aachen dresden 2015 uluslararasi teksti̇l konferansi genel
aachen dresden 2015 uluslararasi teksti̇l konferansi genel
AACHEN DRESDEN 2015 ULUSLARARASI TEKSTİL KONFERANSI GENEL DEĞERLENDİRME Şubat/2016 Yayın Hazırlayan Teksmer Teknik Tekstiller Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Aytül Timoçin Simla Şahin Yayın Sahibi İletişim Adresi Teksmer Teknik Tekstiller Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi – Sanayi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (DESUM) Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi Buca İzmir Türkiye AACHEN DRESDEN 2015 - ULUSLARARASI TEKSTİL KONFERANSI GENEL DEĞERLENDİRME Tekstil profesyonellerinin bilimsel bilgi ve deneyimlerini aktardığı Aachen Dresden Uluslararası Tekstil Konferansı’nın dokuzuncusu, 26-27 Kasım 2015 tarihinde, dünyanın her yerinden konuyla ilgili firmaların, araştırma enstitülerinin, toplulukların ve öğrencilerin katılımı ile Aachen Eurogress kongre merkezinde(Almanya) gerçekleştirildi. Şekil 1. Aachen Eurogress Kongre Merkezi Konferansın ana teması geleceğin teknolojisi geliştirilirken ortaya çıkan anahtar sorularından birine cevap arıyordu: “Biyolojik prensipleri nasıl öğrenir, avantajlarını nasıl kullanırız ve insan yapımı teknolojilerin doğadaki denge ile uyumunu nasıl sağlarız?”. İki gün süren konferans boyunca bugünün teknolojisi anlamında yükselen trendin “Bio-Boosting” yani biyolojik canlanma olduğu vurgulandı. Oturumlar aşağıdaki başlıklar altında toplandı; Lif Teknolojileri, Bio Temelli Bina Tekstilleri, Doğadan Esinlenilen Hafif Yapılar, Bükülebilir Elektronikler – Enerjiden Işığa IGF-ZIM Transfer Etkinliği: Fikirden Uygulamaya Şekil 2. 2016 Aachen-Dresden Uluslar arası Tekstil Konferansı Açılış Oturumu Üç açılış oturumu, sekiz tema ve elli beş konuşmadan oluşan konferansın bu seneki resmi tema ortağı Fransa’ydı. Ayrıca konferansa gönderilen yüz adet posterden komite tarafından belirlenen on tanesinin sunumu açılış oturumundan sonra gerçekleştirildi. Program komitesi: Hendrik Beier; STFI, Chemnitz Chokri Cherif; ITM, Dresden Peter D. Dornier; Lindauer DORNIER GmbH, Lindau Andreas Giessmann; COATEMA Coating Machinery GmbH, Dormagen Thomas Gries; ITA, Aachen Jochen Gutmann; DTNW, Krefeld Klaus Jansen; Forschungskuratorium Textil e.V., Berlin Stefan Jockenhövel; AME - Institute of Applied Medical Engineering; ITA, Aachen Vladan Koncar; Gemtex, Roubaix, France Franz-Jürgen Kümpers; Forschungskuratorium Textil e.V., Berlin Karl-Heinz Liebrandt; KARL MAYER Technische Textilien GmbH, Naila Jürgen Meyer; Oerlikon Schlafhorst, Übach-Palenberg Uwe Möhring; TITV, Greiz Martin Möller; DWI, Aachen Michael Pöhlig; IVGT, Frankfurt Maike Rabe; Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach Thomas Rasch; German Fashion, Köln Bertrand Schneider; IFTH; France Ernst Schröder; TFI, Aachen Ulrich Schwaneberg; DWI, RWTH, Aachen Gerhard Sperling; Verb. der Deutschen Heimtextilien-Ind. e.V., Wuppertal Manfred Stamm; IPF Dresden Mathias Ulbricht; DTNW, Krefeld / Universität Duisburg-Essen Rudolf Voller; Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach Lutz Walter; Euratex, Brüssel/B Peter Werkstätter; vti, Chemnitz Heinz-Peter Werminghaus; IfN, Aachen Matthias Wessling; DWI, RWTH Aachen Sponsorlar: Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH, Frankfurt/Main Fourné Polymertechnik Güth & Wolf GmbH Physical Electronics GmbH Zenit GmbH Sözlü Sunumlar: Şekil 3. Sözlü sunumlardan görüntüler Plenary Session: PL-1 Yves Dubief Union des Industries Textiles (UIT), Clichy | FR Textile innovations 2020 - The French contribution PL-2 Thomas Speck Freiburg Botanischer Garten, Universität Freiburg Fibres in nature and technology: Smart materials and structures inspired by biology Fasern in Natur und Technik: Clevere Materialien und Strukturen nach dem Vorbild der Biologie PL-3 Karl Leo Technische Universität Dresden Organic semiconductors: From a lab curiosity to highly efficient devices Organische Halbleiter: Von einer Labor-Rarität zu hocheffizienten Geräten Flexible Electronics - Energy from Light : FE-1 Hermann Issa (keynote lecture) BELECTRIC OPV GmbH, Nürnberg Printed organic photovoltaics - Innovation for textile products in architecture and fashion Gedruckte organische Photovoltaik - Eine Innovation für textile Produkte in Architektur und Mode FE-2 Christoph Baum (1), Thomas Bastuck (1), Ludger Michels (2) (1)Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT, Aachen;(2)Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH, Dormagen Bio-boosting technologies - Production technologies for large