the bulletin - St. John XXIII Catholic Church
the bulletin - St. John XXIII Catholic Church
ST. JOHN XXIII Catholic Church 13060 Palomino Lane, Fort Myers, FL 33912 | P 239-561-2245 | F 239-561-3713 | A MAN LIKE CHRIST By: Danielle Koleniak Ephesians 5:1-2 (NASB) “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacri¿ce to God as a fragrant aroma.” If you had only one word to describe St. John XXIII Parishioner, Mike Reese, the ¿rst word that comes to mind is, ‘Humble.’ The Pennsylvania transplant dedicates endless hours at Bishop Verot High School, teaching Theology, while pouring into the lives of the students, faculty and staff. He somehow ¿nds time to occasionally teach sessions in Adult Education at our Parish. The man isn’t just a teaching machine, he’s a great Man of God. During Catholic Schools Week, Mike received a medal of high honor: “Christ the Teacher Award.” Among teaching with joy, while challenging students, the award signi¿es service, patience, love, forgiveness and kindness-- all the things that mirror the Character of Christ. It’s evident we’re all a bunch of imperfect people living in a world with terrible drivers, bad cell service and never-enough vacation time, but in the midst of all the things working against us, what if we all tried a little harder to be more like Christ? Mike lays the complex concept, simply. He says, “It’s about progress, not perfection.” Now that’s do-able. Continued on Page 3 March 1, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE Daily Masses: Monday-Saturday, 8:00 am Rosary-7:30 am (Mon.-Sat.) Divine Mercy after 8 am Mass Weekend Masses: Saturday Mass, 3:30 pm, 5:30 pm Vietnamese Mass 8:00 pm Sunday, 7:15 am, 9:15 am, 11:15 am, 5:00 pm Spanish Mass: 1:15 pm Àrst Sunday each month Reconciliation: Saturday after 8:00 am Mass First Friday Adoration: Friday 8:30-9:00 am Pastor Rev. Robert Tabbert [email protected] Parochial Vicars Rev. Marcin Koziola [email protected] Rev. John Cao CMC [email protected] Deacon Deacon Rich Klish [email protected] CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-Noon | 1:00-4:00 pm 239-561-2245 Lent Schedule! Fridays of Lent Mar. 6/13/20/27 5:00-7:00 PM Confessions 6:00 PM Stations of the Cross and Benediction Saturdays of Lent Confessions 8:30-10:30AM *The Easter Schedule can be found on our website, and on page 5. The Mission of St. John XXIII Catholic Church is to actively engage all those who desire to more fully accept and live out the message of Christ, welcoming and respecting all people regardless of background, history, race or color, as we strive to nurture spiritual growth and personal holiness on our journey to become more responsible stewards of God’s gifts. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, February 28 8:00 AM +John O’Hara by Kevin Weigand 3:30 PM +Thomas S. Hudson by Bert Hudson 5:30 PM +Marie Walsh by Andrew Walsh 8:00 PM Parishioners of St. John XXIII Sunday, March 1 7:15 AM +Ray D’Annolfo by John & Roberta DeMarie 9:15 AM +George Malone by his wife, Frances 11:15 AM +Bobby Mendillo by St. John XXIII Pastoral Team 1:15 PM Parishioners of St. John XXIII 5:00 PM +Raymond F. Driscoll by Peter & Rosanne Meade Monday, March 2 8:00 AM +Mounir Tarazi by Daisy & Family Tuesday, March 3 8:00 AM +Shea & Ribachonek Families by Eileen Shea Wednesday, March 4 8:00 AM +William Galvin by Pat McLaughlin Thursday, March 5 8:00 AM Rogers and Podolak Families by Ron & Rita Friday, March 6 8:00 AM +Peggy Borowicz by Jim & Kathy Ludwiczak Saturday, March 7 8:00 AM +Bob Crutcher by St. John XXIII Pastoral Team 3:30 PM +Frances Kalafut by Marc & Lucy Bingcang 5:30 PM +David Otte by Tony & Dee Poehailos 8:00 PM Parishioners of St. John XXIII Sunday, March 8 7:15 AM +William P. Ryan by Doris Chouiniere 9:15 AM +Lloyd Kollasch by John & Joanne Hunt 11:15 AM +Keith Zachary Bulla by Madeline & Sabby Bonavita 5:00 PM +Jack Coner by Claire & Tim O’Regan PLEASE NOTE The 2015 Mass Book is open for the entire year. Because of our growing population, Mass requests will be limited to 8 per year. To reserve a Mass, you must call or come into the of¿ce to speak with staff directly. Other options available are: Tabernacle Candle, Missal Memorial, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and All Souls envelopes. arch 7th & 8th Minister Schetudrduayle3:|M 30 PM a Sa Freda, D. Fred J. Dalida, D.. Cr Lugo . M s, LECTORS: S. os M s, SERVER: Cros 30PM Saturday 5: n, J. Millan Koch, J. Milla LECTORS: D. llarreal, J. Millan Vi C. , al rre lla Vi SERVER: O. AM Sunday, 7:15 KnipÀng KnipÀng, V. de V. y, ra ur M B. S: LECTOR cholas, Alexander & Clau Villiers SERVER: Ni AM Sunday, 9: 15 Macke Van Wie, . O’Toole, K.. Cl lar Ve E. e, LECTORS: M er M SERVER: S. Clere, AM as Sunday, 11:1W5iss el, D. Thom , D. th Ce . M A. S: Pagan OR N. e, LECT sli Le S. e, sli SERVER: R. Le 00PM Sunday, 5:to lunteers suanco Open Voan LECTORS:co co, K. Di su Di H. , an su SERVER: L. Di Pastoral Team Business Manager Holly Atkins [email protected] _________________________ Communications Danielle Koleniak [email protected] _________________________ Maintenance Supervisor Rob Erp _________________________ Dir. of Faith Formation Chris Biel [email protected] 239-561-7499 _________________________ Bookkeeper Ana Thompson [email protected] _________________________ Coordinator of Parishioner Engagement Jennifer Engelman [email protected] _________________________ Director of Music Ministries Robert Kirchner [email protected] _________________________ Thrift Store Manager Cynthia Conzatti [email protected] 239-433-4097 15200 S. Tamiami Trail Fort Myers, FL 33908 ______________________ PART TIME Receptionist MaryAnn Deas [email protected] _________________________ Faith Formation Asst. Brenda Gregory [email protected] _________________________ Admin. Assistant Barbara Lange [email protected] _________________________ Youth Ministers Meghan & Aaron McCarthy [email protected] _________________________ March 1, 2015 PARISH CALENDAR Saturday, February 28 Anointing of the Sick after