Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda December 7, 2015


Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda December 7, 2015
- - - - - ESTABLISHED 1957 - - - - -
Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda
December 7, 2015 - 7:00 p.m.
Deer Park Vehe Barn
23570 W. Cuba Road, Deer Park, Illinois 60010
1) Pledge of AJlegiance
2) Roll Call and Determination of a Quorum
3) Approval of Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes of November 2, 2015*
4) Public Comments - Sign up prior to meeting on sign-in on podium; 5 minutes time
5) Discussion of Proposed Site Plan for Full Access Point for Continental Automotive Systems
Lot 10*
6) Discussion of Revised Plans for Hamilton Partners/Reva Development Apartment
7) Any Old and/or All New Business
i) Approval of the Planning and Zoning 2016 Meeting Calendar*
8) Adiournment
(*) Indicates that back-up material is enclosed in meeting agenda packet
(**) Indicates that due to the size, back-up material is available at the Village Hall
P&Z 12 07 2015
-----ESTABLISHED 1 9 5 7 - - - - -
Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes
November 9, 2015 - 7:00 p.m.
Deer Park Vehe Barn
23570 W. Cuba Road, Deer Park, Illinois 60010
1) Pledge of Allegiance
A meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Village of Deer Park was held on
November 9, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at Vehe Barn, 23570 W. Cuba Road, in the Village of Deer Park, in the
Counties of Lake and Cook, Illinois. Chairman Heidtke called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
2) Roll Call and Determination of a Quorum
Upon Roll Call, the following were present: Chairman Heidtke, Committee members Frank Comber,
Randy Pinchot, David Pautler, and Jan Koe. Bill Koutsis and Mitch Wohl were absent.
Other Village Officials present included Administrator McAndrews, Clerk Iriarte, Building, Zoning and
Development Coordinator Doniec, and Attorney Cahill.
3) Approval of Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes of October 5, 2015
Motion: Commissioner Pinchot moved and Koe seconded to approve the meeting minutes
of October 5, 2015 with edits to the first paragraph on page one and rewriting the paragraph on page
Upon Roll Call:
(5) Ayes I (O) Nays/ (2) Absent
Motion Carried 5/0
4) Public Comments - Sign up prior to meeting on sign-in on podium; 5 minutes time
There were no public comments.
5) Preliminary Plan Approval for Subdivision - Castle Creek Homes
John Emigh ofCastle Creek Homes presented the preliminary plan for the subdivision which he would
like to annex into Deer Park. The subdivision would be zoned R-1 with 6 lots averaging 62,000 square
feet around a cul de sac. The property has higher elevation in the middle of the property and a
proposed detention basin located next to Deerpath Road. Lots will be for sale in excess of $200K and
homes in excess of $600K. Castle Creek plans on building some of the homes and selling lots to other
custom builders.
The Planning and Zoning Commission asked about buildable lot size and asked that the final plan include
a tabulation of the buildable area of the lots. In addition, the Commission and John Emigh discussed
flooding on Deerpath Road, wetland mitigation, a tree survey, scrubbing the lot and that there was no
need for a lot of grading. John Emigh noted that the parcel was in the Lake Zurich School District 95.
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It was noted that John Emigh has over 40 years of experience, mainly with Kennedy Homes and has
done similar projects in Wilmette, Northbrook, and Deer Field. He noted that Castle Creek has the
property under contract and expects to close in January. Engineering work on the site should start soon
after closing. In addition, Castle Creek plans to come back to the Commission and Board for approval
with the hope of starting next summer.
Motion: Commissioners Pinchot moved and Koe seconded to approve the Preliminary Plan for the
Castle Creek Homes Subdivision located at 21096 Deer Path Road.
Upon Roll Call:
(5) Ayes I {O) Nays/ (2) Absent
Motion Carried 5/0
6) Approval of Solana Sign
Cliff Stanfield from Solana and Johnson Company Signs presented the materials, the look and verbiage
for the Solana Signs. It was noted that the size of the signs was already approved in the PUD and today's
meeting was to review the look of the signs and the materials. The material is a polyurethane coated 18
inch resin that is very durable. The representative from Johnson Company Signs showed some examples
of wear and tear on signs that were 17 years old. The only objection the Commission had was the
Trademark symbol after the word Solana. Solana agreed to take it off the sign. It was also noted that
the sign was easy to repair.
Motion: Commissioners Pinchot moved and Comber seconded to approve the Inserts for the two
monument signs for Solana with the removal of the trademark symbol.
Upon Roll Call:
(5) Ayes I {O) Nays/ (2) Absent
Motion Carried 5/0
The Commission asked Solana's representative for an update on the project and Mr. Stanfield noted that
the skin is 98% complete, light fixtures are in and they have started painting on the fourth floor. Fifty
out of 96 possible residents have signed up for the independent living and Solana expects to start
moving furniture in mid-January.
7} Any Old and/or All New Business
8} Adjournment
Motion: Commissioners Pinchot moved and Comber seconded to adjourn at 7:50 p.m.
Upon Roll Call:
(5) Ayes I (O) Nays/ (2) Absent
Motion Carried 5/0
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathleen J. Iriarte
David Heidtke
Village Clerk
Committee Chair
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cons ulting engineers
land surveyors
1304N.PlumGn,,,,,lt.ood, Schaumburg,ll60173 · f.1: 847.394.6600 Fm:8-47.39-4..6608
Onign Firm Uc.Ne No. 184,003152
P&Z 12 07 2015
P&Z 12 07 2015
116 W Il li nois, 7th Floor
Chicago, Ill inois 60654
Village consent to re-subdivide, submit to the Illinois Condominium Property Act or make any other
change not contemplated by the special use permit.
Enforcement of Maintenance Provisions: The existing POA contains remedies and enforcement
provisions for the benefit of the Village. Amendments to the POA, if any, should be reviewed and
mutually agreed upon as part of the final approval process.
The preliminary engineering plans have been revised and updated to address comment made by Staff and
Plan Commission and as necessitated by architectural changes.
Driveways: Driveways have been designed at 18' wide and 20' long to accommodate 2 car parking on
the driveway in addition to 2 car parking in each townhome garage.
Right-in/Right-Out Entrance on Deer Park Boulevard: The channeling island has been eliminated.
Sidewalks: Additional sidewalks have been added to facilitate pedestrian connectivity including paths
to allow pedestrians to exit the motor court through gates in the garden wall at both sides of the front
entrance. An accessible sidewalk has been added from the southwest podium building to the
community bike path along the south and west sides of the property.
Utility Connection Locations: Utility connection locations shall be finalized during the final approval
process. Please note that due to driveways and utility routing, the electric meters and air conditioner
condenser units for the "A" units adjacent to the boulevard are planned to be located adjacent to the
front entry door and appropriately screened with landscaping. The design intent is to keep air
conditioner units away from outdoor living spaces to permit the peaceful enjoyment of the outdoors
Fire lane Pavement Design: The fire lane pavement cross section has been revised to address
aesthetics and functional concerns. In keeping with the established practice, an 8' wide portion of the
fire lane shall be constructed with asphalt a serve a dual purpose as a pedestrian/bike path
connecting to and extending the existing trail system. In the area where the pathway system
coincides with the fire lanes, the pavement section will be widened to 20' including a stone base with
decorative stone cap with concrete curb to hold the edge of the path that is not capped with asphalt.
The pavement section has been designed to support a fire truck and the property owner shall be
obligated to maintain the path throughout the year, specifically including snow removal.
The proposed entry signs have been revised to address comments received from the Plan Commission.
Please refer to revised signage plans prepared by The Lakota Group.
www . revadevelopment . com
P&Z 12 07 2015
116 W Illinois , 7th Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60654
The architectural plans for the townhomes have been substantially revised to address several
comments and concerns raised by the Plan Commission. Please refer to revised plans prepared by 858
The architectural plans for the podium buildings have been substantially revised to address several
comments and concerns raised by the Plan Commission, including the change to incorporate a pitched
roof and to integrate the balconies with the building. Please refer to revised plans prepared by Linden
Group Architects.
The Linden Group prepared a code review analysis identifying the applicable codes and interpretations
to be used in developing the final plans and specifications. The Developer requests that the Code
interpretation be reviewed and confirmed as part of the final approval process to avoid discrepancies
in the application and interpretation of the applicable codes. See attached memorandum.
The landscape plans have been revised to address several comments and concerns raised by the Plan
Commission and staff. Please refer to revised plans prepared by The Lakota Group.
We look forward to presenting our revised plans to the Plan Commission on Monday, December 7, 2015.
Best regards,
By: Tim Beechick, Partner
Warren A. James, Principal
Attachments: Sample Lease Agreement, Linden Code Review
www . r e vad e v e lopment . com
P&Z 12 07 2015
One Bedroom
One Bathroom Apartment:
2 Persons
One Bedroom
One Bathroom with Den Apartment:
2 Persons
Two Bedrooms I Two Bathrooms Apartment:
4 Persons
Two Bedrooms I Two Bathrooms I Den/ Apartment:
4 Persons
Three Bedrooms I Two Yz Bathrooms I Den I Townhome:
6 Persons
Notwithstanding the standards set forth above, Management will consider occupancies that deport from the above standards on
a case-by-case basis, based upon the size of the unit and requested needs of the occupant(s), among other factors.
American Malamute
American Pit Bull Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier
Bull Mastiff
Doberman Pinscher
German Shepherd
Korean Jindo
Pit Bull
Presa Canario
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Wolf/ Wolf Hybrid
Any Mix with these Breeds
Additionally, we cannot allow any animal that has bitten or injured someone;
Any Aggressive or Exotic Animal;
Any Livestock or Undomesticated Animal
(This list is subject to change without notice)
WEIGHT RESTRICTION: 70 lbs. (combined total weight if two animals)
2 (Not to exceed 70 lbs. combined weight)
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Building Code Analysis - Podium Building
Deer Park Apartments
Reva Development Partners / Hamilton Partners
November 20, 2015
Deer Park Municipal Code Chapter 150- Building Regulations (rev.5/15)
Applicable Adopted Codes:
Deer Park Building Code (2012 International Building Code)
(with amendments and additions)
Deer Park Electrical Code (2011 National Electrical Code)
(with amendments and additions)
Deer Park Fuel Gas Code (2012 International Fuel Gas Code)
(with amendments and additions)
Deer Park Plumbing Code (Illinois State Plumbing Code)
(with amendments and additions)
Deer Park Accessibility Code (1997 Illinois Accessibility Code and Chapter 11 of the
International Building Code)
Deer Park Fire Code (2012 International Fire Code)
(with amendments and additions)
Deer Park Energy Conservation Code (2012 International Energy Conservation
(with amendments and additions)
Deer Park Elevator and Escalator Standards (Safety Code for Elevators and
Escalators ASME A 17.1-2007/CSA 844-07 and Performance-based Safety Code for
Elevators and Escalators ASME A 17.7-2007/CSA 844.7-07)
(with amendments and additions)
Deer Park Property Maintenance Code (2012 International Property Maintenance
(with amendments and additions)
Other Applicable Codes and Standards
• Illinois Accessibility Code, effective April 24, 1997
• 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
• Fair Housin1g Act
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<<FifeNa me>>
10100 ORLAND PARKWAY, SUITE 110, ORLAND PARK, IL 60467 - P: 708.799.4400, F: 708.799.4434 •
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Use and Occupancy
R-2 Residential (Apartments)
S-2 Low Hazard Storage (Parking Garage)
Construction Type
Type VA (Combustible, Protected )
Type 1A (Non-Combustib le, Protected) - See Section 510.2 below.
Per Section 611 .1 .2 of the Deer Park Fire Code, a ny underground
p arking structure shall require Type I construction.
Building Height and Areas
Table 503
Allowable Height a nd Building Are a p er Story
R-2 (Type vA)
12,000 sf I 3 Stories I 50 feet
S-2 (Type 1BJ
40,000 sf I 11 Stories I 160 feet
Area requirement from Section 611. 1.2 of the
Deer Park Fire Code
Height Increase -Automatic Sprinkler System (NFPA-13R):
Additional One Story a nd 20 Feet (not to exceed 60 feet for Group R
b uild ings)
3 Stories/SO Feet+ 1 Story/20 Feet (NTE 60 Ft)
Allowa ble Height = 4 Stories I 60 Feet
Proposed R-2 Building Height= 4 Stories/ Max. 60 Feet - OK
The parking garage level must be qualified as a basement (See below)
Basement Qualifications:
1. IBC Chapter 2 Grade Plane Definition:
The a verage of finished g round level adjoining the b uilding at
exterior walls established by the lowest point between the building
and the lot line or a point up to 6 feet from the building.
The average grade plane elevation calculated per this
definition is 4.65 feet below the first floor.
2. IBC Chapter 2 Basement Definition:
A basement is a story that is not a story a bove the grade plane. A
story a b ove the grade p lane is any story having its finished floor
surface entirely above the grade plane, or in which the finished
surface o f the floor next above is:
1. More than 6 feet above grade plane; or
2. More than 12 feet above finished ground level at any point.
The garage level qualifies as a basement per this definition
since its finished floor is not entirely above the grade plane, and
the finished surface of the floor next above (first floor) is 4.65 feet
above the grade plane (less than 6 feet) and 11 feet above the
finished ground level at any point (less than 12 feet).
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10100 ORLAND PARKWAY, SUITE 110, ORLAND PARK, IL 60467 -P: 708.799.4400, F: 708.799.4434 ·
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3. Deer Park Zoning Basement Definition:
A basement is a story partly or wholly underground. Where more
than one-half of its height is above the average level of the
adjoining ground , a basement shall be counted as a story for the
purpose of height measurement.
The average level of the adjoining grade is 4.65 feet below the
first floor, or 6.35 feet above the garage floor. Since one -half of
the garage level's 11 foot height (5.5 feet) is not above the
average level of the adjoining grade, the garage level qualifies
as a basement per this definition.
Building Height Qualifications:
1. IBC Chapter 2 Building Height Definition:
The vertical dista nce from the grade plane to the average height
of the highest roof surface.
The building height is 58.5 feet per this definition (measured from
the grade plane to the average height of the highest pitched
2. Deer Park Zoning Building Height Definition:
The vertical distance measured from the natural ground elevation
a t the middle of the building or the average elevation between
the two front corners of the building, to the highest point of a flat
roof and the mean height level between eaves and the ridge of a
gable, hip, or gambrel roof. "Towers" are excluded.
The average elevation between the two front corners of the
building is three feet below the first floor. From this elevation to
the mean height level between the eaves and the ridge, the
building height is 56.83 feet.
In accordance with both the IBC and Deer Park Zoning definitions, the
garage level qualifies as a basement, and the building height is less than
the 60 foot height that is allowable.
Area Increase - Building Frontage:
Where a building has more than 25% of its perimeter on a public way or
open space having a width of not less than 20 feet, the frontage increase
shall be determined by the following equation:
I= [F/P - 0.25] W/30
I= [932/932 - 0.25] 30/30 = [1 - 0.25] 1 = 0.75 (75% increase)
12,000 sf x .75 = 9,000 sf increase
12,000 sf+ 9,000 sf = 21,000 sf Allowable
40,000 sf (Area increase not a llowed per DPFC)
R-2 Proposed Building Area= 19,977 sf per story- OK
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10100 ORLAND PARKWAY, SUITE 110, ORLAND PARK, ll 60467 - P: 708.799.4400, F: 708.799.4434 -
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Special Provisions
Horizontal Building Separation Allowance:
A building shall be considered as separate and distinct buildings for the
purpose of determining area limitations, continuity of fire walls, limitation of
number of stories and type of construction where all of the following
conditions are met:
1. The buildings are separated by a horizontal assembly having a fire
resistance rating of not less than three hours.
A three hour fire rated precast concrete slab assembly will be
2. The building below the horizontal assembly is not greater than one
story above the grade plane.
The building below the horizontal assembly is below the grade
3. The building below the horizontal assembly is of Type 1A construction.
Per Section 611.1.2 of the Deer Park Fire Code, any underground
parking structure shall require Type I construction.
4. Shaft, stair, and elevator enclosures through the horizontal assembly
shall have not less than a 2-hour fire-resistance rating with opening
protectives in accordance with Section 716.5.
Shaft, stair, and elevator enclosures will be 2-hour fire-resistance
5. The building above the horizontal assembly shall be permitted to have
Group R occupancies.
The building above the horizontal assembly is Group R-2.
6. The building below the horizontal assembly shall be protected
throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in
accordance with NFPA 13 and shall be permitted to be an S-2
The building below the horizontal assembly is a Group S-2 parking
7. The maximum building height in feet shall not exceed the limits set
forth in Section 503 for the building having the smaller allowable height
as measured from the grade plane.
The building height of 58.5 feet is less than the allowable height of
60 feet.
By meeting all of the above criteria, the building may be classified as two
separate and distinct buildings for the purpose of determining building
area. The horizontal building separation assembly will be 3-Hour fireresistance rated.
Single Occupancy Building Area Determination (Basements excluded):
For buildings w ith more than one story above the grade plane, the actual
aggregate building area a t all stories in the building shall not exceed the
total allowable building area.
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10100 ORLAND PARKWAY, SUITE 110, ORLAND PARK, IL 60467-P: 708.799.4400, F: 708.799.4434 -
P&Z 12 07 2015
506.4. l (Exception): The maximum area of a building equipped throughout
with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with N FP A l 3R shall be
determined by multiplying the allowable area per story as determined in
Section 506.1, by the number of stories above the grade p lane.
