steam generation
steam generation
T H E F U T U R E O F STEAM GENERATION OVER YEARS OF SERVICE C O M P A N Y H I S T O R Y When Hans Joachim Schroder founded his company CERTUSS Warmetechnik GmbH in 1957, his primary goals were to manufacture reliable, low-noise Steam Generators, easy to maintain and for continuous operation. These objectives formed the basis of a successful company, which is now operating world-wide. The concentration on a clearly defined product line, systematic research, development and a highly trained team of professionals, enables equipment production of the highest standard aligned with a Certified Quality Management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. All CERTUSS Steam Generators are type tested according to European Pressure Equipment Guideline DGRL 97/23/EC. CERTUSS offer seven construction groups within their range of fossil fuel Generators with outputs ranging from 80kg/hr to 2000kg/hr and operating pressures up to 32 bar G. To accompany the Generator, CERTUSS also offer their CVE Package Plant Module, where all of the associated ancillary items are pre-piped, pre-wired and factory tested. Fuel types offered are Gas, Light Oil, LPG and Bio Fuel, with combination burners offered on all units from 500kg/hr upwards. Also available are a range of Electric Steam Generators from 6kW to 120kW. CERTUSS also hold full electronic documentation of every Generator manufactured over the past 30 years, with full spares support for each Generator guaranteed for up to 20 years after commissioning. With their UK service centre, the main German manufacturing base, French and Austrian Group members along with 19 other agencies worldwide CERTUSS offer the latest steam technology and exemplary service. Mathias Brauner CEO CERTUSS Group Q U A L I T Y A S S U R A N C E CERTUSS manufacture supply and install a range of Steam Generators with integrated burners and associated equipment. The equipment is manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 and is CE marked within the standards of the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC 2 CONTENTS C O M PA N Y H I S TO RY 2 HOW IT WORKS 4 G E N E R ATO R W I T H C V E 5 JUNIOR RANGE 80 – 650KG/HR 6 UNIVERSAL RANGE 700 – 2000KG/HR 8 UNIVERSAL TC RANGE 500 – 2000KG/HR 10 C V E A D VA N TAG E S 12 T O U C H S C R E E N I N T E R FA C E 13 ELECTRO E6M – E72M (8 – 97KG/HR) 14 ELECTRO E100 (135 – 160KG/HR) 16 ACCESSORIES 18 E N E R G Y S A V I N G A C C E S S O R I E S - L AY O U T 19 C E RT E C O N J U N I O R 8 0 - 4 0 0 20 C O N TA I N E R I S E D PAC K AG E P L A N T 21 A F T E R S A L E S S U P P O RT 22 3 HOW IT WORKS 5 SECTORS Abattoirs Agriculture Animal food industry Automotive industry 6 9 1 4 7 Bakeries Breweries Ceramic industry Chemical industry Dairies Distilleries Dyeing industry Electrical industry Food packaging Food processing Glass fibre production Greenhouses 3 Hospitals 8 Laundries Paper industry Pharmaceutical industry Plastics industry 2 Research facilities Recycling industry Soft drinks production 4 1 Touch Screen Control 6 Steam to Application 2 Pre-heated feed water (approx 90-95ºc) 7 Exhaust Gas Discharge 3 Water supply in heat changer coil 8 Steam Generator Coil Blowdown 4 Vertical burner 9 Safety Valve Ventilation 5 Combustion Air Tank farms Tobacco industry Tyre industry Vulcanisation Waste disposal Weaving mills Wire industry Wood processing T C G E N E R ATO R W I T H C V E D U T Y S TA N D - B Y G E N E R ATO R W I T H C V E 5 JUNIOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Junior Steam Generator CVE Utility Unit Pre Pressure Pump Feed Water Pump Feed Water Tank Blowdown Tank Chemical Dosing Water Softening Plant Brine Tank Control Panel Steam Separator Water Filter DA. Steam Connection WA.Water Connection SL. Tank Vent (To Atmos) SV. Safety Valve (To Atmos) KA. Drain Connection KD. Condensate Connection BA. Fuel Connection CERTUSS Junior Steam Generator 6 Group 1 80 - 120 kg/h Group 2 150 - 200 kg/h Group 3 250 - 400 kg/h Group 4 500 - 650 kg/h A (mm) 1500 1580 1850 1980 C (mm) 1210 1375 1510 1630 D (mm) 500 560 640 700 E (mm) 180 200 250 250 F (mm) 1050 1120 1360 1460 JUNIOR RANGE 