VOLuNTEER - Dominican Sisters of Houston


VOLuNTEER - Dominican Sisters of Houston
Good News
Winter 2009
A Publication of the Dominican Sisters of Houston
a Tribute to the
and all Partners in Mission
FALL 2009
The Dominican Sisters of Houston say Thank You and proudly recognize 2008-2009 donors!
Good News
The Mission
We, the Houston Dominican Sisters,
publicly commit ourselves to study
and address the crucial justice issues
of our time. We assume the risks
inherent in preaching and teaching
the Gospel.
We will work to transform social
structures which oppress the
powerless, ministering with them in
our common struggle to remain
faithful to the Word of God. 1991
The Four Pillars of
Dominican Life
Adrian Dover, OP
Antoinette “Kitty” Carter, OP
Pat Casey, OP
Good News
is published twice a year by the
Dominican Sisters of Houston
6501 Almeda Road
Houston, Texas 77021-2095
713 / 440-3710
713 / 747-4707 fax
Contact Muffy Buvens
for information at
[email protected]
Printed on Recycled Paper
a Tribute to the
and all Partners in Mission
Dear Friends:
With great joy, pride, and gratitude we dedicate this Winter 2009 issue of the Good News
to the volunteers who participate in the Mission and Ministry of the Dominican Sisters
of Houston in a very special way. These women and men faithfully give many hours of
ministry on a regular basis that add up to many years of service benefiting the Dominican
Our Dominican volunteers fill many different roles as leaders of committees, planners of
events, gardening experts, receptionists at the Villa, advisers, helpers, encouragers, visitors,
drivers; playing games, teaching exercise, generously sharing their experience and expertise
in very specific responsibilities that result in making the community, the environment,
and the spirit of our buildings, grounds, and operations more beautiful. Our volunteers
are disciplined, loyal, faithful to what they have offered to do, and remarkably efficient in
sharing their particular talents.
We are truly blessed by every single person who has served in the past and who is serving
now as a volunteer for the Dominican Sisters of Houston. Knowing that the photos and
names included in this issue are merely representative and not a complete roll call, we
submit this tribute, with a plan to install a place on our website www.domhou.org where
our Tribute to Volunteers will continue.
As in any working relationship, each person gives and each receives, abundantly. Both
offer extraordinary gifts and receive extraordinary gifts. We want to nurture the gift of our
volunteers, we want to honor them, we want to thank them all, each one, for sharing their
time, talent, patience, humor, knowledge, experience and enjoyment.
All volunteers working with the Dominican community, wherever they are, are
remembered regularly with respect, appreciation, and love in the prayers of the sisters.
Thank you! Blessings to each of you!
Adrian Dover, OP
On the Cover: Dottie Ross - Volunteer Coordinator (left); Sr. Benignus Galianos (center) graciously
donates her fine art to the Arts & Crafts Sale; Sr. Marie Bordages (right) volunteers as one of the Villa
This Issue
4 Leading the Way
6 Tribute to the
Dominican Volunteer
8 Arts & Crafts Sale
10 Summer Camp
12 Volunteer Leadership
14 Community Garden
Villa Gardeners
Diana Folse and Joe Sousa
maintain the atrium garden
at St. Dominic Villa. Diana
thinks of the days she spends
gardening as an opportunity
to give back something for the
Catholic education provided
by the Dominican Sisters. Joe,
however, has a much more
profound reason for coming
once a week to help keep the
grounds beautiful and maintain
his friendship with them:
“Revenge! The devil made me
do it!”
The Mane Train
Arts & Crafts Sale
16 All Aboard the Mane Train! 20 Donor Roll Call 2008-2009
18 Volunteer Blessings
25 Donor Honors - Memorials
Summer Camp
27 In Memoriam
28 Special Recognition
Ross with her
husband Phil
Dominican Sisters of Houston
Volunteer Coordinator - Dottie Ross
guess you might say
my entire life has
always been Dominican.
From kindergarten in
Galveston, to grade
school, high school,
college and convent in
Houston, all have been
through the influence of
Dominican guidance. I’ll
never forget my first year
of teaching, when one
of my little pupils asked,
“Was your mother happy
when she saw that she
had a little nun baby?”
Yes, I was a Dominican
sister for seven years
and decided not to take
my final vows. We can’t
always follow the prepaved road of others, but
sometimes we must plow
our own path, always
remembering, “The will
of God will never take
you where the grace of
God will not protect
you.” So when my phone
rang some years ago and
I listened to Sister Paula’s
idea of hoping to initiate
a volunteer program for
the retired sisters at the
Villa – I volunteered
as the Villa Volunteer
Coordinator. Due to
my business background
I have always known
that when you present a
problem to the table –
you should also provide a
solution. The first move
was to publicize our need
for volunteers. Thus the
Catholic Herald and
parish bulletins aided
in our search. Second,
an application had to
be created so
that we would
have pertinent
information on file.
When someone calls
me inquiring about
being a volunteer, I do a
telephone interview to
find out the compatibility
for the sisters as well
as for the inquirer. If
all seems in order, an
application is sent to the
caller, and in most cases,
there is a wonderful fit.
When wives commit
their time to the sisters,
some husbands are an
automatic shoo-in.
My Phil delights
in preparing the
volunteer badges
or assisting in
updating the
volunteer roster.
Really – he does!
When the S
volunteer p
is also a special group of
St. Agnes Alumnae who
prepare craft items to be
sold at the Villa’s annual
November Arts and
Crafts Sale.
I am but a small spoke in
this tremendous wheel of
volunteers. It is through
THEIR generosity of
time and dedication that
this program exists. I
hope you have the time
to read each of their
statements and get to
know them. They, along
with the sisters, can only
Volunteers are unpaid
not because they are
worthless-but because
they are priceless.
Having volunteers
to work at the
desk and answer the
phone at the Villa is very
important. We try to
have different activities
take place at the Villa
for the enjoyment of
the sisters. “Game Day,”
which is held the first
Sunday of the month
with one of our volunteer
couples, is always a hit
with the sisters. There
enrich your lives – they
are among the finest
people in the world.
I feel that the greatest
reward for doing is the
opportunity to do more.
Thank you, and God
bless all our wonderful
- Dottie Ross
ng the way
Sisters wanted to establish a
program, they knew just who to call...
r. Paula Enderle, while
serving as St. Dominic
Villa Administrator in
2004, recruited Dottie
Ross to help her put
together a team of
volunteers to serve St.
Dominic Villa. Today,
under Dottie’s continued
leadership, the volunteer
program has grown and
touches many aspects of
the Dominican Sisters of
Houston’s ministries, in
addition to St. Dominic
Villa. Currently there are
over 70 volunteers serving
in many capacities, not
Paula Enderle OP greets visitors and
answers the phone at St. Dominic Villa
including all the sisters
who give generously of
their time and talent in
support of one another.
It is simply a Dominican
way of life! To this day,
Sr. Paula volunteers as a
receptionist every week
at the St. Dominic Villa
desk. We hope you enjoy
hearing about all the
wonderful volunteers!
Thank you, Sr. Paula,
for planting the seeds
so this important
program could grow!
olunteer - A Tr
A Dominican Tr
helping my husband
and me to raise
four children!
In addition, I
taught with the
Dominican nuns at
St. Mary’s School
and at Sacred
Heart School. Sr.
Edwardo looked
after Lisa at
the Dominican
Montessori School
until I could pick
her up each evening.
Our three girls went
to St. Agnes. I can
Todd & Nicole Dittman
never repay them
for all they did for
my family! Finally,
e answered the Help
they are my friends and I look
Wanted ad in the
forward to seeing them when I
Catholic Herald about 2
come here.
years ago. Since then we have
answered phones and weeded
gardens on Saturdays. It’s a
sheer joy to serve and be with
the sisters.
Marygrace “Ginger” Peters
told us stories of the saints.
Several years ago, I played
piano for a family group who
came to the Villa to sing. Sr.
Ceil asked if I would consider
being an accompanist for Mass.
Being able to return a gift to
the sisters through music in
prayer has been a blessing and
John Bradley
Shirley Bradley
y wife Shirley recruited
me long ago to drive the
Villa sisters on their shopping trips. My mother went
to school in Beaumont in the
early 1900s and was taught by
Dominicans. I too was at St.
Anthony’s in the 1930s. Now
it has come full circle.
a privilege.
Sonja Novo
Yolande Eugere
hy am I here at St.
Dominic Villa? I am
here because I am so grateful
to the Dominican nuns for
other wanted my sister
and me to have a quality
education so she enrolled us
in St. Christopher School.
Carole was in third grade
and I was in fourth. There I
learned about God and prayer
from the Dominicans. Sr.
y debt
to the
Sisters can
never be
repaid. In the
late 1890s my
asked Mother
in Galveston to educate
her daughters. From then
until now that relationship
has flourished. Great-great
grandchildren continue to
enjoy the benefits of the
generous Dominican family.
Luis & Carol Cardenas
While I was working for the
Sisters, I recruited Luis’s
help for a number of tasks,
especially things related to
the Arts and Crafts Show
and Summer Camp at Circle
Lake. After I retired, we have
continued making ourselves
ribute to
available for whatever we can
do to help. It’s important to
us to maintain our connection
to the sisters. After all, the
rewards are out of this world!
Barbara Klasel
n the fall of 2007, I dropped
in to donate some health
care items to the Villa. I
met Lynn Gillespie and
before I walked back out the
front door, she had given
me the tour and handed me
a volunteer form! I enjoy
working in Archives with Sr.
Mary Magdalen today.
