Qada’ (Caza) Keserwan ¿Ghô°ùc AÉ°†b Keserwan ¿Ghô°ùc Mount Lebanon ¿ÉæÑd πÑL Qada’ Keserwan ¿Ghô°ùc AÉ°†b Hrajel πLGôM h Al-Ghineh á櫨dG Ghazir Faraya ôjõZ ÉjQÉa A’achqout Ma’ameltein äƒ≤°ûY ø«à∏eÉ©e Faitroun ¿hô£«a Jounieh ¬«fƒL Raifoun Sarba ¿ƒØjQ ÉHô°U A’ajaltoun ¿ƒà∏éY Jeita Éà«©L Kfardebian ¿É«HOôØc ∫ɪ°ûdG ƒëf §°SƒàªdG ¢†«HC’G ôëÑdG Mediterranean Sea Towards The North Zouk Mikhael πHɵe ¥hR Zouk Mosbeh íÑ°üe ¥hR Dbayeh ¬«Ñ°V Dora IQhO ähô«H Towards The South ܃æédG ƒëf Towards Beqa'a ´É≤ÑdG ƒëf Jeita Éà«©L IQƒ£æ«Y ƒëf Towards Aintoura 2 3 7 1 5 2 1 1 4 2 3 1 4 3 5 Towards Shaileh á∏«¡°S ƒëf 6 4 6 5 7 2 Monuments 1. Mar Elias Ancient Monastery 2. Nseir Family Heritage House 3. Saydet (Our Lady) Al-Najat Ancient Church 4. Daou Family Heritage House 5. Old Olive Press & Molasses Mill for Sfeir Family ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG …ôK’G ¢SÉ«dG QÉe ôjO 1 »KGôàdG ô«°üf ∫BG ∫õæe 2 ájôK’G IÉéædG Ió«°S á°ù«æc 3 »KGôàdG ƒ°V ∫BG ∫õæe 4 áªjób âjR Iô°ü©e 5 ô«Ø°U ∫B’ ÜhôN Iô°ü©eh Natural Attractions 1. Ain (Spring) Al-Mashtala 2. Ain Al-Qani 3. Ain Al-Jadida 4. Ain Farshlou 5. Jeita Cave 6. Public Garden 7. Al-Kana'es Area holds Perennial Olive Trees á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG á∏à°ûªdG ø«Y 1 »æ≤dG ø«Y 2 IójóédG ø«Y 3 ƒ∏°Tôa ø«Y 4 Éà«©L IQɨe 5 áeÉ©dG á≤jóëdG 6 É¡«a óLƒj ¢ùFÉæµdG á≤£æe 7 Iôªq ©e ¿ƒàjR QÉé°TCG (áæ°S 4000 ÜQÉ≤j ÉgôªY) (approximately 4000 years old) Restaurants 1. Balcony Restaurant 09-232939/03-639980 2. Niyara Restaurant 09-233143/03-838377 3. Frulatte Restaurant 03-947484/09-231573 4. Sfeir Restaurant 03-957134 5. La Mourla Restaurant 09-223389 6. Al-Mghara Restaurant 09-220840/1/2/3 7. Restaurants in Monot Street Recreation 1. Jeita Country Club 09-214111 2. Jeita Grotto 09-220840/1/2/3 ºYÉ£ªdG »fƒµdÉH º©£e 1 GQÉ«f º©£e 2 »J’hôa º©£e 3 ô«Ø°U º©£e 4 ’Qƒe ’ º©£e 5 IQɨªdG º©£e 6 ƒfƒe ´QÉ°T »a ºYÉ£e 7 á«aÉ≤ãdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG »MÉ«°ùdG Éà«©L ™ªée 1 Éà«©L IQɨe 2 Al-Ghineh á櫨dG Towards Al-Hussein ø«°ùëdG ƒëf 4 1 1 1 2 3 1 Towards Al-Kfour QƒØµdG ƒëf Towards Chahtoul ∫ƒàë°T ƒëf Monuments 1. Remains of Roman Cemeteries 2. Saydet (Our Lady) Al-Najat Church 3. Old Baking Stove 4. Adonis Rock ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG á«fÉehQ øaGóe ÉjÉ≤H 1 IÉéædG Ió«°S á°ù«æc 2 ºjób õÑî∏d QƒæJ 3 ¢ù«fhOCG Iôî°U 4 Natural Attractions 1. Ain (Spring) Fia'al á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG π©«a ø«Y 1 Restaurants 1. Al-Chihan Restaurant ºYÉ£ªdG ¿Éë«°ûdG º©£e 1 Hotels 1. Francis Hotel ¥OÉæØdG ¢ù«°ùfôa ¥óæa 1 09-788121/780789/03-263698 Towards Beirut ähô«H ƒëf 1 ôjõZ IójóL ƒëf Towards Jdeidet Ghazir 1 Ghazir ôjõZ Towards Dlebta ÉàÑdO ƒëf Monuments 1. Old Mill 2. Old Municipality Building 3. Cleric 4. Old Souq 5. Ghazir Square £ Saydet (Our Lady) Al-Abraj £ Heritage Houses £ Emir Bechir Place of Birth £ Mar Francis Monastery 6. Mar Elias Church 7. Al-Qoubbah District President Fouad Chehab Square 8. Saydet Al-Habchiyyeh 9. Al-Mazar (Sanctuary) 10. Mar Mtanios (Saint Anthony) Maronite Monastery Natural Attractions 1. Ain (Spring) Nabi’i Al-Mghara 2. Al-Mghara Spring Restaurants 1. Al-Afs Café 2. Manuella Restaurant 09-832480 3. Angham Restaurant 4. Oscar Restaurant 09-856999 5. Dallalouna Restaurant 09-856056 6. Layalina Restaurant 7. Daniella Restaurant 8. Chaviots Restaurant 9. Indian Restaurant 10. Dar Al-Azraq Restaurant 09-737379 Recreation 1. Musare Wine Plant 09-925056 Hotels 1. Plaza 90 Hotel 2. Oscar Beach Hotel 09-856999 3. Saint Jean Hotel 09-635282 4. Vikings (Furnished Apartments) 5. Luxor Hotel 09-852002 6. Montana Hotel 7. Residence Hotel 8. Viva Palace Hotel 09-851519/852822 9. Boutros Kouzah Hotel 09-852868 10. Camelot Hotel 09-855222 ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG áªjób áfƒMÉW 1 áªjó≤dG ájó∏ÑdG ≈æÑe 2 ᫵jô«∏c’G 3 ºjó≤dG ¥ƒ°ùdG 4 :ôjõZ áMÉ°S 5 êGôHC’G Ió«°S £ á«KGôJ ∫RÉæe £ ô«°ûH ô«eC’G IO’h ¿Éµe £ ¢ù«°ùfôa QÉe ôjO £ ¢SÉ«dG QÉe á°ù«æc 6 áMÉ°S áÑ≤dG »M 7 ÜÉ¡°T OGDƒa ¢ù«FôdG á«°ûÑëdG Ió«°S 8 QGõªdG 9 ¢Sƒ«fÉ£e QÉe ôjO 10 á«fhQɪdG áæÑgô∏d á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG IQɨªdG ™Ñf ø«Y 1 IQɨªdG ™Ñf 2 ºYÉ£ªdG ¢üØ©dG ≈¡≤e 1 ÓjƒfÉe º©£e 2 ΩɨfCG º©£e 3 Qɵ°ShG º©£e 4 Éfƒ∏dq O º©£e 5 Éæ«dÉ«d º©£e 6 Ó«fGO º©£e 7 ¢ùJƒ«aÉ°T º©£e 8 …óæ¡dG º©£ªdG 9 ¥QRC’G QGO º©£e 10 á«aÉ≤ãdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG QGRƒe ò«Ñf ™æ°üe 1 ¥OÉæØdG 90 GRÓH ¥óæa 1 ¢ûà«H Qɵ°ShG ¥óæa 2 ¿ÉL ¿É°S ¥óæa 3 (á°ThôØe ≥≤°T) õ¨æ«µjÉa 4 ô°ùcƒd ¥óæa 5 ÉfÉàfƒe ¥óæa 6 õfó«°SGQ ¥óæa 7 ¢S’ÉH ÉØ«a ¥óæa 8 ìõb ¢Sô£Ñd ¥óæa 9 äƒ∏«eÉc ¥óæa 10 3 5 1 8 1 6 2 2 4 1 1 9 7 10 Towards Jbeil π«ÑL ƒëf 9 8 10 7 9 2 1 6 6 5 5 3 42 8 4 7 3 10 1 Beaches 1. Saint Antoine Beach 09-911880 2. L'Hammac Beach 09-856846 2 íHÉ°ùªdG ¿Gƒ£fG ¿É°S íÑ°ùe 1 ∑ɪg’ íÑ°ùe 2 To B ä Raifoun 1/2 ¿ƒØjQ äƒ≤°ûY ƒëf Towards A'achqout ¿hô£«a ƒëf Towards Faitroun Towards ƒëf A'achqout äƒ≤°ûY ÉjQÉa Faraya 1 9 5 2 1 8 3 1 4 11 3 2 1 3 4 7 12 1 6 5 2 10 Towards A'ajaltoun ¿ƒà∏éY ƒëf Monuments 1. Jabal Mariam Monastery for the Monastic Order of Al-Mahabba (The Monastery of Virgin Mary Mountain) 2. Press 3. Raifoun Monastery of Mar Sarkis and Bakhos Natural Attractions 1. Public Garden Fouad Chehab Boulevard 2. Public Garden Al-Moutraniyya Street 3.Public Garden Patriarch Sfeir Street Hotels 1. Saint Rock Hotel 09-950076/8 2. Oakland Hotel 09-950114/950141 3. Qasr Al-Sanawbar Hotel 09-950016 4. Royal Hotel 03-906374 5. Raifoun Hotel 09-950018 13 3 2 2 16 14 15 17 18 19 Towards Al-Qlaya'at äÉ©«∏≤dG ƒëf Towards Al-Qlaya'at - Bekfaya ɫصH - äÉ©«∏≤dG ƒëf Towards Al-Qlaya'at - Bekfaya ɫصH - äÉ©«∏≤dG ƒëf ájôK’G ºdÉ©ªdG áÑëªdG äÉÑgGôd ºjôe πÑL ôjO 1 Iô°ü©e 2 ¢SƒNÉHh ¢ù«cô°SQÉe ¿ƒØjQ ôjO 3 á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG áeÉY á≤jóM 1 ÜÉ¡°T OGDƒa QÉØdƒH áeÉY á≤jóM 2 á«fGô£ªdG ´QÉ°T áeÉY á≤jóM 3 ô«Ø°U ∑ôjô£ÑdG ´QÉ°T ¥OÉæØdG ∑hQ ¿É°S π«JhG 1 ófÓchG π«JhG 2 ôHƒæ°üdG ô°üb π«JhG 3 ∫ÉjhQ π«JhG 4 ¿ƒØjQ π«JhG 5 2/2 Restaurants and Pubs 1. Tlal Al-Sahar Restaurant 03-659133 2. Styx Restaurant 09-950114/03-655114 3. La Birka Restaurant 09-950835/03-522461 4. Draj Al-Ward Restaurant 5. Le Doume Restaurant 09-951885 6. Tony Cha'ia Restaurant 09-956177/03-280177 7. Charbel