THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. 5230 SOUTH SERVICE ROAD, BURLINGTON, ONTARIO L7L 5K2 TELEPHONE: (905) 632-3811 FACSIMILE: (905) 632-3363 Email: [email protected] PROJECT No. : 12231 THE MILL RACE, FUNCTIONAL SERVICING REPORT MAIN STREET AND MILL STREET, MILTON, ONTARIO CLIENT: 435454 ONTARIO INC. _________________________________ JOHN KRPAN, M.S.C.E., P.Eng. November 11, 2015 __________________ DATE ORIGINAL: August 1, 2013 UPDATED: UPDATED: July 17, 2015 (updated sanitary flows and added WSP- InfoSewer report) November 11, 2015 (updated report to reflect site plan) File No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. THE MILL RACE, FUNCTIONAL SERVICING REPORT MAIN STREET AND MILL STREET, MILTON, ONTARIO `` TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 1 3.0 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 1 A) Sanitary Waste Water Disposal 1 B) Water Distribution 3 C) Storm Water Management, Drainage 9 D) Erosion and Sediment Control 15 E) Geotechnical Investigation 15 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 15 5.0 REFERENCES 15 Appendix A Existing Site Summary of Building Statistics Site Plan Aerial view of Site and surrounding Site by Green Propeller Architects by Green Propeller Architects Appendix B Visual Otthymo – Input/output Files Appendix C WSP report on the Sanitary Trunk Sewer capacity (updating Region’s INFO SEWER Model). Appendix D Figure 1 Figure 2 Plan Showing Existing Site Servicing Plan Showing Proposed Site Servicing concepts FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 1 THE MILL RACE, FUNCTIONAL SERVICING REPORT MAIN STREET AND MILL STREET, MILTON, ONTARIO 1.0 INTRODUCTION: The property under study is located at Main Street and Mill Street in the Town of Milton. The block of interest where the subject Site resides is bounded by existing James Street to the west, existing Main Street to the south, existing Martin Street to the east and existing Mill Street to the north. See Figure 1 Appendix A. It is proposed to redevelop the Site (currently 5 commercial lots) into a mixed used retail and residential multi storey building. The Site is 0.6696 ha (1.65 acre). Refer to the Site Plan (prepared by Green Propeller Architects) for further information regarding the proposed layout of the Site including the building location, asphalt, walks, concrete curbing etc. For storm water management design purposes the total area that will be evaluated is 0.6696 ha. The present site drainage on the five lots is drainage from the Main Street to Mill Street. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK: THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. was retained by 435454 ONTARIO INC., to review the Site, collect data, evaluate the Site for the proposed mixed residential/commercial uses and present the findings in a Functional Servicing Report in support of a Rezoning and Official Plan Amendment Applications. The scope of work in brief involves the following: a) b) c) Collecting existing servicing drawings from the Town and Region in order to establish availability and feasibility of Site servicing; Meetings/conversations with Town, Region of Halton, HRCA and Design Team. Evaluation of the data and presentation of the findings in a Functional Servicing Report in support of the Rezoning and Official Plan Amendment Applications. 3.0 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: A) SANITARY WASTE WATER DISPOSAL: Existing Site: The Site has currently 5 buildings located within its bounds. The proposed redevelopment will consist of the following: FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 2 Proposed Redeveloped Site: The proposed redeveloped Site will consist of a 280 unit residential Condominium. There will be 2 level of above grade parking in total. The above statistics were compiled by Green Propeller Architects. Refer to Site statistics and the Site Plan by Green Propeller Architects in Appendix A for further details. The mixed use is defined. The Region of Halton Standards will apply. Thus the following equivalent residential population method will be applied. Other than the equivalent population the proposed land use sanitary flows were calculated using Regional Municipality of Halton Water and Wastewater Linear Design Manual (April 2015 Version 3.00). For apartments (over 6 storeys): Equivalent Population = 285 person/ha Per Capita Flow Rate = 275 L/person/day For light commercial areas Equivalent Population Density = 90 person/ha Unit Sewage Flow = 24.750 m3/ha/day Site Area 0.6696 ha Peak Infiltration flow rate: 0.286 l/sec./ha. Population, residential = 285 x 0.7808 = 223 persons Population, commercial = 90 x 0.035= 3 persons Total population = 223 + 3 = 226 persons Peak factor (Harmon) = 1+[14/(4+(226/1000)^0.5)] = 4.13 Total extraneous flow = 0.6696 x 0.286 = 0.19 L/s Average flow, residential = 275 x 223 / (24 x 3600) = 0.71 L/s Average flow, commercial = 24.75 x 1000 x 0.035 / (24 x 3600) = 0.01 L/s Total average flow = 0.71 + 0.01 = 0.72 L/s Peak flow = 0.72 x 4.13 = 2.97 L/s Total Peak flow = 2.97 + 0.19 = 3.16 L/s The new service lateral will be a 