annual report 2014-2015


annual report 2014-2015
Summary of Gifts 2014-2015
Special Events
Major and Capital Gifts:
2014-2015 Annual Fund:
Brescia Ball 2014
Gifts from Foundations:
Fore the Girls Golf Tournament 2015
Gifts to Endowment & Scholarships:
Operating Income
Total for fiscal year 2014-2015
Operating Expenses
Tuition and Fees
Financial Aid
Annual Fund &
Student Programs
Other Gifts
Salary & Benefits
Special Events
General &
Other Income
Board of Trustees 2014-2015
LTC Denise M. Donovan, USA (Ret.) ‘77
Sister Madonna O’Hara, O.S.U.
Ms. Ann Gioioso P’13, ‘15
Ms. Michelle Raftery ‘80
Sr. Rita Ann Bregenhorn, O.S.U.
Ms. Judy Habib ‘71
Ms. Margaret Reynolds ‘82
Sr. Ann Barrett, O.S.U.
Mr. Michael Haynes P’07 ‘12
Ms. Regina Sullivan ‘78
Sr. Mary Ann Dooling, O.S.U.
Ms. Meg Hobson ’85
Mr. George Violin
Sr. Julie Hickey, O.S.U.
Sister Angela Krippendorf ‘59, O.S.U
Ms. Rosann Whiting
Sr. Jean Hopman, O.S.U.
Ms. Marianne LeBlanc’86, Esq.
Ms. Kathleen Levesque ‘77
Ms. Angela Quinn Crispi P’14
Sr. Chabanel Mathison, O.S.U., ex-officio
Mr. Peter Dolan P’11
Dr. Mary Mullen‘79
Mr. Richard Osterberg, Esq.
Mr. David Putnam P ‘89
Publication Information
Elaine Fazekas
Director of Communications
Editor/Data Contribution:
Cindy Harrington
Janet Reynolds
Design & Layout:
Caroline Rufo
Lisa A. Rubini ‘79
Elaine Fazekas
O’Connor Studios
Letter From the President
January 2016
Dear Friends,
Once again, please accept my profound thanks for your
support of Ursuline Academy. The mission of educating young
women in mind, body and spirit remains strong because of the
individuals and organizations listed within these pages who
have provided support over the past year for our Annual Fund,
our building campaign, and our special fundraising events. You
make Ursuline Academy a community that is bound together in
a common mission.
The pages of this magazine are witness to the fact that there
is a culture of philanthropy alive and well at Ursuline Academy.
This year, the Annual Fund had a record-breaking year due to
the generosity of our Board of Trustees, who matched every
dollar donated to the Annual Fund during the month of May. This allowed the Annual Fund to
post an increase of 19% over the previous fiscal year. The Annual Fund is so important to the
life of the school, as these funds are unrestricted and benefit every aspect of student life, from
academics to athletics to equipment and supplies and financial aid.
In November, I had the joy and the privilege of announcing to the school community assembled
at the Brescia Ball that we have formally initiated a capital campaign to raise the necessary
funds to complete Phase I of the Academy’s Master Plan – the construction of an Athletic and
Convocation Center on campus. This 40,000 square foot building will provide much-needed
athletic, academic and gathering space for our students. Nearly $7 million has been raised and
the permitting process is complete. We are now committed to completing the fundraising with
the intent to begin construction in the spring of 2016. To learn more about the project and how
you can help, you may view our web site at
In addition to being grateful to you, our benefactors, I am also grateful to the Ursuline Sisters
who moved to the Dedham campus and built the school in 1958, graced the faculty for the
better part of sixty years, and remained a prayerful presence on campus until 2014. May they
always be an inspiration to our current students, faculty and staff.
I am truly blessed to be supported by such a strong community of families, faculty and staff, and
Gratefully yours,
Rosann M. Whiting
Thank you, Mrs. Keaney !
The mantra “Remember your roots” has been a recurring theme in
Principal Mary Jo Keaney’s life. The 1982 graduate invoked these words
upon her arrival at Ursuline in 2009 to describe her path back to her
alma mater, and again invoked it in her parting message to the school
community last spring. Mrs. Keaney has once again chosen to return
to her roots in her decision to step down from the position of principal in
order to care for her parents, John and Mary Gorman, in their later years.
As the first lay principal of Ursuline Academy, Mrs. Keaney accomplished
much in her six years at the academic helm of 85 Lowder Street,
including initiating an overhaul of the master schedule, overseeing
the school through the NEASC reaccreditation process, chaperoning
countless service and international trips, and advocating for Ursuline’s
participation in the Ursuline Sisters athletics tournaments. Not only did
Mrs. Keaney, Sr. Angela Krippendorf, O.S.U.
she break new ground, but she also continued the Ursuline tradition of
being a teaching principal, by teaching Latin classes ranging from the seventh grade to a senior advisory class.
Mrs. Keaney’s farewell message to the Ursuline community is reprinted here (opposite):
Principal Search Committee
Under the direction of President Rosann Whiting, Ursuline Academy has completed the process of forming the search
committee to fill the permanent principal’s position. With the leadership of co-chairs Angela Crispi P ‘14 and Brother
Raymond Vercruysse, C.F.C., Ed.D, the committee began working this summer to find our next principal. Members of the
committee include:
Mary Lou Burke Afonso ‘82 P ‘20
Bridget Coyle ‘91
Mary Ferrucci, Director of Guidance
Sr. Angela Krippendorf, O.S.U. ‘59 and Trustee
Mary Feeley Moriarty ‘80
Laurel Mullen P’16 ‘17 Dr. Michael Ricard P’15 Jim Scanlan P’18
Mary-Kate Tracy-Robidoux ‘94, Campus Minister
The committee is dedicated to finding the very best candidate to lead Ursuline Academy into the future while being respectful
of our heritage as a school founded on the principles of St. Angela Merici. With this highly-qualified committee in place, we are
confident of success. Updates on the search process will be posted in the President’s Message area of
Interim Principal Kate Levesque
While President Whiting and the search committee lead the process of identifying and hiring the next
permanent principal for the Academy, Ursuline’s day-to-day leadership will be in good hands with
Mrs. Kathleen (Nolan) Levesque ’77, who will serve as interim principal for the 2015-2016 school
year. In addition to being an Ursuline alumna, Mrs. Levesque is well-known to our community as the
former vice-chair of the Board of Trustees and, prior to that, as Past President of the Academy from
2004–2007. She also served as a member of our Executive Committee and chair of our Governance
Committee. Under her leadership, the school purchased the 112 Lowder Street building and
successfully began the transition to the President/Principal model. Kate brings years of experience
as an independent school administrator and board member, and has a keen sense of business and of the challenges facing
independent schools. As a graduate of Ursuline Academy and the College of the Holy Cross, Mrs. Levesque believes and lives
the motto of Serviam. We welcome her back to our community in this new capacity. 2
Dear Ursuline Families,
As my days at Ursuline draw to a close, I am reminded that I stand
on the shoulders of the ones who came before me, and I am very
On Memorial Day in 1982, thirty-three years ago, I graduated from
Ursuline Academy. The priest gave our graduation address and
used the literary device anaphora, saying “Remember your roots.
Remember your roots. Remember your roots.”
I had been sick the day before I graduated, and it was only with my
mom’s 24-hour attentiveness, aspirin for my fever and flat coke for
my upset stomach that I made it to graduation. It was overcast, rain
threatened and I was terrified that I would not make it through the
ceremony. Ultimately, I made it through graduation, and I was so
glad that I did. I felt so proud of my friends, whom I considered to be my sisters. We had only just begun
and the possibilities were limitless. Flash forward 33 years.
The class of 2015 shares the deep bonds that I have experienced through the years with my Ursuline
friends including my dearest classmate Nan Leonard ‘82 as well as my best friend Mary Beth Roche ‘81. I am so proud of the class of 2015 and the previous five classes whom I have had the privilege to know. I
also am thrilled that I taught two classes in the last six years, including an independent study in Classics in
Translation in 2009 and Latin 7 with the ‘Teeny Keaneys’ in 2012. I am thankful to all parents who chose to
share their daughters with us, and I want to say a special thank you to Dr. Michael Ricard, who lent a hand
whenever we needed it and who broke ground in establishing our FIRST Robotics program for our girls.
There was nothing from my long ago graduation day that gave me any inkling that some day - 27 years
into the future - I would be given the blessing of coming home again, and yet, it happened. Through God’s
grace, I was called back to serve Ursuline and to advance the mission of Serviam in small ways.
Sr. Dorothy Doyle, who passed away this year on the Feast of St. Angela Merici, was so important to me.
She was loving, encouraging, brilliant and dear. She was my principal and my upper level Latin teacher. I
loved her. Throughout my time as principal at Ursuline, I had a framed picture in my office of the two of us
at my high school graduation party. I have talked to the picture often in the last six years.
Two years ago, I got the chance to visit Sr. Dorothy Doyle with trustee Denise Donovan ‘77 and her sister
Rosemarie Donovan Baker ‘76. Sr. Dorothy had Alzheimer’s, but she recognized me, and after she said,
“Hello, Mary Jo,” asked me “ How are your parents doing?” Wow! I have a dad who has Alzheimer’s
and what I have learned is that
he may not remember the most
recent moments, but he has never
forgotten the long ago kindnesses of
his aunts, of his dear coaches or of
the priests at Stonehill College. Be
kind whenever you can.
Both Sr. Dorothy and Sr. Mercedes
left Ursuline to care for their parents.
I follow in their footsteps.
Peace and prayers,
Mary Jo Keaney
Mrs. Keaney with her parents, Mary and Jack Gorman
Serviam Society 2014-2015
The Serviam Society recognizes philanthropic leadership giving to Ursuline Academy. The society includes
donors who commit gifts totalling $1,000 or more to the Academy during a fiscal year (July 1 thru June 30).
This includes the 2014-2015 Annual Fund, Brescia Ball, Golf Tournament, Major Gifts and Scholarships.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gioioso *+
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Cornforth
Anonymous (3) *
Alexandra (Carr ‘72) and
Walter Baker *+
Darlene Luccio Jordan ‘85 +
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Crooks
Arbella Insurance Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Joseph *+
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Daley *+
Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Borodic *+
The Catholic Schools Foundation
LTC Denise M. Donovan USA (Ret.) ‘77 *+
Boston Private Bank & Trust Company
M. Patricia Leary Dowling ‘52 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun
(Kathleen Nolan ‘77) Levesque *+
Maureen O’Keefe Doran ‘65 *+
Peter and Kimberly Chipman *
F.L. Putnam Investment Management Co.
