the pluckeminews - Pluckemin Presbyterian Church


the pluckeminews - Pluckemin Presbyterian Church
The Presbyterian Church at Pluckemin, 279 Route 202-206 North, PO Box 402, Pluckemin NJ 07978
Website: Phone Number 908-658-3346
From the Interim Pastor
Happy New Year! One of my memories of New
Year’s Eve actually was a few days before when I
accompanied a dear childhood friend and her
family into NYC for a day trip at the holidays. Her
father has always been a music lover, and so I
believe he meant for us to end up walking through
the Waldorf Astoria Hotel to see where Guy
Lombardo and the Royal Canadians played New
Year’s Eve. In fact we walked past the actual
Ballroom. We heard the music, and then it
suddenly stopped as the band took its lunch break.
A few minutes later, as we still stood there, Guy
Lombardo himself walked out. It was a moment of
realization for us – he was a real person. “Mr. New
Year’s Eve” was there.
Maybe you have a memory of Guy Lombardo, or
maybe you do not, but the song that is associated
with New Year’s Eve must be a part of your
memories. Even as we enter 2016 the strains of
“Auld Lang Syne” echo in our minds. In Scots the
phrase means “times long past”.
“Despite its strong association with New Year's
Eve, ‘Auld Lang Syne,’ written by Robert Burns in
the 1700s, was never intended to be a holiday
song. Guy Lombardo is credited with popularizing
the song when his band used it as a segue between
two radio programs during a live performance at
the Roosevelt Hotel in New York in 1929. By
coincidence, they played ‘Auld Lang Syne’ just
after the clock hit midnight, and a New Year's
tradition was born.”
Another year has passed … it gets harder to
fathom that every year! Entering the new always
involves saying goodbye to the old. But for growth
and change to come, we must open ourselves to
new possibilities. Particularly this year the
congregation at Pluckemin will be opening itself
January 2016
to take a look at its identity, its calling, and its
neighbors and the ministry that is uniquely its
own. As we move through 2016, I will, as the
Interim Pastor, be leading the congregation in a
Mission Study, not simply because that is what
interims do, but because I believe that is what we
are called to do as Christians. Taking a good hard
look at ourselves and the community in which we
work and live will be helpful to discernment.
Discernment is the process of listening and looking
at the world attempting to see and hear what God
sees and hears, and especially what God would
have us see and hear as a community. God calls
each of us to specific ministry in our community in
a certain time and place. You will hear more about
spiritual discernment in the coming months, but
for now, think about this:
In order to meet Mr. Guy Lombardo, we had to be
in New York City and not just New York City, but
the correct hallway of the appropriate hotel in the
right week of the year at the moment when a
break was called. We had to pause; we had to
listen; we had to wait; we had to be watchful. We
had to be open to receive the gift that came to us.
We had to be ready to share an experience we
would remember and we had to be ready to make
“And there's a hand my trusty friend ! And give us
a hand o' thine! And we'll take a right good-will
draught, for auld lang syne. Should old
acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to
mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot, and auld
lang syne?”
Happy New Year! Pastor Heather
P.S. Even though you may never have heard of Guy
Lombardo and his Royal Canadians, their recording of
the song “Auld Lang Syne” still plays as the first song of
the New Year in Times Square. Sometimes we impact
the world in ways we can never expect or imagine…
Page 2
From Associate Pastor Margaret
From Associate Pastor Margaret
Happy New Year!!
The start of a new calendar year always brings with it
the freedom and hope of a fresh start: the chance to
try again, the opportunity to test something new, the
relief of setting the past aside to pursue the future.
But all too often (and sometimes even before we’ve
finished making our resolutions!) we make the same
mistakes again, our new endeavors fall by the
wayside, and our pasts have a way of reminding us
they are part of who we are.
Just as the coldest, dreariest, and snowiest parts of
winter come upon us, we may feel discouraged and
consider giving up. But all change involves hard
work and plenty of trial and error. It’s uncomfortable,
messy, and sometimes dull. Yet, it is the process
we’ve been given, and with persistence and the power
of God, I am confident we will arrive on the other side
and begin to see the fruits of our labor. Eventually,
spring always comes and overtakes the winter.