Restaurant 09-954032/03-410888 8. La Caravane Restaurant 9. Qasr Al-Mir Restaurant 09-950690/03-453831 10. Al-Oustoura Restaurant 03-875386 11. Al-Sahara Restaurant 09-950675 12. Xantis Restaurant 13. Al-Beiruti Restaurant 14. Nick's Square Restaurant 03-243298 15. Harika Crown Restaurant 09-957777/03-774453 16. Cokney Restaurant 17. Le Mitan Restaurant 18. Le Bec Fin Restaurant 03-254432 19. Al-Marji Restaurant 09-956716/03-873448 Recreation 1. Le Boulvar Movie Theater 2. Raifoun Festivals ºYÉ£ªdG ô¡°ùdG ∫ÓJ º©£e 1 ¢ùµ«à°S º©£e 2 ÉcôH’ º©£e 3 OQƒdG êGQO º©£e 4 ΩhOƒd º©£e 5 É«©°T »fƒW º©£e 6 πHô°T º©£e 7 ¿ÉaGôc’ º©£e 8 ô«ªdG ô°üb º©£e 9 IQƒ£°SC’G º©£e 10 iQÉë°üdG º©£e 11 ¢ùàfGõc º©£e 12 »Jhô«ÑdG º©£e 13 ôjƒµ°S ¢ùµ«f º©£e 14 ¿hGôc á≤jôM º©£e 15 »æcƒc º©£e 16 ¿Éà«eƒd º©£e 17 ¿Éa ∂«Hƒd º©£e 18 »LôªdG º©£e 19 á«aÉ≤ãdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG QÉØdƒÑ«d ɪ櫰S 1 ¿ƒØjQ äÉfÉLô¡e 2 An annual festival is held from the 31st of July till the 15th of August in Raifoun. The festival includes musical events, exhibitions & other activities. ¿ƒØjQ »a äÉfÉLô¡e ÜBG 15 ≈àMh RƒªJ 31 »a Ék jƒæ°S ΩÉ≤j .äÉWÉ°ûædG øe Égô«Zh ájhój ±ôM ¢VQÉ©e ,á«æa äGô¡°S øª°†àJ Faraya 1/2 ÉjQÉa 1 1 1 Towards Hrajel πLGôM ƒëf 2 4 12 3 4 10 11 2 5 6 7 8 9 7 3 8 5 2 1 2 3 6 6 4 5 6 5 13 3 6 4 Towards Gô≤a ƒëf Faqra Monuments 1. Faraya Cross 2. Mar Challita Ancient Church 3. Mar Challita Church 4. Ruins of an Old Mill 5. Old Bridge 6. Old Mill ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG ÉjQÉa Ö«∏°U 1 ájôKC’G É£«∏°T QÉe á°ù«æc 2 É£«∏°T QÉe á°ù«æc 3 áªjób áæë£e ÉjÉ≤H 4 …ôKG ô°ùL 5 ájôKG áæë£e 6 Natural Attractions 1. Cedar Reserve 2. Ain (Spring) Al-Qala'a 3. Ain Al-Mahrouqa 4. Ain Al-Nqeiri 5. Al-A'asal Spring 6. Caves carved into the Rocks 7. Chabrouh Dam 8. Chabrouh Cascade á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG RQG ᫪ëe 1 á©∏≤dG ø«Y 2 ábhôëªdG ø«Y 3 …ô«≤ædG ø«Y 4 π°ù©dG ™Ñf 5 ôî°üdG »a Qhɨe 6 ìhôÑ°T ó°S 7 ìhôÑ°T ∫Ó°T 8 2/2 Restaurants 1. Chabrouh Restaurant 03-552227 2. Ain Awraj Restaurant 03-876797 3. Chwar Restaurant 4. Al-Anis Restaurant 5. Jiwar Al-Qamar Restaurant 6. Chwarat Restaurant 03-271265 7. Man Heir Restaurant 03-867556 8. Nabi'i Al-Delbi Restaurant 09-321500 9. Country House Restaurant 03-306120 10. Jisr Al-Qamar Restaurant 03-552468 11. Al-A'arab Restaurant 03-624872 12. Al-Jisr Restaurant 13. Qors Al-A'asal Restaurant 03-630989 Hotels 1. Saint Georgious Hotel 09-321321 2. Al-Bader Hotel 03-749999 3. Kwan Feir Hotel 09-321556 4. Grand Faraya Hotel 5. Tamer Land Hotel 09-321268 6. Chateau D'or Hotel 03-605790 ºYÉ£ªdG ìhôÑ°T º©£e 1 êGQhG ø«Y º©£e 2 QGƒ°T º©£e 3 ¢ù«f’G º©£e 4 ôª≤dG QGƒL º©£e 5 äGQGƒ°T º©£e 6 ô«g ¿Ée º©£e 7 »ÑdódG ™Ñf º©£e 8 ¢ShÉg …ôàfƒc º©£e 9 ôª≤dG ô°ùL º©£e 10 ÜGô©dG º©£e 11 ô°ùédG º©£e 12 π°ù©dG ¢Uôb º©£e 13 ¥OÉæØdG ƒ«LQƒL ¿É°S ¥óæa 1 QóÑdG ¥óæa 2 ôa ¿Gƒc ¥óæa 3 ô«ÑµdG ÉjQÉa ¥óæa 4 óf’ ôeÉJ ¥óæa 5 QhO ƒJÉ°T ¥óæa 6 Kferdebian (Ouyoun Al-Siman & Faqra) 1/2 ¿É«HOôØc (Gô≤ah ¿Éª«°ùdG ¿ƒ«Y) 10 7 Towards Hadath Baalbeck çóM ƒëf ∂Ñ∏©H 2 2 4 3 3 Towards Hrajel πLGôM ƒëf 5 8 6 7 3 1 1 2 5 6 1 4 Towards Faitroun 1 ¿hô£«a ƒëf 29 2 1 Towards Bqa'atouta ÉJƒà©≤H ƒëf 11 ƒëf Towards Al-Qlaya'at äÉ©«∏≤dG ɫصH Bekfaya Monuments 1. Mar Youssef (Saint Joseph) Church & Monastery (Saint Khosseh) 2. Mar Antonios (Saint Anthony) Al-Badwani Church 3. Mar Ifram Al-Syriani Church 4. Al-Wardiyyeh Convent 5. Saydet Al-Wardiyyeh (Our Lady of Rosary) Church 6. Saydet Al-Intiqal (Our Lady of Assumption) Church 7. Mar Maroun Church 8. Mar Challita Church & Monastery 9. Faqra Heritage Citadel (Roman and Byzantine Vestiges: Phoenician Altar, Kladios Tower, The Big Temple, Byzantine Church, Atragets Temple, in addition to several sarcophagi carved into the rocks and the remains of altars, the oldest of which date back to the 5th century B.C. & is characterized by the Pharaonic art style) ájôK’G ºdÉ©ªdG ∞°Sƒj QÉe ôjOh á°ù«æc 1 (¬«°SƒN ¿É°S) »fGhOÉÑdG ¢Sƒ«fƒ£fG QÉe á°ù«æc 2 »fÉjô°ùdG ΩGôaG QÉe á°ù«æc 3 ájOQƒdG ôjO 4 ájOQƒdG Ió«°S á°ù«æc 5 ∫É≤àf’G Ió«°S á°ù«æc 6 ¿hQÉe QÉe á°ù«æc 7 É£«∏°T QÉe ôjOh á°ù«æc 8 ájôKC’G Gô≤a á©∏b 9 :á«£fõ«H h á«fÉehQ QÉKG) ¢SƒjOƒ∏c êôH-»≤«æ«ØdG íHòªdG á«£fõ«ÑdG á°ù«æµdG-ô«ÑµdG óÑ©ªdG ¢ùjhGƒf IóYh – ¢ù«JÉZôJG óÑ©e ÉjÉ≤H h Qƒî°üdÉH IQƒØëe ¢ùeÉîdG ¿ô≤dG øe É¡eóbG íHGòe õ«ªàJ »g h í«°ùªdG πÑb .»fƒYôØdG øØdÉH 2/2 10. Al-Mzar Hill 11. Vestiges of Nahr Al-Salib Valley (Remains of Heritage Houses, Olive Presses, Hydraulic Wheat Mills) Natural Attractions 1. Al-Salib River (Cross River) 2. Nahr Al-Salib Valley 3. Natural Rock Bridge 4. Al-Assal river 5. Al-Laban River 6. Nabi’i Al-Saqieh Cave 7. Mcha'a Kfardebian Restaurants 1. Salameh Restaurant 09-710201 2. Al-Jawzat Resthouse 09-300838 3. Al-Qanater Restaurant 09-300818/03-710818/03-862157 Hotels 1. Faqra Hotel 09-300600 QGõªdG á∏J 10 Ö«∏°üdG ô¡f …OGh QÉKG 11 ¿ƒàjR ô°UÉ©e – á«KGôJ ∫RÉæe QÉKG) (√É«ªdG ≈∏Y íª≤dG øMÉ£e á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG Ö«∏°üdG ô¡f 1 Ö«∏°üdG ô¡f …OGh 2 »©«Ñ£dG …ôéëdG ô°ùédG 3 π°ù©dG ™Ñf 4 øÑ∏dG ™Ñf 5 á«bÉ°ùdG ™Ñf IQɨe 6 ¿É«HOôØc ´É°ûe 7 ºYÉ£ªdG áeÓ°S º©£e 1 äGRƒédG áMGôà°SG 2 ôWÉæ≤dG º©£e 3 ¥OÉæØdG Gô≤a ¥óæa 1 2. Mzar Intercontinental Hotel 09-321429 ∫Éàæ«àfƒcôàfG QGõe ¥óæa 2 Recreation 1. Faqra Club for Skiing & Tourism Equipped with electrical elevators, Hotel Faqra 09-300600 Restaurants, Pools & a Horseback Riding Club 2. Ouyoun Al-Siman Skiing Center Equipped with 20 electrical elevators, cafés & the luxurious Hotel of Mzar Intercontinental 09-321429 Restaurant, Pools & Entertainment Center á«aÉ≤ãdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG áMÉ«°ùdG h èdõà∏d Gô≤a …OÉf õcôe 1 á«FÉHô¡c óYÉ°üªH õ¡ée íHÉ°ùeh ºYÉ£eh ¥OÉæah á«°ShôØ∏d …OÉf h èdõà∏d ¿Éª«°ùdG ¿ƒ«Y õcôe 2 »FÉHô¡c ó©°üe 20`H õ¡q ée ¥óæa ¬d ™Ñàj h »gÉ≤eh ∫Éàæ«àfƒcôàfG QGõe ≈dhG áLQO Towards Jounieh π«ÑL ƒëf Jbeil ¬«fƒL 3 2 1/4 π«ÑL ƒëf Towards Jbeil 3 20 3 18 10 17 7 13 2 12 9 6 23 1 12 13 10 11 4 4������� 9 19 16 15 4 1 ������ 1 Monuments 1. Saydet Loubnan (Our Lady of Lebanon) 2. Old Pedestrian Street 3. Roman Bridge 4. Bkerki (Maronite Patriarch Center) 5. Mar Gerges (Saint Georges) Church ájôK’G ºdÉ©ªdG ¿ÉæÑd Ió«°S 1 ºjó≤dG IÉ°ûªdG ≥jôW 2 »fÉehQ ô°ùL 3 »côµH 4 ¢ùLôL QÉe á°ù«æc 5 Natural