to your November 2013 Newsletter
to your November 2013 Newsletter
“Striving Toward Riding Improvement and Dressage Education” STRIDE is the Ocala, FL, Group Membership Organization (GMO) of the US Dressage Federation (USDF) November 2013 Newsletter President Hellena Smejda 352-351-9262 [email protected] Immediate Past President Vickie Rollack 352-425-4000 [email protected] Vice President Irene Gentile 352-245-2730 [email protected] Recording Secretary Margaret Mayer 630-220-1521 [email protected] Treasurer Karen Kim, 352-591-0578 [email protected] Membership Secretary Charlotte Trentelman 352-629-6729 [email protected] Member-At-Large Barbara Brown, 352-427-7345 [email protected] Show Secretary Sandra Trussell, 407-491-5690 [email protected] Advertising Staci Sperandeo [email protected] Volunteer Coordinator Irene Gentile, 352-245-2730 [email protected] Webmaster Maurice Grafe, 352-236-5848 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Lisa Walsh, 352-812-1262 [email protected] Newsletter is published on Facebook Administrator Loretta Lucas (352) 854-7803 [email protected] MARK YOUR CALENDAR 11/9-10: Sat/Sun, STRIDE Biennial Driving Clinic, CraneWood South Farm, NW 117th Street and Highway 441, Ocala. Instructors are Olof Larrson and Audrey Hartnett. All slots are filled but auditors are welcome. Pleasure turnout lecture and bonfire Sat night. Contact Margaret Mayer, [email protected], Tel: (630) 220-1521. 11/20: Wed, 6:30pm, Ruby Tuesday, Membership Meeting. Topic: What should STRIDE do in 2014? Come meet other STRIDE members, have dinner, add your ideas, suggestions. 12/18: Wed evening. 2014 Officers Election & Membership Meeting, Topic: Holiday cheer. Location TBA 1/11/14: Annual Awards & Volunteer Appreciation Banquet, Ocala Golf Club on East Silver Springs Blvd. SEND IN YOUR PHOTOS FOR BANQUET SLIDESHOW You’ve worked hard all year. You have photos with your trusty steed, doing what you love. Share the love with your STRIDE peeps at the Year End Award banquet. You know we’d love to see them! Send your favorite photos to Hellena at [email protected]. Please use a .jpg format with good resolution. Also, see page 9 below for special offer of 3 free images from Palmer Photos, our show photographer. WANTED: BANQUET DOOR PRIZES STRIDE hosts an annual banquet to celebrate member accomplishments, recognize volunteers, enjoy the company of friends and spread some holiday cheer. Many STRIDE members donate door prizes to this cause, out of generosity and because they care about STRIDE and its members. Past door prizes have included blingy whips, riding/driving lessons, beauty salon appointments, etc. Consider donating a door prize yourself, or asking a favorite store or supplier to do so. Contact Barbara Brown at [email protected] . Page | 1 WANTED (AND NEEDED !) NEW EDITOR AND NEW AD MANAGER After several years of volunteer service, both Lisa Walsh and Staci Sperandeo are resigning at the end of 2013 as editor and ad manager, respectively. We publish 11 issues (none in July). The newsletter chronicles our activities and informs members of upcoming events. Compensation: Satisfaction and free annual membership. Interested in either position? Contact Hellena at [email protected]. Maxene Renner at our September show Dibbie Dunnam (scorer par excellence) and Charlotte Trentelman ( “Witchy” judge) with friend at Oct Halloween show See October show results on page 4 Never too young– Olivia – Katie Walker’s daughter Firewoman at October Halloween costume class Katie Walker (“Mom”) on Bonnie at September show Page | 2 2014 STRIDE Schooling Shows First Sundays in March, April, May & last Sundays in Sept, October STRIDE shows are fun, low-key, family- and