Monica Chambers
have been associated with
the Dominican Sisters all
my life. Three of my aunts
e can only be said to be alive in
those moments when our hearts
are conscious of our treasures.
~Thornton Wilder
were Dominicans. Sr. George
St. Dominic Villa, I was eager
and Sr. Barbara Rick were
to get going., I now help Sr.
my father’s great aunts and
Mary Magdalen in Archives.
Sr. Clotilde Bury was my
mother’s great aunt. Sr. Leona
was my first
grade teacher
at Corpus
Christi and Sr.
Camilla was my
father’s teacher
when he was a
little boy in St.
Peter’s Parish.
When I moved
to the Spires,
across the
street from the
Villa, I thought
it would be
Mary Ann & Richard Keller
a good idea to
volunteer at
the Villa. It is a
e began volunteering
pleasure for me to volunteer
at St. Dominic Villa in
and I have really enjoyed
Richard and I were
getting to know all of the
sisters, who seem to me like my visiting Sr. Camilla for Bingo.
(Sr. Camilla had been my 5th
extended Dominican family.
grade teacher at St. Anthony’s
in Beaumont.) The sisters
were looking for a “caller” for
the next month and Richard
volunteered. We have been
the official Bingo callers ever
since! The monthly games are
attended by up to 15 nuns,
and we look forward to the
time we spend with them. We
feel very blessed that they were
such an important part of our
lives growing up, and we want
to thank them for their unselfish dedication in the education
that they provided to so many
Ray Miller
people. Richard says, “The
sisters keep us on our toes, just
was educated at a
like they used to!”
Dominican college.
When Fr. Adam McCloskey
recommended I volunteer at
Urabel Thomas
ne day during a meeting
of the Senior Group at
St. Mary of the Purification
Catholic Church nearby,
Yolande Eugere announced
the need for Villa volunteers.
Urabel responded and for
five years has brightened the
days of St. Dominic Villa
sisters and their guests. She
enjoys her duties at the Villa
reception desk, answering the
telephone and greeting people
as well as getting to know the
Villa resident sisters. Urabel
is retired from the Houston
Independent School District
where she served as a secretary
and later as a business practices
teacher in a vocational school.
illa Art & Craft Sale
Thank you volunteers!
Linda Gibson
Vennoy (High) Racca
he Dominican Sisters have
been in my life since 1948
when we moved to Houston.
We lived by Hobby Airport and
my mother tried to get me in a
Catholic school nearby. There
was a waiting list, so she drove
me everyday to St. Agnes on
Fannin Street. I was in third
grade, and of course was taught
by Dominican Sisters. The
following year, I was able to get
in at St. Christopher’s, and the
following year I transferred to St.
Peter’s, both Dominican. After
8th grade, I went on to St. Agnes
and graduated in 1958.
ennoy and Dottie asked me
to help with Crafts and I just
fell in love with these beautiful
fter I married and had
children, my oldest son went
to Catholic schools, also taught
by Dominicans, some of whom
taught me. I feel so blessed to
have had the education with
them. For the last couple of
years, I have enjoyed volunteering
at the Villa helping the sisters
make crafts to sell at their annual
Craft Show. What a blessing all
of these memories have been in
my life!
Carol Schottie
Kay Kelly
ay Kelly (above), Marjo
Sauer and Barbara Hull
(below right) are all classmates
of the infamous St. Agnes Class
of ‘58. They are always
willing to help
create crafts for
the November
sale, or work
during the
sale. Barbara
the Vintage
which is
a great
for the
Arts &
ottie Ross and I graduated from
St. Agnes Academy together in
1958. Our class had been meeting once
a month for lunch or dinner for some
time. It was at one of these gatherings
that Dottie “roped me in” as a volunteer
in crafts in support of the Villa Sisters’
annual Arts & Crafts Sale. It has been a
Marjo Sauer and Barbara Hull
2009 St. Dominic Villa
Arts & Crafts Sale
is a great success!
hanks to the generosity of all that
attended the November 6-7 sale,
St. Dominic Villa raised over $17,000.
The funds directly support the sisters living
at the Villa.
All items were hand made by sisters and lay volunteers who
donated them for sale. Pictured here are: (clockwise from top
left) Lauren Lindee OP and Amilynn Clesi who made and
sold beautiful garden ornaments, Kitty Rynd and Sr. Annette
Dworsky selling prize tickets, Sr. Paschal Hoelscher on a major
shopping spree, and Ursuline Sr. Carla Marie Crabtree, who
made and donated beautiful crafts to benefit her Dominican
ummer Camp
Sr. Thomas Ann and her troupe of
volunteers - friends and sisters - give the
girls a Summer to remember!
egun in 2003 by Sr. Thomas Ann
LaCour, the Dominican Sisters Summer
Camp is staffed by a volunteer team of up to
twenty-five sisters and a loyal group of lay
volunteers who join with them in offering
an affordable summer camp experience for
from scratch, woodworking and other
crafts. They encourage campers to develop
skills in archery, running, singing and
acting. Each activity is designed to build
self confidence and instill in the young girls
confidence to take care of themselves in
middle school girls. St. Pius High School
senior female students volunteer every year
to act as counselors and role models for their
middle school charges, providing leadership
and friendship while at the Circle Lake
campus in Pinehurst, Texas.
The sisters and lay volunteers teach the girls
various activities such as canoeing, baking
nature. The Dominican Camp experience
also fosters Catholic values in the lives of
the girls, who take these values home with
them - to their own families, their circle of
friends at school.
Thank you
to the many volunteers
who make The Dominican Sisters Summer
Camp a great experience for these girls.
1. St. Pius High School Senior Girls
who volunteer as Dominican Sisters
Summer Camp Counselors. They
receive credit for 100 Community
Service hours.
2. Volunteer JoAnn Brueggeman who
has taught woodcarving for the past 3
years, here with a camper.
3. From left: Shirley Bradley RN who volunteers as one of the camp nurses, Sharon Sipps who teaches archery, staff cook Anita
Badeau (front center), Jo Ann Brueggeman, staff nurse Floreine Scardina RN, and Carol Cardenas who has volunteered from the
4. Sharon Sipps prepares to show the girls how to hit a bull’s eye.
5. Dominican Sister Volunteers - Standing from left: Ann Huffstetter OP, Lucy Sala OP, Wanda Jinks OP, Stephen Anne Zawacki
OP, Mary Kay Bailey OP, Francis Marie Bordages OP, Mary Magdalen Hanel OP, Anna Marie Flusche OP, Laura Rembold OP,
Barbara Cernosek OP, Emily Bordages OP, Carletta LaCour OP, and Assumpta Campbell OP Seated from left: Thomas Ann
LaCour OP, Marie Bordages OP, Sharon Steglich OP, Doloretta Bieter OP, Mary Alice Carbajal OP, Therese Warden OP
the Dominican Sisters of Houston
To right is the 2009 Annual Giving Committee: Eileen Antill, Carol Cardenas, Bernard L. Hebinck (Chair), Jo Rita Lyle
Not pictured: Regina Giovannini, Andra & Tim McConnell
The Dominican Family
he Dominican Family Leadership Team is a diverse
group of individuals dedicated to formation in the
Dominican charism, in an effort to deliberately live out the
Dominican mission. I was educated by the Dominican
Sisters and my association with them began 35 years
ago when I was a student at St. Agnes Academy. Since
then, their mission has influenced the way I live both
professionally and personally.
Our team works together with Sister Carol Mayes to plan
and structure the formation of the Family so that it will be
a meaningful and rewarding process for all. Our goal is to
commission each year a group of new family members who
will ensure that the Dominican tradition will carry on for
all future generations. This may be accomplished directly by
working with the Sisters in one of the many ministries that
they support, or by just being Dominican to the world in
which we live.
Members of the Family come together with their own gifts
and talents to share with the entire community. It is a group
that values each individual as they journey in the footsteps
of St. Dominic, side by side with the Sisters who are our
guides. All are welcome to join our Family.
- Elaine Eichelberger
For information on the Dominican Family, contact Carol
Mayes OP at [email protected] or 713-440-3718
Dominican Family Leadership Team: Top row (left to right): Julie
Greig OP, Elaine Eichelberger, John Hensley, Kitty Carter OP, Ann
Doyle, Georgia Skopal, Adrian Dover OP;
Bottom row: Mary Moratto, Carol Mayes OP, Denise Stasio, Dwight
Annual Fund
Special Thanks from the Director of Advancement
The Annual Giving Committee
Happy with plans for a successful Annual Fund 2009-2010, volunteers make up the first
Dominican Sisters Partners in Mission Annual Giving Committee (pictured above).
These volunteer leaders have graciously accepted the responsibility of raising necessary
income to help sustain over the next year, the mission and ministry of the Dominican
Sisters, provide for the retired sisters, and maintain the facilities.
The Annual Giving Committee’s strategy includes asking each
Dominican Partner to contribute to the Annual Fund. Donors
receive an acknowledgment for their gift for IRS purposes,
and all donors receive a call thanking them for their gift.
The Dominican Sisters Partners in Mission Annual
Fund Committee is a wonderful, energetic and very
hardworking group. If you would like to help in any way
with the Annual Fund 2009-2010, please call
Dominican Mission & Ministry Advancement
Volunteers also serve in other roles: longtime volunteer
LaVonne Reichle catalogues photo stills and videos used by
Advancement. Communications specialist Sandy Soliz assists with
media strategy and contacts. Lannie Bluethmann helps guide grant
writing initiatives. Laura Henderson is working to help upgrade the
Advancement database. Volunteer Georgia Viera applies her many
office and other skills in various situations including preparation of
acknowledgements, letters, grant applications.
