ge of La Grange
ge of La Grange
ge of La Grange VILLAGE BOARD MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2007 7:30 p.m. Village Hall Auditorium 53 S. La Grange Road La Grange,lL 60525 Elizabeth M. Asperger Village President Robert N. Milne Village Clerk 53 South La Grange Road PO. Box 668 La Grange, Illinois 60525 (708) 579-2313 Fax (708) 579-0980 VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING Village Hall Auditorium 53 South La Grange Road La Grange,IL 60525 AGENDA Monday, November 26,2007 I - 7:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Pres ident Elizabeth Asperger TrusteeMike Honath Trustee Mark Kuchler Trustee Marklangan Trustee Tom Livingslon Trustee James Palermo Trustee Barb Wolf 2. PRESIDENT'S REPORT This is an opportunityfor the Village President to report on matters of interest or concern to the Village. A. 3 Oath of Office - Firefighter / Paramedic Charles Crudele PUBLIC COMMENTS REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS This ß the opportunityfor members of the audience to speak about matters that are included on thß Agenda. 4. OMNIBUS AGENDA AND VOTE Matters on the Omnibus Agenda will be considered by a single motion and vote because they alreødy have been consideredfully by the Board at a previous meeting or have been determined to be of a routine nature. Any member of the Board of Trustees may request that an item be movedfrom the Omnibus Agenda to Current Business for separate consideration. A. Ordinance B. Ordinance c. Consolidated Voucher 07 \126 D. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, November 12,2007 - Resubdivision of Lots, 201 S. Brainard Creating an Additional Class C-1 Liquor License, PizzaEtal LLC, d/b/a Aurelio's Pizza, I 1 Vf. Calendar Avenue - Village Board Agenda 5 - November 26,2007 -Page 2 CURRENT BUSINESS This agenda item includes consideration of matters being presented to the Board of Trusteesfor action. 6. MANAGER'S REPORT This is an opportunityfor the Village Manager to report on behalf of the Village Staff about matters of interest to the Village. 7 PUBLIC COMMENTS REGARDING MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA This is an opportunityfor members of the audience to speak about Village related matters that are not listed on this Agenda. 8 EXECUTTVE SESSION The Board of Trustees may decide, by a roll call vote, to convene in executive session if there are matters to discuss confidentially, in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. 9 IO. TRUSTEE COMMENTS The Board of Trustees may wish to comment on any matters ADJOLTRNMENT of La Grange is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations so that they can observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions, regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the Village's facilities, should contact the Village's ADA Coordinator at (708) 579-2315 promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. The Village PRESIDENT'S REPORT VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE Fire Department BOARD REPORT TO: Village President, Village Clerk, and Board of Trustees and Village Attorney FROM Robert J. Pilipiszyn, Village Manager and David'W. Fleege, Fire Chief DATE: November 26,2007 RE: OATH OF OF'FICE.FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC CHARLES CRUDELE V/ith the resignation of probationary FirefighterÆaramedic Frank Radek in May of 2007, a vacancy was created in the La Grange Fire Department. The La Grange Board of Fire and Police Commissioners have appointed Mr. Charles Crudele to the position of FirefighterÆaramedic effective November 19, 2007 . Charles is a licensed paramedic and will be attending the Firefighter II Academy in February, 2008, in order to achieve his training certification. Charles most recently worked in the private sector. He is married and resides in Elmhurst, Illinois. We are pleased to present Charles Crudele to the Village Board and we invite him to step forward so that Village Clerk Robert Milne can administer the oath of office. ^.È ¿ OMNIBUS VOTE VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE Community Development Department BOARD REPORT TO: Village President, Board of Trustees Village Clerk and Village Attomey FROM: Robert J. Pilipiszyn, Village Manager Patrick D. Benjamin, Community Development Director Angela Mesaros, Assistant Community Development Director DATE: November 26,2007 RE: ORDINANCE - RESUBDMSION OF LOTS. 201 S. BRAINARI) Jeanne Reilly, on behalf of Elm Street Partners, has applied for a subdivision of the property located at 201 South Brainard. The property currently consists of one lot of record equaling 17,027.03 square feet that is located within the R-4 Single Family Residential ZoningDistrict. The owner wishes to resubdivide the lot of record into two conforming lots in order to create two buildable lots. The resulting lots will be 60 feet by 135.78 feet and an irregular shaped lot being 79.88 feet x 135.78 feet x 69.77 feet x 128.96 feet. On November 13, 2007, the Plan Commission held a public meeting regarding this application. Having found that the proposed resubdivision meets the requirements of all applicable codes, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended that the Village Board approve the resubdivision of 201 S. Brainard as presented. It is further recommended that prior to releasing the signed plat for recording the Petitioner must demolish any portion of the house and shed that encroaches onto the newly created lot or into any required yard. Staff concurs with the recommendation of the Plan Commission and has prepared the necessary ordinance for your consideration. \Å r AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE RESUBDIVISION OF ELM STREET SUBDIVISION PUBLISHED IN PAMPHLET FORM BY AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE, COUNTY OF COOK, STATE OF ILLINOIS, THIS DAY ,2007, OF WHEREAS, Jeanne Reilly, on behalf of Elm Street Partners, owner of the property at 201 South Brainard, legally described as follows: Lot 3 in the Brainard Avenue water department resubdivision, being a resubdivision part of the west half of the Southwest % Section 4, Township 38 North, Range 12, East the Third Principal Meridian in Cook County, Illinois. of of has applied for, and presented a plat of resubdivision of the above referenced property; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended to the Village Board of Trustees that said resubdivision be allowed; and WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees has determined that said resubdivision may be granted without substantially impairing the general purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan of the Village of La Grange; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED THAT THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE, COUNTY OF COOK, STATE OF ILLINOIS: SECTION 1: The resubdivision is hereby approved, pursuant to the specification set forth on the plat of resubdivision attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Village President, Clerk and other Village Officers are hereby authorized to execute said plat of resubdivision and release for recording only upon the demolition of any portion of the house and shed that encroaches onto the newly created lot or into any required yard. SECTION 2: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form for review at the La Grange Offices and the La Grange Public Library. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 2007 Elizabeth M. Asperger, Village President ATTEST: Robert N. Milne, Village Clerk AYES: r NAYS: V\ VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE 53 S. La Grange Road, La Grange, lL 60525 Phone (708) 57s-2320 Fax (708) 579.0980 APPLICATION fOr RESUBDIVISION/CONSOLIDATION of LOTS l5>-. Application No,: rl Date Filed TO THE PLAN COMMISSION VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE, ILLINOIS 1. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE BY 2. Address ç. J, Op ( City 3. For Propedy Located at: 4. Real Estate I Fl n 5{r¿¿ f Sla 4e ÍZ Ò /orfnno< Phone worx: 7o K'bzta 7l nome:7ot- )ot 5. é.a,ha r/ f7l')r'4 La Grange, lL Numbe(s): 18- 18- 5. 18- Resubdividing Lot Numbers and Dimensions: /1 88 / vf tíx ¿q- z c 6. D To Lot Numbers and Dimensions to x /r178 c 7. n&4þ / B frzTa /ar 14,11 K /rfzl r 1,1.77 K /zg,?á D ReasonforResubdivision/Consolidatíon: ¿ 4 â A '.2 B c Plat of Survey. Plat of Consolidation/Resubdivision (including consent of mortgagee, if applicable). lf Property is in Trust, letter of direction from Trustee to Trust Company approving resu bdivision/consolidation. D Applicable fee - $50.00 t\ t7 I acknowledge that Village sûaff will prepare a report with a recommendation to the Plan Commission priorto my hearing. I understand that this report will be available for my viewing the Friday prior to my hearing and it is my responsibility to contact the Village to view this report or obtain a copy. ATURE FOR VILLAGE USE ONLY: Filed with the Community Development Department Transmitted to Plan Commission at Meeting ' ¡1en' lo llç NottqqbU ,7õÞ1. l9 ,Zt¡01 . Findings and Recommendations of Plan Commission refened to Village Board at meeting of APPROVED rìENIED Original Returned to Ovyner to be Filed with Cook Countv Recorder of Deeds: Copies to Community Development Director, Village Engineer and Village Clerk's Office Date:_, F'fUSERS\COMMONDATA\Sylvir\Foms ud Applictt¡ont\^PPl¡c¡rion for Rob.Consol.rpp \t .13 ; 055-002446 SCHOMIG LAND SURVEYORS, LTD PLAT OF SURVBY 3 IN THE EMIMRD AIGNUE YTATER OEPARIÌ4€NT RESUBDMSION, SEING A RESUEDIVISION 0F 'ÍHE wESI H LF OF THE SouIHvt€Sf 1/¡r OF SECT|oN',í, TOtvNSHtp ¡e ñóffiH, RANcE 12. E sT oF IHE THTRD pRtNctpAL ¡rERtotAN'tN cooK cou¡rrr' ruñós LOT 0F PART COMMON ADDRESS: 201 SoUrH BRATI.IARD Av€tlUE 3 'ø 3 co zo g À õ z o È I N I ú o z 8 I ct c 2 I q o z '@ : cir I f o '4 q e I CB¡S89'15'20'E CH-92.71' iF 8i '@ Þ o a b,3 ? o ot 2É 5G oo LZ 'Ð c õc z ) o ) o s ô¡ 2 I ASPHALT Pl ð b Ío "l ELOG- O.OE' NORTH rvEsf FACE wF. o.2 lc; ã' Eil ¿ddl F tl lO I Ër o l.26' rJ FAC€ t/2'tRo, 6G METAL SHED bþ Þa o. F^Sl 6..J' CLF. 15' NOR¡} 2.00' w€sr 0 FACE WF 0.36' wESl û- i¡9þ II (' *Þ 6.x 'l ¡,-s Þ N o o I cU À I REC. z a o U c I & M€.