all Masses Morning of ReÁection for Liturgical Ministers 8:00am- Please RSVP Prayer Walk at Abortion Clinic 9:15am Vigil Mass 3:30pm & 5:30pm Vietnamese Mass 8:00pm _____________________________ Sunday, March 1 Anointing of the Sick after all Masses Hospitality Sunday Vietnamese Community selling Egg Rolls after 9:15am & 11:15am Masses Spanish Mass 1:15pm Vigil Mass 5:00pm High School Youth Group 6:30pm _____________________________ Monday, March 2 Men’s Gospel Forum/CCR 7:00am Craftie Ladies at the Villas 1:00pm Rosary & Prayer Shawl Ministry Lector Potluck Dinner Meeting 5:00pm _____________________________ Tuesday, March 3 Bereavement 1:00pm Spanish Rosary 6:00pm Boy Scouts at the Villas 7:00pm _____________________________ Wednesday, March 4 Blessed Little Angels- Meet at Lakes Park 9:30am Faith Formation 4:15pm Pizza 5:30pm Faith Formation Middle School 6:00pm _____________________________ Thursday, March 5 ThursdayMorning Friends Group 8:45am Choir Rehearsal 5:00pm Capital Campaign Volunteer Meeting 6:30pm _____________________________ Friday, March 6 1st Friday Adoration Manor Care Mass 10:00am Confessions 5:00pm-7:00pm Girl Scouts- off campus 6:00pm Stations of the Cross 6:00pm _____________________________ Saturday, March 7 KofC Selling Riverboat Tickets DOV Men’s Conference Vigil Mass 3:30pm & 5:30pm Vietnamese Mass 8:00pm _____________________________ Sunday, March 8 KofC Selling Riverboat Tickets Hospitality 7:15am & 9:15am New Family Orientation 12:30pm Vigil Mass 5:00pm High School Youth Group ConÀrmation Meeting 6:30pm Like Christ, Cont. Danielle Koleniak: For those who don’t know you personally, how long have you been teaching at Bishop Verot High School and what has your experience in Catholic Education been like? Mike Reese: I’ve been teaching for 22 years and this is my sixth year at Bishop Verot High School. For my wife, Jane and I, it has been a great experience. We left Pennsylvania, along with the snow and ice, after the kids graduated college. It was time to shift a little bit. I was a High School Principal and decided I wanted to go back to my Theology teaching roots. We came down here, to Southwest Florida and I have been at Bishop Verot High School ever since. DK: It must have been a big change going back into the classroom again? MR: I saw both roles as Ministry, but for me, I liked teaching more than being an administrator. I ¿nd it much more life-giving to work with kids—especially High School Juniors and Seniors. I focus a lot of my attention on preparing them for the next four years in college. For example- how to maintain healthy relationships and how to keep your head above water when you ¿rst go out on your own. DK: What is your goal when you’re in the classroom with the students? MR: Everything centers on relationships because it’s something they understand. They all have friendships, which have grown very important to them. They also have the boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, which they are learning a lot about, as well. The core of what Christ is trying to teach us is to have a relationship with Him and a relationship with Him fuels and impacts our relationships with everybody else. Christ tells us, ‘If you say you love me, but you don’t love your neighbor, then you’re a liar.” There’s a connection there between others, ourselves and our relationship with God. That’s the dynamic of the Trinity. When we can really understand the concept of, ‘I can really allow myself to be loved by God and by other people, then I can be my true self”—that’s when they can come into their own personhood. DK: Talk about the “Christ the Teacher Award” and the meaning behind it. MR: It’s a big event for Catholic Schools Week and at the Mass. Throughout the years, the school uses the week to acknowledge students, faculty and the gift of Catholic Education for families and communities. One of the ways of recognizing a particular teacher is to say, ‘This teacher in our school community exhibits Christ to students.’ This applies to service, being available to students before and after school, and | PAGE 3 | approaching teaching with joy and happiness. This teacher is someone who is just, accepting, loving and at the same time challenges students to do the right thing. That’s how this award gets the name, ‘Christ the Teacher Award’. The students nominate the teachers they think are deserving of this award. A couple of teachers are selected from the votes and then a group of school of¿cials select the winner. At the end of the Catholic Schools Week Mass, the selected teacher is acknowledged. Their family is present, they receive a plaque and given the rest of the day off. DK: Walk us through the moment when you received the award. MR: I had been nominated before. I knew I was nominated along with two other staff members. They are really good people and well-deserving. We were at Mass when they announced it. Bishop Verot had secretly invited my wife. For me, it was an opportunity for all teachers and administrators to see my wife- the person who allows me to Àourish. I’ve learned more about Christ’s love for me, trust, ¿delity, forgiveness and acceptance from her. It was nice to acknowledge her in front of the school community. Many times students and faculty don’t see the people who are behind the teacher. You know, the people who help keep us sane while we’re struggling and down. It was a good day to acknowledge the other two teachers and my wife. I really enjoyed it. DK: What does it mean to you to be like Christ? MR: The two words I think of are LOVING and SERVICE. We’re all broken and a work in progress. We have to ask ourselves, ‘Can my actions and choices demonstrate the kind of love and respect Christ is calling us to?’ In my mindset, I think of Christ as willing to love at any cost and willing to be of service to other people. If we’re doing that, we are headed in the right direction- even imperfectly. It’s about progress, not perfection. This week in Faith Formation General Announcements Contact Chris Biel | 561-7499 | [email protected] This week in Faith Formation: • Faith Formation and Middle school classes will be held this Wednesday March 4th. Schedule for the remainder of March: • Wednesday March 11: Faith Formation and Middle School classes • Wednesday March 18: Faith Formation and Middle School classes • Wednesday March 25th No Faith Formation classes, Mandatory Sacrament Preparation Class for Year II students and Parents. Middle School outside Other News: • Mark your calendars for Vacation Bible Camp June 22- 26th from 9-12. Watch the bulletin for future details • Free Lent resources for families are located at the welcome desk in the narthex and in the Family room located at the back of the Church. • Summer adventure opportunities at Good Counsel Camp, Floral City, Florida which is owned and operated by the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg. This is a co-ed residential camp for age 7-15 offering 1 and 2 week sessions. Camp brochures are available in the parish narthex or can be requested by contacting the camp at 4301 W. Homosassa Trail, Florida 34461 or by calling (352) 270-8831 or email [email protected] or visit their website at • Have you listened to our NEW podcasts? Listen to inspirational messages from Father Bob and homilies from Mass. Visit our site weekly at • ‘Like’ our Facebook page! For all the latest happenings and inspirational messages ‘Like’ us on Facebook. Search ‘St. John XXIII Catholic Church’. • Sign up for our weekly newsletter! Visit our website,, scroll down to “Stay Connected” and enter your email address. • The Lent 2015 schedule is now available! View the complete list on page 4 of the bulletin or on our website, • The next Habitat for Humanity work day for our parish is Tuesday, March 24 Please call Carl Larson at 410440-8227 or email him at [email protected] for registration instructions. • March 15th is the Paul Todd Concert. See the Áyer on page 8 for complete details! • Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a program for children ages 4 to 10 that takes place each Sunday during the 9:15 & 11:15 Masses. After the opening prayer, the children along with their Catechist move to the chapel to hear and discuss the Sunday readings at a level they will understand. At the offertory the children return to the assembly for the remainder of the Mass. There is no registration required for Children’s Liturgy of the Word. While we want this to be a fun and engaging time for the children, they are expected to behave in an appropriate manner respectful to adults and to God’s House. Please talk to your child about this before having them attend Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Because this is a guided lesson, we ask that children younger than age 4 do not attend. If you would like more information, or to be a part of this program, please contact Chris Biel at 561-7499. Please read the requirements on our various Sacrament programs listed Below: Progessive RafÁe Tickets are back! Weekly cash prizes up to $2,500. Tickets available after Masses and at Parish OfÀce for $20 each or 6 for $100 donation. Proceeds beneÀt St.John XXIII CFA. Buy your tickets by March 15th! • YARN NEEDED: The Craftie Ladies are looking for yarn donations! We use your donated yarn for projects tow be donated to those less fortunate as well as sold to earn money for those in need. Please leave your donations in the basket in the Narthex. • REMINDER! Please lock your car doors and do not leave packages or valuables visible in your cars. There were a few car break-ins reported at a nearby church. Also, please take your purses with you to Communion. Thank you! Journey to Hope Monday Night 3/30 Please join us at 6:00pm in the OfÀce Conference Room if you have a loved one suffering from mental illness or substance abuse. JTH offers education and support in a conÀdential, prayerful and caring setting. Baptism: Congratulations on your decision to baptize your child! At Saint John XXIII we are happy to help your family prepare for the celebration. Baptisms are offered for registered members of Saint John XXIII and are scheduled only after the preparation process is completed by the parents. Please do not make arrangements for family members until you have actually received a date. Contact the ofÀce at 561-2245 for more information or to begin the process. First Communion (also called First Eucharist) and First Reconciliation: Children in First grade or above, who have expressed a desire and willingness and are attending Mass, are welcome to begin the two year process of preparing for these Sacraments. The Àrst year consists of regular attendance at Faith Formation classes or through a Diocesan Catholic school. (either St. Francis Xavier or St. Andrew) The second year continues those classes, but also adds in direct Sacramental Preparation (Reconciliation and Communion) sessions. Contact Chris at 561-7499 for more information or to begin the process. Parents who home school their children must contact the ofÀce during Year I. Confirmation Preparation to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation is also a two year process that now begins at the start of 9th Grade and is celebrated at the end of 10th grade. (Older teens are certainly welcome also!). Each year consists of Faith Formation through the parish Youth Group or a Diocesan Catholic school (Bishop Verot) as well as scheduled Confirmation classes and a retreat. Please note: Students from Bishop Verot must register and attend the preparation classes at the beginning of 9th grade. If you are entering the 9th grade or would like more information on our program, Contact Chris at 5617499 for more information or to begin the process. • • Please answer the call to the ministry of Eucharistic Minister, Usher & Lector. We are in need of Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers and Lectors for our Sunday, 5:00pm Mass. If you are interested, please contact the ofÀce to start the volunteer process. • Beef O’Bonus! Our