200 mm PVC pipe @ 2.0% having a capacity = 22 L/sec > 3.16 L/sec. We will replace one of the existing lateral services with this pipe. The proposed service lateral will connect to the existing 300 mm PVC pipe on Main Street. The sewer on Main Street has a slope of 3.96%. The Region has asked the Developer to confirm the capacity of the sewers from the Site to the Trunk. The Developer has retained the services of WSP. WSP was given the Region’s InfoSewer model. The above flows were used by WSP to evaluate the sanitary sewer system by updating the InfoSewer model. See Appendix C for the results and conclusions. The report concludes that the proposed development on Main Street will not have a significant impact on the capacity and performance of the trunk sewer system. Refer to Figure 2 appendix D for the waste water servicing scheme. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 3 B) WATER DISTRIBUTION: INTRODUCTION: The Region of Halton as part of the FSR (Functional Servicing Report) would like to see the following items addressed for a plan of Subdivision. This project is not a Plan of Subdivision but a redevelopment therefore these items do not apply: (a) Outline of existing water system impacting the site: i) Existing Pressure Zone. ii) Existing pressures in the area. (b) Watermain analysis: i) Size of proposed watermains – substantiate pipe size through hydraulic analysis. ii) Expected static pressures. iii) Required fire flows. iv) Expected fire flows. The Region was contacted and an e-mail sent (see below). We will analyze as per the email. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The unit rate and peaking factors of water consumption, minimum pipe size and allowable pressure in line were established from Regional Municipality of Halton Water and Wastewater Linear Design Manual (April 2015 Version 3.00).. The water distribution system is shown on Figure 2 Appendix D, the Site Servicing Concept. The Water demands were calculated as follows: see sanitary section for population. a) Average Day domestic demand - using 275 L/cap/day (226 persons) 0.7 L/sec b) Max day demand - 1.6 x daily demand 1.6 L/sec c) Max hour demand - 4.0 x daily demand 2.9 L/sec d) Fire Flow – see calculation spread sheet below. Calculations are as per FUS 1999 manual. Exposure calculations as per FUS 1999 and ISO 2008. Length-height is as per ISO 2008. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 4 Buildings surrounding the Site were taken as exposure walls unprotected even though they may have sprinklers. (The fire flows are conservative yet achievable). The exposure building faces were field verified as blank or window walled. Building floor statistics are from Architect (see appendix A). There are two supply points surrounding the subject Site and is described below: 1) Main Street has a 300 mm water main on the north side of the R.O.W. and is connected to 300 mm watermain that runs on the east side of Martin Street R.O.W. Hydrants are located on the north side of Main street. 2) The second supply point is Mill Street which has a 250 mm water main on the north side of the R.O.W. which is connected to the 300 mm water main on Martin Street. Hydrants are located on the north side of Mill Street. All water mains in the area are looped to each other. The proposed mixed use building will connect to the 300 mm main on Main Street. The pressures and volumes must be sufficient for Peak hour conditions and under fire conditions as established by the Ontario Building Code 2006. The minimal residual pressure under fire conditions is 140 kpa. (or 20.3 psi). According to the MOE criteria the allowable pressures are as follows: Condition Allowable Pressures (kpa) min. max. 1) Min. Hour 275 700 2) Peak Hour 275 700 3) Peak Day + Fire Flow 140 700 FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 5 The Region of Halton has stated that a flow test is not required since they have several in the area. See below e-mail from the Region. Note the new Halton Standards have been released since this e-mail was sent. We have used the new standards for the calculations shown above. Hi John At this point, there is sufficient capacity in our water system for the proposal. Please note that this capacity is allocated on a first come, first served basis and that formal allocation of capacity is via an executed development agreement with Halton or the issuance of a Services Permit. When completing the FSR, please use Halton's Sustainable Halton Master Plan Design Criteria, which is 0.314 m3/person/day, 1.68 persons/apartment unit, 34.83 m2/commercial employee and 213 L/employee/day. The max day factor is 1.6 and fire flow demands are calculated using Water Supply for Public Fire Protection by the Fire Underwriter's Survey. Dave Huk Supervisor, Infrastructure Planning Water Services, Public Works Regional Municipality of Halton Phone: 905-825-6000, Ext. 7639 Toll Free: 1-866-442-5866 The Region has indicated that there is sufficient flow and pressure to service the proposed redevelopment of the Site based on the demands mentioned below. Booster pumps will be required to lift the flow to the upper levels of this development. Peak day demand 1.6 L/sec 25 usgm Fire flow demand 133 L/sec 2108 usgm TOTAL WATER DEMAND 134.6 L/sec 2133 usgm (worst case) Refer to the Figure 2 Appendix D, Plan Showing Proposed Site Servicing for the subject site and details of the water service to the subject Site. The new water service for the proposed building will be a 150 mm Fire line and a 150 mm domestic line. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 6 WATER SUPPLY FOR PUBLIC FIRE PROTECTION , FIRE UNDERWRITERS SURVEY GUIDE FOR DETERMINATION OF REQUIRED FIRE FLOWS F = 220 x C x √ A Where: F = required fire flow in liters per minute C= Coefficient related to the type of construction A = the total floor area in square meters (excluding basements) in the building considered Main Street and Mill Street, Milton LOCATION: OBC OCCUPANCY: Residential and Commercial BUILDING FOOT PRINT (m2): PROJECT: 435454 ONTARIO INC. DOWNTOWN MILTON PROJECT No:12231 4828 10 # OF STOREYS RESIDENTIAL TOWER Fire resistive CONSTRUCTION CLASS: ` AUTOMATED SPRINKLER PROTECTION NFPA 13 sprinkler standard yes Standard Water Supply yes Fully Supervised System yes Credit 30% 10% 10% 50% Contents Charge Non-Combustible -25% limited Combustible -15% Combustible 0% Free Burning 15% Rapid Buring 25% Total 50% do not use full charge CONTENTS FACTOR: Non-Combustible CHARGE: -20% Seperation EXPOSURE 1 (south) south Tower Distance to Exposure Building (m) Length - Height Distance to Exposure Building (m) Length - Height Distance to Exposure Building (m) Length - Height Distance to Exposure Building (m) Length - Height EXPOSURE 2 (east) 3 Storey EXPOSURE 3 (west) 10 Storey EXPOSURE 4 (north) 46 Storey 20 15 25 >45 Total: 0% 0% 0% Charge 0-3 m 25% 3.1 -10 m 20% 10.1 - 20 m 15% 20.1 - 30 m 10% 30.1 - 45 5% > 45 m 0% 0% 0% no more than 75% ARE BUILDINGS CONTIGUOUS: FIRE RESISTANT BUILDING Are vertical openings and exterior vertical communications protected with a minimum one (1) hr rating? CALCULATIONS C= A= 0.6 4320 m2 Fire Resistive (2 + 50% of 8 stories above) F= F= 8676 9000 L/min L/min must be > 2000 L/min -1800 7200 -3600 0 L/min L/min L/min L/min F= 3600 L/min F= F= 4000 L/min 67 L/sec Round to Nearest 1000 L/min STOREY AREAS m2 570 CORRECTION FACTORS: 750 750 x 8 = 6000 OCCUPANCY FIRE FLOW ADJUSTED FOR OCCUPANCY REDUCTION FOR SPRINKLER EXPOSURE CHARGE REQUIRED FIRE FLOW Round to Nearest 1000 L/min FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc 1057 usgm THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 7 WATER SUPPLY FOR PUBLIC FIRE PROTECTION , FIRE UNDERWRITERS SURVEY GUIDE FOR DETERMINATION OF REQUIRED FIRE FLOWS F = 220 x C x √ A Where: F = required fire flow in liters per minute C= Coefficient related to the type of construction A = the total floor area in square meters (excluding basements) in the building considered Main Street and Mill Street, Milton LOCATION: OBC OCCUPANCY: PROJECT: Residential and Commercial BUILDING FOOT PRINT (m2): 435454 ONTARIO INC. DOWNTOWN MILTON PROJECT No:12231 4410 1 # OF STOREYS COMMERCIAL BLOCK Fire resistive CONSTRUCTION CLASS: ` AUTOMATED SPRINKLER PROTECTION NFPA 13 sprinkler standard yes Standard Water Supply yes Fully Supervised System yes Credit 30% 10% 10% 50% CONTENTS FACTOR: Contents Charge Non-Combustible -25% limited Combustible -15% Combustible 0% Free Burning 15% Rapid Buring 25% Total 50% Combustible CHARGE: 0% Seperation EXPOSURE 1 (south) 8 Storey Distance to Exposure Building (m) Length - Height Distance to Exposure Building (m) Length - Height Distance to Exposure Building (m) Length - Height Distance to Exposure Building (m) Length - Height EXPOSURE 2 (east) 2 Storey (blank wall) EXPOSURE 3 (west) 10 Storey EXPOSURE 4 (north) 46 storey 15 4 5 25 Total: 0% 0% 15% Charge 0-3 m 25% 3.1 -10 m 20% 10.1 - 20 m 15% 20.1 - 30 m 10% 30.1 - 45 5% > 45 m 0% 5% 20% no more than 75% ARE BUILDINGS CONTIGUOUS: FIRE RESISTANT BUILDING Are vertical openings and exterior vertical communications protected with a minimum one (1) hr rating? CALCULATIONS C= A= 0.6 350 m2 F= F= 2469 2000 L/min L/min 0 2000 -1000 400 L/min L/min L/min L/min F= 1400 L/min F= F= 1000 L/min 17 L/sec Round to Nearest 1000 L/min Fire Resistive STOREY AREAS m2 350 must be > 2000 L/min CORRECTION FACTORS: OCCUPANCY FIRE FLOW ADJUSTED FOR OCCUPANCY REDUCTION FOR SPRINKLER EXPOSURE CHARGE REQUIRED FIRE FLOW Round to Nearest 1000 L/min FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc 264 usgm THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 8 WATER SUPPLY FOR PUBLIC FIRE PROTECTION , FIRE UNDERWRITERS SURVEY GUIDE FOR DETERMINATION OF REQUIRED FIRE FLOWS F = 220 x C x √ A Where: F = required fire flow in liters per minute C= Coefficient related to the type of construction A = the total floor area in square meters (excluding basements) in the building considered Main Street and Mill Street, Milton LOCATION: OBC OCCUPANCY: Residential and Commercial PROJECT: PROJECT No: 435454 ONTARIO INC. DOWNTOWN MILTON 12231 4410 BUILDING FOOT PRINT (m2): 2 # OF STOREYS Parking Structure Fire resistive CONSTRUCTION CLASS: ` AUTOMATED SPRINKLER PROTECTION NFPA 13 sprinkler standard Standard