21,000 s.f. x 4 Stories = 84,000 s.f. Allowable (R-2) Building Area
19, 977 s.f. x 4 stories= 79, 908 s.f. Actual Building Area - OK
Fire Resistance Ratings - R-2 (Apartments) - Type VA Construction
Table 601
Primary Structural Frame
Exterior Bearing Walls
Interior Bearing Walls
Exterior Non-Bearing Walls
1 Hour
1 Hour Min
1 Hour
O Hour (Per Table 602, > 30 foot fire
separation distance)
O Hour
1 Hour
1 hour
1 Hour vertical and Horizontal between
each individual dwelling unit
Interior Non-Bearing Walls
Floor Construction
Roof Construction
Table 601 DP Tenant Dwelling Separations
Fire Resistance Ratings - S-2 (Parking Garage) - Type 1A Construction
Table 601
Primary Structural Frame
3 Hour per Special Provision
Section 510.2
Exterior Bearing Walls
3 Hour per Special Provision
Section 510.2
3 Hour per Special Provision
Interior Bearing Walls
Section 510.2
O Hour (Per Table 602, > 30 foot fire
Exterior Non-Bearing Walls
separation distance)
O Hour
Interior Non-Bearing Walls
2 Hour
Floor Construction
1-1/2 hour (Not applicable)
Roof Construction
Automatic Sprinkler System
Automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed as follows:
3002.4 DP
One elevator in new buildings must be minimum 2500 pounds and sized
for a 24" x 84" stretcher with not less than 5 inch radius corners in the
horizontal open position. Such elevator shall be identified by the
international symbol for emergency medical services (star of life). The
symbol shall not be less than 3 inches high and shall be placed inside of
both sides of the elevator's hoist way doorframe.
A 3500 pound elevator is proposed for the building.
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10100 ORLAND PARKWAY, SUITE 110, ORLAND PARK, IL 60467-P: 708.799.4400, F: 708.799.4434 ·
P&Z 12 07 2015
Deer Park Fire Code (Amendments to 2012 International Fire Code)
61 1. l. l DP
Parking Structure Suppression System - All below grade parking structures
shall be provided with a dry automatic fire suppression system meeting
Area Limitation and Construction Type - Any underground parking
structure shall be limited in area to 40,000 sf per level without 4-Hour fire
separation. Any underground parking structure shall require Type I
Standpipes - A dry Class I standpipe system shall be provided in any
parking structure. All piping shall be corrosion resistant. Each standpipe
connection shall be placed in an approved standardized location with
each connection being no greater than 250 feet from another
Ventilation fans - An approved PPV fan shall be provided in a clearly
labeled cabinet or closet.
611. l.5
Corrosion resistant piping - All piping (sprinkler, standpipe, drainage,
electrical conduit) shall be corrosion-resistant.
Mechanical above-grade - No sprinkler, alarm, mechanical. electrical
rooms or equipment shall be located below-grade.
Elevators - All e levator cars should be sized to allow access by a cot 24
inches by 84 inches. All other requirements of Deer Park Municipal code
for Elevators (3-2-5) shall be followed. Additional ingress/egress doors or
stairs or elevators may be required beyond what the minimum standards
of the code require.
Emergency call system - An approved Emergency Assistance Call system
shall be required.
Signs - Reflective "street signs" shall be provided near each ingress/egress
point in the structure to indicate which street or streets the ingress/egress
point is adjacent,
Haz-Mat equipment - Spill kit cabinets and approved supplies shall be
provided to mitigate fuel leaks.
Storage closets - All below-grade parking structures shall provide a closet
on each level for each fire area of 40,000 square feet at one approved
ingress/egress point with an interior d imension of 50 square feet with any
dimension not less than five feet that shall be used to store equipment
and supplies essential to fire protection or emergency manage ment.
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10100 ORLAND PARKWAY, SUITE 110, ORLAND PARK, IL 60467 - P: 708.799.4400, F: 708.799.4434 •
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Apartment Lease Contract
Date of Lease Contract:
November 18 , 2015
(when this Lease Contract is filled out)
H,is is n bi11di11g contract. H..eatl carefully before signing.
Moving In ·· General Information
PARTIES. This Lease Contract is between you, the rcsidcnt(s) (list 11ll
Prorated rent of$
people sig11ing Ifie Lease Contmcl):
CJ 1st month or Cl 2nd month, on
, ~~~-~
(yl't1r). Otherwi~l', you mrtsf 1.x1y yoflr rent on or before file 1st tiny of ead,
month (due d,,te) will, no gmcc peri()(f. Cnsli is unaccepfnble without our prior
written permission. You must not will1lwld or offset renl unless n11U1orized by
statute. We may, at our option, require at ;iny time that you pay ;ii\ rent
and other sums in cash, certified or cashier's check, money order, or one
monthly check rather than multiple checks. If you don't pay all rent on
or before the
day of the month, you'll pay a late charge of
$ 50. 00
per month as additional rent until paid in full. You'll
also pay a cha rge of $
50 . 00
for each returned chPck or
rejected electronic payment as additional rent, plus late charges from
due date u ntil we r<.->Ceivc acceptable payment. If you don't pay rent on
time, you'll be delinquent and all remedies under this Lease Contract
will be authorized.
and us, the owner:
RHR Oaks of Vernon Hills , LLC
(name of nJX1rlme11f community or title holder). You've agreed to rent
Apartment No.
, at
103 Oak Leaf Lane
= - - ---=-.----.-.----- - - - - - - - -- - - - (streel atldrc:s:;) in
Vernon Hills
(city), Illinois,
(zip C(){fe) for use as a private residence only. The
terms "you" and "your" refer to all residents listed above. The terms
"we/ "us," and "our" refer to the owner listed above {or any of owner's
successors' in interest, agents, or assigns). Written nohce to or from our
manngerS constitutes notice to or from us. If anyone else has
guaranteed performance of this Lease Contract, a separate Lease
Contract Guaranty for each guarantor is attached.
CJ gas O electricity O master antenna
wastewater O trash O cable TV D othN_ _ _ _ _ __
You'll pay for a ll other utilities, related deposits, and any charges, fees,
or services on such utilities. You must not allow utilities to be
disconnected for any reason--including disconnection for not paying
your bills until the lease term o r renewal period ends. Cable channels
that are provided may be changed during the Lease Contract tern, if the
change applies to all residents. Utilities may be used only for normal
household purposes and must not be wasted. If your electricity is ever
interrupted, you must use only battery-powered lighting. If any
utilities are submetered for the apartment or prorated by an allocation
formula, we will attach an addendum to this Lease Contract in
compliance with state agency rules or city ordinance. lf u tilities are
prorated by an allocation formula, we will follow the procedures of the
applicable law.
OCCUPANTS. The apartment will be occupied only by you and (list all
otlter occttpnnts not signing the Lea~e Contrnct):
LEASE TERM. The initial term of the Lease Contract begins on the
_ _ _ day of
, _ _ _ (year), and ends at
midnight the _ __ day of
, _ _ _ _ (year).
UTILITIES. We'll pay for the following items, if checked:
No one e lse may occupy the apartment. Persons not listed above must
not stay i n the apartment for more than
10 consecutive days without
our prior written consent, and no more thrm twice that many days in any
one month. If tlrt• prez1ioll$ space isn't filled i11, two days per mo11tli is tlte limit.
is due for the remainder of [check one}:
This Lease Contract will automatically
renew month-to-month unless either
party gives at least ~ days written
notice of termination or intent to
move-out as required by paragraph 35.
INSURANCE. We do not m;iintain insur.tnce to cover your personal
property or personal injury. We arc not responsible to a ny resident, guest,
o r occupant for damage or loss of personal property or personal injury
from (including bu t not limited to) fire, smoke, rain, flood, water and pipe
leaks, hail, ice, snow, lightning. wind, explosions, earthquake, interruption
of utilities, theft, hurricane, negligence of other residents, occupants, or
invited/ uninvited guests or vandalism unless otherwise requirt."<l by Jaw.
We urge you to get your own insurance for losses to your personal
property or injuries due to theft, fire, water Jamag\!, pipe leaks and the like.
If U1e number of tlnys isn't filletl in, at least 30 days notice is required.
SECURITY DEPOSIT. Unless modified by addenda, the total security
deposit at the time of execution of this Lease Contract for all residents in
the apartme nt is $. 250. 00
, due on or before the date this Lease
Contract is signed.
KEYS AND FURNITURE. You wi ll be provided _ _2_ _ apartment
mailbox key(s), and
other access devices
~ F ob
Your apartment will be /check one}
CJ furnis hed or XI unfurnished.
RENT AND CHARGES. Unless modified by addenda, you will pay
per month for rL"nt, p<wable in advance and without
demand on or before the first day of every month:
XI at the on-site mnnager's office, or
XI at our online payment site, or
.ID at On-Line~ - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -
Additionally, you are [check vne/ !XI required to purchase personal liability
insurance D not required to purchase personal liability insurance. If
no box is checked, personal lii\bility insurance is not required. If
required, failure to maintain personal liability insurance is an incurable
breach of this Lease Contract and may result in the termination of
tenancy and eviction and/or any other remedies as provided by this
Lease Contract or state law.
NO ALTERATIONS. You shall not make any alterations to the
premises nor install any appliances, locks o r other equipment of any
kind w ithout our prior written consent.
Payment for Rekeying, Repairs, Etc. You must pay for all repairs or
replacements arising from misuse or damage to devices by you or your
family, occupants, or guests during your occupancy. You may be
required to pay in advance if we notify you within a reasonable time
after your request that you are more than 30 days delinquent in
reimbursing us for repairing or replacing a device which was misused
or damaged by you, your guest or an occupant; or if you have
requested that we repair, install, change or rekey the same device
during the 30 days preceding your request and we h;ive complied with
your request.
Special Provisions and "What If" Oauses
10. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions and any
addenda or written rules furnished to you at or before signing beco me a
part of this Lease Contract and will supersede any conflicting provisions
of this pri nted Lease Contract form.
See special p~oyisions o n the last page
the apartment community due to a violtttion of the Lease Contract or
rules, improper use, negligence, or intentio nal conduct by you or yo ur
invitees, guests or occupants. Unless the damage or wastewater
st·oppage is due lo our negligence, we're not liable for--and you must
pay for--repairs, replacement c:osts, and damage to the follo,ving if
occurring during the Lease Contract term o r renewal Eeriod: (1)
damage lo doors, windows, or screens; (2) damage from windows or
doors left open; and (3) damage from wastewater stopeges caused by
improper ob jects in lines exclusively servi.n~P.artme~ We may
require payment at any time, including advance payment of repairs for
which you're liable. Delay in demanding sums you owe is not c1 waiver.
See any additional special provisio ns.
11. DAMAGES AND REIMBURSEMENT. You must promptly reimburse
us for loss, damage, government fines, or cost of repairs or service in
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"Apartment" excludes common areas but includes interior living areas
and exterior patios, balconies, a lfachcd garages, and s torerooms for
your exclusive use.
13. FAILING TO PAY FIRST MONTH'S RENT. If you don't pay the
first month's rent when or before the Lease Contract begins, all future
rent will be immediately due. We also may end your right of occupancy
and recover damages, future rent, attorney's fees, cou rt costs, and other
lawful charges as provided by law, court rules, statute or ordinance.
Our rights and remedies under paragraph 31 c1pply to ricccleration
under this paragraph.
force subject to: (1) abatement o f rent on a daily basis during delny; and
(2) your right tu terminate as set forth below. Termination notice must
be in writing. After termination, you are entitled only to refund of
deposit(s) and any rent paid. Rent abateme nt or Lease Contract
termination docs not apply if delay is for clet1ning or rept1irs thi1.t don't
prevent you from occupying the apartment.
If the re is a delay and we haven't given notice of d elay as set forth
immediately below, you may terminate up to the date when the
apartment is ready for occupancy, but not later.
(1) If we give written notice to any of you when or nftcr the initii1.I term
as set forth in Paragraph 3--and the notice states thi'lt occupancy has
been d elayed because of construction or a previous resident's
holding over, and that the apartment will be ready on a spcdfic
date--you may tenninate the Lease Contract within 3 days of your
receiving the notice, but not later.
increases or Lease Contr.ict changes arc allowed before the initial Lease
Contract term ends, except for ch,mgcs allowed by any special
provisions in paragraph 10, by a written addendum or amendment
signed by you and us, or by reasonable changes of apartment rules
allowed under parngraph 17. If, at least 5 days before the advance
notice period referred to in parngraph 3, we give you written notice of
rent increases o r Lease Contract changes effective when the Lease
Contract term or renewal period ends, this Lease Contract will
automatically continue month-to-month with the increased rent or
Lease Contract changes. The new modified Lease Contract will begin
on the date stated in the notice (withou t necessity of your signature)
unless you give us written move-out notice under paragraph 35.
(2) If we give written notice to cmy of you before the initial term as set
forth in Paragraph 3 and the notice states that construction delay i s
expected and that the apartment will be ready for you to occupy on
a specific date, you may terminate the Lease Contract within 7 days
after any of you receives written notice, but not later. The readiness
date is considered the new initial tem1 as set forth in Paragraph 3
for all purposes. This new date may not be moved to an earlier date
unless we and you agree.
15. DELAY OF OCCUPANCY. If occupancy is or will be delayed for
construction, repairs, ck·aning, or a previous resident's holding over,
we're not responsible for the delay. The Lease Contract will remain in
16. DISCLOSURE RIGHTS. If someone requests informahon on you or
your rental his tory for law-enforcement, governmental, or business
purposes, we may provide it.
While You're Living in the Apartment
17. COMMUNITY POLICIES OR RULES. You and all guests and
occupants mllst comply with any written apartrncnt rules and
community policies, including instructions for cMe of our property. Our
rules are considered part of this Lease Contrnct. We may make
reasonable changes to written rules, effective immediately, if they arc
distributed and applicable to all units in the apartment community and
d o not change dollar arnounts on page 1 of this Lease Contract.
18. LIMITATIONS ON CONDUCT. The apartment anJ other areas
reserved for your priv.ite use must be kept clean. Trash must be
disposed of at least w eekly in appropriate receptacles and you must
comply with local ordinances. Passageways may be used only for entry
or exit. Any swimming pools,, spas, tanning beds, exercise rooms,
storerooms, laundry rooms, and similar areas must be used with care in
accordance with apartment rules and posted signs. Glass containers nrc
prohibited in or near pools and all common areas. You, your occupants,
or guests mily not any,.vhcre in the apartment community: use candles or
use kerosene lamps without our prior written approval; cook on balconies
o r outside; or solicit business or contributions. Conducting any kind of
business (including child care services) in your aparhnent or in the
apartment community is prohibited--except that any lawful business
conducted ...,t home" by computer, mnil, or telephone is pcrmi:;:;iblc if
cus tomers, clients, patients, or other business assoc:iates do not come to
your apartment for business purposes. We may regulate: (1) the use of
patios, balconies, a nd porches; (2) the conduct of furniture movers anJ
d elivery persons; and (3) recreational activities in common areas.
We may exclude from the apt1rtmcnt community guests or others who,
in our judgment, have been violating the law, violt1ting this Lease
Contract or any apartment rules, or disturbing other residents,
neighbors, visitors, or owner representatives. We may also exclude
from any outside area or common area a perSon who refuses to show
photo identification o r refuses to identify himself or herself as a
resident, occupant, o r guest of a specific resident in the community. If
you allow zin excluded perso n onto the property it is grounds for
termination of your lease.
You agree to notify us if you or a ny occupants are convicted of any felony,
or misdemeanor invo lving a controlled substance, violence to another
perso n or destruction of property. You also agree to notify us if you or any
occupant registers as a sex offender in any sta te. Informing us of criminal
convictions or sex offender registry docs not waive our right lo evict you.
19. PROHIBITED CONDUCT. You and your occupants or guests may nol
engage in the following activities: behaving in a loud or obnoxious
m,,nner; disturbing or thre."ltening the rights, comfort, health, safety, or
convenience of others (including our agents and employees) in o r near the
apartment community; disrupting our business operntions; manufactu ring..
delivering.. possessing with intent to deliver, or olheI'\ViSe possessing a
co ntrolled substance or drug paraphernalia; engaging in or threatening
violence; possessing a w eapon prohibited by s tate law; discharging a
fin::arn, in the t1p.1rtment community; displaying or possessing a gun, knife,
or other weapon in the common a rea in a way tha t may disturb o ther
people; storing anything in closets having gas appliances; tampering with
utilities or tclcconimunications; bringing ha:i:i1.rdous materials into the
apartment community; or injuring our reputation by making bad faith
allegations against us to o thers. You arc responsible for the conduct of
your occupants a nd guests. You nor any people living with you ur visiting
you shall have been convicted of a crime rela ting to illegal sexual conduct
nor shall be a regis tered sex offender in any slate.
