Brave BRP booklet - Microsoft Publisher


Brave BRP booklet - Microsoft Publisher
Bible Reading Plan & Adventure Guide
April 3-May 7, 2016
In this series, we’ll look at taking a brave step and walking in the
confidence and power of who God made us to be. We will learn
from the story of Peter—how he tried, how he failed, and how his
reliance on the power of Jesus made all the difference.
Like Peter, we too make the choice between staying comfortable
and secure or relying on God’s power to face our fears and step
into something new. Jesus calls us to take a step out of the boat
into an adventure.
Our Bible Reading Plan has a different format for this series:
The weekly readings follow the Sunday message. (Usually
we read prior to hearing the message.)
Each week has variable levels so work at your own pace—
you may do several in one day or spread them over the
This journey is designed to be done in community—with your
crew. To join a group, check the church website or contact
Amy Tomlinson, Director of Adult Ministry.
We are sharing in this experience with more than 60 churches in
the greater Cincinnati area. We know that God has some great
things in store for us as we dive in to Jesus’ calling on our lives to
step out of the boat and trust in Him. We are made for bravery!
LEVEL 6: Brave Life / Final Thoughts
READ: John 15:1-8
WEEK 1: Adventure
The journey is ending. How do you now define “brave”?
LEVEL 1: Introduction
April 4-9, 2016
READ: Joshua 1:7-9
Welcome to the BRAVE Journey. This material represents your own
navigational tool in our community wide focus on being BRAVE. After you
hear the weekend message each week, use this material to explore your
personal journey of bravery. Then, meet up with your small group — the
casual environment where you’ll talk about it, get challenged, and build into
How could you make your heading feel even more like an adventure?
Every sailor must know his heading— the compass direction in
which he navigates. There’s a new place God wants to take you.
A place you haven’t been – a place that might seem scary.
That’s where we’re headed. This week, you will determine your
What ongoing role will community play with regard to your heading?
Onward. Adventure. Go forth. Be brave. Try Level 2.
LEVEL 2: Icebreaker
Let’s play “Would You Rather?” Six questions. Go.
Consider your heading. How will you keep going? Sketch out three
possible next steps here:
Would you rather:
Pick a fight or Stop a fight
Would you rather:
Read a book or Find a party
Would you rather:
Take a big risk for a big, unlikely return or
Take a small risk for a smaller, guaranteed return
Would you rather:
Pray about it or Double your efforts
Congratulations! Well done! One more group time left; celebrate your
Would you rather:
Give someone the benefit of the doubt or Be suspicious of motives
Would you rather:
Eat an entire uncooked star fish or Drink an 8oz glass of octopus ink
Fantastic job, matey. You’re already two levels in! How about another one
right now?
LEVEL 3: Story
LEVEL 4: Encouragement Challenge
READ: Luke 5:1-11
Put yourself in Simon’s shoes. What’s one thing that stands out to you
from his experience?
Consider the role your BRAVE crew has played. Your next challenge is to
bless the group with encouragement.
Contact the group and tell them why you’re thankful for them. (It doesn’t
have to be five paragraphs, but try to go deeper than “thanks for
Three levels down! Only four to go.
LEVEL 4: Listen (and pray)
READ: Hebrews 10:24
Excellent. You probably just made someone’s day. You might as well do
another level. It’s an easy one. Well, sort of. If you like to cook.
READ: Psalm 18:1-6
Read these lyrics:
“OCEANS (WHERE FEET MAY FAIL)” - Hillsong United
You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand
And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace For I am Yours and You are mine
Your grace abounds in deepest waters Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me You've never failed and You
won't start now
LEVEL 5: Potluck Dinner
Tell the group what food/drink you’re bringing to share.
Nice work. We’ve just eliminated (or guaranteed) the possibility of
multiple tuna casseroles.
You’re ready for another level. The last one!
So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace For I am Yours and You are mine
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders Let me walk upon the
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander And my faith will be
made stronger
In the presence of my Savior
I will call upon Your Name Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace I am Yours and You are mine
What came to mind during that song?
Strong work. You’re over halfway finished! Let’s keep sailing.