2016 promises to be a big year for us. Our mission
study is ahead, which to do well will require some
deep introspection and honesty with ourselves. Who
are we as the Pluckemin congregation today? Who
might we become? What work is God calling us to
pursue? We might be surprised by the answers to
these questions, if we’re willing to find them.
Inevitably we will be challenged, and we will need to
respond and adapt.
in Mary’s womb, followed by the labor of,
well, labor. And at Easter, Jesus didn’t just
jump down from the cross and say, “nice try
guys, but you really can’t get rid of me.” No,
he suffered those long hours on Good Friday,
lay dead in the tomb on Holy Saturday, and
didn’t rise again until that Easter Sunday. Not
to mention his many long walks through the
Judean countryside trying to teach his rather
dense (aren’t we all?) disciples about what God
was up to and desired for the world.
So, as we make our way into 2016, let us
embrace our earthly humanity and commit
ourselves to engaging each stage of the process
fully. Jesus was just as present with his
disciples during his earthly life as he was after
his death, resurrection, and ascension. Let’s be
sure to notice and appreciate him along our
journey as well!
Many blessings and much love!
Anne Marlotte
Home 732-271-4670
It’s easy to get impatient with transition, and want to
Cell 908-256-5141
hurry up and get to the part where we’re thriving
Email [email protected]
again. But as we reflect on the Incarnation, which we
Call for temporary or emergency needs of the
just celebrated at Christmas, and as we look forward
Congregation such as meal preparation,
to the Resurrection, which we’ll celebrate shortly at
transportation to worship, visitation, and
Easter, we are reminded that God was really intoContac
Communion for those who are homebound or
process. God didn’t just drop Jesus down in
in a nursing care facility.
Bethlehem via angelic stork. Instead Jesus entered
our world in the normal way: nine months of growing
Page 3
    
January 2016
Thank you to all who participated in our “Angel Tree”
project. The generosity from the preschool families was
wonderful. Every wish was fulfilled! Many children
and parents benefited during this holiday season from
your warm gifts. We’d like to thank Michelle Boudreau
for coordinating this project and for delivering the gifts
to the Office of Children and Families in Somerville.
Thank you also to Pastor Heather who narrated our
Christmas pageant, the Preschool’s re-telling of the first
Christmas. It was a joyful event for all who attended!
Another joyful event was the preschool’s participation
in the tree lighting. A group of a dozen children,
including some alumni, raised their voices in song to
share the Good News.
In-house registration for the 2016/17 school year will be
taking place from Monday, January 4th – Thursday,
January 14th. During this time, children who now attend
the preschool program or are members of the Pluckemin
Presbyterian Church can register. All registration forms
must be submitted during this period. Openings will not
be held after this date and placement cannot be
guaranteed after January 14th. Spots do fill up quickly.
Registration will open up to the public on Tuesday,
January, 19th.
We are again going to offer a 5 day a week class to
those children who will turn 4 years old by July 1st from
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We will also be offering a 4 day
option for 4 year olds from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The
3 year old classes will meet Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Our 2 ½ year old
will meet Tuesday/Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
We will be holding an Open House from 9:30 a.m.11:00 a.m. for any new families who might be interested
in getting better acquainted with the school on
Wednesday, January 20th. A classroom will be set up
with the activities and teachers will be on hand to
answer any questions.
If you would like more information, please call the
Preschool office at 908-658-4720.
    
The Adult Ministries and Worship & Music
committees invite you to discover and learn
about the new Presbyterian hymnal, Glory to
God, during the Adult Education classes on
January 10th, 17th, and 24th. The class will
begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. and will be led by
our very own Director of Music, Noel Sell.
Come hear about this new songbook for the
denomination and sing several of the hymns and
songs offered!
Blood Pressure Screening
January 17th, 11:00 – 11:30
in Grace Corner!
canned pasta (ravioli, spaghetti w/meatballs,
etc.) canned corn, canned peaches,
and cheerios
If you give food to the hungry and satisfy
those who are in need, then the darkness
around you will turn to the brightness of
noon. Isaiah 58:10
Page 4
Adult Education: Noel Sell will be leading us in an
exploration of the new Presbyterian hymnal, Glory
to God. Join us for three Sunday mornings at 9:00
in the Covenant Room, Jan. 10th, Jan. 17th, and
Jan. 27th. Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate will be
provided. Bring your best singing voice! We will
sing and learn about hymns in the new hymnal.
