Crusader Current - Christ the King Catholic School


Crusader Current - Christ the King Catholic School
Christ the King Catholic School
Crusader Current
August 2015
Educating the Hearts, Minds, and Spirits of Future Servant Leaders
Individually and collectively, you, the
Students received the sacraments of
members of our Christ the King
Reconciliation, First Communion,
Catholic School community, helped
and Confirmation, and celebrated a
make the 2014-2015 school year a
most treasured tradition, May
wonderful success. Thank you for
your generosity and support!
Career Day, and the Guest
best for our students made these
Speakers’ Program allowed
highlights, among many others,
students to cultivate their servant
leadership skills
Academic Awards at the St.
DPL JV Football Championship
Patrick’s Academic Fair at all
Highest number of student athletes
levels recognized our students’
student values
enhance the learning environment
A record setting Annual Fund and
the amazing success of our Rio
Carnaval Auction allowed us to fulfill
our mission by ensuring a sound
operating budget while also
enabling the school to make
continued progress in multiple
Increase in applicants for third year
in a row
Christian Witness and Christian
Athlete Awards celebrated
Painted classrooms to help
participating in DPL
1st place in the 5th-grade Catholic
Math League
Crusaders Care Service Program,
Your passion for providing the very
instruction possible for students
100% acceptance of our graduates
to their first high school choice
Increased Teacher Professional
Development at the national and
local levels to provide the best
The Principal’s Letter
Dear CKS Supporter,
Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year. We are excited to partner together to
educate the hearts, minds, and spirits of future servant leaders through rigorous and
relevant academics infused with Catholic values. Our positive, faith filled
environment will guide our students in their love of learning and discovery as we
allow our students to experience a fuller presence of Christ.
Thank you for your support and dedication to Christ the King Catholic School as we
live our mission and continue our tradition of Academic Excellence in a Catholic
environment. Your passion to provide the best for our students allowed for another
wonderful year and we look forward to the blessings that this year brings our way.
God, Family, Christ the King
Patrick O’Sullivan
2014-15 Highlights
The Principal’s Letter
2014-15 Fundraising Report
3-4 Annual Fund 2014 Donors
Investing in a Catholic
2015-16 Budget and Gap
2015 Progress
Fundraising 2014-15: Another Record Year
Jana Lovejoy, Belinda Keeley, and the CKSPA
“Rio Carnaval” Auction Committee created a beautiful
highly successful festive evening at the Ritz -Carlton Hotel on February 28, raising over $247,000 for Christ
the King Catholic School.
Special auction guests included Sister Gloria Cain, SSND, Superintendent of Catholic Schools; Sister Dawn Achs,
SSND, Associate Superintendent of Catholic Schools; Betty Bourgeois, Past Principal of Ursuline Academy, and her
husband Ron Gordon; Gretchen Kane,
President, Ursuline Academy; Andrea Shurley, Principal,
Academy; Molly O’Sullivan, Principal, Bishop Dunne Catholic School; Tricia Roos, Bishop Lynch High School,
and her husband Jonas Roos; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murray, The Catholic Foundation; Father Arthur Unachukwu,
Christ the King Catholic Church; and Deacon Jake Schroepfer, Christ the King Catholic Church .
Last September, under the leadership of Gina and John Rischard and their team, the fall Annual Fund drive
achieved a record high in donations from our generous school families. The Annual Fund grossed $348,000, and
net proceeds totaled $338,000.
Christ the King Catholic School extends its heartfelt thanks to the multitude of supporters who share their
time, talents, and resources to make each fundraiser and community builder a success.
Annual Fund
CKSPA Auction
Spaghetti Dinner
Wild Game Dinner
$ 14,000
Book Fair (for books)
Passive Fundraising
$ 12,000
Investing in a Catholic Education
Reception in February.
The CKS Annual Fund, CKSPA
to help fill the Gap for their children.
Auction, and other school fundraising
The donations are fully tax deductible.
Each gift to the school provides
Parents giving at the Principal’s Circle
critical funding for new academic
Gap between tuition and the cost
level of $2,000 and above will receive
programs, technology, field trips,
to educate a child at Christ the
an invitation to the Principal’s
curriculum, athletics, professional
King Catholic School. Tuition covers
development, and maintenance and
about 75% of the school operating
improvement of school facilities.
The Parish invests $150,000
the school,
receives about
dollars also
control tuition increases, help maintain
attractive salaries
$100,000 in income
from the Christ the King Catholic
and provide a contingency fund to
School Endowment Trust Fund. The
cover extraordinary expenses.