LEVEL 3: Reflect
LEVEL 5: Your Life
In week two, you identified your storm as:
1. Where in your life is it most stormy? (Pick one)
Extended family
School / Learning
Overall, how has this journey been for you. Pick one:
1. Life changing. On a scale of 1-10, this has been a 10.
2. Challenging and encouraging, I’d give it an 8.
3. It’s been OK. I’ll give it a 5, I have new things to think about.
4. Meh. I’d give it a 2.
5. My spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/stupid friend is making me do this.
Answer these questions:
Where have you seen God in the midst of that storm?
READ: Jeremiah 29:11-12
2. Where in your life do you most crave change? (Pick one)
Extended family
School / Learning
What role has your BRAVE group played in this journey?
What is something that will be different as a result of this journey?
3. What’s something you really want to do, but haven’t done yet?
It can be just about anything.
Read John 14:12-14.
Start a business.
Leave my job.
Join that community group.
Run that marathon.
What would you like to ask God? Make a list:
What would you like to thank God for? Make a list.
Sell the house.
Go to AA.
Go on a retreat.
Climb that mountain.
Answer in six words or less:
It’s good to acknowledge where we’ve been and consider where we’re
going. We don’t call this a “journey” for nothing.
4. How would you define your spiritual life? Pick as many as you like.
Searching for answers.
I have received Jesus.
Focusing on obedience—I’ve quit negotiating with God.
I’m actively replicating my faith in others.
Great work, Traveler. You should do Level 4.
Good work. Two more levels and this week’s journey is done.
LEVEL 6: Your Heading
READ: Jeremiah 33:2-3
Pick a heading for this journey.
You’re about to choose an area of your life where you will take a brave step later
in this journey. So before you go any further, whisper this prayer to God. (It’s
okay if you aren’t sure you believe it. Just wanting to believe it is great!)
God, please give me direction. Tell me where you want me to go. Help me trust
Here you create directions based on your answers. Pick the one that stands out
the most to you:
I want to be less stressed about:
I want to:
I have a different direction in mind:
I need change in my:
My next spiritual step is to:
WEEK 5: Brave Life
LEVEL 1: Thumb Jury Step
May 2 - 7, 2016
Read Acts 4:8-13
If you attended a Brave Group, you’ll remember the thumb jury, and you
discussed a “next step”. In six words or less, capture that step here:
Now make it into a heading—a brave adventure you will take with God. Write it
here in six words or less.
If you are not attending a Brave group, think about another “next step” you
can take in your Brave journey and write it here:
Here are some example headings if you need them:
Your challenge this week, and before your next group, is to take that step.
Work: Look for a new job, or write business plan for lemonade stand.
Dating: Date someone worth marrying.
Marriage: Date my wife, or see a counselor with my spouse.
Kids: Grow son from boy to man.
Extended family: Forgive my dad / ask for forgiveness.
Friends: Fast from Facebook, cultivate friendship, or come clean to friend.
School / Learning: Sign up for that class.
Finances: Make giving a priority, or pay off debt in 18 months.
Health: Train for the marathon, or lose 35 pounds in 12 months.
Faith: Explore the claims of Jesus, or find spiritual mentor to meet weekly.
Purpose: Find my purpose.
Belonging: Join a serving team, or get accountable
relationships with other men.
Identity: Find worth beyond my accomplishments.
Time: Prioritize my time.
Rest: Schedule rest, plan around it.
Creativity: Pick up the guitar again.
Habits: Stop drinking, or create and follow a budget.
Be sure and take that step. You won’t be reminded or prompted again, but
you will be asked about how it went in your small group.
Fantastic! You should do Level 2 right this minute.
LEVEL 2: Story
Peter’s adventure with Jesus began on a boat. See how the story comes full
Read Matthew 26:69-75, then read John 21:1-19.
At the seaside, Jesus gave Peter three opportunities to repent from his
denial of Jesus the night of His arrest. Just as Peter had to return from the
place of fear and denial he found himself in, we too, can return to a place of
bravery whenever we repent and ask
Jesus to forgive and redirect us.
