media Kit


media Kit
The ParkeTT SerieS wiTh conTemPorary arTiSTS / die ParkeTT-reihe miT gegenwa
chF 55
“Congratulations on
three decades of
exceptional publishing”
Nicholas Serota,
Director, Tate Gallery, London
THe ParkeTT SerieS wiTH CONTemPOrary arTiSTS / die ParkeTT-reiHe miT gegeNwarTSküNSTlerN
edItIons for ParKett
Insert: KIlIan rüthemann
The ParkeTT SerieS wiTh conTemPorary arTiSTS / die ParkeTT-reihe miT gegenwarTSkünSTlern
NO. 88 · 2011
NO. 89 · 2011
no. 91 · 2012
� 39 / US $ 45
CHF 55 / € 39 / US $ 45
chF 45.– / � 30 / US $ 32
edItIons for
for Parkett
Nick relPh
von Heyl
Insert :
A large library and
a small museum of
contemporary art
media Kit
M e d i a K it
The ParkeTT SerieS wiTh conTemPorary arTiSTS / die ParkeTT-reihe miT gegenwarTSkünSTlern
The ParkeTT SerieS wiTh conTemPorary arTiSTS / die ParkeTT-reihe miT gegenwarTSkünSTlern
The ParkeTT SerieS wiTh conTemPorary arTiSTS / die ParkeTT-reihe miT gegenwarTSkünSTlern
no. 94 · 2014
no. 95 · 2014
no. 96· 2015
chF 55.– / � 39 / US $ 45
chF 55 / € 39 / US $ 45
chF 55 / � 39 / US $ 45
30 Y e a r s
o f pa r k e t t
taU B a aU e r B aC H
Urs fIsCHer
r aG N a r k J a r ta N s s o N
sHIraNa sHaHBaZI
I N s e r t:
C H a r L e s at L a s
eDItIoNs for
pa r k e t t
I n s e rt : p e r fo r m a n c e e d I t I o n s fo r pa r k e t t
J e r e m Y Wa e l
daYa n I ta r o s e m a r I e
Marc caMille
Readers & Collectors
Dear Colleagues,
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as a mini-museum
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On the following pages you will find all ad information and deadlines for
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Beatrice FässlerMelissa Burgos
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Parkett Zürich
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Melissa Burgos (New York) [email protected]
Parkett is published twice per year in English and German by its eponymous
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the world.
“Since its inception, PARKETT has asserted
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Franz West, book shelf for Parkett 70
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Renowned galleries and art institutions around the world are dedicated to
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Some twenty museums and institutions around the world have presented
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Chief Curator emer.,
Museum of Modern Art,
New York
For detailed specs and rates see pages 10 and 11.
Parkett A large library and a small museum
of contemporary art
Parkett Exhibitions at the
Museum of Modern Art, New York (left)
and at the Seoul Arts Center, Korea (below)
97 Volumes – 250 Artists’-Collaborations – 1400 Texts
• Published bi-annually in summer and winter
• Print run 10,000 copies / 30,000 readers in 50 countries,
available in 500 bookshops worldwide and online at
• Parkett reaches a cosmopolitan audience of knowledgeable,
quality-minded and sophisticated readers and art collectors
• State of the art website, available for special ad projects
• Ongoing Parkett exhibitions so far travelled to 20 museums
and institutions around the world (incl. MoMA, New York,
Centre Pompidou, Paris, Seoul Arts Center, Kanazawa
Museum, Japan, UCCA, Beijing et al.)
• Parkett exhibition space Zurich with rotating shows and reading
room with all Parkett books.
Editor in Chief: Bice Curiger, Publisher: Dieter von Graffenried
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Beijing, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (2012)
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Singapore, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, STPI (2010)
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London, Whitechapel Art Gallery (2001)
New York, Museum of Modern Art (2001)
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Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou (1987)
and other venues
Recent Projects
UCCA, Beijing, 2012, “Inside a Book a House of Gold”
Exhibition of all projects made by artists for Parkett since 1984.
