ASCS Saintly Notes 12-02-15
ASCS Saintly Notes 12-02-15
All Saints Catholic School SAINTLY NOTES December 02, 2015 Dec 03 Dec 04 Dec 06 Dec 08 Dec 10 Dec 11 Dec 12 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec 18 Jan 05 Advent Reconciliation, Gr. 3-8, 12:30-2:30pm Mass, All School, 8:00am St. Nick’s Party, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Meadowcreek, SEE ATTACHMENT Mass, All School, 8:00am, Holy Day, Immaculate Conception Orchestra Concert, 6:00pm, Chapel Band Concert, 7:00pm, Chapel HSA Bake Sale, 7:15am, SEE ATTACHMENT STEM Coding Day Saints Alive Christmas Extravaganza, Gr. 5-8, 7-9:30pm,Meadowcreek ASCS at Plano Parade, 9:00am, SEE ATTACHMENT Christmas Pageant, Gr. K-4, 7:00pm, Meadowcreek Sanctuary Spirit Day School Spelling Bee Pre-K4 Christmas Nativity, 8:00am in Cafeteria Mass, All School, 8:00am Christmas Parties, 11:00am Early Dismissal, Noon, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Classes Resume, 7:40am This Week in Saintly Notes: 1. From Mrs. Blake 2. Gentle Reminder 3. Inclement Weather 4. ASCS Beta Club Movie 5. Scrip Tips 6. Picture Information 7. Monday Morning Prayer Group and Intentions 8. 3rd Grade Service Project 9. Volunteer Opportunities 10. Church Ministries –Saints Alive Christmas Extravaganza 11. Attachments From Mrs. Blake, Hello Families! I hope everyone had a very relaxing and enjoyable Thanksgiving break! As Advent begins, please remember to talk to your children about this special time as we prepare for the birth of Jesus. Advent comes from the Latin word meaning “coming.” Jesus is coming, and Advent is intended to be a season of preparation for His arrival. While we typically regard Advent as a joyous season, it is also intended to be a period of preparation, much like Lent. Prayer, penance and fasting are appropriate during this season. ASCS Saintly Notes December 02, 2015 Advent is not as strict as Lent, and there are no rules for fasting, but it is meant to be a period of selfpreparation. The purple color associated with Advent is also the color of penance. The faithful should fast during the first two weeks in particular and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The color of the Third Sunday of Advent is rose. This color symbolizes joy and represents the happiness we will experience when Jesus comes again. The Third Sunday is a day of anticipatory celebration. It is formerly called “Gaudete” Sunday; gaudete means “rejoice” in Latin. Finally, Sundays during Advent, just as during Lent, should not be given to fasting, but instead to celebration because we celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord every Sunday. It is important to remember, however, there are no particular rules for how the laity should observe Advent. Below is a link with some cute activities for you and your families. Enjoy the rest of your week! Blessings! Mrs. Blake Gentle Reminder Even with the dropping temperatures, the students will be going out for recess when it’s dry. Please send your child to school dressed appropriately for the weather conditions they’ll encounter at recess. Also, due to temperature fluctuations in the building, a sweatshirt or sweater may be needed. Please keep in mind and remind your child that only uniform approved sweatshirts and sweaters may be worn in the classroom. ASCS sweatshirts may be purchased from our spirit wear if you need one and sweaters can be found at Academic Outfitters. Thank you for your cooperation. Inclement Weather In the case of inclement weather All Saints Catholic School will follow the Plano Independent School District weather closings. Please watch/listen to your local news stations for weather updates and closings for PISD. Since we have families traveling from significant distances we always encourage you to make your best personal decisions for travel on the roads during inclement weather. Beta Club Movie Time Gr. 33-5 Attention all Third, Fourth and Fifth Graders! You are invited to watch our afternoon movie, Rio 2, on Thursday, December 3 from 3:30 until 5 in the school cafeteria. This movie presentation is sponsored by the ASCS Beta Club and admission is just $ 3.00. (Popcorn will be provided as well!) This is a great opportunity to hang out with your friends, have a good time, and watch a great flick! We know you’ll have a terrific time! See you Thursday. ASCS Saintly Notes December 02, 2015 SCRIP TIPS Small Denomination Cards are Here! Great for gifts, prizes and stocking stuffers. For a limited time only: $10 Amazon $5 