benmont tench
benmont tench
Pro Tools 8 Serinus ffimft $ynths Synth Squad r;:rfrnaloU ,,rriSJirtuaI q,imts Metasynth 5 Talrns lmmn*" ffr:$numd Grystal Method n Frs:#iFl;tii;':, ,..s$?ffit'mtl' Bonmonfs opinion 0oyoushare whsn it comes thatlessismore yourthoughts toplaying? Sharc al andcommenb onourforums Benmont Tench GDnPlaying with Tom Pettlr, the Power of SilenGer and Listening to Everybody But yourself hyJonRegen As of publication, "P*ing play it! We're musicians. We're he's alsopreppingfor in the Rockand RollHallof Fame.Playyour the releaseof the long-awaited TomPetty f***ingguitarsl"legendarykeyboardistBen- and the HeartbreakersLive Anthology box montTenchcriesout to hisfellowbandset,featuringrarepedormances of covers mates in a scenefromthe recentfour-hour, and Heartbreakers originalsculledfromthe career-spanning TomPettyand the Heartrock legend'sarchives. breakersdocumentaryRunningDown A Followinga sold out stop on the Big Dream.One visitto Tench'sdiscography SurpriseTourat New York'sfamedBeacon pageat, andyou'llquickly Theater,Tenchand I sat down to talk understandwhy he continually decrieseven about his searchfor musicthat matters, the slightestscent of mediocrity,layinghis and his singularplacein the pantheonof musical,(aswellas hisverbal)hearton the keyboardgreats. line.ln his nearlyfour-decade career,Tench has not only anchoredTomPettyand the ln an interview yeats ago, you said Heartbreakers fromtheirveryinception, that painters andiazz musicians he's lenthissoulfulstew of Americanaalways strive to get better, and your meets-unabashed-rock keyboardwizardry sentiment was r.Whyshouldn't we?,, to countlessalbumsby a few artistsyou that rock and pop music can just mayhaveheardof: Bob Dylan,the sometimes become a haven for nonRollingStones,JohnnyCash,Aretha development. You seem to have been Franklin, U2, Don Henley,RoyOrbison,Neil fighting that trend since the Diamond,JoeCockel WarrenZevon, beginning. RandyNewman,MarcCohn,BonnieRaitt, KeithRichardssaid it, actually,aboutthe ElvisCostello- and the list goeson. RollingStones,whentheycameoff theirlong A longtimeheroto both musicians and hiatus,that he wantedto continueto grow it. listenersalike,Tench'srare blend of rauAnd it's true.Youknow,I saw McOoyTyner cous,rollicking pianoand soaring. Hamplaythreeor fouryearsago.He's stillgoing. mond organhas beena stapleof rock MuddyWaterspassedawayat 67,JerryLee musicfor over30 years.Much morethan Lewisis stillgoing - he stillplaysevenhis just a foundingHeartbreaker, he has long hitswith a lot of passionand fire.So ljust been music'ssecret keyboardweapon, don't wantto everstop tryingto see what I injectingsoul-drenched, scintillatingparts can do that'sdifferent.But not differentfor into everysession,song,and tour to the sakeof different.Differentand as good, whichhe lendshis talents.Songssimply or better,thanwhat I'vebeenplaying. sound betterbecauseof BenmontTench; Peoplewantto hearthe hits,and if you imaginethe Heartbreakers' classic go out on tour,you wantto playwhat peo"Refugee"withoutBehmont'sblistering ple want to hear.But you can'tstagnate. B-3 organ,and you'llbeginto understand I'm definitelya bettermusicianthanI was just how integralhis playingis. when I was 26, but I haveto try to keepthe Tenchis busierthaneverthesedays, mentalfreshnessand naivet6that I had touringand recordingwith a wide arrayof then,and put in somethingof what I've giftedartists,includingthe WPA (featuring learnedsince. ToadTheWet Sprocket'sGlen Phillips, The greatfortunerightnow for me is and Seanand SaraWatkinsof Nickel that I'm playingwith a lot of youngermusiCreek),the Big SurpriseTour(withJustin cianswho sing anygenreof music.They TownesEarle,DavidRawlings,Gillian understand, theystrive,and theykeep Welch,the Old Crow MedicineShow,and going,whetherthey'rein their20s, 30s, or the FeliceBrothers),and countlessothers. 