20. PARKlNG. We may regulate the time, 1nanner, and place of parking all
cars, trucks, tnotorcydes, bicycles, boats, trailers, and rccrcc1tionol
vehicles. Motorcycles or motorized bikes may not be parked inside an
apartm ent unit or on sidewalks, under stairwells, or in handicapped
parking areas. We may have unautho rized or illegally parked vehicles
towed under an appropriate law. A vehicle is unnuthorizcd o r illeg ally
parked in the apartment community if it:
has a flat tire or other condition rendering it inoperable; or
is on jacks, blocks or has whed(s) missing; or
has no current license or no curnmt in~p(x tion s ticker; or
(1 0)
takes up more than one parking space; or
belongs to a resident or occupant who has surrendered or
abandont!d the apartment; or
is parked in a marked handicap space without the legally required
handicap insignia; or
is parkt..>d in a space marked for manager, staff, or guest at the
office; or
blocks another vehicle from exihng; or
is parked in a fire lane o r designated "no parking~ area; or
is parked in a space marked for other resident(s) or unit(s}; or
is parked on the grass, sidewalk, or paho; or
blocks garbage trucks from access to a dumpster.
21. RELEASE OF RESIDENT. Unless you're enhtled to terminate this
Lease Contract under paragraphs 101 151 22, 35, or pu rsuant to statute or
ordinance, you won't be released from this Lease Contract for any
reason--induding but not limited to voluntary or involuntary school
withdrawal or transfer, voluntary o r involuntary job transfer, marriage,
separation, divorce, reconciliation, loss of co-residents, loss of
employment, bad health, or death.
22. MILITARY PERSONNEL CLAUSE. You may terminate the Lease
Contract if you enlist or are drafted or commissioned and on active duty
in the U.S. Armed forces. You also may terminate the Lease Contract if:
you are (i} a member of the U.S. Am1ed Forces or reserves on
active duty or (ii) a member of the National Guard called to active
duty for more than 30 days in response to a national emergency
dedt1rcd by the President; and
you (i) receive orders for permanent change-of-st<1tion, (H) receive
orders to deploy with a military unit or as an individual in
support of a military operation for 90 days o r more, or (iii) :r,rc
relieved or released from active duty.
After you deliver to us your written termination notice, the Lease
Contract will be t·e rminated under this military clause 30 days after the
date on which your next rental payment is due. You must furnish us a
copy of your military orders, such as permanent changc-of-st'ation
orders, call-u p orders, or deployment orders or written notification from
your commanding officer. Military permission for base housing does
not constitute change-of-s tation order. After you move out, we'll return
your security deposit, less lawful deductions. For the purposes of thi~
Leas(' Contract, orders described in (2) above will only release the
resident who qualifies under (1) <1nd (2) above and receives the orders
during the Lease Contract term and such resident's spouse or legal
dependents living in the resident's household. A co-resident who is not
your spouse or dependent cannot terminilte under this military clause.
Unless you state otherwise in paragraph 10, you re present when signing
this Lease Contract that: (1) you do not already have deployment or
change-of-station orders; (2) you will not be retiring from the military
during the Lease Contract· term; and (3) the term of your enlistment or
obligation will not end before the Lease Contract lerm ends. Even if you
are entitled to terminate this Lease Contract under this paragraph,
liquidated damages for maki ng a false representation of the ilhovc will be
the amount of unpaid rent for the remainder of the lease term when anJ
if you move out, less rents from others received in mitigation unde r
part1grnph 31. You must immediately notify us if you are called to active
duty or receive deployment or permanent change-of-station orders.
23. RESIDENT SAFETY AND PROPERTY LOSS. You and all occu pants
and guests must exercise due care for your own and o thers' safety and
security, especially in the use of smoke dch..'CtorS, keyed deadbolt locks,
window lcitchcs, anJ other safety o r security devices.
Smoke Detectors. We'll furnish smoke detectors as required by statute,
and w e'll test them and provide w orking batteries when you fi rst take
possession. Afl'cr tha t, you mus t pay for and replace batteries as
needed, unless the law provides otherwise. We may replace dead or
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missing batteries at your expense, without prior nohcc to you. You
must immcdi,,tcly report smoke detector malfunctions to us in
writing.Neither you nor others may disable smoke detectors. If you
damagt! or disable the smoke detector or remove a battery w itho ut
replacing it with a working battery, you may be liable to u~ for actual
dam.igcs and attorney's foes. If you disable or damage the smoke
detector, o r fail to replace a dead battery or report malfunctions to us,
you may be liable to us and others for ,my loss, damage, o r fines from
fire, sm oke, or water and you may be in violation of Illinois law.
Casualty Loss. We're not liable to ilny resident,, or occupa nt for
personal injury or damage or loss of personal property from any cause,
including but not limited to: fire, smoke, rain, flood, water and pipe leaks,
hail, kc, snow, lightning, wind. explosions, interruption of utilities, theft, o r
vandalism unless otherwise re1.J_uired by law. We have no duty to remove
any ice, sleet, o r s no w but may remove a ny amount with or without notice.
Unless we instruct otherwise, you must--for24 hours a day during freezing
weather--(1) keep the apartment heated to at least SO degrees; (2) keep
cabinet and closet doorS open; and (3) drip hot and cold water faucets.
You'll b(' liable for Jamage to our and others' property if damage is caused
by broken water pipes <lue to your violating these requirements. If you ask
our representatives to perform services not contemplated in this Lease
Contrnct, you will indemnify us and hold us harmless from all liability for
these services to the extent allowed by applicable law.
Crime or Emergency.
Dial 911 or immediately call local medical
emergency, fire, o r police personnel in case of accident, fire, smoke,
suspected criminal activity, or o ther emergency involving imminent
ham,. You should then contact our representative. You won't treat any
of our security measures as an express or implied warranty of security,
or as a guarantee against crime or of reduced risk of crime. Unless
otherwise provided by law, we're no t liable to you or nny guests or
occupants for injury, damage, or loss to person or property caused by
criminal conduct of other persons, including theft, burglary, assault,
vandalism, o r other crimes. We're not obliged to furnish security
perSonnel, security lighting, security gatt..>s o r fences, or other forms of
security unless required by statute. We're not responsible for obtaining
criminal-history checks on any residents, occupants, guests, or
contractors in the apartment community. If you o r any occupant o r
guest is affected by a crime, you must make a written report to our
representative and to the appropriate local law-enforcement agency.
You also must notify us and furnish us with the lnw-cnforcem ent
agency's incident report number upon request.
Our complying with o r responding to any oral request regarding
security o r non-security ,natters doesn't waive the strict requirement for
written notices under this Lease Contrnct. You must promptly notify us
in writing of: water leaks; elL>ctrical problems; malfunctioning lights;
broken or missing locks or latches; and other conditions that pose a
hazard to property, health, or safety. We may change or install utility
lines or equipment serving the apartment if the work is done reasonably
without substantially increasing your utility costs. We may turn off
equipment and interrupt utilities as needed to avoid property damage
or to perfom1 work. If utilities malfunction or are damaged by fire,
water, or similM cause, you must notify our representative
immediately. Air conditioning problems are not emergencies. If air
conditioning or other equipment malfunctions, you must notify our
representntive as soon as possible on a business day. We'll ad with
customary diligence to m ake repairs and reconnectio ns, taking into
consideration when casualty insurance proceeds arc received. Rent will
not abate in whole or in part unless authorized under Illinois law.
If we believe that fire or catastrophic damage is substantial, or that
performance of needed re pairs poses a danger to you, we may
terminate this Lense Contract within a reasonable time by giving you
written notice. If the Lease Contract is so terminated, we'll refund
prorated rent and all deposits, less lawful deductions.
26. ANIMALS. No animals (including mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, roder1t:-,
and insect:;) are allowetl, even tempomrily, anywhere in the apartmenl or
aparlmenl community unless we've so a11thoriu1( ht writing. If we allow an
animal, you must sign a separate animnl addendum, w hich may req uire
additional deposits, rents, fees or other charges. An animal deposit is
considered a general security deposit. You must remove an illegal
animal within 24 hours of notice from us, or you will be considered in
default of this Lease Contract. We will authorize a support animal for a
disabled person. We may require a written statement from a qualified
professional verifying the need for the s upport anim.ll. Yo u must not
feed stray or wild animals.
If you o r any guest or occupant violates animal restrictions (with or
w ithout you r knowledge), you'll be subject to charges, damages,
eviction, and other remedies provided in this Le.1se Contract. If an
animal has been in the api'lrtment at any time during your tern1 of
occupancy (with or without o ur consent), w e'll charge you for defleaing,
deodorizing, and shampooing, if we deem it n1.:.'Cessary.
27. WHEN WE MAY ENTER. If you or any guest or occupant is present,
the apartment, fixtures, and furniture as is, except for conditions
materially affecting the henlth or safety of ordinary persons. You will
be given nn Inventory and Condition form on o r before move-in. You
must sign and note on the form all dcft.'Cts or damage and return it to
our representative. Otherwise, cvt:"rything will be considered to be in a
clean, safe, and good working condition.
You must use customary diligence in maintaining the api'lrtment and
not damaging or littering the common are<1s. Unless authorized by
statute or by us in writing, you must not perform any repairs, painting.
w«Jlpapering, carpeting. electrical changes, or otherwise alter ou r
property. No holes o r stickers arc allowed inside or outside the
apartment. But we'll permit a reasonable number of small nail holes for
hanging pictures on sheetrock walls and in grooves of wood-paneled
walls, unless our rules state otherwise. No water furniture, washing
machines, additional phone or TV-cable outlets, alann systems, or lock
changes, additions, or rekeying is permitted unless statutorily allowed
or we've consented in writing. You may instnll a satellite dish or
antenna provided you sign our satellite dish or antenna lease
addendum which complies with reasonable restrictions allowed by
federal law. You agree not to alter, damage, or remove our property,
including ali"lnn systems, smoke detectors, furniture, telephone and
cable TV wiring, screens, locks, and security devices. When you move
in, we'll s upply light bulbs for fixtures we furnish, including exterior
fixtures operated from inside the apartment; after that, you'll replace
them at your expense with bulbs of the same type and wattage. Your
improvements to the apartment (whether or not we consent) become
ours unless we agree otherwise in w riting.
of fire, smoke, gns, explosion, overflowing sewage, uncontrolloble
running w ater, electrirnl shorts, or crime in p rogress). Our written
notes on your om! request do no t constitute a written request from you.
then repairers, servicers, contractors, our representatives, or other
persons listed in (2) below may peacefully e nter the apartment at
reasonable times for the purpos,,;; listed in (2) below. If nobody is in the
apartment, then such persons m ay enter peacefully and at reasonable
times by duplicate o r master key if:
(1) written notice of the entry is left in a conspicuous place in the
npartment immediately after the entry; and
(2) entry is for: responding to your request; making repnirs or
replacements; estimating repair or refurbishing costs; pcrfom1ing
pt!St control; doing preventive maintenance; changing filters; testing
or replacing: smoke-detector batteries; preventing waste of utilities;
leaving notices; delivering. installing, reconnecting, or replacing
appliances, fu rniture, eyuipment, or security devices; removing
unau thorized security devices; stopping excessive noise; removing
health or safety hazards .(including l1a7;trdous materinls); removing
perishable foodstuffs if your electricity is disconnected; inspecting
when in1ml'Oiate danger to person o r property is reasonably
suspected; allowing persons to enter as you authorized in your
rental application (if you die, arc incarcerated, etc.); allowing entry
by a law officer with a search or arrest warrant, or in hot pursuit;
showing apartment to prospective residents (after move-out o r
vnc;ite notice has been given); o r showing the apartment to
government inspectors, fire marshals, lenders, appraisers,
contractors, prospective buyers, or insurance agents.
28. MULTIPLE RESIDENTS OR OCCUPANTS. Each resident is jointly
and severally liable for all Lease Contract obligations. If you or any
guest or occupant violates the Lease Contract or rules, alt residents are
considered to have violated the Lease Contract. Our reyuests and
notices (including sale notices) to any resident constitute notice to all
residents and occupants. Notices and requests from any resident or
occupant (including notices of Lease Contract t'-!rmination, repair
requests, and entry permissions) constitute notice from all residents. In
eviction suits, each resident is considered the ngent of all other residents
in the apartn-1ent for service of process. Security deposit refunds may
be by one check jointly payable to all residents; the check and any
deduction itemizations may be mailed to o ne resident only.
29. REPLACEMENTS AND SUBLETIING. Replacing a resident, subletting, or assignment is allowed only when we consent in wrilins. To the
extent allowed by law, we may charge a subletting fee. If departing or
remaining residents find a replacement resident acceptable to us before
moving out and we expressly consent to the replacement, subletting, or
assignment, then:
(1) an administrntive (pnperwork) and/or transfer foe will be due; and
(2) you will remain liable for all Lease Contract oblig;itions for the rest
of the original Lease Con tract tcnn.
Procedures for Replacement. If we approve a replacement resident,
then, nt our option: (1) the replacement resident must sign this Lease
Contract w ith or w ithout an increase in the total security deposit; or (2)
the remaining and replacement residents must sign an entirely new
Lease Contract. Unless we agree o therwise in wri ting, your security
deposit will automaticnlly transfer to the replacement resident as of the
date we approve. The d eparting resident will no longer have a right to
occupancy or a security deposit refund, but w ill remain h;iblc for the
remainder of the original Lease Contract term unless we agree
otherwise in writing--even if a new Lease Contract is signed.
Responsibilities of Owner and Resident
30. RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNER. We'll act w ith customary diligence
(1) keep common a reas reasonably clean, subject to parngraph 24;
(2) maintain fixtures, furniture, hot water, heating and A/C c1.1uipment;
(3) substantially comply with applicable fed eral, state, and local laws
regarding s..1.fety, sanitation, nnd fair housing; and
(4) make all reaso1l,1ble repairs, subject to your obligation to pay for
damages for which you nrc liable.
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31. D EFAULT BY RESIDENT. You'll be in default if you or any guest or
occupant violates ;my terms of this Lease Contract including but not
limited to the following violations: (1) you Jon't pay rent or other
amounts that you owe when due; 2) you move out before your kase
expires without paying rent through the end of the lease term or renewal
period; {3) you foil to give written move.out notice «s requ ired by
Parngrnph 22 or 35; (4) you or any guest· or occupnnt violates the
apartment rules, or fire, safety, health, or laws, reg,ndlcss of
whether or where arrest or conviction occurs; (5) you nbandon the
apartment; (6) you give incorrect or false answers in ,l rental application;
(7) you or a ny occupa nt is a rrested, convicted, or given deferred
aJjudic1ltion for a felony offense involving actual or potential physical
harm to a person, or involving possession, manufacture, or delivery of a
controlled substance, marijuana, or drug paraphernalia, or illegal sexual
activity; (8) any illegal drugs, illegal wen.pons, o r drug paraphernalit1 a rc
found in your apartment; or (9) you or any guest or occupnn t engages in
any of the prohibited conduct described in Paragraph 19. We will
mitigate our dnmages to the extent rl-,quired by Illinois law.
Notice. If you or any other residents or occupnnts, on one or more
occasions, uses or permits the use of the apartm ent or lc<1sed premises
for the commission of n felony or class A misdemeanor under the laws
of this state, we shall have the right to void the lease and recover the
apartment and leased premises.
Eviction. If you default due to non-payment of rent, we may end your
right o f occupancy by giving you a five-day or ten-day w ritten notice to
vacate. If you default by breaching the lease for reasons other them
non-payment of rent, we may end your right of occupancy by giving
you ten days' written notice to vacate.
Notice may be served by: (1) certified or registered mai l, return receipt
requested--the mailing of same shall constitute delivery; or (2) personal
d elivery at the apartment to any occupant over 12 years o ld, or if no one
answers the door, by posting the notice on you r door. Term ination of
your possession rights o r subsequent reletting doesn't release you from
liability for future rent or other Lease Contract obligations. After giving
notice to vacate or filing an eviction suit, we may s till accept rent or
other sums due; the filing or acceptance doesn't waive or d iminish our
right of eviction, or a ny other contractual o r statutory right. Accepting
money a t any time doesn't waive our right to damagc5, or past or future
rent or other sums.
Accele ration. All monthly rent for the rest of the Lease Contract term
or renewal period will be accelerated auto1natically without notice or
demand (before or afl'cr acceleration) and will be immediately due and
delinquent if, without our written consent: (1) you move out, remove
property in preparing to move out, or give o ral o r written notice (by
you or any <xcupant) of intent to move out before the Lease Contract
tenn or renewal period ends; anrl (2) you've not paid all rent for the
e ntire Lease Contract tem1 or renewal period. Such conduct is
considered a default for which we need not give you notice. Remaining
rent also will be <1ccelerated if you're judici<1lly evicted or move out
when we demt1nd because you've defaulted. Acceleration is subject to
our mitigation obligations.
Holdover. You or any occupant, invitee, o r guest must not hold over
beyond the date contained in your move-out notice or our notice to
vacate (or beyond a different move-out date agreed to by the parties in
writing). If a holdover occu rs, then: (1) holdover rent is d ue in advance
on a daily basis and may become delinquent w ithout notice o r demand;
(2) rent for the holdover period will be increased by 25% over the
then-existing rent, without notice; (3) you'll be liable to us for all rent for
the full term of the p reviously signed Lease Contract of a new resident
who can't occupy because of the holdover; and (4) if you fail to vacate
the apartment, and we accept subsequent rent, you will become a
month to month tenant.
