CHAPTER 1 - Intro
CHAPTER 1 - Intro
PRODUCT CATALOGUE AUS. pub. 10/10 © Total Range 01 0001 CONTACT INFORMATION 2/1 Healey Road Dandenong South VIC 3175 37 Motorway Circuit Ormeau QLD 4208 28 Mumford Place Balcatta WA 6021 P: 1300 65 77 65 F: 1800 03 23 96 E: [email protected] AUS. pub. 10/10 © W: 01 0002 THE WURTH PHILOSOPHY Our Vision Becoming the No. 1 in the eyes of our customers as the best and most qualified sales team. Our Mission We love selling. We inspire our customers. Our Basic Principles We request and promote achievements. The greater the success, the more freedom and liberty. We are optimistic, dynamic and have powers of self-assertion. We passionately fight for success. We constantly pursue everything that has proven to be successful, and we try out new things. We strive for perfection in every area of our activities. We assume responsibility for our actions, work in mutual respect and appreciation and are straightforward and predictable in everything we do. The term we consider most important in dealing with each other is "thank-you". WURTH AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. Wurth Australia Pty. Ltd. is a well established, fast growing international company supplying the highest quality after market repair products to the automotive, agricultural, transport, manufacturing and building industries. From its humble beginnings in Australia the name Wurth and its products have fast become the industry leader and the benchmark for competitors to follow. Wurth Australia’s ability to act quickly on market needs backed by a nationwide sales force, shows customers that Wurth is not only a market leader in innovative, time efficient solutions, but also has the sales force to ensure that every single customer enjoys the level of service synonymous with the Wurth brand. AUS. pub. 11/10 © Wurth Australia has been established for 25 years and employs over 500 people. Our sales staff are strategically placed around the country to cover all major cities as well as smaller regional centres such as Kalgoorlie, Mt. Isa and Alice Springs. Wurth Australia has a customer base of approximately 60,000. website: 01 0005 AUS. pub. 11/10 © Sample copy only QUALITY MANAGEMENT 01 0006 AUS. pub. 10/10 © Sample copy only OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY 01 0011 AUS. pub. 10/10 © CURRENT MARKETING CAMPAIGNS 01 1001 PRODUCT INFORMATION AUS. pub. 10/10 © • Folders, Displays, Posters • Chemical Shelf Life • Conversion Tables • Fastener Information • Cross Reference Charts 01 2001 CUSTOMER MSDS FOLDER • Includes 10 clear plastic sheets (Starter Pack). • Helps to meet OHS requirements. • Easily identified for quick reference. Description Customer MSDS folder Art. No. 1999 890 894 Pack Qty. 1 Description A3 DOS wall chart Art. No. 0893 964 001 Pack Qty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²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µ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² \HDU *UHHQ 'LPHWK\ODFU\ODWH )OXRUHVFHQW%OXH \HDU \HDU R& KUVR& KUV KRXUV )DVWFXULQJHYHQDW ORZWHPSHUDWXUHV 'LPHWK\ODFU\ODWH *UHHQ 'LPHWK\ODFU\ODWH )OXRUHVFHQW*UHHQ \HDU \HDU )OXRUHVFHQW2UDQJH \HDU 'LPHWK\ODFU\ODWH )OXRUHVFHQW<HOORZ \HDU 'LPHWK\ODFU\ODWH 9LROHW \HDU KRXUV KRXUV KRXUV ² !1P 1P ² 1P 1P 1P 1P EDUSVL ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² EDUSVL ² EDUSVL ² 7HQVLOHVWUHQJWK R R R R R KRXUV 'LPHWK\ODFU\ODWH KRXUV %UHDNORRVHUHVLVWDQFH 2SHUDWLQJSUHVVXUH )XOOVWUHQJWKDW& KRXUV ([FHOOHQWUHVLVWDQFH WRFKHPLFDOVJDV OLTXLGVIXHOVDQG K\GUDXOLFIOXLGV &DQEHDSSOLHGRQ VOLJKWO\RLO\VXUIDFHV QRQHHGIRUWLPH FRQVXPLQJGHJUHDVLQJ RIWKUHDGV 0RUHVXLWDEOHIRU ODUJHUDQGURXJKHU PDFKLQHGVXUIDFHV &RORXU +\GUDXOLF 6HDODQW R 1PP R R &WR & R 1PP R &WR & R R &WR & R 7HPSUHVLVWDQFH &WR & &WR & &WR & 0D[JDSEULGJLQJ DSSUR[PP XSWRPP XSWRPP XSWRPP XSWRPP XSWRPP PP 0 0 ² ² 5µ0 ² ² PP PP ² R &WR & 0D[WKUHDGMRLQW ² 0 0D[JOXHJDS DSSUR[PP ² ,QVWUXFWLRQVIRUXVH &OHDQDQGGU\WKHVXUIDFHV &OHDQDQGGU\WKUHDGVDQGDSSO\DVPDOODPRXQW &OHDQDQGGU\DOOVXUIDFHVWREHVHDOHGZLWKDVXLWDEOHVROYHQWLH%UDNH&OHDQHU WREHVHDOHG RI7KUHDG/RFN7LJKWHQWRVSHFLILFDWLRQV $SSO\DWKLQOD\HURI6HDODQWWRRQHVLGHRQO\DQGDVVHPEOHSDUWVLPPHGLDWHO\ $SSO\DWKLQOD\HURIWKH PDWHULDORQRQHVLGHDQG OHDYHIRUPLQWRDLUWKHQ MRLQWZRVXUIDFHV7KHUPDO KDUGHQLQJSRVVLEOH IURPR&,WLVUHODWLYHO\ HDV\WRVHSDUDWHWKHMRLQHG SDUWVLIQHFHVVDU\ .HURVHQH 'LHVHO (QJLQHRLO $OFRKROV -HW)XHO 2LOV R&WRR& PP 5µ ² $SSO\DVPDOODPRXQW RI+\GUDXOLF6HDODQWWR WKUHDGVDQGWLJKWHQWR VSHFLILFDWLRQV 5(6,67$1&(7$%/()25'266<67(0 )RUPLF$FLGV $YLDWLRQ6SLULW ;LOHQH (WKHODFHWDWH $FHWRQH )URVWSURWHFWLRQ *HDURLO 6WHDP &RRODQWV 3HWURO $ONDOLQH6ROXWLRQV 3KRVSKRULFDFLG +HDWLQJRLO +\GUDXOLFRLO 6ROYHQWVFKORULQDWHG %UDNH)OXLG $UWLFOH1R-RE1R$865HYLVHG5HSULQW DIN/ISO AND STANDARD PARTS AUS. pub. 10/10 © Description Art. No. A1 DIN and Standard 8900 800 80 Parts Poster (841mm x 594mm) 01 2005 Pack Qty. 1 AIR CONDITIONING POSTER Laminated wall chart IS YOUR CAR MAKING YOU SICK Description A4 Air conditioning poster Art. No. 0893 001 001 Pack Qty. 1 Description A4 Workshop supplies counter top Art. No. Pack Qty. 1999 020 1 Have your Air Conditioning and Heating System disinfected. Job No. 420910 - Article No. 0893 001 001/Aus - 09/10 • A powerful treatment which does not just act as a cosmetic odour cover-up. • Ensures that mouldy smells are effectively eliminated at the source by killing mildew and fungi. • Excellent for refreshing smoked-in vehicles, older cars and trucks. The healthiest and most reliable way to kill those nasty germs. AUS. pub. 10/10 © WORKSHOP SUPPLIES COUNTER TOP 01 2006 CHEMICAL PRODUCT CODES Wurth Code 1: 22 03 123456 Example: 22 03 123456 Numbers 1+2= Calender Week (22) Numbers 3+4= Year (2003) Batch No. of the supplier Wurth Code 2: 06 09 05 The date on the bottom of the container represents the expiry date of the product. Sometimes followed by batch code. Example: 06 09 Numbers 1+2= Day (6th) Numbers 3+4= Month (September) 05 Number 5+6 Year (2005) Explanation regarding shelf life: The shelf life is from the date of manufacture. Note: In general, the applicable shelf life for the customer is the stated shelf life less 3 months to allow for transit and storage time. AUS. pub. 10/10 © • 2 months shipping time from Wurth Germany to Wurth Australia. • 1 month average storage time in our warehouse. • = 3 months from date of manufacture. 