Michael and Julie Lynch *+
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Haynes *+
Mr. and Mrs. David Clancy *+
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. Lynch *+
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Hernando *
Angela and David Crispi *+
The Flatley Foundation *+
P. Gioioso & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hestmark +
Dedham Institution for Savings
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gorman *+
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Roberto *+
Sr. Angela Krippendorf o.s.u. ‘59 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fantozzi *+
Mr. and Mrs. John Hajjar *+
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Rusnock *+
Thomas Lucci and Marlene DeLeon *+
Capt. Matthew S. Feely *
Megan Golden Hobson ‘85*+
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scannell *+
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maguire *+
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Finch
Sarah (Newman ’78)
and Paul O’Donnell *+
Mrs. Sheila Warner *+
Mr. Michael Malamut
and Dr. Catherine Milch
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Fox *+
Needham Bank *
Mr. and Mrs. Gino L. Gioioso *+
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gormley *+
Susan M. Olsen ‘89 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Gioioso
Judy Habib ‘71 *+
Drs. Michael and Brenda Ricard *+
Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe L. Gioioso *+
Adele and Will Kohler *
Timothy and Kathleen Riordan *+
Mr. and Mrs. Luigi Gioioso
Eileen Reynolds Lindburg ‘68 *+
Mary and Michael Sarandopolis
Global Contracting Services, Inc. *+
Eric and Christine Olson *+
State Street Matching Gift Program *
The Good Works Foundation +
Construction Management & Builders, Inc.
William J. Gormley Funeral Service, Inc.
Catherine Crowley Toomey ‘62 *+
Tom and Kate Gormley *+
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Higgins *+
Cynthia Brown-Sullivan ‘88 *
Mary Lou (Burke ‘82 ) and Paul Afonso *+
Jeffrey and Mary Keough *+
Suzanne Ferguson Burkhardt ‘81 *+
Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson *+
KHJ Brand Activation
Mr. and Mrs. David W. C. Putnam *+
Margaret M. Reynolds ‘82 *+
Regina Sullivan ‘78 *+
Yawkey Foundation *+
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Dolan *
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Fahy *+
Gerald R. Jordan Foundation +
Rosann M. Whiting *+
Mr. and Mrs. Francesco Gioioso
St. Angela Merici Circle: $25,000 and over • President’s Circle: $10,000 to $24,999 • Principal’s Circle: $7,500 to $9,999 • The Academy Circle:
Barbara and Barry Lavalle *+
Dr. and Mrs. H. Ivan Orup Jr. *+
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Lawlor *+
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Osterberg *
Marianne C. LeBlanc ‘86 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Pino *+
Mr. and Mrs. S. Eric Marcheski
Maria F. Pino ’77 *+
Marsh & McLennan Companies *+
Progressive Casualty Insurance
Company *
Greg and Ann-Marie Martin *
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCafferty
McCafferty and Company PC *+
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Miller *+
Elizabeth Pasciucco Mingle ‘97 *+
Inez Walsh Moore ‘62 *+
The Norfolk & Dedham Group
Robert J. Lawler and Crosby
Funeral Home +
Lauren St. John ‘64 +
Prof. and Mrs. William Stargard *
TS3 Realty LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Waldeck +
Mr. and Mrs. Len Penella +
Maureen Egan Petracca ‘80 *+
Bank of America *
Mary Beth Murphy Roche ‘81 *
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boyd +
David and Carol Ryan *
Compass Project Management, Inc.
Kendyl and Theresa Schaefer +
Janice Sullivan Crowley ‘68 *
Schroder Investment Management
North America Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Curtis *
Dianne E. Shalbey *+
Donahue Real Estate Company, Inc. *
Attorney and Mrs. Kurt Steinkrauss *+
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Stone Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fazekas +
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sullivan *+
Mr. and Mrs. R. John Feely III
Dr. George Violin +
Fidelity Foundation
Matching Gifts to Education *
Dr. and Mrs. John Warner *+
James and Anita Alden *+
Alden Group, Inc.
Mary (Meade ‘84)
and Brian Ambrefe *+
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Donahue *
John and Patricia Folcarelli *+
Fulfillment America
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Garrow *
Sr. Bridget Haase o.s.u.
Hajjar Management Co, Inc.
Thomas and Elizabeth Carroll +
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hanna +
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Conners *+
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Henry +
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Correia *+
Highland Capital Brokerage
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Horgan *
Mr. Paul DiNicola
and Ms. Pamela Booth *+
Mr. and Mrs. James Hosker *+
Draper Laboratory
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawler
John and Kelly Faggiano *+
Michelle and Matt Freeman *+
Gennaro and Rita LeDonne
and Family +
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Hines *+
Ms. Elizabeth Mathew *+
Mr. and Mrs. John
(Elizabeth McManus ‘76) Howard *
Mr. Michael McCann
Mary Jo (Gorman ‘82)
and Paul Keaney *+
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. McManus *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawler Jr.
Mary Feely Moriarty ’80 +
Mr. Ronald Logue
and Ms. Kathleen McGillycuddy *
Dr. and Mrs. John Mullen
Mary (Connolly ’78)
and Stan Luniewicz
M. Susi Hot Asphalt, LLC
Mary-Jeanne O’Connor Manning ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin *
Mary Hughes McCarthy ‘62 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kaster
Jim and Christine McGrail *+
Michael and Kathleen McNally *
Dr. Mary M. Mullen ’79
and Dr. Hal Burstein *+
Mary Murphy ‘82 *
Mr. Paul J. Nolan *+
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Noonan
Lisa M. O’Brien ’83 *
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Michienzie +
Old Mutual Asset Management
Charitable Foundation, Inc. *+
Meg O’Brien Millar ‘82 *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Papile
Mr. and Mrs. Antoine M. Nader *+
Dr. and Mrs. John
(Mary Costello ‘61) Pasciucco Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P.
O’Connor Jr. *+
Michaela McMahon ‘89
and Steven Popeo *+
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Weber Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James Popkin +
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Whalen *
Ms. Roxanne Webster
George and Consuelo Ryan *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schneider
Michael and Kathleen Spalla
Andrew Splitz *+
Chris and Annette Sutherburg *+
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Talutis *+
UBS Foundation USA Matching Gift *
* Three or more years of consecutive
Annual Fund gifts
+ Increased Annual Fund gift from prior
$5,000 to $7,499 • Ursuline Circle: $2,500 to $4,999 • Partners in the Mission: $1,500 to $2,499 • Educators Circle: $1,000 to $1,499
Annual Fund 2014-2015
Gifts to the Annual Fund sustain the foundation of excellence that allows Ursuline Academy to flourish.
As the second largest source of income, the Annual Fund provides a core source of funding that
supports Ursuline’s needs. The success of the Annual Fund each year enables the Academy to offer
programs and initiatives that benefit the entire community. It gives administration the flexibility to
meet opportunities for our students and faculty. We are deeply grateful to all of our supporters who make
Ursuline a philanthropic priority.
Alexandra Gallogly ‘97
Linda Gray MacKay ‘57 *+
Dr. Erika Vina and Mr. Vicente Vina *+
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Garrity
Margaret Warner ‘10 +
Anonymous *
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Gibson +
Mr. Richard Martinelli and Ms. Mary
Donoghue +
The APAS Foundation *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gilmore
Mr. and Mrs. James McAdams *+
Valerie Roberts Wilcox ‘53 *+
Kelly Boudreau ‘90 *+
GK Dermatology, PC
Ms. Julaine McInnis
Maura Fagan Braslins ‘79 *+
Mr. and Mrs. William Glass *
Jennifer Reilly McLaughlin ‘82 *
Kerry Fitzwilliam Brosnihan ‘87 *
Mr. and Mrs. William Griffiths *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McNaughton *
Ann and Bruce Buccelli *+
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harnan
Thea Fabio Merrill ‘72 *+
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Carrozza *
Cindy and Ronald Harrington *+
Attorney and Mrs. Jay Mullen *
Jeanne Supple Cavanaugh ‘63 *+
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation *
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nelson
Judith White Costello ‘66 *+
Mr. Dennis Hursey *+
Nancy McGinn Nisonson ‘65 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cronin *+
Mary Pat Ryan Joy ‘65 *+
Pamela Ochs-Piasecki ‘85 *
Patricia A. Foley Cummins ‘77 *+
Mr. and Mrs. James Keefe *+
Mr. and Mrs. John H. O’Donnell *
Ms. Sheila Curtis *+
Mr. and Mrs. Colm Dunphy *+
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. and (Ruth
Cantwell) Keeley ‘78 *+
Mr. James O’Sullivan and Ms. Mary
Courtney-O’Sullivan *
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Farley
Dr. and Mrs. Scott D. Kelley *+
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pollis +
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Paul (Julie) Kennedy
Michelle Raftery ‘80 *
Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzgerald Jr. *
Mr. and Mrs. James Kilroy *+
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Rao +
FM Global Foundation *+
Dr. and Mrs. George Kroumpouzos
Drs. Stephen and Tia Recupero *
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Furey *
Mrs. Mary Lou Logue *
Attorney and Mrs. John Roche *+
Mr. Gilbert Gailius *
Susan Looney ‘83 *
Dr. Maria Segura and Dr. Oscar Bernal *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Gallagher *+
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lytle
Nadine Fitzwilliam Steffan ’88 *
Mrs. Elaine Timilty
* Loyal donor with 3 or more consecutive Annual Fund gifts
Wells Fargo Foundation +
Bernadette Michaud Adamo ‘92 *+
Attorney and Mrs. Timothy S. Ahearn *
Marjorie Hennigan Alutto ‘84 *+
Mr. and Mrs. John Bacon *
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Banach
Mr. and Mrs. John Bent Jr. *+
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Black *+
Norah Cantwell Blaney ‘74 *+
BNY Mellon Community Partnership
Employee Funds
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Boudreau *
Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Boyle
Virginia Morse Boyle ‘67 *
Kristin Burke ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cady *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cahill *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Caruso +
+ Increased Annual Fund Gift from prior year
Denise DeBassio Champagne ‘84 *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Gillis
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. McDonald +
Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Prasad *
Citizens Charitable Foundation *
Ms. Virginia Hannigan ‘50 +
Nancy White McDonald ‘80
Attorney Rosemary Purtell *
Luisa Tosi Claeys ‘63 *+
Attorney and Mrs. H. James Hartley *
Kate Robertson McKiernan ‘96 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Quinn *
Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Claus +
Mary Pat Hawkins ‘81 *+
Nancy Devine McLaughlin ‘76 *
Raytheon Matching Gifts for Education *+
Marie Lucci Clouqueur ‘04
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
(Amanda McCartney ‘89) Hayes *
Mary Beth Hunt McMahon ‘82 *
Mr. Paul Rege
Jennifer Gorman Memmott ‘97 *
Kelly Reynolds ‘04 *+
Ms. Terri-Ann Condry ‘82
and Mr. John B. Wood *
Barbara Healey ‘70 +
MFS Investment Management *+
Meghan Kavanaugh Rich ‘96 *
Barbara Bruno Henson ‘58 *
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Milonopoulos *+
Mary Creeden Risio ‘64 *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crichlow
Ms. Katherine Hunt ‘97 *+
Kathleen Lynch Moncata ‘77 *
Margaret Maguire Rodgers ‘65 *+
Kathryn Golden Delaney ‘58 +
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kavanaugh *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore *+
Mr. Thomas E. Ryan
Elinor Ryan Devlin ‘66 *
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Kearins *+
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moynihan
Jack and Christina Saraf
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DiCenso
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Kelley *
Dr. Catherine Muldoon *+
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Scanlan
Mary Didiuk ‘87 *
Kathleen Maddox Kelly ‘89
Ms. Susan Mulligan *
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Schmergel *+
Mr. and Mrs. Louis DiPietro +
Joann Spellman Kenney ‘70 *
Mrs. Barbara Murphy *
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schnoor *
Ciarna McGill DiPlacido ‘90 *
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Lambros *+
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Murphy *+
Ms. Molly Schoeck *
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Dixon Sr. *
Ms. Beth Leonard ’80
and Mr. Nicholas Argy *+
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D.