Other Re med ies. We may report unpaid amounts to credit agencies. If
you default a nd move out early, you will pay us any amounts stated to
be rental discounts in paragraph 10, in addition to other sums due.
Upon your default, we have all other legal remedies, including Lease
Contract termination. Unless a party is seeking exemplary, p u nitive,
sentimental, o r personal-injury damages, the prevailing party may
recover from the non-prevailing party attorney's foes and all other
litigation costs. All unpaid amounts bear 18% interest per year from
due date, compounded annually. You must pay all collection-agency
fees if you fail to pay all sums due w ithin 10 days after we mail you a
letter demanding payment and stating that collection agency fees w ill
be added if you don't pay all s u ms by that deadline.
General Clauses
32. MISCELLANEOUS. Neither we nor any of our rl'pn~entntit,('S have made
any oral promises, representnlions, or agreement:,., Tizis Lease Contract is the
entirl' agreenll'11t between yo11 anti rrs 011r repn"Sentatives (incl11ding
mannsemenf personnel, employees, and agents) have no n11tlwrily lo wafoe,
nmt.>tul, or terminate this Lt"IISe Contract or any port of it, unless in writing,
nnd no nullroriiy to make promises, representations, or asreemmts that impose
security duties or other obligations on 1ts or our representatives tmless in
writing. No action or omission of our representative will be considered
a waiver of any subsequent violation, default, or time or place of
performance. Our not enforcing or belatedly enforcing written-notice
requirements, rental due dates, acceleration, liens, or other rights isn't a
waiver u nder any circumstances. Except when notice or demand is
required by statute, you waive any notice and demand for performance
from us if you default. Written notice to or from o ur managers
constitutes notice to or from us. Any person giving a notice under this
Lease Contract should retain a copy of the memo, letter, or fax that was
g iven. Fax signatures are binding. All notices must be signed.
Exercising one remedy won't constitute an election or waiver of other
remedies. Insurance subrogation is waiv1..>d by all parties. All remedies
arc cumulative. No employee, agent, or management company is
person.1Ily liable for any of our contrnctual, sti\tutory, or other
obligations merely by virtue of acting on our behalf. This Lease
Contmct binds subsequent owners. Neither .1n invalid clause nor the
omission of initials on any page invalidates this Lease Contract. All
notices and documents may be in English and, at our option, in any
language that you read o r speak. All provisions regarding our nonliability and non-duty apply to our employees, agents, and management
companies. This Lease Contrad is subordinate or superior to existing
and future n.>corded mortgages, at lender's option.
Cable channels thi'tt arc provided may be changed during the Lease
Con tract tern, if the change applies to all residents. Utilities may be
used only for normnl household purposes and must not be wasted. If
your electricity is ever interrupted, you must use only battery-operated
lighn ng.
All d iscretionary rights reserved for us within this Lease Contract or
any accompanying addenda are at our sole and absolute discretion.
Obliga tion to Vacate. Resident shall vacate the Premises and removal
all of Resident's personal property therefrom at the expiration of the
lease term without furthe r notice o r demand from Owner.
FO RCE MAJE URE: If we arc prevented from completing performances
of any obligation5 hereunder by nn act of Cod, strikes, epidemics, war,
acts of terrorism, riots, flood, fire, hurricane, tornado, sabotage, or other
occurrence which is beyond the con trol of the parties, then we shall be
excused from any further performance of obligations and undertakings
hereunder, to the full extent allowed unde r applicable law.
Furthermore, if such an event damages the property to materially affect
its habitability by some o r all residents, we reserve the right to vacate
a ny and all leases and you agree to excuse us from any further
performance of obliga tions and undertakings hereunder, to the full
extent allowed under applicable law.
33. PAYMENTS. Payment of all s ums is an independent covenant. At our
option and w ithout notice, we r;nay apply money received (other than
sale proceeds under parag·raph 12 or uhlity payments subject to
govcrnmentcll regulations) first to any of your u npaid obligations, then
to current rent-regardless of notations on checks or money orders and
regardless of when the obligations arose. All sums other than rent a re
due upon our demand . After the d ue date, we do not have to accept the
rent or ,my other payments.
34. ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP. We represent that either: (1) we or; (2)
the management company that represents us, is at the time of signing this
Lease Contract or a renewal of this Lease Contract, a member of both the
National Apartment Association and any affiliated state and local
apartment (multi-housing) associations for the area where the apartment
is located.
When Moving Ou t
35. MOVE-OUT NOTIC E. Defore moving out, you must give our
representative advance written move-ou t notice as provided below.
Your move-out notice will not release you from liclbi!ity for the full tern,
of the Lease Contract or renewal term. You will still be liable for the
entire Lease Contract term if you move out early (pa ragraph 21) except
under the military clause (paragraph 22). YOUR MOVE-OUT NOTICE
We must receive advance written notice of your move-out date.
The adv<1ncc notice must be at least the number of days of
notice required in paragraph 3. Oral move-out notice will not
be ncccph."Cl and will not terminate your Lease Contract.
Your move-out notice must not terminate the Lease Contract
sooner than the end of the Lease Contract term or renewal
WITH ALL OF THE ABOVE. Yo u must obtain from our representative
w ritten acknowledgment that w e rt->eeived your move-oul notice. If we
terminate the Lease Contract', we must give you the same advance
noticc--unless you are in default.
36. MOVE-OUT PROCEDURES. The move-ou t date can't be changed
unless we and you both agree in writing. You won't move out before
the Le<1se Contract term or rcnew,1! period ends u nless all rent for the
entire Lease Contrnct tern, or renewal period is paid in full. Early
move-out may result in acceleration of future rent under paragraph 31.
You're prohibited from a pplying any security deposit to rent. You won't
stay beyond the date you are supposed to move out. All residents,
guests, and occupants must vacate the apartment before the 30 day
period for deposit refund begins. You must give us and the U.S. Postal
Service, in writing, each resident's forwarding address.
37. CLEANING. You must thoroughly clean the apartment, including
doors, w indows, furniture, bathroo ms, kitchen appli<1nc1..>S, patios,
balconies, garages, carports, and storage rooms. You must follow
move-out cleaning instructions if they have been provided. If you don't
clean adequately, you'll be liable for reasonable cleaning charges.
1118201 521900 4 IL1 40 42200
0 2012, National Ap-,rtmenl Associ~tion, Inc. -5/2012, Illinois
Pa.l;C 4 of 5
P&Z 12 07 2015
38. MOVE-OUT (NSPECTION. You should meet with our representative
for a move-out inspection. Our representative has no authority to bind
or limit us regarding deductions for rcpriirs, damages, or charges. Any
statements or estimates by us or our reprcsent"tivc are subj1..-ct to our
correction, modific.ition, or disapproval before final refunding or
CHARGES. Intercst on your security deposit will be paid to you if
required by Illinois law or ordinance. You'll be liable for the following
charges, if applicable: unpaid rent; unpaid utilities; unreimbursed
service charges; repairs or dnmages caused by negligence, carelessness,
accident, or abuse, including stickers, scratches, tears, bums, stains, or
unapproved holes; replacement cost of our property that was in or
attached to the apartment and is m issing; replacing dead or missing
smoke-detector batteries; utilities for repairs or cleaning; trips to let in
company representatives to remove your telephone or TV cable services
or rental items (if you so request or have moved out); trips to open the
aparhncnt when you or any guest or occupant is missing a key;
unreturned keys; missing or burned-out light bulbs; removing or
rckcying um1u lhuriz.cU ~t:i.;urity ur c1.h1r111 ~y~lt:11l.'>,;
You'll be liable to us for: (1) charges for replacing all keys and access
devices reforenced in paragraph 5 if you foil to return them on or befort'
your actual move-out date; and (2) accelerated rent if you have violated
paragrilph 31.
40. DEPOSIT AND SURRENDER. We'll mail you your security deposit
refund including statutory interest (less lawful deductions) and an
itemized accounting, of any deductions along with copies of any
receipts, as provided by Illinois law.
You have surrendered the apartment when: (1} the move-out date has
passed and no one is living in the apartment in our reasonable
judgment; or (2) all apartment keys and access devices !isled in
paragraph 5 have been turned in where rent is paid--whichever date
occurs first.
Surrender, abandonment, or judicial eviction ends your right of
possession for all purposes c1nd gives us the immediate right to: clean
up, make repairs in, and rclct the apartment; determine any security
deposit deductions; and remove property left in the apmtment.
illcgnlly park(->d. vehicles; spt.'Cial trips for trash removal caused by
parked vehicles blocking dumpsters; false security-alarm charges unless
due to our negligence; animal-related charges under paragraph 26;
government fees or fines against us for violation (by you, your
occupants, or guests} of local ordinances relating to smoke detectors,
false alarms, recycling, or other matters; late-payment and
returned-check charges; a charge (not to exceed $100) for our time and
inconvenience in any valid eviction proceeding against you, plus
attorney's fees, court costs, and filing fees actually paid; and other sums
due under this Lease Contract.
Signatures, Originals and Attachments
41. ORIGINALS AND ATTACHMENTS. This Lease Contract has been
executed in multiple originals, each with original signatures--one for
you and one or more for us. Our rules and community policies, if any,
will be nttachcd to the Lease Contract and given to you at signing.
When an Inventory and Condition form is completed, both you and we
should retain a copy. The items checked below .ire attriched to this
Lease Contract rmd are binding even if not initialed or signed.
Name and address of locator sen1ice (if applicable)
Not Appli=
l ~e~ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ~
Residetttor Residents (all sisn below)
Animal Addendum
Inventory and Condition Form
Mold Addendum
Enclosed Ga.rage Addendum
Community Policies Addendum
D Lease Contract Guaranty ( _ _ guaranties, if more than one)
D Notice of Intent to Move Out Forni
O Parking Permit or Shcker (quantity.
O Satellite Dish or Antenna Addendum
D Asbestos Addendum (if risbestos is present)
Owner or Owner's Represett laliPe (signing on bl.'l,alf of owner)
Le.ld Hrtzard Inforn,"t-ion and Disclosure Addendum (foderal)
Utility Addendum
Remote Control, Card or Code Access Gate Addendum
Lease Contract 1.luy-Out Agreement
Intrusion Alarm Addendum
IC) Other
Exhibit A Lease Rider
O Other
Date fomr is filled out (~amens 011 top"/ JXISe 1)
A,fdress and phone 1mmberofowner's representative for notice purposes
103 Oak Leaf Lane
Vernon Hill s
(847) 821-2000
You are legally bound by this document. Please read it carefully.
Before submitting a rental application
or signing a Lease Contract, you may take a copy
of these documents to review and/or consult an attorney.
Additional provisions or changes may be made
in the Lease Contract if agreed to in writing by all parties.
SPECIAL PROVISIONS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE I). 1. See Lease Addendum for Rent Concessions or Other Rent
Discounts. 2. Resident a rees that residents damages for Owners breach of this Lease
Contract shall in no event be deducted from rent nor set off for
ur oses of determinin
whether an rent is due in a forcible detainer action brou ht on the basi s of unpaid rent .
Kinzie Real Estate Group, LLC
Ii) 2012,
Nalionc1l Apartment Association, Inc.
Illinois/National Apartment Associat·ion Official Form ,\-'12, May 20'12
P&Z 12 07 2015
l'as c 5 or 5
Additional Special Provisions
103 Oak Leaf Lane
(street address) in - - ---'V,_,e~r""n"'o"'n,.,___~H,,,i,,,l""l"'s'------ (city), Illinois, - - ~6~0~0~6~1~_ _ (zip code).
LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. Lease Contract date: November 18. 2015
Owner's Name: RHR Oaks of Vernon Hills LLC
Residents (list all residents):
Notwithstanding anything contained within paragraph 27 to the contrary, resident shall
permit the Owner access to the premises at all reasonable times, subject to the notice
requirements of applicable law or ordinance, to inspect the premises and/or to make any
necessary repairs, maintenance or improvements or supply necessary or agreed upon services ,
or to determine Owner's compliance with the provisions of this Lease Contract. At any time
within 90 days prior to the end of the Lease Term or renewal period, after a single general
written notice , Owner may as often as necessary show the premises for rent any day between
the hours of 9 AM and 6 PM on not less than 60-minutes verbal or written specific notice to
resident or other occupant of the premises. Resident's failure to provide access t o the
premises as required by law shall be a breach of this Lease Contract, and Owner shal l be
entitled to injunctive relief to compel access or may terminate this Lease Contract in the
event such access is denied by resident. In either case, the Owner may recover damages. 2.
As indicated in Paragraph 24 of the Lease Contract and in Accordance with 47 CFR 1.400, as
may be amended from t ime to time, residents may install a satellite dish or antenna in a
predetermined location of the building that has been pre- wired to accommodate a satellite
dish or antenna, or in a location othe rwise agreed to in writing by Owner or its designated
agent . Any such installation shall be at the residents sole cost and expense, and shall be
onl y i nstalled under the explicit installation instructions of the Owner or its designated
agent. Furthermore, notwithstanding Paragraph 4 of this Addendum, no resident shall install
any satellite dish or antenna that hangs over or protrudes beyond a balcony, railing or
patio wall, and as such satellite dish or antenna shall be wholly within a residents
exclusive use area. Resi dents are further restricted from drilling through any exterior
walls or floors. 3. In addition to the provisions contained within paragraphs 23 and 24 of
the Le ase Contract, you shall not alter, damage , or remove the sprinkler head contained
within the apartment or row home . You shall be liable for any and all loss or damage ,
including, without limitation, water damage, to our property and others ' property, if such
damage is caused due to the negligence, or any alteration, damage, or removal of such
spri nkler head, by you or your invitees, guests, or occupants.
Res ident(s)
(All residents must sign)
Date of Signing Addendum
Owne r or Owne r 's Representative
Date of Signing Adde ndum
Illinois/National Apartment Association Official Form, January 2013
© 2013, National Apartment Association, Inc.
P&Z 12 07 2015
Inventory and Condition Form
Vernon Hills' -- - -
lll~in_o7is--,- - - -"l -"O"~~o-O"'O~~CC:~c-'L~e
=a=f~ L~a=("z":~c-od
' c'•)-. ______
LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. Lease Contract date: November 1 8, 2015
(st red address)
Owner's name: RHR Oaks of Vernon
- - - - - - - - - - - Residents (list alt resident::.):
You must note 011 this form all defects or damttge nud rehtm it to our representative. Othenvise, everything will be considered to be inn clean, safe, amt good
workiug co11ditio11. Please mark through items listed below if they do,r't exist. This form protects both you (the resident) and us (the owner). We 'll use it ;,,
determiniugwhat should and sl,oultJ not be considereti your responsibilihJ upon move-out.
