Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking
Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking
4/14/16 Ch. 5: Multimedia Networking Multimedia Systems Prof. Ben Lee School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Oregon State University Outline Introduction Wireless LANs ◦ What is the Internet? ◦ 802.11 Physical layer Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol Mobility Dealing with packet jitter and loss ◦ Issues ◦ Reducing Delay Jitter Fixed vs. Adaptive Playout ◦ Recovering from Packet Loss FEC Interleaving Case Study: Loss Resilience Features in H.264 Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 2 1 4/14/16 Introduction Explosive growth of network applications that transmit audio and video over the Internet. A new class continuous media applications: ◦ Entertainment video, IP telephony, Internet radio, Multimedia WWW sites, teleconferencing, interactive games, virtual worlds, distance learning ... Service requirements are significantly different from those of traditional data oriented applications. ◦ A need for a network architecture (multimedia networking) that can support these applications. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 3 Multimedia Over Internet Multimedia applications are highly sensitive to end-to-end delay and delay variations (jitter) but typically loss tolerant. ◦ In contrast to applications, such as Web text/image, email, FTP, and Telnet, where long delays are annoying but not harmful. IP protocol only provides a best-effort service: ◦ No guarantees of end-to-end delay. ◦ No guarantees of variations of packet delay within a packet stream. Will concentrate on WLANs! Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 4 2 4/14/16 Multimedia Networking Issues Application classes: ◦ Streaming stored audio/video ◦ Multicast streaming of real-time audio/video ◦ Real-time interactive audio/video Application issues: ◦ Packet jitter ◦ Packet loss/recovery Internet protocols for multimedia ◦ RTSP, RTP/RTCP Network QoS and Resource Management ◦ Intserv/RSVP, Diffserv Congestion avoidance ◦ Avoiding packet loss Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 5 Multimedia Networking Need to understand how E-to-E communication is achieved: ◦ Internet - TCP/UDP, IP, Link Layer ◦ Various technologies that comprise the Internet ◦ …and how they affect the end-to-end delay, jitters, packet losses of media data being transmitted. Need something beyond best effort: ◦ Making the best of best effort - buffering ◦ Recovering from packet loss - redundancy ◦ Protocols for Real-time Interactive applications RTP, RTCP ◦ Congestion Avoidance ◦ QoS - end-to-end guarantees Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 6 3 4/14/16 Outline Introduction Wireless LANs ◦ What is the Internet? ◦ 802.11 Physical layer Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol Mobility Dealing with packet jitters and loss ◦ Issues ◦ Reducing Delay Jitters Fixed vs. Adaptive Playout ◦ Recovering from Packet Loss FEC Interleaving Case Study: Loss Resilience Features in H.264 Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 7 What is the Internet? Core Network Edge Network Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 8 4 4/14/16 Internet Protocol Architecture Host A Application Layer TCP identify applications Using 16-bit port numbers App X App Y Transport Layer Logical TCP connection TCP/UDP Network Layer Link Layer Host B Global network address IP Software Network Access Type A Physical Layer Physical Type A Hardware Router App X App Y Application Layer TCP/UDP Transport Layer IP Network Layer Network Access Type B Physical Type B Link Layer Physical Layer IP Network Type A NA NA Type A Type B Physical Physical Type A Type B Network Type B Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 9 Protocol Data Units User Data Application TCP Header TCP Segment IP Header Preamble Frame Header IP Datagram CRC Frame Packet Frame format depends on the specific type of network. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 10 5 4/14/16 Wireless LANs Wireless LANs: untethered (often mobile) networking. IEEE 802.11 standard: ◦ MAC protocol ◦ Unlicensed frequency spectrum: 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz Not meant to replace wired networks: ◦ A way to cover locations that are difficult to cover. Manufacturing plants Historical buildings, etc. Provides mobility, relocation,Ad Hoc networking: ◦ Home networking ◦ PANs ◦ Sensor networks Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 11 WLAN Architecture Basic Service Set (BSS) contains: ◦ Mobile Stations (MSs) ◦ Access point (AP): base station. Defined by Service Set Identifier (SSID) Extended Service Set (ESS) ◦ A set of infrastructured BSSs. Typical Range: 30~300 ft Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 12 6 4/14/16 Ad Hoc Networks Ad hoc network: IEEE 802.11 stations can dynamically form network without AP. Applications: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ “laptop” meeting in conference room, car. Interconnection of “personal” devices. Battlefield Sensor networks IETF MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Networks) working group Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 13 What is IEEE 802.11? Family of standards set forth by IEEE to define the specifications for WLANs (adopted in 1997). 