80-650kg/hr • Space saving • Installation without foundation support • Robust steel construction • Patented un-insulated air cooled double cover • Air intake from top creating good air circulation within the generator • Integrated, low emissions CERTUSS burner system • Noise and vibration reduction, anti-vibration mountings • Economical fast energy transfer reducing radiation losses • Vertical expansion free centrally suspended heating system with low position blowdown • Replaceable evaporation section • Easy and quick cleaning of the heating system, without removal • Exemplary customer service and spare parts availability • Efficiency >98.5% (with the use of an economiser and Parcovap) CERTUSS Junior Steam Generator 150 99 109 2 1 350 230 255 Steam Connection DN 40 20 11/4” 25 1.0-1.6-2.0-2.5-3.2 36.8 41.13 16.9 1980 870 1630 700 250 1460 950 2.85 (10-16-20-25-32) 3 50 25 11/4” 32 9.2 10.2 4.2 /8” 12.3 13.67 5.6 0.8-1.4-2.2-2.9 (8-14-22-29) 1.0-1.6-2.5-3.2 (10-16-25-32) 18.4 20.56 8.4 500 328 364 30.6 34.33 14.1 2 0.8-1.4-1.8-2.2-2.9 (8-14-18-22-29) /8” 21.5 24.05 9.9 24.5 27.45 11.3 650 427 485 Feed Water Connection DN 3 3.4 400 262 291 600 393 436 Electrical Connection kW 1850 805 1510 640 250 1360 520 1.45 8.2 15.3 17.16 7.1 300 196 218 4 Weight kg 20 11/4” 20 7.4 Flue Gas (Centre) 32 2.2 Flue Gas Tube Ø 3 1.0-1.6-2.5-3.2 (10-16-25-32) 250 164 182 3 Steam Generator Ø 1580 725 1375 560 200 1120 420 1.35 0.8-1.4-2.2-2.9 (8-14-22-29) 5.47 Depth 20 11/4” 15 4.9 Width 20 1.0-1.6-2.5-3.2 (10-16-25-32) Height /8” 0.8-1.4-2.2-2.9 (8-14-22-29) 200 131 145 1.2 3 1 1 1500 650 1210 500 180 1050 320 Liquid Gas DN 87 Connections Natural Gas DN 79 Measurements (mm) Oil Connection DN 120 Maximum Admissable Pressure MPa (bar) Liquid Gas m3/h 58 Working Pressure Maximum MPa (bar) Natural Gas m3/h 53 Consumption Light Oil kg/h Heat Input kW 80 1 Firing Stages Heat Output kW Pressures Steam Output kg/h Construction Group Capacities /8” 39.8 45.75 18.3 7 UNIVERSAL 1. Universal Steam Generator 2. CVE Utility Unit 3. Water Filter 4. Feed Water Pump 5. Pre Pressure Pump 6. Feed Water Tank 7. Blowdown Tank 8. Water Softening Plant 9. Brine Tank 10. Chemical Dosing 11. Steam Separator 12. Control Panel DA. Steam Connection WA.Water Connection SL. Tank Vent (To Atmos) SV. Safety Valve (To Atmos) KA. Drain Connection KD. Condensate Connection BA. Fuel Connection CERTUSS Universal Steam Generator 8 Group 5 700 - 960 kg/h Group 6 1000 - 1500 kg/h Group 7 1500 - 2000 kg/h A (mm) 2290 2535 2675 C (mm) 1835 2020 2300 D (mm) 870 1000 1100 E (mm) 300 350 500 F (mm) 1750 1940 2025 UNIVERSAL RANGE 700-2000kg/hr • Vertical expansion free centrally suspended heating system with low position blowdown Robust steel construction • Replaceable evaporation section • Patented un-insulated air cooled double cover • • Air intake from top creating good air circulation within generator Easy and quick cleaning of the heating system, without removal • Operation without supervision • Exemplary customer service and spare parts availability • Efficiency >98.5% (with the use of an economiser and Parcovap) • Space Saving • Installation without foundation support • • Integrated, low emissions CERTUSS burner system • Noise and vibration reduction, antivibration mountings • Economical fast energy transfer reducing radiation losses CERTUSS UNIVERSAL Steam Generator 0.8-1.4-2.2-2.9 (8-14-22-29) Steam Connection DN Feed Water Connection DN Oil Connection DN Electrical Connection kW Flue Gas (Centre) 1.0-1.6-2.5-3.2 110.4 123.67 50.8 2675 1350 2300 1100 500 2025 2300 9.35 (10-16-25-32) 1 80 50 11/4” 65 Weight kg 40 11/4” 50 52.1 58.39 24.0 2290 1070 1835 870 300 1750 1100 3.8 /8” 61.3 68.67 28.2 0.8-1.4-2.2-2.9 (8-14-22-29) 1.0-1.6-2.5-3.2 (10-16-25-32) 1300 853 947 79.8 89.33 36.7 1500 984 1093 92 103.11 42.3 2000 1312 1457 Flue Gas Tube Ø 65 1.0-1.6-2.5-3.2 (10-16-25-32) N/A 67.45 27.1 2 1800 1180 1311 Steam Generator Ø 3 Depth 2535 1210 2020 1000 350 1940 1500 6.65 Width 40 11/4” 50 Height Liquid Gas DN 2 1000 656 728 7 Liquid Gas m3/h 65 42.9 48.11 19.7 960 629 715 6 Connections Natural Gas DN 850 557 619 Measurements (mm) 3 Maximum Admissable Pressure MPa (bar) 