Page 1 - St. John`s Episcopal School


Page 1 - St. John`s Episcopal School
Page 1
Letter from our Headmaster ......................................................Page 4
Revenue and Expenses
.......................................................................Page 5
Fund ..........................................................................................Page
Contributions........................................................Page 6
in Fund
Kind and
Restricted gifts ..........................................Page 711
Gifts in Kind
Restricted gifts ..........................................Page 12
...........................................................Page 13
...........................................................Page 14
Family Festival
Sponsors .................................................................Page
and Parent Gift .......................Page 16
Cardinella Item
Donors ................................................................Page
and Parent Gift .......................Page 17
Cardinella Item Donors ................................................................Page 17
Page 2
Page 3
A Letter from our Headmaster
St. John’s Episcopal School enjoys a premiere position in the world of independent
and parochial education. The School has, over the course of its brief history,
established itself as a model for preschools and elementary schools. It is not
only the curriculum in its breadth and depth that give us our reputation. It is
the way in which our teachers and staff bring the curriculum to the children.
Visitors to St. John’s are struck by the openness and happiness of the
children. The adults who are here among the children set the tone of the
School. I frequently refer to St. John’s as a small school with a lot of students.
We are a community that depends on personal relationships to shape and define the character of the School. Fortunately, we have a group of children who
come from families that value the intimacy that is so evident. The partnership of
family and faculty is a potent one.
Though St. John’s is perceived by some as a conservative school, the value of
the enterprise is based in large part on the expansiveness of the program. We
are indeed concerned with the fundamental skills in reading, writing, mathematics
and computer use. But we know well that the essence of true education lies
in exposure to a spectrum of subjects that includes art, music, physical education,
foreign language, drama and education away from the School.
Underlying the expansiveness of the program is the scrutiny with which faculty
and staff examine the curricula that we use. Each area of the course of study
offered is reviewed on a regular, systematic basis. We look for continuity,
progression and appropriateness of material. We want to take into account
advances in educational research and balance these advances with the tried
and true. We want to be sure that the work that we do with our students
anticipates the expectations that they will face in the secondary schools to
which they go. Finally, we want to be sure that we are offering an education
which responds the needs of the families we serve.
All of our efforts are supported by tremendous volunteer involvement.
Generosity of time, treasure and talent is substantial and those of us who work
on a day-to-day basis at the School are genuinely grateful. Beyond the tangible
and measurable value of our extraordinary volunteerism lies the intangible effect
on a child when she sees her mom or dad engaged with the School, working to
make the place better not just for her but for all the students. The importance
of the School and of education itself rises when the partnership of home and
school is as obvious as our volunteers make it.
Historically, the tuition for St. John’s Episcopal School has been well below that
charged by schools offering comparable programs. Our tuition is not only
below that of comparable schools but below the actual expense to
offer each student’s education at St. John’s You will see in the
following pages an acknowledgement of those individuals, families,
groups and corporations whose generous donations allow us to fulfill
the mission of the School despite its relatively low tuition. To these
folks, we are especially grateful.
James S. Lusby
Page 4
2010-2011 Revenue
Total Revenue $10,472,446
Tuition & Fees
interest Income
Annual Fund
Tuition & Fees
interest Income
Summer Program
Annual Fund
Extended Care
Summer Program
Extended Care
2010-2011 Expenses
Financial Aid
Administrative Costs
Program Costs
Total Expenses $9,195,953
Salaries & Benefits
Financial Aid
Administrative Costs
Salaries & Benefits
4.2% Program Costs
Page 5
St. John’s Episcopal School, like most independent
schools, depends upon the generosity of parents,
alumni, grandparents, and friends for financial
support. Gifts through the two major fundraisers,
the Annual Fund and the Cardinella Dinner Auction,
make it possible for the School to maintain its
outstanding level of education.
Kellie Pendergest
Director of Advancement
(949) 858-5144 ext. 248
[email protected]
Meighan Rogers
Executive Administrative Assistant
(949) 858-5144 ext. 236
[email protected]
Caryn Josepher
Communications Coordinator
(949) 858-5144 ext.228
[email protected]
Marina Harrison
Annual Fund
Campaign Coordinator
(949) 858-5144 ext.244
[email protected]
St. John’s Annual Fund helps to bridge the gap between tuition payments and the actual cost of educating our students.
All parents have a responsibility to make a contribution to the Annual Fund. Parent gifts, plus gifts from faculty, staff,
grandparents, alumni, and other friends, help to ensure an exceptional educational experience for all students.
Gifts to the Annual Fund reflect a partnership between the donors and the School, and demonstrate the donor’s
commitment to the mission of St. John’s, both today and in the future. Annual Fund contributions are tax-deductible
to the extent allowable by law.
“We were not just ‘numbers’ at St. John’s. At St. John’s the teachers and the staff become our
friends...our school family.”
