SECTION 6 - Columbia Shuswap Regional District
SECTION 6 - Columbia Shuswap Regional District
COLUMBIA SHUSWAP REGIONAL DISTRICT South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 THIS CONSOLIDATED BYLAW IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED FOR LEGAL PURPOSES CONSOLIDATED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY WITH: Bylaw No. 701-2 Bylaw No. 701-3 Bylaw No. 701-6 Bylaw No. 701-16 Bylaw No. 701-18 Bylaw No. 701-26 Bylaw No. 701-29 Bylaw No. 701-31 Bylaw No. 701-33 Bylaw No. 701-34 Bylaw No. 701-35 Bylaw No. 701-36 Bylaw No. 701-40 Bylaw No. 701-45 Bylaw No. 701-46 Bylaw No. 701-49 Bylaw No. 701-50 Bylaw No. 701-51 Bylaw No. 701-60 Bylaw No. 701-61 Bylaw No. 701-64 Bylaw No. 701-71 Bylaw No. 701-74 November 26, 2013 INFORMATION SHEETS ON THE BYLAWS WHICH WERE CONSOLIDATED INTO BYLAW NO. 701 BYLAW NO. 701-3 - Adopted June 19, 1997 - text and map change - added aviary and botanical gardens to C1 zone - map C-30 BYLAW NO. 701-2 - Adopted September 18, 1997 - text amendment allowed a 4000 m² parcel to be created without being connected to community sewer in the R1 zone BYLAW NO. 701-6 – Adopted April 15th, 1999 - text amendment to add a number of special regulations in different zones as per the direction of the OCP Bylaw No. 700 BYLAW NO. 701-16 – Adopted June 18, 1998 - text amendment added a Special Regulation in RR4 zone BYLAW NO. 701-18 - Adopted June 18, 1998 - text and map change - amended the Special Regulation (27.3.2) map C-40 Bylaw No. 701-26 – Adopted November 21st, 2002 - Direction from Liquid Waste Management Plan Bylaw No. 701-29 – Adopted March 25th, 2004 - text amendment to add a number of special regulations in different zones as per the direction of the OCP Bylaw No. 700 Bylaw No. 701-31 – Adopted March 23rd, 2006 - deleted Special Regulation 13.3.4 from the CH1-Cluster Housing 1 zone and added Special Regulation 11.4.6 to the R1 – Low Density Residential Zone. Bylaw No. 701-33 – Adopted June 22nd, 2006 - amended the C6-Waterfront Commercial Zone to add off-site parking associated with a marina foreshore use as a permitted use. Bylaw No. 701-34 – Adopted August 17, 2006 - deleted Special Regulation 14.3.2 Bylaw No. 701-35 – Adopted June 22, 2006 - deleted Special Regulation 15.5.2 Bylaw No. 701-36 – Adopted February 15, 2007 - added Special Regulation 14.3.12 – CH2-Cluster Housing 2 Zone Bylaw No. 701-40 – Adopted May 15th, 2008 - added new definitions and a new C7 Local Service Commercial Zone. Bylaw No. 701-46 – Adopted April 10th, 2008 - added new definitions – Country General Store; Office; Veterinary Clinic added a new C8 – Local Neighbourhood Commercial Zone Bylaw No. 701-49 – Adopted August 16, 2007 - added a new definition - Mini Storage amended Section 19.1 to include mini storage as a permitted use only on Lot A, Section 4, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD, Plan 11725 Bylaw No. 701-50 – Adopted March 20th, 2008 - added a new height definition and increased maximum height in certain zones. added agricultural buildings and structures to height exceptions. Bylaw No. 701-51 – Adopted January 17, 2008 - amended Section 18 to include mini storage as a permitted use only on Lot A (DD W52001F), Block 11, Section 16, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD, Plan 1127 Bylaw No. 701-60 – Adopted October 20, 2011 - added a new CD 1 Comprehensive Development 1 Zone Bylaw No. 701-64 – Adopted February 18, 2010 - added library as a permitted use in the C4 – Highway Tourist Commercial Zone only on Lot 1, Section 18, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD Plan KAP50901, Except Plan KAP72576 Bylaw No. 701-61 – Adopted August 16, 2012 - revised definition of marina deleted definition of private moorage deleted Foreshore Zone map amendment to repeal zoning from all lands lying below the natural boundary of Shuswap Lake. Bylaw No. 701-45 – Adopted October 18, 2012 - added new definitions: Retaining Structure; Landscape Retaining Structure; Highway; Sight Triangle; Finished Ground Elevation amended definitions of Setback and Fence amended General Regulations: Setback Exceptions; and Sight Triangle Bylaw No. 701-71 – Adopted July 18, 2013 - text amendment to Zone Table 1 by inserting CD 3 Comprehensive Development Zone adding new Section: Section 33 CD 3 Comprehensive Development 3 Zone map amendment reflecting the CD3 Comprehensive Zone 3 Development Area Bylaw No. 701-74 – Adopted November 14, 2013 - amended Section 3.18 to exempt DL6483 from Flood Construction levels and Floodplain setback requirements THIS EXPLANATION OF SOUTH SHUSWAP ZONING BYLAW NO. 701 SPECIAL REGULATIONS IS NOT A PART OF THE BYLAW Explanation Special Regulations Purpose of Explanation The purpose of this explanation is to help the public understand the purpose of the special regulations and their structure. This explanation is for information purposes only and as a result some of the terms are used in a general way, rather than in their precise meaning as used in Bylaw No. 701. In this sense the explanation narrowly focuses on the matters explained here and not on a full and complete explanation of Bylaw No. 701. Purpose of Special Regulations The South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 divides the South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw area into a number of different zones and within each of these zones are listed the uses that are permitted and how many (density) are permitted on each parcel. When Bylaw No. 701 was prepared it was realized that a number of single family dwellings and cottages that were already existing would not conform to the bylaw. For example there might be a cottage on a parcel in a zone where cottages are not permitted. Another example is there might be two single family dwellings on a parcel where only one is permitted. The uses that are in excess to what is permitted are referred to as non-conforming uses. The purpose of the special regulations is to recognize single family dwellings and cottages that were lawfully existing on March 16, 1995, within the context of the zoning bylaw, as being conforming uses. In this case 'conforming uses' means those uses that conform to the permitted use and density requirements of the zoning bylaw. In this case 'density' means the number of single family dwellings or cottages permitted on a parcel and it can be measured as units per hectare or units per parcel. A hectare is equal to 10,000 square metres and is also equal to 2.47 acres. Generally speaking a use that is not conforming with respect to use or density cannot be replaced or structurally altered or added to. Those single family dwellings and cottages that are not conforming and that are recognized by these special regulations may be replaced or structurally altered or added to, provided other regulatory requirements are met. The potential to replace, alter or add is probably the aspect of the amending bylaw that is of most significance to the property owner. Structure of Special Regulations Each special regulation includes the legal description of the parcel it applies to and a map showing the location and shape of the parcel. Additionally each special regulation may include a statement that; 1) single family dwellings or cottages are an additional permitted use, 2) the maximum permitted density of single family dwellings or cottages is so many per hectare and 3) provides an exception to the maximum density as stated in 2. An explanation of each statement follows. 1) Where a single family dwelling or cottage is said to be an additional permitted use it means the use is not a permitted use in that zone but by the special regulation it is a permitted use on that parcel. 2) The maximum density statement is the actual density of single family dwellings or cottages on that parcel as of March 16, 1995. The maximum density is usually stated as one per parcel in the various zones. The maximum density in the special regulation is stated as so many per hectare (ha). If the single family dwelling density is stated as 1/ha, it means one per hectare. The maximum density then, on a one hectare parcel, is one single family dwelling. Similarly two single family dwellings would be permitted on a two hectare parcel. If the maximum density is 0.5/ha it means one single family dwelling is permitted on two hectares. If the maximum density is 10/ha it means that one single family dwelling is permitted for each 1,000 m² of parcel area. 3) As stated above in 2 the maximum density permitted by each special regulation is the actual density of single family dwellings or cottages as indicated in the statement. The purpose of the exception is to allow a higher density up to the maximum stated in the applicable zone. As a result those special regulations parcels that are large enough to be subdivided, can be subdivided provided the maximum density applying generally in the zone is not exceeded. COLUMBIA SHUSWAP REGIONAL DISTRICT SOUTH SHUSWAP ZONING BYLAW NO. 701 WHEREAS the Board of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District wishes to adopt a new Zoning Bylaw for part of Electoral Area `C' as shown in Schedule C; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act provides that the Board may adopt a Zoning Bylaw pursuant to Section 963, parking provisions pursuant to Section 964, and screening provisions pursuant to Section 968; AND WHEREAS the Board has held a Public Hearing pursuant to Section 956 of the Municipal Act; NOW THEREFORE the Board of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, in open meeting assembled, HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. Electoral Area `C' (Blind Bay, Balmoral) Zoning Bylaw No. 470, and amendments thereto are hereby repealed. 2. Schedule A, B and C, detailed below, are attached hereto and form part of South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701. 3. 1. Schedule A (the Zoning Bylaw text); 2. Schedule B (Parking Provisions); 3. Schedule C (Zoning Maps). Any notes in italics in Schedules A, B or C are provided for information purposes only and do not form part of this bylaw. BYLAW NO. 701 4. PAGE 2 This bylaw may be cited as "South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701." READ a first time this PUBLIC HEARING held this 14th day of 5th March , 1996. day of November , 1996. READ a second time this 17th day of October , 1996. READ a third time this 14th day of November , 1996. RECEIVED THE APPROVAL of the Ministry of Transportation and Highways this day of December , 1996. RECEIVED THE APPROVAL of the Minister of Municipal Affairs this day of , 199 . RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of 11th N/A February , 1997. A. Kuroyama SECRETARY S. de Boer CHAIRMAN CERTIFIED true copy of Bylaw No. 701 as read a third time. CERTIFIED true copy of Bylaw No. 701 as adopted. Secretary Secretary TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE SCHEDULE A ZONING BYLAW TEXT SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................ 1 SECTION 2 ADMINISTRATION..................................................................................... 8 SECTION 3 GENERAL REGULATIONS ........................................................................ 10 SECTION 4 ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES .................................................................. 16 SECTION 5 AR1 - AGRICULTURE ZONE (20 ha) ........................................................ 18 SECTION 6 AR2 - AGRICULTURE ZONE (4 ha)........................................................... 22 SECTION 7 RR1 - RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE (4,000 m²)......................................... 28 SECTION 8 RR2 - RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE (5,000 m²)......................................... 79 SECTION 9 RR3 - RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE (1 ha)................................................ 87 SECTION 10 RR4 - RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE (2 ha)................................................ 94 SECTION 11 R1 - LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONE ................................................103 SECTION 12 R2 - MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONE ..........................................109 SECTION 13 CH1 - CLUSTER HOUSING 1 ZONE .........................................................111 SECTION 14 CH2 - CLUSTER HOUSING 2 ZONE .........................................................116 SECTION 15 LH - LARGE HOLDING ZONE ...................................................................128 SECTION 16 MHP - MOBILE HOME PARK ....................................................................131 SECTION 17 SH - SPECIAL HOUSING ZONE ................................................................132 SECTION 18 C1 - TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL ZONE .............................................134 SECTION BL701-61 BL701-71 PAGE SECTION 19 C2 - COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL ZONE ..................................................136 SECTION 20 C3 - NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE........................................138 SECTION 21 C4 - HIGHWAY-TOURIST COMMERCIAL ZONE ......................................139 SECTION 22 C5 - TOURIST COMMERCIAL ZONE ........................................................142 SECTION 23 C6 - WATERFRONT COMMERCIAL ZONE ...............................................144 SECTION 24 P1 - PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL ZONE ................................................146 SECTION 25 C8 - LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE ...........................147 SECTION 26 F - FORESHORE ZONE ............................................................................147 SECTION 27 GC - GOLF COURSE ZONE ......................................................................149 SECTION 28 M1 - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONE ................................................................151 SECTION 29 C7 - LOCAL COMMERCIAL ZONE ............................................................153 SECTION 30 M2 - GENERAL INDUSTRIAL ZONE .........................................................156 SECTION 31 CD 1 - COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT 1 ZONE ...............................158 SECTION 33 CD 3 – COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT 3 ZONE...............................160 SCHEDULE B PARKING PROVISIONS............................................................................164 SCHEDULE C ZONING MAPS SCHEDULE A ZONING BYLAW TEXT DEFINITIONS SECTION 1 ACCESSORY BUILDING means a building or structure that is subordinate and supplementary to the principal building or use permitted on the same parcel such as a garage, carport or storage shed. ACCESSORY UPPER FLOOR DWELLING UNIT means a dwelling unit that is accessory to the principal, non-residential use of a parcel, is located above the ground floor, and contains a separate entrance. ACCESSORY USE means a use that is subordinate and supplementary to the principal building or use permitted on the same parcel. AGRICULTURE means the use of land for the growing, rearing, producing, and harvesting of agricultural products, including the storing of agricultural products, the sale of agricultural products produced from the same parcel or same farm, the repair of farm machinery and related equipment used on the same farm and includes farming, ratite production, forestry, greenhouses, kennels and nursery uses and does not include intensive agricultural use or commercial garden centres. ALLUVIAL FAN means an alluvial deposit of a stream where it issues from a steep mountain valley or gorge upon a plain or at the junction of a tributary stream with the main stream. BED AND BREAKFAST means tourist accommodation which is incidental and subordinate to a single family dwelling intended primarily for the accommodation of the traveling public, and may include limited food service to the guests. BUILDING means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. BYLAW means South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 and all amendments thereto. CAMP means land, buildings and structures used for eating, sleeping and recreational uses operated by a charity, non-profit organization, institution or public agency and not as a commercial enterprise or business. CAMPGROUND means a site used for commercial purposes for accommodating recreational travelers in travel trailers, recreational vehicles or tents. CARWASH means a building or structure used for the operation of washing passenger vehicles. CLUBHOUSE means a building used to service an outdoor recreational facility such as a golf course and tennis club and may include such facilities as pro shop, restaurant, lounge, office and meeting rooms. COMMERCIAL DAYCARE FACILITY means any type of facility licensed under the Community Care Facility Act that provides group daycare programs for nine (9) or more children. COMMERCIAL GARDEN CENTRE means a facility for the sale, growing and storing of ornamental seeds, plants and trees and includes the supplementary retail sale of fertilizers, garden chemicals, garden implements and associated products but does not include the sale of machinery or mechanized equipment. 1 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) COMMERCIAL LODGING means a commercial use for the temporary accommodation of the public and includes hotels, motels and other commercial resort operations. COMMUNITY ACTIVITY means the meeting of persons outdoors for public recreational purposes and not for commercial gain and does not include any buildings. COMMUNITY SEWER SYSTEM means a sewage collection and disposal system which serves five (5) or more parcels and which has been approved by the appropriate jurisdiction(s). COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEM means a water collection and distribution system which serves five (5) or more parcels and which has been approved by the appropriate jurisdiction(s). CONTIGUOUS means next to, abutting or touching or having a boundary, or portion thereof, which is coterminous and may include parcels separated by a highway or water course, but may not include a parcel separated by another parcel. CONVENIENCE STORE means a retail outlet, catering primarily to the day to day needs of residents and tourists, and which may include a lunch counter within the principal building with not more than 10 seating places. COTTAGE means a building with a floor area not exceeding 50 m² containing living quarters which is incidental to and located on the same parcel as a single family dwelling, is on an approved sanitary sewage disposal system and does not include recreational vehicles or travel trailers and is occupied on a temporary basis. BL701-46 COUNTRY GENERAL STORE means the use of land, buildings or structures for the retailing of a wide variety of merchandise including, but not limited to, food, clothing, and hardware, in a non-departmental basis, but does not include automotive repairs, industrial equipment, new and used vehicles or second hand goods, with the total floor area of buildings and structures not exceeding 1395 m2 (15,016 sq. ft.). Retail activities as accessory uses within the principal building may include, but are not limited to, a bakery, post-office, and deli and lunch counter. The total area used for outdoor storage, sales and display is limited to a maximum area of 10% of the primary building floor area. COVERAGE means the percentage of the parcel area covered by the area of all buildings, including accessory buildings. CRAFT AND GIFT SHOP means a building where handicrafts may be fabricated and where handicrafts and related items are offered for sale. DENSITY means the number of dwelling units per total parcel area. DUPLEX means two principal dwellings located in one principal building on a parcel. DWELLING OR DWELLING UNIT means a self-contained set of habitable rooms containing not more than one kitchen facility. FAMILY means: (1) (2) two or more persons related by blood, marriage, adoption or foster parenthood sharing one dwelling; or not more than five (5) unrelated persons sharing one dwelling. 2 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-45 FENCE means a constructed barrier of any material or combination of materials erected to enclose or screen areas of land and specifically excludes retaining structures and landscape retaining structures. BL701-45 FINISHED GROUND ELEVATION means either a natural or altered ground level but shall not include areas artificially raised through the use of retaining structures unless the retaining structure provides a level ground area that is a minimum of 1.2 m wide measured from the face of the building; or earth piled against the building with a slope of greater than 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). FLOOR AREA means the total floor area of all floors in a building measured to the extreme outer limits of the building including all areas giving access thereto such as corridors, hallways, landings, foyers, porches or verandas and excluding auxiliary parking, unenclosed swimming pools, balconies or sundecks, elevators or ventilating machinery. BL 701-50 BL701-50 HEIGHT is the vertical distance between the highest point of a building or structure and the lowest point of a building or structure where the finished ground elevation and the building meet, excluding localized depressions such as vehicle and pedestrian entrances to a maximum width of 6 m (19.69 ft.). BL701-45 HIGHWAY includes a street, road, lane, bridge, viaduct and any other way open to public use, but does not include a private right-of-way on private property. HOBBY FARM means an agricultural activity that is not the principal use of the parcel and includes the incidental sale of agricultural products produced from the same parcel and does not include intensive agricultural use. HOME BUSINESS means a business or professional practice carried on for remuneration, which is incidental to the residential use of a dwelling unit and does not include vehicle equipment repair and maintenance, body shops or metal fabricating and which may be conducted within a single family dwelling or an accessory building to the single family dwelling. HOME INDUSTRY means a small scale use providing a service primarily to the local community and which is accessory to the single family dwelling or agricultural operation including, but not limited to, a carpentry shop, a welding shop, a metal working shop, a blacksmith’s shop, a portable sawmill, the enclosed repair and storage of vehicles and machinery and horse riding stables. INDOOR RECREATION FACILITY means a facility for the provisions of recreation and sports facilities primarily conducted indoors such as arcades, arenas, fitness clubs, racquet courts, gymnasium, dance studios, swimming pools and bowling alleys. INTENSIVE AGRICULTURAL USE means the confinement of 100 or more poultry animals per hectare, 20 or more pigs per hectare, 10 or more bovine animals per hectare, or the growing of mushrooms. BL701-45 LANDSCAPE RETAINING STRUCTURE means a specific type of retaining structure, the use or intended use of which is to hold back and resist, stabilize or support less than 1.2 meters of retained material, such as an earthen bank. 3 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) LANDSCAPE SCREEN means an opaque barrier formed by a row of shrubs, trees or by a wooden fence or masonry wall or by a combination of these. LANE means a highway which provides secondary access to the side or rear of the parcel and is less than 8 m wide. BL701-61 MARINA is the use of land, buildings and structures for the docking, berthing or mooring of boats and may also include boat launching facilities, sales and rentals of boats, personal watercraft and their accessories, storage of boats, sales of marine petroleum products, fishing supplies and accessory retail sales, boat repairs, boat building. MEAN ANNUAL HIGH WATER MARK means an elevation of 348.3 metres Geodetic Survey of Canada Datum. BL701-49 MINI STORAGE is the use of land, buildings and structures to provide separate, individual selfstorage units inside a building, each with a separate entrance designed to be rented or leased to the general public for private storage of personal goods, materials or equipment. MOBILE HOME PARK means land used or occupied by any person for the purposes of providing pads for the accommodation of two or more mobile homes and for imposing a charge or rental for the use of such space. MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING means a building containing three (3) or more dwelling units, each of which is occupied as the permanent home or residence of one family. BL701-46 BL701-40 OFFICE means the use of land, buildings and structures for the purpose of carrying out a business or professional activities but does not include retail sales, industrial uses, public assembly, or personal service use. OUTDOOR RECREATION FACILITY means an outdoor facility designed and equipped for the conduct of sports, leisure time activities and other customary and usual recreational activities, but does not include drag strips, race tracks, motocross facilities or shooting ranges. PAD means a surface on which blocks, posts, runners or strip footings are placed for the purpose of supporting a mobile home. PARCEL LINE means any boundary of a parcel. PARCEL LINE, EXTERIOR SIDE means a parcel line, other than a front parcel line, common to the parcel and a highway other than a lane. PARCEL LINE, FRONT means the shortest parcel line common to a parcel and a highway other than a lane. PARCEL LINE, INTERIOR SIDE means a parcel line other than a front parcel line or a rear parcel line which is not common to a highway other than a lane. PARCEL LINE, REAR means the boundary of a parcel which lies the most opposite to and is not connected to the front parcel line, or, where the rear portion of the parcel is bounded by intersecting side parcel lines, it shall be the point of such intersection. PARCEL LINE, SIDE means a parcel line other than a front parcel line or a rear parcel line. 4 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) PATIO means a surfaced area without a roof, the floor of which is not more than 0.6 m above grade. PERSONAL SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT means a business where personal services are provided for a gain and where the sale of retail goods is only accessory to the provision of such services including, but not limited to, barber shops, beauty salons, tailor shops, laundry or dry cleaning shops, watch repair shops, shoe repair shops and small appliance repair shops. PRINCIPAL BUILDING means the building which contains the principal use of the parcel and shall include attached garages and carports, but does not include an accessory building. PRINCIPAL USE means the main purpose for which land, buildings or structures are ordinarily used. BL701-61 PUBLIC ASSEMBLY FACILITY means a non-commercial building where persons gather periodically for public, cultural, religious, philanthropic or entertainment purposes such as meeting halls and fraternal lodges. PUBLIC CAMPING means a campground which operates on a charity, non-profit basis and not for commercial gain. PUBLIC RECREATION FACILITY means a recreational facility which operates on a charitable, non-profit basis and not for commercial gain. PUBLIC USE means a highway, railway, transmission line, electrical switchbox or kiosk, water intake station or pumphouse, water, sewer or drainage lift station, water reservoir, stormwater detention pond and related works and facilities. PUBLIC UTILITY means a large scale system, work, building, plant, equipment or resource owned by a municipality, public or private utility company or other government agency for the provision of water, sewer, drainage, gas, electricity, transportation, communication services, such as an electrical substation, community sewer system or public works yard but does not include dewatering pits. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE OR TRAVEL TRAILER means a vehicular portable structure used as a temporary dwelling for travel whether or not self-propelled. RECYCLING DEPOT means a building in which used material is separated and processed prior to shipment to others who will use those materials to manufacture new products. RESTAURANT means an eating establishment where food is sold or served to the public and does not include the sale or service of food or beverages to an occupant within a motorized vehicle (ie. Does not include drive-through restaurants). RETAIL STORE means a building where goods, wares, merchandise, substances, articles or things are offered or kept for sale to the general public, including storage of limited quantities of such goods, wares, merchandise, substances, articles or things, sufficient only to service the retail use. 701-45 RETAINING STRUCTURE means a specific type of structure that is subject to lateral earth pressure, is laterally unsupported at the top and retains more than 1.2 meters of soil material at any point along its length, measured as the difference between the finished ground elevation at the top and bottom of the structure, and specifically excludes Landscape Retaining Structures and Retaining Structures which are part of and connected structurally to a Building. 5 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) SCREENING means the use of a continuous fence, wall, berm, landscaping or combination thereof to screen the property which it encloses and which is broken only by access driveways and walkways. SERVICE STATION means premises used for the servicing and repairing of motor vehicles, the sale of fuel, oils and accessories for motor vehicles. BL701-45 SETBACK means the required minimum distance between a structure, building or use and each of the respective property lines. BL701-45 SIGHT TRIANGLE means the area formed by a triangle in the angle formed by the right of way boundaries or boundaries produced and 2 points on those boundaries 6 m from the point of intersection, as shown crosshatched in the diagram below. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING means any detached building on an approved sewage disposal system consisting of one dwelling unit which is capable of being occupied as the permanent home or residence of one family, but does not include recreational vehicles or travel trailers. SLEEPING UNIT means one or more habitable rooms, with not more than one bedroom and without kitchen facilities, used or intended to be used for sleeping and living purposes. SPECIAL CARE FACILITY means an institution or residential facility on an approved sewage disposal system where care and attention is furnished, with or without charge on account of age, infirmity, physical or mental defect, or other disability which requires care and which is designated as a community care facility under the Community Care Facility Act. STRUCTURE means any construction fixed to, supported by or sunk into land or water but not concrete or asphalt paving or similar surfacing. USE means the purpose or function to which land, buildings, or structures are designed, intended to be put, or put. BL701-46 BL701-40 VETERINARY CLINIC means the use of land, buildings and structures for the care and treatment of household animals, except livestock, not including animal boarding facilities. WATERCOURSE means any natural or man made depression with well defined banks and a bed 0.6 metres or more below the surrounding land serving to give direction to a current of water at least six (6) months of the year and includes lakes, marshes and ponds. 6 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) WRECKING YARD means land and/or buildings where motor vehicles, tractors, logging equipment, farm implements, motorcycles, boats and industrial equipment are disassembled, prepared for disposal, are rebuilt or are reused as part of a recycling program, and the keeping and/or storing of salvaged materials where such materials are bought, sold, exchanged, baled or otherwise processed for further use. ZONE means a zone established under this Bylaw. 7 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) ADMINISTRATION SECTION 2 Statement of Intent 2.0 Part 3 of Section 3 of the South Shuswap Official Community Plan reads: “It is the intention of this Plan that all single family dwellings and guest cottages existing at the date of adoption of this Bylaw (16 March 1995) be conforming uses.” This Zoning Bylaw has been drafted in accordance with this intention. Application 2.1 This Bylaw applies to all land, buildings and structures including the surface of water within the boundaries of the South Shuswap Plan Area as defined by the zoning maps contained in Schedule C. Conformity 2.2 Land, including the airspace or surface water shall not be used and buildings and structures shall not be constructed, altered, located or used except as specifically permitted in this Bylaw. Severability 2.3 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Bylaw is for any reason held to be invalid by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalid portion shall be severed and the decision that it is invalid shall not affect the validity of the remainder. Inspection 2.4 The Administrator, Manager of Development Services or his delegate is hereby authorized to enter, at all reasonable times, upon any property subject to the regulations of this Bylaw to ascertain whether the provisions of the Bylaw are being observed. Violation 2.5 Every person who: .1 violates any of the provisions of this Bylaw; .2 causes or permits any act or thing to be done in contravention or violation of any of the provisions of this Bylaw; .3 neglects or omits to do anything required under this Bylaw; .4 carries out, causes or permits to be carried out any development in a manner prohibited by or contrary to any of the provisions of this Bylaw; .5 fails to comply with an order, direction or notice given under this Bylaw; or prevents or obstructs or attempts to prevent or obstruct the authorized entry of an officer onto property under Section 2.4; commits an offence under this Bylaw. 8 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Offence 2.6 Each day’s continuance of an offence under Section 2.5 constitutes a new and separate offence. Penalty 2.7 Any person who commits an offence under this Bylaw shall be liable upon summary conviction to a penalty as set out in the Offence Act, for every such violation, which penalty and cost shall be recoverable and enforceable upon summary conviction in the manner provided by the Offence Act. 9 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) GENERAL REGULATIONS SECTION 3 Application 3.1 Except as expressly excluded, Sections 3 and 4 apply to all zones established under this Bylaw. Agricultural Land Reserve 3.2 In addition to the regulations established in this Bylaw, all lands within the Agricultural Land Reserve are also subject to the provisions of the Agricultural Land Commission Act, regulations and orders of the Agricultural Land Commission (thereby not permitting the subdivision of land nor the development of non-farm uses unless approved by the Agricultural Land Commission). Uses Permitted in All Zones 3.3 The following uses are permitted in all zones: .1 .2 .3 .4 fire hall; park; public use; community activity. Height Exceptions 3.4 Any of the following structures may exceed the maximum height regulations of this Bylaw: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 chimney; church spire, belfry; hose and fire alarm tower; flag pole, lighting pole; radio and television tower or antenna; storage silos; communication tower; water tower; mechanical appurtenance on rooftops, agricultural buildings and structures. 10 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Setback Exceptions 3.5 No building or structure other than the following shall be located in the area of setback required in this Bylaw: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 BL701-45 .6 BL70-45 .7 .8 .9 steps, provided they are not closer than 1m from any side parcel line; signs, provided they are not closer than 1m from any parcel lines; uncovered patios or terraces, provided they are not closer than 2 m from any parcel line; arbors, trellises, fishponds, ornaments, flag poles, or similar landscaping, provided they are not closer than 1m from any side parcel line; hot tubs and uncovered swimming pools provided they are not located between the principal building and the front parcel line or closer than 2 m from any other parcel line; fences, in compliance with the regulations set out in Section 3, General Regulations, subsection 3.7 Sight Triangles; landscape screens; eaves and gutters, provided they are not closer than 1 m from any parcel line. landscape retaining structures, provided that such structures must be separated from each other by a minimum 1.5 m distance measured horizontally from the face (or from the toe of the upper wall to the top face of the lower wall, if the landscape retaining structures are not vertical) of each landscape retaining structure and specifically excludes landscape retaining walls proposed to be constructed adjacent to a Section 42 road, as defined in the Transportation Act, or in the sight triangle. Landscape retaining structures proposed to be located adjacent to a Highway must comply with Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure regulations and may require the approval of that Ministry. Interior Side Parcel Line Setbacks on Bare Land Strata Parcels BL701-45 3.6 The interior side parcel line requirements of this bylaw shall not apply to strata parcels under a registered plan pursuant to the Strata Properties Act where there is a common wall shared by two or more dwellings. Sight Triangle BL701-45 3.7 An owner, occupier or lessee of land at the intersection of any highway must not grow or place, or cause or allow to be grown or placed, within the sight triangle on that land, any signs or structures or trees or other plants, with horizontal dimension exceeding 0.6m, unless: a) the person has the consent of the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure to do so; or b) an eye 0.9 m above the surface elevation of one highway can, by looking directly over the sign or structure or tree or other plant, see an object 0.9 m above the surface elevation of the other highway." 11 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Minimum Parcel Size Exceptions 3.8 The minimum parcel size regulation for new subdivisions does not apply if all of the following conditions are met: .1 .2 .3 3.9 the subdivision occurs along a zone boundary line; the subdivision occurs within a parcel that has two (2) or more zoning designations; the subdivision is limited to only that subdivision which occurs along a zone boundary line. The minimum parcel size regulation for new subdivisions does not apply if all of the following conditions are met: .1 .2 .3 .4 parcel lines are relocated to facilitate an existing development or improve a subdivision pattern; no additional parcels are created; all parcels are contiguous; no parcel shall be enlarged to a size permitting further subdivision. 3.10 The minimum parcel size regulation for new subdivisions does not apply to parks, public uses, public utilities, fire halls, ambulance stations or police stations. 3.11 The minimum parcel size regulation for new subdivisions does not apply where a portion of the parcel is physically separated from the remainder of the parcel by a highway or other titled land provided that: .1 .2 .3 no parcel created has a parcel area of less than 4000 m²; the subdivision is restricted to dividing the parcel along the highway or other titled land that physically separates the parcel; the parcels were not registered as part of a reference, explanatory or subdivision plan in the Land Title Office after March 16, 1995. Home Businesses 3.12 Where expressly permitted within a zone, a home business shall comply with the following regulations: .1 the home business shall be fully enclosed within a dwelling or an accessory building; .2 up to one (1) person, in addition to family members residing in the dwelling, may be engaged in the business; .3 the home business shall not involve any outside storage; .4 the home business shall not include vehicle equipment repair and maintenance, body shops or metal fabrication; .5 signs advertising a home business shall not exceed 0.2 square metres in area; 12 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) .6 the maximum floor area and outdoor site area of a home business shall be 100m² for parcels within the Agricultural Land Reserve. Home Industries 3.13 Where expressly permitted within a zone, a home industry shall comply with the following regulations: .1 up to eight (8) people including family members residing in the dwelling or on a parcel containing the home industry, may be engaged in the industry; .2 signs advertising a home industry shall not exceed 0.4 square metres in area; .3 the home industry shall not include a wrecking yard or sand and gravel processing; .4 a home industry is only permitted on parcels greater than 2 ha; .5 the maximum floor area and outdoor site area of a home industry shall be 100m² for parcels within the Agricultural Land Reserve; .6 for land within the Agricultural Land Reserve, any home industry proposing to employ more than two persons other than those residing in the dwelling unit associated with the home industry must make application to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission under the Agricultural Land Commission Act. Bed and Breakfasts 3.14 Where expressly permitted in a zone, a bed and breakfast shall comply with the following regulations: .1 the maximum number of let rooms is three (3); .2 signs advertising a bed and breakfast shall not exceed 0.2 square metres in area. Portable Sawmills 3.15 Where expressly permitted in a zone or expressly permitted as a home industry in a zone, a portable sawmill shall comply with the following regulations: .1 a portable sawmill is permitted only on parcels greater than 10 ha; .2 the maximum site area of a portable sawmill is 1 ha; .3 the minimum setback of a portable sawmill from all parcel lines is 75 m. Floodplain Designations 3.16 The following land is designation as Floodplain: (a) Land lower than the Flood Construction Level; (b) Land within the Floodplain Setback. Floodplain Specifications 13 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) 3.17 .1 Flood Construction Levels: The following elevations are specified as Flood Construction Levels, except that where more than one Flood Construction Level is applicable, the higher elevation shall be the Flood Construction Level: .2 .1 351.0 metres Geodetic Survey of Canada Datum for land adjacent to Shuswap Lake; .2 1.5 metres above the Natural Boundary of any other watercourse; Floodplain Setbacks: The following distances are specified as Floodplain Setbacks, except that where more than one Floodplain Setback is applicable, the greater distance shall be the Floodplain Setback: .1 15.0 metres from the mean annual high water mark of Shuswap Lake, defined as 348.3 metres Geodetic Survey of Canada Datum; .2 30.0 metres from the mean annual high water mark of Shuswap Lake, defined as 348.3 metres Geodetic Survey of Canada Datum, for an alluvial fan defined by that portion bounded by Coates Road on the West and Gillespie Road on the East in the Sorrento area; .3 15.0 metres from the Natural Boundary of any other watercourse; .4 7.5 metres from the Natural Boundary of a lake, marsh or pond. Application of Floodplain Specifications 3.18 .1 No building or structure shall be constructed, reconstructed, moved or extended below the Flood Construction Level or within the Floodplain Setback. .2 The underside of any floor system, or the top of any pad supporting any space or room, including a manufactured home, that is used for dwelling purposes, business, or the storage of goods which are susceptible to damage by floodwater shall be above the Flood Construction Level. .3 Any landfill required to support a floor system or pad shall not extend within any setback from a watercourse or body of water specified by this bylaw. .4 Structural support or compacted landfill or a combination of both may be used to elevate the underside of the floor system or the top of the pad above the Flood Construction levels specified in Section 3.16. The structural support and/or landfill shall be protected against scour and erosion from flood flows, wave action, ice and other debris. .5 The Manager of Development Services or his delegate may require that a British Columbia Land Surveyor’s certificate be required to verify compliance with the Flood Construction Levels and Floodplain Setback specified in Section 3.16. .6 The following types of development are exempted from the requirement of 3.17.1 as it pertains to the Flood Construction Levels: 14 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-74 BL701-6 .7 .1 A renovation of an existing building or structure that does not involve an addition thereto; .2 An addition to a building or structure, at the original non-conforming floor elevation, that would increase the size of the building or structure by less than 25 percent of the floor area existing at the date of adoption of this bylaw, provided that the degree of nonconformity regarding setback is not increased; .3 That portion of a building or structure to be used as a carport, garage or entrance foyer; .4 Farm buildings other than dwelling units and closed-sided livestock housing; .5 On-loading and off-loading facilities associated with water-oriented industry and portable sawmills. Buildings or structures constructed within District Lot 6483, K.D.Y.D. and as permitted in Modification Agreement No. 0251702 to Lease 344987 are exempted from the requirements of 3.17 as it pertains to the Flood Construction Levels and Floodplain Setbacks. 3.19 In all zones which include special regulations applying to specific lands in the zone, such lands are described by legal description and by map and in the event of any discrepancy between the legal description of the lands and the map, the map governs. 15 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES SECTION 4 Establishment of Zones 4.1 The area within the boundaries of South Shuswap Plan Area, as delineated in Schedule C, shall be divided into zones identified in Column I and described in Column II of Table 1. TABLE 1 Establishment of Zones COLUMN I ZONE COLUMN II TITLE ELABORATION AR1 Agriculture (20 ha) AR2 Agriculture (4 ha) RR1 Rural Residential (4000 m²) RR2 Rural Residential (5000 m²) RR3 Rural Residential (1 ha) RR4 Rural Residential (2 ha) R1 Low Density Residential R2 Medium Density Residential CH1 Cluster Housing 1 CH2 Cluster Housing 2 SH Special Housings LH Large Holdings MHP Mobile Home Park C1 Town Centre Commercial C2 Community Commercial C3 Neighbourhood Commercial C4 Highway-Tourist Commercial C5 Tourist Commercial C6 Waterfront Commercial 16 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) COLUMN I ZONE COLUMN II TITLE ELABORATION C8 Local Neighbourhood Commercial P1 Public and Institutional GC Golf Course M1 Light Industrial M2 General Industrial BL701-40 C7 Local Service Commercial BL701-60 CD 1 Comprehensive Development 1 BL701-71 CD 3 Comprehensive Development 3 BL701-46 BL701-61 Zone Title 4.2 The correct name of each zone provided for in this Bylaw is set out in Column I of Table 1 and the Title Elaboration contained in Column II of Table 1 is for information purposes only. Location of Zones 4.3 The location of each zone is established in Schedule C of this Bylaw. Zone Boundaries 4.4 .1 Where a zone boundary is shown in Schedule C as following a highway or rail right-of-way or water course, the centreline of the highway, rail right-ofway or watercourse shall be the zone boundary. .2 Where the zone boundary does not follow a legally defined line, and where the distances are not specifically indicated, the location of the zoning boundary shall be determined by scaling from the Zoning Map. 17 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) AR1 - AGRICULTURE ZONE (20 ha) SECTION 5 Purpose The purpose of the AR1 zone is to designate land for agricultural uses, including intensive agricultural uses, and to recognize the importance of agriculture as a viable economic activity. In general, the AR1 zones corresponds to the A1 designation in the South Shuswap Official Community Plan. Permitted Uses 5.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the AR1 zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 agriculture; intensive agricultural use, permitted only on parcels greater than 2 ha; single family dwelling; bed and breakfast; cottage, permitted only if there is less than two (2) single family dwellings on the property and permitted only on parcels greater than 4,000 m²*; home business; home industry, permitted only on parcels greater than 2 ha; public utility; accessory use. Regulations 5.2 On a parcel zoned AR1, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions. Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel* COLUMN II REGULATIONS • • .3 .4 BL701-50 Maximum Number of Cottages Per Parcel* Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • • Accessory buildings • 18 20 ha on parcels less than 2 hectares: 1 per parcel on parcels 2 hectares or greater: 2 per parcel 1 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Minimum Setback of Home Industry and Intensive Agriculture Uses from All Property Lines: .5 .6 * COLUMN II REGULATIONS 5m 4.5 m 2m 5m 5m A second dwelling or cottage in addition to a single family dwelling must also comply with the Agricultural Land Commission Act, regulations and orders of the Agricultural Land Commission. Special Regulations BL701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.5544 ha. 5.3.1 This special regulation applies to Lot A, Plan 24306, Section 2, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 5.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 3.61/ha. Pl HILLTOP DRIVE 9 111 n Pla .11 1 21 59 6 Rem. 3 A E 10 chns. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 Pla n 23549 HANNETT ROAD Plan DAV IES RO AD KAP55413 2 96 215 n Pla A 06 243 3 373 n2 Pla 1 n Pla Subject Property 8 30 B4 TAYLOR ROAD N 2 A 2 2221 24721 Plan 1 23733 A Plan 29118 1 1 2020 8 A 19 20 28 1 274 43 202 08 242 19 Plan an 1266 n 2 69 549 KAP South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) A BL701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.1375 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 2, Plan 16378, Section 5, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 5.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 14.54/ha. Pla AD RO Rem SE 1/4 ON KS RIC ND HE Plan BALMORAL ROAD n Rem SW 1/4 N Rem. A 4 2313 1 Plan 36962 9 04 B6 36812 Pcl.10 Plan 324 76 Subject Property % 77 53 1 16 37 8 2 1 PETERSON ROAD W 1/2 of W 1/2 of NW 1/4 WHITE LAKE ROAD TRA NS CAN AD A % Pla n 5.3.2 Pla n A HIG HW AY 296 60 521 15 Rem. NW 1/4 20 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.5184 ha. 5.3.3 This special regulation applies to Lot A, Plan 15521, Section 5, Township 22, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 5.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 3.85/ha. 3134 1 Plan N 36962 9 04 B6 36812 Pcl.10 Plan 324 76 % 77 53 1 TRA NS CAN ADA 2 16 37 8 Pla n % 1 PETERSON ROAD /2 WHITE LAKE ROAD Pla n 4 75 B4 A HIG HW AY 296 60 521 15 Rem. NW 1/4 Subject Property Rem. NE 1/4 n Pla Rabby Lake 21 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) AR2 - AGRICULTURE ZONE (4 ha) SECTION 6 Purpose The purpose of the AR2 zone is to designate land for agricultural uses, except for intensive agricultural uses, and to recognize the importance of agriculture as a viable economic activity. In general, the AR2 zone corresponds to the A2 designation in the South Shuswap Official Community Plan. Permitted Uses 6.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the AR2 zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 single family dwelling; agriculture; bed and breakfast; cottage, permitted only if there is less than two (2) single family dwellings on the property and permitted only on parcels greater than 4,000 m²*; home business; home industry, permitted only on parcels greater than 2 ha; public utility; accessory use. Regulations 6.2 On a parcel zoned AR2, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 .3 BL701-50 .4 .5 .6 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivision Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel* COLUMN II REGULATIONS 4 ha • on parcels less than 2 hectares: 1 per parcel • on parcels 2 hectares or greater: 2 per parcel Maximum Number of Cottages Per Parcel* Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • • Accessory buildings • Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Minimum Setback of Home Industry from All Parcel Lines 22 1 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) 5m 4.5 m 2m 5m 5m South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Special Regulation BL 701-6 6.3.1 Notwithstanding Section 6.1, a model airplane club and storage are permitted uses on the N.W. ¼ of Section 7, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD. an 27 93 0 GO B 70 % % 42 40 GOLF VIEW 39 Plan KAP 608 55 35 1 2 A 5 CRESCENT 27195 33 72 Subject Property Plan 1 3 5 1 NW 1/4 Santabin Rem. NE 1/4 % % Lake an Pl 7 84 17 7 Tp. 22 Rge. 10 n Pla ADA CAN NS TRA 33 83 A1 N B AY HW HIG Range 10 Range 11 * A A second dwelling or cottage in addition to a single family dwelling must also comply with the Agricultural Land Commission Act, regulations and orders of the Agricultural Land Commission. 23 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 41 43 % LF O G KAP 576 46 08 Rem. 4 Tp.22 Rge.10 A 286 14 n Pla A AD CAN NS TRA 8 45 Pla n 50 39 1 Pla % 51 n CO UR SE 53 36 KA P5 50 14 n Pla 55 33 Plan DR I VE Notwithstanding Section 6.1, a log home manufacturing facility is a permitted use on the Remaining SW 1/4 of Section 8, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD. Pla n B AY HW HIG Pla n 1 9 94 23 C Rem SW 1/4 Plan BALMORAL ROAD Rem SE 1/4 Rem. A Subject Property 4 2313 345 08 1 Plan 36962 9 04 B6 36812 Pcl.10 N % 77 53 1 % 24 2 16 37 8 Pla n 6.3.2 Pl an WHITE LAKE ROAD 3247 6 TRA NS CAN AD A Pla n H South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 1.4123 ha. 6.3.3 This special regulation applies to Lot 6, Plan 690, Section 17, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 6.1 a welding and fabricating shop and a cottage are additional permitted uses. .2 Notwithstanding Section 6.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 1.42/ha. .3 Notwithstanding Section 6.2 the maximum density of cottages is 0.71/ ha. . 25 07 2 14 B 7 17 B Subject Property 1 353 4 A Plan 1478 3 PA SS CH Plan EN 3514 DA 3 EL Plan E A RO PLA AD N H 18317 12 10 14640 1 B11 99 27 25 Blk. 6 A 7 5 AD 3 B 1 1 3 Bl 3 2 1 1 Plan 35638 Rem. 28 25 A Plan 4100 1 N S 1/2 of NE 1/4 4099 2 Y PRES RD 22 -69 8 29 22974 26183 1 20 11 RO 27 690 RABIE ROAD 6 1358 CAEN A 1 690 4 n Plan 2 7 15466 TRA 55 16 1 NS 1 3 CA 42 NA 3 18 14 DA n 8 1 a 2 l HIG P 3 HW 29A AY 19607 4 3 commo n Plan 3 3751 Rem. 3 7 common 16 17 4100 Plan 3 9 KAS2035 Pla 31 Plan 54624 % 6 12 11 14 1655 7 1394 5 D OA NR OR GH KIN A Rem. 32 21653 90 n 6 Pla 7 % Plan 13 5 690 764 KAP61 PARK % % 1358 6 1 P la n Plan 28 Plan 17 54 1 Part SW 1/4 VIMY ROAD 19 63 180 % 690 Plan Pcl. Z 278 87 21 % 1 5845 1 COATES ROAD 5 25 8 1 A ARRAS ROAD 23 OA D 9017 SHUSWAP LAKE 4893 11 % 33 711 13 A 9 CARSON ROAD % 690 660 33 15 7 15 362 09 3 RIA CAMB 34 % n 1 25 07 2 A Pla n an ROAD 7 5 60 n 6 Pla 3 Pla 4 GARROWAY RO AD BA NC RO FT RD . 3 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 3 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 5.3692 ha. This special regulation applies to that portion of part of North East 1/4 and that part of South East 1/4 Section 23 as shown on the plan attached to DD 26344, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD, except Plan 9336 and is that area bounded on the north by the Blind Bay Road and on the south by a line drawn from the South West corner of Lot 4, Plan 1429 to a point on the western boundary a distance of 200 metres south of the Blind Bay Road as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 6.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 0.56 /ha. 21 23 .1 Plan 1949 1 5 % 2 % 1 8844 KAP5 4 B % 5 49 19 16 12 13 1 1 99 8 n a 46 Pl 4 KAP 2 % % 13 46 6 B3 05 4 4 4 KA 88 P6 4 1204 % 12829 B3388 Plan Am. B % Rem. 1 3 1 A A 1 10 241 04 429 Plan 1 1 2 8 Plan 1 6 1429 5 A n Pla 29 14 10 1 12 n Pla H759 14 51 2 1 10 7 2618 4 Rem. Plan 1 NW 1/4 Rem. 2 13 2195517 54 % % % H9561 38 36 LSH WA 35 WAY HIGH ADA N A NS-C TRA 28 37 40 34 50 n Pla 48 PARK 8 n Pla 6 t) Wes AD ( PLEA E RO SANT DAL 26 1 Plan 1974 4 3409 12 R Plan 25 30 32 14 LT OP ROAD 878 Plan 43 OA D 2 23 22 HIL 3 Rem. 3 H 425 20 HOPES W 44 DD263 62 Plan 19 22 18 Plan 6 24 AY 4 n Pl a 26 65 LAKEVIEW DRIVE Subject Property 1 26 52 1 2 9 21 2 1 58 Plan 36 KAP B 21219D Plan BLIND BAY C UT-O FF Pcl. A n Pla 52 18 4 7KAP 08 3 1429 B6 73 8 347 67 Plan DUNNE ROAD B5 17 8 RO AD NE W MA N 10339 4 4 KAP50861 RO AD BL AI R 19 03 8 19038 2 Plan 7 98 16 OAD% AY R DB BLIN 3 1974 Plan 85 329 A 2 A 1 n Pla 4 9336 62 19 1 1 6 1 93 32 2 Plan 11482 3 INGRAM ROAD 9 33 20 2 DURHAMROAD 1 SHUSWAP LAKE 6163 Plan A 2 333 55 5 13386 3 162 DL DL 93367 Plan8 P la n 6.3.4 16 4 340199 21 20 A 9061 Plan 1 % A A N 21 KAP571 169 Plan 12 23404 Plan A 08 119 Rem. S 1/2 NE 1/4 D 26 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-29 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.2145 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 15158, Section 17, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Trans Cana da Hig hway A 1 14 B 33 690 25 07 2 RIA CAMB 34 Plan RO AD GARROWAY R OAD 5 15 17 5 23 21 33 5 1 17 54 1 IL RO A 1369 1 D 690 Plan 15158 21653 Rem. 32 A 1 A 31 AD RO RN HO NG KI 690 9 1259 OR TH 63 180 Plan VAN FRO NTA GE RO AD Plan A 9017 28 A W 9 11 19 25 6675 N 11 137 ARRAS ROAD 34 D 7 25 07 2 34 07 66 n a Pl 3 Pl an 4 Pl an 5 3 BA NC RO FT RD . n Pla Notwithstanding Section 6.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 9.33/ha. 660 7 .1 BUCKLEY ROAD 6.3.5 6 Plan RABIE ROAD Subject Property 27 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) RR1 - RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE (4000 m²) SECTION 7 Purpose The purpose of the RR1 zone is to accommodate rural, low density, single family residential uses. Permitted Uses 7.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the RR1 zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 single family dwelling; cottage, permitted only on parcels greater than 4,000 m²; bed and breakfast; home business; accessory use. Regulations BL701-26 7.2 On a parcel zoned RR1, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 .3 .4 BL701-50 .5 .6 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel Maximum Number of Cottages Per Parcel Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage on Parcels Less than 4000 m² 28 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 1 ha 1 1 • • 10 m (32.81 ft.) 6 m (19.69 ft.) 5m 4.5 m 2m 5m 40 % South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Special Regulation RO AD Notwithstanding Section 7.1, a commercial garden centre and the enclosed repair of vehicles are permitted uses on Lot A, Plan 8821, Section 30, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD. Plan 85 00 P5 KA EA GL EB AY 1 1 11 A 1774 3 SHUSWAP LAKE 9 7 68 144 Plan 5 A AN NC DU % % % 10 25 43058 BOAKE ROAD 3468 4 1 9 1 74 OAD E1 R A AY GR 549 24 B 6 29 A 5 3 67 20 S. 80' 27 259 A Rem. LS 3 4 and LS 6 46 02 n Pla 22 1 77 340 6 611 27 9 OAD 17 2 4 RO AD Plan 4 PO IN TR 2 1 KAP 5603 9 24 27 % % P la n McARTHUR ROAD KAP 53575 - Rem. 3 27 28 KAP45682 11 an Pl 14 7 20 1 30 3 9999 19 Pcl. A RO AD 999 9 East 100' Lot 2 RE 1 ED MA N 41 Mc BR IDE 3 67 20 1 9 N 26 22005 Rem. 1 25 1 3029 30 1 Plan Rem. N 1/2 LS 7 1 82 n 8 A Pla 3 Plan 2749 3 23 Re P5 60 39 10 2 30291 32 Plan 2 9999 12 % AD RO Pcl. A 38 27 61 1 14 n Pla BESSET TE RO AD an 2 Pl 4 Plan 05 220 Re m .4 3 17 16 9 10 2 39 23 3 m. 67 Re 20 19 9 998 Blk. 2 AD O KY P INT R O ROC Blk. 1 LOANE ROAD Pcl.A 5 Plan 2 2 2 Pcl. B 325 01 Plan 3 1 1 9989 % 2 460 34 36 2 McB RI D E 30 1 29 60 P4 A K 4 % Tp.22 Rge.10 COPELAND ROAD REEDMAN POINT % 21 1 DL Subject Property 3 28913 % 250 96 7.3.1 KAP 461 19 BL 701-6 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.3925 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 10957, Section 13, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 5.1/ha. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .3 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 2.55/ha. Plan % % 9 59 10 % % % A 1 % 1 H591 2 Plan 14637 11097 % 14951 11976 % Plan an Pl 1 BRADSHAW ROAD 9273 10957 2 BAFFIN ROAD A Subject Property 1 EMERSON ROAD 2 % % Pt.A N. of Rd % % EVELYN ROAD 5 3 4 63 18 1 4 Plan 2 1 1 212 36 2569 2 1 2 3 4 5 27 n Pla 10 9 8 Plan 5 2 Pt. Lot A S. of Rd Plan REA ROAD Rem. Fr ac. SE 1/4 ARMSTR ONG RO AD 1 KAP60 073 SHUSWAP LAKE 3 Plan 7.3.2 8 EAGLE BAY ROAD N 30 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.5179 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 2, Plan 11976, Section 13, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 3.87/ha. Subject Property n Pla 1 BRADSHAW ROAD % Plan % % 9 59 10 % % % A 1 % 1 H591 2 Plan 14637 11097 BAFFIN ROAD 11976 % Plan 2 9273 10957 A 14951 .1 1 EMERSON ROAD 2 % % Pt.A N. of Rd % % EVELYN ROAD 5 3 4 63 18 1 4 Plan 2 1 1 212 36 2569 2 1 2 3 5 4 27 n Pla 10 9 8 Plan 5 2 Pt. Lot A S. of Rd Plan Rem. Fr ac. SE 1/4 ARMST RONG ROAD REA ROAD 3 1 KAP60 073 SHUSWAP LAKE Plan 7.3.3 8 EAGLE BAY ROAD N 31 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.4046 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 2, Plan 10599, Section 13, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 4.95/ha. Plan 9 59 10 % % % A 1 % 1 H591 2 11097 % % % Plan 14637 14951 11976 % Plan n Pla 1 BRADSHAW ROAD 9273 10957 2 BAFFIN ROAD A Subject Property 1 EMERSON ROAD 2 % % Pt.A N. of Rd % % EVELYN ROAD 5 3 4 63 18 1 4 Plan 2 1 1 212 36 2569 2 1 2 3 5 4 27 n Pla 10 9 8 Plan 5 2 Pt. Lot A S. of Rd Plan Rem. Fr ac. SE 1/4 ARMST RONG ROAD REA ROAD 3 1 KAP60 073 SHUSWAP LAKE Plan 7.3.4 8 EAGLE BAY ROAD N 32 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottage and the parcel area was 2.5414 ha. This special regulation applies to that portion of Lot 2 lying north of Armstrong Road, Plan 25692, Section 18, Township 23, Range 8, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 0.79/ha. .2 The maximum density stated in .1 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 7.2 is not exceeded. N SHUSWAP LAKE 18 Tp.23 Rge.8 Subject Property A 1 % 1 H591 2 11097 % % 2 Pt.A N. of Rd % % EVELYN ROAD 5 3 4 63 18 1 5 4 27030 Plan 2 7 1 3 Common Pla n 44 1 46 6 42 11 13 2 3 15 41 5 4 6 22 276 40 38 Pl an 35 33 17 SP K2 19 44 36 Ac ce ss 1 Co mm on 2569 2 212 36 2 Pt. Lot A S. of Rd 21 23 25 n Pla 10 Plan Plan 5 Rem. Fr ac. SE 1/4 ARMSTRO NG RO AD REA ROAD KAP60 073 3 1 8 9 ARMSTRONG ROAD 1 22302 % 14951 BAFFIN ROAD 11976 Plan % CHESTER ROAD EMERSON ROAD 31 28 9 8 7 29 %% 33 45 278 A Common 27 Rem. 1 SP %K % 24 4 %% South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Re Plan DSHAW ROAD % % % % Plan 14637 1 Plan n Pla 1 % Plan 2 9 59 10 9273 10957 A Plan 7.3.5 BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.2339 ha. 7.3.6 This special regulation applies to that portion of Lot A lying north of Armstrong Road, Plan 21236, Section 18, Township 23, Range 8, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 4.28/ha. 18 N SHUSWAP LAKE Tp.23 Rge.8 Subject Property 1 H591 2 Pt.A N. of Rd % % 5 3 4 63 18 1 5 4 27030 Plan 2 7 1 3 Common Pla n 44 1 1 46 6 42 8 9 ARMSTRONG ROAD 2569 2 212 36 2 1 2 3 4 6 22 276 10 Plan 40 Pl an 31 8 7 29 %% SP K2 19 44 ss ce 35 Ac on 23 m om C 25 2 21 A Common 27 28 9 39 17 36 38 33 n Pla 8 15 41 5 5 11 13 Pt. Lot A S. of Rd Plan Rem. Fr ac. SE 1/4 ARMSTRO NG ROAD REA ROAD KAP6 0073 1 45 278 Rem. 1 SP %K % 24 4 %% 15200 A 1 % % CHESTER ROAD EMERSON ROAD EVELYN ROAD Rem. A Plan BROOM ROAD % % % 2 22302 % % 11097 % 45 48 4 Plan BAFFIN ROAD Plan 14951 11976 % Plan 14637 1 Plan n Pla 1 % Plan 2 9 59 10 9273 10957 A 8 3403 PAR % % EAGLE BAY ROAD 34 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.3884 ha. 7.3.7 This special regulation applies to Lot 5, Plan 27030, Section 18, Township 23, Range 8, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 2.58/ha. 18 N Tp.23 Rge.8 Subject Property 4 27030 Plan 2 7 1 3 Common Pla n 44 42 212 36 2569 2 3 4 6 22 276 Pt. Lot A S. of Rd 10 Plan 40 38 Pl an 31 8 7 29 %% 45 278 Rem. 1 % % EAGLE BAY ROAD 35 A Common 27 SP %% K2 44 %% Rem. A 24 10 26 21 ss ce Ac on 23 m om C 25 28 9 SP K2 19 44 36 35 33 n Pla Plan 15 41 5 39 17 Plan Co mm on 29 45 s ces mon Ac Com ARMSTR ONG RO AD 2 DL 1804 5 11 13 2 1 1 6 8 9 ARMSTRONG ROAD 1 1 46 14 Acce ss 30 38 35 49 83 77 Common 70 es cc n A S17 mo KA m 97 Co 100 76 105 52 8 3403 PARK 103 n Pla Com. 80 106 66 48 25 1797 KAS 15 s 3 4 63 18 1 5 15200 % % SHUSWAP LAKE 5 BROOM ROAD Pt.A N. of Rd 22302 % % H591 2 CHESTER ROAD EMERSON ROAD EVELYN ROAD Plan 11097 Plan 14951 Plan 14637 1 Plan BAFFIN ROAD A % % 56 60 65 % AD RO % AY EB GL EA n Pla South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 5 single family dwellings, 0 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1375 ha. This special regulation applies to that portion of Section 6, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on Plan B5213 as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 36.37/ha. 21 N Pla n 2 70 20 20 12 3 4 E 100' of 3 n Pla 5 LA N DO EAGLE BAY R OAD % AD RO 1 3893 Plan 1 REID ROA n Pla 3 1 A RO AY % E B% 0 531 % A B % % L EAG% 5 1092 1 3 1 n Pla 2 Plan 46599 % % Plan 2 9036 % 17 15 ARLENE CRESCENT 1 Plan 3 24428 5 7 9 19 AD RO an Pl 42 B n Pla 1 35 18 1 0 73 33 2 A % % % 8 2442 Plan 13 4 32 15 1 Pla n1 855 3 % 2070 35 Plan Plan H14991 A 0 531 D % 29 27 10 Tp.23 Rge.9 % % 22 2 6 2 70 20 8 6 % 10 D 9 Plan 8 B5213 3259 2 3 389 1A B5213 n Pla 23 3 048 4 DOLAN ROAD % % 24 42 Subject Property 2 70 14 20 1 n 2 38633 Pla SHUSWAP LAKE 27 18 2 AD 70 2043 44 RO ID E R an 41 OAD Pl R 39 37 Y 26 1 RR TO 2 n Pla16 DONNA ROAD TORRY .1 17 01 2 7.3.8 3 5 Rem. N 1/2 of SW 1/4 4 Rem. W 1/2 LS 7 Rem. E 1/2 LS 7 A % 36 % South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1578 ha. 7.3.9 This special regulation applies to Lot 6, Plan 10523, Section 6, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 6.34/ha. N Subject Property Plan 4 1 11 Plan 0 2232 6 10 8 D N ROA JUSTI 3 52 10 MERLYN ROAD % 9 7 % 1 2 43224Rem. 3 6 SHUSWAP LAKE Plan Rem. Fr ac. LS 15 and LS 16 4 n Pla C 1 21 Pla n 3259 2 n Pla 5 LA N DO 1 3893 Plan 1 2 70 20 6 2 6 Tp.23 Rge.9 Plan 27 10 30484 8 2442 Plan 13 15 17 ARLENE CRESCENT 22 REID ROA n Pla 3 A 2 2070 35 29 10 8 1 D EAGLE BAY R 9 OAD AD RO Plan 8 3 n Pla % 1 Plan 3 24428 5 7 9 AD RO an Pl 42 B 1 35 18 37 8 42 24 21 19 Plan H14991 4 32 15 1 Rem. 7 1 0 73 33 2 10 33 6 36 2 14 35 12 39 1 an Pl 3 5 P KA 83 220 D 4 42 384 A A E JUSTIN ROAD 4 E 100' of % 1 n Pla 3 2 Westerly 66' LS 12 and Frac LS 13 3 Plan 31 23 24 42 8 12 3 389 1A B5213 % % TORRY DOLAN ROAD 1 n 38633 39247 29 244 28 Pla 2 2 70 14 20 27 18 2 AD 70 2043 44 RO ID E R an 41 OAD Pl R 39 37 Y 26 1 RR TO n Pla16 DONNA ROAD KEEN ROAD 2 70 20 20 KAP50959 F G n Pla % % Pcl. B LS 8 (DD262620F) Rem. LS 5 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1618 ha. 7.3.10 This special regulation applies to Lot 11, Plan 10523, Section 6, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 6.18/ha. N Subject Property Plan 4 1 11 Plan 0 2232 6 10 8 D N ROA JUSTI 3 52 10 MERLYN ROAD % 9 7 % 1 2 43224Rem. 3 6 SHUSWAP LAKE Plan Rem. Fr ac. LS 15 and LS 16 4 n Pla C 1 21 Pla n 3259 2 n Pla 5 LA N DO 1 3893 Plan 1 2 70 20 6 2 6 Tp.23 Rge.9 Plan 27 10 30484 8 2442 Plan 13 15 17 ARLENE CRESCENT 22 REID ROA n Pla 3 A 2 2070 35 29 10 8 1 D EAGLE BAY R 9 OAD AD RO Plan 8 3 n Pla % 1 Plan 3 24428 5 7 9 AD RO an Pl 42 B 1 35 18 38 8 42 24 21 19 Plan H14991 4 32 15 1 Rem. 7 1 0 73 33 2 10 33 6 36 2 14 35 12 39 1 an Pl 3 5 P KA 83 220 D 4 42 384 A A E JUSTIN ROAD 4 E 100' of % 1 n Pla 3 2 Westerly 66' LS 12 and Frac LS 13 3 Plan 31 23 24 42 8 12 3 389 1A B5213 % % TORRY DOLAN ROAD 1 n 38633 39247 29 244 28 Pla 2 2 70 14 20 27 18 2 AD 70 2043 44 RO ID E R an 41 OAD Pl R 39 37 Y 26 1 RR TO n Pla16 DONNA ROAD KEEN ROAD 2 70 20 20 KAP50959 F G n Pla % % Pcl. B LS 8 (DD262620F) Rem. LS 5 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.1578 ha. 7.3.11 This special regulation applies to Lot 5, Plan 10523, Section 6, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 12.68/ha. N Plan Subject Property 4 1 11 Plan 0 2232 6 10 8 D N ROA JUSTI 3 52 10 MERLYN ROAD % 9 7 % 1 2 43224Rem. 3 6 21 5 LA N DO 1 3893 Plan 1 6 2 6 Tp.23 Rge.9 15 3 048 4 17 ARLENE CRESCENT 1 1 Plan 3 24428 5 7 9 1 35 18 39 8 42 24 21 AD RO an Pl 42 B Rem. 7 1 0 73 33 2 10 33 19 Plan H14991 4 32 15 1 31 23 6 36 2 14 35 12 39 1 an Pl 3 5 P KA 83 220 D 4 42 384 A A E JUSTIN ROAD 8 2442 Plan 13 22 REID ROA n Pla 3 A Plan 27 10 1 n Pla 3 2 KEEN ROAD 2 70 20 2070 35 29 10 8 D EAGLE BAY R 9 OAD AD RO % 26 RR TO 2 Plan Westerly 66' LS 12 and Frac LS 13 n Pla Plan 8 3 n Pla % an 41 OAD Pl R 1 39 Y 24 42 8 3 37 n 12 3259 2 E 100' of % % 39247 29 244 28 TORRY DOLAN ROAD 1 27 2 70 2043 44 AD RO ID RE 38633 2 70 14 20 18 Pla n Pla16 2 4 Pla n 2 70 20 20 DONNA ROAD 3 389 1A C 1 SHUSWAP LAKE B5213 Plan Rem. Fr ac. LS 15 and LS 16 4 n Pla KAP50959 F G n Pla % % Pcl. B LS 8 (DD262620F) Rem. LS 5 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1537 ha. 7.3.12 This special regulation applies to Lot 10, Plan 22320, Section 5, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 6.51/ha. N Rem. SW 1/4 Subject Property Plan 4 1 11 6 10 8 AD IN RO JUST 3 52 10 9 1 2 43224Rem. 3 6 Plan Rem. Frac. LS 15 and LS 16 4 n Pla C 1 21 Pla n 2070 35 Plan 27 10 8 2442 Plan 13 15 17 ARLENE CRESCENT 1 Plan 3 5 24428 7 9 Rem. 7 19 AD RO an Pl 10 33 21 8 42 24 6 36 2 14 35 12 39 an Pl 3 5 2 58 57 LS 14 1 B D 42 384 40 4 A E 3 386 26 H F n Pla 83 220 A n 26 RR TO 2 29 83 220 % PKA 4 JUSTIN ROAD % 1 n Pla 3 2 31 23 24 42 8 % an 41 OAD Pl R 1 39 Y 3048 4 37 % Plan 244 28 TORRY 4 % 39247 29 n 2 27 2 70 2043 44 AD RO Westerly 66' LS 12 and Frac LS 13 ID RE 38633 1 18 Pla n Pla16 KEEN ROAD 2 70 20 20 % % 23 76 7 7 KAP50959 G n Pla Pla MERLYN ROAD % 1 CAMILLE ROAD SHUSWAP LAKE 418 E17 Plan 22320 2 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.1335 ha. 7.3.13 This special regulation applies to Lot 12, Plan 10875, Section 4, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 14.98/ha. 3 N IGAN ROAD GALL 7 801 % 1 Plan Subject Property % Rem.3 Pcl.A of Lt.3 % % B 4373 8 Pcl.A 996o8f Lt.2 7 66 801 46 BRAN CH 1 A ROAD 1 50 B3 9968 9 GAIL ROAD 8 7 6 5 87 10 AD RO Frac. LS 13 SHUSWAP LAKE A KA P5 59 71 ER RK PA n Pla CAROL ROAD 12 n Pla 57 191 2 9968 13 3 1 Rem. 2 C 8 3424 14 A 2 7 58 16 3 2 1 1 S 1/2 A A Frac. LS 10 n Pla % % 3 4 A13558 % % % % 7 66 34 AD RO % AY EB GL % A E 8 Plan 996 G GAN ROAD N 1/2 A 16876 n Pla BRAVO ROAD KA P5 38 12 ADLEY RD. Rem. LS 12 McHALE ROAD Pl 41 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.3884 ha. 7.3.14 This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 37879, Section 3, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 5.15/ha. N Subject Property 378 79 SHUSWAP LAKE 580 KAP55 1 LS 14 Pla n 1 2 3 38 332 1 ADLEY RD. A A n Pla 0 991 14 n H Pla % 6 4853 3 Plan % % Frac. LS 9 LS 11 2 1 7 66 34 D OA % YR BA GLE% EA n Pla % 1/2 LS 7 % 5586 McHALE ROAD m. N 1/2 f N 1/2 % 70 66 TA LI 81 248 KAP59 79 McHALE PLACE N 1/2 of E 1/2 of LS 8 72 3 Tp.23 Rge.9 8 KAP5924 68 Plan 1 84 87 N 1/2 of N 1/2 of W 1/2 of LS 8 64 74 61 42 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.8903 ha. 7.3.15 This special regulation applies to Lot 11, Plan 4922, Section 3, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 2.25/ha. .2 The maximum density stated in .1 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 7.2 is not exceeded. SHUSWAP LAKE MYRTLE ROAD D.L. 1500 Rem.4 3 2 6 45 25 % % % % A 1 49 29 B A Pl an 1972 5 428 16 B 6 Plan Subject Property 1 D.L. 5900 Rem. 1 KAP59 718 Rem. 2 Rem. 3 Rem. 4 n Pla Z 1 2 909 11 an Pl 4 9 1158 Plan 7 EAGLE BAY ROAD 6 7 4922 9 Rem. 10 Rem. 11 Plan Rem. W 1/2 of NW 1/4 N Rem. NE 1/4 43 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 1.0521 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 3, Plan 25456, Section 2&11, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 1.91/ha. .2 The maximum density stated in .1 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 7.2 is not exceeded. SHUSWAP LAKE Subject Property 1 MYRTLE ROAD D.L. 1500 4 Rem.4 3 2 6 45 25 % % % % A 1 49 29 B A Pl an 1972 5 428 16 3 33971 2 B 5 6 Rem. LS 1 Pla n 7.3.16 Plan EAGLE BAY ROAD 909 11 1 an Pl Rem. 1 Rem. 2 Rem. 3 Rem. 4 n Pla N NE 1/4 Sec 2 44 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.2347 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 4, Plan 25456, Section 2&11, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 4.27/ha. Subject Property SHUSWAP LAKE 1 MYRTLE ROAD D.L. 1500 4 Rem.4 3 2 6 45 25 % % % % A 1 49 29 B A Pl an 1972 5 428 16 3 33971 2 B 5 6 Rem. LS 1 Pla n 7.3.17 Plan EAGLE BAY ROAD 909 11 1 an Pl Rem. 1 Rem. 2 Rem. 3 Rem. 4 n Pla N NE 1/4 Sec 2 45 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.1699 ha. 7.3.18 This special regulation applies to Lot 2, Plan 26584, Section 12, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 11.77/ha. B Plan % % Rem. Frac. NE 1/4 Subject Property C % 12 WHITEHEAD ROAD 3 1 25669 SHUSWAP LAKE 23272 A 3 26 58 4 Tp.23 Rge.9 % 1 Plan 6 3435 1 2 1 20543 1 9437 B 2 6 8 336A 45 305 Plan A 37 294 3 1 Rem. SE 1/4 % % 2 89 40 % % % % A % E B% GL EA% D OA YR % % % N % % % Rem. % n Pla 37 294 n Pla SW 1/4 46 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 3 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.2023 ha. 7.3.19 This special regulation applies to Lot 5, Plan 23473, Section 33, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 14.83/ha. 16 SHUSWAP LAKE 8 D ROA 17 17 5 234 73 % % % 33 1 2 9 701 2 P5 RIVE TS D GH HEI BIRCH 18 7 12 IEW EV GL 9 10 RO AD 166 11% 10 3 26481 D LD R % FIE RTS HU 2 1 4 3 24 43 9 5890 n3 Pla 2 1 7 5 17 17 5 7 an Pl 24439 Rem. NE 1/4 1 96 06 P5 KA Tp.22 Rge.10 N KAP56 370 19 2 26 48 1 % Plan 5 Plan % % 11 % % OAD AY R LE B EAG 3 P la n % EA 14 % % % 1 Plan Pla n 1 % % 2 1 U PL IBO CAR A 177 42 4 Subject Property 12 38 85 6 Y n CE Pla2 LAN 5 C 10 538 N 8 PLA 4 7 RIVE TA D V IS 47 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.3035 ha. This special regulation applies to Plan B6008, Section 34, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. 