CHEMICALS - Adhesives
CHEMICALS - Adhesives
CHEMICALS - Adhesives Super Glue 20Gr/5Gr (240) Woodfix Super Glue 50Gr (242) SKG Superglue Gel 3Gr (243) Art. No. 00893 09/090 0 Art. No. 00893 403 Art. No. 00893 423 For the adhesion of metal, plastic and rubber parts Cyanoacrylate Adhesive Gel. Cyanoacrylate construction adhesive, especially for with and to each other. Art. No. 00893 301 20 Super Glue Activator porous materials. Art. No. 00893 301 20 Super Glue Activator Loctite 454 Art. No. 00893 301 20 Super Glue Activator Loctite 4541 Loctite 401 Colours Colours Colours Available: Available: Available: Bond and Seal Quick Set 310ml (134) Bond and Seal 310ml (132) Bond and Seal Sausage (132) Art. No. 00890 100 710/720/730 Art. No. 00890 100 1/2/3 Art. No. 00890 100 111/112/113 - 300ml Art. No. 00890 100 181/182/183 - 600ml Fast-acting, brush-able PU sealant. Paintable - PU sealant Art. No. 00890 100 60 Activating Cleaner Art. No. 00890 100 60 Activating Cleaner Art. No. 00890 100 61 Primer for Metal For int/ext sealing joints with low absorption of move- Art. No. 00890 100 61 Primer for Metal Art. No. 00890 100 62 Primer for Plastic/Wood/Stone ment eg. Cracks in masonry, plaster or concrete, expan- Art. No. 00890 100 62 Primer for Plastic/Wood/Stone sion joints-paintable. See page 26 (Product Overview) for Applicator for Primer Bond and Seal Activating Cleaner (138) Art. No. 00890 100 60 Bond and Seal Primer Metal (138) Art. No. 00890 100 61 For cleaning and activating non-porous surfaces, such as metal, plastic, glazed ceramic and painted surfaces. For pre-treating metal surfaces (e.g. iron, steel, stainless steel, hot galvanised steel, aluminium, anodized aluminium, copper, brass and zinc. 1 Bond and Seal Primer Plastic, Wood, Stone (138) Art. No. 00890 100 62 For pre-treating plastics (e.g. PVC, ABS, GFRP) wood and other porous surfaces like stone and concrete. CHEMICALS - Adhesives Powerbond (223) Spray Adhesive 500ml (234) Hot Melt Adhesive (3534) Epoxy Repair Sticks 110Gr Art. No. 00893 450 100 Art. No. 00890 100 055 Art. No. 00890 100 057 Art. No. 01893 446/447/448 High strength 2-component epoxy resin Fast-drying adhesive for all Good adhesion to painted surfaces. 2K– Putty for the quick & simple repair system for repairs to motor-vehicle bodies. lightweight materials. High Strength Hot Melt Glue (3534) of surface damage. For plastic, alumini- Art. No. 00890 100 050 um or metal. Art. No. 00891 450 100 Applicator Gun Art. No. 00891 450 101 Positive Mixer High tensile strength glue sticks. Contact Adhesive 1Ltr/5Ltr Web Spray Non Chlorinated Web Spray Insulation & Foam Web Spray ULTRA High Grab Art. No. 01893 1/5 22Ltr/500ml 22Ltr/500ml 22Ltr/500ml Polychloroprene polymer solution Art. No. 00893 100 013/513 Art. No. 00893 100 516/515 Art. No. 00893 100 517/514 designed as a general purpose contact adhesive. Suitable for bonding HPL, hard plastics, Suitable for bonding quilt and fibrous insu- It is designed for permanent bonding of GRP, foams and fabrics to a variety of sub- lation materials and fabrics in duct work and materials where immediate bond strength, strates including MDF, chipboard, plywood HVAC markets. water resistance and high heat resistance and many other timber sheet materials. Art. No. 00891 602 011 Spray Gun are required. Art. No. 00891 602 001 Spray Gun Art. No. 00891 602 012 4M Hose Art. No. 00891 602 010 Spray Gun Art. No. 00891 602 012 12’ Hose Art. No. 00891 602 018 - Spray Tip for this Art. No. 00891 602 012 4M Hose adhesive Art. No. 00891 602 019 - Spray Tip for this adhesive Art. No. 00891 602 011 Spray Gun Art. No. 00891 602 012 4M Hose Glass Metal Adhesive (260) Super Glue Activator 150ml (240) Liquid Metal FE1 500Gr (218) Anti-Squeal Spray Art. No. 00893 40 Art. No. 00893 449 Art. No. 00893 301 20 Art. No. 00890 106 For easy gluing of glass and metal Fast acting repair system for the For accelerating the reaction of Wurth cy- Eliminates squealing on disc brakes. with and to each other (rear view metal processing field. Ideal for anoacrylate adhesives. Product applied on reverse side of mirrors, metal latches and hinges on filling shapes, sealing & filling in Loctite 713 brake blocks. side windows, rain sensors, etc.. welds. 