Monday Morning Women’s Bible study:
Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World by
Melissa Spoelstra. Join us as we listen for God's
message through the prophet Jeremiah, which helps
us navigate the challenges of an unstable world.
Meets Monday mornings at 10:00 in the library.
Come early for coffee and fellowship.
Tuesday Men's Breakfast: Meets at The Top O’
the Hill for breakfast and devotions monthly on the
2nd Tuesday. See Bill Hammond for details.
Thursday Morning Bible Study: Meets Thursdays
at 8:30 in the library. Join them for lively
discussion and study.
Carol Wildonger for Adult Ministries Committee
January 2016
Happy New Year!
My hope is that Pluckemin’s Children’s
Ministries will have a year of energy, growth
and meaningful missions, and that our faith and
fellowship will grow deeper with each month.
Thanks to everyone who made our Advent
Workshop a great success! Be sure to check out
the pictures from the workshop on our bulletin
board in the hallway.
January brings us the following schedules:
Children’s Worship will meet every Sunday
except January 10th, which will be a communion
Due to holidays and travel, there will be no
Sunday School on January 3. Sunday School
will meet as usual on January 10, 17 and 24.
January 31st will be a Community Sunday when
all students will meet in Fellowship Hall for a
special mission project. Also, we plan to begin
our Community Sunday activities with music
led by Mrs. Sell. Please mark your calendars
and bring a friend.
Many blessings for the year ahead,
Presbyterian Lingo
Councils: session, presbytery, synod, General
Assembly (GA): These are the congregational,
regional, and national groups that make decisions
for the church. They are composed of presbyters
elected by the people. There are 173 presbyteries,
each made up of a group of churches usually in a
certain geographical area. The presbyteries are
grouped together into 16 synods. The General
Assembly meets biennially to vote on matters
affecting the whole church.
Karen Eastlund
Chair, Children’s Ministries
Page 5
Stewardship Pledge 2016
“We are Part of the Crew”
The Stewardship Committee would like to thank
those who have pledged their giving for 2016, and
remind those who have not yet made that
commitment that we will still be accepting
pledges in the coming weeks. Pledge cards are
available in the sanctuary and in the church
office. Your pledged gifts serve as an ongoing
commitment to the congregation and its ministry.
As our 2016 mission giving is currently a
congregational tithe tied to our own pledged
giving, you can assist the church to make a
deeper commitment to mission work by pledging
for 2016. Help us to know you are committed to
the work God is doing to help us learn and grow in
faith together.
The Stewardship Committee would also remind
everyone how the Presbyterian denomination
funds the work of mission, resources and
congregational support. The Presbyterian Church
(USA) denomination uses a per person cost to
attempt to share the ministry at the larger levels
of church organization together.
Paying per capita is similar to
• contributing one’s dish to a potluck meal
• paying to be connected to the Internet
• paying for the benefit of utilities, such as
electricity, water, and telephone
• pitching in with other passengers to pay for
gasoline for a road trip
• participating in community supported
agriculture (CSA) or a similar co-op
The General Assembly per capita increased $.05
to $7.12 for each member of the denomination
nationwide. The Synod per capita remains
unchanged at $4.00 per member of those in the
Northeast of our denomination. The Presbytery
of Elizabeth cost per person is unchanged at
$25.80 for a grand total of $36.92 per person.
We support ministry like Pastor Margaret being
involved at the Early Ministry Institute in the
Synod of the Northeast: a three year program
designed to encourage and support pastors in
their first call to parish ministry and to assist
them to gain skills in specific areas which are
often omitted in the traditional seminary
education. The context of EMI is to center on
God’s call to us and to reflect how Christ is
part of our ministry, to consider the ongoing
life of the congregation, and to take a look at
the church as it interacts with the surrounding
Per capita is a phrase which means “by the
head” and represents a system of support for
the larger whole that seeks parity or fairness.