Attractions 1. Port á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG CÉaôe 1 Recreation 1. Stadium 2. Teleferique holds several Café shops & restaurants 09-936075 3. Casino Du Liban 09-855888 4. Athenée Theater 09-643907 5. Al-Mina Complex, including a beach, restaurant & chalets 6. Public Garden & Luna Park 7. Carting 8. Tourism Complex, including Beaches & Restaurants 9. Lebanese Heritage Museum 03-850800 á«aÉ≤ãdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG Ö©∏e 1 øª°†àjh ∂jô«Ø∏J 2 ºYÉ£eh »gÉ≤e IóY ¿ÉæÑd ƒæjRÉc 3 »æ«KG ìô°ùe 4 øª°†àjh É櫪dG ™ªée 5 äÉ¡«dÉ°Th º©£e ,íÑ°ùe »gÓe áæjóeh áeÉY á≤jóM 6 ≠æ«JQÉc 7 ¬æª°†àj »MÉ«°S ™ªée 8 ºYÉ£eh íHÉ°ùe »fÉæÑ∏dG çGôàdG ∞ëàe 9 2/4 6 8 5 24 8 11 1 1 21 7 6 Towards Beirut ähô«H ƒëf 2 7 6 8 5 7 5 4 3 5 25 5 1 2 3 5 48 22 2 9 14 4 4 Hotels 1. Madisson Hotel 09-931722 2. Edward Five Hotel 09-636965 3. Vanda Hotel 4. Marbella Hotel 09-918405 5. Acropolis Hotel 09-639400/1/2/3 6. Aqua Marina Hotel 09-850809/10/11 7. Bel Azur Hotel 09-937753 8. Holiday Suites Hotel 09-933907/934220 9. Beverly Hotel 09-639999 10. Dallas Hotel 09-937720/1 11. Portemilio Hotel 09-640402 12. Blue Beach Hotel 09-910621 13. Aquarium 2 Hotel 09-936858 Restaurants 1. Porto Café 2. Mac Donalds 09-934000 3. Havana Restaurant 03-664285/09-638166 4. Sergio Restaurant 5. Al-Beiruti Restaurant 6. Malak Al-Tawouq 09-957947/914978 7. Al-Rassif Snack ¥OÉæØdG ¿ƒ°ùjOÉe ¥óæa 1 ¢ùeÉîdG QGhOG ¥óæa 2 GófÉa ¥óæa 3 Ó«HQÉe ¥óæa 4 ¢ù«dƒHhôcG ¥óæa 5 º©£e ¬æª°†àjh ÉæjôeGƒcG ¥óæa 6 QhRG ∫ÉH ¥óæa 7 ¢ùàjƒ°S …Gó«dƒg ¥óæa 8 »dôØ«H ¥óæa 9 ¢S’GO ¥óæa 10 ƒ«∏«ª«JQƒH ¥óæa 11 ¢ûà«H ƒ∏H ¥óæa 12 2 ºjQGƒcG ¥óæa 13 ºYÉ£ªdG ¬«aÉc ƒJQƒH 1 Ró∏fhócÉe 2 ÉfÉaÉg º©£e 3 ƒ«LQÉ°S º©£e 4 »Jhô«ÑdG º©£e 5 ¥hhÉ£dG ∂∏e 6 ∞«°UôdG ∑Éæ°S 7 Jounieh ¬«fƒL 8. Creperie Restaurant 09-912491 9. L'Escale 09-932518 10. Al-Qarqour Restaurant 09-911357 11. Snack Man'oucheh 12. K.F.C. 09-639268 13. Makhlouf Restaurant 09-645192 14. Falafel Arax 09-220294 15. Abou Andre Restaurant 16. Super Schtroumpf Restaurant 09-642642 17. Crepaway Restaurant 09-637638 18. Pizza Hut Restaurant 09-643542/646646 19. Pop Burger Restaurant 09-635133/03-386663 20. Michael Restaurant 09-933818 3/4 …ôÑjôc º©£e 8 ∫ɵ°ù«d 9 Qƒbô≤dG º©£e 10 á°Tƒ≤æe ∑Éæ°S 11 .¢S.±.∑ 12 ±ƒ∏îe º©£e 13 ¢ùcQG πaÓa 14 √QófG ƒHG º©£e 15 ∞fhôà°T ôHƒ°S º©£e 16 …Gh Öjôc º©£e 17 äÉg Gõà«H º©£e 18 ôZôH ܃H º©£e 19 πµjÉe º©£e 20 21. Kaslik Street includes numerous Restaurants: £ Columbia 03-220654 £ Famous Chawarma 09-638027 £ Latino Café 09-638929 £ Amigo Café £ Alla Grande 09-912255 £ Ka'akas £ Amwaj Al-Bahr 03-893914 £ Georges Farah 09-916757/832954 £ Wassouf Club 09-933355 £ Burger King 09-637534 £ Zaatar W Zeit 09-831601 £ Le Castel 09-210649 £ Bliss House £ B to B 09-917600/1 £ Crepaway Restaurant 09-211019/21 £ Duo Le Monot Restaurant ∂«∏°ùµdG ´QÉ°T 21 :ºYÉ£e IóY ¬æª°†àjh É«Ñeƒdƒc £ ÉeQhÉ°T ¢SƒªjÉa £ ¬«aÉc ƒæ«J’ £ ¬«aÉc ƒ¨«eG £ …ófGôZ ÓdG £ ¢Sɵ©c £ ôëÑdG êGƒeCG £ ìôa êQƒL £ ܃∏c ±ƒ°Sh £ ≠æ«c ôZôH £ âjRh ôàYR £ ∫Éà°ùcƒd £ ¢ShÉg ¢ù«∏H £ Ü ƒJ Ü £ …Gh Öjôc º©£e £ ƒfƒe ƒd ƒjO º©£e £ 22. Old Pedestrian Street Jounieh Square includes numerous Restaurants: £ Classico £ Samket (Fish) Al-Mina £ La Cave D'Or £ La Sirene Playa £ Point Virgule £ Le Cuistot 03-707454 £ Café Tony £ Jiji Snack £ Mona Njeim £ Steihet City ºjó≤dG IÉ°ûªdG ´QÉ°T 22 ¬«fƒL áMÉ°S :ºYÉ£e IóY ¬æª°†àjh ƒµ«°SÓc £ AÉ櫪dG ᵪ°S £ QhO ±Éc’ £ ÉjÓH øjô«°S ’ £ ∫ƒZôa ¿GƒH £ ƒà°ùjƒcƒd £ »fƒW ¬«aÉc £ ∑Éæ°S »é«L £ º«éf Éfƒe £ »à°S áë«£°S £ 23. Ma'ameltein Street includes numerous Restaurants: £ Al-Akarem Restaurant 03-382519 £ Khaymet Abou Samir 1 09-910209 £ Khaymet Abou Samir 2 09-936531 £ Layali Shahrayar 03-600306 £ Sam Restaurant & Café 09-641185 £ La Paillote 09-830839 £ Hardees ø«à∏eÉ©e ´QÉ°T 23 :ºYÉ£e IóY ¬æª°†àjh ΩQÉc’G º©£e £ 1 ô«ª°S ƒHG ᪫N £ 2 ô«ª°S ƒHG ᪫N £ QÉjô¡°T »dÉ«d £ ΩÉ°S ≈¡≤eh º©£e £ äƒjÉH ’ £ õjOQÉg £ 4/4 øjQÉe ≠jEG º©£e £ Egg Marine ï«°ûdG º©£e £ Al-Sheikh Restaurant 09-832063 ᵪ°ùdG ᪫N º©£e £ Khaymet Al-Samkeh 09-853753/03-232105 ô«îdG OGR º©£e £ Zad Al-Kheir Restaurant 09-636319 …ôîa º©£e £ Fakhri Restaurant è«∏îdG IQÉæe º©£e £ Manaret Al-Khaleej Restaurant 09-856678 ƒ∏«H’ º©£e £ La Bello Restaurant ¬«aÉc ƒÑ«dÉe £ Malibu Café 09-643340 ¢SƒdQÉc ¿hO º©£e £ Don Carlos Restaurant »eÉ°S »°T º©£e £ Chez Sami Restaurant 09-646064 ô«ªdG ¿GƒjO º©£e £ Diwan Al-Mir Restaurant 09-957990 Éæjó«e’ º©£e £ La Medina Restaurant 09-918484 ÓjƒfÉe º©£e £ Manuella Restaurant 09-832943 ¿É¨jõJ º©£e £ Tziganes Restaurant 09-931266 õfÉà«J º©£e £ Titans Restaurant hô¨«fhQƒJ º©£e £ Toro Negro Restaurant 03-205860 »dÉ«∏dG º©£e £ Al-Layali Restaurant 09-832416 »à«°S Qƒ∏c ™ªéeh £ Color City Complex 09-646666 :á«dÉàdG ºYÉ£ªdG ¬æª°†àj …òdG includes the following restaurants: …ɨfÉ°T – ƒ«µ«HQÉH Barbecue, Shangai õ«dÉgódG – OQÉ«∏«H ¬«aÉc Café Billiard, Al-Dahaliz …OGƒÑdG ºjQ – ºfGƒ¡dG ô°üb Qasr Al-Hawanem, Rim Al-Bawadi Al-Jaroufeh Restaurant, Istirahat Al-Khaleej è«∏îdG áMGôà°SEG – áahQÉédG ƒ«∏«ª«JQƒÑdG ¥óæa º©£e 24 24. Portemilio Hotel Restaurant ¢ù«dƒHhôcCG ¥óæa º©£e 25 25. Acropolis Hotel Restaurant £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Beaches 1. Sirene Playa 2. Lagoon Beach 09-931380 3. Al-Canaries Beach 09-931009 4. Amwaj Beach 09-918700 5. Nadi Al-Doubbat Beach 1701 6. ATCL Beach 09-640615/8/640607 7. Al-Ma'ameltein Street includes the following beaches: £ Saint Pierre Beach 09-930141 £ L'Horizon Beach 09-916619 £ Green Beach 09-934666 £ Manar Beach 09-910021 £ Blue Beach 09-910621 £ Malibu Beach 09-644888 £ Al-Beiruti Beach £ Middle Beach 09-911651 £ Saint Raphael Hotel & Beach £ Saint Antoine 09-911880 £ La Medina 8. Portemilio Hotel Beach íHÉ°ùªdG ÉjÓH ¿Gô«°S 1 ¿ƒZ’ íÑ°ùe 2 ¢ùjQÉæµdG íÑ°ùe 3 êGƒeG íÑ°ùe 4 •ÉÑ°†dG …OÉf íÑ°ùe 5 .∫.¢S.ä.CG íÑ°ùe 6 ø«à∏eÉ©ªdG ´QÉ°T 7 :á«dÉàdG íHÉ°ùªdG ¬æª°†àjh QÉ«H ¿É°S £ ¿hõjQƒd £ ¢ûà«H øjôZ £ QÉæe £ ¢ûà«H ƒ∏H £ ƒÑ«dÉe £ »Jhô«ÑdG £ ¢ûà«H ∫ó«e £ πjÉaGQ ¿É°S íÑ°ùeh ¥óæa £ ¿Gƒ£fG ¿É°S £ Éæjó«e ’ £ ƒ«∏«ª«JQƒH ¥óæa íÑ°ùe 8 An annual festival is held during the month of June, July and August in the Old Pedestrian Street. ÜBGh RƒªJ ,¿GôjõM ô¡°TG ∫ÓN Éjƒæ°S ¬«fƒL áæjóe »ëJ .