ÀS N89' 45'a{"W I d o z I o '6 E ;.o oz I @ E d ci qh oci I Qc; o õ 2 ô g ô zf o 69 o6 o z '-b NQ qþ o c'5 ci Ào ô z d o d OJ 2a .oo ìr N dct N ;z oci oo 9c; o .i cZ ÈE GO og .c qci o o2 z. ûõ ð6g -q c z o g f ô ô z N o o z o 5 ) \ r a\ 2/+46 prs $tÌäi-lrffägiäo SCH0MIG LAND SURVEY0RS, LTD. ,^ n^n%H^,il ST SIREAT il.IJNotS 60526 (70E) 352-1452 PHONE -F;ürtõõ' 352-1,15,1 Plat of SurveY I IN EL}¡ qfREEI SUBDMSION OF LOI J IN IHE BRAI¡I/ARO A\ENUE WATER DEPARI}¡ENÍ RESUBDMSION, BEIIIG A REsusoMstor{,oF P^ßt oF lHE ryEsÌ Mrr oF rHE sourHtvEsr or secnoñ1, rowñÈxlÞ-ja-ñönrü. h¡¡ioÉ râ E¡Sf OF lHE IHIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN IN COOK COUMTY IUNOIS: LOT l/¡ F 6 ôl c q G z 'ø (> c c sc ¡r z o c L N tN u o lz o o zÞ õ z o g f¡¡ Þ q o ì f o 2 fr¡ C8=S89 l5'20'E CH=92.71' L= 93.69' N o R= r' É â o¿ (D C\ 2 ôz ¡ : ;.t n (B c d o z o g rô b o 3J' LOT ã rq Í 1 h s8903't ZÊ w€sf FAc€ wF 0.26' NORÌH, 2.t9, 9.õ9' EASI SET IRON {þ o¡ E{ @ ¡> o o V) b o 135.98' Þ N89'45'4cW ' o cñ o z z o i) q io ñ o o L o É o z. or só = o o o Í o s G o BEFOR€ YOU OIGI cÂtL t-800€92{123 þr-¡4¡r, JULIË NOTE: ALL IMPROVEMENTS NOT SHOWN DUE TO FUTURÉ DEMOLTTTON Ê. Jlrl 624 CoMPARE LIG IMMEDIA'IELY. L R SSA1 roSlt-002a.aa llrlH 0E€0 At{D REPoRT Ar,ff otSCREpAr{Cy NOT ruRNISHEO FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF 1HIS SURVEY. IF A'ITÍLE COMMITMENT WAS NOT R,RNISHEO. THERE [TqY 8E EASEMENTS, BUILDING UNES OR OTHER RESÍRICTONS NOT SHOWN ON T}IIS PLAT. THIS PIAT OOES NOT SHOW EUILDINC RESÌRICTIONS EST¡EUSHEO BI LOOAL ORDIMI{CES, LOC"CL AI'THORMES MUST 8E CONSULIED REGqRDING A}.IY RESTRICTIONS, A DESCRImoN m¡tssþ& TITT,E COMMÍTUEÍ'ÍI WAS WO suffioR lr-$-2m o . copyRtcHT, AtI RTGHTS RESERVED. I -hf 2007 SUILDING OnOEneO SÉPTET¡BER 5 Hl3-201,106-30SCAlf: l. - 20 AI . ! lHls PRoF€sstoft sEffnncE coNFoRt¡s 10 lHE CURRENT II.I¡NOIS MINIMUM SIAI{OARDS FOR A BOUNDAFI SUR'FI. LP. C.LF. B,L il FC222,1, UC€NSED PROFESSIOML I¡}ID SUh/EIORS. HEREFI CERNFY +IA1 WÊ H \€ SURIrÊYEO IHE PROPEFII'I oESCRIBEo tN 'lHE C¡PnON rO fiE PIAT HEREON ORAIY¡¡ A}ID I}l^T IHE SAIO PIAI IS A'IRUE A¡¡O CORRECI REPRESENTAÎON OF 1HE S^MÊ. uF. 2007 Sr, Effi p¡¡T ¡gygg¡,071727-1. ìve scHoMrG LANo suRl/EyoRs. uD. AS t[lNOtS OIMENSIONS ARE IN FEEÍ A}tD DECI¡¿ÀL PAFÍS OF A FOOT A'{D ARC CORRECT AI A IET,IPERATURE OF 68 DEGRE€S FMRENHEIT, OIMENSIONS SHOIII{ ON BUITDINOS ARE IO THE 0t lsrDE 0F BUtt"orNGs. DO NOI SCâLE OIMENSIONS FROM THIS PLAT. NO EXÍRAPOI.ATìONS SHOULD BE MADE FROM THE INFORMATION SHOWN WÍTHOUT THE PERMISSION OF SCHOMIG III,IO SUTIVFIORS, LTD. THIS PI.AT IS NOT TRANSFERAEL ONLY PRINTS WTH AN EMBOSSEO SEAL ARE omcnL coPtEs. ) s' -) srAIE oF [.!NO|S couNtv oF cooK P.U.E. 0.8. . " ". - I Þ IRON PIPE CltAlN UNK l"lENCE WOOD FENCE BUILoING UNES PUBUC IMIJÍY EASETIENÍ OR,{MGE EASEMÊI{I f?,*,t¿¿ d SL",^ PRoFEssroML tutNots ufto q!fievon È' \Å ñussELl w. scl'roMrc PLs lvllllÂt¡ K. 2¡t¡r6 scHoMrG LTD. !ru. SCHOMIG I"AllD SURVEY0RS, ^t: _,.|rt.rï^. ""ÏrvÃÐ' u eos EAsr srsf srREEr -rruñöÈ--åosze cn¡i¡-ciãinÈ, Plat Of SUfVeV izõðí Ê¡o< iåã-iiã; LOT 2 IN EW SIREET SUEOMSION OF LOT 3 IN ¡HE BR^INARO A!€NUE WATER DEPARIUE}ÍT R€SUBOMSION. SE¡NG A REsuBDMsloN oF P RT oF tHE tvEsf ¡{r-F oF IXE sou}fivEsf oF sEcroN ,t, ToryNsHtp JB NoRtH, nr¡¡ce lz, ErsT oF lHE IHIRD PRINCIPÁL MERIOIAN IN cOoK COUNTY II.lJNoIs. t/.t = b q N ú 4 + c 3z z o o c o co Êt Þ 2 Eì U sEg45'4{'€ 135.99' a ã a ú Ítt b= :1 o b o 2 J3' aË o o o @ Q¿t LOT 2 3g E< Þ o V) 135.8?' N8945'44"w z o c sô od FO b@ l cY Ào zo I : c"Ì oo iici N .:q oo ¡c ú< o Ëç Io do z o @ @ o c OJ Zz ho oc .aJZ oo E- tñ o z oÞ ;z) o e_ 'N _io øo q<t o. .I IÞ Èe eõ o2 z. qci ..L cõ c z o c ô 2 ôÞ o z ¡o SEFORE YOU otct CÂLL 1-80G892-0123 JULIE NOTE: ALL IMPROVEMENTS ARE NOT SHOWN DUE TO FUTURE DÉMOLIT|ON g. ¡lrl wze COI¡PARE TEGAL DESCRIPnON nasa! r. $ilo¡ô IVTH OEED AI.IO REPORT AI.ÍI DISCREPANGÍ (xt¡t-æ2{,tô IMMEOhÏELY. A Tfll.E COMMfIÌIENT WAS NOT R'RNISHEO FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF THIS SURIÚEY. IF A N'ÍLE COMMIIMEI{Í ITAS NOT FURNISHED, THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS, BUILDING UNES OR OTHER RESIR|CnoNS NoT SHOWN 0N IH|S ptAt, ï1{S pt¡T DOES NOT SHOW BUII.OING RESfRICTONS ESTABUSHED gY LOCåL ORDIMNCES. IOCAL AI,T}IORMES MUST BE CONSULIED REGAROING AI'IY RESTRICTIONS, Pmmssru WO SUM!oR rr-$-2æt DO NOT SCAT"E DIMENSIONS FROM THIS PI¡T, NO EXTRAPOIATONS SHOULD BE MADE FROM ÌHE INFORMATON SHOWN WÍTHOIJT THE PERMISSION OF SCHOMIG I¡ND SUßr'EYORS. LTO. THIS PI.AT IS NOT TR,ANSFERABLE, ONLY PRINIS WTÍH AI,¡ EMBOSSED SEAL ARE omchl coprEs. @ copyRtcHt, ALL RtGHfs BUtt¡tNc LocâTEO: SEPIEIEER OnOEneO Sr, EUI l -hf .2007 5 , 2OOT tI SIREET PARTNERS plrAl NUMBER!071727-2,-FC222,+, Hl3-201,f06-JOSO\tJ: r. - 20 ) *' -) wE scHoMrG t¡!¡D suRyEyoRs. LtD. As il.lJNo¡s ucENsEo PROFESSIOMI I.AI{D SUñVEIORS. HEREEI CERNry Dl^T WE IIA\E SUR/EIEO THE PROPERÍY DESCRIEED IN THE C¡PNON TO IHE PI.ÀT HEREON O&\f,IN AI{D THAT IHE S{D PI¡T IS A TRUE A}ID CORRECT REPRESENIANON OF'ÍHE SAI¡8. ArI DIMENSIONS A8E IN FEET AND DECITIAL PAfiTS OF A FOOT AT{D ARE CORRESÍ AT A IB¡PERAIURE OF 68 OEGREES FA¡tRENHEn OMEi{S|oNS SHotvN ON BUL.o|NGS ARE TO rHE onIstDE oF BU[.D|NoS. RESERVEO. sURl/€ytO! SEPIEilEERS sfAÌE oF il..lJNOrS couNTY oF cooK THIS PROTESSIO}{^L SËIMCE CONFORUS IO IHE CURRENT ILUNOIS MINIMUM SÍA}IOAROS FOR A BOUNDARI SURI/EY, t.P, IRON V PIPE C.LF. cftArN w.F. tvooD FENCE 8.L EUILOING UNES P.U.E, D.E. PUEUC UnUÍY EÀSEt¡Et{f UNI( FENCE ORAI|{ACE EÀSEUENT , rurNors t¡ì,tD \\ Ì L W. K, SCHOMIG PLS # SCHOMIG 055-002'+46 SCHOMIG IAND SURVEYORS LTD. ELM STREET SUBDIVISION -0F- IN THE BRAINARD AVENUE WATER DEPARTT¡ENT RESUBOMSION, BEING A RESU9DMqON OF PAFÍ OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOIÍHWESÍ 1./4 0F SECÎoN 4. TOWNSHIP 3E NORIH' RANCE 12, EASíT OF lHE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN-IN C9OK COUNTY ILLINOIS. LOT 5 è." r""- è." a.t" JP .