May 18, 2014 - St. Kilian Catholic Church
May 18, 2014 - St. Kilian Catholic Church
St. Kilian Catholic Church A Family of Faith Volume 11, Week 20 May 18, 2014 Fifth Sunday of Easter 26872 Estanciero Drive, Mission Viejo, California 92691 Phone: (949) 586-4440 Fax: (949) 454-1043 Rev. Bruce Patterson, Pastor Rev. Wayne Adajar, Parochial Vicar Assisting Priests: Rev. Larry Gibson, Rev. Jerry Walker, Monsignor Jack Campbell and Rev. Chrysostom Baer. Deacon Bob Kelleher and Deacon Mark Martin MASS TIMES: Saturday Evening: 4:00 & 5:30pm Sunday: 6:00, 7:30, 9:00, 10:45am, 12:30 & 5:00pm Monday - Friday - 6:30 and 9:00am, Saturday 8:00am. Reconciliation/Confession: Wednesday: 7:00pm Saturday: 8:45am Eucharistic Adoration: Daily: after 6:30am Mass till just prior to 9:00am Mass First Friday: 7:00am Friday to 8:00am Saturday Parish Mission Statement St. Kilian Parish is a Catholic community of faith responding to the call of Jesus Christ through the proclamation of Scripture, the celebration of Eucharist, and in living the sacramental life of the Church. We are committed to responding to each other through communities and ministries of faith and love, addressing our spiritual, social and educational needs. We believe that each of us is called to be a supportive, compassionate, and caring Christian witness in Mission Viejo, the Diocese of Orange and in the world. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Fifth Sunday of Easter Page 2 Pastor’s Page 1st Holy Communion - 2014 S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Page 3 Thank you … To all who have prayerfully and generously made a pledge in support of our church. Every pledge, no matter what the size, is valued and appreciated. If you have not done so yet, you are invited to make a pledge by either dropping your pledge envelope in the collection basket, or sending it to the parish office. Please join with your church family to reach our goal. Pledge envelopes and brochures may be obtained in the pews of the church, in the brochure holders at the entrance to the Church or at the parish office. “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:21 2014 Pastoral Services Appeal Thank you to the 283 families who have already pledged to support the mission of the church to teach, preach, minister and serve in the name of Jesus through their financial contribution to the 2014 Pastoral Services Appeal. We have a good start towards our goal of at least $365,000. If you have not yet made your pledge, please do so this week in the parish office. 283 families $159,553 to date of $365,000 Fifth Sunday of Easter Page 4 Readings Week of May 19, 2014 Monday, May 19, 2014 6:30am Maureen McSweeney & James Patrick Carey † 9:00am Richard Collins & Jane Heckert † Tuesday, May 20, 2014 6:30am Anita Maldonado & Claudine Pilar Ruiz † 9:00am Joe O’Brien, Leona Kessler & Ruben Ortiz † Wednesday, May 21, 2014 6:30am Int. of Berni Neal & Maureen and Gordon Rule 9:00am Betty Selesky & Sam and Phyllis De Frisco † Thursday, May 22, 2014 6:30am Int. of Judy Ku & Patricia Wilder Fitzmaurice 9:00am Rick & Leona Kessler † Friday, May 23, 2014 6:30am Int. of all Priests & Jeanne Lussier 9:00am William Markey Sr. & Mike White † Saturday, May 24, 2014 8:00am Rosa Terronez & Indra Alahackone † 4:00pm Harold Jaffke & Jacob Trong Nguyen and Theresa Bay Huynh † 5:30pm Barbara Adams & Donald Hudec † Sunday, May 25, 2014 6:00am Marie Tracz & Anton Smoljan † 7:30am Al Prentice & Dan Murray † 9:00am James F. Ward & Helen O’Brien † 10:45am Jamie Nelson & Joseph Tinervia † 12:30pm Anna Thach Nguyen & Joseph Dominic Quanq Nguyen † 5:00pm Parishioners of St. Kilian Monday Acts of the Apostles 14:5-18 Psalm 115:1-4, 15-16 John 14:21-26 Tuesday Acts of the Apostles 14:19-28 Psalm 145:10-13ab, 21 John 14:27-31a Wednesday Acts of the Apostles 15:1-6 Psalm 122:1-5 John 15:1-8 Thursday Acts of the Apostles 15:7-21 Psalm 96:1-3, 10 John 15:9-11 Friday Acts of the Apostles 15:22-31 Psalm 57:8-12 John 15:12-17 Saturday Acts of the Apostles 16:1-10 Psalm 100:1b-2, 3, 5 John 15:18-21 Sunday Acts of the Apostles 8:5-8, 14-17 Psalm 66:1-7, 16, 20 1 Peter 3:15-18 John 14:15-21 SATURDAY, May 24th 4:00pm: Amanda Hays, Jordan Bonanno, Grace Bean 5:30pm: Hannah Mazolewski, Kylie