Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church A Roman Catholic Christian Community of Faith and Worship ALL Are Welcome August 16th, 2015 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 344 W. Workman St., Covina 91723 + (626) 332-3570 + Parish Center Office Hours Mon-Fri 9am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 8:30pm Sat 9am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm Sun 8am-3:30pm Emergency Sick Calls Anytime PARISH PRIESTS: REV. WILLIAM T. EASTERLING , V.F., Pastor REV. BRIAN CAVANAGH Pastor Emer itus REV. ARTHUR NAJERA, Associate REV. JAMES KELLY, Associate Deacon Couples: DCN. JOHN & MRS. JEANNE HORN DCN. RON & MRS. CAROL BUTLER DCN. RUDY & MRS. MONIQUE LEYVA Read the bulletin online at St. Vincent de Paul - (626)339-7580 Mass Schedule Weekdays: 8:15 am and 5:30 pm Additional 10:30 am Mass on First Fridays during school year Saturdays: 8:15am & 5:30 pm, Sundays: 6:15am, 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm (Spanish) & 5:30pm Youth Holyday Mass Schedule: Var ies: Please consult the proper bulletin article. Government Holidays: Offices Closed. 9:30am only Mass of the day. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:15pm to 5:15pm & 8:00pm to 8:30pm Ministerio en Español: Padre Bill & Padre Arturo PAGE 2 Parish Center & Parish Offices 626 332-3570 Business Manager Pearl Nacey 332-3570 Pastoral Council Kathy Prouty 967-1247 Finance Committee Pat Barber 332-3570 Pastoral Aide Deacon Ron Butler 347-7673 Bulletin Editor Natalie Quiros 332-3570 Bulletin articles, send to: [email protected] Parish School April Luchonok, Principal 332-7222 Parish Departments & Ministry of: Education - Parish School 332-7222 Principal April Luchonok Director Cindy Boulais Elementary & Junior High Formation 331-7914 MISSION STATEMENT: LovingPeople DiscoveringHope FollowingJesus LivingEucharist For Mass times throughout the United States, Visit SACRAMENTS/DEVOTIONS Baptisms: Every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month. Mandatory Baptism Preparation Class first Thursday of every month. Deadline to register is two weeks prior to the class. Please contact the Parish Center for further information. Youth & Young Adult Formation Director Dayrin Perez High School Confirmation & Youth Group Young Adult Ministry 331-7914 Marriages: Congratulations! Please contact the Parish Center to meet with a priest or deacon at least six months prior to the intended date of marriage. Worship Coordinator 332-3570 Priesthood & Religious Life: Young men and women interested in becoming a priest or a religious sister, or deacon, please call Father Art at (626)332-3570. Adult Formation 332-3570 Coordinators Deacon John Horn & Jeanne Horn RCIA, Adult Confirmation, Converts, Bible Study Anointing of the Sick: If you or someone you know needs a visit because they have become seriously ill, call the Parish Center at any time. Deacon Rudy Leyva Pastoral Care Coordinator Deacon Ron Butler Administration Business Manager Pearl Nacey Liturgical Ministries 347-7673 332-3570 Altar Servers Frank Reynoso 332-3570 Ministers of the Altar Madgy Chalmers 332-3570 Ministers to the Sick Leo & Merly Inguito 332-3570 Lectors Ron Arcieniega 332-3570 Director Of Music Pat Flahive 332-3570 Liturgy Committee Deacon Rudy Leyva 332-3570 Liturgical Environment Ed & Carmen Aniceto 818-640-2960 Usher Coordinator Jess Chacon 332-3570 Altar Care Joan Mauch 332-3570 Service and Outreach Ministries Bereavement Kathy Prouty 967-1247 Boy Scouts Miguel Rojano 310-310-5860 Catholic Mens Fellowship Gus Corona 641-9714 Council of Cath. Women Dee Mclaughlin 962-3115 Cub Scouts Nick Hernandez 201-3521 Filipino Association Virgil Mendoza 915-5898 Girl Scouts 332-3570 Health Louise Morrison 332-3570 Knights of Columbus John Petersen 814-9915 Legion Of Mary Rose Alvarado 332-3570 Respect Life John Peterson 814-9915 Rosary Makers Juana Gomez 332-3570 St. Vincent de Paul Abner Haydel 339-7580 Anointing Every 1st Saturday of the Month: Please participate in the 8:15am Mass, the Sacrament will be celebrated immediately after Mass. Sacrament of Adult Initiation: If you are an adult interested in joining the Catholic Church or completing your sacraments, call the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) coordinators, Deacon John & Mrs. Jeanne Horn, at (626) 339-0136. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:15 to 5:15pm and 8 to 8:30pm; or by appointment. Devotions: Mother of Perpetual Help—Tuesdays at 5:30pm Mass. Rosary recited after the daily Masses. Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday of the month starting at 9:00am concluding with Benediction at 5:15pm. PARISH REGISTRATION NAME: ________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ PHONE #: ______________________________________ ___ I AM A NEW PARISHIONER ___ THIS IS A CHANGE OF ADDRESS PAGE 3 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 16, 2015 Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. — John 6:53 Please pray for those who are sick, and their families, that they will feel God’s presence and know his love, especially: Corrine Klutz, Rita Clark, Claire Rodriguez, Arlene Froio, Gloria De Prima, Carroll Bourgeois, Phyllis Hatch, Michael Young, Lucille Valenzuela, Nancy Mares, Jorge Gomez, Albert Mares, Salvador Arevalo, Ilane Briggs, Jesusita Arevalo, Carmen Gomez, Adele Brownlee, Anthony Romero, Katie Hughes, Erin Allen, Fred Martinez, Carmen Diaz, Carolyn Frias, Jovita R. Veza, Randi Aguilar, Ray Perry, Lupe Labrada, Sue Robertson, Sebastian Romero, Susana Jimenez, Buchanan Family, Oscar Queija, Ruby Labrada, Joseph Martinez, Diana Martinez, Jody Ochoa, Eduardo G. De Leon, Virginio B. Martinez, LaVerne Cheske, Jorge Carrazco III, Gary & Dolores Gagner, Fred Easterling, Paula Easterling. Please pray for those who have special needs, and their families, that they will feel God’s presence and know his love, especially: Lucy, Bobby, & Maya Dueñas, Cindall Green , Dean Green, Matthew Green, Leiani Green, Monique Nevarez, Lolita Navarro Banns of Marriage Please pray for the following members of our community as they prepare for Marriage. Michelle Tan & Marlon Mateo Lillian Roche & Erik Quiros Please Pray for the soul of: Ricky Campeon May he rest in the peace of the Lord. Bulletin Announcement Deadline All announcements for the bulletin must be submitted no later than noon on Tuesday. Announcements may be dropped off to the Parish Center, faxed to (626) 967-4884 or emailed to [email protected]. All announcements are subject to approval and space permitting for publishing. Photo on Today’s Cover Last Weekend 10 teens & 3 chaperons attended the first ever weekend Teen Conference hosted by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office of Religious Education. City of Saints Teen Conference was held at UCLA. During this spirit-filled weekend the young church of Los Angeles was challenged to live a life of holiness and to be a SAINT! This is your city…Be A Saint!! Like us on Facebook: STEWARDSHIP 19,765.03 August 9 , 2015 “Bring the Tithes into the treasure...Put me to the proof, says the Lord of Hosts, and see if I do not open windows in the sky and pour a blessing on you as long as there is need.” - Malachi 3:10 nd Eucharistic Adoration Every first Friday of the month Sacred Heart Parish has Eucharistic Adoration following the 8:15 mass and continuing until the 5:30pm mass. Canon Law 942 specifically states: “that this kind of exposition is to be held only if a suitable gathering of the faithful is foreseen and the established norms are observed.” Deacon Ron has agreed to maintain this signup posting and place it in a suitable place. For further information contact him at 626-347-7673 MILITARY HONOR ROLL To add a name to The Parish Honor Roll call Patricia A. Hayes, 626-919-5396.Please leave The Branch of Service and a contact number with your request. Thank You, and God Bless you for your patience and prayers. PAGE 4 Parish Events & News... Sept. 15th Town Hall Meeting: PERPETUAL ADORATION Crying Room Conversation to Eucharistic Chapel Come Let Us Adore Him Join us for a Town Hall meeting with our Pastor, Father Bill, on Tuesday, Sept. 15th in Cavanagh Hall, at 7:30pm to 8:30pm to discuss and share on ideas for a permanent Perpetual Adoration Chapel. All views and opinions are welcome. One of the most beautiful, powerful, exciting, and awesome aspects of our Catholic-Christian faith is our cherished believe in the EUCHARIST, that it is truly the Body & Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. An ancient tradition is to be in the presence of the EUCHARIST, that is to be in the real presence of Our Lord, to adore Him in a spirit of thanksgiving