700 459 510 5 Natural Gas m3/h Working Pressure Maximum MPa (bar) Consumption Light Oil kg/h Firing Stages Pressures Heat Input kW Heat Output kW Steam Output kg/h Construction Group Capacities 2 0.8-1.4-2.2-2.9 (8-14-22-29) /8” /2” 123.0 137.45 56.5 9 U N I V E R S A L T C (Touc h Control) 1. Universal TC Steam Generator 2. CVE Utility Unit 3. Pre pressure pump 4. Feedwater pump TC 5. Feedwater tank 6. Blowdown tank 7. Chemical dosing 8. Water softening plant 9. Brine Tank 10. Control panel 11. Steam separator GA. Fuel SV. Safety Valve DA. Steam SL. Tank Vent KA. Drain WA.Water KD. Condensate CERTUSS Universal TC (Touch Control) Steam Generator 10 Group 4 500 - 650 kg/h Group 5 700 - 960 kg/h Group 6 1000 - 1300 kg/h Group 7 1500 - 2000 kg/h A (mm) 1980 2290 2535 2675 B (mm) 930 1160 1260 1380 C (mm) 1600 1870 2125 2310 D (mm) 700 870 1000 1100 E (mm) 250 300 350 500 UNIVERSAL 500-2000kg/hr TC • Space Saving • • Installation without foundation support Replaceable evaporation section • Easy and quick cleaning of the heating system, without removal • Operation without supervision • Exemplary customer service and spare parts availability • Efficiency >98.5% (with the use of an economiser and Parcovap) • Robust steel construction • Patented un-insulated air cooled double cover • Air intake from top creating good air circulation within generator • Integrated, low emissions CERTUSS burner system • Noise and vibration reduction, antivibration mountings • Full modulation from 50% to 100% • BMS compatibility with Profibus/CANbus etc., Economical fast energy transfer reducing radiation losses • • Touch Control (TC) screen Vertical expansion free centrally suspended heating system with low position blowdown • CERTUSS Universal TC (Touch Control) Steam Generator 40 11/4” 40 3 /8” 65 40 11/4” 50 2 80 50 11/4” 65 1.0-1.6-2.5-3.2 (10-16-25-32) N/A 67.45 27.1 1000 656 728 2 1300 853 947 1800 1180 1311 2000 1312 1457 61.3 68.67 28.2 0.8-1.4-2.2-2.9 (8-14-22-29) 1.0-1.6-2.5-3.2 (10-16-25-32) 0.8-1.4-2.2-2.9 (8-14-22-29) 1.0-1.6-2.5-3.2 110.4 123.67 50.8 2675 1380 2310 1100 500 2025 2300 13.0 (10-16-25-32) 1500 984 1093 7 Steam Connection DN 65 42.9 48.11 19.7 0.8-1.4-2.2-2.9 (8-14-22-29) 960 629 715 6 Feed Water Connection DN Liquid Gas DN /8” Oil Connection DN 3 39.8 45.75 18.3 700 459 510 850 557 619 Flue Gas (Centre) 52.1 58.39 24.0 2290 1160 1870 870 300 1750 1100 5.5 30.6 34.33 14.1 650 427 485 5 Flue Gas Tube Ø 25 11/4” 32 Steam Generator Ø 50 Depth /8” Width 3 Height 5.0 Liquid Gas m3/h Natural Gas DN 600 393 436 Connections Electrical Connection kW 4 Measurements (mm) 1.0-1.6-2.0-2.5-3.2 1980 930 1600 700 250 1460 950 (10-16-20-25-32) 36.8 41.13 16.9 500 328 364 Natural Gas m3/h 2 0.8-1.4-1.8-2.2-2.9 (8-14-18-22-29) Maximum Admissable Pressure MPa (bar) Light Oil kg/h Working Pressure Maximum MPa (bar) Consumption Weight kg Pressures Firing Stages Heat Input kW Heat Output kW Steam Output kg/h Construction Group Capacities 2535 1260 2125 1000 350 1940 1500 9.5 79.8 89.33 36.7 92 103.11 42.3 2 1 /2” 123.0 137.45 56.5 11 CVE ADVANTAGES • All supply and water treatment components for CERTUSS steam generators as a single unit • Complete with electrical subdistribution • Less space required due to compact design • Use of approved, high quality materials • Corrosion protection through galvanised base frame • Fast, economical installation, ready for operation in just a few hours • Easy maintenance access • Enhanced safety due to factory preinstallation of water, steam, and electrical connections • Simple on site installation Type For Steam Generators with steam output kg/h Dimensions (mm) Height Width Connections Depth Raw Water DN Waste Water DN Electrical Rinsing Ventilation Water (feed water Condensate Connection (softening) tank) DN DN DN 10 1950 1300 850 1” 2” 1 /2” 2” 11/4” 250-400 10 500-600 16 700-850 2300 1700 1200 1” 2” 1 /2” DN 100 11/2” 1000-1300 Multiple Units 1500-1800 20 25 16 2 x 150-200 2x 250-400 20 16 2 x 80-120 2300 2 x 500-600 *incl. Connected load of steam generators 12 10 3 x 400V / 50 Hz Universal Junior 80-120 150-200 Load Current (A) 2200 1200 1” 2” 1 /2” 2” 11/4” 16 25 All rights reserved to make