(Karen Anastasia ‘84) Murphy *
Mr. William J. Skerry
and Ms. Melinda J. Ordway *
Mary Delaney Cogan
Dr. Robert Dolan
and Dr. Janemarie Dolan *+
Sra. Patricia Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Naser
Mr. and Mrs. F. John Solman III *
Elizabeth Farley ‘06 +
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis *+
Ms. Maureen Nedder *
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Spring *
Carol Luccio Farwell ‘67 *
Anne Favaloro Liddy ‘93 *
Northrop Grumman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stegman
Karen Faulkner ‘63 *+
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Lowney *
Mr. John J. O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Stranberg *+
Mr. and Mrs. James Ferzoco *
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Lynch +
Mary Ellen Haley O’Dea ‘63 *
Mr. and Mrs. Vinayak Subramanian *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
(Christine Mead ‘88) Fleming Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John MacNeil *+
Katharine M. O’Meara ‘74 *+
Mr. and Mrs. George Sullivan *+
Cara Maggioni ‘87 +
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fox *
Kathleen Hegarty Palenscar ‘99 *+
Karen McDonald Sullivan ‘86 *
Stacie Manning ‘04 +
Tiffany Lui Fuller ‘03 +
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pastore
Patricia Sullivan ‘74 *
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Martin +
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Gallagher +
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Patterson *
Stephanie Talutis ‘03 *
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McAleer *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Garfield +
Colleen Conners Peters ‘95 *
Ms. Linda Thompson *+
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard T. McDermott *
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Garrity
Mr. and Mrs. David McDonald +
Mr. and Mrs. Don
(Lisa Sabino ‘81) Piccolo *
Ms. Sheila Curtis
Dr. and Mrs. James Patten
Mr. and Mrs. John Howard
Ms. Cynthia Rice Levine
Mrs. Mary Jo Keaney ‘82
Sr. Martha Gleason o.s.u. ‘54
Bruce Romano Charitable Fund, Inc.
Dr. Sandra A. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. David W. C. Putnam
Restricted Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. James Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. James Alden
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Eakin
Alden Group, Inc.
The family of Constance Lynch Feely
generously supports this scholarship.
Michael and Anna Caruso
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation
Sheila and Jim Keefe
Catholic Schools Foundation
Mr. Richard Martinelli and Ms. Mary
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sullivan
Mr. Michael McCann
Needham Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pollis
Matching Gifts
Amy Ashur Kline ‘08
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
The Baupost Group, L.L.C.
Draper Laboratory
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Amy Ashur Kline ‘08
BNY Mellon Community Partnership
Employee Funds
Drs. Michael and Brenda Ricard
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Elizabeth David-Dembrowsky ‘96
Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to
Nancy White McDonald ‘80
FM Global Foundation
In Kind Gifts
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
BOSE Corporation
P. Gioioso & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Glass
The Newman School
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Noonan
Ritz Associates
Ms. Kerry Timulty ‘07
John Hancock Financial Services, Inc.
Marsh & McLennan Companies
MFS Investment Management
Millennium Pharmaceuticals
Northrop Grumman Foundation
Old Mutual Asset Management Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Raytheon Matching Gifts for Education
State Street Matching Gift Program
UBS Foundation USA Matching Gift
Verisk Analytics
Wellington Management Company, LLP
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gorman P ‘82
Benefactors Circle: $500 to $999 • Green and White Circle: $250 to $499 • Century Circle $100 to $249 • Friends: $1 to $99
Mrs. Margaret Thorne ‘63
Kara McGann Cafasso ‘03 *
Christina Dymek-Thompson ‘66 *
J. Barry Associates
Tyrone Development, LLC
John and Angela Canale *
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ebel *
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jay *
Verisk Analytics
Maribeth Cannon ‘92
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eck
Larissa Jay ‘08
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Walsh
Rakiyah Canty ‘89
Brandon and Susan Ensminger
Dean and Gayle Kahler *
Suellen Walsh-Rother, Ph.D. ‘85 *
Dr. Erin Burns and Mr. Charles Capone
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Everett *
Ms. Stella Karavas +
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ward +
Mr. Robert G. Carpenter *+
Mrs. Mary Fabio *
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Katz *+
Dr. and Mrs. Hazem F. Wehbe *+
Mrs. Ann Casey
Mr. William Fagan *
Frances Kelley ‘78 *
Mr. and Mrs. Steven (Mary Cavanaugh
‘81) Cavanaugh *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Sheila
McLaughlin’93) Falconer
Patricia Kelly ‘77 *
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fay
Mrs. Joan Kern
Lynne Callahan Cavanaugh ‘63
Kristen Larcom Feeney ‘85
Betsy Keteltas ‘92 *
Mr. and Mrs. Nazzareno Cedrone
Mr. Daniel Ferguson *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert King
Sheila Gilbert Chase ‘77 +
Ms. Mary Reardon Ferrucci *+
Elizabeth Cummings Kwiat ‘86 *
Classic Catering LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Laffin Jr. *
Carol Eastman Cleary ‘62 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Langone *
Maria Marchand Coffey ‘61 *
Melissa McManus Flemming ‘00 *
Lisa Pacella Laprade ‘92
Justine Curley Cohen ‘90
Nancy Sullivan Flint ‘73 *
Mr. and Mrs. Norman LeBlanc *+
Martha Callahan Flinter ‘56 *
Mrs. Sheila Leonard *
Foley & Palenscar Insurance Agency *
Meredith Putnam Lepper ‘89 *
Mrs. Patricia Furlan
Ms. Maria Levin
Future Projections LLC
Susan Hall Liang ‘61 +
The Garfield Family *+
Nancy Mazzola Looney ‘79 *
Mrs. Theresa Garrison *
Adriana Lopez ‘00 *
Anne Marie Duggan Gean ‘63 *+
Mariana Lopez ‘97 *
Nancy Pelletier Gessay ‘66
Anne Lord *
Janet Comiskey Giannini ‘65 *
Mrs. Patricia Loughran
Mr. John Gilbbons
Mary Elizabeth Lovely ‘85
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gilbert *
Dr. and Mrs. Warner Lund *+
Mrs. Maria Giordano +
Mrs. Margaret Lydon
Randall and Holly Glidden
Mrs. Kerry Lynch
Sandra Bisceglia Gorham ‘87 *
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Machado *
Patricia Dodd Graham ‘66
Nancy Mirabello MacMillan ‘57 *+
Linda Grasso ‘66 *
Mrs. Noreen Maddox
Grasso Associates PC +
Kristen Magee ‘01
Julie K. Griffin-Carty ‘05 *
Marilyn Lanza Maguire ‘65 +
Paula Becker Gustafson
Ms. Deirdre Manning
Mr. Michael G. Mansfield *+
Absolute Builders, LLC
Mrs. Mary Anderson *
Nicole Aubuchon ‘97 +
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Bacevich
Jennifer Baima ‘93 *+
Mrs. Alice Banach
Janice Ryan Barrett ‘62 *+
Mrs. Judith Barry
The Honorable Robert J. Kelly *
Claire Kelly Bench ‘65 *
Mrs. Florence M. Condry
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Kelly Muschiano Connolly ‘87 *
Dr. Amy Vercillo and Mr. Athanasios
Mr. Jay Bernasconi
and Ms. Hthaiwon Layne
Michael and Delia Connors and Family *
Kara Hadge ‘04 *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conti
Aleta Miranda Halliday ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berns
Dr. and Mrs. John Cooney *
Mary Kenney Harrington ‘65 *+
Mr. Greg Bettinger
Kerry Costello ‘67 *
Bryar Graham Hasenjaeger ‘95 *
Ms. Lisa Bires *+
Lauren Crispi ‘14 +
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hayes
Capt. and Mrs. Robert
McCabe USN (Ret.) *
Mrs. Carolyn Blair +
Mrs. Susan Curlett *+
Katie McAnulty Hegarty ‘97
Mr. Edward McCarthy *
Andrea Boudreau ‘91 *+
Ann Boyle Cussen ‘65 *
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Held *+
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Braley *
Mrs. Julia Daly
Katie Hern ‘87
Gerard and Mary McCourt
Lillian Pompeo Breen ‘73 *
Mr. and Mrs. David Dalzell *
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Hernando +
Mr. and Mrs. Phil McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown
Kathleen D. Dalzell Trust
Marianne Hickey ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McDonnell *+
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bucci
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Danckert *+
High Ridge Meadows Farm
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonough *+
Elaine Buckley ‘78 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dauwer Jr. *
Elizabeth Leary Horrigan ‘54 +
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McFadden *
Marie P. Buckley ‘76 *
Elizabeth David-Dembrowsky ‘96
Robin Puccio Horrigan ‘95 *
Ms. Ellen McGillivray *+
Elizabeth Costello Burke ‘62
Ann Leary DeSimone ‘80 *
Mr. Francis McGrail *
Jane McGinn Burke ‘59 *
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Djusberg *
Mr. Michael Horton and
Ms. Alicia Ines Gomez
Ms. Sarah Busch ‘06 +
Thomasin Doherty ‘89 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent
(Maryann Lynch ’82) Byrne *
Mr. and Mrs. John Donlon *
Beth Ragusa Byrne ‘93 +
Ms. Anastasia Dowling *
Mrs. Joan C. Donovan
* Loyal donor with 3 or more consecutive Annual Fund gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hunt *
Mr. and Mrs. John Hurley *+
Rosemarie Hurley ‘70 *
Carol DeVirgilio Hurley ‘83 *
Regina DeNapoli Ierardi ‘93
+ Increased Annual Fund Gift from prior year
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth March *
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Marcoux
Mary Elizabeth Kelly Maye ‘90 *
Ms. Natalie Mayo
Madeleine Walsh McGuire ‘78 *
Linda McIntosh ‘87 *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McIntyre
Mrs. Deborah McManus
Mr. and Mrs. William McTighe
Dr. and Mrs. Richard McVay *
Mr. Guy Ragusa and Ms. Sandra
Mariah McMahon Stanton ‘91 +
Kerrie Mercuri
Susan Dowling Stewart ‘65 *
Mr. Richard G. Whalen and Ms. Holly
Mrs. Mary S. Mitchell *+
Mr. and Mrs. D. Gifford Reed *