567 8 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 6.59/ha. A % % % 10931 D ROA A E GL 53 EA Plan 58 D.L .62 57 1 22 08 5 A 1 SE 1/4 8 63 10 Y BA 16 88 4 % A 132 03 Subject Property Township 23 Township 22 B6008 SHUSWAP LAKE A Plan 8390 16 8 % % 12 EA % 14 1 IEW EV GL 7 3 12 6 16 11% 10 26481 D LD R % FIE RTS HU 2 1 4 3 24 43 9 n3 Pla 2 RO AD 5890 Plan 177 42 Pla n % % 1 17 17 5 1 % 2 PL IBOU CAR A 1 8 853 D ROA 4 Y n CE Pla2 LAN 5 C 10 N PLA 38 85 6 2347 3 .1 an 7.3.20 5 17 17 N NW 1/4 5 7 lan 48 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 3 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.3116 ha. 7.3.21 This special regulation applies to Lot A, Plan 13203, Section 3, Township 23, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 9.63/ha. 5678 Subject Property SHUSWAP LAKE A % % % % % % % % 22 08 5 16 88 4 B SE 1/4 2 n 11 Pla 100' A P la n D.L .62 57 1 1 8 63 10 D ROA Y A BA LE G 853 EA Plan 5 A A 132 03 109 31 10931 % 8 08 3 24 A 030 E Township 23 B6008 % B % % H18 % 434 % % % % % % % % % C 36 349 1 3 5 7 9 11 n Pla Township 22 A 8390 Plan 16 8 6 3 12 166 11% 10 D DR % FIEL RTS HU 2 4 1 3 N 26481 24 43 9 5 8 853 AD RO 7 Y 10 38 85 N PLA 5 17 17 49 % % % % 34 93 5 % % % % South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) 13 BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.5746 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 6729, Section 2, Township 23, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 3.49/ha. SHUSWAP LAKE KAS 165 0 Plan 1429 7 7.3.22 Plan H14001 EAG LE B AY R OAD Rem. LS 8 LS 7 1 2 6729 Plan 1 7 10 5 294 % H18 % 434 % % % % % % % % % % % 1 % % a2n Pl 3 6 Subject Property Plan % 9 11 Pla 1 36 349 7 % % KAP55588 13 %% N 50 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.0728 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 11, Plan 10924, Section 1, Township 23, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 13.73/ha. 1 % Tp.23 Rge.10 % SHUSWAP LAKE Subject Property % % % % 1 Rem. 1 3 A ASAY RD 3 6 23 9 12 12 166 3 n Pla 21 D AVES R GRE 17 12 16615 B % 1 B%AY 5 1092 3 1 0 531 n Pla 2 3 5 4 A 11 7 n 5 Pla 1 10 10924 2 51 4 20 P 761 1 24 Plan 16 3 Plan 14 GLE EA % % 13 Range 9 Range 10 Rem 1 2 95 168 1 lan 7 16761 6 SHORT ROAD 5 Rem. LS 3 KRAVITZ RD % A 17 01 2 DL 634 3 109 24 168 95 212 87 % 991 H14 Plan % OA R % Plan 29 036 % Plan 46599 0 531 D % KA S16 51 7.3.23 19 Rem. SE 1/4 Sec 1 N Townsh Townsh 51 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 1.2019 ha. 7.3.24 This special regulation applies to Lot 3, Plan 5310, Section 6, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 1.67/ha. .2 The maximum density stated in .1 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 7.2 is not exceeded. 2 1 70 14 % 20 DOLAN ROAD 12 3 4 B5213 E 100' of 8 5 AD RO LAN DO 9 Plan EAGLE BAY R OAD % Subject Property % A 17 01 2 991 H14 Plan 14 % B LE % EAG % Y% B%A 5 1092 1 3 0 531 1 n Pla 2 Plan 46599 % % 27 10 ARL 22 2 6 Tp.23 Rge.9 R EID ROA n Pla 3 1 1 Plan 3 P 4 32 15 1 % A RO Plan 2 9036 % 29 P 2 70 20 8 6 % Pla n1 855 3 % % 3893 1 % 10 A 0 5% 31 D % 1 n Pla D B5213 % 3 n Pla Plan SHUSWAP LAKE 325 92 3 389 1A % 3 5 4 Rem. N 1/2 of SW 1/4 Rem. W 1/2 LS 7 A % 1 Range 9 Range 10 N Rem. W 1/2 52 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) R BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1416 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 21, Plan 14328, Section 19, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 7.1/ha. 34195 4 3 Plan 34 30 GE O RG ED 31 RIV E DE SF OS SE S 35 1 2 RO AD Plan 265 76 1 KINCEAD RD Subject Property Rem. Frac. NE 1/4 1 36 AD RO Pla n 21 8 VIE LR 37 5 4 19 Tp.22 22 18 Plan 2 1 25 Rge.11 1 A 91 70 5 546 2089 9 11 76 188 1 1 2 9 2462 3 Plan 6 % N 10 n Pla 23 88 6 Pla n SHUSWAP LAKE 1 AY HW IG AH AD AN S-C AN TR Rem. 1 6 10 21 an A Pl 5 AD 6 143 RO 28 LY VIEL RO ER AD V 1 4 A 15 328 W 12 16 Pla n 18014 Plan D OA 6 74 30 7 CAOUE TTE R OAD 5 Rem. SW 1/4 % (D.D. 7739) 24629 % % 4 % 3274 7 8 33 Plan H-6 9 29 KAP 553 62 28 Pla n PL AN 32 COUBEAUX ROAD 7.3.25 2 1 % % ABEL ROAD 53 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.1416 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 5, Plan 14328, Section 19, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 14.13/ha. SHUSWAP LAKE 8 34195 4 3 Plan 33 34 30 GE O RG ED 31 RIV E DE SF OS SE S 35 Plan 265 76 1 2 RO AD 1 KINCEAD RD Rem. Frac. NE 1/4 AD RO Pla n 21 VIE LR 37 5 4 19 22 18 Plan 2 25 1 Tp.22 Rge.11 23 88 6 Pla n A 1 A 91 70 5 546 2089 9 n Pla an Pl 6 10 21 11 76 188 1 1 2 9 2462 3 Plan 6 % N 10 1 AY HW IG AH AD AN S-C AN TR 18014 5 AD 6 143 RO 28 LY VIEL RO R E AD AV 15 14328 W 12 16 Pla n Plan Rem. 1 D OA 6 74 30 7 CAOUE TTE R OAD Subject Property 1 36 8 5 Rem. SW 1/4 % (D.D. 7739) 24629 % % 4 % 3274 7 H-6 9 29 Plan 32 28 KAP 553 62 PL AN Pla n .1 COUBEAUX ROAD 7.3.26 2 1 % % ABEL ROAD 54 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.1416 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 12, Plan 14328, Section 19, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 14.13/ha. 8 34195 4 3 Plan 33 34 30 GE O RG ED 31 RIV E DE SF OS SE S 35 1 2 RO AD SHUSWAP LAKE Plan 265 76 1 KINCEAD RD Rem. Frac. NE 1/4 1 36 AD RO Pla n 21 8 VIE LR 37 5 4 19 Tp.22 22 18 Plan 2 1 25 Rge.11 AD RO 143 28 6 1 A 91 70 5 546 2089 9 n Pla 23 88 6 Pla n 10 76 188 1 1 2 9 2462 3 Plan 6 % N 11 1 AY HW IG AH AD AN S-C AN TR Rem. 1 6 10 21 an A Pl Subject Property 5 16 LY VIEL RO ER AD AV 15 14328 W 12 Pla n 18014 Plan D OA 6 74 30 7 CAOUE TTE R OAD 5 Rem. SW 1/4 % (D.D. 7739) 24629 % % 4 % 3274 7 H-6 9 29 Plan 28 KAP 553 62 PL AN 32 Pla n .1 COUBEAUX ROAD 7.3.27 2 1 % % ABEL ROAD 55 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 1.1331 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 6, Plan 6612, Section 20, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 1.77/ha. .2 The maximum density stated in .1 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 7.2 is not exceeded. 37 100 20 2 Tp.22 Rge.10 2 661 5 n Pla 7 1 Plan A Plan BLIND BAY 29050 2 Plan Subject Property 28235 A 11807 6612 10 13 15 Plan 17 N Pt. Lot 23 W. of Rd. % EAGLE BAY ROAD 7.3.28 19 Plan 14264 21 % A 12 66 23 56 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.6434 ha. This special regulation applies to Plan B7315, Section 19, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 3.11/ha. AD RO LE 28 26 20 R KE BER 11 22 19 OA D S 1/2 LS 2 25 KA P5 60 39 .1 21 18 13 Subject Property 17 n 15 Pla 7.3.29 Plan 5522 7 1 .5 m 9025 3 66 Re Plan 3 B7 522 4 n 5 a Pl lan EA P 6 GL E BA Y R O Plan 9025 A 8 D A 5 31 B7 11 10 n Pla 12 5522 BLIND BAY Plan 2 % % 14 Pla n 13 17 N 902 5 Frac. NW 1/4 16 Plan 5522 Rem. 1 57 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.4572 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 5, Plan 9025, Section 19, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 4.38/ha. AD RO LE 28 26 20 R KE BER 11 22 19 OA D S 1/2 LS 2 25 KA P5 60 39 .1 21 18 13 17 n 15 Subject Property Pla 7.3.30 Plan 5522 7 1 .5 m 9025 3 66 Re Plan 3 B7 522 4 n 5 a Pl lan E P AG LE 9025 6 BA Y R O Plan A 8 D A 5 31 B7 11 10 n Pla 12 5522 BLIND BAY Plan 2 % % 14 Pla n 13 17 N 902 5 Frac. NW 1/4 16 Plan 5522 Rem. 1 58 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 6.0702 ha. This special regulation applies to the south half of LS2, Section 30, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .2 The maximum density stated in .1 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 7.2 is not exceeded. 3 67 20S. 80' 27 749 AD E11 Y RO 27 1 A 259 A GR Rem. LS 3 B 4 and LS 6 3 6 5 17 KAP 5603 9 DE RO AD 14 7 20 A 549 24 9 P 22 30 Pcl. A 19 N 1/2 LS 2 5 12 11 30 % 9 Plan 10 12 KE BER Pla n 28 SHUSWAP LAKE 26 22 19 O AD 21 59 BA Y Plan RO AD 6 5 .5 m Re 9025 366 Plan 3 B7 22 n 55 4 Pla lan EA P 6 G LE 7 2 26 12 P6 KA 17 1 8 1 an Pl N 18 15 7 25 KAP56 039 20 13 Subject Property Plan 5522 7 15 R S 1/2 LS 2 9 6122 KAP 14 9 % 15493 4 Plan AD RO TLE CAS RON 1 A 61229 KAP 2 Rem. 34 9999 2 3 KA P6 12 26 1 East 100' Lot 2 of SE 1/4 35 Pla n BOAKE ROAD 346 84 A 11 Mc B 9 Rem. E 1/2 36 RID E KA RO P5 AD 60 39 3 67 20 1 999 9 611 PO 27 IN 24 T ROAD n a l Rem. 3 4 KAP45682 Plan 10 6 4 27 61 1 12 RE 1 ED MA 26 N 22005 Rem. 1 9999 Plan Plan 27493 3 McBR I 2 an 2 Pl Re m. 4 Re m .4 Pl an 14 BESSE TTE R OAD 05 220 325 01 LOANE ROAD Plan 16 n Pla 3 67 20 R 3 17 M Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 0.33/ha. K 535 .1 250 96 7.3.31 9025 A 8 5 31 B7 11 12 10 an Pl South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.2266 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 11, Plan 9999, Section 30, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 8.83/ha. Plan 14 BESSE TTE RO AD 05 220 2 10 3 67 20 9999 1 9 346 84 BOAKE ROAD 2 39 23 an 2 Pl 3 .4 m Re 1 A A East 100' Lot 2 RE 1 ED MA 26 N % 6 4 11 P 22 749 AD E11 Y RO 2 77 340 Plan PO 276 IN 24 TR OAD n la 27 28 % 1 21 88 n A Pla Plan 27493 Rem. 3 3 67 20S. 80' 46 02 2 9 17 4 KAP45682 11 14 20 7 1 2592 A 549 GRA Rem. LS 3 24 B 4 and LS 6 3 6 5 30 Pcl. A 19 325 01 Subject Property 10 22005 Rem. 1 9999 12 9 4 16 n Pla 9 998 Rem. N 1/2 LS 7 Plan 3 3 m. 67 Re 20 19 LOANE ROAD 2 D POINT ROA CKY RO Blk. 1 17 Blk. 2 41 Pl an 2 Pcl.A 5 Plan 3029130 1 Plan P la n 3 2 KAP 53575 - 9989 Plan 1 1 250 96 REEDMAN POINT Pcl. B McARTHUR ROAD COPELAND ROAD 29 60 P4 KA 4 % % 27 61 1 % % 2 460 McBR IDE RO AD 30 Tp.22 Rge.10 KAP 461 19 7.3.32 9999 2 1 A N 1/2 LS 2 9 % 15493 % 11 AD RO BAY LE EAG N 60 S 1/2 LS 2 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) 1 BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.1861 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 15, Plan 9999, Section 30, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 10.75/ha. 3 Plan 14 BESSE TTE RO AD 05 220 2 10 Subject Property 3 67 20 9999 1 9 346 84 BOAKE ROAD 2 39 23 an 2 Pl 3 .4 m Re 27 6 4 11 P 22 749 AD E11 Y RO 2 77 340 Plan PO 276 IN 24 TR OAD n la Rem. 3 3 67 20S. 80' % 21 88 n A Pla Plan 27493 RE 1 ED MA 26 N 28 % 1 9 17 4 KAP45682 11 14 20 7 1 2592 A 549 GRA Rem. LS 3 24 B 4 and LS 6 3 6 5 30 Pcl. A 19 325 01 1 A A East 100' Lot 2 2 Rem. N 1/2 LS 7 46 02 10 22005 Rem. 1 9999 12 9 998 9 4 16 n Pla 3 m. 67 Re 20 19 LOANE ROAD 2 D POINT ROA CKY RO Blk. 1 17 Blk. 2 41 Plan 2 Pcl.A 5 Plan 3029130 1 Plan P la n 3 2 KAP 53575 - 9989 Plan 1 1 250 96 REEDMAN POINT Pcl. B McARTHUR ROAD COPELAND ROAD 29 60 P4 KA 4 % % 27 61 1 % % 2 460 McBR IDE RO AD 30 Tp.22 Rge.10 Pl an .1 KAP 461 19 7.3.33 9999 2 1 A N 1/2 LS 2 9 % 15493 % 11 AD RO BAY LE EAG N 61 S 1/2 LS 2 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) 1 BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1982 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 4, Plan KAP46029, Section 30, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 5.05/ha. 0 50 AP EA GL EB AY .1 1 11 A 1774 3 9 7 68 144 Plan 5 A AN NC DU % % 28913 % 10 25 % 3 67 20 1 9999 9 BOAKE ROAD 346 84 1 A A East 100' Lot 2 3 67 20S. 80' 46 02 P la n RE 1 ED MA N 24 27 749 AD E11 Y RO % 21 88 6 4 n Pla 22 9 OAD 17 1 77 340 2 Plan 11 276 PO INT R 2 1 n A Pla Plan 27493 Rem. 3 4 KAP45682 11 14 7 20 7 1 2592 A 549 GRA Rem. LS 3 24 B 4 and LS 6 3 6 5 30 325 01 N 26 % 19 ROA D 10 .4 m Re 22005 Rem. 1 9999 12 3 Rem. N 1/2 LS 7 27 28 KAP560 39 2 an 2 Pl 41 4 Pcl. A Plan n Pla BESSE TTE RO AD 05 220 2 39 23 2 25 27 61 1 14 2 4 Plan 10 23 32 3029130 1 Plan McBR IDE RO AD 17 16 % 3029 Pcl. A 38 Pl an 3 9 Plan 3 m. 67 Re 20 19 9 998 Blk. 2 D POINT ROA CKY RO Blk. 1 LOANE ROAD Pcl.A 5 McARTHUR ROAD 2 2 KAP 53575 - 3 1 9989 Plan Pcl. B 1 250 96 REEDMAN POINT 2 460 34 36 2 29 60 P4 KA % % Tp.22 Rge.10 COPELAND ROAD 1 1 DL 30 % 43058 21 3 AD RO Mc BR IDE Subject Property KAP 461 19 7.3.34 9999 2 62 1 A South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 1.7482 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 4, Plan 690, Section 17, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 1.15/ha. .2 The maximum density stated in .1 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 7.2 is not exceeded. Am. 1A N 03 283 Subject Property Plan 690 1 096 22 17 21 19 n Pla 15158 690 Plan 21653 RO 9 1 AD 1136 % 6 31 4893 B1 Plan A 690 RABIE ROAD 63 Plan 3 2 Rem. 3 1 1 Plan 33 751 7 15466 TRA 55 16 1 NS 1 23 CA NA 84 3 14 n 1 2 DA 8 1 la HIG 3 P HW 29A AY 19607 13586 4100 90 n 6 Pla % Plan 5462 4 A Rem. 32 17 54 1 OR TH Part SW 1/4 % % 7 D OA NR OR GH KIN IL W A 1 5 690 D Pcl. Z 63 180 % 1 A 5845 1 28 Plan A 1 278 87 23 % 99 125 9017 COATES ROAD 5 25 33 50 362 9 3 11 % 6675 11 137A 9 ARRAS ROAD % A 7 16557 1394 5 % 690 15 66 07 33 n 14 B 34 IA CAMBR 34 % 3 1 n Plan A CARS ON ROAD % SHUSWAP LAKE 5 25 07 2 GARROWAY R OAD % Pla 34 7 60 n 6 Pla Pla 4 RO AD 250 72 BA NC RO FT RD . 3 Plan 1 VIMY ROAD Rem. 2 BUCKLEY ROAD 7.3.35 A Plan 1478 3 Plan PA SS CH EN 3514 DA 3 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.3035 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot AM 1, Plan 9017, Section 20, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 3.3/ha. Am. 1A N 03 283 SHUSWAP LAKE Plan 690 1 096 22 Rem. 2 Subject Property 15 17 11 15158 690 Plan % 6 31 Plan 64 Plan 3 2 Rem. 3 1 1 Plan 33 751 4893 7 15466 TRA 55 16 1 19607 1 NS CA 23 A NA 84 43 DA 81 n1 2 1 la HIG P 3 HW 29A AY 690 RABIE ROAD 13586 4100 90 n 6 Pla % Plan 5462 4 A 21653 17 54 1 OR TH RO A 369 1 D % % 7 5 D OA NR OR GH KIN IL W Part SW 1/4 Plan 1 VIMY ROAD 1 Rem. 32 A B1 3 806 n1 Pla 19 690 D Pcl. Z 278 87 21 % 1 A 5845 1 28 Plan A 1 COATES ROAD 23 % 99 125 9017 16557 1394 5 5 25 33 11 137A 50 362 9 3 11 % 6675 9 ARRAS ROAD % A 7 CARS ON ROAD % 690 66 07 33 n 14 B 34 1 IA CAMBR 34 % 3 n Plan A 25 07 2 % Pla GARROWAY RO AD % 5 Pla 4 34 7 60 n 6 Pla RO AD 250 72 BA NC RO FT RD . 3 BUCKLEY ROAD 7.3.36 A Plan 1478 3 Plan PA SS CH EN 3514 DA 3 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.3156 ha. 7.3.37 This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 31558, Section 16, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 3.17/ha. N n 13 SPK866 6 1 Lot A Pcl. Y 1 3 5 O RD RI AN COR 9 10 4 3 20 17 1 90 Plan 6 80 B69 1 Plan 6 5 28284 5 18 A ND BLI D OA YR BA 4 2302 Plan 2 20319 3 1 6 4 CORRIANO ROAD n Pla 26 93 3 RICHENS 3 2 1 2 % 76 374 1 % % % 4 n Pla 15 Plan 13 1 86 33 PARK Plan 1 2 1 269 33 1 2 Plan an Pl 1 28368 1 ROAD TRIDGE HENS Plan 4 98 10 1 2947 5 24433 2 GILLESPIE ROAD Plan 3644 Plan Plan 2197 6 GRANT ROAD 2 3 Plan 3 4 KAP45960 1 3 Pla n 272 4 SPK 200 Plan B3 12 315 58 Plan Pla n MARKWART ROAD 167 15 7356 21 42 Pcl. Z % % % C 113 96 12 5 1 Blk. 10 096 Plan 4 1 2 3 315 58 10 48 270 2 4 Pla Pcl. Z 11 A 2 8 6 PIE ROAD 3386 9 1 TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY ALAISE RD 1 885 58 KAP 1 11 HENSTRIDGE RD 20 2 1 9 ROAD 1 2 Pcl. Z Pla n 22 1 4 3 57 59 5 3 112 7 Blk. 8 Pcl. Z 7 Blk. 11 9 3 ARNHEIM ROAD 5 1 Blk. 9 Pcl. Pcl. Pcl. W Y X DUNKIRK 3 5 2 Pla n 278 50 Z 562K AP12 24 1 Blk. 4 3 0 7 76 127 15 ORTO 24 2 11 1 Blk. 5 NA ROA D 10 Pcl. ROAD 1 11 1 CASSINO 5 Plan 23 . 12 an 7 8 6 Blk. 7 3 1 9 1 % % 4 ES GILL CAEN k. 6 7 Pcl. Blk. 5 A 3 5 A AD 5 CAEN ROAD 18317 11 RO 27 12 Blk. 3 Blk. 2 Am. Am. 3 5 B 1127 1 48772 7 9 DIEP PE R OAD 1 Pla n CAEN RD % B 3 83 47 KA 34 78 P- Pla n 8 3 Blk. 1 5 3538 2 0 DL 27 1 2 3 29 18 0 4099 1358 6 Y PRES RD A 5883 KAP4 Plan 1 1 14 210 2 1 n Pla 26183 Subject Property 4292 2794 1 SHUSWAP LAKE 65 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.2832 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot A, Plan 4099, Section 16, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 3.54/ha. Pcl. Z Part SW 1/4 Subject Property B1 199 27 DUNKIRK 3 5 9 Pcl. Z Blk. 8 22 1 20 1 5 58 88 KAP 1 4 3 5 10 12 1 Blk. 10 48 270 2 13 SPK866 11 272 4 SPK 200 Plan Plan 315 58 A Plan MARKWART ROAD 1 11 2 3 9 Pcl. Z ROAD 1 167 15 7356 21 42 Pla n CAEN RD Y PRES RD 4099 24 1 Pcl. Z 3 6 1 Lot A Pcl. Y 2 5 O RD RI AN COR 9 10 4 3 20 17 1 CORRIANO ROAD n Pla 6 1 Plan 5 28284 5 Plan % 4952 Plan 23 % 10 27 6 A 1 690 Plan Rem. 1 Rem. 21 66 FALAISE RD KA P5 75 95 690 980 B6 A 690 Plan 20 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Plan A PK670 Plan S Rem. 24 1 1930 1 A 6 591 nB Pla Rem. 22 Plan 26 096 1 Plan 4 Plan 48772 5 616 n B Pla Blk. 12 1 Rem. 30 Plan38469 4 690 562KAP12 35638 Rem. 28 200 26 1 Z Pcl. Pcl. Pcl. W Y X 2 1 Plan A 5 3 25 N 7 Plan 23 3 HENSTRIDGE RD 1 8 6 Blk. 7 7 7 1 2 31 55 8 AD 3 5 1 0 76 127 15 ORTONA24 2 11 1 Blk. 5 Pcl. Z ROAD 10 Pcl. 2 Pla n H-6 98 AD 1 Pla n 29 Blk. 6 Pcl. Blk. 5 A 3 5 A 3 Blk. 4 Blk. 11 PLA N 10 Plan 14640 RO 11 CAEN ROAD 18317 12 1 9 ARNHEIM ROAD Plan 690 PA SS CH EN 3514 DA 3 EL E A Blk. 3 5 278 50 Plan 1478 3 7 Blk. 9 HIG HW AY Am. Am. 3 5 B ROAD 3 14 n 2 18 a Pl 3 A 1127 1 Blk. 2 112 7 3 42 18 9 DIEP PE R OAD 1 5 3538 2 4 P la n A 1 3 Blk. 1 7 0 Plan 410 1 SHUSWAP LAKE Plan 1 A 11 RO 27 15466 7 55 16 1 CAEN Rem. 3 TRA NS CA NA DA 2 Plan 3 3751 Pla n 2 1 278 87 16557 1394 5 7 1 Plan 3 VIMY ROAD COATES ROAD 690 an 22974 26183 6 1358 4100 1358 6 % % CASSINO 7.3.38 BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1537 ha. 7.3.39 This special regulation applies to Lot AM 3, Plan 1127, Section 16, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 6.51/ha. Pcl. Z 1 885 58 KAP 12 SPK866 6 1 Lot A Pcl. Y 24433 2 3 90 Plan 6 2 5 RD ANO RRI CO 9 10 3 20 17 1 6 1 Plan 3 6 4 18 CORRIANO ROAD n Pla 2 RICHENS 269 33 1 1 Plan 28368 n Pla ROAD TRIDGE HENS 1 1 5 D OA YR BA ND 4 2 BLI 30 lan 2 28284 5 A P 2 2 26 93 3 Plan 4 98 10 1 1 GILLESPIE ROAD Plan Plan 21976 383 477 KA 34 88 P- Plan Plan 3644 4292 2794 1 DL 27 GRANT ROAD Pla n 272 4 SPK 200 Plan B 312 315 58 Pla n Pla n MARKWART ROAD 167 15 7356 21 42 3 4 KAP45960 1 3 2 3 3 4 3 Pcl. Z 4 Plan 10 5 1 1 048 Blk. 10 27 2 11 A 2 9 ROAD 13 1 % % C 113 96 1 20 Pcl. Z Pcl. Z 1 11 HENSTRIDGE RD 9 112 7 22 4 3 2 315 58 5 Blk. 8 2 Pla n 3 1 3 Pla n 278 50 Pcl. Pcl. Pcl. W Y X DUNKIRK 1 2 3 Pla n 24 10 Pcl. Z 7 Blk. 11 23 1 5 760 127 15 ORTON 24 2 11 1 Blk. 5 A ROA D ARNHEIM ROAD Plan Blk. 4 3 1 Blk. 9 8 6 Blk. 7 3 11 7 ROAD CAEN n Pla 5 AD 1 9 1 % % % B 1 4 an Pl ES GILL B1 199 7 Pcl. Blk. 5 A 3 5 A 11 RO 27 10 Blk. 6 7 CAEN ROAD 18317 12 Blk. 3 5 CASSINO Plan 1478 3 1127 1 Blk. 2 Am. Am. 3 5 B 1 CAEN RD 9 DIEPP E RO AD 1 A 98 % 29 18 0 4099 3 Blk. 1 5 3538 2 4 14640 1 2 3 7 00 Plan 41 SC HE ND AE LE Plan A RO AD 45883 KAP Plan 1 A 1 14 210 2 Subject Property n Pla 1 Y PRES RD 1 1358 6 13586 22974 26183 SHUSWAP LAKE 15 6 P Plan IE R 3 13 23 % A 18572 90 Plan 6 Rem. 1 Rem. 21 67 FALAISE RD 1 690 Plan 20 14 273 69 0 1 n Plan % 4952 Plan A A Pla Rem. 24 80 B69 193 01 690 KA P5 75 95 Rem. 22 TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY Plan 19459 A PK670 Plan S 1 Plan N 6 591 n B la P 96 Plan 40 1 Plan 48772 1 Blk. 12 Pla n 4 Plan38469 35638 562K AP12 1 Plan 2 Rem. 19 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Pla BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.1456 ha. 7.3.40 This special regulation applies to Lot 5, Plan 1127, Section 16, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 13.74/ha. 1 5 1 13 11 SPK866 048 Blk. 10 27 2 6 1 Lot A Pcl. Y 24433 Plan 1 2 Plan 4 98 10 1 an 1 Pl AD E RO TRIDG HENS 3 O RD RI AN COR 9 10 3 20 17 1 90 Plan 6 6 1 Plan 6 5 28284 5 ND BLI D OA YR BA 4 2302 Plan 2 A a Pl 15 P Plan I 13 Plan % 23 % A 690 Plan Rem. 1 Rem. 21 18572 68 FALAISE RD KA P5 75 95 Plan 48772 1 1 690 Plan 20 14 273 69 0 4952 Plan A A P la n Rem. 24 TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY Plan 19459 A 690 980 B6 1930 1 N PK670 Plan S Rem. 22 1 Plan 26 6 591 nB Pla 096 1 Plan 4 Plan38469 1 Blk. 12 P la n 4 562KAP12 1 35638 3 4 18 CORRIANO ROAD n Pla 93 26 RICH Plan 5 4 1 Plan 28368 1 1 GILLESPIE ROAD 3 Plan 2197 6 3 2 Plan 3644 DL 27 1 4 113 96 12 ROAD 3 2 31 55 8 Pcl. Z % % C 3 3 Pcl. Z % % 4 KAP45960 Pla n A 2 9 10 GRANT ROAD B312 11 272 4 SPK 200 Plan 1 Plan 167 15 Pla n 3 155 8 MARKWART ROAD 7356 21 42 2 1 2 HENSTRIDGE RD 20 1 5 58 88 KAP 4 3 2 3 Pla n Pcl. Z 112 7 22 7 Pla n 9 Blk. 8 1 5 Blk. 11 5 1 Blk. 9 Pcl. Pcl. Pcl. W Y X DUNKIRK 3 Blk. 4 Pla n 278 50 Pcl. Z 1 7 ROAD 24 1 3 25 10 Plan 23 3 0 76 127 15 ORTONA24 2 11 1 Blk. 5 Pcl. Z ROAD 8 6 Blk. 7 1 11 1 ARNHEIM ROAD 5 9 CASSINO CAEN 7 3 5 % B LES GIL 1 B1 199 Pla n AD AD 7 Pcl. Blk. 5 A 3 5 A 11 RO 27 10 Blk. 6 Blk. 3 1 CAEN ROAD 18317 12 1127 1 Blk. 2 Am. Am. 3 5 B Plan 1478 3 CAEN RD 5 3538 2 4 H-6 98 DIEP PE R OAD 1 A Plan 14640 RO % 9 2 3 3 83 477 KA 34 88 P- Plan 3 Blk. 1 7 00 Plan 41 PA SS CH EN DA 43 EL E A 1 29 18 0 4099 Y PRES RD A 5883 KAP4 Plan 1 1 2 2 1 n Pla 1 Subject Property 22974 26183 1 1358 6 6 1358 4292 27941 SHUSWAP LAKE Plan 2 Rem. 19 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.0930 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot A, Plan 7356, Section 16, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 10.75/ha. 12 5 1 11 SPK866 1 Pcl. Y 24433 2 3 90 Plan 6 3 5 6 9 10 3 20 17 1 n Pla 1 Plan 6 18 5 28284 5 ND BLI D OA YR BA 4 2302 Plan 2 A 20319 2 RICHENS 3 1 6 4 CORRIANO ROAD 2 1 269 33 n 1 Pla ROAD TRIDGE HENS 2 26 93 3 Plan 1 28368 1 1 GILLESPIE ROAD Plan 21976 4 98 10 1 Plan Plan 2 3 3 4 2 O RD RI AN COR Lot A 29 18 0 B312 GRANT ROAD 272 4 SPK 200 Plan 315 58 Plan Plan 167 15 Pcl. Z % 4 KAP45960 1 3 C Plan 10 048 Blk. 10 27 2 13 A 2 3 315 58 Pcl. Z ROAD 1 Pcl. Z 1 11 9 Pla n 4 3 Blk. 11 1 MARKWART ROAD 7356 21 42 2 1 % % % 4 113 96 1 885 58 KAP 3 2 HENSTRIDGE RD 20 Pcl. Z 7 2 Pla n 22 1 112 Blk. 8 3 9 5 7 ARNHEIM ROAD DUNKIRK 5 3 1 Pla n 278 50 Z 1 Blk. 4 0 76 127 15 ORTON 24 2 11 1 Blk. 5 A ROA D 10 Pcl. Pcl. Pcl. Pcl. W Y X 24 3 1 11 Blk. 9 Plan 23 1 5 1 9 ROAD 8 6 Blk. 7 3 7 CAEN n Pla 5 AD Blk. 3 % B 4 an Pl ES GILL B1 199 7 Pcl. Blk. 5 A 3 5 A 11 RO 27 10 Blk. 6 7 CAEN ROAD 18317 12 1127 1 Blk. 2 Am. Am. 3 5 CASSINO an 14 783 1 CAEN RD 7 9 DIEPP E RO AD 1 B AD % 2 3 Plan 3644 DL 27 3 Blk. 1 353852 4 Plan 14640 RO 1 383 477 KA 34 88 P- Plan 4099 YPRES RD A 00 Plan 41 15 1 86 33 PAR 8 6 P Plan IE ROAD 3386 9 13 1 69 TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY A 90 1 59 A FALAISE RD 80 B69 301 Rem. 22 690 1 KA P5 75 95 PK670 Plan S Plan 48772 1 6 591 n B Pla 96 Plan 40 1 an38469 4 Blk. 12 N n 35638 562K AP12 1 Pla AE LE 45883 KAP Plan 1 1 14 210 2 1 n Pla 22974 26183 1 1358 6 13586 4292 27941 Subject Property SHUSWAP LAKE Pla n 7.3.41 14 273 7 294 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1375 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 3, Plan 28368, Section 15, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 7.27/ha. 6 28284 5 A 1930 1 5 4 2302 Plan 2 A 13 % % 7 3 6283 4 % B36 76 0 4266 2 % % BE O R AD RO 1 1 392 19 % % 3%8863 Exc.Pt 12 % A 2 1 1 86 4 33 PARK n Pla Plan % 1 N SO RT % 6 15 % 76 374 1 AD RO 3644 269 33 3 2947 5 20319 RICHENS Plan ND BLI Y BA 1 Plan 24433 Plan 113 96 1 Plan Subject Property 6 PIE ROAD Rem. 13 2 7477 Plan 3 1 8 1182 A 8 Plan Pt. 12 S of Rd. 3386 9 1 TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY % PLAN H425 Plan E 25' o % A 1 690 Plan 69 0 80 B69 n Pla AD RO 2 2 4 CORRIANO ROAD OM LO B 1 26 93 3 Plan 28368 3 GILLESPIE ROAD 29 18 0 Plan 2197 6 3 83 47 KA 34 78 P- Plan 8 1 an 1 Pl 18 P la n 9 10 Plan Pla n 1 1 90 Plan 6 Plan 19459 6 4 3 20 17 1 FALAISE RD 5 315 58 2 3 HENSTRIDGE RD Pla n 48772 KA P5 75 95 Plan38469 690 Plan 4 98 10 2 Plan 2 2 3 3 ROAD TRIDGE HENS 1 ES GILL N 1 2 3 RD ANO RRI CO 1 % % Pla n A 3 1 GRANT ROAD B312 1 11 272 4 SPK 200 Plan 315 58 1 Plan 2 167 15 3 2 Pla n MARKWART ROAD 6 21 42 Pla n 2 % % 4 C 14 210 1 % 4 KAP45960 B n Pla % 2 3 1 Plan 3644 1 5883 KAP4 1 4292 2794 1 SHUSWAP LAKE DL 27 7.3.42 Plan 14 273 75 294 Plan 2 3 70 83 n 62 Pla Rem. 6 9384 Plan 1 Plan South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1618 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 21014, Section 15, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. 