Kerrigan, Liam Kerrigan SUNDAY, May 25th EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Rosary Chaplet of Divine Mercy Benediction Fridays at 7:00pm 6:00am: 7:30am: 9:00am: 10:45am: Volunteer Wyatt Thilken, Grace Thilken, Maggie Thilken Gianna Memo, Gregory Memo, Isabella Sese Mckenna Etheridge, Jamie Blackburn, Madison Anstead 12:30pm: Julia Bird, Julia Smith, Eliza Herzfeld 5:00pm: Tommy McCarthy, Camille Manese S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Sacraments Reconciliation/Confession Wednesday: 7:00pm Saturday: 8:45am Infant Baptism Call the Parish Center for information 586-4440 Marriage Contact Parish Priest at least six (6) months prior to Marriage Anointing of The Sick Contact the Parish Center Page 5 Offices and Ministries Parish Office 586-4440 Religious Education 586-4550 Youth Ministry 586-7803 Music Ministry 586-8414 Stephen Ministry 768-6933 Ministry To The Homebound 380-1972 Adult Faith Formation / RCIA 586-4440 First Time Between: Jennifer Jun and Jason Richman, May 24, 2014 Kelsey Krieger and Bryan Egly, May 24, 2014 Gabriella Acevedo and Keith Beechler, June 7, 2014 Jennifer Malloy and Adrian McKenzie, June 21, 2014 Reminders… SERRA CATHOLIC SCHOOL (Quad-Parish School) Eucharistic Adoration: Daily: after 6:30am Mass till just prior to 9:00am Mass First Friday: 7:00am Friday to 8:00am Saturday Funeral Call the Parish Center for information 586-4440 Banns of Marriage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Ascension of the Lord, a Holy Day normally celebrated on May 29, is transferred this year to Sunday June 1, here in the Diocese of Orange. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 23652 Antonio Parkway Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Phone: (949) 888-1990 Angeline Trudell, President Carol Reiss, Principal, Grades K-4 Catherine Muzzy, Principal, Grades 5-8 This Week at St. Kilian SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY May Adoration 24 18 19 20 21 22 23 5th Sunday of Easter Masses Masses Masses Masses Masses Mass 6:30am & 9:00am 6:30am & 9:00am 6:30am & 9:00am 6:30am & 9:00am 6:30am & 9:00am 8:00am Masses 8:45am Confessions 6:00am; 7:30am; 9:00am; 10:45am; 12:30pm 10:00am Wedding 2:00pm Wedding Mass 5:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Confessions Masses Holy Hour 4:00pm & 5:30pm Adoration 25 26 27 28 29 30 6th Sunday of Easter Masses Masses Masses Masses Masses Mass 6:30am & 9:00am 6:30am & 9:00am 6:30am & 9:00am 6:30am & 9:00am 6:30am & 9:00am 8:00am Masses 6:00am; 7:30am; 9:00am; 10:45am; 12:30pm Baptism 2:00pm Mass 5:00pm Memorial Day Holiday Parish Offices are Closed 31 8:45am Confessions 7:00pm 7:00pm Confessions Holy Hour Masses 4:00pm & 5:30pm Page 6 Fifth Sunday of Easter Prayers... PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MEN AND WOMEN OVERSEAS: Afghanistan: Renee Barrett, Joshua Mansfield, Craig Labistre, Adam O’Neill, Robert Charles Holmes, Jr., Jason Pallotta, Alfredo Samson Jr., Jordan Franco. Bahrain: Christine Cawayan, Christian Goodnow. England: Kyle Hunt, Matthew Plakos. Japan: John Richmond, Vince Ramos. Germany: Robert Blonski-Clark, Austen Swaim, Andrew Hill. Hawaii: Robert Ortiz. Isle of Crete: Richard Erk, III. Kuwait: Scott Richmond. Pacific: Theodore Bucierka. Persian Gulf: Rory Lusic. HOME!: Andrew Marrett—Thanks be to God! To include a family members name serving overseas, please contact: Carolyn McNamara @ [email protected]. Those who are sick: Clark Wilkerson, Gina Girodano, Kyle Dolan, Aniceto Vargas, Beverly Barbosa, Renee Whiteside, Dan and Beth Kryst, Maurie Franke, Shellie Sorrentino, Jeanne Brickley, Cindy Brown, Susan O’Connor, Kaley Brown, Peter Danna, Jr., Josephine Caravana, David L., Joe Fusco, Matt Flood, Bill Marx, Jim Echter, Betty Shirah, Joe McGuriman, Robert Dean, Florence Briley, Frank Semelsberger, Helen Esposito, Dolores Rodarte, Jane Pfaff, Gerry Smith, Dolores Kerr, John Renteria, Max Lopez, Corine Madrid, Raquel Navarro, Deb Hooper, Lorraine & Robert Epperson and Family, Roger Searing, Laurie Searing, Lisa Belino, Rosario Weckman, Dan Thomas, Wally Camp, Clara Tolle, Joan Hoefler, Lizzie Goodwin, Josephine Caruso, Jeanne Kern, Sam Stevens, Toni Thompson, Thomas “Tod” Davidson, John Rahn, Bea