Mrs. Jessica Stokes
Maureen Crehan Whelan ‘80 *+
Mr. and Mrs. James
(Mary Stevens’72) Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rege
Paul and Kari Strouth
Mr. and Mrs. George Wiedenbauer
Gail Reid ‘66 *
Margaret Gorse Sullivan ‘62 *+
Jennifer Morgan Williams ‘87
Paula Murphy Morris *
Mrs. Mary Reilly *
Michele Sullivan ‘67
Noelle Rushton Wilson ‘02 *
Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro Morteo
Christine Noonan Reinemann ‘80
Mrs. Kathleen Sullivan *
Stephan and Inga Wronski
Mrs. Madelyn E. Murphy *
Susan Leonard Repetti ‘73 *
Mary Eileen Sullivan ‘06 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wronski
Maureen McFaull Newcomb ‘68 *
Katherine Riley Reynolds ‘65
Rosanne Sundstrom ‘72 *
Colette Flaherty Zeman ‘71 *+
Maureen Newman ‘66 *
Kathleen Reynolds ‘06
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Susi
Carolyn Crowley Ng ‘80
Rebecca Reynolds ‘77 *+
Meredith Sweeney ‘01 *
Maureen Corkery Abate ‘58 *
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Nolan *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robertson Jr. *+
Julia E. Tarnell ‘04 *+
Mrs. Susan Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O’Brien *
Barbara Ann Brissette Thav ‘83 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Albright
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. O’Connor *
Mr. and Mrs. Peter (Amy Mahoney ‘84)
Rockett *+
Sarah Albright ‘12+
Michele Fava O’Connor ‘64 *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Rogers *
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Thorn *
Abigail A. Alden ‘15
Mrs. Catherine O’Halloran
Mr. and Mrs. James B. (Maura Reilly ‘79)
Ronan *
Ms. Mary-Kate Tracy-Robidoux ‘94 *
Joan Kelly Tuttle ‘65 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Alto +
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Vhay *+
Kayla N. Anderson ‘15
Mrs. Peggy Viscariello *+
Jaclyn Bacon ‘09
Danielle Wain ‘95
Barbara Brown Badger ’70 *+
Lorraine and Tony Wain *+
Badger Funeral Homes, Inc. *+
Mr. and Ms. Hugh Walsh
Mrs. Anne Baima
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Catherine) Walsh *
Rosemarie Donovan Baker ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Rita) Walsh *+
Ms. Kristina Ball
Mrs. Mary Ann Ward
Courtney A. N. Barry ‘15
Carolyn Ware ‘54
Maureen Creedon Bass ‘75
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weber
Mrs. Karen Benjamin *+
Mary Moore Welch ‘70 *+
Denise Sullivan Benson ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher O’Halloran
Christina Stenholm O’Leary ‘68 *
Joan Ryan Parker ‘71
Ellen O’Brien Perfetti ‘64 *+
Melissa Proverb Perreault ‘02 *
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Perry +
Duncan and Heidi Perry
The Honorable John A. Pino and Mrs.
Pino *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ronayne *+
Rosanne Runfola ‘69
Ellenora Baker Ryan ‘62 *+
Mrs. Terri Schneider *
Kerri Murphy Schubert ‘97
Ann Marie Shalhoub ‘83 *+
Mrs. Ann Shehade
Rosemary Golden Simmons ‘63 *
Mrs. Maura McCarthy Polles ‘86 *+
Carole Conley Simonds ‘58
Gretchen Putnam ‘89 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Gautam Sinha
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Raftery *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spinelli *
Donna Tausey West ‘65
Senior Parent Gift, 2015
Parents of the Class of 2015 chose to enhance multiple aspects of the
Ursuline experience by expanding the outdoor seating area with additional
pavers and tables, adding a permanent scoreboard on the back of the
school, improving lighting to benefit the player and visitor experience, and
purchasing new team chairs for the gym along with a new scoring table to
improve the experience for indoor athletic events.
Mr. and Mrs. James Alden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Garrow
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gioioso
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Harten
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Black
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Held
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Joseph
Thomas and Elizabeth Carroll
Dean and Gayle Kahler
Michael and Anna Caruso
Mark and Connie Kearins
Mr. and Mrs. Steven (Mary Kelley ’81)
Scott and Melanie Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawler Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schnoor
Mr. James O’Sullivan and Ms. Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Gautam Sinha
Chris and Annette Sutherburg
Mr. Andrew R. Splitz
Peter and Kimberly Chipman
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. David Clancy
Mr. and Mrs. Don (Lisa Sabino ‘81)
Mary (Connolly ’78) and Stan Luniewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conti
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Pino
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cronin
Drs. Michael and Brenda Ricard
Mr. and Mrs. John MacNeil
Dr. Robert Dolan and Dr. Janemarie Dolan
Attorney and Mrs. John Roche
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maguire
Dr. Amy Vercillo and Mr. Athanasios
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Fagan
Mr. and Mrs. James McAdams
Mr. and Mrs. Peter (Amy Mahoney ‘84)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Vhay
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Fitzgerald
Paul and Mary McAleer
George and Consuelo Ryan
Brian and Bernadette Foley
David and Susan McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Gallagher
Michael and Michelle McNaughton
Kendyl and Theresa Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Garfield
Mr. Richard G. Whalen and Ms. Holly
Ms. Maureen Nedder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Whalen
Pamela and George Sullivan
Ms. Linda Thompson
Hugh and Amarilys Walsh
Dr. and Mrs. Hazem F. Wehbe
Benefactors Circle: $500 to $999 • Green and White Circle: $250 to $499 • Century Circle $100 to $249 • Friends: $1 to $99
Agnes Lawlor Farrell ‘61 *
Ms. Jaclyn Hourihan ‘06
Mrs. Mildred Feloney
Bernadette R. Howard ‘12 *
Lorene Whyte Fernandez ‘89 *
Catherine Howard ‘08
Janet Cooper Ferracane ‘67
Sandra Mancini Howe ‘88 *
Jill D’Andrea Fischmann ‘81 *
Michele Hussey ‘69
Kathryn L. Fitzgerald ‘15
Niamh M. Hynes ‘15
Mrs. Barbara Flanagan
Joan Mathews Iani ‘72 *
Kara Kinosian Floyd ‘06
Elizabeth A. Joseph ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Foley *
Mary Joseph ‘12
Jacqueline R. Foley ‘15
Dr. and Mrs. James Judge
Mrs. Winnie Forde +
Sarah E. Kahler ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. John Forte
Dr. Walter Kasinskas *
Alexandra Francescon ‘16
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Keane *
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Francescon
Sr. Carole Keaney o.s.u. ‘50
Maria G. Fraser ‘15
Katherine A. Kearins ‘15
Caroline Gailius ‘13
Mary Sergi Keefe ‘62 +
Jeanna T. Gailius ‘19
Sheila Keefe ‘08
Patricia Gaitan ‘15
Camille M. Kelley ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Berte *
Katherine O’Leary Collins ‘00
Caitlin M. Gallagher ‘16
Julie Kelley ‘03
Ms. Anne Birmingham
Ms. Elisabeth Compagnone
Casey L. Gallagher ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kelley Jr. *
Abigail M. Black ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conlin *
Hannah E. Garfield ‘15
Cynthia Kelly ‘71 *+
Catherine Black ‘98 *
Sydney C. Conti ‘15
Sarah J. Garrow ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Paul (Dawn) Kennedy *
Holly Anzenberger Bonci ‘02 *
Mrs. Marie Corrigan
Berleine Gedeon ‘15
Margaret Kenney ‘67 *+
Nicole Bourassa ‘96 *+
Elizabeth Coughlin ‘16
Claire Adams Ginder ‘78 +
Maryalice McCulloch Kenney ‘70
Amanda M. Boyd ‘15
Francesca Coughlin ‘11 *+
Katherine R. Gioioso ‘15
Molly Kenney ‘05 *
Susan Munroe Boyle ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. James Coughlin *+
Lindsay Gioioso ‘14
Melisa Kenslea ‘02
Caitlin Bradley ‘12 *
Kimberly Ligor Crocker Crowther ‘82 *+
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Giordano *+
Nichole E. Keough ‘16
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Bradley
Kimberly L. Cronin ‘15
Mrs. Susan Glancy *
Amy Ashur Kline ‘08 *
Claire Hart Bradley ‘66
Starr Crumpton ‘78
Mary K. Glass ‘16
Abigail R. Lake ‘15
Marissa Bragdon ‘06 *
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cunniffe *
Sr. Martha Gleason o.s.u. ‘54 +
Elizabeth R. Lawler ‘16
Barbara Gaquin Brandt ‘65 *
Lorraine Besse Cunningham ‘68
Patricia Heddens Gonser ‘68
Meghan L. Lawler ‘15
Kristin Brandt ‘97
Courtney Deban ‘09
Jacqueline R. Gonzalez ‘16
Shannon M. Lawler ‘15
Lauren Brandt ‘97
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Dempsey *+
Ms. Mary Gormley
Alison Leed ‘97 *+
Kaitlin C. Brecht ‘15
Mrs. Lorraine A. DeVirgilio *
Kiley H. Greenwood ‘16
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Leonard *
Mr. David Buccelli *+
Frances Crowe DiDonato ‘95 +
Erin E. Grela ‘16
Kendall A. Lewis ‘15
Ms. Kathryn Buckley *
Alice Casey Dilis ‘64 *+
Molly Griffiths ‘07 *
Megan Libbey ‘09 *
Caitlin Burchill ‘08 *
Mr. and Mrs. John Dillon
Eleni V. Haberis ‘15
Ms. Rachel Linso Metcalf ‘03
Elaine DeVirgilio Burke ‘88
Kathryn M. Dolan ‘15
Jennifer Hallisey ‘93 *
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lord *
Monica Scalpato Burke ‘90
Denise Donoghue ‘02 *
Kathleen Hallisey ‘97
Rachel Lord ‘10 *
Megan O’Connor Callinan ‘03 *
Mary Kelley Donovan ‘76 *+
Christina Tsimortos Hamilton ‘05 +
Mrs. Janet Loughman *
Shalagh Canning ‘13 *
Allison M. Dow ‘16
Mary Kate Harrington ‘10 *
Christina C. Luniewicz ‘15
Judith LeLievre Carden ‘84
Mr. Peter E. Dow *
Meghan Harrington ‘07 *+
Mrs. Jeannine Lynch *
Dr. Arthur Carriere *+
Mrs. Noreen Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Harten *
Katherine E. Lynch ‘15
Alina A. Carroll ‘15
Driscoll Realty Trust
Erin Harten ‘15
Nancy Lynch ‘84 *
Elizabeth Carrozza ‘12 *
Carol D’Souza ‘14 +
Debra Walsh Hartigan ‘76 *
Cynthia Bucci Lyons ‘77
Jennifer Carrozza ‘10 *
Noella D’Souza ‘16
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haughton *
Mr. and Mrs. William MacKenzie
Isabel Caruso ‘15
Monica A. Dunphy ‘16
Skye Hawkins ‘08 +
Kristen M. MacNeil ‘15
Mrs. Joan Cavanaugh
Shannon Dwyer ‘04
Alexa B. Held ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Magni Jr.