1 Plan 6 28284 5 A 1930 1 5 113 96 n Pla ND BLI D OA YR BA 4 2302 Plan 2 A 13 % % % 7 3 6283 4 B36 76 0 4266 2 % % BE O R AD RO 1 1 392 19 % % 63 388 % Exc.Pt 12 % A 2 1 1 86 4 33 PARK n Pla Plan % 1 N SO RT % 6 15 % 76 374 1 AD RO 3644 3 2947 5 20319 RICHENS 4 18 1 2 Plan 3 20 17 CORRIANO ROAD 80 B69 Plan 90 Plan 6 8 6 PIE ROAD 1 8 1182 A Rem. 13 2 7477 Plan 3 Plan Pt. 12 S of Rd. 3386 9 1 TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY % PLAN H425 Plan E 25' o % A 1 690 Plan 69 0 315 58 9 10 4 2 1 269 33 an 1 Pl 3 OM LO B Plan 24433 Plan 1 28368 1 1 2 26 93 3 4 98 10 GILLESPIE ROAD Plan 1 2 3 3 ROAD TRIDGE HENS P la n 6 1 FALAISE RD 5 Pla n 2 Plan 2 2 3 HENSTRIDGE RD Pla n 48772 KA P5 75 95 Plan38469 690 Plan 1 4 C ES GILL N % % B 3 RD ANO RRI CO 1 % 4 KAP45960 Pla n A 3 1 % % 29 18 0 B312 1 11 272 4 SPK 200 Plan 315 58 1 Plan 19459 2 167 15 3 2 Plan 2 Pla n MARKWART ROAD 6 Pla n 21 42 1 GRANT ROAD % 2 3 14 210 1 n Pla 5883 KAP4 Subject Property 1 Plan 3644 1 Plan 2197 6 SHUSWAP LAKE 4292 2794 1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 12.36/ha. DL 27 .1 3 83 47 KA 34 78 P- Plan 8 7.3.43 Plan 14 273 75 294 Plan 2 3 71 83 n 62 Pla Rem. 6 9384 Plan 1 Plan South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1659 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 2, Plan 21014, Section 15, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 6.03/ha. 1 Plan 6 28284 5 A 1930 1 5 113 96 n Pla ND BLI Y BA AD RO 4 2302 Plan 2 A 13 % % % 3 6283 4 B36 76 0 4266 2 % % BE O R AD RO 7 3644 % 1 N SO RT 1 1 392 19 % % 3%8863 Exc.Pt 12 % A 2 1 1 86 4 33 PARK n Pla Plan 76 374 1 AD RO % 6 15 % 2947 5 20319 269 33 3 4 18 1 RICHENS Plan 3 20 17 CORRIANO ROAD 80 B69 Plan 90 Plan 6 2 2 Plan 24433 Plan 28368 1 an 1 Pl OM LO B 1 26 93 3 Plan 1 1 2 3 GILLESPIE ROAD 4 98 10 6 PIE ROAD 1 8 1182 A Rem. 13 2 8 7477 Plan 3 Plan Pt. 12 S of Rd. 3386 9 1 TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY % PLAN H425 Plan E 25' o % A 1 690 Plan 69 0 315 58 9 10 4 P la n 6 1 FALAISE RD 5 Pla n 2 3 3 ROAD TRIDGE HENS 1 Plan 2 2 3 HENSTRIDGE RD Pla n 48772 KA P5 75 95 Plan38469 690 Plan 1 2 ES GILL N % % C 3 RD ANO RRI CO 1 % % Pla n A 3 1 % 4 KAP45960 B 4 29 18 0 B312 1 11 272 4 SPK 200 Plan 315 58 1 Plan 19459 2 167 15 3 2 Plan 2 Pla n MARKWART ROAD 6 Pla n 21 42 1 GRANT ROAD % 2 3 14 210 1 n Pla 5883 KAP4 Subject Property 1 Plan 3644 1 Plan 2197 6 SHUSWAP LAKE 4292 2794 1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. DL 27 .1 3 83 47 KA 34 78 P- Plan 8 7.3.44 Plan 14 273 75 294 Plan 2 3 72 83 n 62 Pla Rem. 6 9384 Plan 1 Plan South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1416 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 3, Plan 12467, Section 17, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of cottages is 7.06/ha. % Pt. Lot 23 W. of Rd. Plan 13281 % EAGLE BA 7.3.45 BLIND BAY 23 % % DL 6021 66 % an Pl % 1 DL 5974 % Pla n % 3 Subject Property DL n Pla n Pla 76 55 Pcl. 72 Z 57 66 34 238 61 59 35 E 34 38 Pla 13 2 n an 19 Pl 21 CE ES Plan 1 Rem. A Rem. LS 12 KA P5 41 33 2 Plan 35 36 2 1 21 292 7 57 22 3 3 27112 PERRIS RD 5 Rem. SW 1/4 LS 14 SE 1/4 LS 14 2 11 27 7 B 554 1 1 25 19 1 1 % 76 80 32 30 P4 3 KA DOEBERT R O 234 87 2 1 A AY DB IN BL AD RO NW 1/4 LS 11 East 1/2 LS 11 1 % 1 412 52 6 4582 KAP 27 16 26 PL 73 13 Plan 12 18966 N A ROS LE DA 17 Pt.A Rem. B Plan 2819 8 E 37 234 87 9 63 1 A AD 39 1 Rem. A Amd.8 65 16 15 9 2 Amd.6 118 75 Pl an 9 90 10 50 7 14713 B 51 238 34 1 9384 CE 5 68 ROAD BAYVIEW 4 3 85 83 104 103 78 1 Pla n 8 34 18 84 87 E 89 AND PLA A DR 4 1 IV Plan 12661 1 5 87 11 20618 KOA ROAD n Pla L IA NN TE CEN 92 34 238 1 32 196 C 2 Plan 1221 206 8 18 % NT m. NE 1/4 % 104 44 0 27 17 3 RB OU A R RD 5 Plan 2 1 271 12 2 1 1 67 124Rem. 2 HA 24797 96 17 25 10 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.7486 ha. 7.3.46 This special regulation applies to Lot 23, Plan 6612, Section 20, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 2.68/ha. Subject Property % Pt. Lot 23 W. of Rd. Plan 13281 % EAGLE BAY ROAD Plan 17 BLIND BAY 21 an Pl % 67 124Rem. 2 % % N CE T 7 Amd.8 9 2 1 1 A Pl an Plan 2819 8 9 90 10 68 Amd.6 118 75 n Pla 83 238 34 1 14713 5 4 9384 85 Pla n 12661 ROAD BAYVIEW A 1 Plan 3 8 34 18 E C 104 103 84 87 E ND PLA 4 KOA ROAD 1 5 87 11 1 89 IV DR 20618 AL NI EN 92 34 238 32 196 C 2 Plan 1221 206 8 18 Plan 1 25 19 1 1 Rem. A Rem. 234 A 87 2 % 1 104 44 0 27 17 3 2 1 21 292 7 57 22 3 3 27112 PERRIS RD 5 Rem. SW 1/4 LS 14 SE 1/4 LS 14 2 11 27 7 B 554 1 m. NE 1/4 1 1 HA 24797 RB OU A RR D 5 Plan 2 1 271 12 2 25 Pla n % 3 n Pla 12 66 % % 96 17 A 23 1 DL 5974 DL 14264 % % DL 6021 19 Plan A AY DB IN BL AD RO N NW 1/4 LS 11 East 1/2 LS 11 1 % 74 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-29 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.1197 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 7, Plan 3893, Section 6, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 16.71/ha. DONNA ROAD e Lak p a sw Shu Subject Property 38633 DOLAN ROAD B5213 8 12 3 4 3 3891A E 100' of n Pla 10 2 70 20 8 3 Plan D OA NR A L DO 5 9 GLE BAY ROA D EA 1 93 Plan 38 1 6 2 6 Tp.23 Rge.9 22 REID ROA an Pl 3 24 53 Pla n1 855 3 A 1 D B5213 2 70 14 20 32 59 2 N Pla n 7.3.47 Rem. N 1/2 of SW 1/4 0 531 5 75 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-29 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 13 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.6151 ha. 7.3.48 This special regulation applies to Parcel A (KN54499) Block 1, Section 16, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 21.14/ha. Shuswap Lake N 4 3 1 1 24 Z Pcl. Pcl. Pcl. W Y X DUNKIRK 3 5 9 Blk. 8 76 Pcl. Z 1 4 3 1 11 9 Pcl. Z 10 12 5 1 048 Blk. 10 27 2 Pcl. Z Lot A 3 6 1 1 315 58 2 Plan MARKWART ROAD 2 167 15 7356 21 42 3 Blk. 5 ROAD 1 7 Pl an 5 127 15 11 1 Pcl. Z 2 5 O RD RIAN COR O RT R KWA E MAR STRIDG HEN HENSTRIDGE RD 23 1 5 Plan Blk. 7 0 76 24 2 Blk. 4 315 58 3 8 6 3 1 7 1 Pla n AD 11 ORTO NA RO AD 10 Pcl. 112 7 1 B1 19 9 7 CAEN 1127 RO AD Blk. 6 Pla n H69 8 10 Pcl. Blk. 5 A 3 5 A 5 1 9 CAEN ROAD 18317 12 7 Blk. 11 Plan 1478 3 Pla n Blk. 3 ARNHEIM ROAD Am. Am. 3 5 B Plan 14640 RO 1127 1 Blk. 2 A Plan A DIEP 1 PE R OAD 5 35382 4 PA SS CH EN 3514 DA 3 EL E A Blk. 1 3 (KN54499) 0 Plan 410 1 1 A CAEN RD 2 Blk. 9 22 278 50 20 comm on 33751 Subject Property Plan ROAD 1 17 CASSINO 16 4099 6 1358 common 14 YPRES RD 7 1358 6 9 KAS2035 22974 26183 12 11 CORRIANO n Pla South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-29 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 3 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.2023 ha. 7.3.49 This special regulation applies to Lot A, Plan 19725, Section 11, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 14.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 14.83/ha. 77 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-29 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1214 ha. 7.3.50 This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 10599, Section 13, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 7.1.2 A cottage is a permitted use. 78 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) RR2 - RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE (5000 m²) SECTION 8 Purpose The purpose of the RR2 zone is to provide for smaller acreage subdivisions which are predominately residential in character. In general, the RR2 zone corresponds to the CR 0.5 designation in the South Shuswap Official Community Plan. Permitted Uses 8.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the RR2 zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 single family dwelling; hobby farm, permitted only on parcels greater than 2 ha or on parcels within the Agricultural Land Reserve; cottage, permitted only on parcels greater than 4,000 m²; bed and breakfast; home business; accessory use. Regulations BL701-26 8.2 On a parcel zoned RR2, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 .3 BL701-50 .4 .5 .6 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel Maximum Number of Cottages Per Parcel Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • interior side parcel line • exterior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage on Parcels Less Than 4000 m² 79 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 1 ha 1 1 • • 10 m (32.81 ft.) 6 m (19.69 ft.) 5m 2m 4.5 m 5m 40% South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 Special Regulations The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1497 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 5, Plan 9336, Section 23, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. DL 21 23 Notwithstanding Section 8.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 13.37/ha. Plan8 347 67 2 DURHAM ROAD Plan SHUSWAP LAKE 4 DUNNE ROAD B5 17 8 RO AD NE W MA N 10339 KAP50861 AD RO 4 Pcl. A 429 Plan 1 Pl Am. B Pla 1 % % 2 % 1 D ROA % BAY IND BL Rem. 1 5 88 KAP 2 1 4 1974 Plan BL AIR 19 03 8 19038 2 n Pla 52 18 Plan A 1 85 329 4 Plan 2 3 9336 62 19 7 98 16 an l P 23 16 DL 6163 Plan A 2 1 A 1 1429 B6 73 8 5 9336 7 B3388 Subject Property 1429 Plan 1 5 A BLIND BAY C UT-OF F .1 P la n 8.3.1 29 14 an Pl 6 1 H759 N 658 Plan 3 1 44 DD263 2 Plan 196 3 Rem. 3 2 878 Plan 43 80 7 2618 2 4 1 Plan6 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.1618 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 6, Plan 9336, Section 23, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. DL 21 23 Notwithstanding Section 8.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 12.36/ha. Plan8 9336 7 347 67 2 DURHAM ROAD Plan SHUSWAP LAKE 4 DUNNE ROAD B5 17 8 RO AD NE W MA N 10339 KAP50861 AD RO 4 Pcl. A n Pla 429 Plan 1 Pl Am. B Pla 1 % % 2 % 1 D ROA % AY DB BLIN Rem. 1 5 88 KAP 2 1 4 1974 Plan BL AIR 19 03 8 19038 2 2 52 18 Plan A 1 85 329 4 Plan 7 98 16 an Pl 3 9336 62 19 6163 Plan A 2 1 A 1 1429 B6 73 8 5 23 16 DL B3388 Subject Property 1429 Plan 1 5 A BLIND BAY C UT-OF F .1 P la n 8.3.2 29 14 an Pl 6 1 H759 N 658 Plan 3 1 44 DD263 2 Plan 196 3 Rem. 3 2 878 Plan 43 81 7 2618 2 4 1 Plan6 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.9267 ha. 8.3.3 This special regulation applies to Lot AM B, Plan 1852, Section 24, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 8.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 2.16/ha. N 24 Subject Property 2 Plan 194 95 % % 1 2 % Rem. 1 4 5884 4 KAP 12829 B 5 49 19 16 12 13 10 0 B6 A 1 1 1 99 8 an 46 Pl 4 KAP 2 1 OA%D YR D BA BLIN 3 4 1204 % % 13 46 6 3 Plan Am. B B3 05 4 A 429 Plan 1 % % 1 A 24 10 4 an Pl 52 18 44 K A 88 P 6 - 7 98 16 6 1 93 32 2 Plan 114382 INGRAM ROAD 470K AP 83 - 347 67 Plan KAP49 B 9 2121 D 1 2 28 955 21 Plan 26 65 1429 Plan 5 6 8 29 14 an Pl 10 1 12 an Pl 22 20 an Pl 18 1 14 6 Plan 2195517 52 82 9 24 54 AY 4 26 n Pla LAKEVIEW DRIVE 2 1 BLIND BAY C UT-OF F 1 DUNNE ROAD B5 17 8 RO AD NE W MA N 4 KAP50861 2985 1974 Plan an Pl 4 9336 A A 1 1 9 33 20 DURHAM ROAD 1 2 6163 Plan 2 1429 B6 73 8 SHUSWAP LAKE 5 13386 Plan 8 3 162 DL B3388 93367 333 55 DL 21 23 Tp. 22 Rge. 11 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.0890 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 2, Plan 19391, Section 15, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 8.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 8.2 the maximum density of cottages is 11.24/ha. SHUSWAP LAKE M OO BL 5 % 3%8863 % 30341 A BLIND BAY % A 2 % Plan 51 2%50 264 54 Plan B7226 % % % 1 n Pla 9 % % % % % Rem. 7 % % % % % % 2 3 461 4616 Pt. 12 S of Rd. 40252% % 1 2 % PLAN H425 % 1 Rem. 13 7477 Plan 3 % RO AD % 8 1182 A B 20627 Exc.Pt. 12 6 % 1 1 % 2 2 A 3 461 4 n Pla % % % ROAD % 3 Plan 5231 4 % 26936 % 1 39 19 2 Plan 4 KAP 454 73 % % 1 Plan ARC C 7 3 6283 4 2 4 3 Subject Property D OA R 25051 % B36 76 1 0 4266 2 % N SO RT BE RO 3644 74761 AD RO 8316 % ROAD % 1617 Plan Rem.1 37 B20 % % % A HIGHWAY TRANS-CANAD % Plan 4616 Rem. NE 1/4 E 25' of Lot 13 % % N 83 Pla n 4613 2 902 9 24 7 4616 26 6 11 Plan Plan 3 628 Plan 33 67 1 8.3.4 7654 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.1456 ha. 8.3.5 This special regulation applies to Lot A, Plan 30341, Section 15, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 8.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 13.73/ha. SHUSWAP LAKE 8316 4 2 4 3 M OO BL 5 7 4 1 1 39 19 2 % % 3%8863 % 30341 A BLIND BAY % A 2 % Plan 51 2%50 B 264 54 Plan B7226 % % % 1 n Pla 9 % % Rem. 7 % % % % % % 2 3 461 4616 Pt. 12 S of Rd. 40252% % 1 2 % PLAN H425 % 1 Rem. 13 7477 Plan 3 % RO AD % 8 1182 A Plan 20627 Exc.Pt. 12 6 % 1 1 % 2 2 A 3 461 4 n Pla % % % ROAD % 3 Plan 5231 3 6283 26936 % C 4 KAP 454 73 % % ARC Subject Property D OA R 25051 % B36 76 1 0 4266 2 % N SO RT BE RO 3644 74761 AD RO Plan % ROAD % 1617 Plan Rem.1 37 B20 % % Plan 4616 Rem. NE 1/4 E 25' of Lot 13 % % A HIGHWAY TRANS-CANAD % % % % % Plan 84 Pla n 4613 902 9 24 7 4616 26 6 11 2 33 67 1 N Plan 3 628 Plan 7654 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 1.2464 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 4, Plan 20627, Section 14, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 8.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 1.61/ha. .2 The maximum density stated in .1 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 8.2 is not exceeded. Plan ARCHIBALD RD C Plan B A 13721 RO Frac. LS 3 11 4 10339 1 Pl Pcl. A A 1 BLIND BAY ROAD H759 271 2 09 658 Plan 3 1 4 19 03 8 2 10 19038 4 2 4 3 41950 8316 4542 Pla n 8 A 6 62 19 BL AIR FE RR O SHUSWAP LAKE Subject Property AD RO AD 8.3.6 P 1 5 264 54 Plan 20627 25051 2 3 461 Rem. 7 % % 6 1 1 % % % % 1 2 % 2 1 2 3 461 4 n Pl a % % 3 2 A % ROAD % 3 Plan 523 1 1 % % ROAD % Plan 1617 Plan % 26936 % % % 20627 B7226 40252% % KAP 454 73 51 2%50 Rem.1 037 B2 % % % Rem. NE 1/4 A HIGHWAY TRANS-CANAD 1 KAP5712 % 3 Pla n 85 Rem. 2 S of Hwy. 33 61 3 33 67 1 Plan 2 2 Plan % N A 20627 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.2711 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot C, Plan 13721, Section 14, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 8.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 7.38/ha. 2 4 3 Plan ARCHIBALD RD C Plan B A 13721 4542 2 10 Frac. LS 3 11 4 1 Pl Pcl. A A 1 BLIND BAY ROAD H759 271 2 09 658 Plan 3 1 4 62 19 10339 8 41950 Subject Property 6 4 19038 A 8316 Pla n SHUSWAP LAKE BL AIR FE RR O RO AD RO AD .1 19 03 8 8.3.7 P 1 264 54 5 Plan 20627 % % % % 2 3 461 Rem. 7 6 1 1 % % % 1 2 25051 % 2 1 2 3 461 4 n Pla % % % ROAD % 3 % ROAD % Plan 3 2 A Plan 5231 1 40252% % 1617 Plan % 26936 % % 20627 B7226 % KAP 454 73 51 2%50 Rem.1 037 B2 % % % Rem. NE 1/4 A HIGHWAY TRANS-CANAD 1 KAP5712 % 3 Pla n 86 Rem. 2 S of Hwy. 33 61 3 33 67 1 Plan 2 2 Plan % N A 20627 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) RR3 - RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE (1 ha) SECTION 9 Purpose The purpose of the RR3 zone is to provide for acreage subdivisions which are predominately residential in character. In general, the RR3 zone corresponds to the CR1 designation in the South Shuswap Official Community Plan. Permitted Uses 9.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the RR3 zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 single family dwelling; hobby farm, permitted only on parcels greater than 2 ha or on parcels within the Agricultural Land Reserve; bed and breakfast; cottage, permitted only on parcels greater than 4,000 m²; home business; home industry, permitted only on parcels greater than 2 ha; accessory use. Regulations 9.2 On a parcel zoned RR3, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 .3 BL701-50 .4 .5 .6 .7 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel Maximum Number of Cottages Per Parcel Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback of Principal and Accessory Buildings from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Minimum Setback of Home Industry from All Parcel Lines Maximum Coverage on Parcels Less than 4000 m² 87 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 1 ha 1 1 • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) 5m 4.5 m 2m 5m 5m 40% South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 Special Regulations The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.8053 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 2, Plan 29548, Section 12, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 9.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 2.49/ha. 2 1 B 205431 7 2943 86 336A n Pla 45 305 A 37 294 3 Subject Property 1 % % % % % AY % E B% GL EA% % AD RO% % % Rem. % % % 33971 2 5 Rem. LS 1 5 295 48 1 3 1 Pla n 108 46 % 4 2 89 40 % % SHUSWAP LAKE Pla n 9.3.1 2 3 2 n Pla 846 10 1 n Pla 6 37 294 n Pla SW 1/4 5 N 88 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 2.0638 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 10846, Section 12, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 9.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 0.97/ha. .2 The maximum density stated in .1 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 9.2 is not exceeded. 1 25669 2 .1 2 1 20543 1 9437 B 2 6 8 6 33 Plan A Subject Property 45 305 A 37 294 3 1 SHUSWAP LAKE % 2 89 40 % % % % AY % E B% GL EA% % AD RO% % % % % Rem. % % % 4 3 33971 2 Rem. LS 1 5 Pla n 1 1 295 48 % Pla n1 08 46 9.3.2 2 3 2 n Pla 846 10 1 n Pla 6 37 294 n Pla SW 1/4 5 N 89 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 4.2775 ha. 9.3.3 This special regulation applies to south west 1/4 of Section 12, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD except Plans 9326, 20543, 21167, 23272, 25669, 29437 and 40892 as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 9.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 0.47/ha. .2 The maximum density stated in .1 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 9.2 is not exceeded. Tp.23 Rge.9 WHITEHEAD ROAD 3 1 25669 23272 A 3 4 58 26 1 Plan 6 3435 1 2 1 205431 9437 B 2 86 336A Subject Property n Pla 45 305 A 37 294 3 SHUSWAP LAKE 1 Rem. SE 1/4 % % % % 2 89 40 % % % AY % E B% GL EA% % AD RO% % % Rem. % % % 2 Rem. LS 1 5 295 48 1 Pla n 1 971 Pla n 108 46 % 2 3 2 n Pla 846 10 1 n Pla 6 37 294 n Pla SW 1/4 5 N 90 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1780 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 26205, Section 24, Township 22, Range 12, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 9.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 9.2 the maximum density of cottages is 5.62/ha. 24 Tp.22 Rge.12 SHUSWAP LAKE Pla H67 5 Subject Property PL AN 9.3.4 1 KAP52566 1 KAP56477 1 2 3574 R IVE ER 18987 TL 1 3574 262 05 3 1 ROAD % 2 % % % LIT AY HW HIG A AD AN -C % % S AN TR % AN PL 31 Plan % Frac. SW 1/4 Sec. 24 and Frac. SE 1/4 Sec. 23 N AY W 91 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.2468 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 3, Plan 3574, Section 24, Township 22, Range 12, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 9.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 9.2 the maximum density of cottages is 4.06/ha. H67 5 .1 Subject Property SHUSWAP LAKE PL AN 9.3.5 1 KAP52566 1 KAP5647 7 2 3574 3 ROAD 3574 1 ER RIV % 18987 TLE 1 LIT 262 05 1 % 2 % AY HW HIG % % % DA NA CA S AN TR % AN PL 31 Plan % Frac. SW 1/4 Sec. 24 and Frac. SE 1/4 Sec. 23 AY ILW CANADIAN PACIFIC RA N 92 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwelling, 0 cottage and the parcel area was 0.2954 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 18987, Section 24, Township 22, Range 12, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 9.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 6.78/ha. SHUSWAP LAKE H67 5 .1 PL AN 9.3.6 Subject Property 1 KAP52566 1 KAP5647 7 2 3574 3 ROAD 3574 1 ER RIV % 18987 TLE 1 LIT 262 05 1 % 2 % AY HW HIG % % % SAN TR % DA NA CA AN PL 31 Plan % Frac. SW 1/4 Sec. 24 and Frac. SE 1/4 Sec. 23 AY ILW CANADIAN PACIFIC RA N 93 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) RR4 - RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE (2 ha) SECTION 10 Purpose The purpose of the RR4 zone is to accommodate larger acreage subdivisions and hobby farms as part of a transition area between agricultural and non-agricultural uses. In general, the RR4 zone corresponds to the CR2 designation in the South Shuswap Official Community Plan. Permitted Uses 10.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the RR4 zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 single family dwelling; hobby farm, permitted only on parcels greater than 2 ha or on parcels within the Agricultural Land Reserve; bed and breakfast; cottage, permitted only on parcels greater than 4,000 m²; home business; home industry, permitted only on parcels greater than 2 ha; accessory use. Regulations 10.2 On a parcel zoned RR4, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED .1 .2 .3 BL701-50 .4 .5 .6 .7 COLUMN II REGULATIONS Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel Maximum Number of Cottages Per Parcel Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Minimum Setback of Home Industry from All Parcel Lines Maximum Coverage on Parcels Less than 4000 m² 94 2 ha 1 1 • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) 5m 4.5 m 2m 5m 5m 40% South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 Special Regulation 13 11 SPK866 Pcl. Y 9 10 1 28284 5 Plan N BLI 113 9 5 1 58 88 KAP HENS 20 n 22 1 Pla 3 ARNH 99 25 CASS Notwithstanding Section 10.1, general automotive servicing and repair including motorcycle and recreational vehicles; the sale of vacuum systems and porta shelters; glass repair and installation including ancillary woodworking; and either one additional dwelling or a cottage as permitted under Section 10.1.4 are additional permitted uses on Lot 8, Section 16, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD, Plan 1364. 11 10.3.1 4 2302 Plan 2 A Plan PE 13 Rem. 1 A 16 Tp.22 Rge Rem. 21 18572 .11 A Pla n 17 577 B5 8 18 1 1 1 136 4 16 29 72 P4 KA NO TC H 1 4 Pla n 2 4 136 173 89 2 69 0 2 B KAP5 3795 1 1 Rem. 7 36 1 25 2 95 n Pla 9 19 23 4 N 1/2 13 364 Plan 1 19346 Plan A 4 136 3 n Pla A A D Rem. 19 McKENZIE ROAD 6 9 2368 Plan A P 2 67 402 6 67 21 Rem. 3 N 1 n Pla A HI LL 32 R 996 OA D 14 273 Plan n 20 Subject Property Rem. 10 136 4 E 1/2 of SW 1/4 690 Plan Rem. 9 2 Pla n FALAISE RD KA P5 75 95 90 Plan 6 % 1 Pla 23 1 A Plan 19459 Plan 4952 Plan TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY A 1930 1 Rem. 24 % Plan 48772 690 80 B69 Plan A Rem. 22 PK670 Plan S 1 Plan38469 6 96 Plan 40 1 18 23 2 Pla 1 6 591 nB Pla Blk. 12 n 4 Pla n 35638 562KAP12 1 4 0 98 19 3 Rem. 12 364 Plan 1 Rem 2 an Pl 1 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 3 single family dwellings, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 2.0234 ha. 10.3.2 This special regulation applies to Lot E, Plan 22083, Section 5, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 10.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 1.49/ha. 4 1 11 D N ROA JUSTI 3 52 10 % 9 7 % % 1 2 43224Rem. 3 Plan Rem. Fr ac. LS 15 and LS 16 KAP50959 % 2 58 57 LS 14 1 PKA LS 15 C 83 220 10 KEEN ROAD 8 42 24 36 an Pl 3 1 5 12 42 384 A A E 86 263 Rem. LS 10 H F n Pla 83 220 G n Pla A 1 % % 2 56 76 5 Tp.23 Rge.9 A Pcl. B LS 8 Rem.A (DD262620F) Rem. LS 5 N 8 1958 37 220 96 BAY EAGLE ROAD 47 244 Pcl.A A A N ROAD 1 2 14 35 3 23 76 7 Rem. 7 33 4 P la n 31 6 Subject Property D 4 JUSTIN ROAD 1 n Pla 3 2 Westerly 66' LS 12 and Frac LS 13 Plan 244 28 CAMILLE ROAD 39247 29 B 26753 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 2.1812 ha. 10.3.3 This special regulation applies to Lot H, Plan 22083, Section 5, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 10.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 0.92/ha. 4 1 11 D N ROA JUSTI 3 52 10 % 9 7 % % 1 2 43224Rem. 3 Plan Rem. Fr ac. LS 15 and LS 16 KAP50959 % 2 58 57 LS 14 1 PKA LS 15 C 83 220 10 KEEN ROAD 8 42 24 36 an Pl 3 1 5 12 42 384 A A E 86 263 Rem. LS 10 H F n Pla 83 220 G n Pla A 1 % % 2 56 76 5 Tp.23 Rge.9 A Pcl. B LS 8 Rem.A (DD262620F) Rem. LS 5 N 8 1958 37 220 97 BAY EAGLE ROAD 47 244 Pcl.A A A N ROAD 1 2 14 35 3 23 76 7 Rem. 7 33 4 P la n 31 6 Subject Property D 4 JUSTIN ROAD 1 n Pla 3 2 Westerly 66' LS 12 and Frac LS 13 Plan 244 28 CAMILLE ROAD 39247 29 B 26753 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 4.0150 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 32082, Section 4, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 10.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 0.5/ha. .2 The maximum density stated in .1 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 10.2 is not exceeded. BRAVO ROAD KA P5 38 12 Frac. LS 10 % 8 Plan 996 4 Tp.23 Rge.9 E 1/2 LS 7 % 1 1 McHALE ROAD 2 87 W 1/2 LS 7 89 N Plan Rem. 2 1 IVY RO AD 98 PL AC E T 98 95 101 93 4 104 91 Plan n Pla lan 412 P54 KA 79 E E NS SU W 1/2 LS 2 A 81 248 KAP59 97 90 Plan 41935 32 08 3 3 Plan Pla n 2 1 TA LI N Plan 9 64 24 1 2 N 1/2 of N 1/2 of W 1/2 of LS 8 % 84 88 A KA P6 134 9 % Rem. 2 an Pl % 1 % KA 549 P12 1 320 82 185 96 RO AD Plan 50331 25 117 IVY Rem. 1 % Rem. N 1/2 of N 1/2 1 1 KAP52 367 n Pla 42224 A % % 5586 3 A13558 P % D OA % YR BA LE% EAG 7 66 34 GALLIGAN ROAD Subject Property S 1/2 A A n Pla N 1/2 A 6 1687 ADLEY RD. .1 D RI V 10.3.4 107 E G TA RI E H VE RI D 49 248 KAP59 46 35 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 3.2374 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 6, Plan 28465, Section 33, Township 22, Range 9, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 10.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 0.62/ha. 3 5 Plan KAP59248 7 E DG RI Plan D A RO 14 12 IVY R OAD 16 11 ALCOCK ROAD % 9 1 IVY ROAD 17 2 16 18 % 19 3 15 Subject Property 4 14 5 CAMERON ROAD 10.3.5 6 7 N 465 28 13 12 n Pla 8 11 9 10 99 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.5179 ha. 10.3.6 This special regulation applies to Lot 4, Plan 19980, Section 16, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. P Notwithstanding Section 10.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 3.87/ha. m. 1 690 Plan 69 0 Plan 19459 1 193 01 90 Plan 6 20 Rem. 21 1 6 29 72 P4 KA 1 4 Pla n HIL L 75 294 Plan 2 3 3 628 Plan Rem. 6 9384 Plan 1 2 6 67 21 A Rem. 7 KAP5 3795 1 36 1 25 2 4 136 Plan A 9 9 1 23 4 Subject Property N 1/2 13 Rem. SW 1/4 64 Plan 13 19346 A Plan 6 N 1 n Pla McKENZIE ROAD B 1 3 n Pla A 32 RO 996 AD 15 Tp. 22 Rge. 11 67 402 n Pla 173 89 2 136 4 1 Rem. 10 2 NO TC H 4 136 Rem. 9 Pla n 136 4 14 273 A 18 23 2 8 Plan Rem. 19 A an PLAN H425 A A Plan 1 TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY n KA P5 75 95 80 B69 Pla 1 Plan38469 4952 3386 1 13 FALAISE RD Y Plan 48772 A .1 4 364 Plan 1 Plan 0 98 19 3 Rem. 12 1 KYTE R 2 an Pl % 1 % OAD KYTE R 100 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 4.0140 ha. 10.3.7 This special regulation applies to Lot 3, Plan 21596, Section 3, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 10.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 0.5/ha. .2 The maximum density stated in .1 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 10.2 is not exceeded. Pl HILLTOP DRIVE 9 111 n Pla .11 21 59 6 Rem. 3 DAV IES RO AD KAP55413 A E 10 chns. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 Pla n 23549 HANNETT ROAD Plan 06 243 Subject Property 2 96 215 n Pla A 3 373 n2 Pla 1 n Pla 8 30 B4 TAYLOR ROAD 1 N 2 A 2 2221 24721 Plan 1 23733 A Plan 29118 1 1 2020 8 A 101 20 28 1 274 43 202 08 242 19 Plan an 1266 n 2 69 549 KAP South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) A BL701-29 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 5 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 1.6875 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot A, Plan 19459, Section 16, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Pla Pla KA P5 75 95 90 Plan 6 282845 18 23 2 Rem. 9 Pla n 18 1 16 29 72 P4 KA NO TC H 1 HI LL RO AD 13 A 1 690 Plan Subject Property 4 136 1 an Pl 2 102 4 2731 3 67 402 6 67 21 2 Plan Rem. 19 Rem. 10 A 2 Trans Canada Highway n Pla 2 2 Plan A A Pla n1 8 36 4 17 1 Plan 5 20 Rem. 21 18572 6 A Rem. 1 A n Pla Plan 19459 1 80 B69 Plan 193 01 4952 Plan Plan 38469 Plan 48772 Rem. 22 690 1 9 10 AD RO 15 AY B P IND P lan I E RO 4 BL 302 CORRIANO ROAD 113 96 Pcl. Y 4 18 69 0 Pla n Lot A RD 3 20 17 1 Pla n O RIAN COR HENSTRIDGE RD 6 1 2 5 315 58 Blk. 11 Pla n 3 562KAP12 SPK866 Pcl. Z LES GIL 048 Blk. 10 27 2 ARNHEIM ROAD 12 5 1 70 SPK6 3 90 Plan 6 3 10 ROAD 11 2 OAD D A RT R KWAIDGE RO R A M STR 4 HEN 9 Pcl. Z RK 1 11 Plan Blk. 5 Blk. 9 3 2 FALAISE RD 11 RTON A ROAD 1127 15 Pcl. Z MARKWA 7 0 76 24 2 Notwithstanding Section 10.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 2.97/ha. P .1 167 15 10.3.8 N n Pla South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) R1 - LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONE SECTION 11 Purpose The purpose of the R1 zone is to provide for small lot single family residential subdivisions where community water and sanitary sewer services are provided. Permitted Uses 11.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the R1 zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 single family dwelling; bed and breakfast; home business; accessory use. Regulations On a parcel zoned R1, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. BL701-2 COLUMN I COLUMN II MATTER TO BE REGULATED REGULATIONS .1 Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: • where a parcel is served by both a community water system 1400 m² and a community sewer system 1ha • in all other cases .2 Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel 1 .3 Maximum height for: BL701-50 • Principal buildings and structures • 10 m (32.81 ft.) • Accessory buildings • 6 m (19.69 ft.) .4 Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line 5m • exterior side parcel line 4.5 m • interior side parcel line 2m • rear parcel line 5m .5 Maximum Coverage 40% BL701-26 11.2 Connection to Community Water BL701-2 11.3 Every parcel created by a new subdivision in the R1 zone shall be connected to a community water system. 103 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Special Regulations BL 701-6 BL701-29 Notwithstanding Section 11.1 sand and gravel processing is a permitted use on the remainder of Lot 190, Plan 27195, Section 18, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD. 153 155 143 GR AN D 123 124 126 138 128 105 96 27 19 5 A 86 359 B 88 93 62 Pla n AY RW FAI 67 54 51 49 55 56 47 P L 69 2719 5 58 45 40 42 27 93 0 B 70 A KA P4 437 5 n Pla Rem. 190 4 44 33 2 14 15 17 10 1 8 5 7 19 21 104 2 1 82 64 RO PARK 98 PLAC E 88 87 26 458 P KA 70 85 BIRC HDA LE R 69 67 86 E AC PL NT OU EM LAK 62 100 73 93 3 83 52 PL 58 2 27195 64 NT 59 GOLF VIEW CRESCENT 65 56 51 108 95 84 61 134 131 110 98 Plan 54 4 D OA 205 85 405 79 1 PARK PLACE 117 114 GOLF COUR SE D 112 Pla RIV n 1 E 0 2740 136 KA 75 80 P4 58 26 50 OU NM GLE Plan 95 271 VIEW 2 157 6 5 45 C PL VIEW MOUNT GLENVIE W 96 26 58 P4 KA VE RI 11 151 161 271 95 SUM MIT D 120 149 n Pla 77 B 165 167 FAIRVIEW PLACE 146 0 2740 1 GOLF COURSE DRIVE 5 58 20 31 163 A MO U DRIVE MO 30 UNT VIEW D 147 RIVE 184 78 44 AD Plan MOUNT D AL E 5 19 27 171 Pl an NT 173 WO ODLAND PLACE 180 an Pl VIEW 177 175 Pla n 11.4.1 3 2177 Subject Property LS 4 N Plan South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.1214 ha. 11.4.2 This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 6463, Section 19, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 11.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 16.45/ha. 19 73 27 25 12 10 6 4 29 an Pl 31 33 Pcl. 35 Z 38 39 43 2 1 38 46 253 15 45 49 ER AC 95 93 91 13 RK PA 23 10 84 85 89 5 71 24 44 46 86 E n CL Pla JUNIPER CIR 19 82 48 39 37 58 42 56 54 52 50 51 105 15 17 39 38 40 BIRCH LA 9 SCENT CRE 38 79 Pla n 41 64 66 n Pla 3 9 795 23 3 5 6 18 23 79 5 1 59 19 2 33 21 31 22 29 75 70 NE 1 17 09 7 . MT AM TU 21 26582 8 57 3 13 n 72 69 4 64 24 B 1 24786 Pla 4 34 26 10 A 11 S 3 B 66 33 8 33 25 7 5 6 24 71 5 AD BLIND BAY RO 265 82 53 A 2 4 34 24 UN RI SE 5 70 22 41 40 64 Plan 32 SHUSWAP LAKE Pla n 2 32 2471 5 23 SUN RIS 73 795 EB 23795 OU 75 77 47 LEV AR 45 44 D 42 49 51 36 43 74 20 69 71 58 37 1 18 24715 45 4 ESCENT JUNIPER CR n Pla 51 65 Plan 67 60 95 37 62 n 2 Pla 61 T 5 2471 3 Plan n Q 39 38 227 47 05 1 247 15 30 VE 63 1 63 64 D 1871 4 4 74 22 A J UN IPE R CRESCENT 29 8590 M TAM 96 ERA 5 N. TA 27 C 14 TER 28 P R 16 Plan AC lan 30 E 12 25 21 51 1 8 253 38 O 27 25 3 23 9 A C A 2 % 10 17 18 n Pla n Pla n % 159171 Pla M CE DA RD RIV E K 3 Pla n 21 20 3 % Subject Property % 2 A 2533 8 Pcl. Z 19 DRIVE B 2 an 16 Plan 1871 Plan Plan D ROAD BARNAR 12 82 9 1 24995 Lot A 27 5 28 10 % 17 B42 27 % 9 82 12 Rem.16 Pcl. Z Pla n % % BLIND BAY ROAD % % % 28 10 % % % 1871 2646 3 8590 B74 67 Tp.22 Rge.10 LV D 6 N 5 7n Pla 2731 3 0 9 1 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.1821 ha. 11.4.3 This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 11482, Section 24, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 11.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 10.99/ha. 24 Tp. 22 Rge. 11 SHUSWAP LAKE 12 13 19495 1 1 1 1 99 46 5 884 4 KAP 4 KAP 2 2 % 12829 % 13 46 6 13386 Plan % D % ROA B 5 49 19 16 an 10 Pl % 8 04 B6 A 4 5 6 N 1 10 1 12 an Pl 14 Plan 6 52 % % % C Plan 11 E Pcl. Z 9 54 Pcl. 19 Z 61 K M 19 21 O 27 25 23 Pla n 29 LAKEVIE W DRIVE 5 70 59 22 57 55 23 21 51 1 30 Q 39 227 47 05 51 53 Pla n 21 20 33 9 Plan 45 43 32 74 67 68 55 1 5 219517 Plan 16 Pla n 8 12 24995 Lot A 15 I 64 65 5 an Pl 3 18 1 Rem.16 21511 15 62 22 2031439 13 7 20 % BLIND BAY ROAD % % % % 13 13 G 17 24 % % % 12829 11 28 40 44 28 62 60 64 57 TA LANA TRAIL 42 HOPES W 106 % CEDAR DRIVE 26 LAKEVIEW DRIVE 29 14 % 12 9 A E AY 5 BLIND BAY C UT-OF F Plan % 9 7 Plan B n Pla 8 an Pl % 2 1429 % % n Pla 4 % % 7 Plan 955 21 11 6 % 27 KAP49702 21219D 2 26 65 % % C 1 8 04 4 B3 05 4 44 K A 88 P6 4 1204 % % 38 82 265 30 36 34 32 SUNSET POINT CANADA WAY Y D BA BLIN 3 Plan Am. B % em. 1 429 Plan 1 % % 1 241 1429 B6 73 8 2 an Pl 52 18 A 9 33 20 7 98 16 an l P 6 1 93 32 2 Plan 114382 INGRAM ROAD 470KAP 83 - A 1 1 333 55 2 B3388 DL 6163 Plan A 12 82 9 21 23 Subject Property 3 162 DL 16 15 66 14 33 72 69 18 265 82 41 40 73 12 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 1.2828 ha. 11.4.4 This special regulation applies to Lot E, Plan 23487, Section 18, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 11.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 1.56/ha. .2 The maximum density stated in .1 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 11.2 is not exceeded. ND 1 2 315 76 20364A 2 AD RO 1 3 DL 8 80 20 1 SHUSWAP LAKE 96 17 BO A UR RD 5 NT Pl an 153 155 163 A 44 161 EW PL MOUNTVI C PL ACE KAP4 8588 55 41 L 24 19 42 78 MO U 77 Rem. SW 1/4 LS 11 20 23 B 165 R 107 39 Pl an A 10 21 8K 6 5 45 KA 75 80 P4 58 4 47 9 A GLENVIE P458 WR O 26 96 7 93 97 PARK AD 151 46 40 16 26 MOUNT D A LE 149 0 2740 1 167 184 189 P SE T RO MOUN 18966 Plan 12 RO ACE PL n Pla DRIV E 5 185 9 WO 271 ODLAND PLACE 38 27 13 DRIV E 146 SUM MIT D UNT V IEW 22 n Pla 36 C D 35 412 52 6 4582 KAP 30 Plan East 1/2 LS 1 % DOEBERT R O 234 87 NW 1/4 LS 11 1 1 NT 13 147 6 807 32 P4 3 KA 2 11 27 7 AD RO AY DB IN BL n Pla VIEW 15 30 5 173 719 2 171 MO KA P5 413 3 2 A LE DA 5 58 20 31 180 177 CE 1 SE 1/4 LS 1 B 1 25 19 1 Rem. A Rem. SW 1/4 LS 14 PERRIS RD 5 1 SE DVIEW R OA D AN ISL 33 BAY CRES 24 25 175 n Pla 27 2 3 271 12 Plan 2819 8 9 90 10 29 23834 21 19 Plan A AD 29413 17 41 058528 26 2 33 34 17 20585 43 45 35 14713 22 AN Plan 24 DVI EW ROAD 37 39 Rem. LS 12 1 E 34 38 Pla 13 2 n Pl an % Rem. B 63 1 234 87 Pt.A 9 16 15 9384 55 1 Rem. A Amd.8 65 61 59 57 9 2 Amd.6 11 87 5 12661 49 7 1 8 34 18 n Pla 79 255 Plan 47 0 50 66 238 34 66 B 51 80 62 5 34 238 Pcl. 72 Z 5 87 11 81 67 E A L 71 RKD 84 68 76 78 4 85 83 ROAD BAYVIEW 33824 1 Pla n A 1 IV DR A 4 P E lan 3 87 E 69 1 104 103 106 I VE DR 579 101 T ES 87 85 20618 99 FO 108 R 89 92 34 238 89 PAR KLA ND PLA C 98 Plan 9 I Pcl. A n Pla 96 AL ER GR EE N PL 113 7 57 22 3 27112 1 2 2 KOA ROAD E NT CE A 34 111 110 32 196 C 2 Plan 1221 2 0 NN 61 8 8 % KAP 443 75 Rem. NE 1/4 % Subject PropertyPlan 2 1 21 292 n Pla BLIND BAY 104 44 0 27 17 3 HA 24797 R 1 93 198 Plan 115 1 67 124Rem. 2 Y BA 7425 103 N 49 Rem. LS 6 98 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.1699 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 61, Plan 20620, Section 18, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 11.1 a cottage is an additional permitted use. 42 10 n Pla 11 13 1 20 43 26 58 9 315 76 Plan PL EE N EV ER GR IS LA KAP4 8588 MARINE DRIVE 20620 18 n Pla A 49 4 3382 84 87 85 n Pla 50 66 A 1 Plan 3 1 Pla n 5 7 68 57 55 66 34 238 9 65 63 61 59 4 238 34 83 Pcl. 72 Z 76 78 B 51 67 13 4 83 23 P 16 15 37 39 45 26 24 4 104 103 81 Plan 47 22 1 ROAD BAYVIEW 79 255 62 Tp.22 Rge.10 47 52 101 60 IE RID GEV W 5 58 20 9 2557 69 20618 834 106 71 73 75 53 56 57 45 54 18 80 DA PA RK 76 44 PARK 25579 55 58 Plan 42 19 17 15 54 41 85 PL ACE 39 21 9 Plan DR IV E FO RE ST 2344 0 Pla 579 25 23 78 92 87 82 81 35 37 99 108 89 86 33 25 Plan 93 Pcl. A 23 89 PAR KLAND PL A 98 32 196 C Plan 12218 206 18 35 41 43 29 17 Pl an 16 KA P5 09 01 15 WA V NORTHWOOD PL SOUTH WOOD PL CE A VE Plan 11 N DR IV E 18 23440 92 31 27 103 Y PLACE 96 LE 41 19 29 113 111 110 25579 2 T E PL AC E 9 7 21 % % IV DR Plan LY 102 9 Rem. NE 1/4 A AL NI EN 40 255 79 115 LY DRIVE ER 101 31 3 1989 Plan 4 2383 95 96 17 1 23 Plan 97 DL 8 80 20 Subject Property 117 20 206 27 3 1 CE 23 7 n Pla 5 IVE DR % AV ER L R VE WA % 33 W 106 5 IVE DR ST RE FO 20364A 2 3 20 18 BLIND BAY 1 ST RE FO D EW OA FOREST V I SR LL HI AY IRW FA 38 16 29 Pla 3 n 25 3 2 59 3 7 55 35 27 5 10 61 57 36 83 1 2 CEN 35 5 BLIND B 27425 A 12 20 63 62 0 53 R SE 20 206 29 6 LEISURE ROAD E RI V TD ALE CH 25777 n Pla E AC TERR 1 81 14 51 33 45 43 56 54 2 3 20620 85 66 50 39 32 31 79 1497 n Pla 86 65 2344 0 88 78 95 49 61 59 Plan 96 41 62 PL 90 76 67 46 Pl an 64 51 68 30 MA A R 74 42 DL 59 Rem. 1 703 Plan 22 % 8 % 770 33 9 AD RO N 57 Plan 70 69 43 61 63 21 45 24 60 n Pla 54 49 22 26 59 55 1 Plan 7 77 25 3795 25 Plan 2 0 1 2062 362 92 Y BA 28 26B 52 52 3 D 47 15 DAL E ROAD 57 3 29238 A 28 68 72 19 17 13 30 T KAP 532 30 1 CHALET DRIVE n Pla 47 A 27 A 72 74 5 34 32 S 43 1 11 76 77 257 7 D IN BL PLE A 9 24715 Pcl. A Plan E PLAC INE 42 45 80 36 LEISURE PL 81 38 E PL Pla 18 The maximum density of cottages is 5.89/ha. 16 EN .2 GLENGARRY PL 11.4.5 27 25 23834 DV IEW RO 20585 28 33 AN AD SL I 19 21 BAY CRES 24 22 18 WO ODLAN BL 701-31 This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 22081, Section 30, Township 22, Range 10, W6M as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 11.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 3.6 /ha. Frac. SE 1/4 Subject Property 1 % Plan 35871 19724 % 4 1972 % Plan % 4 685 Plan 3 B 1 2 4 SHUSWAP LAKE Plan 85 00 P5 KA EA GL EB AY RO AD 413 KAP57 1 1 13 Pla n 14 11 A 9 7 68 144 Plan 5 A AN NC DU % % 10 25 % 30 % 43058 % % 21 36 1 2 1 % 4602 Tp.22 Rge.10 3 28913 % 4 1 Plan 34 AD RO 17 15 30291 23 Pcl. A 38 29 60 P4 KA KA P6 12 26 16 17743 N 22081 3 H86 Rem.A DL 11.4.6 3029130 41 Rem. NE 1/4 32 28 108 25 27 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) R2 - MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONE SECTION 12 Purpose The purpose of the R2 zone is to provide for higher, urban density residential development in select portions of the South Shuswap Plan Area. In general, the R2 zone corresponds to the MDR designation in the South Shuswap Official Community Plan. Permitted Uses 12.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the R2 zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 multiple family dwelling; duplex; single family dwelling; home business, conducted entirely within a single family dwelling or an accessory building to a single family dwelling accessory use. Regulations 12.2 On a parcel zoned R2, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 .3 .4 BL701-50 5 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel Minimum Parcel Area for a: • single family dwelling • duplex • multiple family dwelling Maximum Gross Floor Area of Accessory Buildings Where the Parcel Area is: • 1400 m² or less • more than 1400 m² Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings 109 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 700 m² 1 700 m² 1,000 m² 1,400 m² 45 m² 60 m² • • 10 m (32.81 ft.) 6 m (19.69 ft.) South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Setback from the: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage Maximum Density of Multiple Family Dwellings and Duplexes .6 .7 .8 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 5m 4.5 m 2m 5m 50% 25 dwelling units/ha Connection to Community Water and Sewer Systems 12.3 Every parcel created by a new subdivision in the R2 zone shall be connected to a community water system and a community sewer system. Special Regulation Plan 13281 % EAG Notwithstanding Section 12.2, the maximum density of multiple family dwellings and duplexes for Lot A, Plan 24797, Section 17, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD is 19 dwelling units/ha. DL 6021 BLIND BAY 1 % DL 7 19 CE BAY CRES D Rem. A % Rem. LS 12 1 KA P5 41 33 2 6 807 30 32 P4 3 KA DOEBERT R O 234 87 C Plan 35 SE T RO MOUN D IN BL 1 21 292 7 57 22 3 3 27112 PERRIS RD 5 Rem. SW 1/4 LS 14 SE 1/4 LS 14 2 11 27 7 55 41 D OA YR BA NW 1/4 LS 11 East 1/2 LS 11 1 % 1 412 52 6 4582 KAP 27 16 26 36 38 A PL 13 Plan 12 24 18966 A ROS 19 110 N 10 AC PL 24 21 Plan 2 B 1 25 19 1 1 LE DA 27 17 A 2 E 29 35 34 38 Pla 13 2 n 1 AD 37 E 63 16 15 Pt.A Rem. B 9 65 NT 61 59 57 66 34 238 1 Rem. 234 A 87 Amd.8 D Pcl. 72 Z 9 2 Amd.6 118 75 Pl an 9 90 10 238 34 68 1 14713 5 85 83 8 34 18 IV DR 11 87 5 4 84 7 1 Pla n n Pla A 1 Plan E 3 9384 4 KOA ROAD 12661 AL NI EN NT 32 196 C 2 Plan 1221 206 8 18 104 44 0 27 17 3 BO A UR RD 5 Plan 2 1 271 12 2 Plan 1 2819 8 1 1 67 124Rem. 2 24797 HAR 96 17 25 Pla n % 3 n Pla 1 an Pl % DL 5974 Subject Property 3 % % Pl an 12.4 Rem. SW 1/4 LS 11 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) CH1 - CLUSTER HOUSING 1 ZONE SECTION 13 Purposes The purpose of the CH1 zone is to recognize existing cluster housing arrangements as of March 16, 1995 but not to recognize any new cluster housing arrangements. Permitted Uses 13.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the CH1 zone: .1 .2 .3 single family dwelling; home business; accessory use. Regulations 13.2 On a parcel zoned CH1, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 BL701-50 .2 • • .3 .4 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions Maximum height for: Principal buildings and structures Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage 111 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 80 ha • • 10 m (32.81 ft.) 6 m (19.69 ft.) 5m 4.5 m 2m 5m 70% South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Maximum Density 13.3.1 The maximum density permitted on that portion of south east ¼, north west ¼ of Legal Subdivision 9, Legal Subdivision 10, fraction of Legal Subdivision 15, land only, Legal Subdivision 16, Section 17, Township 23, Range 8, W6M, KDYD which lies within the CH1 zone as shown on the map below is 0.62/ha. .2 The maximum density permitted on that portion of the West ½ of Section 17, Township 23, Range 8, W6M, KDYD which lies within the CH1 zone is 2.6 dwelling units/ha. SHUSWAP LAKE 17 Tp.23 Rge.8 Subject Property LS 8 & 9 Frac. W 1/2 PARK L 1804 24 25 1797 KAS 15 Com. BAY ROAD EAGLE 87 88 83 1 40 26 91 38 35 80 106 77 Common ss BL 701-6 BL 701-29 e 97 cc n A S17 mo KA m 97 Co an Pl Plan H16001 % N 100 76 105 103 % 2 % % 60 65 285 P56 112 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) .3 The maximum density permitted on that portion of Lot A, Plan 15200 (Except Plan 22302), Section 18, Township 23, Range 8, W6M, KDYD is 1.4 dwelling units/ha. p 3 ge.8 SHUSWAP LAKE Subject Property 27030 Plan 2 7 1 3 Common Pla n 42 44 1 6 8 9 212 36 2 3 4 6 22 276 Pt. Lot A S. of Rd 40 38 Pl an n Pla 31 ss ce Ac on 23 m om C 25 8 7 29 %% 21 45 278 SP %K % 24 4 A Rem. 1 %% Rem. A 24 10 26 Common 27 28 9 SP K2 19 44 36 35 33 10 Plan 15 41 5 39 17 Plan Co mm on 29 45 s ces mon Ac Com 2569 2 1 DL 1804 5 11 13 2 PAR 1 46 14 Acce ss 49 30 38 35 70 es cc 97 n A S17 mo KA m 97 Co 80 106 Common 38 340PARK % % 56 60 65 285 P56 KA % E GL EA a Pl 100 76 103 % % EAGLE BAY ROAD 88 77 n Pla 87 91 105 52 Com. 83 66 48 25 1797 KAS 15 s 4 63 18 1 5 4 15200 % % LS 8 & 5 3 BROOM ROAD % Pt.A N. of Rd 22302 2 % Plan 1 CHESTER ROAD EMERSON ROAD EVELYN ROAD Plan 11097 951 Plan 14637 OAD YR % BA Rem. 1 n Pla N BL701-31 113 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) .5 The maximum density permitted on Lot 1, Plan 25456, Section 2, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD is 3.8 dwelling units/ha. MYRTLE ROAD D.L. 1500 Rem.4 2 A Pl an % 3 Subject Property % % % A 1 49 29 B 6 45 25 SHUSWAP LAKE 6 Plan an Pl D.L. 5900 Rem. 1 Rem. 2 Rem. 3 Rem. 4 n Pla Z 1 KAP59 718 B 428 16 909 11 1 2 1972 5 4 9 1158 Plan 7 EAGLE BAY ROAD 6 4922 7 9 Rem. 10 Rem. 11 Plan Rem. W 1/2 of NW 1/4 Rem. NE 1/4 .6 N The maximum density permitted on the Fraction of the Southeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 23, Range 9 is 3.2 dwelling units/ha. N Subject Property SHUSWAP LAKE Pla n Rem. SE 1/4 A 11 74 3 LIGAN ROAD GAL 7 801 % % Rem.3 1 Plan LS 15 Rem. LS 16 Pcl.A 996o8f Lt.2 57 191 2 1 Rem. 2 9968 Pcl.A of Lt.3 % % B C 8 3424 14 A 2 437 38 n Pla 7 66 801 46 BRAN CH 1 A ROAD 1 50 B3 9968 A KA P5 5 Frac. LS 13 4 3 114 13 3 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) The maximum density permitted on the Fraction of Legal Subdivision 3, Section 23, Township 22, Range 11, is 10 dwelling units/ha. RO AD NE W MA N SHUSWAP LAKE DUNNE ROAD 9336 N B5 17 8 .7 1 Plan 2 1 A Plan ARCHIBALD RD C Plan B A 13721 4 Frac. LS 3 11 4 226 Pcl. A 1 A 1 BLIND BAY ROAD H759 271 2 09 658 Plan 3 1 1 264 54 1 85 329 4 Plan KAP5086 1 R OA D BL AIR 2 10 10339 4542 19038 4 2 4 3 41950 8316 8 Pla n A 6 1974 Plan 62 19 19 03 8 O RR FE AD RO Plan 44 DD263 62 Plan 19 Rem. 3 2 Plan 43 Subject Property 20627 1 2 1 4 Plan 197 3 17 % NS-C TRA % % % H 425 115 % South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) CH2 - CLUSTER HOUSING 2 ZONE SECTION 14 Purpose The purpose of the CH2 zone is to recognize existing cluster housing arrangements as of March 16, 1995 but not to recognize any new cluster housing arrangements which were not existing on this date. Permitted Uses 14.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the CH2 zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 BL 701-6 single family dwelling; cottage;permitted only on parcels greater than 4,000m² home business; accessory use. Regulations 14.2 On a parcel zoned CH2, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 BL701-50 .2 • • .3 BL 701-6 .4 .5 BL 701-6 .6 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions Maximum height for: Principal buildings and structures Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage Maximum Number of Single Family dwellings Maximum Number of Cottages 116 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 10 ha • • 10 m (32.81 ft.) 6 m (19.69 ft.) 5m 4.5 m 2m 5m 70% 1 1 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Special Regulation BL 701-6 14.3.1 The maximum density of single family dwellings permitted on Lot 1, Plan 10984, Section 15, Township 22 Range 11, W6M, KDYD is 2.96/ha. 315 58 9 10 80 B69 n Pla 1 Plan 6 5 28284 5 A P 2 0 4266 2 % % % % % 269 33 % 1 1 86 4 33 n PARK a Pl 7 3 6283 4 1 1 39 19 2 8 6 P Plan IE ROAD 3386 9 13 1 TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY A Rem. 13 2 Plan 7477 Plan 3 PLAN H425 A N 1 690 Plan R BE O R B3 67 6 1 % 6 15 6 3747 1 AD RO 3644 2947 5 20319 % Plan 24433 28368 3 Plan Plan A 1 2 Plan Y BA ND BLI 3024 lan 2 2 RICHENS 4 18 M OO BL 1 26 93 3 Plan 1 1 1 2 3 GILLESPIE ROAD 29 18 0 Plan 2197 6 383 477 KA 34 88 P- Plan Pla n 315 58 n Pla AD RO Plan 19459 690 Plan 1 ROAD TRIDGE HENS CORRIANO ROAD FALAISE RD Pla n 1 3 4 98 10 90 Plan 6 3 20 17 1 1930 1 4952 Plan 1 RD Plan 0 5 ANO RRI CO KA P5 75 95 Rem. 22 Plan 48772 Pcl. Y 2 HENSTRIDGE RD Pla n 1 Plan38469 Blk. 9 Blk. 11 6 Lot A 621 2 SPK866 3 1 2 3 ES GILL 1 8 4 270 2 ARNHEIM ROAD 12 Pcl. Z 4 KAP45960 1 3 4 3 9 10 4 2 113 96 Pcl. Z 2 % % C 69 0 Blk. 5 1 11 % % n 2 A % Pla 3 272 4 SPK 200 Plan B 312 7 15 1 Pla n 5 2 2 Pla n 3 1127 Pla n Blk. 4 167 15 1 MARKWART ROAD 5 7356 Blk. 3 1 21 42 1 GRANT ROAD % B 14 210 1 2 3 n Pla 3 4588 KAP 1127 1 1 Plan 3644 DL 27 SHUSWAP LAKE 429 2 27941 Subject Property Plan 117 14 273 75 294 Plan 2 3 3 628 Plan Rem. 6 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 BL701-34 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 9 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.4249 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot B, Plan 1871, Section 19, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 14.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 21.19/ha. SHUSWAP LAKE Pcl. 19 Z 21511 G I 13 15 17 61 K Pla n 19 21 55 O 29 51 Plan 45 5 70 22 38 82 265 30 36 34 32 CANADA WAY 40 62 64 16 15 66 14 12 33 34 72 69 18 265 82 73 27 25 4 64 24 B 1 5 3 M UA .T MT 57 EN ESC T CR 33 lan 31 29 P 23 20 69 23795 47 9 Pcl. 35 Z 38 39 10 93 13 43 118 89 15 44 24786 13 39 17 39 38 37 58 42 56 54 10 A 11 NE 38 79 41 40 6 24 71 5 26 Pla n 95 2 4 34 24 23 SUN RI S 73 795 EB OU 75 77 LEV 45 44 AR D 42 Pla n 2 32 24715 91 RK PA 1 15 n Pla 3 9 795 23 3 5 6 18 23 79 5 59 1 19 33 75 70 1 2 3 AD BLIND BAY RO 60 57 A LANA TRAIL 65 8 33 25 7 Plan 53 4 M TAME 5 TA 27 96 RAC N. TER 28 P la RA Plan 16 CE n 30 18 14 49 51 A 1 247153 Plan 71 58 37 8 1 63 64 D 1871 4 4 74 22 A Plan 67 60 5 379 62 n 261 Pla 32 41 40 10 63 36 43 74 67 68 55 17 18 n Pla 12 Q 39 38 T 227 47 05 8590 % 159171 25 21 51 1 30 DRIVE 53 23 n Pla 57 64 65 Pla n 27 25 23 LAKEVIEW 5 70 59 22 M 3 Pla n 21 20 33 9 AD E C A 2 A % 2 A 17 09 7 15 13 CEDAR DR IVE C n 11 % % 2 n 9 Plan B BIRCH LA 7 24995 Plan 1871 Pla 339 12 2014 16 1 24715 Lot A 27 6 1871 2646 3 8590 B74 67 9 82 12 R CRESCENT 13 11 28 10 % 17 Rem.16 D RO BARNAR Plan 9 % Tp.22 Rge.10 ER AC 7 % BLIND BAY ROAD % % % % Pcl. Z 2533 8 5 % % % lan % 12829 253 38 % B42 27 % 28 10 % % P la n % % CED AR DR IVE % % 12 82 9 % % % % % % % 19 Subject Property 247 15 .1 J UN IPE R CRESCENT 14.3.2 N D BLV South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottage and the parcel area was 0.3075 ha. 14.3.3 This special regulation applies to Lot 10, Plan 4542, Section 23, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 14.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 6.51/ha. Plan ARCHIBALD RD C Plan B A 13721 11 10339 A H759 271 2 09 658 Plan 3 1 5 264 54 Pcl. A 1 BLIND BAY ROAD 1 4 4 1 85 329 4 Plan KAP50861 RO Frac. LS 3 19 03 8 2 10 19038 41950 2 4 3 SHUSWAP LAKE 4542 Pla n 8 A 6 4 62 19 BL AIR FE RR O Subject Property 8316 AD RO AD A Plan 62 Plan 19 Rem. 3 20627 20627 B7226 % 3 461 4 n Pl a % % % ROAD % 3 % ROAD % 4 Plan 197 3 2 A 1617 Plan % % % 26936 Rem.1 037 B2 % % % Rem. NE 1/4 A HIGHWAY TRANS-CANAD 21 KAP571 % N 3 % 2 119 Rem. 2 S of Hwy. 33 61 3 KAP 454 73 2 1 % 2 Plan % 1 1 % 33 67 1 % Plan 523 1 % A South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 1 single family dwelling, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 0.2873 ha. 14.3.4 This special regulation applies to Lot 9, Plan 4542, Section 23, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 14.1.2 a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 14.2 the maximum density of cottages is 3.49/ha. Plan ARCHIBALD RD C Plan B A 13721 11 10339 A BLIND BAY ROAD H759 271 2 09 658 Plan 3 1 5 264 54 Pcl. A 1 1 4 4 1 85 329 4 Plan KAP50861 RO Frac. LS 3 19 03 8 2 10 19038 4 2 4 3 41950 8316 4542 Pla n 8 A 6 62 19 BL AIR FE RR O Subject Property SHUSWAP LAKE AD RO AD A Plan 62 Plan 19 Rem. 3 20627 20627 B7226 % % 2 1 2 3 461 4 n Pl a % % % ROAD % 3 % ROAD % 4 Plan 197 3 2 A 1617 Plan % % 26936 % Rem.1 037 B2 % % % Rem. NE 1/4 A HIGHWAY TRANS-CANAD 21 KAP571 % N 3 % Plan KAP 454 73 1 2 120 Rem. 2 S of Hwy. 33 61 3 % 1 % 33 67 1 % Plan 523 1 % A South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 3 single family dwellings, 1 cottages and the parcel area was 5.2932 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 1974, Section 23, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 14.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 0.57/ha. Plan 8 5 2 347 67 Plan Subject Property 2 DURHAM ROAD 1 DUNNE ROAD B5 17 8 RO AD NE W MA N 2 4 10339 BL AIR 19 03 8 Frac. LS 3 19038 10 11 Pla n 2 Pcl. A KAP50861 RO AD RO AD FE RR O 4542 429 Plan 1 Am. B % % % OAD YR D BA BLIN Rem. 1 Plan 2 1 4 1974 Plan 1 85 329 4 Plan an Pl 52 18 % 3 A 62 19 7 98 16 an l P 4 9336 SHUSWAP LAKE A 1 1429 B6 73 8 14.3.5 1429 Plan 1 5 A 1 BLIND BAY ROAD H759 271 2 09 658 Plan 3 1 1 44 DD263 62 Plan 19 Rem. 3 2 878 Plan 43 20627 7 2618 Plan 1 N Rem. NW 1/4 Rem. 2 2 1 3 4 Plan 197 121 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 3 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.8377 ha. 14.3.6 This special regulation applies to Lot PT 1, Plan B5178, Section 23, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 14.