the coming outdoor season are due January 31st. Parks and Rec. has 84 indoor soccer teams registered for the year, which is a little below normal. Competitive Teams Committee Noel reports that JSC has two new coaches that are in the process of getting their “feet wet”. He would like to develop a parent questionnaire that would be used to evaluate the year. This questionnaire would be made available after the August State Cup finished. 2 CTC agrees with Colin that selecting and organizing the coaches earlier would make for a much smoother transition into the next soccer year. Glen said that parents who wanted to know if there was any place where the JSC could display trophies had contacted him. Colin responded by saying that the development of a “web gallery” within the JSC web site could be used to display various trophies and accolades. Don is working on putting together teams for the second annual Spring Fling. Provided the calendar works out for the first weekend in April, the girl’s teams from Loyal high school in San Francisco and Colony (AK) will come and boy’s teams from Snahomish in Seattle and Skyview (AK). The out of state teams would each receive a $1,000 stipend and possibly the in state also. Another possibility is providing mileage tickets. Chair Report See items #3-4 There was discussion on what recourse the club has against non-members who are allowed to play on the high school team, like last year. Various ideas such as not allowing non-members the use of JSC purchased airline tickets or not reimbursing the high school for the value of airfare and membership for any player allowed on a team who is not a fully paid member of the JSC were discussed. Agenda Item #3: Purchases The Board authorizes the purchase of four more medical kits and some ice packs up to a $500.00 value. Glen will order them. It’s too late to order new soccer balls for this season, but next season JSC should make an order. This is a pass-through of funds. If 200 balls are ordered at $8 apiece the club would have to layout $1,600.00. YAB has given JSC $1,500.00 toward the purchase of new uniforms. Both boys and girls will need a new set and this will cost approximately $2,500.00, which means JSC would need to kick in the other $1,000.00. Agenda Item #4: Policies and Procedures – Section 2: Finances Carl emailed the board members the proposed edits to Section 2 of Policy and Procedures Manual. He is looking for guidelines on accountability for the 80/20 split and General Fund. Agenda Item #5: Adjourn Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:00 Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. 2. November minutes approved. Authorized the purchase of $500 worth of medical kits and supplies. 3 Juneau Soccer Club Monthly Board Meeting Nov 1, 2004 Dzantik’I Henni Middle School 7:00 – 9:00 PM Call to Order Chair Carl Dierking called the meeting to order at 7:00. Board members present were Don Ashe, Carl Dierking, Sue Gullufsen, Amy Skilbred, Noel Shima, Brian Sylvester, and Kurt West. Agenda Item #1: New agenda items and/or visitor information sharing Don was contact by Mary Daly, President of the Kenai Soccer Club (KSC) asking for a letter of support for her organization to give to the Kenai Assembly in the KSC effort to get funding and support for field development within their city. Agenda Item #2: Reports Treasurer/Bookkeeper Amy reports that to date there are 28 4th graders, 115 middle school and 50 high school students registered with the soccer club. $43,000 has been paid to Gary to buy PFD discount Alaska Airline tickets for high school team travel. There is some question as to whether or not Ketchikan will field a girl’s JV team this year. Tickets are for three trips to Anchorage, of which two are strictly for varsity players. One trip is to Ketchikan and one trip is for the varsity boy’s Spokane trip. The varsity boys will fund the Spokane trip after fundraising. AYSA (Member at-large) Amy (also the AYSA member at-large) reports that in Juneau on the weekend of February 25, 2005 there is a schedule course for the D license, a four-day class, and for the E license, a two-day class. AYSA desires a minimum of ten students for a class to be held and needs to know if there is enough interest to proceed. AYSA developed a policy that a high school coach who is also a club coach can not require his high school players to also participate on his club team, which apparently has been an issue in the Anchorage area. There was discussion on drinking while on a club coaching activity, the cost equalization issue and on whether or not the State Cup dates should be held later and changed to Labor Day weekend. The AYSA Director of Coaching has developed a 22-page document on coaching. Director of Coaching Skill clinics have been held outdoors and attended by 29 elementary, 53 middle school and 27 high school age members. The plan is to move indoors to Harborview gym on the second week of November. There was some discussion about alternative gym use because Harborview has such a small gym. The National Guard Armory is a possibility. 1 The goal keeper clinics are going well. There is a foreign exchange student from Norway attending JDHS who is a very good keeper. Colin held a coach’s meeting in October. They discussed the idea of “age appropriate coaches”, which is coaches coach in the age appropriate to their license and skill level. The coaches would be responsible for this group for a two year period and then the age group would move on to another coach. This would also curb coaches from the inclination to believe that a team belongs to them. Colin feels this would be the best method for player development. The idea of stipends for coaches was also brought up. Fund-raising Committee Sue reports that the JSC social event will be held on Friday, November 5th in the JDHS commons. She and Dorie will go to Costco and buy the food for the barbecue. Different club teams will bring food or help with setup or takedown. There will be a silent auction and a soccer swap so everyone will bring in soccer equipment that no longer fits, etc and the club will sell it. Colin has organized a skills contest to be held in the JDHS gym between 6:00 and 7:00, which is being sponsored by the Elks Club as part of their community awareness for the local D.A.R.E. anti drug campaign. Mark Kelly is offering his calendars to the club to sell as a fund-raiser after the Public Market. The club would split the proceeds with those doing the selling. Amy moved and Noel seconds that we sell them for $12 apiece (cost to the club is $6) and that club teams and JSC have an 80/20 split. Each team must have a point of contact person. Board passed the motion unanimously. Glen reports that there are 28 small soccer pins and 77 patches remaining. Communications Committee Jamie was absent, in Anchorage, for the meeting and sent an email with his report. The email highlights the November 5th social and all the details. Competitive Teams Committee Noel reports that the U12 boys and the U11 girls still do not have permanent coaches for the upcoming competitive season. Chair Report Gary would like to attend a soccer clinic in Baltimore next summer and there is $1,600 in the budget for this type of activity. The club should send one of the girl’s coaches too. Gary needs new white uniforms for the boy’s high school team. CBJ (YAB Grant) has money available for this purchase. Need to contact Sandy and determine if the girls need anything. The concept of selling advertising on the club web site was brought forward again. Agenda Item #3: Policies and Procedures – Section 1:Membership Noel moved and Don seconds that the revised Policy and Procedure Section 1 be accepted. Board approved unanimously. A volunteer disclosure form should be in place for all that work with the club in any capacity. This would include Board members, coaches and volunteers. Discussed having an adult association membership (booster club). Membership would be $25. 2 The Board discussed the section in the membership policy, which requires request for scholarships to be submitted to the Board in writing. The consensus of the Board was that this should be modified to include an option for allowing coaches to make requests directly to the scholarship committee. Agenda Item #4: HS Home Games The JDHS home game stipend was zeroed out of the current budget until JSC knew what kind of airfare rates would be available for high school travel. Now that it appears these funds are available the opportunity is available to put the money back in. Amy moved and Don seconded that we put $2,000.00 back in as a stipend for visiting teams. Board approved unanimously. Agenda Item #8: Adjourn Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:00 Summary of Action Taken by the Board: 1. 2. 3. Approved 80/20 split on Mark Kelly calendars. Approved Policy and Procedures Section 1 changes. Approved $2,000 JDHS stipends for visiting teams. 3