budget-friendly events for amateurs, juniors and pros. The Florida Horse Park is beautiful. We have great judges. Best of all: Great competitors. Shown are Lonni and Scott Bechen, with Admiral Buckee (TB) in September. CALL FOR GOLDEN OATS ESSAY ABOUT THAT SPECIAL HORSE IN YOUR LIFE STRIDE member Joyce Boggs founded the Golden Oats Award several years ago to honor the special horses in our lives. Entrants submit an essay of no more than 500 words (plus jpg photo if you like)about a horse in their lives that held, or holds great significance for them. Entries are due by Dec 15 to Editor Lisa Walsh, [email protected], or mail to: LisaWalsh, 11450 SE 53rd Court, Belleview, FL 34420. All essays will be published in the newsletter. The winning essay will be selected by the STRIDE Board of Directors, and the $50 prize presented at the Jan 11 banquet. VOLUNTEERED AT OUR SHOWS THIS YEAR? YOU COULD WIN A FREE 2014 SHOW SEASON STRIDE members or family MEMBERS who volunteered at STRIDE shows this year will be entered into a drawing for a free show season next year (one entry for each show volunteered). Not all volunteers may know that they should have signed into the official "Angel" record book in the show office. Here are the names we have on record. If you were at a show and volunteered and we do not have your name or dates, please send an email to [email protected]. Page | 3 RESULTS OF STRIDE SCHOOLING SHOW V - OCTOBER 27, 2013 Novice Horse - Intro A Walk-Trot (Open) (C) Trentelman, S 1 Tricia Estes Ruby 70.938% 2 Heather Stalker Dragon's Lair Crusader 69.688% 3 Colleen Cohill Hotshot 68.438% 4 Mimi Leggett Reynolds Aluminum 64.688% 5 Mary Beth Gokee Calamity Jane 63.750% Novice Horse - Intro B Walk-Trot (Open) (C) Swan, L 1 Colleen Cohill Hotshot 2 Kate Lenington Royal Double Trouble 3 Tricia Estes Ruby 4 Mimi Leggett Reynolds Aluminum 5 Mary Beth Gokee Calamity Jane 78.438% 72.188% 70.938% 68.750% 67.188% Novice Rider - Intro A Walk-Trot (Jr/Adult Amateur) (C) Swan, L 1 Hannah Nicole Kidd Hollywood 64.375% 2 Maggie Banas Buck 63.750% 3 Eva Alcorn Koklamoo 55.000% Novice Rider - Intro B Walk-Trot (Jr/Adult Amateur) (C) Swan, L 1 Maggie Banas Buck 65.625% 2 Hannah Nicole Kidd Hollywood 58.125% Introductory A (Open) (C) Swan, L 1 Brette Twardosky Silver Brooke 52.500% Introductory B (Open) (C) Swan, L 1 Lila Stewart Skippy Jon Jones (P) 2 Brette Twardosky Silver Brooke 65.625% 55.000% Introductory C Walk-Trot-Canter (Open) (C) Swan, L 1 Lila Stewart Skippy Jon Jones (P) 68.250% Training Level Test 1 (Jr/Adult Amateur) (C) Swan, L 1 Lonni Bechen Admiral Buckee 2 Heather Gram Woodrow G.S. 3 Maxene Renner Ballinvella's Black & Tan 4 Heather Stalker Dragon's Lair Crusader 66.042% 65.417% 61.875% 61.667% Training Level Test 2 (Jr/Adult Amateur) (C) Trentelman, S 1 Valerie Whitaker Jigsaw 65.000% 2 Mary Barber M.D. True Romance (Tiki) 61.429% Training Level Test 3 (Jr/Adult Amateur) (C) Trentelman, S 1 Heather Stalker RR Rockstarr 69.800% 2 Lonni Bechen Admiral Buckee 69.600% 3 Mary Barber M.D. True Romance (Tiki) 64.200% 4 Rebecca Larkin Elation 63.800% 5 Maxene Renner Ballinvella's Black & Tan 60.800% Training Level Test 1 (Open) (C) Trentelman, S 1 Katie Walker Bonnie 2 Blaire Martindale Eclipse LPR 68.125% 62.917% Training Level Test 2 (Open) (C) Trentelman, S 1 Katie Walker Bonnie 2 Blaire Martindale Eclipse LPR 3 Jacquelyn Finlayson BB 69.643% 65.714% 65.179% Training Level Test 3 (Open) (C) Trentelman, S 1 Tanya Eyles Landcruz 2 Katie Walker Bonnie 3 Jacquelyn Finlayson BB 70.000% 65.600% 65.000% First Level Test 1 (Open)(C) Trentelman, S 1 Sarah Simmons Rondine 2 Karen Wohrley Topaz 66.724% 53.793% First Level Test 3 (Open) (C) Trentelman, S 1 Heather Stalker RR