Staff Council Representatives
Staff Council Representatives
ECTC Staff Council Newsletter F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 Random Acts of Kindness! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: This Month’s Spotlight Dates to 2 3 Remember Important 4 Websites Useful 4 Links How to Contact Us 4 Campus became a happier, friendlier place with random acts of kindness of all types, shapes and sizes! From donuts to beverages to notes to candy to treats to emails to cards and everything in between! Everyone put their creative minds to work and came up with some pretty creative ideas for the week for their coworkers and students too! Thank you everyone who participated whether it was just passing around smiles or baking and handing out treats! They were all well received and appreciate by many! Adam Huddleston Chair Felicia Toliver Vice Chair Emily Allen Recorder Jerry Squires II College Council Rep Patti Sanders Committee Liaison Bill Druen Rep at Large Laura Lamb Rep at Large & Newsletter Editor Samantha S. Manire Staff Rep to Board of Directors Anna Dunkelberger Staff Rep to Policy, Procedure & Communications Committee Staff Council Representatives P AGE 2 Staff Spotlight The February Spotlight is Tina Love! Each month the Staff Council will Spotlight a random Staff member from one of our campuses to give us a chance to get to know them better. Congratulations to this month’s Staff Spotlight, Tina Love! Here are some interesting facts: Can you tell us a little about your family? I have two daughters. One is 20 and the other is 7. How many years have you been at ECTC? I have been here since J uly 1, 2015…almost 8 months What is your role here at ECTC? I am the Senior Administrative Assistant to the Provost What brought you to ECTC? I was a student here a VERY long time ago and I love working in education What do you like most about working at ECTC? Everyone here was so welcoming when I started and made me feel like one of the team. What is your favorite hobby or what do you like to do most in your spare time? I mostly spend time with my youngest daughter. She likes to play the UNO card game, dress-up, and watch cartoons/movies. Favorite Movie? My favorite movie of all time would have to be Grease. I love the music, style of dress, and a life of simpler times. Best Vacation you’ve ever been on? I took my oldest daughter to Daytona Beach F lorida when she was 16 – a vacation for just the two of us. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a nurse until I realized I would have to stick someone with a needle. What are your top three highlights of your life? Having both my daughters and graduating from the University of Kentucky Which cartoon character would you most like to switch lives with and why? Timmy Turner from Fairly Odd Parents….He has fairies to grant wishes. ECT C ST A FF COUNCIL – FEBRUA RY 2016 Dates P AGE to Remember . . . —2016— February 28th Super Sunday March 12th ECTC Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowl for Kid’s Sake For more information contact Mindi Campbell (x68472) 14-20 Spring Break 25th Who is the best team? Who is your Fav Sports Team? Show your Favorite Team colors! 25th 1/2 day Holiday - Good Friday April tba Easter Egg Hunt for Kiddos of employees May tba 9th Our Annual Derby Activities & Games ECTC Graduation ECT C ST A FF COUNCIL – FEBRUA RY 2016 3 P AGE Important Websites 4 Staff Council Employee Self-Service Employee Forms and Info Payroll Office Human Resources IT Support Professional Development Committee Useful Links Vehicle Reservations (email) Room Reservations (email) Room setup request form IT Support Help (email) Faculty/Staff Directory Contact Us! We are here for U! To be an effective committee, we need your help! We are depending on you, our colleagues across all ECTC campuses, to give your input and suggestions on ways that we can make a difference. You can contact any member of the Staff Council by going to our website and clicking on any council member’s KCTCS email or you can anonymously drop a suggestion/question/concern in our locked/ secure suggestion box in front of the bookstore. We would love to hear from you!! Staff Council Website - Here you can also find minutes of previous meetings, Staff Council by-laws and previous newsletters. ECT C ST A FF COUNCIL – FEBRUA RY 2016
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