Special Recognition goes to volunteers Catherine Swilley and
Jacquelin Crowley and to special advisers on grants over the past
three years, Carol Kelleher and Kathryn Woollard.
Thank you!
Barbara Abell, Director of Advancement
From top: Sandra Soliz; Lannie Bluethman with her children; Mamie Marx on the advancement staff with Laura
Henderson, our newest volunteer; Barbara Abell with LaVonne Reichle (to the left) and Georgia Viera (to the right)
Those who
This tight-knit group of volunteers grows an urban harvest in
Houston while partnering in the Dominican Mission
n 1994, the Dominican Sisters of
Houston, honoring their commitment
to promoting ecology and feeding the
poor, instituted an Ecology Committee.
The committee, led by Sr. Heloise Cruzat,
presented their wish for an Urban Garden
to the late Sr. Clement Johnson.
It is said that Sr. Clement had a soul for
the garden project, which materialized as
the Dominican Sisters Community Garden.
She reached out to Dr. Bob Randall of
Urban Harvest to direct its construction
as an affiliate garden of his organization.
She recruited volunteers from the
community to cultivate the project, which
would eventually be a showcase for urban
gardeners and yield produce for Houston’s
When the first produce was collected
in 1995, it was a bountiful harvest. The
gardening team, by 1996 could count two
master gardeners as members - Isabelle
“Princie” Chapman and Garland Kerr. By
2002, Debbie LeFlar brought the number
of “masters” to three. Today, the core
volunteer group has grown in number to
11, and over the years has forged close
friendships with each other. They can be
found every Tuesday - work day - pruning,
picking, weeding, and anything else
necessary to maintain the garden.
Each month, the garden yields an average of
100 lbs. of produce - picked with care, each
week loaded into someone’s car to be taken
where there are hungry to be fed. Over
the years, produce recipients have included
Manna House, Casa de Esperanza, Braes
Interfaith, St. Vincent de Paul Society,
Loaves & Fishes, the Salvation Army and
Star of Hope Mission.
Congratulations! On November 7,
Debbie Leflar was presented with Urban
Harvest’s President’s Leadership Award,
one of five major awards given by the
organization. It is given to an individual
who has provided long-term leadership
on the Urban Harvest Board of Directors,
and it recognizes the key contributions
that volunteer-led committees make to the
realization of the Urban Harvest vision. As
a founder and organizer of the Dominican
Sisters’ Garden - one of the original Urban
Harvest projects in Houston - our own
Sister Heloise and the Dominican Sisters
received the 15 Year Service Award.
Thank you to the core team of Dominican
Photography of garden produce by Debbie Leflar; Group photo at right by Wanda Jinks, OP
Pictured standing at righ
Seated: Marybeth
...You shall be like a watered
garden, like a spring
whose water never fails.
~ Isaiah 58:11
Clement Johnson, OP +
ht: Carolyn Heinz, Sr. Heloise Cruzat, Pilar Hernandez, Debbie Leflar, Isabelle “Princie” Chapman, and Jamie Montemarano
h Seligmann, and Garland Kerr; Members of the team who are not pictured: Ann Biro, Joan Mateker and Elisa Stude-Pye
ll aboard the
In 1997, Sr. Adrian Dover placed a notice in parish bulletin
the 2nd floor at St. Dominic Villa, where retired sisters enjo
From left: Sr. Shirley Owens (at the Villa while recuperating), Dolly Edwards with Sr. Loretta Raphael +,
Clavel Abaya with Sr. Camilla Micheletti, Susie Russell, and Sr. Marie Fertitta
olly Edwards, Millie Reber and l - all members of Corpus Christi Church - answered the call.
We spoke with Sr. Adrian and agreed to begin coming on Thursday afternoons, to provide inhouse “salon services” for 2nd floor (assisted living) residents of St. Dominic Villa and those who
occasionally stay there while recuperating from minor surgeries or illnesses.
Also from Corpus Christi parish, Veva McLain (now deceased), followed by Loretta Cage and
Connie Hudson (now deceased) joined us. Lillian Magown then volunteered to help us when
Connie became ill. Two new ladies, Juanita Johnson from Corpus Christi parish and Clavel Abaya,
from St. Vincent’s, are now assisting with the hair care. There have been others who have given their
time, but currently there are seven of us.
As we approach our 12th year, we continue to appreciate the opportunity to bring “beauty” to the
sisters on the 2nd floor. It’s a joy to bring a little happiness to these beautiful sisters who have given
so much of themselves for others.
- Susie Russell, Mane Train Coordinator
e Mane Train!
ns of nearby churches requesting volunteers for hair care on
oy assisted living.
The Mane Train (from left): Millie Reber, Loretta Cage, Dolly Edwrds, Susie Russell, Lillian McGowan and Juanita Johnson.
Clavel Abaya, above center, is also part of the Mane Train pictured here with Sr. Guadalupe Bollweg
“I can only share what they
and my mother taught me…
how to live and love with all
your heart…every day.”
~ Mary Ann Chambers
Thursday Exercise at St. Dominic Villa with Mary Ann Ch
was educated by the Dominican Sisters of Houston from age five, at St. Agnes Academy un
gracious women were my guiding lights and role models. My mother was active in my St. A
graduation day. The Dominican Sisters were “our dearest and truest friends” and that bond co
my life.
It is an honor to have the opportunity to volunteer some hours at The Dominican Villa, to be
about our memories.
I offer an exercise program to the 2nd Floor Dominican
music, and gentle
movements, are minutes I treasure. I can never off
I can only
share what they and my mother taught me…ho
A special
then and
honor is the time I am able to spend with S
is now an amazing and loving woman. He
Still today, I continue to be a student, to
wonderful Dominican Community, my F
The Healing Touch wit
fter serving several years on th
were providing occasional mas
Villa, I offered to come in weekly. I
the sisters and being blessed in the
Cynthia Riley with Sr. Carita Ulm
lessings from
the Heart
of a volunteer
Thank you from Dolores Goerlich,
St. Dominic Villa Administrator, 2009
This issue of the Good News pays tribute to our many valued
Dominican Volunteers. Many years ago we were blessed with
Kay Crocker, whom we consider to be our very first volunteer.
Kay answered the phone at the Villa until her health declined.
Along with Kay, the sisters also took turns volunteering for this
duty, as they do today.
Mary Ann Chambers with Sr. Germaine Trahan
ntil I graduated 12 years later. These wise, kind,
Agnes school life from day one…and beyond my
ontinued her entire life-time and continues today in
e able to visit, hug, and talk with these special friends
Residents. These minutes together, with a bit of
ffer as many words of comfort as they have given me.
ow to live and love with all your heart…every day.
Sr. Germaine, who was my first teacher. She was
er presence in my life is a gift that words cannot
learn from these great Dominican Women, this
th Cynthia Riley
he team of Healing Touch practitioners who
ssage therapy services to residents of the
I have been doing this since 2007, serving
As years went by, the need for volunteers increased. We have
been very fortunate to have many
volunteers come forth and offer
their services in various activities,
not only at the Villa, but in
other areas featured in this
We appreciate
and thank all our
volunteers, past
and present for
the many hours
so graciously
given to the
Blessings for all
you do.
Dolores Goerlich
hank You!
once again to our loyal and new donors. We deeply appreciate
the sacrifice you make, especially this year, as you share regularly
in the Partners in Mission Annual Fund drive that supports
the mission and ministry of the sisters and in which you are a
valued Partner. Without your support, the sisters would not
be able to continue their life work of serving in many capacities in the city of Houston
and surrounding areas, Galveston, the Sabine Area, Taylor, California, Guatemala,
and Kenya. You are present as partners in ministries to children and teens in schools,
to mothers and children who are displaced, to a clinic for those without health care, to
Montessori education, to the sick in hospitals and seniors in a nursing home, to teaching
English as a Second Language to new immigrants, and to the Ministry of Prayer for all
partners. Thank you and God bless you!
Donor Roll Call - Fiscal Year 2008-2009:
Alice L. Aanstoos
Michael P. Aanstoos
Barbara A. Abell
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Abell Jr.
Theresa Adair
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Adams, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Adams
Louis L. Aguirre
Joseph W. Ahern
Brad Akers
Patty Allen
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Allison
Angelina Alphabet
Anna Marie Alvarado
Marta M. Alves
Joan M. Ambrogi
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Ambuehl
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Andrews
Lt. Col. Richard J. Andrews, USAF (Ret)
Wayne Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anslem
Mary M. Anthaume
Eileen Antill
Michael A. Applegate
Mary Ann Araiza
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Arnoult
Sister Pat Aseltyne, IHM
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ashley
Associated Nursing Alumni
Assumption Catholic School
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Aubin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Audilet
Joel Avery and Jerry Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Avioli
Robert J. Babbitt
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Babin
Rosalie P. Babin
Mr. and Mrs. Simon J. Babin
Mr.and Mrs. Frank Babineck
William T. Bacon
Jerry Baiamonte
Jordi and Carmen Baizan
Claire Baker
Clark Baker
James E. Baker
Lorine Marie Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Balsam
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Baragona
Roger and Gerry Barbeau
Mr. and Mrs Harvey Barber
Don Barnett, Sr.