Well done. One last level! Let’s go.
LEVEL 7: Introduce yourself
Teaming up with your Journey small group is crucial for an optimal BRAVE
experience. You will learn together, encourage each other, and maybe build
some friendships. If you haven’t connected with a “crew” yet, do that asap. It’s a
big deal. Take a minute to say hello, tell jokes, share recipes. You’re will love it.
Great work! You’re embarking on a brave adventure.
See you in your Week One BRAVE group.
Think about the relationship between
Jesus and Peter. If Jesus were sitting in
the same room as you right now, what do
you think he’d say?
Nice. Let’s keep sailing.
LEVEL 5: Encourage Your Group READ: 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Encourage a crew mate.
Take five minutes and contact a crewmate from your group. Remember, to
“encourage” means to “put courage in.” So, fill someone up.
You could probably make that “encouraging people” thing a habit. Great
work. Onward.
Week 2: Storm
LEVEL 1: Introduction
April 11-16, 2016
READ: Psalm 107:23-32
Identify your storm. When you think of your heading, you might be
playing the “what if” game. You’re uncertain. You could fail. It’s
scary. There is a resistance pushing you back, distracting you,
even bullying you like a big swirling storm. What is that storm of
resistance between you and your heading? Let’s give it a name:
LEVEL 6: How did it go?
What surprised you about your BRAVE step challenge?
If you had to name a storm between you and your heading right this second,
could you do it?
Now that you’ve taken that step, how do you feel?
Do you think you could have done something more difficult? If so, what? If
not, why?
Absolutely. I know exactly what my storm is.
I have a couple ideas, but I’ll have to think about it.
No clue.
Level 1— done! Let’s do another.
What do you think God is trying to teach you?
LEVEL 2: Story
READ: Matthew 14:22-33
Read this story from the perspective of Peter.
Did taking your step feel like an adventure? Why or why not?
“When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldened me.”
Psalm 138:3
God loves you. He wants to make you brave because he wants freedom for
you. Freedom to run after the adventure he has tailor-made just for you.
Whether you believe it or not, you’re getting brave. Bravery becomes you.
See you at group.
Picture the Sea of Galilee today. Now, imagine this exact place over 2,000
years ago, in the middle of the night, during a huge storm. It’s cold, it’s rainy,
the waves are incredibly high for a body of water this small. Put yourself in
Peter’s shoes. It’s so bad that you and your sea-weathered fisherman friends
can’t even get to shore. You’re exhausted, drenched, and honestly, you’re
scared because this storm is out of your league.
When in the story did the storm get the best of Peter?
Nice work. Keep it up.
LEVEL 3: What scares you?
Answer these questions:
READ: Matthew 8:23-27
LEVEL 2: Story READ Matthew 14:22-33
You’ve heard this story already. Listen to it again, and pay close attention
to Peter’s actions. Think about every single step or word he said. Consider
his thought process. Think about how he approached this challenge—how
he turned this frightening experience into an adventure.
When I think about my Heading, I feel frustrated because:
When I think about my Heading, I feel worried/stressed/anxious about:
When I think about my Heading, I get cynical because:
You imagined being Peter. Now imagine that Peter is in your shoes. How
do you think he would approach your brave new step?
When I think about my Heading, I fear losing control if:
When I think about my Heading, I think it’s hopeless because:
Good work. You should do the next level right now.
When I think about my Heading, I feel unprepared because:
LEVEL 3: Leap
When I think about my Heading, I feel hopeful because:
Well alright! How about crushing Level Four right this second?
LEVEL 4: The Stormy Challenge
What is a tangible, brave new step that you could take towards your
heading this week? Write it in six words or less.
READ: Romans 5:3-5
Which of these sounds the worst? Pick three.
Asking a stranger about their day
Apologizing to someone
Not having a drink after work
Working out
Not working out
Praying with a stranger
Praying with anyone
Picking up the tab
Admitting you’re wrong
Cleaning up someone else’s mess
Touching a snake
Being on the top floor
Spending time with an in-law
Playing with a dog
Swimming in a pool
Giving a gift
Talking to someone different from you Asking for help
Helping someone else
Sharing something of yours
Being by yourself
Not being by yourself
Walking in a basement without the lights on (AT NIGHT)
Narrow that down to one. The very worst one:
How could you make this step more challenging, but still achievable this
week? Rewrite your challenge in six words or less:
This is the challenge you need to complete this week. Let at least one
person on your “crew” know your six-word challenge right now so they can
be rooting for you.