áªjó≤dG áæjóªdG ´QGƒ°T »a á«∏«d á«Ø«°U äÉfÉLô¡e ëf Zouk Mikhael πjɵe ¥hR Monuments 1. Saint George Church 2. Al-Bechara Monastery 3. Saint Michael Church 4. Al-Azarieh Monastery 5. Amphitheatre 6. Kazan Statue 7. Old Souk 8. Elias Abou Chabake Statue 9. Al-Saydeh Church 10. Saydet Al-Maouneh Church 11. Old Presidential Palace 12. Saydet Al-Wata Church 13. Mar Doumit Church Natural Attractions 1. Public Garden 2. Al-Zouk (Spring) Ain ájôK’G ºdÉ©ªdG ¢ùLôL QÉe á°ù«æc 1 IQÉ°ûÑdG ôjO 2 π«FÉî«e QÉe á°ù«æc 3 ájQGRÉ©∏dG ôjO 4 ìô°ùe 5 ¿GRÉc ∫ÉãªJ 6 ºjó≤dG ¥ƒ°ùdG 7 áµÑ°T ƒHCG ¢SÉ«dG ∫ÉãªJ 8 Ió«°ùdG á°ù«æc 9 áfƒ©ªdG Ió«°S á°ù«æc 10 ºjó≤dG »°SÉFôdG ô°ü≤dG 11 ≈WƒdG Ió«°S á°ù«æc 12 §eƒ°V QÉe á°ù«æc 13 á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG áeÉY á≤jóM 1 ¥hõdG ø«Y 2 Restaurants ºYÉ£ªdG 1. Maripou Restaurant ƒÑjQÉe º©£e 1 2. Mon General Snack & Café 09-222333 ∫GôæL ¿ƒe ≈¡≤eh ∑Éæ°S 2 3. La Pina Restaurant Éæ«H ’ º©£e 3 4. Mon Marechal Snack & Café 09-222333 ∫É°TQÉe ¿ƒe ≈¡≤eh ∑Éæ°S 4 5. Duo Café 09-211505 »aÉc ƒjO 5 6. AM/PM Snack 09-226622 ΩCG.Ü /Ω.CG ∑Éæ°S 6 7. Jnopos Restaurant 09-224363 ¢SƒHƒæL º©£e 7 8. Vivaldi Restaurant …ódÉØ«a º©£e 8 9. Falafel Zainoun 09-215581 ¿ƒæjR πaÓa 9 10. Falafel Abou Andre √QófCG ƒHCG πaÓa 10 11. Caporal Snack ∫GQƒHÉc ∑Éæ°S 11 12. Kababji Restaurant 09-217100/03-270088 »éHÉÑc º©£e 12 13. Crepaway Restaurant 09-636447/8 …GhÉHGôc º©£e 13 14. Castel Café 09-210649 »aÉc πà°SÉc 14 15. Wared Ice-cream 09-210463 OQh áXƒH 15 16. Stars Menu Snack ƒ«æe RQÉà°S ∑Éæ°S 16 17. L'entre Cote Restaurant 09-917736 äƒcôàf’ º©£e 17 18. Chase Restaurant 09-210883 ¢ùjÉ°T º©£e 18 19. Provincia Restaurant 09-223232 É«°ùæahôH º©£e 19 20. China Gora Restaurant (Dominion Hotel) (¿ƒ«æehO ¥óæa) GQƒZ ÉæjÉ°T º©£e 20 09-224522 21. Shrimpy (Fast Food Restaurant) 09-212594 22. Downtown Restaurant 09-222211 23. Booza-Bar (Ice-cream) 09-225852 24. Kozaileh (Arabic sweets & Ice-cream) 25. Alfredo Restaurant 26. Hawa Chicken Snack 27. Sea Sweet (Arabic sweets & Ice-cream) 09-211264 (á©jô°S äÉÑLh º©£e) »Ñªjô°T 21 ¿hÉJ ¿hGO º©£e 22 (äÉé∏ãe) QÉH-áXƒH 23 (áXƒHh á«HôY äÉjƒ∏M) »∏jõb 24 hójôØdCG º©£e 25 øµ«°T Gƒg ∑Éæ°S 26 (áXƒHh á«HôY äÉjƒ∏M) âjƒ°S »°S 27 28. Lauriers Restaurant (Century Park Hotel) (∑QÉH …Qƒ°ûàfÉ°S ¥óæa) ¬jQƒd º©£e 28 Hotels 1. Zouk Hotel 09-215900/6 2. Century Park Hotel 09-219000/213053 3. Dominion Hotel 09-213717/8 Recreation 1. Artisana 2. Elias Abou Chabake Museum ¥OÉæØdG ¥hòdG ¥óæa 1 ∑QÉH …Qƒ°ûàfÉ°S ¥óæa 2 ¿ƒ«æ«ehO ¥óæa 3 á«aÉ≤ãdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG ÉfGõ«JQCG 1 áµÑ°T ƒHCG ¢SÉ«dG ∞ëàe 2 1 2 Towards Beirut ähô«H ƒëf 3 20 22 1188 6 12 16 15 21 27 26 25 24 23 19 17 11 1 4 14 13 12 2 11 7 5 10 28 9 10 9 3 8 8 2 2 2 5 13 6 1 3 6 4 5 3 4 7 7 1 1 2 2 1 Towards Jeita Éà«©L ƒëf 3. Tadamon Club (Basketball) 4. Al-Khahraba Club (Sports Club) 5. Presidence Center includes cinema theatres shops & artisana 6. Espace 2000 Center 09-212516 includes cinemas, shops restaurants & entertainment center Beaches 1. Solemar (summer chalets) 09-211336 2. Samaya (summer chalets) 09-212365 (á∏°S Iôc) øeÉ°†àdG …OÉf 3 (á«°VÉjQ ÜÉ©dCG) AÉHô¡µdG …OÉf 4 ø°ùfGójõjôH ôàæ°S 5 ɪ櫰S ä’É°U øª°†àj ÉfGõ«JQCGh äÓëe 2000 ¢SÉÑ°SG ôàæ°S 6 ɪ櫰S ä’É°U øª°†àj »¡«aôJ ™ªéeh ºYÉ£e ,äÓëe íHÉ°ùªdG (á«Ø«°U äÉ¡«dÉ°T) Qɪ«dƒ°S 1 (á«Ø«°U äÉ¡«dÉ°T) Éjɪ°S 2 áYÉæ°U ,(ôjôëdG ácÉ«M) ∫ƒædG ,Éfõ«JQG ,ºYÉ£e IóY ºjó≤dG ¥ƒ°ùdG øª°†àj ∫ÓN ¬fÉLô¡ªH ¥ƒ°ùdG õ«ªàjh .äÉMƒ∏dGh ∞ëàdG ™«ÑJ »àdG ôLÉàe IóYh ,¿ÉÑ°UôªdG ... º°SôdGh AÉæ¨dG ,…Qƒ∏µ∏ØdG ¢übôdG ¬«a ΩÉ≤j »àdG ÜBG ô¡°T The old souk includes several restaurants, artisanats, spindle (silk sewing), marzipan production, as well as several shops that sell paintings and antiquities. The souk is characterized by its August festival which includes folkloric dance, singing, painting, etc. Towards Jounieh ¬«fƒL ƒë Zouk Mosbeh íÑ°üe ¥hR £æ«Y ƒëf wards oura 1 ¿ƒà∏éY ƒëf Towards A'ajaltoun Towards Jeita Éà«©L ƒëf 4 Monuments 1. Nebuchadnezzar Stele 2. Mar Youhanna (Saint John) Church 3. Christ the King Convent 4. Phoenician Tomb 5. Notre Dame Louaize Monastery 6. Saydet Al Wardiyyeh Church (Our Lady of Rosary Church) 7. Mar Elias Church 8. Mar Antonios (Saint Anthony) Church 9. Mar Charbel (Saint Charbel) Church Natural Attractions 1. Public Garden in the Village Square 2. Al-Kalb River 3. Ain (Spring) Bou Ghosn 4. Ain Rabbaya Restaurants 1. Jeepers Restaurant 09-223635 Beaches 1. Holiday Beach 09-222070 2. Residences de la Mer 09-222018 3. Rimal 09-222104/6 4. Sidar Recreation 1. Dreampark 09-223818 2. Carting 03-590009/09-219760 3. Ice Skating Arena 09-224581 4. Wax Museum ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG ô°üf qk òNƒÑf ¢û≤f 1 ÉæMƒj QÉe á°ù«æc 2 ∂∏ªdG í«°ùªdG QGO 3 »≤«æ«a ôÑb 4 q Iõjƒ∏dG Ió«°S ôjO 5 ájq OQƒdG Ió«q °S á°ù«æc 6 ¢SÉ«dG QÉe á°ù«æc 7 ¢Sƒ«fƒ£fCG QÉe á°ù«æc 8 πHô°T QÉe á°ù«æc 9 á«©«Ñ£dG ™bGƒªdG á©«°†dG áMÉ°S »a áeÉY á≤jóM 1 Ö∏µdG ô¡f 2 ø°üZ ƒH ø«Y 3 ÉjÉHq Q ø«Y 4 ºYÉ£ªdG RôÑ«L º©£e 1 íHÉ°ùªdG ¢ûà«H …Gó«dƒg 1 QÉe ’ hO ¢ùfGójõjQ 2 ∫ÉeQ 3 QGó«°S 4 á«aÉ≤ãdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG »gÓe áæjóe ,∑QÉH ºjRO 1 (Iô«¨°üdG äGQÉ«°ùdG ¥ÉÑ°S) ≠æ«JQÉc 2 (ó«∏édG ≈∏Y ≥∏MõJ) ≠æàjɵ°S 3 ™ª°T ∞ëàe 4 πjɵe ¥hR ƒëf Towards Zouk Mikhael IQƒ£ Tow Ainto 4 7 ¬«fƒL ƒëf Towards Jounieh 8 9 1 6 3 3 4 2 1 5 2 2 4 3 1 3 1 Towards Beirut ähô«H ƒëf 2 Beqa'atet A'achqout äƒ≤°ûY áJÉ©≤H Towards A'achqout äƒ≤°ûY ƒëf Towards Jounieh ¬«fƒL ƒëf Towards Ra'achine ø«°ûYQ ƒëf 1 1 2 Towards Kfardebian ¿É«HOôØc ƒëf Monuments 1. Old Press Natural Attractions 1. Natural Rock Area 2. Public Garden Towards Mayrouba ÉHhô«e ƒëf ájôK’G ºdÉ©ªdG áªjób Iô°ü©e 1 á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG á«©«ÑW Qƒî°U á≤£æe 1 áeÉY á≤jóM 2 Towards Mayrouba ÉHhô«e ƒëf 2 Faitroun ¿hô£«a 1 1 4 3 3 5 1 4 1 2 ¿É«HOôØc - ÉjQÉa ƒëf Towards Faraya - Kfardebian 6 3 5 2 5 ¿ƒØjQ ƒëf Towards Raifoun 4 2 2 1 Towards ähô«H ƒëf Beirut Monuments 1. Al-Nassira Monastery 2. Al-Hosn Monastery 3. Mar Gerges (Saint Georges) Ancient Church 4. Mar Gerges (Saint Georges) Church 5. Mar Doumit Ancient Monastery ájôK’G ºdÉ©ªdG Iô°UÉædG ôjO 1 ø°üëdG ôjO 2 ájôK’G ¢ùLôLQÉe á°ù«æc 3 ¢ùLôLQÉe á°ù«æc 4 …ôKC’G §eƒ°VQÉe ôjO 5 Natural Attractions 1. A Group of Rocks 2. Ain (Spring) Al-Kehal á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG Qƒî°U áYƒªée 1 πëµdG ø«Y 2 Restaurants 1. Larocha