Ellen F. Barr
David R. Barry
Peg Barry
Marie Barth
Col. and Mrs. Wayne Barth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartholomew
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bartlett
Mary S. Barton
Pamela J. Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Barzilla
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Barziza
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Basile
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beaver
Rev. Msgr. Albert J. Beck
Nell Belanger
Jean Bell
Marion Bell
Dr. and Mrs. Ward Bellard
Jane Bemko
Caliste B. Benckenstein
Julia P. Bendy
Rosie L. Beniretto
Arlene Bennett
Bryan K. Benoit
Br. Andrew Augustine Berg, BSC
Berta M. Bergia, MD
Julia Bering
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Berwick
John Binckley
Beth and Andrew Bittson
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Black
E. J. Blackburn
Laura Blackwell
Mr. and Mrs. John Blais
Roland Blais
Blazek & Vetterling
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bliss
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Blomberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bluethmann
Betsy Boddeker
Mr. and Mrs. James Bodin
Mr and Mrs. Robert Bollweg
Mr. Michael A. Bonifazi
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bonno
Mr. and Mrs. George Bookout
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Bordages
James L. Bordelon
Mr.and Mrs. Harvey J. Borgen
Concetta M. Borsellino
Rita H. and W. A. Bosse
Mr. and Mrs. Shon Bourgeois
Martha P. Bowen
Greg Boyd
Raymond O. Brandes
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brands
Mr. and Mrs Dale Brant
Vivian Breauninger
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Breen
Barbara Breitschopf
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brickhouse
Mr. and Mrs.Bruce Bridges
Cathy M. Brock
Faith Brock
Margaret and Cyril Brockman
Mary Ellen Brody, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. Conlin Brogan
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brophy
Andrew Broussard and
Stacy Nicotera
Anne Marie Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil J. Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Broussard
Joe Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brown
Wesley E. Brown
Carrie and Alvin Browne
Mr and Mrs. W. E. Brubaker
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bruno
Richard and Magdalene Bryant
Colleen Hancock Bryse
Lois and Dan Bucaro
Mary Carol Buchholz
Patricia Budnick
Budweiser Distributing Company, LTD
Mr. and Mrs.Davey L. Buratti
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burke
Lucy C. Burns
Margaret J. Burris
Anthony P. Busceme, Jr.
Carlo J. Busceme III
Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Busceme, Jr.
Carmen Busceme
Mr.and Mrs. Bill Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Butler
Mary Jane Buttrill
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buxton
Eileen K. Buzek
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Byerts
Ann A. Byrd
Marilyn Byrd
Father Harry Byrne, O.P.
Michael S. Cacioppo
Mary V. Cade
Mr. and Mrs. John Caillavet
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cain
Major Caldronia
Sylvia J. Cameron
Mel Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight H. Campbell
Frances Campbell
Timothy Campbell
Henrietta M. Campion
Robert and Marguerite Campos
Mr and Mrs. James S. Capo, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Capo
Johnette and Ann Cappadona
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Cardenas
Bill and Nancy Carew
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Carmignani
Beatrice and Carl Carson
Frances Cas
Virginia M. Case
Martin and Bess Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Casey, Jr.
Donia P. Caspersen
Jennifer Cassano
Miriam C. Castle
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Catania
Catholic Daughters of America #2071
Catholic Daughters of America #2493
Stephen E. Caudill
Eileen M. Caudle
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Caulking
Daniel E. and Anita G. Cegelski
Erin Centenio
Mr. and Mrs. Tony E. Cernosek
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chambers
Monica J. Chambers
Sandra and David Chambers
Georgia M. Chambless
Isabelle S. and John H. Chapman
Joyce M. Chargois
Juanita A. and Jack Charrin
Monique Charrin
Mr.and Mrs. Gustavo Chavez
David and Maria Cheng
Tina Y. and Jimmy C. Cheng
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chersky
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Childs
Russell Chimeno
Mr.and Mrs. James Christ
Christ the King Catholic Church
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Christopher
Church of Visitation Altar Society
David Churchwell
Anthony P. Cicero
Marilyn Cisar
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Clark
Sarah M. Clark
Elena Clover
Joseph W. Coddou
Saundra Coffey
Marcella C. Colbert
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Colemon, Jr.
Sandra P. Colley
Claire and Robert Collier
Tom Collins
Libby Comeaux
Mike Comeaux
Congregation of the Incarnate Word and
Blessed Sacrament
Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of
the Incarnate Word
Dr. Julia T. Conlon
Dr. Robert K. Conlon
Rosa M. and Donald L. Connell
David A. Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. George Conner
Jeff Conrad
Marcus J. Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conrad
Reverend Francis X. Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Conte
Carolyn J. Coody
Joseph K. Cooney
Kimberly and Bradley Cooper
Tom, Katherine, Elizabeth
& Sharon Copper
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Corbett
Sherry H. and George R. Cornwell
Judith B. Coronado
John J. and Karen L. Cortez
Celeste Cottingham
Carol and Robert Coulston
Loraine M. Coussons
Barbara and Noel Cowart
Frederick J. Cremona
Emanuel E. Criminale
Marie F. Cronin
Ken Crowley
Barbara A. and Tyress E. Crum
Col. James J. and Mary Y. Crumbliss, Jr.
Clara Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cummings
Christy Curtis
Daniel L. and Wendy F. Daboval
Lucille Dailey
Margaret and Louis Daleo
Cheryl Goertz Daniel
Ben and Lucille Danna
Joe Danna
Sue Danne
Gilbert and Maxine Darcey
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Davidson
Cynthia and Frank Davis
Sandra S. Davis
Susan K. and Michael A. Davis
Cleo Davison
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Day
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. De Besse
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Velfort J. DeArmond, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim G. Deaton
Joe DeBenedictis, BFCC
Mr. and Mrs. Mike DeGeurin
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Del Castillo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Delaney
Esmeralda Delgado
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Demeter
Stanley N. and Bonnie Deming
Merle and Joyce Denny
Anna DeSanchi
Worline Deschamp
Marianne and J. C. DeVlieger
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dick
Margaret F. Dickerson
Mary and Charles Dickerson
Barbara Didier
Diocese of Austin
Lori and Shanon DiSorbo
Ann L. Dissen
Essie M. Dittlinger
Katherine B. Dobelman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Doerr
Jeannette P. Doiron
Mr. and Mrs. Ken O. Doise
Dominican Alumnae of Galveston
Dominican Leadership Conference (IL)
Dominican Sisters (MI)
Dominican Sisters (WI)
Dominican Sisters of Columbus, OH
Dominican Sisters of Springfield
Suzanne Donisi
Susan and Robert Donnell
Eileen S. Donovan
Mary Frances and Kevin Doris
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dorman
Beatrice D. Dorsey
Blanche Dowling
Gerry Doyle
Joseph C. Drago
Mary F. Drago
Lorraine and William Drews
Driftwood Garden Club
Mr. and Mrs. David Drummond
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Duffy
Eileen and John Dumesnil
Cathey and Keith Dupuis
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Durio
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Dworsky
John J. Dwyer
Philip S. Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dyess, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Earthman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Earthman
Cathy Easterly
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eckelkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eckelkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Edgerly
Dolly J. Edwards
Janine C. Edwards
Jean D. Edwards
Monica Edwards
Williie Mae Edwards
Christine Eheman
Mr. and Mrs. John Eichelberger
Kathleen B. Eichelberger
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Eicher
Lydia Eicher
Scott H. Eidt
Clydie C. Ellis
Leonard E. Emge
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Enderle
Treacy W. Engle
Ana Claire English
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Enriquez
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Erbs
Rosemary S. Ermis
Jason B. Ervin
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Escobar
Angela M. Escriva
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Essigmann
Ellen M. Estevens
Theresa and Darell Etlinger
Arthur J. Etzler, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Ed J. Eugere
Patricia Fahy and B. Wayne Bequette
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Faillace
Linda B. Falco
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Fangue
Frances T. Farenthold
Rita and Giancarlo Farinelli
Joyce Faykus
Federation of Dominican Sisters, USA
Marie C. Feeney
Alexandra Feinberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Felchak
Brian and Veronica Felix
Jennifer Fernandez
Robert Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Fernandez
Jeanie M. Ferrell
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ferrell
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ferrese
Mr. and Mrs. Agustin Ferrufino
Joe E. Fertitta
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Fertitta
Victoria K. Fertitta
Most Rev. Joseph A. Fiorenza
Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Fiorenza
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fischer
Shirley L. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fisseler
Marlene R. Fitts
Beverly and Ray Fitzgerald
Barbara and Gilbert Fitzgerrell
Sarah M. Flanagan
Jeannine and Patrick Flynn
Bernadette S. and Bill Foley
Catherine Foley
Mary E. Follmer
Diana K. Folse
Judy Folsom
Ms. Joan Fontana
Calla A. and Louis C. Fontenot
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Fossati
Pete Fower
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foyt
Julia and Russell Frankel
Gladys Franklin
Randy Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Frappier
Edna K. Fraser
Dr. John C. Frasher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frasher
Eva and Russell Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Frese
Bob Fretz
Robert R. Fretz
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Friend
Marjorie Fruge
Priscilla Fryer
Gerald Fuhrman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fulkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fuller
Linda P. Funchess
Judy B. Gaffney
Joyce and Stephen Galiette
J. D. Gallet
Capt. John N. and Carole C. Gallis, USN Ret.