Well, take that step! After you do it, you’re ready for Level 4.
LEVEL 4: Faith Badge
READ: Matthew 17:20
Did you complete your BRAVE new step challenge?
So this is the worst, right?
Now go do that. Put your phone down, log off your computer, turn off the TV,
whatever. Go do it, then come back.
Did you do it?
Be sure to tell your group how your Stormy Challenge went. That wasn’t so
bad, was it? (Or was it?) Either way, strong work. On to Level 5. No snakes,
we promise.
No matter the type of step you took, you need to know it’s a big deal. It
counts. The Bible tells us that with just the tiniest bit of faith, the size of a
mustard seed, big things can happen with a lasting impact. (Matthew 13)
Jesus makes us brave, and we receive that truth by acting in it. The more
we work those faith muscles, the braver we get.
Definitely consider doing Level 5 right now.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the
Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.
Psalm 34:4-5
I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my
fears. Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces shall never be
2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all
sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.
Psalm 138:3
On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you
LEVEL 5: ID Your Storm / Five Whys
Identify your storm.
READ: Psalm 69:13-18
Look back at your answers from Level 3. Choose the one that stands out the
When I think about my Heading:
· I feel frustrated because:
· I feel worried/stressed/anxious about:
· I get cynical because:
· I fear losing control if:
· I think it’s hopeless because:
Philippians 4:13
I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.
· I feel unprepared because:
Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty One who will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love;
He will exult over you with loud singing.
Now comes the “Five Whys” game. We’ll keep asking “Why?” to help you get
to the root of your storm.
Why does this one stick out the most?
Hebrews 12:2
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…
Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so
that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
This is your faith verse for the week. Write it on a sticky note and put it
someplace you’ll see it every day. Memorize it.
These are God’s words to you. Believe them.
Nice work. You should totally do another level right now.
You’ve gone deep, friend. Name your storm in six words or less:
Thanks for hanging in there. One more level, and it’s a good one.
LEVEL 6: Be Brave
Read the lyrics to this song. Ask God to use it to spark bravery in you.
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows
whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.
It is well with my soul,
it is well, it is well with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, let this blest
assurance control,
that Christ has regarded my helpless estate, and hath shed his own blood
for my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the
whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, praise the Lord, praise
the Lord, O my soul!
And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, the clouds be rolled
back as a scroll; the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, even
so, it is well with my soul.
It is well with my soul,
it is well, it is well with my soul.
WEEK 4: Leap
LEVEL 1: Power Up
April 25-30, 2016
Read the verses below. Think about your heading and choose the verse that
stands out the most.
Hebrews 10:39
But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to
those who have faith and are saved.
Hebrews 10:23
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is
Isaiah 43:1
But now, this is what the LORD says— He who created you, O Jacob, He
who formed you, O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have
summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of
How did this song help you feel more brave?
I John 4:18
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to
do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
Strong work. Identifying your storm is the first step in fighting it. See you in
BRAVE Group.
Philippians 2:13
...for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and
not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Psalm 125:1
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but
endures forever.
First, Read: James 5:13-16
Pick two steps and do them this week:
1. Send your “petition” to someone you trust.
2. Ask someone you trust to commit to pray daily on your behalf.
3. Find a prayer partner to join you in praying for your petition at the
same time every day— together or separate.
4. Ask someone you trust to meet with you at least twice and pray about
your petition.
5. Invite some trusted folks to come over and pray for you and your
Great. Told ya’ we need to be proactive this week. You are on it! Be sure
to complete your challenge AND go to the BRAVE Experience. After you
finish your challenge, you’re ready for Level 6.
WEEK 3: Power
April 18-23, 2016
LEVEL 1: Commit READ: John 14:12-14
How much do you believe that anything you ask of Jesus He will do for you?