2 CHEMICALS - Adhesives Replast Plastic Adhesive - Replast Plastic Adhesive Replast Plastic Adhesive – Fast (262) Universal (262) SuperFast (262) Art. No. 00890 100 015 Profile Rubber Glue 180Gr (238) Art. No. 00893 500 3 Art. No. 00893 500 4 Art. No. 00893 500 5 For adhesive bonding of rubber profiles Application time - 1.5 minutes. Application time - 3.5 minutes. Application time - 25 seconds. on untreated, primed or painted metal. Art. No. 00891 893 485 Application Gun Art. No.00893 500 7 Outline Foil Art. No. 00893 500 1 Plastic Cleaner Art. No. 00891 486 Mixing Nozzle Wood Glue Standard Art. No. 00893 500 6 Re-enforcing Tape Multi Fibre Adhesive (246) Panel Adhesive 310ml (237) Art. No. 01892 1/5/20 - 1Ltr/5Kg/20Kg Art. No. 00893 100 100 Art. No. 00893 100 115 Wood Glue Water Resistant Solvent-free, acrylic dispersion-based High strength adhesive re-enforced with Art. No. 01892 26/27 - 5Kg/20Kg adhesive with high initial strength for structure fibres. bonding a wide range of indoor materials. Art. No. 00891 001 310ml Sealer Gun Wood Glue Fast Drying Art. No. 00891 310 310ml Sealer Gun Art. No. 01892 29/30 - 5Kg/20Kg Push Pump Art. No. 01903 9 3 PUR Glue - Transparent 500Gr WIT-C 140 300ml 380ml Chemical Anchor System Art. No. 00892 100 180 Art. No. 01903 414 Art. No. 01903 9 380 For gluing all wood types, especially out- 2-part styrene free anchoring resin for fixing in Contains unsaturated polyester resin in styrene, doors. Complies with loading group D4 concrete and brickwork. specifically developed to enable the bonding of according to DIN/EN 204. Art. No. 00891 001 310ml Sealer Gun awkward and problematic materials. Art. No. 00891 310 310ml Sealer Gun Art. No. 01903 9 2 380ml Applicator Gun 3 CHEMICALS - Adhesives Tapes Double Sided Tape (334) Double Sided Tape Art. No. 00894 910 10Mx12mm Mirror Tape Art. No. 01894 08 12 20Mx12mm Art. No. 00894 910 1 10Mx24mm Art. No. 01894 03 24 20Mx3mmx24mm Art. No. 01894 08 18 20Mx18mm Open cell EVA foam double-sided tape with solvent Art. No. 00894 910 4 10Mx4mm Art. No. 01894 08 24 20Mx24mm acrylic adhesive. High-strength double-sided tape with polyethylene Open cell PE foam double-sided tape with solvent Art. No. 01894 900 0 30Mx3mmx25mm carrier and acrylate adhesive. acrylic adhesive. Polyurethane Tape 20Mx19mm Insulation Tape Linen Insulation Tape Rough/ Self Vulcanising Tape (336) PTFE Sealing Tape (3181) Art. No. 00985 192 01 - Black Smooth 25Mx19mm 10Mx19mm 12Mx12mmx0.8mm 5Mx19mm Insulation Tape Art. No. 01985 106/107 Art. No. 00985 077 1 Art. No. 00985 030 165 Art. No. 00985 190 52/53/55/56 For sealing of pipes, hoses (fuel and Used to seal thread connections. Yellow/Blue/Red/White radiator), insulation of electrical wires, Butyl Tape (149) etc. Compressed Tape (177) Buff/Packaging Tape Art. No. 00894 700 122 Art. No. 00875 415 3 Art. No. 01992 48 50 Strong adhesive double-sided sealing Protects against vibration and will also expand to All purpose packaging tape. tape made of butyl rubber for overlap- seal gaps. ping seals. 4 CHEMICALS - Adhesives Tapes Fine Line Tape Door Lining Tape Reflexite Tape Art. No. 01992 003 - 3mm Art. No. 00894 235 319 Art. No. 01812 44 71 - Yellow Art. No. 01992 006 - 6mm 50Mx19mm Art. No. 01812 44 72 - Red For adhesion of protective film used for Art. No. 01812 44 73 - White door linings. Vehicle conspicuity tape. Masking Tape Duct Tape 48mmx25M Aluminium Window Protection Tape Art. No. 01992 018 - 18mm Art. No. 01992 25 0 - Silver 48mmx50M Art. No. 01992 024 - 24mm Art. No. 01992 25 1 - Black Art. No. 01992 50 - Black/White Art. No. 01992 036 - 36mm Used for protecting aluminium profiles and win- Art. No. 01992 048 - 48mm dow frames prior to fitment. 