Susan Center
Page 6
Annual Fund Contributions - Parents
In Memory Of Rachel Dalton
In Honor Of Bailey & Blake Wight
In Honor Of Lauryn & Caleigh Biddle
In Honor Of Pierce Thibert The Aase Family
Jason & Sophie Abboud
Ammar & Mona Adra
Lori & Andy Aitken
In Honor Of Sydney Stone
Shahriar & Whitney Alikhani
The Alpert Family
The Amestoy Family
In Honor Of Henry & Patrick
The Andreini Family
The Arendt Family
Hamid Aryarad
Mark and Keri Lynn Baert Mr. & Mrs. Saro & Talin Baggjajian
Don & Gina Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Baldwin
Imad & Ola Banna
Michelle & Troy Barnett
The Barragan Family
Tony & Lori Bartolucci
The Basford Family
Peter and Julie Bastone Alan & Shelley Baumgardner
Allen Bayrooti
In Honor Of The Headmaster &
Emon Bayrooti
David & Michelle Beamish
August & Virginia Belmont
Jeff & Nina Benck
Alexa Bendix
The Bergeson Family
The Bertocchini Family
The Biddiscombe Family
Missy Blye
The Boukai Family Foundation
Fahim & Dianna Boulos
Ken & Jody Bowen
Phil & Jennifer Bowman
In Honor Of Isabelle Bowman
Nedda & Nava Bozorgmehri
In Honor Of Nedda & Nava
The Breaux Family
Jeff Buchman
The Burch Family
In Honor Of Robert & Vicki Burch
Bob & Carrie Burton
The Buser Family
Steve & Cindi Camp
The Cannon Family
The Carder Family
The Carias Family
The Carlson Family
In Memory Of Pat Ridge
Tom & Laurie Casey
In Honor Of Elizabeth Casey
Diversified Avocado Products
Steve & Susan Center
Laurie & Mark Champine
The Champlain Family
Phillip Chang & Laura Dai
Ashley Chow and Dylan Chow
Anthony & Sharon Christopher
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cisakowski
The Clark Family
Tim & Nancy Clark
In Honor Of Delaney Rosenthal
Steve & Dianna Claton
The Clemons Family
The Collins Family
The Cooke Family The Jim Cora Family
In Honor Of Kayleigh & Joshua
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Coulston
Pete & Patty Cyr
Christine Davenport
The Dawson Family
The deBruyne Family
Phil & Kandi deCarion
Carl & Deanne Del Duca
Michael & Maria Del Rio
The Deleray Family
Jonathan & Jody Dennis
David & Yolanda Desper
The Dickerson Family
Robert & Chris Diemer
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Dochterman
Li & Hui Dong
The Doyle Family
The Duarte Family
In Honor Of Milan & Nataleah
Mark & Minerva Duffell
In Honor Of Emilia Duffell
Nori Ebersole
Pam & Rylie Edwards
The Ehrlich Family
The Elia Family
Mark & Ingrid Engle
The Erquiaga Family
Frank & Jill Escalante
In Honor Of Hayden Escalante
The Farahbod Family
Lisa & Tony Farinella
Laura and Dawn Farinella-Collinske
The Fatehi Family
Jess & Robin Feathers
The Fedden Family
The Ferrara Family
The Field Family
John, Marie & Alexis Fintland The Fischer Family
Douglas & Shannon Fisher
The Fisher Family
Jim & K.C. Flint
The Flynn Family
The Franzi Family
David & Anne Marie Frey
Jeff & Rhonda Friesen
The Fujiwara Family
In Memory Of Arturo & Rosalina Buenviaje
The Futrell Family
Mr. & Mrs. Gagen
Bill & Karyl Gately
Tom & Jacque Gehrich
Natalie Ghelfi
Joe & Grace Gonzales
The Graboske Family
Jeffrey & Katherine Granito
Ann Marie Griffith-Dryden &
Ed Dryden
Gary Grimm & Elizabeth Lener
The Groves Family
In Honor Of Jackson Groves
Drs. Robert & Jennifer Grumet
In Honor Of Carly & Aidan Grumet
Peter Guethlein
Charlie & Alex Gugliuzza
The Guida Family
In Honor Of Olivia Guida
The Guida Family
Andrew & Karen Guth
The Hagle Family
The Azary Family
Michael & Elizabeth Hall
Nick & Vicki Hanna
The Hawker Family
Christa Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hedley
The Henricks Family
John and Guitta Hepworth Jess & Hope Herbst
Stacie Hess
The Higgins Family
In Memory Of Carroll Victor Williams
John & Victoria Higgins
In Honor Of Our wonderful daughter Amanda
Jeff & Heather Hill
Tim & Kelly Hinson
Jack & Susan Hogan
Casey & Tammy Horton
The Ibrahim Family
Marc & Karen Indeglia
Kathleen Janics
Richard Janics
The Jankanish Family
Mr. & Mrs. Jara
Page 7
Annual Fund Contributions - Parents
John & Jeffrie Jenkins