area flexible electronics | Bioboosting Technologies - Produktionstechnologien großflächiger flexibler Elektronik FE-3 Egon Dalponte, Christof Breckenfelder Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach Ultrasonic welding of narrow fabrics with conductive yarns Ultraschallschweißen von Schmalgewebe mit leitfähigem Garn FE-4 Oliver Zech, Julia Graubmann, Robert Nusko, Georg Maier ras materials GmbH, Regensburg Silver nanowires - A new raw material for conductive textile coatings | Silbernanodrähte - ein neuer Rohstoff für leitfähige Textilbeschichtungen FE-5 Jean-Francois Geneste IW, Airbus Group, Toulouse | FR New vision for the flexible electronics for aerospace applications FE-6 António Braz Costa et al. CeNTI - Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials, V.F.Famalicão | PT Development of functional fibers for energy generation and storage FE-7 Kay Ullrich, Ferry Siegl, Volkmar Reichmann Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen-Vogtland e.V. (TITV) Greiz Use of textile technologies to create flexible and shielded power and data lines | Anwendung textiler Technologien zur Entwicklung flexibler, geschirmter Strom- und Datenleitungen FE-8 Inge Verboven et al. Institute for Materials Research (IMO-IMOMEC) - Engineering Materials and Applications, Hasselt University | BE Direct printing of organic light emitting diodes on textile FE-9 Bert Groenendaal, Joost Wille Sioen Coating NV, Ardooie | BE Innovative textiles for lighting and other applications IGF-ZIM Transfer Event: From Idea to Practice IGF-1 Marco Lindner (1), R. Mansfeld (2), S. Gelbrich (1), L. Kroll (1) (1) TU Chemnitz; (2) Richard Mansfeld Asphaltmanagement, Auerbach Integration of mineral fiber semi-finished products in bituminous matrices IGF-2 Wolfgang Teubert (1), Mesut Cetin (2), Thomas Gries (3) (1) Teubert Maschinenbau GmbH, Blumberg; (2) Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) der RWTH Aachen University Innovative use of expanded polystyrene foams for applications in architecture and composites German abstract IGF-3 Florian Kühn (1), Bernd Romahn (2) (1) Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH; (2) Weberit Werke Dräbing GmbH Project CompoMold: Ceramic pressing tool for variothermalprocessing of thermoplastic fiber composites - opportunitiesand restrictions IGF-4 Bernd Morgenstern (1), Kristin Trommer (1), Volker Pöhland (2) (1) Forschungsinstitut für Leder und Kunststoffbahnen Freiberg; (2) AKV INTERNATIONAL GmbH Heavily inflammable, coated fabric for upholstery waiving flame retardants IGF-5 B. Baesch (1), J.-D. Kümpers (2), C. Riethmüller (1), G. T. Gresser (1) (1) Denkendorf, ITV; (2) F.A. Kümpers GmbH & Co. KG, Rheine Fabrics with moisture sensory and heating functions for mold prevention in buildings IGF-6 Eckhard Bräuninger (1), Uwe Metzner (2) (1) Spengler & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG, Crimmitschau; (2) STFI, Chemnitz Transluzente, mikrogeschlitzte Textilien für das akustische Raumdesign IGF-7 Johannes Fitz (1), Sybille Krzywinski (2), Elke Haase (2), Mila Klochkova-Schiefer (2), Eckhard Bräuninger (3) (1) aeronautec GmbH, Seeon; (2) ITM, TU Dresden, Dresden; (3) Spengler & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG, Crimmitschau Development of acoustically effective partition systems & cei- ling elements for flexible furnishing of offices & public spaces IGF-8 Lutz Ludwig (1), Detlef Gersching (2), Christian Lange (3), Manuela Göbel (4), Andreas Laube (5), Klaus Fieback (6), Frank Meister (2) (1) Lutz Ludwig Metallbau GmbH; (2) Thüringisches Institut für Textil- und KunststoffForschung, Rudolstadt; (3) Buntgardine Rotschau GmbH; (4) Neustädter Gardinenkonfektion GmbH; (5) w & a GmbH; (6) PCM-innovativ GmbH, LanoTex - Innovative textile based systems for the generation of animal-controlled thermal environments in byres IGF-9 Johannes Coy Technische Universität München Quantification of Parkinson symptomes Fiber Technology FT-1 Friedrich Weninger (keynote lecture) Austrian Man-made Fibers Institute, Vienna | AT Persistence, commitment and passion - the key for successful innovations. Evolution of a new fibre generation Ausdauer, Engagement und Passion - der Schlüssel für erfolgreiche Innovationen. Evolution einer neuen Fasergeneration FT-2 Gunnar Seide Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University Biobased fibre materials - status and future FT-3 Rudolf Hufenus, Felix A. Reifler, María P. Fernández-Ronco Empa, St. Gallen | CH Melt-spinning highly oriented poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P3HB) fibers