Water Supply Fully Supervised System yes yes yes Credit 30% 10% 10% 50% CONTENTS FACTOR: Contents Charge Non-Combustible -25% limited Combustible -15% Combustible 0% Free Burning 15% Rapid Buring 25% Total 50% FREE BURING CHARGE: 15% Seperation EXPOSURE 1 (south) 8 Storey Distance to Exposure Building (m) Length - Height Distance to Exposure Building (m) Length - Height Distance to Exposure Building (m) Length - Height Distance to Exposure Building (m) Length - Height EXPOSURE 2 (east) 2 Storey (blank wall) EXPOSURE 3 (west) 10 Storey EXPOSURE 4 (north) 46 storey 15 4 5 0% Total: 17% 15% 10% 5% 0% 30.1 - 45 > 45 m 5% 12% 25% 20% 3.1 -10 m 10.1 - 20 m 20.1 - 30 m 0% 23 150 Charge 0-3 m no more than 75% ARE BUILDINGS CONTIGUOUS: FIRE RESISTANT BUILDING Are vertical openings and exterior vertical communications protected with a minimum one (1) hr rating? CALCULATIONS C= A= 0.6 7500 m2 F= F= 11432 11000 L/min L/min 1650 12650 -6325 2150.5 L/min L/min L/min L/min F= 8475.5 L/min F= F= 8000 L/min 133 L/sec Round to Nearest 1000 L/min YES Fire Resistive STOREY AREAS m2 6000 must be > 2000 L/min 6000 CORRECTION FACTORS: OCCUPANCY FIRE FLOW ADJUSTED FOR OCCUPANCY REDUCTION FOR SPRINKLER EXPOSURE CHARGE REQUIRED FIRE FLOW Round to Nearest 1000 L/min FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc 2113 usgm THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 9 C) STORM WATER MANAGEMENT, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL: 1.0) INTRODUCTION The Site is essentially a local tributary area to the storm sewer on Mill Street. The current Site drains via sheet flow to Mill Street. See Appendix D for Plan Showing Existing services around the Site. Refer to Figure 2 showing the Site Servicing Concept Plan for additional details. The discharge sewer for the new development is the existing storm sewer on Mill Street. The area subject to SWM is 0.6696 ha. The proposed development consists of a foot print that extends to the property lines with minimal set back. Based on the Architectural statistics in POST DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENT: 1) Control peak discharge rate from the developed Site to the municipal storm sewer and Mill Street matching the pre-development flow. 2) Provide a suitable overland flow route to the Town right of way for storms larger than the 5 year storm. 3) Water Quality - Provide long-term average removal of 80% of Total Suspended Solids on an annual loading basis from the post-development Site. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 10 2.0) Predevelopment Flow Based on the VO2 model results the following is the predevelopment flow from the Site and thus the target flows: 8 SITE Predevelop Flow 80% imp AREA = 0.67 VO2 predevelopment model The underlying soils are sandy silt to sandy gravel giving a soil hydrological classification of B. Refer to Table 1 for the Pre development catchment area details. Area (ha) Subject Site Area 0.67 Total: CN perv 75 80 Catchment Characteristics for the Post-Developed Site % Imperv Directly Connected Watershed Description % Imperv TABLE 1 80 Length(m) Imperv perv SEE INPUT Slope (%) Losses Tp (hr) imperv perv 1 imperv 1 STANDHYD perv SCS - 0.67 The following storm design data for the Town of Milton was used to evaluate the storm runoff: (We used the 4 hour Chicago storm input into VO2) 5 Year Storm: I5 = 959.0 / (T + 5.7)0.8024 where: I = intensity (mm/hr) T = time of concentration (min) 100 year storm I100 = 1435 / (T + 5.2)0.7751 Table 2- SUMMARY OF PREDEVELOPMENT FLOWS Tributary No 1 outlet 5 YR FLOW 100 YR FLOW (L/SEC) (L/SEC) 157 275 Site to Storm sewer on Mill Street Refer to the VO2 output in appendix B. The summary is shown in Table 2. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 11 3.0) POST DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS QUALITY CONTROL: The general basis of the effective TSS removal rates are as follows: Rooftop areas, balconies, podiums etc. are subject only to airborne particles and insignificant amounts of sediment transported by foot traffic. As such, an effective removal efficiency of 80% is utilized on a traditional roof to reflect the inherent runoff quality. The Site area is mostly roof or a canopy to the property line with an insignificant portion of hard landscaped areas. The parking structure portion of the building will have an Oil/Grit separator as per the Ontario Building Code. Flows will be directed as follow: 1. If the parking structure area is exposed to the sky the flow will be directed through an oil/grit separator to the storm sewer on Mill Street. 2. If the parking structure is covered by slab or roof the incidental flow will be directed through an oil/grit separator to the sanitary sewer. The only external area which will be paved is the entrance from Main Street. If grading dictates the flow will be directed to Main Street. This area is very small. If the driveway is reversed the flow will be picked up by the building oil/grit separator. NOTE: The oil/grit separator(s) will be sized during the building design phase once the floor areas are better established. As such we can achieve the 80 % TSS removal rate. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 12 QUANTITY CONTROL: DISCUSSION: As indicated on the Site Plan by GREEN PROPELLER Architects this development will consist of on grade parking lot off of Mill Street (which will be covered), 2 levels of above grade parking structure and Residential Condo units above the parking structure. The roof is a source of storage. The maximum storage depth will be limited to 150 mm as OBC. Infiltration is not possible since the Site building is proposed out to the property line. A storage tank is a second option for this Site to control post development flows (if required). Green roof features are another method to control runoff. ANALYSIS: The following storm design data for the Town of Milton was used to evaluate the storm runoff: 5 Year Storm: I5 = 959.0 / (T + 5.7)0.8024 where: I = intensity (mm/hr) T = time of concentration (min) 100 year storm I100 = 1435 / (T + 5.2)0.7751 We used the 4 hour Chicago storm input into VO2. For the FSR we will control the two towers of the roof which is approximately 0.28 ha. See table 3 for roof stage/storage/volume calculations and release rates Refer to Visual Otthymo Model (see below) and output in Appendix B for details. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 13 Table 3 - Roof stage/storage/discharge Relationship for Rooftop Control Devices Area of Roof = Number of Weirs = Head (m) 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 RETAIL ROOFTOP m2 1700 10 Number of Drains = Volume (m 3) Discharge (l/s) Volume (ha-m) 0 0 0.0000 43 7 0.0043 85 15 0.0085 128 22 0.0128 170 30 0.0170 10 Discharge (m3/s) 0.000 0.007 0.015 0.022 0.030 Based on 1 weir per drain at 0.38 l/sec per 25.4mm of head. (Control-Flo Zurn ZCF-121 by Zurn) Refer to table 4 for the post development catchment area details. Area (ha) CN perv Catchment Characteristics for the Post-Developed Site % Imperv Directly Connected Watershed Description % Imperv TABLE 4 Length(m) Imperv perv Slope (%) Losses Tp (hr) imperv perv imperv perv Roof Area controlled 0.170 98 100 100 SEE INPUT 1 1 STANDHYD SCS - Roof Area uncontrolled 0.40 98 100 100 SEE INPUT 1 1 STANDHYD SCS - Rest of Site, walks, Landscape etc. 0.100 75 70 70 SEE INPUT 1 1 STANDHYD SCS - Total: 0.67 FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 14 Visual Otthymo Post Development Model Roof area Controlled Roof area uncontrolled 9 7 AREA = 0.4 AREA = 0.17 Roof Top Storage 6 1 Flow from walks & landscape AREA = 0.1 10 Flow from Site to sewer 4 AREA = 0.67 Refer to table 5 for the post development flow summary. Table 5- SUMMARY OF QUANTITY CONTROL Tributary No 1 5 YR FLOW 100 YR FLOW (L/SEC) (L/SEC) Outlet Site to Storm sewer on Mill Street Pre Post Pre Post 157 143 275 240 Storage Roof Portion: available is @150mm maximum depth Require Volume (For 5 year) 47 m3 Available Roof Volume 170 m3 Require Volume (For 100 year) 81 m3 Available Roof Volume 170 m3 Note the outflow to the storm sewer and Mill Street is less than predevelopment flow and there is sufficient volume on the roof. The new service lateral will be a 375 mm PVC pipe @ 2.0% having a capacity = 242 L/sec > 143 L/sec. The lateral is designed for a 5 year event. NOTE: the larger storms will surcharge to the surface and overland onto Mill Street. The size of the existing sewer on Mill Street is not shown on the drawings. We assume it to be a 450 mm sewer. The final size and slope will be optimized during final site plan design. Refer to Figure 2 appendix D for the SWM and storm sewer servicing scheme. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . 15 D) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL: Since the new construction will utilize excavation erosion control will be utilized. Hoarding with filter cloth will be provided around the Site. In addition a mud mat will be utilized at the construction entrance. In addition silt bags will be employed at all nearby catch basins downstream from the Site. See servicing drawings for details. A plan for erosion and sediment control will be prepared at Site plan design and approval stage in accordance with Town and current Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Urban Development. E) GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION: A Preliminary Geotechnical investigation and report was performed by V.A. WOOD (Guelph) Inc. for the property. The report is dated July 23. The purpose of the report is to reveal the subsurface conditions and to determine the relevant soil properties for recommendations for the preliminary design and construction of building foundations, pavement areas and storm water management systems. The underlying soil is sandy silt and sandy gravel. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS: From our investigation the Site is serviceable. The Site is favourable for the proposed Development as shown on the Site Plan. There is sufficient capacity in the existing sanitary sewer to accommodate the sanitary flows from the proposed development. There is sufficient capacity in the existing storm sewer to accommodate the proposed storm water flow from the proposed development. There is sufficient capacity in the existing water supply system for domestic and firefighting purposes to accommodate the proposed Development. In addition gas and hydro services are available. 