Rockstarr 2 Kerryann Schade She's A Lady 3 Jenifer Robinson Samee 70.323% 66.290% 57.742% USEF Second Level Test of Choice (Open) (C) Trentelman, S 1 Laurel Grasser Carisbrookes El Dante 63.000% 2 Carlos Mancero Boleros 61.429% USEF Second Level Test of Choice (Adult Amateur) (C) Trentelman, S 1 Loretta Lucas Fariseo 2 Loretta Lucas Fariseo 3 Jenifer Robinson Samee 4 Erica Ruygrok Semi Cruising 68.333% 66.053% 62.857% 61.857% USEF Third Level Test of Choice (Open) (C) Trentelman, S 1 Cathy Barnes Fairhope Pearl 60.256% 2 Cathy Barnes Fairhope Pearl 56.707% USEF Third Level Test of Choice (Adult Amateur)(C) Trentelman, S 1 Kim Long Micah 65.526% 2 Kim Long Micah 59.878% 3 Lucretia Van Vorst Fox News 57.763% USEF Fourth Level Test of Choice (Open) (C) Trentelman, S 1 Peter Gray Pericles 68.500% 2 Nora Batchelder Alcacer Interagro 63.857% 3 Cathy Thomas Mel 62.973% 4 Nora Batchelder Alcacer Interagro 62.973% 5 Birgit Ostergaard Lido 62.286% 6 Cathy Thomas Mel 62.143% Tanya Eyles Bravo 60.571% FEI Level Test of Choice Open (C) Trentelman, S 1 Abbey Farmer Ukeegan 2 Rebecca Larkin Dominic 3 Mary Barber M.D. LJR On the Wild Side 62.237% 61.974% 55.395% FEI Level Paraequestrian Test of Choice (C) Trentelman, S 1 Annie Floramo Red Desert Grit 63.235% 2 Annie Floramo Red Desert Grit 61.190% FEI Level Test of Choice Open - Young Horse(C) Trentelman, S 1 Gunnar Ostergaard Donzetti 71.800% DD Training Level 1 (Horses/Ponies/VSEs) (C) Swan, L 1 Smokey Brooks Spring Rain (VSE) 2 Albert Cotton Just Rusty (VSE) 73.158% 68.947% DD Training Level 2 (Horse/Pony/VSE) (C) Swan, L 1 Albert Cotton Just Rusty (VSE) 1 Smokey Brooks Spring Rain (VSE) 2 Gerry Auermann Whispering Marquise (H) 3 Gerry Auermann Hidaway Hill Highlander (H) 4 Sis Rose Ozzie (VSE) 72.500% 72.500% 68.500% 62.000% 50.500% DD Training Level 3 (Horses/Ponies/VSEs)(C) Swan, L 1 Shirlee Callahan Peppy (VSE) 59.091% DD Training Level 3 (Horses/Ponies/VSEs)(C) Swan, L 1 Lori Garcia (Dvr) Gold Samurai 63.182% DD Preliminary 1 (Horses/Ponies/VSEs)(C) Swan, L 1 Barbara Brown Eynstyne (P) 65.238% DD Preliminary 3 (Horses/Ponies/VSEs) (C) Swan, L 1 Barbara Brown Eynstyne (P) 63.333% DD Preliminary 4 (Horses/Ponies/VSEs)(C) Swan, L 1 Ellen Epstein Kramer (Hrs) 79.524% Driven Dressage Test of Choice (Horses/Ponies/VSEs)(C) Swan, L 1 Ellen Epstein Kramer (Hrs) 81.250% 2 Laura Perla Nickels N' Dimes (P) 65.833% 3 Lyn Brooks Jazz (P) 59.130% Western Dressage Intro Level Test of Choice (Open)(C) Swan, L 1 Jan Garvin Peponitas Shot Gun 70.000% 2 Karen Cunningham Moody Sunrise 62.857% 3 Dawn Doerr Duke 59.643% 4 Karen Cunningham Moody Sunrise 59.583% 5 Laura Meadows Minnie 47.586% Western Dressage Intro Level Test of Choice (Open) - Part II (C) Swan, L 1 Lorie Garcia (Dvr) Perceval 71.786% 2 Carolyn Fugit Klonesome Dove 53.448% Western Dressage Basic Level Test of Choice (Open) (C) Swan, L 1 Mimi Leggett Ram 2 Mimi Leggett Ram 3 Glen Garnas Snoops Enforcer 4 Laura Meadows Teena 67.941% 67.500% 66.471% 51.212% Driven Cones W/T- 40 cm (Horse) 1 Gerry Auermann Whispering Marquise (H) 75.000% 2 Gerry Auermann Hidaway Hill Highlander (H) 70.000% Driven Cones W/T-40 cm (P,VSE) 1 Tim Callahan Chevy (VSE) 2 Smokey Brooks Spring Rain (VSE) 3 Barbara Brown Eynstyne (P) 75.000% 70.000% 67.000% Driven Cones W-T-C-30 cm 1 Ellen Epstein Kramer (Hrs) 2 Lyn Brooks Jazz (P) 75.000% 70.000% Page | 4 USEF Rider Test of Choice (Open) (C) Trentelman, S 1 Hellena Smejda Lectric 71.500% Trail - Ridden 1 Jan Garvin Peponitas Shot Gun 2 Katie Walker Bonnie 3 Karen Cunningham Moody Sunrise 75.000% 70.000% 67.000% Trail - Driven 1 Barbara Brown 2 Gerry Auermann 3 Tim Callahan 4 Shirlee Callahan 5 Gerry Auermann 75.000% 70.000% 67.000% 64.000% 