Bringing Learning and Faith to Life
Bringing Learning and Faith to Life
Bringing Learning and Faith to Life 52 Austin Street, Alphington 3078 Phone: 9489 7936 Fax: 9486 3753 Edition 19— 2 December 2015 Dear Parents and Guardians, Congratulations to the preps who celebrated their year at mass on Sunday. We also welcomed our preps of 2016. Thank you to Fiona Dearn and also Davina Hanlon and Gemma Macdonald our prep teachers who prepared the students so well. It was a wonderful morning with most of our current prep families present to welcome our new families for 2016. Thank you also to Tania Bennett our Religious Education Leader who supported our teachers as they prepared for this event. A special thank you to Mike Schoonderbeek, Faye Richards, Rowan Flanagan, Julie Buchanan for supporting the gathering after. Our prep orientation program for 2016 was a great success. The program ran for four weeks in November and was an opportunity for our new class of 2016 to familiarise themselves with the school, the teachers and each other. New parents were welcomed into our school community. Each child was informed of their class teacher, House team and Connect group last Friday. Congratulations to our Year 3-6 teachers who culminated four years of involvement in the Collaborative Literacy Learning Community (CLLC) with a presentation last Thursday at the Catholic Leadership Centre in front of other schools across Victoria. Each year we develop a focus question based on student data that would see improvement in the teaching of Literacy. Over the last two years our focus has been on Writing and our action research question was: How can we develop student writing so that both the reader and the writer is engaged? The team invited 6 students to represent their pre and post writing samples and to explain how they had been engaged in the Writers;’ Workshop strategy. The teachers presented their learning journey alongside the students. We were also a case study school for Deakin University’s report on Literacy in middle years classrooms and the report was both informative and affirming about what we are doing here at St Anthony’s in Literacy. Well done to staff: Vince McCafferty, Renee Ladner, Mary Galligan, Matt Lowe, Mark Walsh and Amy Kilpatrick, Fiona Dearn and students: Michael Adamopoulos, Felix Duane, Niamh Gorman, Samara Verze, Dylan Meneghetti and Oscar Straube. Last Friday you received notification of staffing for 2016. Please see below for a full list of leadership in 2016. Thank you to the staff for their dedication to the task of completing class lists. The classes are now complete; parents and students will receive class lists and reports on Friday 11 December. We support our transition process with a Step Up Day activity on Tuesday 15 December. The school will provide a pizza lunch for all students as acknowledgement of their success. They will receive 2 pieces of pizza for lunch (1.30pm). If they require more please pack for them. On Tuesday students from preps, 3/4 and 5/6 performed for our parishioners following their Anointing Mass. Thank you to Mr Gary Pearl and Ms Anna Cavedon for preparing students. This is an annual event where the school and parish come together to celebrate the beginning of Advent. Congratulations to the students of Metro Music who performed for parents and friends last week. The concert was a celebration of effort, improvement and enjoyment over the year. We look forward to our final Connect group for 2015 next Wednesday when Connect groups will eat lunch together and farewell their year 6 friends. Graduation for our year 6 families will take place on Monday 14th December at Holy Spirit Hall at 6.30. This is a wonderful formal opportunity for students to sit with their parents over dinner and remember their time at St Anthony’s. Invitations have gone out and payment is now due. Our whole school end of year mass will be celebrated on Tuesday 15th December at 6pm. This is a lovely celebration of our school year with an opportunity for our whole school community to come together to wish each other seasons greetings, farewell leaving families and wish our year 6 students farewell. We also announce the House Cup winner and 2016 school captains. We look forward to seeing you all there. On December 20th all parish families are invited to attend Christmas carols in the church at 4pm. All children are encouraged to participate in preparation for this Christmas event. Sonya Morrissey will be conducting practices on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes. Well done to 1/2H and 1/2NH for their entertaining and