Mary E. Gallishaw
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gamez
Dr. and Mrs. Efrain Garcia
Nolene and Joseph Garcia
Joseph and Catherine Garcia-Prats
Mr. and Mrs. Rob E. Gardner
Michael C. Garofalo
John E. Garstka & daughter Caron
Frances A. Garza
Mr. and Mrs. Josef E. Garza
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Gasca
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gaspard
Lonie and Sharon Gaspard
John S. Gastmyer
Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. Gaswint
Dolores A. Gawlik
Shirley M. Geissler
John C. Genaro
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. George
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geraci
Margaret Gerontakos
Amy and Richard Ghanem
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Giardina
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Giarratano
Rita W. Giaru
Dawn T. and Shannon Giblin
Ruberta E. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gidley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giglio
Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Giglio
Margaret Ann Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Giles
J. Gillespie
Lynn A. Gillespie
James and Julie Gilligan
Maureen M. Gilroy
Douglas A. Gimenez
Regina Giovannini and Lamar McCorkle
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Givens
Donna R. Glaser
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Glenn, Jr.
Roberta V. Godwin
Ms. Dolores Goerlich
Nancy Gold and Tom Gall
Julia M. Gomez-Rivas
Christine Gonzalez
Goodway Print & Copy, Inc.
Mary Jo and Michael Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Goodyear
George G. Goolsby
Cynthia and Dale Gorczynski
Anita and Jim Gorski
Margaret A. Gotsch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gougenheim
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gould
Dr. H. S. Grace
Michelle Grace
Pete Gracia
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gracia
Susan R. and J. Michael Graul
Greenspoint Building Services
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Griffiths
Donor Roll Call - Fiscal Year 2008-2009 (Continued):
Michele and William H. Grisham, Jr.
William H. Grisham
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Grothaus
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Guariguata
Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Gubbels
Margaret Guidroz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Guilbeau
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Guilbeau
Carolyn Gunter
Douglas J. Guthrie
Dora R. Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haase
Hackett Family Foundation
Hannah Lee and Daniel Hagan
Kris Hagel and Irma Escobedo
Chris Hageney
Norma Hageney +
Jim Hamlin
Mr. and Mrs. John Hamman
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hancock
Miriam R. Hanks
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hanneman
Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Hanrahan
Carol J. Hargraves
Ann M. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris
Rose M. Harris
Elizabeth Y. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephen Harron
Harry S. and Isabel C. Cameron
Alan and Jamie Hartz
Linda and David Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hatch, III
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hayes
Mary Hearne
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hebert
Margaret Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. Quinn Hebert, Jr.
Bernard L. Hebinck
Mary Kay Hebinck
Dr. Frederick C. Heck
Michael Hedger
Elizabeth A. Heeb
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Heinrich
Jeannine and Andrew Helms
Elle and Dean Hemphill
Mary Ellen Henning
Eduardo Henningham
Robert A. Hergenroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Herron
Deacon Robert J. Hesse
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Hidalgo
Judy and Ray Hidalgo
Gwen Hieger
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hild
Rick Himel, Jr.
Joan W. Hines
Lynda Hinkley
Alice and Robert Hobizal
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hodde
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hoelscher
Frank E. Hoelzel
Edna Mary and Ed Hogan
Sarah Hogan
Mary and George Hogarty
Marilyn and Robert Hoglen
Jody and Jean Hollier
Veronica and Robert Hollingsworth
Geraldine and William Holt
Mariam and Mark Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Thorstien T. Holt
Holy Rosary Parish
Holy Rosary School
Glory Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Horan
E. C. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hrin, Jr.
Cristhian Hualde
Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Hubbell
Jean and Ray Hudson
Eileen M. Hughes
Kathryn and John Hughes
W. E. Hughes
Barbara L. Hull
Frances Hurt
Oscar and Linda Hurtado
Patsy and Jim Hyland
Anne M. Hyzak
Henrietta and Bernard Hyzak
Kitty C. Inman
Debra S. Irwin
Barry and Lou Jackson
Elaine and Ronald Jackson
Deborah and James Jacobs
Veronica F. Jacobs
Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Jamail
Robert L. Jamail
Charles and Drena James
Jimmy and Yolanda Janacek
Elizabeth E. Jaynes
Jo Beth and Michael Jenkins
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Jennings
Aurelia and Gerald Johnson
Daniel G. Johnson
Dolores and Jerry Johnson
Frances E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Johnson, Jr.
Patricia Johnson
Sue and Joseph Johnson
William Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jones
Kathy F. and Gary D. Jones
Lucien Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Joubert
Sister Agnes M. Joy, MM
Helen and Carter Joyner
Mary and Arthur Juarez
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Julian
Doris Juneau
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jung
Cecilia and Jackie Jungen
Carol A. Kanewske
Carolyn and John Kanewske
Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Kanewske
Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Kaspar
Dottie F. Kasprzak
Nalinee Kattija
Karen and Jim Kauffman
Margie Kavanaugh
Kieran and Margaret Kelliher
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly
Dianne Kempf
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy
Barbara Keppel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Kerlegon
Garland S. Kerr
Irene Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kerstiens
H. H. Kihn
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kilpatrick
Rose M. Kimball
Geraldine S. Kincaid
Evelyn King
Mr. and Mrs. David Kinzelman
Jeanette and Bill Kirk
Michael and Joan Kirkpatrick
Rev. Msgr. Milam E. Kleas
Col. Robert R. and Mrs. Kleinworth
Geoffrey and Susana Knight
Knights of Columbus #10720
Glenda and James Knoll
Kenneth D. Kohmescher
Joe H. Komandosky
Mr. and Mrs. David Konderla
Richard and Arlene Koob
Jeanne Kopek
Paul W. Kopyar
Madeline and Carl Kotila
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kowis
Laurine L. Krejci
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Krenek
Dr. and Mrs. David Krusleski
Martha and Harold Kubicek
Dennis Kupec
Patricia Kutra
Carrol and Alice LaCour
Deborah M. LaCour
Kathryn A. Ladd
Patricia C. Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Landers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Landram
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Landry
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Landry
Mr. and Mrs. Ira J. Landry
Leland Landry
Nikki and Kelly Landry
Marian A. Lanford
Paul W. Langemeier
Winifred Lariscy
John A. Lastrapes
Mr. and Mrs. John Latz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Lauer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred L. Lauze
Rosemary Lawhn
Kathleen Lawton
Harold B. Layne
Katherine and Nam Le
Dr. John D. Le Blanc & Family
Penny and Ed Le Gate
Carol Leary
Velma B. LeBert
Dr. John LeBlanc
Ralph LeBlanc
Josephine LeCluyse
Charlene and Thomas Legler
Mr. and Mrs. Ron J. Legnion
Bob and Faith Leicht
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Leicht
Gisela LeNoir
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Leonard, Jr.
Thomas A. Lera
Juanita and Harry Leschinger
Pius and Kelady Leung
Olivia Li
Pauline Liggio
Mr. and Mrs. Lance W. Ligon
Ellen Limitone
Mr. and Mrs. David Lindemann
Dr. Andrea M. and Richard E. Link
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Little
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd
Renea Locke
Mrs. Margaret and Jack . Lodge
Annie D. Loeve
Mary Mead and Chuck Lofy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Lombardo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Longoria
Gloria C. Lopez
Jamie and Mark Loveland
Heather Lovewell
Mr. and Mrs. John Lovoi
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Lucci
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Luchi
Betty J. Lum
Helen P. Luna
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lyle
Ruby R. Lyons
Amelia (“Kitty”) and John Lyons
Donna and Ronald MacDonald
Barbara and Robert Macek
Bernice Machacek
Louis L. Mackenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Macklin
Dorothy and George Maczali
Dennis and Patricia Maddalone
Joseph and Jeannine Madden
Donna and Bob Madsen
Reverend Norbert Maduzia, Jr.
N. K. Maer, Jr.
Mary Beth Maher
Carol and Beth Mahoney
Wanda Merle Majewski
Eugene E. Malish
Dora K. Man
Lena D. Mandola
Reverend William Manger
Maria and Oscar Mangini
John Mann
Fran and Bob Mannix
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Manriquez
Jo Frances Manuel
Mr. and Mrs. Jaime L. Mardis
Carol Marek
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marek
R. S. Marek
Ralph A. Marek
Lisa Martignetti
Patsy and Woods Martin
Sarrah and Joel Martin
Margaret P. Martindale
Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Martinez
Nina C. Martinez
Maria Regina and Gilbert Martinez
Teresa and Jake Martinez
Dr. Emil and Mrs. J. Mateker
Rincy Mathai
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Matherne
Kitty Maxwell
Carol Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mazoch
Mike Mazzola, Jr.
Maria McAnulty
Charles H. McAughan
Kathleen M. McAuliffe
William L. McCabe
Most Rev. John McCarthy
Mary Lou and James McCarty
Patrice and Thomas McCloskey
Andra and Tim McConnell
Reverend D. Stephen McCrate
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. McCutchen
Col. James G. McDonald
Deirdre McDowell
Kathleen McEvoy
Catherine Ann McFarland
Arlene and James McGarrity
John McGee
Elizabeth and James McGinnis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. McGowan
Mike and Cynthia McKee & Family
Robert J. McKeon
Donnie and Bill McLaughlin
Kathleen and David McLaurin
James I. McLeaish
Elaine McLeod
Coleen and Daniel McMenemy
Lillian McNeill and Patrick
James and Elizabeth McNinch
Arcilia Medellin
Carol Meister
Teresa Meister
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mendez
Cheryl Mergo
Meridian Distribution, Inc.
Mr. L. R. Merola
Joseph Messina
Paul J. Messina
Barbara R. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Michalewicz
Betty K. Michalsky
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Miles
Kay and Bill Miller
Lynne M. Miller
Mary Ann Miller
Richard and Susan Miller
Judy and Edward Millin
Debra A. Millis
Jeffrey A. Mills
Margie B. Mills
Roberta and Dan Mills
Harry W. Milton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Minar
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Mire
Missionary Catechists of Divine
Joe Mock
Wesley and Jeanie Mohr
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mole, Jr.