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 3.59/ha. 3 162 DL DL .1 Plan8 5 347 67 2 DURHAM ROAD Plan Subject Property Pcl. A 2 n Pla 52 18 429 Plan 1 Am. B % % 3 Y D BA BLIN Rem. 1 2 % D ROA % Plan 2 1 4 1974 Plan 1429 Plan 1 5 A BLIND BAY C UT-O FF 10339 85 329 4 Plan DUNNE ROAD B5 17 8 RO AD NE W MA N 4 1 KAP50861 RO AD 19038 S3 P la n 2 19 03 8 BL AIR 62 19 7 98 16 an l P 4 9336 A 6163 Plan A 2 1 A 1 1429 B6 73 8 SHUSWAP LAKE 9336 7 29 14 n Pla 6 1 N H759 658 Plan 3 1 44 DD263 62 Plan 19 3 Rem. 3 2 878 Plan 43 7 122 7 2618 Plan 4 Rem. 1 2 1 Plan6 PLE A S AN South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 4 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 1.1776 ha. 14.3.7 This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 9336, Section 23, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 14.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 3.4/ha. 3 162 DL DL .1 Plan8 347 67 DURHAM ROAD Plan an Pl A 7 98 16 2 n Pla 52 18 429 Plan 1 Am. B % % 3 Y D BA BLIN Rem. 1 2 % D % ROA Plan 2 1 4 1974 Plan 1429 Plan 1 5 A BLIND BAY C UT-OF F DUNNE ROAD B5 17 8 RO AD 10339 Pcl. A 1 4 9336 NE W MA N 4 85 329 4 Plan KAP50861 RO AD BL AIR 19 03 8 19038 S3 P la n 2 1 2 6163 Plan A 2 1 SHUSWAP LAKE 62 19 5 1429 B6 73 8 Subject Property A 9336 7 29 14 n Pla 6 1 N H759 658 Plan 3 1 44 DD263 62 Plan 19 3 Rem. 3 2 878 Plan 43 7 7 2618 Plan 4 Rem. 1 2 1 Plan6 PLEA S AN “ 123 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-29 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 5 single family dwellings, 2 cottages and the parcel area was 5.3605 ha. This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 1974, Section 23, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD except Plan B5178 as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 14.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 0.94/ha. .2 Notwithstanding Section 14.2 the maximum density of cottages is 0.38/ha. Pla n N Pla n 4 A Pcl. A 5 3298 1 2 3 4 KAP50861 10339 19 03 8 BL AI R 62 19 43574 RO AD A 1 4 D ROA BAY D BLIN 3 Rem. 1 Plan 2 1 4 1974 Plan Plan 1 Blind Bay Road H759 58 Plan 36 DUNNE ROAD NE W MA N Subject Property 2 an Pl 2 9336 B5 17 8 RO AD e Lak p a sw Shu DURHAM ROAD 14.3.8 44 DD263 2 Plan 196 Rem. 3 2 3878 Plan 4 Plan Rem. 2 124 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-29 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 4 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 0.8122 ha. 14.3.9 This special regulation applies to that part of Lot 1, Plan 1974 as shown on Plan B5178, Section 23, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 14.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 4.93/ha. N Shuswap Lake 93376 Pla8n 1429 B6 73 8 5 Pla n Subject Property 2 DURHAM ROAD 347 67 1 3 4 DUNNE ROAD B5 17 8 RO AD NE W MA N 2 KAP50861 Pcl. A 5 3298 1 43574 62 19 an Pl 7 98 16 2 4 A an Pl 52 18 Am. B D ROA AY B D BLIN 3 Rem. 9336 A 1 1 Plan 2 1 4 1974 Plan Plan 1 5 125 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-29 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 5 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 6.42 ha. 14.3.10 This special regulation applies to that portion of part of North East ¼ Section 14 and that part of South East ¼ Section 23 as shown on the plan attached to DD 26344, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD, except Plan 9336 and is that area bounded on the South by the Trans Canada Highway and on the North by a line drawn from the South West corner of Lot 4, Plan 1429 to a point on the Western boundary, 200 metres South of the Blind Bay Road as shown on the map below. Notwithstanding Section 14.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 0.78/ha. AD RO BAY ND I L B Rem. 9336 1 Plan 2 1 A 3 4 5 Subject Property 2 Plan 196 344 DD26 an Pl 6 3 Rem. 3 2 1 10 2 78 Plan 438 7 2618 Plan 1 4 est) AD (W PLEA E RO SANT DAL Rem. NW 1/4 13 Rem. 2 Plan 1974 37 40 Plan H9561 38 36 28 LSH WA 35 AY GHW A HI D A -CAN TRANS 8 Plan6 1 Plan H425 an Pl 29 14 Plan 1 200 m 2 KAP50861 Pcl. A 5 3298 1 43574 10339 62 19 1429 4 1974 Plan RO AD DUNNE ROAD NE W MA N B5 17 8 RO AD N BLIND B AY CUT-OFF .1 34 30 32 Plan 23 22 A 61 Plan 190 A A 1 AP5712 4 40 23 12169 126 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) 14.3.11 BL701-36 14.3.12 This special regulation applies to Lot 2, Plan KAP62863, Section 15, Township 22, Range 11, W6M as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 14.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 32.6 /ha. .2 Notwithstanding Section 14.2 the maximum parcel coverage is 23%. 127 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) LH - LARGE HOLDING ZONE SECTION 15 Purpose The purpose of the LH zone is either: (1) to ensure appropriate use of lands not suitable for intensive development due to steep slopes and hazardous conditions or, (2) to serve as a holding designation for development which may be suitable in the future. Permitted Uses 15.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in LH zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 single family dwelling; agriculture; bed and breakfast; cottage, permitted only if there is less than two (2) single family dwellings on the property; home business; home industry, permitted only on parcels greater than 2 ha; portable sawmill, permitted only on parcels greater than 10 ha and subject to the provisions of Section 3.14; public utility; building set apart for public worship; public recreation facility; public camping; storage; accessory use. Regulation 15.2 On a parcel zoned LH, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 BL701-50 .2 .3 .4 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Maximum Number of Cottages Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions 128 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 2 1 • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) 8 ha South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Minimum Setback of Home Industry from All Parcel Lines Minimum Setback of Portable Sawmill from All Parcel Lines Maximum Site Area of Portable Sawmill .5 .6 .7 .8 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 5m 4.5 m 2m 5m 5m 75 m 1 ha Screening 15.3 All storage used for commercial purposes must be contained within a landscape screen of not less than 2 m in height so as to fully enclose the storage use from adjacent properties. Number of Guest Cottages in Notch Hill - Balmoral Area 15.4 Notwithstanding Section 15.1.4 the maximum number of cottages on parcels greater than 10 ha in the LH zone in the Notch Hill – Balmoral area as defined in the following sketch is 1. % % % %% % %% %%% % %% %% % % %%% % %% % % % % %%% % %%% % % % %%%% %% % % % % % % % % % % %% % % %% %% %% %% %% % %% % %% %% %% %% %% %% % % %% %% %% %% %% Notch Hill Balmoral %% %% %% % % % % % % % % % % %% % % % % % % % % % % %% %% %% %% %% N 129 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 1 cottage and the parcel area was 22.8202 ha. 15.5.1 This special regulation applies to part of south east 1/4 Section 13, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD except Plans 6627, 9273, 10957, 11976, 14951 and FRAC. LS2 as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 15.1, a cottage is an additional permitted use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 15.2 the maximum density of cottages is 0.05/ha. .3 The maximum density stated in .2 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of cottages per parcel stated in Section 15.2 is not exceeded. Subject Property SHUSWAP LAKE n Pla 1 BRADSHAW ROAD % 9 59 10 % % % % A 1 1 11097 BAFFIN ROAD % % Plan 14637 Plan 14951 11976 % Plan 2 9273 10957 A H591 2 % % 2 1 CHESTER ROAD EMERSON ROAD EVELYN ROAD Pt.A N. of Rd % % 5 3 4 63 18 1 4 27030 Plan 2 7 1 Common Pla n 44 46 42 ARMSTRONG ROAD 1 212 36 2569 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 40 38 Pl an 33 n Pla Plan 15 41 22 276 10 31 35 A on m om C 25 27 28 9 8 7 29 %% Plan N 11 13 2 Pt. Lot A S. of Rd Plan 5 Rem. Fr ac. SE 1/4 ARMSTRO NG RO AD REA ROAD KAP6 0073 3 1 45 278 Rem. 1 8 % % EAGLE BAY ROAD BL701-35 130 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) MHP - MOBILE HOME PARK ZONE SECTION 16 Purpose The purpose of the MHP zone is to designate mobile home parks. Permitted Uses 16.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the MHP zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 single family dwelling; mobile home park; home business; accessory use. Regulations BL701-26 16.2 On a parcel zoned MHP, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 .3 BL701-50 .4 .5 .6 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings per Parcel Maximum Density Excluding the Area Covered by Septic Disposal Fields • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases Maximum Coverage Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • side parcel line • rear parcel line COLUMN II REGULATIONS 1 ha 1 15 dwelling units/ha 1.0 dwelling units/ha 40% • • 10 m (32.81 ft.) 6 m (19.69 ft.) 5m 5m 5m Screening 16.3 A landscape screen of not less than 2 m in height shall be placed along all parcel lines. 131 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) SH - SPECIAL HOUSING ZONE SECTION 17 Purpose The purpose of the SH zone is to accommodate the special housing needs of residents of the South Shuswap. Permitted Uses 17.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the SH zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 special care facility; single family dwelling; accessory public assembly facility; accessory recreation facility; accessory use. Regulations BL701-26 17.2 On a parcel zoned SH, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 BL701-50 .3 .4 .5 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Maximum Setback of Principal and Accessory Buildings from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Density for Special Care Facility Sleeping Units: • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases 132 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 1 ha 1 • • 10 m (32.81 ft.) 6 m (19.69 ft.) 5m 4.5 m 2m 5m 75 units/ha 1.0 units/ha South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-26 .6 .7 .8 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Maximum Density for Special Care Facility Dwelling Units: • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases Maximum Floor Area of Special Care Facility Sleeping Units or Special Care Facility Dwelling Units Maximum Coverage 133 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 25 units/ha 1.0 units/ha 70 m² 50% South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) C1 - TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL ZONE SECTION 18 Purpose The purpose of the C1 zone is primarily to accommodate a wide range of commercial and public use facilities within the Sorrento Town Centre area, recognizing the presence of the Trans Canada Highway and the fact that at that time of adoption of this Bylaw there was no community sanitary sewer system in place. Permitted Uses 18.1 BL701-3 BL 701-51 The following uses and no others are permitted in the C1 zone: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. ambulance station; aviary and botanical gardens which may include public display; bakery; bank, credit union or trust company; building set apart for public worship; car wash, permitted only if connected to a community sewer system; commercial garden centre; commercial daycare facility; commercial lodging; convenience store; craft and gift shop; gallery or studio (including music, television and radio studios); indoor recreation facility; library; neighbourhood pub; office; parking lot or facility; personal service establishment; police station; post office; public assembly facility; restaurant; retail store; sale, rental and repair of tools and small equipment service station; theatre; accessory single family dwelling; accessory upper floor dwelling units; accessory use. mini storage, permitted only on Lot A (DD W52001F), Block 11, Section 16, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD, Plan 1127 134 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Regulations 701-26 18.2 On a parcel zoned C1, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 .3 .4 BL701-50 .5 .6 .7 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases Minimum Parcel Area for Service Stations: • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases Maximum Number of Accessory Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Density of Accessory Upper Floor Dwelling Units Where a Parcel is Served: • without a community water system • without a community sewer system Maximum Coverage • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases COLUMN II REGULATIONS 1,000 m² 1 ha 2,000 m² 1 ha 1 • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) 5m 4.5 m 3m 5m 2.5 units/ha 1.0 units/ha 60% 50% Screening 18.3 All outside commercial storage, including the storage of garbage, shall be completely contained within a landscape screen of not less than 2 m in height. 135 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) C2 - COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL ZONE SECTION 19 Purpose The purpose of the C2 zone is to provide for small scale commercial establishments catering principally to the day-to day needs of local residents. Permitted Uses 19.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the C2 zone: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. BL701-49 bakery convenience store; post office; restaurant; service station; craft and gift shop; neighbourhood pub; commercial daycare facility; personal service establishment; car wash, permitted only if connected to a community sewer system; public assembly facility; gallery or studio (but not including music, television or radio studio); police station; ambulance station; accessory residential use, limited to one dwelling unit per parcel; accessory use. mini storage, permitted only on Lot A, Section 4, Township 23, Range 9, W6M, KDYD, Plan 11725. Regulations BL701-26 19.2 On a parcel zoned C2, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED .1 .2 BL701-50 COLUMN II REGULATIONS Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings 136 2,000 m² 1 ha • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) .3 .4 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other areas COLUMN II REGULATIONS 5m 4.5 m 3m 5m 50% 40% Screening 19.3 All outside commercial storage, including the storage of garbage, shall be completely contained within a landscape screen of not less than 2 m in height. 137 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) C3 - NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE SECTION 20 Purpose The purpose of the C3 zone is to provide for limited small scale commercial establishments compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood. Permitted Uses 20.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the C3 zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 convenience store; gasoline/vehicle fuel sales; post office; accessory residential use, limited to one dwelling unit per parcel; accessory use. Regulations BL701-26 20.2 On a parcel zoned C3, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 BL701-50 .3 .4 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases COLUMN II REGULATIONS 2,000 m² 1 ha • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) 5m 4.5 m 3m 5m 50% 40% Screening 20.3 All outside commercial storage, including the storage of garbage, shall be completely contained within a landscape screen of not less than 2 m in height. 138 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) C4 - HIGHWAY-TOURIST COMMERCIAL ZONE SECTION 21 Purpose The purpose of the C4 zone is to recognize the importance of the tourism economy by providing a wide range of tourist-oriented uses. Permitted Uses 21.1 BL701-64 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. The following uses and no others are permitted in the C4 zone: 1. commercial lodging; restaurant; outdoor recreation facility; indoor recreation facility; campground; convenience store; retail store; bakery; commercial garden centre; post office; bank, credit union or trust company; office; service station; car wash, permitted only if connected to a community sewer system; craft and gift shop; personal service establishment; neighbourhood pub; gallery or studio (but not including television, music or radio studios) commercial daycare facility; police station; ambulance station; accessory upper floor dwelling units; single family dwelling for caretaker; library; permitted only on Lot 1, Section 18, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD Plan KAP50901, Except Plan KAP72576; accessory use. Regulations BL701-26 21.2 On a parcel zoned C4, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. 139 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) .1 .2 .3 .4 BL701-50 .5 .6 .7 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases Minimum Parcel Area for Campgrounds Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings per Parcel Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback of Buildings from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Density of Dwelling Units Where a Parcel is Served: • without a community water system • without a community sewer system Maximum Coverage • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases COLUMN II REGULATIONS 2,000 m² 1 ha 1 ha 1 • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) 5m 4.5 m 3m 5m 2.5 units/ha 1.0 units/ha 60% 50% Screening 21.3 All outside commercial storage, including the storage of garbage, shall be completely contained within a landscape screen of not less than 2 m in height. 140 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Special Regulation BL 701-6 The contents of this box are not a part of the bylaw. On the parcel outlined below and as of 1995 03 16, there were 2 single family dwellings, 0 cottages and the parcel area was 10.4206 ha. 21.4.1 This special regulation applies to Lot 1, Plan 36962, Section 8, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD as shown on the map below. .1 Notwithstanding Section 21.1 the only permitted uses are a campground, single family dwelling, single family dwelling for caretaker of property, nature walking trails, agriculture and accessory use. .2 Notwithstanding Section 21.2 the maximum density of single family dwellings is 0.2 /ha. .3 The maximum density stated in .2 may be exceeded provided the maximum number of single family dwellings per parcel stated in Section 21.2 is not exceeded. 49 39 C N Rem SW 1/4 Plan BALMORAL ROAD Rem SE 1/4 Subject Property Rem. A 4 2313 1 Plan 36962 9 04 B6 36812 Pcl.10 Plan 324 76 % 77 53 1 TRA NS CAN ADA 2 16 37 8 Pla n % 1 PETERSON ROAD 7 W 1/2 of W 1/2 WHITE LAKE ROAD Pla n HIG HW AY 521 15 “ 141 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) C5 - TOURIST COMMERCIAL ZONE SECTION 22 Purpose The purpose of the C5 zone is to recognize the importance of the tourism economy in providing a range of tourist-oriented uses. Permitted Uses 22.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the C5 zone: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. commercial lodging; restaurant; outdoor recreation facility; indoor recreation facility; campground; convenience store; bakery; post office; gasoline/vehicle fuel sales; craft and gift shop; personal service establishment; neighbourhood pub; gallery or studio (but not including television, music or radio studios); police station; ambulance station; accessory upper floor dwelling units with or without sewer; single family dwelling for caretaker of property; accessory use. Regulations BL701-26 22.2 On a parcel zoned C5, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 .3 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel Minimum Parcel Area for Campgrounds 142 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 2,000 m² 1ha 1 1 ha South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-50 .4 .5 .6 .7 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Density of Dwelling Units Where a Parcel is Served: • without a community water system • without a community sewer system Maximum Coverage • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases COLUMN II REGULATIONS • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) 5m 5m 5m 2.5 units/ha 1.0 units/ha 60% 50% Screening 22.3 All outside commercial storage, including the storage of garbage, shall be completely contained within a landscape screen of not less than 2 m in height. 143 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) C6 - WATERFRONT COMMERCIAL ZONE SECTION 23 Purpose The purpose of the C6 zone is to provide for certain types of tourist-oriented commercial development located on the waterfront of Shuswap Lake. Permitted Uses 23.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the C6 zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 BL701-33 marina; commercial lodging; restaurant; campground; convenience store; craft and gift shop; personal service establishment; neighbourhood pub; single family dwelling for caretaker of property; off-site parking associated with a marina foreshore use; accessory use. Regulations BL701-26 23.2 On a parcel zoned C6, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 .3 .4 BL701-50 .5 .6 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivision Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel Minimum Parcel Area for Campgrounds Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback of Buildings from: • front parcel line • side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases 144 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 1 ha 1 1 ha • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) 5m 5m 5m 60% 50% South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Special Regulation 23.3 Notwithstanding Section 23.1 the only permitted uses on that portion of Lot 22, Plan 6612, Section 20, Township 22, Range 10 that lies within the C6 zone are a dive shop and a craft and gift shop. 13 0 N 15 Plan 17 % Pt. Lot 23 W. of Rd. 3 0 Plan 13281 1 9238 % 27425 315 76 3 20364A 2 3 n Pla Rem. NE 1/4 % % T 92 4 1 A Pla n Pla n 10 14 1 93 20618 3 18 34 238 126 Pcl. A 8 96 1 8 11 111 KOA ROAD n Pla 117 IV DR EV ER GR EE N 113 32 196 C Plan 1221 206 8 18 2 AL NI EN PL A N CE 34 238 0 27 17 3 Plan 2819 8 2 1 25 1 1 2 1 21 292 Plan 2 1 271 12 2 1 1 7 57 22 3 3 27112 PERRIS RD 5 Rem. SW 1/4 LS 14 2 11 27 7 B 55 41 3 1989 Plan 115 9 96 17 1 P4 85 8 7 DL 8 80 20 25 Pla n % 67 124Rem. 2 3 1 Plan 20620 5 an Pl HA 24797 RB OU A RR D 5 AD RO 1 2 12 66 % 3 Y BA 26 58 9 D IN BL A A 23 % % 1 14264 21 1 DL 5974 2 MARINE DRIVE BLIND BAY % 1497 Plan DL 6021 19 Plan % % 2 DL 594 22703 70 37 9 % EAGLE BAY ROAD Subject Property AD Screening 23.4 All outside commercial storage, including the storage of garbage, shall be completely contained within a landscape screen of not less than 2 m in height. 145 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) P1 - PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL ZONE SECTION 24 Purpose The purpose of the P1 zone is to provide for a variety of public, charitable, educational, philanthropic, public safety, recreational or religious uses. Permitted Uses 24.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the P1 zone: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. school; building set apart for public worship; community centre; library; police station; ambulance station; camp; cemetery; commercial daycare facility; public assembly facility; public utility; special care facility; public recreation facility; public camping; park; accessory residential use for caretaker; accessory use. Regulations BL701-26 24.2 On a parcel zoned P1, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED .1 BL701-50 .2 .3 .4 Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions Maximum Number of Dwelling Units Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • side parcel line • rear parcel line 146 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 1 ha 1 • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) 5m 5m 5m South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-46 C8 – LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE SECTION 25 Purpose The purpose of the C8 zone is to provide for commercial uses catering to the professional and service needs of local residents. Permitted Uses 25.