Pick one.
I believe that 100%.
Some days I believe that, some days I don’t.
My spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/stupid friend is making me do this.
This week is an experiment with prayer, and its power. You will need extra
time for Level Five so get there as soon as you can. (Now would be good.)
You will need to plan ahead, and promise to make time for Level 5!
Great! If you have five minutes and a quiet place to think, you’re ready for the
next level.
LEVEL 6: Praise / Challenge Debrief
LEVEL 2: Imaginative Prayer READ Matthew 14:13-21
Answer the following questions:
Take a minute to reflect on your challenge.
What are ways you’ve seen God this week?
Find a quiet place to read and think.
Let yourself be immersed in the story. Imagine you are a Disciple. You’re
with Jesus. How are you dressed? What do you feel like? Smell like? What is
the crowd around Jesus like? This scene takes place after Jesus has heard
of the death of His cousin, John the do you imagine Jesus
right now?
Perhaps God has given you an insight that’s leading you to refine or
change your heading. Now is the time. (If you still feel great about your
heading, skip this part.)
Capture your thoughts while they’re still fresh. What stands out to you?
The Disciples say to send the hungry crowd away, but Jesus says no – to
you as a Disciple. The loaves and fishes are brought to Jesus.
How does Jesus work with us…..with you?
God, this week I saw you in:
There is an abundance of food! What does it taste like? What is the crowd
like now?
How do you feel about Jesus at this moment?
God, You are awesome. Thank you. Amen.
Jesus didn’t need the Disciples in order to perform this miracle. Why did He
include them? Why does He include you? Meditate
on this.
Now read your answer aloud as a praise to God. Congratulations! Tell
someone about it.
Nice work. Let’s sail on.
LEVEL 3: Gratitude List
READ: Philippians 4:6-7
Practice gratitude. Make a list of things you are thankful for. God, thank
you for:
LEVEL 5: Prayer Challenge
Choose one of the following Prayer Challenges. (specifics to follow):
Meditation: Spend an extended block of time with God.
Fast: Decide to go without something for a period of time.
Intercession: Get vulnerable with someone and have them pray for/with
Solid effort. Have six minutes? Then you have time for another level.
LEVEL 4: Petition
Your heading is:
READ: Philippians 4:6-7
As you consider your heading, make a request(s) of God (a petition):
Here are some example petitions if you need them.
Be honest. Be specific. Be expectant.
God, I need you to change _______________________
God, you have to step into __________________ and fix this today.
God, I need you to provide the resources for ______________________
God, I’m fed up. Take ___________________________from me.
God, help me start ____________________________________ .
God, help me stop ____________________________________ .
Follow these five simple steps:
1. Schedule a block of time on your calendar where you can spend one
to three hours perfectly alone. (Even if it’s four am.)
2. Choose a quiet place where you will not be bothered, bring a journal
and Bible and turn off your phone— totally unplug.
3. Start your time by writing your heading in your journal and ask God to
join you.
4. At random, choose up to 5 of the following verses and read them. •
Psalm 103 • Zephaniah 3:17 • Romans 5:8 • Psalm 139:1-18 •
Hebrews 12:2 • Philippians 1:6 • Psalm 46:10-11 • Psalm 18:30-36 •
John 15:5-8
5. Answer these questions in your journal: What scripture impacted you
most and why? Did you notice a theme? If so, explain. What do you
think God might be saying? What came to mind specifically with regard
to your heading?
First, READ: Matthew 6:16-18
Then, follow these five simple steps:
1. Pick a day this week to skip at least one meal.
2. Use that time to pray and listen to God. Use hunger pangs as
reminders to seek God.
3. Fasting is a chance for a richer, more personal prayer experience.
4. It helps us humble ourselves in God’s sight, and remember that he
provides both physical and spiritual nourishment.
5. It might not be easy. Probably the day you fast will be the day Joanie
brings donuts. Lean into God. Not donuts.
Well done. Read this blessing out loud to yourself:
God, guard my heart and mind and give me peace that transcends
understanding. Amen!
Trust me, you should start Level 5 right now.