Starbucks $10 Target $10 Walmart -------------------------------------------------------------ONLINE CARD ORDERS and SPECIAL ORDERS Card orders are delivered on THURSDAYS to your child’s backpack: • placed by Noon, Tuesday delivered the same week • placed after Tuesday delivered the same week if the cards are in stock • placed after Tuesday delivered the next week if the cards are not in stock -------------------------------------------------------------SCRIP-TO-GO LOBBY SALES HOURS Monday thru Friday 7:30-8:30am Scrip is also available in the office Important Picture Info for Parents To redeem your complimentary digital SmileSafe card, click here. Last reminder to keep this year's school picture! 1. Go to 2. Log in with your Portrait ID and Access Code located in your picture package Pedidos en español disponibles por internet. Utiliza tu ID del retrato y el código de acceso de tu paquete del retrato. Parent/Guardian, how was this year’s school picture experience? Take survey. Monday Morning Prayer Group The ASCS Monday Morning Prayer Group meets on Monday mornings right after morning drop off. ALL PARENTS ARE INVITED! Drop the kids, park and join us in the chapel. What a great way to start your week! Please pray for the sick: Mary Reiter, Gabriele Bailey’s Godfather, Dawn Polce: SAC member, Jude Cobler, Steve Korkmas: Mr. Jobes brother in law, Lana Cristofoli: Mrs. Cristofoli’s mother in law, Lynn Knowlton: Nurse Abby’s mom, Mrs. Callahan: wife of Mr. Callahan, our loyal library and café volunteer, Angela Bowman: Jason Sincleair’s sister, John McElyea: Mrs. Ridling’s brother in law, Esteban Navarro: Nathan Reis’ grandpa. Please call in or email your prayer intentions to Liz in the office ( [email protected] ) so that we may all pray for your family and friends. ASCS Saintly Notes November 18, 2015 3rd Grade Service Project rd Mrs. Hollister’s 3 grade collected new and gently used blankets and coats for the SoupMobile in Dallas. The SoupMobile feeds and clothes many people each and every day. Great job to Mrs. Hollister’s 3rd grade! Volunteer Opportunity for Families One of the local Aggie Moms Club could use some help this weekend and is looking for anyone interested in earning some service hours. They need help on Friday, 12/4 from 5:00-7:00pm setting up tables and chairs. Help is also needed Saturday, 12/5 from 3:00-5:00pmto take everything down. The location is super close to the school: Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center 17360 Coit Road Dallas, TX 75252 If you are able to help, just show up at one of the times listed above. Questions? Contact Karen Hunter, 214-534-2172 or email [email protected] Many Thanks!! Church Ministries St. Nick’ Nick’s Christmas Party Sunday, 12/6/15 1:00pm – 3:00pm 3:00pm All Saints Fellowship Hall Admission is one new unwrapped toy. Pictures with St. Nicholas, Nativity Puppet Show, Music, Sandwiches, Cake, Cookies and Punch See attached flyer for more details! Page 4 of 5 Submit info to [email protected] by Tuesdays 9am ASCS Saintly Notes November 18, 2015 Attachments • • • • • • • • St. Nick’s Christmas Party Cub Scout Spaghetti Dinner ASCS Bake Sale STEM Coding Day ASCS in Plano Parade DPL Wrestling JPII Play Catholic Night with the Mavs at AAC Page 5 of 5 Submit info to [email protected] by Tuesdays 9am ASCS HOLIDAY BAKE SALE Volunteer Bakers Needed Please drop baked goods off in the school office. Thursday, December 10th Bake Sale will be on Friday, December 11th 7:15am Individual items will be $1 and Group items will be $5. No items with nuts can be sold. Sign up using the link below Contact: Jan Kephart [email protected] 214-403-0823 ALL SAINTS Celebrate the Season with ASCS in the Plano Christmas Parade! The ASCS Dad’s Club is sponsoring our ASCS entry in the Plano Christmas Parade on December 12. We will have two floats this year. Starting at 9am, our ASCS smiling faces will wave from haybales on the floats or hand out people treats and dog treats to the crowd. The band, drill team, Cub Scouts, and Girls Scouts are braving the cold weather, and we would love even more participation! If your ASCS team, organization, or family would like to join in the parade, please contact Kevin Cate at [email protected]. For more information about the parade see Merry Christmas! The Dallas Parochial League presents …… Wrestling Camps/Clinics and DPL Wrestling Tournament Open to all students (grades 5th- 8th, girls and boys) in the DPL Wrestling Camp/Clinic #1 Sunday, December 6, 12:00 – 2:30 p.m. Dallas Jesuit College