Each Parkett volume features several direct collaborations with compelling and
significant international artists, whose work is explored in three to four texts and
who also make an original, signed and numbered edition especially for Parkett.
“... a wonderland of fantastical
treasures ... the scope and quality
of what is on display, not to
mention the artists involved …
make this show one of the
strongest so far this year”
“I am honored to collaborate“ Ai Weiwei, Parkett 81, 2007
Time-Out, Beijing, April, 2012
Parkett Exhibition, UCCA, Beijing.
University Castilla La Mancha, Arts Faculty, Cuenca, Spain
Parkett Viewing Room with permanent Study Center
of all editions and publications
Maurizio Cattelan,
edition sketch for Parkett 59
Louise Bourgeois,
letter to Parkett
Ed Ruscha, letter on
his edition for Parkett 18
“… Parkett highlights the Zeitgeist, the hopes and fears of artists
in the globalized world, their questions of identity, of past and future,
their zest for life, and their ­creation of new utopias...”
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zürich
Parkett Viewing Room and Study Center,
University Castilla la Mancha, Spain,
opened September 2010 (model)
“The collection allows the University to present a dynamic, lively museum
in full dialogue with the main centers of contemporary art in Spain …
Together with the artworks, the Faculty also displays all Parkett volumes
published since 1984, and in doing so fully reflects Parkett’s unique character
as a small museum and large library.”
Art Fairs
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The Armory Show, New York, Independent Projects, New York,
Art Cologne, The Frankfurt Bookfair, Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair,
Art Hong Kong, FIAC Paris, and others.
El Mundo, Madrid
No. 1–98 (1984–2016)
Tomma Abts, vol. 84
Franz Ackermann, vol. 68
Eija-Liisa Ahtila, vol. 68
Ai Weiwei, vol. 81
Doug Aitken, vol. 57
Jennifer Allora /
Guillermo Calzadilla, vol. 80
Pavel Althamer, vol. 82
Kai Althoff, vol. 75
Francis Alÿs, vol. 69
El Anatsui, vol. 90
Laurie Anderson, vol. 49
John Armleder, vol. 50/51
Richard Artschwager, vol. 23, vol. 46
Ed Atkins, vol. 98
Tauba Auerbach, vol 94
John Baldessari, vol. 29, 86
Stephan Balkenhol, vol. 36
Matthew Barney, vol. 45
Yto Barrada, vol. 91
Georg Baselitz, vol. 11
Vanessa Beecroft, vol. 56
Ross Bleckner, vol. 38
John Bock, vol. 67
Alighiero e Boetti, vol. 24
Christian Boltanski, vol. 22
Monica Bonvicini, vol. 72
Louise Bourgeois, vol. 27, 82
Carol Bove, vol. 86
Mark Bradford, vol. 89
Kerstin Brätsch, vol. 88
Olaf Breuning, vol. 71
Glenn Brown, vol. 75
Angela Bulloch, vol. 66
Daniel Buren, vol. 66
Andrea Büttner, vol. 97
Sophie Calle, vol. 36
Valentin Carron, vol. 93
Maurizio Cattelan, vol. 59
Vija Celmins, vol. 44
Marc Camille Chaimowicz, vol. 96
Paul Chan, vol. 88
Francesco Clemente, vol. 9 & 40/41
Chuck Close, vol. 60
Abraham Cruzvillegas, vol. 97