The Joe Family
The Craig Johnson Family
In Honor Of Spencer & Luke
The Johnson Family
Steve & Stacy Jones
In Honor Of Carter Jones
Jung Ohana
Robert & Denise Kacer
Selvin & Ann Kao
John & Kathy Kenner
Paul & Angela Kim
Richard & Christine Kim
The Koch Family
T.D. & D.S. Koos
The Kotez Family
James & Barbara Krouse
Jim & Jeannine Kurtzman
Todd & Elizabeth Langus
Kristen & Randall Lanham
Doug and Shirley Lueck The Lupenski Family
The Lutterloh Family
Avi Madisetti & Sandy Menda
Cheryl Maechler
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mancera
Barbara & Lindsay Marshall
The Marvasti Family
Wendy & Raleigh Massey
The McClave Family
Jim & Jane McLaughlin
The McMahon Family
James McNally
Allen & Sybille McNamee
Paul & Martha McShane
Jim & Teri McWhirter
The Bill Mecklenburg and Christine
Condino-Mecklenburg Family
Fund of Triangle Community
Felimon & Maria Medina
The Lansing Family
Jim & Beverly Olsen
Scott & Karen Laranjo
Tim & Dana Leahy
The Leavell Family
Shelly Leavell
Bob & Tracy LeSage
The Leventis Family
In Honor Of Dino & Eleni Leventis
Andrea, Bob & Bobby Levey
Robert & Wendy Lewis
Dawn Lindeman
In Memory Of Robert Lindeman
Tim & Kristi Loiselle
Mike & Karen Long
Richard & Heidi Meeks
In Honor Of Gabriella
Mark & Claudia Meixner
Anthony & Jennifer Mendoza
Andy & Michele Merritt
Shawn & Jody Millbern
In Honor Of Keegan Millbern
The Miller Family
In Honor Of Jake & Ava Miller
Robert Miller & Susan Kloepfer-Miller
Lee & Angela Mitchell
In Honor Of Michael Mitchell
Mehran & Kevlin Molkara
Jim & Hong Moore
Page 8
The Morgan Family
In Honor Of Makenna & Lainey
The Nen Family
Jeffrey & Marsi Nickell
John & Carrie O’Malley
Mr. & Mrs. Morales-Ostergaard
In Honor Of Alessandro & Lucas
The O’Toole Family
The Padilla Family
In Honor Of Luke
Dan & Desiree Pahomi
Kellan Parker
The Patel Family
Andrea Patton
In Honor Of Jared Schafer
The Paulsen Family
David & Theresa Payne
Maria & Dave Pearson
Tom & Jodie Pellerin
The Perucci Family
Brad & Kim Porterfield
Mike Price
In Honor Of Jayden Price
Randy & Meko Price
In Honor Of Alexandra & Evangeline Price
The Queen Family
Ali Rafatjoo & Lori Izabal
Mr. & Mrs. Rafatjoo
The Ramezani Family
The Rednour Family
In Honor Of Hailey & Taylor
Jeff & Sheri Reese
The Riemann Family
The Rodgers Family
The Rosen Family
The Rosenthal Family
Mr. & Mrs. Rougas
Lisa Dale & Steve Roy
In Honor Of Natalie & Matthew Roy
Russ & Josette Ruhnke
Rudy & Wendy Ruiz
John & Lisa Rydell
The Salvanera Family
In Honor Of Emily & Michael
Mark & Stephanie Sandell
Doug & Jill Sanderson
Peter & Cheri Santora
John Schafer
The Scifres Family
The Shafer Family
The Scharf Family
Kenneth & Lynn Singer
Jay & Amy Skenderian
The Skule Family
In Honor Of Jonathan & Dylan Skule
Geoffrey & Nicole Small
Annual Fund Contributions - Parents
Sylvia Sohrt
The Speirs Family
Dennis & Michelle Sperry
Daniel & Kimbra Squiers
Christian & Tammy Steensland
The Stewart Family
David & Cindy Stokes
In Honor Of Cody Stokes
The Stoller Family
The Svinth Family
Ralph, Cristi & Samantha Tan
Robert & Liz Terry
The Thiessen Family
In Honor Of Sawyer & Cannon Thiessen
The Thommarson Family
The Timmons Family
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tomkins
Ralph and Jodi Torres Stacey & Dave Tourtlotte
The Travagline Family
Craig & Rhonda Tudor
The Turbow Family
In Honor Of Myria, Macey & Ayden
Dr. Turek
Todd & Joan Vernon
Rajdeep Family
Mark & Deborah Walls
Paul & Michelle Walters
Karen Tegger Ward
The Wenk Family
Val Hongo-Whiting & Larry Whiting
In Honor Of Blaze Whiting
Noel & Lisa Whitley
The Whittaker Family
Al & Lynn Wilkins
Becky & Mikel Williams
The Williamson Family
David & Leslie Wilson
Sandee Winterrowd
Shelby & Jim Wold
In Honor Of Camille Wold
The Wolder Family
The Wong Family
In Honor Of Ryan Wong
Jeff & Kate Wood
Terry & Christy Wrightson
Gabriel & Lindsay Yanez
The Yellen Family
The Michael Yurkovich Family
The Zawistoski Family
The Zintel Family
Annual Fund Contributions - Grandparents