and love. We are thankful to God for all that He has given us, and in that thankfulness we may also express our prayers and petitions for special needs within our family, friends, nation and world. A Perpetual Adoration Chapel is available for prayer 24 hours a day – every day of the year! Adoration is also a profound prayer of love. We adore the Lord. We look at the host displayed in a monstrance for viewing, and we adore, we love and we feel His love for us. We are thankful for God’s unconditional love for us and thus we cannot help but to adore Him. We have a perfect place for a PERPETUAL ADORATION chapel. Some remodeling and special preparation of the outside entrance must be done first. The proposal is to convert the current crying room into this chapel. The outside entrance would be reconfigured to include a ramp and a door with a touch-pad combination lock (given to any registered parishioner). This entrance would be along the rose garden, under the chapel’s stain glass windows. Part of the remodeling would include a wall and secondary door to provide a passage way to the sanctuary; seating would have to be turned to face the west wall (away from the altar) so that people would be able to enter without walking in front of the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance (the Tabernacle would not be moved as a monstrance will be used). A special grill would protect the monstrance and Blessed Sacrament within. Get on the Bus Our funds are running low so we are in need of your financial support. We also are in need of board games (such as Sorry, Monopoly, etc.,) so when the children visit their parent, they have something to play. For any questions please contact Robert Martinez: (626) 374-0794 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER COUPLES ENGAGED ENCOUTNER COUPLES If You Have Been a Part of These Programs We Need You !!! If you have been a part of MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER or a part of ENGAGED ENCOUNTER I would like to meet with you to discuss helping our couples here prepare for marriage, especially in the area of Natural Family Planning (NFP). I would also like to take this opportunity to discuss with you how we can support in our parish, newly marriage couples and young families, to live to the fullest Marriage and Family Life. Please join me for a meeting: Parish Center + Sister’s Chapel Monday, Sept. 14, 2015 7:15pm to 8:30pm To assist me in preparing for our meeting I please call Pearl at the Parish Center to RSVP. Thank you very much. I look forward to seeing you soon. Father Bill + Pastor PRAYER AND LIFE WORKSHOPS Would you like to have a more meaningful prayer life? Come join a special class for learning how to pray. By seeking God in prayer, you will find your life changing for the better. The Prayer and Life Workshop consists of 15 weekly sessions that provide a carefully structured school for learning the art of prayer. You will learn and practice different ways to pray and you will become very familiar with the Bible because you will use it every day for 15 weeks during your private time for prayer and meditation. Come to see for yourself what it’s all about. The sessions will be on Tuesday evenings, starting this Tuesday, August 4th, at Sacred Heart Church, in the Chapel of the parish center, from 6:15 to 8:15pm. For more information or to sign up, contact Robert Stell by eMail at [email protected] or (909)-598-4670 after July 29; or just come join us on Tuesdays, beginning August 4. Catholic Men’s Fellowship Catholic Men’s Fellowship is a lay apostolate for men who seek to know, love and serve the Lord. We recognize our need for support and accountability to grow in faith and fulfill our vocation. At Sacred Heart Church we meet on the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Cavanagh Hall. Doors open at 6:30 PM for fellowship. Meetings are from 7-9 PM. PAGE 5 Religious Ed/ Youth Ministry News : FROM THE OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Have you been thinking about what you can do for our parish, and have a love for our youth? Well…….our Religious Education program can use your help! We are in need of Catechists (Teachers); Assistants; Parking Lot Monitors, in our elementary, middle school, and high school programs. If you feel that God is calling you to help in any way, and you