5.0 REFERENCES: 1. Storm water Management Planning and Design Manual, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, March 2003. 2. Town of Milton –Engineering and Parks Development Standards - 2014. 3. New Jersey Storm Water Best Management Practices Manual, April 2004. 4. The Erosion and Sedimentation Control Guidelines for Urban Construction prepared by the Greater Golden Horseshoe Area Conservation Authorities FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. . Appendix A Existing Site Aerial view of Site and surrounding Site Summary of Building Statistics by GREEN PROPELLER Architects Site Plan by GREEN PROPELLER Architects FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. SUBJECT SITE Plan Showing location of subject site and the area of interest. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. Summary of Building Statistics by Green Propeller Architects FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. Site Plan by Green Propeller Architects Plan @ ELEVATION 203 FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. Plan @ ELEVATION 200 FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. Plan @ ELEVATION 195 (MILL STREET LEVEL) FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. Appendix B Visual Otthymo – Input/output Files FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. =========================================================================================================== V V V V V V V V VV I I I I I SSSSS SS SS SS SSSSS U U U U U U U U UUUUU A A A AAAAA A A A A L L L L LLLLL OOO O O O O OOO TTTTT T T T TTTTT T T T H H H H Y Y Y Y Y Y M M MM MM M M M M H H H H OOO O O O O OOO Developed and Distributed by Clarifica Inc. Copyright 1996, 2007 Clarifica Inc. All rights reserved. ***** D E T A I L E D O U T P U T ***** Input filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual OTTHYMO 2.3.3\voin.dat Output filename: P:\2012\12231\12231-otthymo\POST Summary filename: P:\2012\12231\12231-otthymo\POST DATE: 11/11/2015 TIME: 4:52:03 PM USER: COMMENTS: ____________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**************************** ** SIMULATION NUMBER: 1 ** **************************** -------------------| CHICAGO STORM | | Ptotal= 46.31 mm | -------------------- IDF curve parameters: A= 959.000 B= 5.700 C= .802 used in: INTENSITY = A / (t + B)^C Duration of storm = 4.00 hrs Storm time step = 10.00 min Time to peak ratio = .33 TIME hrs .17 .33 .50 .67 .83 1.00 RAIN mm/hr 2.88 3.31 3.92 4.85 6.45 9.95 | | | | | | | | TIME hrs 1.17 1.33 1.50 1.67 1.83 2.00 RAIN mm/hr 24.45 105.25 32.26 16.67 11.31 8.62 | | | | | | | | TIME hrs 2.17 2.33 2.50 2.67 2.83 3.00 RAIN mm/hr 7.00 5.92 5.14 4.56 4.11 3.74 | | | | | | | | TIME hrs 3.17 3.33 3.50 3.67 3.83 4.00 RAIN mm/hr 3.44 3.19 2.97 2.79 2.63 2.48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| CALIB | | STANDHYD (0001) | Area (ha)= .10 |ID= 1 DT= 5.0 min | Total Imp(%)= 70.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 70.00 FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. -------------------Surface Area Dep. Storage Average Slope Length Mannings n NOTE: (ha)= (mm)= (%)= (m)= = IMPERVIOUS .07 2.00 1.00 25.80 .013 RAINFALL WAS TRANSFORMED TO TIME hrs .083 .167 .250 .333 .417 .500 .583 .667 .750 .833 .917 1.000 RAIN mm/hr 2.88 2.88 3.31 3.31 3.92 3.92 4.85 4.85 6.45 6.45 9.95 9.95 Max.Eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= over (min) Storage Coeff. (min)= Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= PEAK FLOW (cms)= TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PERVIOUS (i) .03 5.00 1.00 24.00 .250 5.0 MIN. TIME STEP. ---- TRANSFORMED TIME RAIN | hrs mm/hr | 1.083 24.45 | 1.167 24.45 | 1.250 105.25 | 1.333 105.25 | 1.417 32.26 | 1.500 32.26 | 1.583 16.67 | 1.667 16.67 | 1.750 11.31 | 1.833 11.31 | 1.917 8.62 | 2.000 8.62 | 105.25 5.00 1.11 (ii) 5.00 .34 .02 1.33 44.31 46.31 .96 HYETOGRAPH ---TIME RAIN | hrs mm/hr | 2.083 7.00 | 2.167 7.00 | 2.250 5.92 | 2.333 5.92 | 2.417 5.14 | 2.500 5.14 | 2.583 4.56 | 2.667 4.56 | 2.750 4.11 | 2.833 4.11 | 2.917 3.74 | 3.000 3.74 | TIME hrs 3.08 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.42 3.50 3.58 3.67 3.75 3.83 3.92 4.00 RAIN mm/hr 3.44 3.44 3.19 3.19 2.97 2.97 2.79 2.79 2.63 2.63 2.48 2.48 25.63 10.00 5.57 (ii) 10.00 .16 .00 1.42 13.55 46.31 .29 *TOTALS* .022 (iii) 1.33 35.03 46.31 .76 ***** WARNING: STORAGE COEFF. IS SMALLER THAN TIME STEP! (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| CALIB | | STANDHYD (0009) | Area (ha)= .40 |ID= 1 DT= 5.0 min | Total Imp(%)= 98.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 98.00 -------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .39 .01 Dep. Storage (mm)= 1.00 1.