80° masking tape. Colours Colours Available: Available: Bodywork Sealing Tape 10 x 10 (178) String Sealer 26M x 20mm x 2mm (178) Art. No. 00890 100 032 Art. No. 00890 100 030 Permanently elastic, self-adhesive sealing tape for sealing of overlap- Permanently elastic, self-adhesive sealing tape for sealing of overlap- ping car body panels, as well as sealing against dust, moisture and vibra- ping car body panels, as well as sealing against dust, moisture and tions in the auto , metal and construction industries. vibrations in the auto , metal and construction industries. 5 CHEMICALS - Cleaners/Protectors Brake Cleaner 500ml/5Ltr (355) Industry Cleaner 500ml (369) Contact Spray 300ml (360) Art. No. 00890 108 7/715 Art. No. 00893 140 Art. No. 00890 100 For cleaning and degreasing during maintenance Powerful cleaner for the removal of adhesive resi- Cleans ignition cables, distributor caps and plugs thus and repair work. dues, wax, rubber abrasion, silicone residues, oil preventing ignition problems. and grease. Contact Oxidation Solvent (OL) Contact Oxidation Prot. (OS) Contact Lacquer Prot. (SL) Start Rapid 300ml (363) 200ml (360) 200ml (360) 200ml (360) Art. No. 00890 11 Art. No. 00893 60 Art. No. 00893 61 Art. No. 00893 70 Fast starting aid for engines in Oxidation-dissolving cleaning agent. Long term corrosion protection for Insulates, seals and protects against low temperatures. new contacts, switches and electro water, diluted acid, alkalis and corro- mechanical drive gear units. sion. Cleaning & Cockpit Care 400ml (597) Active Clean 500ml (602) Absobon Autosham Two 1Ltr/5Ltr (567) Art. No. 00890 222 1 Art. No. 00893 472 Art. No. 00893 010 0/00893 010 05 For cleaning the interior of passenger cars, HGV’s and Fruit scented intensive foam cleaner for vehicle Environmentally friendly car shampoo that makes your buses. For dashboards, door linings, plastics and rubber interiors. car wash twice as effective. Wash and wax in one. mats. 6 CHEMICALS - Cleaners/Protectors Plastic Care 1Ltr (578) Aluminium Polish 500ml (574) Compressed Air Spray 200ml (393) Art. No. 00893 477 Art. No. 00893 121 301 Art. No. 00893 62 High-quality wax treatment for all exterior plastic and For removing stubborn dirt such as metallic oxidations Removes dust effortlessly from inaccessible places. rubber parts. from old, weathered and new aluminium surfaces. Intensive Rim Cleaner 1Ltr (573) F1 Interior Cleaner 1Ltr (604) Rubber Care Spray 300ml (605) Leather Care (579) Art. No. 00893 476 Art. No. 00890 120 Art. No. 00890 110 Art. No. 00893 012 9 For all lacquered and non-lacquered alloy Environmentally friendly cleaner for the Keeps rubber parts supple and prevents Cleans and provides lasting care rims as well as steel rims. complete vehicle interior adhesion due to old ageing. while maintaining the surface quality of all patent leathers. Tar Remover 300ml (575) Acetone Cleaner 250ml (581) Silicone Remover 1Ltr (368) Art. No. 00890 26 Art. No. 00893 460 Art. No. 00893 222 Effortlessly removes tar, oil and splashes of under- Special cleaner for unpainted metal surfaces and For effective cleaning and degreasing before adhesion body protection and hollow cavity sealant from paint glass. and painting work. and chrome. 7 CHEMICALS - Cleaners/Protectors PU Cleaner 500ml (212) Adhesive Remover 150ml (3524) Temperature Reduction Spray 200ml (364) Art. No. 00892 160 Art. No. 00893 141 Art. No. 00890 100 0 For the removal of fresh (wet) PU foam/sealant. Easily removes cured melted adhesive from enamelled For universal repair and assembly work, as well as for surfaces. locating faults in electrical circuits. Leak Detector 400ml (180) Gasket Remover 300ml (182) HHS Clean 500ml (455) Art. No. 00893 106 10 Art. No. 00890 20 Art. No. 00893 100 0 HHS pre-cleaner with adhesion intensifier. Test foam for quick and sure detection of leaks, micro Removes sealing materials, adhesives, paints, etc. in leaks and hairline cracks. just minutes. Air Intake & Throttle Valve Cleaner Battery Terminal Protection Aircon. Disinfectant Spray 300ml Art. No. 05861 113 500 Art. No. 00890 104 - Spray Blue Art. No. 00893 764 10 Removes deposits and impurities in the intake and Art. No. 00890 104 1 - Grease Red throttle valve area. Calibrated drill holes and nozzles can also be cleaned with this process. Suitable for . catalytic converters. 