Kirby & Jan Alton
In Honor Of Haley & Ella Carder
Dottie & Frank Andrews
In Honor Of Kristina Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Barrera
In Honor Of Beck Svensson
Justin & Pat Barrera
Don & Betty Bendix
Red & Kit Betts
Warren & Marilyn Boehm
In Honor Of Quentin Buchman
Lee & Valerie Boles
In Honor Of Ben Carlson
Sheila Borges
Carole Bosma
John & Carolyn Bradshaw
Joseph Busch
Pamela Ann Cardinal
Judith Carlson
In Honor Of Ben Carlson
Ron Chandler
Carl & Dolores Christopher
Jean A. Chudomelka
In Honor Of Hayden Escalante
Young Eal Chung
Georgina Cisakowski
Claude & Betty Clark
In Honor Of Cody Stokes
Nancy Corzine
Susan Coulston
Eileen Curcio
Joy Denman
Seth Dochterman
Samuel W. Douglass
In Honor Of Spencer Douglass
Joan & Bill Eggers
In Honor Of Christa Hayden
Gerry & Suzanne Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. A.R. Granito
Joyce Griffith
In Honor Of Mai Griffith
Clarence M. Hanna
Dr. & Mrs. H. Brian Herdeg
Gary & Bess Hess
Fred & Fran Hill
Jeffrey & Sally Jameson
Samir & Suad Khalaf
Richard A. Leahy
Antal Lener
Kenneth & Donna Lewis
Lynne Lillard
In Honor Of My granddaughter, Sophia Gross
Sharon & Dick Little
Corrie & Nancy Long
Phyllis Lueck
Ed & Teri Lutterloh
Jim & Nina Marzo
John & Judy Matiasevich
In Honor Of Sean Guth, grandson
Martha McCool
James & Gail McWhirter
Darryl & Mary Nauroth
Richard & Marilyn Nolan
Jim & Beverly Olson /
Karen & Scott Laranjo
Donna Osborn
In Memory Of Paul G. Osborn
Frank & Karen Parker
In Honor Of Kellan Parker
John & Janie Patterson
In Honor Of Emily & Claire Patterson
Patricia Pearson
In Honor Of Davey Pearson
Sam Perricone, Jr.
Bill & Pat Podlich
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Price
In Honor Of Alexandra &
Evangeline Price
Dennis & Patricia Regan
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Rosati
Helen & John Rydell
Marjorie Schafer
Betty J. Scifres
In Memory Of Frank Hez
Steve & Janey Shafer
Vahan & Sharon Skenderian
Ronald & Leanne Thommarson
Sherwyn Turbow
Linda Wendt
In Honor Of Alexandra & Evangeline Price
Norma Williams
Arch & Janet Young
Page 9
Annual Fund Contributions - Faculty & Staff
Ruth & Rafael Acosta
Susan Adame
Maureen Alva
Charles & Caren Aufhammer
In Honor Of Jennifer McDonald,
Class of 1996
Monica Read Barnum
In Honor Of John & Mark Read
Elisa Beasley
Carol R. Berger
In Memory Of Ryan James Berger
Lisa Bivens
Melissa Bonhall
Donna Boucher
Joy Emig-Boyd
Marsha Britt
Lisa Caine
Maricela Calderon
Cindy Campbell
In Memory Of Joey Campbell
Dora M. Caruso
In Memory Of Jose Luis Macias
Susan Cervantes
Melissa Christian
In Honor Of My children and
grandchildren, Jenny, Jill, Abby,
Aidan, Carly and Jack
Georgia Clark
Noreen & Jerry Cohen
In Memory Of Paul Cohen
Debby Cole
In Honor Of Brian, Matthew & Katya
Carrie Collins
Cori Colson
Chris Connally
In Honor Of Payton Cuda
Sue Corbett
Gwen Croce
The Cuda Family
Janice Dennis
In Honor Of Gavin Dennis
Ninette Dimock
Jennifer Engle
Linda Falk
Barbara Foster
Linda L. Franklin
Nancy Freese
Heidi Fries
Marilyn Germain
Connie Girolamo
Barbara Gray
Sheryll Grogan
In Honor Of Breeana, Brytnee & Brooke Grogan
Sharri Guerrero
Page 10
The Hageman Family
Kathleen Hawkins
Amy S. Hemphill
Melanie Itakura
Caryn Josepher
Mary Jane Junge
Jim & Gerda Kilgore
Erin Kolk
Jeanette Lambird
Gina L’amour
Mark & Tammy Leara
In Honor Of Ally Leara
The Lusby Family
Brittany D. Lynn
Gaylene MacRae
Teri Maggio
Stephanie Martin
Kelly McGovern
Denise Meena
Katrina Meyer
Cynthia Mullen
Jennifer Niemi
Kevin & Leslie O’Brien
Raj Patel
Mike & Bonnie Paulsin
In Memory Of Deceased friends & family
Scott & Patti Peebles
Patrick & Kellie Pendergest
Su Plamondon
Yvonne Priore
Cynthia Rausch
Jeanne Rodriguez, RN
In Honor Of Alisa & Alex Rodriguez
Teddy & Meighan Rogers
Leilani Roh
Hipolito Romero
Cynthia Rooker
Whitney Rutherford
Wendy Sanders
Beth Sarachman
Janine Scalleat
Katie Scott
Ellie Servais
Asha Sharma
Carla Shepherd
Malina Shuy
Catherine Sjostedt