01 2031 AUS. pub. 12/10 © CHEMICAL SHELF LIFE Description Contents Art. No. Wurth SKS Black Wurth SKS Grey Wurth Temperature Reduction Spray Wurth Rubber Glue Wurth Body Sealing Tape Grey Wurth Body Sealing Tape Round Black Wurth Glass Sealant Black Wurth Exhaust Assembly Paste Wurth DP 300 Tube Glue Sticks Brown Wurth Spray Adhesive Extra Strong Glue Sticks Yellow Glue Sticks Black Noise Supression Pad Wurth Adhesive Sealing Compound White Wurth Adhesive Sealing Compound White Wurth Adhesive Sealing Compoound Grey Wurth Adhesive Sealing Compound Black Wurth Adhesive Sealing Compound Black KD Bond & Seal Primer Metal KD Bond & Seal Primer PLS, WD, STN KD Bond & Seal Remover Wurth Battery Terminal Spray Wurth Battery Terminal Grease Wurth Battery Terminal Spray Wurth Anti Squeak Spray Wurth Brake Cleaner CFC Free Wurth Brake Cleaner CFC Free Wurth Brake Cleaner CFC Free Wurth Rapid Start Wurth Rubber Care Spray Brake Cleaner F1 Cleaner Wurth Priming Spray Grey Wurth Valve Grinding Paste Wurth Leak Detector Rost Off Plus Wurth Leak Detector Cleaning & Care Cockpit Spray Cleaning & Care Cockpit Spray Wurth Active Glass Cleaner Wurth Active Glass Cleaner Wurth Tar Remover Rost Off Plus Rost Off Plus Wurth Silicone Special Transparent Wurth Silicone Special 250 Red Wurth Silicone Special 250 Red Wurth Silicone Special 250 Black 1000ml 1000ml 200ml 180g 26ml 10ml 310ml 140g 100g 10pk 400ml 0.5kg 0.5kg 6pk 310ml 70g 310ml 310ml 70g 250ml 250ml 400ml 150ml 100ml 300ml 300ml 500ml 5L 20L 300ml 300ml 500ml 1L 400ml 120ml 400ml 300ml 5L 400ml 20L 400ml 5L 300ml 5L 20L 70ml 70ml 310ml 70ml 0890 030 0890 031 0890 100 0 0890 100 015 0890 100 030 0890 100 032 0890 100 043 0890 100 045 0890 100 048 0890 100 050 0890 100 056 0890 100 057 0890 100 058 0890 100 060 0890 100 1 0890 100 11 0890 100 2 0890 100 3 0890 100 31 0890 100 61 0890 100 62 0890 100 63 0890 104 0890 104 1 0890 104 10 0890 106 0890 108 7 0890 108 715 0890 108 716 0890 11 0890 110 0890 117 0890 120 0890 180 0890 199 0890 20 0890 200 0890 201 0890 222 1 0890 222 20 0890 25 0890 250 5 0890 26 0890 300 0890 300 1 0890 320 0890 321 0890 321 10 0890 323 01 2035 Shelf Life (months) from Date of Manufacture 12 12 36 24 24 24 24 12 24 9 12 24 24 12 12 12 12 12 12 9 9 9 24 36 24 18 24 24 24 12 12 24 12 36 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 18 18 18 6 18 AUS. pub. 12/10 © CHEMICAL SHELF LIFE Description Contents Art. No. Wurth Silicone Special 250 Grey Wurth Barrier Cream Wurth Brake Fluid Brushable Body Sealing Compound Wurth Stone Guard Spray Beige Wurth Underbody Seal Seal SPR Black Wurth Underbody Seal Black Wurth Underbody Seal Wax Brown Wurth Body Protection Wax Yellow Wurth Cavity Protection Wax Transparent Silicone Acetate Anti Fungus Transparent Silicone Acetate Anti Fungus Black Silicone Acetate Anti Fungus White Wurth Super De-Icer Methonal free Wurth Windscreen Cleaner Wurth Blitz Cleaner Wurth Blitz Cleaner Silicone Neutral PLUS Transparent Silicone Neutral PLUS Black Silicone Neutral PLUS White Silicone Neutral PLUS Grey Wurth K-Plus Filler Wurth K-Plus Filler Tropical Autosham - Two Autosham - Two High Gloss Sealant Rubber Care stick Wurth Leather Care Wurth Interior Cleaner Cutting & Drilling Oil Cutting & Drilling Oil Perfect Cutting & Drilling Oil Perfect Cutting & Drilling Oil Paste Perfect Cutting & Drilling Oil Eco Cutting & Drilling Oil Eco Cutting & Drilling Gel Eco Cut & Cool Cooling Lubricant Cooling Lubricant Plus Cutting & Drilling Oil Wurth Cutting Oil Wurth Air Tool Oil Wurth Maintenance Spray Wurth Underbody Seal Black Wurth Underbody Seal Grey Wurth Body Protect Clear Wurth Protection Wax Wurth Super Glue Super Glue EZY pen Wurth Gasket Cleaner 310ml 1000ml 5L 1200g 500ml 500ml 1L 1L 1L 1000ml 280ml 280ml 280ml 500ml 1L 25ml 5L 300ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 4L 4L 1L 5L 250ml 75ml 500ml 500ml 400ml 400ml 5L 500g 400ml 5L 250g 5L 5L 5L 5L 1000ml 150ml 1L 1L 500ml 300ml 20g 30ml 300ml 0890 323 10 0890 600 100 0892 009 5 0892 010 0892 070 0892 071 0892 072 0892 079 0892 080 0892 082 0892 318 81 0892 318 82 0892 318 83 0892 331 201 0892 332 840 0892 333 0892 333 5 0892 538 81 0892 538 82 0892 538 83 0892 538 84 0892 601 400 0892 601 401 0893 010 0 0893 010 05 0893 012 6 0893 012 8 0893 012 9 0893 033 0893 050 004 0893 050 008 0893 050 009 0893 050 010 0893 050 011 0893 050 012 0893 050 013 0893 050 019 0893 050 025 0893 050 1 0893 050 1 0893 050 5 0893 051 0893 075 0893 075 1 0893 081 0893 082 0893 09 0893 090 030 0893 100 0 01 2036 Shelf Life (months) from Date of Manufacture 6 30 36 24 12 12 24 24 36 36 18 18 18 36 24 24 24 18 18 18 18 12 12 24 24 12 12 12 24 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 12 24 18 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 12 24 AUS. pub. 10/10 © CHEMICAL SHELF LIFE Description Contents Art. No. Wurth Universal Glue Wurth Universal Glue Wurth Weld Spray CFC Free Wurth Weld Spray CFC Free Wurth Aluminium Spray Wurth HHS 2000 HHS CLEANER HHS 5000 HHS FLUID HHS LUBE HHS DRY LUBE Wurth HHS Grease Wurth LMS 220 Wurth Weld Thru Zinc Wurth Rust Convertor Wurth AL 1100 Wurth Alu-zinc Spray Wurth Stainless Spray Wurth Bright Zinc Aluminium Spray Matt Perfect Stainless Steel Spray Perfect Wurth BMF Cleaner Wurth Stainelss Steel Care Spray Wurth Stainless Steel Care Oil Wurth Metal Restorer Wurth Powerful Strength Stl Cleaner HSP 1400 Anti-Seize Non Met. Graffiti-Ex for Outdoor Use Graffiti-Ex for Indoor Use Graffiti-Ex for Fabric Use Wurth Deodoriser Wurth Industry Cleaner Wurth Adhesive Remover Wurth Corrosion Protection Spray Rapid Grinding Paste High Gloss Polish Anti Swirl Polish Nanopaint Polish Polymer Surface Protector Wurth Glass Cleaner Wurth Silicone Spray Wurth Silicone Spray Grease Wurth Spray Sealer Rost Off Ice Wurth DOS Medium Strength Wurth MS1 Windscreen Adhesive Wurth Motor Sealant Wurth DOS High Strength Wurth Plastic Dye Black 719ml 75ml 400ml 