ê *". a"t. rP JP ."". C8=S89'1 5'20"E ."t. CH=92.71' L= 93.69' L=93.48'REC. R = 1E6.55' = .N f{l 5 2, N @ q 'o o Ø ctt F a.a" LOT r"Ñ 1 o U ¡P ã. () õ t! ô Ê¡ .æ, sEr 1/2" :"þ IRON PIPE 33' * 5 Ët o r ú. o JP @ qô E el É,l¡J À þ ø - U U aró o g F o ,l e U zJ zo LOT 2 ø a/l o ú o I I\ ry. ó è a.a" \! ""- o e o (o è.' s"- o, ftl¿.^t) I cN 2 É tì rl1 I41 I 2l Z 3 [2ot] ü D ê 2 3.5 20 ffi 1 t9 1 r9 I 8.00 t" t.5 Í2211 [21 5) l8 J 17 I [220] ffi Í2251 r6 a 2 [255] ffi 1¿t [252] I [230] r0 rot I I [24r] ¡.5 10 12 12 I tl 15.00 ( a I a I a ÍEtt N. JOHN NELSON'S RESUB. of lots 1,2,3, & 4 and the N.l/2 of Iot 5 in Blk. 2 in Chas. C.Lay & David B. Lyman's Sub. (See "4"). Rec. Oct I, l94l Doc. 12767037. t s -006 t -027 I 16 s -028 I 15 {,08 ilF'' ERNEST HOLVAY'S CONSOLIDATION, a Resub. of N.35 ft. Lot L7, and S. 15 ft. Lot 18 in Blk. I in Lay & Lyman's Sub. Rec. Nov 8, 1961 Doq18324525. I -007 14 -009 l3 ilc'' 410 CONSOLIDATION of Lor 1l and the E. 6 ft. of Lor 1ó in Blk. 13 in Chas. C.Lay & David B. Lymans Sub. (see "4"). Rec. Feb 18, 1969 Doc. 20760795. 4l t2 ¿ ilHn .0,48 nsrt BASSETT'S RESUB. of l¡ts l6 to 18, & the S.l/2 0f Lor l9 in Blk. l0 in Chas. C.Lay & David B. Lyman's Sub. (see Rec. Oct 3, 1980 Doc. 25610039. "4"). J ?2 rufl LIES RESUB. of Lot 17 &,the S.1/2 0f Lor l8 in Blk. 16 in Chas. C. Lay & David B. Lyman's Sub. (see "4"). Rec. Nov 22, 1988 Doc. 88s3880r. 21 a -047 zo 426 ilKil PLAT OF CONSOLIDATION of Lot 5, the S. 32 ft. of L.ot 4, &,the 18 ft. of Lot 6 in Blk. 5 in Charles C. Lay & David B. Lyman's Sub. (see "4"). Rec. Jan I l, 1990 Doc. 90018065. N. n uLtt PLAT OF CONSOLIDATION of Lot I I & the S. 24 ft. of Lor l0 in Blk. 1 in Charles C.Lay & David B. Lyman's Sub. (see "4"). Rec. Jan 26, I 990 Doc- 90043900. I rs 427 le 412 rB 413 17 -014 ----îzT- ilMil PLAT OF CONSOLIÐATION of Lor 8 & the N.l/2 of Lot 9 in Blk. in Charles C.Lay & David B. Lyman's Sub. (see "4"). Rec. Jan -012 ror¡ 7 18 ll {,02 t7 ft6 16 415 125 443 5 t l6 -035 -a03', r5 15 l, 1990 Doc. 90018069. '017 125 ilNr PLAT OF CONSOLIDATION of Lot 7,the S. 19 ft. of Lot 6, & the N. 6 ft. of Lot 8 in Blk. 16 in Charles C. Lay & David B. Lyman's Sub. (see "4"). 9.,,rg. P Rec. Jan 11, 1990 Doc. 90018066. --- t 14 -o18 B 9 l4 -021 : I 13 419 ro 't25 {,37 13 1 VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE Administrative Offices BOARD REPORT TO Village President, Village Clerk, Village Board of Trustees and Village Attorney FROM: Robert J. Pilipiszyn, Village Manager Andrianna Peterson, Assistant Village Manager DATE: November 26,2007 RE: ORDINAIICE - CREATING AI\ ADDITIONAL CLASS C-I LIOUOR LICENSE. PIZZA ETAL LLC. d/b/a AURELIO'S PIZZA. 11 \il. CALENDAR AVENUE The Village recently received an application for a Class C-l liquor license fromPizzaBtalLLC, dlbla Aurelio's Pizza, for a restaurant to be located at 11 V[. Calendar Avenue. A Class C license authorizes the licensee to sell alcoholic liquor by the drink at retail for consumption on the licensed premises on which food is also sold for consumption. A C-l license expands upon the base license to authorizethe licensee to have abar or lounge area. In controlling the dispensing of alcohol, applicants and licensees of a Class C license must prove to the satisfaction ofthe Village that more than60o/o ofthe gross annual revenue of the dining establishment has resulted from the sale of food. Alcoholic liquor may be served at either the bar and lounge area or in the general seating area. It should be noted that the applicant anticipates opening in May of2008. Although the business license application has been approved, it will not be issued until the business has received a certificate of occupancy. The lease between Adducci Partners, Ltd, an Illinois corporation, andPizza Etal LLC, an Illinois limited liability company doing business as Aurelio's Pizza, expires December 31,2007 and is contingent upon receipt of a liquor license. Therefore, the applicant has applied well in advance of the anticipated opening. On Monday, November 12,2007, the Liquor Commission met to review the application submitted by Pizza Etal LLC, d/b/a Aurelio'sPizza. A recent background investigation was performed and did not produce any information which would preclude the issuance of a liquor license. Additionally appropriate personnel will be trained in alcohol management. It was the recommendation of the Liquor Commission that an additional Class C-l liquor license be created. (A copy of the minutes from that meeting is attached for your reference.) Village staff has prepared the necessary ordinance which will facilitate the issuance of this liquor license. If the ordinance is approved, the Liquor Commissioner will issue a Class C-l liquor license to PizzaEtal LLC, d/b/a Aurelio'sPizza,but only after evidence of insurability, certificate