Montalbano Tire & Auto Repair
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Montgomery
Katherine and William Montgomery
Camille Mooney
Frances Morales
Sally Morales
Mr. and Mrs. George Moreno
Mrs. E. M. Moran
Claudia Morgan
Mary A. Morgan
Dorothy F. Morgenroth
Mr. and Mrs. Arne Morgensen, Jr.
Cecilia L. Morillo
Pam C. Morneau
Lois E. Morrell
Roy J. Morrell, D.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Morrison
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Morrow
Lisa A. Moscarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mosquinski
Mignonette and Joseph Mountain
Cecelia and Joseph Mouton
Venita F. Mrok
Ann B. Mueller
Claire E. Mueller
Johnna L. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mullally
Kathleen H. Mullenweg
June and B. J. Mundine
Drs. Daniel and Stephanie Mundy
Arcilia Munoz
Mr and Mrs. Barney C. Murray, Jr.
Maureen Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Myers
Suellen and Robert Myers
Dr. and Mrs. Youssef I. Nahas
Violet Naivar
Jonnie C. Naizer
William and Rita Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nasser
Natar of Houston LC
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Nauman
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Nelson
Emma and Tom Newhouse
Ron and Maureen Nickle
Mr. and Mrs. Leray Niekamp
Patricia Nieto
Geri T. Nix
Mary Anne Nolen
Dolores Nona
Curtis Norfleet
Mr.and Mrs. Charles Novo
Diana and Chris Novosad
Cathy and Frank Nunciato
Hermina P. Nunez
Margaret Nunez
Al and Pat O’Brien
Timothy O’Brien
Margaret P. O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. O’Donnell
Sally Ogden
Jane and Richard O’Grady
Mary Lou and Edmund Okruhlik
Mary Ellen D. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Olson
Margaret and Al Omelchuck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Opperman
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Oppliger
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Ortis
Mr. and Mrs. William Osborn
Dorothy Ostergren
Phyllis and Robert Ottis
Linda and Louis Overbeck
Hubert Oxford
Mrs. Peggy and Frank Oxsheer
Harvey and Ann Oyler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pace
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Page
Joseph J. Pappas, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Pardee
Silvia Paredes
Angela M. Parigi
Mr. and Mrs. Joe S. Parigi
Roylyn F. Parke
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker
Helaine V. Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. Parma
Col. (Ret.) Robert J. Parr
John Parsons
L. K. Paschall
Jerry P. Pasqualetti
Maureen and Mark Patronella
Sherri and Patrick Patterson
Joyce Paulauskas
Piotr Pawlowski
Mr. and Mrs. Don Payne
Dan Pechacek
Theresa and Larry Pechacek
Janet and Michael Pekar
Cathy and Joseph Pennington
Alicia Perez
Boots A. Perez
Pat and Abraham Perez
Rose C. Perkins
Lea and Jim Perlitz
Katherine Pesek
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Peszko
Teri T. Petersen
Mrs. Lucas B. Petkovsek, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Phalen
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Phelan
Johannah C. Phelan
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Philipp
Carolyn and Millard Phillips
Dolly and Fred Phillips
Kathleen Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Phillips
Mercedes Pierson
Mr and Mrs. David Pietruszynski
Ellie and Ray Pille
Adriana Pineda
R. J. and Patricia Regan Pinkenburg
Jo Ann Pinkerton
Mrs. Ollie V. Pitre
Mary S. Pitts
Lillian Pivonka
Mary Jo and Mike Piwetz
John and Kathy Plugge
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Polito
Catherine V. Pollard
Gerard M. Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Pomeroy
Fred S. Poncik
Marion Pongrace
Lillie and Louis Pontello
Ruth and Ernest Popelka
Mary Linda Portner and Paul Fisher
Catherine Poskey
Mr. and Mrs. James Potter
Dan Pradel
Carolyn and J. Richard Pratt
Nancy C. Preble
Presentation of Mary
Renella A. Primeaux
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Pringle
Proyecto Juan Diego Inc.
Jon and Virginia Pruet
Celia Puente
Linda and Richard Quebe
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Quinn
Joseph M. Quinn
Carlos and Paola R. Quintero
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raab
Yvonne and Harold Rabalais
Mr. and Mrs. John Racanelli
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse R. Radvansky
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ragan
Najla Rahbani
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raimond
Cheryl Rainosek
Mary Ralya
Linda M. Ramirez
Sara E. Ramirez
Mary E. Ramos
Raney Family
Msgr. Clifton L. Ransom, Jr.
Thomas L. Rapp
Lois W. Reading
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reat
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Reddy
Margaret P. Reed
Pat and Edward Reed
Genevieve Reeh
Rebecca Regard
LaVonne Reichle
Catherine W. Reidy
Rita and Paul Rekieta
Josephine A. Repal
Lucy Restivo
Charles L. Ribardo
Violeta and Eugene Riccio
Michael and Ellen Richard
Stella and E. Wesley Richardson
Norman H. Ricker, Jr.
Patsy A. Rider
Paige P. Ridout
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Riepe
Cynthia Riley
Charlaine D. Rinando
Dan and Katie Rinkes
Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Rizzato
Anna L. Roach
Mr. Bill and Lena Roberts
Mr and Mrs. Jay C. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Roccaforte
Connie M. Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Esequiel B. Rodriguez
Mrs. Juanita Rodriguez
Maria J. Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roessler
Dick and Barbara Rohret
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Romano
O. Jules Romary
Mr and Mrs. Anthony Rosetta
Mazie and John Rosipal
Kim L. and Thomas M. Roth
Do you need Honor or Memorial Envelopes?
Please Contact the Advancement Office
Call or e-mail Mamie Marx at 713-440-3710 (direct)
or [email protected] with your name and address.
Donor Roll Call - Fiscal Year 2008-2009 (Continued):
Eileen L. Rothenberg
Mary E. Rouen
Charles J. Rovello
Elaine and Wayne Roy
Ben James and Diane Royall
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Royle
Sara L. Ruffin
Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Rumford
Betty (Susie) Russell
Mary Beth Russell
Jean Russo
Janice and Nicholas Sabatelli
Luisa Sabbara
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sacco
Barbara M. Sadof
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Sala
Gerard Sala
Louis M. Saldana
Pat Salvato
Rose and Staney Sampson
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Samuelson
Jimmye J. Sanders
Santana Funeral Directors, Inc.
Mr and Mrs. Ralph H. Sauer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Sayago
Amelia U. Scales
Scanlan Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scardino
Ina and John Schaffeld
John C. Schiefen
Frankie Schiel
Samuel Schillaci
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Schmitt
Judy and Greg Schockling
Margaret Schooley
Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Schull
Mary E. Schultz
Virginia Schuster
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Schwaiger
Elizabeth and Gerald Schwartz
Shari and Stuart Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. George Schwender
Lawrence J. Schwender
Kathleen and Santo Scorsone
Elizabeth Jean Sechelski
Terrie Sechrist and Jeff Minkoff
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Seger
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Seide
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sellingsloh
Sarah and Daniel Sennett
Olivia F. Serio
Theresa Sewell
Sharon Shanahan
Regina and Leslie Sharpe
Patsy and Michael Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Shea
Cathy Shelander
Carolyn and Anthony Shimek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shofner
Kathryn F. Shramek
Christopher A. Shuley
Mr. and Mrs. James Sides
David and Holly Sietsema
Belinda Sikorski
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Siller, Jr.
Nestor L. Silva
Mr. and Mrs. J. Byrne Simpson
Joseph E. Simpson and Elizabeth A. Biddle
Gary W. Sims
Sisters of St. Dominic, Tacoma WA
Sisters of St. Dominic
Sisters of St. Dominic of Akron, OH
Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Debbie Skelly
Georgia Skopal
Jan S. Skrehot
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Smith
Pat O. Smith
Paul M. Smith
Sandy G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Wickham G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Smyth
Clarice and Raymond Snokhous
Margaret Solito
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Solomon
Mr. and Mrs.George M. Solomon, Jr.
Mollie A. Solomon
Bernadette A. Spawn
Patrick Spedale
Susan Spjut
Maryann Spozio
Jan and Raymon Spreen
St. Austin Catholic Parish
St. Austin Catholic School
St. Francis de Sales Parish
St. Francis de Sales School
St. Mary Catholic Church
St. Mary Parish
St. Michael’s Catholic School
St. Pius X High School
Helen E. Stallworth
Mr. and Mrs. Bentley P. Stansbury Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Starkey
Barbara Starr
Denise and Vincent Stasio
Barb Steffek
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steffensen
Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Steinwender
Pierluigi Stella
Donna Steuver
Renee M. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart
Janis E. Stoddard-Smith
Strake Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stuart
Selena and Stephen Stuchly
Leanne and Dan Stuckert
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sudela
Mary C. Sudela
Peggy Sugalski
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Sutherland
Janice and J. R. Sutherland
Danny R. Svoboda
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Svrcek
Mr. and Mrs. David Swain
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Swanson
Michael T. Swartz
Catherine Swilley
Annee M. Swinburn and Ignacio Encina
Niki E. Swisher
Mellonee and Thomas Swonke
Bea and Donald Talcott
Mr.and Mrs. John D. Tamburello
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tanner
Gina and Keith Taylor
Bridget Teare
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tegan
Jean L. Templeton
Gertrude and Frank Tepera
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Terrell
H. R. and Lucy Terry
Barbara K. Therrien
Patricia A. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Raybourne Thompson, Jr.