Christ the King Catholic School
remaining Gap is about $1,300 per
offers heartfelt thanks to our generous
The school asks each family to
who play a role in
students’ formation.
give what they can to the Annual Fund
Christ the King Catholic School 2015-2016 Budget
Christ the King Catholic School Annual Fund 2014
Annual Fund gifts finance school operating expenses that tuition does not fully cover, including academic and student programs.
Mrs. Jennifer Allocco
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Barraco
Mr. Edward Bittner and
Mrs. Kristin Rosellini Bittner
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Blazek
Dr. and Dr. Thomas Bourland
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bryarly
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Buckner
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Burlingame
Mr. and Mrs. David Cabrales
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cicardo
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Clancy
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Comish
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Cordova
Mr. Juan de Urtubey and
Mrs. Ines Beccar Varela
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiFrancesco
Mr. and Mrs. J. Miles Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun DuFresne
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fiacable
Mr. and Mrs. Micah Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Glaesmann
Ms. Stacey Grauel
Mrs. Carol Green
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hajdu
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Hatfield
Mr. and Mrs. James Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Henrion
Mr. David Holben
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keeley
Ms. Allison Koury
Mr. and Mrs. Jet Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Llana
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lott
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lovejoy
Mr. and Mrs. Slade Manos
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Motz
Ms. Michaela Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Len Nary
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Nelson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Toole
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Paredes
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Parigi
Mrs. Lily Pleitez
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Price
Ms. Dorothy Pustejovsky
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rupnow
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saldana
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Sandler
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schneck
Mr. and Mrs. Vann Shank
Mr. and Dr. Kirk Short
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Skelly
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Stark
Mr. Brad Stavinoha
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Strange
Mr. and Mrs. David Sutter
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Szinnyey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Teleha
Mr. and Mrs. David Trigiani
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Villasana
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Voigt
Mrs. Leslie Garnett
Mrs. Donna Giuliano
American International Group, Inc. Ms. Mary Allis Gracheck
Arthur J. Gallagher
Ms. Carry Hansen
Aruba Networks
Ms. Gabriell Higgs
Bank of America
Mr. Mike Higgs
Ms. Billie Houpt
Chubb & Son
Mr. Ronald Hudson
CloudPoint, LLC.
Mr. Anthony Interrante
Entrust One
Mrs. Carol Jeffers
Fidelity Investments
Mrs. Rosemary Kohut
Hunt Consolidated, Inc.
Mrs. Mary Kuterbach
Intelligent Mexican Marketing, Inc. Mrs. Kathy Lane
MassMutual Financial Group
Mrs. Bonnie Larsen
Mr. William Leicht
Mrs. Irma Maher
SC Johnson
Mrs. Mary Melle
Texas Instruments
Ms. Britt’ny Miller
The Coca Cola Company
Mrs. Ellen Mirus
Mrs. Lauren Mooney
Mrs. Claire Odom
Mr. Patrick O'Sullivan
Ms. Ruby Ackerman
Mrs. Erin Ray
Mrs. Soledad Almerido
Ms. Elaine Reimann
Mrs. Debbie Amiri
Mrs. Nubia Rodriguez
Mrs. Silvana Bacigalupo
Mrs. Sandra Ronk
Mrs. Julie Blue
Mrs. Michelle Roudebush
Mrs. Susan Boeglin
Mrs. Nichole Sanders
Mrs. Lisa Bosco
Mrs. Molly Schroepfer
Mrs. Alicia Brannan
Ms. Elizabeth Simmons
Mrs. Celina Buchanan
Mr. Jeffrey Solomon
Mrs. Debbie Champion
Mrs. Maryfran Utz
Mrs. Jeanne Chavez
Ms. Angela Walker
Mrs. Amber Clark
Mrs. Nancy Wrozek
Mrs. Amy Czinege
Mrs. Ashley Young
Mrs. Kasey Dow
Mrs. Maria C. Esteves
Christ the King Catholic School Annual Fund 2014
Annual Fund gifts finance school operating expenses that tuition does not fully cover, including academic and student programs.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Galante
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kidd
Mr. and Mrs. George Moussa
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Hanrahan
Longwell Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Marroquin
Mr. and Dr. Colin Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Stark
Mr. and Mrs. John Whitley
Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Fernandes
Mr. and Mrs. Fuad Harfuch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Huber
Dr. and Mrs. Ashton Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Judson
Dr. Seong Lee and
Dr. Lydia Aguilar
Mr. Christopher Maxton-Graham
and Mrs. Stephanie von
Miranda Family
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nealon
Dr. and Dr. Sean O'Brien
Dr. and Mrs. Todd Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Parro
Dr. and Mrs. Lee Reagor
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rogaliner
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Rosselli
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Spears
Jenny and Jeff Staubach
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tusa
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zulick
Mr. and Mrs. Huntley Bakich
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Jud Clements
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davros
Mr. and Mrs. David de la Pena
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fox
Mr. E. Chris Galante
Dr. and Mrs. Alfredo Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Garcia
Dr. and Dr. Scott Garoutte
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Giltner
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Grantham
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Greco
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Harlan
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hillabrant
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Kadesky
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Madison
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Malouf
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Malouf
Mr. Jose Menchaca and
Mrs. Celina Garza-Menchaca