Preparatory: 12345 Inwood Road, Dallas, TX 75244 Wrestling Camp/Clinic #2 Sunday, December 13, 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. Bishop Dunne: 3900 Rugged Drive, Dallas, 75224 DPL Wrestling Tournament Sunday, December 13, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Bishop Dunne: 3900 Rugged Drive, Dallas, 75224 **Medals to all wrestlers competing in the tournament** Map and directions located at Plan to take advantage of these FREE wrestling camp and tournament. Wrestlers must attend one clinic to be eligible to wrestle in the DPL Championship Wrestling Tournament Clinics and Exhibition Tournament will be conducted by: Stephen Guerrero Bishop Dunne Wrestling [email protected] (214) 339-6561 Tom Trautman Bishop Lynch Wrestling [email protected] (214) 535-1522 Ryan Menard Jesuit Wrestling [email protected] (972) 387-8700 Ext.514 *Coaches will be demonstrating drills, proper wrestling techniques and proper etiquette *At each clinic the wrestlers will be able to watch live wrestling matches *Wrestlers will be evaluated on their experience level at the camp/clinics and will be placed accordingly by experience and weight at the wrestling tournament. An approximate head count is requested from each school. Each A.D. is requested to notify Coach Ryan Menard from Jesuit, [email protected], in advance in regards to the number of wrestlers that will be attending from your school. How Participation In Wrestling Can Benefit The Football Player by Robert C. Loveless, Instructor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation / Wrestling Coach, Thiel College, Greenville, Pennsylvania In this, the era of sport specialization, many young men feel that in order to excel in one individual sport; they must devote their entire training regime to that particular sport. This concept is indeed unfortunate to many athletes in the sense that skills associated with one sport may compliment the skills associated with and demanded by an entirely different sport. No stronger correlation exists between that of football and wrestling. Far too often the football player can be found in the weight room concentrating on developing upper body strength through such exercises as curls, bench presses, etc., after the completion of the regular season. Now obviously, weight training conducted in the proper manner serves as an excellent supplement to any training program. Unfortunately, however, in many cases the athlete who is constantly "pumping iron" may be the same athlete who is neglecting such developmental areas as agility, reaction time, flexibility, balance awareness and cardiovascular endurance. The sport of wrestling, therefore, can be of particular value to football players. Wrestling not only provides a more qualified football candidate, but it also gives him a unique kind of training he can receive nowhere else. The following nine reasons should be considered by football candidates in regards to why they should participate in wrestling. (particularly in the high school level): 1. Wrestling helps eliminate fear of harsh body contact. 2. Wrestling maintains muscle flow and supple pliability. 3. Wrestling teaches the athlete to roll with a fall and avoid injury. 4. Wrestling will help the athlete in the development of timing. 5. Wrestling will aid in the development of coordination. 6. Wrestling will improve one's sense of balance. 7. Wrestling will provide flexibility and stretching of the muscles for bulky linemen as well as lean running backs. 8. Wrestling serves as an excellent cardiovascular endurance training program during the "off season" (this aspect is often neglected by the football players who feel that power lifting is the cure for all problems). As one great Olympic weight lifter once said, "It does me absolutely no good whatsoever if I have a million dollar body with a ten cent heart." This could be one of the reasons why every football season it is not uncommon to hear of players passing out and dying during pre-season workouts. Certainly it gives one something to think about and raises many questions in the area of cardiovascular conditioning required for football. 