40s. And it's reallycool and encouraging. What I think is reallyimportant,and somethingthat Matisseand Bo Diddley had,is the ideathat you'restillyoungin the sensethat you'restillpresent.You're still spirited.Yourbest days are nof behindyou.This is stillnew and exciting to you. So that's what you're still looking for these days - that sense of adventure and growth? Yeah.I want to play with peoplewho are betterthan I am, or differentthan I am. And with the Heartbreakers, that's the case. I play with [guitarist]Mike Campbell and lbassist]Ron Blaira//the bloody time,Theseare peoplethat I learnfrom everytime I playwith them.And outside of that,DaveRawlings,GillianWelch,Jon Brion,Seanand SaraWatkins,Fiona Apple,who's remarkable- these are people thatjust bringmy heartalive,and that I listento and I go blind,and I fall into that space where everythingdisappears. lt's true abouljazzmusicians. Theykeep goingand going,and tryingsomething new.And it's true aboutsomebodylike ElvisCostello.What I wantto know is, can you do it in three-chord rock'n'roll?In three-chord, old-timemusic?In realcountry musicliketheymadein the '60s? Can you and keepit fresh?| want to hearthat. A lot of the time,the Heartbreakers manageto do that. liye. We've always beenbetterlive.But I thinka lot of the time we'vemanagedto throw in a Muddy Waterssong.Or, on occasion,a Merle Haggardsong or a VanMorrisoncoverlike "MysticEyesJ'Andevenour old stuff,I thinkwe stillplayit with presence. The writer BarryGreen quoted [bassist]JohnClaytonin The Mastersof Music as saying,"When you're playing, listento everybodybut yourself,especially whenyou'resoloingJ'lf you can get to the pointwhereyou can do that.lLaughs.l There was a PBS American Masters episode on author Garrison Keillor recently, and in it he said, ..Wesee the lr.zooo t([yBoAnD 25 world perfectly when we're children' and we spend the rest of our lives try' ing to remember what we sawf'As You get older, it becomes harder to find that wonderment that was there when you were youngeL That'sa reallygood termfor it. The wondermentof it. Thejoy of it. That'swhat I'm lookingfor. There were a lot of moments on Youl Big Surprise Tour show at the Beacon Theater that were like that. For instance, I didn't know lustin Townes Earle,but when he sang "Mamats Eyes" I thought, "This is really the heart of what I'm talking aboutl' That'sthe heartof what /'m talkingabout too, and I hadn'theardhis record,but I had met him beforewhen his dad did a show or two with us. But with Justin,it doesn't more when it goes away" - that sense soundlikea studiedthing,like"l'mdoing of thinking orchestrally within a song? countryfromthe '50s1'lt sounds revivalist I thinkljust felt it that way.But also,I had like,"Well,this is wheremy heartisl' And reallygood peopleto learnfrom.The radio that's what I alwayswant to hear. The best thingthat TomPettydoesfor me when I was a kid was the Beatles,the RollingStones,the Kinks,the Who,James is he says,"Ouitthinkingaboutit. Do you play?" Brown,Otis Redding,ArethaFranklin, you want to do it, or rap about wantto Wynette,GeorgeJones,Frank Tammy yourself keep to important, really And that's the Zombies. . . on and on. Sinatra, and over-intellectualizing. fromover-thinking Tomand Mike,and [Producers] Also, just I'm having fun. so much really It's Jimmylovine,and Rick Cordell, Denny these playing with all good I'm time. sucha a lot fromthem. learned | also Rubin somediscovering people, and wonderful Heartbreakers to said Cordell [original show on that Everybody bodylikeJustin. I don't knowthe and Lynch, Stan drummerl good time. a was havingsuch quote, was something along it but exact so universally that's One of the things just you play if don't of, "Stanley, lines playing the your is what heralded about you as tasteit, they'llalwaysmisinterpret you don't play. You're always serving full' I thinkthat'sgreat,and it's true.So a the song, and letting the music lot of the time,ljust don'tknowwhatthe breathe, hellto play,and I decidenot to playit. me father told My It's a coupleof things. just I did a SaturdayNight Livewith Paul playing ten, one day when I was maybe 15 was PaulSimonand Simon He playing too muchl' the piano,"You're And he hurtmyfeelings,but Nelson. Willie Chuck right. The said it kindly,and he was a song, wererehearsing We right. he was melody of the Berryline,"l losethe beauty and said, the band "\ly'hat he stopped and just likea symphony" untilit sounds meaninglessl' That's you playing? are know I music, althoughI likesymphonic Paul Simon said that to You? what he's the samethingwith And you know,it stung,becauseI was Yeah. TomPettyand MikeCampbellsaying"play to figureout whatto play.But he trying still favorite lessl'and the fact that someof my Youdon'twantto playsomething was right. pianoplayingeveris on Beatlesrecords. I try to feelout what's meaningless. that's Lifei' And I don't meanthe solo on "ln My be goodto havethere, would what missing, piano whichis gorgeous.I