technical changes TO U C H S C R E E N I N T E R FAC E THERMOTIMAT Full Automatic Control System Functions available • Automatic Start • Automatic Blow-down • Programmable start-up/shut off • External Switching on/off • Automatic fuel change over for combination burners • Pressure drop cut in at Network – Lag/Lead VOLT FREE CONTACTS - 6 OR 12 Functions available • 6 or 12 operating or fault messages transferrable to – BMS Facility GSM INTERFACE Functions available • Allows the control system of the steam generator to be placed on the internet via a mobile network using a SIM card. • Ability to connect from a workplace to a Generator through a browser such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox etc. LAG/LEAD FACILITY INTERFACE MULTIPLE SYSTEM/NETWORK Functions available • Integration of 1-4 Generators into a company network without PROFIBUS. With the display of the Generator available at the assigned remote station • With Automatic “Thermotimat” in place – Changeable base load- Cut in of a stand-by Generator on failure PROFIBUS (SIEMENS) INTERFACE Functions available • Integration of Generators into a control network with PROFIBUS. With the display of the Generator available at the assigned remote station • With Automatic “Thermotimat” in place – Changeable base load- Cut in of a stand-by Generator on failure DSL INTERFACE Functions available • With an Internet access a provider available, this allows the control system of the Generator to be placed on the Internet. With the full display of the Touch Screen available Functions available • Changeable base load boiler • Cut in of a Steam Generator in stand-by mode after a malfunction of a duty Generator • Cut in of a stand-by Generator when a pre-selected steam network pressure is not reached. 13 ELECTRO 1. 2. 3. 4. Electric Steam Generator E 6-72M Utility unit CVE E 6-72M Mixing cooler 50 ltr. Water softening plant 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Water filter Water meter Safety valve Manometer Roller indicator level regulator / limiter E6M - 72M: The New Generation Of The Classic Generator: The electric steam generators E6M - E72M are genuine CERTUSS steam generators. They are distinguished by their short heat-up time and low space requirement. They are low-loss and extremely reliable in construction proven over decades. The E6M - E72M achieves immediate output adjustment, simplified operation and increased ease of maintenance. Small, Complete And Safe: The E6M - E72M are complete, ready to operate, electronically controlled steam generators with built in feed water tank and water pump along with all the safety devices for pressure and temperature. Only the disposal and supply lines are to be installed by the customer. Manual, Remote-Controlled Or Automatic: Controlling is carried out either manually by simply pressing buttons or with an optional “Thermotimat” automatic control within the unit. Controlling via a central control system / building services system or an external impulse is also possible for the display and transfer of operating and fault messages. The heart of the E6M - E72M consists of a PLC control system that displays the operating and fault messages with corresponding fault codes. 14 DA. KA. SV. SL. Steam Connection Drain Safety Valve Vent Outlet WA. Water Connection KR. Condensate KS. Drain KB. Blowdown Electronically Controlled Electrical Heating: The output of the heating elements is controlled progressively through semiconductor contactors. This ensures virtually constant steam pressure under a symmetrical load of the power supply. The respective operating pressure range can be present progressively. Optional - Output Selection Switch: On multiple stage generators the heating output can be limited Optional - Automatic Desalination: A device for fully automatic time - controlled desalination can be integrated and guarantees constant high steam quality Optional - Automatic Blowdown: The E6M - E72M steam generators can additionally be equipped with an automatic blowdown. The pressure vessel is then deslimed at every shutdown Installation Conditions: In accordance with the European Pressure Equipment Category