COLOMBIA CHILE GRI PERU 2015 BOGOTÁ Bogotá Plaza Summit Hotel 11-12 NOVEMBER 11-12 NOVIEMBRE Connecting senior real estate executives globally Conectando líderes del sector inmobiliario a nivel global 1 TIPS HERE ARE A FEW TIPS THAT MAY BE HELPFUL IN GETTING THE MOST OUT OF THE GRI... ALGUNOS CONSEJOS QUE PUEDEN SER ÚTILES PARA APROVECHAR MEJOR EL GRI... GRI discussions are not panels. They are like after-dinner conversations in one’s own living room with good friends, under the guidance of a moderating Chair. Las sesiones de GRI no son paneles, son como una conversación después de una cena con amigos en el salón de tu casa, bajo la guía de un moderador. Everyone participates equally, not just the Discussion Chair & Co-Chairs. The job of the moderating Chair is to make everybody talk and engage. Discussion Co-Chairs sit scattered about the room and participate no more and no less than anyone else in the room. If connecting with new partners is useful, we encourage you to engage as vocally and actively as you might enjoy. This will enable others to get to know you and vice versa. The Moderating Chair will address questions directly to participants by name or by gesturing towards them, not just to anyone in the room atlarge, as that is usually greeted with pregnant silence. Even so, you are encouraged to comment, question, dissent or otherwise interject. As no one will prompt you, please join the discussion room of your choice in good time. Rooms tend to fill up after a discussion starts and you need not be concerned by a near empty room. This will quickly change. Some participants speak so softly as to be unheard by most. Speak up and remind others to do so if you can’t hear them. Avoid monopolizing conversation, self-promotion or commercial pitches, as the Moderating Chair has been urged to cut them off. The GRI format was designed to enable senior industry leaders to share, learn and make friends in as natural, spontaneous and collegial a setting as possible. We welcome your suggestions as to how we can do better. 2 Todo el mundo participa por igual, tanto los delegados como los copresidentes. El trabajo del moderador es hacer que todo el mundo opine haciendo que la conversación fluya. Los copresidentes se sientan entre los delegados y participan igual que cualquier otro asistente. Si entrar en contacto con otros participantes puede serte útil, te recomendamos que seas lo más activo posible. Esto te permitirá darte a conocer y viceversa. El moderador involucrará a los participantes con preguntas directas nombrándoles o dirigiéndose a ellos. No se dirigirá a toda la sala, ya que esto suele ser recibido con un silencio por parte de los participantes. Aun así, anímate a comentar, preguntar e intervenir. Como nadie te avisará, por favor acude puntual al debate en el cual quieres participar. Las salas tienden a llenarse en cuanto el debate empieza, no te preocupes si hay poca gente en la sala, se llenará enseguida. Algunos participantes hablan muy suave de forma que la mayoría no los oye. Habla alto y dile a otros que lo hagan si no puedes oirlos. Evita monopolizar la conversación, promocionarte o comercializarte, ya que el moderador ha sido avisado de cortar estas situaciones. El formato de GRI fue diseñado para permitir a los líderes de la industria compartir, aprender y hacer relaciones de negocio en un ambiente informal y lo más relajado posible. Estamos abiertos a cualquier consejo sobre cómo podemos mejorarlo. MEDIA PRESENCE PRESENCIA DE MEDIOS While journalists may sometimes take notes during discussions, they only ever do so after signing a “Chatham House” confidentiality agreement under which they commit not to quote for attribution to a person or to a company, except with specific consent from the respective parties. In addition, students or other reporters may summarize most of the discussions and take notes that are subsequently distributed to all participants. Mientras que los periodistas a veces toman notas durante los debates, sólo lo hacen después de haber firmado un “Chatham House” de confidencialidad donde se comprometen a no atribuir los comentarios a una persona o compañía, excepto bajo consentimiento de ambas partes. WELCOME BIENVENIDO Seniority of a Boardroom. Intimacy of your living room. El señorío de una sala de reuniones. La intimidad de su sala de estar. Welcome to the GRI. Estamos encantados de darte la bienvenida a GRI. Colombia-Chile-Peru GRI’s main goal is to allow local key players in real estate from these three countries to connect with international investors that are looking to explore opportunities, meet potential partners and create business relationships. El GRI Colombia-Chile-Perú tiene como principal objetivo conectar a los líderes locales de la industria inmobiliaria de estos tres países con los inversores internacionales que buscan explorar oportunidades, conocer socios y crear relaciones de negocio. It is a very interesting combination of countries. The three of them offer quite attractive opportunities in different sectors in each case. On top of that, foreign investment is clearly being attracted to these markets due mainly to the optimal macroeconomic situation but also helped by the local currencies conditions versus the dollar. Es una combinación de países muy interesante, ya que los tres ofrecen oportunidades muy atractivas en diferentes sectores en cada uno de los casos. También ayuda la situación macroeconómica global ya que se dan unas perspectivas óptimas para atraer inversión extranjera a estos tres mercados, claramente influenciada por la devaluación de las divisas locales con respecto al dólar. We invite you to participate and enjoy the discussions. It is about you, your business and your opportunities. Make it your own. Te invitamos a participar y a disfrutar de los debates. Se trata de hablar de ti, tu negocio y tus oportunidades. El evento es tuyo. We wish you a great GRI. Thanks for being with us. Te deseamos un gran GRI. Gracias por estar con nosotros. Henri Alster Chairman GRI Daniel Morante Director, Andean Region Global Real Estate Institute Loredana Carollo Project Director Global Real Estate Institute 3 NOT FINAL at time of press Please check handout update WEDNESDAY • 11th November SALONES SANTA FE 1 & 2 Time/Room SALONES SANTA FE 3 & 4 09:30 - 10:30 REGISTRATION 10:30 - 11:30 KEYNOTE SAM ZELL, CHAIRMAN, EQUITY GROUP INVESTMENTS AND EQUITY INTERNATIONAL 11:30 - 12:15 NETWORKING BREAK DISCUSSIONS HOTELS How to evaluate investor risk in a diverse regional market? ANDEAN REGION BIG PICTURE Is it all about Colombia? 12:15 - 13:15 Paul Adan Felipe Lloreda Juan Abril Alfredo Rizo Fernando Cobo Claudia Piña Tom Heneghan Gregorio Schneider Juan Corvinos Javier Sánchez Clifford Payne Arturo García Rosa 13:15 - 14:30 LUNCH BREAK DISCUSSIONS INVESTMENT VEHICLES COLOMBIA How to achieve optimal fiscal efficiency… legally?! OFFICES SANTIAGO Is all that glitters gold? Andrés Alvarado Cristian Armas Morel Gabriel Flórez Martin Brühl Hernando Forero Alejandro Luna 14:30 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:15 NETWORKING BREAK DISCUSSIONS JOINT VENTURES What else do they bring apart from capital? 