Each person is charged for the ongoing work
and administration of staff and ministry
programs that serve to resource us all.
Pluckemin has 360 members for the purpose of
this year’s assessment for a grand total of
$13,291.20. In the last year we have not
received these funds directly from each
person, and so have been paid for this cost out
of your giving to the ministry of the local
If you are one of the 70 households in our
congregation who elect to have envelopes for
your weekly giving, then you will find an
envelope in your box for the per capita–
reminding you that the total for each
confirmed member of the church (including
teens and college folk) is $36.92. Feel free to
round that up to $37 or even $40 per member
in your household, as you recognize that many
have not paid that separate amount.
Pledgers and non-pledgers alike are encouraged
to support the per capita offering in January.
By paying your own way you release funds for
ministry locally! Thank you for your gift in the
offering plate. We appreciate all you do!!
The Stewardship Committee
Ken Wildonger, Diane McBride, Diane
Stewart, and Pastor Heather Morrison Yaden
Page 6
HOW MANY people does it take to have a
Cookie Walk? We lost count, but thank you to
all of you who baked and bought cookies and
other treats during our Cookie Walk. You
helped us raise over 800 “calories” for our
Youth Group Summer work trip in July 2016.
HOW MANY Youth Group graduates does it take in
order to call it an XL Alumni Reunion? Let’s see,
one … two … three … how about ten? They
gathered for memories, laughs, post-graduation
stories, and a picture!
Friday January 8th @ 9PM - Saturday January 9th @ 9AM
THINGS TO DO: Gift Exchange, Games; Make your own
pizza; Midnight Vampire; Movie; Sleep (a little).
THINGS TO BRING: A gift for the gift exchange (~$10);
Sleeping bag, pad & pillow; A friend!
Mark Your Calendars
Jan. 3:
No XL tonight. Happy New Year.
Jan. 6:
Youth Advisors Committee Meeting.
Jan. 8:
Lock-In, 9pm Friday – 9am Saturday.
Jan. 17: XL Meeting, 6pm – 8pm.
Deposits due for Ski Trip & Work Trip.
Adults: Things to Do After Christmas:
Take down your Christmas Lights. 
Start your diet. 
OPEN UP your house for our Youth Progressive
Dinner on February 7. We need three houses, 45
minutes each, for appetizers at 4pm, dinner at 5pm,
then dessert during First Half. It’s
“Superb” … literally! 
Jan. 24: XL Meeting, 6pm – 8pm.
SIGN UP for Youth Work Trip (see below), and the
Youth Ski Trip (Feb 20-21 or 27-28). 
Jan. 31: XL Meeting, 6pm – 8pm.
And save the date.
CHAPERONE UP for the Ski Trip, the Work Trip, or
just an occasional Sunday evening.
We have
something for everyone. 
Feb. 7:
Hey, skip the lights (& the diet?). Our stuff is way more fun!
Superb Owl Progressive Dinner.
Our YOUTH WORK TRIP is July 24-30, 2016. The trip is open to all youth entering 9th grade or older
(adults, too!). The cost after fundraisers is $325-$350 per person, with a $50 deposit due by January 17
to guarantee a spot. For more information, or to sign up, contact Bob ([email protected] or 908-872-8121).