Lukens, Kathleen Daniels, Lucille Chapla, John Peterson, Joe Blanda, Ann Reilly, Tom Conlon, Rosie O’Brien, Bill De Luca, Daniel Rodrigues, Linda Ross, Debbie Benner, Charles Fields, Linda W., Catherine W. de Mille, Caitlin DeCoursey, Rose DeFrisco, Monica McLean, Vivian Litterest, Janis Shekerlian, John Hoetker, Jeff Holroy, Helen Harcharick, Bryson Bennett, Peggy Liewer, Susan Garrett, Teresita Adajar, Thomas Holmberg, Dave Blanco, Helen Hack, Laura Rodriguez, Aurora Cabrera, Patricia Fitzmaurice, Gloria Gorney, Marie Ward, Sharon Nestor, Maria Marero, Bill Morris. Those who have died: Susan Pacek, Donald Plique, Janina Sobczak, Antonio Pelino, Jr., John Luongo, Marilyn Spainhower, Mary Jeffers, Stephen Morton, Nicholas Pedone, Bill Collins, Donald Young, Aurora Cabrera, Carmela Costa, Francis Long, Thomas Edward Judge, Charles O’Neill, Roy Webb, Alicia Garduno, Charles Francis Scheckel, Muriel Allison Billups, Eugene Marso, Lois LePage, Sal Pipitone, Teresa Colberg, Jeanne Lussier, Pam Hurley, Leona Schmidt, Thelma Bones, Ruth Hannefield, Stephen Hines, Jim Sutter, Alida Croker, Michael Vagan, Marie Tracz, John Eugene McCarthy, John Merolt, Madeline Mastromatteo, Shirl-ann Fiorelli, Geraldine Rowlette, William Stolarik, Leon Jensen, John Cummings, Robert John Justice, Huibert Vanden Broek, Antonia Wysocki, Eileen Givens, Marian Herkert, Joan Poettgen, Mary Streff, Joseph O’Brien, Geraldine Knoke, Dominic D’Amore, Anna Butkus, Linda Coplan, Lori McGee, Delmar Wiley, Rufina Fajardo, Florencio Flores, Jan Brick, Helen Csllik, Anne Fellmer, Ruth Ann Curran, Sarah Bisso, Harold Jaffke, Elizabeth Martin, Mary Higgins, Marion Deck, Frank Manard, Anthony Dale Hill, Maurice McGrath, Margaret Frances Gilroy, Manny Valeriano, Aguileo Flores, Jean King, Margot Bolich. SPIRITUAL ADOPTION PROGRAM Dear Mom and Dad, Guess What! I can suck my thumb! Pretty good for someone just nine weeks old! Please keep praying for me. S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Page 7 Announcements Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group A support group for Alzheimer Caregivers is forming at St. Kilian. The group will be having their first meeting on Tuesday June 3, 2014 at 9:30am in the Parish Center, rooms 4 & 5. Please join us for this inaugural meeting. You are not alone. Come and be a strength for others who are going through the same trials as yourself. Questions? Please call the Parish Office 586-4440. 2014-2015 Openings Available in Serra Catholic School’s Early Childhood Education Programs. Serra Catholic School and Serra Catholic Preschool are now accepting applications for the 2014-2015 school year. We have openings available in Kindergarten, First Grade and Preschool. Our preschool offers a faith-based, developmentally appropriate academic program for 3 and 4 year olds, with small class sizes, in a safe, fun and nurturing environment. For information about Kindergarten and First Grade, please contact Shirley Merchant, Admissions Director at 949-888-1990. Serra Catholic School 23652 Antonio Parkway • Rancho Santa Margarita For more information about our Preschool programs, please call 949-546-8890 to schedule a tour and see all that we can offer your preschool-aged child. Serra Catholic Preschool – 1600 Corporate Drive • Ladera Ranch Hospice Volunteers are needed in our community to provide supportive services to terminally ill patients and their families. VITAS Innovative Hospice Care® is seeking interested individuals who can commit an average of two hours per week to make a difference with patients or in our offices – you can volunteer around your schedule and in the area you live or work. The only necessary qualifications are a caring heart, the ability to listen, and a willingness to learn. The next training class is Saturday, May 17, 2014 (7:45 – 4:30 pm). Please contact Libby Davis, Volunteer Manager at 714734-2723 or email [email protected] Preparing For Our Heavenly Dwelling Place "This world is not your permanent home; wherever you may be, you are a stranger, a pilgrim passing through. You will never find peace unless you are united with Christ in the very depths of your heart." S.C. Biela, Open Wide the Door to Christ, (Ft.Collins, CO: IAMF, 2005),156. ATTENTION!!! All