Acheson, Dean G., 560, 576 Adams, Alva, 609
Acheson, Dean G., 560, 576 Adams, Alva, 609
INDEX Acheson, Dean G., 560, 576 Adams, Alva, 609-10 Adams, Claude M., 504 Adams, Edward, photo of, 208(#23) Adams, Emory S., photo of, 208(#37) Adjutant General's Department, 445 Adler, Julius Ochs, 300 African Americans: character, regional differences in, 500; criticisms of leaders and policies by black groups, 501; equal risks and equal rights, 499-500; segregation and army camps, 458-59, 499-500; service with white troops, 390, 500; Stilwell's attitude re troops, 367; troops, quality of, 501; Uniontown (Pa.), blacks in, 51, 104-5; White House usher, 85 Ainsworth-Wood affair (1910-13), 16566,183-84,444-45 Air Forces: advantages over ground in training, 279; air "experts," problem of, 313-14; air superiority insufficient alone, 290-91; air-ground operations, training for, 480; base construction, problems re, 246-47; bombing strategies, 397; buildup, influence on ground forces of, 252; command parity with ground, 298, 314-15, 595; Flying Tigers, 604; General Staffs attitude re, 310, 340; independence, pressure for, 314--15, 436; Leavenworth schools' attitudes re, 306; loss of specially trained men, 310, 340-41; manpower demobilization, problems re, 496-97; morale, importance of full mess table to, 381, 592; overconfidence of, 620; postwar bases, plans for, 571; press support for, 281, 313-14; promotion, problems re, 313, 436, 498, 615; service troops, problems in South Pacific re, 379-80, 396, 592, 599; staff problems of, 276, 314, 436, 614-15, 619; status within military establishment of, 297-98, 436; strategic bombing, insufficient alone, 615; U.S. Navy, competition with, 357, 611; volunteers, advantages over ground forces re, 461-62, 467; weaknesses of, 580 Airborne units, 465-68, 615 Aircraft: engine manufacture, impact of French surrender on, 331; General Staff officers, flying by, 310-11; Hawaii, reinforcements for, 293; Japanese Zero, comparison with U.s. planes, 379-80, 592; Philippines, reinforcements for, 292-93; public attitudes re, 281; Roosevelt's desire for, 108-9,446, 514; shortages of, 317; spare parts, shortage of, 598, 619 -bomber program Arnold's role in 437; controversy re, 340, 448, 611; M's support for, 312-13 Alaska: Aleutians, liberation of, 381-82; funds for defense of, 328, 485, 609; navy overall command desired by M, 296,595; troop care, problems in, 395 Alexander, Sir Harold, 345, 590, 616, 619 Alf, William L., photo of, 208(#21) Alibi Club, 346 Allen, Henry T., photos of, 208(#20-21) Allen, Henry T., Jr., photo of, 208(#21) Alsop, Joseph W., 372-73, 567, 605, 606 Aluminum, bauxite supply for, 519 American-British Conversations (1941), 276,283-84 Amherst College, 336-37, 558 Ammunition, problems of supplying, 38890,446,475 ANAKIM plan (Burma), 603 Anderson, Clinton P., photo of, 432(#60) Andrews, Frank M., 276-77, 310-13, 565, 582 Antitank guns, problems re, 261 Antonov, Alexei I., 524 Antwerp, Belgium, 393 ANvIL Operation (1944), 540-41, 549; British opposition to, 555-56, 590, 613; success of, 387, 556, 612-13 629 I I' 630 * MARSHALL Anzio operation, 388, 393, 396, 467, 540 ARCADIA Conference, 357-58, 594-95, 600 Anny and Navy Journal, 591-92 Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP), 529 Army War College, 306, 311 Arnold, Henry H.: airmen's attitude toward, 438; Atlantic Conference, 287; atomic bomb development, knowledge of, 423; Hopkins, relations with, 433; JCS membership, M's efforts for, 298, 436; loyalty to M of, 314, 437; photos of, 432(#43-45, 47-48, 52-53); role of, 614-15; South Pacific mission for M, 370,412; strategic views of, 437 Arnold, William R, 324 Artillery: 75-mm, continued use of, 261; changing requirements re, 388-90; quality of, 446; training for, 469 Atlantic City, N.J., 65, 163-64 Atlantic Conference (1941), 285-87, 385 Atomic bomb: development of, 421-23; German heavy-water plant, operations against, 467, 551; Japan, use against, 404,423-25, 447; Manhattan Project, naming of, 421; military effectiveness, testing for, 496, 538; Oak Ridge, labor problems at, 475; production facilities, problems re, 474 Attlee, Clement, 520 Augusta,K~,43,58,62, 104, 107 Augusta, U.S.S., 285-86 Australia: Admiralty Islands bases, U.S. cooperation re, 571; Hurley's mission to, 565-66; Japanese invasion, fear of, 435-36; joint campaigns with, 509; officer training methods, 202-3, 299, 304; Southwest Pacific, proposals for commander of, 609; U.S. diplomatic representatives in, 513 Automobiles purchased by M, 174,579 Azores, need for bases in, 621 8-17 Flying Fortress bomber, 263-64, 274,289,619-20 Baker, Newton D., 269, 532 Bands, military, 502 Barkley, Alben W., 582 Baruch, Bernard M., 484, 609 .. ' INTERVIEWS Baseball, 49-50, 76, 86 Bayer aspirin, 584 Beauvais, France, 234 Beaverbrook, Lord, 510 Beer: attitude re, 27; production in France for u.s. Army, 482, 578 Beightler, Robert S., 578 Belgium, civilian supply needs of, 393 Bell, Elliott, 409 Bell, J. Franklin: Ainsworth, struggle with, 444; attitude toward M of, 89; Guard training, M proposed as head of, 90-91; illness, influence on M'sjob of, 181-82, 184-85, 186; Leavenworth schools, development of, 151; M as aide to, 178, 184-88; M's acquaintance with, 158-,.{j0; M's opinion of, 183-84; Philippine maneuvers of 1914 and, 172-73; photo of, 208(#17); speeches, M seeks to reduce number given by, 184; suggests M as instructor for Pa. N.G., 158 Bell, Mrs. J. Franklin, 184 Bell for Adano, A, 455, 525 Benes, Eduard,398 Berlin, Germany, 325, 334 Bermuda, 1942 trip to, 554 Beukema, Herman, 572 Bevin, Ernest, 558, 560-61 Bidault, Georges, 325-26, 558, 560-61 Bidwell, Bruce W., 340 Blackbeard the pirate, 60-61 Blair House, 527 Bliss, A. W., 69, 72 Blomberg, Werner von, 440-41 Bloom, Sol, 527 Boeing Airplane Company, 310 Bohlen, Charles E., 559-60 BOLERO plan (1944), 594, 603 Bonesteel, Charles H., 532, 564, 578 Bordeaux, Paul E. J., 205-8 Borden, William A., 266 Bowman, M. Herbert, 49, 56, 86 Braddock (Edward) trail and grave (1755), 29-30 ' Bradley, Omar N., 596, 600; British criticism of, re Normandy, 528; corps command, delay of, 578; Infantry School, role at, 542; Montgomery, problems with, 391-92; North Africa, cleans up Index rear areas in, 578; OCS, establishment of, 462; photos of, 208(#33), 432(#52); Rhine River, crossing of, 400-401; Rhur River, crossing of, 346 Braham, W. G., photo of, 208(#21) Brazil: concern re defense of, 386; M's trip to (1939),271--73 Brett, George H., 609 Brewster, Andre W., photo of, 208(#27) Briand, Aristide, 239 Brooke, Sir Alan, 552-53; command experience compared to M, 590; M's opinion of, 430; Malta Conference, role in, 541; OVERLORD, opinion of U.S. insistence on, 589; photos of, 432(#44, 47, 56); Soviet criticism of, 342; Stilwell, asks relief of, 608 Brown, Allen T. (stepson), xi Brown, Clifton S. (stepson), xi Brown, MollyP. (stepdaughter; Mrs. James J. Winn), xi, 28; photo of, 432(#60) Brown, Preston, 154 Brown University, 337-38 Brownsville, Pa., 46-47 Bryan, William Jennings, 49 BUCCANEER Operation (1944), 371-72 Budget, Bureau of the, 107-8 Bugge, Jens, 171 Bulge, battle of the: German plans for, 392; M visits area prior to, 246, 34546, 391-92, 539; Malmedy massacre, 393; manpower shortage, impact on, 382-83, 390; Montgomery's part in, 345-46; Patton's relief movement in, 548; Soviet assistance for, 591; supply deliveries, effect on, 393-94; U.S. troops, quality of fighting by, 392-93, 472,480 Bull, Harold R., 542-43, 550, 551, 577, 578-79 Bullard, Robert L., 210-11 Bullitt, William C., 333-34, 386,597,601 Bundy, Charles W., 626 Burghley, Lord and Lady, 554 Burke, Edward R., 302 Burress, Withers A., 249 Bush, Vannevar, 596 Butler, Smedley D., 594 Byrnes, James F., 403, 423, 469,528,561 609-10; photo of, 432(#60) * 631 Caffey, B. F., photo of, 208(#21) Cairo Conference (1943): Churchill's military decisions after, 396; ChurchillMarshall discussions at, 552; location secrecy, lack of, 287; LSTs, disposition of, 364; supreme allied commander, decision re, 343-44 Calbeck, J. H., photo of, 208(#21) California, University of, 557 Camp Perry, Ohio, shooting matches at, 154 Canada, troops in Italy, 411 Capra, Frank,463-64,481 Carnegie, Andrew, 106 Carter, Marshall S., 6, 12, 16,561-62 Carter, William H., 120 Casablanca Conference (1943): invasion currency debate, 616; secrecy of, 287; unconditional surrender idea at, 616; U.S. staffing at, 608, 613 Catlett family, 61 Catron, Thorn, photo of, 208(#21) Cattelain, F., photo of, 208(#21) Chaffee, Adna R, 448 CHAMPION Operation (1944), 374 Chandler, Albert 8., 625 Chang Hsueh-liang, 367 Chaplains, 323-25 Chavez, Dennis, 530 Chennault, Claire L., 366, 372-73, 376, 567,604-5,609,615-16 Chiang Kai-shek: British attitude toward, 364; M's protests to re mob violence, 575; M's relations with, 607; photo of, 432(#62); popularity of, 576 Chiang Kai-shek, Madame, 367; M's relations with, 607; photo of, 432(#62); Slim, attitude re, 364; U.S. troops for China, pressure re, 604, 605; visits mob violence victims, 575 Chicago, Illinois, 32, 33, 135-36 Chicago Tribune, 579-80 China: aircraft for, 604; British opinion of war effort by, 615-16; British opposition to U.S. supplies for, 368; conflict of U.S. leaders in, 567; corruption in Nationalist government, 607; military leaders, quality of, 607; Roosevelt's interest in, 372; Tientsin assignment of M (1924-27),119; troops, fighting 632 "* MARSHALL China (continued) ability of, 366; WilIkie, problems caused by, 522; Yalta