Katherine Cavanaugh ‘15
Barbara Costello Earp ‘66
Carolyn Henry ‘07
Marykate E. Maguire ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edrehi *
Ivory R. Hestmark ‘16
Jeanette Twitchell Maher ‘47 *
Nicaela Chinnaswamy ‘11 *
Alexandra L. Erk Thompson ‘15
Laurel C. Hettinger ‘16
Carol Kendrick Mahoney ‘51
Michaela M. Chipman ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Galicano Evangelista *
Carolyn Hern Hickey ‘02 *
Kylie C. Maida ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Chirokas
Ashton K. Fagan ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey *
Shannon Mansfield ‘12 *
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cintolo
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Fagan
Elizabeth L. Higgins ‘16
Demi Marathas ‘12
Laura R. Clancy ‘15
Cathy O’Gorman Fagone ‘65 *+
Mary Rajotte Holland ‘99 +
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Marathas *
Nikkia P. Clarke ‘16
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fantozzi
Kathleen Giordano Holtz ‘02 *
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Marcotte
Jennifer Coliflores ‘02 *
Sheila Kilroy Farragher ‘85
Mr. and Mrs. Yin Hong *
Mary Memmolo Marcucci ‘60
* Loyal donor with 3 or more consecutive Annual Fund gifts
+ Increased Annual Fund Gift from prior year
Gwendolyn M. Marquis ‘15
Elizabeth H. Pino ‘15
Mr. Michael Mayer *+
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Poulopoulos
Bridget E. McAdams ‘15
Danielle Pourbaix ‘05
Eileen M. McAleer ‘15
Janet McVay Pratt ‘84
Mrs. Joan McAuliffe *
Megan Quinn ‘09 *
Darlene McLellan McCarthy ‘79
Mrs. Yvonne Racine
Mrs. Joan M. McCormick *+
Lindsey T. McDermott ‘06 +
Dr. Amal Radwan and Dr. Akram
Youssef *
Anna M. McDonald ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ragusa *
Anna McFadden ‘10
Carolyn R. Recupero ‘16
Maureen Courtney McGaffigan ‘60
Mrs. Claudia Recupero
Kathryn M. McGillivray ‘16
Kris Spognardi Redmond ‘90
Mary McGonagle ‘64
Marilyn Galvin Redmond ‘50
Jeanne Sullivan McKeigue ‘64
Sharon Reed-Eramian ‘68
Julie Hegarty McKinney ‘95
Donna Brown Rego ‘84
MaryEllen McLaughlin ‘85
Mrs. Janet Z. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. William McLaughlin *
Michaela J. Ricard ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Philip McMann
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McNamara
Jacqueline Rioux ‘13
Kyra K. McNaughton ‘15
Mary E. Roche ‘15
Kylie M. Medeiros ‘15
Catherine M. Rockett ‘15
Patricia Menno-Coveney ‘71 *
Ann Concannon Roderick ‘63
Dena E. Miller ‘16
Gabriela C. Ryan ‘15
Mrs. Theresa Monahan
Nicole E. Ryan ‘15
Katherine Moore ‘09 *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ryan *
Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Morse
Mr. and Mrs. George Sabatini *
Kate Morse ‘06 +
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Sanders
Alessandra Morteo ‘08
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scampoli Jr. *
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moynihan
Meaghan Schaefer ‘15
Mrs. Katherine Mullen *
Alexis Schneider ‘10 +
Katherine E. Murphy ‘15
Marissa G. Schneider ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy *
Alyssa M. Schnoor ‘15
Cassandra M. Nedder ‘15
Mrs. Ann Scott *
Mrs. Janet Nedder *+
Mr. and Mrs. Adam (Katherine Barden ’90)
Faculty Annual
Fund Supporters
Ms. Kristina Ball
Ms. Elizabeth Mathew
Ms. Karen Benjamin
Mr. Michael Mayer
Mrs. Ann Buccelli
Ms. Natalie Mayo
Mr. David Buccelli
Ms. Julaine McInnis
Ms. Sarah Busch
Mr. William McLaughlin
Mrs. Susan Curlett
Mr. Peter McManus
Ms. Sheila Curtis
Mrs. Mary S. Mitchell
Ms. Stacie Dowling
Dr. Catherine Muldoon
Mrs. Elaine Fazekas
Mr. Michael O’Connor
Mrs. Mary Reardon Ferrucci
Mrs. Susan Penella
Mrs. Susan Glancy
Mrs. Maura Polles
Ms. Julie Griffin-Carty ‘05
Ms. Yvonne Racine
Mrs. Anne Sheppard *
Ms. Cindy Harrington
Dr. Amal Radwan
Alexandra N. Shute ‘16
Mr. Frederick Horgan
Mrs. Janet Reynolds
Frances Simeone ‘77
Mr. Dennis Hursey
Mr. Michael Sarro
Karina Sinha ‘15
Dr. Walter Kasinskas
Mrs. Terri Schneider
Sarah VanOudenaren Slifka ‘04 *
Mrs. Mary Jo Keaney
Mrs. Ann Scott
Diane Castrechini Smith ‘70 *
Mrs. Barbara Lavalle
Ms. Jessica Stokes
Marie Solman ‘05
Mr. Timothy Lawlor
Mrs. Kathleen Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Spalla
Mrs. Sheila Leonard
Mrs. Kathleen Thorn
Erin O’Connor ‘03 *
Anna J. Splitz ‘15
Senora Patricia Levin
Ms. Mary-Kate Tracy-Robidoux
Lisa Miller O’Connor ‘88
Emily Sullivan ‘12
Mrs. Rachel Linso Metcalf
Mrs. Rosann Whiting
Morgan T. O’Donnell ‘15
Marion Sullivan ‘70 +
Mrs. Ellen Lytle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan *
Sr. Madonna O’Hara o.s.u. *+
Rachel Sulmonte ‘12
Mary O’Leary ‘16
Niamh E. Sutherburg ‘15
Elizabeth C. Vhay ‘15
Mallory M. Whalen ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O’Sullivan *
Target *
Jennifer Dean Vrettas ‘88 *
Laura McDonald Wilkinson ‘94 *
Maeve C. O’Sullivan ‘15
Theresa Goularte Taylor ‘74 *
Jennifer Czarnowski Walsh ‘90
Joyce Sokolowski Williams ‘67 *
Mary O’Sullivan ‘07
Andrea Thompson ‘67
Mrs. Mary E. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Wright *
Elaine Pagliarulo ‘93
Marianne Tierney ‘02 *
Mary Griffin Weaver ‘64
Ms. Sara Zrike ‘95 *
Marissa Pastore ‘05
Mrs. Carol Tomase +
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weberg
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zrike *
Carrie Cintolo Pearson ‘01
Ursuline Sisters of the Central Province
Nicole Wehbe ‘15
Allyson Penella ‘10
Sarah Varadian-Vartanian ‘06
Susannah Welch ‘89 *+
Alicia Dean Petersen ‘91 *
Minali Venkatesh ‘15
Frances Manning Westhaver ‘65 *
Amy E. Piccolo ‘15
Nicole Norton Vermillion ‘05 *+
Carly R. Whalen ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nee
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nelson
Kerry Gilligan Nero ‘88 *
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Newell *
Katherine Nickley ‘05
Mr. and Mrs. James Norton *
Erin Nye ‘14
Mr. Brendan Nye and Ms. Catherine
Dillon-Nye *+
Benefactors Circle: $500 to $999 • Green and White Circle: $250 to $499 • Century Circle $100 to $249 • Friends: $1 to $99
Alumnae Giving
Alumnae giving includes gifts to the Annual Fund 2014-2015,
scholarship gifts, Brescia Ball and “Fore the Girls!” event support
and major/capital gifts.