5L 400ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 400ml 300ml 400ml 1000ml 5.5 ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 5L 400ml 400ml 400g 500ml 300ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 150ml 300ml 1L 1L 1L 1L 500 ml 1L 500ml 500ml 310ml 400ml 50g 310ml 100g 50g 75ml 0893 100 022 0893 100 023 0893 102 1 0893 102 10 0893 105 0893 106 0893 106 10 0893 106 3 0893 106 4 0893 106 5 0893 106 6 0893 106 7 0893 107 1 0893 109 0893 110 0893 110 5 0893 111 0893 112 0893 114 0893 114 115 0893 114 116 0893 118 2 0893 121 0893 121 0 0893 121 1 0893 121 2 0893 123 0893 135 0893 136 0893 137 0893 139 20 0893 140 0893 141 0893 15 0893 153 0893 154 0893 155 0893 156 0893 158 0893 200 1 0893 221 0893 223 0893 225-8 0893 240 0893 243 050 0893 255 0893 260 100 0893 270 050 0893 280 1 01 2041 Shelf Life (months) from Date of Manufacture 12 12 24 12 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 24 24 24 12 12 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 18 18 18 18 24 24 24 24 15 24 12 12 12 12 24 AUS. pub. 10/10 © CHEMICAL SHELF LIFE Description Contents Art. No. Wurth Plastic Dye Charcoal Super RTV Silicone Black Super RTV Silicone Red Super RTV Silicone Blue Super RTV Silicone Grey Lacquer Spray Black Matt Lacquer Spray High Gloss Chrome Yellow Lacquer Spray High Gloss Zinc Yellow Lacquer Spray Red High Gloss Lacquer Spray High Gloss Yellow Green Lacquer Spray Black High Gloss Lacquer Spray Satin Gloss Flame Red Lacquer Spray Satin Gloss Emerald Green Lacquer Spray Black Satin Lacquer Spray Chrome Lacquer Spray Silver Lacquer Spray Matt Clear Lacquer Spray High Gloss Clear Lacquer Spray Black Heat Proof Lacquer Spray High Gloss Cat Yellow Old Lacquer Spray High Gloss Yellow RAL 4464 Lacquer Spray White High Gloss Wurth Super Glue Gel Wurth Metal Liquid FE-1 Wurth Acetone Cleaner Wurth Insect Remover Paintwork Pre-Cleaner Cockpit Care Primary Vehicle Cleaner Intensive Rim Cleaner Intensive Rim Cleaner Plastic Care Vinyl Care Wurth DOS Hydraulic Sealer Wurth PTFE Dry Lube Manual Transmission Additive Power Steering flush Radiator Seal HP Radiator Fush & Cleaner Engine Oil Additive Engine Oil Additive Engine Flush & Cleaner Engine Flush Engine Flush Injection Cleaner Additive Injection Cleaner Injection Cleaner System Cleaner Diesel Fuel Additive 75ml 270g 270g 270g 270g 400ml 400ml 600ml 600ml 600ml 600ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 350g 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 20g 500ml 250ml 5L 1L 500ml 5L 1L 5L 1000ml 5L 50g 300ml 125ml 250ml 300ml 300ml 300ml 1000ml 400ml 20lt 250ml 300ml 20lt 250ml 300ml 300ml 0893 280 2 0893 321 1 0893 321 2 0893 321 3 0893 321 6 0893 329 005 0893 331 007 0893 331 018 0893 333 020 0893 336 018 0893 339 005 0893 343 000 0893 346 001 0893 349 005 0893 351 132 0893 351 900 0893 351 920 0893 351 930 0893 359 005 0893 360 200 0893 364 464 0893 369 016 0893 403 1 0893 449 0893 460 0893 470 5 0893 471 0893 473 0893 475 0893 476 0893 476 05 0893 477 0893 477 05 0893 545 050 0893 550 0893 552 0893 553 250 0893 555 0893 556 2 0893 557 0893 557 1 0893 558 0893 558 20 0893 558 250 0893 560 0893 560 20 0893 560 250 0893 564 0893 565 01 2042 Shelf Life (months) from Date of Manufacture 24 18 18 18 18 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 12 24 24 12 24 12 12 12 12 24 24 24 12 12 24 12 12 24 24 AUS. pub. 10/10 © CHEMICAL SHELF LIFE Description Contents Art. No. Diesel Fuel Additive Inline Diesel cleaner fluid Inline Diesel Tank treatment Wurth DOS Surface Sealant Green Wurth DOS Surface Sealant Orange Wurth DOS Teflon Pipe Sealant Wurth Contact OL DOS Bearing retainer - High Strength Wurth Contact OS Wurth Contact SW Special Spray Solvent Wurth Contact SL Air Conditioning Disinfectant Wurth CU 800 Wurth CU 800 Tube Wurth CU 800 Tin Wurth Brake Protection ABS Wurth Assembly Paste Wurth multi-Purpose Grease Hand Cleaner Wurth D-mark Hand Cleaner Wurth DOS Rack Hardener for 0993 222 Wurth Polyester Filler Hardener for 0993 201/0993 111 Spray Polyfiller/Hardener Hardener for 0993 115 Unifill Wurth Polyester Filler K-Plus Hardener Wurth Brake Cleaner CFC Free Wurth Industrial Cleaning Wipes Wurth fix Super Flush A/C System Flush Air Conditioning U/V Dye Concentrate A/C Leak Sealant with U/V Dye Super A/C Leak Stop & U/V Dye Ester Oil & U/V Dye Ester Oil & U/V Dye PAG 46 Viscosity & U/V Dye PAG 100 Viscosity & U/V Dye PAG 150 Viscosity & U/V Dye PAG 46 Viscosity & U/V Dye PAG 100 Viscosity & U/V Dye PAG 150 Viscosity & U/V Dye Synpol Auto Polish Wurth Carburettor Cleaner Wurth Curtain Track Lube RPR - Rubber & Plastic Rejuvenator RVMB - Rear View Mirror Bonder 1000ml 20lt 20lt 50g 50g 50g 200ml 50g 200ml 200ml 200ml 250ml 300ml 100ml 1000g 300ml 300ml 400g 4000ml 250ml (70x50g) 60g 2.25kg 50g 1.5kg 50g 2.25kg 3kg 100g 400g 75pcs 50ml 3.87L 236ml 114g 59ml 236ml 946ml 236ml 236ml 236ml 946ml 946ml 946ml 500ml 400g 300g 20L vial 0893 565 1 0893 565 20 0893 567 20 0893 573 050 0893 574 050 0893 577 050 0893 60 0893 603 050 0893 61 0893 65 0893 70 0893 764 100 0893 800 0893 800 1 0893 800 2 0893 816 0893 850 0893 871 1 0893 900 0893 910 0893 964 0993 102 2 0993 111 0993 112 0993 115 0993 115 1 0993 201 1 0993 222 0993 600 120 1890 108 7 1890 900 1890 900 1/2/3 1892 764 02 1892 764 031 1892 764 300 1892 764 322 1892 764 327 1892 764 334 1892 764 425 1892 764 426 1892 764 429 1892 764 525 1892 764 526 1892 764 529 1893 012 5 1893 100 1893 125 1893 221 20 1893 400 4 01 2045 Shelf Life (months) from Date of manufacture 24 12 12 12 12 12 24 12 24 24 24 18 24 24 24 12 24 24 12 30 12 12 6 12 6 12 6 6 12 12 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 12 12 12 9 INCH FRACTIONS AND DECIMALS TO MILLIMETER EQUIVALENTS AUS. pub. 10/10 © Inches Fract Dec. Eq .0004 .001 .0039 .0079 .0098 .0118 .0138 No./Letter mm 0.01 0.250 0.10 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 .0145 80 .0150 1/64 .0156 .0157 .0177 .0197 .0205 .0228 .0236 .0256 .0260 .0276 .0295 1/32 .0312 .0315 .0320 .0335 .0354 .0360 .0374 .0390 .0394 .0400 .0414 .0430 .0433 .0453 3/64 .0469 .0472 .0512 .0532 .0551 .0591 1/16 .0625 .0630 .0669 .0689 .0709 .0729 .0748 0.75 .0768 5/64 .0781 .0787 .0807 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 0.38 0.397 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.52 0.58 0.60 0.65 Inches Fract 3/32 7/64 0.70 0.75 1/8 0.80 0.82 0.85 0.90 0.92 0.95 0.98 1.00 9/64 5/32 1.05 1.10 1.15 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.50 11/64 1.60 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.905 1.95 1.984 2.00 2.05 3/16 13/64 No./Letter Dec.Eq .0827 .0866 .0886 .0906 .0938 .0965 .0984 45 44 43 mm Inches Fract Dec.Eq .2126 .2165 .2188 .2205 .2283 .2323 .2344 No./Letter mm 3 5.40 5.50 2 1 42 41 40 2.10 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.381 2.45 2.50 A 5.60 5.80 5.90 5.953 .1004 39 2.55 .2362 B 6.00 .1024 .1043 .1063 .1065 .1093 .1102 .1110 .1122 .1162 .1181 .1250 .1299 .1378 .1406 .1440 .1457 .1470 .1495 .1520 .1540 .1563 .1575 .1590 .1614 .1654 .1660 .1693 .1719 .1732 .1772 .1800 .1811 .1850 .1875 .1890 .1929 .1935 .1969 .2008 .2010 .2031 .2040 .2055 .2090 38 37 2.60 2.65 2.70 .2402 .2441 .251 .2559 .2598 .2638 .2656 .2677 .2717 .2758 .2813 .2913 .2953 .2969 .3031 .3125 .3150 .3189 .3228 .3281 .3307 .3346 .3386 .3425 .3438 .3465 .3543 .3580 .3594 .3680 .3740 .3750 .3858 .3906 .3937 .3970 .4016 .4040 .4062 .4134 .4219 .4331 .4375 .4531 C D E F G 6.10 6.20 7/32 15/64 1/4 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 2.776 2.80 17/64 2.85 2.95 3.00 3.175 3.30 3.50 3.572 9/32 3.70 5/16 19/64 3.9 21/64 3.969 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.366 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.763 4.80 4.90 5.00 5.10 11/32 23/64 3/8 25/64 13/32 27/64 6 5 4 01 2051 5.20 5.30 7/16 29/64 H I J K L M N O P Q R S 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.747 6.80 6.90 7.00 7.144 7.40 7.50 7.541 7.70 7.938 8.00 8.10 8.20 8.334 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.731 8.80 9.00 T U V W X Y Z 9.128 9.30 9.50 9.525 9.80 9.922 10.00 10.10 10.20 10.30 10.319 10.50 10.716 11.00 11.113 11.509 INCH FRACTIONS AND DECIMALS TO MILLIMETER EQUIVALENTS Inches Fract 15/32 31/64 1/2 33/64 17/32 35/64 9/16 37/64 19/32 39/64 5/8 41/64 21/32 43/64 11/16 45/64 23/32 47/64 3/4 49/64 25/32 51/64 13/16 AUS. pub. 10/10 © 53/64 27/32 55/64 7/8 57/64 29/32 mm Dec.Eq .4688 .4724 .4844 .4921 .5000 .5118 .5156 .5301 .5315 .5469 .5512 0.5625 0.571 0.5781 0.5906 0.5938 0.6 0.6094 0.6103 0.625 0.6299 0.6406 0.6486 0.6563 0.6693 0.6719 0.6875 0.689 0.7 0.7031 0.7087 0.7188 0.7283 0.7344 0.748 0.75 0.7656 0.7677 0.7812 0.7874 0.7969 0.8125 0.8268 0.8281 0.8438 0.8594 0.8661 0.875 0.8906 0.9 0.9055 0.9063 11.906 12.00 12.303 12.50 12.70 13.00 13.097 13.464 13.50 13.891 14.00 14.288 14.50 14.684 15.00 15.081 15.240 15.478 15.50 15.875 16.00 16.272 16.50 16.669 17.00 17.066 17.463 17.50 17.780 17.859 18.00 18.256 18.50 18.653 19.00 19.050 19.47 19.50 19.844 20.00 20.241 20.638 21.00 21.034 21.431 21.828 22.00 22.225 22.622 22.860 23.00 23.019 Inches Fract 59/64 15/16 61/64 31/32 1 1 1/16 1 1/8 1 3/16 1 1/4 1 5/16 1 3/8 1 7/16 1 1/21 1 9/16 1 5/8 1 11/16 1 3/4 1 13/16 1 7/8 2 2 1/8 2 1/4 2 3/8 mm Dec.Eq 0.9219 0.9375 0.9449 0.9531 0.9688 0.9813 1 1.024 1.062 1.063 1.102 1.125 1.142 1.181 1.187 1.221 1.250 1.260 1.299 1.312 1.339 1.375 1.378 1.417 1.438 1.457 1.496 1.500 1.535 1.562 1.575 1.614 1.625 1.654 1.688 1.693 1.732 1.750 1.772 1.811 1.813 1.850 1.875 1.890 1.929 1.969 2.000 2.125 2.165 2.250 2.362 2.375 01 2052 23.416 23.813 24.00 24.209 24.606 25.00 25.40 26 26.988 27 28 28.575 29 30 30.16 31 31.75 32 33 33.34 34 34.93 35 36 36.51 37 38 38.1 39 39.69 40 41 41.28 42 42.86 43 44 44.45 45 46 46.04 47 47.63 48 49 50 50.8 54 55 57.2 60 60.3 Inches Fract 2 1/2 2 5/8 2 3/4 2 7/8 3 3 1/4 3 1/2 3 3/4 4 4 1/2 5 5 1/2 6 6 1/2 7 7 1/2 8 8 1/2 9 9 1/2 10 11 12 13 14 15 mm Dec.Eq 2.5000 2.559 2.625 2.750 2.756 2.875 2.953 3.000 3.150 3.250 3.346 3.500 3.543 3.740 3.750 3.937 4.000 4.331 4.500 4.724 5.000 5.118 5.500 5.512 5.906 6.000 6.229 6.500 7.000 7.087 7.500 7.874 8.000 8.500 8.661 9.000 9.449 9.500 9.843 10.000 10.236 11.000 11.024 11.811 12.000 13.000 13.780 14.000 15.000 15.748 16.000 63.5 65 66.7 69.9 70 73 75 76.2 80 82.6 85 88.9 90 95 95.3 100 101.6 110 114.3 120 127 130 139.7 140 150 152.4 160 165.1 177.8 180 190.5 200 203.2 215.9 220 228.6 240 241.3 250 254 260 279.4 280 300 304.8 330.2 350 355.6 381 400 405.4 TAP AND DRILL GUIDE Metric ISO Metric UNC Fine Course Tap size Pitch M2 M2.5 M3 M3.5 M4 M4.5 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M14 M16 M18 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30 M33 M36 M39 M42 M45 M48 M52 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.75 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 Tapping drill mm 1.6 2.05 2.5 2.9 3.3 3.7 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.8 7.8 8.5 9.5 10.2 12.0 14.0 15.5 17.5 19.5 21.0 24.0 26.5 29.5 32.0 35.0 37.5 40.5 43.0 47.0 Spark Plug Tap size Pitch M10 M12 M14 M18 1.0 1.25 1.25 1.5 Tapping drill mm 9.0 10.8 12.8 16.5 Tap size Pitch M8 M10 M12 M12 M14 M16* M18 M20* M22 M24 1.0 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 Tapping drill mm 7.0 8.8 10.8 10.5 12.5 14.5 16.5 18.5 20.5 22.0 *Whit Conduit BSW British Standard Whitworth Tap size *3/32 1/8 *5/32 3/16 *7/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1* 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2* Pitch Tapping drill mm 48 1.9 40 2.55 32 3.2 24 3.7 24 4.5 20 5.1 18 6.5 16 8.0 14 9.3 12 10.5 12 12.2 11 13.5 10 16.5 9 19.5 8 22.0 7 25.0 7 28.0 6 34.0 5 39.0 4-1/2 45.0 UNF Unified National Course Unified National Fine Tap size Pitch Tap size Pitch 3(.099) 4(.112) 5(.125) 6(.138) 8(.164) 10(.190) 12(.216) 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1* 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 48 40 40 32 32 24 24 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 3(.099) 4(.112) 5(.125) 6(.138) 8(.164) 10(.190) 12(.216) *3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1" *1" 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 56 48 44 40 36 32 28 32 28 24 24 20 20 18 18 16 14 12 14 12 12 12 Tapping drill mm 2.0 2.25 2.6 2.75 3.4 3.8 4.4 5.1 6.6 8.0 9.4 10.8 12.2 13.5 16.5 19.5 22.0 25.0 28.0 34.0 BSF *UNS British Standard Fine Tap size Pitch 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 32 26 22 20 18 16 16 14 12 11 10 9 9 8 7 Tapping drill mm 4.0 5.4 6.8 8.3 9.8 11.0 12.7 14.0 16.5 19.5 22.5 22.5 29.0 34.5 40.5 AUS. pub. 10/10 © *Whit Form Taper pipe threads of improved quality are obtained when taper is pre-formed. Note: The tapping drill sizes indicated are recommended only and should give approximately 75% of thread depth. • Always wear eye protection when using cutting tools. • Use Wurth Cutting and Drilling lubricants when drilling, tapping or cutting. 