agreement re, 403, 405. See also Marshall: China Mission Chinese language, M's ability in, 102, 118-19 Christian Science Monitor, 488 Churchill, Mrs. Winston S., 463-64 Churchill, Winston S.: ABDA Command, opposition to, 595; and ARCADIA Conference, 357-·58; attitude toward M, 520, 552, 581; British history, knowledge of, 552-54; British morale, role in maintaining, 288; Dill's role in communication with M, 413-14, 622-23; eastern Mediterranean, desires operations in, 321, 397, 590, 620; Italy, influence on operations in, 396, 540, 549; language, mastery of, 325; marshal's rank for M, jokes re, 456; military advisers, conservatism of, 624; photos of, 432(#41, 44, 47, 56); pressure on commanders from, 540-41, 593; second front, pressures from U.S. re, 580-81; SHAEF commander, appointment of, 344, 345, 401-2; Southeast Asia, unity of command in, 357-58, 600--601; special units, interest in, 467-68; Stalin message (1942), anger re, 418; tactics for dealing with, 552-54; "Why We Fight" films, interest in, 463-64; WWI casualties, influence on WWII strategy, 588, 601-2 Citizens' Military Training Camps, 299 Civil War: cavalry, Union army's use of, 465; criticisms of leaders afterwards, 407; generals of, 348; leadership, quality of, 473; Lincoln's struggle to maintain army, 443; memories of in M's youth,84 Clark, Grenville, 202-3, 299, 304 Clark, Mark W.: ability as trainer, 465; Army GHQ executive, 305-6; JapaneseAmerican regiment, use of, 470; loyalty of, 590; North Africa, politics of, 584; lOth Mountain Division, use of, 551; and TORCH Operation, 386 Clark (George Rogers) Expedition (177879),30-31 INTERVIEWS Clemenceau, Georges, 237-39 Codes and cryptanalysis: Japanese intentions, M's reading of, 420; loss of codes by 28th Division, 394; message handling, carelessness with, 409-11; peace feelers, messages re, 425; PURPLE decryption, leak to Dewey campaign re,409-11 Cohen, Benjamin V., 560 Colby, Bainbridge, 247-48 Coles, Elizabeth P., 34, 94; photo of, 208(#10) Collins, J. Lawton, 370, 449, 544 Colmar, Germany, 556 Columbia River, 474 Columbia University, 336 Combined Chiefs of Staff and Churchill, 321,621 Command and General Staff School. See Fort Leavenworth army schools Conant, James B., 559 Congress: air interests of, 252-53, 298, 340; appropriations, 293, 441, 484-· 85, 512-13, 609; arms producaon, pressures to reduce, 245-46, 388-89; army budget reductions, 328-29, 515; army training procedures, criticisms of, 535; artillery types, pressures re, 446; atomic bomb development, appropriations for, 421-22; chief of staff, discretionary funds for, 242, 600; Infantry rifle, controversy re, 447; lieutenant-generals bill, 347-49; maneuvers, funding for, 469; manpower, problems of, 390, 627; mobilization, pressures on M to speed, 297; munitions inquiry (1930s), 270; Pershing and M prepare for hearings, 247; pressure on War Department for action, 616; service-time extension bill, 286-87, 302-3, 307-8; Soviet policies, effects on appropriations, 441; Stimson protects M from requests by, 621; testimony, methods of, 355; troop rotation and leave, influence on, 494-95, 599; weapons, political pressure on army re, 262-63, 447; Yalta Conference, later political reaction to, 406-7 -relations with M: aids Pershing at hear- Index Ings, 199; atomic bomb appropriations and secrecy, 421·-23; criticizes M for excessive army training, 462; Darlan episode explanation, 487,597; defends Eisenhower from political pressures from, 346; five-star rank, M's opposition to, 456; free cotton seeds anecdote, 57; navy, problems re, 594; secrecy, difficulty in maintaining, 320; supplies for allies (Walsh amendment), 263-64, 288, 317; testimony, M's effectiveness at, 535, 592, 609-10; trust in M, 331-32, 575, 582, 594, 600; weapons controversies, 447-48 Connally, Tom, 346-49, 528,625 Connecticut Maneuver Campaign (1912), 159 Conner, Fox, 199, 240, 243, 247; photos of, 208(#23-24, 27) Connor, William D., 536-37 Coolidge, Calvin, 109 Craig, Malin, 252, 340, 346, 347, 489, 591; First Corps chief of staff (WWl), 224; M's first meeting with, 145; supports M for chief of staffs post, 312 Cub Scouts, visit with Secretary of State M, 46-47; photo of, 432(#66) Cunningham, Sir Andrew 8., 621; photo of,432(#56) Czechoslovakia, U.S. advance into, 41617 Dakar, Senegal, 386, 584 Danville, Va., M's teaching in, 94 Darlan,Jean,385-86,487,584,597 Davies, John Paton, Jr., 366 Davis, Chester R., 579 Davis, Elmer, 485, 610 Davis, George C., photo of, 208(#21) Davis, Robert C., photo of, 208(#27) Dawes, Charles G., 107-8, 250 Deane, John R,339,623 Debeney, Marie Eugene, 213, 231, 236 Decorations, ribbons, and medals, 49092,498,500 De Gaulle, Charles, 611; British attitude re, 326; civil government arrangements, disruption of, 603, 616; influ- '* 633 ence on U.S. policy re France, 333; M's attitude re, 394, 616; St. Pierre and Miquelon, seizure of, 509-10; TORCH, not informed of, 597, 601 Del Monte, Callf., training camp, 178-81 De Lattre de Tassigny, Jean, 333 Demobilization (WWII): officers, reduction and relief of, 454; plans, collapse of, 493-97, 537-38; point system for troops, 494; troop demonstrations re, 538 Democracy: citizen-soldiers, political power of, 147; training for at school and work, 44 Devers, Jacob L., 565, 627 Dewey, Thomas E., 409-11 De Witt, John 1.., 152, 588, 598 Dickman, Joseph T., 228-29, 231 Dill, Sir John G., 540; and ARCADIA Conference, 357-58, 600; British preparations for Casablanca, warns M re, 608; Christmas dinner at M's, 509-10; Churchill, relations with, 463-64, 622-23; honorary degrees arranged by M for, 623; Middle East, reinforcement of, 518; photo of, 432(#47); relations with M, 412-14, 551, 622-23; travels with M, 554, 580; White Sulphur Springs hospital stay of, 506 Disraeli, Benjamin, 552 Dogs,41-42,44-45,52 Donald, W. H., 607 Donovan, William J., 299,300,483-85 Douglas, Sir Sholto, 368, 605 Douglas, William 0., 344-45 Doyle, Arthur Conan, 67-68, 103, 165 Draft: bill favored by M, 201, 305; leadership in passing bill, 302; M opposed to sudden massive draft, 201, 204, 300, 304, 481; National Guard, needed to strengthen, 255; post-WWII need for, 257 Drum, Hugh A.: China assignment, rejection of, 605; First Army Report (WWI), 250; WWI role of, 220-21, 224, 227, 229 Duke, Basil, 58, 63, 107 Dulles, Allen W., 338 Dulles, John Foster, 9 Dutch Guiana, 519 634 I :1 'j :1 1 :.1 !I! PI :1 I' 1 ..1'· if :1 Iiil ;1, 'I ii!( I * MARSHALL Early, Jubal T., 84, 99-100 Early, Stephen, 15, 593, 599 Eden,AnthonY,326,616,621 Education, public, value of, 44 Edward VIII and Mrs. Simpson, Churchill re,554 Eisenhower, DWight D.: British, relations with, 508, 584; Carthage debate (December 1943), 540; chief of staffs job, reluctant to accept immediately (1945), 454; Churchill accepts at M's urging, 627; Churchill's pressure on, 400-401, 541; Elbe River, halts Allied advance at, 399; governmental organization, comment re, 562; invites M to see quality of army, 473; M's early interest in, 470, 611, 626; M's support for, 414, 540; Malta Conference, visits M prior to, 550; and maneuvers of 1941, 461; Montgomery, relations with, 345, 391; Negro troops, use of, 390, 500; Normandy, move of headquarters to, 386-87, 540; North Africa, political problems in, 584; OVERLORD, JCS role in, 577; Patton, relations with, 387-88; Philippines, duty with MacArthur in, 611; photos of, 432(#46, 50, 52, 62); press, relations with, 488; promotion policy of, 498; relief of officers by, 455; SHAEF commander, appointment as, 344; Soviets, relations with, 508; staffs influence on, 624; strategy re taking Berlin and Prague, 416-17; TORCH operation, 386,582 Elizabeth II, 165 Eltinge, LeRoy, 199 Ely, Hanson E., 152 Embick, Stanley D., 340,518,522,626 Erickson, Hjalrnar, 229; photo of, 208(#21) European Recovery Program. See Marshall Plan Evatt, H. v., 435-36 Ferguson, Homer, 410 Fish, Sidney, photo of, 208(#21) Fishing, 33, 63-64, 77, 145,548 Fitzsimmons, Frank, 48 Ii! I I i INTERVIEWS Flying, 310-11, 557 Flying Tigers, 604. See also Chennault, Claire L. Foch, Ferdinand, 219, 239-40, 450 Fontainebleau, France, 232 Football, 86,93, 109, 119-20,613 Forrestal, James V., photo of, 432(#60) Fort Benning, Ga., 511-12. See also Infantry School Fort Clark, Tex., 144-45 Fort Defiance, Ohio, 32 Fort Douglas, Utah, 177 Fort Hollablrd, Md., 613 Fort Knox, Ky., 364 Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 159 Fort Leavenworth army schools: airmen's reluctance to attend, 311; attend, M seeks permission to, 150; Cavalry vs. Infantry at, 151; competition level at, 153, 160; complex orders and regulations, tendency for, 543; evaluation by M of, 161; German model for, 151, 153; graduation necessary to attend War College, 311; importance of training for M, 160; Infantry and Cavalry School, 152-53; preparation of M for, 151, 156-57; reform of, 306, 605; School of the Line, name change of, 152; social life at, 158; Staff College, competition for admission to, 153; study habits learned by Mat, 157, 160; success of Mat, 39; tactical problems at, 151-52; training manuals, reform of, 306; WWI conduct, influence on, 157-58, 160-61 Fort Logan H. Roots, Ark., 166 Fort McKinley, P.l., 137, 175 Fort Necessity, 29-30 Fort Reno, Okla., 144-47, 149-50 Fort Sill, Okla., 242, 451 Foulois, Benjamin D., 163 Fox, William J., 2-3 France: aircraft sales by U.S. to, 5i4-15; civilian supply needs of, 393; decorations, U.S, soldiers' efforts to get, 500; Free French, rearming of, 611; IndoChina, Roosevelt's attitude