would like to volunteer and join our team, please give us a call at 626-331-7914. We would love to hear from you! REMINDER!! REGISTRATION WILL BE TAKEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY FOR SPACES THAT ARE AVAILABLE. First Communion Certificates and Photos are available for pick up in the Religious Education Office. Sacred Heart’s Life Teen/One8 Peer Leader Program Together we lead teens closer to Christ. Confirmed students (juniors and seniors) & College Freshman can serve as peer leaders for our One8 Confirmation small groups. You will help your peers understand our faith better by participating in skits, sharing your witness testimony & serving as role models. If you would like to become a peer leader please contact Dayrin Perez at (626) 331-7914 or email her at [email protected]. Peer Leader Trainings are being held Monday nights in the month of August, in the Youth Room from 7-8:30pm. Last Youth Conference of the Summer ForTeens(incoming9thgraders-graduatingseniors) SCRCTeenConference “Rejoice&BeGlad” @theAnaheimConventionCenter Friday,September4,2015-Sunday,September6,2015 $100/student(priceincludes: registration,meals,lodging,transportationandt-shirt PermissionSlip&FlyeravailableattheReligiousEducationOf ice Forinformationpleasecontact DayrinPerezat(626)[email protected] FINDUSONLINE Forcalendars,eventinformation,&remindersPleasefollowusonline! @sacredheartlt @sacredheartlt13 PAGE 6 Readings for the Week... TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Forsake foolishness that you may live; advance in the way of understanding (Proverbs 9:1-6). Psalm — Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Psalm 34). Second Reading — Live as wise persons trying to understand what is the will of the Lord, filled with the Spirit and giving thanks always (Ephesians 5:15-20). Gospel — Jesus says, “I am the living bread . . . whoever eats this bread (my flesh) will live forever” (John 6:51-58). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. AT THE TABLE In today’s first reading, Wisdom is imagined as a woman rich in poise and grace. She moves smoothly and confidently about her temple like home. She doesn’t flutter about, nervous with worry. Wisdom sends her maidens to invite all to her open house. The guests do not possess any particular genius or insight. They need only be a people of good will and common sense. They are summoned to leave behind foolishness and to find for themselves a place at Wisdom’s table. There they may and can eat and drink deeply. Today’s Gospel draws us back to the table of the Eucharist. Jesus addresses those who seek to understand his words and, sadly, those who seek to avoid them. As people born of God, we are called and equipped to seek God’s will and act on it. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44; Mt 19:16-22 Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Ps 128:1b-5; Mt 23:1-12 Sunday: Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Ps 34:2-3, 16-21; Eph 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]; Jn 6:60-69 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wednesday: St. John Eudes Thursday: St. Bernard Friday: St. Pius X Saturday: The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION If the alb is the premier baptismal garment, then why are there so many other styles of vesture in evidence in our parishes? In some places, altar servers and other ministers might wear a garment, usually black, called a cassock. Over that is normally worn a white garment (a “surplice”), reminiscent of the alb but much shorter, often of starched linen and trimmed with lace. The cassock is not a liturgical garment, but a clerical robe. Its origins lie in the religious habit of monks. By the late Middle Ages, diocesan priests and clerics increasingly were encouraged to emulate religious priests. Very small boys were often apprenticed to monasteries, especially for music education, and would be invested with a cassock and sometimes even inducted into the ranks of clerics. For centuries before the Reformation, it was required that all men entering higher education be clerics, and so the cassock and its variations became familiar academic garb. At the Reformation, many ministers retained a form of the cassock as ordinary dress, rejecting liturgical garments. In the seventeenth century, the English Civil War was in part provoked by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s insistence that ministers wear surplices. Although the Episcopal Church now retains “cassock and surplice” as the normal dress for lay men and women assisting at liturgy, Catholics are increasingly attentive to the deeply traditional treasure of the alb, our baptismal robe, when special liturgical vesture is needed. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. PAGE 7 Church News cont: Online Giving Sacred Heart Church continues to offer Online Giving. Please visit the parish website at to sign up for Online Giving and begin donating to the parish automatically. Use the internet for the good of the parish through this secure and convenient process. Track your giving by signing up today! Online Giving can be effectively used on its own or in cooperation with regular offering envelopes. If you would like to continue receiving envelope packets but would like to give online, you have the option to do so. For a list of frequently asked questions or for more information please visit the parish website: Options – A Women’s Care Center For Women & Men Faced With Unplanned Pregnancy Serving couples and individuals in our community with an unplanned pregnancy, Options, is a Pro-Life Religious, non-profit 501(c)(3) who’s mission is to provide pregnancy options by sharing truth with compassion, love and empathy in a Christ centered environment. They do so by providing free services to women and men in our community who are considering abortion. These services include: Free pregnancy testing Options counseling Referrals for ultrasound imaging Pre-Parenting classes Baby boutique Abortion recovery support 24 hour helpline Our parish working closely with the Father Maguire Council of the Knights of Columbus (serving our parish and St. Christopher’s) joins with the Knights in partnership with OPTIONS, providing options to decide with confidence. Our partnership with the Father Maguire Council and OPTIONS will include future fund raisers to support this valuable center in our community and future educational opportunities for our parish. For more immediate information, contact or visit OPTIONS: 1840 N. Hacienda Blvd., Unit 13 La Puente, CA 91744 626 – 671 – 0581 Together with our parish Pastoral Council & Pastoral Staff -- we all look forward to a long relationship with OPTIONS and the Knights of Columbus that honors and gives glory to God. Legion of Mary We wish to acknowledge and thank our Auxiliary members for their daily recitation of the rosary and Tessera prayers during this past year. The active members of the Legion receive many blessings from Our Blessed Mother due to their prayers. For further information, please contact: Rose Alvarado, (626) 339-8004 LOVE THEM BOTH We must love them both—those whose opinions we share and those whose opinions we reject. For both have labored in the search for truth, and both have helped us in the finding of it. —Thomas Aquinas DID YOU KNOW? Keep the lines of communication open with children Your relationship with your child will go through several stages, but one thing to keep as a priority is the importance of honest, open communication—both from your kids, and from you. Your children should always know that they can come talk to you about anything, no matter how serious, and that you will make time to listen and respond. Without communication, parents don’t know important things about their kids’ lives who they talk to, where they go, who their friends are. These parents are far more likely to miss danger signs about potential bad influences or predators as well. For more information on how to foster communication with your child and for a copy of the article “Safety Rules by the Child Rescue Network” email: [email protected] PAGE 8 Outside Parish Events... You are invited to join Fr. Joseph Parathanal's Pilgrimages to: HOLY LAND: (OCT. 2015), EASTERN EUROPE: (APRIL 2016), INDIA: (SEPT. 2016) Contact BernadeƩe at [email protected] or call 323-344-1548 & 323-547-6618. CALLING ALL MARRIED COUPLES Feel blessed by your marriage in the Church? If so, we would love to have you help us prepare engaged couples for marriage in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. For further information, please contact Candy Metoyer at (213) 637-7250 or [email protected]. We Need