II or III depending on the operating pressure. They have been tested in accordance with the EC type examination. The E6M - E72M steam generators have less-restricted conditions for installation and operation in the EC member states. In Germany it does not require supervision and approval by TUV. ELECTRO E6M-E72M 8-97kg/hr Operation and Installation • Low space requirement, reduced and robust heavy-duty model in elegant design • Can be installed in work areas • Fully automatic operation by means of time control or remote pulse (with supplementary equipment) • Automatic blowdown (optional) • Automatic desalination (optional) Operator Convenience • Easy to service compact device, easy to operate • Optional supply system for water treatment and water cooling • Access possible through normal doors up to 1m wide • Wide solid bases to ensure safe transportation on the side or front • Direct front access to all parts for easy maintenance Safety and Quality • Function and malfunction indications can be linked to central control system / building services control system provided by customer • Series production in the framework of the CERTUSS range • Spare parts supply guaranteed for 20 years • Stainless steel version of all parts in contact with water and steam for pure option Efficient • Short heat-up time • Fully electronic pressure and output control, immediate load adjustment • Electrical heating elements made of stainless steel with large heating surface • Constant network load without consumption peaks • Output limitation by selection switch starting on model E18 M (optional) Technical Data E6M - E27M E6 E12 E16 E18 E22 E24 E28 E32 E36 E40 E48 E56 E64 E72 Steam Output kg/h 8 16 21 24 29 32 37 42 48 53 64 75 86 97 Heat Output kW 6 12 16 18 22 24 28 32 36 40 48 56 64 72 1 - Stage Power Stages Electrical Connection up to 0.6 Mpa (6 bar) up to 1.2 Mpa (12 bar) kW 2 - Stages 3 - Stages 6.8 12.8 16.8 18.8 22.8 24.8 28.8 32.8 36.8 40.8 48.8 56.8 64.8 72.8 7.8 13.8 17.8 19.8 23.8 25.8 29.8 33.8 37.8 41.8 49.8 57.8 65.8 73.8 3 x 400V / 50Hz Operating Voltage MPa 0.6 / 1.0 / 1.2 bar 6 / 10 / 12 MPa 0.35 - 0.55 / 0.35 - 0.8 / 0.35 - 1.1 bar 3.5 - 5.5 / 3.5 - 8.0 / 3.5 - 11 ltr 28 Admissable Pressure Working Press min/max Water Capacity Dimensions HxWxD mm 1850 x 880 x 680 (depth including mounting approx 785mm) Empty weight (appx) kg 320 Connections DN Water vapour 1” / Feed water 1/2” / Steam 1/2” / Safety Valve blow-off line 1” / Condensate 3/4” Regulations Germany In accordance with PED 97/23 EC up to 0.6 MPa (6 bar) category II, above 0.6 MPa category III 15 ELECTRO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Electric Steam Generator E100 Utility unit CVE E 100 Mixing cooler 50 ltr. Water softening plant Water filter 6. 7. 8. 9. Water meter Safety valve Manometer Roller indicator level regulator / limiter E100: a genuine CERTUSS: The electrical steam generator E100 is a genuine CERTUSS meaning rapid heat-up time, low space requirement, easy to service, low loss, immediate output adjustment. In accordance with the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23 EC the E100 is classified as Category III with a product of the water contents (l) x maximum permissible steam pressure (bar) < 1000. It has been tested in accordance with the EC type examination. The steam generator E100 has less-restricted conditions for installation and operation in the EC member states. E100: small, complete and safe: The E100 is a complete ready to operate electronically controlled steam generator with built-in feed water tank and feed water pump, as well as dual implementation of safety devices for pressure and temperature. Only the disposal and supply lines are to be installed by the customer. Control is carried out by means of a multifunction display, with all the functions and alarms being shown in plain text. The desired operating steam pressure can be adjusted continuously between 4 bars and the maximum steam pressure (6, 10 or 12 bar). 