re, 567; labor strikes during M's visits as secretary of state, 560; leaders, M's acquaintance with, 237 39, 333; M's attitude Index re, 191-92, 385-86; North African commanders, U.S. lack of influence on, 584; partisans in, 465-66; Soviet attitude toward, 325; U.S. aversion to postwar responsibility for, 333 -army: Aerial Division, 234; "en principe," M's reaction to phrase, 209-10; expectations re U.S. troops, 238-39; morale in 1918, 212; Moroccan Division, 200, 239; promotion, speed of, 228; relations with U.S. Army, 205-9; troop-moving efficiency of,232 Franeo-Prussian War, 153, 155-56 Fredendall, Lloyd R., 616 Frederika, Queen of Greece, 621 Freehoff, William F., photo of, 208(#33) French language, M's ability in, 214,23637 Frick, Henry C., 69, 106 Froisy, France, 233--34 Frontier tradition, influence on army of, 30,260,280 Fuller, J. F. C., 528, 542 Fuqua, Stephen 0., 152, 210 Gadd,George,25,27-28,37,73 Gardner, Fletcher, 126-27 General Staff: air travel required by M, 310-11; airmen under-represented on, 276-77, 310-13; congressional pressure to reduce, 201, 202-3; contingency plans, danger of later publication, 624; demobilization effects on, 571; establishment of, 121; G-2, weaknesses of, 439-41, 589, 597; opposition to air forces by, 340; plans by, M refuses to prejudge, 622; political duties of, 449-50; presses M to oppose president on mobilization, 304; qualifications for membership on, 504; quality of, 505, 572; rotation of officers on, reasons for, 200; secretary, role of, 504; strategic briefings for M, methods of, 352-55; U.S. Navy, officer exchanges sought with, 504; VMI alumni on, 626; woman added to, 337-38; War Plans Division, personnel tI 635 of, 626; young officers on, M's attempts to get, 504-5 Geneva, Pa., 46 George VI, 520-21 George, C. J. (aide), 6-7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 504 Germany: air force, 298; artillery production in, 517; Bavarian National Redoubt, possibility of, 398-99; bitterness in U.S. toward, 326; command relationship, quality of; 451; Latin American influence of, 284-85; occupation of, 332; occupation zones in, 322-23, 334; Ruhr, conquest of, 323; surrender to western Allies preferred, 508; war preparations by, 288 -army: fighting qualities of, 479, 620-21; mass surrenders, U.S. handling of, 323-25; oral divisional orders in, 543, prewar officer corps of, 440; 7th army and Patton, 547, troops, characteristics of, 472; weakness on Western Front of, 580 Gerow, Leonard T., 249, 614, 626 Giraud, Henri, 584, 597, 601, 616 Gisors, France, 232, 233 Gist, Christopher, 29 Godfrey, David E., 97-98 Gondrecourt, France, 217 Government, military. See School of Military Government Government routine, difficulty of changing, 166 Grant, Ulysses S., 407, 621 Grant, Walter S., 220-21 Great Britain. See United Kingdom Great White Fleet, 21 Griepenkerl, Otto F. W. T., 153, 154-55 Griffith, H., photo of, 208(#21) Griswold, O. W., photo of, 208(#21) Groves, Leslie R., 421 Guadalcanal, 352, 370, 380, 412, 523-24, 584,615 Hagan, John C., 7 Hagood,Johnson, 173, 177,543 Haig, Sir Douglas, 240 Halifax, Lord, 510 "W' :: I 636 -(:( MARSHALL Halsey, William F., 365-·66, 376-78, 397, 568,609 Halstead, Laurence, 174, 177 Handy, Thomas T., 249,626 Harbord, James G., 90, 112, 188 Harding, Edwin F., 370--71; photos of, 208(#29, 33) Harding, Warren G., 107, 187, 248, 250 Harriman, W. Averell, 335, 623 Harrison, Ross G., 423, 425 Harvard University, 336, 558 Haskell, Helen, 56 Hastings, Warren, trial of, 553-54 Hawaiian Islands: aircraft reinforcements for, 293; defense of, 274; navy overall command desired by M, 595 Heffner, William J. (aide), 8--10 Heintzelman, Stuart, 537 Henderson, D. L., photo of, 208(#21) Henderson, Leon, 445 Herron, Charles D., 152,470 Hershey, Louis B., 502 Hess, Rudolf, 553-54 Hill, John P., photo of, 208(#21) Hillman, Sidney, 445 Hines, John L., photo of, 208(#18) Hiss, Alger, 405 History: reading interests of M as child, 81; teaching in Uniontown schools of, 30 Hobby, Oveta Culp, 363-64 Hodges, Courtney H., 387 Hodson, Fremont B., photo of, 208(#33) Hoffman, Paul G., 560 Hollandia operations, 378 HoImes, Charles B., photo of, 208(#21) Holmes, J. B., photo of, 208(#21) Homestead (Pa.) strike, 106 Hoover, Herbert, 248 Hopkins, Harry L., 431, 477-78; health of, 581, M, relations with, 604; role of, 332, 418, 433-34, 608; and Soviet lend-lease, 319, supreme commander's job, feels out M re, ,143-44; and Teheran Conference, 342; visits U.K with M, 580 Homer, Henry, 579 Hossfeld, Henry, 130 Houston, USS, 328, 515 Howard, Roy, 575 INTERVIEWS Huebner, Clarence R., 543 Hugo, Jean, 206, 209, 217 Hull, Cordell, 521, 756 Hull, John E., 243,338--39, 534, 625, 626 Humphrey, C. B., 134 Hurley, Patrick J., 513, 565-57 Husted family, 74 Ice cream powder for army, 578 Illinois National Guard, 256 India, M's knowledge of, 553-54, 555 Indian wars (U.S.), 31-33 Indo-China, French return to, 567 Industrial mobilization, 331, 444, 517-18 Infantry divislons, time required to prepare and transport, 591, 598 -1st (WWl): Oantigny sector, fighting in, 236-37; casualties of, 233; French flyers, careful treatment of, 234; French impressions of, 190-91; German offensive of 1918, movements re, 232-34; German raid defeated by, 238; MeuseArgonne concentration, 222-23; readiness of, 189-90, 260; Sedan affair, 227-29; staff of, 152; training in France of, 192,232-33, 537; transfers of officers from, 193; trip to France of, 189-93 -1st, 512; 2d, 233; 3d, 233, 511, 556; 10th Mountain, 551, 594, 598; 27th, 484, 530 31; 28th 394, 578; 42d, 227-29,243; 90th, 613-14 Infantry Journal, 158 Infantry regiments: 4th, 166; 30th, 12930, 144, 208(#13) Infantry School (Fort Benning, Ga.), 542-45,605 Inspector General's Department, 458 Isla de Negros (Philippine ship), 121-24, 131-32 Ismay, Sir Hastings, 621, 623 Italy, 411,482-83 Iwo Jima, importance of, 428 Jackson, Andrew, 28 Jackson, Stonewall (Thomas J.), influence on M of, 99 Index Jahn, Gunnar, photo of, 432(#71) Japan: attitude of U.S., problems with changes in, 326-27; defeat, U.S. plans for, 369; invasion, U.S. plans for, 424; and Kwantung Army, 351; navy, effects of broken codes on, 410-11; occupation, struggle for control of, 244, 377-78; peace feelers to Soviets, 425; pressures to end war with U.S., 420; Soviet Union, fighting in Manchuria by, 351; troops, characteristics of, 472 -surrender: refusal of troops to, 428; unexpected suddenness of, 496, 538; U.S. nced to shock into, 423-25,447 Japanese Americans: fighting units of, need for, 470-71; internment of, 509 Jeep, development of, 267, 449 Joan of Arc, 214 Joffre, Joseph J., 194, 237, 239 Johnson, Hugh A., 270 Johnson, Louis A., 312, 503, 621-22 Johnson, Philip G., 310, 620 Joint Army-Navy Board, 511 Joint Chiefs of Staff: Air Forces membership on, 298,314-15, 358, 431, 595, 601; Leahy's role on, 431-33; political diplomatic issues, consideration of, 414-15,617 Jouatte, Mme, 217-18 Juin,Alphonse,333,584,597,601 Jumonville, defeat of, 33 Jungle warfare, 266 Kaskaskia, seizure of (1778), 30-31 Keehn, Roy D., 579-80 Kennan, George F., 559--63 Kilpatrick (army transport), 121 King, Campbell, 152, 211; photo of, 208(#18) King, Ernest J., 337; atomic bomb cost, shock re, 424; British assistance in Pacific, opposition to, 376, 428; JCS, disapproves of Leahy's role on, 43132, 624; photos of, 432(#41, 44, 47, 52, 53, 55, 56); relations with M, 434-35, 593; relations with secretary of the navy, 622; Soviet help against • -(:( 637 Japan, stand re, 404; TORCH, approves of, 581; U.K. visit with M (July 1942), 580-81 King, Mackenzie, photo of, 432(#47) Kinkaid, Thomas C., 378-79 Kinney, George C., 245 Kipling, Rudyard,96 Knights of Columbus, 200 Knox, Frank,521,622 Knox, Philander C., 46, 85 Knudsen, William S., 329, 445 Korean War: air superiority not enough in, 290-91; production, lead time for, 293; troop preparation, time for, 442; weakness of U.S. position in, 327 Krock, Arthur, 527 Krueger, Walter, 157, 579 Kuegle, Albert S., photo of, 208(#27) Kuter, Laurence S., photo of, 432(#56) Labor, army relations with, 445 Lafollette, Philip F., 353 Landing craft and LSTs, 364, 415, 611 Lane, D. T., photo of, 208(#21) Language problems in negotiations, 210 Language teaching, weaknesses in, 102 Lanham, Charles T., 543 Latin America, German threat to, 28485,584 Lawyers, 561 Leadership: action demanded of in democratic society, 622; danger of "dashing" action, 387-88; lessons of VMI re, 116-18; personal follow-up, necessity of,450 League of Nations, 247 Leahy, William D.: atomic bomb development, knowledge of, 422, 424; Japan invasion, attitude re, 568; JCS chairman, M's role in arranging, 431-33, 623-24; joke by M backfires, 336; Petain, attitude re, 385; photos of, 432(#47, 53, 55-56); Soviet help against Japan, attitude re, 404; Yalta, role at, 403 Lear, Ben: manpower mission to Europe, 390-91, 532, 578; Yoo-hoo incident and the press, 487 638 * MARSHALL Leard, Emil W., photo of, 208(#33) Lee, John C. H., 533, 626-27 Lee, Robert K, 99, 407 Lehrbas, Lloyd A., 579 Lend-lease, 318--19; influence on army of, 339; reverse lend-lease, role of, 446; Soviet behavior, use proposed to affect, 574; testimony by M re, 574-75 Leviathan (army transport), 531 Lexington, Va.: age of town, 34, 94; cadet activities in, 96-97; changes since M was cadet, 98; Pershing's visit to, 99 Life magazine, 286,303,308,410,462 Liggett, Hunter, 177, 508 Lilysville, Ga., 489 Lincoln, George A. 572,590 Lindburgh, Charles A., 270 Lindsey, Catharine, 