The College Hill Christian Church
The College Hill Christian Church
The College Hill Christian Church COME & SHARE SOME TIME WITH US! July July--August 2010 Where People, God and Life Connect! HAVE YOU HEARD - JESUS HAS MADE US ALL FISHERS OF MEN! Inside this issue: Pastoral Search Continues Elders covet your patience in this process. Be assured they are diligently working on this daily and in touch with several candidates. There are many considerations in this process that all involved have to look at. The Elders continue to search for an Interim Pastor and eventually a new full or part-time Pastor. The process is slow and tedious and the Once the Interim Pastor is chosen, we hope to have a search committee in place to evaluate our needs and then start looking for someone to lead us. A special thanks goes out to the Elders who have been preaching as well as all guest speakers and various members of our congregation who have preached. Any comments can be made to the Elders, or left with Sally Gustafson, Chairman of the Elders. Please put these in writing and sign your name. And remember, please keep this is daily prayer as we seek God's guidance. Thank you one and all. The Elders Welcome Barrett's 1 Pastoral Search Prayer Needs & Praises 2-4 Pastor Requirements? 5 Welcome Isabella 6 July Calendar 7 August Calendar 8 Tossey, Casteel Changes 9 Serving in July/August 9-10 Barton Howard Change 10 Birthdays & Anniversaries 11 Kids-In-Christ Fun Page 12 Casteel Changes 13 Women's Group 13 Board Meetings 14 CHCC History Book 14 Note From The Chair 14 The Future! 15 DISCOVERED! Our Minister of Music, Steve Barrett and Elder, Glenn Casteel were recently discovered attending a "Being Serious" Ministry Workshop. The picture at the left shows them during a Therefore, go and make break from the sedisciples of all nations, ba pbaprious workshop. tizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, Thank goodand of the Holy Ghost, and ness neither of teaching them everything I them like to have commanded you. And lo, I am with you a lal"clown around." ways, even to the end of We look forward the world." to seeing their Matthew 28:19 28:19--20 new look! LOL! Page 2 The College Hill Christian Church Special Prayer Concerns & Praises Continue to pray for JoAnn Stortz and her health. She is living with their daughter and son in Indiana. Jim Moses our beloved member who is at his home. Oscar Boyd—Oscar is at home under Mattie's care. Pray also for Mattie as she faces the many challenges with Oscar. Continued prayer for Ellen Schmid for her Arthritis and Diabetes, and for her daughter Phyllis, with her problems at work. Pray also for their family and healed relationships. And, pray for Edward, Ellen's son. Continued Prayer for Ken Distler, Artie’s son who has been through so much. Continued prayer for Sue Morgan, Sally’s twin sister. Many struggles facing. Pray for Sally Gustafson our Chairman of Elders, Bell Choir Director, Organist and many other positions as her health continues to improve . Congratulations to Sally and Sue's mom, Shirley Elliott, who recently celebrated her 85th birthday. Please pray for Barton and Pamela Howard our former pastor and his wife. Barton accepted a new position with Legacy Christian Church in Harrison recently. Pray for Callie Kohler and Donna Hinson, two additional shut-ins from our family as they recover and deal with illness concerns. Pray for Dan Urra and his mom Gloria Duke. She is currently at Cottingham. Pray daily for one another and those especially those on our monthly/yearly calendar. July & August are: Dan Urra, Sam Casteel, Chris & Lisa Land, Josh Urra, Colonel Ray Rose, Katie Urra, Margot, Josh & Holland Hisle, and Jan Rankin. Our programs at church—that all will be God inspired and blessed. Especially for our Music Minister, Steve Barrett and his family and team. Pray for our friends Roy and Paul. Praise - Repair Work has been completed on Shirley Murphy's home. For those not knowing - a neighbor's tree feel on her home requiring fairly substantial repairs. Shirley thanks all who have been in prayer for her. Pray for Mike & Cherrie and their needs. Praise for Sharon's friend Larry who is now in Cincinnati with us. If we had our way, we would keep him here! Welcome to Cincinnati and College Hill Christian Church Larry! Continued Pray for Carol of our Music Worship Team as she continues to heal following her carotid artery surgery. Pray