16 DA. Steam Connection SV. Safety Valve SL. Vent WA. Water KR. Condensate KA. Drain All the operating and fault indications can be passed on to a Building Management System provided by the customer. Automatic Blowdown device: The steam generator E100 can be additionally fitted with an automatic blowdown facility. Whereby blowdown of the pressure system occurs after each manual shutdown or automatic operation Electronically controlled electric heating: Heating is carried out by means of a compact heating element with a large heating surface. The heating output is adjusted continuously by means of a pressure sensor, distributed amongst three electronic power contactors. A standard manual power selector switch can be used to limit the heating output between 1/3 and 2/3 of the load. E100 with "Thermotimat" fully automatic operation: With "Thermotimat" as optional equipment, fully automatic start and shutdown operation by means of an integrated time clock or customer provided external pulse from machines, remote controllers, etc. is possible. 1 MPa (10 bar) 10 psi 1 kW 1000 BTU = = = = 145 psi 0.069 MPa (0.69 bar) 3413 BTU 0.293 kW ELECTRO E100 135-160kg/hr • Low space requirement, robust heavy-duty model • Easy to service compact device, easy to operate • Series fabrication within the total CERTUSS program • Rapid start up time < 3 minutes to produce steam • Fully electronic pressure and output control, immediate load adjustment • Fully automatic operation by means of integrated time clock or remote pulse (with supplementary equipment) • Electrical heating rods of stainless steel • Low heating area load—high durability • Function and malfunction indications can be linked to Building Management System provided by customer • On request, all boiler parts made of stainless steel for pure steam production • Optional supply unit for water conditioning and waste water cooling • Exemplary customer service and spare parts availability • Can be installed in work areas Measurements, weights and further values are rounded up. Indicated pressure are overpressure values. Output values stated are related to 10ºC feed water temperature and 0.6MPa (6 bar) steam overpressures. Delivery complete including stainless steel water feed tank. Rights reserved for technical alterations. Technical Data E100 Steam Output kg/h 135 160 Heat Output kW 100 120 Electrical connection kW 105 125 Operating voltage V/50 Hz 3 x 400, alternative voltage on request Admissable pressure MPa Optional equipment 0.6 / 1.0 / 1.2 ( 6 / 10 / 12 bar) Working Pressure max MPa 0.5 / 0.8 / 1.0 ( 5 / 8 / 10 bar) Water capacity ltr 38.8 1925 x 1005 x 800 Dimensions (HxWxL) mm Empty weight appr. kg 415 Connections DN Vent 1” / Feed water 1/2” / Steam 1/2” / Safety Valve blow-off line 1” / Condensate 3/4” Regulations Germany Boiler group III (PSxV<1000) does not require permit for installation, approval and TÜV monitoring 17 ACCESSORIES W AT E R T R E AT M E N T CERTUSS UK has appointed Western Environmental Limited as our approved water treatment provider for our complete range of Steam Generators. Established in 1988, Western Environmental Limited provides a wealth of expertise in the field of industrial water treatment. This expertise and skill is delivered to the customer via a team of well trained and friendly water treatment chemists who work in a close partnership with their clients. In addition, Western Environmental Limited employ state of the art electronic dosing and monitoring equipment, advanced internet based reporting systems, provide high quality water treatment chemicals manufactured in their own production plant and skilled engineers to ensure the optimum performance from your CERTUSS generator. Western Environmental Limited have provided water treatment solutions for numerous CERTUSS steam generators over many years and their strong relationship with CERTUSS UK facilitates effective and comprehensive protection. Contact: [email protected] or visit 18 ENERGY SAVING ACCESSORIES CERTUSS Economiser for Universal 500-2000 TC Model CERTUSS PARCOVAP Heat Exchanger CERTUSS Economiser for increasing the Generator degree of efficiency and reduction of the CO2 emission for the CERTUSS Steam Generator systems fired by natural gas and light oil. The CERTUSS PARCOVAP is specially designed for the CERTUSS steam system. It is used to recover condensate re-evaporation heat to increase the efficiency of the Generator system. The unit is compact and easily installed and is recommended for use on systems with more than 50% condensate recovery. 