Zobacz migawki ze zjazdu - Stowarzyszenie Dzieci Holocaustu


Zobacz migawki ze zjazdu - Stowarzyszenie Dzieci Holocaustu
„Dzieci Holocaustu”
w Polsce
World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors
of the Holocaust and Descendants
Association of “Children of the Holocaust” in Poland
23rd Annual International Conference
Child Survivors, Spouses and Families,
Second and Third Generation Members
August 19 – August 22, 2011
Marriott Hotel, Warsaw
Anna Drabik, Stefanie Seltzer,
Aleksandra Kopystyoska, welcoming
Stefanie Seltzer, President,
Mr. Jacek Michalovski,
Chief of the President of Poland Cabinet
The Mayor of Warsaw
Welcomes us
Aleksandra, Anna, Israel
Ambassador Zvi Rav-Ner, Stefanie,
American Ambassador Lee A.
Memorial candles lit by Stefanie Seltzer,
Krystyna Budnicka, Poland, Philipp
Sonntag, Germany,
Hania Rosenberg, Sweden,
Renata Skotnicka-Zajdman, Canada,
Jozef Walaszczyk, Poland,
Helena Roth,3G, USA
Havdalah, Rabbi and Dasha
Speakers included Claims Conference
Exe. V.P. Greg Schneider
Prof. Adam Rotfeld, spoke on
memory,forgiveness, reconciliation
Prof. Aleksander Skotnicki,
spoke on Jews in pre-war Krakov
Prof. Felix Tych, on Jews fighting in the
Second World War
Second Generation panel on
Jewish Identity
Panel on Anti-Semitism
Panel on Anti-Semitism,
Steve Adler, USA,
Philipp Sonntag, Germany,
Melita Svob, Croatia,
Max Arpels Lezer, Netherlands,
Hania Rosenberg, Sweden
Andrzej Jonas, Poland
Discussion after “Anti-Semitism”
panel, led by Moderator Steve
Adler, USA
Rabbi Michael Schudrich,
Chief Rabbi of Poland
Panel on Anti-Semitism
Panel on Holocaust Education
Aleksandra Kopystynska, Poland
Edyta Kurek, Poland, Norm Conard, USA,
Sanja Tabakovic, Croatia, Karen Brass,
Charles Silow, Daisy Miller, USA,
Question from Isaac Kot, 2G, USA
Panel on Holocaust Education
Norm Conard, USA,
Sonja Tabakovic, Croatia,
Karen Brass, Charles Silow, USA
End of panel on “Jewish Children
and their Rescuers”
Book tables
Teresa Langner, Danuta Cukier,
Ela Lesiak, Renia Szymanska
Bulletin Board
Marion Weinzweig, son Mark
Clemen, daughter Cindi Katz, all
USA, and friend Anna Piasecka
Elzbieta Ficowska after
“Jewish Children” panel
Greg Schneider in discussion
Marian Tyrowicz, Jagoda Hofmokl
Bulletin Board
Bulletin Board, after all these years,
our searches continue, for loved
ones, friends.
Norm Conard, USA, Elzbieta Ficowska,
Poland, Joanna Michlic, PhD,
Silbergleit family, Allan, Ina, son
Robbie, daughter Nina, USA
Mirka Gluck, her daughter, mother and
sister, from Lodz
From left, Marta Shemtov, Anita
Eskstein, Tamara Root, Halina Levitt,
Betty Berman, Dasha Rittenberg,
Anna and Avram Cheszes
Ferber Family and friends
Alexandra Kopystynska,Anna Drabik
New relationships, new friends
Rabbi in discussion, Maury
Chandler enjoys
Second Generation, Charley Silow,
Karen Brass, Suzanne Sondheimer,
In front, Alicja Schnepf,
Polish Righteous, with friends
Jack and Miriam Gun and
grandchildren (USA)
Issy on left, Lila Zlowski, granddaughter
of Stefanie Seltzer
Irena Sendler Teachers Awards winners,
sponsored by Polish government
Renata Zajdman receives Award
from Polish Government for her
years building friendship between
Poles and Jews
Renata Zajdman, Montreal, with
new Polish medal, and son Michael
from Toronto, Canada
Over 350 in attendance
Dancing in evening
Jozef Walaszczyk, Righteous, Ewa Rudnik
and Alicja Schnepf, Righteous
Natalie and Sophia
Passing the Quilt to Cleveland,
Rose Gelbart.
Our traditional closing moments
Righteous Poles honored by Yad
Vashem and the State of Israel.
Righteous Poles ceremony
Righteous Poles ceremony hosted by
Yad Vashem and Israel Embassy
Monday afternoon tour of Jewish
Warsaw. This is the Ghetto Memorial
Wall of the Warsaw Ghetto
Warsaw Synagogue
Umschlagplatz, from inside the Ghetto,
where Jews were transported to
Umschlagplatz Memorial
New History of Jews in Poland
Warsaw, rebuilt after the war
Charley Silow and fellow Lodzer, Mirka
Gluck, on the way to Lodz
Majdanek Memorial
Charley at grandfather grave, Lodz
Majdanek, near Lublin
Lublin famous Yeshiva
Lublin Yeshivah, now Museum
The Old and the New
KRAKOW (Cracow), Jewish historical
Krakow Cemetery
Krakow Synagogue contributors
Krakow Synagogue
Kazimierz, Jewish neighborhood
Of Krakow
Krakow Memorial
Oscar Schindler factory
Entrance to Auschwitz-Birkenau
Crematorium destroyed by Germans
Kaddish at Birkenau
Auschwitz Director Piotr Cyminsky
gave us a special presentation
He described Auschwitz as an
educational and preservation institution
Restoration Lab
Restoration Lab
End of Director visit
Karen Brass ready to install a plaque
on her family home
Suzanne Sondheimer, Cathy Lichtman,
Samantha Lakin, Melita Svob, Chana
and Naftalie Arnon,Charley Silow
Beginning to say goodbye to old
friends and new friends
Melita Svob, Croatia, a friend, and
Chana Arnon, Israel
Guide, Mirka Gluck, Karen Brass,
Charley Silow.
Steve and Judy Adler, Seattle, Lillian
Nemetz, Vancouver

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