16:15 - 17:15 LENDING COLOMBIA Is alternative financing becoming more mainstream? Martin Brühl Alejandro Krell Rodrigo Sánchez-Ríos Marcelo Fedak Eduardo Romero Camilo Varela Javier Forero Torres Andrés Störmann Ricardo Goldberg 17:15 - 18:30 DRINKS RECEPTION 19:00 - 22:00 WELCOME DRINKS & NETWORKING DINNER Bogotá Plaza Summit Hotel floor plan ENTRANCE Networking dinner SALONES SANTA FE 1&2 SALONES SANTA FE 3&4 LOBBY GRI 4 Café The official language of the discussion groups will be English. | El idioma oficial de los grupos de debate será Inglés. The Networking Dinner at the Matiz Restaurant is for registered guests only. For further information on how to sign up and costs, please visit the GRI registration desk. Please bring your invitation that you received at the registration desk to the restaurant. For those who require transfer, please convene outside the hotel entrance at 18:30. La cena de networking en el restaurante Matiz es solamente para participantes registrados. Se deberá presentar a la llegada al restaurante la invitación que le será entregada en el momento del registro. Matiz Restaurant Calle 95 # 11A - 17, Bogotá, Colombia NOT FINAL at time of press Please check handout update THURSDAY • 12th November SALONES SANTA FE 1 & 2 Time/Room 09:00 - 10:00 REGISTRATION 10:00 - 10:45 KEYNOTE ÁLVARO URIBE VÉLEZ, FORMER PRESIDENT OF COLOMBIA 10:45 - 11:30 NETWORKING BREAK SALONES SANTA FE 3 & 4 DISCUSSIONS COMMERCIAL & RETAIL COLOMBIA Decline in Bogota, boom in secondary cities? RESIDENTIAL CHILE End of the stagnation and market taking off? 11:30 - 12:30 Rafael Álvarez Andrés Ceballos Cristian Armas Morel Hernando Ángel Juan Pablo Romero Restrepo Pablo J. Sala Juan Aramburo Tomás Uribe Mauricio Varela Jerónimo Bosch 12:30 - 13:45 LUNCH BREAK DISCUSSIONS OFFICES COLOMBIA Is it becoming a saturated market? 13:45 - 14:45 14:45 - 15:15 RESIDENTIAL PERU High demand vs lack of finance, will the needs of the market be met? Hernando Forero Alejandro Ruiz Sánchez William Freydell Juan Ernesto Vargas Uribe Francisco Andragnes Pablo J. Sala Ezequiel Lodeiro Johannes Vielberth Alejandro Krell Hugo Vallenas Benavides NETWORKING BREAK DISCUSSIONS 15:15 - 16:15 RESIDENTIAL COLOMBIA Luxury? Affordable? Young professionals? Which sectors will benefit most from structural trends? NEXT MARKETS Emerging sectors and locations; What’s next? Ecuador? Argentina? Anthony DiBiase Michael Teich Jerónimo Bosch José Luque Gerosa Jerónimo Uribe María Rengifo Camilo Ríos Juan Felipe Yarce Villa Santiago Ribadeneira Rony Tamayo 16:15 - 17:15 FAREWELL DRINKS WEDNESDAY • 11th November THURSDAY • 12th November 09:30 - 10:30 Registration 09:00 - 10:00Registration 10:30 - 11:30Keynote 10:00 - 10:45Keynote 12:15 - 13:15Discussions 11:30 - 12:30Discussions 13:15 - 14:30 Lunch 12:30 - 13:45Lunch 14:30 - 17:15Discussions 13:45 - 16:15Discussions 17:15 - 18:30 Drinks Reception 16:15 - 17:15 19:00 - 22:00 Welcome Drinks & Networking Dinner Farewell Drinks 5 DISCUSSIONS 11th November • WEDNESDAY KEYNOTE 10:30 - 11:30 SALONES SANTA FE THE IMPACT OF MONETARY POLICY ON DEVELOPED AND EMERGING MARKETS What difference might the Pacific Alliance, MILA and TPP make? SAM ZELL Chairman, EQUITY GROUP INVESTMENTS AND EQUITY INTERNATIONAL Moderated by: Jean-Pierre Doggett, CEO, GLOBAL REAL ESTATE INSTITUTE Sam Zell is the Chairman of two private investment firms, Equity Group Investments and Equity International. He is a global, opportunistic, often contrarian, investor who specializes in identifying market anomalies and emerging trends, and has a long track record in turning around troubled companies and assets, leading industry consolidations, and bringing companies to the public markets. Sam’s investment portfolio spans industries, with significant concentrations in energy, logistics, transportation, manufacturing, communications and healthcare, but he is often best known for his role and stewardship in creating the modern commercial real estate industry, and for his pioneering investments in emerging markets. He has been highly active in bringing Equity International’s companies, including Homex, BR Malls and Gafisia, to the public markets. Sam maintains substantial interests in, and is the Chairman of, five public companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange: Equity Residential, Equity LifeStyle Properties, Inc., Equity Commonwealth, Covanta Holding Corporation, and Anixter International. HOTELS - How to evaluate investor risk in a diverse regional market? PAUL ADAN VP, Hotel Development Central & LATAM Region MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL USA FELIPE LLOREDA Owner UNIKA PROMOTORA Colombia FERNANDO COBO Managing Director PROINCO INMOBILIARIA Ecuador CLAUDIA PIÑA Gerente Desarrollo De Negocios Latinoamérica WYNDHAM HOTEL GROUP Colombia JUAN CORVINOS Managing Director Development, Central America, Andean & Hispanic Caribbean Region HILTON WORLDWIDE USA JAVIER SÁNCHEZ SVP Business Development - Hotels, S&C America/Caribbean HARD ROCK HOTELS USA 12:15 - 13:15 SALONES SANTA FE 1&2 Paul Adan Fernando Cobo Juan Corvinos Arturo García Rosa Felipe Lloreda Claudia Piña Javier Sanchez ARTURO GARCÍA ROSA President & Founder SAHIC Uruguay ANDEAN REGION BIG PICTURE - Is it all about Colombia? JUAN ABRIL Executive Director MORGAN STANLEY USA ALFREDO RIZO Chief Executive Officer, Terranum Corporate Properties TERRANUM GROUP Colombia TOM HENEGHAN CEO EQUITY INTERNATIONAL USA GREGORIO SCHNEIDER Founder/ Managing Partner / Chief Investment Officer TC LATIN AMERICA PARTNERS USA CLIFFORD PAYNE Vice President EQUITY INTERNATIONAL USA 6 The official language of the discussion groups will be English. | El idioma oficial de los grupos de debate será inglés. 12:15 - 13:15 SALONES SANTA FE 3&4 Juan Abril Tom Heneghan Clifford Payne Alfredo Rizo Gregorio Schneider WEDNESDAY • 11th November DISCUSSIONS INVESTMENT VEHICLES COLOMBIA - How to achieve optimal fiscal efficiency… legally?! 14:30 - 15:30 SALONES SANTA FE 1&2 ANDRÉS ALVARADO Managing Partner ABACUS REAL ESTATE S.A.S. Colombia GABRIEL FLÓREZ Gerente General PÉNTACO Colombia HERNANDO FORERO Director GRUPO PEGASUS COLOMBIA SAS Colombia Andrés Alvarado OFFICES SANTIAGO - Is all that glitters gold? Gabriel Flórez Hernando Forero 14:30 - 15:30 SALONES SANTA FE 3&4 CRISTIÁN ARMAS MOREL Director Ejecutivo EMPRESAS ARMAS Chile MARTIN BRÜHL Head of Investment Management International at Union Investment RE & President at RICS UNION INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE GMBH Germany Cristián Armas Morel ALEJANDRO LUNA VP Latam GLL REAL ESTATE PARTNERS Germany JOINT VENTURES - What else do they bring apart from capital? Martin Brühl Alejandro Luna 16:15 - 17:15 SALONES SANTA FE 1&2 MARTIN BRÜHL ALEJANDRO KRELL Head of Investment Management International at Managing Director Union Investment RE & President at RICS PALADIN REALTY PARTNERS LLC USA UNION INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE GMBH Germany EDUARDO ROMERO MARCELO FEDAK Managing Director BLACKSTONE USA JAVIER FORERO TORRES Director De Recursos Físicos PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD JAVERIANA Colombia Head of Merchant Bank BTG PACTUAL Colombia ANDRÉS STÖRMANN Partner E&S PROPERTY INVESTMENT S.A.S. Colombia Martin Brühl Marcelo Fedak Javier Forero Torres Ricardo Goldberg Alejandro Krell Eduardo Romero Andrés Störmann RICARDO GOLDBERG Vice President CCLA MULTIFAMILY/ CIM GROUP USA LENDING COLOMBIA - Is alternative financing becoming more mainstream? 