Home Phone:(_ _ ) _ _ _ __
Resident's Name: - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Home Phone:( _ _ ) _ _ _ __
Resident's Name: - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - Home Phone:( _ _ ) _ _ _ __
Resident's Name:
Home Phone: (
Resident's Name: - - -- - - - - - - -
D Move-In or
Living Room
Work Phone:( _ _ ) _ _ _ __
Work Phone:( _ _ ) _ _ _ __
Work Phone:( _ _ ) _ _ _ __
Work Phone: (
D Move-Out Condition (Check one)
Dining Room
Wallpaper _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Wallpaper _ _ _ _ __
Plugs, Switches, A/C Vents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Plugs, Switches, A/C Vents - - - - -- - - - - - - - Woodwork/Baseboards
- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - Ceiling
Light Fixtures, Bulbs _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Woodwork/Baseboards - - - - - - - - - - -- - - Ceiling
Light Fixtures, Bulbs - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Floor/Carpet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
floor/Carpet - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - Doors, Stops, Locks
Windows, Latches, Screens
Window Coverings _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
Doors, Stops, Locks
Windows, Latches, Screens
Window Coverings
Closets, Rods, Shelves
Closet Lights, Fixtures _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
Water Stains on Walls or Ceilings _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Closets, Rods, Shelves - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - Closet Lights, Fixtures _
Lamps, Bulbs - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - Water Stains on Walls or Ceilings
Kitch en
Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - Halls
Walls _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Plugs, Switches, A/C Vents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Woodwork/Baseboards _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
Light Fixtures, Bulbs _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __
Wallpaper _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Plugs, Switches, A/C Vents
Woodwork/Baseboards _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Light Fixtures, Bulbs _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Floor/Carpet _ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Floor/Carpet - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - Doors, Stops, Locks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
Windows, Latches, Screens
Window Coverings _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Cabinets, Drawers, Handles
Stove/ Oven, Trays, Pans, Shelves - - - -- - - - - -- Vent Hood
Refrigerator, Trays, Shelves
Refrigerator Light, Crisper
Dishwasher, Dispensers, Racks
Sink/Disposal _ _ _ _
Plumbing Leaks or Water Stains on Walls or Ceilings _
Doors, Stops, Locks
Closets, Rods, Shelves
Closet Lights, Fixtures _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __
Water Stains on Walls or Ceilings
Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Exterior (if applicable)
Balconies _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
General Items
Cable TV or Master Antenna
A/C Filter
Washer/Dryer _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Garage Door
Ceiling Fans
Exterior Doors, Screens I Screen Doors, Doorbell
© 2013, Nalional Apartment Association, Inc. - 1 / 2013, lllinois
Bedroom (describe which one)
Wallpaper _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
Plugs, Switches, A/C Vents
-------- ---Woodwork/Baseboards _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Light Fixtures, Bulbs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Floor/Carpet - - - - - - -- - - - - - - Doors, Stops, Locks
Windows, Latches, Screens
Window Coverings _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Closets, Rods, Shelves _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
Closet Lights, Fixtures _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Water Stains on Walls or Ceilings
Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
P&Z 12 07 2015
Bedroom (describe whic/1 one):
Bedroom (describe which one):
Plugs, Switches, A/C Vents
Wood work/Baseboards
Ligh t Fixtures, Bulbs - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Floor/Carpet - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
Wallpaper _ _ _ _ _ __ __
Plugs, Switches, A/C Vents
Woodwork/Baseboards _________________
Light Fixtures, Bulbs
Floor/Carpet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Doors, Stops, Locks
Windows, Latches, Screens
Window Coverings
Closets, Rods, Shelves
Closet Lights, Fixtures
Water Stains on Walls or Ceilings ______________
Doors, Stops, Locks
Windows, Latches, Screens _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Window Coverings
Closets, Rods, Shelves
Closet Lights, Fixtures
Water Stains on Walls or Ceilings ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
O ther
Bath (describe whic/1 one): _ _ _______________
Bath (describe which one): - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Walls
Wallpaper _ _ _ __ ___________________
Wallpaper _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
Plugs, Switches, A/C Vents
Light Fixtures, Bulbs _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _
Exhaust Fan /Heater _ _ _ ________________
Plugs, Switches, A/C Vents
Woodwork/Baseboards - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Ceiling
Light Fixtures, Bulbs - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - Exhaust Fan/ Heater - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - Floor/Carpet - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
Floor/Carpet - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Doors, Stops, Locks
Windows, Latches, Screens_________________
Window Coverings
Sink, Faucet, Handles, Stopper_ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __
Doors, Stops, Locks
Windows, Latches, Screens ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Window Coverings
Sink, Fau cet, Handles, Stopper
Countertops _ _ __ __ _ _______________
Mirror _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____________
Cabinets, Drawers, Handles - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -Toilet, Paper Holder - - -- - - - -- -- -- - - - - Bathtub, Enclosure, Stopper _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Shower, Doors, Rods - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Tile
Plumbing Leaks or Water Stains on Walls or Ceilings _ _ __ _
Cabinets, Drawers, Handles _ _______________
Toilet, Paper Holder
Bathtub, Enclosure, Stopper
Shower, Doors, Rods ___________________
Plumbing Leaks or Water Stains on Walls or Ceilings ______
Half Bath
Safety-Related Items (Put "none" if item does not exist)
Door Knob Locks _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
Keyed Deadbolt Locks
Keyless Deadbolts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Keyless Bolting Devices
Sliding Door Latches _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _
Wallpaper _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
Plugs, Switches, A/C Vents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Woodwork/Baseboards - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - Ceiling
Light Fixtures, Bulbs _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Exhaust Fan/Heater - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - Floor/Carpet - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - Doors, Stops, Locks _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Windows, Latches, Screens________________
Window Coverings _ __ __ __ _____________
Sink, Faucet, Handles, Stopper
Cabinets, Drawers, Handles - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Toilet, Paper Holder - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Tile
Plumbing Leaks or Water Stains on Walls o r Ceilings _ _ __ __
Sliding Door Security Bars - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Sliding Door Pin Locks
Window Latches
Porch and Patio Lights _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Smoke Detectors (push button to test)
Alarm System
Fire Extinguisher (look at charge level--BUT DON'T TEST!) _ _ __
Garage Door Opener _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _
Gate Access Card(s)
Da te of Move-In:
or Date of Move-Out:
Acknowledgment. Yo u .::icknowlcdgc that you have inspt::ctcd and tested all o f the safety·re lated items (i f in the dwelling) and that they are wo rking, exce pt as
noted above. All items will be assumed to be in good condition unless otheJV1ise noted on this fonn. You acknowle dge receiv ing written operating ins tructions
on the alarm system and g ate access entry systems (if there arc any). You acknowledge testing the s mo ke d et<.->ctor(s) and verify they are operating co rrectly. You
acknowledge that you and manage me nt have ins pi..'Ctcd the Dwe lling Unit and that no signs o f bedbugs o r o ther pests are p resent. This unit is in a dece nt, safe
and sanitary c ondition.
In sigui11g below, you accPpt this inventory as part of the Lease Contract mtd agree that it accurately reflects the condil'iou of the premises for purposes of
rletermiuing auy refwul due to you w lteu y ou 11101:ie oz,t.
Resident or Resident's Agent: - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Date of Signing: _ _ _ __ _ __
Owner or Owner's Representative: _________________________
Date of Signing: _ _ __
Ci 2013, National Ap,"lrlmcnl Associatio n, Inc.
PAGE 2 0 F2
lllinnis / Nalio na\ Apartment Associal ion Official f o rm 0-13, January 2013 :l:'t.~
P&Z 12 07 2015
Illinois Animal Addendum
November 18, 2015
7 u..:n'-',:.,.
- ,(,---w7h..:
· A,:.-ct.;:.d.;:.e-nd
Please note: We consider animals n serious responsibility and a risk to each reside11t itt the dwelling. If you do not
properly co11trol attd care for an mrimal, you'll be held linble if it cnuses ntty damnge or disturbs other reside11ts.
Unit No.
, at ~1~0~3~o~a=k~L~e~a=f~L=a~n=e~_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _(slreel address) in
H-=icclclc~s'------------(cily), Illinois,
(zip code).
Lease Contract date: November 18, 2015
Owner's name: RHR Oaks of Vernon Hills, LLC
Residents (list nil resfrlents): - -- - - - - -- - --
The Lease Contract is referred to in this Addendum as the
"Lease Contract."
You may keep the animal that is described below in the
dwelling until the Lease Contract expires. But we may
terminate this authorization sooner if your right of
occupancy is lawfully terminated or if in our judgment you
and your animal, your guests, or any occupant violate any
of the rules in this Addendum.
Date of last rabies shot:--- - - - - - - - - - - Iiousebroken? ___ _ __ ___________ _
Animal owner's name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Animal's name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Type: - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - Breed:
Weight: _ __ _ _ _ _ Age: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
City of license:-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - License no.:-,----- , - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - Dale of last rabies shot: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Housebroken? __________________
Animal owner's n a m e : - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions
control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:
There is a limit of two (2) Pets per
Apartment or Row Home. There is a 70 lb .
weight limit (for one pet or combined
4. ANIMAL DEPOSIT. Except for service animals under
Paragraph 26, an animal deposit of $ 300. 00
will be charged. We [check 011e] 0 will consider, or O will
nol consider this add itional security deposit the general
security deposit for all purposes. The security deposit
amount in Provision 4 of the Lease Contract {check one]
O does, or IX! does not include this additional deposit
amount. Refund of the animal deposit will be subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in the Lease Contract
regardless of whether il is considered part of the general
security deposit.
5. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RENT.Your total monthly rent
(as stated in the Lease Contract) will be increased by
10. 00
. The monthly rent amount in Provision 6
of the Lease Contract [check one] 0 includes IX! does not
include this additional animal rent.
6. ADDITIONAL FEE. You must also pay a one-time nonrefundable fee of$
300. 00
for having the animal in
the dwelling unit. Service animals are excepted from this
7. LIABILITY NOT LIMITED. The additional monthly rent
and additional security deposit under this Animal
Addendum do not limit residents' liability for property
damages, cleaning, deodorization, defleaing, replacements,
or personal injuries.
8. DESCRIPTION OF ANIMAL(S). You may keep only the
animal(s) described below. You may not substitute any
other animal(s). Neither you nor your guests or occupants
may bring any other animal(s)-mammal, reptile, bird,
amphibian, fish, rodent, arachnid, or insect-into the
dwelling or apartment community.
Animal's name:
- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -
Type: - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Breed:
Weight: - - - - - - - - Age:- -- - - - - City of license: - - -- -- - - -- - - -- - - License no.:
10. ANIMAL RULES. You are responsible for the animal's
actions al all times. You agree to abide by these rules:
The animal must not disturb the neighbors or other
residents, regardless of whether the animal is inside or
outside the dwelling.
Dogs, cats, and support animals m ust be housebroken.
All other animals must be caged at all times. No animal
offspring are allowed.
Inside, the animal may urinate or defecate only in these
designated areas: Pet is not allowed to
urinate or defecate inside
Outside, the animal may urinate or defecate only in
these designated areas: ___,P"'e"'t""-"'
Animals may nol be lied lo any fixed object anywhere
outside the dwelling units, excep t in fenced yards (if
any) for your exclusive use.
You must not let an animal other than support animals
into swimming-pool areas, laundry rooms, offices,
clubrooms, other recreational facilities, or other
dwelling units.
Your animal must be fed and watered inside the
dwelling unit. Don't leave animal food or water
outside the dwelling unit at any time, excep t in fenced
yards (if any) for your exclusive use.
-------- -- ---------
© 2011, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 4/ 2011, Illinois
11182015219009IL1 4042200
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You must keep the animal on a leash and under your
supervision when outside the dwelling or any private
fenced area.
Unless we have designated a particular area in your
dwelling unit or on the grounds for animal defecation
and urination, you are prohibited from letting an animal
defecate or urinate nnywhere on our property. You must
take the animal off our property for that purpose. If we
allow animal defecation inside the dwelling unit in this
Addendum, you must ensure that it's done in a litter
box with a kitty litter-type mix. If the animal defecates
anywhere on our property (including in a fenced yard
for your exclusive use), you'll be responsible for
immediately removing the waste and repairing any
damage. Despite this Addendum says, you
must comply with all local ordinances regarding
animal defecation.
11. ADDITIONAL RULES. We have the right to make
reasonable changes to the animal rules from time to time if
we distribute a written copy of any changes to every
resident who is allowed to have animals.
12. VIOLATION OF RULES. If you, your guest, or any
occupant violates any rule or provision of this Animal
Addendum (based upon our judgment) and we give you
written notice, you must remove the animal immediately
and permanently from the premises. We also have all
other rights and remedies set forth in the Lease Contract,
including damages, eviction, and attorney's fees.
13. COMPLAINTS ABOUT ANIMAL. You must immediately
and permanently remove the animal from the premises if
we receive a reasonable complaint from a neighbor or
other resident or if we, in our sole discretion, determine
lhal lhe animal has disturbed neighbors or other residents.
As owner of the animal, you're strictly liable for the entire
amount of any injury that the animal causes to a person or
anyone's property. You'll indemnify us for all costs of
litigation and attorney's fees resulting from any such
If you have violated our animal rules or let the animal
defecate or urinate where it's not supposed to you will be
subject to eviction and other remedies under the Lease
15. MOVE-OUT. When you move oul, you'll pay for
defleaing, deodorizing, and shampooing to protect future
residents from possible health hazards, regardless of how
long the animal was there. We--not you--will arrange for
these services.
16. MULTIPLE RESIDENTS. Each resident who signed lhe
Lease Contract must sign this Animal Addendum. You,
your guests, and any occupants must follow all animal
rules. Each resident is jointly and severally liable for
damages and all other obligations set forth in this Animal
Addendum, even if the resident does not own the animal.
17. GENERAL. You acknowledge that no other oral or
written agreement exists regarding animals. Except for
special provisions noted in paragraph 9 above, our
representative has no authority to modify this Animal
Addendum or the animal rules except in writing, as
described under paragraph 11. This Animal Addendum
and the animal rules are considered part of the Lease
Conh·act described above. It has been executed in multiple
originals, one for you and one or more for us.
ETC. You and all co-residents will be jointly and severally
liable for the entire amount of all damages caused by the
animal, including all cleaning, defleaing, and deodotizing.
This provision applies to all parts of the dwelling unit,
including carpets, doors, walls, drapes, wallpaper,
windows, screens, furniture, appliances, as well as
landscaping and other outside improvements. If items
cannot be satisfactorily cleaned or repaired, you must pay
for us lo replace them completely. Payment for damages,
repairs, cleaning, replacements, etc. are due immediately
upon demand.
You are legally bound by this document. Please read it carefully.
Resident or Residents
Owner or Owner's Representative
(Signs below)
(All reside11ls must sign)
11182015219010 IL14042200
0 201 l, National Apartment Association, Inc.
!'age 2uf2
Illinois/ National Apartmen t Association Official Form C-11, April 2011
P&Z 12 07 2015
Th is Utility Addendum is incorporated into the Lease Contract (referred to in this addendum as "Lease Contract" or "Lease") dated
November 18
between RHR Oa ks of Vernon Hills
("We") and
("You") of Apt. No . _ _ _ _ __
10 3 Oak Leaf Lane
y ernon Hills IL 60061
located al
(street address) in
and is in addition to all terms and conditions in the Lease.
To the extent that the terms of this Utility Addendum conflict with those of the Lease, this Utility Addendum shall control.
1. Responsibility for payment of utilities, and the method of metering or otherwise measuring the cost o[ the utility, will be as indicated below.
Water service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:
O directly to the utility service provider; or
El water bills w ill be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula: _ _1__
(NOTE: if Oat rate is selected, the tlal rate for waler service is $
per month.)
b) Sewer service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:
D directly to the util ity service provider; or
El sewer bills w ill be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula: _ _1__
(NOTE: if flat rate is selected, the flat rate for sewer service is $
per month.)
Gas service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:
O directly to the utility service provider; or
El gas bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
(NOTE: if tlat rate is selected, the flat rate for gas service is $
per month.)
d) Trash service to your dwell ing will be paid by you either:
D directly to the service provider; or
El trash bills w ill be billed to you based on the following formula:
(NOTE: if flat rate is selected, the flat rate for trash service is $ ___1_2~.~
O~O_ _ per month.)
Electric service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:
El directly to the utility service provider; or
D electric bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula: _ _ __
(NOTE: if flat rate is selected, the Oat rate fo r e lectric service is $
per mo nth.)
Sub-metering of all of your water/gas/electric use
Calculation of your total water use based on sub-metering o f hot water
Calculation of your toial water use based on sub-metering o f cold water
Flat rate per month
Allocation based on the number of persons residing in your dwelling unit
Allocation based on the number of persons residing in your dwdling unit using a ratjo oc<.:upancy formula
Allocation based on square footage of your dwelling unit
Allocation based o n a combination of square footage of your dwel ling unit and the number of persons residing in your dwelling unit
Allocation based on the number of bedrooms in your dwelling unit
Allocation based o n a lawfu l formula not listed here
If an allocation formula is used see the attached page for the specific allocation method utilized including a
description of the specific areas of the building and appurtenances served by the meter(s).
2. If an allocation formula above is used, we or our billing company will calculate your allocated share of the utility services in accordance with
slate and local laws. If allowed hy stale law, we al our sole discretion may change the above methods of determining your allocated share of the
utility services, by written notice to you.
If a flat fee m ethod for trash service is used, Resident and Owner agree that the c harges indicated in this Agreement (as may be amended with
written notice as specified above) represent a fai r and reasonable amount for the service(s) provided and that the amount billed is not based on a
monthly per unit cost.
3. W he n billed by us directly or through our billing company, you must pay utility bills within .....1Q_ days o f the date when the utility bill is
issued at the place indicated on your bill, or the payment will be late. If a payment is late, you will be responsible for a late fee in the amount of
$ 25 . 00
. The late payment of a bill or failure to pay any utility bill is a material and substantial breach of the Lease and we w ill exercise
all remedies available under the Lease, up to and including eviction for nonpayment. To the exten t there is a billing foe for the productio n of any
utility bill or a set-up charge o r initiation fee by our billing company, you shall pay such fees in the amount of$ _ _6. 0 0
4. You will be charged for the full period o f time that you were living in, occupying, or responsible for payment of rent or utility charges on the
dwelling. If you breach the Lease, you will be responsible for utility charges for the time period you were obligated lo pay the charges under the
Lease, subject lo our mitigation of damages. In the event you fa il to timely establish utility services, we may charge you for any utility service
billed lo us for your dwelling and may charge a rcaso nahle admi11istration fee for billing for the utility service in the amount of
5 0.00
5. When you move out, you will receive a final bill which may be estimated based on your prior utility usage. This bill must be paid at the time you
move out or it will be deducted from the security deposit.
6. We arc not liable for any losses or damages you incur as a result of ou tages, interruptions, or fluctuations in utility services provided to the
dwelling unless such loss or damage was the direct result of negligence by us or our employees. You release us from any and all such claims
and waive any claims for offset or reduction of ren t or diminished rental value of the dwelling due to such o utages, interruptions, o r fluctuations.
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P&Z 12 07 2015
7. You agree not to tamper with, adj ust, or disconnect any utility suh- mctcring system or device. Violation of this provision is a material breach o f
your Lease and may subject you Lo eviction or oth~r remedi es available to us under your Lease and this Utility Addendum.
8. You are not required to collect fuuds from other tenants for utility bills.
9. Upon your request we will provide copies o f public utility bills for any billing period for which you arc responsible for paying all o r a portion of
the b ill.
I 0. Wh~re lawful, all utilities, charges and fees of any kind under th is lease shall be ronsidered additional rent.
11. The following special provisions and any addenda or written ru les furnished to you at or before signing will become a part o f this Utility
Addendum and will supersede any conflicting provisions of this printed Utility Addendum and/or the Lease Contract.