In Honor Of Celia Jonsson
Lori Speciale
In Honor Of Ashley, Matt, Haylie, Josh &
Diane Stetson
Patty Stoecker
Kathy Taylor
In Memory Of My father
The Rev. Canon John H. Taylor
Michelle Tillman
Michele Townsend
Megan Trexler
Marjorie Trujillo
In Memory Of Peggy Caruso
Darlne & Greg Tucker
Bob & Kathy Urell
Toby Ellen Armstrong
Sarah Ward
Kathy Weber
Kathy Wegner-Kwok
Sarah White
Karen Willis
JoEllen Wilson
Cindy A. Wilson
Brandon Wislocki
In Honor Of Hayden Wislocki
Joy Wright
Alumni Parents
Armando & Cathy Cuevas
The Etow Family
Sam & Debra Griffith
Dan & Carol Anne Harves
The Hashimoto Family
In Memory Of Jan Hashimoto
Kim & Mark Krouse
Tom & Mary Normandin
Marlo & Yo Orduno
Gloria & John Sefton
In Honor Of Francesca & Cameron
The Swannie Family
Welch Family
Gaye Worthen
The Zaccagnini Family
Restricted Gifts
and Grants
Cheryl Clark
City of Rancho Santa Margarita
Steve & Stacey Jones
Gifts in-kind
Christopher and Pei-Ling Berry
Brian and Carla Lewandowski
Thomas and LaurieCasey
Marketing By Design Associates
Jay and Robyn Champlain
Jeffrey and Marsi Nickell
Children’s Book World
R & W Creative Group
William and Teresa Deal
David and Leilani Roh
John and Kira Erquiaga
Steven and Lori Speciale
H. and Linda Falk
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
Robert and Danielle Futrell
Thomas and Lisa Toomer
Jack and Susan Hogan
James and Erin Tracy
Marc and Karen Indeglia
Mack and Deborah Walls
Page 11
“What makes St. John’s stand out from the rest? Is it the nurturing environment, is it the values they teach,
is it the accountability, is it the respect they instill, is it the ground breaking education, is it the safety, is it the
aesthetic campus, is it the gourmet kitchen with full time chefs or the family like atmosphere? I can answer
that....ALL OF THE ABOVE! That is why we chose St. John’s eight years ago and that is why we continue and will
continue to support the Annual Fund.”
Sam & Uma Perricone
Joseph Edward Campbell Benevolent Fund
The Fatehi Family
Michelle Nishimi
Donald and Ann Petersen
Jay and Amy Skenderian
Terry and Christy Wrightson
Gary Ansevin
Bruce Baron
Paul Becker
Richard Blazer
Jenifer Anne Ceja
David Finley
D. G. Fitzgibbons
Bette Gauthier
Jason Grenier
Juliette Ho
David Kruse
Jeanine Merto
Doug Pearson
Denise Radochonski
John and Donna Richter
Alex Samuel
Elizabeth Scott
Barbara Sej
Leslie Vancho
Alvern Vom Steeg
George Wallace
Page 12
Ralph and Maureen Alva
Charles and Caren Aufhammer
Dan and Monica Barnum
Lawrence and Melissa Bonhall
Michael and Donna Boucher
Lisa Caine
Anthony and Dora Caruso
Steve and Carrie Collins
Chris & David Connally
Brandon and Christine Cosenza
Alan and Jennifer Engle
Tim and Sheryll Grogan
Sal and Sharron Guerrero
Gregg and Amy Hemphill
Terry and Julie Johnson
Bergen and Mary Jane Junge
Robert and Lisa Lake
James and Gail Lusby
Gaylene MacRae
Richard and Teresa Maggio
Jason and Danielle McLennan
James and Cynthia Mullen
Fernando Pedraza
Scott and Patricia Peebles
Mike and Beth Sarachman
Samuel and Janine Scalleat
Steve and Patricia Stoecker
John and O’Connor Taylor
Scott and Toby Wallace
BallPark Pizza
Bill Bussiere - La Jolla Group
Hanna’s Restaurant and Bar
Loan Doctor, Inc.
Mulhere Family Trust
Starbucks Coffee Co.
Taco Bell Corporation
Alumni Parents
Charles and Pam Cummings
Andrew and Michele Merritt
Ryan and SarahBeth ‘02 Donaghy
Christian ‘99 Lusby
Parent Teacher Fellowship
The Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) provides a creative and constructive volunteer support network for the School
and its teachers, in cooperation with the Headmaster, and in accordance with the general policies adopted by the
School. Parent volunteers serve as a supportive body that offers interested, concerned, and cooperative assistance
to the School. Parent participation, on any level, is a vital part of the on-going workings of St. John’s Episcopal School,
and we are grateful for the enthusiasm and dedication our volunteers bring.