9. Wrestling starts the athlete thinking about moves to counter his adversary. Now granted, wrestling is not the solution to all conditioning and training problems, but it comes pretty close. Certainly it is an alternative which should be considered by the high school football player who is too short for or has no desire to play basketball and is seeking a way to add to his weight training program in a way that will in turn assist him in the development of skills associated with football. Success in wrestling is dependent primarily upon strength, agility and endurance, in addition to knowledge of the correct techniques. If a person is strong and agile, it is likely that he can develop into an excellent wrestler. In addition to the physical benefits one will experience through wrestling are the “side effects" that also develop within wrestlers. Such characteristics as self- discipline, nutrition awareness and self confidence. This is valuable training that is found in wrestling perhaps more than any other sport. So, football players, after you play your last game of the season, when you’re on your way to the weight room, don't pass by the wrestling room too quickly, as you may also be passing by a great opportunity to develop valuable skills used in football. A FEW FAMOUS FOOTBALL PLAYERS WHO WRESTLED Hall of Famers: Larry Czonka, RB, Miami Dolphins Dan Dierdorff, OT, St. Louis Cardinals John Hannah, G, New England Patriots Henry Jordan, DT, Green Bay Packers Ronnie Lott, DB, San Francisco 49’ers Bruce Smith, DE, Buffalo Bills Jim Thorpe, HB, New York Giants Pro- Bowlers: Jeff Bostic, C, Washington Redskins – SC State Champ Tedy Bruschi, ILB, New England Patriots Bob Bruenig, LB, Dallas Cowboys Tom Cousineau, LB, Cleveland Browns – 3rd State in Ohio beat by Golic in semis 1975 Roger Craig, RB, San Francisco 49’ers Curley Culp, DL, Kansas City Chiefs – NCAA Champ Doug France, LT, Los Angeles Rams – OH State Runner-Up La’Roi Glover, DE, Dallas Cowboys 1992 2nd State CA Bob Golic, DT, Cleveland Browns – OH State Champ Carlton Haselrig, Pittsburgh Steelers, 3x NCAA Champ Jay Hilgenberg, C, Chicago Bears – IA State Runner-Up Bo Jackson, RB, Oakland Raiders Tim Krumrie, DL, Cincinnati Bengals – WI State Champ Ray Lewis, Baltimore Ravens – 2x FL State Champ Randle McDaniel, G, Minnesota Vikings Matt Millen, LB, Oakland Raiders Leo Nomellini, T, San Francisco 49’ers – Big 10 Champ Jim Plunkett, QB, Oakland Raiders Warren Sapp, DT Tampa Bay Buccaneers – FL State Champ Mark Schlereth, OL, Washington Redskins - Alaska State Champ Tony Siragusa, DT, Baltimore Ravens – NJ State Champ 108-1, NJ State Champion 1985 Kyle Turley, T, St. Louis Rams Adam Vinatieri, K, New England Patriots Randy White, DT, Dallas Cowboys Ricky Williams, RB, Miami Dolphins (pinned by Stephen Neal in high school) Other Noteworthy Players: Rhonde Barber, SS, Tampa Bay Bucs Tiki Barber, RB, New York Giants Stephen Neal, OL, New England Patriots - two time NCAA Division I Wrestling Champion and winner of the Dan Hodge Award (Heisman Trophy of wrestling) Did not play football in college. Archie Griffin, HB, Cincinnati Bengals OH (Two time Heisman Trophy winner) Eric Befumo, Daniel Bulmer and Sean Moothart are some of the All Saints alumni performing in the show. Sunday, January 31st, 2016 vs. Phoenix Suns (6:00PM) Upper Level Seats $18 Upper level seats $28 Lower Level Seats $72 To purchase tickets, please click the link below Click Here to Purchase Tickets DALLAS MAVERICKS CATHOLIC NIGHT Sunday, January 31st, 2016 vs. Phoenix Suns | 6:00 PM BENEFITS INCLUDE: DISCOUNTED TICKETS POSTGAME FREETHROW SHOT ON MAVS COURT NAME_____________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________ CITY _____________________ STATE __________ ZIP ____________ PHONE (DAY) ______________________________ (CELL) ____________________________________ EMAIL____________________________________ PAYMENT TYPE: □ Check (Check #: __________) □ Credit/Debit Card: VISA MC AMEX DISC CARD # ________________________ EXP_______ CARDHOLDER ___________________________ NAME OF CHURCH_________________________ # OF ITEMS ITEM/PRICE TOTAL COST UPPER LEVEL TICKET - $18 UPPER LEVEL TICKET - $28 LOWER LEVEL TICKET - $72 GRAND TOTAL AVAILABLE FOR THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY + FAMILY + FRIENDS TICKETS WILL SELL OUT FAST DEADLINE FOR ORDERS IS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31ST * OFFER NOT VALID AT AAC BOX OFFICE OR TICKET MASTER ORDERS ARE FILLED ON FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS – SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY For questions or to purchase tickets, contact MATT FONTANA Email: [email protected] Phone: (214) 658-7609 Fax: (214) 658-7137 Mail to- Attn: Matt Fontana, 2909 Taylor Street, Dallas, Texas, 75226 AR #: ____________________ SF # : A-__________________
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