In addition to the foregoing resident is obl i ated to p~_;__(i) a $5.20 monthly service
fee ; (ii a 35.00 fee for an
a ent returned from our bank for non-sufficient
funds· iii and a 6.00 final billing fee. Resident a rees to.i;:,a all bills and fees
presented by Multifamily Utility Company, Inc. and by such other third party billing~ company as Owner may designat.~e~. - - - - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - -
£ksident Sigm1turc - -- - -- -- - -
Resident Signature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Resident Signature
Date _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __
Resident Signature - - - -- -- - -
Management - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Date - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -
---- ----~
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©20 13, National Apartment Association. Inc. · l/2013, Illinois
P&Z 12 07 2015
l. Dwelling
Un it
No. _ _ _ _ __
- - - -~1~0~3,_0~a= k'---"L~e~a~f~L=a~n~e,_____ (street address)
_ _ __ V~e=r
=non Hills
(zip code).
Compliance essential.
Our deposit of all amounts due under
paragraphs 4(1) and 4(g) constitutes our approval of the new
term ination date stated in your notice of buy-out. If you fail to
comply with any of the procedures or requirements in this agreement
after we deposit such monies, your buy-ou l right Hnd this agreement
Lease Contract Description.
Lease Contract date:
November 18, 2015._ _ _ __
Owner's name:
will be voided automatically; and (I) any amounts you have paid
under this agreement will become part or your security deposit, and
(2) the lease will continue without buy-out. Then, if you move out
early, you are subject to all lease remedies, including relcuing fees
and liability for all rents for the rema inder of the original lease term.
RHR Oaks of Vernon Hills , LLC
Residents (list all residems):
Miscella neous. If moving out by the new termination date becomes
a problem for you, contact us. An extension may be possible if we
have not already relct the dwelling unit to a successor resident. We
and any suc<.:essor residents who may be leasing your unil will be
relying on your moving out on or before the new termination date.
3. The purpose of this Buy-Out Agreement is to give you the right to
buy oul of your Lease Contract early--subjcct to any special
provisions in paragraph 9 below. In order to buy out early, your
nolice must be signed by all residents listed in paragraph I of the
Lease Contract and you must comply with al l provisions of this
Buy-Out Agreement.
Therefore, you may not hold over beyond such date without our
written consent--even if it means you have to make plans for
temporary lodging elsewhere. "Default" as used in paragraphs 4(c)
and 4(d) of this agreement means default as defined in the Lease
4. Uuy-Out Procedures. You may buy out of the Lease Contract prior
to the end of the lease term and cul off all liability for paying rent for
the remainder of the lease term if all of tire following occur:
9. Special provisions.
Your right of buy-out (clreck one) 0 is or
till is not limited to a particular fact situation. If limited, buy-out may
he exercised only if the following facts (see below) occur and any
described documents arc furnished to us. Any special provisions
(a) you give us written notice of buy-out al least ~
prior to the new termination date (i.e., your new move-out date),
which (check 011e) 0 must be the last day of a month or
till may be during a month;
(b) you specify the new termination date in the notice, i.e., the date
by which you'll move out;
Contract. You will continue to be liable for any damages and any
sums accruing and unpaid prior to the new termination date.
below will supcrcede any conflicting provision of this printed
Any false statements or documents presented to us
regarding buy-out will automatically void your right lo buy-out of
the Lease Contract. The special provisions are:
Buy Out Fee is equal to 2 months rent.
(c) you are not in default under the Lease Contract on the date you
give us the notice of buy-out;
(d) you arc not in defau It under the Lease Contract on the new
termination date (move-out dale);
(c) you move out on or before the new termination date and do not
hold over;
({) you pay us a buy-out fee (consideration) of$ _ _ _ _ _ __
(g) you pay us the amount of any concessions you received when
signing the Lease Contract; and
(h) you comply with any special provisions in paragraph 9 below.
When payable. The buy-out fee in paragraph 4(1) is due a nd
payable no later than ~-1_0~- days after you give us your buy-out
notice. The total dollar amount of any concessions regarding rent or
other monetary lease obligations for the catirc lease term is
and is due payable on the same day as the buy-out
fee, subject to any special provisions in paragraph 9 regarding the
amount, calculation method, or payment date.
6. Showing unit to pros pective residents. After you give us notice of
buy-out, the Lease Contract gives us the right to begin showing your
unit to prospective residents and telling them it will be available
immediately after your new termination date.
Resident or Res idents
{!Ill residents must sign/
Owner or Owner's Representative
/signs he/ow/
Date of Lease Contract
November 18
Copyrig ht 2013, National Apartment Association, lne. - 1/2013, Illinois
P&Z 12 07 2015
Under a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) order, you as our resident have a right to install a transmitting or receiving satellite dish or anlcnna on the leased
dwelling, subject to i:cc limitations. We as a rental housing owner arc :tllowcd to impose reasonable restrictions relating to such installation. You arc required to comply
with these restrictions as a condition of installing such equipment. This addendum contains the restrictions th,11 you and we agree 10 follow.
103 Oak Leaf Lane
Vernon Hills
(street address)
(zip ,:ode).
Lease Contract Description.
Lease Contract date:
Owner's name:
November 18 , 2015
RHR Oaks of Vernon Hills , LLC
Residents (list all resident~):
Number and size. You may install
satellite dish(cs) or antcnna(s)
on the leased premises. A satellite dish may not exceed one meter (3.3 feet) in
diameter. Antennas thllt only transmit signals or that uc not covered by 47
CFR § l .4000 arc prohibited.
Location. Your satellite dish or ante nna must be located: ( 1) inside your
dwelling; or (2) in an area outside your dwelling such as a balcony, patio,
yard, etc. of which you have exclusive use under your lease. [nstallation is
not permitted on any pllrking a.rea, roof, exterior wall, window, window si ll,
fence or common area, or in an area that other residents arc allowed to use. A
satellite dish or antenna may not protrude beyond the vertical and horizontal
space that is leased to you for your exclusive use.
Removal and damages. You must remove the satellite dish or antenna and
all rclMed equipment when you move out of the dwelling. In accordance
with the NAA Lease Contract, you must pay for any damages and for the cost
of repairs or repainting caused by negligence, carelessness, accidenl or abuse
which may be reasonably necessary to restore the leased premises to its
condition prior to the installatio n of your satellite dish, antenna or related
equipment. You will not be responsible for normal wear.
10. Liability insurance. You must ta ke full r esponsibility for the satellite
dish, antenna and related c<1uipmcnt. If the d ish or antenna is instal1ed
al a height that could 1·csult in injury to othcn~ if it becomes unattached
and falls, you must provide us with evidence of liability insurance (if
available) to protect us against claims of personal injury and pro1>erty
damage to others, rela ted to your satellite dish, antenna and related
equipment. The insurance coverage must be $
Q 00
, which
is an amount reasonabJy delermined by us to accomplish that purpose.
Facto rs affccling the amount of insurance include height of installation above
ground level, potential wind velocities, risk ol' the dish/ante nna becoming
unattached and falling on som eone, etc.
11. \.Vhen you may begin installation.
You may start installation of your
satellite dish, antenna or related equipment only after you have: (1) signed
this addendum; (2) provided us w ith written evidence of the liability
insurance referred to in paragraph IO of this addendum and (3) received our
written approval of t he installation materials and the person o r company that
will do the installation, which approval may not be unreasonably withheld.
12. Miscellaneous. If additional satellite dishes or antennas are desired, an
additional lease addendum must be executed.
Safct)' and non-inte rference. Your ins tallation: (1) must comply with all
applicable o rdinances and laws and all reasonable safety standards; (2) may
not interfere with our cable, telephone or electrical syste ms o r those of
neighboring properties; (3) may not be connected to our telecommunication
systems; and (4) may not be connected to our electrical system except by
plugging into a 110-volt duplex receptacle. If the satellite dish or antenna is
placed in a permitted outside area, it must be safely secured by one of three
methods: (1) securely attaching it to a portable, heavy object such as a small
slab of concrete; (2) clamping it to a part of the building's exterior that lies
w ithin your leased premises (such as a balcony or patio railing)~ or (3) any
o ther method approved by us in writing. No other methods arc allowed. \ Ve
may require reasonable screening of the satellite dish or antenna by plants,
etc., so long as it does not impair reception.
13. S pecial Provisions.
The following special provisions control
cont1icting provisions of this printed form:
See "Additional S ecial Provisions" #2.
Sig nal trans mission from exterior dish or antenna to interior of
dwelling. You may not damage or alter the leased premises and may not drill
holes through outside walls, door jams, window sills, etc. If your satellite dish
or antenna is inslalled outside your dwelling (on a balcony, patio, etc.), the
signals re'-"eivcd by it may be transmitted to the interior of your dwelling only
by. lhe following methods: (1) running a "tlat" cable under a door jam or
window sill in a manner that docs not physically alter the premises and docs
not interfere with proper operation of the door or window; (2) running a
traditional or flat cable through a pre-existing hole in the wall (that will not
need to be enlarged to accommodate the cable); (3) connecting cables
..through a window pane," similar to how an external car antenna for a
ce llular phone can be connected to inside wiring by a device glued to either
side of the w indow--without drilling a hole through the window; (4) wireless
transmission of the s ignal from the satellite dish or antenna to a device inside
the dwelling; or (5) any other method approved by us in writing.
Safct)' in installation. In order to assure saJety, the st rength and type of
materials used for installation musl be approved by us. Installation must be
done by a qualified person o r company approved by us. Our approval will
not be unreasonably withheld. An installer provided by the seller of the
satellite dish or antenna is presu med to be qualified.
Maintenance. You will hrtve the sole responsibility for maintaining your
satellite dish, antenna and all related equipment.
------ - - - - - - - - - - -
R esident or Residents
Owner or Owner 's Rep resentative
/All residems must sign lterej
f~igns here}
Date of Lease C ontract
November 18
© 2013, Nalion;tl Apartment Association, Inc. - 1/201 3, Illinois
P&Z 12 07 2015
No. _ _ _ _ __
If an enclosed garage is furnished, you
IXI will D will not be provided with a D garage door opener
and/or D garage key. You will be responsible for maintenance of
any garage door opener, including battery replacement. Transmitter
frequency settings may not be changed on the garage door or opener
without our prior wrilten consent.
Security. Always remember to lock any door o[ a garage or storage
un it and any door between a garage and the dwelling. Whcu leaving,
be sure to lock all keyed deadbolt locks.
Lease Contract Description.
No vembe r 1 8 , 2 0 1._,5,,__ _ __
RHR Oaks o f Vernon Hil ls, LLC
Lease Contract date:
Owner's name:
Residents (list all reside111s): - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
(street address)
1 03 Oak Leaf Lane
Vernon Hills
Illinois, - - - - ~6~0
~ 0= 6.:
1 _ __ _ (zip code).
Gar age door opener.
10. Ins urance and loss/damage to your p1·operty. You will 111aiotai11
liability and comprehensive insurance coverage for any vehicle
parked or stored. We arc not responsible for pest control in such
3. G a rage, carpor t, or storage unit.
You arc entitled to exclusive
possession of: (check as applicable)
D garage or carporl attached lo the dwelling;
D garage space number(s) _ __ __ _ __
D carport space number(s)
D storage unit numbcr(s) _ _ _ _ _ __ _
; and/or
The monthly rent in paragraph 6 o f the Lease Contract covers both the
dwelling and the checked area(s) above. All terms and conditions of
the Lease Contract apply to the above areas unless modified by this
4. Additional Monthly Rent. Your total monthly rent (as stated in the
Lease Contract) will be increased by $
. The monthly
rent amount in Provisio n 6 of the Lease Contract /check one/ D
includes Rl does not include this additional rent.
5. Use restrictions. Garage or carport may be used only for storage of
operable motor vehicles unless otherwise stated in our rules or
community policies. Storage units may be used only for storage of
personal property. No one may sleep, cook, barbeque, or live in a
garage, carport, or storage unit. Persons not listed as a resident or
11 . Compliance. We may periodically open and enter garages and
storerooms to ensure compliance with this addendum. In the event we
enter the garage or storerooms, we will comply with the notice
provisions set forth in the Lease Contract. You must allow us access
to examine garages and storerooms.
12. No lock changes, alterations, or improvem ents. Without ou r prior
written consent, locks on doors of garages and storage units may not
be rekeyed, added, or changed, and improvements, alterations, or
electrical extensions or changes to the interior or exterior of such areas
arc not allowed. You may not p lace nails, screws, bolts, or books into
walls, ceilings, floors, or doors. Any damage not caused by us or our
representatives lo areas covered by this addendum will be paid for by
13. Specia l Provisions. The following special provisions control over
conllicting provisions of this printed [orm:
Stor age Unit Rent al Details Added He r e:
Stora e Uni t # I S t o r a e Un i t Mo n thly Rent
is not inc l u ded in mon thly r ent and is a n
addit i o nal month! r e nt of$
occupant in the Lease Contract may not use the areas covered by this
addendum. No plants may be grown in such areas.
6. No da nger ous ite ms. Items that pose an enviro nmental hazard or a
risk to the safety or health of other residents, occupants, or neig hbors
in our sole judgment or that violate any government regulation may
not he stored. Prohibited items include fuel (other than in a properly
capped fuel tank of a vehicle or a closed briquette lighter fluid
container), fireworks, rags, piles of paper, o r other material that may
create a fire or environmen tal hazard. We may remove from such
areas. without prior notice, items that we believe might constitute a
fire or environmental hazard. Because of carbon monoxide risks, you
may not run the motor of a vehicle inside a garage unless the garage
door is open to allow fumes to escape.
7. No smoke, lire, or carbon monoxide detectors. No smoke, fire, or
carbon mouoxidc detectors w ill be furnished by us unless required
by law.
Resident or Reside nts
/All residents muse sign herej
Owner or O wne r 's Representa tive
/signs here/
Date of Lease C ontra ct
November 18
Copyright 2013, National Apartment Association, Inc. · 1/2013, Illinois
P&Z 12 07 2015
Tllis addendum is i11corporatetl i1110 rite /,ease Contrac1 (the '1/,case") ideJttified below and is in addicio,r to al/ the terms and co11ditfons contained in the
Lease. If any terms of this Addendum co11flicc with the Lease, the terms of this Addendum shall be controlling:
Property Owner:
RHR Oaks of Vernon Hills, LLC
Unit No:/Addres,:
103 Oak Leaf Lane
Lease Dace:
ll / 18 / 2015~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Residenl(s) permission for use of all common areas, Resident amenities, and recreational facilities (together, "Amenities") localed at the Dwelling
Community is a privilege and license granted by Owner, and not a contrnctual right except as otherwise provided for in the Lease. Such permission
is expressly condilioned upon Resident's adherence Lo Lhe lerms of Lhe Lease, this Addendum, and lhe Community rules and rcgulalions ("Rules")
in effect al any g ive n time, and such permission may be revoked by Owner al any time for any lawful reason. In all cases, the most strict terms of
e ither the Lease, this Addendum, o r the Community Rules shall control. Owner reserves the right to set the days and hours of use for all Amenities
and to change the character of o r close any Amenity based upon the needs of Owner and in Owner's sole and absolute discretion, without notice,
obligation or recompense of any nature to Resident. Owner and management may make changes to the Rules for use of any Amenity at any Lime.
Additionally, Resident(s) expressly agrees to assume all risks of every type, including but not limited to risks of personal injury or
property damage, of whatever nature or severity, related to Resident's use of the amenities at the Community. Resident(s) agrees to hold
Owner harmless and rele ase and waive any and all claims, allegations, actions, damages, losses, or liabilities of every type, whether or not
f'oresccablc, that Resident(s) may have against Owner and that are in any way related to or arise from such use. This provision shall be
enforceable to the fullest extent of the law.
shall include the Management, officers, partners, employees, agents, assigns, Owners, subsidiaries and at'filiatcsofOwncr.
POOL. This Community 121 DOES; 0 DOES NOT have a pool. When using the pool, Resident(s) agrees to the following:
Residents and guests will adhere to the ru les and regulat ions posted in the pool area and Management policies.
All Swimmers S\Vim at their own risk. Owner i.s not responsible for accidents or injuries.
For their safely, Residents should not swim alone.
Pool hours are posted at the pool.
Children under the minimum age (posted at the pool) must be accompanied at all times by a parent or legal guardian.
No glass, pets, o r alcoholic beverages are permitted in the pool area. Use paper or plastic containers only.
Proper swi mming attire is required at all Limes and a swimsuit 11cover up" should be worn to and from the pool.
No running or rough activities arc allowed in the pool area. Respect others by minimizing noise, covering pool furniture with a towel when
using suntan oils, leaving pool furniture in pool areas, disposing of leash, and keeping pool gates closed.
Residenl(s) must :1ccompany the ir guests.
Rcsidcnt(s) must notify Owner any time there is a problem or safety hazard at the pool.
Ill. FITNESS CENTER. This Community 121 DOES; D DOES NOT have a fitness center. When using the fitness center, Residcnl agrees to
the following:
Residents and guests will adhere to Lhc rules and regulations posted in the fitness center and Management policies.
The Fitness Center is not supervised. Resident(s) arc solely responsible for their own appropriate use of equipment.
Resident(s) shall carefully inspect each piece of equipment prio r to Resident's use and shall refrain from using any equipmenl that may be
functioning improperly or that may be damaged or dangerous.