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 51.60 25.00 Mannings n = .013 .250 Max.Eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= over (min) Storage Coeff. (min)= Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= 105.25 5.00 1.68 (ii) 5.00 .32 192.20 5.00 2.78 (ii) 5.00 .28 *TOTALS* FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. PEAK FLOW (cms)= TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .11 1.33 45.31 46.31 .98 .00 1.33 40.66 46.31 .88 .117 (iii) 1.33 45.22 46.31 .98 ***** WARNING: STORAGE COEFF. IS SMALLER THAN TIME STEP! (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 98.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| CALIB | | STANDHYD (0007) | Area (ha)= .17 |ID= 1 DT= 5.0 min | Total Imp(%)= 98.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 98.00 -------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .17 .00 Dep. Storage (mm)= 1.00 1.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 33.70 25.00 Mannings n = .013 .250 Max.Eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= over (min) Storage Coeff. (min)= Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= PEAK FLOW (cms)= TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = 105.25 5.00 1.30 (ii) 5.00 .33 .05 1.33 45.31 46.31 .98 98.49 5.00 2.40 (ii) 5.00 .30 .00 1.33 40.66 46.31 .88 *TOTALS* .050 (iii) 1.33 45.21 46.31 .98 ***** WARNING: STORAGE COEFF. IS SMALLER THAN TIME STEP! (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 98.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| CALIB | | STANDHYD (0008) | Area (ha)= .67 |ID= 1 DT= 5.0 min | Total Imp(%)= 80.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 80.00 -------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .54 .13 Dep. Storage (mm)= 1.00 5.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 66.80 80.00 Mannings n = .013 .250 Max.Eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= over (min) Storage Coeff. (min)= Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= 105.25 5.00 1.96 (ii) 5.00 .31 16.84 25.00 23.78 (ii) 25.00 .05 *TOTALS* FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. PEAK FLOW (cms)= TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .16 1.33 45.31 46.31 .98 .00 1.67 13.55 46.31 .29 .157 (iii) 1.33 38.93 46.31 .84 ***** WARNING: STORAGE COEFF. IS SMALLER THAN TIME STEP! (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ADD HYD (0010) | | 1 + 2 = 3 | AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) ID1= 1 (0001): .10 .022 1.33 35.03 + ID2= 2 (0009): .40 .117 1.33 45.22 ================================================== ID = 3 (0010): .50 .138 1.33 43.18 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| RESERVOIR (0006) | | IN= 2---> OUT= 1 | | DT= 5.0 min | OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE -------------------(cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .0000 .0000 | .0270 .0210 .0090 .0070 | .0360 .0280 .0180 .0140 | .0000 .0000 INFLOW : ID= 2 (0007) OUTFLOW: ID= 1 (0006) AREA (ha) .170 .170 QPEAK (cms) .050 .006 TPEAK (hrs) 1.33 1.75 R.V. (mm) 45.21 44.09 PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 12.18 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 25.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)= .0047 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ADD HYD (0004) | | 1 + 2 = 3 | AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) ID1= 1 (0010): .50 .138 1.33 43.18 + ID2= 2 (0006): .17 .006 1.75 44.09 ================================================== ID = 3 (0004): .67 .143 1.33 43.41 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------**************************** ** SIMULATION NUMBER: 2 ** **************************** -------------------| CHICAGO STORM | IDF curve parameters: A=1435.000 FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. | Ptotal= 80.66 mm | -------------------used in: B= 5.200 C= .775 INTENSITY = A / (t + B)^C Duration of storm = 4.00 hrs Storm time step = 10.00 min Time to peak ratio = .33 TIME hrs .17 .33 .50 .67 .83 1.00 RAIN mm/hr 5.55 6.34 7.44 9.10 11.90 17.89 | | | | | | | | TIME hrs 1.17 1.33 1.50 1.67 1.83 2.00 RAIN mm/hr 41.69 174.10 54.37 29.07 20.18 15.63 | | | | | | | | TIME hrs 2.17 2.33 2.50 2.67 2.83 3.00 RAIN mm/hr 12.86 10.98 9.62 8.59 7.78 7.12 | | | | | | | | TIME hrs 3.17 3.33 3.50 3.67 3.83 4.00 RAIN mm/hr 6.58 6.12 5.73 5.39 5.09 4.83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| CALIB | | STANDHYD (0001) | Area (ha)= .10 |ID= 1 DT= 5.0 min | Total Imp(%)= 70.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 70.00 -------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .07 .03 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 5.