8 Used to clean and disinfect the airconditioner system by cleaning any mould build up on the condenser. CHEMICALS - Cleaners/Protectors Anti Freeze 1Ltr/4Ltr /20Ltr Lacquer Spray Paint 400ml (621) Rapid Screen Wash 32ml (609) Art. No. 00892 350 001/354 1/350 020 Art. No. 00893 349 110 (Black) Art. No. 00892 333 . . Ethylene Glycol based engine coolant. Formulated for passenger and commercial vehicles. Engine Cleaner 500ml/25Ltr Multi Purpose Degreaser 1Ltr/25Ltr Anti Spatter Protection 5Ltr /300ml (1778) Art. No. 01893 013 500/25 Art. No. 01893 129/130 Art. No. 00893 102 10 - 5Ltr (Silicone Free) A highly effective water based product for removing A biologically degradable multi purpose degreaser Art. No. 00893 102 100 - 300ml (Silicone oil, grease and carbon. (1:5 General Degreasing, 1:10 Lighter Degreasingcars, 1:50Janitorial). Free) Prevents the burning of weld splashes on metals, VA materials and welding torch nozzles. Oil Binder (383) Micro Absorber (382) Art. No. 00890 6 Art. No. 00890 61 Oil binding agent in granular form for removing oil Highly effective, fast-acting oil-binding granules for all stains and other chemicals from workshop floors, applications. (1Kg will absorb 0.9ltr of oil) workbenches, etc. (Will absorb approx. 30Ltrs of fluid) 9 CHEMICALS - Cleaners/Protectors Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner Engine Flush & Cleaner Art. No. 05861 014 500 Oil Smoke Stop Engine Oil Enhancer Art. No. 05861 310 400 - 400ml Art. No. 05861 300 300 Art. No. 05861 301 300 Cleaner for removing carbon and ash depos- Art. No. 05861 310 001 - 1Ltr Protects all diesel and petrol en- Reduces smoking of petrol and diesel its from diesel particulate filters . Suitable for all mineral and synthetic-based gines. engines . engine oils Oil Leak Stop Radiator Sealer HP 150ml (353) Radiator Flush (354) Diesel Cure Art. No. 05861 311 150 Art. No. 05861 500 150 Art. No. 05861 510 250 - 250ml Art. No. 01893 567 - 330ml Eliminates engine oil leaks. Protection for all modern high performance, Art. No. 05861 510 001 - 1Ltr Art. No. 01893 567 5 - 5Ltr For rectifying reduced cooling performance, Art. No. 01893 567 25 - 25Ltr cross-flow cooling systems. when making repairs to radiator and cooling Fuel Purifier for diesel engines. Injector Cure Motometer Cards Art. No. 01893 559 Art. No. 01893 560 Art. No. 01891 4 800 - Petrol Fuel Purifier for petrol engines. Fuel Purifier for cleaning of injectors in Art. No. 01891 5 100 - Diesel Petro Cure both petrol and diesel engines. 10 CHEMICALS - Corrosion Protection Zinc Spray Perfect (486) Light Zinc Spray (486) Rust Stop Primer (476) Art. No. 00893 114 113 Art. No. 00893 114 114 Art. No. 00893 210 2 Outstanding long-term protection and optimum For long term protection and repair of metallic Active corrosion protection for metallic surfaces. metal surface appearance. surfaces. Rust Convertor (477) Corrosion Protection Spray (499) Surface Rust Remover (551) Art. No. 00893 110 Art. No. 00893 15 Art. No. 00890 130 Dispersion based, environmentally friendly High creep capacity, colourless special fluid for pre- For the removal of rust film from metal sheets, rust convertor. serving tools, machines, etc. car bodies, steel, iron, etc. Art. No. 00891 530 70 Pump Spray Wax Spray Transparent Corrosion Protection Bags Art. No. 00893 082 400 Art. No. 00893 150 270 Water displacing transparent wax for protection Special packaging with VCI active ingredient for pro- against corrosion. tecting smaller parts screws, tools, firearms, etc. 200 x 275mm (pack size 100). 