Rcsidcnt(s) shall immediately report to Management any equipment that is not functioning properly, is damaged or nppc.ars dangerous, as
well any other person's use that appears to be dangerous or in violation of Management Ru les and Policies.
Residcnt(s) shall consult a physician before using any equipmenl in the Fitness Center and before participating in any aerobics or exercise
class. and will refrain from such use or participation unless approved by Resident's physician.
Resident(s) will keep Fitness Center locked at all times during Resident's visit to the Fitness Center.
Rcsident(s) will not admit any person to the Fitness Center who has not registered with the Management Office.
Children under the minimum age (posted at the fitness center) must be accompanied at all times by a parent or legal guardian.
Residcnl(s) must accompany guests, and no glass, smoking, eating, alcoholic beverages, pels, or black sole shoes are permitted in the Filncss
Card# issued: (1)
(2) _ _ _ _ _ __
(3) _ _ _ _ _ __
(4) _ _ _ _ _ __
PACKAGE RELEASE. This Community llO DOES; D DOES NOT acccpl packages on behalf of Residents.
For co1111111rnities that do accept packages 011 behalfofits Residents:
Residenl(s) gives Owner permission to sign and accepl any parcels or lclLers sent to Resident(s) through UPS, Federal Express, Airborne, United
States Postal Service or the like. Resident agrees that Owner docs not accept responsibility or liability for any lost, damaged, or unordered
deliveries, and agrees to hold Owner harmless for the same.
BUSINESS CENTER. This Community 121 DOES; 0 DOES NOT have a business center.
Rcsident(s) agrees to use the business center at Rcsidcnl(s) sole risk and according lo the Community Rules. Owner is not responsible for dala,
files. programs or any other information lost or damaged on Business Center computers or in the Business Center for any reason. No soft,\'are may
be loaded on Business Center computers without the written approval of Community Management. No inappropriate, offensive, or pornographic
images or files (i n the sole judgment of Owner) will be viewed o r loaded onto the Business Center computers at any Lime. Residents will limil lime
on computers to ___gQ_ mfoutcs if others arc waiting to use them. Smoking, eating, alcoholic beverages, pe.ts, and any disturbing behavior are
prohibited in the business center. Children under the age of___!_!!_ must be accompanied by a Resident who is that child's parent or legal
AUTOMOllILES/llOATS/RECREATIONAL VEHIC LES. The following policies arc in addition to those in the Lease, and may be modified
by the additional rules in effect al the Community at any given time:
vehicle per licensed Resident is allowed.
All vehicles must he registered at the Manage ment office-.
Any vehiclc(s) no t registered, considered abandoned, or violating the Lease, this Addendum, or the Community Rules, in the. sole. judgment
of Manage ment, will be towed at the vehicle owner's expense after a ___!_§_____ hour notice is placed on the vehicle.
Page 1 of2
Revised 1/2013, Illinois
P&Z 12 07 2015
Notwithstanding this, any vehicle illegally parked in a fire lane, designated no parking space or handicapped space, or blocking an cutrancc,
exit, driveway, dumpster, or parked illegally in a designated parking space, will immediately be towed, without notice, at the vehicle owner's
The washing of vehicles is not permitted on the property unless specifically allowed in a designated area.
Any on property repairs and/or maintenance of any vehicle must be with the prior written permission of the Management.
Recreational vehicles, boats or trailers may only be parked on the property with Management's permission (in Management's sole discretion),
and must be registered with the Management Office and parked in the arca(s) designated by Management.
VII. FIRE HAZARDS. In order Lo minimize fire hazards and comply with local ordinances, Resident shall comply with the following:
Residents ..tnd guests will adht..:re to the Community rules and regulations other Management policies concerning fire hazards, which may be
rcvbcd from time to time.
No person shall knowingly maintain a fire hazard.
G rills, llarbcques, and any other outdoor cooking or open flame devices will be used only on the ground level and will be placed
a minimum of
O feet from any building. Such devices will not be used close to combustible materials, Lall grass or weeds, on
exterior walls or on roofs, indoors, on balconies or patios, or in other locations which may cause fires.
Fireplaces: Only firewood is permitted in the fireplace. No artificial substances, such as Duratlamc® logs arc permitted. Ashes must be
disposed of in metal containers, after ensuring the ashes arc cold.
Flammable or combustible liquids and fue ls shall not be used or stored (including stock for sale) in dwellings, near exits, stairways
breezeways, or areas normally used for the ingress and egress of people. This includes motorcycles, tires and any apparatus or engine using
flammable or combustible liquid as fuel.
No person shall block o r obstruct any exit, aisle, passageway, hallway or stairway leading to o r from any structure.
Residenl(s) arc solely responsible for fines or penalties caused by their actions in violation of local fi re protection codes.
VIII. EXTERMINATING. Unless prohibited by statue or otherwise stated in the Lease, Owner may conduct extermination operations in Residents'
dwelling severnl times a year and as neede<l to prevent insect infestation. Owner will notify Residents in advance of extermination in Residents'
Dwelling, and give Resident instructions for the preparation of the Dwelling and safe contact with insectic ides. Residents will be responsible lo
prepare. the Dwelling for extermination in accordance with Owner's instructions. Residents must request extermination treaments in addition to
those regularly provided by Owner in writing. Residents a gree to perform the tasks required by Owner on the day of inte rior extermination
to ens ure the safety and effectiveness of the extermina tion. These tasks will include, but are not limited to, the following:
Clean in all cabinets, drawers and closets in kitchen and pantry.
If roaches have been seen in closets, remove contents from shelves and noor.
Remove infants and young c hildren from the dwelling.
Remove pets or place them in bedrooms, and notify Owner of such placement.
Remove chain locks or other types of obstruction on day of service.
Cover fish tanks and turn off their air pumps.
Do not wipe out cabinets after treatment.
In the case of suspected or confirmed bed bug infestation, resident will agree lo the following:
Resident will wash all clothing, bed sheets, draperies, towels, etc. in extremely hot water.
Resident will thoroughly clean, off premises, all luggage, handbags, shoes and clothes hanging containers.
Resident will t:ooperate with Owner's cleaning efforts for all mattresses and seat cushions or other upholstered furniture, and will dispose of
same if requested.
DRAPES AND SHADES. Drapes or shades installed by Residcnl, when allowed, must be lined in while and present a uniform exterior
WATER BEDS. Resident shall not have water beds or other water furniture in the dwelling without prior wrinen permission of Owner.
BALCONY or PATIO. Balconies and patios shall be kepi neat and clean al all times. No rugs, towels, laundry, clothing, appliances or other
items shall be stored, hu ng or draped on railings or other portions o f balconies or patios.
XII. S IG NS. Resident shall not display any signs, exterior lights or markings on dwelling. No awnings or other projections shall be atlached lo the
outside of the building of which dwelling is a part.
XU!. SATELLITE DISHES/ANTENNAS. You must complete a satellite addendum and abide by its terms prior lo installation or use.
XIV. WAIVER/SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. No waiver of any provision herein, or in any Community rules and regulations, shall be e ffective unless
granted by the Owner in a signed and <lated writing. If any court of competent jurisdiction finds that any clause, phrase, or provision of this Part is
invalid for any reason whatsoever, this finding shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this addendum, the Lease Contract or any
other addenda lo the Lease Contract.
XV. S PEC IAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:
Not withstanding anything contained within Paragraph 7 of this Adde ndum , qrills , barbeque
and an other outdoo~ cooking~
open f l ame device~ are e ~ ressly prohibited from
bal conies and a tios.
I have read, understand and agree to compl y with the preceding provisions.
Owner Represclltative
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Revised l/20l3, Illinois
P&Z 12 07 2015
No ._ _ _ __ _
103 Oak Leaf Lane
(street address)
Vernon Hills
60061 _ __ (zipcode).
2. Lease Contract Description.
Lease Contract date:
Owner's name:
18, 2015
RHR Oaks of Vernon Hills, LLC
If your lease is lcrminatcd early du e lo your defaull (for example, if
you abandon the premise~ \\ itbout paying rent or arc evicted), this
Concession/Discount Agreement will be immediately terminated,
and you will be required to immediate ly repay to the Owner the
amounts o f all /C/,eck all t/,at apply/
IXl Concessions
!lil Discounts
that you have actually received for the months you resided in lbe
Premises, and without further notice from us.
Residents (list all residents): - -- -- - -- -- - - --
5. Market Rent. The market rent for this dwelling is the rent stated in
the NAA Lease Contract. You acknowledge that the market rent is a
fair representatio n o f what the specific dwelling would actually rent
for at the time the Lease Contract was negotiated and executed, and
3. Concession/Discount Agreement.
As consideration for your
agreement lo remain in your dwelling and to fulfill your Lease
obligations throughout the full term of your Lease, you will receive
the following rent Concession and or Discount.
6. Special Provisions. The following special provisions control over
any connicting provisions of this printed Addendum form or the
Lease Coolract.
[Check all that apply /
O One-Time
Contract in
is reflective of the rent for a similar dwelling at comparable
You will receive a One-Time
off the rent indicated in Paragraph 6 of the Lease
the total amount of $
. This
will be credited to your rent due for the month(s)
In the event lessee terminates this lease
before the lease end date , all discounted
rent will be due and owing.
Monthly Discount/Concession. The rent indicated in Paragraph
6 of the Lease Contract includes a Monthly Discount of
per month off of the suggested rental
rate for your dwelling.
!lil Other Discount/Concession.
You will receive the following
discount off the rent indicated in Paragraph
6 of the Lease
Concession C ancellation and Charge-Back. The concessio n and
discounts indicated above arc provided to you as an incentive and
with the understanding that you will fulfill your obligations under the
Lease Contract throug h the enlire term of your Lease.
Resident or Residents
/A ll reside111s must sig11 /,ere/
Owner or Owner's Representative
[sig11s here/
Date of Lease Contract
- - - -- - - ~November 18
© 2013, National Aparlmcnl Association, Inc. - 1/20 13, Illinois
P&Z 12 07 2015
No._ _ _ _ __
1 03 Oak Leaf Lane
(street address)
Vernon Hills
(zip code).
2. Lease Contract Description.
Lease Contract date:
November 18 , 2015
RHR Oaks of Vernon Hills , LLC
Owner's name:
Residents (!isl al/ residents): - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
3. Acknowledgment Concerning Insurance or Damage Waiver.
You acknowledge that we do not maintain insurance lo protect you
against personal injury, loss or damage to your personal properly or
belongings, or to cover your own liability for injury, loss or damage
you (or your occupants or guests) may cause o thers. You also
acknowledge that by not maintaining your own policy o f personal
liabili ty insurance, you may be responsible to others (including us)
for the full cosl of any injury, loss or damage caused by your actions
or the actions of your occupants or guests. You understand that
paragraph 8 of the Lease Contract requires you to maintain a liability
insurance policy, which provides limits of liability to third parties in
an amount not less than $
10000 0 . 00
per occurrcocc. You
understand and agree to maintain at all times during the Term of the
Lease Contract and any renewal periods a policy of personal liability
insurance satisfying the requirements listed below, at your sole
S ubrogation Allowed. You and we agree that subrogation is allowed
by all parties and that this agreement supersedes any language LO the
contrary in the Lease Contract.
7. Your Insurance Coverage. You have purchased the required
personal liability insurance from the insurance company of your
choosing listed below that is licensed to do business in this state, and
have provided us with written proof of this insurance prior to the
execution and commencement of the Lease Contract. You will
provide additional proof of insurance in the future at our request.
Insurance Company: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8. Default. Any default under the terms of this Addendum shall be
deemed an immediate, material and incurable default under the terms
of the Lease Contract, and we s hall be entitled Lo exercise all rights
and remedies under the law.
9. Miscellaneous. Except as specifically stated in this Addendum, all
other terms and conditions of the Lease Contract shall remain
unchanged. ln the event of any conflict between the terms of this
Addendum and the terms of the Lease Contract, the terms of this
Addendum shall control.
A current Certificate of
Insurance naming RHR Oaks of Vernon Hills
(103 Oak Leaf Lane I Vernon Hills , IL
60061 I 847-821-2000) as an Additional
Insured must be on record at the
Mana ement Office.
JO. Special Provisions:
4. Rec1uircd Policy.
You arc required to purchase and maintain
personal liability insurance covering you, your occupants and guests,
for personal injury and property damage any of you cause to third
parties (including damage to our property), in a minimum policy
coverage amount of$
100000 . 00
, from a carrier with an
AM Best rating of A-VII or better, licensed to do business in Illinois.
The carrier is required to provide notice to us within 30 days of any
cancellation, non-renewal, or material change- in your coverage. We
retain the right to hold you responsible for any loss in excess of your
insurance coverage.
5. We may provid e you with information of a n ins u rance program
that we make available to residents, which provides you with an
opportunity to buy re nter's insurance from a preferred
company. However, you a rc free to contract for the required
insurance with a provider of your c hoosing.
I have read, understand a nd agree to comply with the prcccdin~ provisions.
Resident or Residents
Owner or Owner's Representative
{signs /,ere/
{Ii/I residen ts must sign here}
Date of Lease Contract
November 18,~2~0~1~ 5~- - - - - - -
© 2013, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 1/2013, Illinois
P&Z 12 07 2015
Descriptio n.
Un it.
No. - - - - - (stree1 address)
1 03 Oa k Leaf Lane
Ver non H:i.ll s ~ ~ - ~ - - - - (cilv),
in ~ - - - Illinois,
6006i (zip code).
Lc11sc Cont ract Descriptio n.
N_overnber JJL,_ 201,.5'"'""--=-- --=~ c-Lease Contract date:
Owncr's name:
RHR Oaks of Vern on Hills, LLC
Residents (list llll residents):
Protecting residents, their families, occupants, guests and invitees from crime
is lhe sole responsibility of residents, m:cupanls irnd law enfmccmcnl
agencies. You should first c.tll 91 1 or other appropriate emergency police
numbers if a crime occurs or is suspected. To the extent allowed by Illinois
law, we arc not liable lo any resident, fomily member, guest, <X--Cupanl or
invitee for personal injury, death or damage/loss of personal property from
incidents related to perimeter fencing. automobile ,u.:ccss gales and/or
pcdcstri:rn access gates. We reserve the right to modify or eliminate security
systems other !han those statutorily required. You will be held responsible for
the actions of any persons to whom you provide access to the community.
ltulcs in using ..·chicle gates.
Always approach entry and exit gates with caution and al a very slow
rntc of speed.
Never stop your car where the gate c~n hit your vehicle c\S the gate opens
or doses.
To the extent any 1crms of this addendum conOict wilh the Lease Contr.:ict,
the terms of this addendum arc controlling.
Never follow another vehicle into an open gate. Always use your card to
g;ain entry.
Remote control/cardMcodc for gate access.
Remote control for gate access. Each person who is 18 years of age or
older and listed as a resident on the lease will be given a remote control
al no cost to use during his or her residency. Each additional remote
Report to management the vehicle license plate number of any vehicle
that piggybacks through the gate .
control for you or your children or other occupants will require a
25. 00
non~refundable fee.
Never force the gate open with your car.
Never get out of your vehicle while the gates arc opening or closing.
for gate access. Each person who is 18 years of c\gc or older and
listed as a resident on the lease will be given a card tit no cost to use
during his or her residency. Each additional cud for you or your
children or other occupants will require ti $
2 5 QO
non·rc.fundablc fee.
I[ you are using th~ gates with a boat or trailer, please
management for assistance. The length and width of the trailer may
ci'\usc recognition problems with the safety loop delcctor and could cause
Do not operate the gate if there are small children nearby who might get
caught in it as it opens or closes.
Code for gate access. Each resident will be given, at no cost, an access
code (keypad number) for the pedestrian or vehicular access gates. It is
to be used only during your residency. We may change the access code
at any time and will noti[y you of any such changes.
If you lose your card, please contact the management office immediately.
Do not give your card or code to anyone else.
Do no t tamper with gate or allow your oc.-cupants to tamper or play with
Da maged, lost or unreturned remote controls, car ds or code c hanges.
iill If a remote control is lost, stolen or damaged, a $
25, 0 0
lee will be charged for a replacement. If a remote control is not returned
or is returned damaged when you move out, there will be a
2 5 00
deduction from the security deposit.
Special Provision.'\.
The following special provisions control
contlicting provisions of this printed form:
If a card is lost, stolen or damaged, a $
25. 00
foe will be
charged for a replacement card. If a card is not returned or is returned
damaged when you move out, there will be a $
25 00
deduction from the security deposit.
OS, We may change the l.:Odc(s) at any time and notify you accordingly.
R eport damage or malfunc tion s. Please immedialely rcp<Jrl to the office
~ny malfundion or damage to gales, fencing, locks or related equipment.
Follow written instruc tions. \Vi! ask lhat you and all olher C.X:<."\.lpants read
the written instructions that have been furnished to you regarding !he ac.-cess
gates. This is important because if the gates are damaged by you or your
family, guest or invitee through negl igence or misuse, you arc liable for the
damages under your lease, and collection of damage amounts will be pursued.
Persona l in.J ur y and/or per sonal proper ty d am age. Except as specifically
required by law, we h;we no duty to maintain the gates and cannot guaranty
against gate malfunctions. \Ve make no representations or gu,:1rantet:s to you
concerning security of the community. Any measures, devices, or i:tctivities
taken by us arc solely for the benefit of us and for the protection of our
property and interests, and ,my benefit to you of the s11me is purely incidental.