Membership in the PTF is automatic when students are enrolled at St. John’s. Parents, grandparents, and other
concerned adults are encouraged to participate in various service, social, and fundraising events. The PTF Advisory
Council is nominated by the parent-body in the spring, serves as advisor to the Headmaster, and assists the School
in the coordination of parent volunteers. General meetings are held throughout the year, and are open to all parents,
teachers, and interested guests.
2010-2011 PTF Advisory Council
Council ChairVirginia Belmont
Council Vice Chair
Michelle Beamish
SecretaryNicole Small
Communications Coordinator
Soyoun Lansing
Event TellerJennifer Carlson
Event TellerStacey deBruyne
HospitalityMarsi Nickell
HospitalityShelly Martinez
New Parent Liaison
Marsi Wolder
Volunteer Coordinator
Jody Dennis
Cardinella ChairKeri Doyle
Helping Hands Ministry
Christy Wrightson
Room Parent Coordinator
Preschool Carrie Burton
Lower Elementary Anna Ehrlich
Upper Elementary Anne Marie Frey
Middle School Laura Hopper
Teresa Walsh
ParliamentarianGina Heppy
Development Chair
Vicki Hanna
Page 13
Family Festival
Booth Sponsors
PTF Programs
The school holds several fundraising events throughout the year, including
Ribbon and Wrap and the Cardinella Dinner Auction. Prior to beginning of
each school year parents receive a detailed schedule of upcoming events and
they are encouraged to participate by volunteering and providing
financial support for any and all events.
New parent Orientation, held the Tuesday
evening before the first week of School
and the New Parents’ Coffee with the
Headmaster in October, assists new
parents in their orientation to St. John’s.
Family Festival is a fun-filled, “back-toSchool” family event open to everyone in
the St. John’s community, including alumni,
grandparents, etc., and is held on the first
Saturday after school begins. Activities
include game booths and a picnic-style
Back-To-School Nights in September are for
parents ONLY to meet their child’s teacher
and learn about the program for the year.
Grandparents Day is a highly anticipated,
special Friday morning, when Elementary
and Middle School students bring their
grandparents to the School. Participation in
chapel, classroom visits and entertainment
assemblies allow grandparents to enjoy a bit
of the spirit and atmosphere of
St. John’s.
Page 14
Christmas programs feature choirs and
performers from both School and Church.
Early Childhood Center’s Daddy and Me
Day, held in January, is a Saturday morning
set aside for daddies, grandfathers and
uncles to join their Preschool children in fun
Open House is held in the spring and
students share their classroom projects with
family and friends.
The Mommy and Me Garden Party, in the
Early Childhood Center, is a celebration
of Mother’s Day when mommies,
grandmothers and aunts join their Preschool
children for Chapel and special crafts.
The Spring Sing, Recorder Concert and
Instrumental Music Program in
Elementary School, and the Middle School
Play Production are opportunities for
students to share their musical and theatrical
talents with everyone.
The Walters Family
The Williamson Family
The Herbst Family
The Farahbod Family
Ride Makerz
The Dochterman Family
The Carlson Family
The Higgins Familt
The Scrifes Family
The Center Family
The Santora Family
The Wrightson Family
The Rodgers Family
The Dennis Familt
The Clark Family
The Ehrlich
The Higgins Family
The Deleray Family
The Boukai
St. John’s Father Club
The Dawson Family
The Fintland Family
The Chow Familt
The Parrot Family
The Wilson Family
The Abboud Family
The Svinth Family
The O’Toole Family
The Griffith Family
The Bowen Team/
ReMax Real Estate Group
The Barrera Family
The Franzi Family
The Doyle Family
The Small Family
The Merritt Family
The Elia Family
The Burch Family
The Rydell Family
The Frey Family
The Hopper Family
The Lindeman Family
The Nickll Family
The Morales Family
The Fatehi Family
The Alikani Family
The Johnson Family
The Pahomi Family
Last year’s event raised over $220,000 for our
children while creating invaluable exposure for
businesses, corporations, resorts and retailers
through their generous support.
St. John’s Episcopal School’s 17th Annual Gala Dinner Auction was held in San Clemente with a
Viva Las Vegas theme The annual dinner auction is the school’s largest fundraising event.
Each St. John’s family is encouraged to participate by donating an auction item, underwriting,
and/or attending the event.
