May - Fleet 204


May - Fleet 204
204 Play – May 2013 Newsletter
Commodore’s Corner
Yea!!!!!!! It’s almost that happy time of the year again…The ice is almost
off the lake. It’s time to pull the boats out of storage and go to Boat
Works to buy the stuff you should have ordered last month!!!
I would like to thank all of the new people that showed up at the March
Social Meeting and the April meeting, too. I hope the business portion
was not too boring and you got an idea of the fun that you can have
Hobie Cat Sailing.
One a side note. Have you seen what Therre’s looks like after the cleanup!!! NICE!!!
We still need to raise a bit more dinero for the Madcatter. Please if you
know ANYONE who could take out a business card ad, donate a door
prize, sponsor a boat, and PLEASE go after them. I cannot stress how
important every dollar, prize or donation is to the success of our event.
And last but not least, let’s not forget about the Madhatter tune-up race
and practice party. Keep May 11 open for shaking of the rust on the
water with a 11:30 start. Some racing, maybe some drills and a whole
lotta fun to be had. This is always followed by a little get together.
This year the Madhatter Party will be held in the luxurious setting of
the..uh..Cathouse at Pappy’s. Remember!!! Wear a hat
or……………. Yeaah sure…
See you at Borio’s
I miss you guys!
Wish I could be at
Point high, Foot fast
Kathy Miles needs your givies for Madcatter!
Email her at [email protected] or give her a call at 264-1289!
204 Play – May 2013 Newsletter
Hobie Cat Fleet 204 April Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2013, 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Bruce Krupke, Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Commodore Korz at 7:30 pm at Borio’s Restaurant. Officers
present at the meeting were: Commodore Tom Korzeniewski, Co-Vice Commodores Therese
Straigis and Bob Longo, Secretary Bruce Krupke and Treasurer Dr. Bill Whalen. There were
about 30 Fleet members in attendance, a really good turnout! Commodore Korz welcomed
everyone to the meeting.
Secretary’s Report from the March 2013 meeting. Secretary Bruce Krupke reported the minutes
were put into the Fleet newsletter by Editor Theresa White and Publisher Donna Wilson. There
weren’t any changes or additions. There was a motion to accept the March minutes, seconded,
Treasurer’s report. Treasurer Dr. Bill Whalen noted the checking accounts are about the same
as last month, national and Fleet accounts are in good shape. He noted that your dues are DUE if
you haven’t paid them yet. Please, do so no later than May 15th. Make the checks out to HOBIE
Division 16 report. Div. 16 chairman Adam Atherton reported Lewes DE is the NE
championship. It is the same weekend in May as our Madhatter practice day, May 11. Chris
Bradshaw is the new Women’s committee representative. He noted there was a Bylaws change
for elected officers and that there will not be term limits.
Future Regattas
 See the Fleet’s website (racing link) for a complete list of all regattas for this year (a list is
also in this newsletter!). Plan on attending as many as you can. There was discussion
regarding holding a sail around day at various sites. More of this will be discussed in the
 The new regatta that will be held at Pymatuning is on. Adam Atherton reported that
although he hasn’t received any information from them yet, he’s had word that the event is
happening. When he gets info, he’ll note it at the next meeting and put it in the next
 The H16 Youth Championships will be in California about 2 hours outside of LA. (July
30; Huntington Lake, CA) We will have at least two teams take part this year.
 Mimi Appel reported there will be a regatta in New Hampshire.
 Madcatter Committee Reports: See the list of committee heads later in this newsletter
for more information.
o This year’s theme is Madcatterville.
o Chase boats were discussed. We needed
one more helper, see Herb James. We
have enough boats.
o Artwork for T-shirts, sponsors, signs and
program has to be ready by May 1. Please
give them to Therese Straigis. She
reported there will be two runs of T-shirts:
Racers will be given theirs first, then a
second run will be made for Fleet members
204 Play – May 2013 Newsletter
who want specials sizes. Let her know what you want.
Friday Night Party: It will be a big nacho and beer dinner!
Entertainment: Rob Jerry has agreed to provide entertainment music for both
nights. He’ll need help with a PA system. He will contact Steve Oad, Bruce
Krupke has back up equipment if needed.
o Rick White has requested a post race story be created for Cat Sailor Magazine.