informative showcases last week. The showcases this semester have been exceptional; brilliantly providing our children the opportunity to share their talents and provide a snapshot of learning in their group. The Parish are hosting a Faith Development Session in the Holy Spirit Church foyer this evening from 7pm. Parishioner Jim Browne will talk about the challenge of being a catholic today. All are welcome to attend. Congratulations to our year 6 debating team which was able to retain the debating trophy for another year (three years running). On November 20 Lucy Fitzsimons, Michael Collier and Brigit Somerville convinced the judges that plastic should be banned. They competed against Clifton Hill Primary School who we hosted for the event. The championship is a project of Elaine Doyle who teaches our senior students debating skills throughout the year. Thank you once again to Elaine for her ongoing support of our senior students in this area. Please note that the last day of canteen will be Friday of next week, Friday 11 December. Semester two reports and class lists for 2016 will be sent home in a sealed envelope on Friday 11 December. This will be the final newsletter for the year. However a thank you, farewell and acknowledgement note will be sent out in week 11. Next week is our acknowledgment week for all parent helpers and volunteers within our school. Each class will have a gathering or send a card home to acknowledge those who have enhanced our activities. I also invite you to a Morning Tea on the 10th December at 9am. This is a impromptu gathering with little notice but if you are free please attend. Class Room Allocation 2016 PREP C Davina Christie Room 4 PREP M Gemma Macdonald Room 8 1/2 Mc Kirsti McInnes Room 7 1/2 NH Nick Haddon Room 6 1/2 H Rosa Hamlett Room 5 3/4 W Mark Walsh Room 9 3/4 K Amy Kilpatrick Room 10 3/4 G Mary Galligan Room11 3/4 Mc Vince McCafferty Room 12 5/6 EL Erin Lawler Room 1 5/6 RL Renee Ladner Room 2 5/6 G Renee Griffin Room 3 Positions of Leadership - (in Term 1 -2016) Principal: James Casey Deputy Principal/ Pedagogy Leader: Fiona Dearn Religious Education: Tania Bennett School Improvement Team (SIT): James Casey, Fiona Dearn, Renee Ladner, Amy Kilpatrick, Tania Bennett & Laura Barbaro (other leaders on request). ICT: Amy Kilpatrick/Vince McCafferty Science: Mark Walsh School Community: School Improvement Team (SIT) SRC/Social Justice: SIT Student Wellbeing/Individual Differences Leader: Laura Barbaro (& SIT) Literacy Coaches: Fiona Dearn and Julie Thomas Literacy Leader: Fiona Dearn Literacy Support: Julie Thomas – Reading Recovery & class support. Numeracy Leader: Renee Ladner Numeracy Coach: Nick Haddon Arts: Gary Pearl, Leena Trigila, Helen Eadie, Fiona Dearn, LOTE: Anna Cavedon PE: Nick Haddon Student Support Officers: Vince D’Acri, Josie Inturrisi. Administration: Chris Munari Admin Support Officers: Lauren van Kemenade and Lisa Redmond. Canteen: Rhonda Jones Term 4 Dates Date Time Activity Thursday 10th December 9am 3/4Mc Mass Thursday 10th December 9am Thank you Morning tea for Parent Helpers th Friday 11 December Graduation Activity Year 6 th Friday 11 November School Reports go home th Monday 14 December 6.30pm Year 6 Graduation th 2.30pm Christmas Showcase th 9.30am – 1.30pm Step Up Day/Pizza provided for lunch for students 6.00pm Whole school end of year Mass Wednesday 16 December 1pm END OF TERM Sunday 20th December 4pm Christmas Carols at St Anthony’s Church Monday 14 December Tuesday 15 December th Tuesday 15 December th TERM 1 - 2016 Wednesday 27th January th Thursday 28 January th Friday 29 January st Monday 1 February First Day Staff – NO PUPILS 9.00am – 3.30pm Testing Day for all A – K Families 9.00am – 3.30pm Testing Day for all L – Z Families 1st FULL DAY - ALL STUDENTS Canteen News: Please note that the last day for canteen orders is Friday 11th December 2015. At this time of year Rhonda is very busy cleaning out the canteen in readiness for the long break. As items are consumed, canteen stocks are not being replaced. As such not all items on the menu will be available eg. no hamburgers can be supplied from today onwards. Please be very patient with Rhonda as she manages the situation from herein! ST ANTHONY’S SCHOOL EDUCATION BOARD - THE YEAR OF 2015. Every couple of months the members of the School Education Board meet to discuss matters concerning education in the parish and school; acting as an advisory body to Father Dispin, our parish priest and to James, our Principal. Our aim is to provide responsible, informed advice to our education leaders and to act as a link between the