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the C8 zone: 1. bakery; 2. convenience store; 3. country general store; 4. craft and gift shop; 5. gallery or studio (but not including television, music or radio studios); 6. gasoline/fuel sales in conjunction with a convenience store or general store; 7. indoor recreation facility; 8. office; 9. personal service establishment; 10. post office; 11. restaurant; 12. single family dwelling unit for the owner, operator or caretaker of the principal permitted use; 13. veterinary clinic; 14. accessory use. Regulations 25.2 .1 .2 .3 On a parcel zoned C8, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel Maximum Height for: • Principal Buildings • Accessory Buildings 147 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 2,000 m2 1 ha 1 11.5 m 6m South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) .4 .5 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Setback of Buildings and structures from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases COLUMN II REGULATIONS 5m 5m 5m 5m 60% 40% Screening 25.3 All outside commercial storage, including the storage of garbage, shall be completely contained within a landscape screen of not less than 2m in height. 148 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-61 GC - GOLF COURSE SECTION 27 Purpose The purpose of the GC zone is to accommodate golf courses and related uses. Permitted Uses 27.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the GC zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 golf course including driving range; clubhouse as an accessory use to the golf course; accessory recreational facilities; agriculture, permitted only on those parcels within the Agricultural Land Reserve; accessory use. Regulations 27.2 On a parcel zoned GC, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 BL701-50 .2 .3 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • side parcel line • rear parcel line 149 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 25 ha • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) 5m 5m 5m South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Special Regulation Notwithstanding Section 26.1, an air strip is an additional permitted use of Lot A, Plan KAP 44303, Section 18, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD and Lot 1, 42044, Section 18, Township 22, Range 10, W6M, KDYD. 3 4 PAR KV IEW 5 EW VI 18 20 119 19 n Pla 120 4 KAS131 153 GR AN D 124 GOLF COURS E Pla n 4 PARK 9 205 85 1 126 DRI VE 29413 62 100 27195 64 65 54 93 49 56 47 P L 69 2719 5 58 45 B 443 03 70 % % 42 40 KAP 608 55 Plan 35 Subject Property % 14 15 17 10 % 1 8 2 A GOLF VIEW 39 n Pla Rem. 190 4 44 33 51 55 AY 62 67 73 Plan A 86 359 B 88 84 Plan 37 Pla n 105 96 GOLF VIEW CRESCENT RW FAI 76 34 36 Plan PL 38 W VIE LF GO 78 5 108 405 79 2 1 80 33 61 134 131 110 112 95 14 1/4 136 128 PARK 00 274 114 15 39 138 V IEW PLACE 98 Plan 2 157 95 271 117 3 41 29 TV MOUN 155 143 123 22 PL GOLF COU 11 n RS Pla 13 E Pcl. A DR IVE P 11 271 95 1 n Pla MI T D 13 Pla n 66 n Pla 7 5 FAIRVIEW PLACE 5 29 13 294 8 70 68 Plan 23 GOLF COURSE DRIVE H-425 65 29413 9 30 N 73 EN NT CE 20585 25 27 19 5 Plan 27 27 93 0 42 44 5 2058 IAL E IV DR Pla n 45 39 PL AC E 47 CR ES T PL PLAN 63 N RA E RIV VIEW T 27.3 23 CRESCENT 33 27195 19 21 26 25 Plan 72 Plan N 1 Pl an 42 044 150 3 5 7 GOLF COUR SE DR 9 11 KAP5 7 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) M1 - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONE SECTION 28 Purpose The purpose of the M1 zone is to provide for a limited range of light industrial uses. Permitted Uses 28.1 The following uses and no others are permitted within the M1 zone: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. auction yards; automotive, truck, farm implement, and boat repair shop; automotive repair and body shop; welding and machine fabrication shop; sale, rental and repair of tools and small equipment; recycling depot; log home manufacturing facility, permitted only on parcels greater than 1 ha; railway operations; nursery and greenhouses; lumber and building supply yard; warehousing; general trade contracting office; fitness and recreation facility; public utility; restaurant; single family dwelling as an accessory use for caretaker of property; upper floor dwelling as an accessory use for caretaker of property; accessory use. Regulations BL701-26 28.2 On a parcel zoned M1, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 BL701-50 .3 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings and Upper Floor Dwelling Units Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings 151 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 1 ha 1 • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED .4 COLUMN II REGULATIONS Minimum Setback of all Buildings from: • front parcel line • side parcel line • rear parcel line Minimum Setback of Log Home Manufacturing Facility from all Parcel Lines Maximum Coverage .5 .6 5m 5m 5m 20 m 50% Special Regulation KAS 2 28.3.1 Notwithstanding Section 27.1 the only use permitted on that Fraction of Legal Subdivisions 1 and 2, Section 3, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD that lies within the M1 zone are automotive, truck, farm implement and boat repair shop, automotive repair and body shop, wrecking yard, single family dwelling as an accessory use for caretaker of property and accessory use. 18 on 4 Plan 62 2 KAP60522 3 Tp.22 Rge.11 an Pl 8 30 B4 TAYLOR ROAD A 06 243 1 Subject Property SW 1/4 2 Rem. 3 21 59 6 HANNETT ROAD 23549 1 96 215 n Pla E 10 chns. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 P la n A Plan 51484 4 1 on comm 6 60 9 5496 KAP 21266 Plan 1 N LS 2 152 LS 1 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) .2 Notwithstanding Section 27.1 the only uses permitted on Lot 3, Plan 28218, Section 3, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD are wrecking yard, single family dwelling as an accessory use for caretaker of property and accessory use. B4441 A H J Plan SW 1/4 Sec 10 lying South of Railway M Subject Property Plan A636 LONDON LANE 42 Plan 40 43 common 41 48 47 3 46 LONDO A A A6 36 18 282 2570 4 B33 21 1 n Pla P5 Plan KA n Pla 207 28 A B4604 6 038 n 3 Pla 50 45 52 common 36 KAS 201 6 32 6 201 KAS 38 34 Blk 1 54 Rem. NW 1/4 28 31 2 309 30 mo n com 21 26 25 13 23 56 N 20 n Pla 58 Screening 28.4 Where a parcel within the M1 zone abuts any property within the RR1, RR2, RR3, RR4, R1, R2, CH1, CH2, SH, MHP, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 or C6 zone, a landscape screen of not less than 2 m in height shall be placed so as to fully enclose the industrial use from neighbouring commercial or residential uses. 153 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) BL701-40 C7 - LOCAL SERVICE COMMERCIAL ZONE SECTION 29 Purpose The purpose of the C7 zone is to provide for commercial uses catering principally to the professional and service needs of local residents. Permitted Uses 29.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the C7 zone: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 indoor recreation facility; retail store; post office; office; veterinary clinic; craft and gift shop; personal service establishment; gallery or studio (but not including television, music or radio studios) commercial daycare facility; accessory upper floor dwelling units; single family dwelling for caretaker; accessory use. Regulations 29.2 On a parcel zoned C7, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 .3 .4 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases Maximum Number of Dwelling Units per Parcel Maximum Height for: • Principal Buildings and structures • Accessory Buildings Minimum Setback of Buildings from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line 154 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 2,000 m² 1 ha 1 11.5 m 6m 5m 5m 5m 5m South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) .5 Maximum Coverage • where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • in all other cases 60% 50% Screening 29.3 All outside commercial storage, including the storage of garbage, shall be completely contained within a landscape screen of not less than 2 m in height.” 155 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) M2 - GENERAL INDUSTRIAL ZONE SECTION 30 Purpose The purpose of the M2 zone is to provide for a range of general industrial uses. Permitted Uses 30.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the M2 zone: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. manufacturing, fabricating and processing industries (including forest and wood product industries); wrecking yard; public utility; sand and gravel processing; storage and warehousing; recycling depot; log home manufacturing facility, permitted only on parcels greater than 1 ha; single family dwelling or upper floor dwelling unit as an accessory use for caretaker of property; accessory use. Regulations 30.2 On a parcel zoned M2, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .1 .2 BL701-50 .3 .4 .5 .6 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions Maximum Number of Accessory Dwelling Units Per Parcel Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Maximum Site Area of Wrecking Yard Minimum Setback from all Parcel Lines: • adjacent to a parcel zoned M1 or M2 • in all other cases Maximum Coverage 156 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 1 ha 1 • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81 ft.) 2.5 ha 5m 25 m 50% South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Special Regulation 30.3.1 Notwithstanding Section 28.1 the only use permitted on that portion of the E½ of the S.E. ¼ of Section 4, Township 22, Range 11, W6M, KDYD within the M2 zone is manufacturing, fabricating and processing industries (including forest and wood product industries) and log home manufacturing facility. BL701-29 Pla n common 32 KA S2 016 36 6 201 KAS 38 34 54 N Rem. NW 1/4 28 31 E 1/2 of NE 1/4 30 56 26 common 21 25 20 23 13 58 14 60 8 6 4855 KAP 3 1 Plan TAYLOR ROAD 484 KAP51 4 4 1 on comm 1 6 Plan 10 1 18 common n Pla KAS 201 6 12 4 Tp.22 Rge.1 19 16 S20 16 KA 62 2 KAP60522 Tp.22 Rge.11 Subject Property E 1/2 of SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Screening 30.4.1 Where a parcel within the M2 zone abuts any property within the RR1, RR2, RR3, RR4, R1, R2, CH1, CH2, SH, MHP, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 or C6 zone, a landscape screen of not less than 2 m in height shall be placed so as to fully enclose the industrial use from neighbouring commercial or residential uses. .2 Any parcel containing a wrecking yard shall have a landscape screen of not less than 2 m in height placed so as to fully enclose the wrecking yard, and shall allow for vehicular access 157 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) 701-60 CD1 – COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT 1 ZONE SECTION 31 Purpose The purpose of the CD 1 zone is to provide for a unique zone allowing for a mix of residential and agricultural uses as part of a strata development. Development Area 1 Permitted Uses 31.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the CD 1 Zone Development Area 1: .1 .2 .3 .4 single family dwelling; bed and breakfast; home business; accessory use. Regulations 31.2 On an area zoned CD 1 Development Area 1 there shall be no use and no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: • Where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • In all other cases Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage 158 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 1400 m² 1ha 1 • • 10 m (32.81 ft.) 6 m (19.69 ft.) 5m 4.5 m 2m 5m 40% South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Development Area 2 Permitted Uses 31.3 The following uses and no others are permitted in the CD 1 Zone Development Area 2: .1 .2 .3 agriculture; public utility; accessory use. Regulations 31.4 On an area zoned CD 1 Development Area 2 there shall be no use and no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations: .1 .2 .3 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line COLUMN II REGULATIONS 2 ha • • 11.5 m (37.73 ft.) 10 m (32.81ft.) 5m 4.5 m 2m 5m 159 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) 701-71 CD3 – COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT 3 ZONE SECTION 33 Purpose The purpose of the CD 3 zone is to provide for a unique zone allowing for a variety of residential uses including high density multi-family, duplex and single family dwellings with varying lot sizes as part of a strata development. Development Area 1 Permitted Uses 33.1 The following uses and no others are permitted in the CD 3 Zone Development Area 1: .1 .2 .3 multiple family dwelling; special care facility; accessory use. Regulations 33.2 On an area zoned CD 3 Development Area 1 there shall be no use and no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: Maximum Number of Dwellings Units Per Parcel: • Where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • In all other cases Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage 160 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 1 ha 75 1 18 m 6m 5m 4.5 m 4.5 m 5m 50% South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Development Area 2 Permitted Uses 33.3 The following uses and no others are permitted in the CD 3 Zone Development Area 2: .1 .2 .3 single family dwelling; home business; accessory use. Regulations 33.4 On an area zoned CD 3 Development Area 2 there shall be no use and no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: • Where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • In all other cases Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings Per Parcel: Maximum Number of Dwellings Units In Development Area 2 Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage 161 COLUMN II REGULATIONS 340 m² 1 ha 1 21 10 m 6m 5m 4.5 m 1.2 m 3.65 m 70% South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Development Area 3 Permitted Uses 33.5 The following uses and no others are permitted in the CD 3 Zone Development Area 3: .1 .2 .3 .4 single family dwelling; duplex; home business; accessory use. Regulations 33.6 On an area zoned CD 3 Development Area 3 there shall be no use and no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: • Where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • In all other cases Maximum Number of Single Family Dwellings or Duplexes Per Parcel: Maximum Number of Dwellings Units in Development Area 3 Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage COLUMN II REGULATIONS 340 m² 1 ha 1 53 10 m 6m 5m 4.5 m 1.2 m 5m 70% Development Area 4 Permitted Uses 33.7 The following uses and no others are permitted in the CD 3 Zone Development Area 4: .1 .2 open space; passive recreation. 162 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) Regulations 33.8 On an area zoned CD 3 Development Area 4 there shall be no use and no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which contravenes the regulations established in the table below in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations: .1 .2 .3 .4 COLUMN I MATTER TO BE REGULATED Minimum Parcel Size for New Subdivisions: • Where a parcel is served by both a community water system and a community sewer system • In all other cases Maximum height for: • Principal buildings and structures • Accessory buildings Minimum Setback from: • front parcel line • exterior side parcel line • interior side parcel line • rear parcel line Maximum Coverage COLUMN II REGULATIONS 1400 m² 1ha 10 m 6m 5m 4.5 m 2m 5m 25% " 163 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) SCHEDULE B PARKING PROVISIONS 164 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) SCHEDULE B PARKING PROVISIONS 1. Application of Regulations 1.1 2. 3. Space for the offstreet parking of motor vehicles in respect of a use permitted under this Bylaw shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section. Exemption of Existing Buildings from Parking and Loading Requirements 2.1 The provisions contained in this section shall not apply to buildings, structures and uses existing on the effective date of this Bylaw except that: 2.2 Offstreet parking shall be provided and maintained in accordance with this section for any addition to any existing building and structure or any change or addition to such existing use; 2.3 Offstreet parking provided prior to the adoption of this Bylaw shall not be reduced below the applicable offstreet parking requirements of this section. Number of Parking Spaces 3.1 The number of offstreet parking spaces for motor vehicles required for any use is calculated according to Table 1 of this Schedule in which Column I classifies the types of uses and Column II sets out the number of required offstreet parking spaces that are to be provided for each use in Column I; 3.2 In respect of a use permitted under this Bylaw which is not specifically referred to in Column I of Table 1 the number of offstreet parking spaces is calculated on the basis of the requirements for a similar use that is listed in Table 1; 3.3 Where the calculation of the required offstreet parking spaces results in a fraction, one parking space shall be provided in respect of the fraction; 3.4 Where seating accommodation is the basis for a unit of measurement under this section and consists of benches, pews, booths or similar seating accommodation each 0.5 metres of width of such seating shall be deemed to be one seat or seating place; 3.5 Where more than one use is located on a parcel, the total number of parking spaces to be required shall be the sum total of the requirements for each use; 3.6 Where more than one use is located in a building, the total number of parking spaces to be required may recognize the mixed use and determine the number of spaces required based on the various portions of the building dedicated to each use. 3.7 Where more than one standard may apply to a use, the standard requiring the greatest number of parking spaces shall be used. 165 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) 4. Location of Parking Spaces 4.1 5. Offstreet parking spaces shall be located on the same parcel as the use they serve. Standard of Parking Spaces 5.1 Each offstreet parking space required by this Bylaw shall not be less than 2.8 m in width, 5.5 m in length and 2.1 m in height. 5.2 Each offstreet parallel parking space shall not be less than 3.0 m in width and 7.3 m in length (except 5.5 m in length for an end space). 5.3 Adequate provision shall be made for individual entry or exit by vehicles to all parking spaces at all times by means of unobstructed maneuvering aisles, having widths not less than: .1 7.0 m: where parking spaces are located at 90º to the maneuvering aisle providing access to the space; .2 5.5 m: where parking spaces are located at 60º to the maneuvering aisle providing access to the space; .3 3.7 m: where parking spaces are located at 45º to the maneuvering aisle providing access to the space; .4 3.4 m: where parking spaces are located at 30º to the maneuvering aisle providing access to the space. .5 Offstreet parking areas containing 50 spaces or more shall have angle parking at 60º or less with one-way only maneuvering aisles. .6 One-way cross aisles shall have a minimum width of 4.0 m. Two-way cross aisles shall have a minimum width of 7.0 m. Cross aisles are traffic corridors connecting maneuvering aisles. .7 All parking areas shall be provided with adequate curbs in order to retain all vehicles within such permitted parking areas, and to ensure that required fences, walls, hedges or landscaped areas, as well as any buildings, will be protected from parked vehicles. .8 In the C1, C4 and R2 zones all parking areas for more than four (4) vehicles shall be surfaced with an asphalt, concrete, brick or similar pavement so as to provide a surface that is durable and dust-free and shall be graded and drained as to properly dispose of all surface water. 166 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) .9 6. Any lighting used to illuminate any parking and loading areas or parking garages shall be so arranged that all direct rays of light are reflected upon such parking or parking garage, and not on any adjoining premises or highways. Ministry of Transportation and Highways Standards 6.1 Development within 800 m of a controlled access highway shall comply with Ministry of Transportation and Highways parking standards in addition to the requirements of this Bylaw. 167 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) TABLE 1 REQUIRED OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES COLUMN I Class of Building COLUMN II Required Number of Spaces Accessory Dwelling Units/Upper Floor Dwelling Units in Commercial Uses Ambulance Station Animal Hospital Appliance Service/Repair Shop Auction Facility Automobile Rental Shop Automobile Service/Equipment Service Shop Bakery Banquet Hall Barber Shop/Beauty Parlour 1.5 per dwelling unit 1 and 1 per bay 1 per 40m² of gross floor area 1 per 40 m² of gross floor area 1 per 10 m² of gross floor area 1 per 40 m² of gross floor area and 1 per rented vehicle 1.5 per bay (parking spaces to match bay size) 1 per 40 m² of gross floor area 1 per 3 seats of seating capacity 1 per 20 m² of gross floor area or 2 per employee 1 per 10 m² of beach 1 per guest room 10 (3m x 9m each) per ramp 1 per 70 m² of gross floor area and 1 per 400 m² of display area 3 per lane Beach Bed and Breakfast Boat Launch Boat Sales Store Bowling Alley/Green Campground Cemetery Church Commercial Daycare Facility or Preschool Community Care Facility, NonResidential Community Care Facility, Residential Convenience Store Country General Store 1 per campsite 1 per 200 graves 1 per 8 seating places 1 per 40 m² of gross floor area Cultural Facility 1 per 40 m² of gross floor area 1 per 40 m² of gross floor area 1 per 4 beds and 1 per 2 employees 1 per 35 m² of gross floor area 1 per 30 m² of gross floor area BL701-46 168 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) TABLE 1 REQUIRED OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES (cont’d) COLUMN I Class of Building COLUMN II Required Number of Spaces Dental Clinic Department Store Dormitory Dry Cleaning Shop Duplex 1 per 20 m² of gross floor area or 4 per dentist 1 per 30 m² of gross floor area 1 per 2 beds or 1 per housekeeping unit 1 per 40 m² of gross floor area 2 per dwelling unit Electrical Substation Equipment Sales and Rental Store (including heavy equipment) 1 per 100m² of gross area 1 per 70 m² of gross floor area and 1 per 400 m² display area and 2 per parts department Fire Station Funeral Home 3 per bay 1 per 5 seating places in chapel Gallery Golf Course Golf Driving Range Government Office 1 per 40 m² of gross floor area 4 per hole 1 per tee 1 per 25 m² of gross floor area Hospital, Extended Care 1 per 2 beds for employee parking and 1 per 4 beds for visitor parking 1 per 2 beds for employee parking and 1 per 4 beds for visitor parking 1 per guest room Hospital, General Hotel/Motel Indoor Recreation Facility Industrial Facility 1 per 4 m² of pool surface or 1 per 10 m² of ice surface or recreation floor space 2 plus 1 per 75m² of gross floor area Laboratory Laundromat Library Liquor Store Lodging House/Hostel 1 per 40 m² of gross floor area 1 per 2 washing machines 1 per 30 m² of gross floor area 1 per 30 m² of gross floor area 1 per 2 beds 169 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) TABLE 1 REQUIRED OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES (cont’d) COLUMN II Required Number of Spaces COLUMN I Class of Building Marina Medical Clinic Meeting Hall Miniature Golf Mini-Storage Facility Mobile Home Park Multi-Family Dwelling 1 per 2 berths 1 per 20 m² gross floor area or 4 per doctor 1 per 30 m² of gross floor area 1 per hole 1 per 100 m² of gross area 2 per dwelling unit 1.25 per bachelor and 1 bedroom units, 1.5 per 2 and 3 bedroom exceeding 3 bedrooms; fifteen percent (15%) of these spaces clearly marked as ‘visitor parking’ Neighbourhood Pub/Bar/Beer Parlour Nightclub 1 per 3 seats Office 1 per 30 m² of gross floor area Police Station Post Office Passenger Depot Pool/Billiard Facility 1 per 10 m² of gross floor area except garages 1 per 25 m² of gross floor area 1 per 10 m² of waiting room area 2 per table Racquet Court Radio/Television Station Recreational Vehicle Park 2 per court 1 per 30 m² of gross floor area 1 per site in addition to each space designated for a recreational vehicle 1 per 40 m² of gross floor area Rental Shop (not including heavy equipment) 1 per 3 seats Restaurant, Eat-In Restaurant, Take-Out 1 per 10 m² of gross leasable area 4 per cash drawer Riding Stable 1 per stall 170 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) TABLE 1 REQUIRED OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES (cont’d) COLUMN I Class of Building School, Kindergarten / Elementary COLUMN II Required Number of Spaces School, Secondary Service Station Small Appliance Repair Shop Shopping Area Single Family Dwelling Supermarket 2 per classroom 5 per classroom 2 spaces plus 2 per service bay 1 per 40 m² of gross floor area 1 per 20 m² of gross leasable area 2 per dwelling 1 per 20 m² of gross floor area Taxi Facility Theatre Training Centre Travel Agent 1 per cab and 1 per 2 office employees 1 per 5 seats 10 per classroom 1 per 30 m² of gross floor area Utilities Office 1 per 40 m² of gross floor area Veterinary Clinic 1 per 30 m² of gross floor area Warehouse/Storage Facility Wrecking Yard 1 per 180 m² of gross area 1 per 400 m² of gross area up to 400 m² and 1 per 1,000 m² gross area thereafter 171 South Shuswap Zoning Bylaw No. 701 (Consolidated for Convenience Only) SCHEDULE C ZONING BYLAW MAPS