11 CHEMICALS - Dos Systems Med. Str. Threadlock 25/50g (191) High Str. Threadlock 25/50g (190) Cargo Bearing Strength 50g (192) Art. No. 00893 243 025/050 Art. No. 00893 270 025/050 Art. No. 00893 620 050 Screw retaining and sealing compound - removable. Screw retaining and sealing compound. For securing For assembly of bushes and bearings exposed to high Loctite 243 Fasteners which are not to be removed under normal temperatures. circumstances. Loctite 620 Loctite 270 Orange Flange Sealant 50g (195) Pipe Sealant 50g (197) Hydraulic Sealant 50g (198) Art. No. 00893 574 050 Art. No. 00893 511 050 Art. No. 00893 545 050 For sealing of flanges and surfaces with a gap of For the sealing of all metallic pipe connections and Used to seal pneumatic and hydraulic screw connec- 0.5mm max. Replacement for solid seals. fittings with conical/cylindrical threads pursuant to tions under high loads. Loctite 574 DIN 2999. Loctite 545 Loctite 511 12 CHEMICALS - Hand Cleaners Sabesto Hand Cleaner 4000ml/350ml (394) Skin Clean Special (D-Mark) 250ml (398) Universal Hand Wipes (396) Art. No. 00893 900 0/00893 900 01 Art. No. 00890 600 608 Art. No. 00890 900 90 PH-Neutral, soap free hand cleaner that cleans and pro- Special hand cleaner for removing highly adhesive dirt, Can be used for cleaning of hands and work tools, tects - contains grit. e.g. lacquer, resin, adhesive, paint, bitumen, etc. - which are heavily soiled with oil, grease, adhesive, Contains NO SILICONE OIL. contains grit. paint, tar or lubricant. 2Ply Paper Rolls (384) 5-in-1 Car Clean Set Hand Soaps 500ml 1000 sheets of 380x390mm Art. No. 00899 500 004 Art. No. 01893 900 2- Cherry Art. No. 00899 800 773 Art. No. 01893 900 3- Lavender Art. No. 01962 899 - Paper Towel Stand A highly effective, synthetic detergent used for the cleaning of hands. 13 CHEMICALS - Food Safe Products LMS 220 Spray 300ml (440) Foodline LMS Fluid 400ml (441) Art. No. 00893 107 1 Art. No. 00893 107 001 Art. No. 00893 107 003 Art. No. 00893 130 Creeping, colourless specialised lubri- Physiologically safe special lubricant with a Synthetic high-performance grease Synthetic, biodegradable high- cant for the food, beverage, medical and paraffin base. with white solid lubricants. performance rust remover with food Multipurpose Grease (432) Crafty Rost Off 300ml (416) registration. clinical industries. HHS Foodstuffs 500ml (456) Foodline Multi-Clean 400ml Stainless Steel Care Spray 400ml Metal Rubbing Compound 400Gr Art. No. 00893 107 6 (418) (374) (373) Creepable, watertight, synthetic adhesive Art. No. 00890 109 6 Art. No. 00893 121 Art. No. 00893 121 1 lubricant. Fluid for cleaning and temporary lubrica- Cleaning and care emulsion for metallic Metal grinding paste for removal of the tion in physiologically and ecologically surfaces. most stubborn contaminants on metal. sensitive areas. Stainless Steel Power Cleaner 500ml (375) Foodline Silicon Fluid 400ml (371) Foodsafe Silicon Clear 310ml (103) Art. No. 00893 121 2 Art. No. 00893 221 000 Art. No. 00892 550 1 Special cleaning fluid for preliminary cleaning of metal High-quality physiologically safe anti friction and re- Special high-quality sealant for sealing in food pro- surfaces. lease agent. cessing and drinking water sectors, as well as aquarium construction. 14 CHEMICALS - Lubricants Rost Off Plus 300ml/5Ltr (415) Rost Off Ice 400ml Lock Cylinder Spray 50ml (457) Art. No. 00890 200/300 Art. No. 00893 240 Art. No. 00893 052 High-quality rust releaser plus lubricating properties High-grade rust releaser with crack-effect created by Excellent creeping properties ensure very good mois- thanks to new additive technology (OMC²). extreme cooling, and excellent penetrating proper- ture displacement. Art. No. 00890 70 1/2Ltr Spray Container ties. Art. No. 00890 8 Spray Pistol Multi 5-in-1 (417) HHS Dry Lube 400ml (454) Art. No. 00893 055 40 Art. No. 00893 106 6 Art. No. 00893 550 Dry synthetic wax highly resistant to centrifugal forces Transparent non soiling dry lubricant. A multi purpose spray that lubricates, penetrates, removes rust, cleans and displaces containing PTFE. moistures. Art. No. 00893 106 10 HHS Clean HHS 2000 500ml (450) CU800 Copper Spray 300ml/100Gr/1Kg Dry Lubricant PTFE Spray 300ml (437) V-Belt Spray (439) Art. No. 00893 106 (436) Art. No. 00893 230 Extremely high pressure resistant partially synthet- Art. No. 00893 800/800 1/800 2 For extending the service life of V-belts ic oil ,suitable for universal lubrication and under Resistant to high T° (800°C) and pressure, highly high pressure loads. adhesive copper lubricating, release and corrosion Art. No. 00893 106 10 HHS Clean prevention paste. 