with long term stability | Schmelzspinnen von hochorientierten, langzeitstabilen Poly(3-hydroxybutyrat) (P3HB)Fasern FT-4 Hideki Yamane (1), Jungyub Hyun (1), Jaechang Lee (2), Kazunari Masutani (1), Yoshiharu Kimura (1) (1) Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyota | JP; (2) Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Ulsan /KR Development of thermally resistant poly(lactic acid) fibers FT-5 Lothar Ophey Mainsite Technology GmbH, Obernburg a. M. Off the beaten track - innovation in plant engineering in a different way | Eingetretene Pfade verlassen - Innovationen im Anlagenbau einmal anders FT-6 Jesper van Berkel Avantium, Amsterdam | NL PEF, a next generation bioplastic for bottles, fibers and films. Why bio-based PET is not logical. FT-7 Michael Hummel, Anne Michud, Marjaana Tanttu, Shirin Asaadi, Yibo Ma, Herbert Sixta Aalto University | FI Strong cellulosic fibers from waste material | Regeneratfasern hoher Festigkeit aus Abfallzellulose FT-8 Axel Rußler, Bernhard Müller Glanzstoff Industries GmbH, St. Pölten |AT High performance cellulosic fibers | Cellulosische Hochleistungsfasern FT-9 Steffen Müller-Probandt, Paul Matthäi Dienes Apparatebau GmbH, Mühlheim Drying and thermal treatment for research applications and pi- lot lines | Trocknung und Wärmebehandlung für Forschungs- und Pilotanlagen FT-10 Matthias Wessling (keynote lecture) DWI - Leibniz-Institut für Interaktive Materialien e.V.; Aachener Verfahrenstechnik, RWTH Aachen University CNT microtubes - Fabrication and applications FT-11 Georgi Gogoladze (1), Paata Gogoladze (2) (1) Deutsche Basalt Faser GmbH, Sangerhausen; (2) Basalt Fibers LLC, Tbilisi | GE Possibilities of basalt fibers in the concrete reinforcement Möglichkeiten der Basaltfaser in der Betonbewehrung FT-12 Jens Petzold KI Keramik-Institut GmbH, Meißen CMC based on oxide fibers Oxydkeramische Fasern in CMC FT-13 Esma Ayad CETI Three components filaments and associated functionnalities FT-14 Florian Strobl (1), Thomas Grethe (2), Bettina Karmann (2), Julia Grothe (3), Maike Rabe (2) (1) Blücher GmbH, Erkrath; (2) FTB, Hochschule Niederrhein; (3) TU Dresden Introducing catalytic functions in polymeric fiber materials Einführung katalytischer Funktionen in polymere Fasermaterialien FT-15 Kamran Riazi, Jennifer Kübel, Manfred Wilhelm Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Well-defined comb polystyrene as a model system for solution electro-spinning of branched polymers Wohldefinierte Polystyrolkämme als Modellsystem für das Elektrospinnen verzweigter Polymere aus der Lösung FT-16 Hubert Jäger (keynote lecture) TU Dresden, Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik The world of carbon fibers . Today and tomorrow Die Welt der Carbonfasern ... heute und morgen FT-17 Juliane Meinl (1), Tim Gestrich (1), Martin Kirsten (2), Chokri Cherif (2), Alexander Michaelis (1) (1) Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme,Dresden, (2) Institut Für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik,TU Dresden Kinetics in the stabilization of polyacrylonitrile Kinetische Untersuchung der Stabilisierung von Polyacrylnitril FT-18 Martin Kirsten, Rolf-Dieter Hund, Chokri Cherif ITM, TU Dresden Process and technology development for the production of precursors of carbon fibers Prozess- und Technologieentwicklung zur Herstellung von Precursoren von Carbonfasern FT-19 Cécile Zakri Université de Bordeaux, Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal /FR Carbon nanotube fibers: From processing to high energy absorption performances FT-20 Charlène Lambaré, Isabelle Ferreira IFTH, Ecully | FR Water free processes including fluoro-oxydation FT-21 Michael Wendlandt W.L. Gore & Associates GmbH Gore performance fibers Gore Hochleistungsfasern Bio-inspired Lightweight Constructions BLC-1 Martin Trautz (keynote lecture) Lehrstuhl für Tragkonstruktion der RWTH Aachen University Growth and construction in nature as a paradigm and process for innovative technical solutions Wachstum und Konstruktion in der Natur als Vorbild und Prozess für innovative technische Lösungen BLC-2 Walter Haase, Daria Kovaleva, Nicu Toader ILEK, Institut für Leichtbau Entwerfen und Konstruieren, Universität Stuttgart Biomimetic and biologically inspired structures for use in architecture | Biomimetisch und biologisch inspirierte Strukturen für den Einsatz in der Architektur BLC-3 Tristan Ruder, Vignaesh Sankaran, Steffen Rittner, Chokri Cherif ITM, TU Dresden Multiaxial warp knitting based technology for production of biomimetic