01 2055 Tapping drill mm 2.1 2.35 2.65 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.6 4.0 5.5 6.9 8.5 9.8 11.5 12.8 14.5 17.5 20.5 23.5 24.0 26.5 29.5 36.0 TAP AND DRILL GUIDE NPTF NPSF (Taper) DRYSEAL Tap size Pitch 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1" 1-1/4 27 18 18 14 14 11-1/2 11-1/2 Rc Series (BSPT) (Straight) DRYSEAL Tapping drill mm 8.4 11.0 14.5 17.5 23.0 29.0 37.5 Tap size Pitch 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 27 18 18 14 ISO Rc Taper Series Tapping drill mm 8.5 11.0 14.5 18.0 Tap size Pitch Rc 1/8 Rc 1/4 Rc 3/8 Rc 1/2 Rc 3/4 Rc 1" Rc 1-1/4 Rc 1-1/2 Rc 2" 28 19 19 14 14 11 11 11 11 Tapping drill mm 8.2 10.8 14.5 17.5 23.0 29.5 38.0 43.5 55.0 Taper pipe threads of improved quality are obtained when taper is pre-formed. Note: The tapping drill sizes indicated are recommended only and should give approximately 75% of thread depth.. AUS. pub. 11/10 © • Always wear eye protection when using cutting tools. • Use Wurth Cutting and Drilling lubricants when drilling, tapping or cutting. 01 2056 G Series (BSPF) ISO G Parallel Series Tap size Pitch G1/8 G1/4 G3/8 G1/2 G5/8 G3/4 G7/8 G1" G1-1/4 G1-1/2 G1-3/4 G2" 28 19 19 14 14 14 14 11 11 11 11 11 Tapping drill mm 8.8 11.8 15.0 19.0 21.0 24.5 28.0 30.5 39.0 45.0 51.0 57.0 THREADED FASTENERS - INFORMATION Tensile on Screws and Bolts. Grade 5.6 8.8 10.9 12.9 = = = = 50 80 100 120 - Pitch for Imperial Sizes. 60kg per sq. mm 90kg per sq. mm 110kg per sq. mm 140kg per sq. mm x 0.635 to convert to tons per square inch. Tensile on Nuts. 8 10 12 = = = Only for a 8.8 tensile bolt Only for a 10.9 tensile bolt Only for a 12.9 tensile bolt European Metric Din Sizes. Size M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M 10 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 18 M 20 M 22 M 24 M 27 M 30 M 33 M 36 M 42 M 48 Standard 0.50 0.70 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 Fine 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 (Threads per inch) Size 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1.00 1.25 Gauge 2 4 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 1.50 1.50 1.50 Standard 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.50 Fine 1.00 1.25 AUS. pub. 10/10 © Course 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 UNF 28 24 24 20 20 18 18 16 14 14 Self Tapping Screw Gauges. Extra Fine Japanese Metric Sizes. Size M8 M9 M 10 M 12 M 14 UNC 24 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 01 2061 Millimetre 2.2 2.9 3.5 3.9 4.2 4.8 5.5 6.3 8.0 BSF 32 26 22 20 18 16 16 14 12 11 10 THREADED FASTENERS - INFORMATION Bolts of various steel alloys withstand different tensions. Unmarked bolts can be used to join low - stress components. Marked, high tensile strength bolts are needed for higher stress parts. Bolt head markings are shown in table 1 and 2. Table 1 - Imperial. Grade Description 0 1 Nominal Size (Inches) 1/4 to 1 1/2 1/4 to 1 1/2 1/4 to 1/2 Over 1/2 to 3/4 Over 3/4 to 1 1/2 1/4 to 1/2 Over 1/2 to 5/8 1/4 to 3/4 Over 3/4 to 1 Over 1 to 1 1/2 Tensile Strength Min. psi x 1000 55 69 64 55 110 100 120 115 105 5.1 Up to 3/8 incl. 120 7 1/4 to 1 1/2 133 8 1/4 to 1 1/2 150 2 3 5 Description (Material and Other) Steel Low or medium carbon steel. Idenifcation (Head Marking) None None Low or medium carbon steel. None Medium carbon steel. Cold worked. Quenched and tempered. Low or medium carbon steel. Quenched and tempered with assembled lockwasher. Medium carbon alloy steel. Quenched and tempered. Roll threaded after heat treatment. Medium carbon alloy steel. Quenched and tempered. Torque ISO Metric SAE Megapascals Grade Grade 1300 1200 12.9 1100 1000 10.9 8 (1030) 900 800 5 (830) 8.8 5 (720) 6.8 2 (510) 700 600 500 2 (410) 4.6 AUS. pub. 10/10 © 400 01 2062 THREADED FASTENERS - INFORMATION Table 2 - Metric. Property Class Nominal Diameter (mm) 4.6 M5 thru M36 4.8 M 1.6 thru M16 5.8 M5 thru M24 (1) 8.8 M17 thru M36 9.8 M1.6 thru M16 10.9 M6 thru M36 Description (Material and Other) Identification (Head Marking) Low or medium carbon steels 4.6 Low or medium carbon steels 4.8 Low or medium carbon steels (For studs only, sulphur content may be 0.33 max.) Medium carbon steel (all sizes) Medium carbon alloy steels (sizes over M24) (For studs only, sulphur content may be 0.13 max.) Medium carbon steels (all sizes) (For studs only, sulphur content may be 0.13 max.) Medium carbon alloy steel (all sizes) Fine grain. Torque ISO Metric SAE Megapascals Grade Grade 1300 1200 12.9 1100 1000 10.9 8 (1030) 900 800 5 (830) 8.8 5 (720) 6.8 2 (510) 700 600 500 2 (410) 4.6 AUS. pub. 10/10 © 400 01 2063 5.8 8.8 9.8 10.9 TIGHTENING TORQUES AND INDUCED BOLT TENSION UNC & UNF Bolts and screws, SAE Grade 5 & 8 Diameter 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1.1/8 1.1/4 1.3/8 1.1/2 SAE Grade 5 UNC Torque ft.lbs 7 15 27 43 66 94 130 231 373 558 688 971 1272 1690 UNF Torque ft.lbs Bolt Tension lbs 1760 2890 4290 5880 7860 10070 12480 18460 25550 33470 36700 46600 55500 67600 SAE Grade 8 UNC Torque ft.lbs Bolt Tension lbs 2010 3180 4840 6560 8840 11240 14170 20600 28100 36600 41100 51600 63200 76000 8 17 30 48 74 105 148 258 410 610 771 1075 1448 1900 10 21 38 61 92 133 183 326 525 787 1116 1573 2063 2738 Bolt Tension lbs 2470 4090 6040 8320 11050 14170 17610 26060 36000 47200 59500 75500 90000 109500 UNF Torque ft.lbs 12 23 43 67 104 149 208 364 579 862 1251 1744 2349 3083 Bolt Tension lbs 2820 4510 6820 9230 12480 15860 19950 29120 39700 51700 66700 83700 102500 123300 Metric