28-29, 73 Liston, Howard J., photo of, 208(#33) Ljubljana Gap, 549-50 Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 299 Lothian, Lord, 523 Lovett, Robert A., 12, 563; photo of, 432(#65) Lualjadi, Eduardo, 136 Luce, Clare Boothe, 353, 592 Luce, Henry R, 575 Luray, Va., land speculation in, 69-70 Lutz, R H., photo of, 208(#21) Maastricht, Netherlands, 538-39 MacArthur, Arthur, 183 MacArthur, Douglas, 327; ANvIL (1944), opposition to, 556; atomic bomb development, knowledge of, 423; Australia, arrival in (1942), 244; Australians, relations with, 509; capture by 1st Division (1918), 229; European theater, reluctant to accept officers from, 429; Far East army forces, M proposes as commander of, 295; history, penchant for writing for, 625; hostility to, denied by M, 243-45; Japan invasion, attitude re, 569-70; Japan occupation, command of, 377-78; Medal of Honor, 244-45, 377; navy, attitude re, 365, 376-77, 569; Philippines, evacuation of, 609; Philippines, reinforcements for, 29192; political ambitions of, 608-9; reprimand by M softened by staff, 605; and INTERVIEWS Soviet attack in Manchuria (1945), 351, 405-6; and St. Mihiel operation (1918), 221; staffs attitude re outsiders, 427; strategy, M approves of, 365-66, 376, 428; supplies, shortages of, 245; temperament of, 365-66, 6089; visitors to theater, restrictions on 427 MacNider, Hanford, 566 Madison Barracks, N.Y., 162 Malta Conference, 400-401,540-41,550 Maneuver Division (Texas, 1911), 162, 166 169-70 Manhattan Project, 421. See also Atomic bomb Map problems, Metz and Gettysburg, 153-54 March, Peyton C., 112-13, 248, 268-69, 507 Marshall, Elizabeth C. (first wife), xi; dating M at VMI, 91, 94, 102; death, 94; health, 94, 167; musical ability, 94; Philippine tour (1913-16), 171; photos of, 208(#10-11, 16) Marshall, George C.: accent of, 101-2; brevity, interest in, 543-45; briefings and press conferences, ability at, 35456; civilian awards received, xiv; dancing, 36, 68 69, 96; European vacation (1910), 162, 165, 167-69,232; gardening, interest in, 23-25, 53, 57, 149-50, 519-20; hand-eye coordination, weakness of, 40; honeymoon (1902), 94-95; honorary degrees, xiv, 336-38; horseback riding, 107, 110-11, 142, 158, 246-47; hunting, 29, 77, 145, 158, 596, 599-600; interviewed by Pogue, 6-17; interviews for Pogue, weaknesses in, 473-74; Jaeger underwear in WWI, 189; liquor, drinking of, 111, 133, 138, 142; memoirs of World War I, 10-11; memory for names, 474, 606; modesty of, 603; personalities, reluctance to comment on, 425, 524-25; photographs and papers, loss of, 65; planning and execution, relation of, 527, 556, 558, 562-63; plot alleged to make vice-president, 453-54; postwar criticisms, response to, 570; presidential candidate, support as, 344-45; public speaking, early problems With, 55; relaxation on air trips, 450--51; rules and limits, tolerance of, 97, 115, 146; Index servants of, 131, 146; subtlety needed in bureaucratic dealings, 262-63; swearing by, 548; temper, political necessity of holding, 450; Virginian, M's view of self as, 250 -·anecdotes by: -childhood: ant trail, 61-62; Bli-gun holdup and escape, 38; cockfight raid, escape from, 37-38; ferry sinking and nonpaying girls, 22; fighting with bees, 56; fired as church organ pumper, 54·-55; first look at the world, 19-20; flower selling, middleman's problems re, 25; geological survey and the bird, 34-36; military adventure (cow's attack), 77; poolroom and keeping your mouth shut, 40; raising tomatoes for sale, 23-24; restaurant operating, 26 --VMl: strawberry shortcake silence, 9798; Washington trip re army examination permission, 85 -early career: Calapan track meet and show, 127-29; crocodile-stream scare, 141; Del Monte sporting set's training, 178-81; grasshopper pate, 17677; Isla de Negros and the typhoon, 123; Soapsuds Row, painting of, 147, 149-50; "Trip" (dog) remembers M, 41-42 -WWl and interwar years: Brazil orphanage visit, 271-72; "Daddy Long-Legs" story encourages brevity, 544-45; 1st Division defended against Pershing, 197-98; 1st Division review (1917),194-96; Pershing at New Market battlefield, 84--85; telephone operator's job saved, i86-87; whiskey for Senator Moses, III --WWlI: Admiral King kept waiting, 435-36; army camp town, M's experience with, 489; barber's briefing re Ljubljana Gap, 550; chaplain and surrendering Germans, 324-25; falling asleep during SWNCC meeting, 521; Mme Jouatte's American visitors, 217-18; Yalta gifts and purchases, 506-7 --post-WWII: Amherst College speech, unprepared for, 336-37; Brown University commencement, 338; buying the Packard with Chester Davis, 579; fr: 639 Cub Scouts' visit re feeding Europe, 46-47 -challenges, meeting of: Batangas maneuver supplies (1914), 173; Calapan track meet and show (1902), 127-29; criticizing citizens' camp training (1916), 178-81; crocodile-stream scare (1902), 141; defending 1st Division against Pershing (1917), 197-98; FDR's desire for aircraft (1938), 108-9; ferryboat sinking and nonpaying girls (late 1880s), 22; silence given at VMI (1901), 97-98; tank design controversy (1941), 28990; training camps, supplies for (1917), 184--86 -childhood and adolescence: athletic ability of, 86, 109-10, 120; bicycle riding, 45-46; card games, 22, 56; chicken raising, 57 58; Christmas, 79-80; cockfighting, interest in, 24-25, 27, 36-37; defective arm, 86, 89, 109-10; diseases and illnesses, 43, 110; education, primary, 28-29, 39, 43-44, 76, 81-82; farming, knowledge of, 45; first memories of, 19-20; Fourth of July, 80; friends, description of, 73-75; isolation from world, 46-48; Kodak camera, use of, 24; large feet of, 83; musical ability of, 82, 105-6; nickname of, 72-73, 75; political interests and views, 52, 71; Ponderosa tomato, naming of, 23-24; root beer, making and selling, 27; spelling, ability in, 28-29, 73; swimming, 43. See also M: reading, books, and periodicals -children, M and: baseball team in the Philippines, 174; Brazil orphanage visit, 271-72; Cub Scouts visit secretary of state, 46-47 --reading, books, and periodicals: Everyman's Library, 552, 554; G. A. Henty books, 555; histories, 81; newspapers read as chief of staff, 486; reading as a child, 54-55, 58, 67-68, 76, 83-84, 103, 107, 110; reading at VMI, 95-96; reading on air trips, 451; Sir Nigel series, 113, 165; westerns, 45; WWlI, reading on, 606 -career: --U.S. Army (1902-45): aide assignments, reasons for, 177-78, 215, 508; aide to Pershing, 239-40; aides to M, 503-4; air forces, becomes 640 ~ MARSHALL Marshall, George C. (continued) familiar with, 276, 310 13; assignments, xi-xiii; attacks red tape in France (1919), 531-32; command experience, lack of, 590; croix de guerre, 491; decision to have career, 58, 89, 115; decorations listed, xiii-xiv; dengue fever (1903), 137; extemporaneous presentations, ability at, 405--6; first battle experience of, 200; flexibility, need for, 539; Governors Island political pressures (1917),181-82,184-86; hardest service, 144; Infantry Journal, associate editor of, 158; Infantry School, 535, 542-45; learning to work rapidly, 186; Leavenworth's impact on, 156-57; low profile, need for at times, 166; offices in Washington, 503; paperwork, early introduction to, 142-43; personal inspection, necessity of, 450-51, 512, 579; praising efficiency in minor jobs, need for, 187-88; promotion, delays in, 211, 213, 215, 507-8; ranks held and dates, xi-xiii; sense of humor, need for, 144; simplification of procedure, insists on, 542-45; spit-and-polish, . role of, 251-52 -chief of staff (1939-45): age issue, M suggests he resign over, 477-78; appointment as, 312; around-theworld trip (1943), 591; atomic bomb, use on Japan of, 424-25; Australia and New Zealand, acts as go-between for, 435; biennial report (1941),535, 594, 600; bridge over Rhine named for, 538; busy schedule of, 591; casualties, letters to parents of, 529-30; decorations, refusal of during war, 335-36; directives, follow-up necessary for, 512; European aristocracy, acquaintance with, 585, 592; European trip (1944), 246, 354; five-star rank, M's opposition to, 456; flying, importance of, 450-51; foreign policy, M worries little re (1939-41), 204; hardest function as chief of staff, 556; health of, 578; "I" used in cables, 541; inspections, need for numerous, 379-80; London trips (1942),434,437,580,584-85; major general's rank, promotion to, 312; INTERVIEWS naval officers, relations with, 570, 593; Negro troops, M's mistake re, 458-59, 499; Netherlands Antilles, defense of, 519-20; promotion-relief policies, enemies made by, 454; PX system, establishment of, 358-61; relief, desire for (1945),454; resignation, threats of, 203, 300, 502-3, 591; salary as, 218; status of chief of staff in War Department, 315-16; stepsons and the army, 497-98, 585; supreme allied commander, possibility of appointment as, 341, 343-45, 582-83, 592; VMI alumni secretary, warns not brag re grads, 249, 626; WWIl, most trying time of, 523 ---China Mission (1945-47): Chang Hsueh-llang, possible role of, 367; Chiang Kai-shek, relations with, 607; KMT-CCP quarrel re Japanese equipment, 367; language problems in negotiations, 210, 607; M's knowledge of Chinese language during, 118; mob violence, M protests re, 575 -Secretary of State (1947-49): attitudes re Europe, problem with changes in Ll.S,, 326; bipartisanship, criticized for lack of, 527; flying, near-accident during, 557; Moscow Foreign Ministers Conference (1947), 342, 524, 561; NATO, rejects de Lattre for command in, 333; salary as, 