Page 15
Parent Gift
Lory and Andy Aitken
David and Alison Allen
Mark and Keri Lynn Baert
David and Michelle Beamish
August and Virginia Belmont
Fahim and Dianna Boulos
Kenneth and Jody Bowen
Robert and Julie Burch
Robert and Carrie Burton
Steve and Cinthia Camp
Steve and Dianna Claton
Victor and Erika Clemons
Jonathan and Jody Dennis
Robert and Kendra Dochterman
Thomas and Keri Doyle
Peter and Diana Elia
April Ferrara
Douglas and Shannon Fisher
James and K.C. Flint
Andrew and Heather Flynn
Ed and Ann Marie Griffith-Dryden
Elizabeth Lenner and Gary Grimm
Charles and Alexandra Gugliuzza
Chad and Tiffany Hagle
Heath and Natasha Hawker
Timothy and Kelly Hinson
Craig and Michelle Johnson
Steve and Stacy Jones
John and Kathy Kenner
Randall and Kristen Lanham
Shane and Soyoun Lansing
Michael and Karen Long
Michael and Kindra Lutterloh
Robert and Tara Mayer
Noah and Deborah McMahon
John and Caroline O’Malley
Patrick and Leah Patterson
Andrew and Milica Preston
Hamid and Niknafs Rafatjoo
Brian and Lynn Rodgers
Andrea Patton and John Schafer
Maud David and Jamed Speirs
Robert and Elizabeth Terry
Paul and Michelle Walters
Terry and Christy Wrightson
Michael and Stephanie Yurkovich
Alan and Lisa Zawistowski
Dana Hines
Lewis and Nancy Hines
Steve and Cay Smith
Patrick and Kelly Pendergest
David and Michele Townsend
Brock and Sarah Ward
Cardinella Underwriting
Larry and Christina Andreini
Timothy and Kristen Ardent
Fahim and Dianna Boulos
Robert and Julie Burch
Jonathan and Jody Dennis
Thomas and Keri Doyle
Peter and Diana Elia
Sharo and Amal Fatehi
Ann Marie and Ed Griffith-Dryden
Chad and Tiffany Hagle
Steven and Stacy Jones
John and Caroline O’Malley
Christian and Tamara Steensland
Gary and Kari Williamson
Page 16
Brian and Kristie Balmer
Guazzo’s Eneterprise, Inc.
Hanna’s Restaurant and Bar
J Serran High School
Manderson, Schafer & McKinlay
Mater Dei High Scholl
Mayer Hospitalit Group, LLC
Nexis IS, Inc.
Saddleback Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning
Sake Sushi
Santa Margarita Catholic High School
Skylink Technology, Inc.
The Dermatology Center at Ladera
The Hot Lunch Lady, LLC
Cardinella Item Donors
AA Jewel Box
Aliso Viejo Country Club
Aliso Viejo Ice Palace
Allen Family Automotive Group
Alpha Omega Winery
Amazing Grapes Wine Store
Amy Hemphill
Anaheim Ducks
AnQi by Crustacean
Antonio Animal Hospital
Aqua Wave Swim School
Aquarium of the Pacific
Arixmar Security, Consulting and Investigating
Asha Sharma
Balboa Bay Club & Resort
Ball Park Pizza
Barbara Foster
Barclay Butera
Barkate Orthodontics
Bath & Body Works
Bob & Georgia Clark
Bon Appetit @ Soka University
Bowers Museum
Bowlmor Lanes
Bradford Renaissance Portraits
Brittany Keene Photography
Brittany Lynn
Butterfly Therapies, Inc.
Cables Unlimited
California Pizza Kitchen
California Pizza Kitchen
Canyon Fireside Grille
Captain Dave’s Dolphin and Whale Safari
Carla Shepherd
Casa Ranchero
Celinda’s Mexican Deli
Charlie Palmer at Bloomingdales
Cinnamon Productions
Classic Kids Photography
Coldstone Creamery
Coldwell Banker
Color Me Mine
Connie Girolamo
Cori Colson
Coto de Caza Golf & Racquet Club
Cox Communications
Cynthia Mullen
Cynthia Rausch
Dan & Sallie Dutton
Dana Party Supplies
Danielle McLennan
Dave & Buster’s of Irvine
David Kang’s Taekwondo Center
Dennis Uniform
Diane Sears Piano Studio
Digital Interactive Systems
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Ehrlich
Dr. Joseph & Maria Barrera
Dr. Paul Turek
Duke’s Beach House
EP Memory / Action Sport Drives
Erin Kolk
Facial Aesthetic Concepts
Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlour
Figge Photography
Gecko Cookie Company
Gerda Kilgore
Gina L’amour
Giovanni’s Restaurant & Lounge
Gold’s Gym
Greg J. Herd, A Dental Corp.
Grove of Anaheim
Grumpy’s Sports Restaurant
Guazzo Enterprises
Halper Fine Art
Hill Corporation
Honig Vineyard & Winery
Infusion Restaurant
In-N-Out Burger
Inspiration Boutique
Ironman Marketing @ Diamante Cabo San
Irvine Lanes
Island Water Park
J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines
Janice Dennis
Janine Scalleat
Jeanette Lambird
Jennifer Engle
Jennifer Niemi
Jerry’s Wood-Fired Dogs
Jill Hageman
Joy Kemmerle
Jump ‘n Jammin
K1 Speed, Inc.
Kathy Weber
Katrina Meyer
Kenneth Brown Salons
Lamppost Pizza
Laser Quest
Legends Hairstyling Co.