of occupancy, and a certificate of completion for required alcohol awareness training has been produced. We recommend that the ordinance be approved. ü 0 oRDINANCE NO. O-07- _ CREATING AN ADDITIONAL CLASS C-I LIQUOR LICENSE PUBLISHED IN PAMPHLET FORM BY AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE, COI.INTY OF COOK, STATE OF ILLINOIS, THIS DAY OF 2007 WHEREAS, the Board ofTrustees has ordained Chapter 111 of its Code of Ordinances, which empowers, regulates, and provides for licensing ofthe sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages; and ïVHEREAS, Chapter I I I of the Village Code of Ordinances provides for a category of license, known as "Class C-I", the purpose of which is to authorize the licensee to have a bar or lounge area primarily engaged in the sale of alcoholic beverages to the public on any one floor; alcoholic liquor may be served at either the bar and lounge area or in the general seating area; and V/HEREAS, the Village has received a request for such a license; and IVHEREAS, the Liquor Commissioner has indicated her intention to grant a current Applicant at such time as such a license becomes available; and a Class V/HEREAS, the President and the Board of Trustees have determined that interests of the Village that a license be available to said Applicant; C-l license to it is in the best NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE, COUNTY OF COOK, STATE OF ILLINOIS AS FOLLO'WS: lll of the La Section 1 - That the number of Class C-l licenses, as defined and set forth in Chapter Grange Code of Ordinances as amended on May 8, 2000, be amended by changing the number of existing licenses and raising it by one additional license, and that this new license shall be added to the list of outstanding and/or available licenses which is kept and certified by the Village Clerk pursuant to section 111.164 of the Village Code of Ordinances. Section 2 - This Ordinance will be in full and force and effect immediately after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form for review at the La Grange Village offices and the La Grange Public Library. ADOPTED this 26th day of November, 2007 pursuant to a roll call vote AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: as follows: APPROVED by me this 26th day of November, 2007. Elizabeth M. Asperger, Village President ATTEST: Robert N. Milne, Village Clerk \ ,{'ø MINUTES LIQUOR COMMISSION OF THE VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE 53 South La Grange Road First Floor Conference Room La Grange, lL 60525 Monday, November 12,2007 - 6:45 p.m. l. Call to Order and Roll Call A meeting of the Liquor Commission of the Village of La Grange was held on Monday, November 12,2007 in the first floor conference room ofthe Village Hall, and was convened at 6:45 p.m. by Liquor Commissioner Elizabeth Asperger. Present and constituting a quorum were: Present: Commissioners Mark Langan and Kuchler with Liquor Commissioner Elizabeth Asperger presiding. Absent: None Also Present: Village Manager Robert Pilipiszyn, Assistant Village Manager Andriarura Peterson, Community Development Director Patrick Benjamin, Village Attorney Mark Burkland, Bob Aducci, Leslie Bernard, Ross Barnard, Linda Barnard, Andrew Bamard, and Karen Barnard representin g Pizza Etal LLC d/b/a Aurelio' s Pizza. 2 Approval of the Minutes from the Liquor Commission Hearing on June 25,2007 was moved by Commissioner Kuchler and seconded by Commissioner Langan. Motion unanimously carried. 3. Pizza Etal LLC d/b/a Aurelio'sPizza - Class C-l Liquor License Application Commissioner Asperger indicated that Aurelio's Pizza is applying for a Class C-l liquor license which allows alcoholic liquor to be served to the public on any one floor. Due to the fact that Aurelio's Pizza is not scheduled to open until the Spring of 2008, such license would be contingent upon proof of insurance, building certificate of occupancy and statement of alcohol awareness training. Commissioner Langan noted that the applicants must comply with the permit process. The Bamards indicated that they do not foresee any problems with the build out process. ú-g 7 Minutes of the Liquor Commission November 12, 2007 - Page 2 Commissioner Asperger noted that holding a Liquor License in the Village of La Grange is a privilege which is taken very seriously and compliance checks are completed by the Police Department. Leslie Barnard stated that he has experience with the franchise. He owns a Holiday Inn in Chicago with an Aurelio's restaurant. It is the onlyAurelio's franchise in Chicago and has a liquor license. The original Aurelio's Pizza is located in Homewood. Commissioner Asperger asked why the Barnards chose La Grange. Mr. Barnard indicated that the Village has an energetic downtown and it is a family oriented community. Commissioner Kuchler asked what percentage of their business will be eat in and pickup / delivery. The Bamards indicated they expect it to be about 50o/o eat in and 50% pickup / delivery. Commissioner Asperger asked about traffic and parking issues, noting their location and volume of anticipated carry-out business. The Barnards noted that the Village has made strides to improve parking and based on their observations, parking in the area seems adequate. The Barnards noted that theyplan to use the historic nature of La Grange as their theme for the restaurant. After due consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Langan, seconded by Commissioner Kuchler that the Liquor Commission recommend to the Village Board of Trustees that a Class C-l Liquor License be created and such license be issued toPizzaBtalLLC dlbla Aurelio's Pizza.,l l W. Calendar Avenue. 