Mr. and Mrs. David Monteiro
Mr. and Mrs. Trey Morsbach
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Muck
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nettune
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parigi
Mr. and Mrs. John Pask
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Piot
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rieke
Dr. and Mrs. Ruben Saez
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stemberger
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stump
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Syler
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Tolle
Mr. and Dr. Emmanuel Ubinas
Mr. and Mrs. David Benitez
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Borkowski
Mr. and Mrs. John Bourret
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bredehoft
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carver
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Czuppon
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Davis
Ms. Susan Denton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dieckhaus
Mr. and Mrs. John Eder
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hubach
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hubach
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hyde
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Imhof
Paul and Sissi Jorge
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kiran
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lattanzio
Mr. and Mrs. Jorg Mast
Mr. and Mrs. T. Allen McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCosker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McLochlin
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Murray
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Nevitt
Mr. and Mrs. Danny O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pitchford
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Preston
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sargis
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Shelby
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Siepiela
Mr. and Mrs. Elefteris Velesiotis
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Victorine
KJ and Mary Wagner Family
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weissmueller
Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Wilbert
Dr. and Mrs. Matt Yaeger
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kelton III
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McLeod
Tara and Alejandro Ortiz
Selvidge Family
Ms. Sophia Serrano
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbran Andujar
Mr. and Mrs. John Baschab
Archie Family
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ave
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Bartz
Mr. and Mrs. William Bledsoe
Mr. Lucas Cepak and
Ms. Tobi Andrews
Mrs. Teri Clark
Mr. and Mrs. John Corcoran
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cox
Mr. and Mrs. William Cox III
Mr. and Mrs. John Dailey
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Deshotels
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Dominguez
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dubroc
Dr. and Mrs. David Engleman
Mr. John Fedorko
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gravel
Mr. David Hairston and
Ms. Irma Eristavi
Mr. and Dr. Peter Halverson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartnett
Dr. and Dr. Christopher Hebert
Mr. and Dr. James Hegar
Dr. and Mrs. Miguel Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Higginbotham
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Holtby
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Huddleston
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hughston
Mr. and Mrs. Win Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Jones
Mr. and Mrs. John Kidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lafferty
Dr. and Mrs. John Mansour
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mansur
Dr. and Mrs. Brannon Marlowe
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCutchan
Mr. Archie McNeill and
Mrs. Erin Ahearn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Merkel
Mr. and Mrs. James Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Juan O’Campo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paredes
Mr. and Mrs. Federico Pier
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Ramon
Mr. and Mrs. John Rischard
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Rojas
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Smith
Mr. Nicholas Smith and
Mrs. Vera Ogorodnikova
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Marco Thornton
Mr. Jack Trammell and
Ms. Suzanne Sprague-Trammell
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Trejo
Ms. Maria Trottier
Mr. and Mrs. William Tuohy
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Verschoyle
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Whisenant
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Bret Winterle
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zagielski
Progress Made Possible by Fundraising Dollars
Thanks to the generosity of parents, 
Parish community, Christ the King
Catholic School is able to provide our
students with the best in current 
technology, curriculum, and programs, 
and maintain and update the campus
facilities. When students returned to
school in August, they were excited to
see the many improvements made
during the Spring and Summer months:
New laptops for the 2nd and 4th
New 84”multi touch interactive
screen for Library
New lighting for the Library
New 65” multi touch interactive
screen for lower school
New teacher laptops in every
New desk chairs for first grade and
classroom furniture updates
Painting of all classrooms
New cafeteria tables
Upgrade to school’s telephone
system, including phones in every
New intercom system
Increased Professional
Development at local and national
New outdoor lighting around the
entire building
New fence around the field, update
to the field for recess and activities,
low spots were filled in and
irrigation drainage was updated
All of the classrooms were given a
deep cleaning
Updates to security
New external water filtration
Roof repair
Updates to the HVAC System
Concrete bleacher pads
Water main replacement
These initiatives were a direct result of
the year’s very successful fundraising.
They enrich the educational experience
of every child entrusted to the school.
Christ the King Catholic School is
grateful for the generosity that makes
this possible. Thank you for sharing
your time, talents, and treasures to help
bring the school’s mission to life.
4100 Colgate Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75225
Msgr. Donald Zimmerman, Pastor
Patrick O’Sullivan, Principal
Anthony Interrante, Assistant Principal