hybrid Preforms BLC-4 Josef Klingele Lindauer DORNIER GmbH, Lindau Innovative production technology for continuous fiber reinforcements Innovative Produktionstechnologien für endlosfaser- verstärkte Halbzeuge BLC-5 Monireh Fazeli (2), Gerald Hoffmann (2), Chokri Cherif (2), Ernst Kuhn (1) (1) mageba gmbh; (2) Institut Für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik, TU Dresden Technology for the integral weaving production of complex 3D semi-finished products for nodal connections in FRPC lightweight frameworks Technologie zur integralen webtechnischen Fertigung von komplexen 3D-Halbzeugen für Knotenverbindungen in FKVLeichtbaurahmentragwerken BLC-6 Mesut Cetin (1), Nicole Motsch (2) (1) Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) der RWTH Aachen University, Aachen (2) Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe, Kaiserslautern Use of tufting technology for the manufacturing, handling and delivery of textile preforms Einsatz der Tuftingtechnologie für die Herstellung, Handhabung und Versand textiler Preforms BLC-7 Michael Sinapius (1,2), Christian Hühne (2), Hans Peter Monner (2), Benjamin Gramüller (2), Markus Kintscher (2) (keynote lecture) (1) Technische Universität Braunschweig; (2) DLR German Aerospace Center, Braunschweig Morphing in aircraft lightweight design Morphing im Flugzeugleichtbau BLC-8 Dominique Coupé Safran Group | FR 3D woven preforms for aeronautical applications BLC-9 Dilbar Aibibu, Ronny Brünler, Chokri Cherif ITM, TU Dresden Generative additive manufacturing for tailor-made textile constructions for medical applications Additive Fertigungsverfahren zru Realisiserung maßgeschneiderter textiler Konstruktionen für medizinische Anwendungen BLC-10 Simon Küppers, Markus Milwich, Götz T. Gresser Institut für Textil- und Verfahrenstechnik der Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf Energyefficient pultrusion process for producing fiber composite components with thermoplastic matrix in series appli- cations - TPult Energieeffizientes Pultrusionsverfahren zur Herstellung von Faserverbundbauteilen mit thermoplastischer Matrix in Serienanwendungen T-Pult BLC-11 Lambert Russcher (1), Edwin Lamers (1), Maxime Kowalski(1),Xavier Legrand (2), Damien Soulat (2) (1) reden bv, Hengelo | NL; (2) University of Lille, ENSAIT, GEMTEX, Roubaix | FR Development and simulations of 3D textile processing of cross-stiffeners. BLC-12 Pierre Ouagne (1), Emilie Capelle (2), Davy Duriatti (2), Damien Soulat (3) (1) Université d'Orléans | FR (2) Groupe Depestele, Bourguebus | FR (3) University of Lille, ENSAIT, GEMTEX, Roubaix | FR From the yarn manufacture to the forming simulation of natural fibre reinforcement. What are the specificities associated to the use of such material Bio-based Building Blocks and Biotechnology BBB-1 Antje Ota (1), Alexander Müller (1), Michael R. Buchmeiser (1,2), Kai Mundsinger (1,2), Frank Hermanutz (1) (keynote lecture) (1) Institute of Textile Chemistry and Chemical Fibers (ITCF), Denkendorf; (2) Institute of Polymer Chemistry (IPOC), University Stuttgart Cellulose/chitin blend fibers from ionic liquids Cellulose/Chitin-Mischfasern aus ionischen Flüssigkeiten BBB-2 Ruud Rulkens DSM Ahead B.V., Geleen | NL Bio-based polyamides, why, what and how? BBB-3 Thomas Scheibel Universität Bayreuth Biomimetic spider silk fibers with natural mechanical properties BBB-4 Jürgen Groll FMZ Universitätsklinikum Würzburg Bioactivated electrospun nonwovens as artificial basal membranes Bioaktivierte elektroversponnene Faservliese als künstliche Basalmembran BBB-5 Marco Sallat (1), Yves Schwarzmann (1), Ulrike Weinert (2), Tobias Günther (2), Johannes Raff (2) (1) Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V., Chemnitz (2) Helmholtz-Zentrum DresdenRossendorf, Dresden Proteins as new components for functionalizing textile surfaces Proteine als neue Bausteine für die Funktionalisierung textiler Oberflächen BBB-6 Markus Oberthür (1), Lisa Koch (1,2), Jochen S. Gutmann (1,2) (1) Deutsches Textilforschungszentrum Nord-West gGmbH, Krefeld; (2) Institut Physikalische Chemie, Fakultät Chemie, Universität Duisburg-Essen Beyond the use of biocides - Antimicrobial and antiadhesive surfaces on textiles Jenseits von Bioziden - Antimikrobielle und antiadhäsive Oberflächen auf Textilien BBB-7 Stefan Jockenhövel (keynote lecture) AME - Institute of Applied Medical Engineering; Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University From the sky to your heart - Textile reinforcement in biohybrid implants From the sky to your heart - Textile Bewehrung