You!! Take Ye Out To The Ball Game! On Saturday, September 5, at 7:00 p.m. our very own Sacred Heart Schola Cantorum will be singing the National Anthem when the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes play against the Inland Empire 66 at LoanMart Field in Rancho Cucamonga. We hope you will come out and join in the fun to cheer for both your favorite Minor League Baseball team, and for our choir which sings on Sunday mornings at the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Quakes games are so much fun (Sept. 5 is also Fireworks Night!) and with ticket prices starting at $9 it’s affordable for the whole family. You may order on-line at or call (909) 481-5000 to purchase your tickets. MASS TIMES FOR EVERY TRIP The Resource for the Traveling Catholic When traveling for vacation or business, you can locate local Catholic churches and Mass times through a wonderful resource: Log on and enter any state, city, street, zip code or province anywhere in the world and find the nearest Catholic church with Mass schedule for weekdays and Saturdays + Sundays. You can search by day. You are given the complete Mass schedule, plus confessions and Adoration times. You are provided with the name of the church, address, phone, and a link to their web site. There is a map and guide showing distance and directions from your Come join the St. Vincent de Paul Sacred Heart Conference Meetings are held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm Activity Room in the Parish Center The Sacred Heart Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul invites you to join it in silent works of charity: Quietly, discreetly aiding needy families. Personal visits to homes, hospitals, and institutions. Seeking and serving the distressed. Growing spiritually through a gift of self to others. The purpose of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to fulfill the two great Commandments-love of God and love of neighbor. We seek out God’s needy, both materially and spiritually, and help where we can. No need is too great or too small. If you feel you are called to this ministry, please join us at our next meeting. SAVE THE DATE: Bishop Amat Touchdown Club will be hosting the 6th Annual Kick-Off Dinner on Saturday, August 22, 2015 at the Homestead Museum in the City of Industry from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Ramogi Huma (Class of 1995) is the Special Guest Speaker this evening. The 2015 Lancer Tradition Awards will be presented to Bryan Hayward, the long-time public address announcer and Monsignor Roland Zimmerman, former Bishop Amat principal and Campus Chaplain. For tickets, please visit hƩps:// secure.accepƟ PAGE 9 Lecturas en Español... LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — La sabiduría nos dice: Dejen su ignorancia y vivirán; avancen por el camino de la prudencia (Proverbios 9:1-6). Salmo — Haz la prueba y verás qué bueno es el Señor (Salmo 34 [33]). Segunda lectura — Vivan como personas de sabiduría tratando de entender qué es la voluntad del Señor, llenos del Espíritu y dando gracias siempre (Efesios 5:15-20). Evangelio — Jesús dice, “Yo soy el pan vivo que ha bajado del cielo; el que coma de este pan vivirá para siempre” (Juan 6:51-58). A LA MESA En la primera lectura de hoy, la sabiduría se presenta como una mujer rica en aplomo y gracia. Se mueve fácilmente y con confianza en torno a su templo-hogar. No anda mariposeando, nerviosa y preocupada. La sabiduría envía a sus doncellas a invitar a todos a su casa. Los invitados no tienen que tener ningún talento o conocimiento en particular. Tan sólo necesitan ser personas de buena voluntad y sentido común. Se les llama a dejar atrás las tonterías y buscar para sí mismos un lugar a la mesa de la sabiduría. Ahí pueden comer y beber a fondo. El Evangelio de hoy nos lleva de nuevo a la mesa de la Eucaristía. Jesús les habla a aquellos que buscan entender sus palabras, y, tristemente, a aquellos que tratan de evadirlas. Como pueblo nacido de Dios, estamos llamados y preparados para buscar la voluntad de Dios y ponerla en práctica. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Jue 2:11-19; Sal 106 (105):34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44; Mt 19:16-22 Martes: Jue 6:11-24a; Sal 85 (84):9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Miércoles: Jue 9:6-15; Sal 21 (20):2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Jueves: Jue 11:29-39a; Sal 40 (39):5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14 Viernes: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Sal 146 (145):5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Sábado: Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Sal 128 (127):1b-5; Mt 23:1-12 Domingo: Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Sal 34 (33):2-3, 16-21; Ef 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]; Jn 6:60-69 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Vigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Miércoles: San Juan Eudes Jueves: San Bernardo Viernes: San Pio X Sábado: Santa María Virgen, Reina TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Según la creencia de los aztecas, toltecas y otros indígenas, los niños y las niñas nacen sin rostro y corazón. Corresponde a la familia formar en ellos y ellas el rostro (la personalidad), y el corazón (ánimo/ motivación) durante los primeros siete años de su vida. Rostro y corazón son una combinación para hablar de un tercer aspecto. En este caso rostro y corazón indican la persona bien formada. Los judíos de la época de Jesús también usaban ciertas palabras para indicar otras realidades. Cuerpo y sangre, por ejemplo, indican a la persona en su totalidad. El cuerpo muestra el carácter de la persona, mientras que la sangre indica su ánimo o motivación. Cuando Jesús nos invita a comer su Cuerpo y beber su Sangre nos está invitando a tomar su rostro y corazón. Nuestra personalidad debe ser como la suya y nuestra motivación también. De esta manera entramos en íntima comunión con él, a quien comulgamos. En nuestro interior vamos aprendiendo a pensar y amar como él, mientras que exteriormente vamos aprendiendo a comportarnos como él. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. PAGE 10 Noticias en Español... HORARIOS DE MISA PARA CADA VIAJE El recurso para el Católico Viajero ¿SABÍA USTED? Mantenga abiertas las líneas de comunicación con los niños La relación con su hijo pasará por varias etapas, pero lo que debería ser una prioridad es la comunicación abierta y honesta – tanto para los padres como para los hijos. Sus hijos siempre deben saber que pueden venir a hablar con usted sobre cualquier cosa, no importa qué tan grave, y saber que está disponible para escuchar y responder. Sin la comunicación los padres no van a saber cosas importantes acerca de la vida de sus hijos – incluso con quien hablan, donde van y quiénes son sus amigos. Los padres que comunican con sus hijos son más probables a identificar señales de las influencias negativas y el abuso. Para más información y para obtener una copia del artículo completo de “Safety Rules by the Child Rescue Network”, escriba a: [email protected] Cuando estés viajando para las vacaciones o para el trabajo, puedes localizar una parroquia Católica local y los horarios de las misas por un recurso maravilloso: Puedes ingresar y llenar cualquier estado, cuidad, calle, y código postal o zona en el mundo y encuentre una iglesia católica cercana con los horarios de esa iglesia para los días laborables, Sábados y Domingos. Puede buscar por día. Se le da el horario de la misa completa, además de horarios de confesiones y adoración. Se le proporciona el nombre de la iglesia, dirección, teléfono, y un enlace a su sitio web. Hay un mapa y una guía que muestra la distancia y las instrucciones de su dirección. Preferencias de idioma también se indican. Estudio Biblico en Español!! El Dei Verbum nos anima a instruirnos en la palabra de Dios! Animate! Estudio Biblico aqui en Sacred Heart! Damos comienzo el Jueves 8 de Octubre Cavanna Hall 6:30 pm Te esperamos sera la experiencia mas emocionante de tu vida! Enamorate de la Sagrada Escritura!!! Informacion: Marisela Gutierrez 626-255-6046 August/September 2015 SUNDAY 8/16 RCIA 7a MONDAY 8/17 TUESDAY 8/18 Legion of Mary 9a WEDNESDAY 8/30 RCIA 7a 8/24 8/31 FRIDAY SATURDAY 8/19 SVDP 1:30p 8/20 Prayers for Parish Priests 9:15a 8/21 Paper Bin 8/22 8/25 Legion of Mary 9a 7/26 SVDP 1:30p 8/28 8/29 Prayer & Life Workshop 6:15p CMF 6:30p 8/27 Prayers for Parish Priests 9:15a 9/1 Legion of Mary 9a 9/2 SVDP 1:30p 9/3 Prayers for Parish Priests 9:15a 9/4 Paper Bin 9/5 Prayer & Life Workshop 6:15p 8/23 RCIA 7a THURSDAY Prayer & Life Workshop 6:15p