January-February Newsletter - Pikes Peak Decorative Painters
January-February Newsletter - Pikes Peak Decorative Painters
Jan-Feb 2015 From Our President Happy New Year to all! PPDP is going to have another good year! Last year’s board set things up beautifully for me and I thank them all so much for their help getting me going! I’m not great at writing long letters, (blame email for that!) so my letters to you each newsletter probably won’t be that long. I’m more a people person and still believe in talking face to face. That goes, whether you have a problem with me or just want to chat awhile! What did you all think about our Christmas party at the Pinery? I thought it was wonderful. The turnout was great and the food was some of the best that I have had at one of these functions. And, for those who couldn’t be there, they gave us the extra food that we hadn’t eaten. Ellen won the drawing for the extra food so there were a few meals she didn’t have to cook. That was a very nice gesture on the part of the Pinery, and it kept great food from going to waste. This is being written before our first meeting of the year, so I haven’t seen Audrey’s program yet, but I know it will be wonderful. That is the only way she does things! Thanking you in advance for everything you have taught us and for your latest program, Audrey. I only hope you are taking it easy, my friend. Hope you all are looking forward to painting fun we’ll have together this year. I know I am! So let’s get started on 2015, and see what it has to offer!!! -Peggi Attention: If you have not paid your 2015 PPDP dues, this will be your last newsletter. Don’t miss out on the fun , get a membership form from the PPDP website and send with your check to June Rutherford (address on the form). Vice President’s Message Wine Tasting & Silent Auction Call for Entries Hello 2015! We have a wonderful year planned with many painting opportunities and events to enjoy each other’s company. I am looking forward to all of it. See calendar on Page 8 for more details. Audrey started us off at the January meeting with a beautiful acrylic bookmark painted on Roc-Lon. At the meeting we talked about the need for ways to make more money this year – hence – “Ways and Means” see what I did there! Anyway, I am very excited to tell you about an opportunity which has come our way! Chris Weise has spoken with her daughter, Linda Weise at The Colorado Springs Conservatory, and there is another silent auction event at The Broadmoor on February 20 where they would welcome our participation for the same 50/50 split of income! This is a gift that we could not have planned in advance! More details will come to you via e-mail. In the meantime look around for completed high level projects, such as framed pictures, jewelry box, trays, chairs….or plan to create something– PAINT! PAINT! PAINT! February 20, Wine Tasting & Silent Auction at The Broadmoor, in cooperation with The Colorado Springs Conservatory Entries due February 15 for photo and artist bio. More details by e-mail Refreshment Sign-Up Volunteers needed for monthly meeting snacks, but feel free to bring snacks anytime. January 3 Executive Committee February 7 March 7 Ellen Spearman April 4 Dolly Copeland May 2 Carolyn Culwell, Cindy Kay Kozak, Audrey Hodges June 6 Chris Hoynes August 1 Jana Towery, Beth Carroll November 7 2 Remember to bring your Show and Tell to any meeting. Christmas Party 2014: On the left, painted ornaments from the Christmas Ornament Exchange. On the right, Audrey Hodges created a lighted snowman pin for each person attending the Christmas Luncheon at The Pinery in Colorado Springs. 2015 Board, installed at the Christmas Luncheon. Left to right, Joyce Clothier, Jackie Gibson, Peggi Severini, Terry Niznik, Cindy Bauer, June Rutherford. 