for Sonya Winford and her sister-in-law. Pray for Mae Norman and her family. The College Hill Christian Church Page 3 Special Prayer Concerns & Praises Pray for our dear friend, Walter Maxton, and his family as they face many issues in their lives. Please pray for Walt Strecker, and Eleanor for strength to get through all daily tasks. Pray for those out-of-work and those with family problems. Continued Prayer for David Druffel as he deals with eye issues. Pray for those with Alcohol and other Drug Abuse problems. Pray for the Sonia Redmon and her family. Pray for Dr. Lewis Casteel as he adjusts to his new home at Triple Creek Retirement Community. Pray for Spencer of our Music Worship Team as he deals with family issues. Pray for Bob and Jack, workers with Bill Katz. Both need healing and strength. Following the teachings of I Timothy, help us to pray daily for our leaders including our President, Congress, those in local and state leadership also. Pray for Bradley, Sharon's nephew, who had a hammer handle split into him. Pray for continued strength for our church boards. May God continue to lead them in all that is happening. Page 4 The College Hill Christian Church Special Prayer Concerns & Praises Our dear sister Delores Swann asked us to pray for health, and family issues. We were asked by a member to pray for “all church members past and present.” Another member asks us to uplift in prayer, “Those who battle mental illness and social estrangement.” As these tough economic times increase and the insurance agency helps less and less in the area of mental health, the numbers in this group is growing rapidly. Let us remember them as Jesus instructs us—”As you have done this to least of these, you have done it to me.” From a member, “Please pray for our church that it may grow.” Another wrote, “Please pray for our church officers & our Pastoral Search” Another member has asked us to, “Please pray for those that struggle to keep their daily tasks up. Give them strength and dignity.” Pray for Sharon Foreman & her mother Violet as well as Shirley Murphy all having health concerns. Beth Katz’s brother Jeff, and son, Chris both in the service. Praise: Isabella Summer Middendorf born to Jenn and Doug Middendorf. Born June 20th. Congratulations to all including Grandparents, Bill & Beth Katz. Praise: Hunter Nicholas Lachey born to Lea and Drew Lachey. Born May 15th. Congratulations to all including Grandparents, Dan and Geri Urra. All other prayer needs and concerns Many of our family are hurting physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially. Pray that God will continue to guide them through these rough times and uplift them. The same is true with our friends and colleagues. May God’s Will be done. All unspoken prayer requests. The College Hill Christian Church Speaking of Pastoral Candidates Page 5 Page 6 The College Hill Christian Church Congratulations Jenny (Katz) and Doug Middendorf Isabella Summer Middendorf Born June 20th Proud Grandparents: Bill & Beth Katz The College Hill Christian Church Emphasis: Camp Christian Page 7 July 2010 Pray Daily for: Dan & Geri Urra, Sam Casteel, Chris & Lisa Land, Josh Urra, Also for our Music Minister: Steve Barrett and his family and Ministry Team, & Pastoral Search! Sun Mon Tue Wed Holiday: Independence Day Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Alcoholic’s Anonymous 6:30 p.m. 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 Joint Service with Judah Church 10:30 18 19 13 9 10 Alcoholic’s Anonymous 6:30 p.m. ELDERS 6:30 p.m. Glenn's Office 14 15 16 17 Alcoholic’s Anonymous 6:30 p.m. 20 21 22 23 24 Alcoholic’s Anonymous 6:30 p.m. 25 26 27 28 29 Board Meeting Special Offering Taken: Camp Christian July 4th 30 Alcoholic’s Anonymous 6:30 p.m. 31 The College Hill Christian Church Page 8 Emphasis: Christ Community in College Hill August 2010 Pray Daily for: Ray Rose, Katie Urra, Josh, Margot, & Holland Hisle, and Jan Rankin Also for our Music Minister: Steve Barrett and his family and Ministry Team & Pastoral Search! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ELDERS 6:30 p.m. Glenn's Office 8 9 Alcoholic’s Anonymous 6:30 p.m. 10 11 12 13 14 Alcoholic’s Anonymous 6:30 p.m. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Alcoholic’s Anonymous 6:30 p.m. 22 23 24 25 26 27 Alcoholic’s Anonymous 6:30 p.m. 29 30 31 Board Meeting After Worship Offering - Christ Community in College Hill Remember To Read Your Bible & Pray Daily! 