parent group and the school staff. This year has been very busy with much being achieved. Besides the usual discussions on various school, staff and parent matters, curriculum models and other day to day incidents, I have listed below some of the main issues the board has been discussing this year: NEW PRINCIPAL Fiona Dearn stepped up to the acting principal role for the first half of the year and did a fantastic job. Efficient, competent, and highly professional. From the boards’ point of view, she re-invigorated our meetings and the running of the school continued without a hitch. The Board would like to thank Fiona for all her hard work. The Board then welcomed James Casey, as our new Principal, to our school. James has proved to be a very friendly and consultative leader and we are all very confident that the school is in good hands. SCHOOL FEES Over the course of the year, the board continued to discuss and resolve the changes to the School fees structure. This change to the family payments has been a large modification and was not entered into lightly. But a decrease to the funding the school receives and the financial state of the school has meant that fee increases were required and the new structural change was deemed the fairest of all alternatives for our families. POLICY UPDATES At each meeting, the Board usually examined and updated a couple of the School policies to ensure they reflected the school vision, current educational beliefs, standards and regulations. All of these policies are used by the staff in their planning and goal setting and are available for viewing by the parents . Some of the policies covered this year have been the Class Placement policy, E Learning policy, Anti-bullying policy and the Sports Participation policy. We hope that they will soon be loaded on the updated school website. TRAFFIC ISSUES Every few years the issue of dangerous traffic and parking conditions around the school comes to a head, and this year the Board has again tried to improve the situation. The Board has done much work with the involvement of the RACV, the local council and neighbouring schools to search out solutions. This will be an ongoing matter and we seek the co-operation of the whole school community to show consideration for the safety of the school family by obeying all parking and traffic restrictions. BUILDING WORKS Along with the day to day maintenance and refurbishments that the physical school building requires, the school has developed a Master Plan which details, in Schematic Form, the direction that the future expansion of the school will take. There will be some expansion of the school required soon, due to the increase, current and expected, of the student population. The school is now ready to proceed with any necessary building works as and when it becomes necessary. CONCLUSION It has been an honour to be chair of the PEB over the last 2 years. I believe that the work the Board undertakes is very important and a vital part of the smooth running of the school. I thank the Principal, James and Vice Principal, Fiona, and the other board members, Ruth, Rod and Imre for the supportive, rigorous and collegiate atmosphere of the meetings. I have enjoyed the involvement with the school that my participation on the Board has afforded. I urge all of the parent community to support the Board, to become involved with the school and continue to improve the quality of our children’s school life. Kathryn Somerville. SEB Chair ( outgoing) 119 High Street, Northcote P: (03) 94861800 Maths Information Night was a huge success! Thank you to all who could attend the Maths Information Night on Monday 16th November. Peter Sullivan came to address how as parents you can help your children in maintaining persistence when learning, particularly in maths. Peter began the session with a story about an Easter Egg hunt with his grandchildren. He discussed how fun it is to search for them and spend time looking for them, not being told where they are. This is a great example for student learning. We cannot keep giving students the answer to things because we are in a rush or just need to get it done. Learning is about searching for clues and answers and not giving up when you cannot work it out or find the answer straight away. As teachers and parents, we can provide students with clues to guide them. He had some great key points: We assume that as parents you… See the role of parents as important Want to help your children See Mathematics as important for career and life options Some principles for parents to know.. All students can learn