Elizabeth Costello Burke ‘62
Mary Griffin Weaver ‘64
Gail Reid ‘66
Jeanette Twitchell Maher ‘47
Carol Eastman Cleary ‘62
Claire Kelly Bench ‘65
Virginia Morse Boyle ‘67
Virginia Hannigan ‘50
Eileen Ahearn Connors ‘62
Denise Sullivan Benson ‘65
Kerry Costello ‘67
Carole Keaney ‘50
Mary Jane Liddell Gould ‘62
Barbara Gaquin Brandt ‘65
Carol Luccio Farwell ‘67
Marilyn Galvin Redmond ‘50
Mary Sergi Keefe ‘62
Ann Boyle Cussen ‘65
Janet Cooper Ferracane ‘67
Carol Kendrick Mahoney ‘51
Mary Hughes McCarthy ‘62
Maureen O’Keefe Doran ‘65
Marianne Hickey ‘67
M. Patricia Leary Dowling ‘52
Inez Walsh Moore ‘62
Cathy O’Gorman Fagone ‘65
Margaret Kenney ‘67
Valerie Roberts Wilcox ‘53
Ellenora Baker Ryan ‘62
Janet Comiskey Giannini ‘65
Michele Sullivan ‘67
Sr. Martha Gleason o.s.u. ‘54
Margaret Gorse Sullivan ‘62
Paula Becker Gustafson ‘65
Andrea Thompson ‘67
Elizabeth Leary Horrigan ‘54
Patricia Grant Tocci ‘62
Mary Kenney Harrington ‘65
Joyce Sokolowski Williams ‘67
Carolyn Ware ‘54
Catherine Crowley Toomey ‘62
Mary Pat Ryan Joy ‘65
Janice Sullivan Crowley ‘68
Martha Callahan Flinter ‘56
Elizabeth Callahan West ‘62
Marilyn Lanza Maguire ‘65
Lorraine Besse Cunningham ‘68
Linda Gray MacKay ‘57
Jeanne Supple Cavanaugh ‘63
Nancy McGinn Nisonson ‘65
Patricia Heddens Gonser ‘68
Nancy Mirabello MacMillan ‘57
Lynne Callahan Cavanaugh ‘63
Katherine Riley Reynolds ‘65
Eileen Reynolds Lindburg ‘68
Maureen Corkery Abate ‘58
Luisa Tosi Claeys ‘63
Margaret Maguire Rodgers ‘65
Maureen McFaull Newcomb ‘68
Kathryn Golden Delaney ‘58
Karen Faulkner ‘63
Susan Dowling Stewart ‘65
Christina Stenholm O’Leary ‘68
Barbara Bruno Henson ‘58
Anne Marie Duggan Gean ‘63
Joan Kelly Tuttle ‘65
Sharon Reed-Eramian ‘68
Carole Conley Simonds ‘58
Mary Ellen Haley O’Dea ‘63
Donna Tausey West ‘65
Michele Hussey ‘69
Jane McGinn Burke ‘59
Ann Concannon Roderick ‘63
Frances Manning Westhaver ‘65
Rosanne Runfola ‘69
Sr. Angela Krippendorf o.s.u. ‘59
Rosemary Golden Simmons ‘63
Claire Hart Bradley ‘66
Margaret Lannon Thorne ‘63
Judith White Costello ‘66
THE 1970S
THE 1960S
Mary Jane Memmolo Marcucci ‘60
Alice Casey Dilis ‘64
Elinor Ryan Devlin ‘66
Barbara Healey ‘70
Maureen Courtney McGaffigan ‘60
Madonna Wells Hart ‘64
Christina Dymek-Thompson ‘66
Rosemarie Hurley ‘70
Maria Marchand Coffey ‘61
Mary McGonagle ‘64
Barbara Costello Earp ‘66
Joann Spellman Kenney ‘70
Agnes Lawlor Farrell ‘61
Jeanne Sullivan McKeigue ‘64
Nancy Pelletier Gessay ‘66
Maryalice McCulloch Kenney ‘70
Susan Hall Liang ‘61
Michele Fava O’Connor ‘64
Patricia Dodd Graham ‘66
Mary Moore Welch ‘70
Mary Costello Pasciucco ‘61
Ellen O’Brien Perfetti ‘64
Linda Grasso ‘66
Diane Castrechini Smith ‘70
Janice Ryan Barrett ‘62
Mary Creeden Risio ‘64
Barbara Coveney Harkins ‘66
Marion Sullivan Sullivan ‘70
Lauren St. John ‘64
Maureen Newman ‘66
Susan Munroe Boyle ‘70
Judith Habib ‘71
Nancy White McDonald ‘80
Patricia Hennessey ‘71
Mary Feely Moriarty ‘80
Cynthia Kelly ‘71
Paula Murphy Morris ‘80
Kathleen McDonough ‘71
Carolyn Crowley Ng ‘80
Patricia Menno-Coveney ‘71
Maureen Egan Petracca ‘80
Brenda Nashawaty ‘71
Michelle Raftery ‘80
Joan Ryan Parker ‘71
Colette Flaherty Zeman ‘71
Christine Noonan Reinemann
Alexandra Carr Baker ‘72
Maureen Crehan Whelan ‘80
Aleta Miranda Halliday ‘72
Kristin Burke ‘81
Joan Mathews Iani ‘72
Suzanne Ferguson
Burkhardt ‘81
Thea Fabio Merrill ‘72
Mary Stevens Moran ‘72
Sonya Nersessian ‘72
Rosanne Sundstrom ‘72
Lillian Pompeo Breen ‘73
Nancy Sullivan Flint ‘73
Susan Leonard Repetti ‘73
Norah Cantwell Blaney ‘74
Mary Kelley Cavanaugh ‘81
Juliet D’Andrea Fischmann ‘81
Lori Riley Gallagher ‘81
Mary Pat Morris Hawkins ‘81
Mary-Jeanne O’Connor
Manning ‘81
Lisa Sabino Piccolo ‘81
Katharine O’Meara ‘74
Mary Beth Murphy Roche
Patricia Sullivan ‘74
Alice Feely Wilson ‘81
Theresa Goularte Taylor ‘74
Mary Lou Burke Afonso ‘82
Maureen Creedon Bass ‘75
Maryann Lynch Byrne ‘82
Rosemarie Donovan Baker ‘76
Terri-Ann Condry ‘82
Marie Buckley ‘76
Mary Kelley Donovan ‘76
Kimberly Ligor Crocker
Crowther ‘82
Elizabeth McManus Howard ‘76
Mary Jo Gorman Keaney ‘82
Nancy Devine McLaughlin ‘76
Jennifer Reilly McLaughlin ‘82
Debra Walsh Hartigan ‘76
Mary Beth Hunt McMahon ‘82
Sheila Gilbert Chase ‘77
Meg O’Brien Millar ‘82
Patricia Foley Cummins ‘77
Mary Murphy ‘82
Denise Donovan ‘77
Margaret Reynolds ‘82
Patricia Kelly ‘77
Karen Fitzgerald Healy ‘83
Kathleen Nolan Levesque ‘77
Carol DeVirgilio Hurley ‘83
Cynthia Bucci Lyons ‘77
Susan Looney ‘83
Kathleen Lynch Moncata ‘77
Jane Feely Marinella ‘83
Maria Pino ‘77
Lisa O’Brien ‘83
Rebecca Reynolds ‘77
Ann Marie Shalhoub ‘83
Frances Simeone ‘77
Barbara Ann Brissette Thav ‘83
Sarah Newman O’Donnell ‘78
Marjorie Hennigan Alutto ‘84
Elaine Buckley ‘78
Mary Meade Ambrefe ‘84
Starr Crumpton ‘78
Judith LeLievre Carden ‘84
Claire Adams Ginder ‘78
Denise DeBassio Champagne
Ruth Cantwell Keeley ‘78
Frances Kelley ‘78
Mary Connolly Luniewicz ‘78
Madeleine Walsh McGuire ‘78
Regina Sullivan ‘78
Maura Fagan Braslins ‘79
Nancy Mazzola Looney ‘79
Darlene McLellan McCarthy ‘79
Mary Mullen ‘79
Maura Reilly Ronan ‘79
Lisa Rubini ‘79
THE 1980S
Ann Leary DeSimone ‘80
Top 10 Classes:
Boston Alumnae
Top 10 Classes:
Total Gifts
Boston Alumnae
Donna Brown Rego ‘84
Amy Mahoney Rockett ‘84
Sheila Kilroy Farragher ‘85
MaryEllen McLaughlin ‘85
Pamela Ochs-Piasecki ‘85
Nancy Lynch ‘84
Karen Anastasia Murphy ‘84
Janet McVay Pratt ‘84
Kristen Larcom Feeney ‘85
Megan Golden Hobson ‘85
Darlene Luccio Jordan ‘85
Mary Elizabeth Lovely ‘85
Elizabeth Leonard ‘80
Suellen Walsh-Rother ‘85
Lisa Miller O’Connor ‘88
Bernadette Michaud Adamo ‘92
Nicole Aubuchon ‘97
Jennifer Corish-White ‘86
Nadine Fitzwilliam Steffan ‘88
Maribeth Cannon ‘92
Kristin Brandt ‘97
Constance Feely Giguere ‘86
Jennifer Dean Vrettas ‘88
Elizabeth Keteltas ‘92
Lauren Brandt ‘97
Lisa Harrington ‘86
Rakiyah Canty ‘89
Lisa Pacella Laprade ‘92
Alexandra Gallogly ‘97
Eve Kelley ‘86
Thomasin Doherty ‘89
Tania Rizzi ‘92
Kathleen Hallisey ‘97
Elizabeth Cummings Kwiat ‘86
Lorene Whyte Fernandez ‘89
Jennifer Baima ‘93
Katie McAnulty Hegarty ‘97
Marianne LeBlanc ‘86
Amanda McCartney Hayes ‘89
Beth Ragusa Byrne ‘93
Katherine Hunt ‘97
Maura McCarthy Polles ‘86
Kathleen Maddox Kelly ‘89
Julie Walsh Casavant ‘93
Alison Leed ‘97
Lynn Timmerman Mahoney ‘86
Meredith Putnam Lepper ‘89
Sheila McLaughlin Falconer ‘93
Mariana Lopez ‘97
Jonelle Venti McGrath ‘86
Susan Olsen ‘89
Stacey Breen Greally ‘93
Jennifer Gorman Memmott ‘97
Linda Robinson ‘86
Michaela McMahon Popeo ‘89
Anne Favaloro Liddy ‘93
Elizabeth Pasciucco Mingle ‘97
Deborah Ochs Rooney ‘86
Gretchen Putnam ‘89
Jennifer Hallisey ‘93
Kerri Murphy Schubert ‘97
Karen McDonald Sullivan ‘86
Susannah Welch ‘89
Regina DeNapoli Ierardi ‘93
Catherine Black ‘98
THE 1990S
Elaine Pagliarulo ‘93
Mary Rajotte Holland ‘99
Kerry Fitzwilliam Brosnihan ‘87
Kelly Muschiano Connolly ‘87
Kelly Boudreau ‘90
Mary-Kate Tracy-Robidoux ‘94
Kathleen Hegarty Palenscar ‘99
Mary Didiuk ‘87
Monica Scalpato Burke ‘90
Laura McDonald Wilkinson ‘94
Sandra Bisceglia Gorham ‘87
Frances Crowe DiDonato ‘95
THE 2000S
Justine Curley Cohen ‘90
Kathleen Hern ‘87
Ciarna McGill DiPlacido ‘90
Bryar Graham Hasenjaeger ‘95
Melissa McManus Flemming ‘00
Cara Maggioni ‘87
Mary Elizabeth Kelly Maye ‘90
Robin Puccio Horrigan ‘95
Adriana Lopez ‘00
Linda McIntosh ‘87
Kris Spognardi Redmond ‘90
Julie Hegarty McKinney ‘95
Kristen Leary Magee ‘01
Jennifer Morgan Williams ‘87
Katherine Barden Shannon ‘90
Colleen Conners Peters ‘95
Carrie Cintolo Pearson ‘01
Cynthia Brown-Sullivan ‘88
Carolyn Thorne ‘90
Danielle Wain ‘95
Meredith Sweeney ‘01
Elaine DeVirgilio Burke ‘88
Jennifer Czarnowski Walsh ‘90
Sara Zrike ‘95
Holly Anzenberger Bonci ‘02
Christine Mead Fleming ‘88
Andrea Boudreau ‘91
Nicole Bourassa ‘96
Jennifer Coliflores ‘02
Sandra Mancini Howe ‘88
Alicia Dean Petersen ‘91
Elizabeth David-Dembrowsky ‘96
Denise Donoghue ‘02
Adele Koza Kohler ‘88
Kelly Smith Scuderi ‘91
Kate Robertson McKiernan ‘96
Carolyn Hern Hickey ‘02
Kerry Gilligan Nero ‘88
Mariah McMahon Stanton ‘91
Meghan Kavanaugh Rich ‘96
Kathleen Giordano Holtz ‘02
Katherine O’Leary Collins ‘00
Melisa Kenslea ‘02
Melissa Proverb Perreault ‘02
Marianne Tierney ‘02
Noelle Rushton Wilson ‘02
Kara McGann Cafasso ‘03
Megan O’Connor Callinan ‘03
Tiffany Lui Fuller ‘03
Julie Kelley ‘03
Rachel Linso Metcalf ‘03
Erin O’Connor ‘03
Taryn Powers Surabian ‘03
Stephanie Talutis ‘03
Marie Lucci Clouqueur ‘04
Shannon Dwyer ‘04
Kara Hadge ‘04
Stacie Manning ‘04
Kelly Reynolds ‘04
Julia Tarnell ‘04
Sarah VanOudenaren Slifka ‘04
Julie Griffin-Carty ‘05
Christina Tsimortos Hamilton ‘05
Molly Kenney ‘05
Katherine Nickley ‘05
Marissa Pastore ‘05
Danielle Pourbaix ‘05
Marie Solman ‘05
Nicole Norton Vermillion ‘05
Marissa Bragdon ‘06
Sarah Busch ‘06
Elizabeth Farley ‘06
Kara Kinosian Floyd ‘06
Alicia Forte ‘06
Michelle Hedberg ‘06
Jaclyn Hourihan ‘06
Lindsey McDermott ‘06
Kate Morse ‘06
Kathleen Reynolds ‘06
Mary Eileen Sullivan ‘06
Sarah Varadian-Vartanian ‘06
Molly Griffiths ‘07
Meghan Harrington ‘07
Carolyn Henry ‘07
Mary Sullivan ‘07
Caitlin Burchill ‘08
Mary Hall ‘08
Skye Hawkins ‘08
Catherine Howard ‘08
Larissa Jay ‘08
Sheila Keefe ‘08
Amy Ashur Kline ‘08
Alessandra Morteo ‘08
Jaclyn Bacon ‘09
Courtney Deban ‘09
Megan Libbey ‘09
Katherine Moore ‘09
Megan Quinn ‘09
Class of 2015 LIFT Program
Each year, the senior class is invited to make a Loving GIFT to the Ursuline Annual
Fund, with the goal being to achieve the highest participation possible. Not only was
2015 the first class ever to achieve 100% participation in the LIFT program, but they
also took it a step further by challenging their sisters in the junior class to participate!