Restaurant 09-332107/03-843453 2. La Reine Restaurant 03-284373/682322 3. Qasr Al-Bacha Restaurant 09-333523/03-660504 4. Al-Adghal Restaurant 03-277224 5. Jannet Adan Restaurant 03-666921 6. Qasr Al-Charq Restaurant 09-333333/333334/03-770660 Hotels 1. Masa'ad Hotel 09-950286 2. Faitroun Al-Kabir Hotel 09-950009 Tourism Residential Projects 1. Satelity Complex 09-333424/5 2. L'univers Complex 09-952860 3. Al-Ramia Complex 4. Al-Irani Complex 5. Sheikh Elias Complex ºYÉ£ªdG É°ThQ’ º©£e 1 øjQ’ º©£e 2 É°TÉÑdG ô°üb º©£e 3 ∫ÉZO’G º©£e 4 ¿óY áæL º©£e 5 ¥ô°ûdG ô°üb º©£e 6 ¥OÉæØdG ó©°ùe π«JhG 1 ô«ÑµdG ¿hô£«a π«JhG 2 á«æµ°ùdG á«MÉ«°ùdG ™jQÉ°ûªdG »à«∏«JÉ°S ´hô°ûe 1 ô«Ø«fƒd ´hô°ûe 2 á«eGôdG ´hô°ûe 3 »fGô«©dG ´hô°ûe 4 ¢SÉ«dG ï«°ûdG ´hô°ûe 5 Jeita Distance From Beirut: 22km Altitude: 300m-400m Éà«©L º∏c 22 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Ω 400 - 300 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh è«é°†dGh AɪdG ôjóg »æ©Jh áªjó≤dG á«eÉ°ùdG äɨ∏dG ióMG ≈dEG ᫪°ùàdG ™LôJ âfÉc »àdGh ∑Éæg áahô©ªdG IQɨªdG »a á≤aóàªdG √É«ªdG ôjóg ÖÑ°ùH ɪHQ ,áÑ∏édGh .¿ÉæÑd »a á«©«Ñ£dG á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG ºgG øe Ωƒ«dG ó©J å«M á≤£æªdG QÉ¡à°TG ÖÑ°S AõédG ƒg »aƒL ô¡f É¡«a ≥aóàj ≈∏Ø°ùdGh ,áaÉL É«∏©dG :ø«à≤ÑW øe áfƒµe IQɨªdG ¿ÉæÑd äÉ©ØJôe øe áHô°ùàªdG á«°ù∏µdG √É«ªdG â∏µ°T .Ö∏µdG ô¡f ™HÉæe øe Qƒª¨ªdG ÖÑ≤dG øeh IóªéàªdG §bGƒ°ùdG øe k Ógòe ɪdÉYh áÑ«éY ’ɵ°TCG øeõdG Qhôe ™e .É¡Ø°Uh øY õé©«a Éghó°ûe É¡eÉeCG AôªdG ∞≤j »àdG ∫ɵ°TC’Gh ΩÉ«dh »cô«e’G ô°ûѪdG ój ≈∏Y1836 ΩÉ©dG »a ≈∏Ø°ùdG Éà«©L IQɨe ±É°ûàcG ¿Éc ój ≈∏Y 1940h 1892 ø«H IQɨªdG πNGO á«aÉ°ûµà°S’G äÓMôdG âdGƒJ ºK ,¿ƒ°ùeƒW 1750 õgÉæj ≥ªY ≈dEG ¿ƒØ°ûµà°ùªdG π°Uh ≈àM á«°ùfôah á«cô«eGh á«fÉ£jôH äÉã©H IQɨªdG ¥ÉªYCG Gƒ©HÉJ ¿ƒ«fÉæÑd ¿ƒØ°ûµà°ùeh OGhQ ᪡ªdG ≈dƒJ äÉæ«©HQC’G òæeh ,Gk ôàe .äGôàeƒ∏«c á©Ñ°ùdG áHGôb ≈àM ≥jôa íéf ø«M 1958 ΩÉ©dG ≈àM ádƒ¡ée â∏X PG áØ∏àîe á°üb É¡d É«∏©dG IQɨªdG Gƒ∏ZƒJh ≈∏Ø°ùdG IQɨªdG πNGO øe É¡«dEG ∫ƒ°UƒdÉH ø««fÉæÑ∏dG QhɨªdG »Ø°ûµà°ùe øe ø«JQɨªdG õ«dÉgO ∫ƒW íÑ°UCG óbh Gk ôàe 2130 áaÉ°ùe ≈dEG á«©«Ñ£dG Égõ«dÉgO »a .äGôàeƒ∏«c á©°ùJ øY ójõj ≈∏Y áMÉ«°ùdG IQGRh â∏ªY ,á«fÉæÑ∏dG ÜôëdG äGƒæ°S ∫ƒW âeGO ∫ÉØbEG Iôàa ó©H .ìÉ«°ùdGh QGhõdG ó°ü≤e 1996 ∞«°U òæe íÑ°üàd Égõ«¡éJh IQɨªdG π«gCÉJ IOÉYEG IQGôëdÉH ôKCÉàJ Óa óeGƒédGh ∫ɵ°TC’G ∂∏J ájɪM πLG øe ƒédG IOhôH ≈∏Y ßØë∏dh .IQɨªdG πNGO ÉeɪJ »aGôZƒJƒØdG ôjƒ°üàdG ™æe ó≤a »a ôãY óbh ô¡ædG Üôb á©bGƒdG IQɨªdG ∂∏J Éà«©L á≤£æe »a á«MÉ«°ùdG QÉK’G øe äGhOCGh ±ƒ«°ùdG ™æ°üd Éfɵe É¡eóîà°ùj ¿Éc ºjó≤dG ¿É°ùfE’G ¿G ≈∏Y ∫ój Ée É¡∏NGO .∫Éà≤dG The name Jeita is derived from the old Semitic language, meaning water roaring and noise. Jeita is famous for its grotto, which is considered among the most important natural tourism features of Lebanon. Jeita Grotto is characterized by two layers, an upper dry part and a lower part where an internal river originating from the Nahr Al-Kalb (Dog River) flows. Over millions of years, limewater has shaped wonderful rock formations inside the cave. Jeita Grotto was discovered in 1836 by an American preacher, William Thompson. Several American, English, and French discovery trips were made afterwards to the grotto between 1892 and 1940, and the length of the discovered area reached 1,750m. Starting the 1940s, several Lebanese explorers went further to discover new areas in the grotto, until the explored length of the cave reached 7km. The upper grotto remained undiscovered until 1958, when a group of Lebanese explorers penetrated it through the lower part and explored a depth of 2,130m inside. The length of both grottos today exceeds 9km. After being closed during the Lebanese war, the Ministry of Tourism rehabilitated and equipped the grotto and opened it to the public during the summer of 1996. Taking pictures is totally prohibited inside both caves. Jeita is also home to another cave close to the river, which includes vestiges dating back thousands of years. These archeological remains are evidence that prehistoric men used to produce swords in that cave. Al-Ghineh Distance From Beirut: 36km Altitude: 800m-1,150m á櫨dG º∏c 36 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Ω 1150 - 800ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh º°S’G ¿G äÉHÉàµdG ∫óJh ¬dE’G ôÑb :áªjó≤dG á«eÉ°ùdG äɨ∏dG »a »æ©J ᫪°ùàdG iƒ°S ¬æe ≥Ñàj ºdh π©Ñb óÑ©e Ωƒ«dG ±hô©ªdG ¬ëjô°Vh ¢ù«fhOG óÑ©e øe ≥à°ûe ø«àÑ≤ëdG øe ᫪gC’G á¨dÉH GQÉKBG …ƒëJ á«æ¨dG ¿G ±hô©eh .¬«∏Y ∫ój ôKG ¢†©H ≈dEG ¬îjQÉJ Oƒ©j πµ«g ∫ÓWCG óLƒJ Ió∏ÑdG äGQóëæe óæY PEG ,á«£fõ«ÑdGh á«fÉehôdG RGô£dG Ö°ùM á«æÑe á°ù«æc ≈dEG »£fõ«ÑdG ô°ü©dG »a ¬∏jƒëJ iôL »fÉehôdG ô°ü©dG øe OóY ôØM »fÉehôdG ô°ü©dG »a ºJ óbh ,äÉbhõªdG É¡à«°VQCG ƒ°ùµJ á«FGQóJɵdG ,ájõFÉæL ä’’O äGP ¢Tƒ≤f É¡∏Nóe ¥ƒa âàëf IQhÉéªdG Qƒî°üdG »a øaGóªdG .ÉjôH ÉfGƒ«M πJÉ≤j GOÉ«°U πãªj ¢û≤f Égô¡°TG The name of Al-Ghineh originates from the old Semitic word meaning the Tomb of the God. The town derived its name from the temple of Adonis, and his tomb, known as Qa'abel Temple. Al-Ghineh has several Roman and Byzantine vestiges. At the bottom of the town are the ruins of a Roman temple transformed into a church during the Byzantine era. The church resembles a basilica, with its floor covered by decorations. During the same Roman period, several cemeteries were carved though rocks facing this site, with funeral related steles, the most important of which is a stele representing a hunter fighting an animal. Ghazir 1/2 Distance From Beirut: 23km Altitude: 350m ôjõZ º∏c 23 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Ω 350ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh π©dh ,á∏°üØæªdGhG ´ƒ£≤ªdGh CGõàéªdG :»æ©Jh á«fÉjô°ùdG á¨∏dG ≈dEG ᫪°ùàdG Oƒ©J ÉgQhÉéj Ée πc øY ádƒ°üØe »g å«M »aGô¨édG á≤£æªdG πµ°T ≈dEG IQÉ°TEG ∂dP »HÉ¡°ûdG ô«°ûH ô«eC’G ¢SCGQ §≤°ùe É¡fEG ôjõZ Ió∏H »gÉÑJ .ájOhCÉH hCG ÜÉ°†¡H ÉeEG §ªædG äGP É¡JGQGOh áªjó≤dG É¡Jƒ«ÑH õ«ªàJ É¡fCG ɪc 1767 ΩÉ©dG »a OƒdƒªdG »fÉãdG OôL áëF’ »a ¿ƒµàd É¡à∏gCG »àdG á«KGôàdG ºdÉ©ªdG øeh .¿ÉæÑd »a …ó«∏≤àdG …Qɪ©ªdG Oƒ©j IôjOCGh ¢ùFÉæc Iô°ûY øY π≤j ’ Ée ,ƒµ°ù«fƒ«dG ᪶æe iód á«îjQÉàdG »fÉѪdG .ô°ûY øeÉãdGh ô°ûY ™HÉ°ùdG ø«fô≤dG ≈dEG É¡°†©H ïjQÉJ ,≈£°SƒdG ¿hô≤dG ≈dEG ¬îjQÉJ Oƒ©j ôjO ¢VÉ≤fCG ≈∏Y »æѪdG ¿hQÉe QÉe ôjO πµ°ûj á°UÉN á«Hô¨dG •ÉªfC’ÉH ô°ûY ™°SÉàdG ¿ô≤dG »a »fÉæÑ∏dG AÉæÑdG •ÉªfCG ôKCÉàd Ék LPƒªf øeh .