promotion with Beef O’Brady’s is now 7 days a week. Tell the owner, Jack, you are from St. John and he will give us 20% of your check back to the parish! Thanks, Beef O’s! • Advertise with us! As much as you enjoy reading our bulletin, we’d love for you to be in it! If you own a business and are interested in advertising in our bulletin, please contact Kathy Brown at J.S. Paluch 239-601-4317. • Support Our Poor Box. Please continue to support this ministry, as it allows us to do the work that only the Church can do - with dignity and privacy. Helping people in need is our responsibility as Christians. Donating to our Poor Box is the closest we can come to meeting people where they are. Thank you. | PAGE 4| Vietnamese Announcements Giӡ Thánh LӉ: - ChiӅu Thӭ Bҧy: 3:30 pm; 5:30 pm; 8:00 pm (Vi͟t) - Chúa Nhұt: 7:15 am; 9:15 am; 11:15 am; 5:00 pm Liên lҥc: - Lm. Gioan Cao VNJ Nghi - Anh NguyӉn Khiêm 951-258-8734 239-470-8666 Nh h Phê ô lú hiê ngѭӥng ӥ vinh i h quang cӫa ӫ Nhѭ Thá Thánh Phêrô lúc ÿ ÿѭӧc chiêm Chúa, ÿã muӕn dӵng lӅu ÿӇ ӣ lҥi luôn ÿó, có lӁ ai trong chúng ta cNJng muӕn cuӝc ÿӡi mình là mӝt chuӛi ngày dài sӕng trong hҥnh phúc. Nhѭng dù là ngѭӡi giҫu sang, nәi danh, quyӅn thӃ nhҩt thiên hҥ, cNJng không thӇ có ÿѭӧc ÿiӅu mong ѭӟc ÿó. Nói chung, cuӝc ÿӡi con ngѭӡi, theo lӡi sách Giҧng Viên: “Mͱt th͵i ÿ͛ khóc lóc, mͱt th͵i ÿ͛ vui ć͵i; mͱt th͵i ÿ͛ than van, mͱt th͵i ÿ͛ múa nh̻y” (3:4). Lúc vui cѭӡi chúng ta cҧm tҥ Chúa. Lúc khә ÿau, dù ÿӃn tӯ ÿâu và vì lý do gì, chúng ta hãy dâng nhӳng hy sinh ÿó ÿӇ kӃt hӧp vӟi cӫa lӉ hy sinh và cuӝc khә nҥn cӫa Chúa Giêsu ÿӇ cҫu cho mình và cho anh chӏ em ÿӗng loҥi. Trong khi suy niӋm cuӝc khә nҥn và sӵ chӃt cӫa Chúa Giêsu trong Mùa Chay này, chúng ta xin Chúa thêm sӭc mҥnh và sӵ nhүn nҥi, ÿӇ chúng ta biӃt thánh hóa nhӳng thánh giá khә ÿau trong cuӝc sӕng. Gospel ReÁections | Jack Conroy Mark 9:2-10. The TransÀguration. The position of this story in the entire Gospel of Mark is interesting; the Àrst half of the Gospel ended at 8:30, when Jesus asked who people said he was. Some said, “Elijah,” some said “John the Baptist; Peter answered, “The Christ.” There is the Àrst Passion prophecy, a story about Discipleship, and then the TransÀguration, where Elijah appears again. Recall that Elijah never died; he was taken directly into heaven. (2 Kings 2:11). There was a tradition that the Day of Judgment, when righteousness was restored, and the Kingdom of God would be established on earth would occur when Elijah returned. That Jesus was conversing with Elijah and Moses suggests the two poles of Jesus’ ministry: the immediacy of the Kingdom and the continuity with Torah. And we have the grand afÀrmation from God as to exactly who Jesus was! We have the same deÀnition of “sonship” here and in the story of Isaac: in Greek, both sons were called “agapetos,” or “Beloved.” And as Isaac was the source of God’s People, so Jesus is the “Second Source.” Prayers for Our Heroes PFC Bryan Bard PFC Andrew Kanopkh SPC Michael Jednak Sgt. Phil Dellibovi Lt. Col. Jarett D. Broemmel Tech Sgt Jeffrey K. Green SPC Craig A. Schneider Staff Sgt. Chris Dominski THÔNG BÁO Staff Sgt. Shaun McBride LCP James Palenik Marine Private Tyler Petersen Richard Tahaes 1. Cҧm Ѫn Army PFC Justin Pingicer 1st Lt. Paige Hortman Xin chân thành cҧm ѫn quí anh chӏ trong Ban Phөc Vө, PFC Kathleen Hudepohl Anthony Padula Ban Ҭm Thӵc, Ca Ĉoàn, các ân nhân, và toàn thӇ ông Sgt. Jared Gaudet Christian Troutner, US Navy bà anh chӏ em, ÿã quҧng ÿҥi ÿóng góp sӭc lӵc, tài năng, Captain Andrew Duguay Major Bart Boma thӡi giӡ, và tiӅn cӫa, trong viӋc tә chӭc ngày vui xuân và Master SGT Peter Parison Marine PFC Ryan Silva gây quƭ cho Giáo Xӭ. Xin Thiên Chúa, nhӡ lӡi chuyӇn Andrew Herman Lt. Col. Brady Sexton cҫu cӫa Ĉӭc Mҽ, các Thánh Tӱ Ĉҥo ViӋt Nam, ban ѫn PFC Michael P Hughes Pvt. Matthew Lyons chúc lành ÿһc biӋt cho quí ông bà anh chӏ em trong suӕt Capt. Bradley D. Laux LCPL Nicholas Lyons năm mӟi này. LCPL Andrew Eldridge PFC Nick Mundo 2. Hòa Giҧi và ViӃng Ĉàng Thánh Giá Mùa Chay Staff Sgt. Dennis Cosgrove Drew Fesmire Trong Mùa Chay, sӁ có giҧi tӝi 30 phút trѭӟc và sau Michael Klem Marine Private Thomas Kavanaugh Thánh LӉ tӕi thӭ Bҧy. Giáo Xӭ cNJng có giҧi tӝi các chiӅu Lord God, Almighty Father, creator of mankind and author of peace, thӭ Sáu, 5:00-7:00 pm, và sáng thӭ Bҧy, 8:30-10:30 am. as we are ever mindful of the cost paid ChiӅu thӭ Sáu, lúc 6:00 pm., Giáo xӭ có giӡ ViӃng Ĉàng for the liberty we possess, we ask you to Thánh Giá. bless the members of our armed forces. Phân Công Phөng Vө Give them courage, hope and strength. Chúa Nh̵t, 7 tháng 3, 2015 - Chúa Nh̵t 3 Mùa Chay May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love and compassionate Bài ÿӑc 1: Chӏ Băng TuyӅn healing. Bài ÿӑc 2: Chӏ Tâm Ngӑc Be their power and protector, leading them from darkness to Lӡi NguyӋn: Anh Cao Quang light. Giúp LӉ: Annie, HuyӅn, Thҧo, Teresa To you be all glory, honor and praise, now and forever. Amen. | PAGE 5 | Welcome New Parishioners! Spanish Announcements Kiep Van & Tinh Thi Nguyen Dawn Boren Michael & Susan Lucente Jeff & Kathy Rogers Quyen & Kim San Queremos invitarlos a las actividades en español ñ que se están á realizando en la Iglesia, contamos con su presencia para que los grupos se incrementen. • El Domingo 15 de Marzo nuestra comunidad hispana estará vendiendo empanadas después de la misa de 9:15AM y 11:15AM, si tuvieron oportunidad de probarlas el día del picnic entonces no se pierdan esta venta. • Los invitamos a que nos acompañen al rezo del Rosario todos los Martes a las 6:00PM dentro de la Iglesia. • Si usted desea tener el Rosario Familiar en su casa cada mes, por favor pónganse en contacto con nosotros vía nuestro correo electrónico. • Quien desee participar en la misa como lector u otras actividades pueden contactarnos también a nuestra dirección de correo. • Dirija todas sus inquietudes, peticiones y preguntas Nuestro correo electrónico para cualquier información o petición que deseen:[email protected] • Queremos invitarlos a que