16:15 - 17:15 SALONES SANTA FE 3&4 RODRIGO SÁNCHEZ-RÍOS Partner JAGUAR CAPITAL Colombia CAMILO VARELA Vice President EQUITY INTERNATIONAL USA Rodrigo Sánchez-Ríos Camilo Varela 7 DISCUSSIONS 12th November • THURSDAY KEYNOTE 10:00 - 10:45 SALONES SANTA FE LATIN AMERICA IN THE EMERGING ECONOMIES CENTURY ÁLVARO URIBE VÉLEZ Former President of Colombia La vida de Álvaro Uribe Vélez ha estado enmarcada en el servicio público. A lo largo de su carrera ha desempeñado los cargos de Jefe de Bienes de las Empresas Públicas de Medellín, Secretario General del Ministerio de Trabajo, cargo desde el que logró sacar adelante el decreto 1468 de 1978 sobre libertades sindicales en Colombia. Durante el gobierno del ex Presidente Julio César Turbay Ayala, se desempeñó como Director de la Aeronáutica Civil. Los 4 años al frente de esa entidad le permitieron contratar y construir más del 60% del aeropuerto Internacional José María Córdoba de Rionegro (que sirve a la ciudad de Medellín); culminó la construcción del edificio principal del aeropuerto de Barranquilla. Suscribió un acuerdo con la aerolínea Avianca que sirvió de base para al construcción del terminal Puente Aéreo (Bogotá). Para contener los vuelos ilegales, creó el decreto 2303 que exigía el visto bueno del Consejo de Estupefacientes y las Brigadas militares para permitir la operación de pistas y aeronaves. COMMERCIAL & RETAIL COLOMBIA - Decline in Bogota, boom in secondary cities? RAFAEL ÁLVAREZ VP Business Development OSPINAS & CIA Colombia ANDRÉS CEBALLOS Vicepresidente Negocios Corporativos PACTIA - FONDO INMOBILIARIO Colombia HERNANDO ÁNGEL Head of Real Estate Planning & Development GRUPO ÉXITO Colombia JUAN PABLO ROMERO RESTREPO Country Manager PARQUE ARAUCO Colombia JUAN ARAMBURO Gerente General INQUIETUDES INMOBILIARIAS Colombia TOMÁS URIBE Managing Partner JAGUAR CAPITAL Colombia Rafael Álvarez 11:30 - 12:30 SALONES SANTA FE 1&2 Hernando Ángel Juan Aramburo Jerónimo Bosch Andrés Ceballos Juan Pablo Romero Restrepo Tomás Uribe JERÓNIMO BOSCH Managing Partner GRUPO PEGASUS Argentina RESIDENTIAL CHILE - End of the stagnation and market taking off? 11:30 - 12:30 SALONES SANTA FE 3&4 CRISTIAN ARMAS MOREL Director Ejecutivo EMPRESAS ARMAS Chile PABLO J. SALA Managing Director, Andean Region JAMESTOWN LATIN AMERICA Colombia MAURICIO VARELA CEO EMPRESAS SOCOVESA Chile 8 The official language of the discussion groups will be English. | El idioma oficial de los grupos de debate será inglés. Cristian Armas Morel Pablo J. Sala Mauricio Varela DISCUSSIONS THURSDAY • 12th November OFFICES COLOMBIA - Is it becoming a saturated market? HERNANDO FORERO Director GRUPO PEGASUS COLOMBIA SAS Colombia ALEJANDRO RUIZ SÁNCHEZ Director of Business Development GRUPO APIROS Colombia WILLIAM FREYDELL Presidente ÁREAS FLEXIBLES Colombia JUAN ERNESTO VARGAS URIBE Asesor PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD JAVERIANA Colombia EZEQUIEL LODEIRO Vicepresidente – Director Área América del sur GRUPO SYASA Argentina JOHANNES VIELBERTH Associate BLACKSTONE USA 13:45 - 14:45 SALONES SANTA FE 1&2 Hernando Forero William Freydell Ezequiel Lodeiro Alejandro Ruiz Sánchez Juan Ernesto Vargas Uribe Johannes Vielberth RESIDENTIAL PERU - High demand vs lack of finance, will the needs of the market be met? FRANCISCO ANDRAGNES CEO METRO BUILDINGS Mexico PABLO J. SALA Managing Director, Andean Region JAMESTOWN LATIN AMERICA Colombia ALEJANDRO KRELL Managing Director PALADIN REALTY PARTNERS LLC USA HUGO VALLENAS BENAVIDES Country Manager SOUTHERN BRIDGE CAPITAL Peru Francisco Andragnes 13:45 - 14:45 SALONES SANTA FE 3&4 Alejandro Krell RESIDENTIAL COLOMBIA - Luxury? Affordable? Young professionals? Which sectors will benefit most from structural trends? ANTHONY DIBIASE Principal - Ca International CA VENTURES, LLC USA MICHAEL TEICH Founder & Managing Director AVENIDA CAPITAL Colombia JOSÉ LUQUE GEROSA Gerente General AVORA Colombia JERÓNIMO URIBE Managing Partner JAGUAR CAPITAL Colombia CAMILO RÍOS Managing Director CONSTRURBANO Colombia JUAN FELIPE YARCE VILLA Country Manager Colombia GRUPO LAR Colombia Pablo J. Sala Hugo Vallenas Benavides 15:15 - 16:15 SALONES SANTA FE 1&2 Anthony DiBiase José Luque Gerosa Camilo Ríos Rony Tamayo Michael Teich Jerónimo Uribe Juan Felipe Yarce Villa RONY TAMAYO Vice President LENNAR INTERNATIONAL USA NEXT MARKETS - Emerging sectors and locations; What’s next? Ecuador? Argentina? 15:15 - 16:15 SALONES SANTA FE 3&4 JERÓNIMO BOSCH Managing Partner GRUPO PEGASUS Argentina MARÍA RENGIFO Director CREDIT SUISSE USA SANTIAGO RIBADENEIRA Chairman PROINCO INMOBILIARIA Ecuador Jerónimo Bosch María Rengifo Santiago Ribadeneira The official language of the discussion groups will be English. | El idioma oficial de los grupos de debate será Inglés. 9 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS 10 JUAN ABRIL PAUL ADAN Executive Director MORGAN STANLEY USA Vice President, Hotel Development Central & Latin American Region MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL USA INVESTMENT BANK HOTEL MANAGEMENT Leading financial company that provides a variety of products & financial services to corporations, governments, financial institutions & individuals. Operates & franchises hotels & resorts under 19 brands with more than 4,200 properties in 79 countries and territories Juan Andrés Abril is an Executive Director in Morgan Stanley’s Investment Banking Division, responsible for the Firm’s client coverage and origination business in Colombia. Mr. Abril transferred from Morgan Stanley´s New York offices to set up the Firm’s presence in Colombia in 2013 and has since managed M&A, equity raising, debt raising and derivatives transactions for companies including Bancolombia, Ecopetrol, Tigo Colombia, Avianca/Lifemiles, BBVA Colombia, and Grupo Aval. A native of Bogotá, Colombia, Mr. Abril obtained his undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) and holds an MBA from The Wharton School. Paul Adan is the VP of Lodging Development for Marriott International Inc. and The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company for the Caribbean & Latin America region. Mr. Adan is responsible for hotel development of all the brands for Central and South America. Mr. Adan began his career with Hilton International, working with their Board of Directors on the development of the group’s properties in Brazil. Since then, Paul has held executive positions with Meliá Inversiones Americanas, Sol Meliá, NH Hoteles, CB Richard Ellis, and Amerisud working on development deals from all perspectives. Paul has focused his career to hospitality development in Latin America and the Caribbean. ANDRÉS ALVARADO RAFAEL ÁLVAREZ Managing Partner ABACUS REAL ESTATE S.A.S. Colombia VP Business Development OSPINAS & CIA Colombia INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT DEVELOPER Abacus Real Estate is a Colombia-based real estate investment management firm specialized in new developments. Ospinas & Cía. es una compañía integral en servicios inmobiliarios que reúne una larga experiencia y un profundo conocimiento del sector. Andrés Alvarado is the founding partner of Abacus Real Estate. Andres has over 18 years of experience in the financial sector both in Colombia and the US. The firm combines extensive experience in real estate and investment banking and is pioneer in the investment management business in Colombia. Abacus has a current AUM in excess of US$100MM (Dec 2012) and recently established the first pure development, institutional fund in the country. Its portfolio is primarily focused on retail, office and hotel properties, with industrial being set as its next target. Responsible for Finance, Planning and HR functions of one of the leading retail developers in Colombia. Accountable for the overall finance strategy and for the development of the corporate strategy of a business with annual sales of +$200m. FRANCISCO ANDRAGNES HERNANDO ÁNGEL CEO Metro Buildings COMPASS GROUP México Head of Real Estate Planning and Development GRUPO ÉXITO Colombia INVESTMENT FUND RETAIL & SHOPPING CENTERS Inversión, desarrollo y operación de proyectos de departamentos en renta y usos mixtos en las principales ciudades de América Latina. Grupo Éxito leads retail in Colombia, Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina with ~2500 stores and ~400.000 sqm of commercial GLA. Francisco Andragnes es el CEO de Metro Buildings y director de los fondos inmobiliarios de Compass Group en México y Perú. El señor Andragnes se desempeñó anteriormente como CIO y Presidente del Comité de Inversiones de Prudential RE Investors para América Latina, y también fue consultor inmobiliario de EY en Buenos Aires. Es actualmente miembro del consejo de administración de Hoteles City y anteriormente del consejo de Paz Corp, S.A. El señor Andragnes tiene vasta experiencia en el mercado inmobiliario de la región, habiendo participado en más de 300 proyectos inmobiliarios en México, Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia y Nueva York. El señor Andragnes cuenta con una maestría en Desarrollo Inmobiliario de la Universidad de Columbia. Civil engineer (U. de los Andes) and MSc. Management of Information Systems (Paristech - Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées). Background on housing projects development (Conconcreto) and Management Consulting (CapGemini: BNP Paribas, Orange, Lafarge, Areva, Schneider..). Leading Exito Real Estate financial structuring and market studies from 2011-2014. Currently in charge of Exito Real Estate Planning and Development team. Leading development of Retail Stores and Viva S.Centers with more than 30.000 sqm yearly stores sales area and Viva pipeline of 10+ projects, 300.000 sqm GLA and 1Bn COP investment. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS JUAN ARAMBURO CRISTIAN ARMAS MOREL Gerente General INQUIETUDES INMOBILIARIAS Colombia Director Ejecutivo EMPRESAS ARMAS Chile DEVELOPER DEVELOPER Management, promotion and sales of RE commercial & housing projects Desarrolla proyectos de arquitectura, urbanismo,construcción e ingeniería diferenciándose por la entrega de soluciones de calidad y diseño More than ten years of experience in a variety of challenging management, marketing and project/team management positions across virtually every Latin American market. He has had the experience of living in different countries (Colombia, Argentina, Chile and Panamá), of managing regional brands and of leading diverse teams. Now, Juan is looking forward to make significant and sustainable contributions both to the company and the society utilizing his previous experience, together with leadership and some gained commercial skills. He is also partner and co-founder of a few small companies and real-state funds, member of the board of a Hospital and 2 real state private equity funds. Presidente Ejecutivo de Empresas Armas y Presidente del Comité Inmobiliario en la Cámara Chileno de la Construcción (CChC). Ingeniero Civil de la Universidad Católica de Chile, Master en Administración y Marketing de la Universidad de Chile y MBA AB Freeman School of Bussines, Tulane. JERÓNIMO JOSÉ BOSCH MARTIN BRÜHL Managing Partner GRUPO PEGASUS Argentina Head of Investment Management International at Union Investment RE and President at RICS UNION INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE GMBH Germany INVESTOR FUND MANAGER Leading investment firm focused on real estate & corporate private equity in Latin America, with offices in Buenos Aires & Bogotá. Union Investment Real Estate GmbH is one of Germany’s leading asset managers with more than EUR 200bn of assets under management. Joined Pegasus in 2003. Over 19 years of experience in real estate, private equity and venture capital investments, mergers and acquisitions, financial restructuring and corporate finance in Latin America and the US. Previous experience at Morgan Stanley and Salomon Brothers. BS in Economics (UdeSA, Buenos Aires). Martin J Brühl FRICS heads International Investment Management at Union Investment Real Estate, a major German fund manager. He oversees all property transactions outside the Eurozone, notably in the United Kingdom, the Americas and in the AsiaPacific world region. Martin’s background is in valuation and capital markets advisory. During most of his professional life he has worked for international consultancy firms. Martin qualified as a chartered surveyor in 1995 and is the first Continental European to become President in the history of RICS. ANDRÉS CEBALLOS FERNANDO COBO Vicepresidente Negocios Corporativos PACTIA - FONDO INMOBILIARIO Colombia Managing Director PROINCO INMOBILIARIA Ecuador FONDO INMOBILIARIO DEVELOPER Fondo Inmobiliario propiedad de Grupo Argos y Conconcreto dedicado a Centros Comerciales y Negocios Corporativos Proinco Inmobiliaria, entidad con MÁS de 47 años en el país, pone al alcance de la gente fabulosos proyectos que buscan mejorar su calidad de vida Vicepresidente Negocios Corporativos - PACTIA , Gerente de Proyectos y Desarrollo Grupo Argos, Gerente Desarrollo Londoño Gomez Dirige la división Inmobiliaria en PROINCO. Es un grupo comprendido de varias empresas cuyas actividades principales económicas enfocan servicios Inmobiliarios y Financieros. Los Promotores Inmobiliarios de PROINCO son líderes en el suministro de servicios micro-financiero en Ecuador y América Latina, permitiendo que los clientes de este segmento puedan tener acceso a un bien inmobiliario 11 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS JUAN CORVINOS ANTHONY JAMES DIBIASE Managing Director Development, Central America, Andean & Hispanic Caribbean Region HILTON WORLDWIDE USA Principal - CA International CA VENTURES, LLC USA HOTEL MANAGEMENT INVESTOR Hilton Worldwide is a 95 year old leading global hospitality company, with more than 715,000 rooms in 94 countries and territories. Real estate investment, development & management firm focused exclusively on creating & maximizing value through Real Estate investments. Responsible for corporate development for Hilton Worldwide’s brands in the Central America, Andean & Hispanic Caribbean regions and for supporting the overall Americas development team. Juan’s main role is to drive the growth of Hilton Worldwide’s portfolio of brands in the region. Juan started his career within the company in 2010 in human resources in Malaysia, before joining the Iberian Peninsula development team in September 2010 and transferring to the European HQ in March 2011 where he was Manager for development for Europe & Africa. A short span as Luxury and Corporate Development Manager Americas based in the Global HQ took him to his current role. As Principal of CA Internationa, Tony DiBiase focuses on international student housing investment and development opportunities primarily in Canada and Latin America. In business over 25 years, Tony has spent 15 years growing operating companies and working with large-scale real estate projects in international markets such as Latin America. His real estate experience includes commercial management and leasing, property and facility management, retail and mixed-use properties, student housing, receiverships, start-up operations and business unit sales. MARCELO FEDAK GABRIEL FLÓREZ Managing Director BLACKSTONE GROUP USA Gerente General PÉNTACO Colombia INVESTOR FUND MANAGER Premier global investment firm and the largest real estate private equity firm in the world today Colombian focus, specialized in existing assets with a value add component Marcelo Fedak is a Managing Director in the Real Estate group and is based in London. Mr. Fedak is involved in sourcing and analyzing investment opportunities in Latin America. Prior to joining Blackstone in 2015, Mr. Fedak was at BTG Pactual where he was a Partner and Head of Real Estate, overseeing over $3 billion of assets under management across Latin America. Prior to that, Mr. Fedak worked at Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse and was involved in various M&A and capital market transactions across multiple industries. Mr. Fedak received a BA in business from FGV – Escola de Administracao de Empresas de Sao Paulo. Mr. Flórez is Managing Partner at Péntaco. He has over 11 years of experience in the real estate industry. Prior to co-found Péntaco he worked for 5 years in Terranum Investments, a company owned by the Santodomingo Group where he worked as the Asset Manager and Structuring Managing Director. Gabriel has participated in real estate transactions worth over USD$800 million. Mr. Flórez is an Architect from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) with a Masters in Architecture from the same institution as well as a Masters in Real Estate Development from Columbia University in New York. HERNANDO FORERO JAVIER FORERO TORRES Director GRUPO PEGASUS COLOMBIA