Coarse Pitch Bolts & Screws - Property Class 8.8 & 10.9 Diameter Pitch mm 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.0 9.0 22.0 44.0 77.0 122.0 180.0 269.0 372.0 519.0 640.0 1314.0 2297.0 Bolt Tension kN 5.35 7.54 13.80 21.90 31.80 43.40 59.20 74.8 95.60 118.0 138.00 219.00 319.00 PC 10.9 Torque Nm 8.0 13.0 32.0 63.0 109.0 174.0 270.0 370.0 528.0 722.0 914.0 1817.0 3173.0 AUS. pub. 10/10 © M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M18 M20 M22 M24 M30 M36 PC 8.8 Torque Nm 01 2071 Bolt Tension kN 7.67 10.90 19.80 31.30 45.50 62.10 84.50 103.00 132.00 164.00 190.00 303.00 441.00 PC 12.9 Bolt Torque Nm 2.1 4.6 9.5 16 39 77 135 215 330 Tension kN 6.54 11.4 18.5 26.1 47.6 75.4 110 150 204 650 306 1100 2250 3850 441 701 1020 TIGHTENING TORQUES AND INDUCED BOLT TENSION Metric Fine Pitch Bolts & Screws Property Class 8.8 & 10.9 Diameter M8 M10 M12 M14 Pitch mm PC 8.8 Torque Nm 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.50 24.0 46.0 83.0 132.0 Bolt Tension kN 14.8 23.1 34.7 47.1 PC 10.9 Torque Nm Bolt Tension kN 21.1 33.0 49.7 67.6 34.0 66.0 119.0 189.0 NOTE: It is essential to match the nut and bolt in a critical application. • Grade 2 Bolts require • Grade 5 Bolts require • Grade 8 Bolts require – – – Any Nut acceptable Grade 5 Nuts Grade 8 Nuts • • Class 4.6 Bolts require Class 6.6 Bolts require Conversion Factors Convert Tonf lbf tonnef kN lbf kN => => => => => => lbft Nm => => MPa psi => => mm in => => lbft: in: Nm: mm: X X X X X X Muliply by Factor 2240 0.000446 10 0.1 0.00445 224.8 X X 1.36 0.74 X X 145 0.006896 X X 0.0394 25.4 = pounds - feet = inches = Newton - metre = millimetres AUS. pub. 10/10 © Abbreviations: lbf: = pounds - force = pounds per square inch psi: = kiloNewton kN: MPa: = Megapascals Into Loads lbf Tonf kN tonnef kN lbf Torque Conversion Nm lbft Stress Conversion psi MPa Length Conversion in mm 01 2072 – – Any Nut acceptable Class 8 Nuts TENSILE STRENGTH GUIDE Imperial ldf/in� Mpa Metric 1200 ……… Class 12.9 (AS 1110) (High Tensile) 1100 SAE Grade 8 (High Tensile)……… 150 000 1034 ……… Class 10.9 (High Tensile) 1000 1900 1SAE Grade 5 (High Tensile)……… 120 000 1827 ……… Class 8.8 (AS 1110) (High Tensile) or High Strength Steel (Structural) (AS 1252) Stainless Property Class 80 ……… 116 000 e.g. 316-80, 2343 & A4-80 1800 ……… Stainless Property Class 80 e.g. A4-80 & 2343 Stainless Property Class 70 ……… 101 000 e.g. 304-70, 316-70 1700 ……… Stainless Property Class 70 e.g. Typical A2-70 (304) A4-70 (316) 87 000 1600 1550 1520 ……… Class 5.8 (AS 1110) Stainless Property Class 50 ……… 72 000 e.g. No Markings 1500 ……… Stainless Property Class 50 e.g. No Markings 65 000 1450 BSW Mild Steel (AS 2451) ……… 62 000 1427 1400 ……… Class 4.6 (AS 1110) Mild Steel (AS 1390) 158 015 AUS. pub. 10/10 © * Approximate Comparison 01 2075 AUS. pub. 10/10 © THREADED FASTENERS LENGTH MEASUREMENTS 01 2076 TX AND SPLIT PIN CHARTS TX Type Heads. A Measurement Conversion Distance A = TX Number mm 1.20 = TX 6 1.99 = TX 7 2.31 = TX 8 2.50 = TX 9 2.74 = TX 10 3.27 = TX 15 3.86 = TX 20 4.43 = TX 25 4.99 = TX 27 5.52 = TX 30 6.65 = TX 40 7.82 = TX 45 8.83 = TX 50 11.22 = TX 55 13.25 = TX 60 To measure TX sizes, measure from point to opposing point with vernier. See diagram at left. Comparison External TX Sockets / Internal TX Bits. Torx External Socket E6 = TX 30 Torx External Socket E8 = TX 40 Torx External Socket E10= TX 50 Torx External Socket E12= TX 55 Torx External Socket E14= TX 60 Split Pin Size Chart Ø Actual Diameter ø (Approx) mm Art. No. 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.2 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.3 8.0 10.0 13.0 0.7 1.3 1.8 2.2 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.3 4.5 5.2 6.0 7.3 9.3 12.6 0470 116 0470 16 16 0470 2 16 0470 25 40 0470 32 40 0470 35 40 0470 4 40 0470 45 40 0470 5 40 0470 55 50 0470 63 50 0470 8 50 0470 100 60 0470 130 60 AUS. pub. 10/10 © length To suit Bore Diameter mm 01 2081 WHAT IS STAINLESS STEEL? Stainless steel is a generic term for a family of corrosion resistant alloy steels containing 10.5% or more chromium. All stainless steels have a high resistance to corrosion. GRADE SELECTION There are a number of grades to choose from, but all stainless steels can be divided into 5 basic categories: Austenitic: - Excellent corrosion resistance. - Excellent weldability (all processes). - Good high and excellent low temperature properties. - Non magnetic (if annealed). - Hardenable by cold work only. Ferritic: - Moderate to good corrosion resistance. - Not hardenable by heat treatment. - Weldability is poor. Duplex: - High resistance to stress corrosion cracking. - Higher tensile and yield strength than austenitic or ferritic steels. Martensitic: - Moderate corrosion resistance. - Can be hardened by heat treatment – high strength. - Poor weldability. - Magnetic. Precipitation Hardening: - Moderate to good corrosion resistance. - Very high strength. - Good weldability. - Magnetic. Austenitic and ferritic grades account for approximately 95% of stainless steel applications. AUS. pub. 10/10 © Stainless Steel Fasteners are produced from grade 304 (A2), grade 316 (A4) or for less demanding applications grade 303 (A1). Grade classifications A1, A2 and A4 are in accordance with International Standard ISO 3506. 