28 The College Hill Christian Church Page 9 Information From Steve Tossey Steve Tossey, Former Pastor of the College Hill Christian Church has accepted a new position in Pennsylvania. Effective July 10th his new address will be: Rev. Steve Tossey 418 Honeysuckle Drive Marietta, PA 17547 e-mail: [email protected] Information From Lew Casteel Effective Immediately, new address is: Triple Creek Retirement Community, Dr. Lewis G. Casteel; Room 103; 11230 Pippin Road; Cincinnati, Ohio 45231. New Phone: (513) 878-4729 Serving In July Deacon’s: 04—Shirley Murphy & Jan Denton 11—Lori Casteel & Delores Swann 18—Beth Katz & Sam Casteel 25—Delores Swann & Tak Kariya Communion Preparation: Lori Casteel Table Prayer: 04—Bill Katz 11—Glenn Casteel 18—Sally Gustafson 25—Dan Urra Greeters: 04 - Jan Denton 11—Glenn & Lori Casteel 18—Bath Katz 25—Delores Swann Worship Leaders: 04—Beth Katz 11—Bill Katz 18—Dan Urra 25—Bill Katz The College Hill Christian Church Page 10 Information From Barton Howard From Former Pastor, Barton Howard: Hi All, The News Is Good. I have been blessed twice recently. First, my son Michael and his wife Amy gave birth to a beautiful 9 pound, 5 ounce little girl, Megan Christine. I am so happy for them! Secondly, I am now officially on the staff at the Legacy Christian Church in Har- rison, Ohio to serve in the area of Pastoral Care. I think this will initially be mostly hospital visitation. This is the church where Dr. Bill McConnell is Lead Pastor. They run between 400-500 in attendance, so there is plenty to keep us all busy. I have live internet at home again and my new phone number is (513) 9074939. Love and Blessings to All, Barton. Serving In August Deacon’s: 01—Jan Denton & Lori Casteel 08—Sam Casteel & Shirley Murphy 15—Beth Katz & Delores Swann 22—Lori Casteel & Tak Kariya 29—Shirley Murphy & Jan Denton Communion Preparation: Delores Swann Table Prayer: 01—Bill Katz 08—Glenn Casteel 15—Sally Gustafson 22—Bill Katz 29—Dan Urra Greeters: 01—Jan Denton 08—Sam Casteel 15—Beth Katz 22—Lori Casteel 29—Jan Denton Worship Leaders: 01—Beth Katz 08—Bill Katz 15—Dan Urra 22—Beth Katz 29—Delores Swann The College Hill Christian Church July Birthdays and Anniversaries 07—Alyssa Stortz 09—Art Ehrmantraut 09—Patrick Skinner 12—Chris & Lisa Land 13—Mallory Hinman 14—Dottie (Clemons) Noonan 15—Molly Gaston 17—Katie Urra 20—Lois Hoffman 21—Ellie Schmid 21—David & Lee Ann Diehl 25—Carol Yarborough 29—Jackson (Jake) Currie August Birthday’s and Anniversaries 02—Jerry Hinman 03—Jim Moses 04—Denise Casteel 05—Glenn and Lori Casteel 06—Brenda Schatzman 10—Rick Yarborough 12—Kelli Rankin 14—Chris and Amber Casteel 15—Terry & Katherine Strecker 16—Brandon Stortz 19—Phyllis Schmid 19 - Barton & Pamela Howard 24—Jenne Yarborough 26—Patrick & Julie Skinner 28—Taylor Stortz 28—Ulrich & Cheryl (Kariya) Hewer 29—David Clemons 31—Katherine Drew Strecker Page 11 Page 12 The College Hill Christian Church Kid’s For Christ Christ— —Fun Page The College Hill Christian Church Page 13 Women’s Group To Meet Again In August Calling All Women—We will be meeting every Monday starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Church in August. Watch the bulletin for when we will resume. Make plans to join us for fellowship and study. See Beth Katz for more information. Information From Glenn, Lori, and Sam Casteel Effective Immediately, new address for Glenn, Lori, and Sam: 9783 Flagstone Way; West Chester, Ohio 45069. Same Phone: (513) 266-7212 Congratulations Sam Casteel Congratulations to Sam Casteel, member of The College Hill Christian Church. His team, The Orioles, won the Cal Ripken 12 year old Fairfield Baseball Tournament. His team had an excellent year with a record of 17-4. Congratulations Sam! Is there an "S" on your cape under that shirt? AWESOME! Page 14 The College Hill Christian Church Message From Your Chairman of the Board Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord! As we prepare this newsletter I am also preparing to deliver a sermon June 27th on being Fisher's of Men. This will supplement that sermon and I will not repeat myself. But, in the Gospel of Luke, the 14th Chapter, 25th - 27th verses we learn about a miracle that I believe is coming to The College Hill Christian Church as I write this. "Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them He said: If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - cannot