St. Kilian Parish Ministries An important meeting with Father Bruce for all current Leaders of St. Kilian Ministries will be held on Thursday, May 29th at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. A pot-luck dinner and drinks will be served. Our parish ministries are an outward expression of the St. Kilian community. This meeting will provide an opportunity for ministry leaders to review our mutual goals and share ideas to foster fellowship and create a cohesive community as our parish continues to grow. Save the Date and make plans to join us! Marriage Preparation Classes St. Kilian now offers Marriage Preparation Classes! Cost is $20.00. If you are contemplating the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony, call or stop by the front office; 949/586-4440 Sacristans are Needed Are you looking for a way to serve God and His Church? Would you be interested in becoming a Sacristan? Serving as a Sacristan offers you an opportunity to become part of the Liturgy by serving God and his Priests at the Altar. Consider this opportunity prayerfully and contact the Parish Office at 949/586-4440. NO CHECKBOOK REQUIRED…. EARN EASY DOLLARS FOR ST. KILIAN PARISH! What is eScrip and how does it work? Participating merchants contribute to St. Kilian each time you make a purchase using your registered card. No receipts, no vouchers, no certificates, no hassles! Register your Vons/Pavilions club card to credit St. Kilian Church (Group ID # 166448664) every time you swipe your card! You can register your credit card as well and earn money for the church each time you use it a participating merchant. Go to the website to register. Page 8 Fifth Sunday of Easter SKY stands for St. Kilian Youth. SKY is where the teens of our parish share their faith and have lots of fun. SKY NEWS • Mark you iphone calendar! The next SKY will be on June 1 at 6pm in the hall. See you there! CONFIRMATION 1 NEWS: • • Mandatory, one day Confirmation 1 Retreat is Sunday, May 18th from 1-8 p.m. $10 fee payable at retreat. Day will include Mass and Dinner. Please contact Youth Ministry Office with any questions. All Service Experiences and SKY meetings should be complete. Letters will be sent to those who have not completed Confirmation 1. CONFIRMATION 2 NEWS: • Congratulations to all those who are newly Confirmed! May God Bless you always!!! [email protected] OPERATION RICE BOWL Over $1,200.00 collected! Thanks to all who participated in this Lenten Sacrificial Offering. We collected a record amount of over $1,200. Catholic Relief Services is grateful for your prayers and contributions. Your gifts make it possible for CRS to provide lifesaving support to our brothers and sisters in need around the world. Thank you for changing lives! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STOP BY and SAY “HI!” Religious Education Sign-up RE Staff and Volunteers will be outside Mass May 17 & 18 to accept Registrations for the 2014-2015 RE program, Vacation Bible School and Sunday Summer School. We would love to meet you and your family and show you all we have to offer children ages 4-8th Grade. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL For 4 & 5 year olds During 10:45 AM Mass FREE! No Charge for the Summer Session! July 13-September 14 Registration Begins April 28 All children 4 and 5 years old are invited to be a part of our Summer Sunday School program. The class meets during the 10:45 AM Mass on Sundays in rooms 4 & 5. The children hear bible stories, sing songs, make crafts and have snacks. Summer is a time to relax and enjoy a less hurried schedule. Many families travel during the summer and aren’t attending Mass at their home parish on a regular basis so they may be hesitant to sign up for a weekly class. No worries... Since you don’t have to pay for the session you won’t feel bad if you have to miss a few... Children are welcome at any time. You can pre-register OR you can drop your child off for the first time and see if the class will work for your family before you register. Please contact our office if you have any questions or to RSVP for the 1st Session. Registration forms will be available in the RE Office and on our website. Like us on email: [email