SAS Colombia Director de Recursos Físicos PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD JAVERIANA Colombia INVESTOR ACADEMIC Leading investment firm focused on real estate & corporate private equity in Latin America, with offices in Buenos Aires & Bogotá. La pontificia Universidad Javeriana es una institución de educación superior, una de las mas grandes e importantes en el pais (Colombia) Director of Pegasus’ operations in Colombia, Mr. Forero is responsible for overseeing underwriting and investment execution for Colvalor. Hernando joined Pegasus in 2014 after working in the Real Estate Investment Banking team of Credit Suisse for over 5 years. At Credit Suisse, Mr. Forero advised corporate clients in both EMEA and Latin America on several Real Estate related Equity Capital Markets, Debt Capital Markets and M&A transactions. In 2009, Hernando received an MBA from Columbia Business School where he pursued a concentration in Real Estate and Finance. Hernando also received a B.A. from Boston University where he graduated Magna Cum Laude 12 Javier Forero, Ingeniero Civil de la Universidad Javeriana con Master en Ingeniería Civil- Administración de la Construcción de la Universidad nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM. También he realizado una especialización en Logística en la Universidad de los Andes y cursos de actualización en Emprendimiento en Babson, Liderazgo en Kellog y AMP en ESADE. He trabajado en el sector de la construcción en Ospinas y Cia y en el sector floricultor en DOLE y Gr Chía. Actualmente me desempeño como Director de Recursos Físicos en la Universidad Javeriana cuya responsabilidad principal es llevar a cabo el Plan Maestro 2008-2028 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS WILLIAM FREYDELL ARTURO GARCÍA ROSA Presidente AREAS FLEXIBLES Colombia President & Founder SAHIC - AMERICAN HOTEL & TOURISM INVESTMENT CONFERENCE Uruguay DEVELOPER INVESTMENT CONFERENCE Gerencia, construcción y arrendamiento de espacios de oficinas, comercio e industria en Colombia. SAHIC has become the most influential annual event in the hotel, tourism and related real estate development industry in Latin America. Ejecutivo Empresario de transporte terrestre a nivel nacional 1975-1982; Gerencia de Importación y Distribución de vehículos MAZDA, SEAT, SKODA entre otras 1982-1996 (CaprimotorAutoshow-Coches europeos); promotor y venta de propiedad raíz en Colombia y Estados Unidos desde 1982 (Florida REALTOR y General Contractor); promotor y urbanista de proyectos comerciales; promotor de asociaciones de propietarios en la ciudad de Medellin y miembro activo de la junta de obras por valorización. With over 35 years experience in the industry, Arturo is a major reference in the hotel, tourism and related real estate business in Latin America. Since 1995 he has been dedicated to providing consulting services and has become a renowned specialist in the major markets. Besides his ongoing involvement in the development of new projects, some of which are trendsetters, he actively collaborates with regional governments on the formulation of hotel and tourism policies and provides assistance to the institutions of the private sector regarding the promotion of travel destinations. He shares his consultancy expertise with the leadership of SAHIC, the hotel investment conference he founded eight years ago. RICARDO GOLDBERG TOM HENEGHAN Vice President CIM INVESTMENTS GROUP USA CEO EQUITY INTERNATIONAL USA INVESTOR INVESTOR CIM Group® is a premier full service urban real estate and infrastructure fund manager with approximately $20.5 billion of assets under management. EI invests in real estate companies outside the US: residential, hospitality, logistics, corporate and retail property Mr. Goldberg is a Vice President within CIM’s Investments Group. He has been involved in the acquisition, development and asset management of over $500 million in real estate transactions primarily in urban markets in the western U.S., including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, Mexico City and Monterrey, Mexico. Prior to joining CIM in 2011, Ricardo worked at Merrill Lynch as a Mergers & Acquisitions Analyst in the Investment Banking group (2007-2009) and as a trader at the Central Bank of Mexico managing the international reserves (2005-2007). Mr. Goldberg received a B.S. in Computer Systems and Business from Iberoamericana University and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago – Booth School of Business. Tom Heneghan is chief executive officer of Equity International. He provides strategic direction and oversees all of the Company’s activities and investment portfolio. Prior to Equity International, Mr. Heneghan was chief executive officer of Equity LifeStyle Properties, Inc. (NYSE:ELS), the leading owner/operator of high-quality manufactured housing resort communities in the United States and British Columbia. Mr. Heneghan was previously chief financial officer at ELS. From 1990 to 1995, Mr. Heneghan was with Equity Group Investments (EGI), the privately held investment company founded and led by Sam Zell, where he held multiple executive-level positions at Zell-related companies ALEJANDRO KRELL FELIPE LLOREDA Managing Director PALADIN REALTY PARTNERS LLC USA/Colombia Owner UNIKA PROMOTORA Colombia FUND MANAGER DEVELOPER/HOTEL BRAND Founded in 1995, Paladin Realty Partners, LLC is a leading institutional real estate fund manager focused exclusively on Latin America Plataforma de desarrollo de negocios inmobiliarios corporativos, con rango de acción en toda Colombia. Alejandro is a Managing Director of Paladin Realty, where he oversees the firm’s activities in South and Central America (excluding Brazil). He serves on the firm’s investment committee. Mr. Krell has over two decades of management and real estate development experience, including senior executive positions at some of the largest residential development and construction firms in the world. He was previously the Director of Residential Development for the Tourism Development & Investment Company, an Abu Dhabi government-owned development company. Mr. Krell also held executive positions with leading US homebuilders such as KB Home, Shea Homes and Pulte Homes. Founder & CEO of Grupo UNIKA, a RE development platform in Colombia, composed of UNIKA Hotels (developers/operator of the Hotel B3), UNIKA Promotora (developer , sales agent and general manager of projects), Constructora Vilanova (construction manager of projects) and Workolony (entrepreneurial platform & co-working space). UNIKA has developed more than US$175M worth of office, retail, hotels and high end residencial projects, counting iconic projects such as mixed use project Torre UNIKA Profesionales in Bucaramanga (in development), corporate office tower Torre UNIKA 78 in Bogota (built), Hotel B3 Virrey in Bogota (built), Hotel B3 Cartagena (in development) and high end residential Vilanova Museo in Bogota (in construction) 13 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS EZEQUIEL LODEIRO ALEJANDRO LUNA Vicepresidente – Director Área América del sur GRUPO SYASA Argentina VP LATAM GLL REAL ESTATE PARTNERS GMBH Germany CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT INVESTOR Gestión integral de proyectos inmobiliarios, industriales y de infraestructura, en las etapas de pre-construcción, construcción y post-construcción. Real estate fund manager group, which was formed in 2000. GLL invests on behalf of its investors in Europe. USA & Latin America Compañía fundada en Argentina en 1995, actualmente con filiales en Latinoamérica (Uruguay, Perú, Colombia, Panamá y México) . Cuenta con 180 profesionales , aproximadamente 37 contratos de Construction Management. Cuenta con importantes herramientas informáticas como su Sistema Integrado de Gestión. Maneja con fluidez temas como el BIM (Building Information Modeling), Certificación LEED, Value Engineering, etc. Casa Matriz certificada ISO 9001 y 14001 y OHSAS 18001. Miembro activo del CMAA (Construction Management Association of America). Especialidades: Edificios en altura, oficinas, hoteles, inmobiliarios de alta agama, Puertos y Aeropuertos, Edificios de Patrimonio histórico, Plantas indusctriales en industrias como O&G, etc. With over 12 years of experience, prior to joining GLL, Alejandro worked for 5 years within KIMCO REALTY CORP (US Reit) before spending 2 years as head of development for Citelis. He has extensive experience in acquisitions, leasing, business development and asset management. Alejandro holds a degree in Architecture from Universidad Anahuac (Mexico) and an MBA from UPM (Spain). JOSÉ LUQUE GEROSA CLIFFORD PAYNE Gerente General AVORA Colombia Vice President EQUITY INTERNATIONAL USA DEVELOPER INVESTMENT FIRM AVORA mantiene un proceso de diversificación basado en dos líneas de negocio: construcción residencial e industrial y asset management. Equity International is a privately investor and builder of leading real estate companies outside of the United States Cliff Payne is a vice president in Equity International’s investments group and is primarily responsible for originating, executing and managing investments. He is actively involved with and serves as a director for various Equity International portfolio companies, including Advance Real Estate, Terranum Corporate Properties and Acosta Verde. Prior to joining Equity International in 2008, Mr. Payne was with Merrill Lynch’s real estate investment banking group in New York where he worked on initial public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, and equity and debt offerings for private and public real estate companies. Mr. Payne graduated magna cum laude with a BSBA from the Olin School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis. 14 CLAUDIA PIÑA MARÍA RENGIFO Gerente Desarrollo de Negocios Latinoamérica WYNDHAM HOTEL GROUP Colombia Director CREDIT SUISSE USA HOTEL MANAGER INVESTMENT BANK Wyndham Hotel Group is the world’s largest hotel company based on number of hotels and is one of three hospitality business units of Wyndham Worldwide Global financial services company providing Private Banking & Wealth Management services, & Investment Banking services & expertise Claudia is Responsible for the development of all Wyndham Hotel Group Brands in Latin America, reporting directly to the current Vice President Latin America Development. The responsibilities include all aspects of development like market research and analysis, sourcing and screening potential projects, structuring business deals, negotiating contracts and presenting for internal approval. The roll also include building win-win relationships th new and existing hotel owners and franchisees in order to drive forward the strategic objectives of the organization and in particular to grow new rooms globally. María Rengifo is a Director for Credit Suisse Latin America Investment Banking group. She joined CS in 2005 and worked in the Debt Capital Markets and Fixed Income departments prior to joining the Investment Banking team. Within CS’ Latin America group she covers companies in the Retail and Consumer and Real Estate sectors. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS SANTIAGO RIBADENEIRA CAMILO RÍOS Chairman PROINCO INMOBILIARIA Ecuador Managing Director CONSTRURBANO Colombia DEVELOPER DEVELOPER Proinco Inmobiliaria, entidad con más de 47 años en el país, pone al alcance de la gente fabulosos proyectos que buscan mejorar su calidad de vida Construrbano es una organización vanguardista e innovadora que cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia en la construcción de proyectos inmobiliarios. Santiago Ribadeneira Troya, reconocido líder en las microfinanzas en Ecuador y América Latina. Actual Presidente del CONSEJO CONSULTIVO DE PROINCO y creador promotor de la red de almacenes para microempresarios YAPA. Es el promotor de las microfinanzas en el Ecuador. Creador y expresidente ejecutivo de Banco Solidario y de la Fundación “Su Cambio por el Cambio.” Bicampeón del fútbol ecuatoriano como presidente del Deportivo Quito después de 40 años sin títulos. Camilo es Managing Director de Construrbano, especializada en la estructuración, desarrollo y contrucción de proyectos inmobiliarios residenciales y corporativos. Camilo se graduó en arquitectura en la Universidad Javeriana y realizo posteriormente un posgrado en Real Estate development de la Universidad de Columbia en NY. Tiene más de 15 años en el sector inmobiliario, combinados entre USA y Colombia. ALFREDO RIZO EDUARDO ROMERO Chief Executive Officer, Terranum Corporate Properties TERRANUM GROUP Colombia Head of Merchant Bank BTG PACTUAL COLOMBIA Colombia DEVELOPER INVESTMENT BANK Estructura, desarrolla y promueve proyectos inmobiliarios corporativos de oficinas, logísticos e industriales Principal banco de inversiones de América Latina con actuación en las áreas de Asset Management, Wealth Management e Investment Bank Alfredo es Presidente y cofundador de Terranum Corporativo. Entre 2011 y 2013, se desempeñó como VP de Terranum en donde ejerció un papel fundamental en la definición e implementación del plan de inversión, la estrategia de la compañía, así como en la estructura de capital, la estrategia corporativa y de gobierno corporativo. Adicionalmente, participó en la fase inicial de la estructuración de Patrimonio Estrategias Inmobiliarias, primer vehículo de inversión inmobiliaria (REIT) en el mercado colombiano creado y gestionado por Terranum Inversión. Así mismo, participó en la estructuración de la alianza estratégica con la familia Santo Domingo, y en el joint venture con Equity International y Cadillac Fairview para Terranum Corporativo. Eduardo Romero is the Head of the Merchant Banking Team in Colombia, and a member of the Private Equity, Real Estate and Infrastructure LatamTeams. Eduardo joined BTG in October 2013. Prior to joining BTG, Eduardo founded North Shore Venture Partners, a venture capital advisory firm and CHG in Chicago, a private equity real estate company focus on value-add commercial transactions in main metropolitan areas in the United States. JUAN PABLO ROMERO RESTREPO ALEJANDRO RUIZ SÁNCHEZ Country Manager PARQUE ARAUCO Colombia Director of Business Development GRUPO APIROS Colombia DEVELOPER DEVELOPER Desarrollador inmobiliario retail, cuyo negocio es el desarrollo y operación de centros comerciales en las principales ciudades de Latinoamérica Apiros es una compañía generadora, estructuradora y desarrolladora de negocios inmobiliarios, con más de 20 años de experiencia en el sector. Administrador de Empresas, Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración, CESA. MBA en Thunderbird University, Phoenix, Arizona. Cuenta con más de 10 años de experiencia trabajando en Latinoamérica en multinacionales a través del desarrollo de negocios, expansión y management. Comenzó su carrera en la compañía alemana BASF, trabajando en Alemania, Brasil y Colombia. En 2003, se integró a la aerolínea Avianca S.A., donde gestionó la reorganización financiera y la exitosa venta de la compañía y la compra de la aerolínea carguera Tampa. Se incorporó a Parque Arauco el año 2008 con la apertura de las oficinas de la empresa en Colombia como Gerente General de la división. Director of Business Development at Apiros, one of the leading developers in Colombia. Alejandro’s primary responsibilities include sourcing and structuring real estate investment opportunities across all asset types in the country. Alejandro received an MPhil in Real Estate Finance from the University of Cambridge and a B.Arch. from Javeriana University where he graduated with honors. 