se unan a la página de Facebook de nuestra comunidad. El link es el siguiente:http://www. have created a Facebook page in Spanish so we can communicate with our Hispanic parishioners. Here is the link: HispanosJPXXIII RCIA Rite of Election Those of you who are new to our Parish this year, and to those who’ve been coming for years without being registered, we need your help in staying organized and planning for our future needs. Having an accurate database of our Parishioners will help us know where and how we need to grow. Thank you to everyone who registered with our Parish both online and via registration card. If you’ve not received a welcome letter, please call the Parish OfÀce to conÀrm your registration. Thanks! All new parishioners, and those interested in registering in our Parish, are invited to attend the New Parishioner Orientation; the next Session is next Sunday, March 8th at 12:30. This is your opportunity to become informed and active members of the Parish and participate in our various ministries. Registering at St. John XXIII is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic community. Please let the parish ofÀce know your email address OR you can even update it on the Parish Website! Frequently, those seeking to celebrate Marriage, Baptisms or serve as sponsors for ConÀrmation or Baptism request a letter stating that they are parishioners. To receive such a letter, one must be registered in the parish, attend Mass regularly, and be committed to stewardship of time, talent and treasure. One means of verifying participation is through the use of parish offertory envelopes. If you choose not to participate in the support of the parish or are unable to contribute at this time, please at least note your prayerful support on your envelope and place it in the weekly offertory basket. CAPITAL CAMPAIGN VOLUNTEERMEETINGS DATES & TIMES After the Rite of Sending at St. John XXIII, the Elect, the Candidates and their sponsors celebrated the Rite of Election at Epiphany Cathedral on Sunday, February 22, 2015. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue their faith journey to the Easter Vigil. | PAGE 6 | Mar. 5th: 6:30pm Mar. 12th: 6:30pm Mar. 17th: 4:00pm Mar. 24th: 6:30pm Vietnamese New Year Celebration Recap Prayer List Please remember in your prayers all of our parish family and friends who suffer physically, emotionally or spiritually, especially: Walter, Jeanne & Peggy Stobb Concetta Hauf Hank Rose Christopher Wright Delores Letender Rick Sokolowski Frances Barnas Michele Caudieux Peggy Grinda Joyce Caudieux Tom Allind Doris Mackin Michael Nikodem Vincent Galati Landon West Walter Kobe Duvan Zapata Shirley Thompson Edward Rostick John Mangione Emma Quid Joey Cibella Ella Stunwick Ron Morrison Judy Martinez Florence Nash Peter Druskis Francis Lamatarie Cody Eldridge Angela Blinkiewicz Anna Murphy Joyce Ferranti Tina Lombardo Jeanne Blum Gracelyn Marra-Bax Rob Quid Robert Smith Bill Bosco Jack Rizzo Amy Jette Arnold Gitto Mary Jean Klass Eileen Brahney Patty Carncross Pattie Fialcowitz Patricia Mannion Delia Murphy Anne Soter Sal and Terry Pantano Geof Davies Roger Poliette Helen Carter Bob Biggs Tom Halt Maria Kappler Ryan Novajasky Darrell Evans Claire Pilon Lynne Haughey Jill Scott Aurise Parente Ken Melvin Sylvia Dirksen Rich Stranski Ann Pavlan Names will remain on the prayer list for approximately one month. If you’d like the name to continue, please call once per month to remind us to keep it listed 39.561.2245. The best way to ensure your loved ones are consistently prayed for within our greater E-Prayer Community - email Betsy Engelbrecht at e-prayer@ Their names will be circulated to an evergrowing list of people who will pray for them by name! Prayers for Eternal Life Please remember in your prayers those who’ve entered into eternal life, especially Pauline Korte, Leo Stelly, Cheryl Polley The Tabernacle Candle In memory of: Brian Swanson Requested by: The Harley’s | PAGE 7 | “Building our Legacy” Update 1 February 28 / March 1 MORE THAN $1,100,000 PLEDGED FROM JUST 113 FAMILIES! PLEASE BECOME A VOLUNTEER Thank you to the following parishioners who have committed to our Capital Campaign. We are off to a great start; however, we can only meet our goal through the participation of the entire parish. During the next few months you will be hearing more about our Capital Campaign. This listing is updated as of Wednesday, February 25th. Should there be any discrepancies or questions about this listing, please contact the Parish Office at (239) 561- 2245. *Anonymous (3) Mr. Edwin Pautler Mr. & Mrs. John Hinnegan Mrs. Nancy Agnew Ms. Terese Penza Mr. & Mrs. Alec Houle Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Altmann Mr. Kevin Powers Mr. & Mrs. Phil Hourican Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ammon Mr. & Mrs. William Raney Dr. & Mrs. Michael Howell Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Atkins Mr. Leroy Redmond Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hutzel Mr. & Mrs. James Balyeat Ms. Elena Reyes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jarlenski Mr. and Mrs. Rob Blair Ms. Leslie Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Albert Jurges Mr. & Mrs. Robert Broemmel Mr. & Mrs. John Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Walton Justice Mrs. Agnes Brown Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Salamone Mr. & Mrs. Charles Keefe Dr. & Mrs. John Bruno Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Santos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas King Mrs. Doris Buck Mr. Terrence Sauvain Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Kittenplan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connolly Ms. Linda Sayres Mrs. Marianne Kollasch Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Ted Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Gene Lamone Mr. Peter Della-Luna Mrs. Patricia Schoo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lancellot Ms. Mary Della-Luna Mr. & Mrs. Pat Snook Mr. & Mrs. Carl Larson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick DeLuca Mrs. Guadalupe Soto Mr. & Mrs. Luis Linares Mrs. Madeleine Deragon Mr. & Mrs. John Stankiewicz Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lindabury Ms. Lorraine DeTurk Mrs. Barbara Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lodato Mrs. Judy Dincher Mr. & Mrs. William Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Logue Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dohack Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sweeney Mr. Peter Lombardi Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dugan Mr. & Mrs. George Szymanski Mrs. Liz Lydick Mr. & Mrs. James Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Michael Temming Mr & Mrs. Michael Lynch Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Paul Theberge Mrs. Mary Malone Mrs. Barbara Durkin Mr. & Mrs. Corey C. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Philip Markey Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Eastwood Mrs. Margaret Tripton Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Marr Mr. & Mrs. Steve Engelman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tuffy Mr. & Mrs. James McCaffrey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Richard VanBuskirk Mr. & Mrs. James McCraney Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fischer Mrs. June Verona Mr. Albert McGann Mr. & Mrs. Scott Fischer Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh Mrs. Catherine McManus Mr. & Mrs. Donald Freda Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Peter Meade Ms. Sue Anne Fruzzetti Mr. & Mrs. John Willis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mullin Mr. & Mrs. John Garvin Mr. & Mrs. Adam Winters M. & Mrs. Ron Myrick Mr. Norman Gionet Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Wright Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Natella Mr. & Mrs. Donald Giordano Mr. & Mrs. David Young Mr. & Mrs. Francis Oberembt Mr. & Mrs. John Grisik Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Zeder Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O'Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Tom Halt Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Zizzo Mr. & Mrs. Alan Olds Mr. & Mrs. David Harley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O’Toole Mrs. Carolyn Hartmann Mrs. Marie Panger Mr. & Mrs. James Herron *If you wish to remain anonymous, please indicate this on your pledge card. How Can I Make My Pledge To The Campaign? We cannot emphasize enough the concept of “equal sacrifice, not equal giving.” The word “sacrifice” appears 440 times throughout the bible, underscoring its importance in our Catholic lives. In support of this Capital Campaign, each family is being asked to prayerfully consider sacrificially pledging as much as possible. Your fellow parishioners make up our volunteers. They will be contacting you in the coming weeks to discuss opportunities to make your sacrificial pledge. We ask each family to take some time to speak with our campaign team, learn more about the goals of the campaign, and clarify any questions or concerns you may have. Weekly Financials W February 22, 2015 Offertory Cash & Checks 29,429 Building Fund 2,968 Total $32,397 Mass Attendance 4,776 Families 2,768 Contribution per family $10.03 No money is kept on Church property. Thank you for your continued generosity! *Please make your checks payable to “St. John XXIII” Catholic Faith Appeal (last week’s numbers) Goal Pledge % of Goal % of Households Payments for 2015 353,000 210,536 59.64% 15.23% $103,989 February 15, 2015 Offertory Cash & Checks Building Fund Total Mass Attendance Families Contribution per family 31,690 1,787 $33,477 4,914 2,789 $12.00 Your faith has been with you from the start... Y Most often, when we think of making a gift to the Church, we think of our weekly offertory, which is considered to be a w ssacriÀcial percentage of one’s income. However, prayerfully cconsider leaving our Parish in your will in the form of: MARCH 26TH 6:30 PM Securities of Closely-Held Stock, Personal Property, Real S Estate or Gifts In-Kind, Charitable Trusts Please call the Parish OfÀce to set an appointment and determine how you can leave a lasting legacy at St. John XXIII. Our Lady of Light Parish in South Ft. Myers Women from all parishes are invited to the event with guest speaker and vocalist Gabi Frei on “Full of Grace. Songs of Surrender and Trust to Jesus through Mary” $10.00 admission includes a glass of wine, light dinner & dessert FREE BABYSITTING! Please RSVP by March 16th to [email protected] | PAGE 9 | arden Memorial G Memorials family eavve a fa o le ou tto ou or yyo or ffo ty i ity n u t tu rt r or o po pp off our op e on o We have an a loved one on Memorial e liz ia or em m in our legacy or ns of the Cross is beautiful Statio st is $5,000 per station. Th d co an e h Th ris . pa en r d ou Gar way to support is a wonderful e a living legacy. leav details. -561-2245 for 9 3 2 ce À of e th Please call Tickets available for purchase at the Parish Of¿ce Pope: Don’t Let Meatless Fridays be SelÀsh, Soulless, Seafood Splurge By: Carol Glatz of Religious News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Real fasting isn’t just restricting food choices, it must also include cleansing the heart of all selÀshness and making room in one’s life for those in need and those who have sinned and need healing, Pope Francis said. There might be someone who thinks, “Today is Friday, I can’t eat meat, but I’m going to have a nice plate of seafood, a real banquet,” which, while appearing to be an abstinence from meat, is the sin of gluttony, the pope said. Another person might say: “I am a great Catholic, Father, I like it a lot. I always go to Mass every Sunday, I receive Faith without concrete acts of charity is not only hypocritical, “it is dead; what good is it?” he said, criticizing those who hide Communion,” to which, the pope said he would reply, “Great, and how is your relationship