Enzo Cucchi, vol. 1
John Currin, vol. 65
Tacita Dean, vol. 62
Jeremy Deller, vol. 95
Thomas Demand, vol. 62
Martin Disler, vol. 3
Nathalie Djurberg, vol. 90
Peter Doig, vol. 67
Trisha Donnelly, vol. 77
Marlene Dumas, vol. 38
Jimmie Durham, vol 92
Nicole Eisenman, vol. 91
Olafur Eliasson, vol. 64
Tracey Emin, vol. 63
Cerith Wyn Evans, vol. 87
Urs Fischer, vol. 72
Eric Fischl, vol. 5
Peter Fischli /
David Weiss, vol. 17, 40/41
Sylvie Fleury, vol. 58
Günther Förg, vol. 26 & 40/41
Robert Frank, vol. 83
Tom Friedman, vol. 64
Katharina Fritsch, vol. 25, 87
Bernard Frize, vol. 74
Cyprien Gaillard, vol. 94
Ellen Gallagher, vol. 73
Theaster Gates, vol. 98
Isa Genzken, vol. 69
Franz Gertsch, vol. 28
Gilbert & George, vol. 14
Liam Gillick, vol. 61
Robert Gober, vol. 27
Nan Goldin, vol. 57
Dominique Gonzalez-­Foerster, vol. 80
Felix Gonzalez-Torres, vol. 39
Douglas Gordon, vol. 49
Dan Graham, vol. 68
Rodney Graham, vol. 64
Katharina Grosse, vol. 74
Mark Grotjahn, vol. 80
Andreas Gursky, vol. 44
Wade Guyton, vol. 83
David Hammons, vol. 31
Rachel Harrison, vol. 82
Camille Henrot, vol. 97
Thomas Hirschhorn, vol. 57
Damien Hirst, vol. 40/41
Carsten Höller, vol. 77
Jenny Holzer, vol. 40/41
Rebecca Horn, vol. 13 & 40/41
Roni Horn, vol. 54
Gary Hume, vol. 48
Pierre Huyghe, vol. 66
Christian Jankowski, vol. 81
Rashid Johnson, vol. 90
Ilya Kabakov, vol. 34
Anish Kapoor, vol. 69
Alex Katz, vol. 21, 72
Mike Kelley, vol. 31
Ellsworth Kelly, vol. 56
Annette Kelm, vol. 87
William Kentridge, vol. 63
Jon Kessler, vol. 79
Karen Kilimnik, vol. 52
Martin Kippenberger, vol. 19
Lee Kit, vol. 98
Ragnar Kjartansson, vol. 94
Imi Knoebel, vol. 32
Jeff Koons, vol. 19, 50/51
Jannis Kounellis, vol. 6
Yayoi Kusama, vol. 59
Wolfgang Laib, vol. 39
Maria Lassnig, vol. 85
Zoe Leonard, vol. 84
Sherrie Levine, vol. 32
Liu Xiaodong, vol. 91
Sarah Lucas, vol. 45
Christian Marclay, vol. 70
Brice Marden, vol. 7
Helen Marten, vol. 92
Paul McCarthy, vol. 73
Josiah McElheny, vol. 86
Lucy McKenzie, vol. 76
Julie Mehretu, vol. 76
Mario Merz, vol. 15
Beatriz Milhazes, vol. 85
Marilyn Minter, vol. 79
Tracey Moffatt, vol. 53
Mariko Mori, vol. 54
Malcolm Morley, vol. 52
Sarah Morris, vol. 61
Juan Muñoz, vol. 43
Jean-Luc Mylayne, vol. 50/51, 85
Bruce Nauman, vol. 10
Ernesto Neto, vol. 78
Olaf Nicolai, vol. 78
Cady Noland, vol. 46
Albert Oehlen, vol. 79
Paulina Olowska, vol. 92
Meret Oppenheim, vol. 4
Gabriel Orozco, vol. 48
Damian Ortega, vol. 92
Tony Oursler, vol. 47
Laura Owens, vol. 65
Jorge Pardo, vol. 56
Philippe Parreno, vol 86
Mai-Thu Perret, vol. 84
Raymond Pettibon, vol. 47
Elizabeth Peyton, vol. 53
Richard Phillips, vol. 71
Sigmar Polke, vol. 2, 30 & 40/41
Richard Prince, vol. 34, 72
R.H. Quaytman, vol. 90
Michael Raedecker, vol. 65
Markus Raetz, vol. 8
Charles Ray, vol. 37
Jason Rhoades, vol. 58
Gerhard Richter, vol. 35
Bridget Riley, vol. 61
Pipilotti Rist, vol. 48, 71
Matthew Ritchie, vol. 61
Tim Rollins & K.O.S., vol. 20