218; speeches at commencements as, 336-38; visit to Mme Jouatte, 218. See also Marshall Plan -Secretary of Defense (1950-51): interservice squabbles, 311; Korea, visit to, 525; State Department, relations With, 576; supply lead times, 339; trained troops, time needed to produce, 627; and defense cuts, 572 Marshall, George C., Sr. (father), xi, 21, 23, 24; appearance of, 65; assassination attempt on, 106; Augusta (Ky.) home of, 62; character of, 67; Civil War, participation in, 58, 63; coke interests of, 69; death of, 163; father of, 103-4; fraternal orders, membership in, 63; genealogy, interest in, 60-61, 86, 104; history lessons given by, 29-30; hunting and fishing trips with M, 29, 63-64; land speculation in Virginia, failure of, Index 69-70; M's school accomplishments, impatience re, 39; moves to Pennsylvania, 34, 63, 69; new things, interest in, 27; photo of, 208(#10); political activities of, 71, 89; Saturday entertaining in Uniontown, 54; social acceptance in Uniontown, 71; winter sledding by, 51 Marshall, John (chief justice), 60, 86 Marshall, Katherine T. (second wife), xi, 28; aides, problems re lack of, 504; M's relaxation, displeasure with interference with, 596-97, 599-600; Patton's outrageousness, comment re, 545, 582; photos of, 208(#35), 432(#39, 49, 60, 63, 70); secrets, M does not tell, 585; speech by, on training of soldiers, 370-71, 371; visits Mme Jouatte in France, 218 Marshall, Laura B. (mother), xi; character . of, 37-38, 65, 67; cockfighting, opposition to, 24-25; dogs, fondness for, 52; family of, 59-60; father of, 103-4; home after husband's death, 65, 16364; husband's experimenting, objections to, 27; musical ability of, 82, 105; pays for M to go to VMI, 70; photo of, 208(#10); radio set for, 164-65; Saturday entertaining in Uniontown, 54; social acceptance in Uniontown,' 71 Marshall, Marie L. (sister), xi, 11, 28, 56, 67,68-69,82,105; photos of, 208(#23,10) Marshall, S. L. A., 3-4, 6 Marshall, Stuart B. (brother), xi, 19, 3940, 58, 59-60, 76-77, 78-79, 82, 105; photos of, 208(#2, 10) Marshall Plan: dissertation written about, 614; European reaction expected to, 558-59; farmers, reasons for opposition to, 556-57; Harvard speech, 336, 558-59; idea for, few consulted re, 559; Moscow and Europe visit, influence on M of, 561; passage of bill, M's role in, 527, 556-59; Soviet rejection of, 559; women's groups, role in bill's passage, 527 Martin, Edward, 578 Martin, William McChesney, Jr., 201, 299300 Masaryk, Jan, 398 Massachusetts National Guard, 159, 170-· 71 Materiel: educational orders for, 261; "* 641 quantity production of, 291, 293; standards of manufacturing, demands for lowering of, 304 Mathews, William R, 582 Maysville, Ky., 104 McAndrew, James W., 231-32, 531-32 McCarthy, Frank, 6-·7, 16, 248-49; duties as secretary, General Staff, 505; fishing trips with M, 548; visits president in place of M, 620; Yalta Conference, gifts and purchases at, 506-7 McCarthy, Joseph, 393, 580, 589 McCloy, John J., 244, 336-37, 570; Japanese Americans, internment of, 509; MacArthur as Japan occupation commander, supporter of, 377-78; occupation zones in Europe, designation of, 322; segregation and Negro troops, role re, 459, 499; Stimson, relations with, 409-10 Mcflormiek, Robert R, 557, 580 McCoy, Frank R, 189, 193,326-27 McIntosh, James, 566 McIntyre, Marvin H., 298, 595, 601 McKeany, D., photo of, 208(#21) McKinley, William, 86 McLain, Raymond S., 578, 614 McNair, Lesley J.: M's roommate on boat to France (1917),189; photo of, 432(#43); training, director of, 305-6, 465; wounding and death of, 307 McNamey, Joseph T., 627; photo of, 432(#43) Medical Corps, 457 Mellett, Lowell,463,464,485 Metropolitan Club, 444 Meuse-Argonne (i9lS): battle of, 225-26; concentration for, 155, 160, 221-24 Meyer, Eugene, 587-88, 601 Midway, battle of, 523-24 Miles, Nelson, 100 Military Training Camps Association, 304 Miller, J. Clifford, 5 Mitchell, W. A., photo of, 208(#21) Molly Maguires, 106 Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 343, 441, 559 Monongahela City, Pa., 59 Monte Casino, bombing of, 397 Monteiro, Pedro G6es, 271 Montgomery, Sir Bernard L., 452; Eisenhower's move to Normandy, influence on, 386-87; and EI Alamein offensive, 594, 600; M's attitude re, 345-46, 369- r:' 642 * MARSHALL Montgomery, Sir Bernard L. (continued) 70, 391; supreme commander in Europe, possibility of becoming, 400-402 Moore, H. T., photo of, 208(#21) Morale: air evacuation of wounded, importance of, 606; beer, production for army of, 482, 578; civilian inspectors monitor for M, 488; "coddling" of soldiers, 481-82; combat leaders' tendency to ignore rear areas, 539, 57778; decorations and ribbons, importance of, 490-92; education, need for, 462-64, 471, 481; foreign fighting, problems re, 443, 529-30, 625; "forgotten" troops, 353, 482-83, 592; goinghome rumors, effects of, 471-72, 482; "little things," importance of, 577-78; monotony, effects of, 471; news coverage, effects of, 313, 482; over-age officers, dangers in removal of, 477-78; pilots, War Department concern for, 438; PX, importance of establishing in fighting zones, 360-61,482; replacements, importance of, 381, 592, 625; spit-and-polish, effects of, 460; study of, 488; Thanksgiving turkey dinners for, 482; 30th Infantry field day and show (1902), 127-29; wounded, news of their units for, 498-99 Moran,Lord,588,602 Moreno, Aristides, photo of, 208(#27) Morgan, Frederick E., 322, 588 Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.: aircraft sales, handling of, 514-15; army budget, influence on, 328-30; industrial mobilization, leadership in, 475; Roosevelt, relations with, 515-16 Morgenthau Plan for Germany, 395, 573 Morrison,JohnR, 151-52,156-57, 160 Moses, George H., 111 Mott, John R., 362 Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 368, 580, 58485,593,605,608,611 Murphy, Frank, 297, 298 Murphy, John B., 184, 186 Murphy, Robert D., 576, 596 Mustard gas, use in WWIof, 235 National Association of Manufacturers, 557 National Defense Advisory Commission, 329,515-16 INTERVIEWS National Guard: M as instructor with, 15862, 170-71; officers, problems re, 25556,454,578-79,607; political pressures on, 579; preparation for service, time needed for, 256-58; regulations, simplification needed in, 162; training, problems re, 255-56, 469; troops in WWII, 371; weaknesses in, 255-57, 619. See also units by state National Guard Bureau, 90 National War College, and State Department students, 562 Negroes. See African Americans Neidert, C. W., photo of, 208(#21) Nelson, Donald, 359, 445, 623, 624 NEPTUNE Operation (1944), 551 Netherlands Antilles, defense of, 519-20 Neufchateau, France, 214 New Mexico National Guard, 511, 530 New Orleans Times-Picayune, 95 New Zealand, 397, 435, 566, 609 Newsome, Florence T., 337-38 Nichols, Edward W., 95 Nicholson, Leonard K., 91, 93-94, 95, 117 Nimitz, Chester W., 365, 377, 609 Nivelle, Robert, 237 Norden bombsight, 514 Norstand, Lauris, 439 North African invasion (1942). See TORCH Operation North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 333, 561 Norway, heavy-water plant in, 467,551 Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 483-85 Officer Candidate School (OCS): establishment of, 299-300, 461; expansion, M's opposition to rapid, 481; importance of, 309 Officers: age, problem of advancing, 477, 534-35; elimination system, lack of, 533-34; lieutenant generals bill, 34749; relief from combat of, 533-34, 578; senior pilots, domination of air forces by, 438; temporary, handling complaints from, 483; wives, secrets told to, 585. See also National Guard -commanders: control of, 241, 578; daring, need for, 340, 540, 612; deterioration of, without responsibility, 535; emphasis by HQ on his zone, desire for, Index 556, 564, 584; M's occasional anger with, 243-44; maneuvers, importance of, 460-61; motor transport training for, 613; personal oversight, necessity of, 451; physical vigor, need for, 455, 477; popularity, dangers of seeking, 371; quality of (1945), 473; rear areas, problems re, 395-96, 532-33, 577; reassignment and relief, problems re, 390-91, 452-53, 456; subordinates, methods used to eliminate unwanted, 452-53; theater commanders, 478, 611; wives, influence of, 347 -commissions: battlefield, idea for, 309; civilian experts, handling of, 310; political pressures re, 182, 184-86; selection, WWI experience re, 269 -noncommissioned: separation from troops, need for, 619; shortage of, 510, 535 -promotions: alternative to relief, used as, 578; combat area vs. rear area, differences in, 213, 489-90, 497-98; delays in, 490; ground vs. air, differences in, 313, 436; joke re rapidity of, 498, 615; Roosevelt's opposition to increasing number of brigadier generals, 349, 490; senior colonels, accumulation of, 476-77, 533; temporary, authority to make, 610 -staff officers: commander's attitudes, danger of copying, 243-44, 248, 269, 373, 605; conservatism of, 340, 612, 622; harshness, danger of, 211, 241 -training: Plattsburg vs. OCS style, 202, 481; enlisted ranks, time needed in, 309; instructors, shortage of, 201-2, 480; World War I, 190-91 Officers' Reserve Corps: senior officers, training for, 306-7; weaknesses of, 258 OHIO movement (1941), 286, 298, 303 Okinawa, battle of, 423, 428 Oklahoma (musical play), 554 O'Laughlin, John C., 591-92, 599 Ordnance Department: conservative attitude of, 268; problems of, 261, 266, 304 OVERLORD Operation (1944): bombing preparation for, 397-98, 621; British criticism of, 321, 528; JCS, role