mathematics, even though some take longer and need additional support Just because you know the answer does not mean you should tell it- let them work through it for a lengthy time before you jump in Just because you do not know the answer does not mean you should dodge it- work through it with your child, ask them to tell you everything they know about that topic. Anxiety is communicable- don’t ever say “I was never good at maths so it’s ok” When helping your child, you should not.. Jump in too early (your children benefit from being “stuck” and becoming unstuck for themselves) Grump Threaten Bribe Show off It will help if you.. Listen Ask questions using mathematical language Wait before interveningEncourage them to do their best- encourage them to keep persisting. Take an interest in what they say and do- This is their learning, they are discovering new things. Give advance notice- Ok, this is tough, go off for half an hour and come back, then we are going to get stuck into it. Talk about connections- What else does this remind you of? What does this link to? Thank you all again for making the night so successful, I would love some feedback from you please at [email protected] TWILIGHT FAIR 2016 NEWS Giving to those in need this Christmas This year St Anthony's parish and school community will be contributing to the Asylum Seeker Support Group Christmas Gift Bag initiative. For every $20.00 raised a pre-packaged toiletry bag will be purchased and donated directly to the appeal. Items in these bags include shampoo, soap, deodorant, razors, sorbolene cream, toothpaste and a toothbrush. Each class will be taking part in this appeal. Families are asked to make a small monetary donation over the coming weeks to contribute to their child's class fund. Classes will use the money raised to purchase gift bags. A token will be given to symbolise each donated bag and will be displayed in the atrium. The actual toiletry bags will be placed under the giving tree in the church. Many thanks for your support! Stall co-ordinators needed We need your help! We are still looking for co-ordinators for the following stalls: Toys Chocolate toss Lucky dip/mystery bottle Snow cones Children’s craft Jams/Preserves Little Tykes Food If you are interested please email: [email protected] Calling all MC’s! Are you friendly, have a sense of humour and can entertain a crowd? We need you! We are looking for an MC to help introduce performers, recognise our amazing sponsors, make announcements and maybe crack a few jokes! If you are interested please contact Berni email:[email protected] Do you take great photos? If you love taking photos and can spare some time taking pics during the fair, please let us know. Email: [email protected] If you wish to include an item in the newsletter please email to For administrative purposes all contributions are requested to be submitted by pm Tuesday for Wednesday newsletter distribution. Billboards We need to spread the word about our fabulous Fair beyond the school community. If you live on a main road, bike or walking path and are willing to have a high quality real estate-style billboard at your house for one month leading up to the Fair, please email Marigold on [email protected] Silent Auction Donations This newsletter can be viewed by parents on the school website as follows: news-and-events/enews The silent auction team of Sandra Nanni and Anne Harris are currently working hard to find donations for the silent auction. If you or your business have any goods, services or experiences that could be included please email Anne Harris [email protected] 243 High Street Northcote Vic 3070 Phone: 9489 4609 Testing days 2016 For all students in year 1-6, 2016 you will be expected to attend school on Thursday 28th January if your surname begins with a letter A-K and Friday 29th January if your surname begins with a letter between L-Z. Children will be required to bring snacks and lunch on the day which will begin at 9.30 and finish at 3.30pm. They can wear casual clothes and suitable outdoor shoes. Please contact the school if you are unable to attend on your day as we can make alternate arrangements. Students will be tested on their Numeracy and Literacy skills and then will participate in outdoor activities run by Funfit. VISUAL ART NEWS Congratulations to 1/2 NH (Hands of Asylum), Carla Moran (3 / 4McC “Night Owl”) and Hamish Waddell (1 / 2 B “Birds and Bananas) whose Art works were submitted for the CEO Visual Arts Exhibition in 2016. The following two works of Art were selected to represent St Anthony’s Primary School in the CEO Visual