für biohybride Implante BBB-8 Felix Jakob, Ulrich Schwaneberg DWI - Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials, Aachen; RWTH Aachen University Directed evolution of binding proteins for functionalization of fibers | Design von Bindeproteinen zur Funktionalisierung von Fasern BBB-9 Anne Hébraud, Salima Nedjari, Corinne R. Wittmer, Guy Schlatter Institut de Chimie et Procédés pour l'Energie, l'Environnement et la Santé, ICPEES, Université de Strasbourg | FR Controlled deposition of electrospun nano-fibers: Towards 2D and 3D microstructured functional membranes for biomedical applications BBB-10 Manfred Stamm (1,2), Petra Uhlmann (1), Evmorphia Psarra (1,2), Nidhi C. Dubey (1,2), Bijay P. Tripathi (1) (1) Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (2) Technische Universität Dresden Bio-active coatings with polymer brushes Bio-aktive Beschichtungen mit Polymerbürsten BBB-11 Elke Goßla (1), Robert Tonndorf (2), Anne Bernhardt (1), Dilibaier Aibibu (2), Chokri Cherif (2), Michael Gelinsky (1) (1) Centre for Translational Bone, Joint and Soft Tissue Research, University Hospital and Medical Faculty, Technische Universität Dresden (2) Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology, Technische Universität Dresden Application of flock technology for the generation of biomimetic, anisotropic and fully resorbable scaffolds for cartilage regeneration | Anwendung des Flockverfahrens für die Herstellung biomimetischer, anisotroper und vollständig resorbierbarer Gerüststrukturen für die Regeneration von Knorpel BBB-12 Jovana Dzalto, Luisa Medina, Peter Mitschang Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe, Kaiserslautern High performance biocomposites for structural applications in the building industry Poster Sunumlar: Şekil 4. Poster Sunumlardan Bir Görüntü P1 Martin Bartunek, Steffen Müller-Probandt Zukunftsprojekt Forschung 4.0 P2 Viktoria Schrank, Mathias Beer, Yves-Simon Gloy, Thomas Gries Technology selection for innovative products P3 Dennis Berg, Karola Schaefer, Martin Moeller Application of chain extenders in the production of polyester fibres from post-consumer poly(ethylene terephthalate) P4 Michael Wendlandt Gore Performance fibers P5 Michael Swaton-Höckels, Karin Peter, Martin Möller Hydrophilization of a nonpolar PP fiber surface by migration of a hydrophobic additive and its conversion to a hydrophilic one P6 Muharrem Düzdemir, Andreas Walther Catechol-based adhesive systems P7 Hyun Ah Kim, Seung Jin Kim Wearing comfort of bio-fibre PTT included air vortex yarns and their knitted fabrics for emotional garment P8 Thomas Grethe, Anna Krause, Mirja Lutz, Boris Mahltig Plant based products for hydrophobization of natural fibers P9 Ude D. Hangen, Igor Zlotnikov Characterizing moisture-dependent mechanical properties of organic materials: Humidity controlled static and dynamic nanoindentation of hair P10 Jan Broda, Joanna Grzybowska-Pietras, Monika Rom, Stanislawa Przybylo, Ryszard Laszczak Biodegradable and innovative geotextiles from textile wastes for designed for erosion control P11 Frederik Goethals, Myriam Vanneste, Gunnar Van Daele, Mohamed Yousfi, Marie-france Lacrampe, Philippe Pineau Sustainable solutions for automotive by means of completely biobased composites with good acoustic and flame retardant properties P12 Nandan Khokar, Mikeal Skrifvars Customized flax 3D fabric reinforced biocomposites P13 Thomas Bahners, Jörg Müssig, Milan Kelch, Jochen S. Gutmann Improvement of fiber-matrix adhesion and damping in cellulose/polyolefin composite materials by means of photochemical fiber surface modification P14 Daniel Bünger, Klas-Moritz Kossel, Thomas Gries, Stefan Jockenhoevel New compounding technology for the production of nanocomposite fibres P15 Torsten Textor, Rainer Benken, Jochen S. Gutmann Permanent anchorage of silk proteins on textile materials P16 Jana Pichová Air permeability of calendered mixtured woolen weaves P17 N. S. El-Hawary, N. S. El-Sheemy, and H. El-Sayed Biochemical modification of polyester fabrics for enhanced dyeability P18 K. Haggag, N. S. Elshemy, S. M. Shahien, H. El-Sayed Microwave-enhanced dyeability of polyester fabrics pre-treated with lipase enzymes P19 Katharina Kiehl, Klaus Opwis, Jochen S. Gutmann Felt surface as a carrier material for Immobilization of bio-catalytic peroxidases P20 Huijing Zhao, Yi Zhang Study of three-layered hybrid small diameter vascular prostheses P21 Frank Schmitt, Melanie Hoerr, Christine Neusser, Thomas Gries, Stefan Jockenhoevel Monitoring of wounds using textile sensors P22 Karin