with your workers? Do you pay behind a veil of piety while unjustly treating others, such as them under the table? Do you give them a fair wage? Do you denying workers fair wages, a pension and health care. contribute toward their pension? To their health insurance Being generous toward the church, but selÀsh and unjust and social services?” toward others “is a very serious sin: It is using God to cover Some people may regularly make Ànancial contributions up injustice,” he said Feb. 20 during his homily in a morning to the church, but, the pope asked, how generous are they Mass celebrated in the chapel of the Domus Sanctae toward their loved ones and their dependents? Are they Marthae, where he lives. generous and just to them, too, he g asked. a People cannot “make offerings to P the th church on the back of injustice,” he h said. “It is not a good Christian who w doesn’t do justice to the people who w depend on him” and who does not n “deprive himself of something essential for him in order to give it to e another who is in need.” a “This “T is the distinction between formal and real,” he said, which Jesus fo underlined, too, when he condemned u the th Pharisees and doctors of the law, la who adhered to “many external observances but without the truth of o the th heart.” Unfortunately, he said, many “men U and a women have faith but they separate the tablets of law,” that is, s they th obey the Àrst commandments and a obligations to God while ignoring or o being selective about the rest of the commandments concerning others. c The pope’s homily was based on the day’s reading from the Book of Isaiah in which God tells his people he does not care for those who observe penance passively -- bowed “like a reed,” lying quietly in a “sackcloth and ashes.” “They are united: love toward God and love to your neighbor are one, and if you want to practice real, not formal, penance, you have to do it before God and also with your brother and sister, your neighbor,” he said. Instead, God says he desires to see his people crying out “fullthroated and unsparingly” against injustice and sin, “setting free the oppressed, breaking every yoke; sharing your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and the homeless.” In the reading, God also points out the hypocrisy of the faithful who fast, but treat their workers badly and Àght and quarrel with others. The pope asked that during Lent people think about what they can do for people who are in very difÀcult situations, for example, to help “children and the elderly who don’t have the possibility of being seen by a doctor.” Pope Francis said Lent is about fulÀlling all commandments both toward God and others, according to reports from Vatican Radio and the Vatican newspaper. Lent is not about the formal observance of “doing a little whatever” and not eating meat on Fridays, while giving oneself free reign to “grow in selÀshness, exploit others and ignore the poor,” he said. Perhaps they have to wait “eight hours to be seen and then they give them an appointment for the week after,” he said. “What will you do for these people? What will your Lent be like?” He also asked people to make room in their hearts for those who have sinned, those who “have made mistakes and are in jail.” To those who may protest about associating with people who have been imprisoned, the pope said, “He is in jail, but you -- if you are not in jail, it is because the Lord helped you to not fall.” Pray for them, he said, so that the Lord may help them turn their lives around. | PAGE 11 | Knights’ Cruise A Day on the River S U N D A Y , M A R C H 2 2 , 2 0 1 5 A D U LT S $ 3 8 | B OA R D I N G AT 1 : 3 0 P M Sail aboard the Captain J.P. River Boat along the intercoastal waterway. Delicious Buffet | Music | Dancing | Sunset 2:00-6:00PM Tickets avaiable at the Church OfÀce or Contact: John Hauf at [email protected] Catholic CommunityHappenings Safe Environment Training. As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsbility, and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of minors and vulnerable adults. As they participate in activities within or sponsored by our diocese, it is our commitment to provide an environment which is safe and nurturing. In accordance with the Diocese of Venice policy to offer continued Safe Environment Awareness to all employees and volunteers, the following parishes will hold Regional Safe Environment Training, or SET. All volunteers must be trained! One should NOT attend if fingerprints have not been cleared. The next training session is at Our Lady of Light on March 12th at 6:00pm and on March 14th at 9:30am. The Light is On For You” This Lent, the Diocese of Venice is once again undertaking the “The Light is On For You” campaign. The primary purpose of this campaign is to encourage Catholics to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Each week, priests in every parish of the Diocese will be available to hear Confessions from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Fridays and 8:30a.m. to 10:30a.m. on Saturdays. Parishes are asked to display their banners from last year throughout Lent. A website dedicated to this campaign can be found at For further information regarding the campaign, please contact the OfÀce of Evangelization at 941-484-9543 or email [email protected]. Vocation Awareness Weekend St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami is hosting a Vocation Awareness Weekend from Friday, March 20 at 8:00 p.m. - Sunday, March 22 at 12:00 p.m. This is open to all young men, ages 17 and up. Come and experience what daily life is like for one discerning God’s call to the priesthood! There is no cost for the weekend and transportation will be provided. To register, please contact the Diocese of Venice Office of Vocations at 941-484-9543 or email Father Eric Scanlan at [email protected]. Good Counsel Camp! Summer adventure opportunities at Good Counsel Camp, Floral City, Florida which is owned and operated by the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg. This