Legends Ladera Hair Salon
Legoland California Resort
Lia Portrait Design
Life’s Sweetest Moments
Linda & Kent Falk
Lorin Backe Photography
Los Angeles Lakers
Loyal Spirit
Luciana’s Ristorante
Mad Katz
Malina Shuy
Mammoth Mountain Ski Area, LLC
Marty LaRoche
Melissa Christian
Memories of Me Photography
Michele Townsend
Miss Rebecca MacRae
Mission Limousine
Mixed Bag Designs
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Zawistoski
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Aitken
Mr. & Mrs. August Belmont
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Graboske
Mr. & Mrs. Blaine & Becky Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Carrie Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Futrell
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Hagle
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. David Beamish
Mr. & Mrs. David Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Hedley
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon & Erika Clemons
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Champlain
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff & Rhonda Friesen
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Nickell
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Flint
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wold
Mr. & Mrs. John Deleray
Mr. & Mrs. John Fintland
Mr. & Mrs. John O’Malley
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan & Amy Atherton
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Dennis
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Victoria Pendergest
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Rosen
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence & Kathleen O’Toole
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis & Nancy Hines
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Indeglia
Mr. & Mrs. Mehran Molkara
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Karen Long
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Franzi
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Yurkovich
Mr. & Mrs. Noel Whitley
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Kellie Pendergest
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Elia
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Lanham
Page 17
Cardinella Item Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Price
Mr. & Mrs. Rick & Cindy Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bollar
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Fedden
Mr. & Mrs. Sam & Uma Perricone
Mr. & Mrs. Shane Lansing
Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Stacy Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Hopper
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Wrightson
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hinson
Mr. & Mrs. Tom & Denise Meena
Mr. & Ms. James Johnson
Mr. Brandon Wislocki
Mr. John & Andrea Schafer
Mr. Tim Paxson
Mrs. April Ferrara
Mrs. Cindy Campbell
Mrs. Ellie Servais
Mrs. Monica Barnum
Mrs. Shannon Fisher
Mrs. Vici Morgan
Ms. Jamie Elise
Ms. Jessica vanderMaath
Music Ed 4 U, Inc.
My Doggies Daycare
Nails by Holly and Spa
Nancy Corzine
Nancy Freese
Nancy Phelps Photography
Nancy Plum
Newport Surf Camp
Oakley, Inc.
Orange County Fire Authority
Oratis Thorougbreds
Outback Steakhouse
Patty Stoecker
Peju Provincee Winery
Peking Dragon
Piccadilly Inn - Shaw
Pick Up Stix
Powell’s Sweet Shop
PRP Wine International
Rancho Canyon Music
Rancho Dental Group & Orthodontics
Razor USA
Regal Entertainment Group
Robin Bartolotta
Roclord Studio Photography
Rowley Portraiture
RPM Limo
Ruth’s Chris Del Mar
San Diego Zoo Global
Santa Margarita Animal Care Center
Santa Margarita Embroidery
Sawdust Art Festival
Page 18
Scooter’s Jungle
Shadow Run Farms
South Coast Plaza
South Coast Repertory
Sprinkles Cupcakes
St. John’s Episcopal School
Starbucks Coffee
Su Plamondon
Sue Corbett
Susan Adame
Susan Cervantes
Sweet and Saucy Shop
Swirlz Frozen Yogurt
The Dermatology Center at Ladera
The Festival of Arts
The General Counsel, LLC
The Harbor Grill
The Huntington
The Laguna Playhouse
The Muller Company
The Redwoods in Yosemite
The Robert Mayer Corporation
The Smile Generation
The St. Regis Monarch Beach
The Waterfront Beach Resort
Timeless Treasure
Timree Gold Artist
Toby Wallace
Trader Joes
Trisha’s Nail Spa
Tuckers Tickets
Tutto Fresco Trattoria
United Studios of Self Defense
Universal Services of America
Vegas on Demand
Villa Romano Green Farms
Vons Pavillions
Waters Family Chiropractic Wellness Center
Whiskey Creek Restaurant
Wild Flour Cupcakes
Willow Manor
Wood Ranch
World Elite Gymnastics
Young Chefs Academy of Irvine
Yvonne Priore
Zaidi’s Portraiture
St. John’s Episcopal Church
was founded in 1986, as a unified mission of the Episcopal Diocese of
Los Angeles. The Church was established to serve the growing needs of
South Orange County, and moved to its present site in Rancho Santa Margarita
in 1988, at which time St. John’s Episcopal School opened. The Sanctuary and
Enrichment Center opened in August 2003, completing the original master site plan.
We strive to provide a joyful and enriching environment in which each child
can develop lifelong skills and a love of learning. We are dedicated to high,
ethical standards of behavior, including honesty, integrity and respect for one
another. We also strive to maintain a school community that promotes peace,
responsibility and love.
St. John’s embraces a diversity of families who are encouraged to be active
participants in their children’s upbringing. We share a strong sense of community
and a commitment to a healthy, safe and engaging education experience for
our children.
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(949) 858-5144