Arts Exhibition in March next year. 3/4 L “Three Teepees” (Wool Bombing) Prep children will be given an hour appointment on one of these days. Classes will begin for the whole school on Monday 1st February. UNIFORM SHOP UPDATES The 2nd hand uniform shop will be open from 8.45 – 9.30am on Monday 7 December Please contact either of the coordinators if you have any queries or cannot make it to school and we will arrange something. Berni Breen (0402 021 845), Email: [email protected] Chris Nogara (0432 330 477), Email: [email protected] Alisha Verze, Brigit Somerville and Cate Martin (5/6 K) Melted crayons and mixed media on canvas “Melting Hands” Reflections on Advent & the Sacraments Congratulations to the 43 Year Three Students from our school and the parish who received the Sacrament of First Reconciliation on 18 November. The evening was a calm and reflective time, a gentle way of experiencing that our God is a loving and forgiving God. All present were able to think about the importance of forgiveness in their lives. The importance to not only be forgiven but to forgive, is not always easy to do but ultimately what we must strive for. Last weekend was the first weekend of Advent. A time liturgically when we wait in hope for the birth of Our Savior, Jesus Christ. For the Church it is a time of paring back, of praying, being still and quiet. In reality this is vastly different to our daily lives in what is often termed ‘the silly season’. But perhaps we need to look towards this approach and make time to be still, to pray and reflect. I encourage all families to make an advent wreath in their own homes, it can be as simple as four candles, and gather together as a family to light a candle a week. To take the time as a family unit to be still, to pray and reflect, to simply be quiet…. Sacrament Dates for 2016 Confirmation 20 April Confirmation Formation Evening 7pm 30 April/1 May Presentation Weekend-all Masses 21 May Sacrament of Confirmation 6.30pm Eucharist 20 July Eucharist Formation Evening 7pm 23/24 July Presentation Weekend- all Masses 20/21 August, 27/28 August, 3/4 September, 10/11 September Eucharist Weekends-please note : at this time, allocation of a specific date to families isn’t possible, this will be done upon commencement of the program Reconciliation 12 October Reconciliation Formation Evening 7pm 15/16 October Presentation Weekend- all Masses 15 November Sacrament of Reconciliation 7pm Peace and Blessings for the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016, Tania Bennett (Religious Education Leader) INFORMATION NIGHT FOR PROSPECTIVE FAMILIES Santa Maria College is an independent Catholic Secondary School for girls. It was established by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of Saint Benedict in Northcote in 1904 with an approximate enrolment of 920 students from Years 7 - 12. The values underpinning the Sisters of the Good Samaritan Order, give direction to our College community. Prospective families are warmly welcome to attend an Information Night on Tuesday, 9 February 2016 commencing at 7:30pm in the Auditorium, Benedictine Centre. An optional tour from 6:30pm is also available. Bookings are not required. The College is located at 50 Separation Street, Northcote. Parking is available at the Northcote Plaza car park opposite the College. Enter via the main gates on Separation Street. For further information phone Kylie Lawtey on 9489 7644 or email [email protected] Thank You Many thanks to the school community for their support of the Parish Healing Mass and annual parishioners lunch. The catering is a joint effort between the parish & school with the parish providing the chicken /potatoes etc, and the school parents supplying salads . There was a great range of delicious foods available for parishioners to celebrate the coming of Advent. There was even a cake in the shape of Father Christmas provided by our own canteen manager Rhonda Jones, showcasing her cake decorating skills! Thanks to those school parents who supplied salads, assisted with set up and special mention to Rowan Flanagan who picked up the chickens and then stayed for lunch to help celebrate with the parishioners. The greatest gift is often the gift of time. The involvement of school parents, both past and current helps make the occasion a real community event. The school children led by Mr Pearl and Mrs Cavedon also performed carols for the parishioners. The children’s participation is always a highlight of the day for many of our elderly parishioners in attendance. Thanks to the teachers for preparing students for this event.