Rundqvist, Niina Hernández, Felicia Syrén, Anja Lund, Vincent Nierstrasz Textile sensor for human motion detection in healthcare applications P23 Johannes Wendler, Dilibaier Aibibu, Andreas Nocke, Chokri Cherif Networks of textile sensors for monitoring application P24 Veit Houben, Karin Peter, Martin Möller Soil-Release-Coatings with switchable wetting for non-washable textiles P25 Ashraf Abou-Okeil, Ahmed Amr, A. El-Shafei Hyaluronic acid / Cu nanoparticles as antibacterial finishing agent for cotton fabrics P26 Elisabeth Heine, Helmut Keul, Jens Köhler Antimicrobial azetidinium-functionalized polymers P27 Ayse Merih Sariisik, Gizem Ceylan Türkoglu, Gülsah Ekin Kartal, Emre Erden Establishing optimum method for ?-cyclodextrin complex to acquire antibacterial textiles P28 Thomas Grethe, Charlotte Vorneweg, Johanna Riedel, Hajo Haase, Boris Mahltig Sustainable antibacterial finishing of natural fiber materials P29 Lisa Koch, Markus Oberthür, Jochen S. Gutmann Antimikrobielle und antiadhäsive Ausrüstungen von Textilien P30 Behiye Elif Samli, Zümrüt Bahadir Ünal Pathogens in textile products P31 Ayse Merih SARIISIK, Gülsah Ekin Kartal, Gizem Ceylan Türkoglu, Beste Soysal, Melis Erdogan, Salih Okur, Aysenur Duru Development of washing durable moth repellent textile via inclusion complex including camphor P32 Tomasz Blachowicz, Andrea Ehrmann, Hafed Zghidi, Krzysztof Domino Optical determination of hemp fiber structures by statistical methods P33 Cheng Huang, Shuai Li, Buqing Zheng, Xuhong Yang Study on characteristics of keratin / PVA blend nanofibers P34 Xueqin Kuang, Luyan Yang , Hai Zhong, Jianping Yang, Chongwen Yu Study on length distribution of Ramie fibers P35 Doaa H. Elgohary, Mona M. Salem, Tamer F. Khalifa, PM. A. Saad, Ehab Haider Sherazy, Ayman A. Mostafa Comparative study between twisted and un-twisted silk sutures performance P36 Franz J. Lanyi, Peter Kunzelmann, Dirk W. Schubert Novel chart for representation of material performance and reliability P37 Torsten Textor, Jochen S. Gutmann Improving and understanding abrasion resistance of textile materials P38 Maria Sparing, Mahmud Hossain, Anne Berger, Dietmar Berger, Anwar Abdkader, Günter Fuchs, Chokri Cherif, Ludwig Schultz Static and dynamic behavior of a superconducting magnetic bearing as high performance twisting element in the spinning process P39 Renate Fourné, Magnus Kruse, Musa Akdere, Thomas Gries, Stefan Jockenhövel Development of a wet-spinning bicomponent spinning line P40 Franz J. Lanyi, Stefan Schrüfer, Dirk W. Schubert Mapping, modelling and characterizing multifilament melt-spinning processes in dependence of variable process parameters and the number of dies P41 S. Mowafi, A. Abou El-Kheir, L. K. El-Gabry, H. El-Sayed Ionic liquids and their application in textile wet processing P42 Magdi ElMessiry, Affaf Aloufy, Asmaa Mahmoud Optimizing electrospinning parameters for fabrication of nano fibrous filters P43 Buqing Zheng, Cheng Huang, Xuhong Yang Preparation of electrospun meta-aramid/polyacrylonitrile blend nanofibers P44 Gisa Wortberg, Andreas De Palmenaer Low cost carbon fibres from polyethylene P45 Philipp Abel, Daria Bietenbeck, Jens Lotte, Thomas Gries Reinforced bonding of composites P46 Florian Eggert, D. Kaltbeitzel, M. Pishnamaz, C. Hopmann, H.-C. Pape, T. Gries, S. Jockenhövel Braided fiber composite structure for biomimetic anterior cruciate ligament replacement P47 Benjamin Weise, Jens Mroszczok, Sascha Schriever, Tobias Rudolph, Andreas Walther, Dietmar Auhl, Gunnar Seide, Thomas Gries Wet-spinning of 2d-composite fibres with polyvinyl alcohol: current status and prospective applications P48 Christian Möbitz, Achim Schröter, Marko Wischnowski, Yves-Simon Gloy, Thomas Gries Increase of energy efficiency in the textile industry P49 Klaus Vonberg, Pavan Manvi Development of self-reinforced PLA - Process chain from meltspinning to consolidation and production of composites P50 Viktor Reimer, Katharina Bethlehem-Eichler Braided frp crash structures - results P51 Annette Mark, Dr. Boris Bauer, Götz T. Gresser Quantification of hierarchic multimodal pore structures in textiles by the example of knitted fabric structures P52 Lena Müller, Benjamin Lehmann, Götz T. Gresser Innendruckbeschichtete Sandwichstrukturen P53 Heike Herfert, Tassilo Moritz, Anne Günther, Marcel Hofmann CerMeTex - Innovative porous and dense metal fiber-ceramic composites for improved and multi-functional component properties on the basis of metal fiber and metal filament structures P54 Moniruddoza Ashir, Andreas Nocke, Chokri Cherif