be my disciple. And, anyone who does not carry his own cross and follow me cannot be my disciple." On the surface this sounds cruel and hateful. But in reality what God is saying that we MUST put Him first ahead of everything. I will use myself as an example. I did not attend church because Sam had a soccer game at the same time. Therefore, I have put Sam first and not God and have disobeyed many of his commandments but the main one is to put Him first. Now, this is an example that I think God gives us grace for; but I believe this is exactly His point. If we begin to put family first, or work first, or even the Reds first - we cannot be His Disciples. We cannot even love our own life so much that we put God second. I'm tired, I don't feel good, I just cannot go to church today - all excuses that allow Satan to put God second or third, or whatever. When we are obedient, when we agree to allow God to be in control, when we agree to do His Will first in ALL things, the we pick up our cross and follow Him. And then me, like CHCC can be His Disciple! The Cost is Great and Intensely Personal - But Worth It! To God be the Glory! Glenn Board Meeting Meeting— —Sundays, July 25th & August 29th All Board Members are needed to attend the Board Meeting following Worship. Chairs are asked to have their written reports ready for distribution. Thank you. Glenn Casteel, Chairman of the Board. The Historical Book of the first 50 years of CHCC We only have two extra 100th Anniversary books left. This first book covers CHCC's history until 1950. The second book should be available this year. Interested in purchasing a copy? See Glenn Casteel. Cost is $25.00 each to cover the cost of printing and binding. Mailing Costs extra. The book on Disk is free. You must have Adobe or a PDF program to open. Want one, email me at [email protected]. Blessings to all! The College Hill Christian Church Page 15 Our Church Without YOU! Listed below is a picture of the progress our church without you. You can see the many programs you affect, the people you affect, and how our church functions without you. You see - you are needed. We cannot make it without you. Don't let Satan have the victory. Unite in God's Spirit and work toward resolution, reconciliation, and hope! If we don't come to church because of our differences - Satan wins. Don't let that happen! COME & SHARE SOME TIME WITH US! The College Hill Christian Church C/O: Glenn Casteel 1631 Marlowe Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 Phone: 513-226-3131 E-Mail to the Editor: [email protected] You can receive this Newsletter by E-Mail, just send us your address. Saves us all postage and expenses. Anyone wishing to be added or removed from the receiving list can e-mail us at: [email protected] Or mail to the address above. The Future - Ours and the Church The future is here for all of us. Will be on this earth tomorrow or with our Heavenly Father? Those not accepting Christ as their Savior will not be in Heaven with us and what a tragedy this will be. I know mine would. And, I have begun a personal effort to live as though each day was my last. I want to die knowing that people are going to heaven because of the work I have done to introduce them to Christ. None of us know how long our time will be here on earth. So please, remember this is "Our End Times." Maybe not "The End Times" but it is ours. The College Hill Christian Church is teetering on whether it will have a future. Many have left because we have no pastoral leadership. Some because of the new music, and others just because things have changed. Who do we hurt? The future. The ones who might have walked through our doors and come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. Question for you, if the Doctor told you that you had two weeks to live, what would you do? Would your life proceed as normal or would you begin calling your friends and family and explaining the "Romans Road" and Salvation as stated in John 3:16? Would your jokes and stories remain the same or would you yearn to bring others closer to the Lord? Would you watch the same movies, shows, read the same books? Or would your emphasis change? So, you hold the future of this church in your hands. I am hoping you will treat this future with all you have within you. Place aside differences, personalities, or anything else keeping you away. God needs you now and is calling you at CHCC. Blessings!