By mutual agreement, the winning class earned the right to administer a whipped
cream pie to the face of the runners-up at a school assembly.
The participants from the Class of 2015 were:
Abigail Alden
Katherine Kearins
Eileen McAleer
Kayla Anderson
Camille Kelley
Anna McDonald
Courtney Barry
Abigail Lake
Kyra McNaughton
Abigail Black
Meghan Lawler
Kylie Medeiros
Amanda Boyd
Shannon Lawler
Katherine Murphy
Kaitlin Brecht
Kendall Lewis
Cassandra Nedder
Alina Carroll
Christina Luniewicz
Morgan O’Donnell
Isabel Caruso
Katherine Cavanaugh
Michaela Chipman
Laura Clancy
Sydney Conti
Kimberly Cronin
Kathryn Dolan
Alexandra Erk Thompson
Ashton Fagan
THE 2010’S
Kathryn Fitzgerald
Jennifer Carrozza ‘10
Jacqueline Foley
Mary Kate Harrington ‘10
Maria Fraser
Rachel Lord ‘10
Patricia Gaitan
Anna McFadden ‘10
Casey Gallagher
Allyson Penella ‘10
Hannah Garfield
Alexis Schneider ‘10
Sarah Garrow
Margaret Warner ‘10
Berleine Gedeon
Nicaela Chinnaswamy ‘11
Katherine Gioioso
Francesca Coughlin ‘11
Eleni Haberis
Katherine Lynch
Maeve O’Sullivan
Sarah Albright ‘12
Erin Harten
Kristen MacNeil
Amy Piccolo
Caitlin Bradley ‘12
Alexa Held
Marykate Maguire
Elizabeth Pino
Elizabeth Carrozza ‘12
Niamh Hynes
Kylie Maida
Michaela Ricard
Bernadette Howard ‘12
Elizabeth Joseph
Gwendolyn Marquis
Mary Roche
Mary Joseph ‘12
Sarah Kahler
Bridget McAdams
Catherine Rockett
Shannon Mansfield ‘12
Demi Marathas ‘12
Emily Sullivan ‘12
Rachel Sulmonte ‘12
Shalagh Canning ‘13
Caroline Gailius ‘13
Jacqueline Rioux ‘13
Lauren Crispi ‘14
Carol D’Souza ‘14
Lindsay Gioioso ‘14
Erin Nye ’14
Gabriela Ryan
Nicole Ryan
Meaghan Schaefer
Marissa Schneider
Alyssa Schnoor
Karina Sinha
Anna Splitz
Niamh Sutherburg
Minali Venkatesh
Elizabeth Vhay
Nicole Wehbe
Carly Whalen
Bold indicates
Serviam Society Donor
Mallory Whalen
Major and Capital Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Fahy
Mr. and Mrs. Brian
(Mary Meade ’84) Ambrefe
Catherine Crowley Toomey ‘62
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fantozzi
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun
(Kate Nolan) ‘77 Levesque
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fazekas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynch
Mrs. Sheila Warner
Anonymous (3)
Mr. Daniel Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. Lynch
Robert Whiting Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Walter
(Alexandra Carr ‘72) Baker
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maguire
Mrs. Rosann Whiting
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Finch
Mr. Michael Malamut and
Dr. Catherine Milch
William J. Gormley Funeral Service, Inc.
Marsh & McLennan Companies
Ms. Karen M. Birmingham
Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Borodic
Mrs. Suzanne Ferguson Burkhardt ‘81
Mr. Geoffrey H. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Cornforth
Angela and David R. Crispi
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Crooks
Ms. Marlene J. DeLeon and
Mr. Thomas Lucci
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gioioso
P. Gioioso & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gormley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gormley
Mr. and Mrs. John Hajjar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hestmark
Mr. Paul DiNicola and Ms. Pamela Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Higgins
LTC Denise M. Donovan
USA (Ret.) ‘77
Megan Golden Hobson ‘85
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
(Patricia Leary ‘52) Dowling
Barbara and Barry Lavalle
F.L. Putnam Investment
Management Co.
Marianne LeBlanc ‘86
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Lawlor
Mr. and Mrs. James F. McGrail
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.
Inez Walsh Moore ‘62
Sarah (Newman ’78) and Paul O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Olson
Dr. George Violin
Blue Hills Bank Charitable Foundation
The Flatley Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Len Penella
Mr. and Mrs. David W. C. Putnam
The Catholic Schools Foundation
Margaret M. Reynolds ‘82
The Flatley Foundation
Drs. Michael and Brenda Ricard
Yawkey Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Roberto
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Rusnock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scannell
State Street Matching Gift Program
Regina Sullivan ’78
Gifts Received in Honor or in Memory of
Dunn Family and Kilroy Family
William J. McTighe
Barbara Brandt
Anthony Anderson
Cheryl Jean Eakin
Maryanna Mead
Daughters and granddaughters,
Class of 2015
Donald G. Blair
Francesca Ford
Butch Mirabello
Margaret Fox Buckley
Sheila Gailius
Matthew T. O’Brien
Sr. Ellen Dauwer
Rosario Campagnone
Audrey Gaquin
Mildred O’Connor
Arlene Ford Dyment
Donna Boudreau Carpenter ‘69
Stoy E. Garrison
Mark, Daniel and Lisa Palermo
Susan Glancy
Dolores Carrozza
Thomas Keane
Kathleen Sullivan Prins ‘68
Mary Jo Gorman Keaney ‘82
John and Constance Casey
Mary M. Kelly
Susan V. Ranello
Julie O’Connor ‘73
Mary Lou Thompson Cordeiro ‘74
Anna and John Kelly
Donald Reilly
Kathleen O’Connor ‘78
Walter and Helen Costello
James and Margaret Kendrick
Andrew C. Tarnell
Patricia O’Connor ‘74
Janice Daly
Mrs. Francine Lahey
Guy Tomase
Caitlin O’Connor-Viera ‘98
Deceased member of the Class of 1963
Peter and Jan Ligor
Ralph Viscariello
Meaghan O’Connor-Viera ‘02
Dr. John S. Didiuk
John and Rose Mahoney
Dr. Francis X. Walsh
Yvette Putnam
Claire and Fredrick Dodd
Taylor Manning
Sally White
Sr. Mercedes Videira, o.s.u.
Sr. Dorothy Doyle
Elizabeth McCarthy ‘92
Robert D. Whiting
Ursuline Faculty and Staff
The Ursuline Sisters
Shirley F. McGrail
23rd Fore the Girls Tournament
Presented by Construction Management & Builders, Inc.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Wollaston Golf Club, Milton, MA
Ursuline extends a big thank you to everyone who supported the 23rd Fore the Girls
Tournament presented by cm&b on June 1 at Wollaston Golf Club. On a day more suited
for football than golf, as it was the coldest June 1 on record, 107 hardy golfers took to
the course in support of Ursuline’s athletes and helped raise $45,000 for the program.
The post-golf festivities included recognizing the seven Ursuline seniors that signed
National Letters of Intent to play intercollegiate athletics, as well as the Division 5 State Champion Winter Track
Team, Division 3 Volleyball Coach of the Year Kali Joseph, and District H Athletic Director of the Year Mike
Mark your calendars to be with us in 2016 – Monday, May 23, at Wollaston Golf Club!
Tournament Sponsor - Construction
Management & Builders, Inc.
The Roberto Family
Bear Sponsor – Anonymous
Roche Bros Supermarkets, Inc.
Lunch Sponsor - William J. Gormley
Funeral Service, Inc.
Bank of Canton
Ryder Cup Sponsors - Dedham
Institution for Savings, The Norfolk
& Dedham Group, Harrigan Design
Group, Global Contracting Services Inc.,
McCafferty and Company P.C.
Presidents Cup Sponsor – Hajjar
Management Co., Inc.
Tee Sponsors - Needham Bank, FACTS
Mgmt Company, Bank of Canton,
Rockland Trust, Au Bon Pain
Green Sponsors:
Roslindale Pediatric Associates, P.C.
Village Bank
Park Dental Group P. C.
Len & Susan Penella P’10
Carol & Peter Gately P ‘89, ‘91, ‘95
Bacon Flaherty, LLC
Clean & Safe, Inc.
King & Bishop
Empire Engineering Co., Inc.
Lawler & Crosby Funeral Home
Marsh & McLennan Agency
JB Edward Uniforms
Bill & Margherita Stargard P’16
Special thanks to our generous inkind donors: John & Astrid Hajjar P’17,
Needham Press, Walpole Co-Operative
Bank, Road Safe Traffic Systems and Lisa
Rubini ’79.