Gary and Josephine Tinney
Gerry A. Tischler
Jane Titus
JoAnn and H. J. Tollett
Judith Tolley
Michaeline Tomasino
Mr. and Mrs. John Toomey
Janine M. Torigian
M. I. Torras
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tortorice
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Toups
Beatrice Towns
Judy Trabulsi
Ms. Juanita G. Trevino
Pat and Joe Triolo
Jeanie and Gary Trippie
Charlene S. and Joseph Trochta
Mr and Mrs. Jerry M. Trojanowsky
Melissa L. Tubb
Amelia Tudon
Karen E. Tuel
Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Turco
Susan Turner and David Hollrah
John E. Ullrich
Suna Umari
Elaine and John Upton
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Usher
Deacon and Mrs. Al Vacek
Joella and Edwin Vaclavik
Jackie and Barry Vail
Mr. and Mrs. David Valden
Robert Valenza
Mr. and Mrs.John Van Meter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vance
Reverend James Vanderholt
Jolene and John Vanderzyl
Eduardo Varela
Karen and Kevin Varner
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Veazey
Taska and Frank Ventura
Mr. and Mrs. Coley Verde
Mr. and Mrs. Lenes J. Viator
Colleen C. Vice
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Vice
Juan A. Vicent
Vietnamese Dominican Sisters of Mary
Immaculate Province
Glen and Carolyn Vines
Joann E. Viviani
Nancy K. Wagner
Colleen Walkoviak
Patricia R. Wall
James Walls
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Walter
Maria and Terry Ward
Reverend Daniel Warden
Starla Ware
Dr. and Mrs. Ben F. Warner
DeLores and Fred Warner
Haydee Waters
Frances F. Weatherly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Weber
Wednesday Charity Club
Margaret Z. Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wegner
Arlene Wegwerth
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Weisenfelder
John S. Weisert
Lucille J. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Wells
Debra and Raymond Wesneske
Kimberly S. Wheatley
Gloria Whelton
Richard D. Whelton
Joan White
Laurie C. White
Marty White
Margaret Whitmire
Linda and Charles. Whitson
Rosemary C. Wierum
Mrs. Laura K. Wilborn
Ms. Ann Wilkening
Mrs. Geraldine B. Wilkins
Dr. Carol F. Williams
Chris Williams
Rita and Fletcher Williams
Sophie and Cecil Williams
Georgiann O. Wilmot
Vanessa D. Wiltz
Patricia M. Winkler
Patty Winkler
Ruth Ann Wissel
Nora and Ken Wogan
Mrs. Mary Grace Wohlwend
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Woloson
Cynthia M. V. Wong
Patricia C. Wood
Rachana Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woods
Ms. Connie Woodward
Michael J. Woodward
Kathryn and Gary Woollard
Docia A. Woytek
Peggy T. Yaklin
Grace and John B.Yates
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Yennie
Doris Yordanoff
Rodney B. Young and Eli Burick
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Zarazua
Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Zdunkewicz
Elidia U. Ziegler
Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Zinsmeister
Stacy L. Zubik
Connie Zvolensky
he Dominican Sisters wish to recognize with prayer and thanksgiving,
contributions made by our donors in honor of the following:
The special occasion of the
Dominican Sisters celebrating over
125 years in SE Texas
The 1963 Group
Jane Abell, OP
Arles Ambrose
Eileen Antill
Mary Kay Bailey, OP
Joan Beauregard
Fran Boddeker, OP
on the occasion of her Jubilee
Marge Guadalupe Bollweg, OP
Billy Bordages, Sr.
Raphael Bordages, OP
Emily Bordages, OP
Francis Marie Boradages, OP
on the occasion of her Jubilee
Veronica Borski, OP
Patrick and Stephanie Brian
Joan Burgin and Family
Deacon Gordon Cabra
Assumpta Campbell, OP
Mary Alice Carbajal, OP
Carol Cardenas
on the occasion of her birthday
Antoinette “Kitty” Carter, OP
Pat Casey, OP
Gasper Cassina
Barbara Ann Cernosek, OP
Bonnie Cokinos
Barbara Collins, OP
Heloise Cruzat, OP
Mike Derkowski
Josephine, Guy and Roger DiLollo
Adrian Dover, OP
Alberta Droddy
Chub and Shirley Eddy
and Families
Mary Edwards
Fidelis Enderle, OP
on the occasion of her birthday
Justin Farinella, OP
Jo Rita Fertitta, OP
Frank Fertitta
Ray Fitzgerald
Diane Frary
Sylvia Friedman
Benignus Galiano, OP
Katie Gaspard, OP
Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Giglio
Julian Giglio, OP
John Glade
Dolores Goerlich
Lourdes Gomez
Celeste L. Narro Gonzalez, DDS
Blanche Gothia, OP
Julie Marie Greig OP
Rosemary Griffith
Sheila Hackett, OP
Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Hall
Mary Magdalen Hanel, OP
Mary Frances Heins, OP
Paschal Hoelscher, OP
Mary V. Hugger, OP
on the occasion of her Jubilee
Humphrey and Linda Hughes
Edna Jaynes
Colleen A. Jennings
on the occasion of her birthday
The Birthday of Jesus
Mary Willliam Kowis, OP
on the occasion of her
79th Anniversary of Entrance
Thomas Ann LaCour, OP
on the occasion of her Jubilee
Carletta LaCour, OP
Betty Landry
Guillermo Lazo, MD
Christian Leicht
Lauren Lindee, OP
on the occasion of her Jubilee
Velma Loeve
Theresa Macey, OP
Debra Macomb
Carol Mayes, OP
Jane Meyer, OP
Camilla Micheletti, OP
on the occasion of her Jubilee
Therese Marie Morales,OP
James and Valerie Mullally
on the occasion of their
45th Anniversary
Ann Neal
Kelly Nickalson
Mary Jean Olsovsky,OP
Rita Owens, OP
Candy Page
Josephina Pitre, OP
Donna Pollard, OP
Anthony Pucciarello
Raphael Community Free Clinic
Mike and Paulette Risinov
Dorothy Becker Rosenberg
Lucille Sala, OP
on the occasion of her Jubilee
Johnnye Faye Schupe
on the occasion of her 60th Birthday
Sisters at St. Dominic Villa
Sharon Steglich, OP
on the occasion of her Jubilee
Judy Talbert
Erin Barry Teare
Madison Ulm
Miriam Ulm, OP
Carita Ulm, OP
on the occasion of her Birthday
Madison Ulm and Lindsay Caram
on the occasion of their
16th Birthdays
Pearl M. Verret
Lenes J. Viator
Darrell J. Vice
Leticia M. Volpe, M.D.P.A.
Therese Warden, OP,
Doris Yordanoff, RN
Thomas Margaret Zagst, OP
on the occasion of her Jubilee
Stephen Ann Zawacki, OP
on the occasion of her Jubilee
Partners in Mission Annual Fund - Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009
Thank you from the Dominican Sisters for your great generosity!
We are so happy to hear from you! Thank you for your gifts to the Partners in Mission Annual Fund of the Dominican
Sisters of Houston. Donors listed above reflect gifts received between July 31, 2008 and August 1, 2009. Gifts received
after August 1, 2009 will be applied to the Fiscal Year 2009-2010, and will be recognized in our Fall 2010 issue.
Your gift is very important, and always, but especially this year, we deeply appreciate your generosity.
The Annual Fund helps support the sisters’ retirement, the physical plant and facilities, and helps sustain our mission
and ministries.
The Congregation initiated two new ministries this past year, the Dominican Family and the Dominican Center for
Spirituality. You can read about the Center for Spirituality and other Dominican ministries by going to the Good News,
published twice yearly, and to www.domhou.org, our website that provides up to date news, events, plans as well as a rich
history of the community and friends.
If you have a question and want to reach us by phone, please call 713-440-3711. You are in the prayers of the Sisters
daily – to paraphrase St. Paul, “we thank our God for you”. We are blessed daily by all you do as our Partners in Mission.
ith heartfelt prayer, The Dominican Sisters join with our
donors in memory of loved ones who have passed away:
Linda Colley
Sally Combs
Mildred Conners
Margaret Conrad, OP
Dolores Corporron
Dr. Federico Cortes
Henry Crabtree
Nettie Cremona
Robert Cresap
Virginia Criss
Kay Crocker
Joe Cropper
Ewardo Daly, OP
Dick Dambeck
Mary Daniels, OP
Tom Darst
Lennie Paul Dauphine
Boniface Dehmer, OP
Giuseppe Deli’Oro
Mike Derkowski
Josephine, Guy, and Roger DiLollo
Tillie Dimock
Jean Dodd
Mr. Doherty
Joanna Doherty, OP
Mary Aileen “Teet” Dolce
Mary Louise Dolson, OP
Jackie Dreyfus
Elaine B. DuChamp
Helen Marceaux Duplantis
Patricia Eichelberger
Gregory Estrella
Nicholas Fahey, OP
Joseph F. “Pep” Fertitta, Sr.
Florence Fisher
Betty Tuffly Fitzgerald
Maria Fitzpatrick, OP
Frank Flores
Virginia Koster Foster
Florence Foyt, OP
Angela Freeman
Opal Fruge, OP;
Mabel Paderas Fuller
Carolyn Fuhrman
Angelina Gallo
Nicholas Gavrelos
Rosetta Giardina
Rosalee Helen Giglio
Benedict and Millie Giusti
Wilma Goetz
Martin Goodley
Robert Goodyear, Sr.