Actuatory function of adaptive fiber reinforced plastics P55 Georg Bardl, Andreas Nocke, Chokri Cherif Yarn orientation measurement in 3D draped fabrics with eddy current testing and Fourier analysis P56 Quentin Bollengier, Jan Fleischmann, Wolfgang Trümper, Chokri Cherif Biaxial reinforced composite tubes for aircraft application and pipe rehabilitation P57 Marcel Hofmann, Ralf Lungwitz Obtaining and characterization of defined pore structures in nonwovens by applying dispersions with particles of different size and shape P58 Ronny Brünler, Dilibaier Aibibu, Chokri Cherif Modelling of structural and porosity properties of net-shape-nonwoven implants P59 Lars Hahn, Steffen Rittner, Chokri Cherif Development of an online-coating and drying technology for multiaxial grid structures made of Heavy Tow with improved structural mechanical potential and high quality P60 Matthias Hübner, Elias Staiger, Kristin Küchler, Thomas Gereke, Wolfgang Trümper, Martin Kirsten, Rolf-Dieter Hund, Chokri Cherif Simulation-based design of patches for an innovative repair method of carbon fiber reinforced plastics P61 Iris Kruppke, Matthias Bartusch, Rolf-Dieter Hund, Chokri Cherif Evaluation of coating material for carbon concrete composites P62 Elias Staiger, Olaf Diestel, Chokri Cherif, Sven Bräunling, André Hardtmann CFK-sheet metal hybrid composites P63 A.M. Sarry El Din, Rania Farouk El-Newashy Relationship between measurement body size and fabric specification P64 R.M. Nofal Wear properties of three different walk-off mats and their beneficial properties P65 Roman Knizek, Denisa Karhankova Creation of product cards for membrane clothing producers P66 Michael Ernst, Dorothee Güntzel, Christine Steinem, Mirja Lutz, Bettina Karmann, Maike Schlütter, Birgit Mussmann, Silke Jug, Sabine Rose, Dieter Bos Development of an innovative digital printing unit for digitising the complete process chain in clothing manufacturing using the example of natural fibres P67 H. El-Sayed, L. El-Gabry, H. S. Ibrahim, A. A. El-Sayed, E. M. Abou Taleb, N. M. Saleh, M. Salama, A. Abou El-Kheir, S. Mowafi, and M. Abou Taleb Treatment of selected man-made fabrics with biopolymers and their utilization in removal of copper II cations from industrial waste water P68 Christine Neußer, Felix Hesselmann, Suzana Djeljadini, Christian Cornelissen, Thomas Gries, Stefan Jockenhövel EndOxy - Textile-based membranes for oxygenation P69 Barbara Dittrich, Burkhard Ohs, Matthias Wessling, Martin Möller Siloxane membranes for gas separation P70 H. Horter, P. Hofmann, S. Loy, B. Schmitz, G. Schroth Luminous protective clothing P71 Mehmet Karahan, Nevin Karahan Energy absorption capabilities of aramid and uhmwpe composites under ballistic impact P72 Abdel Aziz Sharrouf, Abdelrahim Elhammadi, Mona Salem Some solutions and performance of bullet proof vest P73 Boris Mahltig, Karoline Günther, Antonia Askani et al. Clothing examples from organic/inorganic composite-fibers with X-ray shielding properties P74 Veerakumar Arumugam, Rajesh Mishra, Jiri Militky Thermo-acoustic behavious of 3D knitted spacer fabrics P75 Stephanie Pfeifer, Pinar Demirci, Rüya Duran, Bernd Clauß, Michael R. Buchmeiser Synthesis of zirconia toughened alumina fibers for high performance materials P76 Heike Oschatz, Andreas Neudeck, Frank Thurner, Hartmut Vorwieger, Uwe Möhring Development of save conductive textiles with high ampacity and immanent safety fuse effect P77 Fikret Terzioglu, Dieter Keil, Esther Rohleder, Maike Rabe, Christian Schmitz, Thomas Brömme, Bernd Strehmel Coatings for textile applications by Near Infrared (NIR)-initiated photopolymerization P78 Wolfgang Scheibner, Heike Oschatz, Monika Weiser, Ferry Siegl, Uwe Möhring Finishing of textile components for micro-systems technology P79 Johannes Fiedler, Andrea Ehrmann Influence of surface micro- and macro-structure on measured and real contact angles P80 Daniel Weise, G. Hoffmann, Ch. Cherif, N. Fleischmann, N. Langhof, W. Krenkel Magnetic fiber orientation of short fibers for C/C-SiC ceramic composites P81 Andreas Herrmann, Johannes Fiedler, Andrea Ehrmann, Thomas Grethe, Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer Strides towards textile based dye sensitized solar cells P82 Desiree Jakobs-Schönwandt, Anke Rattenholl, Anant Patel, Andrea Ehrmann Influence of autoclaving on laser- and sol-gel-treated superhydrophobic woven fabrics P83 Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer, Marina Normann, Andrea Ehrmann Development of fiber-based capacitors P84 Dennis Go, Martin Opitz, Philipp Lott, Jochen