01 2101 GRADE 304: Corrosion Resistance: Grade 304 has excellent corrosion resistance in a wide range of media. It resists ordinary rusting in most architectural applications. Heat Resistance: 304 also has good oxidation resistance in intermittent service to 870°C and in continuous service to 925°. However continuous use of 304 in the 425-860°C range is not recommended if subsequent exposure to room temperature aqueous environments is anticipated, but it often performs well in temperatures fluctuating above and below this range. Like other austenitic grades, 304 in the annealed condition is virtually non-magnetic (ie very low magnetic permeability). After being cold worked, however, it can become significantly attracted to a magnet (reversible by annealing). Application: Typical applications for 304 include holloware, architecture, food and beverage processing, equipment and utensils, commercial and domestic kitchen construction, sinks and plant for chemical, petrochemical, mineral processing and other industries. With this breadth of application, grade 304 has now become a fundamental alloy in modern industry. GRADE 316: Corrosion Resistance: Grade 316 also has excellent corrosion resistance in a wide range of media. Its main advantage over Grade 304 is its increased ability to resist pitting and crevice corrosion in warm chloride environments. It resists ordinary rusting in virtually all architectural applications, and is often chosen for more aggressive environments such as sea front buildings. Heat Resistance: Like grade 304, 316 has good oxidation resistance in intermittent service to 870°C and in continuous service to 925°C. Continuous use of 316 in the 425-860°C range is not recommended if subsequent exposure to room temperature aqueous environments is anticipated, but it often performs well in temperatures fluctuating above and below this range. Like other austenitic grades, 316 in the annealed condition is virtually non magnetic (ie very low magnetic permeability). While 304 can become significantly attracted to a magnet after being cold worked, grade 316 is almost always virtually totally non-responsive. AUS. pub. 10/10 © Application: Typical applications for 316 include boat fittings and structural members; architectural components particularly in marine, polluted or industrial environments; food and beverage processing equipment; hot water systems; and plant for chemical, petrochemical mineral processing, photographic and other industries. 01 2102 PROPERTIES OF STAINLESS STEEL Mechanical Properties of Wrought Stainless Steel (All Properties Specified, usually Flat Products) Common Type 304 304L 316 316L UNS No S30400 S30403 S31600 S31603 Condition Annealed Annealed Annealed Annealed 0.2% Proof Strength MPa Tensile Strength MPa Min 205 170 205 205 Min 515 485 515 485 Tensile Elongation % <1.2mm Min 40 40 40 40 >1.2mm Min 40 40 40 40 Brinell Hardness HB Max 201 201 217 217 Rockwell Hardness HRB [HRC] Max 92 92 95 95 Vickers Hardness HV Max 210 210 225 225 Typical Physical Properties - Annealed Condition UNS No Density (kg/m3) Elastic Modulus (a) GPa 304 304L 316 316L S30400 S30403 S31600 S31603 8000 8000 8000 8000 193 193 193 193 Thermal Conductivity At 100oC W/m.K At 500oC W/m.K Specific Heat 0100oC J/kg.K Electrical Resistivity nOhms.m 17.2 17.2 15.9 15.9 16.2 16.3 16.2 16.3 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 500 500 500 500 720 720 740 740 17.8 17.8 16.2 16.2 18.4 18.4 17.5 17.5 AUS. pub. 10/10 © Grade or type Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (b) 000100oC 315oC 538oC µm/m/ µm/m/ µm/m/ o o o C C C 01 2105 MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF STAINLESS STEEL The magnetic properties of materials are affected by their composition, metallic structure, processing methods and physical condition. Ferromagnetic materials are strongly attracted to a permanent magnet and may also be magnetised to act as a permanent magnet. Cold Work. Wrought, austenitic stainless steels, such as 304 and 316, are generally regarded as non-magnetic in the annealed condition, ie they are not attracted significantly by a magnet. However, if they are cold worked they will be attracted to a permanent magnet. The change occurs because the cold work deformation induces a transformation of the microstructure from austenite to martensite. The effect is less marked in alloys with high concentrations of austenite stabilisers such as nickel, nitrogen and carbon. Once the martensite is formed, it may also become magnetised sufficiently to pick-up light objects such as paper clips. Effect of Cold Work on Austenitic Stainless Steels. The table below shows the relative permeability of 304 and 316 at a low magnetic field strength and various cold reductions. Alloy 304 (Chromium 19%, nickel 10.7%) 316 (Chromium 17.5%, nickel 13.4%, molybdenum 2.4%) Cold Reduction (% reduction in area) 0 13.8 32.0 65.0 84.5 0 20.8 45.0 60.8 81.0 Relative Permeability 1.0037 1.0048 1.0371 1.540 2.20 1.003 1.003 1.004 1.0065 1.0070 AUS. pub. 10/10 © This information is a summary and is not conclusive. For further information, visit, Australian Stainless Steel Development Association. 01 2106 ADHESIVE/SEALER CROSS REFERENCE Sika Article Sika Art. No. 221 227 221T 212FC 255F.C. 255Extra 251S 529 Wurth Article Sika Description Multipurpose Adhesive Sealant Flexible Sealant Glazing Adhesives Windshield Adhesive Sprayable Sealant 251ST Art. No. Description 0890 100 3 (eg. black) KD Bond & Seal 0893 255 MS1 Windscreen Adhesive 0893 227 (eg. black) 0892 010 This cross reference table is a guide only. AUS. pub. 10/10 © At all times we recommend that products are selected based upon their suitability for the intended application. Please use the catalogue page to confirm product suitability. 01 2201 Sprayable Seam Sealer. (Best results achieved with Wurth Spray Seam Sealer Gun) Brush on Seam Sealer DOS/ADHESIVE/SEALANT CROSS REFERENCE Description Art. No. DOS High Strength 25g / 50g 0893 270 050 DOS Medium Strength 25g / 50g 0893 243 050 DOS Bearing Strength 25g / 50g 0893 603 050 DOS Surface Sealant Green 0893 573 050 DOS Surface Sealant Orange 0893 574 050 DOS Pipe Sealant High Strength Medium Strength Low Strength DOS Motor Sealant Super Glue Super Glue Gel Liquid Metal Cu800 / AL1100 Silicone 250 0893 577 050 0893 260 100 0893 09 0893 403 1 0893 449 0893 800 / 0893 110 5 0890 321 / 10 AUS. pub. 10/10 © This is only a recommendation guide. Please check exact information from Loctite and DOS information sheets. 