Taking on Tough Mudder
Taking on Tough Mudder
Wiltshire Partners taking good news relevantly to every young person in Wiltshire Winter/Spring 2016 Director Writes… I wonder if you have ever found yourself thinking; what is God saying to me, to us? I know I have both with regards to my personal circumstances and over the last year with the work of Wiltshire YFC. It is not always easy to know. Over the last few weeks I have been reminded that what is important is that we strive to listen God’s voice, even in our faltering way, and I am then challenged as to whether I am willing to follow where he is calling me to. In Psalm 81 the writer quotes God as asking his people to listen his voice, wishing they would, urging that they would and that when they do God will shine his goodness down on them. Since we launched Wiltshire YFC we have strongly believed God is calling us to support and strengthen the work that churches are already doing among young people. One of the ways that has been happening is through Pulse Youth Event, run for several years faithfully by Jane and Chris Smith. From February, Wiltshire YFC will be taking responsibility for Pulse under Dan’s leadership. As a space for young people to gather, worship, experience God and hear the gospel Pulse provides a great opportunity to support the discipleship of young people in your church and for those on the edge of church that you may know. We would love to see young people gathering from across West Wiltshire and beyond and so I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to bring the young people you work with to the Pulse, 7.30pm on Friday 5th February at Holy Trinity Church in Trowbridge. We hope that Pulse will continue what Chris and Jane started by supporting local churches in equipping young people to follow Jesus. As we start 2016 I would ask you to pray for the team at Wiltshire YFC, that we listen to God’s good voice and have the courage to obey where he is calling us to serve. James Vaughton Taking on Tough Mudder On Saturday 30th April a team of three supporters of Wiltshire YFC will be taking on Tough Mudder alongside Steve and James to raise funds for Wiltshire YFC to impact the lives of young people. We will send more details in the coming weeks but if you would like to sponsor our efforts you can do so at www.give.net/wiltsyfcmudder. We are aiming to raise £2500 so if you can help us do that we would be really grateful. Hello After school drop-in for all aged 14 + Hot choclates, snacks, crafts and air hockey will also be avaliable! Every Tuesday 3.30pm - 5pm @ Holy Trinity Church, Trowbridge THE MIX study Since the beginning of December, Dan has started up a drop-in at the Holy Trinity building in Trowbridge in partnership with Chloe – an intern at Maranatha church. Together they have been looking for ways to create a space for young people to meet after school and engage with them in games, discussion and a place to relax. A point of prayer is for wisdom in finding the right combination of including a broader range of pupils from the local schools and a sufficient number of capable volunteers. activities The Mix chat Wilts YFC Football Over the last few months Steve Dewar has organised football matches between young people from Potterne and the surrounding area against a team from Trowbridge. The matches, which have started with a prayer, have seen young people come together and encourage each other. They are keen for more challenges in the future. The teams are ad-hoc which allow for new people to get involved easily. Playing for a Trophy, the village team have come second in both matches, but the results have been close! We are hoping to arrange a tournament in 2016 to bring teams together from across the area. If you would like to get involved in future matches or would like to know more, please contact Steve Dewar. Schools work in Wiltshire We love working in Schools! James, Dan and Steve support local schools across Wiltshire in various projects. Throughout 2015 Steve and the Reverend David Howard ran weekly assemblies in the Potterne Parish at both sites of Five Lanes Primary school. Steve delivered assemblies throughout the term at Holy Trinity Academy in Great Cheverill and joined the Reverend Maureen Allchin for an assembly at Seend Primary school. All these Primary schools feed into Lavington Secondary school where Steve is regularly invited to deliver assemblies and has supported the school with PSHE lessons and ongoing discussions around other initiatives including “The Accompanying Project” and pastoral support. Please continue to pray for all the projects that help YFC staff engage with young people and school staff in the coming year. The attached photo is of Steve re-telling the story of Jesus washing His disciples feet by putting words into action. Mentoring in Trowbridge Over the past few months Dan has been mentoring 2 boys at John of Gaunt school, both of whom are in year 11 (GCSE year). One, “Sam”, in particular is at risk of being excluded because of his fiery temper – throwing chairs around in the classroom, swearing at teachers, and picking fights with others. Over the last few weeks Dan been really getting to know Sam and has discovered that he loves computers, to the extent that he wants to build his own. After one session, Dan went to the I.T. department and explained that he’s in school mentoring Sam and asked if they had any old computer parts that he could use with Sam to explore how computers are assembled and what parts go where. The head of the department loved the idea and offered 7 or so old computers and said they could do whatever they liked with them – disassemble, reassemble, work out how it all comes together. He even offered help with the installation of software later down the line. When Dan told Sam the following week what we were going to do together with the help of the school’s resources, his face was priceless. The amazing thing is that mentoring has begun to affect his behaviour in school. The other week, after asking him how his week has been, Sam said: “This guy was winding me up just before my English lesson started so I went to punch him in the face but then I remembered I was going to meet with you the next day and I remembered what you told me about trying to keep calm and think about consequences… so I didn’t punch him in the end”. Equipping people to build the Kingdom of God One of the ways that Wiltshire YFC has identified that we can resource the local church to work with young people is through training. On Saturday 5th December Steve and James delivered training for 15 volunteers from Potterne, Calne, Trowbridge and Warminster. The sessions included; why working with children and young people is important, safeguarding and how we respond to challenging behaviour. This is our third such training event in Wiltshire and we have now trained nearly 25 people as volunteer youth workers. This was our best attended event and those who came along really appreciated the event as their feedback shows. “It was great being able to socialise with others who wish to work with children / young people.” Lots of the group would recommend the training. One person said, “it was very open and friendly with no pressure,” another, “it was interactive and thought provoking,” and finally someone else wrote that they “enjoyed that it was delivered by people actually involved in youth work.” If you would be interested in us delivering this training with your church or in your town please do get in touch by emailing [email protected] ? Wiltshire Could you help make a difference in the lives of young people in Wiltshire by giving to Name Address Tel Email Please tick: I enclose a donation of £ for the ongoing work of Wiltshire YFC among the young people of Wiltshire (cheques payable to Wiltshire Youth for Christ) I would like to increase my giving by/start to give £ per month starting on 12th day of the next month to Wiltshire YFC by making a monthly standing order to: Wiltshire Youth for Christ, Barclays Bank, 4-5 Southgate, Bath, BA1 1AQ, account number: 20029580, sort code: 20-05-12 From my/our account (Account Name) Bank Account number Sort code Wiltshire Address Signature Date Gift Aid declaration – for past, present & future donations Charity: Wiltshire YFC, a project of the charity Bath Youth for Christ Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made Please tick all boxes you wish to apply. today in the past 4 years in the future I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6th April 2008. Donor’s details Title First name or initial(s) Surname Full home address Signature Date OR I am NOT a tax payer (tick) Please notify us if you: Want to cancel this declaration Change your name or home address No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code. Please return to: Wiltshire YFC, c/o Holy Trinity Church, Stallard Street, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 8HW Our registered charity number is 1067198 and registered charity address is as above. Please do not send me any more information about Wiltshire YFC