15 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS PABLO J. SALA JAVIER SÁNCHEZ Managing Director, Andean Region JAMESTOWN LATIN AMERICA Colombia SVP Business Development - Hotels, S&C America/Caribbean HARD ROCK HOTELS USA FUND MANAGER HOTEL MANAGEMENT Real Estate Development – residential, commercial, industrial, retail. Over 199 venues (153+ cafes, 21 hotels & 10 casinos) in 63+ countries. Hard Rock International is one of the most globally recognized companies Pablo is the Head Jamestown’s Latin American division, where he leads the firm’s Bogotá office and focuses on the sourcing of real estate investments in the region. Prior to joining Jamestown, Mr. Sala was senior vice president at Paladin, where he also led the firm’s investment activity in Spanish-speaking Latin America. Mr. Sala was formerly a director at Cushman & Wakefield’s Global Consulting Group and Development Consulting Practice. He also served as a management consultant with KPMG LLP and Kurt Salmon Associates. Mr. Sala began his career in 1996 after graduating from the Carroll School of Management at Boston College with a bachelor’s degree in management and has completed graduate studies in real estate at New York University. Joining Hard Rock in August 2014 as SVP Development for Hotels – LATAM & the Caribbean, Javier Sánchez is part of the critical team responsible for leading the brand’s global growth efforts. In this position, Javier’s primary roles include the structuring and implementation of development strategies, seeking and securing new hotel projects and identifying opportunities for hotel and resort acquisitions. Javier’s passion for the intersection of real estate and hospitality is evident in his past experience, including Realogy Holdings, Wyndham Hotel Group and Sahara Comercial. RODRIGO SÁNCHEZ-RÍOS GREGORIO SCHNEIDER Partner JAGUAR CAPITAL Colombia Founder/ Managing Partner / Chief Investment Officer TC LATIN AMERICA PARTNERS USA INVESTOR INVESTOR Development of retail centers in middle-income communities of main and secondary cities in Colombia Real Estate Fund focused on low/middle income residential development in Latin America. US$5-US15 MM per project Partner and Co-Founder of Jaguar Capital since 2012. Previously, member of investment team at Lindsay Goldberg (US$10bn private equity fund in New York), leading over US $750mm of transactions in Energy, Real Estate and Financial Services. Previously, Investment banking professional at Lehman Brothers in New York, advising on over US $4.0bn of financing and M&A transactions in the Natural Resources industry. BS. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT; MBA from Stanford University. Gregorio is the Founder and Managing Partner of Terranum Capital, a specialized Latin American alternative asset management firm with offices in Bogota, Lima and New York. Terranum Capital is managing a Latin American Real Estate Fund that invests in low/middle income residential and retail real estate projects in Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Mexico. Prior to Terranum Capital, Gregorio was Managing Director and Head of Emerging Markets at Och-Ziff Capital Management. At Och-Ziff Gregorio was responsible for building the firm?s capabilities, strategic relationships and investment portfolio in Latin America and Eastern Europe. ANDRÉS STÖRMANN RONY TAMAYO Partner E&S PROPERTY INVESTMENT S.A.S. Colombia Vice President LENNAR INTERNATIONAL USA PLACEMENT AGENT & BROKER DEVELOPER RE Broker raising capital for international RE & land developments, marketing property investments worldwide & provide investment consulting services Lennar is a Fortune 500 company and one of USA’s largest homebuilders and diversified real estate enterprises Andrés is a Managing Partner of E&S Property Investment (E&SPI) with broad experience in property development, brokerage and property investments. Andrés designs E&SPI´s strategy, controls its proper execution and coordinates E&SPI operations in Colombia as well as with its Heads of Sales in Berlin and Buenos. Prior to founding E&SPI, Andrés worked as Real Estate Project Manager in Germany being responsible for the property management and real estate development of luxury residential properties at LIVING BAUHAUS GROUP. 16 Rony Tamayo is Vice President of Lennar International. Mr. Tamayo began his career at Lennar Corporation in 2006 and has served the Company in multiple finance roles, including overseeing the Company’s investment portfolio and financial institution relationships. Most recently in 2013, Mr. Tamayo joined Lennar’s international group and spearheaded regional initiatives in multiple Latin American and European countries. Mr. Tamayo holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and a MBA degree in International Business from Thunderbird Graduate School of Global Management. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS MICHAEL TEICH JERÓNIMO URIBE Founder & Managing Director AVENIDA CAPITAL Colombia Managing Partner JAGUAR CAPITAL Colombia REAL ESTATE INVESTOR Real estate team with strong operational expertise focused on residential, retail & mixed-use opportunities in Colombia via closed-end fund vehicles Development of retail centers in middle-income communities of main and secondary cities in Colombia Mr. Teich serves as Managing Director of Avenida and is a member of the Investment Committee. Mr. Teich is a founder of Avenida, where he is responsible for local partner relationships, deal sourcing, and investment structuring as well as asset management. Prior to founding Avenida, Mr. Teich was a Vice President at Latin America for Global Market Services, Inc., where he was responsible for overseeing the platform for the sale of construction materials in Latin America. Co-founded Ecoeficiencia in 2003, today it is the leading industrial waste management company in Colombia. Has participated in the development of over 1.4 mm m2 of industrial parks, 100,000 m2 of retail centers and 1,500 residential units. Currently head of business development at Jaguar Capital. BS in Economics (Universidad de los Andes Bogota); MBA (Stanford University). TOMÁS URIBE ÁLVARO URIBE VÉLEZ Managing Partner JAGUAR CAPITAL Colombia Former President of Colombia FORMER PRESIDENT OF COLOMBIA Colombia INVESTOR FORMER PRESIDENT Shopping mall and housing development for middle and middle-low income population Álvaro Uribe es un político colombiano que sirvió como el 31° presidente de Colombia 2002-2010 10 years of experience in the Real Estate industry. Structured and participated in development of over 1.4 mm m2 of industrial parks, 100,000 m2 of retail centers and 1,500 residential units. BS in Chemical Engineering and Finance (Universidad de los Andes, Bogota); MBA (Stanford University). Álvaro Uribe es un político y abogado colombiano, Presidente de la República de Colombia en 2002, y reelegido en el año 2006. Uribe se graduó en derecho en la Universidad de Antioquia y cursó posteriormente estudios en administración, gerencia y negociación de conflictos en la Escuela de Extensión de la Universidad de Harvard. Como asesor ha desempeñado diferentes cargos en las Empresas Públicas de Medellín, en el Ministerio de Trabajo y la Aeronáutica Civil, sirviendo como Alcalde de la ciudad de Medellín durante 1982, ejerciendo de senador de la República (1986-1994) y, más tarde, de gobernador de Antioquia (1995-1997). En 2014 fue elegido con la mayor votación como Senador de la República de Colombia HUGO VALLENAS BENAVIDES CAMILO VARELA Country Manager SOUTHERN BRIDGE CAPITAL Perú Vice President EQUITY INTERNATIONAL USA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT INVESTMENT FIRM Southern Bridge Capital is a leading Latin American based residential real estate Investment Company Equity International is a privately investor and builder of leading real estate companies outside of the United States Southern Bridge Capital is a leading Latin American based