Term 4 Newsletter 18th December 2015
Term 4 Newsletter 18th December 2015
www.brentwoodparkps.vic.edu.au Volume 21 Issue 40 Thursday 17 December 2015 DATES TO REMEMBER TERM DATES 18 DEC 25 JAN 28 JAN 03 FEB 05 FEB 2016 TERM 1 28 JAN. - 24 MARCH TERM 3 11 JULY - 16 SEPT. TERM 2 11 APRIL - 24 JUNE TERM 4 03 OCT. - 20 DEC LAST SCHOOL DAY 2015 AND FINAL ASSEMBLY AT 1:40PM (FINISHING TIME BOOK COLLECTION DAY(BERWICK SENIOR CITIZENS HALL) SCHOOL COMMENCES FOR 2016 (FOUNDATION TO YEAR 6) FIRST BANKING DAY FOR 2016 FIRST CANTEEN DAY FOR 2016 JIM BELL, PRINCIPAL C ongratulations School Captains 2016 Congratulations are extended to Will S and Caitlyn F who were elected to the office of School Captains 2016. They are joined by Ricky P and Yuvarnika R who were elected Vice School Captains. I’m confident they will prove to be a dynamic team of student leaders and will fulfil their duties to the best of their abilities. House Captain elections will be held early in term 1, next year. 2:30PM) JENNY REID, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL F oundation— Year 2 Christmas Concert Well done to our Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 performers! On Tuesday we had the opportunity to hold the annual Junior School Christmas Concert in our performing arts centre. The concert was a combination of popular and traditional Christmas songs. It gave the junior students the opportunity to perform on stage and to show what they have learnt in performing art classes. The concert concluded once again singing Feliz Navidad and a visit from Santa. Thanks once again to Jenny Reid who, as always, was resplendent in her Christmas attire and for being a wonderful hostess for the concert. Thanks also to the F – 2 teachers, sound and stage crew (elves), sugarplum fairies and the many students who helped set up and pack taff Performance At last week’s assembly and with one week to go up. Thank you to performing arts teacher, Linda Moore, until school concludes for the year, the Christmas and thanks to Joanne Morris for videoing and Kathy festivities commenced with a special staff performance! Hymas for taking photographs. Linda Moore, performing arts teacher, had written a song about the school year coming to an end and it was Please see the collages in the newsletter which has performed, with staff support, to the tune of Up Town captured, in part, the festivities of the day! Funk much to the enjoyment of the children and assembled parents! S S tudent Reports 2016 Student reports were distributed on Thursday and I trust parents have taken the time to celebrate their children’s achievements. In addition to their reports, ten students were also awarded an Attendance Certificate acknowledging 100% attendance at school as at 4 December 2015. Congratulations are extended to Tim J, Beatricia C, Joel S, Muzhda F, Nicola B, Will J, Lydia J Anmol K and Anjali S S taff Welcome Five new staff members will be joining us in 2016. A sincere welcome is extended to Donna Kelly, Beth McPhan, Cassie Van Zeyl, Sophie Haye and Jessica Porziella. These new staff visited the school on Thursday to take part in a new staff induction day and to take part in our Classroom Orientation 2016 session. This also provided opportunity to introduce themselves to the students they’ll be teaching. I’m confident our new staff will find being part of Brentwood Park a rewarding hank you to all the families of BPPS for the and professionally satisfying experience. support given to our fundraising events this year. As you may be aware, these funds have been directed to the purchase and installation of airconditioning in the classrooms. In recent weeks, the remaining six classrooms and the visual arts room have had air-conditioning installed which brings our total to seventeen!! They are certainly proving beneficial given the unseasonably HOT weather we have been experiencing of late! T Fundraising efforts alone, however, cannot finance all the projects planned for our school. Payment of curriculum contributions would greatly assist. A Special Thank You to our Parent Helpers! On Thursday, we held our annual Parent Helpers Thank You Morning Tea. The occasion afforded the staff at Brentwood Park the opportunity to officially extend their thanks for all the support parents have provided throughout the course of the year. Parents are an integral part of many of our programs and assist in a multitude of ways; assisting with reading, general assistance in the classrooms, attending Our final fundraiser for the year was the Annual excursions, attending camps, marshalling at sporting Christmas Raffle and we sincerely thank our families for activities and fundraising to name a few! supporting us through the donation of a Christmas item and the purchasing of raffle tickets! An excess of fifty Our school choir provided the seasonal entertainment hampers were made up for the raffle which correlated which I’m confident was appreciated and enjoyed by all with an excess of fifty very happy and excited recipients! in attendance! The major fundraiser for 2016 will be a Fun Run/Walk-athon to coincide with the 2016 Olympics and we hope it be as equally well supported as our 2015 efforts! In the meantime, thank you all once more. We wish all the families a safe and happy Christmas. BPPS Fundraising Team S tudent Orientation for 2016 On Thursday, the children had the opportunity to go to next year’s classrooms with their 2016 teachers. This orientation assists in their transition and makes the first day of school next year that little bit smoother. A full staffing list for 2016 is presented in this week’s newsletter for your reference. F acilities Update Watch this space, because over the summer school break it will be occupied with additional classrooms! With the increase in student enrolment, Brentwood Park was in need of at least four additional teaching spaces! We have been informed that the portable classrooms should arrive around the 8 January which will enable them to be refurbished and ready for occupation for the commencement of the new school year! Y ear 6 Graduation On Thursday evening, 17 December, the Year 6 Graduation Dinner and Graduation Ceremony were conducted at the Cardinia Cultural Centre. Dressed in attire suited to the occasion, the students enjoyed a celebratory dinner with staff and took advantage of the opportunity to have individual, group and family photographs taken by professional photographer, Kathy Watson. Within the auditorium, the official part of the ceremony commenced for the parents with the viewing of a DVD which was compiled to provide all present with