1 and 2 Mbps at distances of 150-2000 ft. IEEE 802.11 standard: ◦ Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol ◦ Physical Layer (PHY) specifications 802.11b 802.11a 802.11g 802.11n 802.11ac ◦ Power Saving Mechanism Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 14 7 4/14/16 802.11x Comparison 802.11b 802.11a 802.11g 802.11n Standard Ratified Sept. 1999 Sept. 1999 June 2003 Sept. 2009 Frequency 2.4 GHz 5 GHz 2.4 GHz 2.4 or 5 GHz Range (typical) 100-150 ft 100-150 ft ~165 ft Data Rates 1, 2, 5.5, 11 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 540 (max.) Realistic Throughput ~4-6 Mbps ~27 Mbps ~20 Mbps ~200 Mbps Modulation CCK OFDM OFDM OFDM # of channels Non Overlapping 11/3 12/8 11/3 11/3 # of users 32 64 64 96 25-35 ft Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 15 802.11ac Gigabit Wi-Fi 5GHz band only Wider BW ◦ 6.93 Gbps max. data rate ◦ Less interference and more non-overlapping channels. ◦ 80 MHz (433 Mbps) and 160 MHz (867 Mbps) channels Compared to 20 MHz and 40 MHz of 802.11n Higher order modulation ◦ OFDM 256 QAM, 8 bits per symbol Higher order MIMO ◦ Up to 8 spatial streams, max. 4 streams per STA. Multi-User MIMO (MU-MIMO) ◦ Allows AP to simultaneously service multiple STAs. Beamforming ◦ Improves data rate for a given range. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 16 8 4/14/16 IEEE 802.11 MAC Layer Same MAC layer for all variants (802.11b, a, g, n, ac) ◦ DCF (Distributed Coordination Function) CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with collision avoidance) All stations may not hear each other: Hidden node problem Exposed node problem ◦ PCF (Point Coordination Function) Polling (optional) Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 17 Joining the Network Scanning ◦ Need to find an AP to join. Authentication request/response ◦ Need to authenticate users that are authorized to use the network. (Re-)Assocation request/response ◦ A MS needs to register, or associate, with an AP. The server can then use the registration information to determine which AP to use to communicate with MS. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 18 9 4/14/16 Passive Scanning MS waits for a beacon every 102.4 ms. Must check all 11 channels. Allows MS to power down if needed Beacon Frame 2 2 Frame Duration Control 6 6 6 DA SA BSSID 2 Seq. Control 0 - 23 12 4 payload CRC Ti mes ta mp , Beac on int er val, Cap abili ty i nfo , e tc. Na me assi gn ed to AP Sou rce (AP ) MAC ad dr ess Desti na tio n MAC ad dr ess (Br oa dc ast ) NAV (N etw or k Allo cati on Vec to r) Fr a me Ty pe : Ma na ge m ent , c ont rol , or da ta Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 19 Active Scanning (1) MS probes for APs. Must check all 11 channels! (i.e., perform a full scan) Probe request/response Frame 2 2 Frame Duration Control Ch. 1 6 6 6 DA SA BSSID 2 Seq. Control 0 - 23 12 4 payload CRC SSID ( ne two rk na m e), Sup po rte d rat es Probe request Probe response Name assigned to AP Sou rce ( MS) MA C a dd re ss Probe response Desti na tio n MAC ad dr ess (Br oa dc ast ) Probe request NAV (N etw or k Allo cati on Vec to r) Ch. 6 Fr a me Ty pe : Ma na ge m ent , c ont rol , or da ta Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 20 10 4/14/16 Active Scanning (2) Ava ila bl e Ch an n els Ho st Ini ti at e Sca n ni ng Ch. Switch Time MS has to wait if there is no responses from APs Channel # 1 No APs in Ch. #1 MinChann elTime Ch. Switch Time Channel # 2 MaxChann elTime … Multiple APs in Ch. #2 … MinChannelTime - Time MaxChannelTime -Time MS has to wait if a response is heard Selects AP with best signal strength. Ch. Switch Time Channel #N MinChann elTime No AP in Ch. #N Act iv e s ca n com pl et e Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 21 Authentication Open-system: ◦ Does not verify the identity of MS. Username and passwd Address filtering: ◦ Authorized MAC address list ◦ Kept in a centralized server (OSU uses “Maintain”) Shared-key ◦ WEP Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 22 11 4/14/16 (Re-)Association Allows the new AP to keep track of the location of MS. The Switch becomes aware of location MS, i.e., needs to forward frames to new AP. ◦ More on this later… MS can now communicate with the world! Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 23 Comm. with Outside World Switch Table MAC ad dr ess : xx :xx: xx:x x:xx :xx Router Internet Not aw ar e o f APs! 1 ARP Table IP Address MAC Address 128.193.143. 14 8 00:19:E3:0E:65: 18 … … … … 4 Interface 3 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 4 Server Switch 2 MAC Address 00:19:E3:0E:65: 18 3 0 - 23 12 4 Payload CRC MAC ad dr ess of IP Datagram ro ute r i nte rf ace to whic h AP is att ach ed Only us ed in MAC ad dr ess ad ho c mo de of MS or AP tra ns mitti ng thi s f ra me Atrium APy APz APx Data Frame 2 2 6 6 6 2 6 Frame Address Address Address Seq. Address Duration Control 1 2 3 Control 4 MAC ad dr ess of MS or AP to rec eiv e t his f ra m e MAC ad dr ess : 0 0: 19:E 3: 0E:6 5: 18 IP a dd res s: 12 8.1 93 .1 43. 