á«fhQɪdG áØFÉ£dG áeóîd á«cô«∏cG á°SQóe ¬«a ⪫bCG óbh ,É¡æe á«dÉ£jE’G ÜÉ¡°T OGDƒa ≥Ñ°SC’G »fÉæÑ∏dG ¢ù«FôdG ¬«a ódh …òdG ∫õæªdG IQƒ¡°ûªdG ôjõZ äGQGO »a ó«°T ó≤a …ó∏ÑdG ô°ü≤dG ÉeCG .ºjó≤dG »fÉæÑ∏dG √RGô£H õ«ªàjh ,(1964-1958) .É°TÉH ôضe ¿ÉæÑd ±ô°üàe ΩÉjCG 1904 ΩÉ©dG äÉjÉ¡f ≈dEG ¬îjQÉJ Oƒ©j ôjO óLƒj äGòdÉH ƒÑ°ûN â«H »ah ,ôjõZ øe áHô≤e ≈∏Y »a óLƒj ɪc ᣫ°ùH ájôéM §FGô°ûH áæjõªdG ¬àHGƒÑH õ«ªàj ,ô°ûY øeÉãdG ¿ô≤dG äÉ°SGQódG ∫óJ á«æ«JÓdG á¨∏dÉH Ék ª«bQ πªëj á«fÉehôdG áÑ≤ëdG øe ¢ShhÉf á°ù«æµdG ,¿ÉehôdG ΩÉjCG »æH ºjób ô°ùL É°†jCG ôjõZ Ió∏H QÉKBG øeh .π°ù¨ªc πª©à°ùj ¿Éc ¬fG .ΩOBG IQɨe :πÑb É¡ª°SG ¿Éch ó°SC’G IQɨe º°SÉH ±ô©J ájôKCG IQɨe ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG äòNCG »àdG ø«à∏eÉ©ªdG Ió∏H ™≤J ôjõZ äGQóëæe óæYh ¬«fƒL øe ∫ɪ°ûdG ≈dEG ø«H Ó°UÉa GóM πµ°ûj ¿Éc »fÉehQ ô°ùL ¬bƒa Ωƒ≤j …òdG ø«à∏eÉ©ªdG ô¡f øe É¡ª°SG .᫪°ùàdG âfÉc Éæg øeh ,ø«à∏eÉ©e AGôLEG √QƒÑY Ö∏£àj ø«àjQGOEG ø«à≤£æe ,íHÉ°ùe øe Iô«ãc á«MÉ«°S äBÉ°ûæe ÅWÉ°T ≈∏Y Ωƒ≤àa á«¡«aôàdG á«MÉædG øe ÉeCG ∂dP øjõj ,ájQÉéàdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG äÉ©ªéªdGh ¥OÉæØdG ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG ,√É≤eh ºYÉ£eh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG ôãcCG øe ôÑà©jh ¬«fƒL è«∏Nh Ió∏ÑdG ≈∏Y π£ªdGG ¿ÉæÑd ƒæjRÉc ¬∏c .á≤£æªdG »a á«¡«aôàdGh Ghazir 2/2 ôjõZ The name of Ghazir is derived from the Syriac language, meaning the separated area. This name is consistent with the geographical shape of the town, which appears to be separated from its neighboring regions by valleys and hills. Ghazir is famous for being the hometown of Emir Bechir Al-Chahabi II, who was born there in 1767. The town is also characterized by its traditional Lebanese houses. Among the sites of Ghazir, most of which are listed among Lebanon’s historical sites, are more than 10 churches and monasteries, some of which date back to the 17th and 18th centuries. Mar Maroun Monastery, mainly Italian in style, constitutes a sample of 19th century Western architecture. This monastery was built over the ruins of another, older, Medieval monastery and once hosted a Maronite clerical school. Among the famous Ghazir residences is the traditional Lebanese house where the previous President Fouad Chehab was born. Another famous residence is the Palace of Ghazir, established in 1904 during the rule of Mozfer Baca, the Moutasarref of Mount Lebanon. Next to Ghazir, in Beit Khachbo, stands a monastery dating back to the end of the 18th century, characterized by a gate decorated with rocky designs. The church includes a sarcophagus from the Roman era with Latin scripts engraved on it. The town also includes an old Roman bridge, in addition to a heritage cave known as the Cave of the Lion, and previously known as the Cave of Adam." To the North of Jounieh and at the bottom of Ghazir is the town of Ma'ameltein, whose name is derived from the Ma'ameltein River, cut by a Roman bridge that used to separate two administrative districts. Ma'ameltein is home to several touristic institutions, including beaches, restaurants and coffee shops, hotels, and tourism and commercial centers. The Casino du Liban, overlooking the town, is considered to be the most famous site of Ma'ameltein. Raifoun Distance From Beirut: 36km Altitude: 800m-1,150m ¿ƒØjQ º∏c 26 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Ω 1000 - 900ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh §ÑJôe º°S’Gh ,"AÉØ°ûà°S’G »æ©jh áªjó≤dG á«≤«æ«ØdG á¨∏dG ≈dEG ᫪°ùàdG π°UCG Oƒ©j É¡«a óLƒj ¿Éc ¬fCG Ió∏ÑdG √òg »a á«≤ÑàªdG QÉKB’G ∫óJ .á¡d’G óMG ≈dEG Oƒ©j ºæ°U º°SÉH ,¿ƒØjQ ôjO øe áHô≤e ≈∏Y ºjób ¢ShhÉf óLƒj ɪc ,AÉØ°ûdG ¬dE’ »≤«æ«a »æKh óÑ©e §«ëJh õ«ªe »©«ÑW ∫ɪéH ¿ƒØjQ ™àªàJ .¿É°üM ôaÉM øe ôKCG ¬«∏Y ±ƒq ée ôî°Uh »Ø°†J äÉÑædGh QƒgõdG øe ≈°üëJ ’ ´GƒfCG É¡dƒ≤M »ah ,ôHƒæ°üdG ôé°T øe äÉHÉZ É¡H .¿ÉæÑd »a ∞jÉ°üªdG πªLCG øe IóMGh É¡∏©éJ á©FGQ äÉjBG ¬∏c ™bƒªdG ≈∏Y Raifoun’s name is derived from the Phoenician language, meaning hospitalization, and is related to name of one of the ancient Phoenician idols. The remaining vestiges in the town indicate the previous existence of a Phoenician temple for the God of Healing, in addition to an old sarcophagus near the monastery of Raifoun and a carved rock with an engraving of a horse hoof. Raifoun enjoys a unique and beautiful natural setting. It is surrounded by huge pine woods and a wide variety of flowers and plants, making the town one of the most beautiful summer resort in Lebanon. Faraya Distance From Beirut: 42km Altitude: 1,250m ÉjQÉa º∏c 42 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Ω 1250 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh .á¡cÉØdGh QɪãdG »æ©Jh áªjó≤dG á«eÉ°ùdG äɨ∏dG ióMG ≈dEG ᫪°ùàdG π°UCG Oƒ©j äÉgõàæªdG øe ójó©dG âæ°†àMG »àdG á∏«ªédG É¡à©«Ñ£H Ió∏ÑdG √òg äô¡à°TG ó≤dh äÉ©éàæªdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG õcGôªdG ºgCG øe ôÑà©J äQÉ°U ≈àM ºYÉ£ªdGh »gÉ≤ªdGh ™àªj ¿G QGõªdG º°SÉH ±hô©ªdG ™bƒªdG øe AôªdG ™«£à°ùj PEG ,¿ÉæÑd »a ábƒeôªdG RQC’Gh ¥ƒ∏≤∏dG á≤£æe ≈dEG ï«°ûdG πÑLh ´É≤ÑdG π¡°S øe óàªj ™FGQ ó¡°ûªH ¬aôW .¥QRC’G πMÉ°ùdGh »a ôãY óbh ôî°üdG »a IQƒØëªdG QhɨªdG øe ójó©dG ÉgQGƒLh Ió∏ÑdG √òg º°†Jh .á«dGƒàe á«îjQÉJ Ö≤ëd ó¡°ûJ ájôKCG ÉjÉ≤H ≈∏Y É¡∏NGO The name of Faraya is derived from the old Semitic language, meaning fruits. Among the town's archaeological vestiges are caves carved into rocks, where ruins form various historical eras were found. Faraya is considered one of the most important tourism centers and luxurious resorts in Lebanon. It offers several natural parks, as well as many coffee shops and restaurants. From the top of Faraya, at a location known as Al-Mzar, one has a panoramic view of the plain of the Beqa'a, Mount Al-Sheikh, the Laqlouq area, the cedars, and the coast. Kfardebian ¿É«HOôØc Distance From Beirut: 45km º∏c 45 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Altitude: 1,200 m-2,800m Ω 2800 - 1200 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh ¿ÉµªdG hCG IGôà°ûªdG ájô≤dG »æ©Jh á«fÉjô°ùdG á¨∏dG ≈dEG É¡dƒ°UCG »a ᫪°ùàdG Oƒ©J Gk ô¶fh .¿É«HO ôØc :á«dÉëdG ᫪°ùàdG óæY ∂dP ó©H »Hô©dG ßØ∏dG ô≤à°SGh iôà°ûªdG á£ëe ÉãjóM É¡«a äôªãà°SG ó≤a á©FGQ á«dɪLh á«©«ÑW IhôãH Ió∏ÑdG √òg ™àªàd ≈àM »gÉ≤ªdGh ¥OÉæØdGh ájƒà°ûdG äÉ¡«dÉ°ûdÉH â¶àcG »àdGh èdõà∏d ¿Éª«°ùdG ¿ƒ«Y É¡æ°ùMCG øeh Gk õ«¡éJ ¿ÉæÑd »a ó«∏édG ≈∏Y èdõàdG õcGôe π°†aCG øe ôÑà©J âJÉH Gk ó©°üe 13 OƒLh ƒgh Ió∏ÑdG √òg ≈dEG QGhõdGh èdõàdG IGƒgh ìÉ«°ùdG Üòàéj Ée .