15 CHEMICALS - Lubricants High Perf. Shuttle Grease 400Gr (433) Silicone Spray Grease 500ml (458) Art. No. 00893 880 1 Art. No. 00893 223 Art. No. 01893 050 125 Cargo lithium-complex lubricating grease with semi- White, extremely lubricant, water displacing and Solid lubricant, for lubricating wood and metal. Used synthetic oil base. insulating silicone grease - di-electric properties. in the auto industry for lubricating door hinges and Art. No. 00986 05 Lube Shuttle Gun HHS White Grease (453) Door-Lube Stick swing arms. Silicone Spray 500ml/5Ltr (350) Drill and Cutting Oil 400ml (421) Art. No. 00893 106 7 Art. No. 00893 221/01893 221 100 Art. No. 00893 050 004 For lubricating visible areas such as door hinges , seat Protects, maintains and insulates plastic, rubber and Multi-cutting oil for light to medium-heavy machining runners, control rods, etc.. metal parts inside and outside the vehicle. Also serves work. as a lubricant. Tyre Fitting Paste 5Kg (444) Brake Protection Spray 300ml (443) Wire Rope Spray 500ml (460) Art. No. 00890 122 1 Art. No. 00893 816 Art. No. 00893 105 8 For fitting of car, motorcycle and truck tyres. Lubricating, separating, and anti-corrosion paste for parts on vehicle brake systems mounting aids on machines, etc. (1400°C) 16 Lubricates and conserves wire ropes on winches, lifts, conveyors as well as carrier and sling ropes. CHEMICALS - Lubricants Mould Release Agent 400ml Woodslide 5Ltr (461) DOT 4 Brake Fluid 500ml (474) Art. No. 00890 50 Art. No. 00893 070 Art. No. 00892 009 050 Can be used on all wood processing machines as a For hydraulic brake systems. For thermoplastics and thermosets. Silicone free. lubricating film, and serves as a resin neutraliser. Oil Marker Chalk (2025) Art. No. 00984 400 1 - White Art. No. 00984 400 4 - Blue CHEMICALS - Paint Care Polishing Pad - Orange (588) Polishing Pad - Blue (588) Polishing Pad 130mm - Wavy (588) Art. No. 00585 26 170 - 170mm Art. No. 00585 27 170 - 170mm Art. No. 00585 28 130 Art. No. 00585 26 130 - 125mm Art. No. 00585 27 130 - 125mm Extremely fine and soft polishing pad with Velcro for Art. No. 00585 26 80 - 85mm Art. No. 00585 27 80 - 85mm the removal of micro-scratches and holograms. Polishing sponge with Velcro backing. Polishing sponge with Velcro backing. Soft and fine rubber composition. Open-pore and abrasive foam. Art. No. 00893 154 - High Gloss Polish 17 CHEMICALS - Paint Care 180mm Lambs Wool Polishing Pad (Pneumatic) Art. No. 01586 02 180 Polishing Pad - Lambskin (589) Art. No. 00585 135 - 135mm Black Art. No. 00585 195 - 195mm White Optimum removal capacity ensures quick working results. 125mm Backing Pad (14mm) Headlight Polishing/Paint Finish Set Art. No. 01586 02 125 Art. No. 00964 893 8 Wurth High Gloss P20 Wurth Anti Hologram P30 Wurth 2-in-1 Polish P55 Art. No. 00893 150 010 Art. No. 00893 150 020 Art. No. 00893 150 030 Art. No. 00893 150 055 -1Kg Highly abrasive high-gloss polish for Medium-abrasive high-gloss polish for High-gloss finish for permanently Art. No. 00893 100 058 - 5Kg quickly removing surface defects in fresh efficient paint preparation, traces of removing streaks and holograms on repair and fully hardened top coats. grinding and scratches on used paints, as dark vehicle paints. Wurth Fast Cut P10 well as for removing defective areas on High-gloss finish for permanently removing streaks and holograms on dark vehicle paints. hardened repair