Planning Committee
Tournament Chair Astrid Hajjar P’17
The tournament sub-committee chairs:
Jimmy Alden P’15 - Logistics Chair
Gene Gonzalez P’16 - Player Gift Chair
Save the Date!
The 2016 Fore the Girls Golf Tournament
will be held on Monday, May 23 at
Wollaston Golf Club.
Mark your calendar and join us!
Astrid Hajjar P’17 – Sponsorships Chair
Stan Luniewicz P’15, ‘17 - Player
Recruitment Chair
Chris McCusker P’19 - Marketing &
Communications Chair
Kathy Reilly P’18, ‘19 - Volunteers Chair
Bill Stone P’18 - Auction & Prizes Chair
Committee members: Brian Ambrefe
P’18, David Correia P’17, Fran Coughlin
P’11, ‘16, Christine Daly P’19, Hanni
Djusberg P’18, Tracey Finch P’19, Peggy
Gilmore P’20, Bill Lawler P’13, ‘15, ‘16,
Trish Lynch P’16, Ted McCafferty P’17,
Liz O’Connell P’19, Mike O’Connor P’03,
‘08, Matt Patterson p’17, ‘19, Paul Pino
P’15, Danielle Pourbaix ‘05, Rosemary
Purtell P’18, Jill Reilly ‘03, Tracy Ryan
P’19, ‘20, Kristina Thomas P’17, ‘18, Suzie
Thurmond P’18, Julia & Patrick Tracy P’20,
Inga Wronski P’20
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Alumnae Honorees: Eve Kelley ’86 and Cara Gould ‘89
Diamond Sponsor
Mario Susi & Son, Inc.
ROJO / Dean Street Car Wash
Topaz Sponsor
Luminary Sponsor
Emerald Sponsor
Mr. and Mrs. David Clancy P’02, ‘15
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Daley
Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Borodic P’13
Compass Project Management, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gorman
Boston Private Bank & Trust Company
Mark and Stacey Cornforth
Rodman Ford Sales, Inc.
Ms. Judith Habib ‘71
Jay and Libby Donahue and Donahue
Real Estate Company, Inc.
Meg Reynolds ‘82 and Skip McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Higgins P’16 and
Highland Capital Brokerage
Martin and Susana Fantozzi P’13, ‘17
Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. Lynch P’14, ’16, ‘19
Chris and Meg Kaster
Ruby Sponsor
Robert J. Lawler and
Crosby Funeral Home
The Hestmark Family P’06, ’11, ’14, ‘16
The Riordan Family P’16, ‘19
Paul and Deborah Michienzie
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Adler
Mrs. Karen Benjamin
Black Heating & Cooling, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Black
Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Borodic
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boyd
Mrs. Barbara C. Brandt
Dr. Erin Burns and Mr. Charles Capone
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Afonso
Mr. Thomas Carty and
Ms. Patricia Griffin-Carty
Mrs. Mary Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Chirokas
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Banach
Mrs. Janet Comiskey Giannini ‘65
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey P. Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Corcoran
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Crispi
Ms. Toni Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Daly
Ms. Marlene J. DeLeon
and Mr. Thomas Lucci
Mr. Paul DiNicola and Ms. Pamela Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Colm Dunphy
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Faggiano
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Fahy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Farley
Mr. and Mrs. James Ferzoco
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Finch
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Francescon
Dr. and Mrs. John Fraone
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gioioso
GK Dermatology, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gormley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gormley
Mrs. Mary Jane Gould ‘62
Mrs. Barbara Harkins ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harnan
Ms. Patricia Hennessey ‘71
Ms. Megan G. Hobson ‘85
Mr. Dennis Hursey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Joseph
Ms. Eve Kelley ‘86
Kelley Rege Properties
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kennedy
Ms. Margaret A. Kenney ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Keough
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kern
Mrs. Barbara J. Lavalle
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Lawlor
Ms. Marianne LeBlanc ‘86
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Levesque
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis
Dr. John Lewis and Ms. Lisa
Mrs. Eileen Lindburg ‘68
Local Motion of Boston
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Lowney
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Luniewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. Lynch
Dr. Louis Maggio and Dr. Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maguire
Mr. and Mrs. S. Eric Marcheski
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard M. McCourt
Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald
Ms. Kathleen McDonough ‘71
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Michienzie
Mrs. Inez Moore ‘62
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moynihan
Mrs. Patricia Tocci ‘62
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mullally
Dr. Michael J. Ricard and
Dr. Brenda S. Ricard
Dr. Mary P. Mullen and Dr. Hal Burstein
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Roach
Mrs. Catherine Toomey ‘62
Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Roberto
Ms. Lee A. Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rockett
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Waldeck
Ms. Brenda Nashawaty ‘71
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Rusnock
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Weber Jr.
New York Life Retirement Plan Services
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scannell
Mrs. Cynthia Woolbright
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Noonan
Kendyl and Theresa Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas K. Stefanidakis
Mr. Guy Ragusa and
Ms. Sandra Giordano
Attorney and Mrs. Kurt Steinkrauss
Thank you to all who placed an ad, made
a cash donation to the auction baskets,
purchased tickets for the Ball, gave of
their time or talents and helped in any
way to make the evening a success!
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Stone Jr.
Mrs. Carol Tomase
Brescia Ball
2014 Committee:
Christine DiCenso
Christine Kern
Peggy Rusnock
Erin Donahoe
Hthaiwon Layne
Michelle Sanders
Nancy McAdams - Co-chair
Melissa Driscoll
Anne Lord
Alexis Schneider
Angela Canale - Co-chair
Kelly Faggiano
Amy Lynch
Mary Stefanidakis
Mary Ambrefe
Janice Fahy
Julie Lynch
Bill Skerry
Claire Anderson
Tracey Finch
Deirdre Manning
Robin Stone
Eileen Bacon
Eileen Fox
Ann-Marie Martin
Barbara Stranberg Jennifer Birch
Patricia Francescon
June Martin
Pam Sullivan
Anna Caruso
Michelle Freeman
Mary McCourt
Sarah Susi
Mary Cavanaugh
Jean Hoffman
Amy McDermott
Kristina Thomas
Carolyn Ciaccia
Mary-Ellen Gioioso
Lisa McDonough
Linda Thompson
Kim Chipman
Sandra Giordano
Paula Mehler
Julia Tracy
Cathy Conti
Kate Gormley
Janet Mullert
Lee Vaughan
Stacey Cornforth
Linda Grela
Pam Noonan
Patti Vhay
Midge Correia
Terri Hamel
Sheila Patterson
Stephanie Waldeck
Fran Coughlin
Tara Hartley
Kathy Reilly
Megan Walsh
Mary Beth Cox
Karen Healy
Jennifer & Jamie Rhodes
Liz Weber
Jennifer Cowell
Eileen Heffernan
Kathy Riordan
Lisa Whalen
Annamarie Coyne
Annette Hynes
Colleen Royal
Xiaoli Zhang
Karen Cronin
Connie Kearins
Mary Anne Rull
Congratulations to the Class of 2015
“ [A] difference for an Ursuline graduate is the bond you will have with your
fellow alumnae…there is a definite sense of community among Ursuline women
that people from other schools just don’t have.. . We have such a feeling
of camaraderie and support for each other, whether it be noting a triumph,
commiserating a loss, or just sharing life’s day to day activities… and when we
see each other at reunions, the conversations have an honesty to them that
is rare and beautiful. ... I have thanked Ursuline so often for the skills it helped
me develop, for the life lessons it taught me, and for the wonderful women to
whom it introduced me.”
~ Suzanne Ferguson Burkhardt ‘81, 2015 Commencement Speaker
Ursuline’s Newest
Abigail Anne Alden
Shannon Marie Lawler
Kayla Nicole Anderson
Kendall Arlene Lewis
Courtney Barry
Christina Connolly Luniewicz
Abigail Margaret Black
Katherine Elizabeth Lynch
Amanda May Boyd
Kristen Marie MacNeil
Kaitlin Cheers Brecht
Marykate Elizabeth Maguire
Alina Adelaide Carroll
Kylie Claire Maida
Isabel Delphine Caruso
Gwendolyn Marie Marquis
Katherine Manning Cavanaugh
Bridget Elizabeth McAdams
Serviam Award: Shannon Lawler
Michaela Margaret Chipman
Eileen Marie McAleer
Laura Rose Clancy
Anna Maria McDonald
Sydney Chandler Conti
Kyra Kathleen McNaughton
Kimberly Lillian Cronin
Kylie Marie Medeiros
Kathryn Dolan
Katherine Eileen Murphy
Alexandra Louise Erk Thompson
Cassandra Mary Nedder
Ashton Katelyn Fagan
Morgan Terese O’Donnell
Kathryn Lyons Fitzgerald
Maeve Courtney O’Sullivan
Jacqueline Rose Foley
Amy Elizabeth Piccolo
Maria Gina Fraser
Elizabeth Helen Pino
Patricia Gaitan
Michaela Jeannette Ricard
Casey Louise Gallagher
Mary Eileen Roche
Hannah Eleanor Garfield
Catherine Rockett
Sarah June Garrow
Gabriela Consuelo Ryan
Berleine Gedeon
Nicole Elizabeth Ryan
Katherine Rose Gioioso
Meaghan Tobin Schaefer
Eleni Victoria Haberis
Marissa Gabriel Schneider
Erin Grace Harten
Alyssa Marie Schnoor
Alexa Blaine Held
Karina Sinha
Niamh Margaret-Christine Hynes
Anna Jane Grant Splitz
Elizabeth Ann Joseph
Niamh Elizabeth Sutherburg
Sarah Elizabeth Kahler
Minali Venkatesh
Katherine Ann Kearins
Elizabeth Claire Vhay
Camille Marie Kelley
Nicole Wehbe
Abigail Regan Lake
Carly Rosemary Whalen
Meghan Logue Lawler
Mallory Marcoux Whalen
Valedictorian: Mallory Whalen
Salutatorian: Katherine Gioioso
The Serviam Award is a great honor in Ursuline
schools worldwide and seeks to reward outstanding
traits of leadership in service, awareness of
others, acceptance of responsibility and academic
Principal’s Award: Michaela Chipman
The Principal’s Award is given to a student in
recognition of her appreciation of the benefits of her
Christian education, her leadership on behalf of her
class and her willingness to serve others.
Sister Mercedes Videira Medal: Elizabeth Vhay
Established in 2009, this special award is presented
to a student who best embodies the qualities of an
Ursuline woman as embodied by Sister Mercedes
herself: integrity, humility, generosity and concern for
others, coupled with a deep love for the Academy.
Ursuline Academy
Office of Advancement
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(781) 326-6161
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Please visit for details and
to view a video and take a virtual tour of the new Athletic and
Convocation Center.
Reunion 2016!
Classes ending in “1” and “6:” watch
your mail for an invitation to your
reunion on Saturday, May 7, 2016!