ájÉæY GhCGóÑj ¿G πÑb ôëÑdG í£°S øY Gk ôàe 2460 øY ójõJ äÉYÉØJQG ≈dEG ø«édõàªdG πªëJ .á≤°SÉæàªdG É¡JGQóëæe ≈∏Y •ƒÑ¡dÉH º¡àjGƒg ¬àeÉbCG …òdG ô°ùédG ∂dP ƒg ¿É«HOôØc Ió∏H »a IPÉNC’G áÑ«é©dG ógÉ°ûªdG øe ¬∏©d Qƒî°üdG âëJ ô«¡°ûdG øÑ∏dG ô¡f √É«e ≥aóJ π©ØH èdõàdG õcGôeh Ió∏ÑdG ø«H á©«Ñ£dG …ôKC’G ∞°Sƒj QÉe ôjO ∂dP ÖfÉL ≈dEG Ió∏ÑdG º°†Jh ,ô°ùédG »g äQÉ°U »àdG áªjó≤dG Qƒ°ü©dG »a º°†J âfÉc »àdG Gô≤b á≤£æe É¡£«ëe º°†j ɪc .Qƒé¡ªdG É¡ª¶YCGh ¿ÉæÑd πÑL »a á«æjódG äÉ©ªéªdG ÖMQCG øe ôÑà©j ɪ«¶Y É«æjO É©ªée á∏gòe ôXÉæe §°Sh ïjQÉà∏d ó¡°ûJ áÑ°üàæe ¬dÓWCG ∫GõJ ’ PEG ,¥ÓWE’G ≈∏Y ÉfCÉ°T ô«ÑµdG Gô≤a óÑ©e ¿G á≤KƒªdG äÉeƒ∏©ªdG ∫ƒ≤J .á©«Ñ£dG É¡ààëf »àdG Qƒî°üdG øe IOÉÑ©d Ék °Sôµe ¿Éch »ãfQƒµdG …Qɪ©ªdG RGô£dG Ö°ùM »fÉehôdG ô°ü©dG »a º«bG ób IOÉÑ©d ¢Sôc Ék ªéM ô¨°UCG ôNG óÑ©e ¬æe áHô≤e ≈∏Y ∑GòfBG º«bCGh ,º¶Y’G ¬d’G ≥Ñj ºd ºî°V êôH ¬∏c ™bƒªdG ≈∏Y ±ô°ûjh ähQÉà°ûY º°SG É¡«∏Y Gƒ≤∏WCG á«∏ëe á¡dG ô°ü©dG »a óÑ©ªdG Gòg ∫ƒM óbh ,πµ°ûdG áÑ©µªdG ≈∏Ø°ùdG ¬JÉ≤ÑW iƒ°S Ωƒ«dG ¬æe Qƒî°üdG øe »©«ÑW ô°ùL ,¿É«HOôØc »a ɪc ,Gô≤a »ah .á°ù«æc ≈dG »£fõ«ÑdG á©∏b ∫ÓWCG äCGóH äGƒæ°S ™°†H òæeh ,¬àëJ øe á≤aóàªdG √É«ªdG áæeR’G ôÑY ¬JôØM .áYƒæàe á«KGôJh á«aÉ≤K äÉfÉLô¡e ∞«°üdG »a ó¡°ûJ Gô≤a (Ouyoun Al-Siman & Faqra) (Gô≤ah ¿Éª«°ùdG ¿ƒ«Y) The town's name is derived from the Syriac language, meaning the purchased place” or “the purchased village. The Arabic name was later modified, and the town has been known since then as Kfardebian. The town enjoys beautiful natural resources. The skiing station of Ouyoun Al-Siman offers modern winter chalets, hotels, and coffee shops. Ouyoun Al-Siman is considered among the best equipped skiing stations in Lebanon. It includes 13 lifts that allow skiers to elevate to more than 2,460 meters above sea level, before skiing on its beautiful slopes. Between the skiing center and the town is located a natural bridge under which flows the famous Al-Laban spring. The town is also home to the deserted Monastery of Mar Youssef (Saint Joseph). Kfardebian includes the area of Faqra, which was one of the largest and most important religious centers in Lebanon in ancient times. The ruins at Faqra overlook a magnificent scenery of naturally carved rocks. The Temple of Faqra was established during the Roman era. Built in the Corinthian style, it was dedicated to the worship of “the Greatest God.” Next to this temple once stood a smaller temple that was dedicated to the worship of one of the local goddesses, but this temple was later transformed into a church during the Byzantine era. Remains of what used to be a huge bridge overlook the site. Faqra also includes a natural rock bridge carved by the flow of water over millions of years. In recent years, several cultural and heritage festivals have been initiated at the vestiges of the Faqra citadel. Jounieh Distance from Beirut: 20km Altitude: Sea Level - 600m ÉgQGƒLh ¬«fƒL º∏c 20 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Ω 600 - 0 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh ∫ƒ≤j ∫hC’G ,ø«NQDƒª∏d ¿ÉjCGQ ∑Éægh áªjó≤dG á«eÉ°ùdG á¨∏dG ióMG ≈dEG ᫪°ùàdG Oƒ©J πNGO …ôëH ∞jƒéJ »æ©J ᫪°ùàdG ¿G ∫ƒ≤j ôNG …CGQh ÉjGhõdG »æ©J ᫪°ùàdG ¿G ¬«fƒL º°†Jh .≥«°†dG hCG ô«¨°üdG è«∏îdG …CG ¿ƒL º°SÉH á«Hô©dG á¨∏dG π°Uh á°ùHÉ«dG ÜôëdG ÖÑ°ùH .ɪ∏Y πMÉ°Sh ôî°U IQÉM ,ôjóZ ,ÉHô°U :»g IQhÉéàe äGó∏H ™HQCG •É°ûædG π≤àfG »dɪdGh …QÉéàdG ähô«H §°SƒH ≥ëd …òdG QÉeódGh Iô«NC’G á«fÉæÑ∏dG É¡«a äôãµa ájƒ«ëdGh ácôëdÉH è°†J Iô«Ñc áæjóe É¡æe π©éa ¬«fƒL ≈dEG …QÉéàdG ¥OÉæØdG øe ô«ãµdG áeÉbEG äó¡°T ɪc áãjóëdG ôFɪ©dGh áKóëà°ùªdG ájQÉéàdG ∫ÉëªdG .É¡dɵ°TCG ≈∏Y »gÓªdGh ºYÉ£ªdGh äÉ«Ø°ûà°ùªdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ≈∏Y ⪫bCG É¡fCG ≈∏Y É¡ª°SG ∫ój »àdG ø«à∏eÉ©ªdG Ió∏H ™≤J ¬«fƒL øe ∫ɪ°ûdG ≈dEG QƒÑ©∏d ø«à∏eÉ©e Ö∏£àjh ø«àjQGOEG ø«à≤£æe ø«H π°üØj ¿Éc …òdG ôjõZ ô¡f »ÑfÉL ƒæjRÉc ø«à∏eÉ©ªdG Ió∏H ≈∏Y ±ô°ûjh .á«fÉehôdG áÑ≤ëdG òæe »æѪdG ô°ùédG ¥ƒa .É¡∏c á≤£æªdG »a Iô¡°T ôãc’G ¿ÉæÑd á«°VÉjôdG É¡jOGƒf π°†ØH âdƒëJ »àdG ∂«∏°ùµdG Ió∏H ™≤J ¬«fƒL øe ܃æédG ≈dEG »a ⪫bCG »àdG áªîØdG ÉgôLÉàeh á«æØdG É¡°VQÉ©eh É¡«gÓe π°†ØHh É¡JÉ©éàæeh ÖfÉL ≈dEG ø««fÉæÑ∏dG øe á«∏ªîªdG äÉ≤Ñ£dG ≈≤à∏e ≈dEG ,√ó©Hh á«fÉæÑ∏dG ÜôëdG AÉæKCG áMÉ«°ùdGh äGQÉ«°ù∏d »fÉæÑ∏dG …OÉædG ¬ª¶æj »àdG äGQÉ«°ùdG ¥ÉÑ°S .ìGƒ°ùdGh QGhõdG øe äGQÉ«°ùdG ¥ÉÑ°S á°VÉjQ IGƒg Ö£≤à°ùj PEG á«°VÉjôdG äÉWÉ°ûædG RôHG øe ôÑà©j º°SÉH ±ô©j ™bƒe »ah »MÉ«°ùdG ∂«∏°ùc ≥aôe øe áÑjôb áaÉ°ùe ≈∏Y .ÖfÉLCGh ÜôY ¿hô≤dG »a ∫ƒëJ ôî°üdG »a QƒØëe »fÉehQ øaóe ≈∏Y ¿ƒÑ≤æªdG ôãY á«WÉÑdG .¢Sƒ«LQhÉL ¢ùjó≤dG º°SG ≈∏Y QGõe ≈dEG §°SƒdG ™HÉàdG ,¢ü∏îªdG ôjO Ωƒ≤j ¬«fƒL ≈∏Y π£ªdG …ôî°üdG ±ôédG ¥ƒah ,ÉHô°U Ió∏H »a ΩÉ©dG »a ôjódG Gòg »æH óbh ,∂«dƒKɵdG ø««µ∏ªdG ø««Ñ∏ëdG ø««∏«°SÉÑdG ¿ÉÑgô∏d ≈∏Y √QhóH º«bCG ∂«dɪªdG ô°üY ≈dEG ¬îjQÉJ Oƒ©j áÑbGôe êôH ¢VÉ≤fCG ≈∏Y 1883 ô«Ñc OóY ÉgQGƒLh ¬«fƒL »a óLƒj ájôKC’G á«MÉædG øe .ô«Ñc »fÉehQ óÑ©e ∫ÓWCG ,ºjób ôjO Ωƒ«dG É¡bƒa óLƒj »àdG ôî°U IQÉM IQɨe É¡æe ,±ƒ¡µdGh QhɨªdG øe .ΩOBG IQɨe º°SÉH ±ô©J ≥HÉ°ùdG »a âfÉch ø«à∏eÉ©ªdG »a ó°SC’G IQɨe ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG The name Jounieh originates from the old Semitic language and stands for corners. Jounieh includes four neighboring towns: Sarba, Ghadir, Haret Sakher, and Sahel Alma. Due to the destruction of Central Beirut during the Lebanese war, Jounieh was transformed into a large, dynamic city, full of newly established trade centers, buildings, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, and night clubs. To the north of Jounieh is the town of Ma'ameltein, whose name indicates that it was established on the borders of the Ma’ameltein River, cut by a Roman bridge that used to separate two administrative districts. The Casino du Liban, overlooking the town, is considered as the most famous site of the area. To the south of Jounieh is the town of Kaslik, which was transformed during the Lebanese war into a meeting place for high society, with luxurious resorts, sports clubs, night clubs, art exhibitions, and trade shops. Among the most important activities in town is the car race organized by the ATCL (Automobile et Touring Club du Liban), which attracts many local, Arab, and foreign competitors. Close to the touristic port of Kaslik is a place