hellohelio+ modular, affordable, low tech minimum energy / plus
hellohelio+ modular, affordable, low tech minimum energy / plus
hellohelio+ modular, affordable, low tech minimum energy / plus energy houses with modern architecture in good green neighborhoods hallohelio+ bb22 - Boston 8.3.2011 www.hello-helio.com special consideration of the „system window“ timeless architecture with optimized inner organization hellohelio+ overview, standard house rugged and available technology for „plusenergy-standard“ hallohelio+ bb22 - Boston 8.3.2011 Urban design for „good neighborhoods“ and efficient land use. Photovoltaic roof (+ versions), 31 m2, 15º angle to south, 5.000+ kWh/a gains, provides 100% or more of the houseʻs annual energy consumption (1600+1600+1600+200). Very large south and west windows, wood, triple white glass, with full exterior shading with sliding shutters for well-lit but completely shaded interiors. Optional: motorized. hellohelio+ overview, standard house Compact building shell, optimized dimensions for interior use, modular exterior for standardized cladding. Modular additions, here: small apartment or office. Garden with pergola/roof, garden shacks, sand box etc. hallohelio+ bb22 - Boston 8.3.2011 Front courtyard, overlooked by kitchen, with housed-in recycling bins and bicycle roof. lfm m2 Wandoberfl. 1 m2 Wandoberfl. 2 m2 Wandoberfl. 3 m2 m2 6,10 abgehängt, weiss 5,90 weiss 22,66 weiss 4,63 2,34 2,90 Fliese, grau Fliesenstreifen, grau, zur 4,11 Latex-Wand 2,34 Industriesicht Lenotec 11,33 Normalwand, weiss, Latex 4,51 Fliesen, weiss, im Duschbereich 0,00 Betonstufe (Fertigteil) im Magerbeton-Bett Steigung 15 cm Sockelleiste Decke m2 m2 Mauerhöhe +140 cm ü. Wohnweg OK Aussparung Briefkasten: +125 cm Höhe Aussparung Briefkasten: 37 cm UK Aussparung Briefkasten: +88 cm Anbau Bad m2 m2 Decke Wandoberfläche 1 (AW) Wandoberfläche 2 (Ständerwand) Rain water cistern and gray water system. Fahrrad - und Müllüberdachung siehe gesonderten Plan System addition with separate entrance, here: small apartment. Wohnfläche Boden 0,41 Betonstufe (Fertigteil) im Magerbeton-Bett Steigung 15 cm 0,85 0,41 0,24 0,66 0,52 0,78 S1 Wasserzähler Clage Durchlauferhitzer 466x231x99mm 0,7 Hager Schrank B=550mm 1,28 drehbares Garderobenregal Inventer 1 Fermacell-Systemwand 1 HT 31-6 Holzständer 100/60mm, Dämmung Mineralwolle Beplankung beidseitig je 2x15mm 2x20mm Fuge zum Nachbarn, gedämmt Einbauleuchte 0,63 Küche Wohnfläche Boden m2 m2 9,93 9,93 Parkett, Mosaik, engl. Verband, Eiche Sockelleiste Decke lfm m2 9,92 Profil 650, Eiche 9,93 Industriesicht Lenotec 17,27 weiss Decken-Absaugung WC Einbau-Regal 0,6 10,91 weiss KühlschrankGefrierschrank 0,1 Dunstabzug Umluft, z.B. Berbel 0,9 1,49 1,23 Wandoberfläche m2 1 (AW) Wandoberfläche m2 2 (Ständerwand) 0,65 13,87 Profil 650, Eiche 15,40 Industriesicht Lenotec 37,62 weiss 0,00 0,00 0,29 m2 m2 m2 0,07 Einbauleuchte Hochschrank m. Einbaubackofen Gäste WC 1,03 lfm m2 Wandoberfl. 1 Wandoberfl. 2 Wandoberfl. 3 1,05 0,63 Sockelleiste Decke 0,66 Absaugung Küche 0,77 15,40 15,40 Linoleum, grün Garderobe m2 m2 3,28 Wohnfläche Boden Protective „cool-room zones“ to east/ north. 0,35 Anbau Raum 1,79 1,86 Inventer 2 0,74 S1 Durchlauferhitzer mittig unter Fenster 0,85 Wohnfläche Boden m2 m2 Sockelleiste Decke lfm m2 Wandoberfl. 1 Wandoberfl. 2 Wandoberfl. 