a snapshot of Year 6 in 2015. It illustrated admirably, the productive and enjoyable year experienced by both students and teachers. With the curtains closed, the auditorium was filled with the sound of a solitary piper. The curtain opened to reveal the piper as the students proceeded down the aisles to take a seat on stage! Following the opening address and accompanying speeches, students were presented with their graduation certificates, class awards, specialist awards and community awards. In conclusion, the graduates performed their “graduation song”! The evening proved to be both a rewarding and memorable occasion for all in attendance. F inally … At the close of our twenty-first year, I once again say a very sincere thank you. Thank you to all those parents and community members who have supported the school’s programs and children’s learning in so many ways. Thank you to all the staff, both teaching and non teaching for all the “extra” they have done throughout the year. Farewell to the families who are moving on, our very best wishes go with you, and to those who remain, we look forward to our continued association. However, to all, I wish you a safe and relaxing holiday! Personally, I hope the opportunity for a well earned break provides a chance to recharge the batteries and re-visit that often forgotten concept of leisure!! Year 6 Graduation 2015 January School Holidays Moonlit Sanctuary Junior Ranger Program Kids enjoy environmental ac vi es, animal encounters and na ve animal care. Day includes: interac ons with dingo, python, off‐limits animals, feeding animals & food prep, animal enrichment ac vi es, fun and games for ages 7‐14 years. January school holiday dates: Week 1: Monday 4th to Friday 8th January 10am – 4pm Week 2: Monday 11th to Friday 15th January 10am – 4pm Week 3: Monday 18th to Friday 22nd January 10am – 4pm Cost: $65.00 per day, or $175 for 3 days (pro rata for addi onal days). Maximum 16 children per day. Bookings essen al as spaces are limited Dress for the weather and wear closed‐toe shoes, long pants and remember your hat or raincoat. BYO lunch or purchase at the café. Moonlit Sanctuary 550 Tyabb‐Tooradin Rd, Pearcedale Phone 5978 7935 Web: www.moonlitsanctuary.com.au/juniorrangers.aspx Open daily between 10am and 5pm P LEASE DIRECT MONEY FOR EXCURSIONS, ETC TO YOUR CLASSROOM TEACHER - NOT TO THE OFFICE. Please hand money and permission slip in sealed envelopes to classroom teacher first thing in the morning. By following this process teachers are aware that your child will be attending the excursion and mark them off their lists. Money is collected by office staff and processed each morning and a receipt given back to teachers along with permission slips. All money is tallied and banked daily – no money is left on the premises. If you wish to pay by credit card, a proforma is available from the office. This can be filled out with details and placed in a sealed envelope and handed to your classroom teacher Please deliver cash in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and grade on the front by 9.30 a.m. If you have a number of children attending an excursion you can place all money and permission slips in the one envelope with children’s names and grades on the front and deliver to one of the children’s teachers. The office staff will be able to allocate money to the children’s particular items and distribute permission slips and receipts back to teachers. Envelopes are available at the office. If you have a large amount to be paid or need to process an EFTPOS transaction through a savings account you can make arrangements to pay at the office. We also have a new Qkr payment system on our Skoolbag app. If you download our Skoolbag app and Qkr payment app you can now pay for your child’s excursion on line. All change will be delivered to the children in the afternoon. Re-imbursements will only be made under certain circumstances – they will be made by cheque (no cash transactions are made). Notices are sent out with a final collection time – please adhere to this time. All money and permission slips are required to be sent back by this date – otherwise your child will not be able to attend. This enables us to confirm bookings and numbers with bus companies and organisations we are visiting. Also we need to send details to the Department of Education Emergency Management for all excursions, camps, etc. We also need to accommodate students who will not be attending. We would appreciate it if parents could please follow these processes. Term 4 Week ending 11th December 2015 FTL FTL For being a FANTASTIC grade in 2015. FBV FBV FSM Ty For a fantastic year; full of laughter and learning. I’ll miss being your teacher! For speaking confidently using a microphone. Super star! 1HG Tashia 1MB 1MB For being an absolutely amazing student as well as an outstanding classroom helper. Thank you! For a wonderful fun-filled year. Good luck in grade two. I’ll miss you! 1MM 1MM For all of your hard work this year! Well done! 2AD Blair 2RG Jayden For always being a fun and caring student. It was so nice having you in 2AD this term! For trying hard to improve his writing and reading skills. Well done! 2/3C 3ER Heath & Lincoln 3ER 3LP Ankita 4SM 4SM 4VK 5CH Maia & Mikayla Josh 5CP Rohan 5LF 5LF 6JA 6JA 6JD 6JD 6TS 6TS For the wonderful year you have had in 2/3C. You will be missed! For your many achievements throughout this year. Well done! For concentrating well during all classroom activities and for presenting her work beautifully. For teamwork and persistence in completing your tasks this week. Well done! For teaching your grade two buddies how to code and create on Scratch Junior. For being an outstanding student in all areas of your learning. You are definitely ready for Year 6! For his outstanding attitude to everything he does! For a terrific year! Congratulations on all your achievements. Good luck next year! To a fantastically awesome grade. Thanks for a wonderful year - You are the best! Good luck in the future. To the amazing Adorable 6JD, for your creative, clever and fantastic year! I will miss you! Congratulations on your many achievements throughout this year. Best wishes for Year 7. ‘SPECIALIST’ Stars of the Week Health & P.E. 5CH & 5CP For fantastic & awesome challenges against each other. Visual Arts FSM For working hard to finish your pieces of artwork. Performing Arts 4VK For working well on electives and performing for your peers. LOTE 3LP A big thank you to Lyn & 3LP students for your support with great discipline and excellent achievement in learning Chinese and culture in 2015.