meanthat the just up. something filling of instead and comesin on the chorusof "No Reply" aesthetically impressed, really I was playsthosebeautifulchords,all by the kind probably,but alsogroove-wise, and then it's gone. compressed, would do, Stainton playing Chris that of So you've always had an allangelts just play eighth-notes up would he where sense of "lf I bring it in here' it means 26 KtYBoAnD tl.2ooo high,allthe waythrough"HighTimeWe Went" by JoeCocker.There'sjust eighthnoteplayingin fifths,or something.So why do anythingelse?And it's alsocool,like "Lookhow cool I am. I'm onlyplaying eighthsall the way throughJ' Simplicity seems to be a real hallmark of your organ and Piano Playing. Well it's ensembleplaying.The Beatles werean ensemble.The RollingStones were an ensemble.And you listento those recordsand thingswork againsteach other.I don't wantto coverup what Mike's doing.I wantto hearthe way the guitars ring.And throughworkingwiththe same bandfor a longtime,and throughthem sayingto me "Why don't you leavethat outl' or "Why don'tyou come in herei'I learnedso much.And I stilldo. Also,I didn'tplayorganas a kid.I playedFarfisa[organ]for a while,and then I switchedto Wurlitzer[electric piano].I didn'tlikethe soundof I lovedMatthewFisherand Hammonds. BookerT.Jones,but I didn'tlikethe "big Hammondwith a lot of tremolo" seemedlike it was tryingtoo hard' So I didn'twantto PlaYHammond' I startedplayinga ln the Heartbreakers, littlebit of organ,partlybecause,whileI sang backthen,and Stansangall the time' my rangewas limited.So to fill in the parts wherewe wouldhavelikedto haveused voices,I startedtryingto playthe organas thoughit were backgroundvocals, That's amazing, be@use You'le thought of as suclt an ionic B'3 organ Benmont Tenclr's Live Rig - hasbeenlench's Brown keytoard techKevin tellsme.Brown, currently ontourwithPhish, longtime for35years," hadlhesamellammond C-3organ "Benmgnl's in thevintage-minded keyboardist's liverigduring thaltime. seenlittlechange huthasremarkably keytoard techfor31ofthoseyears, pickup pianowitha llelpenstill "Benmonl hadthelirstone humbucking aclually inside," saysBtown. C7grand Benmont usesa Yamaha lte audience, "Facing "Thefloland pianomicmphone f,S-5synlhesizet. aswell]'0ntopofthepiano, Tench usesa Roland system ofthose, andheusesit alongwithan[arlhworks "Benmont andbrings the usesit mainly continues. forstringpadswitha holdpedal, stayin tune,"Brown thalwouldn't replaces lheold$berheims lpistured] tolrigger fioma vintage Akaisampler. pedall'Tench PC-200 Mk ll Ml0lcontloller samples alsousesa Roland in andoutwitha yotume slrings modiElectdc Piano, Erown tellsme,"andontopis a Wurlitzer Student llammond C-3organ, "Heusesit witha leslie147," Totheleltol thepianoisTench's 0X7," Yamaha double-keyboard Farlisa organ. "0ntopis anodginal sideol thepianois Tench's keyioard restorer] KenFichl'0nthedght-hand liedby[renowned llo Morei" Around llere Come from he uses for lhe sitar sounds '0on't Etown conlinues, "which withan18-inch arepowered driveranda l2-inchhorn.Thespeakers calinei(usedasa monitor), speaker runlhrough a JBLfullrange AllTench's keyboards a mixerto lhehouse. byCrown ampliliers, andlheoulputrunsthrough player,but it really wasn't intentional from the start. No,it wasn' wasn'tat all.I shiedaway from it, becausetherewere so manyorganists in Floridatryingto playas well as GreggAllman, andso manybandsin Florida tryingto be the AllmanBrothers.TheAllman Brothersweregreat,but therewereso manypoorimitations around,I thinkI came to associatethe Hammondwith bad imitationsof Gregg.So it justturnedme off. So you initially came in playing Wurlitzer? 28 KEYBoARD rr.zoog I playedFarfisathe firsttime I playedwith I Mudcrutch, andthenI playedWurlitzer. had a Wurlitzerwith a was fantastic- 100 Watts of a go| loud.We playedsomehighschool and crackedthe ceiling. auditorium JonathanCain from Journeyspoke about how he and Steve Perry intentionallytjied to wlite songs that would stand the test of time. Similarly, your work in the Heartbreakers and other projects forms the soundtrack to many people's lives.I was reading your discography, and I kept saying, "Wow, he's on ilraf record tool' lt's no small achievement. I'veluckedout.I'vemet peoplewho like musicthatI like,andwantme to playon theirrecords.And I don'tknowhow it happened.I'vereallybeenin the rightplaceat the righttime. E interuiewin ofJonflegen cutexciusive videos Check Eenmqnt