3 m2 m2 m2 0,15 0,15 0,11 0,73 Ausblasung WZ/Essen Weitwurfdüse 0,09 Schubladenschrank essplatzseitig Type M, Ground Floor 14 1,33 1,33 Bodenfliese, hellgrau Graue 4,09 Fliesenleiste 1,33 Industriesicht Lenotec 16,53 weiss, Latex 0,00 0,00 S1 2,95 S1 Abstellraum unter Treppe Wohnfläche Boden m2 m2 1,33 2,71 Verlegeplatten OSB N+F, roh Sockelleiste Decke lfm m2 0 ohne Leiste 9,93 Untersicht Treppe roh 4,26 weiss Wandoberfläche m2 1 (AW) Wandfl. 3, innen m2 massiv Wandoberfläche m2 2 (Ständerwand) 4,8 weiss 0,00 0,32 0,76 0,38 0,32 1,24 0,76 0,14 Terrasse 20,2 m2 Abstellraum 2 EG Sockelleiste Decke lfm m2 Wandoberfl. 1 Wandoberfl. 2 Wandoberfl. 3 m2 m2 m2 12,6 massiv, weiss 29,59 Industriesicht Lenotec 31,50 weiss weiss Abstellraum 2,09 29,59 29,59 Parkett, Mosaik, engl. Verband, Eiche 2,05 m2 m2 2,05 Wohnfläche Boden 0,91 3,37 Wohnfläche Boden m2 m2 3,04 2,94 Bodenfliese grau Sockelleiste Decke lfm m2 6,49 massiv, weiss 2,94 abgehängt, Fermacell, weiss 18,65 weiss Here: Version without basement with lit storage/ office under staircase. Wandoberfl. 1 m2 Wandoberfl. 2 Wandoberfl. 3 m2 m2 0,00 0,00 hallohelio+ bb22 - Boston 8.3.2011 Essen/Wohnen 0,85 Large windows to south/west. 3,24 Terrasse 3,7 m2 Gartenschrank 1 siehe gesonderten Plan Main Bathroom. Warm and moist air out for heat exchange system. A 0,19 0,85 Einbauleuchte 0,75 Einblasung Kinderzimmer 3,67 Armaturmontage Dusche/BW UP 1,75 2,32 ElektroHandtuchheizkörper Decken-Absaugung Bad m2 m2 11,67 11,00 Linoleum, grün Sockelleiste Decke lfm m2 Wandoberfl. 1 Wandoberfl. 2 Wandoberfl. 3 m2 m2 m2 11,85 massiv, weiss 11,67 Industriesicht Lenotec 32,25 weiss 0,00 0,00 0,76 0,91 0,17 0,76 0,91 0,16 0,05 0,08 3,43 Wohnfläche Boden 1,42 1,28 Kind nord Bad Regal 0,67 0,87 3,67 Sockelleiste Decke B Wandoberfl. 1 Wandoberfl. 2 Wandoberfl. 3 Trittstufe m2 m2 11,00 11,00 Linoleum, grün Sockelleiste Decke lfm m2 Wandoberfl. 1 Wandoberfl. 2 Wandoberfl. 3 m2 m2 m2 11,48 massiv, weiss 11,00 Industriesicht Lenotec 31,28 weiss 0,00 0,00 4,04 2,48 Bodenfliese grau lfm m2 3,75 Fliese grau 4,04 abgehängt, Fermacell, weiss 10,75 weiss, Latex 10,04 Fliese, weiss, um BW und an Front, an WB/WC m2 m2 m2 0,00 S1 3,09 S1 Wohnfläche Boden m2 m2 2,86 Kind Mitte Above Stair: Utility Room, Washing, Drying, Storage, Air System 0,76 0,76 1,57 Lüftung Abstell 1,76 1,51 Treppenraum 1,28 0,92 0,11 0,9 lfm m2 Wandoberfl. 1 m2 Wandoberfl. 2 Wandoberfl. 3 m2 m2 0,00 0,00 Treppenstufen Treppenwange, 0 weiss 3,84 Fermacell, weiss, unter Deckenplatte 14,94 rot 0,00 0,00 0,33 0,16 0,1 0,6 Einbauschrank Flur Wohnfläche Boden m2 m2 8,16 8,16 Bodenfliese grau Sockelleiste Decke lfm m2 Wandoberfl. 1 m2 12,78 massiv, weiss 8,16 abgehängt, Fermacell, weiss 48,34 weiss Wandoberfl. 2 Wandoberfl. 3 m2 m2 0,00 0,7 Einbauleuchte 0,65 0,92 0,76 0,65 0,76 m2 m2 Sockelleiste Decke Flur OG, inkl. Schrank, Hauswirtschaftsraum 3,67 0,75 Wohnfläche Boden C Einblasung Kinderzimmer Schlafzimmer Wohnfläche Boden m2 m2 14,80 14,80 Linoleum, grün Sockelleiste Decke 1 lfm m2 15,95 massiv, weiss 11,68 Industriesicht Lenotec Decke 2 Wandoberfl. 1 Wandoberfl. 2 Wandoberfl. 3 m2 m2 m2 3,12 Decke abgehängt, weiss 42,99 weiss 0,00 0,00 3,43 3,13 Einblasung Schlafzimmer 1,52 Einbauleuchte 1,52 Kante abgehängte Decke Built-in Storage 2,33 Dressing Room. Optional: 2nd Bathroom hallohelio+ bb22 - Boston 8.3.2011 1,28 D 2,11 0,19 Large Window Doors to South and West, full shading with motorized (optional) sliding shutters. 1,22 0,04 Einbauleuchte Wohnfläche Boden Leitungen/Lüftung Waschma. Trockner 0,76 0,76 1 0,08 0,09 S1 Load Bearing Massive Wood Walls allow for Open Plan Ground Floor, Sound Protection, Climate S1 Smoothing. Type M, Second Floor Rankgerüst A B C D 3,09 3,43 0,26 Gully FD Dunstrohr 3,43 Leno 125 mm, als Dach (unten Industriesicht) Flachkanalführung Lüftung Lüftungsanlage Einbauschrank Massive wood ceilings and roof: Thin but heavy for energy storage and climate smoothing. 