Advanced Mapping


Advanced Mapping
Masternaut Three X Mapping
Masternaut Mapping Quick Start Guide.
Go to
Enter your allocated username, password and
press ʻGoʼ.
To view the updated mapping, you can select the
OR by selecting the
icon or
on the ʻLocatorʼ screen.
icon on the ʻPayrollʼ or ʼVehiclesʼ tab.
When selected a separate window will be shown with your selected map view. If you want to make the map larger,
resize or maximise the window using the mouse.
Masternaut Three X Mapping
Masternaut Mapping Quick Start Guide.
Left Mouse Button
Right Mouse Button
Double click on the map to
zoom in.
Click and hold on the map whilst
moving your mouse, this will move
the mapping, allowing you to
navigate around the map.
Click on the map to view a sub
menu. This can either be any
point on the map or on a vehicle.
This allows you to: Zoom In,
Zoom Out, Add a Location, View a
Nearest Vehicle, Plan a Route or
View a Historical Route.
Mouse Scroll Wheel
Roll up to zoom in.
Roll down to zoom out.
Click and hold on the scroll wheel
whilst moving your mouse, this
will allow you to draw a frame in
the map – the map will then zoom
in to show this view.
Click anywhere on the scroll bar or click ʻ+ʼ to zoom in OR ʻ-ʼ to zoom out.
Click on ‘View’ to display a drop down menu of features:
ʻAerial Viewʼ displays your map view in high resolution satellite imagery.
ʻMini Mapʼ displays a small map in the top corner of your map view to enable high
level navigation around your map.
ʻLive Vehiclesʼ displays your live vehicles on the map.
ʻLabelʼ use this drop down field to select: Registration, Driver Name, Date/time,
Speed or Temperature.
ʻCluster iconsʼ to enable or disable vehicle clusters on the map. This means that the
map becomes less cluttered for companies with many vehicles. In addition you can
also click on a vehicle without having to zoom in.
ʻContactsʼ displays your known contact locations on the map – use the drop down
field to select multiple contact groups by ticking the relevant boxes again you can use
the ʻLabelʼ field to detail what is shown below the contact pushpin.
Click on ʻJobsʼ to display your jobs on the map if you have a Masternat Three X
Mobile Workforce application.
Masternaut Three X Mapping
Masternaut Mapping Quick Start Guide.
ʻContactsʼ displays your known contact locations on the map – use the drop down field to select multiple contact
groups by ticking the relevant boxes. Right click on the contact icon to see more information.
Masternaut have now displayed all alerts onto the map to give a visual indication of where alerts are taking place.
Each different alert is displayed with a different icon and you can right click on the alert to view the details.
Masternaut Three X Mapping
Masternaut Mapping Quick Start Guide.
You can now show ʻPoints of Interestʼ on the map for example Airports, Fuel Stations and Bus Stations.
You can also search for these POIʼs along a planned route.
HGV Restrictions
There are now 3 types of ʻRestrictionsʼ that can be displayed on the map: Height, width and weight restriction.
Masternaut Three X Mapping
Masternaut Mapping Quick Start Guide.
Traffic Alerts
In order to keep your map less cluttered, there are now new ways to display traffic information. You can view
traffic incidents and traffic delays either at the same time or separately.
Use the drop down field to display traffic hotspots, low bridges and near live traffic camera views Select
ʻTrafficʼ you will then see any traffic hot-spots on the map – right click to view details and send as SMS.
Select ʻLow Bridgeʼ to see a low bridge on the map – right click to view details and send as SMS.
Select ʻTraffic Camʼ in the relevant area to view traffic cameraʼs in the region.
Right click on the
icon to show a near live
photographic image of your selected traffic
Masternaut Three X Mapping
Masternaut Mapping Quick Start Guide.
View your jobs on the map
Select a date and search for an employee
Right click on the job to view details
Flags are colour coded based on job status
Click on ʻSearchʼ to provide a range of search options for the map:
ʻVehicle Groupʼ select the relevant vehicle group
ʻVehicle Listʼ use the drop down to select a vehicle. Tip – this field also has a ʻsmart
searchʼ facility – you can type a part of the registration number you know and all
available results will be shown – you can then select the correct result.
ʻAuto Panʼ select this option if you want the map view to update as the vehicles move
across the map.
ʻAddressʼ allows you to search for an address or postcode to display on the map. If you are searching for an
address please use the format Street Name, City.
ʻPOIʼ This can be used in a similar way to a directory enquiries service – enter the name of a business or local
amenity (e.g. Hospital) and all results will be shown on the map view. Please note this will only show the first 20
results in your current map zoom level – you may need to zoom out further to display more results.
ʻContactʼ This uses a smart search function – as you type the name of your contact, the available results are
shown – click on the correct result to see on the map.
ʻOS Gridʼ – Type in a Ordinance Survey grid reference to display a point on the map.
Once ready, click
or press ʻEnterʼ to perform your search.
Masternaut Three X Mapping
Masternaut Mapping Quick Start Guide.
The ʻJourneyʼ menu is only available once you have selected to view a vehicles ʻJourney Historyʼ.
This can be done in two ways:
1. By right clicking on a vehicle on the map and selecting ʻJourney Historyʼ from the menu.
2. By selecting the map icon
when viewing a vehicle in ʻPayrollʼ or ʻVehiclesʼ tabs.
Your historical journey details will then be shown on the map.