14 8 Classrooms Ethernet (802.3) frame Û 8 02.11 frame Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 24 12 4/14/16 Roaming Example Roaming Path of 1 st floor of KEC Switch has to forward to APz Switch Table MAC Address Interface 00:19:E3:0E:65: 18 2®3 4 1 Server Switch 2 3 3. Update Switch Table Atrium 2. Broadcast( 00:19:E 3:0E :6 5:1 8) APy APz MS 1. Scan, authentication, reassociation MAC ad dr ess : 0 0: 19:E 3: 0E:6 5: 18 IP a dd res s: 12 8.1 93 .1 43. 14 8 APx Classrooms SSID=“OSU_PUB” Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 25 Handoff Delay Ava ila bl e Ch an n els Ho st Ini ti at e Ha nd o ff Ch. Switch Time Time MS has to wait if there is no responses from APs Channel # 1 No APs in Ch. #1 MinChann elTime Ch. Switch Time Channel # 2 MaxChann elTime Time MS has to wait if a response is heard … ◦ Channel Switch Time = 5~19 ms ◦ MinChannelTime = 1~7 ms ◦ MaxChannelTime = ~11 ms Multiple APs in Ch. #2 … Resulting in scanning delay of 350~500 ms! Represents > 90% of overall handoff delay. Ch. Switch Time Channel #N MinChann elTime Act iv e s ca n com pl et e ◦ Will loose packets! No AP in Ch. #N Channel # 2 No set standard for these parameters. A recent study of 802.11b based on Intersil Prism2 and Atheros 5212 NICs: ◦ Authentication & Association each take < 10 ms. ◦ Wired network update takes < 20 ms Ha nd o ff c om p le te Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 26 13 4/14/16 Medium Access Control How do you control the access to wireless medium? Signals attenuate as function of distance: ◦ Carrier Sense detects signals at the transmitter. ◦ But, collision occurs at the receiver. Cannot listen while you send: ◦ Transceiver is half duplex. ◦ Rx cannot tune to Tx frequency. All you hear is yourself! ◦ Your own signal strength at your antenna is much stronger than anybody else’s signal. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 27 IEEE 802.11 Carrier Sensing 802.11 uses both physical (at PHY) and virtual (at MAC) carrier sensing. ◦ Physical carrier sensing Medium consider busy when transmitting ◦ Virtual carrier sensing Maintained by each station using Network Allocation Vector (NAV), i.e., 16-bit counter in µs increments. Set based on Duration field in received frames (e.g., RTS, CTS). When nonzero, station thinks medium is busy. Medium considered busy whenever either indicates carrier. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 28 14 4/14/16 IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol: CSMA/CA Physical layer monitors the 802.11 CSMA: sender If sense channel idle for DISF (Distributed Inter Frame Space) Then transmit entire frame (no collision detection) If sense channel busy then binary backoff If ACK not received then retransmit energy level on the radio frequency 802.11 CSMA receiver: If received OK return ACK after SIFS (Short Inter Frame Space) Link-layer ACK Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 29 Inter Frame Spacing Priorities are defined through different inter frame spacing (IFS) ◦ SIFS (Short Inter Frame Spacing) Highest priority, for ACK, CTS, and polling response ◦ PIFS (PCF IFS) Medium priority, for time-bounded service using PCF ◦ DIFS (DCF IFS) Lowest priority, for best-effort data ◦ EIFS (Extended IFS) Lowest priority interval used to report bad or unknown frame. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 30 15 4/14/16 IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol DIFS contention window (randomized back-off mechanism) DIFS medium busy next frame t direct acc ess if medium is free ³DIF S slot time Station ready to send starts sensing the medium. If the medium is free for the duration of DIFS the station can start sending. If the medium is busy, the station has to wait for a DIFS, then the station must additionally wait a random back-off time (collision avoidance, multiple of slot-time). If another station occupies the medium during the back-off time of the station, the back-off timer stops (fairness). Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 31 Link Layer ACK SIFS = 10 µs short slot_time = 9 µs (802.11g only) long sl ot_time = 20 µs (802.11b/g) DIFS = 2 x sl ot_time + SIFS DIFS Sender data SIFS Receiver ACK slot_time DIFS Other stations NAV … data t defer access Back off delay Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 32 16 4/14/16 Random Backoff Backoff delay uniformly chosen in the range [0, CW-1], where CW is called Contention Window. ◦ Backoff timer is decreased as long as medium is sensed to be idle for DIFS. ◦ Backoff timer is frozen medium is busy. • • • • CW reaches 0, station transmits. Initially CW =1. After each unsuccessful transmission (no CTS or ACK) CW is doubled (up to a max. value). Once CW reach CW MAX, it stays at that value until reset. CW is reset after every successful transmission of a data or RTS packet. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 33 Hidden Terminal Effect Hidden terminals:A, C cannot hear each other ◦ Obstacles, signal attenuation ◦ Collisions at B Goal: avoid collisions at B CSMA/CA: CSMA with Collision Avoidance Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 34 17 4/14/16 Hidden & Exposed Terminal Problem Hidden Terminal Currently transmitting Currently transmitting A C Exposed Terminal B B cannot hear A A B C D C hears B’s Transmission: Cannot transmit to D! Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 35 Collision Avoidance (1) CSMA/CA - Explicit channel reservation: ◦ Sender: send short (fixed size) RTS: request to send. ◦ Receiver: reply with short (fixed size) CTS: clear to send. CTS reserves channel for sender, notifying (possibly hidden) stations Avoid hidden station collisions Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 36 18 4/14/16 Collision Avoidance (2) NAV set RTS CTS NAV set NAV set Data ACK NAV set Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 37 RTS-CTS Exchange DIFS sender RTS data SIFS receiver other stations SIFS SIFS CTS ACK DIFS NAV (RTS) data NAV (CTS) t defer access contention Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 38 19 4/14/16 802.11e QoS support in WLANs: ◦ Also referred to as WiFi MultiMedia (WMM). Backward compatible with DCF and PCF. Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA): ◦ Evolution of DCF ◦ Introduces traffic priority ◦ Favors VoIP applications Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 39 EDCA Traffic differentiation: New Inter-frame Spec for each AC: 4 Access Categories (ACs) with 8 Traffic Classes (TCs). Arbitration Inter Frame Space (AIFS) Transmission Opportunity (TXOP) Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 40 20 4/14/16 Access Categories (ACs) Media access is based on the AC of frames. 4 AC’s are defined: ◦ AC_BK (AC0) – Background ◦ AC_BE (AC1) – Best-effort ◦ AC_VI (AC2) – Video ◦ AC_VO (AC3) – Voice The size of Contention Window (CW) and Inter-frame space (IFS) is dependent on AC. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 41 Priority ACs map directly from Ethernet-level Class of Service (CoS) priority levels Priority AC Designation 1 AC_BK (0) Background 2 AC_BK (0) Background 0 AC_BE (1) Best Effort 3 AC_BE (1) Best Effort 4 AC_VI (2) Video 5 AC_VI (2) Video 6 AC_VO (3) Voice 7 AC_VO (3) Voice Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 42 21 4/14/16 Arbitration Interframe Space (AIFS) AIFS is used to defer the contention window or transmission for each AC. The value of AIFS differ corresponding to AC: ◦ AIFS[AC] = AIFSN[AC] x SlotTime + SIFS where AIFSN[AC] is an AIFS number ◦ AIFSN for each AC is broadcast via beacon frame containing “EDCA Parameter Set” element. DIFS = 2 x SlotTime + SIFS Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 43 AC-based Backoff Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 44 22 4/14/16 CWmin Differentiation CW is a function of CW min[AC] and CW max[AC]. Higher priority stations have smaller CW min and CW max. Smaller CW min and CW max correspond to on average fewer backoff slots being traversed per transmission. AC CW min CW max AC_BK CW min CW max AC_BE CW min CW max AC_VI (CW min+1)/2 -1 CW min AC_VO (CW min+1)/4 -1 (CW min+1)/2 -1 Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 45 Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 46 Priority 23 4/14/16 Transmission Opportunity (TXOP) The interval of time when a particular STA has the right to initiate transmissions. Frames exchange sequences are separated by SIFS. When will a STA get a TXOP ? ◦ Win a contention in EDCA, or ◦ Receive a CF-poll (“polled TXOP”) Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 47 Default EDCA Parameters AC CWmin CWmax AIFSN Max TXOP Background (AC_BK) 31 1023 7 0 Best Effort (AC_BE) 31 1023 3 0 Video (AC_VI) 15 31 2 3.008 ms Voice (AC_VO) 7 15 2 1.504 ms Legacy DCF 15 1023 2 0 Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 48 24 4/14/16 Other Features of 802.11 MAC Power management ◦ Informs AP it wants to sleep: AP buffers frames. ◦ Periodically wakes up to receive beacon signals: Indicates whether frames have been buffered. Requests awaiting frames from AP. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 49 Outline Introduction Wireless LANs ◦ What is the Internet? ◦ 802.11 Physical layer Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol Mobility Dealing with packet jitter and loss ◦ Issues ◦ Reducing Delay Jitter Fixed vs. Adaptive Playout ◦ Recovering from Packet Loss FEC Interleaving Case Study: Loss Resilience Features in H.264 Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 50 25 4/14/16 Issues Real-time interactive multimedia applications, e.g., Internet phone and real-time video conferencing are very sensitive to ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Delay Loss Delay-Jitter Out-of-Order Arrivals End-to-End Delay Jitter < 150 ms not perceived by user. 150 ms - 400 ms acceptable but not ideal. > 400 ms seriously hinders interactivity. > Jitter max Send X X Receive Perfect Delivery Packet Loss Delay-Jitter Out-of-order Arrivals Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 51 Sources of Packet Loss, Jitter, and Out-of-Order Arrival Core Network Edge Network Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 52 26 4/14/16 Packet Delay and Loss in Core Network End-to-end delays: DE_to_E = DTx_proc + DQueuing + DPropagation + DRx_proc Delay Jitter: ◦ Random queuing delays in the routers. Packet Loss: ◦ Packet drop due to overflowed queues in the routers. Out-of-Order Arrivals: No TCP ◦ Packets taking different paths. ◦ Random queue delays in the routers. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 53 Packet Delay and Loss in Edge Network WLANs are pervasive. Carrier Sense interference ◦ Access serialization to medium => delay Hidden Node interference ◦ Packet collision = > loss ◦ MAC retry (up to Retry Limit = 7 times) Home Entertainment Increase in peer-to-peer HD Video Streaming over WLANs: ◦ e.g., Apple AirPlay, Google Chromecast, Intel WiDi, etc. N-Screen Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 54 27 4/14/16 Current Solutions To mitigate the impact of “best-effort” protocols, we can: ◦ Use UDP to avoid TCP’s slow-start phase and retransmission. ◦ Buffer content at client and control playback to remedy jitter. ◦ Timestamp packets at the sender (so receiver knows when the packets should be played back). ◦ Prefetch data during playback (when client has extra storage and bandwidth). ◦ Adapt compression level to available bandwidth. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 55 Internet Phone Example Voice sampling: 8 kHz @ 8 bits Talkspurt Chunk = 160 bytes t 20 ms Silent Periods > 20 ms UDP segment Transmit Header Will need • Sequence number • Timestamp …but wait...UDP and IP do not have this... Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 56 28 4/14/16 Reducing Delay-Jitter (1) p = packaging period of the media at the sender p 2p 2p 3p Send a b c d e f g h Receive Playout Display Queue a d c b e d e f g h Playing the samples as soon as they arrive ensures minimal end-to-end latency but at the cost of an increased gap-rate. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 57 Reducing Delay-Jitter (2) 3p Send a b c d e f g h Receive Playout Display Queue a b a c b a d c b e d c e d f e g f g h Enqueuing the first sample for some duration better ensures continuous playout. Which initial playout strategy is better? It depends… ◦ But at the cost of higher playout latency throughout the conference. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 58 29 4/14/16 Fixed Playout Delay When should it playout? p - r or p’ - r? Packets However, playout delay should not exceed some threshold, e.g., Packets generated Missed playout ◦ 250 ms for audio ◦ 10-15 frames/s for video (66.6 ms - 100 ms) Tradeoff between playout delay vs. packet loss. For interactive services, such as internet phone, long delays can be bothersome if not intolerable. Packets received Playout schedule p-r Playout schedule pʼ - r Time s r pʼ p Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 59 Adaptive Playout Delay (1) Often end-to-end delay distribution of packets within a talk spurt is not known. ◦ …and can change over time. Estimate the network delay and its variance, and adjust the playout delay accordingly. Determine play out delay on a per-talkspurt basis. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 60 30 4/14/16 Adaptive Playout Delay (2) qi di Send Receive Kvi si si+1 ri Playout r i+1 pi pi+1 qi si = timestamp of the i th packet generated by the sender r i = time packet i is received by the receiver pi= time packet i is played at the receiver d i= average network delay vi= average deviation of network delay Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 61 Adaptive Playout Delay (3) E-to-E delay for the ith packet will be ri - si . The average network delay of the ith packet d i is (similar to how TCP RTT is estimated) d i = (1 - u)d i-1 + u(ri - s i), where u is fixed constant (e.g., u = 0.01) The average delay deviation v i is vi = (1 - u)vi-1 + u|ri - s i - d i|, The receiver then uses the following pi = s i + d i + Kvi, where K is called a congestion estimator (e.g., 4). Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 62 31 4/14/16 Adaptive Playout Delay (4) When should playout delay be changed? For voice, transmission occurs in alternating talk spurts and silence periods. If no packet loss, receiver can determine that a packet is the first packet of the talk spurt. ◦ e.g., s i - s i-i > 20 ms, then receiver knows ith packet start a new talkspurt What if there is a packet loss? Two successive packets received may have timestamp that differ by more than 20 ms. ◦ Use sequence numbers. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 63 Real-Time Protocol Internet-standard protocol for transporting real-time data, including audio and video. A standardized packet structure that includes fields for audio/video data, sequence number, timestamp, an other useful fields. ◦ PCM or GSM for audio ◦ MPEG1 and MPEG2 for video Runs on top of UDP. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 64 32 4/14/16 RTP Packet Format Version # (2 bits) Padding Bit Extension Bit # of Contributing Sources Marker bit Payload type (7 bits) V=2P X 3 words CC M PT Seque nce Num ber Timestamp Synchron izatio n Source (SSRC) Ide ntifier 0-15 words Contrib uting So urce (CSRC) Ide ntifier … Extension H ead er RTP Payload Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 65 Payload Type Indicates the type of multimedia data carried by the packet. ◦ Audio: PCM 𝜇-law, GSM, MPEG Audio, etc. ◦ Video: Motion JPEG, H.261, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, etc. Defines sampling rate of timestamp. ◦ Audio 8 kHz sampling rate (every 125 𝜇s) 20 ms minimum inter-frame time. Marker (M) bit set on the first packet after a silence period. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 66 33 4/14/16 Sequence No. Allows the receiver to detect missing and outof-ordered packets. ◦ 16 bits long. Sender increments the sequence number by one for each transmitted packet. RTP does not do anything when a packet is detected to be lost. ◦ Instead, it is left to the application to decide what should be done. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 67 Timestamp Enables the receiver to playback samples at appropriate intervals and to enable different media streams to be synchronized. 32 bits long. A counter of “ticks”, where time between ticks is dependent on encoding in use. For example, ◦ Audio application that samples data every 125 𝜇s uses this as its clock resolution. ◦ Multiple audio samples can be transmitted together. ◦ If packet is generated every 10 ms (each containing 10 ms/125 𝜇 s = 80 samples), timestamp between successive packets would have timestamp differ by 80. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 68 34 4/14/16 Timestamp vs. Sequence No. Timestamp relates packet to real-time: ◦ Timestamp values sampled from a media specific clock. Sequence number relates packet to other packets. Allows many packets to have the same timestamp but different sequence numbers. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 69 MPEG Example How does the timestamp/sequence-number mechanism support MPEG? ◦ Out-of-order transmission. Sequence numbers increase monotonically. Timestamps reflect reference relationships. ◦ Large frames. One video frame likely to be split into parts and packed into multiple RTP packets. Timestamps associate packets together as part of the same frame, while seq. no distinguish packets from each other. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 70 35 4/14/16 Audio Silence example Nothing is sent during silent periods. Why might this cause problems? ◦ Other side needs to distinguish between loss and silence. How does the timestamp/seq. no mechanism help? ◦ After receiving no packets for a while, next packet received will reflect a big jump in timestamp, but have the correct next seq. no. Thus, receiver knows what happened. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 71 Recovering from Packet Loss Packet is considered lost if it never arrives or arrives after its scheduled playout time. Sending packets over TCP may not viable: ◦ Retransmission => unacceptable end-to-end delay. ◦ Congestion control => transmission rate is reduced Packet loss rate of 1% - 20% is tolerable (depending how voice is encoded and transmitted). Forward Error Correction and Interleaving can help conceal loss packets. If packet loss exceeds 10 - 20%, due to congestion... Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 72 36 4/14/16 Forward Error Correction Redundancy is introduced into the stream to enable the receiver to recover from errors due to loss. Forms of redundancy RTP Packet RTP Header header extension RTP payload ◦ Simple replication and retransmission of original data. ◦ k-way XOR ◦ Replication, recoding, and re-transmission of original data. FEC payload Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 73 FEC Basic Concept f, e Send g, f h, g i, h j, i k, j X l, k m, l X X Receive Display e Queue d c e d g f e g f i h g j i h j i j m l Key issue: If a sample is lost, how do we ensure that the redundant information necessary for the repair arrives? ◦ How much bandwidth should we dedicate to FEC? ◦ Where should we place the redundant information in the stream? Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 74 37 4/14/16 FEC Method 1: n-way XOR Send a redundant encoded chunk after every n chunks. Transmit the word-by-word XOR of groups of n chunks. If a single packet is lost, receiver can fully reconstruct the lost packet. Example: 3-way XOR 10100011 ⊕ 10100011 ⊕ 00000011 = 00000011 Sample 1 Sample 2 Lost! Sample 3 Redundant Code 10100011 ⊕ 00000011 ⊕ 00000011 = 10100011 Sample 1 Redundant Code Sample 3 Reconstructed Sample 2 n can’t be too large, higher prob. of packet loss and delay. n can’t be too small, higher transmission rate. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 75 FEC Method 2: Sending Lowbit-Rate Encoded Chunks Can cope with non-consecutive packet loss. Nominal stream (e.g., PCM @ 64 kbps) Low-bit-rate stream (e.g., GSM @ 13 kbps) Occasional low-bit-rate chunks in between high quality give overall audio quality. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 76 38 4/14/16 Interleaving Divide 20 ms chunks into four 5 ms units and interleave. Upon loss have a set of partially filled chunks. Multiple small gaps as opposed to a single large gap! Low overhead, but can increase latency. Maybe not great for Internet phone, but streaming stored audio or video. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 77 Outline Introduction Wireless LANs ◦ What is the Internet? ◦ 802.11 Physical layer Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol Mobility Dealing with packet jitter and loss ◦ Issues ◦ Reducing Delay Jitter Fixed vs. Adaptive Playout ◦ Recovering from Packet Loss FEC Interleaving Case Study: Loss Resilience Features in H.264 Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 78 39 4/14/16 Introduction Two layers of H.264: ◦ Video Coding Layer (VCL) – translates video data into bitstream (discussed in Chapter 4). ◦ Network Abstraction Layer (NAL) – maps and packetizes VCL bitstream into units for storage or transmission. NAL - “Network friendly” features: ◦ Error resiliency (encoder) – improves the decoder’s capability to recover/conceal errors. ◦ Error concealment (decoder) – recovers from errors. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking NAL Units Sequence Parameter Set Picture Parameter Set 79 Picture Parameter Set Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 80 40 4/14/16 Loss Resilience H.264 adds Baseline and Extended Profiles to provide error resiliency: ◦ Add redundancy to the bitstream. ◦ Facilitates a better error concealment (i.e., recover lost parts of the picture). Baseline Profile: ◦ Arbitrary Slice Ordering (ASO) ◦ Flexible Macroblock Ordering (FMO) ◦ Redundant Pictures or Slices Extended Profile: ◦ Data Partitioning Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 81 Arbitrary Slice Order Slices can be arranged in any order. Aids in error concealment at the decoder. No ASO Received Order: 0, 1, 2, 3 Slice 0 ASO Received Order: 0, 2, 1, 3 Slice 0 Predicted from Slice 0 & 2 Lost! Slice 1 Slice 1 Slice 2 Lost! Slice 2 Slice 3 Lost! Slice 3 Predicted from Slice 2 Lost! Errors tend to occur in spurts Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 82 41 4/14/16 Flexible Macro Ordering A picture can be subdivided into regions, called slice groups: ◦ Each slice group can contain one or more slices. Each slice is transmitted independently in separate packets: ◦ Within a slice, MBs are usually processed in raster scan order Using FMO, a frame can be split into many MB scanning patterns that results in good error robustness. FMO together with advanced resilience tools can maintain visual quality even with packet loss rate of 10%! Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 83 7 FMO Types Each color represents a slice group Run-length Grows\shrinks in circular pattern Regions of interests Scattered Row-wise Column-wise Type 6 is the most general and allows full flexibility to the user. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 84 42 4/14/16 FMO Example Type 1 (scattered or dispersed) is especially useful in concealing errors in networks with high packet loss rate. Easier to conceal Slice 1 lost! Slice 0 Slice 1 Slice 2 No FMO (3 slices) 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 FMO Type 1 (4 slice groups) Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 85 Redundant Slices Allows an encoder to send an extra representation of a picture region (typically at lower fidelity) that can be used if the primary representation is corrupted or lost: ◦ Also referred to as Forward Error Correction (FEC). May improve performance, but at a cost of reduced compression. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 86 43 4/14/16 Data Partitioning (DP) Separate more important and less important syntax elements. Each compressed slice is partitioned into: ◦ Partition A - contains the most important information, such as slice header, MB types, quantization parameters, and MVs. ◦ Partition B (intra partition) - contains intra-coded block pattern (CBP) and coefficients. ◦ Partition C (inter partition) - contains only inter CBPs and inter coefficients. Partitions can be treated differently by the delivery layer: ◦ Unequal Error Protection in PHY and MAC ◦ Prioritized or Guaranteed Services in MAC (e.g., 802.11e) Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 87 DP Illustration Partition A If lost, slice cannot be reconstructed! If lost, error concealment can be used Partition B (I- & SI-slice) Partition C (P-, B-, & SP-slice) Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 88 44 4/14/16 Error Concealment Error resilience features of H.264 allows for error concealment: ◦ Reconstruct lost information (within manageable complexity). Types of error concealment: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Spatial – Weighted Pixel Averaging, MV recovery Temporal – Copy-Paste, MV recovery Hybrid Others… Can be applied to both lost MBs and frames. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 89 Error Characteristics Depends on the severity and type of loss, error resilience features used, and characteristics of video: ◦ I-slice – Intra prediction mode and residual ◦ P-slice – Motion vector and residual Slices lost due to packet loss Sent frame Received frame Figure 9: Slices 2 and 4 lost. Error Concealment Error propagation 5 frames later Figure 11: Chapter Error propagation three frames later due to poor EC. 6: Multimedia Networking used to conceal lostfor slices and 4. work [10]. dia Player.Figure It was 10: alsoFrame the thecopy media player of choice our 2previous FFmpeg is a collection of libraries including libavcodec, which contains an H.264 decoder. The H.264 decoder contains an EC module, where different MV EC instance, consider a car moving across a screen. Putting that single frame in techniques can be found. The FFmpeg H.264 decoder applies spatial mean MV, the context of neighboring frames adds a time dimension thus revealing whether spatial median MV, last MV, and zero MV for P-frames [11]. Spatial mean MV the car is stationary or if it is indeed moving in a particular direction. Such simply takes the average of surrounding MVs to recover a lost MV while spatial conclusions can be drawn from correlations witnessed within a single frame or in median MV involves using the median of surrounding MVs instead. Using the the context of multiple frames. The underlying concept of these correlations is last MV for MV recovery involves copying the MV from the same spatial locausually motion. By exploiting the spatial and temporal relationships that exist tion of the previous inter-predicted reference frame (usually a P-frame) and then among MVs, it is possible to perform EC via MV recovery. pasting in place of the lost MV. Zero MV simply uses a zero MV to estimate a lost MV, and is also referred to as frame copy. 2.3Corrupted ErrorB-frames Concealment Techniques are handled differently. Since B-MBs are bi-directionally predicted, each lost MB in the a B-frame two MV used estimates. The decoders. two MVs This subsection discusses defaultrequires EC techniques by H.264 are temporally weighting the MVs of a future P-frame as shown Ourgenerated discussionby is based on FFmpeg, which is the underlying software of VLC Mein Fig. 12. The first set of estimated MVs refers to a past reference frame. This is generated by multiplying the MVs from the next P-frame by tt12 . The second set of estimated MVs, which points backwards, is generated by multiplying the 1 t2 same MVs from the next P-frame by t11 t2 . 90 45 4/14/16 DP – Perceptual Quality Original Only residual (Partition C) is lost! I-frame w/o residual P-frame w/o residual Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 91 Copy-Paste Temporal technique Replaces the missing image part with the spatially corresponding part inside a previously decoded frame. Very effective when there is very little movement. Can be applied to lost MBs or frames (called frame copy). Can be applied to I- or P-frames. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 92 46 4/14/16 Copy-Paste - Perceptual Quality Original Error Copy-Paste Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 93 Weighted Pixel Averaging Based on assumption of continuity of natural scene content in space Spatial concealment technique. p L Used for I-frames: pT dL dT dR p̂ pR ◦ Can also be used for P-frames dB Use pixel values of surrounding available MBs Disadvantage – blurred reconstruction pB p̂ = pT d B + pB dT + pL d R + pR d L d B + dT + d R + d L Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 94 47 4/14/16 WPA - Perceptual Quality Original Error Weighted Pixel Averaging Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 95 MV Recovery For P- and B-frames: ◦ MV can be lost ◦ Residual (error) can be lost ◦ Or both can be lost FFmpeg – decoder for VLC Media Player: Spatial technique ◦ Spatial - Left MV, Right MV, Top MV, Bottom MV, Mean MV, Median MV ◦ Temporal - Last MV, Zero MV (frame copy) Each estimated MV generates an estimated MB, which is compared against surrounding MBs using Boundary Matching Algorithm (BMA). ◦ The best one is used as the final MB! Substitute MB Reference Frame Missing MB Current Frame Temporal technique Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 96 48 4/14/16 Boundary Matching Algorithm Calculates the total absolute pixel value difference between the edge pixels of the estimated MB and the adjacent pixels of surrounding MBs. Choose the one with minimum error. MVs neighboring blocks Median/Average MV from neighboring blocks Es timate d MB Es timate d MB Boundary Pixels MV from previous frame Es timate d MB No MV Es timate d MB Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 97 MV Recovery - Perceptual Quality Original Error MV Recovery Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 98 49 4/14/16 Iterative Process of EC Each MB in a lost region is concealed in the order shown below. Good slice Lost slice Good slice Lost MB Consider a simplified lost slice with good slices above and below it. Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 99 Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking 100 Questions? 50