2,42 2,797 Hohlraum für Schalldämpfer etc. Trittstufe Zugang Hohlraum 6,002 Leno 81 mm als Treppendach (unten Industriesicht) 0,255 Anschlüsse für WM und evntl. Trockner (hinter den Maschinen ist die Führung der Lüftungskanäle nach unten) Decke über EG: Leno 135 mm (unten Industrie-Sicht) 2,21 2,545 Regal/ Zähler Floor Air Outlets 12 0,66 0,12 0,3 0,24 4, 2,8 Durchlauferhitzer Bad + WC eventuell Bodenaustausch byw. besondere Verdichtung, siehe Bodengutachten 0,68 1,04 Schmutzwasser-Fallrohr: Erweiterung auf DN 150 oberhalb Bodendurchführung 0,68 Verstärkungsplatte Flachkanalführung Lüftung Concrete floor plate with perimeter insulation: mass for heat storage/ smoothing. hallohelio+ bb22 - Boston 8.3.2011 wasser tzwasser hallohelio+, long section Air system: Air out above roof, air in at north/east facade. Prewarming/Precooling with salt water heat exchange in the garden (100 yards). Electric at-faucet hotwater: No storage losses, no circulation pump. Storage+Utility Room with Washer/Dryer. Absaugung Küche 0,63 Küche m2 m2 9,93 9,93 Parkett, Mosaik, engl. Verband, Eiche „Klimafit Protekto“ - Gypsum board Sockelleiste lfm 9,92 Profil 650, Eiche - 4 cm/ 1 6/8“ Installation layer, cellulose Decke m2 9,93 Industriesicht Lenotec - OSB (bracing and vapor barrier) Wandoberfläche m2 17,27 weiss 1 (AW) - 26 cm/10“ wood cellulose Wandoberfläche m2 frame, 10,91 weiss 2 (Ständerwand) - Egger DFF - 2,1 cm vertical girders - modular boards (rockpanel, wood ....) 0,6 KühlschrankGefrierschrank 1,23 Exterior Sliding Shutters, Option: motorized. Garderobe 3,28 Construction inside to outside: Wohnfläche Boden Wall Construction Detail 1,86 0,66 Dunstabzug Umluft, z.B. Berbel 0,15 Hochschrank m. Einbaubackofen 0,73 Wood Windows „Airotherm“ (encapsuled air). Triple Glass Ug=0,7, g=61%, warm edge. Gap to wall with compression band and outside insulation. S1 hallohelio+ bb22 - Boston 8.3.2011 0,09 Schubladenschrank essplatzseitig Different house types and sizes, possible modular additions. House sizes from 65 m2/780 sqft (2-3 persons) to 145 m2/1750 sqft (up to 8 persons) housing area plus additions. Inner „streets“ are „car-free“ for child play and neighborhood life. All houses with entrance court to streets: porch, neighborhood contact, face to the streets. Parking at the edge of the neighborhood in PV-carports with electric plugs. hallohelio+ bb22 - Boston 8.3.2011 Community square, common house (party, children, workshop). Barrier-free apartment building with supplementary housing offerings (for grandparents, guests etc.) Green Good Neighborhood Urban scheme for maximum efficiency land use, optimized orientation. 21 single family houses, 4 semidetached units, 6 apartments. Neighborhood area: 2 acres. Type M: 109 m2/1310 sq. ft. Net Housing Area, Open Ground Floor, 3 Bedrooms, Bathroom, Guest Toilet, Built-in Storage, basement optional. Air system, floor heating, Photovoltaics. Oak hard wood floors, Fine wood ceilings and windows. Costs: House construction + technical equipment: €198.000 Exteriors: appr. €26.000 (incl. carport with PV). Other: appr. €35.000 hellohelio+ configurator Sizes and Costs: hallohelio+ bb22 - Boston 8.3.2011 Client contact as part of sustainability concept: Internet configurator for information and selection of alternatives, addtitions and standards. bb22 architects + urban planners plan.bb22.net/en hello-helio.com taunusstr. 