top coats. Blue Pad Lamb Skin White Orange Pad Wave Pad Paint Sealant Pink Gloss Sealing Compound Polishing Compound (587) Polymer Protection Spray (591) Art. No. 00893 011 01 - 1Ltr 250ml (577) Art. No. 00893 157 1 Art. No. 00893 158 Art. No. 00893 011 05 - 5Ltr Art. No. 00893 012 6 Synthetic clay used for the removal of Transparent surface protection for seal- For permanent high-gloss sealing of all Provides lasting protection against spray mist and soil build-up. ing and preserving smooth surfaces and types of paint weathering, salt, sunlight and other 18 for the removal of polishing smears and the hologram effect. CHEMICALS - Sealers Colours Available: Colours Available: Silicone Neutral Universal 310ml Silicone Acetate 310ml Silicone Glass Clear 310ml Art. No. 00892 530... Art. No. 00892 570/317... Art. No. 00892 215 A neutral curing silicone which can be used internally or A general purpose acetate silicone. Special fungicidal sealant for tiles and bathroom area externally, and is especially suited for glazing, sanitary Art. No. 00 891 001 310ml Sealer Gun - glass clear especially suited for display glass. and construction applications Art. No. 00891 318 310ml Sealer Gun Art. No. 00 891 001 310ml Sealer Gun (White, Clear, Grey, Black) Art. No. 00891 318 310ml Sealer Gun Acrylic Sealer 310ml (111) Parquet Acrylic 310ml (112) Art. No. 00892 165 Art. No. 00892 171... Art. No. 00893 225 0 For interior sealing joints with low absorption For sealing off parquet joints indoors All purpose, elastic construction adhesive and sealant, of movement eg. Cracks in masonry, plaster. Art. No. 00 891 001 310ml Sealer Gun which is as clear as glass. Art. No. 00 891 001 310ml Sealer Gun Art. No. 00891 318 310ml Sealer Gun Art. No. 00 891 001 310ml Sealer Gun Art. No. 00891 318 310ml Sealer Gun Available in various colours Art. No. 00891 318 310ml Sealer Gun Colours Available: Adhesive Sealant - Glass Clear 290ml (139) Colours Available: Seal Fix (Spray Sealer) 310ml (186) Windscreen Bonder Classic 310ml (255) Multi Purpose Foam 500ml Art. No. 00893 226/7/8 Art. No. 00890 023 701 Art. No. 00892 142 6 Spray-able sealant based on an MS polymer, for recreat- Non-conductive 1K windscreen adhesive with very A high quality one component insulating foam for ing the original texture following accident repairs good stability filling gaps. Art. No. 00893 024 021 Windscreen Primer Art. No. 00891 152 4 Spray Foam Gun Art. No. 00891 628 31 Applicator Gun 19 CHEMICALS - Sealers Colours Colours Available: RTV Silicone Black/Grey 200ml (184) Available: DP 300 Universal Sealer 100Gr Silicone 250 Red/Black 70ml (185) Art. No. 00893 321 1/6 Art. No. 00890 100 048 Art. No. 00890 321/323 Acid free high grade adhesive and sealing compound Permanently elastic, high temperature-resistant Permanently elastic silicone sealing compound for for use with motor vehicles. engine and housing sealing compound-used with engine and vehicle body, temperature resistant up to Loctite 37469 solid seals. 250°C. Loctite 454 Loctite 518 Under-body Spray Sealer 500ml RTV Silicone Grey Body Prot. Wax - Transparent 1Ltr (496) Art. No. 00890 324 085 Art. No. 00892 082 Art. No. 00892 075 250 Permanent elastic silicone sealing compound for Provides lasting protection of sill panels, inside door For repair and restoration of the original structure engines and vehicle body, temperature resistant spaces, etc. against corrosion. and for protection against stone chips and corrosion up to 315°C. Loctite 5699 Colours Available: Underbody Seal 1Ltr SKS Stonechip 1000ml (492) Paint-on-body Sealant 1.2Kgs (187) Art. No. 00892 075 200 Art. No. 00892 070 100 Art. No. 00892 010 Synthetic rubber and plastic-based coating compound Solvent-reduced water-based and paintable Sealing compound for recreating the original containing solvents and suitable for painting over. coating mass based on synthetic resin. brushstroke effect produced at the factory and for sealing of welds, seams, joints and overlaps. 