61.000% Eynstyne (P) Hidaway Hill Highlander (H) Chevy (VSE) Peppy (VSE) Whispering Marquise (H) Dressage by the Letters – Ridden W/T 1 Colleen Cohill Hotshot 2 Maggie Banas Buck 75.000% 70.000% Dressage by the Letters – Ridden W/T/C 1 Katie Walker Bonnie 75.000% Dressage by the Letters - Driven 1 Sis Rose Ozzie (VSE) 75.000% Costume Class – Lead Line 1 Sis Rose Luke (VSE) 1 Sis Rose General Nuisance (M) 1 Sis Rose Ozzie (VSE) Costume Class – Driven 1 Barbara Brown Eynstyne (P) Costume Class - Ridden 1 Emily Alcorn 1 Colleen Cohill 1 Eva Alcorn O'Polliana Hotshot Koklamoo FOURTH LEVEL - Jr/AA/Open Champion: Pericles, Peter Gray, 68.500% Reserve: Alcacer Interagro, Nora Batchelder, Abbey Farmer, 62.973% Reserve: Mel, Cathy Thomas, 62.973% WESTERN DRESSAGE - Jr/AA/Open Champion: Perceval, Lorie Garcia, 71.786% Reserve: Peponitas Shot Gun, Jan Garvin, 70.000% DRIVEN DRESSAGE (Awarded to 1st & 2nd highest scores at a level, when there are at least 3 competitors) TRAINING LEVEL - Horses, Ponies & VSEs Champion: Spring Rain, Smokey Brooks, 73.158% Reserve: Just Rusty, Albert Cotton, 72.500% PRELIMINARY - Horses/Ponies/VSEs Champion: Kramer, Ellen Epstein, 79.524% Reserve: Eynstyne, Barbara Brown, 65.238% INTERMEDIATE - Horses/Ponies/VSEs Champion: Kramer, Ellen Epstein, 81.250% Reserve: Nickels N'Dimes, Laura Perla, Jack Martin, 65.833% DO YOU RIDE OR DRIVE A PAINT? STRIDE SHOWS NOW QUALIFIED FOR PAC POINTS SHOW DAY CHAMPIONSHIPS Horse, Rider, Owner (if different than rider), Score HIGH SCORE OF SHOW Rider: Hotshot, Colleen Cohill, 78.438% Driver: Kramer, Ellen Epstein, 81.250% RIDDEN DRESSAGE (Awarded to 1st & 2nd highest scores at a level, when there are at least 3 competitors) NOVICE HORSE - Jr/AA/Open Champion: Hotshot, Colleen Cohill, 78.438% Reserve: Royal Double Trouble, Kate Lenington, 72.188% INTRODUCTORY LEVEL - Jr/AA/Open Champion: Skippy Jon Jones, Lila Stewart, 68.250% Reserve: Silver Brooke, Brette Twardosky, 55.000% TRAINING LEVEL Jr/AA Champion: RR Rockstarr, Heather Stalker, 69.800% Reserve: Admiral Buckee, Lonni Bechen, 69.600% Open Champion: Landcruz, Tanya Eyles, 70.000% Reserve: Bonnie, Katie Walker, Deborah M. Folsom, 69.643% FIRST LEVEL - Jr/AA/Open Champion: RR Rockstarr, Heather Stalker, 70.323% Reserve: Rondine, Sarah Simmons, Alle Broadwell, 66.724% SECOND LEVEL - Jr/AA/Open Champion: Fariseo, Loretta Lucas, 68.333% Reserve: Sammee, Jenifer Robinson, 62.857% Thanks to new STRIDE member Jan Garvin who filled out the paperwork for us, you can now collect points for the American Paint Horse Association’s Paint Alternative Competition (PAC) program. When you place in the event, see the show secretary and present them with your official exhibitor report form. Ask the official to inspect your horse's registration papers to verify your participation on a registered American Paint Horse. Next, ask the official to sign the report form, which tells APHA how you finished in the event and how many horses were entered. Then, return the report form, along with a show bill or schedule, to APHA within 30 days of the event. You will also have 90 days to submit any corrections on or to this form. You will then receive APHA credits based upon your placing and the number of horses you competed against, using the same formula the association uses to award points to exhibitors at APHA-approved shows. (Point tabulation is outlined in the current Official APHA Rule Book.) For more information on PAC, email [email protected], call (817) 222-6444 or FAX (817) 222-8489. THIRD LEVEL - Jr/AA/Open Champion: Micah, Kim Long, 65.526% Reserve: Fairhope Pearl, Cathy Barnes, 60.256% Page | 5 Page | 6 HORSES FOR SALE / LEASE STRIDE ADVERTISING RULES and RATES WHERE ADS