Bob Longo will write the article along with help from Dannielle Carr. The Hobie
Hotline has requested a story as well.
o Irene McNeil will be PRO. Race committee will be handled by Pat Caster. More
qualified help is needed.
o Commodore Korz suggested we get emails from all registrants at registration to
use for alerts and blasts. Rico Quatrone said he will work with the registration
committee to collect the information for use. It will be important to get this info from
all who register in person at the event. We’ll find someone to manage the email
o Sue Korz and Herb James will conduct a rules clinic instead of a guest expert
program on Friday morning.
o Bruce Krupke reported sponsorships are starting to roll in. He said we still need
more to meet our budget goal of $4,000.00. He asked everyone to try to find at
least one sponsor. We can take them in up until about May 10th. Although we
need to get logos and sponsor info to Bob Longo for signs, hull stickers and
banners; VIP full sponsor logos to Therese Stragis by May 1 for t-shirts; and
similar info to Adam Atherton for our Race program.
o All other committees report everything is going smoothly.
o If you are not part of a committee
and want to volunteer, contact
Tom Korz ASAP.
o If you are reading this, you are
invited to attend Madcatter at any
time. If you participate in parties or
meals, there is a guest fee. Please
see the registration committee,
Sharon James or Bridget
Quatrone. For the entire schedule
of Madcatter events, visit our
website at
Madhatter party. It will be at the Cat house at Caster’s house (6725 Lakeshore Rd.,
Cicero). If there is rain, then the party will be held at Bisesi’s house (also in Cicero). It is a
BYOB and Food. It will start after racing. Racing will start around 11am. Herb James will
post the exact time on the Forum. All is weather dependent.
Past Regattas
 Hobie Cat Midwinter’s East Report: It was a great regatta! Ten Fleet members attended
the event in Ocean Springs, MS April 11-13. Ocean Springs Yacht Club hosted the event
and did a great job. There were 8 races in two days. The third day did not see any racing
due to bad weather. Fleet members that placed in the H16 division were: Tom and Sue
Korz 2nd; Herb and Sharon James 3rd; Bill Jeffers and Karen Grisco 4th; Bruce
Krupke and Dr. Bill Whalen 7th, congrats to our good showing! Rich McVeigh and Carol
Hilk from Division 11 took 1st place. The food was really good. It was a good example of
how a regatta should be held for guests. Fleet members toured the area, including a
couple of days in New Orleans. The Ocean Springs area boasts a lot of good restaurants
204 Play – May 2013 Newsletter
and beach frontage area. The hosts invited us to all come on down anytime, we are now
family. The Fleet expressed their thanks to OSYC for a great job and fun time, we hope to
come back some day!
Regatta quote by Dr. Herb James: You have to Pinch, Squish, and Suck the Crawdad’s.
Fleet Equipment Report:
 Division pennant flags are still missing. They seem lost and can’t be found. If you have any
information, please see Tom Korz.
 Fleet power boats need to be de-winterized. Rob Jerry said boat boats are currently being
stored at Boatworks. The Winner powerboat needs parts and some more work, it will be
done soon. The Pontoon boat can be put in the water sooner and is ready.
Social Committee Report. We have no chairperson. There seemed to be a lot of events going
on even with the lack of a coordinator. Tom Korz has Syracuse Crunch Hockey tickets available;
contact him if you can use them. Therese and Jason Straigis will have a pool party sometime
this summer. When it is ready, they’ll get back to us.
Other, New, or Old Business
 Bob Longo reported Sunday May 5th 11:00 at Therre’s will be the time we will host the SU
sailing team to get out on the water. He’ll need skippers willing to go out. He’ll post info on
the forum the week before the outing.
 Bruce Krupke reported our annual Fleet Come Sail With Us Day will be Sat. June 8th
starting at 11am to 4pm. He passed around a signup sheet for volunteers for various duties
such as: Skippers; cooks; beach and water safety. Please sign up now to volunteer,
contact him if you can help out. He reported he already has 6 people signed up to
participate. He’ll send out more notices to people from the Boat Show list in May. If you
have someone that would like to participate and try sailing, have them call or contact him by
email to reserve a spot. Boat Works Ltd. will be there as a sponsor with other Hobie
watercraft for guests and people to try out.
 Dr. Herb James reported he is creating and
getting boats to use for newbies and visitors.
He has secured two boats, a H-16 and a
Wave for anyone new wishing to take a boat
out this summer He has secured insurance
for the boats, property and personal liability
and said it is not a problem if properly
acquired. The idea is not to charge
anyone, but to have them kept up by the
users and Fleet members. He’ll put one at
Therre’s and another at Casters. He asked
for help in managing the operation, repairs,
upkeep and care are important. Herb said he would help keep them running and up to
snuff. Who will pay for the storage and docking at the lake? Therese was a suggestion
the Fleet pay for rent.
 There was a motion to allocate $400, (two hundred each) to Therre’s and Caster’s to dock
the boats. There was a second, vote carried. Thank you Herb. We’ll look forward to this
Our next Fleet meeting is Tuesday May 14 and will start at 7:30 pm sharp at Borio’s Restaurant;
all Fleet members are encouraged to attend.