protected] S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch RE Class Schedule LAST SUNDAY SCHOOL (ages 4 & 5) June 8 2014-2015 Religious Education REGISTRATION BEGINS Monday April 28-Friday May 30 Forms will be in the RE Office and on our website Sunday School ~ October thru June ~ For children ages 4 & 5~9am and 10:45am Religious Education classes ~ October thru May ~ for children in Grades 1-8 and Special Education. This includes preparation for 1st Communion and continuing faith formation. After school program Monday thru Thursday. Vacation Bible School 2014 Weird Animals ~ August 4-8 ~ 9:30am-12:30pm For children 4 years old through 6th grade Summer Sunday School For children ages 4-5 10:45-11:45am July 13-September 14 Sunday School for 3 year olds... Vacation Bible School Religious Education End of Year Mass Wednesday May 7, 5:15 PM in Church Join us on Wednesday, May 7, at 5:15 PM in the church for a special Mass to celebrate another wonderful year of Religious Education. Father Wayne will celebrate the Mass that our 7th and 8th Graders have prepared and planned. All children and families are welcome to join us. WEIRD ANIMALS Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-Kind! August 4-8, 9:30 AM-12:30PM For kids 4 years old-6th Grade Registration begins April 28... See you then! At WEIRD ANIMALS VBS kids will discover that Jesus’ love is one-of-a-kind. WEIRD ANIMALS is a habitat filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch and even taste! There are teambuilding games, crazy crafts, lip-smacking snacks, surprising adventures, cool music and lots more wild and wonderful fun! Registration is on a space available basis...So make tracks, follow the herd and SIGN UP to take a walk on the WILD and WEIRD side! Page 9 Cubby Corner Cub Scouts Pack 714 At St. Kilian Parish Calling all boys completing Kindergarten through Fourth Grade! Come join the adventure of Scouting!! Cub Scouts is a fun-filled program for boys to learn, develop skills, build friendships, provide service to their community, deepen their faith, and most of all - have FUN!! Cub Scouts learn to “do their best” in ALL aspects of their lives. This is a family program to enjoy together and make memories for a lifetime. All Interested families are welcome! Look through our Pack Scrap Book at the Office of Religious Education at St. Kilian. New Scouts may participate in: Irvine Regional Park picnic on June 8th Cub Scout Day Camp July 7-11 Several family activities during the summer, including our Family Camp. Recent activities for Pack 714: Caroling at Freedom Village, Pinewood Derby, Blue & Gold dinner with “Jungle Book” themed games, Scout Sunday celebration at St. Kilian, Monster Trucks at Anaheim Stadium, Hiking the Oso Trail, and more! Pack 714 has a reputation for excellence and innovation in the Saddleback District of Orange County Boy Scouts of America. Help us grow this fabulous program at St. Kilian. For more information, please contact Linda Shepard (parishioner) at: [email protected] or 949-770-6232. Once again we are creating a wonderful back drop for our Vacation Bible School program and could use some help. This is what we are looking for this year: Vacation Bible SchoolDonations Needed!! SHEETS-any size or color Extra Large card board boxes Pool Noodles-any color Bright Colored Tissue Paper Stuffed Animals in good condition Colored clear plastic empty 2 liter bottles ADULT and TEEN Volunteers Needed. Registration and Volunteer Applications will be on our website and Please bring your donations to the RE Office. in the RE Office beginning April 28. Thanks again for your help and support over the years. Page 10 Memorial Day Prayer Service At Christ Cathedral Join us for a special Memorial Day Prayer Service in honor our Nation’s fallen heroes at the Christ Cathedral campus May 26, 11am – 2 pm. Congregants from Shepherds Grove will join parishioners and others from throughout the Diocese of Orange for the first ever joint Memorial Day prayer service within the Arboretum building at 11am, followed by an observance within the Memorial Gardens Cemetery, located on the campus, beginning at 12 pm. All are welcome to join in prayer for the fallen and for our Nation. Christ Cathedral Campus 13280 