1 2 E N E R G Y S A V I N G L AY O U T 1 2 19 C E RT E C O N J U N I O R 8 0 - 4 0 0 CERTECON FLUE GAS HEAT EXCHANGERS An innovative solution for saving energy during operation of the Oil or Gas heated CERTUSS Generators within the Junior range 80-400 series. Depending on the output capacity, operating pressure and working parameters of the steam generator, the CERTECON Flue Gas Heat Exchanger can increase the combustion –specific degree of efficiency up to 97%. CERTECON Flue Gas Heat Exchangers are compact units, which are installed horizontally or vertically between the flue gas outlet of the Steam Generator and the outgoing flue gas stack. The feed water from the Generator feed pump is connected to the inlet side of the CERTECON with the outlet connection from the CERTECON directing the water into the Steam Generator. A by-pass can be installed around the CERTECON if required. CERTECON Junior CERTECON Flue Gas Heat Exchangers continuously return the gained energy to the Steam Generator, with the burner output correspondingly being reduced. External heat intake is not required. The CERTECON Flue Gas Heat Exchanger is designed manufactured and approved specifically for operation with the CERTUSS Generator. CERTECON Flue Gas Heat Exchangers have a robust heat exchanger made of high-quality boiler tubes, which are adapted to the respective size of the CERTUSS Steam Generator. Depending on the Generator size, the flue gas temperature is reduced to within 130oC and 160oC, whereby the danger of the dew point being underpassed in the exhaust flue gas stack is avoided. 80 - 120 150 - 200 250 - 400 A Flue gas inlet Ø internal mm 180 200 250 B Flue gas outlet Ø external mm 178 198 248 C Water inlet/outlet centres mm 220 270 350 D Height mm 250 280 370 E Width mm 590 640 740 F Water inlet/water outlet PN 40 DN 15 15 20 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 4 4 14 Risk category in accordance with Pressure Equipment Guideline GIP I I Weight without water kg 24 33 66 Water capacity ltr 0,91 1,99 3,86 bar 40 40 40 G Flue gas condensate drain * Heat output at full load up to Operating overpressure max. kW * The values can deviate depending on the operating pressure and utilisation. 20 Rights reserved for technical alterations. C O N TA I N E R I S E D PAC K AG E P L A N T If you require a self contained steam generator package, we can supply you with fully equipped container unit. Just connect the main services, commission and you have steam in circa 3 minutes. The flexibility of self contained units allows for temporary or permanent location positioning, if isolation from other plant is required. On request we can take over full or partial installation of the steam system, or we can carry out the consultation and supervision, in the event of contracting out to other companies for the work. The flexible and exemplary organisation of CERTUSS (UK) ensures experienced execution of commissioning and training to suit your requirements. 21 AFTERSALES SUPPORT CERTUSS UK aftersales support team are always at hand to help with your general needs, along with service and installation work to accommodate all customer requirements. Within our aftersales team we have Engineers and Technical Advisors at hand to give all our customers constant support and piece of mind. We pride ourselves on our customer relationships, catering for the UK and Ireland, we carry an extensive range of spares ensuring an efficient and professional response to our customers needs. SERVICE / COMMISSIONING C U S TO M E R S U P P O RT Please feel free to contact us:Tel: +44 (0)121 327 5362 Fax: +44 (0)121 328 2934 Email: [email protected] 22 T E C H N I C A L & PA RT S • • • • Extensive Parts Stock Factory Trained Service Engineers Technical Advice Full Operator Training N OT E S 23 CERTUSS (UK) Ltd Unit 45 Gravelly Industrial Park | Tyburn Road | Birmingham | B24 8TG Tel: 0121 327 5362 | Fax: 0121 328 2934 Email: [email protected] | Certuss Steam Generators