Ugo Rondinone, vol. 52
Pamela Rosenkranz, vol. 96
James Rosenquist, vol. 58
Mika Rothenberg, vol. 98
Susan Rothenberg, vol. 43
Thomas Ruff, vol. 28
Edward Ruscha, vol. 18 & 55
Anri Sala, vol. 73
Wilhelm Sasnal, vol. 70
Gregor Schneider, vol. 63
Thomas Schütte, vol. 47
Dana Schutz, vol. 75
Richard Serra, vol. 74
Shirana Shahbazi, vol, 94
Wael Shawky, vol. 95
Cindy Sherman, vol. 29
Roman Signer, vol. 45
Dayanita Singh, vol. 95
Andreas Slominski, vol. 55
Josh Smith, vol. 85
Monika Sosnowska, vol. 91
Frances Stark, vol. 93
Hito Steyerl, vol. 97
Rudolf Stingel, vol. 77
Beat Streuli, vol. 54
Thomas Struth, vol. 50/51
Sturtevant, vol. 88
Hiroshi Sugimoto, vol. 46
Philip Taaffe, vol. 26
Sam Taylor-Wood, vol. 55
Diana Thater, vol. 60
Wolfgang Tillmans, vol. 53
Rirkrit Tiravanija, vol. 44
Fred Tomaselli, vol. 67
Rosemarie Trockel, vol. 33, 95
Oscar Tuazon, vol. 89
James Turrell, vol. 25
Luc Tuymans, vol. 60
Keith Tyson, vol. 71
Adrián Villar Rojas, vol 93
Danh Vo, vol. 93
Cosima von Bonin, vol. 81
Charline von Heyl, vol. 89
Kara Walker, vol. 59
Kelley Walker, vol. 87
Jeff Wall, vol. 22 & 49
Andy Warhol, vol. 12
Rebecca Warren, vol. 78
John Waters, vol. 96
Gillian Wearing, vol. 70
Lawrence Weiner, vol. 42
Andro Wekua, vol. 88
John Wesley, vol. 62
Franz West, vol. 37, 70
Rachel Whiteread, vol. 42
Sue Williams, vol. 50/51
Robert Wilson, vol. 16
Christopher Wool, vol. 33, 83
Xu Zhen, vol. 96
Yang Fudong, vol. 76
Haegue Yang, vol .89
Advertising Information
Parkett No. 98, 99, 100
Date of
No. 98
No. 99
No. 100
Publication: June 2016
December 2016
­­June 2017
A d D i m en sio n s ( wit h im a ges)
2/1 page color only
Trim, no bleed:
8.07 H x 15.12 W“
20.5 cm H x 38.4 cm W
P roduc t ion C harges
Additional work will be charged as follows:
Typesetting & Design $ 150 –400 / € 110 –330
Other Charges at cost
Rush Charge
$ 200 / € 110
Date for Reservation:
No. 98 March 15, 2016
No. 99 September 15, 2016
No. 100 March 15, 2017
Full bleed:
10.039 H x 16.535 W“ (plus 0.118“ each)
25.5 cm H x 42 cm W (plus 0.3 cm each)
Digital Specif ications
• PDF (Print quality, fonts embedded)
• In­Design, QuarkXpress or Illustrator
(including fonts, images, etc.)
Date for Printing Material:
No. 98 March 30, 2016
No. 99 September 30, 2016
No. 100 March 30, 2017
1/1 page b/w & color
Trim, no bleed: 8.07 H x 6.535 W“
20.5 cm H x 16.6 cm W
Digital Print ing Material
• E-Mail (up to 5MB)
Full bleed:
10.039 H x 8.267 W“ (plus 0.118“ each)
25.5 cm H x 21 cm W (plus 0.3 cm each)
• Color ads printed on coated paper,
halftone screen 175 lpi
• b/w ads printed on uncoated paper,
halftone screen 133 lpi
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3.937 H x 6.535 W“
10 cm H x 16.6 cm W
1/2 page b/w
8.07 H x 3.149 W“
20.5 cm H x 8 cm W
Beatrice Fässler in Zürich: +41 44 271 81 40 • E-mail: [email protected]
or Melissa Burgos in New York: +1 212 673 2660 • E-mail: [email protected]
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