5. Adjournment At 7:05 p.m., it was moved by Commissioner Asperger, seconded by Commissioner Langan that the meeting of the Liquor Commission be adjourned. Respectfully submitted Andrianna Peterson, Assistant Village Manager Date Approved: H:\eelder\ellieMinutes\LQl I 1207.doc ''). q ø't V¡LLAGE OF LA GRANGE Disbursement Approval by Fund November 26,2007 Consol idated Voucher 07 I 126 Fund No. 01 21 22 23 24 40 50 Fund Name General Motor FuelTax Foreign Fire lnsurance Tax TIF ETSB CapitalProjects Water 60 70 75 Parking Equipment Replacement Police Pension Firefighters' Pension BO Sewer 90 Debt Service SSA 4A Debt Service SAA 269 sAA 270 51 91 93 94 11126107 11/,16107 Voucher Payroll Total 232,725.24 80,171.82 312,897.06 0.00 66.93 66.93 1,011.31 1,01'1.31 3,264.31 14,959.13 9,494.04 1,040.37 3,264.31 14,959.13 38,650.57 20,606.51 30,156.53 19,566.14 481.71 481.71 2,162.12 2,189,394.15 7,130.16 289,578.07 2,300,045.89 0.00 0.00 9,292.28 2,188,394.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,589,623.96 We the undersigned Manager and Clerk of the Village of La Grange hereby certify that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, the foregoing items are true and proper charges against the Village and hereby approve their payment. Village Manager Village Clerk President Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee tt .L MINUTES VILLAGE OF LA GRANGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING Village Hall Auditorium 53 South La Grange Road La Grange, 60525 lL Monday, November 12,2007 - 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The Board of Trustees of the Village of La Grange regular meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by President Asperger. On roll call, as read by Village Clerk Robert Milne, the following were present: 2. PRESENT: Trustees Langan, Horvath, Kuchler, Livingston, Palermo and Wolf ABSENT: None OTHERS Village Manager Robert Pilipiszyn Assistant Village Manager Andrianna Peterson Village Attorney Mark Burkland Community Development Director Patrick Benj amin Assistant Community Development Director / Planner Angela Mesaros Finance Director Lou Cipparrone Assistant Public'Works Director Mike Bojovic Police Chief Mike Holub Fire Chief David Fleege Doings Reporter Ken Knutson Suburban Life Reporter Joe Sinopoli PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Asperger recognized residents and staff who have served as Veterans Cub Scout'Webelos, Anthony Berley, Adam Cardone, Tommy Mota, Jamie McMillin and Thad Przybylowski from Pack 177 of Spring Avenue School were in attendance as they pursue their Citizenship Badge. Village Clerk Milne has received an award for his volunteer services from Age Options Continuing with her announcements, President Asperger thanked the La Grange Business Association for their highly successful Halloween Walk. q' a Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, November 12,2007 -Page2 President Asperger encouraged everyone to visit the newly dedicated La Grange Public Library which opened this past weekend. Demolition activity has begun in preparation for the new Village Bluffs condominium project at 400 E. Elm which is expected to be completed by next year. Previously this evening a Liquor Commission meeting was held to consider an application for a Class C-l Liquor License for Aurelio's Pizza which will be recommended to the Board for their consideration at an upcoming meeting. The Plan Commission will continue its discussion of the YMCA Redevelopment Project tomorrow evening and all are encouraged to attend. Earlier this evening a public hearing was held to consider a request for a grant to fund the installation of power assisted devices for public entrances at the Fire Department, Police Department and disability entrance of the Village Hall. Additional information may be obtained by contacting Assistant Village Manager Andri Peterson at 579-2315. President Asperger announced that following the formal Village Board meeting this evening, the Board will reconvene in an informal workshop setting to discuss preservation of the La Grange Theater. Lastly, President Asperger noted that the Village Board held a plaruring session last Friday and Saturday to examine previously set goals and objectives in order to continue to preserve and enhance the quality of life for the residents of La Grange. Priorities discussed were economic development, community development, maintenance of infrastructure, financial management and staff resources. As the notes of that meeting are transferred over into a written document, they will be placed on the Village website. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS Bob Donahoe, 346 S. Kensington gave specifics of his request for a variation of maximum building coverage in order to modernize his home including a front porch. Mr. Donahoe noted his consent to engage in a covenant with the Village that the front porch never be enclosed and presented signed petitions in support of his proposed addition. Tim Trompeter, 318 S. Ashland, as the architect for the proposed addition, added that the variance would compliment the entire block and discourages a tear down of this historical home. Rob Lynch, 321 S. Kensington stated his support for the addition. Dan Coleman,336 S. Kensington noted that the front porch is consistent with many in the community. Tyler Jeffrey, 325 S. Kensington noted his support for the variation. \ t\-Q Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, November 12,2007 - Page 3 Edward King, 349 S. Kensington noted his support for the addition and front porch. Rob Soles, 333 S. Kensington also noted his support for the front porch. 4. OMNTBUS AGENDA AND VOTE A. Ordinance (#0-07-36) - B Award of Contract Illinois $38,300) Tree Removal Services (Midwest Tree Service, DeKalb, C Not-For-Profit Solicitation permit D Consolidated Voucher 071 1 12 (57 56,559.24) E, Minutes - Disposal of Surplus Property - Family Outreach Program, Inc. of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, October 22, 2007 F Minutes of the Village of La Grange Executive Committee Meeting, Monday, October 22,2007 It was moved by Trustee Langan to approve items A, B, C, D, E and F of the Omnibus, seconded by Trustee Horvath. Approved by roll call vote. Ayes: Trustees Langan, Horvath, Kuchler, Livingston, Palermo, and Nays: Absent: None None Wolf 5. CURRENT BUSINESS Trustee Horvath explained that items A, B, C, and D under current business are requests for zoning variations and each Trustee has previously received a complete packet of data to review in order to make the best judgment vote on each individual case. A. Ordinance (#0-07-37) - Variation - Corner Side Yard / John and Angela Geraci, 425 East Maple Avenue: Referred to Trustee Horvath Trustee Horvath gave detailed information relating to the request for this variation. Trustee Horvath noted that on October 18,2007, the Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this matter and recommended that the variation be granted by a unanimous (6 ayes and 0 nays) vote with the condition that the petitioners engage in a covenant with the Village that the proposed addition will remain a single story structure. q D 7 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, November 12,2007 -Page 4 It was moved by Trustee Horvath to approve the ordinance authorizing the variation comer side yard, 425 East Maple Avenue, seconded by Trustee Wolf. Trustee'Wolf inquired if the height of the single story addition would remain and Community Development Director Patrick Benjamin noted that although not specified, is estimated to be allowable storage space, not living space. Trustee Horvath noted his favor of the variation. Approved by roll call vote. Ayes: Nays: Absent: B Trustees Langan, Horvath, Kuchler, Livingston, Palermo and Wolf None None Ordinance (#0-07-38) - Variation - Comer Side Yard / Julie and Dan Judd, 30 North Brainard Avenue: Referred to Trustee Horvath Trustee Horvath gave detailed information relating to the request for this variation. Trustee Horvath noted that on October 18,2007, the Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this matter and recommended that the variation be granted by a unanimous (6 ayes and 0 nays) vote. It was moved by Trustee Horvath to approve the ordinance authorizing the variation corner side yard, 30 North Brainard Avenue, seconded by Trustee Wolf. Trustee Horvath noted his support of the variation Trustee Langan is in agreement and noted that the request meets the criteria of a zoning variation. Approved by roll call vote. Ayes: Nays: Absent: C Trustees Langan, Horvath, Kuchler, Livingston, Palermo and Wolf None None Ordinance (#0-07-39) - Variation - Corner Side yard lMatt Mazur, 45 N Madison Avenue: Referred to Trustee Horvath Trustee Horvath gave detailed information relating to the request for this variation. Trustee Horvath noted that on October 18,2007 , the Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this matter and recommended that the variation be granted by a unanimous (6 ayes and 0 nays) vote. It was moved by Trustee Horvath to approve the ordinance authorizing the variation corner side yard, 45 North Madison Avenue, seconded by Trustee Wolf. Trustee Horvath noted his favor of the variation and support for increased safety with the newly constructed garage. \\ Ð 3 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, November 12,2A07 - Page 5 Trustee Palermo noted his full support of this variation. Approved by roll call vote. Ayes: Nays: Absent: D. Trustees Langan, Horvath, Kuchler, Livingston, Palermo and Wolf None None Ordinance (#0-07-40) - Variation - Maximum Building Coverage / Robert and Lori Donahoe,346 South Kensington Avenue: Referred to Trustee Horvath Trustee Horvath noted that the variation for maximum building coverage for Robert and Lori Donahoe was denied by the ZoningBoard of Appeals with six ayes and zero nays, at least four ayes are required to decide in favor ofany application. Trustee Horvath discussed