is a co-ed residential camp for age 7-15 offering 1 and 2 week sessions. Camp brochures are available in the parish narthex or can be requested by contacting the camp at 4301 W. Homosassa Trail, Florida 34461 or by calling (352) 270-8831 or email [email protected] or visit their website at Diocesan Marriage Tribunal Information Evening - The Marriage Tribunal of the Diocese of Venice will host information evenings at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Venice, on Monday, March 2, and St. Agnes Parish, Naples, on Tuesday, March 10. All sessions begin at 7:00 p.m. The evenings are designed for those who have experienced a civil divorce/dissolution and wish to marry in the Catholic Church. The evenings include a short presentation on the types of marriage cases considered by the Tribunal along with an opportunity for questions and answers by participants with Tribunal personnel. No reservation is required and all are welcome. For further information, please call the Tribunal Department at 941-484-9543. Bishop Verot’s 4th Annual Calendar RafÁe is underway for the 2015 Calendar year. Your $20 entry puts you in the running for the 180 daily drawings, giving away a total of $12,000. A name is drawn each school day of 2015, with most daily prize amounts of $25, up to $2,500. Every winner is eligible to continue winning the rest of the year, for multiple chances! For daily drawing amounts and more information, please visitÁe. The Diocese of Venice Cursillo ANNUAL DAY OF PRAYER is set for March 7 (Sat.) from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at the Epiphany Cathedral Parish Center, Venice, FL. The day begins with registration and continental breakfast. Rev. James Shea is the guest speaker for the day and will offer two presentations and celebrate Mass with us. ALL ACTIVE AND INACTIVE CURSILLISTAS THROUGHOUT THE DIOCESE ARE INVITED AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND THIS ANNUAL DAY OF SPIRITUAL UPLIFT. We also invite those persons who have an interest in learning more about Cursillo to join us as well. It promises to be a day Àlled with prayer, enlightenment and fellowship. To make your reservation, please e-mail [email protected] or call (941) 484-3076. Be sure to include your full name and an address or telephone number where you can be contacted to conÀrm your reservation. Experience “Education You Can Believe In! For more than 75 years, St. Francis Xavier School has provided quality academics founded on Catholic teachings. Stop by for a student-guided tour and learn more about our curriculum, activities and faith formation. UPCOMING OPEN HOUSE DATES: Wednesday, March 4th 9a.m. Thursday, April 30th 9a.m. Save $100 if you apply by March 31st and we will waive the application fee. 2055 Heitman Street Fort Myers. Michele Cheatham: 334-7707 ext. 223 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center Day of Prayer - Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center in Venice invites everyone to a monthly Day of Prayer on the second Wednesday of the month through May. The day is from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and includes Mass, continental breakfast, lunch, two conferences, and opportunity for Sacrament of Reconciliation. $25 in advance; $30 at door. For additional information call 941-486-0233. All couples celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or more than 50 years of marriage are invited by Bishop Frank J. Dewane to an Anniversary Mass in their honor. The Anniversary Mass will be World Meeting of Families 2015 - Pope Francis has announced celebrated in on March 14th at St. Leo the Great Parish in Bonita that he will be attending the World Meeting of Families, which will Springs. Mass will begin at 11 a.m. Please call your local parish take place in Philadelphia, September 22-27. Families may want ofÀce for reservations no later than a week before the event you to put this time aside to make a pilgrimage to Philadelphia. To choose to attend. register for the event go to the ofÀcial World Meeting of Families Theology on Tap - This exciting program for young adults (18-39), allows website: them to learn about the faith while building community. Theology on Tap The 2015 Diocese of Venice Men’s Conference will be held Saturday, is held at various parishes throughout the Diocese. Each location hosts March 7 at Bishop Verot High School in Fort Myers. Speakers this year a series of weekly talks and discussions on relevant topics in a relaxed include Tom Peterson, founder of Catholics Come Home, and Catholic atmosphere. Free babysitting, icebreakers, trivia, and food and drinks apologist Trent Horn. Registration details will be forthcoming. are provided... BYOB. Upcoming date: March 5 at St. Cecilia Parish. This Community Pregnancy Clinics Presents: “Bringing will be a four week program on Thursday nights from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Communities to Life” on March 12, 2015 at The Hilton in Bishop Verot Summer Baseball Camp! June 8-11 Ages 7-11|June Naples Featuring Neurosurgeon & Keynote Speaker Dr. Ben 15-18 Ages 12-14|Cost: $110.00|Website: Carson. For more information about the event and on becoming athletics|Contact: David Nelson| E-mail: [email protected] a CPCI Life Saver contact Jessica Plate at 239-262-6381. | PAGE 13 | Lenten Schedule Fridays of Lent March 6/13/20/27 5:00-7:00 PM Confessions 6:00 PM Stations of the Cross and Benediction Saturdays of Lent Confessions 8:30AM-10:30 AM Holy Saturday ~ April 4 Morning Prayer 8:00 AM Blessing of Food 8:30 AM Vigil Mass 8:00 PM Easter Sunday ~ April 5 Masses 7:15AM; 9:15AM; 11:15 AM No 5PM Mass today Easter Egg Hunt Sat. March 28 11:00 AM -Holy WeekHoly Thursday ~ April 2 Morning Prayer 8:00 AM Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 PM Adoration 8:00-11:00 PM Good Friday ~ April 3 Stations of the Cross 2:15 PM Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 3:00 PM *Beginning April 11th, our Saturday Vigil Mass is 4PM