Lloyd F. Gould
James, Marie, and Tommy Abell
Clara Adams
Amelia Akers, OP
Rita Marie Allred
Lucille Anderson
Glafira G. Anzaldua
Thomas Aquinas, OP
Pete Araiza
Horacio Arce
Lou Ella Attra
Dominic J. Avioli
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stanley
Harvey Barber, Jr.
Paul Barkley
Cecelia Barry, OP
Juanita L. Barry
M. Gerard Barry, OP and her
Edmee Boddeker Barth
Lily Battaglia
Linda Battistoni,
Chris Bell and Phyllis Bell
Constance Benke, OP
Judy Benson
Fred Betts
Sgt. Michael Glenn Bielamowicz
Florence Bielamowicz, OP
Theresa Bilski
Theresa Bilski
Robert Blackwell
Patrick Bordages
Pete and Anna Lee Bordelon
William R. Bowen
Antoinette Boykin, OP
Danny Braniff
Christopher Breen
Father Brenda, OP
Stanley Brenda
Laverne H. Brennecke
Irene Broussard, OP
Bill Burgin
Jo Ann Cain
Heather Campbell
Sally Garnero
Catherine Casey, OP
Mrs. Dorothy Catterton
Kenneth Earl Caulking
Genevieve Cegelski
Anton B. and Mary Cernosek
Aline H. Chapman
Mary Catherine Coles, OP
Maxine Ledet Colichia
Marie and Paul Grahmann
Luisa Grinaldo
Marian Guidry
Julianna Gully, OP
Keene Hammond
Pat, Joe, and Emma Harris
Joe D. Hauser
Tim Heard
Francis and Marie Hebert
Agnes Hernandez
George Hicks
Walter and Marjorie Hidalgo
Mary Christene Higgins
J. B. and Dora Hillin
Lyman Juneau
Lynnwood Howard
“Hozy” Hozman
Elaine “Connie” Hudson
Margaret Vosburg Huffstetter
Frankie Hyzak
Carmen Jack
Clement Johnson, OP
Desmond Jones
Ms. Edna Mae Jones
Paul H. Jorgensen
Rev. Gerard Joubert, OP
Mr. Kamnani
Mark Kane
Benita Kelley, OP
Mrs. Lois Kleespies
Philip and Lillian Kloesel
John E. Komandosky
Mary Kroll
Eustace Kutra
Betty Landry
Pamela Lary
Robert W. Lawhn, Jr.
Richard Le Blanc
The LeClair Family
Elizabeth LeFlar
Henry Joe Loeve
Elliott Loy - father of Linda Brogan
Dr. Joseph A. Lucci
Felix C. Luna
Theodosius Martens, OP
Andrus Martinez
Mr. Angelo Martorell
Angelo Martorello
Theresa Mastrangelo
Joan Maynard
Don McIntyre
George McInval
George and Florian McLeaish
Randolph McManus
Martina Medrano
Joseph and Katie Meister
Ernest and Frances Meister
Father Arthur Michalka
Hazel Mary Miles, O. P.
Dorothy Milton
Kitty Mire
Charleen Morgan
Suzanne Morley
Christine Moscarelli
Jane Camille Mrok
Eleanor Owens Murray
Denise Muscarello
Marion and Polly Nash
Bea Netardus
Mindy Ho Ta Nguyen
Margaret Nguyen, OP
Dominica Niekamp, OP
Sylvester Agnes Niekamp, OP
JoAnn Niehaus, OP
Mary Alice Norris
Mary Rita Norris, OP
Mrs. Connie Ortega
Eugene Oser
Anthony I. Ottis
Angela Oxford’s father
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Pace
Julia Alice Waker Pappas
Edmund Paulauskas
Emerita Pena, OP
Marygrace Peters, OP
Charles Pflum
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Phelan
Louis A. Pontello, Jr.
Holland Porter
Hubert Poskey
Charles Preble
Amalie and Charlie Rabel
Loretta Raphael, OP
Mary Luke Reiland, OP
Joan Marie Reilly, OP
Samuel Robledo
Bill Roeger
Mrs. Virginia Rogers
Darlene Fruge Romary
Homero Rosales, Jr.
John Rosipal
Dora Rovello
John, Georgia and Judy Russell
The Russo Family
Vance Saladino
Juanita Saldana
Maria Barrera Sanchez
Mary Nguyen Sang
Nathan Savoy
Albert Schulte
Dorothy T. Schultz
Anne Schwerdtfeger
John Paul Sechelski
Dr. James Shuffield
Virginia Shull
Virginia R. Sikorski
Frances Sistrunk
Daniel J. Smith
Merlin and Brenda Smith
Hazel Wilber Solarski
George and Becky Solomon and
Milton and Anna Solomon
Max Spector and Ronald Spector
Mickie Jean Starr
Charles G. and Sophia Stavinoha
G. R. (Gus) Stelzer
Therese Stevens
Billy Strnadel
Anita Stude
Marcella Sudela, OP
Tara Knobloch Swanson
Erin Barry Teare
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tomasino
Donna Townsend
Emery “Coon” Trahan
Anita Trevino
Miriam Ulm, OP
Mary Frances Usher
Tom Varela
Claude Vice
Richard Vidrine, OP
John I Vice and Audry Vice, OP
Joaquin Villalba
Ann Marie Walls, OP
Helen Hanel Waring
Charles Welty
Marc Wheatley
Karlene Wheeler
The White Family
Betty Rynd Wichmann
Betty Williams
Philip Wolfstich
Mariana Wood, OP
The Wysong Family
John Yates
Bonner and Pearl Young
Sue Zerangue
Marion and Dorothy
o live in hearts we leave
behind is not to die. ~ Thomas Campbell
Emerita Pena, OP
October 28, 1913 - July 7, 2009
never saw Sr. Emerita preach from a pulpit. Her preaching was done
in the classroom, in the library, on the playground…Sr. Emerita
preached Christ to us, not only by her words, but loudly by her actions.
We were taught to be kind to each other, to do our best, to serve each
other rather than be served. Teachers live on in the students whose lives
they have touched. A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches
a heart. We look at our teachers and we see our heroes. To teach is to
touch a life forever. As person, as woman, she was a credit to the gender
of all that is woman. As teacher, she had all the best qualities of a teacher,
she opened minds, and touched hearts and lives forever. As Dominican
Sister, she lived the mottoes and purposes of all that embodies the essence
that is Dominican.
~ Denise Lawhead
Richard Vidrine, OP
May 28, 1913 - October 17, 2009
r. Richard had a special love for the little ones—and in fact her last
days of teaching at St. Augustine were in Pre-K and Kindergarten.
She loved to sing and to participate in everything. Sr. Richard was fun
to be with; she had a contagious laugh, and she was a very kind person.
At 62, she wrote that she wanted to continue participating in religious
studies and being involved in a community-sponsored House of Prayer.
Then there were a few dashes followed by the question, “An Impossible
Dream???” Certainly not, as here at the Villa Sr. Richard did participate
in a community House of Prayer which led her to the acceptance of
aging and a form of prayer that those challenges bring. May she see
the fulfillment of that Impossible Dream as she continues to pray for us in
~ Annette Dworsky, OP
Jo Ann Niehaus, OP
November 12, 1937 - November 27, 2009
o Ann loved being part of a family - as sister and aunt in the Niehaus
family and as a member of the world wide Dominican Family. This
was extended in the last months to the entire Villa Family. Jo Ann never
asked for anything, but even when it became difficult to speak, the
phrase “thank you” was on her lips. I think it is significant that the art
piece she had in her room was not a depiction of the public life of Jesus
but rather this rendition of the Holy Family which is also on the outside
wall of our chapel. It reminds us of her deep love of family – of Sr. Mary
Peter’s family, of this Dominican Family, of the Holy Family, and above
all of her own family – of the memory of her parents Joe and Evelyn
and of her brothers Ron and Tom and their families. The passage from
Revelations reminds us: “they shall find rest from their labors, for their
good works accompany them.”
~ Mignonne Konecny, OP
Dominican Sisters of Houston
6501 Almeda
Houston, Texas 77021-2095
Save the Date!
Houston, TX
Permit No. 8952
January 8 - 9, 2010
Quest for Holiness in our Present World
presented by Dr. Greer Gordon
Head of Evangelization for the Diocese of Baton Rouge
Former Director of the Office for Black Catholics,
Archdiocese of Boston
Author of Symphonies of the Heart: Spiritual Harmony
and the Quest for Holiness
For information:
Carol Mayes, OP [email protected]
pecial thanks
for your time & talent!
hanks to sister-volunteer Wanda Jinks OP (left) who can be seen at most
every event and occasion important to the Dominican Sisters of Houston
with her camera in hand. Many of Wanda’s lovely pictures are in the pages of
every issue of the Good News. Additional recognition goes to Lauren Lindee
OP and Mary Francis Heins OP (not pictured) for offering their proofing skills
for this issue of the Good News. And, heartfelt thanks to TJ Burns of Burns
Printing whose generosity allows us to produce the Good News within our
ominican Volunteer
Kristen Dempsey
from Seabrook TX has been
assigned a full time volunteer
position at Casa De Esperanza
de los Ninos as a caregiver
for foster children. Kristen
graduated from St. Edwards
University in May 2009 with
a degree in Religious Studies.
She chose to spend a year
of service as a Dominican
volunteer as she discerns
for her Masters Degree and
gains direction for her career.
Welcome to the Community
Clyde and
Betty Morrison
were presented
with the
Sisters’ Pauline
Gannon Service
Award. This
award is the
sisters’ way of
friends and partners whose companionship and service deserve
special honor. Thank you Betty and Clyde for your friendship
and support of the Dominican Sisters of Houston!