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 1.00 Length (m)= 25.80 24.00 Mannings n = .013 .250 NOTE: RAINFALL WAS TRANSFORMED TO TIME hrs .083 .167 .250 .333 .417 .500 .583 .667 .750 .833 .917 1.000 RAIN mm/hr 5.55 5.55 6.34 6.34 7.44 7.44 9.10 9.10 11.90 11.90 17.89 17.89 Max.Eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= over (min) Storage Coeff. (min)= Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= PEAK FLOW (cms)= TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5.0 MIN. TIME STEP. ---- TRANSFORMED TIME RAIN | hrs mm/hr | 1.083 41.69 | 1.167 41.69 | 1.250 174.10 | 1.333 174.10 | 1.417 54.37 | 1.500 54.37 | 1.583 29.07 | 1.667 29.07 | 1.750 20.18 | 1.833 20.18 | 1.917 15.63 | 2.000 15.63 | 174.10 5.00 .91 (ii) 5.00 .34 .03 1.33 78.66 80.66 .98 HYETOGRAPH ---TIME RAIN | hrs mm/hr | 2.083 12.86 | 2.167 12.86 | 2.250 10.98 | 2.333 10.98 | 2.417 9.62 | 2.500 9.62 | 2.583 8.59 | 2.667 8.59 | 2.750 7.78 | 2.833 7.78 | 2.917 7.12 | 3.000 7.12 | TIME hrs 3.08 3.17 3.25 3.33 3.42 3.50 3.58 3.67 3.75 3.83 3.92 4.00 RAIN mm/hr 6.58 6.58 6.12 6.12 5.73 5.73 5.39 5.39 5.09 5.09 4.83 4.83 70.72 5.00 4.56 (ii) 5.00 .23 .01 1.33 35.70 80.66 .44 *TOTALS* .040 (iii) 1.33 65.76 80.66 .82 ***** WARNING: STORAGE COEFF. IS SMALLER THAN TIME STEP! (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| CALIB | | STANDHYD (0009) | Area (ha)= .40 |ID= 1 DT= 5.0 min | Total Imp(%)= 98.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 98.00 -------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .39 .01 Dep. Storage (mm)= 1.00 1.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 51.60 25.00 Mannings n = .013 .250 Max.Eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= over (min) Storage Coeff. (min)= Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= PEAK FLOW (cms)= TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = 174.10 5.00 1.38 (ii) 5.00 .33 .19 1.33 79.66 80.66 .99 530.40 5.00 2.28 (ii) 5.00 .30 .00 1.33 74.79 80.66 .93 *TOTALS* .193 (iii) 1.33 79.56 80.66 .99 ***** WARNING: STORAGE COEFF. IS SMALLER THAN TIME STEP! (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 98.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| CALIB | | STANDHYD (0007) | Area (ha)= .17 |ID= 1 DT= 5.0 min | Total Imp(%)= 98.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 98.00 -------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .17 .00 Dep. Storage (mm)= 1.00 1.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 33.70 25.00 Mannings n = .013 .250 Max.Eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= over (min) Storage Coeff. (min)= Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= PEAK FLOW (cms)= TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = 174.10 5.00 1.07 (ii) 5.00 .34 .08 1.33 79.66 80.66 .99 265.20 5.00 1.96 (ii) 5.00 .31 .00 1.33 74.79 80.66 .93 *TOTALS* .082 (iii) 1.33 79.56 80.66 .99 ***** WARNING: STORAGE COEFF. IS SMALLER THAN TIME STEP! (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 98.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| CALIB | | STANDHYD (0008) | Area (ha)= .67 |ID= 1 DT= 5.0 min | Total Imp(%)= 80.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 80.00 -------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .54 .13 Dep. Storage (mm)= 1.00 5.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 66.80 80.00 Mannings n = .013 .250 Max.Eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= over (min) Storage Coeff. (min)= Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= PEAK FLOW (cms)= TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = 174.10 5.00 1.61 (ii) 5.00 .32 .26 1.33 79.66 80.66 .99 70.72 10.00 6.53 (ii) 10.00 .14 *TOTALS* .275 (iii) 1.33 70.86 80.66 .88 .02 1.42 35.70 80.66 .44 ***** WARNING: STORAGE COEFF. IS SMALLER THAN TIME STEP! (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ADD HYD (0010) | | 1 + 2 = 3 | AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) ID1= 1 (0001): .10 .040 1.33 65.76 + ID2= 2 (0009): .40 .193 1.33 79.56 ================================================== ID = 3 (0010): .50 .233 1.33 76.80 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| RESERVOIR (0006) | | IN= 2---> OUT= 1 | | DT= 5.0 min | OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE -------------------(cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .0000 .0000 | .0270 .0210 .0090 .0070 | .0360 .0280 .0180 .0140 | .0000 .0000 INFLOW : ID= 2 (0007) OUTFLOW: ID= 1 (0006) PEAK FLOW AREA (ha) .170 .170 QPEAK (cms) .082 .010 TPEAK (hrs) 1.33 1.75 R.V. (mm) 79.56 78.44 REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 12.60 FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (min)= 25.00 (ha.m.)= .0081 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ADD HYD (0004) | | 1 + 2 = 3 | AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) ID1= 1 (0010): .50 .233 1.33 76.80 + ID2= 2 (0006): .17 .010 1.75 78.44 ================================================== ID = 3 (0004): .67 .240 1.33 77.22 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------FINISH =========================================================================================================== FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. Appendix C WSP - report on the Sanitary Trunk Sewer capacity (updating Region’s INFO SEWER Model). FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. 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FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. Appendix D Figure 1 Plan Showing Existing Site Servicing Figure 2 Plan Showing Proposed Site Servicing concepts FILE No. 12231-THE MILL RACE-FSR-updated-Nov-2015.doc THE ODAN/DETECH GROUP INC. TREET MARTIN S JAMES STREET MILL STREET MAIN STREET EAST GARDEN LANE MARTIN S TREET JAMES STREET MILL STREET MAIN STREET EAST GARDEN LANE