Stollenwerk, Bernhard Roling, Helga Thomas, Alexander J.C. Kühne Hierarchical build up supercapacitors made of porous carbon fibers P85 Reinold Schneider, Sabine Frick, Heike Brühl, Michael R. Buchmeiser Electroluminescent textiles made by digital printing P86 Jeroen Stryckers, Viktorija Mecnika, Glen Vandevenne, Inge Verboven, Wim Deferme Printing smart designs of electroluminescent devices with enhanced textile properties P87 Carsten Graßmann, Evelyn Lempa, Elisabeth Wistuba, Maike Espendiller, Vanessa Tschöpel, Maike Rabe Color tuning of textile electroluminescent devices P88 Vincent Nierstrasz, Junchun Yu, Sina Seipel Towards more flexible, sustainable and energy-efficient textile functionalization processes: Digital inkjet in functional and smart textile production P89 Junchun Yu, Sina Seipel, Vincent A. Nierstrasz Inkjet printing of waterborne hydrophobic ink for functionalization of textile P90 Razieh Hasemi Sanatgar, Christine Campagne, Vincent Nierstrasz Adhesion of polymers on textile fabrics using 3D print technology with fused deposition modelling technique P91 Veronica Malm, Pernilla Walkenström, Vincent Nierstrasz Flexible and durable highly conductive coatings for smart textile applications P92 Michaela Klöcker, Susanne Aumann, Manel Ellouz, Andrea Ehrmann, Anne SchwarzPfeiffer Effect of textile pre-treatments on electronics-textile glued connections P93 Boris Mahltig, Miriam Wendt, Linfei Wu, Jieyang Zhang, Hajo Haase Multifunctional textiles realized by effect pigment containing coating application P94 Thomas Bahners, Jochen S. Gutmann UV-light assisted metallization of fibers and fabrics P95 Sina Seipel, Junchun Yu, Vincent A. Nierstrasz Sustainable production of a UV-sensing smart textile P96 Edith Claßen, Ferry Siegl Physiological investigation of heatable textile P97 Sükran Kara, Sevil Yesilpinar, Dogukan Yildiz A survey research and concept design of an electronically equipped sailing cap P98 Christian Goetz, Marcel Hofmann, Dirk Hanuschik, Jens-Christian Winkler, Ralf Taubner Alternatives to the antistatic finishing of textile floor coverings P99 Eman M. El-Khatib, N.F.Ali, and H.M. Helmy Environmentally friendly dyeing of wool fibers by natural dye using microwave heating P100 Amira Abou El-Kheir, Karima Haggag, Salwa Mowafi and Hosam El-Sayed Simultaneous degumming and dyeing of bombyx mori silk P101 N.F. Ali, E.M. El-khatib. R.S.R. El- Mohamedy Dyeing wool fibers with colorant pigment from green algae P102 David Schmelzeisen, Volker Lutz, Natalja Sagadacni, Edith Classen, Volker Niebel High quality of weld seams by variation of the seam geometry P103 Magdi El Messiry, Nermin Fadel Modification of the jute fabrics for light weight cementitous composites (TRC) P104 Richard Riedlinger, Christoph Bach, Viktoria Schrank, Yves-Simon Gloy, Thomas Gries Tribology Test Bench for Circular Knitting Machines 2016 YILI ETKİNLİK BİLGİLENDİRMESİ: 2007 yılından bu yana Aachen ve Dresden’in ortaklaşa düzenlediği Aachen-Dresden Uluslararası Konferansı, 2016 yılından itibaren Alman Tekstil ve Lif Araştırma Enstitüsü (German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research, Denkendorf (DITF))’nın da katılımıyla Aachen, Dresden ve Denkendorf işbirliği ile organize edilecektir. Şekil 5. Etkinliğin yeni logosu Yeni yapı şu şekilde olacaktır; - Sonbaharda Uluslararası Tekstil Konferansı düzenlenmesi, - Bahar aylarında konferans temasına paralel konularda bir Alman Tekstil Semineri’nin (German Textile Colloquium) düzenlenmesi, - Etkinliklerin ortak olan üç şehirde dönüşümlü olarak gerçekleştirilmesi. Yeni konsepte dair ilk etkinlik olan Alman Tekstil Semineri 2016 bahar aylarında Denkendorf’ta düzenlenecektir. Sonrasında 24-25 Kasım 2016’da Aachen-DresdenDenkendorf Uluslarası Tekstil Konferansı Dresden’de gerçekleştirilecek ve ortak ülkeler Avusturya ve İsviçre olacaktır. Konferansın konuları aşağıdaki başlıklarda toplanacaktır. - Lif Takviyeli Kompozit Materyaller - Koruyucu ve Fonksiyonel Tekstiller - Megatrendler - Polimer materyaller ve Lif Kompozit Materyallerin Tekstil Yapıları İçin İşlevselliği, Güvenlik Tekstilleri ve Megatrendler - Transfer Etkinliği “Fikirden Uygulamaya” 2016 yılı son başvuru ve son teslim süreleri şu şekildedir; 31.08.2016 – Poster Gönderilerinin Son Kayıt Günü 01.10.2016 – Özet Kitabı İçin Reklam Gönderilerinin Son Günü 31.10.2016 – Fuar Standı için Son Kayıt Tarihi 31.10.2016 – Erken Katılım Son Kayıt Tarihi Etkinliklerin 2017 için ev sahipleri; Alman Tekstil Semineri için Aachen, Uluslararası Tekstil Konferansı için Stuttgart/Denkendorf olacaktır. ..