21 - 60329 frankfurt/m - germany phone: +49-69-9002197-10, fax -68 [email protected] - www.plan.bb22.net/en Minimum Energy Design. Architecture + Neighborhood + urban planners is a Frankfurt/ Germany-based architecture firm for affordable green living. bb22 conducts government-funded bb22 projects feature minimum energy design and sustainable bb22ʻs projects are award-winning Sustainability in housing housing: state-of-the-art at technologies, i.e. regenerative air affordable costs. Surprising and with contact offices in Boston and research, is invited for design/ for „good and efficient land use, systems, rain water re-use, sununcommon at first sight, the Cape Town. bb22 -is urban specialized indesign consultation of prototype urban neighborhoods“ trap windows and full exterior design approach creates the design and realization of housing (presently: Solar City - timeless architectureshading. with optimized organization, Energy sources include inner sustainable homes. Integrated in green neighborhoods and Frankfurt) and has participated in power-heat-coupling, gas heating the design are carefully sustainable housing of high numerous publications. bb22 is - special consideration of the „system window“ with solar thermal support and considered exteriors that are able architectural quality. bb22 is a managed by 4 partners, all photovoltaics. to support good neighborhoods. founding partner of wohngeno, a - ruggedregistered and architects. available technology for „plus-energy-standard“. Courtyard House Neighborhood, Frankfurt. Cluster with 12 Courtyard houses on a site originally proposed for apartment housing. Low energy affordable homes with high privacy and extensive exterior spaces. „Red Grape“. Above: Interior, below: Exterior. Red Grape is a neighborhood of 10 low energy (zero emission) homes in Frankfurt/Germany. Based on the general architectural concepts, all clients were able to realize highly customized houses. „Frankfurt Families“: Low Energy Affordable Apartment Building, developed and designed together with the families on a long-term-leased city-owned site Low-Energy-Villa, Falkenstein/Frankfurt Classic Villa with apartment addition on hillside north of Frankfurt. Large windows to south and west with direct connection to terrace and balcony, wooden sliding shutters, motorized with automatic shutting, remote operation („Iphone-house management“)- bb22 sustainable housing design architects + planners [email protected] housing development company „Urban A(r)mor“ Single-family Passive House on narrow site in central Frankfurt neighborhood. „Space Miracle“ Open interior of small semi-detached woodframe low-energy-home, Frankfurt. „Direct_Architecture“ by bb22/wohnbund: State-of-the-art architecture with sustainability concept, highly flexible and customizable plans in the interior. Clients participate in the planning process, thus reducing the necessity for „safety“ overhead for the developer and keeping costs down. Based on homogenous exteriors, clients are able to incorporate a wide range of wishes into the house layout and interior. Neighbors know each other early on in the process and are able to contribute to the design of their neighborhood. Left: Sunroom, Weekender Cape Cod. Retrofitting of a vacation home into a wellorganized, sun-oriented home for a growing family. hallohelio+ bb22 - Boston 8.3.2011 bb22 Award-winning bb22 architects hallohelio+ bb22 - Boston 8.3.2011 [email protected] hello-helio.com thank you