of, 577; M as possible commander for, 322; preparations for, 590 * 643 Palmer, John MeA., 193-94, 251 Panama, government of, 584 Panama Canal, 284-85, 296 Paris, France, 169,193,229-30 Parish, J. C., photo of, 208(#21) Pasco, H. Merrill, 249 Patch, Alexander M., 370 Patterson, Frederick D., 501-2 Patterson, Robert P., 202, 300, 315; photo of,432(#60) Patton, George S., Jr.: advance through France (1944),217; criticized inA Bell for Adana, 455; Egypt, draws plans for U.S. troops to, 546, 581-82; leadership ability of, 547-48; outrageous statements, tendency to make, 546, 582, 607; profanity of, 548; Rhine, crossing of, 400-401; supply limitations in France, 387; U.S. Navy, criticism of, 581; vigor, despite age of, 477, 534; visits Mme Jouatte for M, 217-18; War Department, encourages criticism of, 547 Patton, Mrs. George S., Jr., 607 Paul, King of Greece, 585 Pawley, William, 604 Pearl Harbor: Japanese codes and investigation of, 409; mismanagement at, 332; patrol aircraft, shortage of, 317 Pendleton, C. P., photo of, 208(#21) Pennsylvania: bandits in, 34; labor problems in, 106; National Guard of, 49, 158-62; Redstone Creek, 30, 31; Youghiogheny River, 63, 77. See also Marshall: childhood and adolescence; Uniontown Pentagon Building, 503 Pershing, John J.: character of, 111-12, 198-99, 240, 250; criticisms, willingness to take, 111-13, 198-99; First Army Report, 250; and 1st Division, 194-98; General Staff, young officers for, 504; Governors Island, visit to, 188; influence on FDR, 476; intellectual acuteness, deterioration of, 591, 599; M's appointment as supreme commander in Europe, opposition to, 344, 583, 591-92; M's travels with as aide, 109, 187-88; Peyton March, attitude re, 112-13, 269; photos of, 208(#23-27); post-WWI army reduction, response to, 571-72; presidential candidacy, possibilityof, 251; promotion of M recom- 644 -{:;: MARSHALL Pershing, John J. (continued) mended by, 507; Summerall, attitude re, 242; troop demobilization in France, criticism re, 382, 495; U.S. Army, impact on, 251; VMI, visit to, 84-85, 248-49; YMCA, speech defending, 362 Petain, Henri P., 239-40, 385-86 Peyton, Philip B., 91, 93-94, 117 Philippine Islands: constabulary, M invited to head, 202, 230; defense buildup in, 291-94; grasshopper plague, 137, 175-76; invasion (1944), political considerations re, 568-69; U.S. POW's in, 530 -Insurrection of 1898-1902: army-civilian disagreements following, 139-40; published documents studied by M re, 139-40, 171; U.S. public opinion, changes in, 326 -M's duty in (1902-3), 121-38; Calapan, arrival in, 124; cholera epidemic, 103, 121, 125-27; Corregidor reservation, establishment of, 133-34; Malahi Island Prison, 132-33; Mangarin, Mindoro, 132,134-37,140-41,142,452;Manila, M's stay in, 121-22; Santa Mesa Garrison, 132 -M's duty in (1913-16), 171-78, 508; Batangas maneuvers, 171-73,212; living conditions, changes in, 178; road system, 178 Philippine Scouts, 291-92 Pinho, Jack, photo of, 432(#51) Pitt, William, 552 Pittsburgh, Pa., 47, 59 Plattsburg movement, 182, 201-3, 299 Poague, William T., 96 Pogue, Forrest C., 579; army career 1-3; Marshall Foundation, director of, 5-6; Marshall's Peace Prize ceremony, attends, 5, 7; photo of, 18; and Supreme Command, 4-5; War Department historian,3-5 Portal, Sir Charles F., 339, 429, 592-93, 599, 601, 608; photos of, 432(#44, 47, 56) Potsdam Conference, 432-33 Pound, Sir Dudley, 601, 608; photos of, 432(#44,47) Powder, James W. (aide), 506-7 Preparedness: administration's need to go slow re, 522; democratic system's weakness re, 252-53, 441-42; effects INTERVIEWS on Germany of, 290; opposition to, 290,301-3; repetition of past mistakes, 205; and Spanish-American War, 100101, 191; underfunded army, effects of, 510; and World War I, 190-92 Press: army newspapers, M's attitude re, 486; army-navy squabbles and prejudice, 428; columnists and the army, 281, 283; commander relations, influence on, 486; editorial opinion, M's knowledge of, 486; first dealings with as chief of staff, 28; independent Air Force, pressure for, 314; influence on Eisenhower's move to Normandy, 38687, 540; influence on troops of, 472-73; M invites to Cub Scouts' visit, 47; manpower demobilization, effect on, 496; morale, influence on, 313, 353, 48283, 592; Patton's relations with, 387; press conferences by M, 587; Red Cross, reporters' views re, 200; secrecy and leaks, 286, 320; State Department planning staff, reaction to, 563; treatment by army of, 487; Victory Program (1941), leak of, 320; war's end, assumptions re, 388; weapons controversies, involvement in, 448. See also individual publications and reporters by name Pritchett, O. A., photo of, 208(#21) Prize fights, 48 Public opinion: Balkan campaign, likely reaction to, 612; command relations, influence on, 401-2; ground vs. air forces, attitudes re, 281; occupation, effects of lengthy, 326; Philippine reinforcements, army fears pressure re, 510; preparedness, M's caution re, 302; reaction to soldiers' lack of supplies, 185; service-time extension bill (1941), 328; soldiers' views published, effects of, 307-.8; war's end, frequent assumptions re, 625 Pyle, D. H. M., photo of, 208(#21) Quartermaster General, 492 Quebec (OCTAGON) Conference, 568-69 Quekemeyer, John G., photos of, 208( #24, 27) Quezon, Manuel L., 294, 326, 609 Index Radio: messages, M's first (1911), 163, 166; set installed for mother, 164-65 Ranger units, 467 Rayburn, Sam, 594,600 Red Cross: criticisms of, 199-200,362-63; M's traveling for, 527 Remagen Bridge (Germany), 401 Reserve Officers' Training Corps, 501-2 Rhodes, operation proposed for, 321, 621 Ridgway, Matthew B., 272, 429, 465, 468 Rifle, controversy over, 447 Roberts,Frank,570 Robyn, Alfred G., 82 Rome, M's visits to, 167-68 Roosevelt, Franklin D.: aircraft production, interest in, 108--9,446, 476; and army budget, 328--30,517-18; attempts to call M "George," 108--9; Balkans, interest in, 339, 590; Casablanca Conference, opposes large staff for, 608; caution re troops for "sideshows, " 545; China, interest in, 372, 604; Churchill, communications with, 413; congressmen's dislike of, 303, 331-32, 582-83; conspiracy to get U.S. into war, M re, 522; dislikes having issues on record, 373, 623; Embick, attitude toward, 522; field commanders, contact with, 401, 541, 605; influences on, 372, 450, 590; Leahy's role as chief of staff to, 431-32; leased bases, rejects army construetion program in, 522; M's relations with, 109,203, 297,302,304,329-31, 343-44, 349, 415, 449, 453, 515-17, 551, 590, 620, 627; M's resignation for age, rejection of, 478; military governors, deployment delayed, 454-55; mobilization, reluctance to press, 29799, 301; navy, relations with, 259, 282, 610-11; photos of, 432(#41, 44, 47, 55, 56); physical appearance at Yalta, 402, 406; political gestures, influence on military policy of, 415, 590, 599; quarantine of aggressors speech, 270; secretiveness of, 413; Stalin, message of 5 April 1945 to, 417; supreme allied commander, decision re, 344; tactics for dealing with, 282, 418--19, 476, 51617, 620; TORCH and 1942 election campaign, 593; unfavorable documents, handling of, 373; "Why We Fight" films, interest in, 463 Roosevelt, Theodore, 11,201,583-84 * 645 Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 197, 228--29, 236, 583 Root, Elihu, 561 Root, Elihu, Jr., 299 Roper, Elmo, 603 Rostand, Maurice, 550 ROUNDUP plan (1942), 580-81, 584, 587, 593, 597-98, 601-2 Rumbough, J. W., photo of, 208(#21) Russell, Lillian, 36 Russell Island, 370 Ryder, Charles W., 323 St. Clair, Arthur, 31 St. Mehiel operation (1918), 219-21 St. Nazaire, France, 191-93 St. Pierre and Miquelon, seizure of, 509-10 Salvation Army, 199-200,361-63 San Francisco, Calif., Min, 187-88 Sanz, Padre Isidro, 122, 136-37 Sayre, Francis B., 609 School of Military Government, 452-55, 612 School of the Line. See Fort Leavenworth army schools Secrecy: atomic bomb production facility locations, problems of, 474-75; difficulty in maintaining, 354, 409-11; officers tell wives too much, 585; TORCH operation and State Department, 576 Sedan, France, 227-29 Seligman, Germain, 237 Shannon, G. S., photo of, 208(#21) Sheppard, Morris, 347 Sheridan, Philip, 155-56 Sherman (army transport), 137-38 Sherrill, Clarence 0., 174 Sherwood, Robert E., 372 Shipp, Scott, 99 Shipping, shortages of, 412 Shock, Jay R., photo of, 208(#21) Sibert, William L.: Del Monte training camp, 178-80, 188; 1st Division staff, requests M for, 188; Pershing, trouble with, 195-97; relief of, 210-11 Silvester, Lindsay McD., 614 Singleton, Mrs. Asa L., photo of, 208(#16) SLEDGEHAMMER plan (1942), 579-81, 584, 589,595 Slim, William J., 364, 605 Smith, Holland M., 370, 508 646 i:r MARSHALL Smith, Truman, 440 Smith, Walter 8.: Army Band, publicity for, 502; Baruch, relations with, 484; Eisenhower, role under, 624, 627; jeep, development of, 267; Lear mission, displeasure re, 533, 578; Malta Conference, role in, 400, 541--42; morale in rear areas, tendency to ignore, 539; ass, relations with, 485; political duties on General Staff of, 449-50; SHAEF briefing procedures, M critical of, 354 Smuts, Jan C., 621 Snyder, Howard McC, 458 Scissons, battle of, 219 Sornervell, Brehon B.: Alaska, returning troops from, 381-<32; atomic bomb development, role in, 421; Hopkins, relations with, 433; M's relations with, 445, 626; passed-over officers, accumulation in service forces of, 533--34; photos of, 432(#43, 53) Soong, T. V., 372 Southeast Asia Command, 368 Soviet Union: aircraft from