residential real estate company that has raised over $350 million of committed capital. Through its private equity funds, the firm develops residential communities via JV platforms established with local best-in-class developers. Since SBC’s inception, the firm has invested in over 32 projects representing over 47,000 residential units with a development value of US$3.2 billion. This also includes commercial/retail opportunities developed within its residential projects. SBC’s current target countries are Colombia, Peru, Panama and the Dominican Republic with offices located in each country Camilo Varela is a VP in Equity International’s investments group and is primarily responsible for originating, executing and managing investments. Mr. Varela joined Equity International from Balyasny AM, a real estate-focused hedge fund with more than $1 bill. in AUM. Mr. Varela also served jointly at Colony Capital LLC on select PE transactions. Previously he held positions at BoA Merrill Lynch in the global real estate group, JLL and Lend Lease. Mr. Varela graduated with a BS in civil engineering from the Univ. de los Andes, received a MEng in engineering management from Cornell Univ. and earned his MBA in finance, entrepreneurship and accounting from the Univ. of Chicago Booth School of Business, where he was a Toigo fellow. 17 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS MAURICIO VARELA JUAN ERNESTO VARGAS URIBE CEO EMPRESAS SOCOVESA Chile Asesor PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD JAVERIANA Colombia DEVELOPER ACADEMIC Desarrollador inmobiliario en Chile. Ha entregado soluciones habitacionales a través de sus marcas Socovesa, Almagro y Pilares La Pontificia Universidad Javeriana es una institución de educación superior, una de las mas grandes e importantes en el pais (Colombia) Mauricio Varela es Ingeniero Comercial de la Universidad Católica de Chile y MBA de Stern School of Business, New York University. Sus áreas de especialidad son las finanzas y la estrategia de negocios. Prácticamente toda su carrera profesional se ha desarrollado bajo el alero de la familia Gras, liderando el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de empresas como Socovesa, Almagro y Montgras. Después de ser Gerente de Finanzas y Planificación Estratégica de la viña Montgras, gerente de Planificación y Desarrollo de Socovesa y Gerente General de Almagro, a partir del año 2010 ejerce como Gerente General de Empresas Socovesa, el principal actor de la industria inmobiliaria nacional, y director de Viña Montgras. Es Ingeniero Industrial de la Universidad Javeriana y MBA de Cornell University. Ha realizado estudios sobre Gerencia Estratégica de Mercadeo y Ventas en la Universidad de los Andes. Cuenta con más de 35 años de experiencia, habiendo ocupado diversos cargos directivos en el sector financiero en entidades como Colpatria y en el Banco AvVillas. Estuvo vinculado a la industria floricultura por cerca de 15 años. Fue igualmente Presidente durante 6 años de 4 – 72, operador del correo oficial de Colombia. Actualmente hace parte del equipo directivo de la Universidad Javeriana, teniendo a su cargo el diseño y supervisión de proyectos especiales JOHANNES VIELBERTH JUAN FELIPE YARCE VILLA Associate BLACKSTONE GROUP USA Country Manager Colombia GRUPO LAR Colombia INVESTOR DEVELOPER & INVESTOR Blackstone is a premier global investment firm and the largest real estate private equity firm in the world today. Desarrollador e inversor de proyectos inmobiliarios residenciales, comerciales y de oficinas. Johannes Vielberth is an Associate in the Real Estate Group. Since joining Blackstone in 2012, Johannes’ primary responsibilities include the evaluation of real estate investments across all asset types, first based in London, then New York and now Sao Paulo. Before joining Blackstone, Johannes worked in the investment banking departments of Barclays Capital and Deutsche Bank. Johannes received a B.Sc. in Economics, a B.Sc. in Int’l Management, and an LL.M. in Business Law from the University of Halle-Wittenberg as well as a M.Sc. in Financial Economics from Oxford University. SAM ZELL Chairman EQUITY INTERNATIONAL USA INVESTMENT FIRM Equity International is a privately investor and builder of leading real estate companies outside of the United States Sam Zell is the Chairman of two private investment firms, Equity International and Equity Group Investments. His holdings span industries and continents, and include interests in finance, energy, transportation, communications, healthcare and RE. Zell is recognized as a founding father of the U.S. public RE industry after creating three of the largest RE investment trusts (REITs) in history. He has also has been highly active in bringing Equity International’s companies to the public markets. Zell maintains substantial interests in, and is the Chairman of, four other public companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange: Equity Residential; Equity LifeStyle Properties, Inc.; Covanta Holding Corporation; and Anixter International Inc. 18 Realizar todas las gestiones para garantizar el cumplimiento del plan de expansión en Colombia. Promover, estructurar y aprobar todos los negocios inmobiliarios de Grupo Lar en Colombia. Realizar alianzas y promover negocios que permitan cumplir con el plan estratégico de Grupo Lar en Colombia. Liderar el equipo humano hacia el logro de los objetivos propuestos. Proponer nuevos negocios que optimicen el capital de Grupo Lar en Colombia y que cumplan con los criterios de rentabilidad establecidos. Liderar la expansión de los negocios inmobiliarios de Grupo Lar en Colombia. Responsable de la estrategia inmobiliaria y de la operación de Grupo Lar en Colombia. UPCOMING GRI EVENTS COLOMBIA CHILE GRI PERU 2015 RUSSIA GRI2015 Deutsche GRI Wohnen 2015 INDIA GRI2015 RUSSIA GRI 2015 Moscow, 10 November COLOMBIA, CHILE & PERU GRI 2015 Bogota, 11-12 November T H E G R I CHAIRMEN’S RETREAT GRI CHAIRMEN'S RETREAT 2016 St Moritz, 14-17 January INDIA GRI 2015 Mumbai, 18-19 November BRAZIL GRI 2015 São Paulo, 17-18 November MEXICO ASIA GRI2016 WEST AFRICA GRI2016 GRI2016 WEST AFRICA GRI 2016 Lagos, 17-18 February MEXICO GRI 2016 Mexico City, 27-28 January ASIA GRI 2016 Singapore, 12-13 April TÜRKİYE TURKEY GRI2016 TURKEY GRI 2016 Istanbul, 19-20 April CEE EAST AFRICA DEUTSCHE GRI2016 GRI2016 GRI2016 ESPAÑA BRITISH GRI2016 BRITISH GRI 2016 London, 26-27 April DEUTSCHE GRI WOHNEN 2015 Berlin, 25-26 November GRI2016 DEUTSCHE GRI 2016 Frankfurt, 9-10 May GRI AFRICA SUMMIT 2016 GRI AFRICA SUMMIT 2016 Johannesburg, 20-21 October EAST AFRICA GRI 2016 Nairobi, 30-31 May ESPAÑA GRI 2016 Madrid, 25-26 May GRI EUROPE ITALIA GRI 2016 SUMMIT2016 GRI EUROPE SUMMIT 2016 Paris, 14-15 September ITALIA GRI 2016 Milan, 1-2 November CEE GRI 2016 Prague, 6-7 June RUSSIA GRI 2016 RUSSIA GRI 2016 Moscow, 10 November GRI meetings provide a forum for the world’s leading real estate players to develop valuable relationships, find new business partners, and strengthen their global networks. At GRI meetings there are no speakers or panellists, just informal discussions in small groups, where everyone participates equally. We welcome you to join us! Los encuentros de GRI ofrecen el foro ideal para que los actores líderes del sector inmobiliario de todo el mundo establezcan relaciones valiosas, encuentren nuevos socios comerciales y fortalezcan sus redes de relaciones globales. En GRI no hay speakers ni panelistas, sólo debates a puerta cerrada, donde todo el mundo participa. ¡Te invitamos a participar! Global Real Estate Institute @RealEstateGRI Secure your place now | [email protected] | Tel: +44 20 7121 5060 | Fax: +44 20 7388 8740 19 Partner Association Industry Partners Research Partner Media Partners W W W. G LO B A L R E A L E S TAT E . O R G 20
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