Click on ʻPlay Journeyʼ to view a ʻSnail Trailʼ of the dayʼs journey. Or use
to view next stop or
to view previous stop. You can also use the drop down box to view a stop on the map.
You will then see a control screen which will allow you to speed up or slow down your snail trail.
It is now possible to show speed infringements on the map. This can be viewed in journey history.
An orange arrow means the vehicle is over the required speed limit and a red arrow means they are 15% over
the limit. You can also view the actual speed and max speed on the map when your mouse covers the arrow in
the journey history trail.
In Journey summary, you can now view an interactive Gantt chart.
The different coloured sections display details about the journey.
If you click on these it automatically pans and zooms the map to the
right place.
= Driving
= Idling
= Stop
Joe Smith
08:01:5708:33:02 00:31:05 91.8 miles Neils Yard
John Bailey
11:12:1912:18:12 01:05:53 61.5 miles Main Street
Masternaut Three X Mapping
Masternaut Mapping Quick Start Guide.
ʻBirds Eye Viewʼ is now available in most towns and cities and provides you with high resolution street level
views. This is designed to help you view your exact locations.
This is available wherever you see
To see this just click on the link and the map will display the high quality image of the centre of the map.
to rotate the view to provide a different angle of your map.
Birds Eye View showing three rotational views of the map showing the Houses of Parliament.
Masternaut Three X Mapping
Masternaut Mapping Quick Start Guide.
To draw a polygon you must first select
. Then click on the first point on the map you wish to use a the
start of your polygon. Then simply move your mouse to your next point and click to mark it on the map – keep on
doing this until your exact shape has been drawn.
Tip – use your mouseʼs scroll wheel to zoom in and out of the map and when you have pressed your mouse
button to mark a point on the map you can hold this down and move your mouse, or use your keyboardʼs arrow
keys to move the map within the window – this will allow greater control and flexibility when creating a territory –
you can even create a territory in ʻAerial Viewʼ to ensure perfect accuracy.
Use your mouseʼs right click button when you have finished drawing the polygon.
Start by finding a location where you are looking to find your nearest vehicle to, this can be done in a number of ways:
Use the ʻSearchʼ field to look for a vehicle. You can search the map for vehicles either by driver or by driver groups.
Use the Location search field to find an ʻAddressʼ, ʻPOIʼ, ʻContactʼ or ʻOS Grid Referenceʼ.
Right click on the point of the map (or a vehicle position) and select ʻNearest Vehicleʼ. You can then filter this by
Vehicle Group, Driver Skill, Vehicle Status as well as limit the search result. Click on a vehicle registration to view on
the map.
Your results are then displayed:
Masternaut Three X Mapping
Masternaut Mapping Quick Start Guide.
There are a number of ways of adding locations to the route planner:
Use the ʻSearchʼ field to look for a vehicle
Use the Location search field to find an ʻAddressʼ, ʻPOIʼ, ʻContactʼ or ʻOS Grid Referenceʼ
Right click on the point of the map (or a vehicle position) and select ʻAdd to Route Plannerʼ
Each stop you add will be shown in the ʻStop Listʼ – keep building your route until your have all
your points. Change the order by using
or delete a stop by selecting
Select ʻQuickestʼ or ʻShortestʼ route and click ʻCalculateʼ. Your route is then displayed on the map with turn by turn
directions – click on a turn to zoom in to a street level view.
to print.
Masternaut Three X Mapping
Masternaut Mapping Quick Start Guide.
The ʻRoute Analysisʼ module is BRAND NEW functionality. This is designed to allow you to monitor multiple
vehicles journeys on the map. This will prove valuable in determining if any of your vehicles are making unnecessary
journeys or cross over journeys.
To access this page first go to ʻVehiclesʼ and then the sub-tab ʻRoute Analysisʼ
Start by selecting the vehicles you wish to monitor. As you select a vehicle this will then be displayed in the ʻVehicle
Listʼ – select
to delete from the list. Then select the day you wish to view. By default, each vehicle will display a
different colour. If you wish to view each ʻGroupʼ as a different colour click
You can then zoom into the map to view in further detail.
Masternaut Three X Mapping
Masternaut Mapping Quick Start Guide.
Web browser requirements
To use Masternaut you must be using a minimum of Internet Explorer 6 or Firefox 2.0 on Windows 2000, XP or Vista.
Earlier versions of Internet Explorer are not supported due to the advanced mapping features of Masternaut's website.
If you are running an older version of Internet Explorer you can download an upgrade directly from Microsoft:
Masternaut no longer support earlier versions of Windows which have been retired by Microsoft. This includes
Windows 95, 98, ME and NT4.
Getting the most out of Microsoft Virtual Earth Mapping
We have identified that a small number of customers may need to adjust their network settings to view the new Virtual
Earth Mapping please request clarification from your Masternaut customer services representative for more
Virtual Learning Centres
Please also look out for our ʻVirtual Learning Centresʼ, a new training initiative that we will be launching in the very near
future. These sessions will allow you to view our training screens live over the web from your own desk – this will
enable us to demonstrate new functionality highlighting the features and benefits of these exciting new developments.
If you would like to arrange a Virtual Learning Centre, please ask your Masternaut customer services representative
who will arrange this for you.
For any assistance with these new features or any existing features please contact your
Customer Service Representative on 08444 150 150.
Masternaut Three X
Head Office: Priory Park, Great North Road,
Aberford, Leeds LS25 3DF.
T: 08444 150 150 F: 44 (0)113 281 4455