called Al-Battieh, which includes a Roman tomb carved into rocks, later transformed during the Middle Ages into a sanctuary for Saint Georges. In the town of Sarba, above the rocky elevation overlooking Jouneih, stands Al-Moukhaless Monastery, affiliated with the Catholic monastic order of Aleppo. The monastery was built in 1883 over the ruins of a control tower from the Mamluke era, which was established on the vestiges of a great Roman temple. The town and its neighboring areas also include a number of caves, including the Cave of Haret Sakher, over which stands an old monastery, and “the Cave of the Lion in Ma'ameltein, previously known as the Cave of Adam." Zouk Mikhael Distance from Beirut: 14km Altitude: Sea Level - 100m πjɵe ¥hR º∏c 14 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Ω 100 - 0 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh ,á≤£æªdG »a ∂«dɪªdG º¡æµ°SCG øjòdG ¿ÉªcôàdG QÉÑc óMCG ≈dEG Ió∏ÑdG º°SG Ö°ùæj √ójóéJh ¬ª«eôJ äÉ«∏ªY äôL …òdG ≥«à©dG ¥hõdG ¥ƒ°S Ió∏ÑdG √òg QÉKBG ºgCG øeh 1995 ΩÉY òæe ¥ƒ°ùdG Gòg ∫ƒëJ óbh ,»°VɪdG ¬≤fhQ ¬«dEG äOÉYCÉa ¬∏«gCÉJ IOÉYEGh ôªãà°SÉa ,Oƒ≤©dG RGô£H á«æѪdG áªjó≤dG ø«cÉcódG ¬H §«ëJ §≤a IÉ°ûª∏d á≤£æe ≈dEG ,ájó«∏≤J á«aôM ¢TQhh äÉaôàëªc ôNB’G É¡°†©H »≤H ɪæ«H ºYÉ£eh √É≤ªc É¡°†©H »a ºJh .ájhó«dGh á«KGôàdG äÉLƒàæªdG ¬dÓN ¢Vô©J ÉfÉLô¡e Ék jƒæ°S ∞«°†à°ùjh á©FGQ á«æa ájQGóL »gh ø««fÉæÑ∏dG ø«YóѪdG ájQGóL ø«°TóJ GôNDƒe ºjó≤dG ¥ƒ°ùdG .áahô©e á«fÉæÑd á«°üî°T Iô°ûY ¢ùªîd ôéëdG »a äôØM ÉgƒLh º°†J ∫GƒfC’G ≈∏Y áLƒ°ùæªdGh áÑ°ü≤ªdG á°ûªb’G á«aôëdG πjɵe ¥hR äÉéàæe ôãcCG øe Rƒ∏dG áæ«éY øe áYƒæ°üªdG ¿ÉHRôªdG äÉjƒ∏M ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG ,áªjó≤dG ájó«∏≤àdG ≈∏Y á«æѪdG äGQGódGh áªjó≤dG IôjO’G øe ójó©dG Ék °†jCG Ió∏ÑdG »a óLƒjh .ôµ°ùdGh .…ó«∏≤àdG »fÉæÑ∏dG …Qɪ©ªdG RGô£dG É¡∏c á«Hô©dG á≤£æªdG øe πjɵe ¥hR Ió∏H ƒµ°ù«fƒ«dG ᪶æe äQÉàNG 1999 ΩÉ©dG »a ó«©°U πc ≈∏Y É«YɪàLG ádhòѪdG Oƒ¡édG π°†ØH ∂dPh ΩÓ°ùdG πLCG øe áæjóe ¿ƒµàd .QGô≤à°S’G ΩóYh ô≤ØdGh ádõ©dGh ¿ÉeôëdG áëaɵªd The town of Zouk Mikhael was named in reference to a Turkmen leader who inhabited the area during the Mamluke era. Among the town's most important features is the Old Souk of Zouk, which has been rehabilitated and renovated in 1995. The souq has been transformed into a pedestrian area surrounded by arcaded shops. Some of the shops were transformed into restaurants and coffee shops, while others kept their traditional ateliers which host an annual souq (market) for traditional heritage products. In addition, the Mural of Lebanese Creators was established in the old souq, and includes the figures of 15 Lebanese personalities sculpted in stone. Among Zouk Mikhael’s most famous artisanal products are its textiles woven on traditional looms, as well as its marzipan sweets made of almond and sugar dough. The town is also home to a number of old monasteries and traditional heritage houses. UNESCO chose the city of Zouk Mikhael from the Arab region as a City for Peace in 1999, honoring the city's efforts to fight deprivation, poverty, and security instability. Zouk Mosbeh Distance From Beirut: 13km Altitude: Sea Level-400m íÑ°üe ¥hR º∏c 13 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Ω 400 - 0 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh hCG ¢SQÉëdG »æ©J »àdG á«fÉjô°ùdG ÉbhR áª∏µd ∞jôëJ ≈dhC’G ,ø«àª∏c øe Öcôe º°S’G óMG º°SG ¬fG ∫ƒ≤J IócDƒe ô«Z äÉjhôe ∑Éæ¡a íÑ°üe áª∏c ÉeCG ,"ÖbGôªdGh QƒWÉædG âÑ°ùæa ,á≤£æªdG ∂∏J »a 1305 ΩÉ©dG »a ∂«dɪªdG º¡æµ°SG øjòdG ¿ÉªcôàdG QÉÑc .¬«dEG πÑb á≤£æªdG »°VÉe ≈∏Y ∫ój ôKG …CG íÑ°üe ¥hR »a ≥Ñj ºd ¬fG ¿ƒNQDƒªdG ∞°SCÉj .Ö∏µdG ô¡f áØ°V ≈∏Y ô°üfòNƒÑf ¢û≤f iƒ°S »dÉëdG É¡Fƒ°ûf ïjQÉJ The town's name is composed of two parts. The first part, Zouk, is derived from the Syriac word "Zouqa," meaning “the guardian and observer.” The second part, Mosbeh, is a reference to a Turkmen leader who inhabited the area in 1305. The only remaining archaeological vestige in Zouk Mosbeh is the Nebuchadnezzar Stele, located on the border of Nahr AlKalb (Dog River). Beqa'atet A'achqout Distance from Beirut: 30km Altitude: 1,100m äƒ≤°ûY áJÉ©≤H º∏c 30 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Ω 1100 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh »fÉjô°S ßØ∏a ÉJÉ©≤H ÉeCG .á«°UÉ©dG √Éæ©eh ÉJƒ≤°ùY º°SG ßØd ≈dEG Ió∏ÑdG º°SG Ö°ùæj Ió∏ÑdG õ«ªàJ .ájô≤dG êGôN øe ô«Ñc º°ùb ≈∏Y ≥Ñ£æj Ée ƒgh ,"§°ùÑæeh π¡°S" √Éæ©e .øa øe â«JhCG Ée πc á©«Ñ£dG É¡«a â©°Vh ,∫ɵ°TC’Gh ΩÉéMC’G IOó©àe Qƒî°U OƒLƒH A'achqout derives its name from the word "A'asqouta" which means "wayward". As for Beqa'ata, the name is derived from the Syriac language, meaning "plain," and referring to the town's large surrounding border. Beqa'atet A'achqout is mainly characterized by the diversity of its rock formations. Faitroun Distance From Beirut: 35km Altitude: 1,230m ¿hô£«a º∏c 35 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Ω 1230 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh .ó«°ùdG ¢TôY hCG ≈dƒªdG ¢TôY »æ©J áªjó≤dG á«eÉ°ùdG äɨ∏dG ≈dEG ™LôJ »àdG ᫪°ùàdG á°ù«æc ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG ,áªjób QÉHBG É¡H §«ëJ »àdG ø°üëdG á©∏b `H Ió∏ÑdG √òg ô¡à°ûJh .ô°ûY øeÉãdG ¿ô≤dG §°SGhCG »a äó«°T »àdG ¢ùLôL QÉe »a ±É«£°U’G õcGôe RôHG øe IóMGh É¡æe Ó©L Üò©dG É¡NÉæeh Ió∏ÑdG √òg á©«ÑW øe IójGõàe GOGóYCG ÜòàéJ »àdG »gÉ≤ªdGh ºYÉ£ªdGh ¥OÉæØdG É¡«a ô°ûàæJ PEG ,¿ÉæÑd .ìÉ«°ùdGh QGhõdG The name Faitroun is derived from the old Semitic word meaning the Throne of the Lord. The town is home to Qala'at Al-Hosn (“Al-Hosn Citadel”), surrounded by old wells, in addition to Mar Gerges (“Saint Georges Church”), built in the middle of the 18th century. One of the main summer resort in Lebanon, with its beautiful nature and nice weather, the town is home to several hotels, restaurants, and coffee shops. äGó∏Ñ∏d ô«JÉîªdGh äÉjó∏ÑdG ,áMÉ«°ùdG IQGRh øe πc ∫ɪYCGh Oƒ¡L Qó≤fh ôµ°ûf áYƒ°Sƒe{ h áëjôa ¢ù«fC’ zá«fÉæÑ∏dG äGó∏ÑdGh iô≤dG ºé©e{ ÜÉàc ,áLQóªdG iô≤dGh .êôØe »fƒ£d z¿ÉæÑd ¿óeh iôb We acknowledge the efforts and works of the Ministry of Tourism, the municipalities and mayors of listed towns and villages, “Mo’ajam Al-Qoura wal Baldat Al-Lubnaniyya” by Anis Freiha, and “Mawsou’at Qoura wa Modon Libnan” by Tony Moufarrej.
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