Anything mechanical o r electronic is subject to malfunction. f'encing, gates
or other devices will not prevent all crime. No security system or device is
foolproof o r 100 percent successful in deterring crime. Crime c<1n still O(..-CUr.
ltesidcnt or Residcnls
{All residents must sign here/
Owner or Owner's ll.cprescntativc
{signs here}
Date of Lease Contract
NQy_ernber_ lB, 20__l._5
© 2013, Natio nal Apartment Association, Inc. · L/2013, Illino is
P&Z 12 07 2015
I . Dwelling
No. _ _ _ _ __
- - - - ~1~0=3~0~a~k~=L~e~a~f~=L~a~n~e~- - -- (street address)
in _ __ _ _ _ _ _V
~e=r~n~o~n~=H~i~l=l~s~- - - - -- - (city),
(zip code).
Repairs or malfunctions.
If the intrusion alarm malfunctions,
you agree to (check one) txl contact
company immediately for repair or O contact us immediately
for repair.
The cost of repair will be paid by (check one)
IX! you or D us.
Lease Contract Description.
November 18 , 2015
RHR Oaks of Vernon Hills, LLC
Lease Contract date:
Owner's name:
No war r anty . We make no guarantees or warranties, express or
implied, concerning the alarm system. All guarantees and warranties
are expressly disclaimed. Crime can and does occur despite the best
security meusures. Anything electronic or mcchunicul in nature will
malfunction from lime IO lime. We arc abso lutely not responsible for
Residents (list all residents): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
malfunction of the alarm.
IO. Liability. To the extent permitted by Illinois law, we arc not liable
to you) your guests o r other occupants for any injury, damage or loss
resulting from the alarm or any malfunction of the alarm. ll is
3 . Intrusion alarm.
Your dwelling is equipped with an intrusion
alarm. It must not be considered a guaranty of safety or security.
You s hould at all times take precautions as if the intrusion alarm
were malfunctioning. You acknowledge that the security of you and
your family, occupants, and guests are your responsibility
alone. Your use of lhe alarm system is (check 011e) 0 required or
!xi optional. You arc responsible for all false alarm charges for
your dwell ing.
You (check one) 0 do or !xi do not have to
Per mit from city.
obtain a city permit for activation and use of the intrusion a larm.
If you do, the phone number to call is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
a nd it is your responsibility to obtain the permit. You also will be
responsible for any fines due to excessive false alarms.
recommended that you purchase insurance to cover casualty loss of
your propeny, including loss by theft.
11. Emergencies. Always call 911 or law enforcement authorities or
emergency medical services in the event
a crime or emergency.
Then contact us. We arc not required IO answer the alarm, bul we do
have the right to enter and cut off the alarm to minimize annoyance
to neighbors when it malfunctions or is not timely cut off.
12. Entire agreement.
We've made no promises or rcprcscatations
regarding the alarm system except those in Ibis addendum.
13. Special Provisions. The following special provisions control over
conflicting provisions of this printed form:
Follow instructions. You agree to use reasonable care in o perating
the alarm and to follow the written instructions, rules
and procedures furnished to you by us.
Instructions D are
attached or O will be provided to you when you move in.
management comp..;lJ'ly with the alarm code and
authorizes the management company to
deactivate the alarm in an emergency~
You (check one) !xi will or O will not have
to make arrangements with an independent alarm company
lo activate and maintain the alarm system.
You (check one)
Da may choose your own alarm company or D arc required to
6 . Alarm company.
as your
alarm company. The alarm system is repaired and maintained by
Residents Independent Alarm Company
E ntry by owner.
Upon activation of the alarm system, you must
immediately provide us (management) with your security code and
a ny special alarm system instructions for lawful e ntry into the unit
when no o ne is there, as authorized in your NAA Lease Contract.
You must reimburse us for any expenses we incur in entering your
dwelling, when those expenses arc due to your failure to provide the
foregoing information.
Resident or Residents
Owner or Owne r's Representative
/All residems must sign here}
{signs here/
Date of Lease Contract
~ - - -~N~ovember 1~1 =2~0~1~5~ - - - - - - © 2013, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 1/2013, Illinois
P&Z 12 07 2015
November 1 8 2015
(when this Addendum is filled out
All use of any tobacco product involving smoking, bu ming, or combustion of tobacco is prohibited in any portion of tire dwelling co1111111mity.
You are entitled to receive an original of this No-Smoking Addendum ajier it is fully signed. Keep it in a safe place.
1. Dwelling Unit Description. Apt. No.
dwelling or building is in excess of normal wear and tear in our
103 Oa k Leaf Lane
smoke free dwelling community.
Vernon Hills
S. Your Responsibility for Loss of Rental Income and
address) in
(city), lllinois,
(zip code).
Economic Damages Regarding Other Residents. You arc
2. Lease Contract Description
responsible for payment of all lost rental income or other
Lease Contract date:
No vember 18 , 2015
economic and financial damages o r loss to us due to smoking or
Owner's name: RHR Oaks of Ve rnon Hills , LLC
smoke related damage caused by you or your occupants, family,
guests, or invitees which results in or causes other residents to
vacate their dwellings, resull5 in disruption of other residents'
quiet enjoyment, or adversely affects other residents' or
Residents (list all residents) :_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
occupaots' health, safoty, or welfare.
3. Smoking Anywhere Inside Buildings of the Dwelling
Community is Strictly Prohibited. All forms and use of
lighted or burning tobacco products and smoking of tobacco
products inside any dwelling, building, or interior of any
portion of the dwelling community is strictly prohibited. Any
violation of the no-smoking policy is a material and substantial
violation of this addendum and the Lease Contract.
The prohibition on use of any lighted or burning tobacco
products or smoking of any tobacco products extends to all
residents, their occupants, guests, invitees and all others who arc
present on or in any portion of the dwelling community. The
no-smoking policy and rules extend to, but are not limited to,
the maoagcment and leasing offices, building interiors and
hallways, building common areas, dwellings. club house,
exercise or spa facility, tennis courts, all interior areas of the
dwelling community, commercial shops, businesses, and spaces,
work areas, and all other spaces whether in the interior of the
dwelling community or in the enclosed spaces on the
surrounding community g rounds. Smoking of non-tobacco
products which are harmful to the health, safety, and welfare of
other residents is also prohibited by this addendum and other
provisions of the Lease Contract inside any dwelling or
Smoking Outside Buildings of the Dwelling C ommunity.
Smoking is permitted only in specially designated areas outside
the buildings of the dwelling community. The smokingpcrmissible areas are marked by signage.
Smoking on b-alconies, patios, and limited common areas
attached to or outside of your dwelling D is IXI is not
The following outside areas of the community may be used
for smoking: Smoking is restricted to only_ __
t h ose areas , if a ny , identified by Owner.
Notwithstanding, smoking is Erohibited
within 15 feet of all entrances .
Even though smoking may be permitted in certain limited
outside areas, we reserve the right to direct that you and your
occupants, family, guests, and invitees cease and desist from
smoking in those areas if smoke is entering the dwellings or
buildings or if it is interfering with the health, safety, or welfare
or disturbing the quiet enjoyment, or business operations of us,
other residents, or guests.
4. Your Responsibility for Damages and Cleaning. You are
responsible for payment of all costs and damages to your
dwelling, other residents' dwellings, or any other portion of the
dwelling community for repair, replacement, or cleaning due to
smoking or smoke related damage caused by you or your
occupants, fami ly, guests, or invitees, regardless of whether
such use was a violation of this addendum. Any costs or
damages we incur related to repairs, replacement, and cleaning
due to your smoking or due to your violatio n of the no-smoking
provisions of the Lease Contract arc in excess of normal wear
and tear. Smoke related damage, including but not limited to,
the smell of tobacco smoke which permeates sheetrock,
carpeting, wood, insulation, or other components of the
6. Definition of Smoking. Smoking refers to any use or
possession of a cigar, cigarette, or pipe containing tobacco or a
tobacco product while that tobacco or product is burning,
lighted, or ignited, regardless of whether the person using or
possessing the product is inhaling or exhaling the smoke from
such product. The term tobacco includes, but is not limited lo,
any form, compound, or synthesis of the plant of the genus
Nicotiana or the species N. tal,acum which is cultivated for its
leaves to be used in cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Smoking also
refers to use or possession of burning, lighted, or ignited nontobacco products if they are noxious, offensive, unsafe,
unhealthy, or irritating to other persons.
7. Lease Contract Termination for Violation of the
Addendum. We have the right to terminate your Lease
Contract or right of occupancy of the dwelling for any violation
of this No-Smoking Addendum. Violation of the no-smoking
provisions is a material and substantial default or violation of
the Lease Contract. Despite the termination of the Lease
Contract or your occupancy, you will remain liable for rent
through the end of the Lease Contract term or the date o n which
the dwelling is re-rented to a new occupant, whichever comes
first. Therefore, you may be responsible for payment of rent
after you vacate the leased premises even though you are no
longer living in the dwelling.
8. Extent of Your Liability for Losses Due to Smoking. Your
responsibility for damages, cleaning, loss of rental income, and
loss of other economic damages under Lhis No-Smoking
Addendum are in addition to, and not in lieu of, your
responsibility for any other damages or loss under the Lease
Contract or any other addendum.
9. Your Responsibility for Conduct of Occupants, Family
Members, and Guests. You arc responsible for communicating
this community's no-smoking policy and for ensuring
compliance with this addendum by your occupants, family,
guests, and invitees.
10. There Is No Warranty of a Smoke F ree Environment.
Although we prohibit smoking in all interior parts of the
dwelling community, there is no warranty or guaranty of any
kind that your dwelling or the dwelling community is smoke
free. Smoking in certain limited outside areas is allowed as
provided above. Enforcement of our no-smoking policy is a
joint responsibility which requires your cooperation in
reporting incidents or suspected violations of smoking. You
must report violations of our no-smoking policy before we are
obligated to investigate and act, and you must thereafter
cooperate with us in prosecution of such violations.
This is an important and binding legal document. By signing
this addendum you are acknowledging that a violation could
lead to termination of your Lease Contract or right to continue
living in the dwelling. If you or someone in your household is
a smoker, you should carefully consider whether you will be
able to abide by the terms of this addendum. Before signing you
must advise us whether you o r anyone who will be living in
your dwelling is a smoker. You must check one of the
following boxes.
D Neither you nor anyone who will be living in the dwelling
is a smoker.
D Someone in my household is a smoker; however, we agree
to follow your no-smoking policy.
Resident or Residents
/All residents must sign here}
Owner o r Owner's Representative
/Sign here/
11182015219013IL1 4042200
© 20 t 3, National Aparlmcnl Association, Inc. - 1/2013
P&Z 12 07 2015
Lease Contract Adden dum
for Per-Person Rental of Dwelling
(This ndde11d11111 is not iutended for use nfler the origi11nl Lense Contrnct term lrns expired.)
ADDENDUM. This is an Addendum to the NAA Lease Contract
between you and us o n the dwelling described below:
co-resident(s) or his invitees or family. You are 100 percent liable for
animal violation charges, late fe(.>S, rdurned chl'Ck charges, missing
smoke detector batteries, government fines and damages to the
dwelling or common areas caused only by you or your invitees or
family. You arc liable for your per-pcrso11 share for animal violation
charges, late fees, returned check charges, missing smoke detector
batteries, and d.images to the dwelling if we cannot, in our reasonable
judgment, ascertain the identity of who was at fault. "Per person" is
determined by the number of persons authorized undt::r the Lease
Contract to be living in the dwdling at the time of the damage, charge,
fine o r violation.
Resident (you) - - - - - - - - - - -- - - Owner (us)
RHR Oaks of Vernon Hills
Dwelling (Apt. # or type if # is not yet known_ _ _ _ _ __
103 Oak Leaf Lane
(stred address)
in _ _ _ _ _ __ ___,
· ,.,
l _,,
l ,,s' -- - -- - - (city),
Illinois, _ __ ____,,
6_,0_,0'-"6'-'1, .__ _ __ _ _ _ _ (zip code).
lJate of Lease Contract _ __ ~N~o~ v~ ember 18 ,~2~0=
1=5~ - - f}eginning date of lease term - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
10. REQUESTS AN D NOTICES. A notice of your intent to move out
must be signed by you, pcrsonillly. A request by anyone residing in
your dwelling for maintenance or repair constitutes a request from all
Ending date of lease term - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -2.
PURPOSE OF ADDENDUM. The purpose of this addendum is to
modify the NAA Lease Contract so that the resident named above may
occupy the dwelling with other co-residents without being jointly
liable for rent and various other obligations owed by the other
co-residents. This addendum controls over any conflicting provisions
in the NAA Lease Contract.
Each resident in the dwelling will
execute a separate lease to which this addendum will be attached.
XI may not (check one) assign another person to share a bedroom with
you. If the dwelling has a separate bathroom for each bedroom, you
and any other person assigned to your bedroom will have exclusive
use of that bathroom. You will share use and occupancy of the
dwelling's common living .ircas with up to
persons who lease from us and share the common living areas of your
dwelling. The common living areas include the kitchen, living room,
any private balconies or patios, and any storage rooms assigned to
your dwelling.
SECURITY DEPOSIT. The security deposit amount stated in the
Lease Contrnct is your security deposit and is not the total security
deposit of J!l co-residents.
KEYS. Upon written request by you, we will at your expense: (1)
rckey the lock(s) on the exterior doors of the dwelling and provide a
key to all other co-residents in the dwelling, and (2) rekcy the lock on
your bedroom door(s) and provide a key to you and any other person
.issigned to your bedroom. If you want other co-residents to share the
cost, they must also sign the request. If your dwelling or bedroom is
rckcyed withou t a request from you and you arc still living in the
dwelling. we will furnish you a new key.
RENT. You will be liable for your monthly rent as stated in the Lease
Contract. The rent amount stated in the Lease Contract is rent owed
by you and is not the total rent owed by all co-residents.
UTILITIES. We will arrange for activation of utilities and services as
provided in the Lease Contract to the dwelling fur the benefit of all
persons residing in the dwelling. Your per-person share of any
submetered or .illocated utilities for the dwelling will be included as
an itemized charge on a monthly billing to you. "Per person" is
determined by the number of persons authori?:cd und er the Lease
Contract to be living in the dwelling at the time of the utility billing to
you by us or our agent.
SECURITY DEVICES. Upon written reques t by you, we will install at
your expense a keyed deadbolt on the door(s) that provide access into
your bedroom. A bedroom door opening into the interior of the
dwelling is not an exterior door for purposes of the security d evice
REIMBURSEMENT FOR DAMAGES; VIOLATIONS; PERPERSON LIABILITY. You are nol liable for another co- resident's rent
or for animal violation charges, late fees, returned-check charges,
missing smoke detector batteries, government fines or damages which
are due, in our reasonable judgment, solely bt..---cause of the foult of
ilnother co-resident(s) judgment, solely because of tht· fault of another
A notice from us to you to pay sums owed only by you, or regarding
sale of property that belongs only to you or that was in your
possession and care, will be addressed to you only. A notice from us
that is intended only for you will be addressed only to you. A notice
intended by us for all co-residents in your dwelling may be addressed
to "all residents" of your dwelling. A notice intended by us for all
residents in a multi-unit community, may be addressed to "all
11. DEFAULT. The resident defaults contained in the Lease Contract will
be limited to conduct by you or your invitees or family or to conduct
in which you or they participated. The remedies for a default
committed solely by another co-resident in the dwelling will be
limited to those that affect that co-resident only.
12. REFUNDS. Refunds will be paid to you only and not by joint check to
you and others. The time p eriod for refund begins when you move out.
13. RE LOCATION. To the extent practical in our sole judgment, we will
try to honor requests for residing in a particular dwelling. If we
receive a joint request from you .ind another resident in your unit to
exchange bedrooms within 10 days .iftcr your initial occupancy and
you comply with our procedures and required documentation, you
may change bedrooms with another resident in your dwelling without
being subject to a transfer fee.
14. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions control
over conflicting provisions of this printed form:
The Oaks of Vernon Hills has aver
s ecific " Occupancy Standard". Please
request a ~opy or you may see one posted
i n the Leas~ng,__,O"'f...--.
f _,,
i "'c"'e"-'. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Date of Signing Addendum
Ownl'r or ownn's rcp~senlative
1118201521 9014IL14042200
Illinois/National Apartment Association Official Form 10-Z, April 2010
Copyright 2010, National Apartment Association, Inc.
P&Z 12 07 2015
----ESTABLISH.ED 1957----
2016 Village of Deer Park Planning and Zoning Meeting Schedule
All regularly scheduled Plan Commission meetings occur on the first Monday of each month
starting at 7:00 p.m., with the exception of a holiday, then it will be the following Monday
for that month. Meetings are held at the Vehe Barn, 23570 W. Cuba Road, Deer Park, Illinois
unless a different location is listed on the agenda. The dates for the regularly scheduled meetings
are shown below:
January 4th
February 1st
March ih
April 4 th
May 2°d
June 6th
Julyl 1 th (Independence Day 4 th)
August 1 st
September 12th (Labor Day ih )
October 3 rd
November ih
December 5th
P&Z 12 07 2015