the fact thatZoningBoard members determined this application did not show a particular hardship, the application did not satisfy the standards of a variation and therefore, the Zoning Board felt that they must uphold the intent of the Zoning Code. Trustee Horvath stated that in accordance with State Statute, the approval of any proposed variation which fails to receive the approval of the Board of Appeals will not be passed except by the favorable vote of two-thirds majority vote by roll call of all Trustees (four out of six Trustees) currently holding office. It was moved by Trustee Horvath to approve the ordinance authorizing a variation maximum building coverage, 346 South Kensington Avenue, seconded by Trustee Palermo. Trustee Horvath believes it does meet the criteria and is in keeping with the neighborhood. Trustee Langan will not support this ordinance and firmly believes that the ZoningBoard of Appeals was clear that the variation request does not meet the required standards. Trustee Wolf expressed her support and noted the alternative demolition of this home is not in the best interest of the Village. Trustee Kuchler feels strongly that the denial by the Zoning Board of Appeals should be upheld and queried if consideration should be given to changing the criteria mandates used by theZoningBoard of Appeals. Trustee Kuchler indicated he would not vote in favor of this variation as he does not feel that the ZoningBoard of Appeals should be over ruled. $ .Q \å Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, November 12,2007 - Page 6 Trustee'Wolf believes that the Zoning Board of Appeals has instructed criteria whereas the Board has some flexibility. President Asperger does not believe that the criteria changes. Trustee Horvath agrees that the criteria is the same however, the variance process is a judgement call and may be viewed differently. Trustee Langan believes the unanimous vote of the ZoningBoard of Appeals to deny the variation should be a firm recommendation. Trustee Kuchler believes it is wrong to ignore the Zoning Board of Appeals decision. Trustee'Wolf indicated the need for an overlay district. President Asperger clarified that the issue is maximum building coverage not design. There was lengthy community discussion on the matter and the Village Board decided not to amend the code. President Asperger noted it had been moved and seconded to approve the variation with the condition that the applicants engage in a covenant with the Village that the front porch never be enclosed. Motion to approve the variation passes by a4 to 2 vote. Ayes: Nays: Absent E Trustees Horvath, Livingston, Palermo and Trustees Kuchler and Langan Wolf None La Grange Business Association / Our Hometown Holiday -2007 Christmas Walk Sponsorship: Referred to Trustee Livingston Trustee Livingston explained that the December I,2007 Hometown Holiday Christmas Walk has always been a positive reflection of the Village of La Grange and brings shoppers into the community. The La Grange Business Association is requesting that the Village co-sponsor the event in an amount not to exceed $12,000. Trustee Livingston added that the Village's position of sponsorship is marketing the event, which includes nerwspaper advertisements, posters and the production and mailing of the booklet which lists the activities for the evening. Trustee Livingston invited Mr. Mike LaPidus, President of the La Grange Business Association and Ms. Honor Lorenzini, Chairman of the Christmas Walk 2007 to elaborate on the upcoming event. Mr. LaPidus noted that the 16th annual Christmas V/alk "Walking in a Window Wonderland" would include several new items: Globes sponsored by local o'Peace on Earth;" business to be decorated, displayed and judged for the theme \A .Q,' Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, November 12,2007 -Page7 Santa Claus at the La Grange Theater on December I and 8; North Pole children's petting zoo;hay rides; sleigh rides; horse and carriage rides and more. It was moved by Trustee Livingston to support the Hometown Holiday Christmas 'Walk's cost of advertising and marketing for 2007 tn an amount not to exceed $12,000, with the conditions as outlined in the Village's sponsorship policy, seconded by Trustee Horvath. Approved by roll call vote. Ayes: Nays: Absent: 6. Trustees Horvath, Kuchler, Langan, Livingston, Palermo and Wolf None None MANAGER'S REPORT None 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS REGARDING MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA Linda Christiansen, 131 S. Edgewood as a member of the League of 'Women Voters, requested the Village Board and concerned citizens to attend a local meeting on Saturday, April 19, 2008 in reference to reducing emissions and global warming. President Asperger noted that the Village's Environmental Quality Control Commission would be notifred of this item. 8 EXECUTIVE SESSION 9 TRUSTEE COMMENTS IO. ADJOURNMENT At 8:38 p.m. it was moved by Trustee Langan to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Horvath. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Elizabeth M. Asperger, Village President ATTEST: Robert N. Milne, Village Clerk H:\eelder\ellie\MinutesWB Approved Date I I 1207.doc q 0V