Botanical name: Rhus Lancia
Botanical name: Rhus Lancia
Botanical name: Rhus Lancia Common Name: African Sumac. Form — Evergreen, informal small to medium, densely rounded tree with moderate growth to 30’ and as wide. Trunk — Distinctive dark reddish brown, rough bark. Foliage — Leaves are divided into three shiny leathery and slender dark green leaflets 4-5” long and 3/8” wide with paler undersides. Flowers/fruit — Small cream colored flowers. Yellow or red ¼” pea-like fruits are borne in clusters on female trees. No significant pest problems. Clearances — Suitable for 5-6” parkways or 5’x5’ cutouts. Suitable for under power lines. Can take high summer heat, wind, aridity and poor soils. When established is drought resistant. Botanical Name: Platanus Mexicana Common Name: Alamo Sycamore Form – Semi Deciduous, formal, moderate to fast growing to 60’ with 30-40’ spread. Broad open crown of spreading to slightly drooping branches and coarse foliage. Retains its leaves into December. Trunk – Straight and stout. Variable bark, smooth in youth, becoming patchy and shedding with age to reveal smooth cream –colored bark along upper trunk and larger limbs. Foliage – Large leaves that measure 5-7” across. Green on top and silver on the underside. The contrast in foliage and the shape of the leaves is very striking. Flowers/fruit – Inconspicuous spring flowers, male and female on separate twigs. Brown, ball-like bristly seed clusters hang singly or in strings of 2 (rarely 3) on pendent stalks throughout the winter. High tolerance to anthracnose and susceptibility to mildew. Clearances — Suitable for 7’ minimum parkways, medians or cutouts. Adaptable to alkaline soils. When established is drought tolerant. Scientific Name: Fraxinus velutina Botanical Name: Arizona Ash Deciduous tree. Native to Arizona and withstands hot, dry climates. Tolerates most soils. Grows fairly fast and water needs vary by species. Scientific Name: Fraxinus velutina Common Name: Modesto Ash Deciduous tree. Grows to 50 feet with a 30 foot spread. Medium green leaflets turn yellow in the fall. Grows fairly fast. Most tolerate hot summers and many types of soils. Chief use is as a street or lawn tree. Fairly pest free. Scientific Name: Fraxinus oxycarpa Common Name: Raywood Ash Deciduous ash tree which grows to a tall rounded canopy up to 35 feet with a spread of 20 feet. Good as a street or lawn tree. Tolerates a variety of soils. Suitable for 5 ft. parkways. No significant pest problems noted. Scientific Name: Geijera parviflora Common Name: Australian Willow Evergreen tree. 25-30 Ft. High. 20 ft. wide. Long, narrow, medium green, drooping leaves give it a weeping willow effect. Pest free. Moderate growth rate with deep noninvasive roots. Scientific Name: Callistemon citrinus Common Name: Lemon Bottlebrush Evergreen tree. Moderately fast growing up to 25 feet with a 20 foot spread. Tolerates heat, cold and difficult soil conditions. Suitable for small parkway areas and under utility lines. No significant pest problems. Flowers a bright red 4 inch brush like spikes which appear in Spring. Scientific Name: Brachychiton populneum Common Name: Bottle Tree An evergreen tree with moderate growth to 50 feet with 40 foot spread. Tolerates heat and is drought tolerant. Will grow in most California soils. Suitable for large parkway areas. No significant pest problems at this time. Scientific Name: Tristania conferta Common Name: Brisbane Box Evergreen Tree. Little or no water once established. Moderate to fast growth rate to 30-60 ft. Growth habit is upright. Leaves are 4-6 in. long, oval, leathery, bright green. Takes any soil. Not particularly bothered by insects or diseases. Scientific Name: Schinus molle Common Name: California Pepper Tree Deciduous tree. Grows 35 to 50 feet. Fast growing tree and is tolerant of sun and periods of drought. Suitable for large parkway areas. Has a knotted, reddish brown bark that gives a rustic appearance. Scientific Name: Platanus racemosa Common Name: California Sycamore Deciduous tree. Fast growing tree which grows 50 –70 feet. Tolerates heat and wind. Grows large maple-like leaves. Drought tolerant but are better with deep watering in summer. Subject to anthracnose. Scientific Name: Cinnamomum camphoria Common Name: Camphor Evergreen tree. Slow to moderate growing to 50 feet or more with a dense spreading crown. Strong structure. Drops leaves in March. Suitable for parkways over 8 feet. No significant pest problems. Scientific Name: Pinus canariensis Common Name: Canary Island Pine Evergreen tree. Fast growing to 60-80 feet. Grows as a young tree into a slender graceful pyramid. Needles grow 9-12 inches long. Drought tolerant when established. Does well in a variety of soils. Scientific Name: Calodendrum capense Common Name: Cape Chestnut Semi-evergreen, slow growing tree 20-40 feet in height which spreads to 40 feet. Blooms a rose lilac flower between May and July. Suitable for 5 foot or larger parkways. No significant pests problems. Scientific Name: Ulmus parvifolia Common Name: Chinese elm Long deciduous to semi-evergreen. Fast growing tree to 40-50 feet high and 50 to 70 foot spread. Graceful, long arching, weeping branches. Not bothered by pests or diseases. Scientific Name: Koelreuteria bipinnata Common Name: Chinese Flame Tree Deciduous tree grows to 20-40 feet. Moderate growth and can be equally wide, to a flat top. Grows well in well-drained soils. Needs moderate watering. Suitable for 6 foot minimum parkways. Roots