There was a motion to adjourn at 9:00pm; Commodore Korz thanked everyone for attending.
204 Play – May 2013 Newsletter
204 Play – May 2013 Newsletter
204 Play – May 2013 Newsletter
Madcatter is Coming!
Sign up to help, if you haven’t already! See Tom, the Commodore or Therese and Bob, the Vices.
The current Committees are:
Public Relations
Adam Atherton
Bruce Krupke
Banners and signs
Rico Quatrone
Bruce Krupke, Herb
James, Danielle
Kathy Miles
Bob Longo
Bill Whalen
Madhatter Race
Herb James
Madhatter Party
Cat House
Welcome (post &
take down signs,
boats on-off beach)
Friday Races
Dave Wittmer
Sharon James
Tom Korz
DJ - Rob Jerry
Friday Night Party
Robin Longo/ Diane
GEP/Sailing Growth
Saturday Breakfast
Therese Straigis
Steve Oad
Saturday Dinner
Saturday Party
Bridget Quatrone
Rob and Boss Darcy
Sunday Breakfast
Therese Straigis
Sunday Lunch
Sunday Clean-up
Bisesi Family
Beach Captain
(need 1st Aid Kit)
Beer Mister
Beer Truck &
C-Fleet Mentor
Chase Boats
Gary Repko
Gary Repko
Adam Atherton
On-line Registration
Bruce Krupke
Rico Quatrone
Rob Jerry
Bruce Krupke
Herb James, Karl
Hughes, Pat Caster
Don Bacik
Gary and Louise
Kathy Miles
Race Committee
(flags, volunteers…)
Pat Caster
Soda & Water
Bridget Quatrone
Rob Jerry
Billy Jeffers
Adam Atherton
Bruce Krupke
Kevin Walma & Rakel
Committee Boat
First Aid
Theme Artwork
Lunches for Chase
Boats & Race
Marks & Tackle
Rob Jerry
Pat and Pat
Sue Korz
T-Shirts/Promotional Therese Straigis
204 Play – May 2013 Newsletter
204 Play – May 2013 Newsletter
Membership Information Form
Address Information
Last Name
Home Phone
Home e-mail
City, State, Zip (Country)
Delivery options: We would prefer to receive the newsletter via:
 US Postal Service
 e-mail (Please double check your e-mail addresses above)
(Send to Donna & Kevin Wilson,[email protected], 8442 Transit Lane, Baldwinsville NY 13027, 315-430-6678)
Membership Summary
The membership statuses are: Complimentary, Newsletter, or Regular. Newsletter ($25.00) means
you will be kept up-to-date on the happening within 204 by receiving the newsletter throughout the
year. Regular ($50.00) says you and your immediate family have opted to take advantage of all
that Fleet 204 has to offer, fleet races, newsletters, parties, the Labor Day Outing, etc. Each
February, your membership status reverts to Complimentary until your dues are received. Please
mail your dues (checks only please, payable to Hobie Cat Fleet 204) to us with your membership
Commodores: Tom Korzeniewski, [email protected], 453-9358, 7724 Black Willow Rd, Lvpl, NY 13090,
Co-Vice Commodores: Bob Longo, [email protected], 315-637-0722, 4920 Red Pine Road, Malius, NY 13104,
Therese Straigis, [email protected], 609-364-3063.
Secretary: Bruce Krupke, 315-699-6040, 5426 Fortuna Pkwy, Clay, NY 13041.
Treasurer: Bill Whalen, [email protected], 315-622-0823, 8254 Honeysuckle Dr., Liverpool, NY 13090
Social Director: M.I.A.
Youth Membership: Trey James, [email protected], 315-446-1143, 6932 Old Quarry Rd., Fvl, NY 13066.
Newsletter & Membership: Theresa (Fluffy) White, [email protected], 315-345-4303, 601 DeMong Drive,
Syracuse, NY 13214. and Donna & Kevin Wilson, [email protected], 8442 Transit Lane, Baldwinsville, NY
13027, 315-430-6678.
Fleet Website:
Where are we: During the sailing season (approximately late April through late August), we can be found on
Thursday evenings, sailing out of the Caster’s residence, 6725 Lakeshore Road, Clay, NY 13041. Preparations
usually start about 5:00pm with white flag at 6:00pm. Launching facilities may be found almost immediately to the
left of the Caster’s at Therre’s boat launch. Take South Bay road to the end, turn left, and you’re there.
204 Play
Donna & Kevin Wilson
8442 Transit Lane
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Address Service Requested
Next meeting is May14
at 7:30 pm at
Borio’s Restaurant
Lakeshore Road
Cicero, NY