Chapman Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92840 For more information: 714-489-6102 FUNDRAISER COMING EVENTS May 28th - Don Jose' - Laguna Hills June 25th - Tutto Fresco - Rancho Santa Margarita July 23rd - High Park Tap House - Mission Viejo August 13th - TK Burgers - Mission Viejo September 6th - The Taste of St. Kilian September 13th - Flamingos - Laguna Hills October 15th - CPK - Mission Viejo Fifth Sunday of Easter It’s not even Summer, yet we Can’t wait for Oktoberfest!!! Next planning meeting Our next planning meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 20th at 6:30pm in the Parish Center. Our first meeting was very successful and there’s lots of excitement for the return of Oktoberfest. We’re still in the planning stages, so please join us. All are welcome! Please call the Parish Office if you are interested in joining. Wunderbar! S t . K i l ia n C a t h o l i c C h u r ch Page 11 Page 12 Fifth Sunday of Easter Ministries... EUCHARIST TO THE HOMEBOUND Rosie O’Brien 380-1972 Eucharistic Ministers pray, share the Word, bring the Eucharist and friendship to the homebound. _______________________________________ ROSARY GROUP MONDAY NIGHT Call 215-5177 Come join us in the Parish Center at 6:00 pm for dedication to our Blessed Mother. ___________________________________________________________________________ Women’s AA 12 X 12 Thursdays 9:30 am in the Parish Center Alice 939-1331 _______________________________________ Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Group Meets Thursday after 9:00am Mass Pray the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and share special intentions. ___________________________________________________________________________ At Home with the Word David Booth 768-3791 Join us after the 9:00 Mass on Wednesday mornings as we come together to become more familiar with the Word. _______________________________________ GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY Kevin Gross 768-1890 Strives to assist those parishioners who are in need of transportation to Mass, doctor appointments, etc. ___________________________________________________________________________ STEPHEN MINISTRY Stephen Ministers care for people facing tough times. Kimberly Bauer 636-5353 _______________________________________ SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Marie Gomez 582-0279 Margaret Jenkins 454-6030 A Pastoral Ministry dedicated to helping us grow spiritually and deepening our relationship with God. ___________________________________________________________________________ MONDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY Tom or Denise Campione 949/582-7967. A 90 minute study each Monday night at 7:00pm in the Parish Center Rooms 8 & 9. All are welcome! _________________________________________ TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY For more information please call 582-2761 or 470-9495. The weekly Tuesday morning study meets at 9:30 am in the parish hall. Everyone is welcome to attend. ___________________________________________________________________________ HOPE AND HEALING MINISTRY All calls are confidential 800/722-4356. MUSIC MINISTRY SINGERS AND INSTRUMENTALISTS You are invited to join the St. Kilian Music Ministry as we praise the Lord through music. Rehearsal Times: Adult Choir: Thursdays at 7:15pm Children’s Choir: Tuesdays at 5:30pm A Ministry to help women and others whose lives have been hurt by abortion. Our ministry is open to those who are non-Catholic as well. Our Mission: Contribute our time, effort and resources to the support and development of our parish Help each other live meaningful Catholic Christian lives and experience true brotherhood and sisterhood in Christ Initiate and promote activities designed to spiritually nourish the members of our ministry and of our parish Fil-Am Choir: Tuesdays at 7:00pm Grace Notes (young adults): Thursdays at 5:45pm Instrumental Musicians: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7pm Shine Down (teens in high school): Sundays 3:30pm For more information, Please Contact: Stephen Loreto – (949)-837-0824 or Email: [email protected] Gene Reyes - (949) 458-7656 or Email: [email protected] AD PAGE AD PAGE AD PAGE