oo ç - CAW Locals
oo ç - CAW Locals
Court File No. CV-14-0271 ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE WEDNESDAY, THE THE HONOURABLE DAY OF JULY, 2014 JUSTICE P.J. FLYNN EN: \ l¡ B ãc Ir 23RD INC' BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION CANADA Plaintiff >(É o a{ o 6) and <, )ç Ç ll l¡ PASQUALINO, AND ITS LOCAL 1075, RON FROST, DOMINIC AND ALL MEMBERS HN DOE, REPRESENTING THEMSEL VES s HAVING NOTICE LOCAL 1075 AND ALL OTHER PERSONS PROH IBITED BY ANY OF THIS ACTION WHO ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES ORDER OF THE COURT Defendants ORDER THlsMoTloN,madebythePlaintiffwasheardthisdayattheCourtHouse,l25Brodie Street North, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 043' of Authorities of the Plaintiff and oN READING the Motion Record, Factum and Book of the Defendants; and the Motion Record, Factum and Book of Authorities and the lawyers for the oN HEARING the submissions of the lawyers for the Plaintiffs Defendants; l.THlsCOURToRDERsthatanyBombardieremployee,supervisor,managementpersonnel, only at Bombardier shall enter and exit the Premises contractor or other person having business through the àain gate at Montreal Street. Reference to the premises includes the main front -2known as 1001 Montreal entrance for people to gain access to the Thunder Bay Plant, municipally (the "Premises")' Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario and the Neebing Avenue rail entrance 2. Local 1075 (the THIS COURT FURTHER ORDERS that Bombardier shall give UNIFOR ,ounion,,) notice seventy-two (72) hours prior to the use of the rail entrance and the Parties shall Failing reaching an meet to attempt to negotiate a protocol for the safe use of the rail entrance' agreement, the Parties shall attend in front of a Judge on short notice (36 hours) with informal of the protocol for the safe evidence to have the Court hear submissions in relation to the approval use of the rail entrance. 3. management THIS COURT FURTHER ORDERS that no Bombardier employee, supervisor' Premises shall be subject personnel, contractor or other person or goods having business at the of a maximum period of twentyany cumulative delay arising from any strike-related activity beyond road outside the Premises, no frve (25) minutes upon entry to the Premises. For clarity, once on the at the Premises by strike-related activity shall delay such a person from arriving at their destination more than a cumulative ormaximum period of twenty-five (25) minutes' 4. (25) THIS COURT FURTHER ORDERS that this cumulative or maximum twenty-five such period at the front of the minute period shall be inclusive of time at the front of any line-up and as necessary solely for line will be for a single, maximum period of not more than five (5) minutes a person who arrives at the picket the purpose of being communicated with by the Union. For clarity, the line, etc.) shall not be line directly (i.e. immediately to the front of the line, being the only car at delayed for more than five (5) minutes. 5. employee' THIS COURT FURTHER ORDERS that while exiting from the Premises' no supervisor, management personnel, contractor or other person or goods having business at -3- - maximum any strike-related activity beyond a Bombardier shall be subject of any delay arising from period of five (5) minutes. 6.THISCOURTFURTHERORDERSthatthebussesshallstoponMontrealStreetinthe and enter the westbound rane to allow peopre to get off the bus plaintiff s Premises. Picket captains exiting the bus at space on either side to allow people shall assist in creating a ten-foot-wide berth of Montreal Street to enter the Premises' sha[ not delay people arriving at or THIS couRT FURTHER ORDERS that the union i. leavingtheKeeferTerminal,locatedonthepropertyoftheThunderBayPortAuthorityatl00Main street,ThunderBay,ontario,beyondapproximatelythirty(30)secondspervehicletobeprovided with information. S.THISCOURTFURTHERORDERSthatnoBombardieremployeewhoisamemberofthe Canadian offfice & wait for any professional Employees Union, Local 81 ("COPE') shall be made to prernises. However, such employees may be "leafleted" length of time upon entry or egress from the will provided with a brief message' etc')' Bombardier by the union (i.e. provided with written material, stop busses to reasonable expectations' The union can communicate with its employees to ensure determine that copE copE employees are on board but busses along Montrear Street. The union wi[ not otherwise impede the movsment of the will not inspect who is on busses designated for management. g. sha' not set up any pickets at any of the THIS couRT FURTHER ORDERS that the union baseball fields and parking entrances and exits at the Neebing Avenue lot and will not encourage baseball fields entrances and exits at the Neebing Avenue any of its members to picket at any of the and parking lot. -4- 10. shall communicate to their respective THIS couRT FURTHER oRDERs that the Parties and/or members and explain the terms employees, supervisors, management personnel, contractots, and respectful conduct' The Parties agree of this order and reiterate the requirement for professional communication and that normal that no one shall be compeiled to enter into a discussion or courtesies are exPected ofall. the right to seek a remedy THIS COURT FURTHER ORDERS that the Parties shall retain 11. However, prior to seeking such remedy the should this Order not be adhered to, in whole or in part. (24) parties shall attempt to resolve the alleged breach directly and failing resolution within twenty-four remedy may be sought on thirty-six hours of bringrng the issue to the other Party's attention, further contempt and immediately in (36) hours, notice with informal evidence for any remedy other than situations where Section 102(8) would apply' 12. July 28'2014 and on future THIS COURT FURTHER ORDERS that the Parries shall meet on dates as mutually agreed to continue discussion on matters pertaining to conduct during the strike which are not addressed in this Order' 13. for a contempt order' THIS COURT FURTHER ORDERS that prior to proceeding to court the Parties shall first resort to the process set out in Paragraph t4. THIS COURT FURTHER ORDERS EHTRE ñ¡surr 1 1, above' that there shall be no costs for this Motion. B@t( REGtg:llAR..:,.,., , ÐATE Jtlp. No. l5?a- F5[,_44: RCP-E 59A (JulY 1,2007) , a ìl BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION CANADA INC UNIFOR AND ITS LOCAL IO75,RON FROST' DOMINIC PASQUALINO et al' -and- t Defendants Court File No. CV-14-0271 Plaintiff ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE PROCEEDING COMMENCED AT THLTNDER BAY ORDER WEILER, MALONEY, NELSON Barristers & Solicitors Suite 201, 1001 William Street Thunder BaY, Ontario P7B 6MI BRrAN A. BABCOCK (LSUC #2ts6sL) Tel: 807-623-llll Fax: 807-623-4947 Brian A. Babcock Lawyers for the Plaintiff RCP-E 4C (JulY 1, 2007)