APPEAR: The STRIDE e-newsletter (digital version only) is published 11 times a year (no July) and website. Classified ads and display ads also appear on both STRIDE websites: (and for viewers with slower internet connections). AD DEADLINE: Payment and/or order must be received by 25th of preceding month. QUESTIONS: Ad Manager Staci Sperandeo, [email protected] CLASSIFIED AD RATES STRIDE members: First 50 words FREE. Additional words at 5 cents per word. Payment must accompany order for ads over 50 words. Non-members: 5 cents per word. Payment must accompany order. Renewals: Classified ads run for 2 months (see months listed in brackets at the end of your ad). To renew, notify us by email to [email protected] by the 25th of the preceding month (e.g., Jan 25 for Feb issue). DISPLAY AD RATES: Two sizes only Business card size (3.5" wide by 2" high): $10 per month or $100 prepaid for 11 issues (no July) Full page: $45 per month or pre-paid annual rate $450 prepaid Check must accompany order Complete ads must be submitted in electronic format to [email protected] SPONSOR ADS: Businesses that offer STRIDE members a 10% discount get a FREE business-card size ad. Ad must be submitted in electronic format, and contain the words "10% Discount for STRIDE Members.” MAIL CHECKS TO: STRIDE Ads, c/o Staci Sperandeo, PO Box 242, Ocklawaha, FL 32183 STRIDE CLASSIFIED ADS – NOVEMBER 2013 SERVICES Professional Body clipping, show braiding and grooming, farm and pet sitting. Excellent references, reasonable rates. Vickie Rollack (352) 425-4000 or [email protected]. [Oct/Nov] Saddle fitting, consultation, adjustments, flocking. Discount barn calls for 2 or more riders. Representing Albion, Duett, L&R Kent and Masters, Cardanel and more. [email protected] Kim 303-912-8703. Get ready for the season NOW! (/Oct/Nov) 11 year old Chestnut Arabian gelding 15.1 h showing PSG. Was USEF Region Horse of the Year at Fourth Level 2012. Very sweet. $29,000 contact Judy Oliver at 361-4138 or Mary Barber at [email protected]. [Oct/Nov] EQUIPMENT, APPAREL AND TACK FOR SALE Albion Original Comfort Dressage saddle, 18” seat, MN tree (7 ½ “between inside piping at D-rings), flap length 15”, just Re-Flocked, Excellent Condition. $1100. Barbara Eaton 352-816-2274 [Oct/Nov] A Barnsby & Sons dressage saddle. Made in England, 17 1/2" seat, medium wide tree. Two tone black & brown. Excellent condition. $500. Email or call for more info or pictures. Linda Evans 352-4863197 [email protected] [Oct/Nov] INSTRUCTION and TRAINING Quality Instruction available Classical or Western Dressage, Working Equitation, Trail ,General Horsemanship, Ground work. Humane effective methods, reasonably priced sessions, with USDF Bronze Medalist and lifetime versatile horse woman, discounts for Stride members. Vickie Rollack. 352-425-4000 [email protected] [Oct/Nov] Full or Part time training. Progressive, fun and lessons tailored for classical or competitive riders. All students will find improved timing, feel and balance from USDF Silver Kim Benson, single or group rates. My barn or yours, call about our bio mechanics clinics! Kim 303-912-8703 [email protected] (Oct.Nov) Gentle Horse Training by Lamoyn Thorkelson, starting colts nationwide for over 30 years. Instilling confidence and a foundation that helps the horse to learn! Discounts to Stride Members. Your Sporthorse specialist. Lamoyn Thorkelson [email protected] 303-746-7947 (Oct/Nov) BOARDING Wanted in S. Marion: Boarder willing to share farm chores and feeding. Includes private paddock, box stall, use of arena, and adjacent trails. Oak Hill Farm, Weirsdale. Near Grand Oaks, Lady Lake Equestrian, and the Villages, 20 mins to Florida Horse Park. $375/mth. Contact Lonni