THMP-Map Final
THMP-Map Final
DIRECTORY AND MAP OUR MISSION AND BELIEFS Toronto Hebrew Memorial Parks is unique in its origins as a community owned organization. It exists to serve the Jewish Community of Greater Toronto by fulfilling obligations of establishing and maintaining cemeteries through the provision of professional administration and ongoing supervision, while showing respect for the Community’s beliefs and practices. PARDES SHALOM CEMETERY ELM ROAD KK INDEX KK OO P PP GGGGG WW XX R NN RO AD Q T M JJ LL ** TT EEEEE CCCCC Washrooms AAAAA Kiosk IIII RR HHHH Ravine GGGG Forrested Area FFFF CENTRAL ROAD Phase 1 (Organization Sections) OAD RAL R CENT D OA KR F D OA EE TR N I V G H YY D SOUTH ROA B AA AD W RO CE R AL AAA FF WILLO J U HH Phase 1 (Community Sections) EEE EEEE PATHWAY OA K GG L Office Lechaim Room Information Memorial Garden QQ II Entrance DDDDD BBBBB UU MAPLE ROAD WEST ROAD DUFFERIN STREET KK OAD LE R S N MM MAP RT H JJJJJ FFFFF ELM ROAD NO IIIII ELM ROAD VV O HHHHH K DD CC BB BBB Phase 2 (Community Sections) DDD CCC ZZ AAAA Phase 2 (Organization Sections) Phase 3 (Community Sections) CCCC Phase 4 (Organization Sections) DDDD Phase 4 (Community Sections) BBBB Phase 5 (Organization Sections) AD PINE RO Z Phase 5 (Community Sections) D C This map is not to scale Number of letters indicate phase # AD PINE RO ORGANIZATION SECTIONS ORGANIZATION SECTIONS ORGANIZATION SECTIONS ORGANIZATION SECTIONS Adath Israel Agudath Israel Ahavath Achim-Nachlath Israel Aish Hatorah Ayin L’Tzion Beach Hebrew Institute Beit Rayim Bet Yoseph Sephardic Congregation Beth Aaron Beth Avraham Yoseph Beth David B’nai Israel Beth Am Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda Beth Haminyan Beth Meyer Beth Radom Congregation Beth Tikvah Beth Torah Bina M, T, VV, WW CCCCC J BB ZZ OO L DD B, C, OO K, HH II, QQ, ** MM, UU, ** L, XX U HHHHH L, T, GGGGG, HHHHH LL, ** P B’nai Brith Canada B’nai Torah Canadian Hebrew Benevolent Chabad @ Flamingo Chabad Lubavitch of Markham Chaverim Chayei Olam Chenstochover Aid Society Chevra Kadisha Leenas Hatzedek CKAC Darchei Noam Drildzer Emunah Shleima/King David Farband/Labour Zionist Alliance Grand Order of Israel Habonim Har Tikvah Har Zion C, XX J, CCCCC B, R JJ BB, ZZ NN BBBBB OO HH O, DD, GG U, NN, OO XX GG N, S, T C, XX B JJ I, AAAA Holy Blossom Independent Friendly Workers’ Circle Indepenent Order of Foresters Court Ahavas Achem Iraqi Jewish Association Jewish Bucharian Centre of Toronto Jewish National Brotherhood Jewish War Veterans of Canada Judean Benevolent Kehillat Shaarei Torah Kol Ami Kol Torah Lagover Lodzer Magen David Maramoresher Society Nachlat Chabad Nachlat Chabad/Chabad on the Avenue New Fraternal RR, TT S, T Q, R B, J, S AAAAA P XX L, PP BB PP BBBBB B J, OO J D CC ZZ MM Ostrovtzer Petah Tikvah Anshe Castilla Shaar Shalom Shaarei Haim Shedlitzer Lukover Society Shomer Israel Solel Sons of Jacob Sunnyside Temple Emanuel Temple Sinai Tiferet Israel Congregation Torath Emeth Toronto Hebrew Benevolent Westmount/Routes Wierzbniker Zaglembier XX J, DD O, S L L J, MM H, I, BBBB LL O H, BBBB F, G, H, I, KK, NN, BBBB ZZ BBBBB P DDDDD S PP PARDES SHALOM CEMETERY HEAD OFFICE: LIPA GREEN CENTRE 10953 Dufferin Street 1.5 miles North of Major MacKenzie Drive tel 905.832.2549 fax 905.832.6341 4600 Bathurst St. Suite 423 tel 416.635.5595 fax 416.635.7678 email [email protected] King Vaughan Road Teston Road Bathurst Street Dufferin Street Keele Street Pardes Shalom Cemetery Major MacKenzie Drive CEMETERY HOURS April to October sunday—thursday friday 8:00am—5:00pm 8:00am—4:30pm November to March sunday—thursday friday 8:00am—4:00pm 8:00am—3:30pm *Entry into the cemetery will not be permitted 15 minutes prior to the closing times noted above.