wardrop street bike route project


wardrop street bike route project
City of Morden
Planning & Engineering
100-195 Stephen Street
Morden, MB R6M 1V3
[tel] 204-822-4434
[fax] 204-822-6494
Wardrop Street from 5th St to Morden Park
The City’s Corporate Plan identifies Active Transportation as a means of
improving the safety and accessibility of our transportation system to our
residents. Cycling is considered an accessible mode of transportation, a means of
transport that people of all ages and abilities use, but which our transportation
system does not yet specifically accommodate.
In Morden, as in other communities, the number of cyclists is increasing every
year as more people choose cycling for shorter trips around the City. These short
trips (for short trip, typically within 3 km, cycling is the most efficient mode of
transportation) tend to account for a large proportion of the trips made in a typical
day. The installation of a delineated cycling facility will increase the confidence of
cyclists of all ages and abilities, and reduce the potential for conflict between
motorists and cyclists on the road. As a pilot project we intend for this route to
demonstrate the viability of a simple modification to an existing street to meet the
Active Transportation objectives.
We selected Wardrop Street for the following reasons:
It currently has low traffic volumes along most of the proposed route, and
each end has one block designated for reduced speeds (school zone);
There is existing width to accommodate the proposed bike lanes without
costly reconstruction;
There are a higher number of young children that use this particular route
to travel to and from the schools at 12th and 5th Streets. A delineated facility
should give these users (and their parents) greater confidence in choosing
cycling as an option for traveling to and from school, and will contribute to
reduces vehicle congestion at the schools;
The connection to one of Morden’s largest public parks is an important
destination for children and adults of all ages;
There are relatively few properties with direct driveway access onto
Wardrop Street, which reduces the possible conflict between reversing
vehicles and on-street parking. Displaced on-street parking should be
accommodated on the nearest crossing street with less inconvenience;
This location will ideally connect with a larger (future) bike route network
through the City.
Solid White Line – vehicle type separator, do-not-cross; borders the
bicycle lane and separates traffic and bicyclists;
Two Yellow Lines – direction traffic separator, do-not-cross;
Dashed white line – vehicles may cross with care, cyclist has right of way
Cycle Lane Symbol and direction of travel arrow
Bike Route sign designating route for cycling priority