Bechen at [email protected] or 352-821-3459 [Oct/Nov] Designer board, stalls, turnout, pampering for your equine! Lovely footing, fun progressive lessons and training in Citra Area. [email protected] Kim 303-912-8703 (Oct/Nov) Page | 7 Visit STRIDE on facebook: Page | 8 DO YOU KNOW THESE FOLKS? This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done. FREE – PICK YOUR THREE BEST PHOTOS FOR Jan 11, 2014 BANQUET SLIDESHOW JMB Horse Training Premium training at an affordable price Jeff Broederdorf, Owner/Trainer Phone or text: (352) 443-1193 [email protected] State Road 40, Ocala 34482 STRIDE members get 10% discount Thanks to the generosity of STRIDE member and professional show photographer Sylvia Palmer, you may select three of your favorite show photos from her website and she’ll send us the files to use in our banquet slideshow. Here’s how: Select up to three photos from and email the file name + name and date of the show + the entire file name under each photo to [email protected]. Be sure to refer to this free offer to STRIDE. Plus, for only $10 each – a 66% discount on the regular cost – you can purchase a digital file of those photos with no copyright restrictions. Don’t miss this chance to buy your favorite images at a deep discount! Thank you to Sylvia. Page | 9 Official Ballot for 2014 STRIDE Officer Election Election will be held at General membership meeting on December 18th 2012. You may email your ballot to Hellena Smejda at [email protected], mail your ballot via USPS to arrive by then (address at bottom of page), bring it to the meeting, or send it to the meeting with another member. All non-emailed ballots must be signed and dated. From The STRIDE Bylaws: ELECTION OF OFFICERS 1. At the general membership meeting in the last quarter of the STRIDE membership year. The officers will be nominated in September and elected in December from the membership by the members and family members. They will be elected to serve the term of one year. Officers will be elected by a simple majority. Only members will be eligible to hold an elective office. 2. All active members will be entitled to one vote each. 3. Any and all voting will be at a general membership meeting. 4. Proxies may be given by any member to another member present and voting on a form approved by the Board of Directors. Said form must be signed and dated and received by the Secretary prior to or at the meeting at which it is to be exercised. Approved proxies must be recognized as the first order of business of the meeting. President will: Prepare the agenda and preside over all meetings of STRIDE and the Board of Directors. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees. Appoint heads of standing committees with the approval of the Board of Directors. Act as a representative of STRIDE. ___Loretta Lucas or Write-in________________________________________ Vice-President will: Assume the responsibilities of the Presidency in the absence of the President. Perform those duties assigned by the President. Serve as chairman of the show committee, which shall consist of the managers/co-managers of each show, and the newsletter editor. The Vice-President will appoint the managers and show secretaries for each show. All judges will be hired by the Vice-President, with consultation of the show committee. Validate scores for STRIDE year-end awards. ___Charlotte Trentelman or Write-in______________________________________________________ Secretary will: Attend to all correspondence and will read aloud communications at meetings of the Board of Directors, or optionally, at general meetings. Take minutes at each meeting of STRIDE and the minutes of the Board of Directors meetings