Child Care in Nursery in CM Wing
Sunday School classes in CM Wing
Jr. High Sunday School in Upper Rm
Senior High Sunday School in Library
Adult Sunday School Covenant Rm
Worship (Communion on 1st Sunday)
Children’s Worship-Covenant Rm
(No Children’s Worship on 1st Sunday of month)
11:00 am
Fellowship Hour in Fellowship Hall
6:00-8:00pm XL Youth Group in FH
10:00am-noon Women’s Bible Study in Library
7:30-9:00pm Narcotics Anonymous for Men in Trinity
9:00am-1:00pm Watercolor Art Class in Trinity
12:00-1:00 pm Preschool Sports Class in FH
6:00-8:00 pm Carillons’ Bell Choir Rehearsal in FH
8:30-9:30am Adult Small Group Bible Study- Library
9:15-10:00 am Preschool Music Class in Covenant Rm
1:00- 3:30 pm Watercolor Art in Trinity Rm
6:30-7:00 pm Jubilation Ringers in Covenant Rm
7:00-7:45pm Bells for Fun in Covenant Rm
8:00-10:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal in FH
(Sanctuary on 3rd Thursday)
7:30-9:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous in UR/Grace Corner
7:00 pm
6 (Wednesday)
10 (Sunday)
New Year’s Day (office closed)
Jersey Harmony Express-Trinity Rm
Worship in Sanctuary with Communion
Boy Scout Leaders mtg in Grace Corner
Deacons mtg Covenant Rm
Cub Scout Den Mtg Fellowship Hall
Children’s Ministry Mtg in the Library
Carillons Rehearsal
Friends of Counted Embroidery FH
Cub Scout Pack Leaders’ Mtg in Trinity
Boy Scout Troop 154 in Fellowship Hall
Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby Pit Stop
Worship in Sanctuary
Boy Scout Leadership Training FH
XL Youth Group (Grades 7-12) FH
11 (Monday)
13 (Wednesday)
17 (Sunday)
18 (Monday)
20 (Wednesday)
31 (Sunday)
Boy Scout Committee Mtg FH
Jersey Harmony Express in Grace Corner
Preschool Board Mtg CM Wing
Nominating Committee mtg in the Library
Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Top O’ the Hill
Cub Scout Den Mtg Grace Corner
Finance Committee mtg Covenant Rm
Preschool sports class Fellowship Hall
Buildings & Grounds-Grace Corner
Missions Committee Upper Room
Book Club-Library
Adult Ministries mtg in the Library
Worship and Music mtg in the Library
Worship in Sanctuary
Blood Pressure Screening in Grace Corner
XL Youth Group(Grades 7-12)-Library
Martin Luther King’s Birthday (office closed)
Cub Scout Pack mtg-Fellowship Hall
Session mtg-Covenant Rm
Boy Scouts Patriots Council mtg in Trinity Rm
Cub Scout Pack mtg in Fellowship Hall
Sanctuary Choir in Sanctuary
Boy Scout Troop 15 in Fellowship Hall
Worship in Sanctuary
Carillons rehearsal
Webelos mtg in Trinity Rm
XL Youth Group (Grade 7-12) in FH
Stephen Ministers mtg Covenant Room
Jersey Harmony Express-Grace Corner
Nominating Committee mtg-Library
Cub Scout Den 1-Grace Corner
Cub Scout Tigers-Trinity Rm
Cub Scouts Pinewood Pitstop in Trinity Rm
Boy Scout Troop 154-Fellowship Hall
Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby-FH/Kitchen
Worship in Sanctuary
News from the Church Office
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. The deadline for
announcements to be submitted for the Sunday bulletin is Wednesday.
Please e-mail Sunday bulletin
announcements to the church office at [email protected].
 The Rev. Heather Morrison-Yaden, Interim Pastor, works in NJ Sunday-Thursday and is generally in the office
Monday-Thursday from 10-2 for drop-in visits, or available by appointment during those weekdays. Please email
her if you would like to set up an appointment.
 The Rev. Margaret Mitsuyasu, Associate Pastor, is in the office every weekday except Friday. You may reach her
through the church office (ext. 103) or by email. In an emergency, you may call her on her cell phone: 253-5693112.
 Contact the Medical Equipment Ministry by calling 908-396-6057 and leaving a message on voicemail.
Pluckemin Church Staff
Interim Pastor: Rev. Heather Morrison-Yaden ([email protected])
Associate Pastor: Rev. Margaret Mitsuyasu ([email protected])
Sexton: Danny Abogado ([email protected])
Director, Music Ministries: Noel Sell ([email protected])
Associate Director, Music Ministries: Valerie Sell ([email protected])
Director of the Carillons: Marcia McBurney ([email protected])
Director, Youth Ministries: Bob Stewart ([email protected])
Pluckemin Preschool Director: Bel Gwiazdowski ([email protected])
Office Administrator: Cathie Ruiterman ([email protected])
The Presbyterian Church at Pluckemin
279 Route 202-206 North, P.O. Box 402
Pluckemin, NJ 07978
Phone: 908-658-3346
Fax: 908-658-9060
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