are deep, non-invasive. Scientific Name: Chionanthus retusus Common Name: Chinese Fringe Tree Deciduous tree. Graceful, small tree, slow to moderate growth to 20 feet. Suitable for small parkway sizes up to 3 feet. Suitable under utility lines. Requires moderate watering. Chinese Fringe Tree 400 block of S. Hesperian Scientific Name: Lagerstroemia indica Common Name: Crape Myrtle Deciduous small tree. Fast growing in hot areas up to 25 feet with a 20 foot spread. Smooth light brown bark. Flowers June through September. Significant problem can be powdery mildew. Suitable for small 2 ft. parkways and under utility lines. Drought tolerant once established. Requires deep watering. Crape Myrtle Other Colors: Pink White Lavender Scientific Name: Cedrus Deodara Common Name: Deodar Cedar Fast growing evergreen tree to 80 feet, with a 40 foot spread. Deep non-invasive roots. Needs little or no water once established. Suitable for 6 foot minimum parkways. Scientific Name: Podocarpus gracilior Common Name: Fern Pine Evergreen Tree. Adapts to many climates. Good screen or background tree. Grows to 60 ft. Leaves are closely spaced and are gray or bluish green. Clean and pest free. Scientific Name: Stenocarpus sinuatus Common Name: Firewheel Tree Small evergreen tree, slow growing to 25 feet with a spread of 15 feet. Blooms when mature a tubular red/yellow flower in early fall. Has little leaf drop. Needs occasional deep watering. Suitable for small 3 ft. parkways and under utility lines. Firewheel Tree – 500 E. 5th Street. Scientific Name: Koelreuteria paniculata Common Name: Golden Rain Tree Deciduous moderate growing tree to 25-30 feet with 25 foot spread with a rounded crown. Suitable for 5 foot minimum parkways and under utility lines. Drought tolerant with age. Scientific Name: Tabebuia ipe Common Name: Lavender Bloom Briefly deciduous, usually evergreen. Fast growth to 25-30 feet. Leaves are dark green and smooth. Flowers 2-3 inches long, lavender with a white throat banded yellow. Blooms late winter, sometimes again in late Summer to Fall. Scientific Name: Jacaranda acutifolia Common Name: Jacaranda Evergreen tree. Native to Brazil. Grows 25-40 feet high. 30 feet wide. Long, fernlike leaves. Blooms usually in June but may bloom anytime between April-September 8 inch long clusters of lavender blue, 2 inch tubular flowers. Scientific Name: Platanus acerifolia Common Name: London Plane Sycamore Deciduous fast growing tree to 40-80 feet, with 30-40 foot spread. Broad open crown. Drought tolerant but better with some deep watering in summer. Tolerates most soils. Significant problems are anthracnose and powdery mildew. Scientific Name: Magnolia grandiflora Common Name: Magnolia Samuel Summers Grows to approximately 30 feet. Leave are large, feathery and glossy, with a heavy rusty red felting on the underside. Fragrant white flowers. No significant pests problems. Suitable for large parkways. Scientific Name: Metrosideros excelsus Common Name: New Zealand Christmas Tree Evergreen trees that grows to 30 feet. Shrubby and round headed. Flowers a bright red bottlebrush-like flower. The New Zealand summer is the Christmas season where it gets its name. Drought tolerant when mature. Suitable for 5 foot minimum parkways and under utility lines. No significant pest problems. Scientific Name: Quercus agrifolia Common: Coast Live Oak Evergreen, round-headed wide spreading tree grows 20-70 feet. Need little watering once established. Suitable for 6 foot or larger parkways. Scientific Name: Quercus ilex Common Name: Holly Oak Evergreen tree which grows at a moderate rate of 40 to 70 feet high with equal spread. Tolerates wind and drought conditions. Suitable for 6 foot parkways or larger. Scientific Name: Pyrus calleryana Common Name: ‘Red Spire Pear’ Deciduous tree similar to ‘Bradford’ with yellow to red fall color. Grows well in most soils. Most of the Pyrus calleryana are resistant to fireblight. Scientific Name: Pyrus calleryana Common Name: ‘Dancer Pear’ Deciduous or semi-evergreen. Good for 4 foot minimum parkways. Same characteristics as ‘Bradford.’ Scientific Name: Pyrus calleryana Common Name: ‘Chanticleer Pear’ Deciduous tree with same characteristics as ‘Bradford and Dancer’ Grows in a pyramid shape. Suitable for 4 foot parkways or tree wells. Drought tolerant when established. Scientific Name: Agonis flexuosa Common Name: Peppermint Tree Evergreen, fast growing tree which grows to 25-30 feet. Has narrow willow-like leaves to 6 inches long. Tolerant of all soil types and water practices. Drought tolerant and wind resistant. Leaves smell like peppermint when crushed. Suitable for 5 foot parkways and under utilities. Scientific Name: Arecastrum romanzoffianum Common Name: Queen Palm Moderate to fast growing tree to 50 feet, arching bright green leaves 10-15 feet long. Drought tolerant but responds to water and fertilization. Suitable for 2 foot parkways. Scientific Name: Tipuana tipu Common Name: Tipu Tree Deciduous to semi-evergreen. Wide-crowned tree with flattened canopy. Fast growing to 50 feet with canopy spread of 35-50 feet. Tolerant of most soil types. Needs occasional deep soaking. May be leafless from January to May. Tipu Trees on 17th Street Median Scientific Name: Liriodenddron tulipifera Common Name: Tulip Tree Fast growth, 60-80 feet with eventual spread of 40 feet. A straight columnar trunk with crown that forms a pyramid. Yellow-green leaves that grow 5-6 inches long. Good for large parkways, 7 feet or greater.