will be read at the next general meeting. Notify all members of meeting date and locations, and will attend to other matters pertaining to meeting procedures, as directed by the President. Obtain help from the members for any individual or continuing job necessary in the administration of the business of STRIDE. ___Jeff Broederdorf or Write-in______________________________________________________ Treasurer will: Handle all funds received and paid out. Bank funds in a bank approved by the Board of Directors. Issue receipts for monies paid into STRIDE. Maintain a complete record of all business transactions and report on STRIDE's financial status at meetings. ___Karen Kim or Write-in_____________________________________________________ Membership Secretary will: Keep records of all STRIDE general membership information. Process new membership applications promptly. Submit membership roster and updates to USDF as required by USDF. ___Carol Rike or Write-in______________________________________________ Member-At-Large will: Participate as a member of the board of directors of STRIDE, representing the general membership. ___Audrey Hartnett or Write-in______________________________________________ THIS IS THE OFFICIAL BALLOT and OFFICIAL PROXY FORM: Bring it to the Dec.18th election meeting. You may also give your signed/dated proxy to another member to vote on your behalf at the general membership meeting on Dec 18. Or, you may email the form to Hellena Smejda at [email protected] or mail the signed/dated proxy to Hellena Smejda, 2121 NE 40th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34470, and she will present it at the meeting. Only current members may vote; membership year is Sept 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013. Print your name:_________________________________________________________________________________ Signature___________________________________________________________Date________________________ See Candidate Biographies on Next Page Page | 10 Know Your Candidates Loretta Lucas for President. Loretta has been a STRIDE member since 1995 and has watched the club grow from 50 members to almost 200! STRIDE has certainly come a distance, and she is proud to have been involved at many levels along the way. Loretta has held many offices (including President, Recording Sec. and Membership Sec.); helped develop the Omnibus (and refine it over the years); brought the Versatility classes to STRIDE shows; supported the addition of Driven Dressage and Western Dressage, and helped rewrite the Bylaws in 2005. Loretta is a competitor and volunteer both at STRIDE shows and at USEF/USDF Recognized competitions, and has organized many Camps and Clinics for our members. Loretta is familiar with STRIDE’s role as a USDF GMO, having represented STRIDE at two conventions, and will be doing so again this December. She currently administers the STRIDE Facebook page. specializing in farms, acreage and single-family homes. She and her husband Kyle own Sweetwater Farm in Northwest Ocala, a boarding facility catering to its Dressage stars and Carol's Andalusian gelding, Solianto. Karen Kim for Treasurer. Originally from Milwaukee, Karen moved to Ocala in 1998 from Houston to be close to her retired parents. Her small farm is in NW Ocala, where she has 4 senior citizen horses ranging in age from 23 to 29. She currently rides 24-year old Robin. In Texas, she belonged to the Houston Dressage Society, showed often in Central Texas, and has volunteered at the Houston shows. Since moving to Ocala, she has found more time to participate in Dressage clubs. As a member of Arredondo Dressage Society, she organized and volunteered at two clinics. Since