3 Silver Columbine—2014 Terry Niznik was presented the 2014 Silver Columbine Award by Cindy Bauer, President, at the Christmas Luncheon. Dear Painting Friends, I just want to take a moment to say a very heartfelt thank you to all of you for awarding me the Silver Columbine and for your dear friendships. PPDP is such a very special group of wonderful people. I am privileged to be part of this group and love the very special times we have together. Here's to a wonderful 2015!! Terry Past Recipients: Shirley Siner 84, Betty Hilton 85, Margaret Wehking 86, Deitrah Smith 88, Edi Finkleman 89, Judy Richardson 90, Peggi Severini 94, Lois Sanford 96, Audrey Hodges 97, Dawn Graham & Barbara Walker 98, Madellen White 99, Nancy Gepford & Jo Paige 00, Debbie Rasmussen 01, Kay Kozak 02, Bonita Wilkinson 03, Jackie Davidson 04, Eileen Lipscomb 05, Lois Sanford 06, Jackie Gibson 07, Julie Becker 08, Cindy Bauer 09, Carolyn Culwell 10, Becky McKittrick & Nancy Jefferson 11, Melinda Barnes 12, Joyce Clothier 13. If you attended Retreat, look through your things/ which Audrey is MISSING: Heat Gun 1 Grinch Ornament Plastic Bin w Fabric Paint Library Display at 21st Century Library, November 2014. 4 Sponges -Painting Sisters and Brothers Our sympathy to Dolly Copeland at the loss of her brother in Washington state. We are so saddened for Terry Niznik at the loss of their beloved dog, Sammy. Jana Towery is recovering from surgery. Jo Paige’s husband is scheduled for surgery on January 6. Angie McClain reports that her husband was able to go off medications as of November. Happy News- Cindy Bauer and Terry Niznik are each expecting a new grandchild later this year. Rebecca Coffey has purchased a home and in process of moving and getting settled. We know she will add her own unique touches as she gets settled. Celebration time for Ellen Spearman who turns 80 this month. Note from Nancy Jefferson: To all you Wonderful Chapter Ladies: It is with such a sincere sense of gratitude that I thank you for your wonderful cards, calls and kind thoughts after Barry passed away. I know many of you have been in this position for many years already. I know I’m just a beginner, but I will learn too. Thank you again for your expressions of love and support. I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life, and that group definitely includes all of you...My love to you all...Nancy By request, recipe served by Joyce Clothier at New Board/Old Board Meeting, Chicken Tortilla Soup 1 cup Pace Picante Sauce 2 cans Campbell’s Cream of Chicken Soup 2 cups shredded cooked chicken (I used Rotisserie Chicken from Costco) 2 cups frozen whole kernel corn, rinsed under cold water until thawed 1 can black beans, rinsed & drained 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 1/2 cups water (or more to thin it if desired) Mix all together in large pot and heat until hot. May transfer to crock pot to keep warm or serve immediately. Toppings: Serve soup with any of the following toppings. Corn tortillas cut into strips, sour cream, grated cheddar cheese, chopped cilantro. Serves 4-6 5 PAINTING OPPORTUNITIES ROUND ROBIN LOVELAND, COLORADO APRIL 7 – 12, 2015 Three different ways to paint three different iris with three different teachers. Cheri Rol – oils, Jeanne Downing – I-Pad/Tablet, Patsy Schultis – watercolor 6 days for $500 lunch included Deposit $100 space is limited For further information contact Patsy Schultis 970 – 667-2477 MORE PAINTING OPPORTUNITIES ON NEXT PAGE AND SEE LAST PAGE OF THIS NEWSLETTER FOR INFORMATION ON MEMBER TEACHERS. 6 MORE PAINTING OPPORTUNITIES With the demise of several of our favorite painting magazines, artists are turning more and more to Online painting opportunities. Jackie Gibson has shared several: Acrylic Painting Club: by Nilda Rosa Rodriguez [email protected] This is an online school dedicated to acrylics. You will be learning from several acrylic artists from around the world. You will have the opportunity to interact with each individual teacher. Subscription is from January 1 to December 1 and includes 12 tutorials with videos for $99...that is only $8.25 per class. Artist teachers include: Trudy Beard-Lazaroe Mabel Blanco, Debbie Cole, Debbie Cushing, Deanne Fortnam, Donna Hodson, Lonna Lamb, Jill Macfarlane, Miyuki Nakano, Nilda Rodrqiguez. Lydia Steeves and Judy Westegaard-Jenkins. Go to Nilda’s website to register. http://acrylicpaintingclub.com Art Play Date: by Kelly Hoernig [email protected] Art Play Date lessons begin February 1, 2015. Lessons for 2015 include acrylics, watercolor, colored pencil and mixed media. There will be a monthly supply list so you can be ready to start each class on time. The classes will be more intermediate+ this year. Teacher team artists include: Kerry Anderson, Lynne Andrews, Deb Antonick, Rebecca Baer, Sheila Bergner, Sharon Chinn, Margot Clark, Debbie Cole, Chris Haughey, Kim Hogue, Erica Joann, Barb Jones, Arlene Linton, Laurie May, Mary Owens, Gisele Pope, Golda Rader, Shara Reiner, Laurie Speltz, Carol Cohn, Lydia Steeves, Sandi Strecker, Judy Westegaard and Kelly Hoernig. To register, go to http//artplaydate.com There will be a March and April bonus lesson, but main classes start May 4 and continue through October. Purely Acrylics! www.purelyacrylics.com An online e-course filled with Purely Acrylic painting projects from a wonderful array of International artists, each with their own distinct style. Artists include: Lynn Andrews, Diane Bunker, Debbie Cole, Janice Cormier, Kelly Hoernig, Karen Hubbard, Tricia Joiner, Arlene Linton, Jeanne Paglio, Golda Rader, Lydia Steves, Beth Wagner, Christine Watson 13 weeks of Purely Acrylics! $99 Sign up online Every week for 13 weeks a new acrylic art lesson will find its way to your e-mailbox. Each lesson will come in the form of a video and pdf (written instructions) OR just a pdf with several clear step-by-step color photos. The pdf file is totally printable and downloadable. All class files will be accessible to subscribers until January 1, 2016. 7 *Unless other wise noted all meetings and seminars are held at this location: Colorado Springs Police Department Gold Hill Division 955 W. Moreno Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80905 2015 Calendar PPDP in Black / All others in Blue January 3 Chapter Meeting, Bookmark taught by Audrey Hodges January 24 Judi Patti Workshop, Rocky Mountain Hi February 7 Chapter Meeting, UFO unfinished object of your choice February 20 Wine Tasting & Silent Auction, The Broadmoor March 7 Chapter Meeting April 4 Chapter Meeting, Chalk pencil or Texture Ornament by Kay Kozak April 17, 18 Janet Nunn, Rocky Mountain Hi April 18 Glass Block Seminar, taught by Kate Dowd May 2 Chapter Meeting, by Jana Towery May 11-16 SDP Conference & Expo, Pheasant Run Resort, St. Charles, IL May 29, 30 Ros Stallcup Seminar, Western Colorado Artists June 6 Chapter Meeting, Faux Abalone taught by Carolyn Culwell June 13-14 Chris Thornton-Deason Seminar, High Plains & Rocky Mtn Hi July Chapter Picnic, hosted by Becky Coffey August 1 Chapter Meeting, Gourds taught by Beth Carroll Aug 29-30, 2015 Jamie Mills Price Seminar, High Plains September 5 Yul Tree Rosemaling Seminar, taught by Cindy Bauer September 25-28 Retreat at The Hideaway October Library display at 21st Century Library October 3, 4 Mary Owens Seminar October ? Chair/Clock Auction with Colorado Springs Conservatory November 7 Chapter Meeting, Angel or Snowman Signposts by Becky Coffey November 14 Bazaar at Pine Creek High School December 5 Chapter Holiday Luncheon, at The Pinery, Colorado Springs 8 * 2015 Executive Board * Executive Committee January President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Membership Secretary Newsletter February Beth Newton 11 Kate Dowd 14 Ellen Spearman 17 Kay Kozak 26 Cec Rae 20 Nancy Gepford 21 Joyce Clothier 22 Peggi Severini Cindy Bauer Jackie Gibson Terry Niznik June Rutherford Joyce Clothier Appointed Officers Committee Chairpersons Audit Bazaar Community Service Hospitality Nomination * Member Painting Teachers * Becky Coffey Kay Kozak Judy Hallett Chris Weise Public Relations Cindy Bauer—719-633-8260 Norwegian Rosemaling at Sons of Norway Hall, Colorado Springs, 2 classes a month. Diana (Doe) Clore-970-263-7459 Acrylics and fabric painting classes in Grand Junction. Seminars by arrangement Retreat Team Jana Towery Beth Carroll Kay Kozak Seminar Team Carolyn Culwell Janet Gropp Cec Rae Sunshine Chris Lessor Ways & Means Ellen Spearman Colorado Seminar Coordinator Melinda Barnes Nancy Gepford– 719-651-2264 Acrylics and oils, beginner to advanced, Tuesday evenings, or will schedule beginner sessions by arrangement. Seminars by arrangement Paula Leopold (CDA) -303-791-1296 Beginner to advanced, acrylics, oils, watercolor, colored pencil, classes in Highlands Ranch, Parker and Castle Rock Seminars by arrangement (To add your name to this list, contact Newsletter Editor, [email protected]) Next Newsletter Deadline Feb 15 9