U.s. for, 514; allied pressure for help by, 404; cornrnand relationship, quality of, 451-52; contribution to war, 245, 415, 508; cooperation with, sought by M, 593; decoration for M from, 335; defeat, possibilityof, 574, 580, 589; France, attitude re, 325; Germans fear to surrender to, 508; Japan, entry into war against, 341; 351, 404-6, 427; Korea, reaction to M's visit to, 525; lend-lease supplies for, 318·-19; occupation money printed by, 394; offensive of January 1945, delay in, 591, 599; postwar strength of, 575; strategy used against U.S. (1950$), 442; suspicions of U.S. and U.K., 508; troops, characteristics of, 473; U.S. Army views change re, 589, 598; U.S. attitude toward, 327-··28; U.S. efforts to cooperate With, 415 Spaarz, Carl: atomic bomb development, knowledge of, 423; General Staff, qualifications for, 311, 314; management experience gained by, 437--.38; strategic bombing, attitude re, 615 Spain, worry about re TORCH, 596, 601, 612 Spanish-American War: lessons of, 100; Pennsylvania National Guard's return from 49; preparedness for lacking, INTERVIEWS 100-101 press attacks on military following, 100, Stotsenburg's regiment in Philippines, 371; U.s. isolation prior to, 47-48 Stalin, Joseph, 341-43, 404, 41i-18; photo of, 432(#56) Standing Liaison Committee, 521 Stanton, J. W. R., photo of, 208(#21) Stark, Harold R., 283, 288, 589-90, 598; photo of, 432(#41) Stars and Stripes (army newspaper), 486-87 State Department, 327; code intercepts, receives from army, 411; military attaches, uses of, 439-40; Policy Planning Staff, creation of, 561---63; students attend National War College, 562; weaknesses in, 561-63, 576; Yalta Conference briefing materials by, 405 State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee, 521 Stayer, Morrison C., photo of, 208(#33) Steele, Matthew F., 583 Stettinius, Edward R, Jr., 329, 405, 562 Stilwell, Joseph W.: Chinese troops, fighting ability of, 366; command problems of, 375, 567; criticisms of Chiang, effects of, 373, 605; difficulty of working with, 605-6; fighting ability of, 373, 605, 608; Infantry School, instructor at, 542; Negro troops, attitude re, 367; photo of, 208(#33); relief of, 608; Roosevelt, poor impression made on, 608; staff in China, 24J-44; tactlessness of, 605, 608; troop training ability of, 605 Stilwell, Mrs Joseph W., 605 Stimson, Henry L.: Army Specialized Training Program, interest in, 529; atomic bomb development, role in, 421; criticisms of, 522·-23; defends Herman Beukema from army, 572; Langres AEF school, attends, 231; M's first meeting with, 230; M's opinion of, 202, 621; memo writing talent of, 620; Morgenthau Plan, opposition to, 395, 573; OCS, opposes M re, 299; organizer, weakness as, 561; Patton, support for, 545, 547; Plattsburg movement, support for, 202, 300; relations with M, 315-16; Roosevelt, relations with, 590, 620; Soviets, fears they renege on promised offensive, 591, 598-99; speaking voice of, 521, 620 Index Stotsenburg, John M, 371 Strategic Service Committee, 595-96, 602 Stuart, Eliza (aunt), 59-60, 81 Stuart, John Leighton, 607 Summerall, Charles E, 228-29, 242-43, 566 Sun Li-jen, 364, 605 Surles, Alexander D., 486 Sutherland, Richard K., 245, 569 Taft, Robert A, 557 Taft, William Howard, 182, 184, 186 Tanks: Brttlsh-American design controversy, 263-64, 289-90, 448-49; opposition to construction of, 587; training with, M's concern re, 589; U.S. tanks for British forces in Egypt, 545, 582 TARZA}/ Operation (1944), 375 Taylor, Charles H., 2-3 Taylor, Maxwell D., 466, 468 Teheran Conference, 322 ,341-42,405, 415 Tenadores (army transport), 189-92 Tennessee Valley Authority, 475 Texas mapping expedition (1905), 144-45 Thomas, Elbert D., 348 Thompson, Andrew, 20, 21, 23, 26, 36, 38, 44-46 Thompson, J. V, 20, 44-46, 66 Time magazine, 473,575 Togerson, Fred, photo of, 208(#21) TORCH Operation (1942): command of rejected by M, 583, 596, 602; diplomacy re, 386, 487--88, 597; elections in U$., influence on planning for, 593, 599; planning for, 576, 581, 596, 602, 614; political importance of, 581, 594; preparations by U.S. Army for, 582; risks of, 596, 601, 612; timing of 14-15 Totalo, Nicholas .1., photo of, 432(#59) Truman, Harry S.: M's resignation as chief of staff delayed by, 454; photo of, 432(#60); relations with M, 308, 331, 433 Truscott, Lucian K, Jr., 333-34 Tunesia, M's visit to, 32.3 Tuskeegee University, 501-2 Tydings, Millard E., 299 Typhoons, 123, 137--38 -t< 647 Unconditional surrender formula, 243, 419 ..20,615 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union Uniontown, Pa: age of 34, 71, 94; attractiveness of, 28-26; barbershop society in, 51; baseball in, 49···50; blacks in, 51, 104-5; butcher shop in, 28, 75; changes since M's childhood, 41-42, 65-66; circuses and fairs in, 42-43; Coal Lick Run, 2()..·22, 26; Gilmore's Hill, 75; hanging (execution) in, 42; historical importance of area, 29 34; icemaking plant in, 54; idleness, attitudes toward, 51-52; Kramer's store, 76; long-distance telephone service arrives in, 42; M sees little of after 1897 summer, 58-··59; M's 1939 visit to, 27-·28, 62, 65-66; Marshal! family home in, 19-···22, 53-54, 56, 61; National Guard, failure to support, 49; National Road in and around, 20, 28, 41, 59; old families of, 71; political activity in, 49, 52, "11; population of, 46, 65; railroads in, 26, 38-41; Saint Peter's Episcopal Church, 54···-55, 72, 81; Saturday watermelon feasts in, 54; schools, 81··-82; street lights in, 59; streetcars in, 38, 44, 52; streets, paving of, 44; White Swan Inn, 27-28, 34, 74-75; winter sledding in, 50-51 United Kingdom: BUCCA,'iEER Operation, opposition to, 372; Casablanca Conference, staff preparations for, 608; casualties, influence on policy of, 437, 588, 602; chiefs of staff, Churchill's influence on, .321,593,614; China, importance of in \V\VII, .372; China, opposition to US supplies for, 368; code breaking, effects of U.S. revelations on, 410; command relationship, quality of, 452; contribution in \\'\\11 of, 245; cross-Channel operation, reluctance re, 588; Dunkirk evacuation, 523; Intelligence Service of, 441; Middle East, reinforcements for, 51819; Navy senior commanders, relief method re, 5.3.3; pessimism re war shown at Atlantic Conference, 288; political considerations in planning of, 567; preparedness, 288, 572; press, influence of, 487-··138; warehousing, problems of, 583, 597 648 * MARSHALL United Kingdom (continued) -army: early disagreemens with, 216; Italian campaign, problems in, 589, 598; maneuvers attended by M (1910), 165; special units, Churchill's support for, 467-68; theoretical preparation of officers, 161; troops, characteristics of, 472 ·-United States, relations with: balance of power between, 589, 592, 597, 619; destroyers-bases agreement, 522; European strategy, disagreements re, 54041, 589--90; language difficulties, 210; large U.S. ground army, opposition to, 281; M's battlefield experience, doubts re, 590, 598; Pacific, desire for role in, 427-28; Pacific, opposition to US. commitment to, 581; second front, criticism of U.S plans for early, 580, 593, 598, 602, 614; shipping, pressure on US. re shortage of, 412; supplies from U.S., 289, 317-18, 445, 545, 582; supreme command, concessions re, 401-2; U.S ground forces, doubts re, quality of, 587, 592, 598, 619; U.S. suspicions of, 339, 592-93, 598-99; weapon design controversies, 263-64, 289-90,448-49,620 United Services Organization (USa), 48889 United States: democracy, mobilization problems in, 420, 441; German and Italian paws in, 508-9; military costs increased by strategy of, 443; military decline after war, tradition of, 571-72; press in a democracy, 487 United States Armed Forces Institute, 493, 538 United States Army: appropriations, 32830, 594; Army Band, improvement of, 502; battlefield promotions, M's insistence on, 491; beach organization, importance of, 583; British pessimism, reactions to, 288-90; British suspicions re, 592-93, 608; combat readiness of (1940), 202--3; conservatism re new ideas, 262...{i6; chief of staffs role, post\VWlI change in, 535; chief of staffs special fund, 242; democratic society, problems of, 303; historical program of, 498-99; inspectors, importance of, 458; intelligence, weaknesses in, 439-· 41,589, 597; military governors, train- INTERVIEWS ing of, 452, 454-55; mobilization, effect on Regular Army of, 286--287; navy, division of command responsibilitv with, 296; ninety-division plan, problems re, 539-40; opposition to large army, 279-82, 587, 625, 627; parades, M's opposition to prewar, 443; personal inspections, necessity of, 242; political criticisms of, 393; politics and troop disposition, 381-82; postwar reductions in, 252-53, 571-72; PX system, establishment of, 358-61; rapid expansion, mistake in, 258--59; regimental system, failure of, 625; reorganization after WWIl of, 445, 626; service forces, accumulation of relieved officers in, 533- 34; strategy and politics, problems re, 415-16; supply organization and control, simplification of, 542-43; supply problems in '/1/\\11, 510-11, 583; textbooks and manuals, 203 ··--casualties: letters to parents of, 529--30; paperwork problems re, 207; reports for Roosevelt re, 416, 529-30 -medical problems of: administrative leadership, problems re, 457··-58; air evacuation of wounded, 459-60; malaria, 380, 395-96, 592, 599; trench foot, 395 -DId Army (pre-1939): anti-intellectualism in, 150-54; caution in training required, 535; isolated and scattered nature of, 146--47, 432. 