joining STRIDE, she organized the riding clinic at Longwood in 2010, and has volunteered at many shows. Although now retired, her position when working for the past 10 years was in accounts receivable. This work included a lot of bookkeeping using computer software and excels spreadsheets, which are of benefit in the Treasurer’s position. Since assuming the Treasurer’s position in 2012, she has converted the Club’s financials to Quicken. Loretta considers herself data-driven but with a nod to the needs of STRIDE’s active members. Her goals are: 1. Provide more workshops/clinics/activities, drawing inactive members into the “fold”, while remembering that we are a Dressage-based club with diverse membership 2. Work toward a more competitor-friendly show atmosphere 3. Reach out to the future of our sport – the youth of this region 4. Work with other local Dressage venues and organizers to ensure a viable Ocala-based Dressage community Other projects for the year are to refine the Bylaws to reflect our growth, and to continue to clarify the Omnibus into a concise, clear document. Audrey Hartnett for Member At Large. Audrey has been training horses for combined driving and pleasure driving since 1995. She has competed in driving competitions from training through advanced level. She ran a training facility in Massachusetts for 12 years and is now a year-round resident near the Grand Oaks. Audrey teaches driving at all levels, advocating effectiveness and safety through knowledge. Charlotte Trentelman for Vice President. Charlotte has served previously as STRIDE's President, Vice President, and is currently the Membership Secretary. A rider and driver, she now judges nationally recognized Dressage shows and events through Grand Prix and Advanced levels, and competes in Combined Driving. She and husband Chris organized recognized Dressage shows for the first 10 years of the Florida Circuit. They own Rebel Ridge Farm, a teaching and training facility in Anthony. Their Corgi, Rita, is the organizer of the everpopular "Dog Days" schooling show, which benefits the Humane Society annually. Jeff Broederdorf for Recording Secretary – Jeff has been around horses all his life. Because of that, he cares about how STRIDE and its shows are run to provide the best experience and most enjoyment. He has been a trainer for over 15 years and as such is organized with his paperwork, the barn and in everything he does. It also means his communication skills are top notch while communicating to employers, vets, clients, etc. Anyone who has met Jeff knows that he has the “gift of gab” and can be a voice for STRIDE while representing the Board as the Recording Secretary. Hellena Smejda, Immediate Past President (not an elected position). Hellena has been President for two years, Treasurer for 2 years, and Membership Secretary and Ad Manager. An Ocalan since 2004 when she moved here from Chicagoland, Hellena has two Warmblood-cross horses: 20-year old Estrella that she drives, and 14-year old Lectric that she rides. Hellena is a software marketing consultant and also marketing manager for Equestrian Springs, a new horse community on NW 100th St. Carol Rike for Membership Secretary: Carol is passionate about people, horses and the sport of Dressage. She attended the first STRIDE meeting in 1988. She is a past President and Vice-President, serving six years on the Board of Directors of STRIDE. Carol has been involved in managing shows, judging, hosting clinics and meetings. She has been actively engaged in the real estate business in Marion County for over 30 years and the owner/ Broker of United Realty Corp of Ocala since 1985, 11
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