Teamwork frees raccoon`s head from jar
Teamwork frees raccoon`s head from jar
Thursday, July SUN POST 11, 2013 Teamwork frees raccoon's head from jar ByBobsandrick Johnson, h registered nurse didn'tbudge. [email protected] working third shift at Pleas- Fitzgerald tried again. antview, walked outside call. to She didn't want to hurt the rac- about three minutes to rejar. He slipped on gloves, put one hand on the raccoon's back and twisted the jar once or twice with the move the A young raccoon"l make a phone PARMA 1l Johnson spotted the rac- coon, so she didn't tug too with a glass jar stuck on its head was saved by two Parma coon in the front parking Finally, Fitzgerald gave up other hand. firefighters last week. The jar popped off and the The animal, unable to see be- and walked back toward - lot. hard. the tlowever,therescuenever cause ofthe jar, was wan- building. The raccoon fol- raccoonranintothewoods. would have occurred if not for dering in circles and bumpir\g lowed her. The jar might have contliree nurses at Pleasantview intocurbs. "He must have realized I tained peanuibutter at one Care Centet,7377 Ridge "Itwassad,"Johnsoniaid. was trying to help him," timebutitwasimpossibleto Road. tell. It had been completely "I come from a family of ani- tr'itzgerata siid. The nurses called firefight- mal rescuers. I was heartbro- Johnson cried after Fitzge- licked clean ofcontents. ers after seeing the jar- ken." rald,s unsuccessful attempts, Also, the raccoon had alcrowned raccoon scampering Johnson -ran back inside to remove the jar. most completely scratched off around the Pleasantview and told Church and Bonnie ,,I know residents and peo- the jar's label in an attempt t0 parking lot. .. Fitzgerald, another Pleasant:-1le think of-raccoons as pests, free itself. "None of us could stand the vieviLpN,'about the raccoon. iut they are God,s rr.uturri Since the rescue, the racthought of any living creature ff,.V *or.ied rtLat it would too,'iJofrnson saia. coon has not returned to say being trapped like tha.t and *aoder onto Ridge Road, so ihurch feared she would thanks. For the nurses, its starving to death," said Sha- they talked aborit how tirey leave work ar 7:30 a.m. and freedom is all the thanks ihey ron Church, a licensed practi- mig-ht rescue it. find the raccoon dead in the need. -_-,7wttho"gt cal nursb at Pleasantview. i *u might put a road. ih;;i;a 15* ii* O*- Bur the nurses could not "Thatls v-ery cruel," stop thanking the firefighters. 9l'$ btanket ou.i it, head-and pull partment. said' "we became nursgs be ori tt. jar, but we were con- "I know they rescue kit- 'iThat's above and 6eyond cause we can't stand to see aUout raUies," Johnson tanr,; Ct rrat sard--'I called their call of duty," Church "arnaO --Responding ts [he--seene-::Fiag.rrtd took iction. she riaradrrtrrrught of this poor$ee morg-Parmrnews at were Parma,rilerie-nte.J1 and posi- littte raccoon starvins to ,r.*riiJ..irip"rr.. rt;;;;;;;tsitte loj CastleandJohnConroy.It;^;:;;.;;;.;';;;;';.;^^;;;;:''"i'.].li-'-*"-uli Ridge death because it can ------------- herself between tionei can'tr getltris ser -l"l,I :Tl",i3Xff:ffi'H1ffi'lf; didn't take them rong':J-,:: li "'u i,",Ttrffi"ffi jar from the raccoon's the ;il;i;;;ij not run into the castle said it took him Twitter: @Bobsandrick head. -"It*u,nobigdeal,,,Castle't1:Iitutto*"a'Te-tg,cetclosei,l-,., was halfBut it was a big deal to the }119-t1.tiid' "It looking at me through the pleasantviewnurseJ."^^three looked at them (Castle Jar-'Fitzgerald took a couple of y)-and totd them, l. pactures of the raccoon with 'You guys are ou, treroes,;'l h_er cell phone camer?. Church said. Thgn --i;h;fi;red in the early- she reachedout' grabbed the jut and pulled' but the jar morning hours of July 3.jiff "I - Tlroq .I'GGfi itur&