20 CHEMICALS - Sealers Exhaust Assembly Paste 150Gr(183) High Temp Exhaust Sealer 150Gr Vaku 20 2Kgs (651) Art. No. 00890 100 045 Art. No. 01890 046 Art. No. 00892 602 02 Soft paste for gas tight fitting of flanges and sleeves. A one part heat/air curing silicate cement for the Fine filler with high elasticity for closing off existing Exhaust Putty 200Gr (183) assembly of exhaust systems. pores and for repairing small scratches, grooves and uneven areas. Art. No. 00890 100 046 Art. No. 00892 600 004 Hardener For the repair of small holes and cracks. Sound Deadening Pads 550x250x2 (3583) Spray Varnish (625) Art. No. 00890 100 060 “4-in-1” Filler Art. No. 00893 188 (Clear Silk Matt) Art. No. 01890 1/250… Suppresses internal noises caused by vibrating body Art. No. 00893 188 1 (Clear Gloss) Wood Filler, Grain Filler, Edge Filler, Crack Filler. parts and road noise. Colourless protective varnish for painting over natural surfaces. Soft Wax Sticks (526) Art. No. 00890 403... 201 - Pure White 202 - Colourless/Light 203 - Maple/Ash 204 - Pine 205 - Maple 206 - Beech 207 - Ash 208 - Alder 209 - Beech/Dark 210 - Oak (Light) 211 - Cherry (Medium) 212 - Pear (Light) 213 - Peartree/Dark 214 - Oak 215 - Oak (Dark) 216 - Brown 217 - Walnut (Medium) 218 - Mahogany 219 - Bogoak 220 - Deep Black 234 - Beech 239 - Walnut (Dark) 241 - Mahogany (Dark) Wurth Carpenters Pencil (2025) Art. No. 00715 64 01 21 CHEMICALS - Applicators 310ml Cartridge Guns UBS Gun (504) Underbody Sealer Gun Art. No. 00891 318 - Heavy Duty Art. No. 00891 110 640 Art. No. 00891 106 0 Art. No. 00891 001 - Standard For applying under-body seal and wax Spray Lances for UBS Gun Art. No. 00891 110 001 Hand Cleaner Pressure Pump Replast Applicator Gun Applicator Gun for Powerbond Brake Cleaner Pump 1Ltr Art. No. 00891 901 1 Art. No. 00891 893 485 Art. No. 00891 450 100 Art. No. 00891 503 002 Wall Mounting Bracket Replast Applicator Mixer Woodslide Pump 1Ltr Art. No. 00891 900 2 Art. No. 00891 486 Art. No. 00891 530 70 Spray Container 500ml Refillo Spray System Web Spray Art. No. 00891 502 005 - Zebra Bottle Art. No. 00891 800 - Pressurising Station Art. No. 00891 602 010 - Spray Gun High Grab Art. No. 00891 502 002 - Woodslide Bottle Art. No. 00891 800 2/9 - Refillo Can Art. No. 00891 602 011 - Professional Gun Art. No. 00891 502 000 - Spray Pistol Art. No. 00891 890 1 - Wall Can Holder Art. No. 00891 602 012 - 4M Hose Art. No. 00891 602 014 - 8M Hose Art. No. 00891 602 013 - Roller 75mm Art. No. 00891 602 015 - Roller 180mm 22 CHEMICALS - Applicators 600ml Sausage Applicator Gun Air Application Gun 310ml Art. No. 00891 400 601 Art. No. 01891 628 31 Art. No. 01891 628 311 - O-ring Kit For Spray Seam Sealer Products Adaptor Sausage Pack Adaptor Sausage Pack 310ml Cartridge Nozzle Adaptor Clean Edge Spray Nozzle Art. No. 00891 660 Art. No. 00891 651 10 Art. No. 00891 653 Art. No. 01891 670 Round Beading Nozzle Ragged Edge Spray Nozzle Flat Beading Nozzle Art. No. 01891 672 Art. No. 01891 671 Art. No. 01891 673 Joint Smoother (125) Art. No. 00891 182 Used for achieving certain joint effects (6 possibilities). 23 CHEMICALS - Plumbing Accessories 200Gr Hemp (3179) Installation Putty - White (3179) Solder for Copper Piping Art. No. 00876 007 200 Art. No. 00892 756 Art. No. 00987 13 - 3mm Solder For sealing off metallic screw fittings which seal Suitable for all types of sanitary systems. Espe- Art. No. 00987 132 - 2mm Solder in the thread in conjunction with thread sealing cially suited for installing fittings on wash basins Suitable for soft welding of copper pipes in tape. and bathtubs. cold and hot water installations (heat resistant up to 110°C), refrigeration, airconditioning, heating and radiator work. Wash Stand Attachment Kit (3171) Art. No. 00905 900 120 Consists of: 2 x Stud Screws, galv. 2 x Dowels, dia. 14mm x 75mm 2 x Collar Sleeves, plastic, white 2 x U-washers, galv. 2 x Hex. Nuts M10, galv. 24
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