510; pinchpenny traditions of, 512-13; service chiefs, power of, 444--45 ---personnel and troops: attaches, use of, 439--40; camps, conditions near, 489; citizen-soldier aspects of, 251; Egypt, troops for, 545; elite units, controversy re, 467-68; fighting quality of, 471-73, 479-80, 587, 598; Japanese-American units, 47().···71; OHIO movement, 286, 298, .303; pay and allowances of, 146-··· 47; service-time extension bill, 286-S7; transfer to Pacific, plans re, 493-97; volunteers, disadvantages of ground forces re, 461...{i2, 467 -training: Desert Training Center, 462; frontier experience, influence on, 30, 260, 28Q.....81, 472-73; ground forces, 259, 279··-80, 461--62, 469, 479-80, 588-89; ground-air operations, 480; importance of, 390, 468-69, 539-40; Index instructor shortage for, 299-300; Iirnirations in pre-Wwll period on, 252; location of camps for, 458-,59; maneuvers (1940'-41), 460--61; manuals, reform of, J06; spit-and-polish, need for, 460; theory, excess of, 161; Jd Army maneuvers HQ move, 588, 598; time required for, 442, 468--69,480-81, 591,627; U.K., problems in, 588; weak points in, 465, 481 United States Marine Corps: criticisms of army training methods, 461; 5th Regiment in France (1917), 194; 1st Division, 380, 395--96, 457; Guadalcanal, 3 iO, 523; publicity received in \\lVv1, 233; volunteers, advantages over army re, 461, 467 United States Military Academy, 89,,-90, 151 United States Navy: army air forces, attitude toward, 297-98, 357, 498; army problems, failure to understand, 511; British Pacific role, opposition to, 3i6, 428; Bureau of Yards and Docks, role of, 580, 589, 593-94, 598, 600; chief of naval operations' offices, 435; fleet-inbeing, advantages of, 432; intelligence, opposition to combined service, 595; MncArthur, relations with, 3 Tl ; naval air compared to army air, 611; officers, retirement of, 4 Tl ; Pacific centeredness of, 589, 594; Patton, relations with, 581; relations with the army, 281, 296, 432, 610; second front, opposition to early, 580, 587, 593; shipping, hoarding by commanders of, 412; and staff officer exchange with army, 504; and training with army, 265; training, advantages over army in, 161,259-60, 280, 461--{'2; unity of command idea, reactions to, 595; volunteers, advantages over army re, 461, 467 Universal military training, 441--42 Van Fleet, James A" 5i8 Vandenberg, Arthur, 474, 52i-28, 55i Vandenberg, Hoyt S., 314, 437-38 Versailles Treaty, 247 Victory Program (1941), 579 ..,130 Vinson, Fred M., photo of, 432( #60) Virginia Military Institute: allowance of M while at, 70; arrival of Mat, 91; Board u 649 of Visitors of, 116; breakfast roll call, skipping of, 117; "catacombs" at, 119; changes since M's day, 96, 102; chapel, staying awake in, 92; Civil War, influence of, 84, 96, 99, 115, 120; class standing of.M at, 39, 76, 95; decision by M to attend, 40, 89; discipline and responsibility learned at, 97, 117-18, 119-20, 142; First Captain, duties of, 97, 117-18; First Class privates, slackness of, 118; First Sergeant, duties of, 119; food at, 97-98, 115-,,16; football played by Mat, 86; graduates in high army ranks (\VWII), 248--49, 626; hazing of M as Yankee at, 101-2; M's role as First Captain, 55; Marshall, number of cadets named, 93; Nashville Exposition, corps trip to, 91; New Market battle, M's interest in, 58, 84, 249; New Market ceremony, 92; Pershing's visit to, 99, 248--49; photos relating to Mat, 208(#5-9), 432(#68); Rats, hazing of, 92,115; roommates, importance of, 97; "running the block" by M, 91; social life of M, 70, 102; success by Mat, 40; teaching at, 102, 116; vacations, 58-59, 117 Vlshinsky, Andrei, 441, 571 Vladivostok, U,S.s.R., 524-25 Wadsworth, James W., 302, 442 Wagner, Arthur, 152 Walker, Frederick, 1 i4, 177 Wallace, William A., photo of, 208(#21) Walsh amendment re supplies (1940), 263 64,288-89,317,620 Walters, Vernon, 12 War Department: cabinet meetings, lack of procedure re, 623; chief of staffs offices in, 434-35, 503; civilian "experts," problems re, 31J-14, 450; civilian dress until Pearl Harbor, 435, 444; colonies, return to European powers of, 567; couriers, rapid dispatch of, 56i; criticism, sensitivity to, 535-36; diplomatic conferences, preparations for, 608, 612; Middle East, reinforcement by UK opposed, 519; note taking at meetings, problems re, 62.1; organization, post-WWI changes in, 248; overseas commands, role in selecting officers 650 i:: MARSHALL War Department (continued) for, 578; planning process in, .189-90, 591; politically important persons, treatment of, 449; press relations section of, 486; senior officers, reluctance to discipline, 578. See also General Staff War Production Board, .129 Ward, Orlando, 617 Washington, Booker T., 501 Washington, George, 29,3.1,548 Washington, D.C, M's first visit to, 85 Washington Conference (June 1942), 545--46 Washington and Lee University, 93, 99 Watson, Edwin M., 406, 409, 620 \Vavell, Sir Archibald P., 246, .156--57, 595 Wayne, Anthony, .11-33 Wedemeyer, Albert C., 288, 592·-93, 598, 602,626 Welles, Sumner, 521, 576, 604 Weygand, Maxirne, 2:37, .185 \Vhite House visits, 107, 108, 433 Whitney, Courtney, 406, 609 Whitney, W. C., 21 ""Vhy We Fight" film series, 46.1-65, 481 Wickersham, Cornelius \Y, 452, 525, 612 Wightman, John R., 72, 81 Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands, 519-20 Williams, Ezekiel J, 174 Willkie, Wendell L, 372,521-22 Willoughby, Charles A, 609 Wilson, Billings, photo of, 208(#21) Wilson, Sir Henry Maitland, 412-·13, 540 Wilson, Woodrow, 240, 247 Wiman, Charles D, photo of, 208(#21) Wingate, Orde, 606 Wisconsin, University of, 336, 558 Women: commanders' wives, influence of, 347, 534; Muslim, soldiers warned against talking to, 577; mothers of soldiers, influence of, 529--30; organizations of, role in Marshall Plan passage, 527; Soapsuds Row (Fort Reno), 147; wives of officers, secrets told to, 585 Women's Army Corps, 36.1-··64 Wood, Erskine, 548 Wood, Leonard, 18.1-84, 201, 251, 444 Woodring, Harry 1-1., .112, 514, 621--22; photo of, 208(#37) World War I: artillery bombardments, effects of, 235; Austrian troops in INTERVIEWS France, 227-28; bitterness of opinions prior to, 167; British fleet, pressure for early commitment of, 387--88; cornrnanders, inexperience of, 221-2.1; commissions, political pressure for, 182; communications from front, difflculties of, 224; control of U.S. troops, conflicts re, 2.12-33; demobilization of US. troops in France, problems re, 382, 494-95, 531-32, 536-37; First Army Report, 250; first U.S. troops killed, 205--8; French medals for US soldiers, 238-39; German infantry's first experience with aircraft, 480; German offensive of 1918, 231-32; Germany, Ll.S. occupation forces for, 243; Langre AEF staff school, 230-.12; Leavenworth schools, influence of, 15+-55, 16().-.{}1; Mesnil-St. Firmin wine cellar, 234-·-35; Mont Sec region, 211·-12; mustard gas attack, effects of, 2.15; Negro troops, leadership of, 500-501; red tape, M's attack on, 539; Services of Supply, M's inspection of, 53()-32; submarine scare going to France (1917), 192; supreme commander, appointment of, 246; transportation problems in, 243; victory parades fcllowing, 24647. See also Meuse-Argonne: St. Mihiel --General Headquarters, AEF: attitude of M re, 211, 216, 537; inexperience of, 194; numbers needed to run, 19.1;work in, M's introduction to, 199 -lessons of: combat leaders' neglect of rear areas, 390-91; commanders, control needed of, 241; decorations and medals, speedier handling of, 490-91; evacuation of troops, problems re, 49495, 531-32, 536-37; incisiveness in presentations, need for 545; officer reliefs, difficulties of, 391; politics, effect of too many officers in uniform in Washington, 444: postwar reductions in army, 571-72; PX establishment in forward areas of, 361, 577; recreation for soldiers overseas, 537; Stars and Stripes, problems with, 487; troop handling, 241; weeding of officers in US, need for, 455 World War II: airborne units, U.S. fails to use appropriately, 465-66; Allies, most trying time for, 423-24; Arnhem air drop, 529; Atlantic and Pacific, balance Index between, 353; Carthage debate (December 1943), 540; casualties, dealing with families of, 529--30; civilian production, pressures to return to, 390; Colmar pocket, 556; command, Allied unity of, 356"-57, 594-95; diplomatic atmosphere of, 335; 1st Army advances, 217; gasoline, shortage in France of, 387; German air successes, influence on Congress of, 298; Germans' problems in Normandy, 281; inspectors, instructions to, 381; manpower, shortage of, 390; Mediterranean, commitment to, 518-··19,612-1.1; mobilization, benefits of earlier, 332; Pacific, critical period in, 523-··-24; pressure from War Department on commanders, 370; psychological warfare in, 483; second front, 580. 589, 614; service and supply troops, problems re, 379, 396; strategic bombing insufficient alone, 615; supply problems in, 333, 370; supreme cornmander, appointment of, 246: trans- 1:: 651 portation times, influence on strategy, 584; troop demobilization, problems re, 382; Tunesia, U.S. troops under British in, 616; victory in Europe, all-out effort for, 399 Yalta Conference: housing and entertainment at, 402; M's role at, 405; political reaction later to, 403; servants at, 506--7; Stalin's bodyguards at, 403 Yank (army rnagazlne), 486 Young Men's Christian Association (y}'lCA), 199-200,361-63 Young, Richard N., 536 Yugoslavia, partisans in, 397 Zero (Japanese pursuit plane), 379, 438, 592