01 2202 Loctite No. 262 270 243 242 222 641 241 601 603 680 573 518 Cat Green 574 515 Cat Red 569 567 542 565 no equivalent 401 403 3805 771 587 CABLE CONNECTOR CONVERSION CHART Hella Utilux Narva Ashdowns 8540 8541 8542 RSVI - 4 RVI - 5 RVI - 6 56170 56172 56174 65 - 94114 65 - 94115 65 - 94118 8560 8500 8504 8510 8513 SVSI - 4 FDVI - 250 FDFVI - 250 PBDVI - 250 MDVI - 250 56162 56134 56142 56130 56120 65 - 92594 65 - 92255 65 - 92844 Bosch TB 300 TB 301 TB 302 TB 303 TB 311 TB 316 TB 317 TB 322 TB 320 TB 313 MPVI - 156 FRVI - 156 BVSI 56146 56150 56154 65 - 93917 65 - 93922 65 - 92071 TB 315 TB 326 TB 327 TB 325 TB 400 RSVS2 - 4 RVS2 - 5 RV2 - 6 56176 56178 56180 56182 8563 SVS2 - 5 56168 65 - 94123 65 - 94125 65 - 94127 65 - 94128 65 - 94129 65 - 94426 TB 401 TB 402 TB 403 TB 404 TB 405 TB 412 8562 SVS2 - 4 56166 8501 8505 FDV2 - 250 FDFV2 - 250 56136 56144 8520 8522 8530 8543 8544 8545 AUS. pub. 10/10 © Art. No. 0558 900 1 0558 901 1 0558 902 1 0558 903 1 0558 904 1 0558 904 11 0558 955 1 0558 905 1 0558 905 11 0558 942 1 0558 944 1 0558 960 0558 975 1 0558 976 1 0558 946 1 0558 947 1 0558 925 1 0558 906 2 0558 907 2 0558 908 2 0558 909 2 0558 910 2 0558 911 2 0558 912 2 0558 954 2 0558 919 2 0558 953 2 0558 920 2 0558 905 2 0558 905 22 0558 976 2 01 2205 TB 411 65 - 92595 65 - 92250 TB 416 TB 417 CABLE CONNECTOR CONVERSION CHART Hella Utilux Narva Ashdowns 8511 8514 8531 8521 8523 PBDV2 - 250 MDV2 - 250 BVS2 MPV1 - 195 FRV2 - 195 56132 56122 56156 56148 56152 65 - 95320 65 - 92845 65 - 92072 65 - 94020 65 - 94021 8549 8546 8547 8548 RV5 - 5 RV5 - 6 RV5 - 8 56184 56186 56188 56190 56192 65 - 94133 65 - 94134 65 - 94137 65 - 94138 8502 8503 8532 FDV5 - 250 56138 56140 56158 65 - 94434 65 - 92596 65 - 93598 65 - 92073 BV55 8535 8455 8452 8453 8454 8717 56160 8512 H3555 H2832 TB 501 TB 502 TB 503 TB 504 TB 505 TB 511 TB 512 TB 516 TB 518 TB 255 TB 526 TB 527 TB 564 TB 800 65 - 90601 65 - 90602 01 2206 Bosch TB 418 TB 422 TB 420 TB 425 TB 426 TB 427 65 - 90560 65 - 90126 65 - 90139 65 - 90143 56161 56128 AUS. pub. 10/10 © Art. No. 0558 940 2 0558 943 2 0558 945 2 0558 926 2 0558 948 2 0558 949 2 0558 913 4 0558 914 4 0558 915 4 0558 916 4 0558 917 4 0558 918 4 0558 921 4 0558 922 4 0558 905 4 0558 941 4 0558 927 4 0558 961 0558 962 0555 564 1 0556 1 0556 2 0556 3 0556 4 0555 625 0555 564 0558 928 0558 603 2 0558 505 4 GLOBE CROSS REFERENCE Art. No. Osram Phillips 0720 110 1 0720 110 2 0720 111 1 0720 111 2 0720 113 1 0720 113 2 0720 112 0 0720 112 1 0720 112 2 0720 120 0 0720 120 1 0720 120 2 0720 122 0 0720 122 1 0720 123 2 0720 124 1 0720 124 2 0720 124 50 0720 124 9 0720 130 1 0720 136 1 0720 136 2 0720 174 1 0720 176 1 0720 131 0 0720 132 0 0720 131 1 0720 132 1 0720 131 2 0720 132 2 0720 175 0 0720 175 1 0720 175 2 0720 176 1 64193 64196 64150 64155 64173 64175 64147 64151 64156 7960 7951 7952 7324 7327 7360 7309 7409 7569 7669 7533 7582 7597 6451 6476 7526 7501 7527 7506 7535 7511 6470 6475 6480 6476 Austa Tungsram Hella 12342 13342 12258 13258 50440 50450 50310 50320 50410 XD1260/55 XD2475/70 C1255 C2470 CD1255 12336 13336 6620 12620 13620 6728 12728 13748 12227 13227 50340 50350 1926 1981 1937 1516 410 12401 12325 6445 6498 12445 12498 13445 13498 YC655 YC1255 YC2470 A645/40 A1245/40 A2455/50 B645/40 B1245/40 B2445/40 D1245 D2445 U1245 U2445 Bosch 7951 Narva/Ingram 48881 48892 48320 48702 48420 878210 878212 48321 48700 49201/878001 49211/878002 49321/878004 49521/878005 49531 878008 E1225 E2425 317 1055 1141 382 1059 1057 1142 1060 AUS. pub. 10/10 © 12807 13807 01 2211 K1221 R618 R1218 R1221 R2418 R2421 K618 K1218 K2418 K1221 878079 47278 618BS 1215BS 1221BSC 17622/878019 878020 47382 878073 47270 47988 47278 GLOBE CROSS REFERENCE Osram 7517 7231 7528 7537 5006 5001 5004 5007 5008 5627 Phillips 6499 12517 12499 13499 6821 6814 12811 12821 12814 13821 5637 5407 5626 3930HD 5627 5637HD 7511HD 13814 12822 13822 Austa 384 Tungsram 1083 380 334 1077 1078 2615 2639 Bosch 6185BD Narva/Ingram 878015 12215BDY 242246BDY 47380 47336 177161 17301 125BSC 47207 47613 47149 207 20710 149 2619 2641 2627 209 150 2643 2618 2626 G2410 GD125 GD245 125BD 246BD M123 M243 M123 L65 66F36 6428 6416 6450 6413 6418 6411 12842 6844 828 253 7538 7544 12844 12866 6423 6424 6429 3868 3892 3894 3893 3797 3930 13844 2544 265 825 653 7549 7592 825 7552 13866 6913 6929 12910 12929 13913 13929 Hella S618 5V S1218 5V S1221 6V S2421 5V G610 G123 G125 G1210 G245 2659 233 L125 K1210 L245 246BS 47618 126F36 1210F42 1210F31 246F36 K2410 H62 HL64 2662 2661 AUS. pub. 10/10 © Art. No. 0720 134 0 0720 133 1 0720 134 1 0720 134 2 0720 140 0 0720 141 0 0720 142 1 0720 140 1 0720 141 1 0720 140 2 0720 140 22 0720 141 2 0720 143 1 0720 143 2 0720 150 21 0720 140 21 0720 141 21 0720 132 21 0720 177 1 0720 177 2 0720 170 1 0720 171 0 0720 173 0 0720 172 1 0720 171 1 0720 713 1 0720 173 51 0720 171 2 0720 172 2 0720 173 2 0720 151 0 0720 150 0 0720 152 1 0720 150 1 0720 151 2 0720 150 2 01 2212 HL124 H242 HL244 124B9 47263 878071 878087 47258 47254 47266 47269 47653 47260 47524 878043 47643 47233 878045 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL CABLE Specification mm� * 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0 16.0 25.0 Strands x Diameter Amperage 16 x 0.2 24 x 0.2 32 x 0.2 30 x 0.25 50 x 0.25 56 x 0.3 84 x 0.3 80 x 0.4 126 x 0.4 196 x 0.4 8 12 15 18 25 32 42 60 80 125 Auto Size (Aust) ø mm 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 9 10 12 * equals total surface area of all strands in mm2 HOSE CLAMP CONVERSION CHART Art. No. 0539... Art. No. 0539 18 16 0539 112 22 0539 116 27 0539 120 32 0539 125 40 0539 132 50 0539 140 60 0539 150 70 0539 160 80 0539 170 90 Norma Part Number N 8 -12 N12 - 20 N16 - 25 N20 - 32 N25 - 40 N32 - 50 N40 - 60 N50 - 70 N60 - 80 N70 - 90 Tridon Part Number MH4 HS8 HS10 / 12 HS16/20 HS24 HS28 HS32 HS36 / 40 HS48 HS60 Utilux Part Number H038 - 10 H039 - 10 H040 - 10 H051 - 10 H041 - 10 H042 - 10 H042X - 10 H043 - 10 H044 - 10 OPERATING PRESSURE OF WURTH FUEL HOSE Fuel Injection Hose Art. No. 0895 805 5 0895 807 5 0895 809 0 Operating Pressure 15 Bar / 217 PSI 15 Bar / 217 PSI 15 Bar / 217 PSI Test Pressure 30 Bar / 434 PSI 30 Bar / 434 PSI 30 Bar / 434 PSI Bursting Strength 60 Bar / 868 PSI 60 Bar / 868 PSI 60 Bar / 868 PSI Operating Pressure 15 Bar / 217 PSI 15 Bar / 217 PSI 15 Bar / 217 PSI Test Pressure 25 Bar / 362 PSI 25 Bar / 362 PSI 25 Bar / 362 PSI Bursting Strength 40 Bar / 580 PSI 40 Bar / 580 PSI 40 Bar / 580 PSI Standard Fuel Hose AUS. pub. 10/10 © Art. No. 0895 815 5 0895 817 0 0895 817 5 01 2215
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